Unit 11 - Lesson B: Ups and Downs: Touchstone 2nd Edition - Language Summary - Level 3

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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 3

Unit 11 • Lesson B: Ups and downs

Positive feelings
amazed (adj)
excited (about) (adj)
fascinated (adj)
interested (in ) (adj)
pleased (about) (adj)
surprised (by) (adj)

Negative feelings
annoyed (with) (adj)
anxious (adj)
bored (with) (adj)
confused (adj)
disappointed (adj)
embarrassed (adj)
frustrated (adj)
jealous (adj)
scared (of) (adj)
shocked (adj)
worried (adj)

Positive evaluations
amazing (adj)
exciting (adj)
fascinating (adj)
interesting (adj)
surprising (adj)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 11, Lesson B Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 3

Negative evaluations
annoying (adj)
boring (adj)
confusing (adj)
disappointing (adj)
embarrassing (adj)
frustrating (adj)
scary (adj)
shocking (adj)

Problems and accidents

fail a test (v)
fall and break something (v)
lock your keys inside the car (v)
spill something all over someone (v)

Other words
scream (n)
spider (n)

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Adjectives ending in -ed can describe how you feel about someone or something:

I'm bored with my job. (This is how I feel about my job.)

I'm interested in astronomy. (This is how I feel about astronomy.)

I get annoyed with my sister. (This is how I feel about my sister.)

I'm excited about my vacation. (This is how I feel about my vacation.)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 11, Lesson B Page 2

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 3
Adjectives ending in -ing can describe someone or something:

My job is very boring. (This is a description of my job.)

I think astronomy is interesting. (This is a description of my astronomy.)

She does a lot of annoying things. (This is a description of the things she does.)

My vacation is going to be exciting. (This is a description of my vacation.)

Sometimes there is an adjective ending in -ed, but not an adjective ending in –ing, for
example, worried / worrisome, scared / scary:

I'm scared of spiders. (This is how I feel about spiders.)

I think spiders are scary. (This is a description of spiders.)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 11, Lesson B Page 3

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