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Risk factors of coronary heart disease : Study Of

Sahrul Nur Muhmad
Nursing Faculty, University Of Padjadjaran


Blood pressure is a very important factor in the circulatory system. An increase or

decrease in blood pressure will affect homeostat in the body. If blood circulation
becomes inadequate, there is a disruption in the transportation system of oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and other metabolic results. On the other hand, the function of the
organs of the body will experience disorders such as interference with the process
of urine formation in the kidneys or the formation of cerebrospinal fluid and
others. There are two types of blood pressure abnormalities, including those known
as hypertension or high blood pressure and hypotension or low blood pressure.
This study uses a table method previously contained in a journal that has been
studied. The object of the study was patients who had coronary heart disease
(CHD). Purposive sampling technique. How to retrieve data using the appeal
method. The results showed that patients suffering from CHD were caused by
unhealthy lifestyles, while the supporting factors were obesity, cholesterol and
smoking. The sex in this study was not statistically related because CHD was able
to attack anyone. To reduce cases of coronary heart disease (CHD) there is a need
to prevent it, such as: providing information to the public about CHD as well as
carrying out a healthy lifestyle.

Key words : Heart, Coronary, Factors, CHD

Litelature Riview Tabel

Authors, Research Research

NO Title Of Research Purposes Result
1. Yuni Ahda1, Lili Sumarni, Melisa, The purpose of this CHD in the
Elsa Yuniarti (2005). The Life Style study is to reveal Minangkabau ethnic
And Genetic Factor Of Coronary patterns genetic group is inherited
Heart Diseases Patients Of inheritance, diet and autosomally
Minangkabau Ethnic. exercise for people dominant, (2) Diet,
with Minangkabau sports activities and
CHD. This research is smoking history is a
descriptive research controlled factor that
contributes greatly to
emergence CHD in
the Minangkabau
ethnic group.
Therefore, know the
history of heredity
and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle is
very important to
avoid getting exposed
to CHD
2. Mamat Supriyono (2008). Risk Research objectives Multivariate analysis
Factors Affecting On to find out the shows that factors are
Coronary Heart Diseases Events In magnitude of the proven affects the
Group age <45 Year. influence of risk incidence of CHD and
factors on the is a risk factor for
incidence of CHD, CHD in the group age
this population is <45 years is:
male and women dyslipidemia (p =
aged <45 years. 0.006 and OR = 2.8;
95% CI = 1.3-6.0),
smoking habits (p =
0.011 and OR = 2.4;
95% CI = 1.2-4.8),
the presence of DM
disease (p = 0.026 and
OR = 2.4; 95% CI =
1.2-5.9) and DM
disease in the family
(p = 0.018 and OR =
2.3; 95% CI = 1.1-
3. Ellyza Gustri Wahyuni, Widodo This study aims to The results of
Prijodiprojo (2013). apply the Dempster- diagnosing JK disease
Expert System Prototype to Detect Shafer uncertainty produced by the
the Risk Level of Coronary Heart method to an expert expert system are the
Disease with the Dempster-Shafer system to diagnose a same as the results of
Method person's risk of manual calculations
disease based on using the Dempster-
factors and symptoms Shafer inference
of JK disease engine theory. So it
can be concluded that
the expert system that
has been built can be
used to diagnose
4. Diana Zahrawardani , Kuntio Sri To analyze the risk 107 (83,60%) out of
Herlambang , Hema Dewi factors of the case of 128 patients were in
Anggraheny (2013). TheAnalysis of coronary heart disease high risk age (≥ 45
Risk Factors of The Case of at RSUP Dr Kariadi years), 88 (68,80%)
Coronary Heart Disease at RSUP Dr Semarang were men, 59
Kariadi Semarang (46,10%) had total
cholesterol ≥ 200
mg/dl, 37 (28,90%)
had amount of
triglyceride ≥ 150
mg/dl, the patients
with hypertension
were 89 (69,50%),
those with diabetes
melitus were 82
(64,10%) and 103
(80,50%) were
patients with coronary
heart disease. The
statistical test using
the chi square test
with α = 0,05 resulted
in the significant
correlation between
the risk factors and
the case of coronary
heart disease. Those
factors are age
(p=0,019), total
triglyceride level
(p=0,002), and
diabetes mellitus
(p=0,020). By using
the logistic regression,
the multivariat result
shows that the total
is the most influential
on the case of
coronary heart
5. Ira Gotera, Suka Aryana, Ketut This study aims to Forty-five subjects
Suastika, Anwar Santoso , Tuty determine Central can be collected and
Kuswardhani (2006). Correlation obesity prevalence in carried out an
Between Central OBbesity And the elderly and its examination during
Adiponectin IN Geriatric Coronary relationship with October 2004 to May
Heart Diseases Patients. adiponectin levels in 2005. All subjects
the blood aged between 60 - 74
years with an average
value of 63.73 ± 3.74
years. Subjects
consisted of 35 men,
10 women with 23
angina pectoris were
unstable, 14 infarcts
acute myocardial, and
8 angina pectoris are
6. Aris Sugiharto (2007). Obtain information
Hypertension Grade II Risk Factors about the risk of Factors that are
In The Community. inherent factors or not proven as risk factors
can be changed for hypertension are
(demographic factors age of 36–45 years (p
and family history) = 0,0001; OR
and factors adjusted 1.23; 95% CI
changeable risk 1.02–3,33), age 45–55
(lifestyle and health years (p = 0,0001; OR
status) as risk factors adjusted 2,22; 95% CI
for hypertension 1,09–5,53), age 56–
65 years (p = 0,0001;
OR adjusted 4.76;
95% CI 2.01–11.50),
history family (p =
0,0001; OR adjusted
4.04; 95% CI 1,92–
8,47), salty
consumption (p =
0,0001; OR adjusted
3.95; 95% CI 1.87–
8.36), consumption of
saturated fat (p =
0,0001; OR adjusted
7,72; 95% CI 2,45–
24,38), used cooking
(p = 0,0001; OR
adjusted 5.34; 95% CI
2.16–13.20), it is not
unusual for exercise
(p = 0.001; OR
adjusted 4.73; 95% CI
1.03–2.58), exercise is
not ideal (p = 0.001;
OR adjusted 3.46;
95% CI 1.88–5.93),
obesity (p = 0.001;
OR adjusted 4.02;
95% CI 1.72-9.37),
and use of birth
control pills for 12
consecutive year (p =
0.004; OR adjusted
5.38; 95% CI 1.74-
Lina Indrawati (2014). Relationship Aim This study The results of the
7. Between Knowledge, Attitude, analyzed the factors study show that
Perception, Motivation, family related to the ability there are factors that
support and patient information of CHD patients to do have a relationship
sources, coronary heart disease with secondary prevention between knowledge
risk prevention secondary prevention and the ability of
measures. CHD patients to do
secondary prevention
risks include
knowledge, attitude,
motivation and family
support and the
existence of sources
of information. The
results of this study
can be
used as a reference in
the development of
peer group programs,
health education and
discharge planning
that focuses on CHD
8. Nazrul Effendy, Subagja, Amir Risk factors that can This artificial neural
Faisal (2008). Coronary Heart cause corone heart network will be tested
Disease Prediction (CHD) Based on disease with 9 risk factors as
risk factors using Backpropagation input simulated with
artificial neural networks. Matlab 7.0.4. In this
study 9 risk factors
have been tested for
people with disease
coronary heart and
healthy people. From
the test results, the
ANN-BP method can
recognize patterns of
risk factors coronary
heart disease by 80%
9. Ratih Oemiati, Rustika (2015). Risk Assessing CHD Determinants of CHD
Factors for Coronary Heart Disease determinant factors in risk factors in women
(CHD) in Women women namely are menopause,
[Baseline Cohort Study of Risk sociodemographic abdominal
Factors for Non Communicable factors, risk factors circumference and
and results of blood
Disease]) high triglyceride
levels. Menopausal
women have 1.5 times
the risk (95% CI
compared women
who are not
menopausal. Women
with abdominal
circumference more
than 80 cm will have
a risk 1.5 times (95%
CI 1,147-2,221)
affected by CHD
compared to women
whose abdominal
circumference was
<80 cm and the third
was female those who
have high triglyceride
levels will give a one-
time risk (95% CI
compared to women
low triglyceride
10. Aan Nuraeni, Ristina Mirwanti, The purpose of this The results of the
Anastasia Anna, Ayu Prawesti, Etika study was to identify study showed that
Emaliyawati (2016). factors that affect factors affecting
Factors that affect the quality of life quality of life in quality of life in
of patients with coronary heart patients with CHD patients with CHD
disease who are undergoing were anxious (p)
outpatient care. 0.002; Odd Ratio
(OR) 4,736 (95%
confidence interval
(CI), 1,749 - 12,827);
depression (p) 0,003;
OR 5,450 (95% CI,
1,794 - 16,562); and
revascularization (p)
0.033; OR 3.232
(95% CI, 1.096 -
9.528). Depression is
the most influential
factor in the quality of
life of patients with

CHD is an event caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, besides food and obesity factors also
increase the risk of CHD. Apart from this, CHD has been prevalent in Pre-Adults to
Advanced Adults. Both women and men with coronary heart disease can attack anyone

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