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Ini Contoh Surat Rekomendasi/reference Formatted: Left


06 May 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter of recommendation is written at the request of Mrs. Yaneu Saihatun to support her
studies in master degree programme through the scholarship from The Embassy of the Republic
of Turkey.
Mrs. Yaneu was one of my students in the subjects of International law, international law of the
sea, case study on international law, and also I guide her to accomplish her minor thesis. She has
been active and showing her seriousness and commitment during her studies. In terms of her
English proficiency, I feel certain that she can cope with the lectures she will get from the
professors in Turkey, as well as her written works and oral discussion in the class room. In terms
of her intellectual ability, I believe she can absorb the knowledge as she has proven herself
during my lectures.
As a senior professor at Faculty of Law, University of Padjadjaran, I strongly recommend Mrs.
Yaneu's intention to continue her study at Turkey and hope that she will be given your favorable

Sincerely Yours,

Prof. Dr. Hj. Diana Puspita, S.H. LLM.

Senior professor at Faculty of Law,
Padjadjaran University.

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I have known Mr. Jaka Kelana for about nine years. He
was my student at English Department, Faculty of Education, Lingua University of Malang,
Indonesia. He performed very well not only in his academic achievements but also in his
organizational activities. He completed his undergraduate study in 2004 with GPA 3,59 (cum
laude in scale 1-4) and IELTS Band 7.

Mr. Jaka has been working as an English teacher at the local government of East Java Province
for three years. With his relatively low income as a civil servant, I believe funding his own
postgraduate degree is not a feasible option. Tuition fees and living cost in Australia are too
high and unaffordable for an Indonesian civil servant like him. Therefore, he really needs a full-
scholarship to pursue M.A in Linguistics at Monash University. Currently, he has obtained an
Unconditional Letter of Offer from the Department of Linguistics, Monash University of

In relation to his research competence, he has taken courses in research methodology with
excellent results. He has also shown his high level of academic and research competences
when doing a research on discourse analysis analysing speeches of Australian prime minister
candidates and eventually, obtained a maximal score A in the thesis examination. As his
research supervisor, I know that he is smart, hard-working, cooperative, and can easily adjust
himself to a new academic environment. Therefore, I am sure that he will be capable to continue
his study and conduct a research at a master degree program in an Australian university.

I believe that after getting master degree from Australia, he will be more competent to develop
human resources in Indonesia, especially in the field of English education and linguistics. He will
potentially disseminate his new educational experiences and cross-cultural understanding to
improve professional and academic atmospheres in his institutions and surrounding societies. I,
therefore, do not hesitate to recommend him as a prospective candidate for pursuing a master
degree program in Australia.

Malang, 19 March 2009

The Referee,

Prof. Hakan Masykur, PhD

Professor in TESOL
English Department, Faculty of Education, Lingua University of Malang
Phone: +62 341 431 134
Email address:
Dear Name,

I wish to recommend ____________ for____________ scholarship program have known him

from past four years during which he was the student of electronics

_____________ is very hard working and is a motivation and inspiration to other students. He
has always overcome his financial hardships and tried to excel in all fields; he is extremely good
in academics and also actively participates in all co curricular activities. He is also a good
sportsman and has won many awards for the college. He has always taken care of his finances by
doing part-time joins and giving tuition to his juniors.

He is very popular among the fellow students and is a very intelligent, hardworking, humble and
with excellent leadership qualities. He has always shown his interest in academics and always
stood ahead in studies. He is a student who is actively participates in the classroom discussions
and always stand out to help his fellow students.

I sincerely recommend __________ for the scholarship as I feel he is the right candidate for that
program. I am sure if given a chance he will prove to be the best student of the college.


Your name.

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