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Graciana B.

DDM 2- A

1.The reasons why the animal is endangered

(a)Eagle is endangered because of:

Raptors are threatened worldwide. Historically, raptors have been persecuted simply because of their
predatory nature. Humans kill them to protect domestic animals, or to eliminate competition for a sought-
after prey species.

The Philippine eagle also was a prized trophy for hunters. Once firearms became widely available in the
Philippines after World War I, the number of eagles killed for sport sky-rocketed.

Even legal protection was of no use for quite awhile. When important people paid large sums of money to
hunt the eagles, often it was the game wardens who led them to the birds!

Because of their position at top of the food chain, raptors are particularly vulnerable to toxins, such as
pesticides, which build up in their prey species. Peregrine falcons and bald eagles in North America were
nearly eliminated by the widespread use of the pesticide DDT.

Habitat Loss
Tropical forest raptors like the Philippine eagle have been greatly impacted by habitat destruction.
Reduced territory size, declining numbers of prey animals, and disappearance of large nesting trees all
have contributed to the eagle’s decline. It is estimated that 80 percent of Philippine rain forests have
disappeared since the 1970s.

The Philippine eagle became a desirable acquisition for zoos and private collectors, beginning in the
1960s. Collectors stole young eagles from nests for sale to the highest bidder.

Conservation Actions
Hunting of and trade in the Philippine eagle are now prohibited. The greatest threat to its survival remains
the continued loss of its tropical rain forest habitat. At a minimum, selective logging methods should be
employed to protect the large nesting trees and leave sufficient tracts of undisturbed forest to support

In addition, the use of agricultural pesticides needs to be reduced to prevent poisoning of animals at the
top of food chains (see Spotlight on the Bald Eagle).

(b.)Sea turtle is also endangered because of

Fisheries: Sea turtles virtually everywhere are affected by fisheries, especially longlines, gill nets, and
trawls. The most severe of these impacts are death after entanglement, habitat destruction and food web
Direct Take: Sea turtles and their eggs are killed by people throughout the world for food, and for
products including oil, leather and shell.
Coastal Development: Sea turtle habitats are degraded and destroyed by coastal development. This
includes both shoreline and seafloor alterations, such as nesting beach degradation, seafloor dredging,
vessel traffic, construction, and alteration of vegetation.
Graciana B. Fuentes
DDM 2- A

Pollution: Plastics, discarded fishing gear, petroleum by-products, and other debris harm and kill sea
turtles through ingestion and entanglement. Light pollution disrupts nesting behavior and causes hatchling
death by leading them away from the sea. Chemical pollutants can weaken sea turtles’ immune systems,
making them susceptible to disease.
Climate change: Climate change will increase the frequency of extreme weather events, result in loss of
nesting beaches, and cause other alterations to critical sea turtle habitats and basic oceanographic
processes. It may impact natural sex ratios of hatchlings and increase the likelihood of disease outbreaks
for sea turtles.

2. The role of the species plays in the community/ecosystem and what do you think will happen when
they become extinct.

All different types of species in a communinty-native, non-native, indicator, and exotic play
different roles in its ecology if all animals would become extinct then the whole population of this world
depends on the plants for its food. Plants need nutrients to grow and the micro organisms present in the soul
decompose the organic matter into nutrients and supply it to the plant, imagine if those micro organisms
are extinct how the plants grow.

Secondly, if there would be no animals on this earth gradually, the amount of carbon dioxide
increases and would cause global warming which in turn destroys the ozone layer and finally the human
beings also face extinction.

3. What is done by the government or other entities to protect or preserve the species?
The government informed our fellow community about thr wonderful wildlife birds, fish and plants
that live near us. The government protect and preserve the species by many indipensable services including
clean air and water, food, and medical sources, commercial, aesthetic and recreational benefits. The
government tasked the garbage collectors to secure all the garbage in shelters or cans with locking lids.
There is veterinary care for pets of the homeless to feed those outdoors pets. There is also an animal rights
organization to avoid shooting, trapping or forcing a threatened or endangered animal into captivity and
the best way to protect the endangered species is to protect the special places where they live. A species
must have places to find food, shelter and raise their young. And with all of theses little things that we do
to preserve and protect the species, a well balanced ecosystem purifies the environment.
Graciana B. Fuentes
DDM 2- A
Graciana B. Fuentes
DDM 2- A

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