A Dynamic Website by Team Kick ASCII: Francisco Gutierrez, Daniel Cadwell, Hyo Lee, and Jennifer Dunham

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A dynamic website by Team Kick ASCII

Francisco Gutierrez, Daniel Cadwell, Hyo Lee, and Jennifer Dunham

An extensive database of Nintendo
Entertainment System games for rent

Games are sorted in ascending order by

game title.
A search menu provides the option to search for
words in a game title and filter by genre, release
year, and availability.
Logged in users can rent available games
Rented Titles
Rent and Return Cycle
Data Summary
COUNT and AVG aggregate php functions
provide up-to-date information.
Click on a game thumbnail image to receive
further information.
SQL Tables (Overview)

id loginLog
year user_id
description timestamp

id game_id
SQL Tables (Details)
CSS Styling
css styling using Bootstrap and manual css styles
Login, Register, & Change Password
Login Log
Explore Our Site!
The URLs to each team members’ site can be found in this
YouTube video’s description.
● Francisco Gutierrez

● Hyo Lee

● Jennifer Dunham

● Daniel Cadwell
Site and Code Walkthrough

Join Francisco Gutierrez as he walks you

through our site and our code:


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