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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem


e-ISSN 2350-0204

Pharmacognostical Study of Aloe barbadensis Miller

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Sonia *, Kumar Ajay , Dhiman Monika , Chawla Kumar Satbir and Priyanka
Dravyaguna department, CDL college of Ayurveda, Jagadhari Haryana, India
Ayush Haryana, India
Fortis Hospital, Kangra, Himachal, India
Agad Tantra Department, Glocal College of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences and Research Center Haryana, India
Stri Rog and Prasuti Tantra Department, CDL College of Ayurveda, Jagadhari Haryana, India

Kumari (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is non controversial plant, but three types of (Musabbar) aloe
are sold in market i.e. Barbados aloe, Socotrine aloe and Cape aloe which are prepared from
Aloe barbadensis Miller, Aloe perryi Baker and Aloe ferox Miller respectively and other
inferior aloe are also sold like Natal aloes by the name of Musabbar. These species of aloe are
difficult to identify hence pharmacignostical study of Aloe barbadensis Miller was done. It is
coarse looking, perennial succulent plant, grown close to the ground in a typical rosette shape,
Strong, shallow and fibrous roots have arbuscular mycorrhiza. Leaves are crowded on the top of
the stem with spiral orientation. Dark green leaves have glaucous spots, wider at the base
tapering gradually to the pointed tip, concave above, convex beneath, serrated margins. Rind,
sap, mucilage gel, inner gel is layers of leaves. Flowers are born in terminal racemes on the
scape.Stalked, numerous having yellow tubular corolla with six stamens. Fruits are oblong,
ovoid. The micrograph of the adaxial leaf epidermal layer exhibited the characteristic
plasmolyzed cytoplasm, sunken stomata complex having two guard cells, tetracytic, hexagonal
epidermal cells and some cells were small square shape. In contrast, the abaxial leaf epidermal
layer was less plasmolyzed and cell walls were less thick. Epidermal tissue, chlorenchyma,
aquiferous tissue, vascular bundle are four type of tissues present in leaves. The Tikta Rasa was
observed as the predominant Rasa of Kumari Swarasa (70%). According to 50% volunteers both
Katu and Tikta Rasa were present.

Keywords Aloe barbadensis, Musabbar, Kumari

Greentree Group
Received 15/10/16 Accepted 01/11/16 Published 10/11/16
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 163
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
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INTRODUCTION narrowed but could not be filled up till date.

Many times we get entirely a different drug
Acharya Charaka has mentioned that full
from the one we intend to use and
knowledge of drug can be gained by
consequently results are not obtained that
knowledge of the name as well as
have been mentioned in ayurvedic texts.
identification1. He also stressed on proper
Such practices mislead and discouraged the
identification of drug and told that
practitioner and so create obstacles in
unidentified drug can kill the person like
progress of Ayurveda. Thus it is obvious that
poison, heat etc2. He has mentioned
there is a vast scope and need for research in
examination of the drug in all respects3. As
this direction.
per Samhita kala the knowledge of
The versatility of flora of nature always
identification of drugs was free from
fascinated the man. Each and every species
confusion and plants were known by their
of nature has its own identity. Moreover
names and form, not only to physicians, but
today, in the age of globalization, raw drugs
also to goat headers, sheep headers and cow
collection is done by unskilled persons
headers etc4. Knowledge was handed over
causes doubt in the genuineness and possible
from generation to generation by Guru-
adulteration. Unlike the traditional methods
Shishya method. After extinction of this
the participation of traders in the chain of
method; identification of the drugs and their
procurement of drugs, adulteration is
utility was the main base for writing the
increasing day by day when the original
Nighantus and in this period much attention
genuine material is not available in
was paid toward the proper identification of
sufficient quantity and in such instances
plants by organoleptic methods.
efforts should be made for a systematic
Commentators of Samhitas and authors of
identification by pharmacognostical
Nighantus, while on one hand removed
many doubts by giving the popular names
Kumari (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is one of
and synonyms of drugs, on the other hand
non controversial plant, but three types of
created complexity in identification of many
(Musabbar) aloe are sold in market i.e.
Barbados aloe, Socotrine aloe and Cape aloe
With the advent of modern botany and
which are prepared from Aloe barbadensis
pharmacognosy, this gap was largely
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 164
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Miller, Aloe perryi Baker and Aloe ferox The fresh sample of leaf and powdered
Miller respectively and other inferior aloe sample of Musabbar were evaluated for their
are also sold like Natal aloes by the name of organoleptic characters including taste,
Musabbar. These species of aloe are odour, colour and touch.
difficult to identify. Microscopic Study
MATERIALS AND METHODS- Preparation of slide- Finely cut very thin
Collection of sample- transverse section, upper epidermis and
The authenticity of the plant’s species was lower epidermis of the fresh leaf was put on
identified by studying its various characters the glass slide, heated with the drop of
and comparing them with the characters chloral hydrate and then added the drop of
mentioned in the various Floras. Further diluted safaranine stain and glycerine on it
identification was also done with the help of and covered with glass cover slip. It was
botanists of herbal garden and P.G. then watched under dissecting microscope.
Department Dravyaguna of Rajiv Gandhi a) Microscopic characters of upper
Government Postgraduate Ayurvedic epidermis (adaxial surface), lower epidermis
College Paprola (H.P.). The leaves of 1 to 2 (abaxial surface) and transverse section of
feet length, which were changing color from leaf were studied with the help of Carl Zeiss
green to brown, were cut without causing trinocular microscope; photomicrographs of
damage to the plant from the glass house of free hand sections were taken by Cannon
herbal garden Jogindernagar (H.P.) and digital camera attached to it and figures
washed properly. were drawn with the help of camera lucida
Pharmacognostical study- attached with dissecting microscope.
Macroscopic Study b) Powder microscopy: Powder of the
The macroscopic characteristics of the root, aloe was studied microscopically in
leaf, stem and flowers were studied glycerine with the help of dissecting
systematically as per the standard text books microscope.
of botany, pharmacognosy as well as with
the help of floras and databases.
Organoleptic Study
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 165
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A) Macroscopic Study  Sap - It is a layer of bitter fluid

General features- Aloe vera is coarse which protects the plant from animals.
looking, perennial succulent plant, grown  Mucilage gel – It is the movable
close to the ground in a typical rosette layer between inner solid gel and outer rind.
shape, spreading by offsets and root sprouts.  Inner gel- It is innermost part of leaf
(Figure-1) which is filleted out to make gel.
Roots are Strong, shallow and fibrous. They Flowering- (Figure5, 6, 7) Flowers are born
have arbuscular mycorrhiza within roots. in erect, stout, cylindrical terminal racemes
(Figure-2, 3) on flower stalks 50 to 100 cm high from
Stem is short, about 50 cm high, 10 inches centre of leaf tuft. Flowers are stalked,
in circumference. numerous, erect in the bud, pendulous,
Arrangement of Leaves- Leaves are bracts exceeding the pedicles, membranous,
crowded on the top of the stem with spiral triangular, acute, veined and persistent.
orientation. Calyx is not present, yellow tubular corolla
Leaves-(Figure-4) Colour of the mature with six stamens which are little longer than
leaves is brownish green whereas fresh perianth and style is about equal to the
leaves are dark green, having glaucous stamen and stigma is terminal.
spots, wider at the base tapering gradually to Fruit-(Figure-8) Oblong ovoid in shape,
the pointed tip, thick and fleshy, showing very blunt capsule, about 25mm, long blunty
white flecks on the upper and lower stem trigonous, 3 celled, thin pericarp, leathery,
surfaces, concave above, convex beneath, greenish brown, smooth, dehiscing
the margins of the leaf are serrated and have loculicidall .
small white blunt teeth. Yellow juice is Seeds- Seeds are numerous, compressed,
exuded from fibro vascular bundles present testa membranous, lax forming a wide
just inside the outer skin when the leaf is scarious wings.
cut. B) Organoleptic Study-
The Aloe leaf structure is made up of these Kumari Swarasa showed slimy liquid
layers: texture, transparent, yellowish tint, bitter in
 Rind - It is the outer protective taste and characteristic odour (table-1).
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Musabbar showed opaque, slightly vitreous The micrograph of the adaxial leaf
texture, blackish color, and nauseous, epidermal layer in 10x exhibited the
pungent and bitter taste with characteristic characteristic cytoplasm which appeared
odour (table-2). plasmolyzed, its cell wall constituted a thick
ridge-like polymer of cellulose. Sunken
Table 1 Kumari Swarasa (Organoleptic study)
stomata complex having two guard cells,
Texture Colour Taste Odour
Slimy Transparent, Bitter Characteristic tetracytic with hexagonal epidermal cells
liquid yellowish
tint. and some cells appeared as small square

Table 2 Musabbar (Organoleptic study) shape which is characteristic feature of

Texture Opaque, slightly vitreous xerophytes.
Colour Blackish
In contrast, the abaxial leaf epidermal layer
Taste Nauseous, pungent and
bitter was less plasmolyzed and cell walls were
Odour Characteristic
appeared to be less thick. Other features
Table 3 Perception of Rasa of Kumari Swarasa were same as that of adaxial surface
Sr. No. Rasa Percentage
Observations are supported by previous
1. Tikta 70
2. Madhura 20 researches5.
3. No taste 10

Table 4 Perception of Rasa of Musabbar

Sr. No. Rasa Percentage

1. Katu 20
2. Tikta 20
3. Both Katu, Tikta 50

4. Kashaya 10

C) Microscopic Study-
Leaf is most important part of Aloe vera
which is used medicinally hence leaf has
Figure 1 Showing rosette shape, spreading offsets
been studied microscopically.
and root sprouts
Adaxial surface/ upper epidermis and
abaxial surface/ lower epidermis- (Figure 9,
10, 11)

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Figure 2 Showing roots, stem, leaves arrangement

Figure 3 Showing arbuscular mycorrhiza Figure-5, 6, 7 Showing inflorescence, shape, colour

and parts of flowers

Figure 4 Showing glaucous spots, margins, surfaces,

layers Figure 8 Showing Fruits

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Figure 9 Transeverse section of adaxial surface 10x Figure 12 Lower epidermis- 45x S-sunken stomata ,
C- Thick cuticle with waxy appearence, E- epidermis, Tetracytic. HE- hexagonal epidermal cells, SSC-
CH- Chlorenchyma, Vb- vascular bundle, M- short square cell
mucilagenous layer, SS- sunken stomata.Cry- crystals

Figure 10 Camera lucida diagram of T.S. of leaf Figure 13 Camera lucida diagram of lower epidermis

Figure 11 Transverse section of abaxial surface 45x

E- epidermis, CH- Chlorenchyma, Vb- vascular
bundle, S- sunken stomata,c- chloroplast Figure14 Upper epidermis 45x S- stomata, TE- thick
walled epidermal cell, C-chloroplast, SSC- Short
square cell, HE- hexagonal epidermal cells.

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Figure 15 Camera lucida diagram of upper


Figure- 18- T.S 45x Chllorenchyma isodiametric

Cry- ca oxalate and mg lactate crystals

Image- 16- T.S. Epidermis (high megnification)

OS- open stomata, HE- hexagonal epidermal cells, S-
sunken stomata

Figure- 19-High magnification of vascular bundle

Four types of tissues are present in Aloe

barbadensis Miller leaves6.
1. Epidermal tissue
2. Chlorenchyma
3. Aquiferous tissue
4. Vascular bundle
Epidermal tissue-(Figure 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
Figure 17 Camera lucida diagram of T.S. epidermis
17) epidermal features are expressed by

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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 170
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thickened cuticle, thickened cell wall and slimy lacunar mesophyll. This provides the
surface roughness increasing in line with the movable layer between more solid inner gel
ability of the species to withstand dry fillet and the outer rind. This liquid layer is
climatic conditions. termed as mucilage. The innermost and
Thickened waxy cuticle layer was observed major portion of the leaf is the spongy
which was interrupted by opened stomata, constituting the gel fillet. The cells were
below this layer were some hexagonal cells devoid of chloroplast. These observations
with sunken stomata embedded in it and are similar to previous researches9.
immediately below it there were Vascular bundle- (Figure-19) the ring of
chlorenchymatous rind cells. vascular bundles was located within the
Chlorenchyma-(Figure-18) it was located boundary of Chlorenchyma and Aquiferous
beneath the epidermis; having 8-10 layers of tissue. The outer support to the vascular
isodiametric pillar shaped thin walled cells. bundle was provided by the vascular sheath
Layers were not differentiated into palisade cells. Inside the vascular bundle there are
cells and spongy cells. Cells were rich in three types of tubular structures: the xylem,
chloroplast and some of these cells the phloem and the large pericyclic tubules
contained crystals of calcium oxalate and (containing sap which is rich in
magnesium lactate and termed as idoblasts. anthraquinones). The anthraquinones absorb
This rind tissue was interconnected with the U.V. rays of the sun and prevent over
parenchymatous tissues which are assumed heating of the central portion of the aloe
to produce and store the leaf exudates and leaf. The pericyclic portion was adherent to
other constituents which are assumed to be the rind, while the remainder of the vascular
associated with the plant defensive strategy. bundles was protruded into the lacunar
These leaf exudates oozed immediately out mesophyll (mucilage).
of the parenchymatous cells once the leaf Powder microscopy- In the 10x powder
had been cut. 2Observations are supported microscopy of Musabbar; fragment of very
by previous researches . large number of needles was seen which
Aquiferous tissue- Central part of leaf was resembles the textual references of Curacao
occupied by Aquiferous tissue; just beneath aloe10. Under high power; vascular bundles
the rind there was presence of thick and along with Aquiferous tissue were observed.

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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 171
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Evaluation of Threshold Same method was adopted in case of

Acharya Charaka has mentioned 'Raso Kumari Swarasa.
Nipate Dravyanam’11i.e. the taste of a (2) Phase-II Hot water method:
substance is felt when comes in contact with Some drugs contain certain volatile oils or
Rasanendriya. The minimum quantity of a any such contents, which may subscribe to
substance required to stimulate the taste bud taste, may be more soluble in hot water.
is known as the taste threshold for that drug. Therefore, the Taste threshold of drug was
This term was used for the first time by Dr. ascertained in hot water.
Wescby of Germany. To evaluate taste 5 gms of Musabbar was added to 100ml of
threshold the method prescribed by Dr. S. C. distilled water in a conical flask and stirred
Dhyani has been adopted. It was carried out continuously for 30 minutes for proper
in three phases. mixing. Then the liquid mixture was boiled
(1) Phase-I Cold water method: till it reduces to half. i.e. 50 ml (The water
5 gms of Musabbar was dissolved in 100 ml lost i.e. 50 ml distil water, thus making the
of distilled water in a conical flask and was volume 100 ml) and filtered and then 1 ml
stirred continuously for 30 minutes, later it of this prepared solution was taken and to it
was allowed to settle the sediments and then 5 ml of distilled water was added and the
it was filtered with filter paper. drug was tasted. Each time 5 ml of distilled
1 ml of this stock solution was diluted water was added keeping the initial 1 ml.
gradually with distilled water in different solution constant. Volunteer method was
dilutions such as 1:5, 1:10 and 1:15 and so used for taste determinations. In the same
on. Each time the test solution was given to way taste threshold of Kumari Swarasa was
the volunteers for testing. The volunteers determined.
were requested to wash their mouth (3) Phase-III Method of Taste
thoroughly with distilled water for each test threshold in 6 hours after boiling:
trial. The dilution on which the least Rasa Some contents of the drug may require time
was perceived was multiplied with 20 for being fully dissolved in the solution.
(dilution factor of stock solution) and then Therefore, this method was adopted. The
was noted as the taste threshold of the drug. method is the same as described previously
except that after the volume is reduced to

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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 172
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half after boiling, it was allowed to cool  Taste threshold of Kumari Swarasa
down for 6 hours and then filtered. 1 ml of in 6 hours after boiling -1: 20 X 20 = 1: 400
the stock solution was taken for further ml.
Above three methods for determination of CONCLUSION
taste-threshold was done in P.G. Department  Aloe barbadensis Miller is beautiful
of Dravyaguna R.G.G.P.G.A.C. Paprola. plant having miraculous medicinal
Results obtained are as follows properties. Macroscopic and microscopic
studies like tetracytic sunken stomata with
RESULTS hexagonal epidermal cells and some small
Kumari Swarasa- The Tikta Rasa was square shape cells showed typical
observed as the predominant Rasa (70%). xerophytic characters. Aloe leaf structure is
(Table-3) made up of outer protective layer called as
Musabbar- According to 50% volunteers rind, sap which contains bitter fluid to
both Katu and Tikta Rasa were protect the plant from animals, movable
present.(Table-4) layer between inner solid gel and outer rind
Taste Threshold- is mucilage gel and innermost part of leaf is
Musabbar filleted out to make gel. Epidermal tissue,
 Taste threshold of Musabbar in cold chlorenchyma, aquiferous tissue, vascular
water - 1:35 X 20 = 1:700 ml. bundle are four type of tissues present in
 Taste threshold of Musabbar in hot leaves. Fragment of very large number of
water – 1:40 X 20 = 1: 800 ml. needles was seen in powder microscopy
 Taste threshold of Musabbar in 6 which resembles the textual references of
hours after boiling – 1: 45 X 20 = 1: 900 ml. Curacao aloe hence the drug prepared as
Kumari Swarasa Musabbar was a product of Aloe
 Taste threshold of Kumari Swarasa barbadensis Miller called as Curacao aloe.
in cold water – 1: 35 X 20 = 1: 700 ml.
 Taste threshold of Kumari Swarasa
in hot water – 1: 20 X 20 = 1: 400 ml.

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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 173
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016 Vol. 5 Issue 3 174
[e ISSN 2350-0204]

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