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Pawar's disciplined anger CHECKLIST

You have to hand it to Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Sharad Pawar. He
almost never loses his temper: But when he does, he does it to great effect, and
without raising his voice. n
22 August, NITI Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar: sane voices? Has he said that? All right, thank you, I
At a recent press conference, a journalist asked him a question: Not only were NCP "This is an unprecedented situation for the will take his statement on it. That is my answer... I
leaders deserting his party and joining the BJP but even his relatives (natibhai). The Government of India. In the last 70 years, nobody have no thoughts on what he said. He said it and I
reference was to Padamsinh Patil, a relative. Pawar, who started the press conference had faced this sort of situation where the entire listened to it.”
with utmost cordiality, lost his temper. “Why are you asking me about my relatives?” financial system is under threat and nobody is n
2 September, BJP Spokesperson Sambit Patra:
he asked the reporter. “We can talk about politics but how does my family relationship trusting anybody else. Within the private sector, "There is a slowdown in the world economy but
come into the picture?” Padamsinh Patil, eight-time ex-MLA from Osmanabad, is nobody is ready to lend, everyone is sitting on cash. India’s economy is at the top. Because of the strong
related to party strongman Ajit Pawar and, by extension, to Sharad Pawar. The reporter You may have to take steps which are base of the fundamentals of the Indian economy,
repeated his question. Pawar got up to leave. “Next time please call reporters who are extraordinary.” our economy is doing quite well."
a bit more civilised,” he told the organisers, who pleaded with him to stay. n
1 September, former Prime Minister Manmohan n
3 September, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar:
But Pawar’s fury had not ebbed. “I have seen times when I had 60 MLAs in the Singh: “The last quarter's GDP growth rate of 5 per "We do not subscribe to what Manmohan Singh has
assembly and 52 left the party. It was politics, they left me, but then they returned,” cent signals that we are in the midst of a prolonged analysed... India was the 11th (largest) economy of
observed the man who is, arguably, the maker of modern Maharashtra. The reporter "Several Congress leaders have high hopes and slowdown. India has the potential to grow at a much the world. Now it is the fifth and we are marching to
would not stop. Pawar got up to leave a second time, and then, in a gesture only he are expecting development from the party and faster rate but all-round mismanagement by the be the third… the government was not looking at
can make, folded his hands to the reporter and said: “You should go. You are lowering the administration. There are differences and Modi government has resulted in this slowdown... the economy in a piecemeal manner.”
the level of the discourse.” Then, he continued with his answer: “People have left, the government should sit and sort these out." India cannot afford to continue down this path.” n
4 September, Shiv Sena: “A sane man like
and more might leave. He (Patil) has said nothing about any disrespect from the Madhya Pradesh Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia n
1 September, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman: Manmohan Singh has said that no politics should be
NCP or me. But he may be getting from the other side what he has not got from the about the Congress government in Madhya Pradesh, "Is Dr Manmohan Singh saying that instead of played around this slowdown. We should take the
NCP for 10 or 15 years. It is not a push factor, it is a pull factor.” Bhopal, 4 September indulging in political vendetta, they should consult help of experts... It is time we heard his advice.”

the changes in the Kashmir policy. Russia Siberia are core to its interest. India giving
can be useful, as it, too, does not have any a line of credit to Russia is of benefit to
OPINION great regard for human rights. It also has a both. This region is rich in resources and
policy of not intervening in the domestic crying for investment. Investments in ener-
SUN WEIDONG affairs of allies. Russia will also expect gy are long term, have risks but also bene-
India to support it in Ukraine, Syria and fits. In this, Indian industry has taken an
other regions. interest, and is scoping the region. The

‘If China and India Russia also needs India despite strategic
tie-ups with China, which uses its financial
power to overwhelm an economically
Chinese are already there. Russia would
like further cooperation with India in this
region. In this context the International

speak in one voice,

slow Russia. North South Corridor needs to be con-
China is moving into Central Asia, espe- cretized at a better pace. The logistics
cially into Tajikistan, in a big way. They agreement with Russia needs to be
have conducted military exercises, and fast-tracked.
the world will listen’ plan the Belt and Road through here across
Russia. China’s forays into the South China
Sea have come dangerously close to
You have suggested that India and Russia
should branch out and develop soft power
President Xi Jinping once pointed out that the development of Russian, Indian, Vietnamese, and together - education, culture etc. Has this
China and India is the trend of the times and an important Malaysian rigs. Russia is concerned about visit achieved that objective?
opportunity to each other. As I see it, China and India are neigh- both the US and China here. There is base for developing soft power, but
bours, partners and friends. Amicable exchanges have always In the current cross-cutting internation- this should be allowed more free play and
been the mainstream of the bilateral relations. President Xi al relations, one relation need not be at the autonomy. Soft power in education and cul-
Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated the “home- cost of others. Unlike what some analysts ture and people to people dialogues, cannot
town diplomacy” and later held a historic informal summit in post, it’s not an either/or situation. be under complete government or bureau-
Wuhan, China. The Closer Developmental Partnership between Multilateralism and plurality are key. In cratic control. It needs government encour-
China and India is moving forward along the track of sound this context Brazil, Russia, Indian, China agement and finance but autonomy in
and steady development. Today, over 1,000 Chinese companies and South Africa association (BRICS) and institutions that plan this, as well as public
are doing business in India, with a cumulative investment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation are legitimacy. Also one should not underesti-
$8 billion, which has created 200,000 local jobs. More than two- useful of coordination. mate financial power. For example, no one
thirds of Indian companies investing in China are making hand- is taking Chinese soft power seriously. So
some profits, 40 per cent of them would like to increase their All conversations with Russia have the they focus on financial power. India should
investment in China this year. The China-India High-Level threat of the Countering America’s develop digital power with Russia. India
People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges Mechanism has pro- ILLUSTRATION BY BINAY SINHA Adversaries through Sanctions Act and Russia need to open new areas of
moted people-to-people cooperation a new high. The box office (CAATSA) hanging over them. exchange from medical to cli-
of Indian films is twice as much in China as in India. The Indian How do you view the progress mate collaboration.
pavilion at the Beijing International Horticultural Expo has ANURADHA M CHENOY’s Remerging Russia is an influential and comprehensive account of a new Russia on the Triumf S-400 missile
attracted millions of Chinese visitors. With the long history, seen in the context of India and the Global South. Chenoy, former professor and chairperson at the that India is looking to
large population and economic volume of the two countries, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies of Jawaharlal Nehru University, discusses the recent India- purchase from Russia that the What are your thoughts on the
China-India cooperation enjoys vast potential for development. Russia bilateral summit with Aditi Phadnis. Edited excerpts: US has warned against? geo-political fallout of the
If China and India speak in one voice, the whole world For defence, India is a seller’s visit: on Afghanistan-Pakistan,
will listen. We both advocate world multi-polarity, economic market. India is using that to ANURADHA M CHENOY China and the US?
globalisation, trade liberalisation, and oppose unilateralism continue its talks on the Triumf The US has done a deal with

‘Russia-India ties
former professor and
and protectionism. We can closely coordinate under the S-400 and other purchases. The chairperson at the the Taliban in Afghanistan, as
framework of BRICS, G20 and SCO, to jointly tackle global US would not only like to Centre for Russian and they start the process of with-
challenges and to promote a fair and just global governance increase its defence sales to Central Asian Studies of drawal. That is in the greatest
order. China and India both uphold the concepts of “Great India, but even replace Russia. interest of Pakistan. The

based on mutual need’

Jawaharlal Nehru
Harmony” and “The World as One Family”. The ancient ori- But India is not and cannot be University attempts by Russia and others
ental wisdom is still showing vitality today. I believe China dependent on the US or any to get through a power sharing
and India have all the vision and ability to find the path of one country. agreement between the
joint development and win-win cooperation between major Its base is made from Russian platforms. Taliban and the current regime has been
emerging countries. This will contribute to the development So India has the capacity to negotiate with rejected through the use of force by the
of a community with a shared future for mankind... How do you evaluate the overall impact of tions. This is because India is under pres- the US for waivers on the basis of its nation- Taliban. Pakistan and Taliban will use each
Peace is the precondition for development, and also the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to sure from the US on isolating Russia, Iran al security. It has managed to get some other. Russia knows that. They have to save
eternal aspiration of mankind. Without peace, it is difficult to Russia? and China. In other words, the US wants waivers, but for that India has to pay a their southern rim: Caucusus, Chechnya,
achieve economic growth, improvement of people’s liveli- PM Modi’s visit serves the process of multi- India as a junior partner. Since India wants price, that the US will extract. You are likely etc from state-sponsored illegal networks,
hoods, and social stability. To maintain regional and global ple and continuous engagements between closer relations with the US, and also to see Indian defence purchases increase including terror and radicalism. Even
peace and stability is not only the responsibility of China and India and Russia. Though there are no big- France, it still doesn’t get how highly from the US also. But such a steep rise in China is worried on this count. This can be
India as major countries, but also the need of the two countries bang agreements, several major projects in uneven the partnership is. To balance this, military equipment will damage Indian a nightmare for India also. So India has to
to materialise their own development. For neighbours and defence, energy, and trade have been India needs Russia. social sector expenditure. India needs work with Russia and many others to
major countries, differences are hard to avoid. The key is to signed and are ongoing. These are not Even after two decades of closer ties Russian support for its defence, energy, ensure a peaceful transition.
properly handle them. We should look at issues with rational- stand-alone dialogues but part of a histori- with the US, India has not got all what it technological and many other needs. China never loses sight of its interests
ity, put them in the bigger picture, reduce differences through cal continuity of five decades that are criti- wanted. This is because the US balances Earlier also, the US had imposed sanctions and aspirations for regional hegemony.
consultation, settle disputes through dialogue, promote peace cal for India’s international positioning. India and Pakistan with an even hand, as it on India. So, India will have to negotiate India has to use Russia to put pressure on
through development, and enhance mutual trust through Both Russia and India need each other needs the latter for its Afghanistan and harder for its wider interests. China. Russia has no option in the current
cooperation... at a time of transition in the international West Asia policies. scenario, but to keep their strategic ties
The Chinese government attaches great importance to its system. These relations give both much- Perhaps India has learnt that relations The fact that the summit was held in the with China. At the same time, Russia is
relations with India, which is a basic foreign policy we have needed leverage vis-à-vis international with the US will never be one of equals, that industrial port town of Vladivostok itself wary of China in their Far East, in the
adhered to for a long time. Personally, I think in the future, the pressures. If the same agreements had been it will be used to contain China and advance makes a statement. How do you see the Pacific and in the Indian Ocean.
two sides should promote the development of China-India rela- signed with the US, the Indian elite and its interests in the Indo-Pacific region. The prospects of energy and trade cooperation In sum, India needs to further diversify
tions from four dimensions, namely, “leading, transmitting, media would have been doing a double US needs India only as one among many between Russia and India? relations with Russia and not get hedged in
shaping and integrating”. “Leading” means to make the second somersault. agents, to push its global aspirations. India and the ONGC have already made with unifocal lens of national security.
informal summit a success by highlighting the guidance of the Several analysts believe that there is At the moment, India is engaged in a huge investments in Sakhalin I and II. The Human security, financial security, and
two leaders. “Transmitting” refers to the transmission of the “drift” and stagnation in Russia-India rela- global public relations exercise because of Russian Far East and development of creative options are needed here.
leaders’ consensus to all levels and translate the consensus into
tangible cooperation and outcomes. “Shaping” means going
beyond the mode of managing differences, shaping bilateral

Just a few strands

relations and accumulating positive momentum. “Integrating”
means to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, promote con-
vergence of interests and achieve common development.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of
the People’s Republic of China. Over the past seven decades,
China has successfully embarked on a path of socialism with
Having cancer can be devastating. But for women, the side-effects of the disease, especially the loss of hair, is
Chinese characteristics, and made great strides from standing the hardest part. Aditi Phadnis finds that many are coping — and helping others cope with illness and loss
up and growing wealthy to becoming stronger. China’s econ-
omy is enjoying high-quality development, growing by 6.3 per Jayanti’s story donating: It has to be at least 8 to 12 inches
cent year-on-year in the first half of this year. The economic For many harried working mothers, she’s a long, and must never have been chemically
structure continued to improve, and the third industry con- lifeline. A domestic help, Jayanti starts treated, coloured or permed. Virgin hair, that
tributed 60.3 per cent of the growth. In 2018, the retail sales of her working day at 6 am. She is punc- is, a child’s hair, for example, is the best,”
consumer goods in China totaled $5.76 trillion, making it the tual, regular and polite. At just over DAKSHA Daksha said.
second largest consumer market in the world. A few days ago, 40, she’s content: A migrant from JAIDKA grows She has already donated twice and is ready-
Costco, a well-known American supermarket chain, opened a West Bengal, but unlike others, and nurtures her ing herself to do it a third time.
new outlet in Shanghai. It was overwhelmed by Chinese shop- never having had to see grinding hair, only to donate it. Vidya Raja of digital publication, The Better
pers and had to shut down temporarily on its opening day. poverty. Her family manage to She has already India, also has stories of hair donation
This highlighted the huge vitality of the Chinese consumer eat fish curry and rice several donated it twice and
market. China is also opening wider to the outside world... days a week. Her daughter has Elakshi's and Samaira’s stories
plans to do it a
What China has achieved is not a godsend. It comes from recently got married in a well- “We saw an online video about a girl who was
third time.
our people’s hard work by overcoming all obstacles and dif- organised wedding to a man who is gifted a wig before she went back to school.
ficulties. A certain country provoked trade frictions with a mechanic in the Maruti factory in The girl in the video had lost her hair
China, openly interfered in China’s internal affairs and under- Gurugram. All the members of her family ELAKSHI while she was undergoing
mined our interests. We resolutely oppose and will firmly own mobile phones. andSUMAIRA chemotherapy for cancer. We saw
defend our legitimate interests. We are willing to properly The most arresting feature of Jayanti’s were full of doubts how excited the girl was with the
handle differences on the basis of mutual respect and resolve face is her eyes and her hair. Her about cutting their hair so wig. I will never forget that smile,”
issues through dialogue and negotiation. However, any con- eyes sparkle a shade of greenish that it could be used to make said Elakshi in The Better India.
sultation and negotiation must be based on equality and gold. Her hair is always worn in a unruly curly hair — and she wanted rifice her hair so that it wigs for women who have lost Elakshi is a Class VI student in
mutual respect. The result should be mutually beneficial. thick plait that falls below her hips. to give it all away. could be turned into a wig Gurugram.
Some Indian friends may follow the situation in China’s Last week, she came to work “I first donated my hair four for children with cancer. It
their hair to chemotherapy. “I had eight inches of my hair
Hong Kong. Recently, some radical protesters have commit- after a lapse of several months. She years ago. I had really long hair. It got me thinking. I read that But they don't regret their cut off, and I did think about whether
ted violent crimes under the pretext of anti-extradition Bill, looked tired and her head was cov- was not easy,” Daksha said. Indian several NGOs will accept hair decision at all. I would look funny after the haircut.
gravely trampling on the rule of law and social order in Hong ered. A resident asked her fatuously women spend hours pampering that they turn into wigs for can- My mother was the one who helped me
Kong, and challenging the bottom line of the “one country, why she had suddenly turned bash- and caring for their hair. Long hair cer patients. Commercial wigs are through it, and she supported me a lot,” said
two systems” principle. Some external forces meddled in ful. She replied, with a curious dig-
China’s internal affairs, deliberately calling violent crimes nity: “Cancer tha. Ab theek hai, THE OTHER isthetic, a part of the Indian female aes-
a mark of classic beauty,
not cheap: They can cost up to ~30,000 each. her sister Samaira, a Class III student.
And now, there’s a burgeoning movement to Many NGOs will accept hair donations and
as peaceful protest. This is an outright “double standard”. magar baal… (I had cancer. Better INDIA regardless of class or caste. That’s donate hair, and both men and women are most of them are on Facebook. But it’s best to
Violence is not tolerated in any civilised society. Hong Kong now, but my hair…).” Her eyes why when women visit Tirupati, part of it,” Daksha said. consult them before donating because the
affairs are purely China's internal affairs. This is a fact recog- welled up. Cancer has eaten up her they give unto God what is their She worked on her hair: Oiled it regularly, rules about the kinds of hair that can be
nised internationally. All governments in the world recognise breast. Chemotherapy has consumed her hair. most precious possession — their hair, the gave it hair spas, nurtured it by increasing her accepted are quite strict. Daksha contacted
China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong. There is no sovereign ultimate sign of vanity and pride. Giving it up protein intake… and then, when it was thick, But there’s also Sargakshetra
issue over Hong Kong at all. We would never allow any exter- Daksha Jaidka’s story is a gesture of humbling yourself before God. sleek and lustrous, chopped it off without a Cultural Centre, Hair Crown, Cope With
nal forces to interfere in Hong Kong affairs... A few years ago, Daksha Jaidka —a Gurugram “I couldn’t get the vision of that little girl second thought, bagged it and sent it to an Cancer and many others.
resident, homemaker, Modern School alum- out of my head. She had seen a classmate of NGO that has now turned it into a wig, which Daksha feels fulfilled. Elakshi and Samaira
Edited excerpts from Work for new progress of China-India relationship: nus and mother of two — happened to visit hers fall a victim to cancer: For an eight-year- is helping another young woman get the psy- can’t stop smiling. Jayanti doesn’t need to cov-
Focus on mutual cooperation and common development, an address by the US. There she met the eight-year old old, the sudden loss of hair can be a terrible chological courage to fight cancer. er her head any more. Who knows, the hair on
China’s Ambassador to India Sun Weidong on September 3 daughter of a friend. The child had long, trauma. My friend’s daughter wanted to sac- “I learnt that all hair is not suitable for her head might be Daksha’s!
Volume XIII Number 25

reduce speed from about 1,680 metres/ the support it needs to plan its next series scientists and engineers who put it together to

A temporary setback second (a little less than 6,000 kmph) to two

metres/ second as it approached the surface.
of missions.
There are several important aspects to
develop new technological capabilities. Every
nation with space-going ambitions has had
The first two phases went well with space missions of this nature. One is gathering to do this on its own. Space exploration and the
There will be a lot to learn from Chandrayaan-2 Mission smooth detachment. The speed had dropped new data and insights. This is blue-sky spinoffs from it have transformed the tech-
to around 50 metres/second at a height of research, which always pays off eventually in nological landscape in the last 50 years. A suc-
lthough the loss of the Vikram lan- that the loss of the Vikram Lander and Pragyan about 2,100 metres when communication unpredictable ways. The orbiter will carry out cessful landing and rover exploration would

A der has caused deep disappoint-

ment, the Indian Space Research
Organisation (Isro) can take away
many positives from the Chandrayaan-2
Mission. Attempting a soft lunar landing was
Rover are heavy blows, as these carried six key
payloads which could have delivered entirely
new information.
The moon is a difficult target for soft land-
ings and, indeed, only three nations have ever
broke down. While there could be many rea-
sons for this, it’s unlikely that the Vikram land-
ed without catastrophic damage.
The orbiter will try to locate the lander
(or its wreckage) as it passes over that
experiments and observations that inform us
about the topography of the moon and its
chemical composition, including the possi-
ble presence of water, and other important
compounds and minerals.
have taught Isro a lot about managing such
delicate processes. A lot can also be learnt
from the failure.
The third factor is impossible to quan-
tify, but it is perhaps the most important.
an ambitious goal and something going wrong managed this. Almost half the moon, includ- region in its orbit. Isro’s ground control Other orbiter-based experiments will also Space exploration inspires people in a way
was always a possibility. Two out of every three ing the designated landing zone at the Lunar will also analyse data received for clues as reveal more about solar radiation at the moon that few other forms of scientific research
such attempts failed in the past, including an South Pole, is on the far side of the Earth and, to what went wrong. This will help (which lacks the shield of the Earth’s strong seems to do. It can trigger an interest in seek-
Israeli mission that crashed earlier this year. hence, not charted. The terrain is difficult, improve design in the next moon mission. magnetic field and atmosphere), and about ing a career in science and technology.
Meanwhile, the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter is with rocks and craters, much of it covered It is abundantly clear that Isro wants to the composition of the moon’s very tenuous Dividends from that will only be visible
functioning well. So it’s not as if the mission with 10 metres of dust, where a lander could try again, and there is evidence of political atmosphere and the presence of electrons. decades later when children who tracked
has entirely failed. The orbiter itself carries sink. The plan was for the Vikram Lander to support for the next attempt in Prime The lander and rover could have told us more the Mangalayaan and Chandrayaan mis-
eight instruments designed for different exper- detach from the orbiter at about 100 kms and Minister Narendra Modi’s response. Isro about the moon’s surface, but that’s not to be. sions emerge in their own right as the next
iments and observations. This is not to deny then apply brake in a multi-phase operation to must not only carry on; it must be given all Second, every mission of this nature helps generation of scientific researchers.

CEO pay can transform banks How strong state-owned

Compensation structures can be designed to make risk management a core part of Indian banks’ strategic
decision making and planning processes
banks drive growth
NIRANJAN HIRANANDANI aid in doubling the economy in the next

week after Finance Minister PSBs who have adapted to changing
hen, in February 2019, the Reserve Bank of Nirmala Sitharaman announced a demographic profiles, low liquidity levels,

W India (RBI) published a discussion paper

on proposed compensation guidelines for
senior management and material risk-takers in
slew of measures to revive the econ- and a declining interest rate scenario, have
omy, the government’s decision to merge 10 taken upon themselves the onus of realising
public sector banks (PSBs) to create four the government’s dream of doubling the
Indian banks, the debate was focused on how this large banks will create big next-generation size of India’s economy by boosting con-
would constrain CEO compensation. What may not banks that are imperative for a $5 trillion sumption and ensuring higher credit flow
have received due attention was how such a propos- economy. With this the total number of to productive sectors.
al, if implemented appropriately, can transform PSBs will come down to 12, from 27 earlier. They held a consultative and ideation
Indian banking. These big banks will have enhanced capac- process at branch levels across the country
It can make risk management a core part of a ity to increase credit, a strong national pres- to identify the issues and challenges on
bank’s strategic decision-making and planning ence as well as global reach, and this can how to improve their performance and
process, as opposed to the peripheral position it now help reduce the cost of lending through contribute to national growth. This exer-
occupies. Risk-related projections in some cases tend operational efficiency. cise was undertaken as part of a bottom-up
to come out as an after-thought to assess the growth Further, the government also plans an approach to shape policies that will enable
planning exercise. upfront capital infusion in PSBs for credit PSBs to act as catalysts in achieving the
Previously, in 2012, the RBI had issued compen- growth and regulatory compliance to sup- objective of a $5-trillion economy. Banks
sation guidelines for senior management. These port the economy. need to identify and resolve ways and
ticked all the boxes and suggested alignment of com- The finance minister announced the means to increase credit flows to various
pensation with prudent risk-taking, capping of vari- merger of Punjab National Bank, Oriental sectors of the economy and to enhance
able compensation, deferring a part of variable com- Bank of Commerce and United Bank; the use of technology to bring about
pensation, incorporation of a claw-back clause, Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank; Union innovation.
adequate disclosure norms and supervisory over- Bank of India, Andhra Bank and The PSBs are expected to focus on
sight. However, given limited implementation guide- Corporation Bank; and Indian Bank and infrastructure financing, credit growth,
lines and specificity, the guidelines’ benefit to the Allahabad Bank. financial inclusion, and digital transac-
stake-holders remains uncertain. The merged PNB, OBC and United Bank tions. This process will help the banks to
The current proposal provides for more detailed will be the second-largest PSB with business understand and reach out to corporates,
quantitative requirements than its 2012 avatar. For of ~17.95 trillion, and will have the second- MSMEs, retail borrowers, traders and busi-
instance, it has capped variable pay at 200 per cent largest branch network in nessmen. Banks deliberated
of fixed pay. ESOPs are included in variable pay. It India with 11,437 branches. Public sector on topics such as credit for
proposes application of the claw-back clause in case Canara Bank and Syndicate banks are the MSMEs, digital payments,
of divergence in NPA/provisioning. Bank, when merged, will be foundation of corporate governance in PSBs,
The proposal, if implemented, will trigger board the fourth-largest PSB with Indian banking, export credit, retail, agricul-
discussions on how top management salaries need to business of ~15.20 trillion and and account for 63 ture and establishing a finan-
be adjusted to comply. The crux of the RBI’s focus is will have the third-largest per cent of the cial grid to chart out a specif-
that senior management compensation outcomes branch network in India with banking industry’s ic road map. Banks have
should be aligned to risk outcomes, and all types of 10,342 branches. total assets. They decided to simplify processes
risk and payout schedules should be sensitive to the The merged Union Bank of play a key role by for borrowers and fine-tune
time horizon of the risk. This has been the regulato- India, Andhra Bank and mobilising and their products.
ry aspiration since 2012. Corporation Bank will be the allocating The ideation process has
However, a fixed ratio of fixed to variable com- This requires the RBI to guide banks on the following: Risk targets and comes from such policies. fifth-largest PSB with business resources resulted in a renewed sense of
pensation, or defining a narrow activity that can metrics and the Disclosures to markets are of ~14.59 trillion and will have involvement on the part of
trigger the claw-back clause, may not limit meeting Risk assessment statement (RAS): Banking mapping of risk expected to state the the fourth-largest branch network in India banks and has helped them gear up
the regulatory aspiration to the full extent. Instead of regulators in Canada, Singapore and Europe expect outcomes with amount of outstanding with 9,609 branches. Indian Bank and towards implementing the road map for
transforming risk management, it may morph into a a clear linkage between the RAS and senior man- compensation deferred remuneration Allahabad Bank will be the seventh-largest the future. The banks will now be more
compliance requirement. Some improvement to risk agement compensation. Several regulators require levels need to be exposed to risk-adjusted- PSB with business of ~8.08 trillion. responsive towards the aspirations and
reporting is expected to the the RAS to be well-articulated and quantified. It owned by the performance or actual Recently, the finance ministry had needs of farmers, industries, start-ups,
If compensation is extent the NPA divergence should be granular so that it can be cascaded to board and suitably adverse risk events. directed PSBs to initiate a month-long con- senior citizens, youths, women and
aligned to is addressed. An opportu- appropriate levels within the bank. Indian banks disclosed to Global best practices sultation process to seek suggestions for students.
strategic and nity to fundamentally often have RASs that are aspirational or have not regulators require the RBI to do more achieving a $5-trillion economy in five It is important to understand the rea-
financial strengthen risk manage- percolated down to the business unit level for poli- of certain things and less of years. This move by the ministry is aimed at sons for the decline in loans to businesses,
outcomes, senior ment in Indian banking cymaking. Compensation philosophies try to ensure others. The quantum of compensation and the ratio re-invigorating the sagging Indian econo- the number of loan applications accepted
management has will be lost. that decision-makers adopt growth strategies that are of fixed to variable may be left to the board. At any my. The finance ministry will be tracking and rejected under the retail, MSME and
an incentive to The RBI’s proposal is aligned with their stated risk appetite. rate, more elbow room may be given. On the other credit flows to areas like housing, infra- corporate categories in recent years, the
focus on long-term inspired by the Financial The experience of several countries has been that hand, risk targets and metrics and the mapping of risk structure, the Stand-Up India scheme, edu- reasons for the steep rise in bad loans and
sustainability Stability Board's (FSB) quantifiable and granular risk appetite statements outcomes with compensation levels need to be owned cation, the farm sector, micro, small and the possibility of co-origination of Mudra
Principles for Sound tend to drive banks’ strategy and planning, and risk- by the board and suitably disclosed. Certain regula- medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Stand- loans with non-bank finance companies.
Compensation Practices based compensation guidelines led to more mean- tors favour testing the procedures to assess the effi- Up India scheme, education, exports, the To facilitate credit expansion and
and their Implementation Standards (Principles and ingful adoption with desirable results. cacy of compensation frameworks, and to establish green economy, cleanliness activities, improve liquidity, the government has
Standards, P&S), 2011. Quite a few G20 countries Broaden the claw-back clause: Most major whether the outcomes are consistent with the regu- financial inclusion and women’s empow- decided to inject ~70,000 crore into the
have adopted them. They provide rich benchmarks international banks have provisions for claw-backs lator’s expectations. erment, as well as others such as direct ben- PSBs. This measure is expected to generate
for effective implementation. for incidents such as ignorance, willful neglect or vio- The RBI must broaden the focus on improving efit transfers and the digital economy. liquidity and additional lending in the
Risk outcome-based compensation requires that lations of risk norms by employees. For certain the risk management capability of Indian banks by PSBs are the foundation of the Indian financial system to the tune of ~5 trillion.
compensation policies should be structured before- adverse events claw-back could apply for seven years. making it core to strategic decision making. banking sector and account for about 63 The banks have also decided to pass on the
hand. Compensation is a priori mapped to a range of The US requires the largest firms to defer up to 60 per Executive compensation plays a critical role here. per cent of the banking industry’s total RBI’s rate-cut benefits to borrowers through
strategic and financial outcomes, so that senior man- cent of incentive compensation for senior execu- But guidelines should not focus on narrow com- assets. These banks play an important role reduction in the Marginal Cost of Funds-
agement focuses on long-term sustainability in its tives for four years. pensation ratios alone, or else banks will remain through the mobilisation and allocation of based Lending Rate (MCLR). These steps
planning process. After the performance period the Enhance disclosure levels: The RBI should compliant while seeing no improvement in their resources. are expected to create positivity and allevi-
variable compensation is determined by the out- enhance the disclosure level in general to best in risk capabilities. The Modi 2.0 government aims to make ate stress in the system.
comes vis-à-vis the initial target, and not just by class for G20 countries. Basel expects quantitative India a $5-trillion economy by 2024 and
asset growth, accounting profit or stock perform- disclosures about banks’ compensation policies, The writer is visiting faculty of finance at IIM Calcutta, and has committed to invest ~100 trillion to The writer is Senior Vice President, Assocham,
ance, as is the case currently. details of the structure and also measures of out- a consultant develop modern infrastructure that will and MD, Hiranandani Group


India and Russia attempt RBI’s floating rate loan diktat Kashmir, a month on
to revive old bonds May work if industry resumes investing Govt must now open up the Valley
The missing link in the relationship The Reserve Bank of India policy rate moves has been It has been exactly a month Trump’s occasional forays
(RBI) has finally decided that an abiding conundrum for since the government piloted into offering mediation — has
is a solid commercial foundation it needs to address the prob- the RBI is well known. major constitutional changes broadly fallen in line with the
lem of inadequate interest Though the latest move in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Indian position.
There were no dramatic agreements that came out from Prime rate transmission head on. In will surely lower the interest A month later, it is time to But even as India has
Minister Narendra Modi’s annual summit with the Russian a circular to banks on cost on new floating rate review the state of play. First, done well to manage the
President, Vladimir Putin this week, on the margins of the Wednesday, it directed loans availed by borrowers the international dimension. diplomatic fallout, the situa-
annual Eastern Economic Forum at Vladivostok. But to under- lenders to link all new floating to buy cars or homes, it may Pakistan, which made the tion in J&K is a matter of con-
stand the importance of the 20th meeting in six years between rate loans given to borrowers force banks to start cutting “liberation” of Kashmir a fun- cern. There is often a trade-
the two leaders, look elsewhere. While the western powers in the personal, retail and the interest rate they pay damental pillar of its domestic off between order and justice.
have extended support for India’s argument that the develop- micro, small and medium deposit holders or risk see- political consensus and for- The restrictions also give
ments in Kashmir are internal to India, they have also raised enterprise (MSME) categories ing their margins shrink. eign policy, and consistently room to critics to question
questions about the human rights situation there. Russia’s to external benchmarks, And while the RBI wants to sponsored terrorism and vio- India’s moral authority and
support seemed to come with fewer caveats and Mr Modi has including the repo rate, with try and nudge an uptick in lence to achieve that goal, democratic credentials. It is
thanked his “great friend” Mr Putin for that in Vladivostok. effect from October 1. Banks credit for becalmed personal reacted with predictable fury. now time to open up the
Even more importantly, the joint statement issued by the two have also, crucially, been giv- consumption and borrowing Its “all-weather friend”, China, Valley, release mainstream
leaders emphasised the shared understanding on the “inad- en the leeway to determine by beleaguered MSMEs, the concerned about the implica- politicians, start a process of
missibility of intervention in the internal affairs” of nations. their spread over the bench- success of the measure will tions of the move in Ladakh, dialogue, and create a new
In the last few years, Delhi and Moscow seemed to drift mark rate with a caveat that ultimately be determined by provided a higher degree of understanding with the peo-
apart. More recently, though, there has been some effort at itics. The big missing link in the India-Russia relationship is a changes to the credit risk pre- a regaining of confidence by support to Islamabad than ple of Kashmir. Only then
rebuilding mutual confidence. Both Mr Modi and Mr Putin solid commercial foundation. In Vladivostok, Mr Modi and Mr mium can only be made consumers to spend and a Delhi had probably anticipat- will Prime Minister Narendra
know that the world has entered an uncertain era and they Putin affirmed their commitment to address this weakness. when the borrower’s credit conviction by industry ed. But the rest of the inter- Modi’s vision of a “Naya
need to keep all their options in play. Neither of them wants to They must now deliver on that promise. assessment undergoes a sub- to invest. national community — Kashmir” be fulfilled.
squander the benefits of a solid bilateral relationship built stantial change. That the notwithstanding United
over decades in this moment of transition in major power pol- The Indian Express, September 6 inadequate transmission of The Hindu, September 6 States President Donald Hindustan Times, September 6

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