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Administration - an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and
internal operating efficiency.
ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS- those that perform the administrative functions
Area - a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts.
Authority - the right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions within an
organizational hierarchy.
Authority and Responsibility- authority includes the right to command and the power to require obedience.
AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS- functions involving the logistical operations of theorganization
Beat - an area designed for patrol purposes whether foot or motorized.
BOWSTREET RUNNERS - a group of men organized to arrest offenders.
Broken-Window Theory- suggests that if it appears "no one cares," disorder and crime will thrive.
Bureau - the largest organic functional unit within a large department; comprised of several divisions.
Bureaucracy- any organization structured into a heirarchy consisting of specialized elements.

Chain of Command- the order of authority begins at the top of the pyramid and flows down to the base.
Channels of Communication- the official paths through which orders flow from management to personnel who
carry out the orders; usually follow the chains of command.
Classifying- mentally determining the name of subject or number of which a specific record is to be filed.
Community Policing- decentralized model of policing which individual officers exercise their own initiatives and
citizens become actively involved in making their neighborhoods safer; this proactive approach usually included
increased emphasis on foot patrol.
Compstat Policing- a performance management system that is used to reduce crime and achieve other police
department goals.
CONTINENTAL THEORY - policemen are regarded as state or servants of the higher authorities
Crime prevention- primordial concern of police organization

Decentralization- encourages flattening of the organization and places decision-making authority and autonomy
at the level where information is plentiful; in police organizations, this is usually at the level of the patrol officer.
Delegate - It means giving someone else the responsibility and authority to do something.
DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY- conferring of an amount of authority by a superior position to a lower-level
.Detail - a subdivision of a squad.
District - a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station. Division - a primary
subdivision of a bureau.
Division of work - work specialization can increase efficiency with the same amount of effort.
DOCTRINE- provides for the organization’s objectives

Employment- tge utilization of units or elements of the PNP purposes of promotion.
Enforcement - means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command.
Evidence-Based Policing- a methodological approach that uses empirically derived evidence--what has been
shown, through scientific research, to be effective--and applies it to real-world policing.
Field Operations- directly help accomplish the goals of the debarment using line personnel; main division is
uniformed patrol; may also include investigations, narcotics, vice, juvenile, and the like.
Flat Organization- one with fewer lieutenants and captains, fewer staff departments, fewer staff assistants, more
sergeants, and more patrol officers.
FUNCTIONAL- depicts staff functions of the organization
Functional principle- division of work according to type, place, time and specialization.
Fusion Center- an entity that pools the resources and personnel of multiple agencies into one central location to
facilitate information sharing and intelligence development regarding criminal activities.

Grading- simplest system of performance appraisal.
Hierarchy- a group of people organized or classified by rank and authority. In law enforcement, typically pyramid
shaped with single "authority" at the top expanding down and out through the ranks to the broad base of
HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY- the relationship between superiors and subordinates
HOME RULE THEORY- policemen are regarded as servants of the community,

Incivilities- signs of disorder.
Intelligence-Led Policing- a methodical approach to prevent, detect, and distrust crime, including terrorist
activities; uses early detection of crime trends to allow police to be proactive in preventing continued crime.

KIN POLICING- the family of the offended individual was expected to assume responsibility for justice
Law Enforcement Agency - pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the laws.
Leadership- process of getting people to work toward some common objectives.
LINE- defined by its clear chain of command from the highest to the lowest and vice versa
Line Personnel- those who actually perform most of the tasks outlined in the work plan.
LINE AND STAFF- combines the flow of information from the line structure with the staff departments that service,
advise, and support them
Line Organization- divides responsibility and authority between several specialist.
Length of service- the period of time elapsed since the oath of office was administered.
Management - the process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in formal groups in order to
achieve objectives. Judicious or wise use of resources
Management development- refers to assessing and determining the developmental needs of managers for
future successions.
Management Plans- the prelaration for equipping and putting in order the police organization to the job rather
to its actual operation.
Measuring police work efficiency- the act of securing the maximum results with minimum a effort.
Mission- the reason an organization exists.
MODERN CONCEPT - regards police as the first line of defense of th criminal justice system
MUTUAL COOPERATION- an organization exists because it serves a purpose.
Objectives - refer to the purpose by which the organization was created. Refer to the goals of the organization.
OLD CONCEPT- police service gives the impression of being merely a suppressive machinery
OPERATIONAL UNITS,- those that perform primary or line functions
Organization - a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives.
Organize - it means planning the work of the department and of the personnel in an orderly manner.

Oversee - It means that the supervisor ensures that the work that has been organized and delegated is satisfactorily
Police administration- a process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and related
statutes focusing on the policing process.
Police deviancy- dereliction of police duties either because of mal, mis or non- feasance.
Paradigm Shift- dramatic change in how some basic structure is viewed.
Personnel of the organization- it is the welfare of the police executive's responsibility in law enforcement
Police - one of the pillars of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and
order and combating crime within the society.
Police Organization - promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcement
of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
POLITEIA – Greek word which means government of the city
POLITIA – Roman word which means condition of the state or government
Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty.
Precinct - the primary geographic subdivision of the patrol operation bureau.
PRIMARY OR LINE FUNCTIONS - the backbone of the police department
Principle of parity and responsibility- the responsible of action cannot be greater than that implied by the
authority delegated nor should it be less.
Proactive- recognizing problems and seeking the underlying cause.
Problem-Solving Policing- management ascertains what problems exist and tries to solve them
Pyramid of Authority- the shape of the typical law enforcement hierarchy, with the chief at the peak and having full
authority, down through managers (captains and lieutenants) and supervisors (sergeants), to those who accomplish
most of the tasks (officers).
Reactive- simply responding to calls for service.
Route - a length of streets

Scalar Chain - the hierarchy of authority is the order of ranks from the highest to the lowest levels of the
Section - functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization.
Sector - an area containing two or more beat, route or post.
SERVICE UNITS- those that perform auxiliary functions
SMART- the criteria in planning which means simple, manageable, attainable, realistic and time bounded.
Span of Control- people or units one individual manages or supervises.
SPECIALIZATION- the assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks

SPECIALIZATION OF PEOPLE (SPECIALISTS)- the designation of particular persons as having expertise in a specific
area of work

STAFF/ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS- functions that are designed to support the line

functions and assist in the performance of the linefunctions
Staff Personnel- those who support line personnel.
Stakeholders- those affected by an organization and those in a position to affect it.
Supervision - means the act of watching over the work or tasks of the members of the organization to ensure
that desired results are achieved.
Support Services- supports those performing field operations; includes recruitment and training, records and
communication, planning and research, and technical services.
Suspension- consequences of an act which temporarily deprives of a police officer from the performance of his
Transactional Change- various features of an organization may be altered, but the core framework is untouched;
this evolutionary change intervenes in structure, management practices, and motivations.
Team Policing- refers to a grass root approach to bring people and police together.

Transformational Change- intervenes in an organization's mission, culture, and leadership style.

Unit - smallest functional group within an organization.
Unity of Command- means that every individual in the organization has only one immediate superior of

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