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Dominic Ivan Tulin was born on November 7, 2000 at Butuan City, Philippines. His
mother Alma D. Tulin is a Filipino born at Mactan Cebu and wasn’t able to finish college.
While his father Ching San K. Go was a Chinese and was a successful business man.
Dominic Ivan Tulin graduated high school at Agusan National High School and is
currently studying college at Caraga State University with a course Bachelor of Science in
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. He lives at Maon Butuan City living with 2 brothers
and a sister.
Dominic Ivan Tulin loves to play chess during his free time and he was the chess
representative at his school at Agusan National High School for three years. He is an honor
student and at grade 12 he achieved high honors with a general percentage average of
95%. He’s hobbies are playing chess, watching anime and playing mobile legends. Dominic
Ivan is a very shy person and once you get to be friends with him, he is indeed an outgoing
person. He might be thin but be aware he eats like a pig and loves all sorts of food except
crabs and shrimps and lobsters he hates them very much.
Dominic Ivan may be studying BS-ABE but what he really dreams to be is a pilot. After
studying BS-ABE he will procced to aeronautics to fulfill his dream of becoming a pilot.

My expectations to the subject Computer Fundamentals and Programming is that it
will help me a lot in understanding programming and will truly help me on the course I have
taken knowing that engineers will use computers. I have also expected that this subject will
be fun and exciting and will probably give me a headache because of using the computer
for several hours but I will eventually get used to it.

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