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Position Paper

Committee : General Assembly: SOCHUM

Country : Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Topic Area : The Protection and Rights of Indigenous People

As it stands, there is no definition of Indigenous peoples that was formalized

globally. Indigenous peoples are often victims of economic and political marginalization
they haven't got their human rights perfectly yet. Most indigenous peoples are deprived
of the right to negotiate with both national governments and private companies, forcibly
removed from their areas and placed in non-native house, do not have citizenship and
face an almost constant threat of violence.

International action was taken. UN was establishment UNAMA and UNDRIP.

After the fall of the Taliban and with the establishment of an interim government, the
Security Council in 2002 established a political mission known as the UN Assistance
Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). (1) Establishment of UNDRIP which forms a general
framework for minimum standards of survival, dignity and welfare of indigenous people
in the world. The declaration contains "emphasizing the rights of indigenous peoples to
maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions, and to pursue
their development according to their own needs and aspirations”. (2) With the establish
specialized institutions or organizations, for example in Africa, established the Working
Group on Indigenous Populations and Communities in Africa to protect the well-being of
indigenous communities.
Current situation in Afghanistan, people no longer believe in government. In 2017,
scattered a note that read that several ethnics has been chosen for Kabul’s anti-riot,
excluding Tajiks, which was convinced by many to be spread of discrimination towards
certain group. The establishment of new electronic identity card by entering ethnics
groups makes minority worried that they could get persecutions. (3)

2. ab Frequently Asked Questions: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
Hence, Afghanistan would like to purpose several steps to be taken:

1. Entering ethnicity to citizenship is necessary

That all types ethnics are recorded to preventing the Taliban from extending
traditional territories by recruiting minorities groups who feel the government
of Afghanistan is controlled by certain ethnics.
2. By choosing membership of a government by including minorities
In a historic appointment, in May 2014 the previous Afghan government
selected a representative from the dwindling Hindu community for the
diplomatic rank of ambassador for the first time, whereas Hindus are
minorities. This decision can make peoples trust to government growth.

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