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Fakultas : Teknik

Program Studi : PEE

 UTS Semester Ganjil, Tahun Akademik 2015/2016

Mata Kuliah : Kontrol Otomatis NIM :

Kelas : A NamaMahasiswa :
Nama Dosen : Riza Muhida, PhD
Hari /Tanggal :
Waktu Ujian : Diperiksaoleh: TandaTangan :
Sifat Ujian : Tertutup
Lembar Jawaban : Ya
Kalkulator : Ya Tanggal : ..................

Soal ujian harap dimasukkan kedalam lembar jawaban dan dikumpulkan kembali !!!
Perhatian : 1. Taatilah segala peraturan ujian yang telah ditetapkan
2. Pelanggaran terhadap peraturan Ujian yang telah ditetapkan akan dikenakan Sanksi Akademik

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No. 1 a) What are the Laplace transforms of these function:
(Nilai 40) 1. sin t
2. te  at
b). For the matrix A and B, where:
0 1 2 2
A=   and B= 
2 1 1 0
a. C= AT B
b. D= sI  A
c. E=CD
c) Obtain the state variable matrix in phase variable form for a system with a differential equation
3 2
2 ddt 3y  4 ddt 2y  6 dydt  8 y  10u (t )
d) A single-input, single-output system has the matrix equations:

. 0 1  0 
x=   x+   u
 3  4 1 
and y= 10 0 x
1. Find the matrix Φ(s) , and Φ(t)
2. Determine the transfer function G(s)=Y(s)/U(s)

No. 2 Block diagram of a temperature control system is shown in Fig. 1. The effect of a drop in
(Nilai 30) environmental temperature is a step decrease in D(s).
a. Determine the sensitivity of the system to K.
b. Obtain the Transfer Function from the disturbance D(s) to the output Y(s)

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No. 3 A coupled of spring-mass system is shown in Fig. below. The masses and springs are assumed to be
(Nilai 30) equal. Obtain the differential equations describing the system.

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