Engineering Structures: Michael Styrk Andersen, Jens Johansson, Anders Brandt, Svend Ole Hansen

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Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91

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Aerodynamic stability of long span suspension bridges with low

torsional natural frequencies
Michael Styrk Andersen a,⇑, Jens Johansson a, Anders Brandt a, Svend Ole Hansen a,b
Dept. of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, Odense, Denmark
Svend Ole Hansen ApS, Skt. Jørgens Allé 5c, 1615 København V, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Classical flutter of suspended bridge decks can be avoided if the torsional frequencies are lower than the
Received 5 July 2015 vertical. Wind tunnel tests of single boxes and twin box section models with torsional natural frequencies
Revised 7 April 2016 above and below the vertical frequency has been conducted. Flutter was avoided in all tests where the
Accepted 11 April 2016
torsional frequency was lower than the vertical. But too low torsional stiffness caused large static
Available online 3 May 2016
displacements of the girder at medium–high wind speeds and steady state oscillations driven by a
combination of torsional divergence and stalling behavior at the critical wind seed. In order to design
aerodynamically stable suspension bridges with low torsional natural frequencies it is suggested to
Long-span bridge
increase the mass moment of inertia and provide adequate torsional stiffness by the main cables spacing.
Torsional divergence Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wind–structure interaction
Wind tunnel experiments
Non-flutter design principle

1. Introduction In traditional bridge design where the torsional-to-vertical

frequency ratio, cx = xa/xh, is above 1 both mass, stiffness and
The aerodynamic stability of the bridge deck has been a major frequency ratio must be increased in order to raise the critical flut-
issue in the design of long span bridges since the disastrous ter wind speed. A pure increase in mass seems less favorable than
collapse of the first Tacoma Narrows in 1940. During the last two an increase in stiffness. However, increased stiffness tends to
decades, 3 world records in main span lengths have been broken require an increase in mass. Furthermore, for long span bridges,
each using different approaches to obtain aerodynamic stability. the torsional rigidity of the girder declines and the mass moment
The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan has a main span of 1991 m of inertia in the main cables increases with increased span length.
where a slotted deck is supported on a truss girder. The slots This naturally leads to a reduction of the frequency ratio cx.
improve the aerodynamic stability. Thin airfoil theory [1] was previously used to estimate an upper
The Xihoumen Bridge in China spans 1650 m and has a twin box limit for the flutter wind speed for single box shaped girder
girder with a central gap of 6 m. The central gap was introduced to suspension bridges. But after the introduction of the twin box
increase the critical flutter wind speed. The Great Belt Bridge in girder, critical flutter wind speeds may exceed the thin airfoil
Denmark has a main span of 1624 m and is constructed with a flutter speed by as much as 200% [2]. This may however not be
single box shaped girder with fairings at the windward and lee- sufficient for all super long span bridges.
ward edges. There is no theoretical solution to the critical flutter wind speed
The possibility of longer spans is related to the implementation for airfoils having cx < 1. Therefore, a lighter and more economical
of stronger and lighter materials. At the moment, new world record suspension bridge design may thus be developed based on the
breaking spans are being considered for e.g. fjord crossings along principle that the frequency of the fundamental torsional mode
the Coastal Highway Route 39 in Norway from Kristiansand to of the bridge deck deliberately should be lower than the frequency
Trondheim. of the corresponding vertical mode. Similarly this can be obtained
by either an increase in the mass moment of inertia in the torsional
motion or a decrease in the torsional stiffness. A decrease in
⇑ Corresponding author. torsional stiffness does however lead to a reduction of the critical
E-mail addresses: (M.S. Andersen), wind speed for torsional divergence.
(J. Johansson), (A. Brandt).
0141-0296/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91 83

The slope of the time mean aerodynamic moment dCm/da acting correctly estimate the vertical and torsional still air natural
on airfoils at different angles of attack is considerable larger than frequencies during the design phase because their ratio are crucial
corresponding values of streamlined bridge deck girders and for the determination of the flutter wind speed. An ‘‘exact solution”
especially twin box girders. Therefore, the critical wind speed for to the fundamental symmetric frequencies is given in [10,11].
torsional divergence is larger for bridge decks than for thin airfoils.
Adequate torsional stiffness may be provided by the cable plane 2.1. Declining torsional-to-vertical frequency ratio with increasing
spacing alone and might thus not need to be obtained through span length
the deck girder as in traditional design.
The self-excited forces on the bridge deck occurring from the The change in torsional-to-vertical frequency ratio with span-
motion of the bridge deck itself is expressed in terms of Aerody- length will here be illustrated with four simplified cases. Table 1
namic Derivatives (AD’s) introduced for bridge decks by Scanlan presents the four cases with different torsional girder constants
and Tomko in [3]. Kt and mass moment of inertia Id, each of which is considered at
The idea of designing a suspension bridge with cx < 1 was different main span lengths. No suspended side spans are included.
originally proposed by [4] with the introduction of the twin bridge. The cable sag is equal to 10% of the span. The distance from the
Walshe and Wyatt [5] mentioned the idea and stated that the shear center of the bridge deck to the main cable planes are
needed gap width between the twin boxes also depends on the a = 7.5 m and the Young modulus of the cables is 205 GPa. The
static rotations under eccentric traffic load. bridge deck width is a constant B = 18.3 m and has a shear modulus
Bartoli et al. [6,7] tested section models of a twin box with a of 66.7 GPa. Its mass is md = 12.5  103 kg/m.
large gap width having cx < 1 and reported the sections to be aero- The area of the main cables obviously depends on the span
dynamically stable. Torsional divergence did occur, but only at length. In the present the necessary cable area is estimated follow-
wind tunnel speeds corresponding to full scale values above the ing [12]. Assuming a distributed liveload on the bridge deck
required critical wind speed. Wind tunnel results of aerodynami- p = 46.58 kN/m and a concentrated liveload representing special
cally stable flat plate section models with cx < 1 were reported vehicles P = 675 kN the cable area Ac is calculated by the equation
by [8]. However, torsional flutter of bluff bridge sections occurred.
Larsen and Larose [9] wrote that classical flutter may be prevented 2 2
½ðg d þ pÞlm þ 2P lm þ 16km
if cx < 1, but that issues with e.g. eccentricities due to traffic loads, Ac ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Þ
8f cbd km  ccb lm lm þ 16km
buffeting response, vortex shedding and torsional divergence need 2 2

to be resolved before this design principle has matured.

The present paper aims to explain why the critical flutter wind The design stress and the equivalent density of the main cable
speed tends to decline as the span width increases in traditional are fcbd = 800 MPa and ccb = 84 kN/m3, respectively. The span
bridge design. Wind tunnel tests of single boxes and twin boxes length and the sag is denoted lm and km respectively. The deadload
with different width-to-depth ratios, B/D, and gap-to-width ratios, of the bridge deck per unit length is gd = md ⁄ 9.81 m/s2. The cable
Z/B, has been tested at torsional-to-vertical frequency ratios, cx, mass per unit length depends on the cable area and is given by
above and below unity. The observed critical wind speeds are l = 8560 kg/m3 Ac. The mass and mass moment of inertia per unit
presented in Section 4 and compared with the corresponding thin length of the deck and the cables are m = (md + 2l) and I = (Id +
airfoil critical wind speeds. 2la2) respectively. The weight of hangers has been neglected.
Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the span-to-width ratios
2. Background and cx, as well as the critical flutter wind speed in m/s. The calcu-
lations of the critical flutter wind speed have been simplified by
Cable supported bridges are flexible structures that respond to assuming that the flutter derivatives corresponds to thin airfoil
the wind in a dynamic manner. Therefore structural dynamics derivatives and that the vertical and torsional modes are shape
plays a vital role within bridge aerodynamics. It is important to wise similar. The calculation routine is given in Section 2.2. Case
1 has a high torsional stiffness and thus a high frequency ratio at
low span-to-width ratios. Increase in span-to-width ratio causes
Table 1
Torsional girder constant Kt and mass moment of inertia Id. a relatively rapid decrease in frequency ratio. This rate of change
decreases when the torsional stiffness of the deck is reduced, as
Case 1 2 3 4
illustrated with cases 2 and 3. Hence, the effect of the torsional
Kt m4 5 0.5 0 0.15 stiffness in the girder on cx is seen to decline as the span length
Id 103 kg m2/m 250 250 250 1250
increases. No critical flutter wind speeds were found for

Fig. 1. Two degrees of freedom section model of a thin plate with a central gap.
84 M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91

Fig. 2. Torsional-to-vertical frequency ratio for four cases of torsional moment of inertia and mass moments of inertia of the bridge deck at different span-to-width ratios (a)
and the corresponding thin airfoil flutter wind speed (b) assuming a structural damping ratio of f = 0.3% and 50% mass participation.

R lm
span-to-width ratios above 109.3 where cx = 1.20 in Case 3. Case 4 hðxÞaðxÞdx
has a low torsional stiffness in the girder but a large mass moment
C h ¼ R0 lm 2
hðxÞ dx
of inertia. The torsional-to-vertical frequency ratio declines from R lm
cx = 1.05 at the lowest span to cx = 0.95 at the longest. No critical C a ¼ R0 lm 2
flutter speeds were found at any spans in this case. aðxÞ dx

where h(x) and a(x) is the mode shapes along the bridge deck axis.
2.2. Flutter Subtracting the aerodynamic damping and stiffness matrices
from the structural gives the effective damping and stiffness, i.e.
The following complex eigenvalue (CEV) analysis of a bridge Ceff = Cstr  Cae and Keff = Kstr  Kae. The effective equation of
deck in wind assess the critical flutter wind speed by evaluating motion in wind is then given by
the real part of the complex eigenvalues of the equation of motion
M€r þ Ceff r_ þ Keff r ¼ 0 ð5Þ
of a bridge deck in wind. The modal mass, linear viscous structural
damping and structural stiffness per unit length in still air are Aerodynamic damping of bridge decks can be modeled as non-
given by the matrices M, Cstr and Kstr respectively. The modal proportional viscous damping which means that complex mode
coordinates are defined by r = [h, a]T where h and a are the shapes of the bridge deck is expected in wind. Flutter is, by defini-
generalized vertical and torsional degrees of freedom respectively. tion, a dynamic instability which is recognized when one of the
The self-excited wind loads Fm ¼ Kae r þ Cae r_ represents the complex eigenvalues of the system has a positive real part, i.e. neg-
aeroelastic forces acting on the bridge deck per unit length. It is ative damping. The critical reduced flutter wind speed is found at
divided into aerodynamic stiffness Kae and aerodynamic damping the point where the eigenvalues have zero real part, i.e. zero effec-
Cae defined by 8AD’s, Ai ; Hi where i = [1, 2, 3, 4]. The AD’s are tive damping. At larger wind speeds negative effective damping
expressed as functions of the reduced non-dimensional frequency causes oscillations to increase until either the wind is reduced or
K ¼ bUx and are given in e.g. [13]. The full scale speed is denoted U, the bridge deck collapses.
the bridge deck width B and x is the angular frequency
of oscillation of the bridge deck at the wind speed U. The density 2.2.1. State-space equation of motion
of air is denoted q. With these definitions, the equation of To evaluate the eigenvalues, the effective equation of motion in
equilibrium becomes wind is transferred to the state-space equation of motion

M€r þ Cstr r_ þ Kstr r ¼ Kae r þ Cae r_ ð2Þ z_ ¼ Az ð6Þ

The aerodynamic matrices with the self-excited forces are given _ and the state-space system matrix
where the state vector z ¼ ½r; r

by A is
2 3  
H4 0 I
C h H3 A¼ ð7Þ
Kae ¼ 12 qU BK 2 B 5 1 1
M Keff M Ceff
C a A4 A3 B
" # ð3Þ The eigenvalues are found by searching for the non-trivial solu-
H1 C h H2 B tions kr to the characteristic equation given by
Cae ¼ 12 qUBK
C a A1 B A2 B2 detðA  kIÞ ¼ 0 ð8Þ

where B is the bridge deck width, as illustrated in Fig. 1, and q is the

density of air. 2.2.2. Complex eigenvalue analysis
The similarity between the vertical mode and torsional mode is The complex eigenvalues of the system matrix A are defined by
defined by the non-dimensional coupling coefficients kr ¼ fr xr  ixdr where fr is the damping ratio and xr is the
M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91 85

circular frequency while xdr is the damped circular frequency.

Flutter is identified when fr becomes negative, i.e. when
Reðkr Þ P 0. At the critical wind speed the vertical and torsional
frequency are equal, i.e. x = xa = xh and therefore K = Ka = Kh.
The critical flutter wind speed is assessed using an iterative
approach in the MATLAB environment [14].

2.3. Torsional divergence

The aerodynamic moment and lift forces acting on a twin box

section are illustrated in Fig. 1. The torsional aerodynamic moment
FM rotates the bridge deck in order to establish equilibrium
between the aerodynamic moment and the torsional stiffness of
the deck-cable structure. The rotation a changes the angle of attack
of the wind. At increased angles of attack the aerodynamic
moment increases which forces the bridge deck to rotate even
A simplified engineering approximation is to assume that FM is
linear with respect to the bridge deck rotation a and fully corre-
Fig. 3. Critical wind speeds for thin airfoil flutter and torsional divergence at
lated along the span. The critical torsional divergence wind speed different torsional-to-vertical frequency ratios cx.
Udiv is then calculated according to e.g. [15]:
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi in [13] are shown as a reference. Furthermore, the critical torsional
2ka divergence speed of a Joukowski wing having dCM/da = p/2 [16] is
U div ¼ ð9Þ
qB2 dCdaM plotted using Eq. (10). These curves of critical wind speeds are
often found in the literature on bridge aerodynamics, e.g. in [19].
where ka is the structural torsional stiffness.At this wind speed, the But as seen in Fig. 3 larger critical wind speeds for torsional
bridge deck will twist in a divergent static rotation. With this divergence is obtainable if dCm/da is reduced.
approach, a maximum allowable value of dCM/da is given by
2ka 2.5. Coupled flutter between modes of different order
dC M =da < ð10Þ
qB2 U 2div
Flutter involving coupling of higher order torsional modes with
Examples of dcm/da values from the literature are given in vertical modes of lower order should be analyzed if cx < 1. How-
Table 2. ever, due to the orthogonality of normal modes, the coupling
Collapse due to divergence is only possible if the bridge deck is coefficients given in Eq. (4) will be zero if the stiffness of the bridge
not able to twist more than a critical angle of attack, acr, where deck girder is zero. This means that coupled flutter cannot occur
flow separation will cause the bridge deck to lose its lift force. This unless the vertical and torsional mode are of the same order.
phenomenon is quite similar to a stall of an airfoil. Instead of Multimodal flutter effects has been carefully studied in [20] where
collapse, flexible structures like cable-supported bridges may it was concluded that the shapewise similarity between vertical
experience large steady oscillations with a non-zero static mean and torsional modes are the most governing criteria for multi-
value and peak values occurring at acr. modal effects.

2.4. Calculation of critical wind speeds 2.6. Torsional flutter

The critical wind speeds for a bridge having different values of Torsional flutter is a known issue for bluff bodies and was
cx are plotted in Fig. 3. The bridge has an equivalent modal mass reported already by [3]. According to [21,22] it has been observed
and modal mass moment of inertia per unit length of me = 8750 that sections with B=D 6 10 are sensitive to torsional flutter in a
kg/m and Ie = 481  103 kg m2/m respectively. The deck width is 1-dof torsional system due to positive A2 -values. If A2 > 0 Torsional
B = 18.3 m, the vertical natural frequency is fh = 0.1 Hz and the Flutter can occur even though cx < 1. But if the values of A2 are
torsional stiffness is proportional to cx. negative, zero, or small compared to the structural damping and
It has been assumed that the self-excited forces are given by the the mass moment of inertia, torsional flutter will not occur.
thin airfoil AD’s and that the structural damping ratios are fh,str =
fa,str = 0.3%. No critical wind speeds for flutter were found for
cx 6 1:032. 3. Model tests
Fig. 3 illustrates the critical wind speed for coupled flutter at
different frequency ratios using the mechanical properties of the The experimental validation of the aerodynamic stability of
Bridge and the AD’s of an airfoil using the above described CEV sections having frequency ratios below unity are presented in this
analysis. Critical flutter wind speeds according to Selberg’s section. Four cross sectional solutions have been investigated.
Formula [18] and Theodorsen’s method [1] with the AD’s given Fig. 4 shows their cross sectional shapes and their geometric
dimensions are given in Table 3. Some of the series have a rather
Table 2 small length-to-width ratio as a consequence of the physical
Aerodynamic moment coefficient slope references.
dimensions of the tunnel. The effect of this remains untested.
Section type dcm/da
Thin airfoil [16] p/2 3.1. Wind tunnel and experimental setup
The Great Belt Bridge deck conf. H9.1, Scale 1:80 [11] 1.17
The Stonecutters bridge [17] 0.54
The experiments have been performed in the wind tunnel at
A Simplified Twin Box Girder, Z:B  0.62 [6] 0.20
Svend Ole Hansen ApS in Copenhagen. The wind tunnel is a
86 M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91

Fig. 4. Cross sectional shapes of section models.

Table 3 eccentricity to the center of gravity. Hence, the spring and dummy
Geometric dimensions of section models. mass configuration determine the torsional natural frequency, and
the torsional-to-vertical frequency ratio.
Series B/D Z/B B (m) L (m)
1 10 0 0.24 1.7
3.2. Test procedure and signal processing
2 24 0 0.576 1.7
3 27.8 0.14 0.667 1.7
4 34.8 0.31 0.835 1.7 The wind speeds were generally varied with approximately
1 m/s until flutter occurred or the maximum tunnel wind speed
was reached. The spring constants ki were determined by single
boundary layer tunnel of the open return flow type having a degree of freedom tests. The results are given in Table 4. The modal
1.7 m  1.5 m cross section and a maximum wind speed approxi- vertical stiffness and the corresponding equivalent modal torsional
mately equal to 12 m/s. The longitudinal turbulence intensity Iu stiffness was estimated to be kh = ki and ka ¼ kh e2k respectively.
measured was between 1% and 2% in the tests conducted. The vertical load was measured through HBM Load Cells at Chan-
Fig. 5 shows the experimental model-rig system. Outside the nel 0 (Ch0) to Channel 3 (Ch3) at a sampling rate of fs = 500 Hz.
wind tunnel, two horizontal bars connected to the model via cen- The forces were only measured at the top of the rig. Therefore, only
tral rods, is suspended from springs at configurable positions. The the upper springs i = {5, 6, 7, 8}, is used for kh and ka, when the
transient vibration tests were executed with combined vertical and vertical and torsional response is estimated using Eqs. (11) and
torsional initial displacements. The initial displacements of the (12) respectively. When the modal mass is estimated all springs
section model were carefully adjusted prior to the execution in are taken into account. Test Series 1A to 1H and 4B to 4E used only
order to avoid initiating rolling motion. An electromagnetic release the upper springs.
mechanism was used to release the model simultaneously at the 1
same initial conditions on both sides of the tunnel through all tests. h¼ ðCh0 þ Ch1 þ Ch2 þ Ch3 Þ ð11Þ
Only the torsional and vertical degrees of freedom were of interest
in the present study. Therefore drag wires were installed to avoid
1 1 Ch1  Ch0 þ Ch3  Ch2
lateral motion. a¼ sin ð12Þ
ka 2ek
The section model was suspended by parallel connected
springs. The spring eccentricity can be adjusted to the desired Coupled free vibration tests were carried out in still air. An
torsional rigidity. Dummy masses at the horizontal bar allows implementation of Prony’s method [23] in the Abravibe Toolbox
configuration of the mass moment of inertia through their for Noise & Vibration Analysis [24], including stabilization
diagram, was used to determine the natural frequencies and damp-
ing ratios. The modal mass and mass moment of inertia was calcu-
lated based on the still air natural frequencies determined.

4. Results and discussion

Table 5 summarizes the critical wind speeds observed for Series

1–4 at different torsional-to-vertical frequency ratios. The accuracy
of the obtained critical wind speeds depend, among other things,
on the wind speed increments in the tunnel. Hence, in the follow-
ing the highest stable wind speed observed is denoted U1 while the
lowest instable speed observed is denoted U2. The critical wind
speed Ucr was in between U1 and U2. All wind speeds are
non-dimensional and defined by Ur = U/(fhB) where fh is the still
air vertical frequency. The nature of instability at U2 is explained
by abbreviations where CF is coupled flutter, LSD is large static
displacements defined as mean vertical displacements lh/D > 1
and NR is used if no instability was observed at the highest obtain-
able wind speed. The thin airfoil reference critical wind speeds for
Fig. 5. Dynamic test rig in the wind tunnel. (1) Windward drag wire. (2) Horizontal
extension rod. (3) Load cell. (4) Leeward drag wire with horizontal spring. (5)
coupled flutter, UCF, and torsional divergence Udiv is calculated with
Section model. (6) Vertical spring. (7) Horizontal arm used to connect the springs the CEV method described and Eq. (9) respectively. The constant /
with the section model. expresses the ratio of U1/min(UCF, Udiv). Still air damping ratios
M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91 87

Table 4
Spring constants.

i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
k (N/m) 246.78 246.22 246.91 246.62 257.66 259.74 256.61 258.16

Table 5
Section model tests results.

Test series cx me Ie fh U1 U2 UCF Udiv Nature of instability /

xa kg/m kg m2/m Hz Ur Ur Ur Ur –

1A 0.71 11.23 0.50 1.17 39.64 – 1 56.89 NR >0.70

1B 0.72 11.06 0.48 1.18 38.02 – 1 56.52 NR >0.67
1C 0.86 11.06 0.34 1.18 38.52 – 1 56.82 NR >0.68
1D 0.88 11.23 0.33 1.17 38.91 – 1 57.28 NR >0.68
1E 1.02 11.06 0.24 1.18 4.13 8.64 6.79 56.62 CF 0.61
1F 1.09 11.06 0.21 1.18 15.24 16.11 17.27 56.60 CF 0.88
1G 1.19 11.23 0.18 1.17 18.14 21.79 22.87 57.21 CF 0.79
1H 2.10 8.96 0.05 1.31 26.01 29.30 42.13 53.21 CF 0.62
2A 1.20 13.19 0.22 1.52 8.09 8.10 7.51 11.07 CF 1.08
2B 1.33 13.19 0.23 1.51 9.08 9.77 9.1 12.55 CF 1.00
3A 0.92 13.07 0.25 1.52 10.67 – 1 6.75 NR >1.58
3B 0.99 15.39 0.63 1.40 11.68 – 1 11.53 NR >1.01
3C 1.22 13.02 0.35 1.52 8.84 8.90 7.06 10.59 CF 1.25
4A 0.71 12.85 0.40 1.53 8.59 – 1 4.20 NR >2.05
4B 0.72 12.48 0.38 1.11 8.58 9.24 1 4.15 LSD 2.07
4C 0.82 12.94 0.46 1.09 9.52 10.83 1 5.21 LSD 1.83
4D 0.93 12.94 0.54 1.09 10.85 11.52 1 6.40 LSD 1.70
4E 1.43 12.94 0.73 1.09 12.19 – 8.75 11.44 NR >1.39

Fig. 6. The aerodynamic damping factors fa,ae and fh,ae as a function of reduced wind speed where fh and fa is the vertical and torsional frequency in wind.

affects UCF. These were estimated by a covariance driven subspace 4.1. Series 1: Single rectangular box B/D = 10
identification method [25] using the unbiased correlation func-
tions of slightly cropped transient signals down sampled from The torsional stiffness was identical in Series 1A to 1G. Dummy
fs = 500 Hz to fs = 20 Hz. The realized systems were in the order masses were used to tune cx. These were removed in Series 1H and
of n = {4, 6, 8, . . ., 50} while the block Toeplitz matrices consisted the spring eccentricity ek was doubled.
of 35 time lags. The poles having natural frequencies within Dominant torsional motion was seen at the critical wind speeds
±0.5% of the vertical and torsional frequencies and positive damp- in Series 1F to 1H. At wind speeds Ur > U2, coupled flutter would
ing ratios below 3% of critical were considered physically stable eventually occur. In Series 1E coupled flutter occurred at U2.
and analyzed. From the set of stable poles, the mean value of the The aerodynamic torsional damping ratio is denoted fa,ae =
damping ratios, rejecting the 10 highest and lowest outliers, was fa,eff  fa,str where fa,str and fa,eff is the still air and effective tor-
used as the still air damping ratios relative to critical in the calcu- sional damping ratio respectively estimated by Prony’s method
lation of UCF of the corresponding Test Series. selecting the physically most stable modes. In Fig. 6 it is seen that
88 M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91

Fig. 7. Test Series 1H and 1A.

Series 3B U/(f h B)=11.68 Series 3C U/(f h B)=8.9

0.5 1




-0.5 -0.5
0 15 30 0 15 30

2 4
torsion (deg)

torsion (deg)

1 2

0 0

-1 -2
0 15 30 0 15 30
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 8. Test Series 3B and 3C.

fa,ae is not only related to the cross sectional shape, but also been reported in the literature [26] that the stability boundary is
depends on the mechanical properties of the section, e.g. the mass stretched over a considerable range of mean wind speeds. The lack
moment of inertia and cx. A single outlier in Series 1H and Series of synchronization of motion induced and fluctuating pressures
1G was removed before polynomials of order 3 were fitted to the along the span may decrease the span-wise correlation of wind
damping ratios by the least squares method. forces and thus increase the critical wind speed.
It is indicated that rectangular B/D = 10 boxes are not always
prone to torsional flutter. Also, the mass moment of inertia is a
significant parameter, because the structural viscous damping, 4.3. Series 3: Twin boxes B/D = 27.8
i.e. the structural damping ‘‘buffer” against negative aerodynamic
damping, is proportional to the inertia. Series 3A was conducted with 8 springs and a spring eccentric-
In Fig. 7 the responses at cx < 1 and cx > 1 are shown. The ity ek = 0.125 m. Small static displacements lh/D =  0.49 and l(a)
highest stable wind speed (U1) is significantly larger for the setup = 3.38° were seen at the maximum wind speed reached. In Series
having cx < 1. Furthermore the response is clearly stable contrary 3B the spring eccentricity was raised to ek = 0.2 m and dummy
the setup with a frequency ratio of cx = 2.10. masses were placed to reduce the torsional frequency and obtain
cx < 1. Very small static displacements were found at the maxi-
4.2. Series 2: Faired flat plate B/D = 24 mum wind speed. Series 3C was identical to 3B, but without the
dummy masses giving a lower mass moment of inertia and
Coupled flutter occurred close to the theoretical thin airfoil frequency ratio cx = 1.22. Coupled flutter occurred at a wind speed
wind speeds. A 8% higher wind speed was observed in Series 2A, 1.25 times the corresponding thin airfoil flutter speed. Fig. 8 shows
which is a measure of the uncertainty involved in assessing deter- the response of Series 3B at the highest obtained stable wind speed
ministic values for critical flutter wind speeds. It has previously U1 and the lowest instable wind speed U2 of Series 3C.
M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91 89

Fig. 9. Test Series 4C.

Fig. 10. Test Series 4D.

4.4. Series 4: Twin boxes B/D = 34.8 a = 6.11°. Despite large amplitudes the oscillations were not
increasing. The oscillations were most likely driven by vortices
The number of springs and the spring eccentricity in Series 4A shed in the wake of the windward section impinging on the
were similar to Series 3A. At the highest wind speed minor static leeward section.
displacements were seen. In Series 4B the same test was conducted The spring eccentricity was raised to ek = 0.19 m in Series 4D
with only 4 springs, i.e. approximately half the stiffness, resulting which raised the critical wind speed compared to Series 4C.
in large static displacements at U2. Wind speeds higher than U2 Torsional Divergence did not occur in any of the tests which are
resulted in vertical oscillations around a non-zero torsional and explained by the fact that the section model is able to rotate more
vertical mean value. In Series 4C the spring eccentricity was raised than the critical angle of attack when the section model stalls. In
to ek = 0.155 m. At Ur = 12.10 steady torsional and vertical displace- Fig. 10 the torsional and vertical response of Series 4D is shown.
ment occurred immediately after the release from the initial condi- Series 4E had a frequency ratio of cx = 1.43 that was reached by
tions (See Fig. 9, right). At a rotation of a = 15° the section model increasing the spring eccentricity to ek = 0.34 m. No instability was
stalled until it gained lift again at a = 3.5°. The section model observed. But the torsional and vertical frequencies were identical
stalled a second time, but this time it continued stalling until at the highest wind speed which indicates that classical flutter
a = 5° where it stopped and started to oscillate around a large might occur at marginally higher wind speeds. Thus the critical
static mean displacement lh/D = 1.7 and la = 1.17° (nose flutter wind speed for this section is at least 1.39 times higher than
down). The absolute peak displacements was h/D = 3.31 and the corresponding thin airfoil flutter wind speed.
90 M.S. Andersen et al. / Engineering Structures 120 (2016) 82–91

Stable Stable Steady state oscillations

Non-Zero Mean Non-Zero Mean U
Zero Mean

Stable Aerodynamic Instability (Flutter)

Zero Mean Zero Mean

Fig. 11. Response depending on the torsional-to-vertical frequency ratio cx.

In summary it is seen that flutter is avoided if cx < 1. Instead Acknowledgments

stable static displacements will occur as the wind speed increases.
At higher wind speeds large steady state oscillations will occur. As We want to extend a special thanks to the entire staff at Svend
illustrated in Fig. 11 these wind speeds are possibly larger than the Ole Hansen ApS for their hospitality and generous help during the
critical flutter speeds for sections having cx > 1. periods of wind tunnel tests. Fruitful discussions with bridge con-
sultancies in Denmark and with the Public Road Administration in
Norway as well as the great work and contributions from students
5. Conclusions at the department are greatly acknowledged. A special acknowl-
edgement to Michael Lenius and Jesper R. Læsø for their valuable
The present paper demonstrates that the torsional-to-vertical work in the wind tunnel on Test Series 2 and 3 as well as prepara-
frequency ratio cx of suspension bridges decreases with an tion of Figs. 1 and 5 in the present work. Also the anonymous
increase in span length. This leads to low critical flutter wind reviewers are gratefully acknowledged. Their comments signifi-
speeds and thus challenges the construction of super long span cantly improved the paper.
bridges. Possible solutions are to increase the flutter speed using
twin box cross sections with central gaps. Wider gap widths seem
to be more beneficial than narrow gap width, which is still better Appendix A. Supplementary material
than no gap.
A more radical solution is to suppress coupled flutter by setting Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
cx < 1. This can either be done by decreasing the torsional stiffness the online version, at
or by increasing the mass moment of inertia. If the torsional 04.025.
stiffness is low, large static displacements will occur.
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