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SUBJECT: Mathematics

LEVEL: Grade 1
DATE: August 26-29, 2019
At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to:
a. Discuss the different names of money and their value.
b. Explain how to counts the value of a set of bills or a set of coins.
c. Demonstrate how to reads and writes money in symbols and in words.

TOPIC: Money and Addition of Money
REFERENCES: Math For Life 1
MATERIALS: Play Money, Balls, Pictures, Worksheet and Whiteboard marker


1. Ask students to think about times in their life they have received money.
2. Teacher will show the following pictures and students may talk about birthday
or holiday gifts.
3. Teacher will ask students if where they spend the money they received.

3. Teacher will ask students to think about different goods and services people
pay for.
4. Teacher will help students to think about all the different ways people spend
their money.
5. Teacher will explain to students that one thing people need to buy is food.
“Group Yourself”
1. The game is that all the guests who are participating have to form
groups when the music stops.
2. As the music stops, the host will call out a number which will be
between 2 to 10.
3. When the number is called out all the guests must try to form a group
by holding their hands as per the number.
4. The guests who are not in any group will be out of the game.
5. The music will start again and after some time the host will call out
another number.
6. After some rounds of the game the number of participating guests will
get lesser and lesser.
7. This games goes on until two to four guests are left.
8. That group is the winning group.


1. Ask students what they know about money.

a. What is money?

Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally

accepted as payment for goods and services and
repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-
economic context.

2. Teacher will show different value of money

3. Teacher will ask student if they know the value of this money.
4. After the discussion of money, Teacher will give the meaning of Addition.

Addition is bringing two or more numbers (or things)

together to make a new total.

5. Teacher will give example using balls.

6. Student will practice addition using the money they discussed.
7. Teacher will call student that will answer the question.
For example:

Activity Shopping Time
1. Students will be using some fake currency to purchase some food in the
classroom market.
2. Teacher will partner up the students into groups of two or three.
3. Show students some items with price tags you made on them.

4. Teacher will give each students a list of goods they need to buy in
classroom market.
5. Teacher will pretend to be the store owner or check-out clerk.
6. Teacher will the student to practice the conversation of asking how
much something costs, paying for it, and getting any change.

Activity 2 (Turn Over Ten)

1. Create a deck of number cards using the marker or crayon and index cards.
You will need four cards each of the numbers 0 through 10 and four “WILD”
cards for a total of 48 cards.
2. Simply write the numbers or the word “WILD” on each card making sure that
the numbers cannot be seen on the other side.
3. Arrange the cards face down in four rows of five cards. Place the remaining
cards in the deck face down in a pile.
4. Play the game. The objective is to turn over and collect combinations of cards
that total 10. The winner is the player who makes the most combinations of 10.
5. Take turns. On a turn, turn one card over and then another. A "WILD" card can
be made into any number. If the total of the two cards is less than 10, turn over a
third card. If the total is more than 10, your turn ends, and the cards are turned
face down and put in their original positions. If the total is 10, take the cards,
replace them with the remaining cards in the deck, and go again.
6. As you find combinations of numbers that equal 10, write that addition problem
on your lined sheet of paper. Place all your combinations of 10 in one pile after
you have written the problem down.
7. The game is over when no more 10s can be made.


Student will answer the worksheet provided by the teacher
(Worksheet #2.1)

Name:_____________________________ Date:____________________

Write the correct letter on the blank provided.

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