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(Form 1)

Winter Seminar on
Human Security Development and Energy Science at Kyoto University

Application Document for Admission, January 13-25, 2020

Photo 3cm×3.4cm
taken within
6 months

1. Name in full, in native language , , □Male (男)

(姓名(自国語)) (Family name) (First name) (Middle name) □Female(女)

    , ,
In English block capitals (Family name) (First name) (Middle name)

2. Nationality (国籍)

3. Date of birth (生年月日)

Year Month Day Age(年齢)

4. Present status: with school year, department and the name of the university attended

5. University address and telephone number / facsimile number / e-mail address

Address /
Telephone number / Facsimile number /
E-mail address /

6. Present (mailing) address and telephone number / facsimile number / e-mail address
Address /
Telephone number / Facsimile number /
E-mail address /
(Form 1)

7. Educational background (学歴)

Officially Year and Month Period of
Required of Entrance and Schooling Diploma or Degree awarded,
Name and Address of School Years for Completion you have Major subject
(学校及び所在地) Graduation (Expected to attended (学位・資格、専攻科目)
(正規の Completion) (修学年数)
修 学 年 (入学及び
数)  卒業(見込)年

Elementary Education Name(学校名) yrs(年) 月)

From(入学) yrs(年)
Elementary School and
(小学校) Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月)

Secondary Education Name(学校名) yrs(年) From(入学) yrs(年)

Lower Secondary School and
(中学) Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月)

Name(学校名) yrs(年) From(入学) yrs(年)

Upper Secondary School

(高校) and
Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月)

Higher Education Name(学校名) yrs(年) From(入学) yrs(年)

Undergraduate Level and
(大学) Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月)

Name(学校名) yrs(年) From(入学) yrs(年)

Graduate Level
(大学院) and
Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月)

Total years of Schooling yrs(年) yrs(年)


Note: The students who will leave their university before the date of this seminar cannot apply.

8. Japanese language proficiency(日本語能力)

Reading Writing Speaking
読む能力             書く能力            話す能力

9. Condition of health(健康状態)

□ excellent (きわめて良好) □ good(良好) □ fair(普通)  □poor(虚弱)

(Form 1)

10. GPA

11. Questionnaire(アンケート)
1. Which topics in Energy do you want to study?
□ Renewable Energy Technology (Solar Energy, Bio-energy, Wind-Energy etc.)
□ Nuclear Energy (fission and/or fusion)
□ Energy Related Materials Science
□ Energy Policy and Scenario Planning
□ Energy Socio-Economics
□ Energy related Environmental Issues (Global warming, pollution control etc)
□ All

2. Are you considering continuing your studies in graduate school?

□ Yes (definitely)
□ No
□ Under Consideration

12. Recommendation of applicant from supervising professor of the university attended(在籍大学の指導教員の推薦)

Name          Signature         

(氏名)       (署名)
Title      Date     
(職)      (日付)

Applicant's signature
Date of Application
   Year Month Day

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