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1. What is assessment?

Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from

multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of
what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a
result of their educational experiences; the process culminates when
assessment results are used to improve subsequent learning.
2. Compare and contrast the following: Assessment, measurement,
evaluation, and testing.
When defined within an educational setting, assessment, evaluation, and
testing are all used to measure how much of the assigned materials students
are mastering, how well student are learning the materials, and how well
student are meeting the stated goals and objectives. Although you may
believe that assessments only provide instructors with information on which
to base a score or grade, assessments also help you to assess your own
Education professionals make distinctions between assessment,
evaluation, and testing. However, for the purposes of this tutorial, all you
really need to understand is that these are three different terms for
referring to the process of figuring out how much you know about a given
topic and that each term has a different meaning. To simplify things, we will
use the term "assessment" throughout this tutorial to refer to this process
of measuring what you know and have learned.
3. Why do we assess our student inside the classroom?
Student assessment enables instructors to measure the effectiveness of
their teaching by linking student performance to specific learning objectives.
As a result, teachers are able to institutionalize effective teaching choices
and revise ineffective ones in their pedagogy.
Classroom assessment is both a teaching approach and a set of
techniques. The approach is that the more you know about what and how
students are learning, the better you can plan learning activities to structure
your teaching. The techniques are mostly simple, non-graded, anonymous,
in-class activities that give both you and your students useful feedback on
the teaching-learning process.
4. What is the procedure in classroom assessment?
The classroom assessment process assumes that students need to receive
feedback early and often, that they need to evaluate the quality of their own
learning, and that they can help the teacher improve the strength of
instruction. The basic steps in the classroom assessment process are:
Choose a learning goal to assess, Choose an assessment technique, Apply
the technique, Analyze the data and share the results with students, and
Respond to the data

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