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Field Results
Fabrizio Zausa, Fabio Vallorani, Antonio Concas, Giorgio Cavallaro, Giorgio Maletti and Marco Cesaro from ENI and Carlo Bezzola,
Fabrice Angleraux, Joseph Kerherve’ from GEOLOG.

To solve the serious problems experienced drilling
deviated wells, ENI started experimenting with the
cutting weight sensors two years ago.
One such device is installed in front of each shale
shaker, and connected to the mud logging data
acquisition system. A real time engineering software
transforms the weight of cuttings measured at the shale
shakers into volume and the results are graphically
displayed on the rig floor.
The field results confirm that the cutting weight
sensors provide an accurate real time detection of
cuttings volume taken out from the hole.
This information correctly analyzed together with other
drilling data, can be extremely useful to understand the
different phenomena occurring while drilling. In FIG.1
particular the cuttings machine data are evaluated both
versus depth and versus time in order to obtain the
instantaneous picture of wellbore behaviour during
drilling, tripping and circulating. BOREHOLE C
As a result, the drilling crew knows exactly what is STABILITY U
happening downhole, e.g. when caving occurs or when T
cuttings remain in the hole and additional circulation is CAVINGS I
required. Furthermore, additional information is N
provided to the fluid engineer to better evaluate the G
mud efficiency.
In this paper the analysis method is presented together O
with some case histories from wells drilled in the South L
of Italy . BOREHOLE U


Principle of Cutting Weighting Sensor

The cutting weight sensor (Fig-1) consists of a tray, Improvements To Prototype

positioned in front of each shale shaker, to measure the
weight of the cuttings coming out of the hole. The In the final version (Fig-1), the early days limitations
sensor width (40 cms) allows to have it installed on have all been overcome by extensive modifications to
most rigs, without any modifications to the rig. the initial prototype .
An engineering application software transforms the
cutting weight into cutting volume. The comparison 1. To accurately measure the weight of the cuttings
between the measured cutting volume and the expected the cutting weight sensor tray rests on four
cutting volume automatically detects caving and or extremely sensitive strain gauges. (Fig.-3) .It
borehole stability situations as shown on Fig-2. does not matter anymore when we recover one


kilo of cuttings whether the one kilo of cuttings weighted again (W-2). The difference W1-W2
falls on the end, the middle, the side, or the represents the percentage of mud which needs to
be substracted from the cutting weight sensor
center of the tray . The four sensors ensure full measurement.
linearity and repeatability of the measurement. 2.3 The fine cuttings ( generated by PDC bits ) are
lost on the shale shaker with the mud, and not
measured by the cutting weight sensor. At
regular intervals, a MBT test (Methylene Blue
Test ) is performed on mud samples to measure
the quantity of solids ( grams per cubic meters )
which is contained in the mud and lost on the
shale shakers.
3. The volume of cuttings measured by the cutting
FIG.3 weight sensors is displayed per phase and per
day, for an immediate visualization of the status
of the bore hole stability & cleaning. (Fig.- 4).
2. To transform the weight into volume, we need to
manually enter several parameters. These critical
parameters are measured, evaluated, using a Validation of the Measurement Methodology
precise methodology, developed over two years
in the field . The cutting weight sensor system, originally designed
2.1 The density of the cuttings coming out of the to detect trends either an excess of cuttings coming out
hole, is measured in the mud logging unit, at of the hole (caving situation) or a deficit of cuttings
regular intervals, with the equipment initially (bore hole cleaning problem) has become an accurate
used to measure the shale density. When measurement of the hole volume.
available, the density measured by the ENI The comparison between the hole volume measured by
laboratories on large amounts of cuttings can a caliper run by an electrical logging company and the
also be used. hole volume measured by the cutting weight sensor
2.2 On the cutting weight sensor tray, we measure a system shows an excellent correlation between the two
mixture of cuttings and mud stuck to the measurements.
cuttings. To determine the percentage of mud, The comparison validates the cutting weight sensor
large samples of cuttings covered with mud are measurement accuracy and methodology.
taken are regular intervals and weighted (W-1) . (Fig.-5 and 6)
The mud is then washed out and the cuttings

FIG. 4


FIG. 5 WELL A - OBJECTIVE to drill 820 m of 17 1/2” to run 16” casing


3 3 3
M 124,50 M 193,90 M 203,85

FIG. 5

FIG. 6 WELL B - OBJECTIVE to drill 1685 m of 12 1/4” to run 9 5/8 ” + 10 3/4 casing


3 3 3
M 125,50 M 149,80 M 154,55

FIG. 6


REALTIME CUTTINGS VOLUME In order to solve this problem, changes to the mud
MEASUREMENT should be considered. Moreover, to avoid pack-offs
and related overpulls while tripping out, a viscous pill
Properly processed cuttings weight sensors data, allow should be run.
to evaluate in real time the volume and flow of cuttings
retrieved from the wellbore, and to correlate it with the Data analysis versus depth allows to highlight general
drilling events (e.g.: drilling, circulating, tripping in- trends in cuttings recovery while drilling. Cumulative
tripping out, BHA drags , BHA overpulls, etc.). cuttings volume is thus usually analysed from the start
The main curves provided after processing the data are of a drilling phase, from the start of a bit run and on a
daily basis, and compared with the corresponding
(INSTANT) CUTTING FLOW: it gives the volume of theoretical values. This analysis and records provide an
cuttings retrieved within a predefined time interval. easy detection and evaluation of deficit or surplus of
When compared with the theoretical flow (also cuttings while drilling. (Fig. 2 and 4).
provided by the logging unit) it allows to detect and
measure the instantaneous deficit or surplus of cuttings In order to achieve a reliable interpretation of cuttings
while drilling. flowmeter data it is very important to integrate all the
available well data into the analysis.
CUMULATIVE CUTTINGS VOLUME: it gives the We stress in particular the importance of running real
cumulative volume of cuttings retrieved from the start time wellbore stability analysis (i.e.: continuous update
of the drilling phase. When compared to the theoretical of the geomechanical model that provides the safe
cumulative volume it allows to estimate the total deficit mudweight window versus depth).
or total surplus of cuttings retrieved from the start of In fact, our experience has clearly demonstrated that
the drilling phase. surplus of cuttings is not always related to
Cuttings volume data are provided both versus time geomechanical instability, and on the other hand, a
and versus depth while cuttings flow data are provided deficit in cuttings could be present together with
only versus time . In order to properly interpret these instability phenomena, thus indicating a very poor
new types of data, they have to be analysed in both cleaning efficiency of the mud system.
domains (versus depth and versus time) , and in To be meaningful, and to prevent wrong interpretation,
conjunction with all the other data acquired at the leading to wrong corrective actions, the cuttings
wellsite (e.g.: drilling parameters, mudlogging data, flowmeter data must be integrated into the geochemical
logs, etc.) and, if possible, with a real-time wellbore stability model and the analysis must integrate other
stability analysis. available wellsite data.

Data analysis versus time allows to correlate the

arrival of cuttings at the shale shaker with the drilling CASE HISTORIES
events that generate them, and to measure the
associated volumes. During the last two years, cutting weight sensors have
been successfully used to assist drilling operations in
In an ideal situation, when drilling a stable formation: Val d’Agri, Southern Italy.
In order to reach the reservoir, wells have to be drilled
- no cuttings should be retrieved when tripping in hole through a very complex overburden, made up of three
- a volume of cuttings equal to the theoretical borehole different overthrown thrusts, strongly folded and
volume should be retrieved while drilling tectonized. This affects the seismic quality and the
- no cuttings should be retrieved during circulation at resulting seismic data are poor.
the end of the bit run
- no cuttings should be retrieved while tripping out of With such high geological uncertainties, the formation
hole tops prognosis becomes very critical. Lithologies vary
from very weak shale (UCS down to 4 Mpa), very
Every deviation from this ideal behaviour has to be often highly over pressured, to highly fractured cherty
identified and needs to be correctly interpreted. Once limestones. The overburden pressure is strongly
the possible causes of an anomalous behaviour have anisotropic. The field is located in a montaineous area.
been understood, the optimal corrective actions can be Differences of up to 1000 m in ground level elevation
implemented, and the effectiveness of these actions can be present between wells drilled on the mountain
measured. flanks and wells drilled in the valley.

If, for example, Cutting Weight Sensors show that the Moreover, the field is within the limits of a natural
volume of cuttings retrieved while drilling a deviated park, resulting in many development wells drilled from
well is much less than the theoretical one, this could be the same site (Cluster drilling), leading to highly
related to the poor cleaning efficiency of the mud deviated trajectories in the overburden (up to 1500 m at
system. A poor cuttings recovery during circulation at 60° deviation in over pressured shales).
the end of a bit run would aggravate such a situation.


CASE A: MUD RELATED PROBLEMS For this reason the whole section was drilled knowing
that the shaly intervals would be in slightly unstable
Drilling phase: 17”1/2 conditions with a mud weight of 1.2 kg/l, an that
Well deviation: vertical borehole collapse (caving) and consequently hole
Mud system: WSIK2 (choosen because of its very cleaning would be a critical issues.
good cleaning efficiency and for its
ability to seal microfractures) This was clearly demonstrated by the analysis of
Lithology: slightly overpressured shales (UCS cutting flow data.
ranging from 4 to 20) highly Due to the high well deviation (60°) and to the
tectonized instability of the shaly intervals, cuttings tend to
accumulate on the low side of the hole.
Although the mud weight used was within the safe mud If not properly removed a the end of the bit run (e.g.:
weight window, a surplus of cuttings was observed, using viscous pills), these cuttings accumulations when
together with recurrent problems while tripping in and dragged by the BHA may cause pack-offs during
tripping out. tripping.
The analysis of the cuttings flow data showed that the
major part of the cuttings surplus was retrieved while In Fig.-9 a RIH is shown. Whenever pack-offs
tripping rather than while drilling. Moreover, after each occurred, the associated SPP peaks were responsible
trip, a strong “bit balling” phenomena was observed, for sudden increases in ECD which in turn induced
thus highlighting the tendency of the mud to aggregate instability, probably due to mud being squeezed into
cuttings. formation. This is clearly visible by the sudden peaks
From a detailed analysis of the cuttings flow data (increases) in cuttings flow.
versus time it was evident that major peaks in cuttings We would like to stress that although the well
flow were related to peaks in SPP induced by pack- behaviour was similar to that of well A, the driving
offs.(caused by “ bit balling”) mechanisms that led to the instability were completely
The interpretation was then that the sudden increases in different, and thus the different corrective actions.
ECD “measured” by SPP peaks were responsible for At the end of the bit run, great attention was given to
the squeezing of mud into formation, which caused ensure a good hole cleaning by circulating viscous pills
“drilling induced” borehole collapses (caving), not and measuring the cuttings volume coming out .
related to geomechanical (formation) instability.
For this reason the mud system was changed to For the data regarding the next RIH refer to (Fig-10)
FWPOGL. The data show that, due to the lower amount of cuttings
The mud change allowed to minimize the “induced” present in hole, no pack-offs were observed. The
instability, as measured by the cuttings weight sensors absence of SPP peaks resulted in a very low cutting
and clearly confirmed by the electrical calipers flow and a “smoother” trip.
recorded at the end of the drilling phase.
On the other hand, the new mud showed a lower
cleaning efficiency, thus requiring viscous pills at the
end of each bit run in order to remove all the cuttings CONCLUSIONS
present in hole (Fig-7 and 8)
After two years of field work we may assess that an
accurate real time measurement of cuttings flow is
CASE B: BOREHOLE INSTABILITY AND essential to correctly evaluate the borehole behaviour
HOLE CLEANING PROBLEMS while drilling, in combination with geomechanical
borehole stability analysis and all other available
Drilling phase: 8”1/2 drilling information and data.
Well deviation: 60°
Mud system: FWPOGL A thorough , reliable, understanding of what is “really”
Lithology: overpressured shales (UCS ranging happening downhole during drilling , tripping, allows
from 4 to 20) highly tectonized, to take the most appropriate operational decisions to :
interbedded with hard limestones, - optimise drilling efficiency
fractured. - prevent getting stuck
- modify RIH and or POH procedures
This was the most critical section of the entire well. - improve cementation when electrical logging
In fact, wellbore stability analysis indicated that a caliper is not available to estimate cement
minimum mud gradient of 1.3 kg/l was needed for volume.
stabilizing overpressured shaly intervals. - modify mud program and measure the
effectiveness of the change.
On the other hand, due to the presence of highly
fractured limestones layers, the maximum allowed
mud weight before total loss of circulation in fractures
was around 1.2 kg/l.



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