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How to Conserve Water

By Gabbi

WALT: Draft, edit and publish an information text.

WILF: An information text containing facts, with a 'hook'

introduction, body and conclusion.

This writing piece is full of facts, solutions and ideas for conserving water.
People are using up too much of our fresh water and wasting it. Just like Thomas
Fuller said, “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry”. It is estimated that
about 400 billion gallons of water is used every day on earth. We can try and reduce
this by replacing things that use water with things that don’t use as much water.
About 20% of the world’s population does not have access to safe drinking water. A
solution is to use water tanks to catch rainfall. Currently most of rain just gets
washed down the drain. Fresh water is the most precious resource on Earth.
It takes 7,007 litres of water to refine one barrel of crude oil. Most people don’t spare
a thought for how much water is hidden in the food that we eat. For example an
apple has 70 litres of water in it and a bag of chips has 185 litres of water.
To conserve water we can replace things, reduce things and save our water. Go to for more facts about water.

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