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Nando Chrisdianto/190324840


1. Have you taken this kind of test before?

Yes, I already take a test like this before
accepted in Atma Jaya Yogyakarta and the test is online too.
2. In your opinion, does the result show the real you?
I think yes because my daily activity and must make a decision to do
something, I will choose something that realistic for me and mostly
use my logic.
3. What is your dream job? Will it works If you have this kind of
In the future i want to be an HRD because my first option to study
in psychology. And i accepted in management department the only
one way to be an HRD through human resource management
To be an HRD I must have idealist personalities to planning,
coordinate and adapt with new people.
4. In your opinion, how is someone’s personality built?
I think with who someone life and friends. Social life makes people
personality build. If someone falls in wrong friends will make bad
personalities. Otherwise, someone friends with diligent, responsible
people will make influenced.
5. What kind of personalities should a college student have?
A college student should never give up, responsible, and want to
learn. If three point above does happily I wish will graduate on time.
Nando Chrisdianto/190324840

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