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Article I—Name
Section I The name of this organization shall be known as the Aktibong Gipanalipdan ang
Kamatuoran (AGAK)

Article II—Purpose
Section I The objectives of this organization are:
a. To protect and uphold Adventist faith.
b. To provide training on apologetics of Adventist doctrines.
c. To promote spiritual revival.
d. To keep members informed of the recent trends of attacks and concerns of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Article III—Membership
Section I Membership will be open to all Seventh-day Adventist Church members.
Section II There shall be no discrimination in membership privileges based on creed, race, or
sex in this organization.

Article IV—Government
Section I The laws of this organization shall consist of the local constitution and by-laws, and
the interim actions and regulations of the said organization.

Article V—Officers
Section I The officers of this organization shall be president, executive secretary, treasurer,
Auditor, and directors of the following departments; Research and Apologetics,
Communication, Chaplain, Evangelism, Philanthropic, and Logistics.
Section II The executive board will consist of the officers and the advisers.
Section III Shall be an active and good standing member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Article VI—Election and Appointment of Officers and Length of term

Section I Election of officers shall occur during the end of the 2 nd year. Terms of office will
last until the following election.
Section II A majority of votes from the general assembly.
Section III The election of officers shall be conducted by secret ballot.

Article VII—Meetings
Section I This organization shall meet a minimum of once every quarter. Meeting date, time
and place will be determined by the officers and membership.
Section II The officers will meet when determined by president and advisers.

Article VI—Amendments
Section I This constitution may be amended by a simple majority of a quorum.

Article I—Membership
Section I Membership of the Aktibong Ginapalipdan ang Kamatuoran (AGAK) will be active
after fulfillment of the below stated requirements.
a. Shall be an active member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
b. Shall met the financial requirements of the organization and has not missed
three consecutive meetings.
c. Members will revert to inactive status after six months of nonpayment of
dues, if interest and goals change, or upon missing three consecutive meetings.
d. Members will be removed upon apostasy and disciplinary measure is

Article II—Officers
Section I In order for a member to be nominated for an office in the Aktibong Ginapalipdan
ang Kamatuoran (AGAK) he/she must be an active member and of good standing of
the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Section II Nominations will be with active members present and election will be a simple
majority of the quorum.
Section III Any officer other than the president may resign when such resignation is submitted
in writing to the president. The president may resign when such resignation is
submitted in writing to the advisers.
Section IV When vacancy occurs, an officer shall be replaced by a simple vote of a quorum.

Article III—Officers Duties and Responsibilities

Section I Office of the President.
a. Shall serve as the overseer of all programs and activities of the organization.
b. Shall be the chairman of the general assembly and the executive board.
c. Shall serve the general interest of the organization.
Section II Office of the Executive Secretary.
a. Shall serve as vice-chairman of the general assembly and the executive board.
b. Shall prepare and secure the agenda and minutes of the general assembly and
the executive board.
c. Shall report to the executive board and the general assembly after
consultation to the President.
Section III Office of the Treasurer.
a. Shall be responsible for providing financial leadership to the organization
which will include, but shall not be limited to, receiving, safeguarding and
disbursing all funds in harmony with the actions of the executive board and the
general assembly.
b. Shall be responsible on furnishing copies of financial statement to the
executive board and the general assembly.
c. Shall report to the executive board and the general assembly after
consultation to the President.
Section IV Office of the Auditor.
a. Shall be responsible of the auditing services and uphold the financial integrity
of the organization.
b. Shall do the financial inventory at least once every quarter.
c. Shall report to the executive board and the general assembly after
consultation to the President.
Section V Office of the Chaplain.
a. Shall be responsible of the In-reach program of the organization.
b. Shall serve as the neutralizer during the general assembly, counsel err
members of the organization, and further recommend err members for
disciplinary measures.
Section VI Director of Research and Apologetics
a. Shall be responsible for research and intellectual growth.
b. Shall prepare the curriculum necessary on apologetics of Adventist doctrines.
c. Shall keep members informed of the recent trends of attacks of Adventist
Section VII Director of Communication
a. Shall be responsible of the documentary of all programs and activities of the
b. Shall keep members informed of meetings and seminars.
c. Shall furnish copies of the latest development of the organization to the
executive board and the general assembly after the consultation to the
Section VIII Director of Evangelism
a. Shall be responsible of the Outreach program of the organization.
b. Shall prepare programs for evangelism and community activity.
Section IX Director of Philanthropy
a. Shall be responsible of the Philanthropic activities of the organization.
b. Shall immediately remit funds received from donors and supporters to the
treasury department of the organization.
c. Shall report to the executive board and the general assembly after
consultation to the President.
Section X Director of Logistics
a. Shall be responsible of all property of the organization.
b. Shall make sure that all properties are keep and well maintained.

Article IV—Finances
Section I There will an annual membership fee determined by the executive board.
Section II All revenue shall be dispensed as prescribed by either the executive board or the
membership during the general assembly.

Article V—Quorum
Section I A quorum shall be mandatory for constitution amendment and election of officers.
Section II A quorum shall consist of two-third of the active membership.
Section III The executive board quorum shall be a simple majority of the board membership.

Article VI—Amendments
Section I These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority of a quorum.

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