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With utmost love and respect, the researchers would like to express their heartfelt

gratitude and appreciation to the people who extended their help and support who in one way or

another have contributed in making this study possible.

Mrs. Fedeliza Cojoangco, our research adviser, for her support, guidance, valuable

comments and suggestions that helped in the completion and success of this study.

Dr. Agripino B. Limpiado Jr., Dean of College of Medical Technology, our technical

editor, for his expertise, consistent guidance, time and effort in checking the manuscript.

Mrs. Marie Astrid E. Clutario, Chief Medical Technologist, for allowing the

researchers to conduct the study in RTRMF Laboratory.

The medical technologists in RTRMF Laboratory for their patience and time spent during

the conduct of this study in answering the questionnaires;

And to God, for giving us strength and hope in times of adversity, and for the knowledge

He bestowed to make this study possible.

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