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M. Arch.

Thesis Topic Proposal


Name: Saad Aurangzeb

Registration No: 2016-M. Arch-16

Full Time/Part Time Full Time

Date of Registration: January, 25th 2016

Supervisor: Asst.Professor Dr. Shama Anbrine

Department of Architecture

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.


Origins is defined as “the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived” (Oxford
Dictionary). Planning is a systematic arrangement of elements or important parts (Marco Iansiti
and Steven Sinofsky “One Strategy: Organization, Planning, and Decision Making” 1 January
2009). Its concerned with the people who shape and built environment as they related to each
other and react to development. Development is the process in which someone or something
grows or change and become more advance. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).
Human settlements through an analysis of historical development processes and the different
thing that compose the settlements. Planning and development of Abbottabad shows us the
transformation of urban fabrics, making sense of the historical roots of spatial and functional
structure and bringing them to the present day. Abbottabad was made and planned by British as a
military cantonment and the surrounding of the city has grown in organic shape. After
independence, the shape of the city has change a lot and new development change the shape of
Planning in the city. New origins were developed and because of intervention of the community
and the incompetence of the people in charge to plan the remaining part of the city or extension
of the city.
Abbottabad city is in the Hazara Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, in northeastern
Pakistan. The city is situated in 110 kilometers (68 mile) north of the capital Islamabad. The city
is well known throughout Pakistan for its pleasant weather, high standard educational institutions
and for hosting the Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul. It remains a popular hill station
attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.
Abbottabad was the headquarters of the Hazara District during British rule of the Indian
Subcontinent and after that its remain the headquarter. It was named after Major James Abbott
who founded the town and district in 1853 after the annexation of Punjab. He remained the first
Deputy, Commissioner of the Hazara district from 1849 until April 1853.

British Planned Abbottabad as a British military cantonment during the British period in 1853.
They designed patterns of residential, commercial and cantonments blocks which are connected
by roads. Urbanization process results due to the globalization and socio economic situations at
all levels. Abbottabad city has grown and a lot of development has been made up. How the
influences of development in different eras have an impact on its shape and features of the city.
City growth has a lot of challenges for the planning of Abbottabad.
To resolve these challenges there should be proper master planning of Abbottabad as extension
to the British planning, which serves as a proper guideline the City based planners in their effort
for accomplishing or gaining controlled and organized growth of established and upcoming
urban areas. If not properly planned, then the expansion of urban areas will be influenced by
many negative factors and forces in the end which will result in complicated urban problems
unable to be hurt by resolution.
The proper planning of Abbottabad and its surrounding area would be helpful for its
development but there was no proper planning has been made and all the devolvement after 1947
was unplanned and a lot of problems in the other development of the city. Due to increase of
population the area become dense and there is no proper facilities and development has been
made. The problems would be addressed by analyzing and understanding in a large perspective
in order to solve them. I will study the area of Abbottabad from 1853 to2016 in which its include
the Origins, Planning and its Development.

The aim of the research of the study is
 Specify proper formation of the city as per British planned it.
 Promoting historical significance and spatial information of city.
 Support economic, social and environmental acquaintances between urban and rural areas
by strengthening national and regional development planning.
 Improving human settlements management in the Abbottabad city.
 Stimulate justifiable land-use planning and management of the globalized city of

The objectives of this study are as follows:
 The history and background how the city Abbottabad was made up by British.
 Development in the city time by time.
 Documentation of the formation and transformation of the urban form of Abbottabad
from 1853 to 2016.
 The growth of Abbottabad time by time (Dynamic of Growth).

“The end of the Sikh war was followed by the annexation of the Punjab. and Abbott was the first
deputy commissioner of Hazara. He remained in district till 1853, and before he left had
established an efficient administration, had revised his first settlement of revenue, and generally
had inaugurated an era of peace and prosperity.” (Gazetteer of the Hazara District 1883-84).
“On succeeding Abbott, one of Edwards first act was select a site for new cantonment, that at
Bharu kot, where the troops had hitherto been quartered. being consider to hot and unhealthy. He
fix on the southern end Of the Rush plain, and by a happy inspiration christened the place
Abbottabad.” (Gazetteer of the Hazara District 1883-84).
“The inauguration of the cantonment was not very auspicious. The regiment of native infantry
which was to be stationed there flatly refused to build its own lines, the men saying “they were
not coolies.” (Gazetteer of the Hazara District 1883-84).
“There is also a danger of assuming that widely held Ica, of urban planning the signs and symbol
of globalization. or the images of modernism, mean that difference between regions and culture
is narrowing to insignificance.” (e.g Gilbert and Gubler. 1992) compact cities.
"Whether urban planning exists or not, people such as these ensure that most town and cities
gradually involved through a continuous process of change and development.” (Urban Planning
and the development Process)
“Marxists saw as aiding and abetting the capitalist system, facilitating capital accumulation by
for infrastructure, providing welfare and other services and ensuring social harmony.” ( Blowers
1986) Urban Planning and the Development process.

This analytical research is conducted through reconnaissance survey and analysis the collect
data. In reconnaissance survey the area will be visually surveyed and all its photographs will be
taken. Reconnaissance surveys represent a type of field survey that is often used to gather initial
information regarding the presence or absence of historic properties within a project area.
secondary data will be collected from all the relevant sources which includes:
 The relevant books.
 The relevant thesis reports.
 Articles and journals from internet.
 Information through internet Libraries.
 Information through interviews.
 Discussion with the historian and planners.
Primary data will be collected from all the relevant sources which includes:
• The data will be collected from the authority TMA (Tehsil Municipal Authority). CM
(cantonment Board Abbottabad) and old reports will be studied.
• GIS software used for satellite images which shows the growth and development in the
• Plan and photographs of the city.
• To carry out the research work, a profound and thorough literature review will be
conducted on the urban area of Abbottabad and its surrounding, patterns of its growth, &
its historical background.
Data of research will be collected from various sources. Informative data will be separated
from irrelevant data. The maps and photo shows the change in planning and development of
Abbottabad city. GIS software will be used for land used development and transformation of
the urban form of the city.

The data would be compiled in the form of report.


The aim of the research is to explore the origins and formation, planning, transformation and
development of Abbottabad city and its surroundings parts, with reference to urban Planning,
city development, architecture and social character of the city. In this context, this study attempts
to explore the origins, planning and development of the city and its origins and attempts to create
an understanding about its development pattern from 1853 to date.
This study can be utilized to develop policies for future development visualizing the historical
development of the city.


Following is the proposed research time table. I will try to complete the research
according to.

Activity 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-14 15-18 19-20 21-24
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Field Survey
Sorting and
Editing of
collected data

Finalization of
Data Analysis
Results and


 Gazetteer of the Hazara District 1883-84

 Gazetteer of the Hazara District 1907
 Marco Iansiti and Steven Sinofsky, 1 January 2009. “One Strategy: Organization,
Planning, and Decision Making”
 (eGilbert and Gubler. 1992) compact cities.
 David Adams, 1994. “Urban Planning and the development Process.”
 Blowers, 1986. “Urban Planning and the Development process.”
 Preeti chopra, 2003, “The city and its Fragments Colonial Bombay, 1854-1918.”

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