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The Husband of Mrs.

by Vidal Tan

Dona Mameng – Don Pedro’s “better half” and a reason why her husband left home.
Don Pedro – Clara’s father, and therefore Rodolfo’s father-in-law
Rodolfo Cruz – A young lawyer who has the misfortune of marrying a girl with a fortune.
Clara – His young wife, rich but human.
Juan – A servant. Rodolfo’s human station.
Bill Collector – A young man with a Ford appearance and a Cadillac aspiration.
Mang Cario – Rodolfo’s father, a man with a small income and a big heart.
Bruno Bruño– A “promising” politician who forgets his promises.
Rodolfo is the son-in-law of Don Pedro and Dona Mameng. Donya Mameng is
not happy about Rodolfo’s campaign while Don Pedro is a supporter of Rodolfo. An
argument sprung between Dona Mameng and Rodolfo. Rodolfo decided to leave the
house of his in-laws together with Clara.
A week before campaign, a bill collector went to their home. Rodolfo dodged
the bill collector of his credit by promising him to be his private secretary (in case he will
be fired) when he won the campaign. Another man came to his house and Rodolfo and
Clara played their scheme in order to dodge the man, but it was Rodolfo’s father.
A sheriff came to their house and arrested Rodolfo, accusing him of being a
“fake” lawyer. Clara called Fiscal Guivara asking for the recommended “bond”. After the
call, she asked her father for help to pay the 5,000 “bond” that was needed.
Election day came and they were sitting in the living room discussing about
Rodolfo’s plan during the election day; a catering service that offers refreshments and
smoke at every precinct, reserved automobiles to carry the voters in every town, and ,
having four bands (since they heard that Bruño will have 2 bands). All of these are from
Don Pedro to support his son-in-law. Even when Rodolfo insisted on not go with it, it
was Don Pedro’s decision to help.
They heard the commotion outside and everyone was shouting “Mabuhay si
Rodolfo! Mabuhay!” They were all excited to affirm the news. Don Rodolfo said that
there was a recounting of ballots and it showed a mistake in addition. Rodolfo won the
election. He was now known as Representative Cruz.
Be a man with dignity and honor.
It’s not a shame to accept help from others.
It’s better to live with your wife in independence than to live in the same roof with
your in-laws.
Man vs. Man
Donya Mameng vs Rodolfo
Don Pedro vs Donya Mameng
Bruño vs Rodolfo

Man vs. Society

Rodolfo vs. the town people who said that he got lucky on marrying Clara

Man vs. Himself

Rodolfo vs his insecurities of being known only as “The Husband of Mrs. Cruz” and not having his
own identity in the society.

(Maybe that’s why he chose to run for election because he wants a name for himself. He doesn’t
want to be known only as the husband of Mrs. Cruz or the guy who just got lucky.)

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