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PRABUDDHA B Divine Fragran From the Ho Pee ea RU THE ROAD TO WISDOM ‘SWAMI VIVEKANANDA ON Sri Ramakrishna insert ta ot eee Seoreaditien Seon ht tremendous renurelsion the Sepa ‘hemore wil he snse creep ne the Seas evened are ata cir rae eee raed Serseemata Se nae Bore rees EAtgsiag cs eet Seen cae presuro te rendoy so e (eee anna Rim fe ip ever he ioe lee eee ta aK BR St Goons Sthis own determin rea the truth and gave Te to others, leaving trays tw Soung boys to Keep tae Tedoy tbe name oP Sr Ramah Forfar pall ver feemiion of people acran has Spread iftere far ever been avon ofeach Sordi tn Tae spoken ‘Maser only the mistakes are mine Ths ‘Sine menage Sr kamakrshna one ‘poker worl Da nocear for doctnes {ping care for dogtay. or secre or hares eee they count frie ompared wih he esece of este fezc man wich is spray and themore chs developed in mar te moe wef he for good. Show by our thes that religion doesnot mean Wor or names er sects ut tat i eee fem nere cy aly eae ifs CESC Vol, 122, No.1 January 2018 SoonNdienade Sop Diperhonde Slit Chan Since Ita Tp ome PM Vag Feces ‘end tae abuiacngymaom aslomalrom re Pate a Ply Snes itereend| ‘hin tenn Pras UDDHA ‘BuAkArA ‘or AWAKENED INDIA ‘erect tetennine Contents Eiri Sing Stmiping he Gupelo So Raabe “The Hiner ofS Ramis Kathomriea 33 An depth Sead ofthe Anson Hinde 72 Sepa and The Goel fri Raman for Spinal Enrichment (Green The Geo Si Remahrisns Pre Sd ‘What Maker the Gospel Unique? Coches Tamm, Pre Fralpan gence Reeedi® Peni... stots g ‘Th ale Rance _ sonal 1 sia tie edna ate SS Ramat Kaori Tg Ei sofa Wenn Mook Maegan Sa Ema 4 the Gopf Ramais . sna dma Engrpemen ch 204 he Gone fi Remar 149 te Comenpoy Rane ae 4 Asap ria age Dr dpit tim 136 Remsen Sei Remaions Memege Som! Agua ? Gopal aig 165, Te pedo Raman Uv Megs ‘Sit Raab’ Sadhana A Peni Papo Vian Te eof Meapoe ropa hs Som Anes Bakbodha: Kathe 242 11 Hehehe Bok he Tandored "Taina ale: The St Ran That Janbivan Saw 243 Kel Spe Rein 2 ie waenae bata La Dr Sench Pede Reports 249 Subscribeto Prabuddha Bharata) aac peto ibsber nd supporter eget toal of us by See a rae: we pushedinPebudihe Shore + mudi hota subscberseceve 1 dO a ‘arta ft Plctors earner intaeu o Pbudéba har by rk alr cece est deh nay Rox Raat roove nd A Oe atacsa.09 rr Dak arster othe! Gu Sees coc: bycrol mateagreansemscrg + Penenotethat we do not acep outstation hea Scbsciptonnates eet Sy Rogen ‘ates or online payment tw avatosromar by et debi card) recovers so) $8 i Sire uctoyeen) (op) fas E won tsyeos) uso) S00 = Es sorts Se eee eS Seo -Etenmeaetermem Sieh te themeton for ontrbutos ides * Yartieltemdenewerdigs * et nay cng seicomteicomancelese «Pole Sse emia eiinratttier «Msi pandnereton You know how important Prabuddha Bharata is fn spreading the spiral nectar tf the Ramairsina movemest, ‘heingerating idee of dan, {nd cate Probuddna Bharata ‘Msobrings you inspeationl ead ing mateal on «wide vay of ‘opis of global teres. "vale thisjural andthe cause It epesents, and weuls arte hae wen ote Peapuppna ‘BHARATA Yes, would ideo 1D. Gitt__ tesubscrptionstoProbusdha Bharat How you can contribute: + Gi sabeipons your Binds + Spm erty Tp cone a lnerey the yourcoleagoests doa 5Dehi Entaly Road t22,000¢0ch 1D Sponsor liveries endinsitutions for 20 years at 2,00 each Donate tothe Prabudaha Bharata Permanent Fund ‘Amountof® _isencosedherewthbydaft/money order Sendmy oft atrptorst: SHARE YOUR LEARNING EXPERie yc, curr Ryans TO LBRARIES ce Tap fi Rend eth sinker sb eae Wyte clr ct Ndenath op Sikes eg ccrmper Gera Sin fi pr oa ‘cima tth woe ned Tein be feximspned ch rine nf ‘ests pat ry po a heeyemonet ce ‘eo np ewe ey ed romthendtciwanradecty sip eho ie ite ‘Seyeipeelicmamantatben ph “ty Seale x \ yee TO OUR READERS ei aps, eran cree ies Deepali tena en ses plier he ar seller Th wppr dengan esenmred hc amo ihe sn fare ache mid a Io fe mnt era eu Maitrayaniya Upanishad ee ‘aerate, sxqres froma df he eer eet cmt wt ign eae ae ue eee at ge ea reer a a PET ETT TA sere wal ran mea ewe EF evden, a ragh weet wehizercr rived sees Fh fhe wired ea me weed tere Ha aie, esd gums fiseerege yr ergs pores fey WS fei tc eee st rete mee fin en: ere st cen ne.tent on aye Tigi dna naan eat Ip mabhene na Bona son eats oh et adore hierar nia eel EDITORIAL Seeing the Profound in the Mundane: Studying The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna connie ie Gp Remar ted pert boo ; Ea peor . eau ote nepdtin asthe fw gos h-arions ee ‘Seema op hem gh the mic Sop of tl raat and aa Scotian fe fete nae ered ee erie cel seit eee Sierras accra ae eee a Saeed tres fae: em jon ee Scien etn fie Bde be gcd war ‘ Theol Guede ba Compl fie fay ineplaos ose Se laeete kan md osalrdigoneadeoeea ice ‘heh Tisapin woul tio orinerolaton ofthe Chins a Bip Fore eg dan sa Iveceeted histo “Aran bese eens he 2 = Sea ‘tesa ocaing theater the lignes Thien nh ico oo eee ing the ioe ss ma eae te wo major a of Jour ‘denseator and "erp Original and Authentic The Uniqueness! . ‘of The Gospel ofSriRamakrizhna i si > ‘Ami teary coors fii! pdbandacrecontorligos sal | tito i Roaon of igs i Forde emela human history 3 ie oe ochre fSeRamklas Semin wsea che. Whace. an tht wert when hewn sed chet Ya Meehrts drsicmaegdeis rt aed siesttiate Gorgias fc poration and ia: ees ee. waa et 6 ptelays Ma pone pe pies bs ene be SELLE GTi pete reat ai Fe erento tlre te oni eed Fleanbegwhy cannery mel de plc 3 \ Mui tegea tes Stan in pce fre Sim and ols ba™ This probably the Bs rope of ioe te ors Ippoined M0 othe teased hen ‘Thecomcepenciny other vestscmendns chen Theinuence of The Gospel ofS Ramakrishna emg babies theinfunee of hs wonderful text tele dein ther cess wo ot our of place oie 8 Teenormoas and cpg ef nd Te Geof Si Ramabrin bum. Te examples dct jc acpresmeiv and ae jas poi" feeerto earch for more nance lmgotanly bea open co Be = thisbook. an nen ht wil 0 tne ifort bere, wich ‘hac mgt, oun . Inde, The Gal of Re “hei hing thi mes ther (opel fn amare ern rove rahe ie i round inch nn ke ndhiscberation were or Side wigoon undead the b ‘omen very wl and imitated th Tena Teo aly ogni omen Immoral wows par ther Idle peo he oer Theyre ms Th sede! Bur es nora of we yn” Oberseon she ound rope a ving he oe tog Frrtmoserinpontnce a pct etal inmate pope nd Icon brwven people Th np Tamale cn yin cas ftndan plop enigs scdrth Be Tanimacn of aveon tn apf Role nde anny cone prc wih Comes SQIEE ii cutlbecce Recording of Evidence Geuieseseilyowceia Caps ova. BP naa ee eat tale ae ese erence leon ee ee ee, dene M dea hat he hs sd 18 Gs honariact mes dane ne led she rales of evidence while rE The Gopal of i Romatrsine Pope tele that acon in ha 0 5 erence a nse as ng ms then cas becomes mld" Wh theres fevidence? Ale espe tay abo evidence Fall thea ‘sc anh dy geil Sl ‘Ss pact rs encao hin pov Ingen wl gener om ‘Stenoaranonading he mee pra Stns fe md 9g adng his ‘Seti ad a Sons Xen Gaiteenadsowicpncns steer kn. epthaps, the mcs Sed rena norma! fy ha onde! Myers seikfon tain whch —shnqoicsobe the recondes of spat penn i ‘An Mistry of nda ais ee eesti sthariy ene can of cea wee SE Nee eed Mand Gop 8 ee ie om cage Wh Hes hcpndn ac schoo tr adage ‘rns thre dye any bee as ss cngtin mi cone! Sich Aas mae Th Gel ofS Ramarishs nab tila wdesandig pe igh ld sry of ht ie. Dison lacunae able cle ‘eply mh org af ory A ese Tooke eu dltaton has boo. ‘ten by Dr alah Kama Ska ope ‘eter etry dorian in (up fr Remar” Senge Romaine Tee Gap Remarc ‘tmp ih apn lit Bong beg aco ‘id gars ap om ha ben ra eg ie scepter Tt sl eta bathe ‘Mine wt dir ‘etsngvi de sng mnerhenes ogee Cledip ca, Thee em has newer 8 ln EB Gopdinton hie dat oe rodent emacs a makin mp a ORE Pb Barts poet cacy levee eso idellivelioedtormary cn Tasos Asencio he mporance of ng ins oredgourreching sear frthewndrwand ng tharspruted Bengal sencnopeia of letter, Ae yo pce. Being no ‘gles conmonly teal be rpresnd by enamide. Ran sre patrmatie dime Tei this peformaivicy of Si shards cutis The Golf Ren ad mals is eadng much ce ns ping eriching. nd ‘ha YahingoFs movi However ice pred of ny ofthe Fomnaveespreion thon ence and Folklore The Gap ofS Ramat ot ‘mous wee ofinfsaion Tore. regen i Rrmasishs = fo dance wich joys rape 1 = sic 400g. Theinciair of mai se inthe sex nthe msl ele ots gu op ha, and 2B Eamorleep ane} vice cnn slong I ringed again co elo 0% SsRanitn coins doth 6 oog sanding eaiosip Beso" tndelgion Ste scanadcncehel heen fel oa Js, gesures and the many drama in The Gaipel of Sei Ramakrishna is that hymn and a tere chey would be dwn 298 ea eck ore ee nifty ba Sota aa ne of pms sey Eng Goin: Orly Fee eae Feary de entang deme UEePStomcooctone demining igure cin gid ly caced ting Alt wlan of toot cnc 2 Gop of Rolin eee ete ieee ang chen Sa Indseasigis wate ouapet de ech Engh dee 1 gh be ea ‘tind in he sen Eg ta jig fm ne pos Deze desig ed mained "elidel bryce ih mann She ing sanding onthe oor Sebued ech hand Now nd ce {scope tinge nig hen ries atl gnan een he om de cons ingot or lose ‘Now adn pul ot a smodowalfer gwd Gm) commana nt ae of The Gael of ra Slanaiingintyahined thee ao ‘Thowphon th te of The faa Gop fi Rana iia Pb Bhar inn the Madan Studying The Gel of 1 Ramalridma 9 ‘Ghandi Sen which Oral Triton Religious Tadtons and Sets 44) The et erty mention, Inte eee eves Kang et eof Cage and eli ny torso popu. ston of kalale inch Velasand any rhe lis ets Th Gap fet Rar Seam tee Sie eel tedoctpon shot the bcos shee thinghedoe whe ew efi com Haven Tera rhe hc the dcepoon fie ecompled! Philosophies he Gap oft Ramana acini nto Yaron philosophies ike Dai, Voli a, Adetand sere ther pile ‘tems Cis who ook down Sams tad ack of forma schol wo togo though thee philoophsal ego Income fief che bindng Ingen come only fen omnes! A cx 2) laration of phloropbies com! grea: "What Brakes bed Sci Alchigs inthe were eh Pana he Tans hese hy—hane been dled ke fo touched bythe congue for chey hae ‘rureed bythe tongue Only ne 6 a ren dled in hay ad ho Be san. No one has cvs boc ae vo ©! Bahnani (00) mpc of ol pe ng ene ws FOO avenge poaeretiiecicee a eee Samra ein Sane oe Site nic eet eee eres era eer ee ic Semin sae ene Septic eng epee Sharpener Prceatset ae Soca ee Seeman ieee al ieee cmoaladay tahoe gee Revie mp Sregemdsnic tad de enpr hace sieeshetmeenicl ope erred Cercamendaeete ee Second stores iy fadeguaiecntn tenes Duero tin ong el ies ey hr My cate yo. Prabhat cobs ‘Sadenecooperae tel fr a a sla tee st pan eee Bite acting arse nt ‘hepa ne The owerf heen wont pusie tecntaf gon, shone tn thes worden beara a Seiieseyiciy od vend ‘tata wt pen ore orders yo rs. recat This ll neo {Feces in modem popapic eae Hoan thers ed no Inignicnhy tan Te penile os Ingen delopng rman © the aman lm monn men the pre fsbo iain behav gn tow foe ede psig ‘Sky operon is ‘etc ate compere Novela, psa flues sound the weed thee Poet ink bewecn the pen hs bein ce pyrieireetbentin yy n= tet perl nl soe yas pia Spree andi the ogang taka Saladin beef Be od a ‘on the ecm ae ‘ose oly he sel wl oath ‘paar tad op olen, year Hew eps el of ip son aeson ga pin whi de Iegetadion age Reena sept! Ofcom iho te steve obra ined nai, ‘An Autobiographical Account ome kindof autobiography The « (The Gage of Remar, wh ‘ihacount ofS Ral Fitown wont Sach wera ha enplation of book tied Sn Ont Food, Tia egtbt tere i ed mae the hs aeadg The tbr bigs hor for her children, She cures pr ot pthc icy ad wid ach pars Pla Bynomeaa allan dig te fakes tap forthr wh he re son Furerome wane peor Imertetuaiy wh Gp of Reali wenn: Pps ar raios snd =e tert rnc ofS Ramos Ea ‘nealing nd his alno= en dp dhe ence who woul be or Sate as enghy oon. Atepven ee Soon ld M, thas the Ma Saal M fads fone cn Sich ath Sen wih won epsilon bem bint serene sep i hand avon mast = mach se 89) ran ihc being ee ht moc nd elf plea nher led h m, 0" Prada Barca cinema snine BIRT pc “ cs a Te ingore Skane ne teosasiieme St barca onesie, feet Dai Nien womb able suk Tes ange TELEX ie compa amos nenmrmesoninte aoe Invent ti free meaning ee ‘Smal ba oe deol one Tis em inet prance enter ‘pplsion of Spr reminding tht mo Aas eget ft ‘eerste te nscale ‘ons tothe with hither own bg th ha «verionandpradiec” hesmneschrh thins mond Bsa her ‘hioncalvasaton sot imply sundaten Common eae spronhaorheroe Sang Inet nena te hess oe (spar The cere sh st hs aay emanate he ‘ale aed y tet ate nnd ‘ha mt main ned wh i hs od weal am isbeslartwme meres Oh oe harlem ecal pret smthoatoe te oiciond c's Lie guinea et ifvear concede hic cas ans teal to mmseche aay of Se tethingwuld sem eo pnb upper cy oten ‘cna ningwh cherie hr un ‘heath Tasapyonh asst ah lenges the comnrste potion Si [eter eres wv ped er hs rem 8 . Pande Bhat Ini Avion athe cg a ucts gh pea Mphooay ‘Reve bangin eur noch otolnr [RS Selle ben ters oko (ecto dan eer he asi amples aca hen bi Te Vd pakot he PSE ike ghapinestyand ect Se nether bil gh Ge erect! wv, Ss vec af enn — . onguege langue Bh Geof fresh Ich ieane and rei SG Ramaksand M.enderwr Peking Hore ve do neck Tneweishop shar hey send Arecblhl ineh haves rss Che wayofepeetg thing nd do Lay taningehancere era sometime bardeingo hs Peay ited ly Ne ieee AD yr End shor, endothe post ete in ich hou, atable met eee teeters inca nay ugh creda xa as (Gears and pos would be pur inffont of Ms atest or > sneaphas Abs ngage a Choate method thar pees th Iindand speaks dhesoa Ars hase Sa Raman eos ‘peaking snd cnflence balding Paesol The Gap of arabs Inclsivenese ‘he exis lnclusine tha ior ‘he reader. No one is margioal! ry shad der raptor heen vised Koka Chania en anh senso hn in tea Me Mental ad non ‘Atesson in Hermeneutics Iaisown way Th Gulf Ramabrsbs BF cncete x taicting the np ey ee ‘2 allingaboor the dciplineofhrmenew esha Se Rarities topo ee eee eich peice, selene meaning ni, i spre = ome 54 Raman by Sean cabal ho was the wlth rsdn fhe Raa Nak and Ranishos Mision” eee siars ont Sore sri hemor Sanened aby tac ccc with = cer dee dma “Sposa ob apn msanding eh tc Hemp nein ee cn ne oma anon tr wie fie om ‘Tne a ndetod Bsns Sere dor at ‘met hp ec ma Sue ca mona ‘insiesoe ml atest Pra Bhs ie If icc yt oat to ssi _ aereminiesth ‘rtm onthe eros Sica beastie Thun tough aie esti Weg Teak en hea sg thon dics ens he ake Ian propos Gini pogecineg [pcnwaasfonea anys Hemesewsand oe cpscsehasben Atak he word xpern (ran) Aus eine ee epson an Meni or conadedoy acer seyret see nd ans ema or aula cs sl and Sewn ne ree heer is ear Shae mn lop noe Taya sungedile tc nes fesft nas heartened A Guidebook: Spiritual and Secular combined wi andi pre Prat eee fy Sdlrkon Man the mind of th spent fee ye aad, According othe Ves te Seven ach planes. The cere he hea cor roped oh arth pane che Veda Ac ing he Tana hb cnet econo et earinh eee ee id se ome ciahinet cimepat ea arsmecpene ek rene hl cree reel berween de eyebrows and thas lotas es ini eee iecctiermelGod Basal er anne toe Seige eee aed Abit See Someone east See eee Satin Vin ll ape ah pe ioeamaminas SST ieee eee ees ms men sbepa cyte Pb Bharata Whe the Kandi co Be erat rts ara famaeleager tie Kapp Shack et tila Bee ebtrech tap brand then pac on ert cthe oes te hy Fock Bach teen etal These dcen ‘cece hye Wserand exoy helo Meri ta theyre ple They nba erate he gs doe noc rene Basle enon deve WWhectgephic and ely desc eeese oF nee the won Si fa nd ore, pc diili T Phere peioofSe Ramee hough theta of iso : Sees Ee ena Re ee eee esos Eee he ee se io ae Sen Pima NN EE — Tete bes Serer hep: of Tadhg, Siena hs coe» incaation of Naryana the Lord inal. folly Sa Raman il eh Roe izere pagan the Hy Mater Se Stata Der. He trough i srbealong in the Fr of Maen lana Gata, M Le ie Bsn shower 09 eect a paca ae te Me Gade Ramen ‘i tala the knowledge of Bran o¢ God rests by adeotd eyo tte, et eerie ve tuned the Knowledge of God erough ch Notes ond Reterences St in i Sin Mans toi Meco le ude Bhar coer en eee eee vacate ee Ar asennad sr ll vet the world The Cpe of Remabrina® The word gope From pelo godgell which mca ‘ings goo news This god news pls go haat mind amen she wold ead The Gp Th Hor of St Rama lee ae = EEE Ee | den bec ben emi omcorende Clan, Dass hve sense deeieeWhareredie | Ran oe | Shiela once RIE et Ma ak and he \ lagetech pe! ieee | wenn dei en Kage Sere een =e er eee Se ae ee dbyyay and FJ Alexander as Hird 9 she New = eee eee ‘apiningmany baselines SE een ier he Master ude See Why are you lxening a! Mas taken by supe He shen al Aorchave odo th You i fea the Mase had divine cop nnd dnote Te peepteidesoftalng Satenaboanict hong disso eerie shout dacs SUR do a ere Pee atc ec es Tate mca ni eben ‘Stith ch a ec teen cn a sete ——— en oleae The org of The Gospel ofr Ramakrishna MbacdhisSiS1 Raman Kahana Te Gael of St Ramer —on bis ary ns fm 2 Febuy i 03 May 8 Helin deep he defor pation win coupe of a ae she Mase po Inguwn bor he dance make allofthe nis ‘ble On Ja 86M relapse ‘Kaori the Holy Mets ww he Ising Nba Bab’ ede bse ‘Akers herd chs sending om he me she aie Mad encoun te mor On ig Marche Nera noice ‘hap to the Holy Marker and renee her ngs andspproralio public’ Ino. aul pang wen pages ‘child tei Praumee Us ats Sachidnunda Gana ty Saha Mahindrnth Gaps’ tarda red hp ad eso st paben Daes fm a Ca Land i Ramana hic Seiad te ea ea IE elim Ocrber i> "Dewe Mu Co No deping al ie ine ig aol Thatch wy Mayas oe plain, Only Lam lah ll noe py Stay ina pamphle foo» Neer nnd py eno pg ie the leo deli. You sl may Hsing on yuan er—burthatis alas chew Se Ths tine amas Wher, aoa ao eh heryeumay iron on os et partrmsech rss eye Thana wilyouhave stavros erty all cp nyo soe IeGapltsttortnin rs Sm ferrari 7 Pre Bharats wanes co Magan 4 Nove sae os Deb ager etc cea tha ee ees Sopp hen adhe Se RPO and Laws EP efr willbe ebengasor aking ne wc hyn Spek ee haben ene Petipa Heth rts ined beni Ered Mes it ie bp binge ave lngintagnspunpi fm ctcwore (etary mpi: Wee uc toc Gop pb em igri (of dt ol pr at adh anes: in, we feb aE inca (Fecha oper cong nn Eg eberee pose in clio epenton tr pct ted ire TC pa prnghle ceaed stem Sevan xing Dor Mee blah Te Gap of St Renate eerie Feet Maers orher Reames Hal oer Mefon ambi My dee etany ts Ree ge ele og caching, tre One day hel ws ifthe Matera thing? "Wich this encour fiom the Holy Mer bean todo da Katie He pled Spt Book in any Bee tines and newspate Ubodban. 7 Annendban haa, Rei, Jo aye Bharat, Pee Pain Peabo et Sa Sabin San, Finisar” Men sme ho sey Sn Rambrins Kashi fac es poled uh Taha under Sean! Tiwana Tatha ic vder Sean Tg Weare xv pablsbed in 900 pot Yenc sins nd Vol eaktarae comes nel 177 dary ene ‘Seen tcl dering Ss Rr fe fie a eight ene that he add ar Mocca. Inadion ML few ees and er fom her ou Ielcuedin appends hos volumes Saleem eee ts dry On Sec tend he Bro Real ieavtinedscat isa e tetris SG teed hs menng eo ‘aed emcee word BC wove ‘hewendofie Marereckeremcbrd 1 Gehl ‘mie pal pcs arb Raat repens Bierheougdatralecied inghcrhevenancece tds genoa he Soeinop ii be a The deve: "Wil eden wade (Ons Notenterie7adennes bel hl company a ee and hoor cece Me Thane dior “lnvpiwrcandbnrpoene Nevpeesh wardogeheNaes ‘Sinn ied diy ot Sida harry Whe Be See tar fc Compa pre bom sched fm he eatecrdng ‘Sewanee dasehnide™ A ea en mc one sete arnt ‘eecandec irda somcans cae sige On Sune py Medd ‘merce Orel, Cienega ceisler tek acon ‘one: ier Me head et ‘hseatach ail Rowe o tk fad pwn ‘itRenerines Connation son i Se Rais ws bon th so ‘Seyesthivoivnon Headone Dic ith hl aoe nse 8 Praha Bhat co po tough Hs ips. The ferhoer i Me pre TedNons Nownber ty Emperor Ae IMs WSR cn vie At Tc pee wing he pra oh Sareing od hin ‘heupon the ews Tertibrite fend mney hed gots bgp Masog Wo a Mstlengeramin cts bomen Tesh ane How wl Mone Wha i Me God takes spon spore ay Pet pur ‘Slo Yale el wn a 2 {Sor byl ind lace oc Sooo nds ar No dh oc te sul tht don all mandi bison Ms "Yowell sud he sa dos 0 isd nen one = he You sot hom whon nee he en shy bash ths scenes” You ld peat Af aa day nd ae Mase: Wha di es cotta sly herby He see lg or fd he pee Arla ssoele a pr mtn “Tima deed thos Cos ppst wheter anes conan cor efaseeetet ecu ray ares ete evince Sh Macaw an Mabey http Weve ny yb Mater mig ex Tltn wha a eee eens eoesme a ames” en tod apes erring he erations ie ea aoe sed comes woke by. Mae lle er ‘vusnoxpomible ie Borsa can oe oa Tatiana anaes raha one aes bud Bate i... Teese Bo cod oie i o ramet Row ar dete ewe Hite eee i ss eachings Valmiki wrote Se crn me aspera eum ae Sse ac ‘Soarfing Samak, someties ee SFB ager nnterof yan, ater ar ‘Mreconded in the pages of his diary the Master’ cee hed sw jcc de ras ofS Rar ‘Newel an saccade snd The Story of Mand His Chronicle ae Mercy atime re Sete ence capes ecractnige grein foc Sata oder ony ope nd transite re otic Ee pte wre clame of Ceecatibee Eakins oy ebiicscntictces pplication Be ow ca lop rgcomcnees Poesia dab savy fen pacman ute wed Ingo anata ped ntcponel Uamd"Wel ys ny ou bei Gn Baga Ramune? Whe Kelsi Ne Ve Terie Oper suspen he Shllownonal aoe sense be Jers Paicand ihe motel he Aha Naar on memy Yi wee amr tering sgeac Rama rere No Masins doubt the Kes weekends that he coolest Kashar ott, He acted ike he jr St Raritan, ere Sle Vendrean eee Thal iil When dd ya wt Kaan Di you sete thigh er working all do? Wetea the mp erst ot Ber tsunect ere myo Tatts te rot goes ens espe aches ‘or “ sing Mvp pss tio SSIS ang ida Jos adieawroet cps | ‘Tran be pened page om da Chandi sd gracias Be | ae ete fiom See itenadagenen Stet ecm ioe Sencar bbl ita oo Matera wekber bee You wie ‘event pcr py ad ed Ft iy cane a When we ack year cane fn Whe ‘Sel dso the dy aber neem hme Sigil yr bv Ser wel. Therefore sed ro ore on Stereo th Tel kes eben uy ithe nsw Stlfintonksotex sth (niga hs tectng ma pe Todo mori Ma hone Says ou lin she als forncmory Sone Pel SnKamlsa ppenedookoe fs yay oneal Sey mind as chats was fot 4 op of ‘etl Sete Ts abit dy oy ace ‘hk wrooxioacedle Iodine Inet our venom ina thr One muro are Pru Barta nc hsv ‘od deal reat octane Goede tte pop nee ple Wat = acin oaeenasigte Sees eae | seve t heal mahi es roche mos ba ‘fee on i Solo Cader the Gra be woiddonsbehe Ma ‘Once Heys paw ee time oy es What dre me Made she Kathie wh cr his icool When Mrnes eopleofyingo lie book Peataiyeplcs Hehe Gaps tiny nr Meranda The word And fl eee Ab otdandatetomencdy xs Instead Tesla ny eeeeteteci spaniel rngpese thre Tn pte of lines Mead ce thelast pt ofthe Kaha on ‘nth moming bythe gh of kere ‘en When lovingly chased y Seat 8 anand ew Rete me ing peasy Deca oty aloe ei ek bonding = Weacin dwn oy Tm pin arene teh eg Ti Ina am yng comcurcon sinamabishn'sanguege Seraante cues the eag of Bad ad Chis Sc Teeumengte mas Deca cy spo Sela re a a Bete prnrmtereplient Sees degh landparrtar wer Siete pope mh had fom a ertcad acti menage rn cope of the abit de dies Pc tlh lection ander ‘Valea Sb, ter Bui, ned (cipher dis ngage ch + ‘gic Bags lip Maga ip Stak ip, Dat Cit Beinn and ea ied he Varn Ser “alg ile Hendoe excbes Chest’ sweoflngse rsa asthe cones Eee el hating Of be OW Tamer Seprs ems hare lnewn Geek fra the gage age ut ofthe poplin, and che ainernd Len ff heme Jour was Gar wi bath ‘heBrw and Sprangi OM Trane vmlagapetmpts Refrchr section Jes alo Pls who as Roman re ‘hihi be might enw ae Ake Bada and Chee Ramalne Lephinthehngige ofthe pape Heer teogoras Beng bre aoknew =e Eng lh wer ining nde es ‘cet andre cea hk yo ‘Altoigh ial no fal locas eco ‘eae wite Bgl Once he humocsly ‘iNeed center me vbe lacs {oow bealpabe He cpiome ites ‘bund, nd se cops se now in che Bs Mab ace Sa Ramah ole Hint hi ger or Patan wth monks on ster Ia He sie Sasha ac hi brother San School Caleta He one sad Is pondc peas ro mein Sasi Asn ngage and how M exer ester ieleas hg warm UT vsoppusonate earn od od Pb Bars er eda lage ogg Ht Se eapelialeds Select age hemor shcheartl fcipleand eth gu These | fclncrveion leer: He ha [al fry ry heing is examples pea raisons nn’) Thane wha poe irre cee eect Eero tetera ites ped NS capone of ge Since bor Siento bora nd apg ht enn iy eo me (Sifu oman emcee pend ee ‘Shwe ven walnut eatin Hence pense ‘Bir plan cing iron Sebenginoe pat Mach, Tin Mr we terse Ramane Me mete ie He lve) ox bape and we Breyer wet peeh ee Saige ereenag ego ‘ronda eased tomes rg acd mpi hep igo Fr Idenpthese maar nein onc with his oo Usha apeclr charm ons Hsing (us Spam oid My idea of Lg Mer lngiage. moscoll prenie enesprn heh intended obe conveyed” Wher lwesblocr, bes. dd noth oe hs ae he ok lh Sr neal he Vel nde fis wee long Hen in he dares ignoce and tel o a Kamaashna Bread bem aun” When Suni emiiccd hie dips When Think ofthat man (Ses Ramat) el leafed eae areal boks nd teed He never wantel tik the plas Aheothrpcopchal ncn Tat sy hess relay hrving ih Mar ecy.optic tow ledge rion and pllosopy ile ‘ke himbiow he came tare nk dept rol nll Saari stwereThare rot ek Aclitnedandleed tha mudeseiaed fhe knovldge nd yr nd yn teThcficeic eof he Matee™ a ea thins mt rt ets fap My ware apr Ceara Se Iondeneiienutteeasarhoys Suchen oan nyse ts aulofhari stand gel + That ope Pasig avtecmcty mene oid ane De a eden nm = eae el Sacieree . Secerant « SSthcim eraieederkeel + alton Seem Pa «ae aha tei ier ites nem ‘Did Ramsay anything ew? Nox ‘aly Henin hears rh eid coin fhe co oh Nese L Moi ig] nor leg nde during te eto Busha (Mince The soi chang acorling he le of ies Ais Sry haces rus bon ‘hemes ht wa ced or ce sie 1a gra theca in wich thy Ine Now anwar spec acorn he ‘selofourage On hued es gpl Sinortnow ach aboot moder medic Thy rated hides ah heb nd a liens Now ve sci Hes Pima ‘pining in nthe Gael we id ht M, severing oR denied hing oder mikes eer [Bch rem wee an nen ih age i sand he Grae oul ts es ni ee Hl, Mw comparing he pi ck Ssechidannds mt Cea lice dei the Cis peor Leet Th Gol of St Ramat beg fasten tbvtandcn car st tape wri angst #3 owns ero neve 29s senegal Pla Bhar Peptide andi ar realy re rac ries he near him an eh ei sade Gop The Gensel poke Sri ee ge eine feelin re ete te 7, ere ranma aj oman : ; rete Tai andar depceon itt nena even ee ‘opty company of eM Cebit rr ree: ana cete Peete ee eee cc epee 7 p=. Se Beton y Sam BiSininchewuasioree cn Seksttonai ene my see ei yet od Cpanel Tcl ppkometitindiien ncrecerrn = cee She San se mons aiate ise halicbent cme Stesaic ence seen aa dr Brag Entei ‘mri danse Siecinac takpom coho Sore oni dachner wear ‘Semtonda cin deempeguin 8 ‘fDashineoar eR Ions to th problems Him Bere wn ie was lems Onlyapenon whos taveaoter robles Se Ra Troma he pes of iss Sit have seal food sm pate oie ‘ha ne daw vis Balmer Bish, Fem nan ad wmahing sl le tc in he ‘he eth a oils elon mena he whe Eis sem No Bey senour bs th Fo! san ot ahcahndnaoge! sons Serie mdi Exdeayoo thing: C ‘rdiary people re pao Poco couche Sekeens Se Ranastgs come Sth Go acing nnd setheen tana se Neb rk dough ingle ere al Peles ind een bamou-On 9 Sopembor MBetheMaserod Nason deve seat Pt ° Pale Bh cvnnerryof Kahani Mi oe oer wd he es He eS arr ee Baoe a Magee al "ac ere wns of Go Elcom Bae ea ean ude One ae Mase re chinmonand ln "Lak Godin hgh ny mon “Soeur Reng ato rats anyon eh eM a BESSA ond tenth SS nt eed “On bo "Simmel ete ent op (Ste pche of mca eoce e sonra: Tele eed proces wy sal on of he Maes Ten int na Nowee enw hi emai Thelovecation of ‘The GorpelofStRamabishna -Accrg ni linn thao “Sopces pon toad ra th 1 cin cnn ofan aoe ere =sneeie ee ee pc tefellwig vee ene epg eat fe eames of nga er BKehomun iui irik ton tab ans mgln ‘Soman eh hah O ar or oe el ee ‘Steamer oid sar ‘rlkwhth chine mg ese caret ‘ied ine pets Hace pedir bur The sere fhe cp b0 ote imoeton is eken ele Bhat Kish ae fendi, om» Fal Mano theYarors Rr an Felony wich thom Buh Ballast pod sedans emt herrea (Gacbericen the pos Belelatettow: Your wont, = eaemnltasiag donecknowhowro ek nes ic Bde eens ne hi ne Eee Globee eet eet 0 ssn Accrlngo ind myeolosohpo PR iacocen ones the srege ny cof Bar the gots decd fed all Becoming mmoral ho mol however wa lative: Aso tool comer nly from che ave Bian Thc ecaris wil sr sk "The kno of hesven swith Dedede Ten you wil nth 9 sedan morale Godino ocean fart nts O% maka shed Sars "Supp see capo rap and you wea 8 ould you sito denk the yup Ne ‘ad wonld ican the ede of 7 Stcch ue my neck 0 dink ic" “W ‘ike "Whate the arm of lan smile of che cup ard dishing 1°" ‘coda annered, "Then [shoul ‘gropand de” -My bil sas Itethe arte ofthe Neca of 30 isthe Nem of immorality MP ifm dvnginea On he 0" ‘ome inmoral”™ fue aman demoted petted hohe Meehan ine spre onan nr Sug Steger tne and en fallow emge se Gal and na The engl deol The Gop ofS Ram ats Sr Ramatrsna Kethrrte ih ean Se Rama nano Ieerte) words We hear he ted the Gp oe peck abou the Gopel Fieve do ae dn the Guedes tne wedi drop ora naar face bo the brace ol Tce cen avo he Gupel ll oor olds ould uly pe Brie Teen Wel bd on ‘hao pcblem Sa Raman old dhrbemth en wed tne Se Ike adorned ly Ameer Boe bcc he ape “ft Bowe he coat gt to sep oes se His Wyo a tiles vey ef "dot Is benduhing ysl. Can yoo gc me my fbb? Peta dha wl at me ‘eg Thebarton edwaernrand xt ce eh ‘hefsound aerp and rd ig” ely people ike he ml of 6h They amor bent divine agence Mee ling merlin cee wont Wea open he word wine hosed (ieee aril ccna orn We ranucenesrrese P ow gue Tena nth soctenrertta oe eames) cor 6 eel ae asta + Tt iy sewed Melewe jp asrter eng TET tp adh Inmate coe related yr wh wo Oech woo orl te compe of as Hei Do ona wht hal PA gap doa Tea os hh Fe un dn ed hing hg. and awed ear yng ad skin Fie wter becouse flac PSTN wereld ba band Uke cs fo or Apu knvingahe porwr iit WES opommowrathell A ofeLeed i many eas A geet p apa eth exh the aden of exch SER Scene! ard damas are write, songs nd Welorotinorkorhemommstg compost nd artworks Tne sd eloped St Ramana oh Han begat by dee, ward and Seu xpos! the diinny of Trevi Me reoced: Bore dn BF shes hint a leds. His" fh be as 00 dean i oe @ Bese dea pe {Rove rage th lined and he ‘ka ne ge ofr Romario sepa coy Test ckierent capi Si Reman a ca the Cho Paar Ter oct y isla Thelin des ‘hed Sg th ame of God he cop. Bab tice prayer anda pear thecaning of Gods anes he (iis) Wha poele be Shaan rap: Abody who ees hee Ening ew igh in The Got en An Aber Pee ee Fatman pest an oe Tebonineescant nner Hema Lt me bee SsiRaneteshne' Teachings In theGospel Gof Heat she overlies wo eA heeled, "Te bly na wen Heda me rsp forwud an founda srerine Ate» Ade wens father and der 20 Indes mins odor ‘nes Wik the he bcs ne (lg) Set Raisin sai shat dose in pia ln om Spann ead aN akngtryon Give mec pom reno id Ra nm ‘Sal ue eaten Senet en oi ‘tufts seo mt ee mn an ttre domes Wes ‘hile Doce end a can Reoeteecre Teron mds young filo a sc in Desc Sretamcoiny drt hnemah ere Isilgeyntmc nent Rak Bs Gop Racin pat ey {op acenngh nil dns Seven Binmsylockig tin sees eon rss eth esperar Pires ABlessng rom the Hoy Mater ‘he aly Mere ads wea apeston te the ope of Ramada On oes Gap mad Na ‘ten thay hes Let (is ly be clad ley Scotia opde ioe The ang comioved The Marsal Man: “You se" Hol Metco cosine cn hak “Why wite ch hig? tpi "Wha do oui ned Ofc Maccarone Mon lcring hs wn a HalyMchrcommend Ys Mi cnn secon’ Aor we Hal ot Maj Dery dene lyon be thar Tambleghim whch ‘Appeceions Midd histfin the pet 10 Peo Ramat wig sl 0 ‘ym sich Man Maser, Mins? este Seana Enna. Insel uly dice hi. Hi teading ma igure known 2" famow hin Tay Tbe Gel of SE Aruna nde M.nmore Here e+" eion thir work. Gri Chand Ghot wo Fy ne oplion Ea yen te opin Ste Vans en Screener Seam Rabin we on serie ae fab tetas oho eee pesos scot cron a Deenbe sy Ssh Chane Mo Hei poeinn ea cana hr ou fen Tei prnenan ih pc on Fears ded erro son on Mise Bananas rng enn ‘yperaniy of preening or tar ot Seip mes soppy all A Note Goal nh testes eon nde eran gu dhcp at wars toe MeN Ghok want nda Rio eM yen St cy mr oney ese ee ction A ee Pubes Barts aentccenobe er! So Scagny stl athe Ho Mchenry ondotSualsand Nee hha enfants SESecTan chewed Sh Seitieyeeh ad el ‘imtoo Rca Sic iat eer iteedeeiaieheraeon ‘pu ma ap Newb oping hoe Tinh fy Th my lee ‘Mew lor fie Natetabe sma ‘ing rhea od he cee ‘iodo at eae oat seule Wl hl nh cad ee Pe gererre fom: ame] Notes nd References ‘Soecunnd’ Te Gig of Rane ‘nen naan Chen ‘eee hee taps af Co Sine ts paoomerreremiortirg {Saino 9 ‘Kina bs Somat oe ae ‘tine rman fc) (ce Senn area a a wien Miran [Chennl Ramsiesos ee —— sc eat ee ees 3 amatamaylt Drishite Sri Rema epee coo se aes , ers ae can” Sole Seelam Cap of Komal, Dans emp (aC Bene caon Pgnntos tr me ma Scin Saipeiebwe sop eerie es a 1. Gantt, Slee ren tetra cee ihe prs 5, Smads saan (8S oes | Anin-depth Study of Ancient Hindu. aaaeres and pate e Gospel of Sri Rat krishna th Braden, Bork? Oh dar | Theyweslorhsenge" Howth nth etude seein hee pea ‘math ili oberon | (0 Ha) Wht lo bie were ‘sci a pal su ‘cane fu ws rc Sci God within and without all er he ‘nga ning hin an | abit vor pero ip lapel ara ee upc agate evi oscil con eae Suter: The Way Out Spa us eg ihn Why oko ata cyl i et nde mented hen del he 1 mach eri con rn cet word do God ke dpe he rol ae and tye she ad in ther God pega od ner ali tt pa, "Reed mae ofearom can ha ‘wl ey depend wha we do Eeyane ‘Tet plan sot ies the sae at ad tap and contne Me Ba ws intel all aura? Tere ey =r att of secuarKrowledse Inthe Ande pis Sesa ui Kamina baa eat haat wich 9 shih having been ow. ls Town? Agia vets day bee ari © thea cha hr ao tubes dchighran 0 Pa ie yeah sone ‘hike hale paramo mnt een le Bitncwe of en pent b ho knows eS aie Worl Posesions Ih Badr ite nc sone Bijarlis peel cence he ts Iemidhelerand ener ov he nape ned sles propeey brwcen Ns ‘aptandhs ote wie ajar hc ‘aha as odie he car pep sy ewe i wie erg chen nee fstfcion ednmen confor Maley duel heal pole robe pero ‘iy lappy by poseson of mri confore to opr am the er of eee ‘undchewehf the ve word ine. Wile erp hope. wil ebm ‘tht which wl gon ho ent So. Mare aed Ys = ‘kel he whale th flat wo bs belnged ea Fatty of Enjoyment bch eves the aly fxr ed ors eee eee are Sie eect ons aeteenncay mantras et hagas prio bale lic eee eet ch sou ing sroundings ey pes ‘sewn on ae ava he ae | ply wednorknw eS eha | Se ele beats anita Phioiophy Vent or one Yoge ‘Iosfesadiinncn he Phin pesos ea en heenbobed ing si poi bch hence es hh ening ‘te ek hsm eg pd ‘ebeidacomeyed ct ma sro ‘det iat oon ban The Ves pou alg te ‘stoig dat fend) Pu Vedat eth determination. Sates abiecnen Sethe ad tect or sca ying ina Setedinedti Nolin he eaay ete clpetcrien {ec worsted or eepetesbi yt eet a fakin ep = teeta ced ned et atendaman ‘Bon arwlary eanceand ders he Src pla mind and whe ho ‘Berna ethan = peerage “Teor mens dhe tien oie mip amine sre. Be lg ened Earlene the peminee bn eee Wamp ge ane een of so Sh wo ad re ch i ‘Aadhee encarta by exraonprthe no pes whe ‘tl rhe eo yeni rolatonspetarmed ne snc Seay ofthe pale rues lw) Sham selon 3 ome Sons) Tir isthe endarene of he pis ‘foppontes ha ing ‘sendin ataegion Resa cllepee Eelesechpinandlon else Seon wichare thine nts oe Scr meinngon ep wich fallen rho cating Irie ony ren on hore ‘ell bisetabcenes) Smads thc cnennon ofthe mind Ing th ie, fhe wp! paps tude obecsschar many hon he feof hp comping othe Veto book hi precracnadsoo 6) Sad “lett chewed Vedas ‘yt ger. A pcm pace without etd enc eran teri Ptinietncsaonencnitrn re Pale hares | | seems tele, Seep rere omg e eee rge eased) Aico ctemen ‘prs coche Bern of midrane ad acedome! ete fll ow et seins A perna—e none en whom a sites quien to wtoreie rab Aransas ipmivie valerie sips 6 (es et de eda ein canning ie mater pce Woolppegcho ge Se dowom diay. oa edge he eth Sy ge Palco ya ew by whch ne enn hPa ens apie shim (ration of va and egaty shvore Theta gress porar tb ete primed power ‘Siemcethonoyncry eof wotinds ‘Fen clmenc a rata rts iomnainaya)vhenimpre bgp ihre ta iced Balen Kw te naecenrens who cont mas Bethe ‘thee whch Beaman ese Ihara oath, pure avn sand wih ns and cama hej a i eet cdegeofvn Sadana hse, Torte nexince Ihc body When theese sl his cal yarn Sed pj, nore oan ae ‘heer sincere Acthe commando te sd for he x sens pj, he Be sable emer, Sth fre waranty om the Fschprasinwtch ts jedomnatce Tro these par thee lee ‘sofia he aon Wrenn of heing och i end ol rom acatonon af she al he Pump x ara portons fhe fv bu ements wie anton db, a ud reciys no die “thee nny gee orp of Teil anid diel he serene ether rm the sob boy ticki tela ing shar Byslnhing swith th le bodyand agua nda bese ack hit Pencikorana Topo hn with bes cently gin knowlege ad Pista maine be ypradpoer Te notation aeibeneenn oe the cing repre ss Te tpl mare ey mt situs big hon nea fre saa ahesand boot the hee cn ech Teed sl een one rand oni oe Tha aed ‘her men sond imanisonnd Sent elated fener ec Sepa Sy nth ne chs nx pete buh elf varbly ester ll are the be hos fhe incepep ard nicl sare ‘pur eee By iceman of he be fea and ecgntion of vale an hance theo in cl ‘alsa indeond nei Baltes oncons ofthe ee and ier om ach os, gsi Sdipanney Aa acid ao caly fs ‘heh imped nthe wea dep a Ho inwhich neither abe noe cbc Fase br he Si persia ta theSlisthe inva aoe rhe cual Bouse car, ough ihe SA por hed nt Abthe dene icra ph of mune gre imsny nth sor yoo yxy een renee ro gre kere sh tase da oh Or! canted in Diet anette pes magus sn aint sk bc |] ee wenn onan Seem iin besmeeeriiese ces eal aa eres tren ec diecast ‘Eonngeeceslononescnoor oan Soon Tho may ome our hoa Tia Amico ent jabba ofsbutnd sur Snty oft Ac enue nore dio ort ect One eon may fe Beaming open nb preg Fy or apie Te se til lepine rr ae aoe Rnd of obi here and he Toten = Fed efor fee se me teeters copied byte view ‘Sime re ory vding end es bondage oth fr toe en Ubjes atte pene a aa Dither bythe slong none Seandcsomsnation Son S very ev ton ely ha Busonthne who gravely whch el Snow aswalson thx who hjpen ol Anna ware of heaton For cul Mveipeksonhighatl the bsne prs Ide coowners neha Holy Nother id we pea Atetcsncharewhivesstrcin ise And the ented big [Terni tater ry pre te “madnunblene done ry none ost We &5 Prabha Bhar ea ys. ca erp Se _ seceeaarae he pa crete tdeap teu an eh hone HomtogetridoftheDehavasans epeigalcitean (0) themind an she decline thea oy ll Sera eee cay ‘icing is ornate Thee hele the practice of macanesfgetem vhs bse de Sle be egnalene onc death” The eral opines = feces fret sp, gop nse ‘rep lenin wth one aly. Sstophe pth ques ay ie ‘ethandahr alsin Hane ends te erp a) Abamtars The tot sd thos Hkh clon hendars fede s wished one (00) Te mses Ising in nderning big cased by sts ofan chinks her cen co Thsatentas and othe Acmon Tis be He mchaniniectdornerhrehecsucy Pima verse aerate z dey of Braman td he Amani dof ny hd ac ofthe i of Beha gard bys fat mae deacon wil a stun crates enc of Salerno selon Seka snecegtindethe cane 8 ‘israel Fahd ps {She ngunge fhe Gas 7-4) Theor {renbiens oben bre mika ter Chem wih cnn Tere he Seaton aia pe porioir p cet ecw mt Bee fons tet at ed tend lead he Aman ian ky ited ly engi sxallogeral anya cal Inte coraof sme sj sal De ‘shen pula vn ia a ‘ale rans hich nero pene 9 sellin mindy Houghrtcand without rage hese bg wl Other Romig Hyttadofecarrs e of Fabs alhunan banger ato Te mano gt ‘Frcs tee. wg ouenealy eh erg ban ln fails Ree etapa ty ‘dr wild: ahd dattikanednen tn Atel he ever traf eer err tos eck i urine imvohing exer them we deviant we the oe ftom ad thy eee ‘Arenas Ditemme: Karma Yoo? ell nr y= tof Jinshan jana wr ile eiewm eslfrngan aon ‘Sencar a ge is Reinga dhe rh aa the cmprcenon of en A thr hear lemingeowads anne" tenth amass Kb" Reiter ose. : "The Git ais Peor te P=“ hic oration pe tre yarn et ™ pee Say ote Ann Hod Sr eer — ean eee en "a Seal Syn karma Yoon Berens inion meee nm smal edict SSestyencmt who te SFr mi ne Mews cyan ough to pen oa ay be know the probed den! Wh inno and proibtons Irom these whchcondacs opened beh sent andy cong ta aio aly wosdap owned wth ith tdci depending on th eet alent eeareitigc Four Costes Besedon Three Guna mon nbc noc he cea ep nd ce eset "Thanh ss a | eu herder | ethane apap oma te pc eon Theses pepndene | toe a OF tc al der hance coe ey a blobrana oe ‘eon snd f(s) The nn dae ines (a Ae asi ae nth tai oreo (oxen eer cae tera hate red wale ‘mates pr dco ae eakestiie Begin. ToL Sane pant saarns rbenotl atf eon aie tthe rac alo tu eet Say ote al isin a tian eps doe deere Tie lac of ae Kap obs moter feiieepraal cng so chen oyna oa ‘iphinage > ceriengaginntine daly Derotionto Go Bhobti Yoga : ‘ine pi Fmslediidet cos onc thee tone Sorte cate th tog of a ‘Sho tke fge nme lone cos ver andthe ere ove Baplfed\Tehewapofdecon's God. The wat devon slic the ae hd ‘Whee dss Gch then ofthc he bo feof aa Seectintchew ofall from nen manor, and oon andthe nsoste paver ng Konlelgeandtherln.taloeam he abot tha whch the higher “ Iabshaomdrugh lle Vlas amb she soe june an ut pyar en br bc of he ental myc oh inte ithe ocielctinece donc Pattee Gis wesceric uaching‘O of nchnca in though sod olen Whee iets Sorat hese SIF On iN uintersere pce madi ea ‘Go teape mernce wi God. “ee ah eo of devon ‘et Seana Ling Glos dow Ghent as ‘Noes sd of Go marta be | xGadinaetnd pl adeno, ba arn ing soll doen fly opened mde snob ‘ning idl Col nd amen | ‘sending ering one Cod 1 de dot ek aig om i Selo expe me Gold Gh cee ise Ta ay eee ose ie doe of Gale spe o I Ieper ac se oot reer igiaundate ns Iocan ede selra te rot YogePiosopty: Roja Yoae fetal dacks “lng aah Adapepaie nom aed or Nene: Shane celine ‘skal fier ‘arene o abies Bg per ‘Asma pne 4 Pra elon see midi pic enene Thee ro ‘hem ander te bps ‘enigma dering The Seven Planes Beigel ccm ofr tarbvcficte ene aaned”™ SiR ned Bal coding Semele om Ti ope hanes safle oan umarkabe experiences of Saitametishs indi Shot he six Centres Raita nee Kinda Ssh he "Serpent Gin swe rss Got Prabnde Bhrts cso ey king ein bn hing Ce perl alk abn ol ‘hing ens eszone The sth pln et he ed, WH Semin aber cepa ete em eae mu ee pel ‘Sap any feds oncom ed eh rar Boe ect see th Wiinade sie, Ow sat Fone ehh bronco once ‘Sepomo Teepe cmadh ‘end Bohm ‘clipe tan oth mst ce Dscing a eh See dager he conde ee atm Aran aid a hy ie dp eA dow pd ce eo wl # gat mc oer ot Aetna me pepe ered rk dant sen Sig ohne and Bone alge) Aequlston of Supernature Poe ‘Avindronce S$ Ratan te "People pa Tien gis Sito Anna, Fe Ciphlhiyoumay a tice beepon wil cotbe ater I EPaae leg weno Be etethadinen ng cpa SiRamabrshna ands Gospe! SaRamulestinswsborn sc (Canopus Si Surat De etctinen. niet eins iteemertnd Gadadhurs hi ert ache ans fern vt Tuning cand las Bes the pty ean eden nce rarer wot ave cated hin fox gia ceremony vhs i cl show tigen =" oledge wos ge 5 ser cad plan SS Devishongh abe ed ee tomar eaing wt remen coud penning 2 fel ais hehioweha teats Sy oft Asin Hn Gatto su i erro Rab esp hm ol eens + Ranken a oe Sear — aa a ee Sapte ae ees a. es onde Whar Bhan in tngue hast Irene desi Thin ema cal sed (go) sg RENEE Mad dS Rane ss eng ewe" am afr se orm (6) Ande ws prompted “Ao y0u x mn ofknowedge” Nha gs sm the dvincton bermeen now ‘ess gornc, Up tas in his cn. GBieadbcendacone orto re Haedshol, Lateran geo sfase mans hha to know Godt content nese noel thar God as in God wh wee Tit Gan the vibe? (i). I id oe nd hte! Ms belie in Godt chat, while wonbipping i they ‘hou ve Godin sow dnc cya Oneal no i. Se Ramah heen id sup Heslboetacherue who ceed Shen bosonic mn and own iid owsh dene Se 7 Pde Bharat ily thee amakisin bese J ese om Inpowonf is soureesofKnowedge . | sei Ramabsha: |] Neer eGuide psig | Sic wok the aly Men nd Sctars rem ue “ that ehin oar bended Vo ‘aa Kr {edad be Haves A Vent pov Arsen Capea Hew sighed ‘heKinet Repl and ad cree ‘Gisainpntnts nt A SG gn Ramen ply od dnt Tate ale Ihonleges pr wud nin tele he Who ce asp me! A Tw dg ao oe Aad he nc er aan Se Rake alle ‘ecg ee he Sth Mata ‘cea cwuisonine nheVerand St Rakes sed co ‘ieNdara eliotn Pum flower looms the bee a ‘de Tin Onncs chee fale mete eh fhe espe (i os yest ma Phu Bh A cielo Skeweyeecaneo ‘aera geese dona ej chlordane deen He ‘ed ar lin: Deo oe the imags ‘bers nthe upg gery Measles vi thas ‘igh mained on Peers Nese ren cat ‘epee Heiag 2 kleg toe ener Tedacpemaldepeicc Tost tecommit omemory Tre were 0 (tenet Whe dics ts bron og deve Kid Teentrchbcors 2" ty coment meen on chon Toate oe Alas nahin Senay yest 0 God thes loess: Golithe inthe God When tre hemi everhing sbi! ou nao You ma be i enh by tec ‘Depa how el se ead ma ore ce wef eke fete iron A te ncn on te Rel ase I Gece eet of pesca on a ala remand Shengacbrett lox ‘Sintra ie een Sela py on ‘erldie Raa dcmangg us Songs sed hese ang art vee Vege Kamas stint ‘efhlgeom a ee Pete ccna [iseitertestamtnu strc ws ve | Pads Bart |) Some | Mase (1 the deve" hae eat 2 SS Sour He nea en Seta ateegatastie thes ede iq] = i or sclpen omega Tach cf farce gcc Why shal ‘Cindi T een and nom ‘Sven west ee Teen ‘cena ers). Onc + dees nued Mer com SSineenieeiae (Gin tego estar posed "hr wi nly ui by meeting Same iheedetntletarlanaetiems ie peeetoti ee eee ro om om an ng eter Wher tbe iene thaw by Rak et elard vem cand a, These words dled te dee hab then ofthe youth in eerie eke cin ieee pee SaRamaina pt "One pe dc a ee iar cs doc ‘cine thr medina cB wrath ces StRamalh gr Coy eet (0 ‘Oni emo kinds of people -usegmenst trsmovenercroeded with fom oad ovo a thescdpentet and acess ae the Kena Upon thik “how Eesman wel ene ti Noy has de nat Kno" tot kr swell One a0098 Sader har cance, "N28 tacknowHenow nd do oto" sete ™ pager ; Repent cae ad ch Sct tenon wich cons beth oe hein When she women he : tet fae om hls Tonadliget ae Th ‘ther wap ma i fever Vata rend Fipitof menoryenbll Gus eeenebe pf Imo Gadevhth he ad and “me aes fhe die La When SGnltek dace fe wo ile all hepa nee owt” Gade Gd So had ren ates on bramas Conte 10 Mnowledge fsck Eo rr play’ it) On be Bowed th erm, ‘ibid aris God Ham seg ifeen parts Thos Tkepar ened ‘Stenyetieconmanons Tesco is as 1 Spel Thoghe mecidal ichriom arma ‘akong va ai mime ae Pre io, kowle nd gence oa nd The game amor coe ina ang weaoge mined one tenon Si Raman ais Gu who pre ose eden swell x od tens Some es rete fran oe te Gree Ged asad te apo wich ele ee ae pda heaps which [ihe int «Coola eal a pcs a Dat ou ger the hore | | | epee hate cos Heol eon wind pele Gd ho, Aang raced he ed eps a ‘Seranotie Rae mcdeetr ed. ‘eA mann doce Ite Quench pe eer InfaglndOn here dence (Quenbecars: Spa hr ed ami O Rams Youu he ale 106 The ii eapied the die ss ssc nk apna = ie pik aranandan thew ‘inant hplyte Abohee You how te Abie Ie he ing down fate #6 Sheng pst per of on te Suthdanada cle he cond ofan frm So hough hep) ‘Rana would fale Sore hes tees andenme tare dent ik gag Sa ofthe as al acc Sete enonot acne ls es poe Tag Melee ot Salon a escaped 77) Heane suiting Ani Be ite Nope inte Sota Sapte Rea cedive else ening Krome Ba DsNigeand he Lie th r00 upc feces deed Fe Althe wrpies Yee eh Fad the ne op ony fe at Sonido {thew word of alarson So Hara aha niindebchorzo ln Ile cee ol sei ea ita ar nla es op Iino he wel el eka ‘Sop ha wesc ae rtng eages. Binan “Dene goers ep ot Balman teem hemo Hi sit ‘gms Rana sons Isrts olen Cong nd Shtpees ang tn Roy webhngttenars ence Hen Sore pemangal csc secon for eric eo ihe es whee. cus wher las ie Ses Tran sy teh word etme Toe ely reson oe {fates cpl areca homon space wn of God Tha Schaar rou one wee Posse be medied mayo : Colon betectiered nob wecthiped in he ssc northern he da ao! God canbe ‘mae ends and pc begin ln other word Se Speen ‘tal eaperence comes tom septa ay peopl fog that rare ake shape ou of (hepesonl capeences of men of ration Posten on oneal of which Harte be Youdall hrs eden te ec nth ner fois the een flies Fear cing Hilthac colin he [Halabi p iam ai Toe sono ee ——— ee ee | Pda a : J pds realetbel Nee dees : ns eC z Sounds ei seat ah nnd on erin ereneabered how word fH fe Doce : " ‘ oe fen = vel asia ced wi eg eines“ na, Veda Betas Novica Inhlebeat bear theo of Begs bee esrorthingabour | wb read nin Bram ‘tiRamakrietna’s Discussion on Vrious | hoanlie*Toctigeenpotl ere Scholrhp Meningle Withoor impotent Topics | iiinchSo Diino and Renunciation ‘Wik Share ad Shh on Marriage: O> ncewken i Raakis wai Ie ber Stee ber Sear se esas ono teeta Seta ce Seen Ra Resta he Kiarnds weet Dabhierea: erx The Drie Mother has malig Re” lech Hal ngs Si Rana xn iytoSeRua One ceMme[ Ss rman theynow and then ence Kesha’ Br Si Ten si: Seep pe eT Fry ngery ney ccmany aes a= Seyutnetone | Poel yt si 30 wand ne und Hei te Ope Ged ‘ee in ts band Ye ae ie at one the Boer Do your di in th wel Sipauncre dot ar txoigl he | the God one he Der and yo ne ei Sree chee equate fw he Dhaene dha ogibe ne hod apse ie emma ots ea an gee yore ‘Sopangalpremeou preter ejabon ter ndon coer od “Sep dopo et oil onced te iescnefietowe Talat Goeonle inetd a Tne ten se Forumer ora eee ren panel Elstcecng and nec ‘send ad peta foe Ona Dace ehlsb ie onthe tatoo {vdieo sf ete Ma ‘ese Mae med a earn ee Ticieaeseeetoteiee iri iy Cerin nd a ‘gp Mande ego Sch be e incor ned pcg ‘anand sit one non ‘cite llogbof be pe a ‘etalon Ammon ‘SOc dom nore she rbd Bhs elder ete eerr sch Toy copay won Spemedaue 7 anal aa eee theta pe ane mor pos spre nor pepe nd tae ind poeerane seconded gh Hi thenalcomesoanend” Ca bth nd becom teats (One dy ween 7 Gigamepen pete Tell fd lc, nonin 9 opin she Gar consecrate Eetneensofeynanyan nore i fara eda ‘peal sdodeced in Be ntcoane tore the topic the Ra ep dled he Mace Sr Cv tpl? The Mase Gacundersandig! 200 Indah ben" sys word "Govind ae at Kena 0 (hey Raab Pe ‘tet dco ce (ivatiebe ded? (Govep he ie Fee: Seer giro ene coddno ene Got atheros par Fh ty ood cons Seibert oe om Me Hoe rb hme flowed Tags mind acd opeech a be ie can (tity be tndetod bys etl ayo Hse tndading the wearing de meno the ane of he Sdhan ogi fh es of being born naa tiny woul dean righ he riko Rota ucrenger Deum ew o:erh Sotesdategth ay Heel prose Mecemetentocd nc = ‘calldnnch cong Sein Up A Pose Aoi ‘asanahing ndvhr waning ol she Pelee Oneness cation ‘ehingeo the dn! Een beens ‘soe tothe dine ned et sen thee ‘esanup agate san and np ‘et The age of Ged sana a pla of ‘maga eli acwlliown oes ‘pote sontxion {Ons Sakis wen owiehe 00 esha ide io ‘epee poe Duin he red tance gfe aman theo ion owl sein ine eh Mima sot ielnagiealtn po Ged Mabe 7 fags pm hur he did nor ao Ketter iaaabeaya ened by he cer af epithet aaseeplaniecsothe selenite [ferent Peheoimetction cove! | elie eee iat se fo feounepe Seat halal nam hee ad peered Siete ode es tera ited be No Mabe Ted edi pea thre ih j eaten Sanne fen = | cea ore sain clo eek wi leone of me en i ee nd ‘ER apne nd soravy lve, devotion wears nd ner enon fom he ew ne pene il 2 etal dev hepa ‘ve veep (ise depend onecing ‘ieee hm ore an tc ey Be the Maser (Setpuil le aed he hed ‘Suh ee ae gohan beeing ing te snob ‘se inne ‘uate wom et Inte vio bens ‘Spee downy nls om iy yal or, sp we Hettned Prada Bhrats . a Fesepriiantercr Sy Meatbehinvcl sass re especie TossGed inal bing lanai Wie eet Iisa Niven fell te sorta ke nc Reerinraptine tics Gta Get degrensigen Berns ete eS sates sehen Peet palo an her ae eves in God Bore nse he pers penl gree heise Fo gune teat te we Tsien pen von Pralacion fo Baabaan asthe poi ot ee EE ptm Soy ofthe Ann Vda Sprsind he Cape St Ramana tanga tie So Long Do Lae tenets mind 8 compare © Sa ripe ers by ce ra on of wach ss eee tented aos oc eee oe (tiered oe Selaiard Tweet cna: Pee eee eee sen Cow Me Vsane Dict: eRe Ure sre ‘Mash ane Swans Tuiyansnd, eae Fridmuchatann these Ved ‘omen The manera anon tn Miao denny fe Nei He repepaniy ter ieee ean Ned for eayeygood erderc roti tether te werd ancl Or though es indeed te thar everything of the Yeas adi wa ens ‘ined in net art hes fe eh of Beara sea dc areal hr ‘hakg by rx ad tna ht den depp an ery ingrid Ihe gett nef enact he the dhcp wide ene to rt ged he othe mene Sloe Toa perl Onc Sool” " ac ae i of ra See etch lta ee er ue ad esi he GeFitie nme ae nbn: of he Sere eats See Ody ed Na (ert heandd lw en lg ‘Sater i. The eer ee in ‘SE Ym ok hy sd exh rennet iors ‘Wet inne Mths em 7 ‘emer dy lle el ered Pride Barats nen. thre Selec, piel int fecpone rye Th andy moved added Ln Toyota he ing ee Ach wand eit the Panera Go nd he npc ‘Shas tatrested in Pert Pec: (Once Sa eS an eho was serving St Ramaki r Ipond when he wcll b Feeding sane service. When Sa Ramana aed hee tre ere that Shas ws leno Feo Suf pers of evodon, Tosh So Fra pine or ae i hence Fe ergo x serie props bee shel deco he Tew te Sassi ering Pes vaphisbooksin she Gee” ACs Fancy to Praise Ose tw Reach the Spiritual Goo “Through his devoron shipped Ge as is Note” Indereruldincethe othe (Sima ne See Ingthe mor ise 0d ilccwonhip.mnes oo neat td Sy ft So askin maven ee I ey hs ve er tt dan we pet. Dy pele ees See er lost ‘ane St Raman. seen ef theo peal mp enigenatnn mn crng ng Bepeka stoning of rabies tan Fine Mh shar eet be pe Radha shiner rc inode Fei Sa Rati She ord devon {Serres ee oer Wit h Ginbempet ie acecdiio,Hesorand yee cite Feregememrnrd rho Pe epee he (ee hon Baie ite tlee nnn tae Shem i on Seth oft ne hin fencin te Coad mS oats nab any ‘ileal cn oer featoncltnoe bunts ibaa some as Sonsllsnen Jlret hah pmertie lato al a a ren opened Te ‘Schein pere on Ine ihpene HetncKk ioc ep Rats nd Ks hires ch {Erste oft he ohio prone [Seee repeats Vision of fener Made of Gold Sapper tet hw neo gld ecg cialis ah teehee eed tel den the Dros Mather comeing dete bo a FRU earieapnabon Om ae) gory oa hae so cl ie ask owe faetateangioee corel Prd Sp Raman ie lab th conn ob ges haa od ‘hc idan Maur > loeey eg eager bene oe ps Heal mn rece ny ania aire “en He veptanie Okada! Singh winch clip You eee He ied ge art Gig de are Yoursef by Concentration of Mind: 6 reece Soercereaan Screnetouge net aneeene e ce pe apes ties Sefomskins dovow nck the Nethe ae aero 0 Ieeane fy pal sk po tana’ Sh ped ox Bak wat Yor cy ng study of Scriptures forthe Beginner ‘oaqueion fra Bab dot sea de Pnchada? Ranso ‘sion hol eb Gipinra {heh ny prc neon in (One thal het de epee ds tay age frye A fogGndthere oo lak of nove ‘Be ie Mother spi Saosin “eager pate cy of te Act ind So a ates Esperenced by auranga cece fecrb she eee a Sth apesencing than ‘Sitonasbny aol God Grange crc Serra prs 7 tdi di fg hr by wich cpa no te ean ‘hela The airy (Setembro He gos oly or ike ang pen ane ee Nwy concern “eythane. Thelma tte iota and he concious’ a Bieter eth center ere nc em -omchan a eco ‘ince becomes he tate se taneel God (ld) Nanip aid reviy aha a4 ‘tla ros aed thens0 pepe ow ras te ook (id). Se Ramla ware loo mach yf the pres dos ore hr Shmpod The mp tg oro te sven ofthe pares Agerthat, wha she ‘cdot Om han ecm and ‘hendiedepin nds ie Ga Dirne Mothers Revelation iRamaitinaoberwd"Te Die Moher eter meshes fc Vans Hy The even the Gra shat you Sy epeting th word ten time: The word be rnnunce everything and pace spiral is Spline for che eiaaon God (0) Denon the ol ba yo wl no fae ‘The Purpose of Reading Scriptures A memes oil onl One neds word and sid stillet Tat th put Seleaiichecsaucere toasted stp oy serene Peseta ccs sca hema > | ehetnoner ares hee concentrate Dug Mesto ‘enc Eee pale eat sry ow Mae er i eed AY eam hl age SR Be lolceton ee Vt ‘er Female contin Fash One Een ip Jets orc ben mnctng once eden oom lpm ne ‘eden on aa pepe Sith noma Fn arvana sare apne ‘Semutinrahc awed Ste Tihs yt eget Si Rams land ling rn ale wih arc ran cl doe Sev nspeand rea led ‘Satay conc ace ‘Shama en holo doc Ao hr lon Nad sa elie eben sa ep ‘itd ce hgh fea ‘edi anal ig ton be {timo al Tene tina ca ks nde te ik gyal one opi a Speier ena sett my eigen God ne chen pea 18 Prd haat stab Sruy ofthe Ace Hen Ahad ev dia ak ‘ewe sey sia arn an Ro Gal simntos The Name of Go ‘. Newest al Wher onc calle eee acl Bee spon i st ner foc ea Marner by snp wring = ier her share yey al eeetgeeopeyicy nd hc | dn ein el ile ee Tse sess | gucrananney mtx vi, Milt olewe al bee gee nl bul wi L ‘ied about ee Be aM el Godin ‘ponies Te only hoo ‘ : boi dmb amp ob es peer cance Sen | cer ea see seemed ee wa a: Bercand ao He weds thsvases Essien ae hen = each hn. aban ipa degne frocti of a... Dine deo Dis be Marae bla doen hae ponin tee Te Kis on che feel eto ae 0 der bind ely sc od evap hing eter ‘hemoberakaows he Inch ping mech ne ‘each lal one So Iethemind svelte os ule beri eeltedaalon Goi Godsrone oits elite chi cecal incc aipo* Sek ee karte sacthold goon pecting sn oes* | a ee iiegec scene Mimmmaaaataie “ince Md dma (posin pice fe orci Fromenepnec vicw Got ance’ tnikegar fad: Onecare ss nd conditions to God on Gos Themen mind eprint joo xe lenis hasan owes ope Ite thaConcianens vs Seow Gndsand Guan wo and ne ceeteoetiegrccwscnicne\" delat eran imal And Sparen tient", Suspect nc ReaiyiAnap one, mages dere Sere oe Meme sens Pb Bhat ses Teco Kovoncod. ‘re We Deart0Go8 ‘Wel ol sa Gad iy dart ms econ cn dar» Godin pe ey alee ey eer agtegenediedi nce cng Ramanand “Teh tera Naan desc Teche Andee chek tenet ‘fete admin nto ooh ee 1. Momeni 1 Seti dst Yea Se sm ee 2 Rcd ae an a ries Sec nate ein, © Smeets et Sane are Setanta se Gre 0” ares Mame ie ade Spork Th ei mtd Sat of acho Sep Sih Bs ploy a hatha ar. Seba thereat Maes Seat rem PTC eG CC) ean ene conkcnscteor Acentescnciica se yap oin soon Orbital dds ‘Sat bps on nny a Serco n haf aaa omni da eng wer deguvelGed etic Tia persuade | sineabotol th Doe Mach] ing By Her a wer epic come rangle wae lp agi doongh et eth sn ch ei” And in an She lac hvaendisat gcd cone Pe vim Golbar enuf, | Cals cegntigerm artiste ek apse syle ten hip she Cistcgmnaicinwad ore mopar Naledlongeagren’ et Smmemctinp Heel den inches bing tind was God, we ned God fat'Oncthikso Gs thong Aan: "The nd tevin rough he free Shera ‘Wal al hie ours fad mara ec Bar thsi nae he ed or Te neo Raman Smad eet Sime experince, Aber sey ping te Lots 0 fowade Him, then w= be (Gar oa afer he datums ges veo Inch bore comms Ra tohintbaverhins p< From other things he Booey you he 10 mang i thong Gad teehee be . tds An Ore tie Jey pens ety Brtrdcone rscresdnne ce (8) 4 gore Weep Get ih coe png Hepes pct re Snipin ( ons His grceo he de Naa Ge vb ius ners eth haa we crc he Iehpoerhaigin ands vhs were Indo we nec cosa can al hs of Ged hae ens oe is Fetter ginitean ry ey within “eejeange bean pro ‘eet ah ‘Sega fe ‘gen his aya ce rr aida Be ‘ulin lado hema ice Tartan Cape her he ampli che Gpwhce Bir etestes rk ys ost it tc ene roshoy e TB rteos ety coe ace st ivan oe -exresoning is ay Koo Mieco mde a i or ai em chet ite eae fa rep ate e ee Sea ete Sa ey ce a a tiie eee See ee eto thse See army om eee cia — eee. occ ‘lac whe Shyanapaa ced a brn te Bhagat pang Kaha tbe Led sod indwelling Self wichin everything, Rama. ete ecect i bepacdenc fh eon Sp Ailap and dence hischest Malo rod us that ksi wen, bo the Hindu rad stone ofa dey epee hed Ande doe hasan chim one Lond at hierar fs this whe the power of te dei ‘Shem anscinentrg Seibel ecient rbd Bharat Tepe tt one immedi ie thaposdiriat cc Behan acto scknowlelged tpl priciest ale he sinc sick eid hem ae Stpamapa hiro sincery i Ihe pacers inh made in ready forthe Lord rae Peete sak cf egcininin (mide ies ted wih he Nox ‘Api ty wanted the Lond pee Hwee pin ar agi fl Sonignceie relly grace eho fenanything ach the se pm Sysmapads di. shoud be ncn ‘Aad ce app ei has Ron Aipecmer He ay" anything m= the ace oF God? (708) And Tho gate even she imponble bso 7 (G9) Softom this iscens Gon tgaceon whomever He wants wiht hon, sah as pial psi uation, dso on. » Sohow doe recone hex Ameconclabeposons? ink MY ouldapee with Se Berard.wb Aemecosary salvo, ce pasincrderto satin few Tce we snl or cea erofthe ood wor cea prt ofc ef peed in teense by eco wat and pant acton ofbck ey heey yf wl . ‘rearing grec andl ti snostiefibemmesin Anlwrcinachow Titupoblelfwe menor hat arto ceded Col pee BRE Dida tee ts re vl Bovewan uring mar Randonee act Aiepete Gasol odd athe mens wh dearth etetot te gc oar one” Ten he Siege acme mh ‘ormevedl desig bm ofreseFore Seep cathe kfeeciet chyevofrornl” Matfarincedy pyre Lal tuthow many ofer acs rey ce in ea hinders She ogi: Net month wold be sod Sinem nc sl ser nnd fem ny sn ays {ae We would aber ‘ol rely pooner Why? Mt wef geben ea Denice whey ch cnn Sherer ie yc ctl fr~ rela dork sstomideLordand Hips Goris Aig vee heme tk "se anes thig ce seg oii Ramat" sage Ssucecsone conor Godsgs: Sneed he dae Sapp nth Panay 0 ‘ \ a (Ga As Raab wl petite FT oh gece tng yt sighs Pybus Bharata semen Wy dono em Leta h “focal ear enw eee lobe eee a BeNietarcoeterne, sete deme Rae en ay terion Freee depo Godt hee ttc nese een med so eRe cme | | | clei ldes mation ‘Semburerhie tcf malonis od “Gs Se dened Yuen ‘secener pein ou ioral ccrnegped vere euidpomnersnmyae Debi bee {le a esl nnda-eed Me ers he nr em ‘Sowses lv won lecneosee ee | an cahecantnclin tol | Gat etc erica Gi beeping: (M ‘etn doer reg Sodurcmersee) Mane eee Whe de ve eft eos tad a ued Se wher deals Sekt besa hs ma nus, ‘maid iota ose th Go ee Be sewsel coed whee ih hd Shap hecod been Fes eof Blane Ga ak ess em dev hss fk So yr in the domino semetines take pace Go! lowe Bar hen as Remala aro do wih he ing Slfwithin everyone SeHlnalferryohe tone hus become the ener Ting ahem vo un “helanall rund sit ‘hisisthe oodof dine on length vite So the whenallbares arc olen Bataan ye fl aug moment hat myo Soetlsetin grace ty ‘fnahina a Pst Shyam fd with Shamapa dine ge an Ice was abe eorecve ane, to ec i—becte ois cal ‘And Ramalesina rcp! his Técweakoseethactar when Spang areca ite ih Ramin faodof race pore in. Ath Rie hreegsie dee Dedarebes Gols pccdoc ats (pape) ofeahana nd yom Imement wil be amagi: momen: segs wiley bebo lon ag be bdind—sail, na bond ll underending Peteences * sets nan or poshne Salam, Th rin (Qed Googe les nd Emphs ade ene 2: Seager naman i ah 9502 $ Solin mating 6 Gop ner re What Makes the Gospel Unique? pravajika Viajaprana Tena hil very pet fhe Ma fest Romakishes. was slg: ho spt pi pe Tecmo enum in meals Tied he ph whch cel ‘sume soa bil "Te Seecittgiesiarvereender cc Ves Stank apache Tacha ese echted byl te famais ‘Sonos dosines ad cede ead ‘emma fey along Serf ieee gh ips she door an pesonae ng or (God Winer iigoer ide tad contped Ingparchenck sp teconpe iid ‘ih Whieilloing doc cgos we tome econo tioedrohin Hen sadorrdbecks, Heenan ered any cipces thenmides gaint et Lane ont ‘andlisnekandoreditw ie Moths ie iene yeing wa coor sep ‘oninodelafne vr efeansenen sn insane Rey Se Rolo only ‘norm pital mar whe, covering the dig ety legion ped ois Vrgpnt voor Te Neen Caos Coe ak sean ‘hethamooy and Sone ht when fllored tecec thy lel etn se God ho Ui eee eeeeeaae ample peru ded color of hatch. One sry pion ob eve hr no mace wh solr ee pened, che dyer dpe the sch nthe me Maz which produced suey clos The Ferns Behman Si Raman xpd» stat vr of dye—foccoleen yx pedir singal ou et ean er an wprecedeted ix months aah mad a ule te a Ll Prd Barats son chr ta» fe wih yw prin a» fepher oun min iste dt eae =, ee ele met oman eS tents tei an te em be Ae ie tla edie pa ant Spc en adnate Tac mone ey ewer chs seer eomuemes habe ied 8 SE Si or mre leon, amass Trea My Se Stone diner mane dpe ofS lindane Ga ‘Sevres wt ping be bd friend Wecneiadsihadtn nary oer eckson eng ts scpleeacofbeng Bhai nes “pron elao gus xin Sa Stoner cn geo he Neneh Posen ung ai. Si Ra les ae an on plane incr dee heey Heeplined (tty tan any nage ren ‘nc amandeby sh wal Se cab ancgaceahppamtaagces by deh anda itn hen ln They pbk oe ew en areca ware ciadhei ‘yim i eho tod bogie An ‘hah eyecare ang Sane el dnb bck do ee tebe an SsRaakted opera “ raptenperede rhe croc dctinsef dae Adin ‘ele Heer etm nt “nine fheysolsan se wen Gol fee ein operate tt wenden tsdepiel nhs Gop sh tiv Ges pny Rater etieiaral: estat an spree Grete en tren Ree divi! Ate teterecd no aa et pores iererstieeacen eiteranesccoec Bang Mereyalogyneoptor sale Beary eee eerie Se eecriens: Ieewentegctscieccaccento whalers” eect Reeatiyicaraa css: iierenttsacr cele —rererelaahaertad Eetlndtadha begin ar prt ee amet eat aac cn oh coke sheraneaeaad petite ee ers Colca Teton for ar ae Sor bias Kthenr or Gop Kile wero Copan id cen Idteisccpeon Whence shower cpa yasel hws estonia ih {inhislfewhich fd hiro contempt Fisica Rusts ie acyore cose Migpaiatocsrohone ‘sneering he De} SShosenheeiscon ce i es M warn ems wan sal uke ete ean exertion ‘i ee irae testing sree na Patan eho comple tinedhn Tied He bagi eng Se Ranatriinn spyrmemonsinghieword to rerceon Mesa ocd iprones ew ewig Afereeering home. he would make seer ert vice snd eomerion the hetero snd mene For dy. re od coy cringing he cereal toning lhe ee erring Palak ppec ie Maer pee SREP Sn Movin tematic deals of be Mars ‘tye and comer poses cin etcohsvteanpenonal he bine Pesce a pase chee Gens dine mood Hing fd he ‘Mfteepng dey many eed ‘Sialic Sepharose cso snd Foor hina He dno nenton ocr lige Aslan acca an arte oben vedi aphoregophie memory ts Gouna on fad cece and te hesnemrotenevhelocw Shen an ‘was present during all the con- ete crd te Ged Tn ce Scie igor bn ach wero ‘ch grea spiricaal master have been recounted sect, Weer lcd sas lan eporeM wailed in porting tng vr Hirose cay wld ih pct iagion sno ° tnnperrhereafe at tm tothe spl aden whee Si: Ramis Aone pa watbengructdandvbch Mat een being The ent Iris ealed aca te deere wh ered bea igs le fetelene yh aga over aad he Canga Sietighvaif er pass ft Resale vite une ngstat wcrening—allly eat WieTlnguphce Mba el proves asda ck ten ie arog eB i orp ‘Napnrs Nath Gap who ao ke St Raat pray, re way tan ove cons ponsne cyt enna 3 menus psn speeg teeter noes 9 ‘Gop nabs Phos ST nad Teen [ignoring rn nates Pana Necks cls pepe wpe Meslay elie emo ‘Siitcene (tit Ch nd Chat ‘pant ppg a alc Supe Hopes leo ‘TliepenEeclden? ee Soe Sears reer Soon ote Saas See =r Sa ash a gad sg a then ans om gh si eeee pen, ao ieee of Ms day 1 or oe coon 10 vordrandehen wo hin Aonsandonesatons tndeood and eonded he evarshewouldcones ring When some other cpl Garltmsunncrety icra aledyaman designate fer {isa nicl Once he Dine Meher bs todos wot ober Bence of sero ome set ease fea alnaons He ao ope traitor howghs hgh hs Bpeeteg ters sad cot teases ned common ey cages and ilstons cory acid ‘search Hes mae ia iin tesosingle making Golan rend rey about hin as ules np Syed isch en me diy sway te Mae exes fovea ded arth cry St Tercaof Ani whenesurilopen ee thet ofthe popes ole apm er diene ronincammon gewargnd na The conversconal forma of imbues few sce nora tai oc oe fund inert Ramalrisna ence the ile ra nectatine, wet wos nn theteachings given ince Gop ee tomenatona alr prt Rea ied Ahem tall aooghour hig fi, treed drongh i wor immediacy of che all ering Dagand ight wala God Those who were fortunate or ooneenpaataent peed [rip laroniprm rs sryear 0 a ener arto of diene peo pia ep ‘occ inh see of eed ea ‘epee oof dine oe planed by ‘heepesocerhimelwhch rere bt ‘thins penedon toe ome. Th fede Gop nehehiory ofthe ons pape ot ed uy oer inal ‘aver dogo many pope pc, {nd nperimccsd uing ch ei of ‘tna expences vic a pt ‘Srl by ts deen hc mes we ‘he Gage The wor of Gd ner bre wa Gol ndinccaceptens ott ‘Epil exprtcer tht we Pi ettinttar casks oes epee Petherton recon ipes all ate ceiomecatd bo $s Godard EL the ciney othe dhe [retreive tnd Cope {higete the drne eam o Reterences ees son hp Tal Ne Wa Nees ey oeetiarn ts a eanee re ngur earns Seicticearcatee mona Soiectrmetaie eet neers SriRamaktrishnarin, Amuda Mozhigal_ Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita in Tam ‘Swami Asutoshananda of masing Raab esings Made Pills is tnlned deoneof Se Rama Pili ase ey rere ol Ranalstne, Seals Ans Sea Hal) Main Si Sauda Dov sad Oe eka roresented monks ofthe. ‘Abram Oval, Kerala were fo ran Pilly" Pretunably, Sei Ramalsehns sehingeeted spreading TomlSst them eerie: Hi photo were eile Ione Stam cameo Tani Kegrnkn the blaning of vy The Sererningintdent abou ht De Nanjude Rao, «won dvs Seaman edhe 0 Ashe When Seam ae Aste ror me == Tang Sami wad soot sks Sade he oped rs tnd eh ol se Hiseye When kd rs an fel th dec moons ‘sy Gur, Se Rambo Narjnd Ae pasuc came vo Nanpns 2, Siler one be advises BO, ‘abso Ayu see es Si Ramabiinarn Armada aah De Ninn ao oped rpc mur prinlofoneof hind pe dee, He cd teh peat ino Ply ae Sti in sth den shui Ranlsn and itech std ‘peaingi Ta Na Satapaise te Yepeorclanark Pemmahen Sil Reelin by Py (Che cari Th Find ‘Arte bh of Sea, Sv Raa teed she ic fica anh f a Kis Mah Bl nee Fate —Now Vipkieteda oc in Til Vitam Tem. Tiplane Trough bir eos, ope ily dog ha he pope a Tal Nedueanetoknow ofS Ramses Srikamtrishne’s Teachings in Tami! Sram Ramsinaandshad get ise re VO Chiara Pala ea nd Nason of Til Naa Tha cul bee ‘exon why wed oe fh esos wing ‘boat et Rama Tal wy Ch ‘nua Plc Heroin he Taal nota Finda Blmornsyoy. Sino th et rom wie omens Raha M Chena stand peblhing she teachings of Si Ramaliain Tl Spgs of Rae Inna soll oS Rais ‘cchings wa anata by. Thachachryt sd pulsed oS Ramaldmarn Updo Sti Sr Ramakrishna Kathamrita in Ta! Kainel i Tan He corset ata S one eet a oe eee sell Tess bled eft deen es Naprtes Ketnrid ec ‘evn economically Wesker section, the fir ed Son wall ara tno aay bed pei Royotorasre ec hurdles especialy Inthe Sant Nihianada, the anda of So Kamatrna Katie into Engh Te Gop Ramabina ponte sc Nosranaon on ofl soc {Gea Th ay al the moe ch 19 sine Prd hart cee econ aig oleae ele toet ‘Which eft tomato of “os Ramah Kateri het ‘in ngage Tal umlcon a to 2 acon dl Al Indi gps ex ‘opin Sunslebd a he Sak ‘Beng eso ad Shane ‘emorsrles eatin weno 1 spol inne tS er Tan erly Sar Sl Tete alos impo ‘ve Sanat wr And. ea dno ty ‘koe vr Twas ‘Sir Sep wos Now ifthe wes 140 tf puting seminary Talay Ee eeaittaer neds Natt trateyteesolume Sriram Tech dete chest. age SS Reals (ebepblihed Bor Sea Tan fei prepared ehrnolgs teeter kes conde Present Speco Edition and ‘ts Specal atures Sometimes told th people cf orl pee co read sll ysl Mend fag one, Ba ie alm tech the cae of Sv Ramakeinarin dros Mochigal. sshrelame book of = tian ges People showed nee nt the alae ter han oi! Neto or sleons. So, 2 ht tical nore and gona woul = the eding Th wok was cx Avsorhanada, who had previo Sami Tinmayanands bis aos ssa cea Tani works ole” tthe he ddan cere eral Temple of Si Ramana #8 (eatin Si Ramana Mc, CA Fic ppreching in Fbrey2 ‘ded thar the nw eicion #0 hig ener. ooh? abe ne $+ Ramcrisrearin dads Mech the flowing ae hp eta fis 1 al Rempana (4) the Fase Ec wrtean bythe Fr Pot, artes bow the Tabor wien hs pF Rams La ‘sun Si of king Dasa and ‘Motch geo bly nd eb he ope petrol Pe Boole Rayan font oi yo tenderer he Rare inde oar te Mth rr SS Ramatrsne athens NL Se apace esi eo See Sire ee ‘edjmtbenenennge eden of ene (cere adam sca ‘ystiderp medio Tar Then ‘Saimiri oy wend: gh lanlvng mat hy tig neh eee eetdle nnd itppened tom ‘Ts mya ack f this modern sere beng ot ie in the be ‘Ganing el iped don 1 Abaco of Ramak iia pen with pel cnet porta Paces eran rel othe ee. "Gla frechnl wd 4 Shor toe on mtu wis move mets redone Glory of Auda Moshial peopl marin how they hve Ben Cheb of eading Arad Moshi dh Notes and References nape tan apie necrny 9 avo ce ‘Th Gospel ofS Ramalshna The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna through the Eyes of a Western Monk ‘Swami Atmajnanananda 0 wen en ene Ite Gop fr Remar he Und enema el ge gE 4a See. rponded ta imsing bt ey ith sethstope Ireencd seach Lam oo ry fsgeaaion bs tendowzer whom te hacthe one hing Oe rb Bhs | | “TEN amma dg ithe ot evoke Sieh eo Dalshinea, she un was 06 ae eine Focalcnsterdtiogs ce spel eb Tew an “ire nin Sec hEheemearpesimesne | Fe Retege denne aed | Sadao oper ye | Tow tvs hee wet w Das ec iictalmed eee! pretepreinenr arent Scie renag eps blo ae oe / Tee ‘seth ens anya eis Mats easly | thm nner ore Ma | ‘rego ey Bo ‘pale opie a Freeney opr rer "Gopnik secur yin Ashe, Se ‘a ue often. a in ‘hoes Seana youl our Inge eg seinen ace dy tdi ecg pnd gn ‘acannon Sh FirstReading eth Gospel easy ey ad ‘excmin aT Gp fRenri, steno me heme me soy erro veda, sloheome deadpan ‘oben he mien oy a ie sndevbric compan Bm dooce es en sil fc Gop The | settee elt |e anda odin the atest of Pome Sankt eal oreal eV oo emp {Mle eoread the Gopal no (er Swe ha nae a eet beds porn? fori Tabo unde telng tet non tate Lhd ety heh ein ofthe Gop Unlike ny Mth Seat Viana, wa oe Bete on ny fx enn Tremember ceain amount of elingM—aheye reed on he ee tole thinking though 0 Bmalé Onc, ower tthe ery echni Mi bbirofremaiing hides su inter pe tremens per Inge Gael every nigh, warang ose ad fed soe bec ce thar T mold hve purhae th enon nce was gong hough he onessch rapid pace So pce Begun a even filer dy oft Gop Trt hen ing ee Bengal wi ro arpa of aking Ms gn ‘tpt he 0 In ocd the England Bee sideby ade ‘Onc of he i of the many Bee sneer ofS Ramakrishna that Ht“ tha tine wa sande bl trem are (See si ‘une nd think of eb Lord) So Pacis coursework ndspend ay nights in medion the Gp now both Begs ‘oc tamadea si tment move ae rahe Un espe lngeag wth she Kbpefesty andes cue fom hile feta cared din the pel on acon Re eRGE Scent -ateliece pat en eal pice vic Didinenae And kis whe hk nyc ofr: iw sng og peat vie ees he weal te dled deanna cf Lender che nef oher Wann devote or mee Typ dewce rm Wee os wil_ a hr pa ther ander dew ‘getolndaand deol placerat SSOMMTMntgeftomne Dasher: dace had aleciy tal eo cre ve er Mah Kanspar anderen When eda gue hre c ‘heal pS Rema Dibner hy wl be seo andra ‘Ahdsreichi melodie This Invhoe haae worshiped Hal Mahe st Shodan gh thr lee rea hee 8 sesh dosed Ruedas great ge nd ren At scra eo inthe of San hymn enter coe —— lS SE Prt Brae Soll yng he Gen setae gmp Facet Din ke ‘sername a am ‘rome ipraaing ci hn ‘andy her or min ‘elo ay andi cme od ‘ela sen Se Ran ‘com Ox pap mec al Se a ny nn ad a cl ‘lino toon Dine Terndng fee Gap all owing Prat of pana mean on ed ‘“lytS6arnin Ov he ie es Mold aka 46 a ‘ies specie ne ‘GepoandSiR rth Ba eh teat the Parca, nd on He pee when cy or eysailbongeak nee thndand cometh dn Tine Unkacwingy. th Innzuconsseeugh b (Gepeand nprrerns soa Tronlation of ‘The Gorpal ofS Ramakishns anlain ofthe 51 Raptr Ka tomer aout he ace. eration Sneed se ele cengaacte Tahaan, wars sebealiyn bisa ache ine (debe cura, Tie wo fremensince thal emer Poa Ramaishos hoy enh ee ngs. theron the Katte fag Samd Nias 0 ound tomy igh Ihe oye icin Engi br ht ioe Miers any ise rein tal see i cose eg yl ye ‘ince ow pei onsen ‘ean utearinge tec may Woes ‘heyorse beige down sonia any. Teachings trom ‘The Gomelot St Ramakrshne Litenceghtneeninget haa pomae teeter oe daphne ae ‘pu Br what rack thegul cence sine of he beau exhing of Rae Ans whieh sehen in sa thes gp booed th pees ened theif ea are chp ew ade Boot romano get fomer cing be) eget tiaamee ern a iE cemaltey GeDrae er An lousy The Contemporary Relevance of sar Remakad dey prchime: was fenarcof alae scenes ee esate : The Gospel of SriRamakrishna steeper fonsaton sar Pravrajika Brahmaprana ae ‘SiRandinunersineopechayting Coneslon ee rece ns shepepocinggineigedilen Newer sssoun of the impor esbees to “WAS A COLLEGE STUDENT in Lox Ange- the lege a ‘ee Gupe wefind many Mearwhich cerainly unbroken source of insp A Gorpel of Sei Ramahricima n 1970. Ths was In the late 1960s and easly 1 covecbceigia Ad an then oe prey pry Dayenn eanlSelumidnhcncpecuacand which bina Ye oman apt pettre sicieciains Saaderataeaieataed Gebeiasliedih checked wren r tadihe todoewf igo eral site creed mai pron ih eplinh pclmt ‘Saprcalckndlaeeldonsctipah inal pecs ‘inc oftbeuet ican wee ‘fll eth pate, er Weer dene, ks 2 ithe Un PhinSeRanidaddsicsnbemmcnipe lari tore, ah angie se ght amend cl ‘odllewbchicamlacdinheEnghvoson ames eth ‘telacindthenle gpericindy oak wil convict eo “inte bee tnd nthe pr he wd or a asco Mees Weedon ewe Ethetimelthe Warped when gor tha gel nwa zi ‘enna corrapeonwasespoxdand promin. ng Huson Sth es the Regs Man mya Stroh gon om oie vost scne within wich the shaper on Hex ned hnconpaniverdlgenouetiicnsel wth spng lina which Sich Toman ae aa | ous song Yoana Se pera panama “sco dure we nom eet ce Hoot enol Seat erp th Te Serena my i ange ee er =o eee eee meee Poe =e aes eyed sresach an ual fling Seani Paterna in pagar ec at eey evens Teeter when hee apes few Seven Beteed tried nn cere wu pc Cpe eng. Nika sabre sy Took ead on Beto I Iatiedandats orereny Rema ees a BO ged end eect im aber Be arn he Gee aden thenugh withthe ep often any quesions However fe was oly ys daring yf lime truant a Ea Ranalii chsorin the i tfhis spl village i of Karap Aesing though be lage lanes cn lagen decenars oR tnd bering thi spl i = teins was everwcned by eeo4 Spicy of al Eas 0 ingand all consuming expense Feteasizmon ell sock" feAmedar—acalare which 0" femploc nme and range i thy if Buc when Loa gather cos 1s —_—S"—‘—em Prd Bhar ajcrunnbn pase! sarin noire ase me bn eng sa ney ane ne Mo Nr eo re gh wan he ames The ptahene rie suman he Capel i de ahem erp mnt hed STR rcp fd te Peer pl igh To seme Gord Raccoon slag me When Wick the eo of como Amnon ping Ronan Cli Soe dec of Rens “Vhneshewnsagonyienneft ied dees neve. eine Wi hs en en ead Te ‘Spel Roma even inc The Tatas med fe aia ‘Unley deming ue a ha vw ak ance ely be cede ‘SkofM esnboriel wo ws coe by aon hrc ei Raman be sce Ramsktshoa sid to M7 Be ece nyc hae Sea eae You il reo et God tone The Bhagat pans he wor. erie whore resin Felbok! Tach the Div Tiptyonin the wor Pl meredee er clay i as ayoungstden. nd when he amsthea in bear ts, cot Shai whos bt ofa rally became fil The peste te Mase ac ma tbechomde (bit NevenlprasMchove athe Ms Teethesrcyofhismemery va en ial ened. On 9 November 88S ane Kens asked M,"How dal oui iy overs? ox Whit did ny? Ni “God akes upon Hl Icy for one who cry depends or He Heit ea gain lg chirp om ou aosol that afer hsdcn Fimalfénd aplce o ext his ms oar: Fada plac fr bin Si Rarer ered, No that nor gue pine Ith he cn om Feiftfiherleis n hishand’* Because M. cou so Raman soe se! feed orate dawn sw? sha he coud deeply ls thembeeren vies ode tlrmpesion wood he Fresh hemi Po ecu ecole Rar Konvensions Moe the Manes words 8» reruming Bom © Trelged te wlio Tod ier wo lin al de Gpacapne tcc ange rd Nore eed eet erty nde (Se Maver dine ply ough a ap Bete Side weld ger doe nme ete Gees Sieh Sees Cbe peared Fee Vein a fhe Ramat Incarion (6) tow! Mig oe of pon snd power of ‘Seninan sniediatonwchhe apd Fowrand yw da oy. a ee ee she rehings of Se Reaktor word throw acer igh onthe sips dlp teleng bome:he se import of th mean Ing Ths bean an nto Veta so ‘Sesion bua oroter algo seis fn Anece wel. Once in heron when ‘eior Vedas nan ved cd in Cha ano, Tina se scrpaned eo Sentech th ot pp The Gp ef Ramabrisbns Ramadi Guero he pundiew mal Ie nem oe 0 ring ox + Ranks pale What abou Ramana pares tae seve? Phy spa the an ‘het voked pay in pn. Bde, ee Colne wal Noenly dos Te Gel fn Ramat Presets ston rs ne ‘echiehas coe by rene fad mest he Se cof pe od ay ng = = se euch it calles arn cyeienteiarenare Se og ane sinh ieee eo Male clan mao pe ere eet ree arerkebeml scraper ah ee Sorrel ieee Sree Setar tie eaemeters aga San decane Sy caesar obs at pRaasine ene Sa perder poral Se apt aaa Se ea Zageteoae ee Sek ehealni peed eins Saialipoonah apa ogee Seer eee nad Aone ces 4 lpepslibdetiencs.. tae Gopl ft Rana Ieee raged not Ha Such pial expences an tom lhe Ober aed ren Hewes fume Tho Teo ok da eg ie esti by oF Kenley oto var Al Sa Seating Botan elie he Cri tele the Meni td alien Likes Maes nce he 09 of Mar 4s God Hime (othe Sve Himcapta eto ic ‘Bae eco 1s invine ng eh [anak wre ro sma Roping prilosec eco Marsan bean 0 (es ood he short han Inge aan. Tn in StL ew wage warn = = eee the Wane oer anal bese ons hv Muspra ching slong it lege ested ecaeceie s emlloae in he ater he etl We dace Ws rtp wa enc ith oly eed ier nd pnts ei tale eeay ‘hte sen ni foe Seanch deve and ly nan Te ic ble eracmens 0 the Dalsinewa sos SeehSi Ramla ech ede nes ‘aly pec change Incr ew And fetch sped anne alte “crop ah Sap df paca an Amc windo nn he dpe {near pore el i ‘ron nheral adage. eterences ag pb ed 5 Sri Ramakrishna Vachanaveda: ANonpareil Gem ‘rin Rajan clus moses fa Ran Ais se dp So ran nn eis cee metic ays ive pede rpg ‘Sonne ad med ee oe tov in wc bes Sing ilo decade in eel par of Ini Ti thon and tjuvenation eed li SR a Mabon Ros ke Se, dS Marchand Vi Found i elmination nthe oboe thar Raman Vveanand of was ace in the Wool Pa ‘Flin and his waking i mses ring hi ae nC fees aedictnecont orem tk InenceofRemekrizhn-Viekonande InKonnade Merete aomdaluee dd nol ehnd in ag nde Ramat iharnds The Kansan (eins tvpeiog Sang fesedatiiantcis pens of Teese! Pci ich oe dose oe ‘tard iprat sean ee el pe sca ne rer to Gar were popula due ocheinflence besrseneminare stir ear pera pene So te ae oe Se cesen et ae Seinen cn Bld oe =o ee Saree =e pares =o Seo eee Smead rere rei ate Siainctetatereme tras Secu oe Re cease snd pss we ep iene bythe ie nd sechngs ofS Rabie aby he eee See Disrndatavopeeaes Sees int Mann compte? nares Bite ew Bengal ac co Kanada ad ee pencretat amd cleat rane eae ‘moaning enewppe — Pb Bharat Patines on reiing noble ili, are. ee eS irda sa tthe preneecacher ofthe whol Bie Maras el ey Rela bn. Mba pe By Knding drs Die erp ‘DV Gunde eo ataeemnantoing ei see Sart Amananda nil {Seam When Swan Aken [Sept fe Raalies cane wo ng In gop afer hr weer ‘oe him, 9 Tepthette pratt of Votan ue sf Same and ABhedanands cng Ranks: He was io prob he ete foent on Rata Vict Meccano stabs spain a ae arn the pens to seen yeu Heb (GetSci Rematridins sone sin A Sarkar and thr pst me. ap rdf vine igi nd pi Ines Sam Vikan ele Seedomiach honored yh owe pay homage 0 Sai 5 Kamali Params esther Kanna policsion 9 fi Rama, pled by ar ‘Aas Baglr i Jar 9 they te rw aes wi ‘seat $Vekarihand ARKH ‘hse Tey we pple De fila bere yp bepusonot Seam Saad re cecil adtenenn sing he Kanne Sais Pcie owed tong a oe mbapaher hapa Tt eatea vcca yet the pea hl thm ines Se De be Renpehic On es alas mene be oy ‘Onr oop ‘ex hae bec ie hep, ly lowing, band pin snther who nda ‘his hr pth income Aout Seema ic Hen ‘se, ced ligon cmd eon “he Keads main fhe or pc of the Beg dic mate Kaha itty St Nahenanath Gop ce ‘aint puke Se Reale Fc “ia bythe angle Ranaat Ana intgj athe fl pain gy he waar ‘atthe feat poe eS} Gide en Kh One ar cube of eters 14 pred hn en the Beng Feedongs alr amaksshaaife highlighting hs levance ro ‘he modem da RR Dakar se hon wes oy inucnedby Sean | Tinstocos meson stinan her [eecsattacoeees ter ut vhs mst 19 aD tbo ohare aed Diyala ‘gels cose en pote hye es ocd cng iilaniaiartsdresiaegeied cance Spaeetiisientimainees aon sateeeageeentes distended Sip er Naa oe sip oicinpditalneutece wrap ttn pee Deb akecahegeerect ae comm cthdereme ken et swe Oricon, ‘Sheneyrarnmiheereienoy flee manent ‘stale De Streak note ‘heen hs Kwsr ba ‘doughs spon, rated The Lif ofS ‘anginal published by Advaita 160 femptachesnderoot he abject with grea rept an fehasben ence oth therecncaemeneby an ahr Iannteadlantouceamyi aap etbetis cee om emer. (idea presser ache Nw Eis Ay Sear Seber eet Rinpeehands rt See petted ena onthe ero he ileum hc ‘alg Kempe wfc Babe Math ing by Seam i cdinileo Se RmalesinK forse ers in he More Ashi Beppe con Rama Inyo andthe theron Swans Va fabled pare npinge Devan am Vivendi Teton ory bala Hi retail orice ela on eet ec Spiaipa et language can bows of such + Inde ete We to now dono pana hae pened sore bel ors fe Kannada on i Raman i Sra Dev and Seams whch nade lon tHemoten ingrid sage poprannes Sean Ptheramnunds a ‘sed mpl Kanade eae gh he popularand easing on asi Holy Maes St Seal De nds th oe fed wh de ‘mand ha ae Unique feature of the Kannada ronlation of let nin nese vse Pieter esr iran ne [esetesoascins oon nerve ne BBitetginw ne cgy ot cecens roorn —————— OM. ee Prabha Boras Si Ramakrishna Vachenaea: A NomprlGem 2 Fahanarde site yO ee bla ey mes f palate oy Mirra Hance pata bemiedalarhewsncmed ecard cin eos Thema ugh he warbors dino Galery). eau MS athe ws tery igs td Stendtacn Repiemitmansnscite Eee netted eevee eee enn er a itis Se Rana soli {re temple The Home that hones his pape eased mecestrnin | Getter med ben irra nd cis dally beset ee ae | Ttenreldpisng lagi sien Tesongc on wc sets ahem hei ony compe Geers tel eur Tse Geoeumaqarictacene deen ‘Ment i raid eT ce eagerness Sloe mitten signe asians on cay sf apne dl ein hislgotmpsclepeinarwihs gy To wr in mereenmtegenes dein, anno Rati cg ‘al ham ape ees The tte ou on ng ne onder exes anda dc Be nll | Reaing Me chron oh efi isthe howe yey eval ing calles hr Tiere vr lle fm hi ken bur Kayenpusss wih even die hc a an apo we iNeed Medgar an sheep plat Sees pmrnteeic, | eeeemenecctece, | ein goo cmel Semaine Remene ss sc | eee r okt Tesiesieeeesemnieh ~ Linen Scouse os ee ee eer) | amemeeeaerrere, | endear ile Gieeecacicaehiraae ceaihepes ris, Meters chain hy ttoanar ito seca eee acer Comieyeuscmcrbagens Ramen tne cciier et amet net eee Se eoe ns Gipemnweet: | Awacrteit—e Saldeenekatowthoninlicaed Sis Rumsitinssa owe 68", Seg Newer had God intr in i et pe ef nos ce thant vit dicesoma bedoe tao he ey 0 ‘mpess of Hind thcogy gi place w the prising che lghcer and cxltc! ‘tel and vndertned by the most cedinary of Soeciibatmamenie Sewta afer ts — Samgmamay demne nda eee eevee falgbeaftiesd die Scie inmens che) Renee ne Feira Searcy fstidente sean ces oe = a” 16 ne ye ing eal i) esting Gi chet Coton aot Foon ert mehr ay ea doch an seth nena i0 (tama Ramses Fboaele loons pe oui, 3 opin ‘So pl const). Sear St ‘Howden dcp ofS4 Ramses fe dace Sams Bahar nb {he unter pee othe Mary Rana i [esi amahanrd Kvenp nthe ‘uma me shal ae angenc dog wah in Kot [ten Bar ch Dang i Kreps ‘pactisiany epeeaeseetibe pecdiiecentn a eaten Remain ana Degen ‘i vih mach on eat he Be ‘pcndnen bea sl cto hin, Ths bower hip seme Raper ‘ng pe Keep nde he ones neon Vacant fw ine ofthe singe pret be ‘Wine immen find verted ed sel ed ee ep Soke bd ‘eats sd may pen nancies af bk the volume Bae ‘en sold Seba Fcnada os Coe ed Gop as soba pnd ede 64 Pb Bharat analshnd aching prove a BU Caer ied en Ce td ete gece dns pee is erpatnts inspite through the Gel or cently cid Geka people Be wpa ne oy i, DY-G Kien vor 0 st Thcleei nd andre shea oh ep ad tama ‘fender er ersten 5,0 | Mieniigen act ees Pita Aden moe (Gena ——————rl Pb Ba work o cee hee hens amet ocepimen n |S eathcndhdaeendal ee agen en cont eb Se Mai ae en me il i ctteneilagokakpe8 Stage de Gage fe) Whe a We iunivetcsmnbelsieadekes _sothcincneted knowedst Sp cee coe or) rina eee eral ‘hohe a SaChhediee tpenitadbecnci Seat Gah Tpaced ‘Mow fhe sme nce made the Mad Fie sang She Tutsen thle ce Arce ond enerhcreaphonalongpsearins yoy tthe dvne bangs teenadincionercen he aces and ng ey wll iy soe foyeterpa (44) Unde hebeclada oy when hey Sad med tiny gis Thee poe cevat- Shuto yards extn prec ince ac (4) ‘touch pene onyandfrifyuale yor tinder eng slicker) You mayo op teetchepinlandchnkddioinscy sand the deeh of sn Teoc bot hesetnring you'll fad cnc of nnaprathatona spe shoring pon deal su Ind care haynes wes Mos of lal thelndus falc conmeced wth es ernment Tes ae ape lg coments eertconpi wen ey coe 180 many hs tu igh on ur falebaknor peop. on ce old We tee wi fone mec ape ope Tver a colby cocoa ye ne meron ot THO me easd Thue woleeath re Teme pimilesbor which SR etorat, erespiingi alo onc nt eiry | Strong pein tonednncoihoe canes im emcrnoe (eae ena pete el minnie a comioen ph eesnrete em Sea arate Seige $US tte be treo doe et eros Silents er Sete na. heWnieapelandanpens i Oot ee eeieemente © ete atin Man! ke ‘ " pecraemincnnseinthon flrs The Genius of Parable and Metaphor eee en eco hee ith Tipple feferences Chih: Urea Revelasovos [ete set pies Ieetamenberfie Vida acaye rer Cuhinguner ae wc wa che sng othe ‘Giemsa fndofec Sande cholJourloves meat ys Prabha Bart now fore Bibel esa ok te edict dena foeme waned ‘chow a ent elle Arle nsec eve gfe och ng noni fal pte Th Fat veges the miter othe ese teore shining son Tax nage tne ned on ak aang horns hat ‘Soke r nelle pound all cei ge hime hag nd och eh ‘ell—inpnbl ard ies compacted Some an a wkoing am won pope thse lop romeo ou! pr dea ws pla hase a tg Tee Jo ‘rahe wend Go. When fils ou oe TT ccd wey tng ‘som fg Teed il noms ‘recom thd noe ade le ostnteripes, Bat teed alingon food round fl on hn ad gpd es ‘hating fit ithputence Tbe he ‘emia ow ou bee he nh bat cae Saree Foronc inne by he tof pie sndmeaphorss sebagai ny cvcroadig jo tal I Capt Re ‘rama Noval wrth etal by he sunt dr dechand ewok sof erery apt el tal pte The hin fw Si Rana ea sagrme gto goin een Mahe de Nuh Caper iyo gy Mt hi prince chide td ae ‘hon wo Th Conde Cup a i 84 fone aly node eee Mass bet pretation fiber Ian Ocaber and Nowe fied Te pee Fat Fle optim ook torn ee bien tet ad fad co eenonaged M-co« ocomenary ng hi comico eee cme ain Bengal wok abled ch fl sar workngon ing ie dr Fhewher hep uy Tiere othe two pun san Ea book o> fer ptt Marista Math in Na Stee eeiciins Bt kir removing he Bibi Engh faptho foryor—and i (Capea Rams beso Petig tt who do otto Be Sd san independ wk 0 ici ah and hd sy ha ne pargraph and mcapor a= ig te ine poi. oe =” “The Fg of Divine Lane and Pro fren Selo go as ayo tye ef nloe ee fn IBlge—the ego of te sl Sect Sram Sein dh enschede Saiimloccpametmatony ussite! fron ain “ ei. rors Batterie resp teen listens sey Seereatiee her oan ce Sera tego meh man mabe hel epost eo oor th cnt ony ob pons ——-—S—“—? —SCm rab Bhar saimcreta ner, orenemcynps ‘Wh ano kc ef et eng ld ik Comcns 6 Berean tnigs Sean Abella sth Veit yolmtinoane ook 2 Sosy Ncw ik pase Be Grp of Cheoeogeay In hese {6 Ramee in hch Pee id= ago ead of st nd Thr acl and node eng fron — Fue for tere ar few Wes {FE Engle menace whe te emai stderand Benga ad hte vn ing porn hae cance dyn he ama Caner enpedion Phen Hevea S Ramana ala ‘quote hinco dose Ths Gnpdndslne, sere Unotnath bo ‘SoingBbhelEagh ishing ten ‘were nd gl in i Cond irom M907 book publican ofthe Paps NMarands al 91° ropinplctapheindoorhdeedind Mit, | ‘oderiedEgshisconknunlin In aco: Scinds Kara | ‘he Abedand edhe word tater lade Kate wor ‘hen women eer amin ited pining bs 0 | ‘nits the San Francs Vela Cner, CD fr Venta Pr she Hinds Temple aed he or Book bythe ew wo ave ‘Bona dope ofthe lor! speed Swart Shivannds 5 Ainge wo became second Ramalitinn Mash ana Rar fra Braman Hes Niland ata fos 20% leche One and nigh yo Reser Se Me Trost of CH India pub » revlon «2% eens x earercagish bor only Volume lof thedied oto ea aie Sein pss esion se unpb oie : seeing caer vo econs 1) an nen pespiepases apes hepunble meaphoc over Kanai words a ale on ck Be tetrtetrtcnbericwes Coming ed fen n dna ————_EOO-—-——r—“—i—OS— Prd Bharat ea onc eeps teconiounenin th as Tdeby Bosman end Susi aes bel inal being she i, en inrerp i Se enc ppd ee mpc pmo ENE laibespes “Alam nay es ay bpeeaireman | "REL Sceengeeae, eben Ro | ‘0 come unto me, fo theirs the kingdoe cf "Bee Buzzing’ with regard tri ‘a Amb onee neh oo Sitandsimpensiemdvwee fucks ing Wyo" pater, conpisbram mating Oncmpunks jung ton ooo (ee) Bln ayer de age oh Alling lings nernenbtedetheres Aces too Wilber sees hee ed finch Gagmsodoaonmbeang diciiio,enrcon oo!" Sal ef eal oe Se send Sp gpeelonhisom bck And bers anda” Igbo he fas yo coal no wa on par fg j thee eal Ringuortararaiscoie” | ames Temmceie wing | Giaelhghing Whew ‘Neva Bare who Iedcsminton onc esos te he 8 ed eo pus hel sh and chr hairs Ged wh hare Siitestenn a See erie ngienes | Masabaaema args ect Fed gn ec on wenn ‘ane eyern ‘tems frmone yi Go sat theanans we sande Bohman. he wo eins bn 7 steward rer conte One At Bi PPE ee ner? | ar 8 Prd Bharata de ding ie ie Bishan form nahn Then fy easing 08 (olds wind etal bg thr dl ad song he ae ‘Sng eben Gm Gp tconicen lo poste cone Teoenesc And sng ‘Poet Feomcoes on cot (peel he nie and sing Tato, On Blan vB: “Th cite iow crag vikGodhe boone Tyce Ta vi he Aart Jtsrlareapec sft wah ibe Scar so cd pe ert eth Anas wend Ra ‘Se Andie fected Rabe snmp "ts nratag ty bl dewnhe pt incamatont rocing fone dicogiing ies Forme ve ons Rane Maer thy Who An Np Tu A ‘hash he Seon on te Mount cll Bland eh pra br a ‘Ga been Svan Vilas oa, “hen ne wal ie mann ell beaksand poh wen edd Tee ‘surg ne ay ou a eg tne Never Bef a fn Bt enccomeSdRumens Neng dremel ean iihegaef li andi Af alee: Acodingt hin soutodbehigher ldo fod dhe Vena Seo ea paper! Si Rami “Ree God ay wy th Irak or yea eterences 1 Seiba, 6 (hd Reed (at Mla ba = ...... sar Bethan dey armour ori te Bose he mek hy sie = ‘eda they ho hr comme thc let ed te el te penser" Died yore reel ieee br ams eta fered aman Sarg Ramakrishna, Christ, and the Paradox of Grace Steven FWalker ©: 1 rn ws the teaching of Remaster et leh cro he po of Graney dda leap epn Waly Gelert males smcine coed Merdeerey te devon ote Tit SSF isp af compam “ewstgtivey neko Pama Ds eee ee Fut crepe pin oe ear in Bedard oo fein] mio with gece’ Ba the frredac ef gucdom eveyone igor [rcomenn dneacnof throng how Cent oped “Te filloving oro pe racer iy co of einer ge Rams wt hal oy abort é ee aR ieconp afte as The un end cael ‘Rican cy ered thc led toc pwstesiege Ode toe te garni gna Ths Ia ge dngd the woe nd al Tk or snc ecu le ‘Singtel elo ese TESS Cota mene ote Feb dante me The Sunjel Ne ede erage ary EY opt oe wer hc eo many os oe nacbe immedi of Rana, Chis ogres few wont Sache cae no far Rete walleou edwharyourcel Seite linc Siac raland he wor ee det Sap Ya ey Seat Mahe” Ge . ae eid fp prac B ein cher a xp doer: ayince ough fy rene Rana ee renponsiaiies 00 shoal Sueno pat cca ae shim ope uc ducaie bitte ste pene oo ie bv sitar fen eee eece ss eoceon Seinen a eo es eetewemesruecs “egestas [ere anager ousinerfer sye a | sc peanayecaschebalreed | serge | serena Fri rs el eh oe } rere ep | ESSA igh dnecslng rlreg Sore Help c | Seemeesicgeesas Wier aerated et epee BRMRGEGasires todetmde heiac ent ! MES erick pectic grvtrdeed pat MeN cccet ce cen atest Eectebamtrohetce gg Gov ep gone perros P taeDene Cares ett nh fie pecan! Gree i mci on a vend? cette eer erordmes i Sy pe sh FeeliechatALeparsnygresprom The Cink andr sid (he mrt of ce wend labedpindandpanbohresmagie: Of cose one dbus aa Gini aap yon oo ethical Where deplore tro, rh dinate berwes herald sisposien mgt tao : Sora Risin Socom UES arena nn Sede ieitelociccrctinn! Bee teherimaemi Mefpmrne pnt Srieaeansa aparece eka smi ——— eo ates : ee ee Seas Sheet yap Geinecttct ip hp com ihr Firs Spier Tce | Mingle tne Cas ‘inlined ipa sch, apa degen er 3 “shomneen Smicapeinatemtmorgig Seuweinesnanicions | maa Soiiesameie Rogie ues Henke Scere pmemenonenerme Soe gcc: ene wise aie ahmed nee by ide (8-5) ugh anestses a the sc ssa of rot Socetieeiceme iecreticsnoe "OMe nega perenne Pear rarer en = Siettadesirindetyse Ticats, Mallammhnega ge sonnei melon ga it ws ———_—"~—S—“‘( te” Prabhat ‘inh ion Each Towa sine ‘ett cha gm en OTR aga rc Tce deh Seca ae anor fle hide he Seer TRi ttl one ett denen nay ao pn ape eet cinta i he inva ei pepeemotCe LESS Eee nine ‘an slg ae Sef deehe peel Te Sooo ttatiepeecepena inte coat (lusiecheomnt oben tenes 1 tr cs Vrain de he ope gee Sihomaaal Gent aesertins Sayaccmibcpindemeac et Shige tyr ecg oct oo eee yen Mahe ae ana elhtcateltpasonohonae sit ‘ont die it cite soar i a ae ce te sulseay aii iaeie ‘need bd ld pane Pamper iar spa mien open ‘scoot ho lei get salen renee oy ee Viena ar tote te 196 Arist odo 0, and oo can moment an aco cs bon tnactftbe SPs sibs, ‘Hs blaed ere apps with seme people be nw Fas onde hat chem tencol gacetsokimacl beyond Tether eonderion cnc, Aocoipce mig ole the gues teeta te wold of May Fe rene Sefisconcened. tin in Exond Maya neve ic Map thatthe nll apc eevee penyetc ye fost the ory word! Mrs ay, ily governed by sparta ne Grice abo phenorenon within Meta Fete robe beyond cain Sec toilet Naser an ene clon Peal ps Gorn which wu Prmbb wecape Bethe praocal pac {yea eoneiwithn ol Se—sdienson ofc Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita: (heme sain her wort peed Telugu Edition penn Maa pone frth postin Snecpe rm Maye Gece’ oul snp eee an” 1s Maduguaan Sudha Emany a Regis. == oe Leer amaicse ct | Ree einen anus Kadentr darn pee, Bpmrcmc sete Lig tmerssnn te + Luke 797, 47.48. at “Mbetefrom fr and ear arrive uations ‘van, iis amr, abr, che drink o ges Payumo, | een aaa tot (Cae dra ohn Tere Naheranah Gopal» 6 hein | See eee cheers feta = St fein he sen ne neo bl Betas tel imc > Ratatat sass . BS vechtuipsaname eg Se altel | ast ciaindereemmertr | Stiinta | eee Bical fone honsld ame and apnoea oer rE ie pint a 2 | acre en ae 2 oe rere ee 3 peau oe ease Prmieginjorea on Peep nr soni eae goers ee =a =e rome pa | See ! deanna =a | Se Pre The Sait Tel Land eyelet cagpenon sy trie | ‘ego speig ple ey ho oped 198 Pb Bharat ‘Si Ramskethna and son of fern There er ohare ibrwen the Benga sin Fest ery an ret ex pling tee Siete ta Tangs Sn heed abe Walking Si wand the Tl res. tan mai “heey steno shoe by Reais scm Sa ett pen br oan techie ceaedy hihi Ina pom whch oral She Teg poop ard ind eee es ctbegt BR erie toed rer ere Iey. Andra Prato 7 EN etn ci mom _. eee Seri in one of io ‘Gaara Labi Nara A pli erry opin eho pos ord tadaion nb Fenced sone af SiR’ rnin oral Teg. Wea yal po, Tei ane 7 ‘sadn spr in he ppl snd wok fi Rarsksha “egal i ys th a oral Sane (et oma Bhakti one Fotki BapbyofS0Fo sr rien by Swan 7 aaktina Mack, Che inci by Vl 5 liga Git deel: Tein Sada Dein Nag a Rl er eg, gg on hea da he thor devo ton ps TIM lng hisowm vanaacos of layla fis plea Speyer wri oh is Sal Mangubat in os Pethepun eS Rama nT Bi Vener, Ss Ramat Vive Ramat jecsinpcn Soret decides ier clavilbogph Laake sd Vishnu ns ley weltiove Tegel Dv tthe Gre Syn Manse Ieyrene Wieser reste et Pb Barats pes ane | So lin | eres, theroans ger ests | ea a “a | Rioectagsoci neces Seclmmince tie cs ate an | bers akenie Tbgenrimptchcnciny ABest tag pn Le ita gf) SS Sees ed Mak Aol — iets ie | tin Seed ee ume peo ompson pane Tags Kathe lowed oie temmningbmrbesitinel * Pocierteercic cs”, iM ee crease Ti wel ec arcs soa Teter sen geenenas Noe iad iieeeric sn ged by ies sales armbers and epins logical onder. ecrhiendly Here ate sree ofthe improserents Tans Kaers ils LOPS |S Rininnpchnwe “Mtn ort ica raceme = Eater on aie cgi aEeET srewcidiyictcsaps0 > | RRMA em caste Gena tater SS re re icone Earn seed tp fusei i ot The rls es wma nn Ptnectoecec ect te ori bem foresee ses pln em 6, Raab fen ston Ie Apeiede rely es eof comment, For inst the Mae ScGematiaaaceamdomineds —* Sracccice esas: Scere ‘emmy Apa ofthe Hebd Rams 4, hc penton we esi ape radon em ene of plat ea Berd tere Fmnimctaenciid: | crcl Sopa ound rain Yer 00 Eton Be thom nie SS ae cerns ernacareime aliments 5 son de mo a | Steet “intcetion appearance and uy. twas atotally je ns se ec a apa BS [Bpboneme dnc ce lion deruinlro hehe now n nov he ‘ict ec of hi etna tne ery In itl bicracecilinsponcicundse |< Ae Sankey ley Mom cea compared ihe end prc rin enn 6 infifeaddbethe acdc, egg Epon slicer sins change werd Sune opaiatees ince ceepccpeitrty cc beens onc papi os fay Mi edad dessp- Beg it aly caer Mein e a. —. ea eum ade rc oa tops on th chang es, Prestige raters Hoe : selec ony ry devs Mi ay Ths woul sh ima anes arco tani eean ee . souptonsRamaon andre Spt os do 5 Dicfcners nana oninoe Facies cao ‘tingle Nan Asscomplc tic of fais 9 el than oh boa nd owen ara Slemkint evans Te to Sateen hw epi ow way eon roe sereplaodin persone selon ments enclose i = 7° Pelee tennessee opesog aS ‘hen Gop Sone mms omiel inde mdse pom at. Speen col ogi weedindeed tami comers wer so" halen ear 200 apne” mana 201 ‘ing of Magra tadvhidh ecko froth ‘Thechallengeso Tran ines of wauion is icky a bes ant SEG eremenbecd Ben pred Samael cc rp and 9 os ents Peete npaicouly mig an To et beanies ‘Both asplg of Ee ‘he Nanatr Common Sense to ere eilenin it Bree eine. sarap Pe eeeteed cil crogho oe Uchiseno he many agg ecb Cty eng tir nd Satbworotie rms be nce BEng No plo ny Wg wooo nn ITE emo i tg tcf psc Or Intnl wed mi ‘etic ebay cl Somat her sn shemnbceo wols nt Sestticiverhne sh vnc inp o maps nde prs ec shesraty gt Santen ald dao Whe wal he memes at shore tea legend focal aki Tel eee ineaie ‘he Hii e od at ofc Pes cian aaabcloe fatten the lyr capi ioe of ihatinoti tne hts omnes crea ebcsandmetopysies Fal Kins Mac she amou Sih or Peer ee ii a Us Sheer a eee oc Or rita itr Specie. Leon es Prd Brass Ca ch dlnmaiaekea gst sinc tnd sh le See aiescese tepals cn Roam egmimeteccimnges, Cnc Koenig may fami? Sage Seimei Sommer oncucs | 7 LEAH a See ees f Sebati caaee mgr ee , PRT ee Socotuat aia: | mee! at’ Pe; | EET tataemad fowler | f“\ % ( SSententimapiestm barbeeroany Sevetotberele, Bleme sfealinthe woo Howereicdbeapperthat (he Oe am Raaktdedt ecemencfei epblen Se prc oe re = ‘ferland wo hae ex wat atenton Se pel teenie el a iscakmcralasnemeysha ened aman hmm ten re pred plop a 0 eS cddectinwe—bertttardibue, S001 MEtory Cle lcs igh bers not aking cen on he langue amare | Coning icky Mas eronesyeran- Ts ery ic tenking of meczys gant th any oS Ramah nt of he Kaho They xstaly daw cers dogs Raters Kashi by Mallon rp sonurs | ee oon dees hte parece ‘Giunecenmapiplalime Onapins] PonksChnsjchonywheciminca, _pagapunlenducon cay spre riley log fom Mal inp trogh he at of Kalen ne oun OowoeonheherofCha- Ranakichaandthemony Engh famngof er pareimintel) ana antral rarities a Carrmesl IMME oar carcoe homens nches | MMMMMMMENitlvacen agin cd Exepean pcp o fra nd er Gena ccietaepet meet awhecacinccacn Forintsovneets | UMMA THs pron iced n+ cuca by M. According then l ha omg ea ee Reeth aco chcsnnss | MMMM eran waco wi Ms arr end emphts vpn nese fnjralleeihrtomeausiiewlaes ‘lpurchot RamalssonasonssSch'?SBetaghoten wehinadscplinay une docenaton seh charity ecm S saoss “agrear deal abous the Bengal nue leolog a Sobek tai ceeae eas cre, Matec ectemerhonge Cath tito ined Petersen Co tte pence” elaborate eet arte et teat Kalai echt hon tussle onc Sinewicmamale divert: fekshenbudecancoh bc Amite ailue he pd aoniyhsedvo nd {ph umes Why? Becht in mapping he sary scl hic of Milled arc ee ‘de dallreahesthehotieto meme sly Calurea mide class under these") ga nmap 9 WE caamnarccnons eters ciacbaakinnicae howe" Relamataeicrssercscs [eNaamencn nin tan eet Etimacinsheprcon sh", eesenancc Umai an ecard ice cconcontntmn aginst rin Ant Rai eycratceess ns Sopcast siecine se, Gapemmagineas i chewed TAR many tay Tisch mepingotthelndnded Mery mide cassdipes quest", tnnalRieoe Ince fooningpagrpe, | RERGEGEEB NAME 9 crenson ns medt- Seteteleedene faatemercrtiss ie: Dapeng macetercerine m aes shictdhaina Reichert easy! Poapeb = oT Ao 206 deni snd prin iin me face, Assedgtn Cate ject cl re oo (Gente dre Reson Tiara lin cel ofthe ional eon) | Focal ani condenmasn of id fr cle be ccf wn 2 Taunton stam) eso! tot hich oy nal vo beng {Shieh lemon spec wih te ma | ‘Seca cindcfen eg esap 6) Ad Reisen pace pel ot i esteem eeepc nnn Man gap reign cng cp om he sis We Mary dn ned sd Rail enim ch ope he pet a Cleo eed baer dence (heectctee elidel lng “tgundene ls Bares al hreie ‘elon which et ney om fe ‘pass urn al ee cons ‘hefrdaneal ert vot marin Ho deh Rana ro sid theca fom he pee ha of ‘on? By adroeing wih faba . 2d wthicanal om nn opr is ‘ep Chase ar queue erp fromthe Kathrin Sorte beet ‘ely puro: damn fad ‘pels imeen Eeedomincftieat ‘Granted oof ml bee ee Lenore Thenigodon her des ream of devecion sing a fae tihape {eh tment ofthe Http we dasha cpr hegemonic dacnive dosing tonal, The prac ws fromthe human aed cg badly te nerd Varleab inary pon angel nse wor Fa wee aS He alone a te wfcng eclearmate or dee 6 exer wordy eda se ‘feared Ses leting ce pec arms al “Anaya pcp bo Feerepundign oe Carer 8" — atm ee a a es : See | 9) teligous sisal. Ramo me caer sein sence Mamas ene God eeessomerererrrenr certo ine en wht SOAS vedgentande | | Ue Ware undenind odes rho niin inspec of oy pean ngs hse. Tomes wi Hons ree ‘niyo cna shar jan Sa Ramage Known fo Fe heli lec dnd ewig eral oft fae dana Ging high etal wh Hn Re so, er thee meer ea ic quite Bis a es ieee aca ne cen () eee nin Reece nl yo wh Fable aun i lsc Tie cen opine Hablemig wal arpmencton no ce fon ore cof he fr inghihighed forsee ne N ean ipa Mec Spnalitesrerobereied sn:hn se laced cre eg sewed loa renee ‘ee mind Mere pp any oie pe Senet st senha tape Semis ght in pn scm pir Nelatinhiown ihn what send bint ce Chater ne ei haa fesse i cxhngs opel ete Fs nan et teh tt Heil dosreyonclohstoingspe Seba ther ated hs mach up Merkcanaseqcny pope Pm one Inge ved of al inne eden ‘tine bound dh os Sar dace tthe det nde Feet dough wich aero hj Eisele ites Tic oie unl rdeclmog ei nsw cr amr Gihspadinn soon yale TBrvting snare wr agonnce coe Ramat era ee hgh ‘Geena he se sted ata chamrescomiledie enna | Batra bdo hnaher apse eee ote ‘hk dsilaundainsen thea ‘Crp inns umiaeand ‘ef he a rs pea ‘nappa gna Rana Nie Rat cnr ‘ohana cy he, Sid amaloreras ay a tc humilinnVidanas te | =an ‘Th poem witha gues ithe loving iste he fom Rami / anc en hg andy | can gente mje poston ahendranth Gupssn vl. nb tasheapenon ois of amino aching wt Bs 0" leo ade foram eplanaey 8 vada ai tet eatin he sings ipecFsown har SiRamaks2* Sear tied fhe hal anderson Teeth ley the Maser 38 ppd Ni corer Is dlc har er ree Se een e— See ie si Fences a. =i ee ergata Sees Bettina Sitichcendines ee geen SHS pouan ns we bone cant Bee lecdetin iodine: ‘Erect oki echingrvar cao stmany of peal baled mile espe erly ed thas chan bei of uch ap mopolrid waa sare otaeweded Gage atencoss ener SS WEE Prabha Bhorss hy nso chats Rane BE ine, |) Sheps sae eres. So cops poe SS nares Seppo Fic Moirs ann ue his wovks, whee be een ickie that nevus inana. nich Piet ! tudor he thee ipetsetectet ar scp Nene cesT PM } thar wile Mj MMMM seiijonccteee Shee, Sininguthngberer Saku med Adraa tinge ted back vo Sieh oor Ticenevicee sap ofall hedrene | peeeien ale er erie pane hina eh ar ee ET er eon rr | crt tcr eves ste -ineprseneaninntnghedany Sheepgenihallapes cts) IRR ln i linen res ‘ccs Gopa imukanenilybiegsieeoplaythe peal, and rigs ids T°" GRA Rha fmoen German nda. the of Zimmer, snd anges hae Ramakrs Sesdemmnatetaa Rll cis Saphetines rine, ae ‘imeprsod (Se homeres quliethat egpey Vaden, Tai Bok" eam gate’ yarn! SNe tC SEerlaaes Gla crecay ents | Gage tig iriver om ier wtoucaean diye Innsense tn acenp. 0S epee segs nes ‘exh ‘a nlonel jee incon category absurd nth"... th frou atone ethene Sone apes that bins Chaceehand inl ithe chamecon at mak sparc igen Beth Sahar wrk sper the emphat—per whos sere he cout" we oaks che fee oe ieee Somer ce aguante tee or ay ed Pre Bharat Acconing 2 Ayon Mab | . Meta tied atypia experience: ad sas ploy Ap ronctin alin.” Devas, Long Arr "Yin Vedi» per ecce pap es upon Ploy en ntti coded exer | sna mr ning ous Rana. They gh Lr tcc and pelts Bu witout gig ithe ma Gadibompenonal conatbref at snd wrdaurform, thea fale cr anneeandbeyndi” —unkligy ll 0337 ! se prs abt ep i rimapcingunlyr Sex Chanda Chars ta glnopal views concept of manny r ani ee tna of Golthe Remains pibrply, wish Te tn Bekman Sk the ‘0 Chae ws yh an dc unnene te die the Yenc The chon an oped ea Barony in one ih Sar | ee eds and pons pu (8). He undead of aaa sniorasraehthetonercsnSe_ ches PN Senasihon, who det ! eesapetshecarencl chelate dive eperenee of Teh When = eT a ete ce Tenet tectgundngsaene anyopemnetphbaary. Adon” Seeger 8 Hier dea eed tats alt | Aaceling ey hang Rien oT headed fe Pom Speeisert wrap of Ham ut Glitter enon cies cs ofalthe pre isowneapeince.Thienpnst 8 DW ped Ser hwevr sth fs ht Scene He (3) toe ) Sere eiieeaetiesayst atic n/c enn ee ane ccd inigenrorich ieee stntayto> Asin Sn ets Ai te monpae ioc dk ogy iclpavosconmendetnhntibcon laneaengt pies" | lane icmp Th an ome tn rat i ha fendepeehehTaveaiiatabs amceey occ "| Ata and (Shesthometieedecttiocnee mndsiisrmanoe (17S | amit ce | coamunyoesielewegshecpre: —speitattontisine lee | ERRNO Earuleecenncttic om pyAuetantag ont tor | Son Kamass Vesna pp is Se ets Rar {ge Micana deo om he Gop a = Bove fSankar Tec PH | ih | aon es tow woes tert ou me Sebotecpenilieoareie Bo eh gmc Eittshsteeetscunarafsms On | tharegheor setae |. aes erwiethee cen es rT aeteHinamas How do yu tok on th ae wor adobe ‘gc the pplision Neoened nd rece che = Mr Aed Hanuman rped:"ORamsi>g uaa onan cnoney so : fc sbe RamkhneVinekarods don, nd acon of a” Menge Esch Toe ne Ramm none and scodngrohim. ita ew peony Lene wold a < 36 Prada Bhar fp nd wae psn gif Sin efor ene eno-it Jape Ramat Troe he ol ape Benen te edie pp Shak rwse spp coma righ niet ‘Deny scar Sunn We te ues Raman ig Ka ht thc non dal ae fconcbumes the Stone oneeo eed cia reseton a ‘Tipo mind and ech Te nes 12 ued non ely eon be nso ‘Fl dtd peel ond i ds bth Site nde iv teal The Lol Hinek Heame lina ieedpecoeosnes™ Let ‘Show th Rams or Sedan ef (othe penene aroonenes Tbe nde erate ingen pte prin ee bu Socopphcpeds megane Eien ns die cone Sean ‘i aero cet Agen Spain dea tact secre (ag cin ‘Blccscomec hq el ie Inenopiperteccanueauec, she a der eee on ene and ienieeieeie tomate ‘nan ony wher ne id dsp crc of vin The ender Gel ofan cme enn ‘tapenade Usd hh ce ‘ene enh dof bth nde and mune: Whether as (ans) ot "ane Derk Apo Maks) he oe ters Reread song enhanc net pe fol bea heneond pcr ens fds al extn ped oe ‘haw mee dcop ‘which we tu thee Seton ofthe ey. Aligious paral end univeetan Raligos pasha nad sol ch inded x et pluie Bae th eid the ex nase tal abject digo ‘yon Maha the dao So eligi phrlom has eco mi rely bw St Rama ‘Asin Birth hve ben or Sends inereting Rama o ieee erly on BOE fen oe ri ncanig ir Rama Tag ater rc i cs bye Maar Fenland ky oo Compo of Gol he tee ith penona adinpesr sl ted thos en (i) Cet or Shs cid ew eS Can st Sra Tout nd ce "jon Ma diet i fear ar his Saal deed om the sn ‘sg pS Rani Aleph ap ‘Stale woe ae fraps megs felon comp Sa Ramin Jn data ote oe te proce troy of AlN (ete odenomenscho pay ee: Se Mmotatbeat all. At the same time it should ee eee Sa een Toute eer ereroers ost nite cece rao Pr ese me tha chee i acmaly no NEM — Sor! “mnt 2 — O03O3034.09000Cmmm EEE Prudhoe ead uci Se Rais TAREE cee ens ere Medinah pent ancy se ee ah ald pe herpetic oman 0 Sens apened eae eon? yaad nner hy st | Pre a amine snr es ie Fase sme tein. ia. Hen dat’ eed ot be | [Xtand semofteschoeat ‘Soe sty th name Sar Sout ecb hte ine parc holad de of | Ramu wl Suman ease } EeSivite dente St amass ‘eching Ba hnaccbaonied et } ‘onesrands within Vedanea but wh que, hres Ves od St choirs ey (pontifical pcan ‘As rnd tama on Ramo we xouner te pc of prio wo Seaton coca aaa sho ake hr a ngs wll rcieAcrtages Sarna Rens phptrnen igure ee ‘odes Hadas aing aay plier arteries tte bmi clea cdot ra Sev Remain Use nin dr ‘enews ancien Scheel pe ‘lp ne il fal So coe "cppowh sows by Retain ox ‘weighs ne ‘or denanan nef ten: Deny | dlp winee be ow ep ‘ren para at cl Ss se pois out he de the msec taping my, pitne—sod side woul cnchc wien eran Tiseemceha l pea selacecealinerene bette Tce pe gpatialiige wens octane ligne ds ch Beeieiictenkc con Aida Baxter spoos oh Iceteferyand psoas Only dt wobec ee tern de Toefl he paca rel of Se Rar selbeedal scein fencrs Ieee tetatng re in viet elf nigh hve ned fre: Aigo pois weal Ss soukmeet on the shoreo Reins Iighcxmeat theft ndhclninre Aeterences Mose uci af : ear een ae ‘Gnd dey use Bagegm rth The Gp of a fares nn, es csi: Fe an Domency: Sa Rams icine tena eer Eras Setters tumors foatlgont ce: Bue te hme Mieke maineof Cnr eare eh Pee ge oe rence nt Katharis Prasng ct a p= foiietccachap os hemi esi Uo ey 5 Se in ayer Rabe (Raa: Usbodh. ae Ba mia nen [ae ‘Rey fai Soa smc o TP arn Onin of tnd 20 SersGin pth soya an celin he af Rein * Nain entan Sr umarseCange Sper ee 9 ton Maat nama’ Pow: sn ln mrt ar Stafikspengecnn etc! ima ey tone 4 SEPN srinwachar pee dot ceed ne tn se heh Seteladinc : leony " eerie coon eh ee conto ae cree peters eis i itcmctta vie, ea ermine see hc yard Spree geedinarteteetiarmen erase in the ‘City ofthe World, niems, con teen acacgectat eee” Bethiored cnscmcsny iinenniinrcmnans teens Errno: VA Sc ae ha occured atthe ere reign ste on he New Tee a RE eprint KGellcanchevvopnrrsns veh terreno De irretcciren mess = rma pale ia sods She ieee aie fain efi pultadctgietemy Sri Ramakrishna’s Message to Humanity Sera misatnd Finn Teed sme se on a RAY Fame en en “Scel isoy 2" ce ent [rcetndoonchetnetilh Scat woh seb eee Te Sent ereimy ecehdicininimes Reena. ecco spScisicavararmann Spann scl fone ttmene vom [mnaurnsen ‘iberion ae vind wen Sd rc His words hve iu cen neato = a SS ‘ipl seigt areca fom a a a Ps hate Me tegeg ie cor inn encanto Berm nee God ran epee tea ton' or) Ale Se eect eee eens ener idea ae aii ae = ge Fae red told tre | | chewed. Every Hen which ee was, | =e , Scie : ae | | Sr rs psn Si eat rte ligon prs Alpers nye who Merete Ofer he gh felon re sie oe Intra chat andwhocan deo. ean ol God or ier toe and nt foray marr Teint "The palo har amas allowed he mie 57 etd by van senate bop ‘hss pomp within dui of date nebo ol ig. Ts i cae oe partir the WE ‘edn oe rg races nd Hse fem be ror poileandpn of Raleigh in his Scepter Sn He feces he well stenoses etn espe neat Nees Slr wih hemi eg moiing comeing nner ean i Tigh ison sine yok Annet! np savant gh tlc ahs the wis tole isGot and notes eters = ‘aeons bien or Feed Hele toch pon De tniibetakefelgoristohdp et [EPR pace was orev to vimsna nse rosy 0 ra 209 FGestincecarepers mane oma ores i Toms cod of aig wn redo as Sh (at cept To tn \ iopennce hnconhs men toa lies gion towing ne i ajym oncogene Thence (eon igherae, Gland ‘Sc Dio ea ot ecb rom niche ale copped up 8 Fg a The edo (Ciming mca ad cies pac t ‘bead enol dogma i ht ‘Toda onepenon er gona "For Rencin Gol erm ox‘ dete ea 23 ‘al Bene Gd peas reign ‘pial Redken Hen eee | eomhrigow ayes Hetliaee. “heuer Teloeone se Galina Tasker “Tene dena dee ree ele elon evecare ‘Alar epee muy bose “OHepane:krgoafehwenip side Dee, Here meson ei Vi Ka ad Ds in alton Raa Sie, Human, Ke Rad Jon poy ara Cay nd NeasandPe. ‘nly many open wasted he ‘ching tobe mybobpeal He pled gee Prabal Bhat Pircanivese Samicthns wel fare felling pene the Sedaessa die hemes Seam Adana Rass tage peste eee enh alee Heeeiy cert Bhago ry hte tnd pore Eira he Use Ieee God pried as adnien sordiprchealathe Mother He Some ce nary farms ofthe De DeFeet pene in pc! igi) ‘Onemas how tbo tone mote odie ery eb efi Bld Macerfthe Une 8.10 ‘eleva dei whom he wor telhngembodient ofa gen Ko Drie Maher Comingunder sf merbcame in of ahigh order Inthe Woe comenporary firs! more Noconyth nl Bt heap og Melee The Godless he cox Weft and beauy manfering neh TheVedunsfSaRamaletneechs Jao mani as Matic, ol his Holy Mother reves eal ba tot tannin year he Ab? Onesie cigars cy stair etl tracy Andi nepal der ) Rumakishoa ope al fe mr seine wl en coed em ‘ans beenstrglng wth he pa baArt propels ewe sien pt Ged a ioral Ade xs rs_Sram Vanni ing To plan Feist Dine lcamaon ot om Bestenpr pede fo i word ad akc tc dame iy ns “They heliethar Moser Goes wh Iga embodies pow or w= sly expres hrough the maven Wo" Haga gov inn tic bea hiro at is reece of the Able, hh n0 mos peopl Karlin id thee eth Relate yous Pb Bhs i ‘consconsness. He sought m | nsnmetaomnaeintie Soe cy “at enable et ean ences | Tafitendan deronsior ioe aot tens ie doce cla Nehari a cmeped _ enemeoe ee... ) theesomic Nodes mi emt whlehunae rc. etd io Cony : : iacceccs cect ecco sheen sere teeceinaan oe ergs atts Beeccrnccu ¢: ae ees i cette aie x Series --; a: - eo eee ee coe scot | Aa ees Reece “tijesthat are venerated. religous scptus eee red ter ual Nowa | apc | hat Ole ponte eee eri ntl hanmeati eae only etic SEA Ti deers da chan Aces yn rly peng etegce ioe nettle iounpeply peste tod oad humaiy (595-4) Renn Fy Moshe Tet was ero {Bier nw andpte Seeder Ar war oe faim Meher eel on Stier eathne: Hee Sees Sia iad emecamongsh we peop Son tigi Ramana Hin spud RB Roald Seo. Rs orang Tras, Tone bln cone w ay dose, Feaie ner orto negate. | ua Ym row essing deinen, Papelnmanentoat tern bythe people who hin thing | fans bab Wher developmen” the peop fe et Kae. mare e-- = ad fin aS’ ok dy of hep aaa rein this cp nmin at efseamarsmsnisovncinn A Reatsoessaede sane cfm os Pepe ete oe Sri Ramaktishna’s Sadhana: APerennial Pushpaka Vimana Prof.MSivaramkcishna ciumeone bess ae cl cc OOH Fem Spaingoccnny adie | gman ae en oyu gla | The Mater Rife Vedote ns mole common ein the | miotcteranens {Sika nacre Speen Nd it er, Sa cheval deine | ‘Facies yet) andi lives Seton Attn labs ce ‘Sonat pre a ei poi in eahliyrnatfeinlneom Tey Bat he Rai le canoe penile ‘Sibi peering modem ion {ie And i noon fee Tincconn ef ie thi ar ‘mica dcp te wey ema edi al epresening Global fet Tation ‘One nay pi ian ami prc ohne eae sn ramp at eon rik sw th he pea Meri (rihsmatey whubiansge pene Treat aad wie One Thi ‘rem Revels Hag eh anced poppet eleathsbm nee: Ta- fous Te nt Ht Eat Chia. | Sicgeeeml aie rh ‘ch Sumas owing | om bd Bhs Petaling orp ple foran "eee ie Se Rama Benet the pee coun ‘teen on) Oem neat Fendt Tamales eg sade pb aon Etec stm Magabos mr o« err Neto mre port fits Riel expand ‘Sake ads gomSbs a oso nd the hor ke he schinain po ie ofl eatin JT The Pog fibe Hese wl pelo pacc ()Amt he Tinton fan peat hm themede path ve sold unenecsh beret Sidon ira pling smecing (et Wah crowd et amiss s0% posted hunter Isnt he nel wb ae or omors the pce! imi cam Blo reveling afvharx wh Share in comicholga Gol “euthee —aceatc ofthe wien Be rr onierings eS imenons and al ofc ers rece ot ad ae a eof inti i Be eaters a alg Barbier ens octane We above Before we go v0 sidhar eerie Se When weer sch es inenicn oft Ges anne Botte hrabe ptt tee toca Sens Begs nc cetop: Sse peed cn Gipbcs Ros Fey wr setiverenecbe ae Bekele Marpac oot Wie ee ei fr a hp One vo Henke p oft sli beet dar gee oe Peepibdsctprc fennel Tetsingrcensans so Baler Tc Wenn sn Mee thetorudcighpeesny Er henson cin eben ner conor soit jpeanl nro ene o ideas tall og ‘Sedona Begin Saaj, Sipe Mateo teenporn thr (eed eins van Gecwemyeing wrx te Prana Bh i es Vienna orotate Seserernaeare ee Spat teeenieteas The choad wih Beet wba (nm el ha on eed de Seema en cn Cepeda Hance nas eee Mont aon see sete Ses arent SStpetleia hlge eb Sobtte, eeraee anata Sie eee eee hoked win Gort Anshan snc kd Mase ena ea re: ty Lt ents ow rer dee ‘nn tll cel pce Abt ume of what an, het shag ote pen ad pe ‘eet Ba ea ent ‘cahershurc handel hiten ing ely. Ou ppt ode ifecanen yell 4 onspserofth i Srpenrstr theuale ooney-b Tppathen Then we aver adnate Con wea eh spam of aes ven eton canbe Fact, Aeappeathace rans by which sou te ne he i (fern oer Pe wig truly Kas hip pos IRIE Arson Iasi tino eta or Bitapmare bec he yor Large Ri reetang ange me Dige tate ent Conv Tae Shale Ard deren fev Fist Samadhi Experience Sis Raassa isl sds When 1" ‘eden yar ld and ved t Kt ise experinced Smad. As hog pul es se ‘rewhicined® Ow ‘hore water He omer ‘eran characte of God light alsjoy and exeenests Pe eth eae sey fin) Te ae 2 eo eed stan Beehelddmice enc. Beer be try comers ech hin 7 Fhe Hene, hs vices ae ce whch he ; ed Not cven vnc ‘ heey Bese a ys Finda do) Bipescon pees srs Ie fecha ur Peters he deca “Bsc saara proc mye fecha pgs pnp hae lesan at The Baan s worship of Ged wh tebe ernest the ety of sadhana ad ic hae "weayon In Ss Sas able mary. Buc hie wou IS Ral news Wi 09 ph npc ken,Fing Kl wu oe he tock cat the kn! Ore hs, ssadhans make dhsteinel se! tron sara, jo a Uns scrofa. a Prd Bharata SriRamalrsbns eshpe if dost od pomposs, cy Bat though theflowing py Teague f dzone ‘ethan ral bose who ‘SeRamaktas eg. He apy ae ohn TENS St dcr corte foal | Taig ape Now int of st Sa onary oes ring An | Srectienteieem nem to on Teese VE tsiicieimnamtond + Fae a va AT se a cee Ncndetaeteea Reeve Se “ ete ee ‘we decided. The strange aspect of Si: Rin yaandt Tikes porn mn | pecan imdsmci efi of eigen s Nee eteS keer dir spmaiy Axe wchapen eee eC adams Wald sem hafwe ala nls He SEESSELOESG Seeds wilhe deperayecs ants ke veer Ngee vecmene barat be protind i SOPEESIE Epa aed th hr helen, OF con SELST en Cemymgwe kinder och ia ee ee Take he cmp fe oe Col “Stason aden smug theo of Sain Kast # tnerayacealacgttohdeninutod atm et ne wa Shiv tebe CLUE Dec Goleeeelksund Mea fia Sitcoopat tie clanging bus svn osc Thiet beh Ablac snd Usire: tnd cine nase hiss inte wtowhe ti sti ede espn Mor Apinobecskebeomebempenciad tne orn er ‘Sinngbng! (rahe hapa Sse se Doe Mer" Fema fh 9 many pcs ee Spreng Gren okies uertet ofSedhane tengo Sache pl ‘ecndng othe Master nldesde eercha PGMEE, Rion ofthe Gare tetera E =a ‘tos es gue op? 336 Bite gar fen wer some ong wha farce The wer enn mn Kank Mai Tm OO Mpesoundgs dots hts hee. Fates caig the rescion of he Mrcme ih pesos ror da etree suru Tha Be iieGupdandderrocones aT see worl int eon orgs wc Gee iigh and tine rom ros Btitetisiticwion pn Petits tineiretene ys eet wont of chr = enaaentae : tiingin Website of Duty I pw Mr ce per ped cee aeheeaias atta De eens bene eietag emake vine pe Betis oid bea cig Tatheveiiof day Te oases Ind qe ofr whe oo Hina: Era the shen fou Gree — ee leer nono earurl flask na Lind of hid Weer hn euting ri ite Ancien nine Bakers of Resin Be sey ookirg at men of ie thermpan niles Te fee Sapermato.s ese Fos fa 19 tS Ramalens oly Ro 22 skithe der ge mea hn sanyo te Mae es eth cnr Inne: a Hota sacle ones egiting he pref wing resign eran fo. smn Continuing Enlightening Enlsiy Pend Bhat For many come. ew are chosen, Whether ‘ey ae indore by che Weer scaled SCR Pan eho eaten Speen cere mmelation:The Final est rho athe Maes a up fines igs npc ened aan Tho nay ery cage Kal pe cape waded el ‘Gpoue Desh vu chalgeeh theo {BE Mohr it An ward we ao fom Toe La? "Th ane fe deh Sa gpa tobe the ‘acting pies dec and dnote ino in" elgion Now Enjoys Unversal Respect ‘he dine pee Nae rb ic rtan. Er i eas ta Sree tadeAnk dannii a menu fal eligi en inner Andon toring oro nosh op igo "Wha sodas, wea em af ming te cnc of fonosdinpeicoma cna ae ‘hour weed e her se g Bespanmiemy batches para ‘ox aioe nee ion tht dere he a tenance ‘taldinoninel mare me ‘a 9) (emphases ‘Operational ofthe Mind ‘pen wl te 8 Moy sh pol denn 38 ee ei testes soompi spo Pakage cael ol Rarer hho Glndedersbsee werent ReOM eed ald wears > RR tient mn (iipseapenon tengo hs Shihan Hewoaldheaten tos theveaponsnles fae my mind nh oes FeetofGodiwimingme hat woud ye onsidmy mind ped foe God Sa teerasongsung bythe Mace hima Beep er pine er ‘Old pad notre hw phan a edgier watts peel py bee ‘Stomerer ler wl ew th ater mid wha se yoa = Screed ib utente odyathealfid eo oho lap Ranga eh hampu Kavya Kathi the Gd Champ Ka ocr eihing thee pcr" emo mt gnc hr Maser and Moth cr how 0 reece villages Linking che os components of adhana ugh eden nag el gine owe see nes irra ea mn Setsancnnte een tee ington hee Temes eet ine Andy Si Ramkeshna sk Biya gy roGangaor Gans “oh Ranch oe Pra Demet be remind: © et of spice ght m0 Seth ging mind aad ern and vo cl Bethea Moths cold ns an frm ering mes, br wl Jetson The alne ‘aya ihn And Sides the Play Feb lighe of what ie been Ge avout Se aden i oniicin thir happened no notin the das of Pas the allio Pacis covenant alia Batwitha dicen. which soln ad Andi begin with ile which ic skind of ‘Prd horas riven ove ned alishe pe f ‘Va indy ace psa Piro ‘es Barong ee seca en fn Maer eee ‘pet An yr edie dean Se Raa Tene icf ended ec me fread ies And See ena, eigen ofS amanactor Bg Se Serbs “Remy iki pact or Naw Sena oye dak of det ly mer Henan ded be ‘cemyuy epee dati Tove asin he an di oak woo rnin sean nisin ours Te ‘Soren ee Neigh Rep ti dees yh ne ‘When tapes ghd nd ‘gad ce 9} Burgh ne et Sendra rmin ce Boren dedi Trombone cg ral typ Vala ae ated ete Cee aes Pana detec ct Rca Fide acd eon fae Jor cl wot ced hoe a ‘aan ch bln i sen ‘gpa noe el Yio o she bd bop ng se ‘een cmos Ra my ra inorie Ved petea nenng eccngot aid Sedhane and Song: Itrtents ‘Ar Ramen the ‘Cenos hchetlthehne emlos 240 fn Heat go ‘Betbtngofte bid ropa ‘Beret Maer bv atom 87, of ong Ah Fiemnpl ed rs 0 he ren pitched Ae Sheldon Pllc pr 5 oy ragoeng eeele Ne cen oe Ditroreticlourcincrctiamnteng: > iow tho hehe rt xeon of Bey. Sr Remains a Beatty becen 00 lon ae meet gene he ms [gatetee owe an : — se | a a | Bound hoe sping ser ibeason mot cites pome Teascdandhe repre (64) Tas sn ou ay eh the ate Peek Ingepecson incl. and sesonble pac Tage Ban, | aii weconsier iss cod Inver snoe enya S| gma The oe nen, a th Rt nde ee Yr farming Amodicunofconpchoxns | gyn And be Mase o> Hal Kal sare Mtge one es rede. Bhat Wik Thow nor een Tyee" Tetrlock agai sadhana nhc Ma. | piling how se (74) The tehommwords now be coe coose. | long ussome ey Inch isp pea ates ‘encom berwarbenye we msm: | Umeppedos or observe contin y Getpen Andre oy can ave she tis MMMM dps pox by fom rodi\One matinee oe ‘cess | eins (i). Tythanas acer ne cco rex | Me apa al wor for cis soe ‘he poet ges You hae 20 Youtlfeedyoukaea tient tpt ar Confer Come ae down th ae (Beckenham Seplcwichdinmde ena pine Tieseal aise shuld vorfoe fiend Br enn ds Hote een. Me yo he ip ole ge Ra Zon on Dn Speer nh a incon ree mand dere aha meddar’ Or ne ees Cn sn magi adopt Isp maine tse 8 ta ok afer me! No pele b = ta Chena Rama ah dare buwe co srergien ur" ih egy ofp. usananda. 4 Cone nes rls (Hangar: Rama || BALABODHA TRADITIONAL TALES ‘Arce Windom Med 57 qhe Sri Rama That Jambavan saw { Katha | uae cantor oe Ss etons or or Xr mn comes Te poste pe Smee peemeeciotens a terse nad e Sith econ aren oh este ASS ceonsss | mm ecru Tht we = = fae o. “ne wr at cde fom che pon hess Sa mre dd ace ae = ude Bhar REVIEWS = on pan hn hy al pie he Sede he kde vos en ew niet bw ig Fe won moving Sasaki in eles: Thy we dsp deen Rane nile Jambwran Tow een Inge oc aos chien hese Ke (ccna pot de ner athe ‘he kan wt ingen igs Tnmedinl tds wreconmandel © contend one header Sone a4 ae Teched the ther shoe By hb scons been Takes The rer wats are ent end WO ODS fremresand rachel Be Eosesersosen am cgi the help of Pid Ten Janet under “Whatdwle fh sweaty he th a ae he Jamyop. thoes hott photiaa Vreovbywalingos theses Ton of Bas ope Bye meiosis Ghedstnbyblovingthepuh citi ne i J musings On Minas Beeston cc seat sn eee les ic hls wed Pavol ha sion erase oe Spring cosine Tyee ei is performing Karma spe a Spector hic =e ts togesidt HP Bh ser agra eso te Moki ih jee Be ihadenloedan unertanig Pra Bharat broth esa he ine mak of More souling il Se aA ia lt ‘haha oat stwtagaty eee eee nae eee Seieeetenean) anes ft ar ; ‘po rig rep tivsatepe ke tem cemane cry a Se tr Secciiceaeeen Seicce Ico | meg heicbed inning ants inticcaes teas has Behe Pas ArGricinon pl dinepaiod teenie ee iere Bhindi | Tihstnieecpeldmtmiotanoeeee Kelcdegessenmae shh eave a ‘emtoaaoe ioamdcreyine, eeu Ot sain or a sone of em og Beet nr Ro somtenthamenclpomsa mone hn BR Sr tonsccnge ines a8 te Mayra ad efor sc bdegwnscosencaby te pron: Coes new “the journal abd the pest, As office from Mayarati its chr Ramishns Mach and Rarabs nh er “negro te ee pen bal er con au . ees cia cteeran pen a CRESEEEI SE eecrece pups The beng Seta are ee eee tem es i So Teelowhacomemnkaion yan. wat now showing the 5 BP eseedng was conducted ; eee eT eaten ee fel Bcf nle a eae neswrking and spacious ine Pee Bothsusoands; Molsia z ae ee Sine Bags tea ie : ee pic ase Brit grensseceyse iecraca ine HieAlieam pen which ved ‘aerinfehigand managing he tometer hance ‘ohespallthcbosk eed fr bug wus ad in 215 Wh theta che propa or ene eas sanctioned by ve headgear © Iii Math Blur Math, We Be! ™ ache pln ws made dh gst sary ae ou efor ofc and thee theFarand the Acne io on (Pelaty reconing vaio Ape competed n Ose == "The bling wn cg pon mh US. po ees taiorcae are memeebcoe seen of Rak Bickers econ Feo ofthe teu flied earch co Min tes adr i fon Ass Bp Bitdran West Benet =n teen Per base cense of ve Misanasben src nh PO Khandepr Rate Box Sc, i See Cents, Ponda i ams Math Thain oh *Famlsths Mah Maan, x Dees Dn, Urorbban pee gependentl cain aml at Garza Pe vai Urata 4995 ph groan ona ci | ee ce | NINA lies td na, | Se —— | "Opening of Cncing cr ect ang 0 ‘Swami as been insealled on the cn ‘etter Sater = Peieeritn nts Gepbmy bhyo . thane Raman Mie Andel Arana wots inten Se Seer ge ee — - Sooo oo ee ee angie: Naunyn Wel Socey Raunt Remains is | Sgn Vana Utes Beal liepopktlandng Teeadteactie sou Ageeleenpaied co de Febery othe Schl nis ‘cnoe Ramlila Msn, Lemay. PO onat}unenhicvrinergscly So Sin | game campo, To er Serra i Eau Kemeng Atnchl Pech Shenae of prs Ascless | SeDapiene of he sie won pc olde lle ese tc Heed anti f iegdimeange Conmecnefdebuld " Hamalhina Minion Adame Ast | UMMM noel ingot come wilh al steps pins "One mare bach cere of Ramasea dain har Mla Kenda Mision hasbeen aed on he re ees of te About zane psn aye in as |) Meloni ata cmptior tn MAEM ice riancy ced sedconsiedof ates ove ach cm land at New Town in Koll ead ot by fom 3s aay. Stina ah pris oling p22 eat esaom, ype woos. and ‘he Gownment of Wes Begalon pape The lg fr the coschng intheEighh NucnalExersion ann convcan oft Unveaty wereed iin pre aang ebstion f a is=™ KGngrsshldstNatonlAcfcyotNarenfrapar on Jy ol notes ew Math Centres Sgn alpen Rich Maigmcn a le gen ‘he Kata Head ab nich DEE Haig owe of fftbeSinssieDearmercof SaDhumen ‘a Kamas Mah, Bast prongs Te agaldmcda sera. for Pe Seema denen andy comoltion isc te mud the Bint Hor of ome Alda Sans Stolens Tens el balding 2c Ramakrishna Nah and ee maininely the enue aon ‘perl che sar ffl eed cent yea been aie: Be ere storm Becton Nace Th Frmakesios ee fe priced in she A bebe on confer "Young Sle of Me esietes tony, 0. Nea tin Manin Bin oe oe prewar of oy creda clan» Minho pe of ts ynlngcentcy Voth Tama cryig sc a clivaion Ramla Mah Chandper ce vasbaded or pr ‘ScnledsdeefcemenencnssDerRanhion37 Mach, Seopa Ramskisna Minion. Da Two sadn of Vivekananda ¢ the Vlg nen cond and ds ee agin Newman er Develop ene Spor Deepen Accor Dilsianscn Ja. Tako sail dame dakipiFysece end soos orc. (MMMM re he ‘ica eked epee ogee Uialabcateakes Sper SdeDabatirmacome st ‘nds Calle of Ramalrahes Miniog ”Ramelthns Mah, Chennai Hlceresacing dain iio ‘Vida. Chena fovea in she tard bua abe Masalcss Minion Vidya Deogae cyceand Avr get the Colegeof dsc onda Apion the cos ane ‘ono Ramalesna Mision Vidal Cox Rahs Yr and rhe ls Si imbuorefefreyaninthescondeyde paler Temple Chena The ot Atel er sudel Varad Ca- Snot leaning pe loge Ramat Mision YdaphCher-eleun Api, ‘kwon ke evs compton Stale Ramarshne Mision Ss Nisha Sana conducted the chamelSHi_ Home, Chena polyecico= |) Saati T¥Tealcompeon wareldin inthe Sate Popotne wivilscbyintinehapesle spauctiireere ooh || Stininetinslnommeepinmdl seep mcant oT ‘pnts dale ‘nem Flan Enema indian he and Ecology. Kolkata, and Confederation of een Devetranserer eric team etree lice in che ses 84 ‘oomumee alo. 256 PE cap contcied by wc Group i a eins Mi Ieee Mido a nog oa Woicnglilandiaenuelaisenentnt ingame satel on 1 i ‘eclsnnShealainmpsidoninmat tl Boa Paint dy Sina Screen eikieene Eat Geren BS Aero imogused he at sorte Chandra Se aan ning ‘ll Mamakchs Math nd Romain Said Nae ae “he Maiparpos Schoo of Kamp ssh spd the Vidya of Rama Mision Aske, Narendra ged ‘hee Sol ad Bo echo Edae ‘on Deparment Gove of Went Benga “Th omrdconttnge mene ‘oan sno ede Klason Spe bee Naradapar Vidya meel Ex elie Minor Schon red et ‘(Corman Malai ela soci) Asoc lado fan ed 2: Vigan Baran New Deion Sener Sa Sabands Seno Cht Miner | Asan ised Raman Math and Rasa ‘ins Misia Sev Sai, Kann hyenas The illowing canes conducted sn eee pene ‘handing bhajan yoga lo fen dees soda.) Ramalrsts Mah Kayambalam: ron 920 Apia ich sede parsed om 8 inch des parcial, eas Math, Koc Fon ih ostdens pried (Onis Sqpeer Seas Sari Ses jt Matas Peet, Rael and Remakes Nisin, reso Math he nw dion of Lees of ie nds ew ne ped by AS ‘Arama Kllaa De Tathagata Roy. Governor of Te ‘hed Ramaihaa Math, Lucknow 0! ebay ad ok paren $s ‘hay cleat Ona Mach thee orf gsh 238 madular opration the posto sh peeunscren mol 9 Si ope were Seca! pen Foe Mah, Madura dis Bec sis2220 Pon fo — Retesthesn, Marardp tld sii lsc fom 1206 pee provided wih | mains wep ho sod i inthe lant MieigiticcanpardicAtiuainaion sor scorns Ripe red sho. as ced Sas Saa She pin dayne andde- anhp incited by ne ce reoncnl te Peegeerboarangediochecanp. Ramu Soph Cl Nance ween Dag Alecks hen, pemciternroeee ee net Pilck wil howe the rabuddba Ws tincontcldichaperre cine Meets, wave The Fontll wan soe he Megat OacberFllowingtheiang, hoofteanswontnontcn Senn Gesatireday pial eet for monks Cop aoa Chnpnip hind ah PElinwhichssmonks fom ourdifeene bellu Dungopat Ctgete ene a Siamese ld Boys Aeny of Ranakrisna Me Tipesbritingfoe agro: nd the sen Solana Naeniperstbord te Prederctihepuionté ose buingssamond os nny. St Talsdas Mision Sersheam Mortis Svan Pobanonat Nau ne endens Pmleemdongandiluneropishy Ramskishos Nat an! Ramses Nir Mision Ashrams Narinpar ning theres whch inde TMB Frets, Jury Cola eon pe ap by the Ace Milesesicyaboutzoce armen. salesman Enatgenel lin Bled are ay pore i ndcopaitons Alegent pe. ‘ones heen nd (hen e eee eos Sir Achy, Gover of Arma Pre it! Ramen Man Nat caligeee hagee “eh ca ig Rama eins Mo, Naarampll as declare peer ‘Sian Nuh Kovind che che Gave ited Ramah Mion Ace, Panave sa owy i Nish Kut Chef Mie of Bis, ane Durga Po Be Aran 8S ‘ene Mada Lett Goreme ndanand Ni: ‘arin Pgs a ded Dp ‘uncial Minion Pre ‘Bliren sce Mikth dap Sta Sam Shnaynads Mahan, Ye Rain Mah and ‘athe Mis neutering hal 4 Raman Mah Pops Ap ad jinn oth neo! urea Rama Mion Aram Pao Ap On the sated ccson of Ras ara, Raul Mt Peco neal 260 sae Nor i Brae 1 Deno al nines of ete for Agra Bc tncngersaendel he con Beene Tv fr weed Snes fr Ouray $x Ram Kripal Yad, Mi a : — nas ea . rer Speccleel hereto saved tone Sb H000 poche of them during the Rahs ‘itrced ood me ea eRedi Nonbadi wears conduc Hom Shim ye heck oe leer cpemclopes ise = Digapn Kesh Vigyn Koss pence weed Bla Gurimanends Mik ameraed the nw monks gare 2 tet Mach Paro Sere Ranakishs Mision Viypth eld ictonger fac Atmoad jules celebration abc meting sad cael Asodf te Para Vp vada nachos of 5 ih eopees—by Esato, (Care Erecaive Agen. 2 oot ‘Union, for pursing his sc a= lea Pasta ope Viveananla Ceres C - Lehn Mission Boy Home, Rao toned antnemons sa yh Grants Camis (vec) 547° seircbiosoie 261 ina Ashrams, Tice ee vhanarte Shan «wk < eeeieeeienaaialiada Fis andelgis ar Arama Cnet mae amass Minion Seed ld Jamary 2917. In all. > ps Gham Neh Kovind chen the Goveror wc: Ramat Nath pra conebrlowerveshexandderenel ouofvhch recehe inh nei DUMMMMEeet ste cdaccatheriatin fron ros aed sont caters Sicempeschetonnda}abosack Sex oBlkes ad aboer Tete pelo! Ramana Mie May mi seeiabvelapainmjddlecekion, gourboks were dsrbted ante Sanna eran aracseayes ‘: “Hecandngpogemme ee along The ee ao bhai cy Grol Swveananda Geneeal Scrtsy = pups Ramakres son pina kie aden efVipumadin, skyNlaxtKenlin Bion decison, | AMRBBSMh and Ramalshna Mision, Indore #010 Nay, yo cen pry ‘rev and Scene colee de Sarath (01st which peer ws Inga ebaldngconpesiogesbiior Rankine Math Mader cs Ap Ceoptiegepetlicucsdelendlscm — SiBarearal Pro. Ma the Vectra May yo tes pric; Renssakoe ‘pera ne wae ob lays ved Vinelananda ‘atone SaradaramaPosampct 395 Ap Nat ante Chief Mier of Wot Ranrishna Micon Shillong BUR te ofc Seam Vicks eucens prc, Remaltnhes inion pli! Ramat Mn Aaa, SBarerl Peat Slag ofRamasishna Mision. Fiji Vivekananda Memorial Porbandar ‘Sipion Ap lays nde cabieem inthe National Champonship in he Ns i" ected ‘eamSraninds reed cevlame Goverment ite he SelSvinming Compeciions Sorby Mats Pane cfcheconpi wots eSani Aldus Pas ys FiNasond Srnming Asc In Beg ed Sen Aherdanener a 2 noel es eee ier 2 Iai dr es 0 eons Srembr Te bois peblielby sha Sst Bhar Rama Sup Ame, (Beal Pal yan), ion 0 Stima Seam Soarsranhje the Vie- ‘eit af Swat Advan ‘rs. Rama MchanfRamdsen Joie (Re) Sa PStasin. CO Mision inapuse he eorated mask? Kelana sh operon ‘Foren ane Bahnns Sharan Raise Asem Tiers ‘Ranalchon Minion Ate Sahaon gan o March posse ae Pads mbes ores 0S tums Mision Som Prison. nl J onkiced sundibeced medial Vinekanande Sabhangans 9 0 qpeteMble ikem Ndrarcget hal ioe Atk ledoSetisPopmndctanconé patceioroncions rl 26 Minion jane: N37 en tpl Romar ume aoe Si s0lom psi amakeso Mino Arama Sem10 a Durkan (Seth Ac) eon some 01 2: Chacworth and Pletermartster Hematite has pl aa Beitr wee een conrace Pprecuisns Minion Colombo. er a ee tpucksRamsss agng Colla, Dhaba, Ds eee os Se Garamendi aber Minto Schone Tempe 84 Na falomt secs Apu, Asal Bass Math, Chena ‘St Conti Cosh ear Dba ander Khali pes ‘erie Ghia Geet Grane al bet in commemnor pone mdr Jamba Kesar, the Wr Mabign JenoreMynnsing Ne are pe Remaktos Mion Raagpus, nd Sylhet WEE nde so dpe come ofJomore Arama evaends Se Nagata pe anakrsh Math Ranal yep a Mo Srey ea eb inemmestentnte: eet sist UMMM nelcdereacalSeonihprnerticoing al ed eenetiion7 Ang. "Sine Sarl Cara Biielatymich b-cre of Ramalrnins Vickananda Ven Sec Gott South Afi, Durban, South A Hemer Glen vs Drs s0s, On ce sane Aegan wos held a tf the ers Tecepuie Kring Lackooy Malin, On Swinson ern Fs — = ‘Meinpr Mamita Pre Bae Ra i aeary 389, eo tr Shaler Cherapuner Shlng Scan Viuad Advaita hata. pga tn ald Bhar ended he Drs Puck rember nl, abou ameten Passi Virckanands Bi emgang (Banglash| Inlood donation camp, an int eee ‘co Ramakrishna Ms Sra Vgshunant Nh (per to Ramakrishna Mie soe * selene age siaenmbcr pects sis gmmenennten ccm Fa REA Ram anda fav ok pri bese : peer cera ee ertestccprmamantyoshs — ArtheDiaks ara Prosen 8 ofthe roth rth Dagens Tie Dalacar ceed ivconey doh Me Abul Hani Mines ot mary of Str Nivedita eOmieinekirok Iyhddnguctectopanmatien ges fn and Spars Me Bir Sie, eS ners imewariy eaeke Nich Se Soca Kamu Choc: Hehand andy Wel Sih Peeeeitcpescnsparsipucd Dardmncne eeu nope te ess Mini of Rood Tensor en, SeimSclennlahenteGocalSeay, Obi Quaerandscalo Be deesiekpar. Scraper in Peeled youd comenion ‘oop Sama Sean's PBichissyowepacipaed. prenledone fetetbldapdicmesingon's Chan Nahin sche va ne Peteedeliyabourson pple xpeision larg pepe om Bepeetdedoneshe cringing eso Nay vith out 12> nlibosk Barainsy wene fom Scere pas Pableyhecence, Taal ok pu skeamn condected s de Te Chena Mada caine fea dbroary which war dent Chengamin Tina Bp Ala josh conven: on Angus iw arene Su Bp March in which 396 dee Ses fim scolegs nd xh “he Chen Ni sibel ah rm Ost Be eeelaccd a speci lee ingcompiton Senden OES Beret sao cha pon mt Pee fede wsmeson:8 05000 tds oesaron Ua he Math obo hid ; Prada Bate : aes recent chin Chain which ‘Shen pre Onis Ocoee rom oping ar et by si ‘Sree of Tad bp of Sie Seti, nd es abel Abo 2086 foveal he pega ‘Ceana Sent ame bose dts see eon om ana Tes “Toconduceds oda spo ‘pleco which > sade fou pecs okt Pao ‘Med er nod Spee ‘Chena ip cand po me span cul compan fim 08 tau inichsbn tos des oa {hod dome parc hich siel nnden do ed Colne ath l s rranmeon¢ Marche ech non Str Ned ieehchwaraended by bo sop CoimhaoreMixioa Vidal condi pts ie ‘Seton Combate on 2d ey ores eel “he Via coc go competion snd cae a the lags ne Cote te sand 6 Angas pope mally Sian ectperate pope The Yara ond es competion sediment ile tei aise In al so ep Conalenee conde sono Aplin ish > de “Gooch Bea cet held» eee miadctty >... {Conipane Mahou co shoanynwbichboat sco peop eae Aanaledns Minion, Dhubinsws ear on Steet Nees nich pani Dating abd Jig ce ae Iiekl ype Sines Dac Asal presen, voc ne ingand eral ets wereld nl esol tnende he propane eget ma graneioapig rend i Slgwiendilppston ars) opc Falywhith we utendd sng oe ee Dating ceased birch | Site Non ot Ocha by i unl progam Abou 10 pele vies ‘ene ard. Deb rn condatdsynpon ‘ope Natoma Ba ert — eee cence: Ses aes oss: — Mak onthe of Kank pce da our cence inte Hoops on 9 and 2 jar Abr 2b ee ied che ‘ccna os des teoneion Tick Mabon ue ames 6s Jory wih 8 Toney dco dees ‘Onteniente anon oon wee hell Pa in South Pp eo Sand Nr oo tan hp sept cbc “The Kuli Maeda sion Sirens Khan eh ec. islovvtad weed irae ‘ieee The Mish lds cil eon Je wished des “heen ld freer te mn cf Ober which wr tended spe by ‘opele ring ccchsdeotes cme on Dicer ahi sdk Kamara ene ble flog ‘ata mle conenton ony Ros ‘47d como qh ade PrbnddhBhrts comensonon he eh and tegen all sou suo, Ieper et contacted ca Petiedi len ots woncss eee adas Ar Be sak Coecc conypsing specs scaly ete Taga Math hl stated ae she progarmes Liberte held Apawhich wa seminoma 3 Dee apse snared by So 8 SGoreor of Ustar Pradesh Bowers pope ‘he cent held «youth? convention bay which 2 youths ck us ‘The Lacknow cere condi ‘meingon 38 Och which ws sn eal 00 people Mader Math conducted» p esr a Mac Bi art nal te voce Tada ee pope we nmage Sinn aans i eeepsscot of Sind prc ra Bagi ce il Hepa 005s ; Feledbyabar 20 ‘Meinpar co error Jane Beetpcbensesejcnim : moors Bs re ‘Melia steams Se Gates ceded pe Wibiestlarssndcioraeneon:8(c PaneMah ldo Betescenlby acy come. and pee PrabadeBhte = : Be Jewrtnce que Rejmabendewern on | Pa Minn Mie prank. conpeons in which 4 | SENEE yaa dogthe spe totter Tew elt eee teidarieAimsodeced yieson ot Fray “ scianubeagperdiike "Rare Bsboopar cen hi iene cre secon Rpeomenionon:8 Augen wih o> sie Arama el roger ses ‘aii in snd soon! Se my | inning eo dle Machin wich short . Teton cleo 1 Ekiampemsconseurytadie Remseahporimcnrcinicutiyy, | Maeatnarm tse est isd conn ro | FG sceon stems ands ewe camenion partied Bien. ee = ‘together byabour soo people Besides aweitten —haripur to Kamarpuloar on: Octoso- « mont teachers from 16 schools alae on 1 Jorary = Strcanpatinanlapaiemeeingwehld 7 pone ok pre Sauna ondcideminasa wo gal bed abowreo pepe (St Sssdocli Mayabenjdictono Feb Ranchi Morabai cence hd eivakncreian, tty tomo teymebih bar ordered. vette ples Re Sal dee yo corer a The Asam coded ayo coer ecm 3) Fb nl son ert ni ‘tocons4 Mach uSipwnth Saks. youl arin he cone Bese ld gic ‘ernyPuninwtih ssudepurcgae ” Thecneecondaced dowtcs om Be bocce peop conn ‘Pa Mision Athasisbeldguscom —onsy Much inwhich7sdevcesoc yr | matdeneatended cea econ on Sie Nein ar ples in The Atma condaced spp “ie Sais Ashe bi seach en discs of MauithajandKburdsonin onthe then Roe of women ams nc> | auspices dir hdd oles Machado Apel nebo hang fall inne hough sare ‘Soo piped Man hese ks prc Thc Adam choc ‘emia Kaeo ge hah ‘sternly abn oo pee pr cohen ons Feb ‘may mi wendy shen oso Alle aie on 1 Oca hich Jeo wemen ok ar Salem Ashrama rcs oak nS Nivlisin Tanita afinson hl on About sadn ended tc pg SovPenhan held pcalsue on sg popis Once Sierra ons Jay whch wissen nen ds byasepeon, mas eraser ell sow Slr cee condaced a re neg at citer inne ee Pre Borate seme uinced de flreingpe: andy hep th cr i Kal ncsings were eld 2: che Uns roe a de dio Apenihwee etal 6 September a che Eeendedalgehery top Glink ono andy: Detter ahah einen hola pe The meen semen trendy se pe me damn Sean Hs n se lind 10 May eehecenze place Kalla on Aus pr =: panne ay Mii wee mended shops by 3ts _ tendedby about 0 pei Bereatatctewinrercnd contin Gn etiaedrcmt Ontenmrothe Cons regia ae [EES edigsoe Spent tw essen imine sintvhchrammdat permcinal ogee by ahve 200 pop ee ee Seyi "Se ne at sodas jaca cehichmeratended mally nagurtd he Raskin [UIMRBetereycobtach iwc sue Sn mo hf Aten Pc ad ‘Spchetyuoepene Daengeesmeped Raksha Mistons cle ti eens nies Klngrn cece p i tricomewaehie heen iiie edi ath Buh Annies * Seimiieodksblideerstdel blatant Ar! Hone RE pit macngene | cincilncioe fon oes punie Sucre regan MEE Receerdy cooper, tment ont On Hee ltinde eenifedaeseal Dr Par oe Ml aay ee 4 D Pit Oheejc,Edacsion 3 eee Teg ae Ae lowe snd Call Geet iar Govcmens of West Beg Minmpicenne condoced mcg, yon atm he dle cones \Sheisealaeelaneagteae oat Sf Genemcgeicccdcete |UMMERRMinis osatoocmennt hap cot ieatneemlgtyons femmes | en Da See ce tne eda ane oo Sec nance hllerkowmaern thy ace pied ny on Dipset ote, ator ge end Pich Detect tccs nf Tange rnc Aon Be as cic acnga: ve peronyte rime Oxi Rieder simecyiatch sips popimme rsa bene Semipaitocras tok lunect ae xkn nl ism See ee aetna em oe the programme. _deipatcin the competitions Fe onscreen it fngdiccicpdniciss tert silanes Wen Bence es restecctet Uary stn tohinen= es a ama pane ple a Gree Chicas Lene + Ente condi seminar on yuh vibe ead leader on ne wih aC byte poe ‘ropes cg Bite Candace eminaron Sites eon mepimncion 9 Oc Praha Barats et) ee bell he arb (Soh A ee ae ciopine sorrel Win ‘ses Eat, a nd vatsPrpommes by WRIT A! TE vost eee stg weitere Se ; : vexsnonimpg ring egenand Twenty Packer sae atest OD. roi Heber oe Ss gjaqent corm. tach fom 0015 September whan —— et ramamait aclpastendeoandpiyn "MRT re eenacieionts tb fonsnSerenirn re” | gating cera eyeks waeecmeile cain | Melanson ic : ar a cypipvandechas sop helo Step fom | gg ges 7 - ye Tanttteptceheda Chassbaapa, Habra Mathconduce les | fgg Febiny i sc 995 nor ; Bint Dah oganms soon Bley nn” | gap Tes sl 1 Te cree we omy ccna see Nat nim Huapaltahconace cee “orn ao cache denwtrnton Gon | Setter Sec ckiabea tion, beimeih onal prc ee : me honda etal plead Mabllyutorpsiyt | gen > ad 9 Semi eal raked we Dem ich out os Be etane neces on : soptinssmsiiahohchwce sed ToS helper So Brea alese oe po nap nduaden he worse paneer nana eens on 8 Pepetinden etidia BacDehi Kaneda Ml Soo mdei om medial | scxeiaaa Seer Tecerctijonbschesionwetl Wenn Michinvich soe au spe ghee cme ie Aba sown bean ites ws Secon a= ‘hla aie espn fom Dc Disgaea, oper wich Keke “he Debi cee bldg ae caion pM held vcr ccxon ndsnpefoms es yeaceraded ag ean nsion non tyes pinche Thess Cah Baer dais or 4A seldom fcr ne en ld ales dca ode Th Jaga cn ld «les ShniemswigJneehchowescnilly sn wtp sKanp ae" [Pit prindpasandwachers. Thewoeksbope were which was attended by 170 students EdsvomscpafomDan “he Ain beldscomenion ven Ti cate held él adcaion wo pb yanprerhcson 7A stopam as hue wre wich vee ‘endiver oa one ene by uss pcp and eaten The Kanga Math onset 2 wrkiurwcthdiintnepatomDehcdnon vrcopo Rare 9" schgsatehldsénbescictonmade acronym ohh er 7400 August which wereartended students and teachers. a8 eos snd rhein 47 hla ‘Step "Sn Almac ot cen en pene ich ws ended yao vroreni ‘lor cee once wen st ony on Sami ih 4917 Sa om 8 honk Girt 0k pa Sen ss elope were awarded penn Feira "Te ceeded 0 rs dnion pregnmen ans ary whah ¥r lel aoe by rye adeno ‘iene ete posi on soul ect on Seebeck ‘comuenson or liga ok pt “he ence spon en pronlty dlp 07 Oanterin hich 05m ‘Sos ge Sachetha Bhat abhian (Gian india Compaign), Banka ec eld des deo 5 ‘ago nich che cmp bp wt ant hn ees of Chena Sede Pra Bharata Home eel Mato Bex Jarry illowing he Pong OnraFebrary these Panel wich abone 2 forme Tela ened fo pubic Vianna Calls of Cena sce hid ee cerroarehatien Dl ition ria. Govert fad : (Chena Math condo chant aca onemment rn rhb Lepr Gute arable Ponens __ eeignieceaatae i ome cing dee eeepc pin in Ineatemple howpe ati “The Viayacondte SnFbrany in which Vidyalaya soe ple places ncn hs Proms of afore ange se Viabis concern IP owe the Virliy va etme pbb pconln andr pen revit cond c [pmeetichie Vyas ple ps incading shoo precise Me Vials onic veces eer ad Jy mec faansclenel ser land ewe germ o "Te Vaya vs beewen 1 and igs ede aig ep oThe Vidyays conducted Foor se Sepals eden losing ren Blin beh conde le Mise ocrabs in wich che Vn Balan the piss fv Seti Dall ene consuced = Prabal Bharat - a OT fiom 2 September 019 Jans Pe eat ‘Rhema an fms Noe ober nd 8 Febraury, Bag (Bago Speers Saas potenti ini et oleae alameda urs vente fom De fay Baran (Header From ary e010 Fbron mules 1) 39 alr From 1 Rovner a Deceber ¢ Rest a6 December § Jara ae, beats Deter 016 Fb pry and 0g cox = ae Fem 36 November 46 Fobra Kat eae 9 Marcy Kes ss eee BAYS as Baay: Meyer men Apso mfr ond 79 ck Perris thal nd 6 ci bry o8Mach, Ponape Fe ac Peci Menon sero st mary Rabers 1200 ares way: Raa er sand 7 Soe Reto Bebop oon ese Ran Beer eed atts te Tom 9 Deen mrciuary Saraapith 9 cr Bajatew om 4103 Janay: S Be jc ores 19 ke. Mts om 2 Deseo sha pesado» Norco i Miehannnda Unversity 0 Bete fekes 6 ewenohie ny cos or Gamay Ft: Danhadsh Jere Momenesfnen16Deconter oF. Mh allowing eens dure vevine gurmenes mesic fancy ened pope Angpar 428 Sipereairs n95 ches fon 24 {ap Speber:Bankrs 325 lis oe Desebere ss Much 7s sree in iBMaBerdmes ye blank Masons ands Jay Comipre 0b lesion 1 to19Septenbe: Danek Imei ark ig Ry setandasypke sofoodaece poplar Bs wae de, Thence a pe ee en of dng pei roe Urcfal ind} uk geen ets Hispana ple ee = Teper enna. cect mon Sg serie fom 3h) Yao megs cane sca nd inks el 209d phew ind font : 20 at fallamPmased —edlitecaing mgr, ety oo Tetinatun psyenbaeeeDecen- +hgBenpl gar, 400 gana La i eed cpelgaia wslgelbeol pads ene arigugee en typeear mans, oo gram lk po halelip ‘ Pe yotmticak lowes bgp cde tp acter ccvyaa Beceem antes Soa eapain che corre Rr escticccest. cn (MMR Reet leyctent ans oleae! Tlie tbe fsignteor | sp andyoly The cee 71 eee * rambler 7 MMERlengag es ayes Nn jsofctdnd yy fod wean Gijune()Rspercearelealtfnd haber among 98: Hooda six | alan Gl Woke Pach Neier fs sin Cow Bhar cs ‘erfec aed papletalandMins and ygoo ethereal bisects we | itl 8 Aap. The Hendgntr iigsieMbidsocibachowhidkem Suhltug.agromery tox wreng oct | eM ere mo arf cnt ond lund Teco éeduionl neds aye smong orn) Aeldieued sasokg cc soe hg posces ands ole. ‘o-echhicomiingtoaingapomery dent 6 gs n Brash? Happchesof iain so brs of dnkig, elles ogg (ie dosh Soxsoctnds—anonfindaecedals wks om stupor Aur Wa oo sis oj ung 2d sh pa sf of is iin ied NGces igs aMobidicia "Une Petan Lockene cere co! | WMMBRIRBle is aps ofcode el anny Ces Bourdon e16 Age is pst) sbi peiood qssofoalqckswsnddieratl sos | MMleching pode among son aed Galata huma ed Peeing tacswsion fecleai test nsceice gcc | Mefeedia lsas Yds dsb non en . se Palade Bharat SThsom fod mt bg eT monensin eerie eos pea spe area erente opener Sern oes sesame spore cece Perse marin Seen eetemenane hore eho eas essgiesert fun Rog Kage Sea Sa eea Sector secetaaneatiey | veoh ehgeen amo. ree Lghlcuhingpowders7shgline Lp eschitconssin ance da plan Aesatong 398d tee Dip dset fom 4 Seer ambit ee deuce ce gga 200 kgm po Aik and 400 pct fond fits aes of vila Morkof Pachin Modinipe dic: Ags Kamarpakr ci rsa 369 lead t0o plates oa Fptlachingpowde. and songio9s ond een lau Goat Khar adh pcksof Hough dic rns ye fet) Mala core dstbtodso2o lg Sokgietsico paleo, ans smikpondr meng fungal lcm Mala er Aap (Mada credit 2 shir 90 hsp 20 Sate packers of ius among Faced ais in Mal dic 190 10 ¢ September) Naren ed 6 ice, 660 porate he asf cit 275 ae See aed My 150 ey es ely rt bys ss ane nd Prabal Boorats “on ae he flowing comes re sacri osha fare) Cheam Miion Ama aoe of cer omy ar Seppe ies ‘enh en Ag ae “ute Wat Regal Rom Nay inca ae el, agree feof gs (ana dict whe erodes dan Selbyscne sé mua en he i ‘een de cae le bs ES Ae one ti ene ech etn 1 te bon king ree Risse gd ie oad ge cence Teron sda Poi | seticedie Aa ce dee ‘ok stent pc ¢ ‘evap desde sppano in mgd nyc ‘erp pecans agee DirerRTe ng eh bose éspinooc fon 5 tel) Geaoto yc tops fren 2 3 Jaroay (Japp. lacie panmled Bs tops roe” teens Ray 0 Sram sheers pots rateable or anenlrsiadld Gees tsorks tasty noose, earache cece Terex corer ine ladda er Rake Da 3s ‘tne Racal pheeraie aan Gyan syst st os pi sone ra 0 oe oeemetere anna eter {endangers arya Fer) Sie Kg abate Bee soop sian ute po 29 teks ary (Vpn JepE intend sep nso Fonars(9 Vranas Vier fps eons erie fomialmy Fy Th lagen dtc o> iam thw an her nae ect i o 3 “ai ood J Febouary and March, (b) Aurangabs! +" Shwe pan Fina 45.6 Makar og sis n=" fom Oxbarn Nivn ) oe Made crane anon = (termed 3-2 ‘eer 9 ad 4 pn fo De ‘ary (g) Bonds 700 Iie pe 6 Na (1) Change Fegect in fv om 9s ch Miron te —_ Sesairenans teas Begum ans se pine doe > dapper cD etre 0) ane cee Bier tir se Tice aco toes ro Fray) Garber sos Here at panand tcp om Deon Bases ed estes ce telpe pss Decener1 2 Firy. fnitape ior his 309 pe > Mpa patos ensayo Fo Begs ttc. tfctsomasDecnin ss Tan) Kamarpatur 58 sir oop opens Deere a tate ao Mich) alga 39 pt om 3 Decent {Mal soe skal iach (Mapes faa «Decne 6 0) Naroeram Nag 6 6 stp afk nd ro pues fens aa: an Spade fa ara 32 agin oe a any 7 Mah (Raat sos so pes hai etd ss 5 ects 15 Fey) Sua to Tat st 9 ink seen hay Takis tid ere pc wn or fe nay) iar 4 = nyo er Sead fates. Cader Tccelcigrontenn dp Rapa: monre miccahettig toate wet see Fy pars af socks rom 1 Ag 1 May SS Sea Saher ie oo Se Fervent enipigpamcpot tom Sor eee ‘Nene ‘equine cans ess es scpl, (Api: (2) Badan: 94 ss Tae siya, rat asoceed ga eta ; ‘cod ue 98 OS Prada Bhar eanagaias —Avgost 1017 Sepember (bh) Saradapie, a nisms Shee 79S ants | Reeser! tect Sedge Ce BEC Bangaru 99 at De cece cheeedrrice aM Sgeastomn ac Bete aterninns Pega ps ak aby pers Siete ee cance ats ar Bungle Bait 10 => se Karn vlge Thre ae eee. |e See | eet reac msc. Mens ir fee tomar deny eects ges. —— a a Sees es Retr arcane ere oeeten ne = aes Hitoshi appt jEpeieclatadibekinms Casnatees oes cn | maces seetpeeel Morea tm aero ese: no a | niecelieeipmenan sauiccincery icon Bieter tcr, Sarees, SunbKntpeienctods; mur acainct oes eletetess en etyyaciim corres | dors on 8 sed 5 August (g) Karimganj: 332 derabad cenae installed a everson la Pump at Kodiyalathur puschayat and needy people o0 Jul ‘tulswintom ymSpesir lh) Denl ig Shl ete (comes sacey etn, Dain semeh ‘Winds: 4 hess 4p fbunscogdal. provide fe drinking water othe li. The lad alo pny Task evening reo Gone ‘clgemdatssigasatgtatsly flaeteaeitons Set Mines se Mune nce oe Pisiicekguanstit hilar te oe weld fepteldctdoegnse Ske! tare eon ‘Sronte ate (tamme year ee ncae Specs ig ein nnn Se rts redox cess ments a pump eta difeene places in Autsrihs! ne: Koad Snbulalanin ‘sing. ps nee Stodttaivemenuonememiant deere ter tae Mirnicchesemre ‘ony ldo Semi O)BnepeMaknomctdio dirt so wac drum exh f° silage atk 69 Sarnia dteermast Speman open n’ feels ieinmmmnmeest Spend Bouin Soca eis tana dissing sane Bertineapset sence on eer Nadu: In response vo the Avlages of Thnwarr di. (c)_ books 19 eaees Soca cage dein lenient lintels Sots Seelam ne rts Stade Home creed FunparNoner Arava esd {mens fom is Somber cate py PRR May benting nea .020 1 lice) Fingofa pet Rent in ropen oon Faas stun fag) ()Dengot ponds atin. Net than pump orKabonp Koc Arm Pt ‘ere fom Kulamand Thiru villages in Nga" is Nagparinan dri ieee an 295 etna eed song sneer? “rome among x aft amis in Ap sever arom om eee eee Papeete ae ee en oe prea re See =e eee See | eres ae leprae avaenreee eee Soe eee oe Se erent a ee cote nebeeence ees Sey : J SSekacchays is neo the geste amir whos ‘Swami Vivekananda: His Life ‘Shes Tapynanda a Sari Vranas sume popular cos he oe Howeve, ee @ ery te aout i ee hm See undesundsn adn. some sth msundestand and mitqreent im. Who waht) egal meth Winds! avers Palak Pog 13 elon the ett mcd Tis book, auored by Hevered Seam Tipaynané Matar me vie rodent ofthe Order, poverty an impr aoves othe gets raha ; Sankara Dig Vijaya sexe Toad by Si pcs RR ¥ ct adnan fle the wpa and pomp bese oI Aneugh his suble phlowphicl wees ad slime eon ys, he bas depy tude he bears of lions of peopl, bth the itt cases a the Bgl masses Anong mrad vious of ogi tye uo fr Bers Madara iyurna Setarecd sin Sask fn & ae Ins pined popular cnc : Tsbooksthe ngs ration tho Suse tet by Se Twinn Heme se ee serps ole aie Oe vio bs) sy dg and aidan te ex, bts ding ently) pert rucen memoirs ring Sela (@\ Misbeekelnoyradenscgthenncreswr adeailindeenis >) Fr unerasunueso—men (3) Reacantiieseiuetrman ) item marie NS) : SORE BRA NS Sr character, © me a Pan | TRIO PROCESS Cl AVADA.MS.(Osth.) edie Surgeon Tamakrishna Mission Ashrama (str siramparepegr: 738101 ‘et Bega ind one gps org ee eeeagaulcon wba: resi for i jence he aloe wh neforates’— Seon Vielanana, (Selanne sh em nas aed 1 its an al grey nd bat of ‘Stas the bere ow eer exes, 5 diet trope ov = ‘rom toe und welae wars lel (Sreerictaeralchener sto ores fee ache ieee he 9 er hi sy ting gps We weld Hoare dow = | payag cn guts sw de ed aunt doors recur aad ty ain an ome anaes onc ay neh tah AE chs a of money oe a spear i hy Ba tor = Theo hg fr detonate cre Ta A 98 ES = Een etn chasers Sti tant NC no wane, fate ta xe ic eros ah Coe 58 Jdpagun_| AER Rnb Pach Cod SD" Hen er adic ros amr our a eae ane TSUSTEESR ME Steers cay componente ro beng ar err sure Pye Town inthe re want to lend mankind to hep sufiere th the Bible, nor the Koran: 0 Be done by Garros the Bible and the Kor Mankind ought to bet that regions are expressions of THE RE tufich i= Onenes Ghoase the Swami Vivekananda Bit tas “The Universal Vivekananda —ACompilation nian peony both derp nro sacs esto ao bes This sk ens of pole 0 ak Sa Vslanenda Far wpe Bumlsina Vela Coe of re fam the Seam Fikenands Birth Cn hg hn 15 en Srimad Bhagavata —By Swami Gitananda Se Raa fins thf hit Kal Ya, a aconigto Nal the ony wn Hes ces eimed coward ein the deere, ad he Bhagat [shacshses bag athe pee rg By bngng ‘his woodevenion of Rhageaa which canbe el Stat by Sen Goa gem 2 HE py snc im SR dae ene ela 8b id dadoersary of Swami Vivekananda Concluding Programme lina the. Sesh eel by dhe perl eg mh xml ns ing athe Connie Popanneo ie \sh rt nowny cota San dct Mah oa oma = in| Pi oe Cy cere SLING DIMES En mnlnteoneos Noval Pin ave abo been ncduded. We ace gt vs the Ramada Vetta Cen of London fr alloing ‘rine ofgtal ook inthsfom. The Life-story of Sri Ramakrishna | . Trandate by Sasi Sar | eels : | Engl enderingot th fie boggy inn [MRED 2! Vineet tabs Ramakrishna on Himself =f Sag, =ACompilation 1g “hei «proper ibs tld by hme Tis Bh aempe ro fxm an aurcbiraphy ofS Renal om his terancs abou hs ie. We sre re hat te reer willbe delghred ogo hough ane gt eed Tythecontemplation on hs gree rg ie Pte 5 Swami Vivekananda Tells Stories g ‘Compiled and Edited by Swami Atmashraddhanand @ Praerem pasty Foner asaaasaen oct ccs ad i imerpened i a rect stan hie er ted ip rlng hoe MMcced gh be ening, aoe sod hint ehe ut P24 Ps €7 | oi ba JUST RELEASED vouMEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE oA | IDDHA BHARATA 3 Sri Ramakrishna | pRABUI coxeemn | CORPUS FUND! in English CConuibute your miveco the Prsbudih So Care fod ; | Patel hic, phic I Coaiiedte sae Bergeon: Be conctin I rong rate VaLI eV Ra So0prse (pa pontge 105 BU cctre fom cone x | kent Bharatdto5DehiEnally Roa, Kolkata ae 1M. lei ath Capt of he Land an icp, dato Ne | Jo00i4.tndia or make your donations game em ei ‘hare pre Se aetna egal tha were toaline aF wnradsaizashrama oe ‘pata by Stet hava Ca i es 12195 18 {Sete rpg Teton woe ‘huerocion 806 _ || 2 Sinn WL wx Bs pert te patage 15 = ‘mime e th Gps haan Gaps atoe neal ENGLISH SECTION 2 Sisttamisie Kata Vel tio Re rnc pests poste 019 8 Me Apel the Enogalit Vek twat Re anne oe | asa) ‘oyinraiacatin Stediecann pin 0 stondeiatabaety Rass fo 2h 3 Asai ro HENGALI Section oa” i" rn ent ee ‘em renting 7 pep pg 139 as rm FAULHABER @ skiMA TRUST i SG Sot Canaan eco Se xo Patty Pera ena 2 So Mee ciate een SS ACR HS CH ere we a a ‘of Punyadarshan Mahendra Nath Duta (second bother of Swami Vivekanans) Aled Puiations Bay Conic Se satis Nana en ats Soy Fn? Ney fa atonal Weatn 1.Tenpes and Reise awn Hatin te Stato Women 1s Sins Tote Restos ome Me Arcitecare: fa.on Fainting 2 Principe cl Artcse othe ha dhsedn ad Dnt len Posy Nal and Dayar ens en Kaan Cost Fenian) a: st Sitonnisintnyosmreintnnniaion | hn stg emi 7S a — . ~ = Swami Vireswarananda —A Divine Life « Rc. A biography & Pictures ; am exclusive collection of more than 1000 photos and life shetch) é. Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda eee en: | eee | Ff Pet 7 P25 Page 9 | reat Banks | Talbe€05 Enghsh& Hin: Re 30 per set (of vo volumes), | | Seek Ree tex mac Letters of Sister Nivedita Vols. 1 & 2 ea idly Saka Prasad Basa | stage: ara No realhitory of desing | ‘STRIBUTORS: Pact Site Neda Lt on any | a Ea Rea 1, Udbodhan Lars, } inet ether ines snd peony lc Kota 70014 Bogie Kotkta-7O0005 i oo antics tote Phone 3 a40210 Tek9133 39339292 Iontelyapted ses own 1097 a 2299 0982986 645083 assis er of growing ules i ada Neon rt Bc ‘llzadvataciena tp udbodanebnai oe Sino enya tars St Nin ‘he Books ae ako avalable at various centres of Ramalcsios ||| Include princes, police, bisnesemen newspaper ‘Mate Mision: MUMBAL PUNE, LUCKNOW, NAGPLR CGHENNALSENGALURUMYSORENEW DELM, VADODSES rote Vesa | Mahar ‘SWAMI VIRESWARANANDA SMRITI COMMITTEE, eee i ‘Shantanu Chowdhe - ‘reveal for the aes: (General Secret “ about India during the = > Stott ce osu a oa a eng 2 ies x = RIvarrn As Deh Ena Rod, Kot 70004 nie MAIR Eaten wasnt | Mag OQ | Ss aes a The Monk without Frontiers A Compilation ve eg mye ok dt eA =| sto loner me nape pn eee hel Te pee ac gc end Lr aa akbar geen an pnb sn So Sr ea en Non oe a hae pw sommepromin ho Siciplaya hapngned ecg Posse + jr so | Pet hoe 3 | ies from The Bhagavatam | Stories fro ee srinl Bodhasarananda ‘he Bhagat snes ben on eget ee chs ‘el mny more What he haga mom kc rh ‘Sesoam ot Rahs Me Ana a he ore (alow cllddi dean hyo in Mathura sbi jonieDe Than opal pl rer who do aoe kr hs stiri wen em Bat pl yh dare ee fhe a an Swami Subodbananda Lifes Teachings Reminicences« Lote, — Swami Chetanananda and } Swami Vimohananda ‘a Seon oh pp Ramana Ordo a ar dpe So Ranken, Wintec, safe ee tc en hci pk ‘hsb coin st | Pnbod cnn Bo eye maton nd laut mer Ho om ae Pelg aoe t Mame ADNAFAASIOUNA 50 ry Mee / 286d imdimapaccncerey malar Vivekananda in America Footprints in New England—A Documentery Vedanta Sadbana and Shakti Puja TPrsmamismoonts ied gts or cite! py pete pects Hinduism—The Faith Eternal By De Satish Kapoor Flinn fc cones han borpone Fides Pepoon ind fenpenno se | hie i Ameica Seam Ves wih eae ‘pial oie Phi Poi one ¢ 8 TROLL Sea Paseseenzousis INFRASTRUCTURE P eee een io Serer reswarananda ee SP 8 Ae oI OTIS oe GR ere as FAT S When you can love your friend and foe with the same intensity, Jou will surely realise God. om Be Arms Darpe Fach soul is potentially divine ‘The goal is to manifest this Divinity within. Unselfishness is more paying, only Serength is life, weakness is death. people have not the patience to Ye. Fearnothing, stop at nothing: practise it. You will be like lions. We rouse India and the whole —Swami Vivekananda— | world. fever say, “No} never say, T 0%, for you are infinite, —Swami Vivekanan a Sanh Pe Kaa 700 = Teedieaegoopcu NN Mus

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