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Mel. \.


The Tulu language, one of the Dravidian family, is spoken

only by half a million of people, inhabiting the central part of

South-Canara. Until recently there was no literature in this

language, except some legends written on palm-leaves in the

Malayalam character, in the possession of Brahman families.

It was only after the arrival of the Basel Missionaries in this

district(1834) that some books were written and printed in
the Basel Mission Press, the most important being a translation
of the New Testament, which was completed in 1847, and
of which a new typographical edition was issued in 1859.
Other publications intended for the use of the church and
schools followed in course of time, and in 1872 Rev. J. Brigel

compiled a Tulu Grammar, which we recommend to those

interested in that language. For writing, a modification of the

Malayalam alphabet was in vogue till the Basel Mission Press

employed Canarese characters in printing.

2.The compilation of a vocabulary was commenced some

30 years ago. The Rev. G. Kammerer, who died in 1858, left &
manuscript containing about 2000 words. The author took this
vocabulary in hand and continued adding to it from all avail-
able sources, without in the least contemplating the printing
of the same. In ^883, however, the question of printing a
Tulu Dictionary was first mooted, and further steps having been
taken in the matter, the Government of Madras was pleased to

defray the cost of its publication.


3. A Transliteration in Latin characters of every word will,

especially for beginners, facilitate the use of the book. The
appended show the rules according
(p. viii.) will to which the
transliteration has been made.

4. Special attention should be paid to words sounding

alike, viz:
> pa-Hi* a lizard-
an anna.
^ palli, a mosque.
e?^ ane, an elephant.

muttu, a pearl. -rfoo^ muddu, a kiss.

madipu, a fold. skasg madipu, a consultation.

5.Although it is customary in Dravidian Dictionaries to

give the crude form of the Verb, it was thought better to give
first the Infinitive form, as the conjugation of the verb is depen-
dent on the ending of the Infinitive. The Root, however, is given
after the transliteration. The three terminations of the Infinitive

are as follows:

1. CA3$ uni, as &S -j-e/v>s> = j;io$ voduui, to read;

2. s3S puni, ^>f + ^ =3otf^ malpuni, to do;
3. && pini,
5&> +&a =&s>is tupini, to see.

As the formation of the Causative form is sometimes rather

intricate and the meaning is often different from that attached
to the root, has been thought best to introduce the causative

form as a seperate word.

G. As to the Adjectives, only the simple ones have been
especially mentioned; all others
Adjective- which are either

Participles, orNouns converted into Adjectives either by different

terminations, as the Dative, Locative and Genitive, or by adding
Adjective-Participles (^^ ^oso have been
itti, A)^ uppu, ayi, e/c.~),

omitted, as the student can easily convert any Noun into an

Adjective whenever required.
7. In a similiar manner it ought to be stated that all pro-

per Adverbs have been specially pointed out; those, however,

which arc cither Datives or Locatives or Nouns with Verbal
Participles (?5 adii) have been omitted for the above reason.

8. The Tulu language does not possess many words with

abstract meanings. The Gerund of every verb may, however,
be used in this sense, for instance, Juo4 wodunavu reading, &&%>
3$ tupinavu observation. Besides this there are some other deriv-

ations, as 4e>^ vodige of 4/i?ioa voduni, ^^.^ heccige of aSt^aa

& acsSS dinjelu of aoaos>
heccuni, ~^ Jappelu of a^& Jappuni,
^~ tarte of stj^oa taruni, ^oo^ murte of ^odos> miiruni,
etc. Such abstract words, if not found in this Dictionary, can
easily be formed by means of the Infinitive.

The meanings of many words might have been consider-


ably increased, but for the sake of brevity we have, (especially

in the case of words derived from Sanskrit), given only the most
usual ones.

10. It should be taken into consideration that not only the

different castes of the Tulu speaking people have their own

peculiarities of expression and pronunciation, e.g. for "wed-

ding" Brahmans say Pariahs say aio3> badatana,
^os^re kalyana,
and other caste people say ^oS3o madume, but that there are also
three local distinctions of dialect, viz., a southern, a northern
and an eastern one, in which similar peculiarities exist; for

S. &iL3 podepini, ^asadi jp_: of tude, ^ ^s> tupini,


X. -l^ podepini, o
ssa tadi, o ?k^ sude, .5
^ls hupini, -^Q

E. :fi^^ pudepuni, 3 so^hadi, ^ ^^ hude, cs

11. As to the adoption of Sanskrit, words besides those in

common use with the people in connection with their worship,
a number of words have been received which are current among
Tulu Brahmans only, though not all and there are also some

words which owe their introduction to Christianity. The Tulu

people also use a number of words which were originally Cana-
rese, Malayalam and Hindustani; of these only the most com-
mon ones have been introduced here.

12. The names of about 600 Plants will be found in this

collection. About half are taken from "Five Hundred Indian

Plants" by C. Stolz, and the others have been obtained in other

ways, careful investigation being required in some cases.

13. A Supplement of about 200 new words is appended.
14. For List of Abbreviations see the following page.
15. In the preparation of this Dictionary the following
works have been consulted: Canarese Dictionary by W. Reeve,
Malayiilain Dictionary by Dr. H. Gundert, and Sanskrit Dictionary
by Dr. Th. Benfey.
16. In conclusion the author desires to record the great

obligations he is under, to the Munshis Messrs. Madhvaraya of

Caup, Sitarama of Mulki, Sarvottama Pei of Mangalore, and
Catechist Israel Aarons for the assistance given him, and

among some others, he is also indebted to the corrector of

the Mission Press, Mr. Sivarau, who bas been of very great
service to him in carrying the work through the press. He
nevertheless regrets certain errors which bave crept into the

work, and for which he craves the forbearance of the critic.

These have been noted in the Errata.

Mangalore, October 1886. A. 3/.


ace. = accusative. lit. = literally.

- adjective. loc. = locative.

ad\'. adverb.
masc. = masculine.
bet. = better. neg. = negative.
bram. = word peculiar to Tulu n. or neut. = neuter.
Brahman s. num. = numeral.
Chr. = Christian. opp.
= opposite.
cond. = conditional. per/.
= perfect tense.
c. d. = cum dative. part. participle.

= confer, compare. p.orpers.= person.
= conjunction. pi.
= plural.
c. i'. = causative verb, postp. = postposition.
afo/. = dative. pot. = potential.
dim. = diminutive. prep. preposition.
def. v. or d. v.
= defective verb. pron. = pronoun.
e. g. = for example. pro. = proverb.
emph. emphatic. p. t. = past tense.
= feminine. Rom. = Roman Catholic.
fg. = figurative. s. = substantive.
/. /. = future tense. Sans. = Sanskrit.

gen. = genitive. sing. = singular.

gram. = grammatical. slg.
= slang word.
lion. = honorific. v. a. = verb active.
imper. = imperative. i'. n. = verb neuter.
= interjection. v.
= verb reflexive.
intrg. interrogative. vlg. = vulgar word.
Transliteration .

a. Vowels.
es a as a in about.


a, The first letter of the al- ankita, s. A mark; ^//'.

phabet; 2. an interjection of marked. rail>s> to affix one's

surprise; 3. when prefixed to signature to any writing; 2. to

nouns derived from Sanskrit dedicate a work; 3. to put a
beginning with a consonant, mark.
it denotes negation, as rfsfo ^odUto^o ankudonku, s. Crook-
truth, before edness; adj. bent, crooked.
55^^ untruth;
a vowel & 'becomes es??', as ankusa, s. A goad, hook
end, ?f^o^ endless, used to drive an elephant with.
aiika, s. Fight, war, battle, &33)> ankipuni (o*), 7-. a. To
combat; 2. cock-fight; 3. a cipher, count, reckon (in
mark, sign. crooSo a combat- writing).
ant, wrestler. rf sro&odjsS a . A numerical figure.
field or place for cock-fighting. dod ankoleda mara,
-js^rfoS) to fight, to wrestle. s. Alangium decapetalum
ankana,The space bet-
s. (hexapetaluiri).
ween two cross beams or pil- angu, ^. Greediness, eager-
lars (supporting a roof) 2. a ness. si^ to be

quadrate, square; 3. a small greedy, covetous; cf.

room, compartment. sra^os rfrJe)^)^ angusavuni

to upset. 2.0. To reproach, despise; 2.

^oi)^ ankayana, s. A temple to disregard; 3. to arraign;

feast; see also o?N?^4^5 sooT^ris^^-
anga anga

orf anga, s. A limb, member; ,^. Fatigue.

2. the body. esoXo&atfo the s. Personal
members of the body.
protection, preservation, safe-
ort^Crs angakarana, s. The in-
struments of action, as ^o?j
rtd^ angareke, -f.
sraw 4
mind, speech, SD^^O body. jacket, vesture.
The hair s. The hair
rtdJ3^0 angaroma,
of the body. of the body.
angajari, s. A name of
rt^>^, angalappu,
i the foe of Cupid.
angalapa, s. Covetousness, in-
angaje, ^. The god of love, ordinate desire, eagerness of
2. a son; 3. desire.
gain. -~5y-- to be of inordi-
angadi, s. A shop, stall. nate desire; 2. to endeavour,
7&8 a,
shopkeeper. TOoSo a covetous
try. person.
Wortra angana, s. The space s. An upper
^ angavastra,
around a temple or demon-
garment, a towel.
shrine; 2. a courtyard, the
rt^ angasikshe, s. Penance;
space in front of a house. **A

2. mortification of the body in

esofis^ angatapa, s. Heat of the
2. fatigue. penance.
-&e angasuci s. Ceremonial
e5ortd?2angadane, s. Thirst.
purity; 2. a thrashing, beat-
2)r?> to give to drink. -zJSbrs

to drink. ing.
angasanga, s. Sexual in-
S5or1d angade, ^. The name of a
celebrated monkey, the son
Of SS3<0. ri?ji>$^ angasadhane, s. Gym-
nastics, bodily exercise.
Wort si os* angapanku, ^. The hair
about the privities, vlg. ;a angasiddhi, J. Prosperity.

S^ angaparlkshe, s. Anato- ij angasutra,

The pulse s. ;

my. 2. a kind of girdle; see 4^

s. (toco.
angapuje, Worship-
ping the different members of angase, J. A particular
an idol. kind of building, the front
cr^tj^e! angapradakshane, s. part of which is used as a
O* vx\
Rolling the body after the car shop and the back part
of an idol or round a temple, private dwelling; 2. a towel,

as a penance or in fulfilment scarf.

of a vow; see angasonne, s. A sign

anga anna

made with the finger, head, anguta, angushta,

eye, etc. s. The thumb; 2. the great

angahiifise, s. Corpo- toe; also erooXou.

ral punishment. zSotfo^
to anguni (cK), t-. To .

wound, punish. open; 2. to be seized with

angahlna, adj. Maimed. a fit of yawning; as srooso eso

o s. Bodily
Xoorfo the mouth opens; 3. to
health. cringe.
of rto^) ^. An inch; 2. a
anganga, adj. All, angula,
the thumb, great toe;
every kind; see escssoes. finger,
s. The sole of 3. the name of a saint.
orreo* angaru,
the foot. rb)3ii^$ angustani,
s. A thim-
s. ble.
rec! angara, Tuesday.
yoT^^ angela, ange]a,
angaraka, s. A black
rta, s.

stroke put on the forehead.

A native inch equal to about
IA of the English inch; see
Worrerf^ angarake, s. The planet
Mars. esoAstftfOT-d
The planetMars; yorisS angele, s. A greedy per-
2. son, glutton.
J. The palm of the
angavuni, c.v. (of >o Sorj> angei,

, To yawn, gape, open hand. Xocathe cavity of the

hand. 3?^ the lines on the
the mouth).
A palm of the hand
sd^?^. see
angi, s. long gown, or ;

_ cj^s to lick the palm

coat. ^OJCT^
and back of the hand;y^. to
ohfij^ angidpini (e>oT\S), .

To be greedy, covetous; see be greedy.

under escK. e5orU5S33ort angopanga (oX-
To s. The members of
of^> angipuni (o^), P. a. W3i-59cX),
the body.
wish, be greedy of.

angisavuni WorU:^ angostra (escX-^^), j.

'. a. To reproach; An upper garment, a towel.
S3o2Go2S, esoSSosA^o annanna,

annannolu, J. All the limbs;


admission; 2. acceptation. ^o
tfo^a, esoTsetf&^s to accept, re- s annana,
ceive. irsor annanyuni (

anglrasa, J. The name To be greedy of, to covet ; cf.

of a Hindoo saint. x.

Ai3,annele, see the famous monkey general;

ad?. 2. the black goddess.
arica, So, thus, like,
after that way or manner; *5ofc553*Sje>Ff anjalummu, s. A
eso^oel kind of fish.
2. int. yea, even so.
3 o^o^ anjike, s.
there, that side, a little fur- yorffl, anjige,
ther on. esctu-DctS if it be Fear, alarm, fright; 2. shy-
however. ness. sktfo^to fear, be afraid
of, be alarmed, be frightened;
5-en> A ?JS
oJ G:
. esc 2. to be shy. zrooSo a
timid person.
zfo) for that rea-

son, on that account, there- S3ojo3jo>, e5o^o?i anjiyuni, an-

Juni (5c^, v. n. To
fore. esoell^ such. e?o3io).
fear. &5c&o?rooSj a coward,
ancade, adv. So, just so.
timid person.
yoe^ ancane, ancene, ^.
Just even so. to
esofc:J5rf arijura, s. A fig.
so, ^otfo^a
a ripe fig. -rfo-d the glome-
do so, to do in like manner.
rous fig tree.
arical, s. The post, tapal.
e3o?d anjele, s. A timid fel-
a post-horse. zrooSo
a postman.
A collyrium or
S2o'3??i arinana J.
arici, a?r.'. Thither, that
ointment applied to the eyes
side; 2. beyond, esoel
(see tJa^)2. particular ap-

the other part. >c&?K

plications, as lampblack, anti-
to die, expire, decease. o
mony etc. 3. a kind of medi-
eJcel here and there, hither
cine for the eyes; also &o
and thither, to and fro.
K. ^^^ antimony. 7\s^37
aricige ancike, sec nucxb necromancer, conjurer,

soothsayer, also s3oocroo3o.

ancidaye, s. A post- put a sharp medi-
c^tios) to
man. cine or collyrium into the
ancuni (^c'cS f. a. To
). eyes; 2. to conjure.
lurk, fls
^^^^epc^oorfothe esofo* antu, s. Gum, paste, resin ;

cat lies in wait for the bird;

2. adhesion. i^a to come
T. 11. to be importunate. in contact with, to touch;
arijana, sec ofsp^. 2. to follow, pursue ;
3. to
j anjanadevi, s. The stick, adhere to. s^>tl>s> to
wife of TOorfoj
(the god of gum, paste. wotoSbS) to be-

wind) and mother of come adhesive.

antu anta

antupattu, adj. Adhe- internal sense; 2. the heart,

sive, attractive. the mind; 3. fg. mercy; also

oib> antuni, v. n. To adhere,
stick; i'. a. to paste; 2. to 50^8^3 antahpura, s. A seraglio,
attract. the queen's apartment.
andu, s. The buttocks; eso
e5o^antake,^.Yama,the Indian
SK 3jc32 3os3 a stool to sit Pluto.
upon. esoSd^r a small under *
antaduru, s. A clue,
garment. hint, inkling (as of a secret).
o<^anda, s. An egg, that which os3oo^ antapanta, ^. Competi-
is oval shaped. a^B the tion, vying; 2. prowess.
oviparous class, as bird, fish antara, s. Intermediate
space, interval; 2. difference,

andasu, s. A kind of fish; disparity 3. rank.

; ^o^f ,

bet. eooT$oJ.
-^o^f, -t^o^^o the inter-
o& andi, s. A germ of mangoes mediate posts of a roof.
etc. ~ eojatfos fruits to put o^dort antaranga, s. The mind,
forth; also ssoso 3^$. heart 2. a secret 3. secrecy;
; ;

oQro5)O s ssoS^rsDO* andinaru,

in loc. secretly.

andipunaru, ^. The name of a o^driofi antaragan^e, s. Pistia

tree, Car aliia integer rima. Se^w.
stratiosa; cf.
ande, s. The vessel of a o^ODosd s. Dis-
toddy-drawer for putting tod- tinction of rank.
dy in; 2. a vessel made of
hollow bamboo or nut-shell. osD^eJ,yo^eJ,s3o5Di>^
antrata, antarashtra, s.
*3oree>;3) annavuni (tsosro), T. ^.
Mid-space, mid-air, included
To raise or lift up the head
or face; 2. to peep.
space, interval; o*oada^
lit. 'he is in the atmosphere',
SSorao^DoSj annukayi, s. Cocoa-
used for one who has died
nut and plantains offered to
and has no rest; 2./g. he is
an idol; see Sooreo^oso. $&
in a dilemma, he is not
&FS>, Tio^?) to offer cocoa- settled.
nuts and plantains.
S3oc! anne, s. An elder brother;
antaripuni, antarisuni,
2. a maternal uncle; 3. an v. n. To end;
yuni (esc^5),
elderly man. to die; 3. to differ.
anta, s. End, finale.
o^dF?o antardese, s. The un-
antahkarana, s. The known fate.
anta G anna

antarmadu, s. An esodri, S5od=a andage, andake, i


under roof. A blind man, a man of defec-

JOF antarya s. The inner tive vision; 2. a cripple.

part ;
2. the heart, mind. r3
andana, s. A kind of pa-
eso3?oOFcr3 antarsuima, s. The lankin.
beam 011 the walls. andaye, see
antuga, s. Total.
, andasya, see
^antastu, ^. An upper andassa, ^. Darkness,
store or room 2. a secret. ~^ a
blackness. very dark
antya, ^. End, completion; place. 333 hell of dark-
;//'. last, final, ultimate. sse>
the time of death. ^^ under es-S

cuJ* Yes, yea.

andu, </. Teyrfo .

?5oC35to andaju, andaji,

;&^ to be true. efLs to be
Estimate. make
-rfo^^ to
brought up; 2. to be verified,
an estimate.
proved. eyoao true.
j andayi, ^^ under e>o5.
a true word:
O ?iccsodo 0335 ///_ there andaye (5c5-ef ;&>), j. A
is no gainsaying the truth. consenter, one who consents;
2. p. t. of wcnB^fj. cf.
to prove, improve.
ccsis it so? is it true? also
andipunar, see
calling attention.
anduada (condl.form of
?3od, S5od! ande, ande, /V//. of
adv. Namely, that is

to say. entreaty, addressing, calling

55 our Co' andudqi (past part, of c ^.
used as) conj. Hav- aoc2?2i, Jode?o andesa, andesa,
esc^s> (lit.

that, soir 9o55 Doubt, hesitation; 2. shy-

ing said,)
-c^ ness.
he said that he would
come. sfo^^S andhakara, s. Darkness.

?5o<3 anda, Form, shape; 2.

s. y odri andhage (^). j. A blind
beauty, elegance, handsome- man; see esorftf.

ness, symmetry; 3. purport. yoqrad^raro^ andhadarbaru, ^. A

adj. beautiful, pretty; -AST?, blind government; 2. tyran-
a handsome man. &&& to ny. crooib a tyrant, mis-
decay, wane. manager.
.rod andacanda, adj. V.-ry anna, s. Food, csp. cooked
handsome, very pleasant. rice. tro^ a gift of food.
anna amma

F^ annadi, s. A homeless per- o^o ambila, J. The place a-

son, pauper; 2.a simpleton; round or in front of a tem-

ple; 2. a verandah around a

ampun, J temple.
ambu, j. Water.
?5oz3j3 amba, amba,
ambo, s. Bellowing, lowing S3 0200ambu, ^. An arrow. f\s3

2. a cry, noise. sj3tl>s> to bel- a hunter.

low, low (like a calf). 55o2Jori ambuge, s. The flower of

wd ambate, ambade, s. Arum colocosia\ cf. ^e4i

The wild mango, hogplum. esozoo^j ambuni (o) B., z>. . To

_ rforf. a hogplurn-tree, Spon- do, make; cf.

dias mangifera. XJd.

ambara, -r. The sky; 2. ambuli, s. A kind of pap

a or gruel of ragi or rice.
cloth, apparel; tftj^ceo-rf
cloth, esoeo^oaoii a e, s. A goddess, s^rg;
name of Srf.
a dumb goddess; cf.
2o3a) ambarappu, J-.
zS^DD* ambekaru, s. Walking
confusion, perplexity. cs^So
or crawling on hands andfeet.
a perplexed man. e>o&& ^
_s3zl3S>, _^^s> to crawl.
bs>, 9c55g_ to become per-
zSs^ ambepu, ^. Mango blos-
plexed. soms.
WD3 ambari, ambari, J^ escBtio.
t3^> ambela,
s. An elephant's saddle, how-
ambe, see ssoso.
ambodi, s. A kind of
ambalu, s. Tipsiness,
dance or mock-fight among
drunkenness; 2. drowsiness:
the Pariahs.
$3)rf esoao^SsjozS (I <?/-
he) told
&Qz! ambode, s. A kind of
in drowsiness of sleep.
fried cake.
ambala, see woeSe;.
ambottu, s. Arrogance,
ambakilu, s. A kind of also soc^Sjs&j .
verandah; 2. an outer gate ^j to be arrogant.
or door.
amma, ^. A lady; zireBoiio
ambi, J.
Cow-dung. ^ Kali.
ambigare, J. A boat- odjsjc5 o2yj ammapaddeyi, s. eu-
man; Cf.' phem.for Small-pox.
^j^ ambige, j
. A hunter; j^ anamayya, int. of sor-
row or pan
amme S aga

amme, s. A father; ^e^o- akkakka, akkolu,

3o, 335orfoco an elder uncle; adv. asunder. Qe
elrf oo3o a younger uncle &a to put asunder, divide.
(father's, not mother's bro- s. An affection-
^cdjo akkayya,
ther) ssc^odd^ lit. nou-
ate mode of addressing an
rishing father, foster father, woman.
adoptive father; pi. s. An atom also
hon. pi. eso3o5.
akkaru, ;

s^ amottu,
ainsa, s. Part, share, por-
bit of you.
tion. to divide, ap-
Sjtfo^s The
er,F akkarva, s. last words
of a dying person.
,^. A goose, swan; also
vj$s akkalu, ^.
Sense, intellect,
understanding; reflection. *
amsapada, s. A caret,
to be out of wits.
asterisk; 2. a prop; /".
\ akki, s. Rice, corn, used

ah, aha, Vz/. Ah! eh! only in compos., e.g. era era^,
a coarse kind of rice; co?e>^
, akara, akara, adv.
cardamom ;
see es&.
There, yonder, far ;
also tstt.
Sr,^ akklka, s. A kind of pre-
akalu, see es^S.
cious stone, sardius.

akasmika, ^//'.
,idj> akkuduni (55^5), r. a.
al, sudden, unexpected.
To hang, suspend.
akara, s. The letter w; cf.
akrama, s. Irregularity,
abnormity, confusion, estfj^js
akala, ^/'. Untimely, un- S irregularly, disorderly.
seasonable. ^O^PS premature
aganita, adj. Countless,
aklrti, s. Infamy, dis-
grace. & agatya, s. Need, necessity,
4" akrutya, Iniquity; adj.
want; adj. urgent, important.
wicked, bad. c. v. esX
isT3^> agapauni, (of
akeri, s. End: in dat. or
^), To send away, cause to

loc. at or about the end, final-

ly; also Ws3e.
mni (
v- n. To
=0,, y^ akka, akke, s. An elder
remove, depart, v.a.i" sepa-
o tr

sister; 2. an elderly woman. rate; 2. extend.

aga 9 ara

i?5c: agapelu, s. Separation; agelu-,
2. despatch. agela-, agalu-gandha, s. Aloes;

agama, #^'. Fixed, immov- sec 59X^0X0^.

able. agela, ^. Breadth; adj.

agaru, agalu, s. A broad.
fort ditch, trench, moat; 2. rtaocS ageludda, ^. Length and
wall; cro^rf esXS a saltpan. ^ breadth.

?&}$ to dig a trench. 3^ agoli, agoli, s. A

dorto^ agarugandha, s. Red large vessel.
sandal \}QQ(\.,Aquilaria agal- U>^*rf agocara,^//'. Invisible;
lochum. 2. incomprehensible.
^'so4 agasenaru, s. The lin- agga ^. Cheapness. 57\s S
plant; 2. flax. cheaply. WAD oso mean.
^dorfagasemara,^. The name rtejs;^, yns 73s aggalasu, aggu-
of a tree, Agati grandifiora. Cheap.
su, a^/'.
ir^o agastya, s. The name of i,^. Hunger; 2. fire; bet.

a Hindu saint; 2. necessity,

aggiyuni, ag-
bet. WA^O. To chew,
TJ yuni (fy v-a. bite.

agata, adj. Not danger- J. The shoot of a

tf agge,
agadha, ^. An abyss, adj.
bottomless, deep; 2. very dif-
^. Ignorance;
agyana, agyena,

agini, j^ w^.
J. Fire.
agilu, 5. A kind of tree;
agra, J. Front, top; 2. a sore-
mouth, aphthae, the thrush;
agude, 5. A furnace, fire

for warming. ^s K>Xj, ?j3ir esXj, varieties of

aguru, ^^ X5.
soremouth. s2?5 a kind of
aguruni (55Xo5), 77. n. root for soremouth.
To totter, stagger. s. The chief;
esr^rirto agraganye,
^^ agelu, s. A kind of demon 2. one who is regardless of
worship with food etc. 3ce3e)
worship of demons and ser- ssri 773-23 agrasale,.y. A dining hall;
pents with food-offering. ^o a cooking place in temples.

&S?JF$> to give such offer-

yrt^.agraste, s. A headman, pre-

ings to demons, etc. sident, manager.
agra 10 aja

rj3:-3C agrara,agrahara, a.Janta, adj. Many, all: &

s. A Brahmin village, &fi ^jstSoctlj plenty
agha, ^. Sin; 2. passion. come together.

aghora, adj. Terrible, ajante, s. An attendant.

fierce, dreadful. o* ajakulu, s.

Yawning, gap-
.- z> acancala, adj. Firm fixed, , ing. rzEls to yawn, gape.
decided. ^ firmness, deci- i^oSo ajakayi, ^. Cocoanut.
dedness. rf^r^ to break
acara, adj. Immovable ; (in a kind of play).
2. inanimate. ajake, j. Idleness. & cs^
acala, s. A mountain; adj. talk. GT^O a babbler.
immovable. ajakelu, .v.
-& acodya, adj. Curious, ^. The
o, ajakolu,rope
wonderful. i?r cane for putting clothes
acca, adj. Pure, unmixed, on.
genuine; cf.
s^. ajane, s. The noise of a thief,
:T ^ accade, s. A peculiar kind goblin, etc.
of clotb to put on; 2. a wrap- S3^e^ ajapu, ajabu, adj.

per ; cf.
**&. Strange, wonderful.
i, accada, s. A red mark ajapuni (-), r-. /?. To
put on the forehead; 2. a select, choose.
mixture of raw rice and red

ajappu, s. Selection, ^y.

powder; also ^ri- selected.

acci, s. A form, model; ij?r^ ajamasu, ^. Estimate;

2. a weaver's reed. s^^o^ 2. deliberation; 3. trace,
to print, to coin. 3 3od a search.
model made of wood; an C;osj ajamila, ^.v;

axle-tree. ajameisuni, :. a. To
S52o ^fo* accikattu, J. Conveni- deliberate, trace; 2. to esti
Cc" so
ence, fitness. <z^/'. neat, com-
oSoF ajaru, ajarya, adj.
pact commodious.
jaccibella,^. Country sugar, Imperishable, not decaying.
Ur ^J
J. A kind of moss;
jaggory made of sugarcane, ajara

ajam, s. The process of di-

ajalu, s. \ portion, part.
ion or consumption; also
&&c. -o-Lr^ to be digested; a customer.

to be exhausted. .
ajalipi, s.
11 atti

ajagrate, .s. Carelessness. ajnana, ^. Ignorance.
ajamila, The name s.
ajriani, s. An ignorant
of a fabulous. Brahmin. man.
ajame, s. A barber ;
&?/. 5&3 ata, j

Obstinacy; <5^. sou.

gscSo, ^5reD an obstinate

ajike, person.
e93;^. eJ^kJeS atakotale, s. Constant
ajikelu, .sw
^od!^ ajikurve, ^. A sower's
es^otfo^. ataka, atakavu, s.
basket; <?/.?<?

A Obstacle, hindrance. sSoso^,

ajiguji, J. crushing.
to hinder, stop.
j5j, S5z3s.
ajipa, ajippa, num.
atamata, s. Deception,
Sixty; 0/.T0 e?32z}.
2^ do, e3^, ajime, ajme, s. A
atara, adj. Wide spread,
crook. a grinding-
^^ as the branches of a tree.
stone (for medicine etc.).
A blue oyster. atura, s. Polycarpaea
ajiru, ^.
corymbosa, also sre^oos^.
^ an unfortunate hand. e>3
^. atta, s. An upper loft, gar-
very hard iron. u
^ZO^D* ajildaru, aji-
ret, upper room; 2. ceiling.

leru, s. A
honorific ap-
title, Uc! attane, s. A household;
2. household things; 3. admi-
pellation of a master or mana-
nistration. estfX?? articles to
ger (particularly applied to
a headman of the Bants). be cooked. &&<>3$ household
es^rar, ye^elr ajlrna, ajlrte, s.
Indigestion. attalu, s. An upstair-
S52aje,.y. The foot-print; 2. foot- room.
step, track, trace; 3. a row; j attahasa, attasa,
4. the cloth tied over a cradle s. 2.
Shouting, laughter;
also sos!, 5L _^uo60 s to make pomp, ostentation; 3. delay.
a row. ^?e;o, see esa^jse
to shout, laugh aloud ;

80^ a rope for putting to parade, ostentate.
clothes on. A good labourer;
sc3 ajji, J. A grandmother. 3$ 2. a messenger sent after an-
a tale, idle story. other.
b* ajjittu, ^. A kind of dough A
o &J
5 13
atti, s. pile, heap of rice.
made of rice.
3.0 s
s. 2.
attilu, Cooking;
ajje, s. A grandfather. meal. csoSo a cook.
attu 12 ess adi

attuni (>%), r a. To put

; adagu, s. A ship :

to discharge urine,

adajati, s. An out-caste;
& atte, .?. The sole of a shoe; 2. a mongrel ; adj. mixed.
2. ^fo
support, stand; 3. knot; rs adana, addana, s. A
i^ir ^0^3 an upper loft for shield^
storing rice; ^^^ a knot or Fin^OvJ adanagayi,
ring of a rattan. ss5 bent 7^7) OSO.

legs, bandy legs. <Qso5 tfo

c5)3 adanadi,
tfo^, _^oS 3ros?o s> to sit down
v sJ adapa, J. A barber's dres-
on cross legs.
sing case; 2. a bundle;
fe3.Co, attemi s. The eighth lu-
nar day /^e^oe^so
the birth-
adapuni (^), :-. (7. To
day of ^y^; fo/. w^ao.
plough; <:/". rf^a.
k3,doo&3, attemutte, s. Arms and
, adabe, s. An adulteress:
legs; 4^05 hands and legs
a^//'. bastard,
are broken.
born; bet. so^d. _ K ^fcS^iSo
&^ri attolige, s. A loft sup-
S-J a bastard, an illegitimate
ported on posts, temporary
person, vlg.
To cook. Dj*)^ adammu, s. A kind of
Q^> to marry a man.
^. A thin branch,
adangayi, ^. A kind of
twig; 2. copse.
adaka, s. Hin- adaruni (^^), r. ;/. To

derance; also esw^. crack.

l 5
S: !

?3Ca 5 23'3n* adaka, adavi, ^. A forest, jungle.

adka, adukajagy, s. An unclean e5^e>^) adavu, adavu,

s. A
place; 2. a burying place. mortgage, pledge; 2. the
ffsS a wild unclean
place. thing mortgaged. Aabra,
^2Jsd adakabare, s. A kind of -rotSoatopawn, pledge, mort-
fruit, Cucumis pubcsccns. gage.
tooSo;&> adakayisuni, v. a. ?iJ^ adayisuni, sec
To hinder.
^J^), adakuni(5^^), i\ a. To adi, s. Bottom, base; 2. foot;

throw, cast out; 2. to dis- the foot-sole, foot-step.

charge, fire, as t2& 5rf5os> to jj'rfo^to fall one upon
fire a gun; also the other.
adi 13 ade

> adi, adj. Cooked, dressed, adipaduni, r. a. To

stack corn in a straw- (or
prepared. ^ prepared
food; a meal ready to be served. bamboo-mat-) granary in a
adinkara, s. A large ves- yard. 2. proceed.
sel; also ^^ 53^^) adipu, Sweeping. s. crooSj,

^JSdo adikeburu, s. A kind a male sweeper.

jraoSo jrof

of creeper, Pothas scandtns; a female sweeper.

also es^reojs'do. S5^o3)> adipuni (
a ), "'. . To
J. The palm of the sweep.
hand. adj. Defeated, van- 3iSzoJ3do> adiburuni, 7'. n. To
quished. ?ibs>,
_ ^jstfos to lie submit.

underneath; to be overturn- adimudelu, s. Capital

ed, defeated. for trading. 2. resources.

arfok^ adigantu, 5-. The bind- s
^s5o^o adimslu, ^. Overturn-
ing in the middle of a sack ing. cribs, 30^rfos to be
converting it into a "bissac"; overturned. s^TliS to upset,

the lower part of a "bissac" turn over.

or sack tied in the middle. &^o&^Ddj3N adisudisamana, ^.

2. the lower joints of a reed Dressed food.

or cane. adumbu, 5-. The creeper

rWo adigulu, s. A cook. 2. a Ipomoea maritima.

priest. ade, adegu, adi'. There.

adige, s. Cooking, distil- (emph.') just there, to

ling. 2. emulsion or confec- that very place. Xos.

tion prepared from medicinal adenguni, ^
herbs. a cook.$^ close.
adeka, ^^/'. Narrow,
adicaraku, .s. Ballast. 2. small, short, brief.
adinlru, s. Water at the ^j^j adekuni, see ests^os.
bottom of something, stand- s. The act of shut-
ing water. 2. stored-up-water ting, closing, finishing. zx>

for irrigation of lower lying to shut, close.

fields, to store up
-^t^s cl^? 1
adepuni, adevuni
water in a field after the 2nd z-. n. To shut, close.
or 3rd crop until rainfall. 2. to roost, perch:

adipattuni, v. a. To odooocli the fowl perches.

singe, burn. ~&3) to cost: na^z4? what's
adiparelu, s. A spurious the price? also ^5 ^e^bs to
jewel. be shut up, closed.
ade adda

r? adesu, aJj. Faded, waned, tiganda, J. A female's head-

drooping or hanging down (as ornament. the head-gear of


one's head). a devil-dancer.

adeke, s. Obstacle, hin- gD addakatteri, ^. A betel-
derance. 2. shelter. nut-cutter or cracker; also

adege, </:'. For nothing,

to no purpose. 2. without any- addakasabu, J. An im-
thing more, barely, merely; proper or unnatural profes-
also o* sion. adj. Unusual, contrary.
ezle4$ ecS=ol:j^ adevuni, ade- ^=05)0^ addakaru, s. The bent
r. 72. To hide.
knee, a^
yuni (K:?). s^^s'o^ft to squat.
be concealed. 2. a crooked leg. 3^30$ to*
53:1 adka, see es33. interfere with.
adkala, J. A cooking shed. dCi ^^* addakllu, s. A bolt, lock,

2. an oven. tenon, linch-pin.

3 adda, J. A rafter. C^^, addakei, ^. The arm in a

adda, s. Obstacle, hinderance. posture of defence.

addakolu, s. A cross-
adj. Horizontal, intervening.
adi'. Across, athwart. ?^$, bar.
bsto come across, hinder. addagandha, s. A hori-
to dam up, shut in ;
zontal mark on the forehead
to hinder, interrupt, prevent; made with sandal paste by
to block up a path or entrance; certain caste people.
to screen. ^ee^os to cross
y^^ f\3 addagitu, adda-
with lines, underline gere, J. An intersected line,
to oppose, stop, hinder, a line across another.
S)S to place across. eo
addagela, s. Breadth,
to oppose, confront, interrupt.
width, diameter.
aaj&Tks to prostrate, bow s. A lateral
down (a kind of salutation). branch.
to hinder, oppose.
rfos^a addagode, j. A parti-
s. The torments
yrfc^addantra, tion wall.
Supposed to be caused by a addaghaya, J. An un-
timely or accidental death.
adka, see tt.
~ addaka, esrf ^jssSjatij
S^ri to be caught
j. A dam.
-a W addakatte, suddenly, to be in danger
f^jriocS addakattimut- of life; to be very afraid.
adda 15 adda

addacauka. s. A box addapudaru, s. A nick-


in which the linga is kept, name.

addacci (e>ri-fJ),
X ^ ccr/ j. An addapude. s. A load
13 fcr

axle. carried on a pole by two or

addajati, see
es^a^S. more persons. 2. a load car-
addana, s. A shield. ried on the shoulder.

e5drari addani, addanige, addabare, see e9rf7^>?<5.

.y. A bench. addabeli, 5. A hedge or
dcl addane,
^ esrfr. fence across a path.
^sd addatare. s. An ill-formed sjod addamara, s. A cross-bar.
Cd C3
head. sirariF addamarga, s. A cross-
^ |j?;e3, S5c^
|J3^ addatole, ad- way, by-path. 2. a false way.

datol^i, J. A transverse beam, a dooQ addamudi, J. A female's

cross-bar. tuft of hair fixed on the side
dCd rfo&fi addadandige, ^. A kind of the head.
of an open palankin carried 6 addara, addare. s.
C$ C3
sideways. SjseX.
Tetanus; <2/^<?
s. A hand-
addali, addali, ^. A
cuff. 2. partition wall,
pole placed across.
parapet, dam. s. A new
addadabbe, s. The bam-
a> or temporary tenant or
boo pole with which anything
is carried across the shoulder.
d^do/Y addaserangu, s. The
c3D^>o3j addanalayi, ^. A stam- Cd

upper end of a woman's cloth

mering tongue. 2. lying, drawn over the right shoulder.
rjsa addasadi, s. A by-path,
danita,<zdfo. Broadwise. C9

3ioJ, s3^3Jo-S-D addapante,
G> ca ?3e)23
addasalu, J. A trans-
dapankti, J. A line crossing verse row or line. 2. repeated
another. ^otfo^ to sit at
interruptions, interference.
meals apart from others (in
addalige, see
esrf rf^.
a siderow).
addaduni (?ZRS),
dS3e)id addapatera, s. Inter- >

To walk to and fro, to parade.

rupting one in speaking. 2.
s^aaa, addadiddi, ^'.
J Awk-
contradicting, gainsaying. a>-

3TO<itfo to interrupt, gain- ward, clumsy. 2. topsy-turvy.

say. addapini, j^ s^-
addi 16 anya

.ildi, s. Obstacle, stoppage. when spread. 3. a small fly.

2. to hin- ^w^a. sstSos, BO;$ to put

opposition. 3oo^$
der, prevent, oppose, stop. on a mask etc.

addelipuni anita, ^^/'. Elastic; aha

To put out, drive out.
An earthen 3 anile,
z addyara, s. jar
or vessel. $?33 o3 a water ers'i^o^o anilekayi, ^. The
pot. gall-nut, ink-nut.
e:l r addye, J. A cake, pudding. e5r$s3djd anilemara, s. The ink-
C3 *0

adnadi nut-tree, Terniinalia chelnda.

(vrt.^S), adj.
anu,.y. An atom, any thing

Indifferent, middling. 2. vul-

wcjrS. extremely small, dust.
gar, low. 3. wild; cf.
see esre^.
y>, >, wci\ adpini, adpuni (S),
Cv anube, adj. Soft.

eS s* adpillu. ^. A kitchen. erl ane, int. Oh! hey.


o d~ a" $5 f! ane, J. The forehead, see "&>&-


r^, c
ra 1 4^ v--c^
2. steepness. a very steep 3.
dyonuni, adyondupopini, "'.
To leave a place at once. foot-path. 03^4$ to ascend
a steep path.
anaka, s. Narrowness,
closeness, adj. S5cl ane, see esrf.
Narrow, small.
anakasanaka,^//. Quar- anekallu, s. A certain

relling. stone in a temple-yard dedi-

anapu, s. Need, want. cated to the tutelar demons
2. urgency, necessity. S.hin- of a temple.

derance, obstacle. 4. harm. anepuni (3), v. a. To

anaru, Moss, lichen, s.
press, push, strike against,
mouldiness, the green stuff on come in contact.

stagnant water; cf.

sn>^os3. X ^ri^d^j anebaravu, s. Fate,
to become mossy, slimy. destiny. 2. appointed lot;
rv* anasu, ^. A handle, hilt. see 5os?20^4-

anavuta, see &tt&. ^ an'avu, anjavu,.

erasr anavuni, anna- S. \ man, male; also ef^Ae^-

To look up, t-. 7z. ,e:
ankilu, A very narrow
vuni(55^), 7
lift up the face, gaze. door, a wicket. 2. a In

ani, s. A kind of mask or os^zS

a strait passage.

appendage worn by a devil- r^ anya, -?. The prow of a

dancer. 2. a peacock's tail vessel.
^ ata 17 atri

S3^o^ atantra, adj. Unstable, o^ attande, conj. (fiart. of

infirm, weak, helpless. esSJ But, besides, except,
atantre, s. A dependent, without, unless.
helpless person. ^D*, y^d attaru, attara, s.
3> ati, pref. Over, beyond, ex-
A kind of mat made of split
ceeding, much etc. bamboos.
atikrama, s. dj attaru, s. Otto <?r essence
sion, infringement. a^oSo a of roses etc. 2. perfume.
transgressor. ~&>$\$, e?#) v, v^
attala, attala, s. A
so^s to transgress, encroach, kind of cake for the Sama-
violate. radhane feast.

^ atithi, s. A guest. ^sjjd attasamara, s. The

}$<- atithya,.s#?
^ i

fig tree, Ficus religiosa. v^

atipriya, <//. Much rid

*^a platform built round
beloved. the foot of a sacred fig tree;
also C9Qs*.
i^O^ atirikta, ^/'. Excessive, (p

exceeding. atta, inter rog. of es^.

^^odj atisaya, J. Pre-eminence. ^
attaru, see <^>-
2. abundance. 3. wonder, s. An elder bro-
J( attige,
marvel. ther's wife.
^^so' atisarij, s. Diarrhoea, atte, s. A mother-in-law. 2.

dysentery. an aunt.
atisvadu, s. A good ro^ atyanta, Excessive,
extreme, exceeding.
atula, atula, ^. Excessive.
qSr atyartha, ^/'.
Sesamum orientate, adj. un-
o^ atyalpa, adj. Very small,
equalled, incomparable.
attu, afe/". "'. Not, not so;
odsjs atyavasya, adj. Very
negation of quality; cf. <^& .

_ ^dbs
to deny, contradict.
atyase, ^. Greediness,
to abnegate.
es^tS if covetousness. 2. lust.
not, else, or.
sJo atyuttama, ^'. Most
^ s^ attantra, J. Absence of
excellent, best.
mind, carelessness; ^ es^o^j.
P atye, see es^.
cS) attandi, part, (of es^)
^)3 atrhnuni, s.
Not right, unseemly. ,
S3^djo^ atri,

an improper act, a wicked One of the seven sages, father

deed. of Candra.
atru IS adpu

^srs atruvana, aduruni, ^

atruvana, s.
Insincerity. 2.
\d adruda ^. Uncertainty, adj.
Unstable, uncertain; bd.&^t>.
i?u atresa,
s. A kind of sweeten- !

\4" adrijsya, ^//'.

ed rice-cake.
l3Si, adrushta, s. Fortune, fate.
QJ &j
i,?o atresa, s. The 9th lunar
ade, .9. An inner room. 2. a
mansion,* vfr. e?3po e^).
( /
2. a kind
small room.
of rain in August.
adeki, ^. Right of manage-
atharva, athar- ment of family-property alsj

vana, s. The fourth Veda.

e?3?d. -cro^So an heir, the
3*c? aduru, .?. A crack,
split, head of a family etc.
the management or adminis-
adurupaduru, ^. The tration of the family-property
line of cleavage of a rock or
to extend.
other formation, which can be
adeli, adoli, s. A
separated into slabs or scales kind of chisel.
or flakes. 2. shaking and
adeli, adoli, s.
quaking. to go to e?La
Half an anna; t?.t^rj_ half
pieces, be shattered, bruised, a rupee, an eight anna piece.
split, etc. a to crack.
adeku, adeka, se^
^'D^U adurata, s. Shaking,
adeca, see
aduravuni, c. v.
To shake, agitate. 1

gati, J . Perdition.
aduruni (^55). v.n. To
lifi^doo^ adomukhi, ^. Down-
tremble, quake. ward tendency. 2. the name
adaga, aifc. Then, at that of a female Bhuta.
time; cf. essiX, efiX. Weakness. 2.
a N addana,

adaruni, see esSdoa. sickness. 3. affliction; cf. 9=

, 7-.rt.To -. sr^- occ^o a weak or

cause to tremble. 2 to admon- . distressed man.
ish, rebuke, reprove.
i^kCjo'" adalubadalu, s. Y.\-
03S, ed^ addalipuni,
addolipuni (e^e,
change. sfceoy-j
to exchange. To rebuke. 2. to frighten.

adiru, aduru, s. 3. to command.

A limit. 2. a boundary wall, adpuni (s?5),
:. ;/. To go
parapet. to stool, 7'//.
. adbhu 19 ana
3 adbhuta, s. A phenomenon, methodical effort,
adj. Tired.
wrong, spoilt. -TO

Wonder- 2. weak. 3.
miracle, wonder, adj.
oSo a hard-working man.
ful, surprising.

adri .s-. A hill. 2. a tree. ananta, adj. Endless, infi-
nite. s
infinity. ^odo^
adruni, ^^
Vishnu, as reclining on the
coils of the king of serpents
advana, w (asin Trivandrum).

c3 x a adveita, . The Vedanta sa- Infinite, God.

stra <?r the doctrinal system of

Sankaracarya which regards anapu, see

the Supreme Spirit and the j^
human spirit as one.
Fanargya,^'. Very costly,
$s> adhaina, adj. Low, mean,
a low or vile person, priceless; fr. w^^oor.
vile. e?v3o
anartha, ^. Bad fortune,
adhika, <^/'. Much, great,
more. calamity, disaster.
, S5^J^)^ anavata, anavuta, s.
ep^rf adhikara, Authority,
a head official; Iniquity, transgression,
power. ^ o3o a transgressor.
a governor; a man of power.
^Drf anicara, J". Violation of
S3^3 adhipati,

-s . A ruler, lord,
commander. religious rules or practices.
2. misconduct, transgression.
&Q& adhma, s.Possession, con-
3. irreligion.
trol, Dependent on. 3
anatha, adj. Forlorn, help-
dependence, subjection.
less, destitute. essraz? one
e5a?i3 adhme, s. An adherent,
who is unprotected, helpless,
a dependent.
an orphan, es^ipa a widow,
e^iOJjr adheirya, s. Discour-
poor woman.
agement, timidity, cowardice. 3:a Without begin-
anadi, d^'.
^. Study.
ec^o ojj^ adhyayana,
ning, everlasting, eternal.
2. the reading of sacred
3>qrad anadhara, s. Without
basis or support, want of
&$= adhyakshe, s. A superin-
protection, adj. Helpless, un-
tendent, overseer. 2. a bishop, protected.
Chr. S"5d-)l anamati, s. Deposit,
eqrao odo adhyaya, s. Chapter, sec- thing entrusted. 2. all, the
tion; cf. ricp. whole. 3. keeping in sus-

adhvana,^. Labour. 2.ini-

pense; cf.
53 i ani 20 anya

is3 anile, s. Bud, sprout, germ. anumati, s. Consent,

2. soft timber. 35orfoos> to agreement.
bud, germinate. sSS^sd a JD^ anumana, J. Doubt, sus-
sprout from a seed. picion, conjecture, surmise.

^i^Dwanivara,5. Trouble, bard- 2. fear.

^>s?^a to doubt, sus-
ship. 2. starvation. pect.
anishta, s. Something un- jOj>ri anuraga, s. Love, regard,
pleasant. 2. adversity. 3. passion.
displeasure. j anurupa, ^. Likeness,
anlti, s. Injustice, wrong. resemblance.
under, anulepa, s. Anointing,
a.wi,pre/. After, like,
along etc. besmearing.
, anukala, see es^>. anuvandig-e, ^.Consent.

anukula, s. Agreement. anuvara, see oana^.

2. convenience. 3. help, aid. anusara, s. Imitation,
adj. Convenient, helpful. following. t?S according to.
&s> to be convenient.
rfos^s* anepn, anepun
to make convenient, arrange. v. a. To touch. 2. to
anukramanike, s.
hug, embrace.
Arrangement, order. 2. an
anevuni, see <$33)d.
index, table of contents.
anska, a^'. Much, many,
3o anugraha, .$.
regard, mercy, grace. ^. To
S5^ anpini (^j, r-.
&33 anutana, s. Opportunity,
speak; 5o55, rsj^ ^.
fitness. 3.8 ?> to watch for
55 see f*.
an opportunity. c^ anya,
e5(i anya, Foreign, diffe-
^j&N anudina, adv. Daily.
rent, strange.
anupakara- s. Unkind-
e5fiot5e)3 anyajati, s. A different
ness, disfavour.
class or caste. croc&> a per-
s anupatya, ^. Indigence,
son of a different caste or
necessity, need, want of ni3ans.
creed, a stranger.
2. inconvenience.
55 j4 d^ anyadesa, s. A foreign
:T< anubhava, Enjoyment,
suffering experience.
s. A foreign
:., anubhavipuni, ". a. S5^2pD3 anyabhashe,
To 2. to language.
enjoy. experience.
s. .nyamanya, see ^?^-
u <J
anubhoga, Enjoy- fj rj

ment. ij s. Injustice,
anyo 21 apl

wrong, iniquity, adj. Unjust, aparupa, apru-

unreasonable. rocSo an un-
pa, adj. Rare, uncommon. 2.
just person. scarce, adv. Seldom, rarely.
3.v e c& anyonya, . Communion ,
3JS3"sd s.
apavada, Censure,
fellowship, friendship. blame. 2. a false accusation.
apa, pref. denoting inferio- 3. exception (to a rule).
rity, privation, separation,
sJS^ apavitra, adj. Uriclean ?
contrariety etc.', also 5^.
Jssd apakara, s. An unkind- .sv A bad
rf^.)^ apasakuna,
ness, ill-turn, injury. 2. ma- omen.
lice, hatred.
tidij apasabda, s. Ungram-
j&^r apakirti, s. Reproach, rnatical language, a vulgar
disgrace, infamy. expression. 2. bad pronuncia-
Jr> apaga, adv. Then; also tion.

rTO& apasaksi, s. False wit-

apacara,^. Impoliteness, ness, perjury. 2. a false wit-
insult. 2. fault.
teoi> apajaya, s. Defeat, over- 3j?d d apasvara, ^.. A discordant
loss. 3
sound, hoarse voice.
apaddha, s. A lie ;
see essorf .

V sJs?,rf apasmara, s. Convul-

3j?ta;fl apanambige, ^. Unbe-
sions, epilepsy.
lief, distrust. 2. disbelief.
sjsdos^ apaharipuni (es^^S),
ri^js^ apamana, J. Disrespect. v. a. To take by violence, to
2. disgrace. 3otf^$ to dis- usurp, plunder, rob, extort.
^oosrf apahara, s. Usurpation,
d apara,^/". Other, opposite,
latter. -SjoSo funeral rites.
3GD?jo apahasya, s. Derision,
sJo^oN, ysJDDSo^ aparanna,
aparahana, ^. Afternoon.
3~ss apatra, adj. Unworthy,
aparadha, s. Offence,
undeserving, unfit. e5sD^ an
guilt. 2. a punishment, fine.
T?jabrs to ^oo
unworthy person.
pay a fine.
_ s^s-rfo?) 3DQ3j apaya, s. Danger, peril.
STO^S, to accuse of a
2. misfortune, calamity.
crime, to condemn. rfo^si
to commit an to apara, adj. Boundless,
transgress; to fine.
8oa Un- aplmu, see ^sl?fA^>.
aparimita, adj.
measured, boundless, infinite. apilu, s. An appeal.
apu 22 aba

aputu, adj. Quite, entire, appukei, appei,
whole. the arms on the
apurva, adj. Unprece- breast. X&>$,
_^uo tO
dented, uncommon. cross or fold the arms on
r apekshe, s. Wish, desire. the breast.
2. expectation, hope. 3otfo^?>, f s. Mother. 2. an affix
oJ appe,
to desire, wish, re-
e?33^;5:S> of respect added to proper
quest. names of men (as c^XA
apoli, s. Ruin, waste. etc.)-, c/.&fr
S5?j appa, zVz/. of surprise: c^>c3
appo, appode, ^.

es^ what may it be ! 2. a mode A cake made for the per-

of calling a mother. formance of funeral rites.

5SJ appa, an aflix of respect sl^^ aprakasa, Absence of

added to proper names of light, darkness. 2. obscurity,
men, as Ssi^, froX^, a^~y 3. secrecy.
^ooo^^, etc. 3ls3o?c3j
^j aprameye, s. God, the
*53J appa, s. A kind of cake Incomprehensible.
fried or baked. s. Use-
gcSjsefcjtf aprayojana,
es^oJ appantaye, lessness, unserviceableness.
appante, s. An honest, respect- jige, s. A bad man,
able man, a good man.
?i aphimu, aphlni,
s. Honesty,
eSc^o^fl appantige, s. Opium.
fidelity, chastity, aba, int. of astonishment.
e.Ce appada, see ^- ^.Hoof; also*$y3v&>.
w rf appane, s. Command, or- a person with a cleft
der. 2. permission, leave. ^^

foot (a kind of deformity).

^r^ to command, give order, rl abade, s. A
kind of bean,
permit. Bg^wos to take
abaddha, <//'. False, incor-
rect, wrong. 33Did a false
//. of sur-
55^,33^ appappa, word. rf^r^re:j false news
prise, sorrow. [cake. or rumours.
S53J y appala, J. A very thin round
The stern of a ship,

^ appalipuni C 55 ^), ?. a-
strike anything with the

s. \ common coun-
try bean, Lablab vulgaris.
open hand, to squash.
To W^e; abala, adj. Weak, impotent,

also abale, -y. A weak 0r impo-
embrace, clasp; ^>
tent man.
abi 23 abhi

:oari abindige, .s-.

Perplexity. d abbe, s. An elderly woman,
2. obstinacy. matron.
abilase, see esEpeft^. 25.?j s.
abbesa, Study, prac-
tice, exercise. 2. familiarity
aburu, s. Character, res- ;

keen feeling of fr. eepsgrf.

^3J^ ^c cl d> abroni dei, s.
A kind
honour; cf. esgfodo, e?aootto.

_ trooSo of shrub, Grewia microcos ;

a respectable man.
also KKoiSflef5.
to dishonour, rebuke.
2:JoJoabhaya,^. Security. 2. pro-
S> essi-ydo crocSoK
why are you
mise of protection or pardon.
so overbearing? 3?s9aoo-do dis-
3. confidence.
respect, dishonour.
zp-sd abhava, .?. Non-existence.
dft$eS aburoni, s. A kind of
2. annihilation. 3. a negative
fish. 2. ^^ wdj^erS.
23o3oji abepuni, abeyu-
abhasa, adj. Worthless,
ni (C93), -. a. To beat or
vulgar. 2. corrupt fr. ; ?eps?i.
pound rice also esd^o a. 5
&$ abhijana,^. A family, race.

doao esD, e?dS 9& rice well

)^ abhina, s. Mimicry. 2. ges-
cleared of its husk.
ture; also 5p^odo.
abesu, int. Lift up pull! !

p^ abhine, J. A mimic.
an intimation that anything
abhipraya, ^. Design,
isready to be lifted up, e. g.
intention. 2. wish. 3. opinion.
a basket or a bucket from a
well etc. abhimaiia, J. A keen
feeling of honour, pride. 2.

regard, affection.
abbo, int. expressing wonder
bhilashe,.s-. Desire, wish,.
or grief.
2o ^urarfr^abbagedarage, s. The s.
LJ abm'vruddhi, Increase,
proper names of female
prosperity. 2. progress, thriv-
demon twins.
ing, improvement.
wudclabbara, abbarane, s.
j)^^ abhisheka, Sprinkling
Boast, ostentation. 2. sound, with water. 2. consecration
noise, cry. 3otfo^, ^ow^ by pouring oil, ghee etc. 3.
S>, to cry aloud, unction, ifc^^?
make noise ;
to frighten ;
to the coronation of a king ;

the ordination of a
(0^3) abbalige (pu),
j. A priest. to anoint,
kind of flower. ordain, install.
abhu 24

; abhuru, sec amartaj

ee^oo^d abhyantara, s. An inter- amarsivuni

val. 2. delay, vexation. 3. ?", i'. a. To frighten.
obstacle. 4. offence, scandal. 5F^ amarsila,
SfLstobe an impediment, to amarsala, ^. Brimstone.
be delayed. =&&Lr&, _ -rfo^S) 3JjS3
amalu, ^. Intoxication,
.to binder, object, offend, vex. drunkenness, giddiness. ^js?

xj abhyasa, sec erd^ri. XO a drunkard.

amake, s. A tendril; 2. a to be intoxicated.
fork. to intoxicate.
5Jor3, *3;i>, amani, amani, amasani, see es^oo^rJ.
A nipple also &$&>$.
amasara, s. Necessity.
dj^)^ amapuni, v. a. To quiet, 2. urgency. 3. hurry cf.
press down; see es~ tt. to hasten, be in
djo* amaru, #//. Twin. 2.
a hurry.
double. 2croe3#otwin children.
amanatu, Deposit.
5i>3 amara, #<//. Immortal, j.
2. to sus-
suspension. -rfo^-"
A deity. 2. an immortal. ^ pend.
immortality. cUe^ beaven. s. A trunk.
5Jod&^ amarakosa, ^. The
amaruni (5s^-?o), -r

. a.
name of a Sanskrit dictionary
To suit, fit. 2. to
of synonyms.
hold. 3. a plant to twine.
d^Di)^;^ amaravuni (sfrfous),
5 amise, ama-
7'. a. To push forward. 2. to

bold vase, s. The day of the new


A moon.
amarige, s. heap; also
^<3os> to amita, adj. Immeasurable,
heap up.
boundless, infinite.
s. Disres-
dishonour. )J5)N amlne, s. A sheriff's
pect, incivility,
officer; see &2x<f*.
adj. Disrespectful.
5si>d>> amariyuni, amusani, s. Pride, arro-
amaryuni (^5)^
L >. n. To ag- gance, insolence, haughtiness.

gress. 2. to cleave to.

_ &ee3ra3i$ to show pride. ^
to be proud.
doC-oXj amaruni (^>o), r.n. To ^ft
become quiet, calm. r a. To -^ amulya, Costly,

. //'.

settle, seize, touch, hold. invaluable.

sl)6 amare, s. A ditch, canal. y^x a amruta, <?.-//'.
Immortal, s.

3e;$ to make a ditch, dike. Nectar, ambrosia. 2. different

ame 25

fluids as water, milk, palm- ayigulu, see

wine etc. 5sQ3o a custard-
ayita, s. Readiness. 2.
~3rf Anoii'i
apple. sqii'Diio- decoration also so^.
sa, the custard apple tree, to dress. e?L& to be dressed,
_ s^do Cocculus cordifolius, adorned.
the heart-leaved moon-creeper s
ayinu, see
_ -&>^3 the mythical churning
ayibu, see
of the sea for nectar. sra^o

sweet words or speech. ayivaji, see

ts^S immortality; cf. rfo^s^. ayukta, c?^'. Improper,
13 do s. Ceremonial impurity unfit.
or defilement in case of &O3 ayuta, www. Ten thou-
birth. sand, a myriad.
amepun, ^'. Unfit, un-
SJS^r^ ayog-ya,
amatupattuni (3o), v. a. To worthy disreputable. & un-

press, hold in the arms, hug. fitness, unworthiness, disre-

3o?$o amedhya, .?.
Faeces, pute.
ordure. 3j3?^ ayodhya, ^. The capital
lo?7i amoga, adj. Precious, of Rama, the modern Oude.
excellent. 2. fruitful.
ayya, see ^.
amcikayi, see
ayyappa, //. of pain.
s. Five seers.
s. A lady. 2. mother. ayyala,

3. gen. of es^. n
ayye, ^. A priest, minister,

5^oj,> ammuni (S^), ^. a. To teacher, master. Voc. esorfoosir.

swallow, devour. Plur. esoSooS gods, Brahmins;

tssS^ amme,
^<? an affix of respect added to

3 si) a amsani, j proper names; see es-jy

s >35.
esc&o. 2. ayyeru, sej
aya, Jt'6'
good luck.
3. a tax. ayyelu, -$" Five pairs of
oxen or buffaloes.
ayana,Going. 2. a path.

3. a half
year, that is the ayyo, int. of grief. Oh,
course of the sun northward ah, alas, woe. When feeling
and southward from solstice annoyed, dear me. esodJoocW
to solstice each of six int. of grief, pain.

months. ara, s. A file. 3 3i-rfo the

3ooC3t> ayinda, adv. Hereafter, teeth of a file. ^>t$oa to file,
in future. Xoorftf a round file.
ara 26 wd ara

arankavuni, see araglsu, ^^:

at any rate; in connection
..jarantuni (ss^cS), v. a. To with 11
eg. verbs by no means,
grope for, grasp. 2. to seek, never; e?^3o es3?\ ? ^>
look for. will never do it.

:s3 arantele, s. A greedy aragu, see <rf&.

person, a miser. aragundara, s. Ruin;
JCc2':t arantade, s. A royal re-
sidence; cf.
e9zteo& aratuni (s^S), r. ?/. To
ucc ij arantuni (srts),r.. To scramble, fumble. 2. to make
feel, grope. 2. to grasp at. a grating noise. 3. to inter-

33oWo arambuni (estfo?5), #. #. rupt, blab; also ?9$&>rs>.

To touch. 2. to
climb, creep arate, s. Prate, blabbing,
up (plants); also esdooeoos. tattle; also so^a.

55 3=0* araku, ^. Arrack, country araduni (sstfS),

i\ a. To
spirit; cf. XoX?jd, TOT?.
gather up, to grasp. 2. to rub.

araku, 5. Gum-lac, sealing- 53dd=gs)05jaradekayi, sec ss^^aoso.

wax; ^^ stick-lac;
, ydcl arane, s. The green lizard,
tf&_ black sealing-wax T?C^_ ; Lacerta interpunctuala, said
red sealing-wax; &:u. seed- to be poisonous; 9tfs3 ^osS" orf
83 shell-lac.
lac; 5?b^, T5or}oe if a lizard bites death
_3TOTi)?> to seal, fasten with
(is certain).
^0 a kind of
sealing-wax. creeper used in medicine.
araku, ^. A. fine, white 3jso> a kind of fish.

cloth also &3^. A

t^ aranya, s. wilderness,
ifr^fC"^' arakutelu, s. A large forest, adj. Wild.
black scorpion, scolopendra.
wdo arati, s. Anger, passion;
J arakalu, see es^r^. displeasure.
ec? arake, adj. Half filled (<?//. S5d J, S5dcS arate, arade, ^. Heat,
of 5>e3 full). burning. 2.
impetuosity. 3s>

atis^, wdsjo arakhu, arakhu, ^. 3

burning heat; s^^ctS 3iDe3

Essence <?r spirit distilled e?aors> to burn very much or

from any thing; cf.
&d&. exceedingly.
esrfrfrls aragani, s. Kitchen fur- ydci^, ?5dc3De3 aradala, aradale,
s. Yellow arsenic or
niture. yellow or-
SSdArs aragini, s. A talking par- piment. ^^ yellow o.chre.

rot. 2. a neat or tidy woman. 2dc3c*araderu, A class of

ara 27 ara

Mohammedan merchants. 2. arava, ^. Tamil. eps^ the

policemen, peons; also Sodd5. Tamil language, c5?^ the
aranari, see es^^o. Tamil country.
3032s* arapu, arapelu, s. ddo!3^, 55dde3^ aravantige,
Cooling. aravatige, s. A shed where
s. The shoe- water is served gratuitously
ds^sl arapucce,
to travellers.
flower; sec OBSJ^.
To ds^ors aravamani, s. A kind of
d5j))arapuni(593),r.72. cool,
become calm; gem.
tS^esd^s to
become cool. aravasi, see <Q-zx>&.

arape, s. A crack, split ;

aravu, J. Width, breadth.
adj. Wide, open.
esdtod 3X> arabara tinpini, v.a. ,z'.<2. To heap
To eat greedily, devour. up.
53d2Js)oSo, s3Quj) arabayi. arabci,
kutta, arasinamunda, s. The
.y. clamour, crying
lamentation. ^JS&FS, jaundice.
_^?L^to cry out vehemently, arasu, s. A king, monarch.
^oo a royal family. &3
to bawl out, lament. ri
royalty, kingship. ^-R a
a braying brawler, t /^. 1

An Arab. king's son, royal prince.

arabi, j.
^o^j^ arasulcutta, 5. A kind
arabu, s. Covetousness, of dropsy.
desire, eagerness for gain. A car-
?jo^oO arasukuri, s.

dz^x arabei, see also

arase, ^

aramane, s. A palace, araluni, J

royal residence.
arajaka, ^/'. Kingless.
aralu, s. Drizzling rain. .
Anarchy, confusion.
to drizzle.
arabi, ^'. Broad, large,
araluni, ^. The black extensive. i^ a very large
bee. house.
j> araluni (^^), v. n. To oar ami, adj. Unlawful. 2.
open, expand. 2. to bloom, vicious, restive, f. i. a horse;

blossom. also 5cC3<30.

JsiU:^ aralole, s. A tender aravu, see estf^.

palm-leaf. 2. a kind of ear- aravuni v.a. To
ornament. gather. 2. to embrace, clasp
ara 28 aru

in the arras. s^>5

is^ys to ^ arivlna, ^. A metal dish;
embrace or receive with open
arms. arve, set: esr.
araly. (*-tf), .?. A person ,
arishta, s. Misfortune,
doing half a day's work. 2.
misery. a^//'. Unfortunate ;

half a day's wages.

ari, .$. An enemy.
arishte, ^. An unfortunate
ari, s. Rice freed from husk.
man, a poor man, a person
Some of the principal kinds in distress.
of rice are :
cec: 55, e933
aru, s. Brim, edge, margin,
border. ^3
to reach the

shore, to land; to get out of a

difficulty, to be successful;
t;, ^06.
& -6 es-rfoTCo.
3. 2.
e3djczjo> arumbuni, see f>tfoax>$.
any small grain, f. i.
wdorlj arugu, ^. Verge, brink,
3. the testicles.
border, margin;
S^ arikala, s. A place for
Want of

aruci, s. appetite,
husking rice; also eotf^o.
arike, s. Consent. 2. con- yclrs aruna, adj. Purple-colour-
fession. 3. request.
ed. s. The name of the rising.
to reveal, confess; to inform, sun.

represent; to request. arupu, sec

5$r\~/ ariglsu, sec s93?\?oJ. jrf arubuda, see

arijola, s. Indian corn, arumutte, s. The gills-


Sorghum saccharatum. of a fish.

i ariti, see 3~.
et^Cov aridala, see tsttti. . :-. n. To weep
-, aripuni (- i), t-. . To sift. with loud lamentation and
2. to strain, rilter. shrieks.

e2So5 aripe, s. A sieve, colander, d! aruve, s. The mouth of

strainer; *ooo ei a leak (in

an a river, a seaport; also f>tfo3.

earthen vessel). 3 OTJ$" a bar, the entrance

tsa^r. to a harbour.
ariya, sa-

ariyantra, ^v aruve, sec &3r.

aruhu, s.
Knowledge. 2..

ariyuni, understanding, perception.

aru 29 are

arulumarulu, adj. arosappe, #^'. Tasteless,

Foolish, simple, childish. unsavoury.
arupa, arupu, adj. 8233^ are^ati, ^/'. Half-caste,
Formless, invisible. 2. de- mongrel, mixed.
formed, ugly. d^^sj arejiva, s. lit. Half the
6 are, s. Half, a moiety; cf. life; the state of being half
3r. -e?f half a man's height. dead.
3o2rfj> arericuni (es^osS"), #. #. 6^0^ areduni (35), v.a. To
To rub corrupt, mar, taint.
off, peel, skin. spoil,

c.v. 2. to destroy, ruin,

6ot3D^)^ arerijavuni, (of
To cause to deny. aredala, see.

2. to hide away. j
areduni(5^S),r'.. To low.
0otdo^ arerijuni (es3cs), v. a.
arenari, s. A person
To deny, gainsay. 2. to dressed partly as a male and
conceal; cf. partly as a female.
6o3 arenjele, s. A denier, S36?i"5)s;D05j arendlayi, s. A stam-
disown er. mering tongue.
s3 arentele, see es-dofcSeS.
36^627 arenirelu, s. A slight
ro* arekannu, s. A half sight, shadow. 2. an imperfect
an imperfect glance. 2.
3. eyes partly closed. 2 arepalu, .s. Half a share,
S2 6 373
half part; AST? a
s. The hundred
ds'sdi arekani, partner
0r shareholder entitled to half
and twenty-eighth part of any
a share.
Half e3853"s)^ arepavu, ^. One half of
^'doa.) arekayi, adj. ripe;
also 3riA7>Q3o.
a quarter, one-eighth of a
arekalu, s. The eighth
arepavuni, t. v.
areke, see ^^.
To cause to grind.
?56^J3c3oa* arekodyelu, s. Half 2. to cause to submit; to sub-
salted <?r insufficiently season- due.
ed dish.
53o3)) arepini, arepuni
^drfofcj* aregantu, s. A loose knot ; ,
v. a. To pulverize by
2. half a load, a small bundle.
pounding or grinding. 2*fg-
ssdrra^aregala, s. The hot season, to oppress. 253^
5^, ^53, 5^
summer. a grinding stone.
arecatte, adj. Half dead. ^
arepu, arepelu, s.
2. reduced, thin, lean. The act of grinding. 2. that
are 30 arga

which is ground for condi- arka, J. The sun. 2. a crys-

ment. tal. 3. a shrub, called also
SfdzoocS arebariji, lit. Half the the yakkamale (orfo^jed).
stomach, adj. Half not Swill, dish-
fed, arkariji, s.

satisfied, deficiently fed. water, the washings of rice

z3 arebanda, Half cook- etc. ~ different kinds of
adj. ^^
ed. leaves chopped and mixed
y5:^)DiJ arebayi, see estfsrooso. with straw and boiled in a

io 8
lit. Half a swill for feeding cattle with.

finger (measure), s. About arkati, see oo^-S.

half an inch. arkade, s. Sunset.

e6z3i arebei, s. Twice thrashed FsS.) arkame, s. A strong de-
straw. 2.
sire, eagerness. indigestion,
S3 6 slid sf aremadalu, s. A leaf flatulency.
of a palmyra. 2. one half of
F^Farkarka, adv. By degrees.
a cocoa-palm-leaf. _ &^& to eat repeatedly. 2.

wds^Orirv* aremanasu, lit. Half to gulp down.

mindedness. s. Indecision. F^ arkalu, arkalu,
2. reluctance. ^. A knot, tie. EDcSoa to tie,
esddoo*F aremarlu, s. Craziness, make a knot. Tx^rs to loosen
weakness of intellect, adj. a knot, to untie.
Half mad. FO S
arkilu, arkelu, ^.
A small A
es^djssis; aremapala- s. handful. fcosS *F-^
wild fruit, Randia longi- ^or give (uiey a handful of
spina. straw.
$36six)oci aremunde, s. A widow, jF> arkuni (25^")- f. ;/. To
whose head has not been become less. 2. to be humbl-
shaved. ed, depressed.
56s3oc&> aremeyi, adj. Reduced arke, see d^.
in body, lean, thin. 2. half
arkeburu, see es^
inclined, half minded.
e56sD^ arevasi, s. A half part, J* argantu, ^. Determina-
a moiety. tion, resolution. 2. obstinacy;
^wOic-j's* areyal, s. An honorary 3. malice. csol) an obsti-
name given to a section of the nate man. per- rfotfo^s
Bant caste. severe in obstin.-iry.

:-j$, ?5d4?i areyuni, arevuni, iFo^argante, s. A resolute or

see obstinate person.
argi 31 arbi

a argiliyuni, F artha, ^. Gain, wealth,

argilyuni (59T\re5, ef>?\r6), v. n. riches, esp. money. 2. mean-
To loathe, be disgusted, v'hr ing. ^^s> to explain, inter-
5 3c$ to eat with aversion. pret.

argisu, see ardala, ^^ estfrftf.

argule, s. Loathsome- ,

. Half the gain.

ness. 2. disgust, aversion. arduni (Sr), z'.a. To
arge, see. ?&*. wash <?; bleach clothes.

arcake, s. A worshipper. F ardha, s. Half, a moiety;

2. a &*-
priest. rf- [tion.
es^F?3 arcane, s. Worship, ado- ardha'sa, ^. A half por-
ration. 5^F^ arnana, arnana, s.

e52&F3^)> arcipuni, v. a. To wor- A male Pariah (a/^esorfrc).

ship. T. n. To officiate as a JFEa arpada, ^. Small-pox;
priest. /^<9 iSjaeX. s ^d a pock-
S5Z2F arji, s. Petition, representa- mark. ^e^ sirrf
a kind of

tion; complaint. cs^a peti- small-pox which leaves scars

tioner. ^jsbFcS to present a or marks.
petition ;
essSr ^j&Bcii TksSr JFcl arpane, ^. An offering.
when the petition is to offer.

presented it will be favour- e3 arpata, s. Lamentation.

ably considered. arpita, ^^'. Presented,
arjita, see ef^r^. offered.
arjune, s. The third son ini (895), z-. . To weep,
of Pandu (sroozl)). arpipuni, arpi-
ei>F> artuni, J^ suni (SS^F, esbroJ), -u. a. To
arduni, see dedicate, offer.
arpuni 5
(s ^),
^'. To
arta, see $r.
efface, waste, obliterate; cf.
arti, J. An amusement,
sport, fun. 2. novelty, curios-
e333re3arpele, s. A fretful person.
3. fondness. craoSo a
2. one easily moved to tears.
merry man, a person given
essr^F^ arpesi, see <3^<>z>.
to pleasure. iJ&so^s to
arbata, see e?^r.
please, amuse; to fondle.
arbayi, see
arti, ^. The wild fig tree,
Ficus racemosa. SDQSO an ^!F arbi, ^. Water collected in

unripe wild fig. an elevated place. 2. drizzl-

arbu 32 alu

ing rain. -S^os water to arve, s. A cloth; an old

fall in broken streams over rag. ^ooy^^sr a piece of
a small height. ?c^o$ water garment.
to run out, to fall in broken arve, see es3o3, ef>#o3.
streams. zjFotl s.
arsande, Rejection;
arbu, s. Stinginess, ava- disrespect; making light of.
rice. to covet, desire,
^oUJjS* ?oFo3o, W^FOJO arsaya, arsaya,
long. ns^So a greedy man. s. A
certain festivity <?r cere-
arbuta, arbuda, mony. ^c3^ro3o the ceremony
of leaping over burning coals,
arbuda, num. Ten crores, performed by devil-dancers
100 millions. or dasaiyas (cs^odon).
JOFCSdfl^rt arbudaroga, s. Dif-
arsavuni, see
ferent swellings, especially
arseve, see e
armbude, s. A skull-cap
alumbude, ^. The castor-oil
made of the spathe or cap-
plant. a smaller
sular bark of the areca palm fts^$bax)Z$
kind, called Ricinus commit-
and worn by a class of Pariahs
(called **M*rt>>
s^oaS alumbe, s. Suffering. 2.
arya, s. A small earthen
vessel GSjo33ajoF an experience.
; oil-pot.
^Sssre. alumbevuni, -r

aryana, see

aryuni (5), "'. . To

alumbhava, J. Satisfac-
ooze, drip. 2. to flow, run, as
tion, contentment. 2. experi-
water; also 3o5orfjo$.
ence, knowledge; sec S5Eio?rf.
arlumarlu, see
e^o^D^ alumbhavipuni (

s. Half a seer. >c#3), t-. . To feel satisfied,

content. 2. to experience, en-
.^JF^ arluni (W^F).
r. . w. To
joy, suffer, to be vexed.
burn, blaze. 2. to smart;
e?orfo jj?? t9;j?c-rf:> //"/. his face aluku, see es^-

is burning, z*. e. he is very alugU, SCC 55S)K.

angry. aluge, s. A kind of drum.

arlole, s. A kind of fish. sl alupucce, s. A pole-
, U7
i5^Fd> arvatte, arvade, cat.
^dF^, s.

\ mini's sister's son. alube, a. Frail, fragile.

son-in-law. 2. weak, pujiy, thin.
ala 33 ala

S5oo^ alaiiku, s. An armadillo. alacuni (5?sF), r. /?. To

2. a kind of fish. move, shake; cf. e5>e>;3os>.

S5oo5 s alanku, The dried

s. alajavuni, c. v.
oil-plant QtSesamum Indicum ,
To shake; see

or jinjili seed.
es wo 30^ alankaripuni (esao^a), alajuni, ^
r'.tf. To adorn, decorate. 55^io5o alapayi, s. Hiring cattle
S3s;oc)d alankara, .?. Ornament, for milking.
T^S to take
decoration. 2. beauty. 3s~r milch cattle on hire. &a&r?>
rhetoric. to hire out milch cattle.

alankavuni, . v. (of e5^ alapuni see es^s, a ^?). 1

To cause to shake,
550 do alama, see e^.
to shake. 2. to perturb, con-
S3osi)J^ alamuni (e5<ySo), v. a.
To mix with the hand.
oo^o^i, w^orio^ alankuni, alan-
alaruni, see 5doo$.
guni (wao'F, eseJoK),
z/. . To
alavu, Steel. rf
X^ a
shake, agitate, wave, move.
2. to strike or knock against, bar of steel.

v.n. Be agitated. e;^)^ alavuni (e>), w. To.

trip up.
esaci? $ ? 5 agitated water, mix. 2. to temper. 3. to make
J. A even, to level.
alan^a, rampart,
^s s
alasu, adj. Old, worn out.
alantuni, see
2. bad. 3. mixed; also ^^>.
alambuda, see ^^/^'^ s. A thick
alambuni (eseo^S), ^. a.
rope, cable; see <^.
To wash. 2. to shake, be agi- alasa, j^ o'a'^.
tated as water; see 000200$.
5^jro^ alasalu, alasig^e,
d alambhava, .sw es^o^d. ^. Fatigue, weariness. 2. vexa-
alaka, J. The town of Ku- tion.

bera, the god of wealth. e?

o?oj^ alasuni (c3), w. a. To
^?j to become wealthy. agitate, shake, v. n. To be
^rio alagu, alagu, s. fatigued, vexed. 2. to suffer
Tremulousness or quivering griping pain; cSoc!? eoosS esc;
of the voice in singing. rtgd
TiOG-rfo I have a stomach-ache.

a tremulous voice. alakshana, ^^ es^e^pa.

p>rto5> alaguni (5K), v. n. To c, S3t;^ alakshya, alakshe,
shake; cf. s. Disregard, negligence, in-
alage, ^ difference.
ala 34 ale

ala, int. Behold, lo, there , r.. To

it is; see ~m>- move; see eswc^os.
j alaku, s. Destruction, JUor1 alubanga, s. Vexation,
ruin; see Scefc>. -rfo*?o.s> to trouble.
ruin, spoil, destroy. e?5
ale, s. Butter-milk; sc-'

&?ls to go to ruin. to churn butter-milk.

y?3;, essein' alata, aladu, s. A ale, ale, int. Behold, lo!
thick coir-rope, cable; also
s3oj aleriji, J. Grease <?r oil etc.

swimming on the surface of
alabi, alayi,
water. s^s greasy sub-
The annual Moharam festival
stances to stick to something.
of the Mohammedans. s
bs to close the festival with alenjuni (S53c^), i'.n.
To turn, aroosc- to hesitate
in speaking. 2. to deny; see
:jjo alayuni(^e^) i\ a. To
take away.
^ alavuni, ^ ese>4s>. alejavuni c. r .

aios), To cause to shake, to

aliki, <z<//. Inferior, low,
shake. 2. to cause to mingle.
mean; bet. s63j-
oi>#o^ to
eS^o ^ alejuni, alejjuni
depreciate, disparage, de-
r. n. To be agitated,
grade. 3^>33 a word of con- ,

disturbed. 2. to be turbid.
tempt. low people.
3. to mix, mingle. 4. to be
alige, see ep^^.
alige, see &Q- K^OSO.
alepayi, see
alipuni, see W3>s.
alepavuni, c. r. ( of
-0s ,yQ^J3D^ alimaru, ali- To cause to tire, to fa-
miru, s. The tree called Mc-
mecylon. alepuni (5?*?).

. . To
^ aliyuni (2?e). r.?z. To
oppress, t 1
. w. To be fatigued ;

dissolve, decay. 2. to perish, see e53:-:^ -, 3o3^s>.

die, become extinct; also es5 J. A European.
j alemani,
*L. 2. a German.
alivu, s. Extinction, ruin.
3ol>o, y?34^ aleyuni, alevuni
yooorto^alunguni (ss^ooK), i<. n. T'. To wander, roam.
To be soft, as a ripe fruit. 2. to be weary. 3. to bethink
alumbuda, see oneself. 35 &&& to stare;
alumbuni, se
35 ava

aleki, alekha, .?. An salutation given to Brahmins

unwritten tfr blank leaf. 2. a or Jains by inferiors.
blank book of palm leaves. almeru, s. An almeira,
=3prf) alevuni (3e), fl. . To a wardrobe.
bethink oneself; see ef><34$- allukaddi, ^. A tooth-

alku, s. Timidity, adj. allambra, J. Agitation,


Timid, frightened; also aM^. alarm.

_80jstfo$ to shudder. alia. s. The Mohammedan
>, alki, j^ >#, 5o5d .
appellation of the Supreme
a alkuni . . To be Being. 2. int. of surprise.

afraid. 2. to start, shudder, allavuni (,), ^'. a. To

tremble. ,
mix; c/". ese^-s.

k& to be startled. ?5)ri s. The

n alii, allig-e,

SJ?4> algavuni c. v. water-lily; /J6>

^^^ ^8-

To cause to shake; 2. the flower of Nelumbium

alguni, se speciosum; also ss^-5.

s. The cio alludu, adj. Perishable,

aldekayi, gall-
nut, ink-nut, Terminalia che-
bula. eseUSoS a good black 3 alle, s. The side, groin, hip.

ink. 7?^
a lateral branch.
alpa, adj. Little, small, ava, pref. implying dimi-
2. mean, low. a^>> nution, privation,
of limited understanding Behold, lo; see
ava, int.
; cf.

4- JFS^avakasa, J. Opportunity,
Sk^ni* alpisu, see ^^?^- -d^wti.
leisure; cf.
alpucce, see 55^4^
ricsavagada, s. Calamity, evil,
alpe, s. An unimportant mischief. 2. disorder, con-

man. fusion. 3. difficulty, danger.

e3^?o alpesi,
^. A covetous man, rbrs avaguna, s. An evil dis-
miser. Low, mean, stingy,
position, a vice. 2. the state
o.on* albangu, ^^ eseweooX.
of growing worse.

d <2^/'. Thin, weak,

albe, lean.
avaje, s. Sound, noise,
2. good for nothing. s. A kind of country
>, alma, ^. Breed, offspring;
beans; also e?^<5.
a good breed,
^ 5<^ 3a>d avatara, s. Descent, in-
almana, see 89^o^n>=i. carnation. the ten
alme, almo, ^. A incarnations of Vishnu (\ -s^Pfa/).
ava 36 avu

^iicj avasana, ava-

to become in- saya, 5. End, conclusion, ter-
carnate. mination. 2. death.
^jjj, avatte, set;
ssc; avasara, ^^ ssrfo^.

avatsara, see d^, s.

S3sj^ avaste, avasthe,
avadhi, s. A limit, term, State, condition. 2. circum-
period, fixed time. stances, situation. 3. diffi-

!q$JsJ avadhute, .?. One who culty.

has abandoned his family ,
-inf. Lo! behold ;
see 85^-
and all
earthly desires. rf

- avantara, adj. Interme-

:^g sire A the manner of lead-
diate, included. 2. calamitous.
ing a life of austerity. r^. s. Straits. 2. alarm, confu-
see ss^>ce3
sion. 3.
public calamity. 4.

!:^. avapatya, Violation of foreign invasion.

a prescribed diet. adj. Con- Not fit to be
?5ss0o avacya, adj.
trary to diet. spoken. 2. obscene.
avamata, s.
$5533^,, <*3S3*>^ avalte, avaltige,
avamana, see ozirfjs^. s. Charge, care; commission,

avayoga, .s. A bad conferred trust; safe keeping.

omen, a portent. -rfj^a to give in charge, to
avare, ^f e?^:5. entrust another; also SCSB?^.

e3d3* aval^, ^/'. Best, first rate. S5^:3DC avicara, s. Want of en-
3d the best kind. quiry. 2. indiscretion, rash-

S53&>c2Jf3 avalambane, De- ness. 3. negligence.


pending on. .y. Protection. 3Jj avidhsya, adj. Disobe-

an asylum. dient. a disobedience.
S5^^rs avalakshana, ^. An in- ^ aviva>:a, ^. Indiscretion.
auspicious sign. 2. ugliness. 2. imprudence, folly.

avale, ^. A rift, cleft, adj. ss^ST^avisvasa, s. Distrust, un-

Hollow, not solid. belief, unfaithfulness.
avasakuna, sec avisvasi, s. An unbe-
avasya, s. Need, neces- liever.
sity. a.ij. Necessary, urgent, avu, //"<?. dtvy/. It, that,
requisite. -^: 2 unnecessary. that thing. -Sf^cf besides
in avasatya, s. A lie, false- that. tr4I? is it that? e>3,
5^e (cmph.*) just that, even
rfroC! avasara, that, the very thing.
avu 37 ashta

o^ avunkuni (as^oF), r. a.

To crop. 2. to snatch, 3. to Incorporeal. ss^o a voice

press down:
iSo^orfo 3&V press
^ SedojcsS
it down

from heaven, an oracle.
^2, sssbrf asuci, asuddha, adj.
much as you can. Impure, 'unclean, polluted.
^okbavuntu, s. Pride, haughti- w&$ to become unclean.
ness, arrogance. 3^ uncleanness, pollution.
avuntuni r. u.
(4c^), sioZ^ asubha, ^'. Inauspici-
To be proud. ous, evil. ^. Unluckiness,
*3^)o^>^i avumpuni (^), v> a. To misfortune.

press. 2. to mumble. )s3or! asemane, ^. A seat for

see as3^>3. the bride.

5^=oD?j avukasa,
A JS^ asoka, s. Freedom from
S3^^^ avutana, s. feast, enter-
grief. 2. the name of a king.
tainment, dinner; also gJ^r.
_ to give an entertain-
U^T? (sl)d)
asoke (mara), J.

ment. nsoSo a guest, The tree Uvaria longifolia.

33 a grove of such trees.
avushadha, see ?ZA$.

adv. There. 2. *, 553^53*'

asrabu, asrap^, j^
beyond ;
also S^o. es^^i'&i
here and there. es4$? (emph.) Pro, aslesha, aslesi,
see e? ?si.
just there, even there, in that

^ asva,
s. A horse.
very place. sJ

^oOdo avyaya, s. An indecli- jd asvattha-, asva-

nable word, gram. ta mara, see &^ ^>^.

do 4
avval, w* s^- ^3 asvapati, s. The king of
horses. 2. a dynasty at Delhi.
si^ asakta, Weak, feeble.

2. sick.

^ asvamedha,
of sacrificing a horse.
s. The cere-

gJ-S- asakti, ^. Weakness, in- mony

capacity. 3SL, sssL^ ashta, ashtaka, adj.
^ asakte, s. A weak <?r sick
person. ashtakashta, s. Eight
asakya, adj. Impracti- sources of troubles to which
cable, impossible. man is liable.

asana, s. Eating. 2. food. sL^Dorl ashtakanga, s. A board

maintenance, subsi-
efxSfTO^r or cloth having eight rows
stence; ^aLrdto give main- of squares eight in each row :

tenance, to feed. a chess-board.

ashta 38 asa

num. The
ashtaga.ja, ^,do ashtama, adj.
ashtadigga.ja, s. The eight ele- eighth.
phants which, according to 3^.dJ3riS ashtamasiddhi, see w
eJ 9
the Hindu Sfistras, are sup- s^ ^JD.
e3 <?

posed to support the earth. ^ >j ashtami, ^^ es>


ashtage, s. An offering for 3^[ ?o3 asbtasiddhi, eight J. The

w -jO
the dead. miraculous attainments.
Si.S'S^ ashtatala, s. A mode or ashtavidhana, J. The
measure in music. eight kinds of devotion.

asbtadikku, ^. The eight ^oo^ ashtaksharimantra,

" i

points of the compass; also ^. The eight mystical letters

the guar- used in incantations :

e9z^3o.e3. eszijEttf^ia^S
dians of the eight points of
the compass. ashteisvarya,

^,d,^o ashtadravya,
^. An offer-
j>J ^> . .

ing of eight ingredients. asuru, J

3l3S|j, asbtapatti. s. An octa- aJo asankhya, ^'. Innume-

eJ w
gon. rable.

^.3J& ashtapadi, s. A verse with rforfv3 asangati, s. An adverse

eight feet. circumstance, an accident.

&j&oqS ashtabandha, s. A kind orfzjjf asandarbha,

s. Unsea-

of mortar composed of eight sonableuess, inconvenience.

ingredients. adj. Unconnected, irrelevant ;

?t?p?rJA ashtabhagya, s. The impracticable.

eight requisites to the regal ^o^oqj asambandha, s. Discon-
state, viz.
m&fi territory, $o nection, incoherence, adj. Dis-
zss^ treasure, rfoS forces, &3 connected, incoherent. 2. ab-
elephant, ^osb-tS
^ surd.

ketasol, t?arbd fly-brush, )

c asanhya, ^- Disgusting,
palankeen. loathsome, s. Molestation,
j. The intolerable vexations. 2. dis-
sources of enjoyment, gust, aversion. e?La to be
habitation, 553^ bed, disgusted with.
^ocuo raiment, asakta, ^^ -^^
s^oso jewels,
eSazfc wife, vP con-
flower, Xcqi per- asadde, s. Disdain,
fumes, a:&7 -541^0 betel-leaf t(
scorn. 2.
OT mpt, negligence,
and arecanut. carelessness. 33 the state
asa 39 asti

of being scornful or careless. asamya, see

_T5o^$ to despise, neglect.
?js)rf asara, ^'. Sapless, taste-
asatya, adj. Untrue, false.
^c. less. 2. worthless; also ZTfoip.
s. Falsehood.
Jorf asiddha, adj. Not achieved
3?ic3 asaddha, adj. False. 2. un- 9
9 0r effected. 2.unprepared,
inspired. not ready. 3. undecided. 4.
S3 3 ck asadya, see steqJg. improbable.
3?jo, s3?o3j?Fi asama, asamana, asura, fl^'. Giant-like,
s. Inequality, adj. Unequal, gigantic. 2. cruel.
t^o a
dissimilar, unlike. 2. odd, cruel deed ,
diabolical action
diverse. 3. incomparable. or work.
S5^jj>zpe>cd asamadhana, s.
Un- asuri, ^. A giantess, the
settled state, restlessness, un- wife of a giant.
easiness, disquietude. 2. dis- oodo?oodj asurusuru, ^. A deep
satisfaction, peacelessness. sigh.
3. dissension, quarrel. asure, s. A giant.
?5?oo3o asaye, see &>*&>. s.
asuya, Envy, jealousy,
asayya, see wrfc^g. malignity.
asaru, j^ e?rf5. asura, adj. Yellow. 2. un-

alloyed, as gold.
asarme, s. Management
of a household. asuri, adj. Extra, mis-
ti& s j. 2.
cellaneous. -5^r extra ex-
asalu, Root, origin.
capital, stock (in trade). 3. penses.

prime cost. 4. an original, a J3C> asure, s. Daily expendi-

fair copy. ture; sundry expenses; also
?3 asale, 0^'. First-class, su-

perior. 2. fine, thin, neat. asemane, ^^

?o$3 asale, j. A split. 200^$ asaukhya, s. Uneasiness,
to split, crack. unhappiness, ill-health.
j. Twi- asta, astamana, ^.
asalemasale, ^,, w^djs^
e3?J3oo^o?i Sunset.
asahyisuni (??ioo. .co).^. . To ^,0*, 55^ astaru, astri, s. The
loathe, feel disgust at; c/". e>
lining of a garment.
o ^ asti, J. A bone, asti hectic

?ra^P asadhya, ^/'. Impracti- fever.

cable, unattainable. J. Im-

?^Se>d astivara,
s. A founda-
practibility. tion.
astu 40 a

_ _ ?dj astu, astunama,


A day
ahoratre, s.

s. Consent, agreement. and a night lasting from sun-

^ aste, adi'. Slowly. aio&.s> rise to sunrise.
to breathe heavily; bet.
W^. 55<B* ala, s. Measure, capacity,
asthira, adj. Unsteady, An
9 alanku, s. ant-eater,
transient, fleeting.
alankavuni, sec
asraDU > asrapu,
j. Xoble.
alankuni, see
5,&d asrabide (^3^3 !>?), (lit.
a monstrous seed.) s. Any
alantuni (es?cS). v. n.
the cultivation of To shake. 2. to move.
grain etc.,

which exhausts the soil. 2. ^ alaka, JT. A large basket

a wicked person. for measuring rice


^, asrabe, s. A nobleman, alake, alate, s. Mea-

good man. surement. rfotfo^s
to mea-
5^ asre, s. A destroyer; cf. sure, mete; cf. ef^^, 5539^.

alapuni (^), t'. a. To

asvastha, s. Sickness, ill- measure.
ness. /. Unwell, sick, alya, see
aha, ahaha, int.
^alavuni (). r.. To mix,
surprise. Ah! aha!
ala, ^
u cc G u & 3j) j ahankaripuni (55sc-5
&),r.-.. To be proud, arrogant,
alikattu, ^. Ruin.
conceited. U

55530=5^3 ahankara, s. Self-con- , alipuni (v), ?. . To

sciousness. 2. egotism, pride, perish, die. 2. to be destroyed,

self-conceit, haughtiness. cs be ruined; also 6595 ;&9?b3.

a proud, self-conceited s. A
aliya, son-in-law,
or insolent man. as a rule a man's
ahannlka, see ^g^- sister's son marries the daugh-
ahambhava, s. Self- ter of his mother's brother.

consciousness, self-confidence, bet. w^s^. 7$ci333 the law

insolent of inheritance in the female
ahammati, s. .Sclf-con- line. According to this law
ceitedness, a vain mind. the family property descends
jl, ahi, s. A snake. not from a man to his son,
ahita, adj. Disagreeable, but from a woman to her
unsalutary. s. Harm, wrong. daughter.
all 41 aksi

aliyantara, s. Kuin, 55 aksha, ^. The eye. 2. a

extinction. mark on dice. 3. a die. 4.

aliyuni, see ws?^ a wheel. 5ee3, ^jetS, ^oix

T?O aluku, 5.
Modesty, bash- _srf^ gambling, playing
fulness. dice.

aluvali, s. A daughter's
3 o^O akshantari, j. A gift of
yellow rice.
aluve, .y. An instalment.
^,' ^ >M
a akshata, akshate, j.

2. a term of payment; ^. Raw rice mixed with kunku-

ma (^'.
e. turmeric powder)
aluve, s. The mouth of and used for religious pur-
a river, a harbour. poses. rfocgsj^if
rice over

^^ a custom-house; which incantations have been

.? 5?3- pronounced.

A kind of weed akshada. s. A red mark

aleriji, s. -M

growing on the surface of put on the forehead after

dinner, chiefly by Brahmins.
stagnant water.
y^sjji)^ akshadama,
alej.juni, see 9e3&o$. C3s)5Jj,
J^ efoziasj. akshamale, ^. A rosary ^ string
of beads, especially of the
alevuni (^), ^. . To
seeds of Elaeocarpus, used in
muse, to be absent-minded or
abstracted. es$5 &>>$ to
akshaya, adj. Imperish-
look bewildered, perplexed;
able, immortal. ss^ a brass
vessel for receiving alms. s.
, alkuni, see ese^s.
The last year of the Hindu
altu, */. Thence;
S. cycle.
-o C rf akshara, (lit. undecaying).
^ alta (^. of the adv. s. A letter. -rfrae?
a gar-
^'. Of that place. land of letters) the alphabet.
<$ alpa, ^. There, in that s. A scholar.
place. ^^ here and there.
akshi, J. The eye. 2. suc-
tfe alya,
cess, prosperity. ^<^ mov-
alii, allige,
ing of the eyes. ^e ? a scor-

alle, ^. pion.
42 sr^? aka

a, The second letter of the osd, trc^ antara, antra, ^. The
alphabet. bowels, entrails. sro^ swell-

a, dein. p-ron. That; e?^that ing of the scrotum or testicles.

side or party; ? 3tfrfj?>$ that flatulence: hernia.

man. ? e?. efcdjs each, every, antarya, s. The mind:

respective. ^sorfor each work. see 59o^o3or. 2. sentiment,
2. when added to two or more opinion; ^/". >o3dcX.

consecutive words, the mean- tJo) Sndi, J. Caution. 2. bail,

ing is disjunctive: either or, a security. &os>^&> one

whether or; as ^siosSjro ?^3o who stands security, becomes
~3 whether this or that man?
3. it is an affix of interroga- andravayu, see
tion, which changes accord-
ing to phonetic rules into "
ambalu, J. A water-lily
fro. od^>: as -S yes: which opens after sunset.
it? 2^3
vou came: soa
did ambala, sec
you come? ^sthou,you:
ambige, sec
is it you?

wo^ ambura, ambra,

see s? ^,-

oiS ambe, aJv. There, on that

ankara, see side. 2. after, prep. Beyond.
inkita, ^6' eso-S-^.
ozSa^ amberipuni (S'sda),

anke, s. Force, pressure, 7'. . To be drowsy or sleepy.

2. 2. to dream. 3. to be con-
compulsion. authority,
power, control. 3. support. fused.

to force, compel, to jcl amavade, sec
obtain by coaxing. -croo3o a amhika, sec
strong, powerful man. akara, see
h?c53 anglrasa, s. The sixth =5^F akarsa, akarsha, ^.
year in the Hindu cycle of Attraction, drawing towards
each other. -^ the power
andu, see of attraction.
: akara, s. Form, shape.
2. tin'
43 fci

akasa, akasa, s. The fr^^cdo agneya, adj.


atmosphere, sky. ^Xotf.

rn agra, see
tf^-3 akire, ^. A nettle-plant, s. The cere-
heterophyUa .

mony of sipping a few drops

akulu, flfcwz. />nw. (pi. of of water and repeating the
or They. 2. *V zV
twenty-four names of Vishnu
affixed to adjectives, partici- before performing any
ples and nouns to con-cert
religious ceremony.
them into personal nouns, as
acarane, s. Usage, esta-
^D^o^o good people
blished custom. 2. obser-
those that see,
vance. 3. performance of re-
working people etc. 4. a cere-
ligious ceremonies.
3\3 akruti, ^. Form, shape. rite.
akeri, akri, ^^ c^ 8 -

P. To
04 acaripuni (*&), .

-akhata, ^. An artificial
observe, practise, perform.
acara, s. Usage, custom.
s&cr, ys3>p akheirij, akheiri, .

2. conduct, tradi-
The end, termination, adj. tional observance.
Final, last. adv. Finally, at
! acarane, see wt&te.
last ;
see V3&.
s. A acari, ^. A smith or car-
akhya, akhye,
penter. sojs-do a kind of
name. 2. the subject of a
sentence, gram.
>c&>F acare, a<5arye, s.
akhyata, s. The predi- !

A spiritual guide, a priest.

cate, gram.
a 71s .y. Steam. d aja, An oath, a curse. 2.
ag^, (lit. fire),
o'Lsto be consumed, to come swearing. ^JS^FS to swear.

to an end. - AS&, see ^AsS. _ 3j3?l>$ to imprecate, curse.

?S a steamer. LQoboos to deliver from an

agama, ^. Arrival. 2. a oath, to revoke a curse-

work on Hindu ritual ^. 3. ajane, num. adj. Sixth.

augment, gram. ajar, s. Presence; bet. 553

rtdo^ ag-amana, s. Advent, ar- _e?lb^ to be present.
rival. to produce (a wit-
wrrad agara, agara, ^. A ness 3iD3re^ bail, secu-
habitation, house. for the appearance of
agara, ^ another before a court of

justice. ^^3 a
zit aja { anu

t?wr ajala, s. Six seers. 4\J } se

wts^rf;^ ajavuni, c.v. (t/'e?os>), y^c^d adambara, ^. Pride. 2.

To dry or drain. pomp, show.

9 ~"' Q '

sit^j mi /a. oix.

ajij ademode, see ts&.

^,-^ ajiduni (e?35>), e. To .

adalodij, s. The Mala-
expose clothes etc. for drying. bar-nut-tree, Justicia adha-
^S-r^ ft TiTlQ
C/7 *?
set, *y<G.
P^)?^."*i dota.

adalite, adalte, J.

To dry up, drain off; Administration, management.

?^), '..
Xo3>d $ e 5 eyaScS the well is
2. governing. ^jab$ to man-
?3s5 ;Pe^$ to be dried age. ^?j?rooSo an admini-
up. ?32> dried, freed from strator, manager.
moisture or sap. e?aioa un- J3u4i adavuni, c. ^.
ey&oa ^ooyj a To agitate. 2. to shake,
dried, wet;
wet cloth. adige, J. A belch ;

2 aje, J^ ^3i- adig*e, adv. In vain, for

ajolu, num. adv. Six nothing; see zfe^.

times. aduni (^5), v. n. To move,

wave, swing, vibrate. 2. to
alrie, ^. Command, order.
shake, totter, v. ii. To move,
2. permission. 3. a judicial
rock. 2. to shake. Different
sentence, doom.
?/w. Sixty; j^ ?^3i. playful and regular move-
ments are expressed by add-
ata, s. Amusement, sport,
ing it to verbs; as, ^?s^3oa
game. 2. a play; craoSo an
to be swinging, ese^rks to be
actor; a gambler. s^u,
'moving to and fro, etc.
dancing and playing
e! ade, s. coward,
with music. 3. when forming ,

the latter part of cotnpounds adegu, sec

it signifies continuity; as, es adege, see

53s"U crying or weeping long. adele, s. An unsteady man.
lamentation. 2. a vagabond.
riJc^ atanku, atanka, d^a adevuni (^e), v.n. To
s. Hinderarice, obstacle. be moving, undulating, vibrat-
i ati, s. The fourth solar ing, wt3)33) constant mo-
mouth. -
5^*3 profound tion, oscillation or vibration,
d.-irkn- 3 ;i kind of anu, Male. cj35 a
ps*' "'//

grass. male child, a,

boy. ^3 a male
anu 45 adi

tree. s. A boy, youngster. atura, s. Eagerness, haste,

e?ro the bridegroom's
rs)^ ateku, see e?.
atenenge, adv. Till, as
anugadi, J. The lower as.
half of a cocoanut-shell.
& w^ Breath,
atma, atme, J.

5*zJ3S3) iinujovu, s - ^ male, i


2.the soul, spirit, ^a^o

man ;
also ssre ^.
<^j the Holy Ghost, Chr.
anupeja, s. A male varie- a sinner. a
3^)53D^ ^)^^^
ty of the wild jack-tree. virtuous or fortunate man.
ana, s. The entrance to a
e?^2fro^ spiritual-mindedness,
harbour. T? wo^oa, ef&sXo Chr. 3. self, chiefly in comp'.
8e&s> to stand <?r wade in
6T suicide. tf^.rfj
d o
shoal-water for fishing.
ani, s. A peg, nail. 2. a
a 6
ad^, J
wedge. 3. a screw.
^s* aaikallu, ^. The key-
stone of an arch.
l adarane, ^. Respect, re-
gard for. 2. protection, sup-
ane, ^. An anna.
port. 3. comfort, consola-
ane, s. An oath.
anekallu, .?. A hail-stone. r. a.

rfOS^)^ adaripuni (?&)

at^, indef. num, adj. So To honor. 2. to
much. so many people.
3rfrf assist. 3. to console, comfort.
;&>aor so much time, so long. cyrf&^c^oSo a supporter, one
2. as much as: <^ who comforts.

give all you have. uraoi) adaya, ^. Gain, profit, in-

so much onlv "
come, behoof. ^M, profit
I say
ey^-? is
only so

and loss. ^ receipts and
only disbursements; management.
_^E^ ^LfrooSj a book-keeper.

is it only so much crad adara, J^ e?qia-d.

that you give? &*& for so

a adi, s. Beginning, origin.
adj. First, primary pre-emi- ;

^ori atunenge, ata-

nent; e.g. syasstfr the origi-
nenge, see nal cause. 2. when the latter
^^ e?t. means:
part of a compound
>3 ati, it

o atithya,
to entertain a
^. Hospitality.
and others,
7:3^0 beasts
et cetera,

as ^
adi 46 apa

adika, see set: 2?

^- aditya, s. The sun. -s
anekallu, see
anekar^, 5. The Cochin-
^^ aduppuni
leg, elephantiasis.

. . To have become, to be
that. when
^^O, sr^6 anekedu, anekere,
?$ct5o;>;5^A as <?r
s. large tank.
it is so.

d s. The sixth lunar ^rio^C^ anegajji, ane-

mansion: bi. &3f. guddu, J. A troublesome kind
of scab, mange.
r,_a^)^ idharipuni, ^r e?^8^^.

sr 8 J8^sd anenolisara, s. A
co^d adhara, .y.
Support, prop. kind of aloes.

a basis, foundation.

a security-bond.
^ jS^os* anetajanku, ^. Cassia
^a rich man.
NdJ3z3 aneduji, J. A large
^?ri adhlna, ^.
Authority, con- needle.
trol. 2. dependence ss??^
; cf.
c^As3s Pedalium
anenegilu, ^.
fi=El ananda, J. Joy, happiness, murex, a larger variety of
c3rf anaga, J^ ^^^.
fSoDD^o^j anepaduni (o'^sroS),
anarta, j^ 3$r. r.a. To lull (a baby).

ani, .
Then, at that time. fSsra^-o* anebakilu, ^. The en-
^rom tnat t^ 1116 ! trance gate of a palace. 2.
~^>' -^Q**
since then. till then. a city-gate. 3. any large
2. affixed to verbs it signifies: gate.
at the time, as 3&&*s>-& at the anemanjalu, s. Cur-
time of going. cuma zedoaria.
-idoej* anikorantu, ^. A js^* anemlnu, s. A whale;
large kernel.
ij anipuni (^c"), 7-. . To anemungu, ^.

make lean. 2. to lull. santlics in

N ane, s. An elephant. ffs5 a anhika, -s.

Daily ceremo-

thick forest inhabited by ele- Dies.

rfr?i" ;U1 j apa, s. \ kind of rice-cake.
phants. elephant-
shed. 33/3 an elephant apaga,
C!rt Then, at that

per. -^o53 a chain for time. j5? that

very moment,
f';istci,in^ an elephant. ^o instantly. ey^T^^X now and
& the trunk of an elephant. then, occasionally; gradually.
apa 47 api

!J3^ apattu ;
s. Mishap. 2. not be denoting moral and
trouble, calamity, distress. physical impossibility. tfdoS
3. danger, evil. *&>& a time added to
inf. marks empli.
of trouble. prohibition, as ^9o3j3 e?dcS
kr&3) &pi navu >
see ^"'^ thou shalt not kill, inter. ?
The copu- can or may it not be?
apini (?), v. n.
la to be that, to become that.
: imp. 3rd. p. Let it

tSo it becomes white. be, Ind p. e?33 be

tSjss^ e?^ic
have origin, grow,0.y^}tfS
2. to not);
?^S when repealed after
nouns etc. means either or,
3\i^ ej^cTli mangoes grow on
as ^cd ey^S e?c&> e?dS either
the tree. 3. to happen, occur:
3s XoTtB j^o e?c5 where did this or that man.
this happen? 4. to fit, suit: &&>,cond. It should or would
3s e5o7\ oSocT? a^oiSo this coat be. It is much used as a
fits me. 5. to be possible: polite form of request. ^?
ZZr-Q e?33ctl) it can be lifted. ot$ e?^o ?
please go away.
6. to be related to: e?o3o oSoc^ o3o o-^o I should like
^o^o ey^/arls he is my younger him to come.
brother. It is used as an e?L, adj. part. pres. t., e?oso,

auxiliary verb, e.
g. ~&$ S /. /. ws, /^r/. /. &b rfoXa a
e?c it is done, and serves practicable thing; ?cx2o ^r

also toform compound verbs : c?3 ^e;ri a finished work. ^

Cft>o<3i>2;$ to come into exis- e?O3o married, sroarooao

tence, eso5 e?fb$ to be true, to a divided land. e?oso,

be proved, etc. e?b a/^
affixed to nouns
?o5, p. t. yd p. sing. neut. and certain verbal forms,
It is done, finished. they convert them into adjec-
e?4,y . /.
ydp. sing. neut. It tives, as TjTfotf ?oso dee? an
may be or may happen : eoos?
easy work; d^szsBOSo ?fe^js?i

e?4 the crop is likely to the requisite things. The per-
turn out good. 2. when used sonal nouns formed of the
absolutely as a reply, it is above, are: e??:^o3o, efScraoSo

equivalent "yes"; &?f^ to which are similarly joined

e?4s? will you go ? ?4 yes. to s., adj. etc.
The negative forms of these e?3c3, neg. adj. part. That
tenses are :
pres. t. a^eS, p. t: which should not be, un-
per/, t.e?S^, fut. t.
becoming. 2. impracticable.
, can, shall or will 3. improper, wicked.
api 48 aya

t?5. gcr. (or adv. part. Hav- > ape, adv. Yonder, opposite.
ing become, being. 2. when ey^i'-sj^ yonder house.

affixed to s. or adj. it con- uie from the other side. O^


verts them into adv., as 3s3t\5 a^j yonder t?r the other side.

wrongly. ^ ^-?5 certainly.

apekshe, see sSe^v.
3. affixed to datives and infi- b^p^^ apole, adv. Just then
nitives it means for, in behalf e?iX. &>$\f&&<5t when
of, on account of, as sotraS on
that account, r^tfo^ssS in t5j apta, ^//. Dear, attached.
order to make. 4. affixed to 2.trustworthy, confidential.
it of one's own
pron. t:^ apte, s. An intimate friend.
accord, as ot^S &s5o3o5 he 5 friends and acquaint-
gave of his own accord (with- ances.
out being requested). 3^o:3
;:":oo aphimu, see ?fb?doo.
>g. having
not become, be-
abadu, t?y. Populous,
ing not. inhabited. 2. cultivated. 3.
a^A When it happens, hap- to
thriving. 3o^a popu-
pened or will happen. >?
late: to cultivate; to improve,
just when it happens etc.
abala, adj. Young,
i?^c7* Till it happens.
i?ctl co nd., i?ccjQ, aburu, see
emph. If
if it be, abharana, s. Ornament,
it becomes, although
it be, c^)ctS if it be so. ;
wdocio amadu, amadu, s.
2. asaconj. but, yet, though; tJ^JC3 ,

at least, even. -
Import, (ppp. export). 2. in-

can or be. come.

pot. It may
It must be or become. t;^oX^r^ amarsuni,
2. to be related to. crt>
-;| amavade, sec s?

e? 403o how is he related to you? WSJo amla, s. Acidity. 2. tama-

sSoc^ ^5o.
3 ?4s>^J he is my* rind. 3. vinegar, adj. Sour,
eJ^^S,, what
uncle. ought ?c^o^.
acid; vlg.
to happen, what is necessary. aya, s. A nurse,

sec 5odJ-
aya, s. Gain;
nouns. That which happens,
aya, ^. A foundation, base.
etc. 2. that which i- lit. _ s^^oa to lay a foundation.
possible, practicable.
r. Measure, proportion.
apungene, see to regulate or lix the

apule, sec e?i'3e. limits. &$'$ to measure.

iya 49 a,ra

ayakattu, ayi- ayurdSya, ^. Term

kattu, s. Fixing the limits of period of life.
a field etc. 2. regulation, ^ro ayurbala, s. Strength
arrangement. adj. Choice, according to age. 2. a good
excellent. 3 ^e/3 a well constitution.
executed work. 3 &3 select JojS? ayushya, s. Age, dura-
people. rf sra^tf a choice ex- tion of term of life.
pression, excellent speech. aye, pron. He. sj'cdjscij

a, s. Docility, tract

every one, each (man). 2.

it is joined to participles
ayatta, .r.
Preparation, etc. to
form personal nouns,
readiness; also oso^.
as 3os?o^o3o one who does,
ayana, s. A festival in con- -&>*$ 37>c3o one who did, ^o^o
nexion with a temple, a^soSo one who did not do ;

aya, str
ayavun 7'.
ayere, a^'. On that side,
To di a foundation. ^?o3oTS on this
beyond (opp.
sod^ s-cSoT? on that side
To winnow. of the river. iPoSoTSK ^rf^S) to
yti^X ayasa, s. Fatigue, weari- cross a river.
ness. 2. indisposition. 3.
ayya, ^6^
trouble, vexation,
see wbd. oDs ayyeru,
aru, dfcw. ^/"/9. (
i ayita, see

^^ yd p. of e?o3o ^ e?), They,

?'. ^. that person. ?T3? cinph.
|) ayinavu,
himself, none but he. 2. zV w
ay is a, see to participles to form-
ayu, see .efcdoo^. personal nouns., as
ayudha, ^. A weapon, in- one who goes, ^Peoao^S one
strument. who went, ^e^oo?ra5 one who

a. To did not go.

ayuni (sfod^, .

select, choose. 2. to gather, fu ara, A termination occur-

pick up; cf. 93ti^?). ring some nouns and
ayuni (?odo'j, 7 -. . To meaning home, place or loca-
ford, cross, go over. r. . To lity, as soo^BTi
lodging; 59

blow ; 4^*3 ^ajoocrfo the wind 3 ,

blows; cf. <?/^. names of villages.

aram 50 aro

; arambha, ^. Commence-
ment, bog inning. 3j^a to To worship, adore.
make a beginning, to begin.
3^ aravuni, sec &^
do^^ arambhipuni (^ ^ arige, s. A belch.
?'. a. To begin. e?a^.
to belch; r/~.

ra^e, sec ^*: cf. SDtfosj.

aride, ^~f.
. cC3s arata, arada, s. The
ariya, '/. Stop! hold!
concluding part of a temple
feast, including bathing the- ariye, J^r
arune, ^. Contentment,
irtn aranya, see 3^ ,

arati, s. Wave-offering, con- c~^ aruni ('-?-),
7'. //. To grow
sisting in waving lamps etc, cool, cold (>f
dry. 2. to be cool,
2. the lamp for wave-offering.
dry. 3. to distend, grow stout :

ccc^j^ to offer, wave W032 !>& the belly to distend
frankincense etc. v-^ s s~ a etc.
censer. cfb?ssr a lamp with
r.~qi arudha, adj. Ascended,
one wick, y-JB^z, u metal mounted, s. Ascending, climb-
plate for wave-offering. ing.
- ' * Q vft 4"! C/'^ 9 ^~
;3 alabl, J6fc *r&r.
6 are, sec &j<3.
trC^Td arabhara, J. Responsibi- ?o.
arede, sec
lity, care.
y^C'^, a 6^ arekti, areike, ^. Pro-
.trabhya, .s.
Beginning, com-
tection, care of, nursing, nou-

mencement. ?-?s5^^ from

the beginning of the world.
rishing. ^o#^s> to protect,
nurse, nourish.
fj^o^o since you
^o^^^ ^^^ <z6{Z^ areisuni r

#. To
began doing; cf. e?3c2p. (^c3), .

w053c)Ci aravara, s. An usufructu- expect, wait for, look for. 2.

to desire, wish A<Y.

ary mortgage. ~t>3) a deed of
such mortgage. arolummu, s. A
kind of fish.
teDDii arata, s. Tottering, shak-
ing; ^u. -z~- -'.-:. d arolumara, ^. A kind
of tree.
WD'Scy^seL^ aradupopini, : . //-.

To walk arm in arm or hand 'rd-'^fl arogane, ^. A meal, re-

in hand. past. ^Jtfv- to take a meal,

.Idhane, s. Worship, arogya, s. Health,

adoration, prayer. strength. 2. comfort, happi-
aro all

?, a J3?sJfl aropa, aropane, aryayeru, s. A cas-

Imputation, accusation. trated buffalo.
2. a false charge. arye, s. An Aryan. 2. a
&>&?&> aropisuni (ej-tfjs^cj),
man of the Arya caste.
z'. a. To impute, accuse arvade, see
unjustly, charge with. arvara, see
djs^core arohana, -y.
climbing, mounting. To despise, defy, set at naught.
r 320- Ascension day,
2. to disparage, efster-5 csgrks
6J3^ aroli, s. The last leaf of
to talk disparagingly or defi-
a cocoa-palm-branch.
^rF arka, s. A bow. 2. an arch.
ala, ^. The silk-cotton tree,
^jr^ arkuni C^ ^),

v.. To Salmalia Malabarica also


cry out, shout. _rf 33r silk cotton.

^FS Acquired, ac-
arjita, adj. s. The act of
cumulated, inherited, as tgsj
22r3 patrimonial. ;ro3Fg self-
alamba,^. Seizing. 2. kill-
acquired. eo5^ inherited
ing. 3. a violent death.
wealth or property.
ejct alade, s. A kind of de-
arti, s. Pain, distress. ^'. mon's shrine.
Afflicted, distressed, sorrow-
oo ff
alada ballu, see 55<K)5.

IF One who is alaya, s. An abode, house.

e? arte, s. afflicted.
2. any superior edifice, ^o&roo
$ ardupopini, see e?
orfothe body. ^?ssaodo a

temple; a church, Chr.

J. The sixth lunar
ts^rardre, alasu, see efe^S.
mansion, a arionis, when it
rains heavily. t>?io alasya, s. Weariness. 2.

idleness, laziness, sloth.

^reJ, s^^reJ, t?^rfe3 arbata,
arbhata, arbhate, s. Fearful
noise, uproar. 2. a joyful cry, alapane, s.
a tune.
triumph. 3os?o^ to roar,
shout, triumph. alapisuni (eye^Lco)^
o3oF arya, \n. To hum a tune, to sing.
ay. Noble, respecta-
ble, belonging to the Aryans. alasu, see &)s5.

e?prfje>r^F the country bet- )

ali, J. Breath, life, strength.
ween the Himalaya and _
80^s> to pant, be fatigued,
Vindhva mountains. tired. zoel 5 ^ecrfo the breath
ali 52 asca

isgone. or exhausted. la avedi, -s'. A burnt offering;
visual strength. cf.
eys^S. -^Lrft to offer
:& ,
tr>cC3*r alikallu, ali- a sacrifice.

parndu, ^. Hailstone. s! s. Possession by

t5s3 ale, s. A press, mill, as ^o spirits, demoniacal posses-
ecord a sugarcane mill. zz> sion. -s^ft to be possessed
tkft a mill to work. with a devil, be in a frenzy.

e^listen to, to
J ?> aleisuni (3c3),r.
hear attentively.
. To avodu, see fcs.

^, isada, sec e?^?.

Ss25jJ?tf aloka, J. Seeing, a view. asakruta, ^/. Avari-
2. light. 3. panegyric, efds? cious, covetous, greedy.
tfp an object of sight. j>^35>S asamari, s. A covetous
^'^-l^EcN alocane, s. Reflection, person.
investigation, thought. -rfj^ asige, 5^ ^?~^, 533^'^.
ft to consider, reflect on. X To
asipuni (S), 7-. .

to advise, to give one's

rf^ft wish, desire.
opinion. ^f^rC, w^^STDrd aslrvacana,
aslrvada, s. Benediction, bles-
avande, avad^, tt tfjsL-^. s:e
w avade, J. A kind of bean,
cl avade, see c?2bft.
o), t'. a. To bless, confer a
avara, postp. On account blessing.
of. ssoadd on that account.
2* ase, ^. Desire, longing, wish.
cocfcr^'d on this account. 2. expectation, prospect, hope.
^^ir a covetous man.
avartane, ^. Revolution. vo^
2. repetition. to re- ft have a wish. .-=5^ft to be
peat. disappointed, to have lost hope,
>36. to despair of. ?3lft.
f avalu, see eoo:^^

avalu, ^.
Yawning. ^ to give
up hope, to
to hold out
abandon a
L to yawn, gape. -iCi&a^ft
hope. to wish, covet.
t?sjSo avasya, 3oVoy'.
avu, ^v ?:<
ascarya, -y. Wonder, sur-
tt-^?o avusa, ^ ^l:^ to wonder, be
t>d ave, s. A potter's kiln, an surprised. -Zi3zz>3)Z> to .

^^ft to open rfj^ft to

~^^T r
, nisli, surprise.
a kiln. ^ ^ ''lay. make wonders, perform a mi-
aira 53 aspa

racle. ^zngiJ, rioX3 a won- ^J^ asana, ^. stool, seat. A $

derful or remarkable thing or djrrf:i the judgment seat, ao
affair. 5o3rf?i a throne. 2. the anus.
2! asrama, s. A hermitage. 2.
sjo 5b&. _ AGTj3^3 an anal fis-

one of the four stages of tula.

Brahminical ?.
life, c. o Wj^
^s Q
tJ3 ^o* asaru, ^. Thirst. 2. that
a a bachelor, student; which slakes thirst. ^jsbrs
a householder sra: ;
an to give to drink.

anchorite; 3?rooa an ascetic. ^Jd asara, ^. Refuge, support.

id) asraya, s. Support, re- 2. protection, patronage; cf.

fuge. 2. protection, reliance.

3. dependence. 3jdl*r& to asarme, ^. Management
give protection, patronise, of a family, care of a house-
seek shelter. ^ hold.
to depend upon. asida, see er^tl

asrayipuni (^^j^so), asimi, J. A

person, an
v. a. To seek shelter, individual. 2. a customer. 3.

^i asrite, s. A dependant, a debtor.

asige, ^. A mattress, bed;
2p35t allesha, ^. The ninth also sos&^.
lunar mansion; also ?^
?rf. ij asu, see &&
,,5. The seventh lunar
ase, see s?^.
month (September-October). ^ Protection,
ssU3. t?Se)^ ashada, ashadha, shelter, countenance.
^. The fourth lunar month ^.
n^ asti, Property, wealth,
(June-July). estate. croo3o, _^o^ a man
i^ asu, J. A weaver's warp of property.
before starching. 2. a web,
?3 aste, <z^ ;
Gently, slowly.
texture; cf. E^^S^CJ- ^020,
_ -&ri rUD^ asthana, ^. An assembly.
the rake of a weaver's 9
2.' a hall of audience.
?o 3 aspatri, s. An hospital.
^S 3D^ asupasu, ^. Proximity, <x) ^
ri ci aspada, J. Place to stand
vicinity, environs, neighbour- 00 .

hood, adv. Round about. on, basis, support. 2. pro-

asakta, adj. Attached, de- tection, refuge, shelter. 3.

means; oSooT? cro<y

f^^ ey^vrf
voted. 2. zealous, active. OJ vW

s. de- 1 have no means of livelihood.

3-3^ asakti, Diligence,
-votion, attachment. drtf aspasu, see
asra, 54 ing-i

asranne, s. A kind of alu, w 3>)f

priest. ^ ala, ^. Depth, adj. Deep, pro-

asvada, s. Ability, power; found.

faculty. 2. estate, property; ala, <//'. Ruined, waste;

wealth, riches; see ?~^-
e^c^stf. sue e*3.
300=03^ ahankara, sec all,

go's aha, intj. of joy or sorrow, like, i\ Reign, government.

ahara, s. Food, provision, alita, j^ si^a.

sustenance. aluni (^), 7'.rt. To rule,

ahaha, intj. Alas, ha! govern, reign. e?o?3^> a gov-

an ernor. t?\rj?raf a governess.
ahuta, adj. Offered as
aluvike, alvike, s.
oblation in fire. sr^^
ahuti, s. A sacrifice. Reign.
tr^jdi aluve, ^. A family-name of
alu, s.
person. A2. a la-
some Bants.
bourer, hired person. 3. a
,r{ almage, ^. A servant.
messenger. e^e^f a strong
tj^^sj s. Objection.
man; a chieftain. akshepa,
?'' alu, pers. pron. fern. sing.
2. blame, censure.

The third letter of the to divide,

alphabet. In MSS. it is very separate. tf>& to be divided,

often written os:>. Words not separated, as brothers .

found under this letter should in^allka, see ^o-hdrf.

be sought for under oso. ^o
in^avuni, c.v. (of
inka, adj. Base, inferior, Xor'i)
To cause to dry.
mean. ^ oh ingi, <?<//. Crooked. 2. false,

inki, see spurious, as a i-nin.

ingu, j jtf ingillka, S. Vermilion.

ingada, s. Separation, dis- Tichd ingita, ^. A hint, shrug,

tinction, ndj. DistiiR-i. gesture. _'. 1, secret

l)arat': also thought. 3. intent, purpose.

ingu imbe

inguduni tion, conjuring. 2. enchant-

To stoop. ment. 3- artifice, stratagem;
inguni (3^). r. n. To cf. SDorfj3;7)(;.

absorb, as water, to dry. 2. to indrajitu, s. A son of

sink in, as eyes from disease ; Havana.
also sicKS ^p?L^.
indraprasta, ^?. Delhi.
En S lish 2 a
or^ %")* s - - -

indrabale, J. A kind of
church. zxlg) the English fish.

writing or language. indriya, s. An organ of

inca, adv. Thus, so, in this sense. 2. male power, semen
manner; ss^ 9o^ not this
virile. 3. sensual desires or
but that way. trooSo such
appetites. 3ci5?oajoi3 the five
and such a man. ^c^, cmf>h. senses.
just so. f^oel^ such, of this indre, ^. The chief of the
kind or sort.
secondary divinities, supposed
irici, tfflfr. Here, in this to preside over the elements,
treoSo a man of this
to be the giver of rain, and
place, or of this age. the guardian of the east (in
zS^rij iricogu, #afr'. Lately, Sanskrit Indra).
recently. s.
od,, 'Sodjo indre, indrye,
J305j injayi, Small, little.
A Jain priest,
injinu, j

. An engine, inne, see *3.

impu, s. Agreeablcness,
injilu, -J. The New Testa-
delightfulness, pleasantness.
ment, as styled by Mussul-
SJdS?* imbalu, imbllu,
see f^od.
indu, see eroorfo.
oso^ imbale, ^. A stout silver
'Siod indu, inda, see ^?o5.
or gold bracelet.
indi, intj. used to call
imbu, s. Place, room, space.
attention. Behold, look, take
2. refuge, shelter. 3. opportu-
notice, observe. 2. there,
nity, adj. Broad, wide.
take this. ^08 please see,
imbe, dem. pron. m. This
come, or take.
man. ^owf. ^0833^, ^odjstfo
indi, s. Oil-cake; bet. ^oci.
this woman ; plur. ^odS> this
cm.pron. This. person, used honor ifically,
this alone; see
as a polite form of the sing,
s. Decep-
indrajala, m. or f.; cf.
imbo 56

imbolu, sje ^=2. and seven inches long.

a gold pagoda worth thirteen
immada, The heel.
~,o^o3r> immadi, imma- gold fanams or four rupees.
,^, ikkei, s. Both hands. 2.
dige, adj. Double, two-fold; ^
an ambidexter.
also f^ra.
'S- ikdi, see
Lojj, 'So^JSCrf immukha,
immone, adj. Double faced. iguti,

?^ ikara, adi\ Hither, this rid igada, s. Difference, mis-

side. understanding; also Xtl

~ ikku,
see <^'. ,

Fiction, inven-
< <f
c ,& ikkudi, s.
igidi, ^<?
iguru, ^. A bud, germ
'a ^fo* ikkattu, lit. two bands, s. or tender shoot.

Narrowness, difficulty, strait- iguruni (^XoS), ?. .

ness, poverty. ty-l-s to be To bud, germinate or shoot

confined, pent up. 2. to be up.
in troubles. ^^BS B^reoja, arb Siiggnni(^), t'.. To draw^
gojstfja to encounter diffi-
culties, to be in straits, adj. . iccadi, ^//'. Double, two-
Narrow, strait. fold.

a^,Q ikkadi, see co5,a. -ssSo^ iccirna, s. Wonder.

's^d ikkade, ^. Both sides. ^2^, "a^ icce, icche, s. Wish,
tr to- '. u '
desire. 2. appetite. 3. relish,
^s ^oJ 1

ikkalpa, ^
delight, ^.j^to^s^ according
'S^.V ikkale, see

w to one's desire or wish, as one


tinguish, put out, as

ikkavuni, t

. <7. To
wish, long
^^ to

5 ^s?L^ to be extinguished.
J. Trouble. 2. importu-
^^ikkunif^^), v.a. To put, ^jsLra to trouble, im-
serve up, as food.
portune; c/. oo2i-
fc,$, 5.^j,s? ikkuli, ikkule, j. jso5 ijaru, s. Trousers.
A pair of pincers or tongs, aru-
ikkeri, s. The residence ddye, ijarudire, ^. An abkari
of the late Lingait kings of (liquor) contractor. 2. a man
Bednore. ssd^i ^,
~ _^o^3 ?i
wearing trousers.
kingdom of these rulers. 2DOri ijirige, ^. An abkari
^JB?S;J a measure of two feet contract.
57 3 ita

llft HJe, An impotent man.

idupulu, J

d!^*" ijinu, Cinnamon. a

.v. 'Sd ida, ^^ !^-

^3jrf the cinnamon tree. 3

^TS^a idakatteri,
cinnamon oil
aa idi, adj. Entire, whole. o
z3 ijji, the whole day.

Negation of existence; not A

'S^^oo^ idimudi, s. stout
to exist, not to be- It is re- 3
person, adj. Pinioned.
gularly conjugated only in to bind fast, pinion.
the present and perfect tenses,
^doozj.; sx> idumbulu, ^. (w wrest-
through persons. Zjc^ero
ling} The act of seizing each
not even one. sroe^ there
other tightly with both hands.
is nothing. r
03 <3ci ide, s. Place, room, space.
I have no money,
2. an abode. 3. interval, space
.CA3CZ33 ^3 have you any chil-
<JU between. 4. interval of time,
dren? no. Interr. ^" is
occasion. 5. a split, chasm,
there not? Einph. ? ^
not in the least, not at all.
ide, idegu, adv. Here,
Used as a disjunctive con-
hither, so far. ^oou^
junction: ^.353 if not, or;
to, so long; so far, thus far;
either or. <%* CD not exist-

ing, absent.
^ <"
cd without;
also <^.
'sz3 idekaji, s. A bracelet
J ^Q CA)

with an indented brass rim.

ittu, s. Flour.
M 2. half
idekei, s. Aid, help.
lj itta, J^ f^si,.
grown corn (^zf^oso).
eJ.d, ^13,8 ittare, ittire, ^. A
GO dasd idetara, adj. Middling,
mortice, cavity cut into a
2. inferior. ~& 3l a middle
piece of timber to receive the sized tree.
end of a beam or plank. 2. a
rl^D^idenali, s. The inner part
stone placed under a beam.
of a temple. 2. the three cir-
itti, s. The jaw; cf.
* cuits of a temple.
lrt ittig'e, ^. A brick.
U dg^t^ idtapidta, s. Experience.
ittide, ^. Narrowness. r
jf.a. To
vJ 2i idpini( 'iS), place,
83.0 ittiri, j". A nightingale. put down.
feooSo, 'S^S.edj itteyi. ittevu. JT. cl ine, see <%.
A kind of medicinal plant. ^Me>o ff, ^. Confidence,
^ idi^kidka, ^'^/".
Half trust. a??;^,
_^;.^a to be-
ground, coarse, rough. lieve, trust.
ita 58 ibbi

itabari, s. A confident, j
aa iddi, see

trustworthy person, s^ ina, see ^

r itariji,
see ^S. Qtft inate, ^
;?^ itihasa, s. History, tra- Evil disposition.
ditional accounts of former
2. defeat, discomfiture.
inimu, ^. A gift, present.
:. ittanda, s. Both parties
^Lrs> to give a present or
or sides.
f ittattu, s. Both sides or
QJ $ ini, aiir. To-day. ^ up to or
places. 2. both banks of a for this day. 5 from this day.
river, etc. A a
cS ine, j-.
couple, pair. 2.

T^D*, ^^3, "3^,3- ittaru, itta- companion, mate. !??.-% to

ra, ittaru, .;/'.

Enough. be a match. 2. to pair (obsc^)
D inkaru, ^. Abnegation.
-'J^ : a to abnegate. 2. to re-

s ro
ittille. 5. A written report. fuse.
to report in writing, ''.a. To
^ ^ inpini (^), say,
ittlrna, J. Sickness. tell. 2. to speak; a/sj&^.
#</:'. Now, at present.
'alp itte, iparlta- ^ff ~^D?S.
just now, thi's mo-
ipuni, Jt^
;^/>/;. t^'

ment, immediately. 554 of

T'-^&t ippadita,
s. lit. Double
the present time. 2o^ now
stripes; a wale, the mark of
for once, for the present. a rod or whip on animal flesh.
f^^ 2oc:35
t> 3 ippaisha, s. Both parties
one and afterwards another,
or sides.
a proverbial expression for
s. Long pepper.
ik-kleness or duplicity, "to ippilij

l)lo\v hot and cold''. Piper luugnui ;
ippuni (^),
i\ n. To be,
exist also
;- ityartha, s. Decision, de-
ippuli. sir ^'^e?-
.nination, settlement.

^ to decide, determine, 2,3^

_ rSotf
ippe, s.

the olive tree.

The olive fruit.

; ityidi, These and others, ^ ibiiti, s. S.-irred

ra. with which .

ad-c. Till his forehead.
now. ibbirel^, s. Two fingers
ibbu 59 irkei

united by a membrane (web- iriyuni (^ 5 ), r 1 . //. To

fingers). fall, drop, as fruits, leaves
ibbudlu. s. A kind of etc. ^&S ^eL^ to miscarry.
O v
cucumber. To rub or squeeze bet-
v. a.

~~;o ima, s. Snow; bet. ween the hands, to knead see ;

^0^) imini, sec 3o<3J>.

irisalu., see
-3,^0 ime, s. An eye-lash; rt/.y<9

u cr rj ^o
* cfm r^o-j^i irubu, see eroiior.
J <3

's.ojjdo^, 'SOjos^ iyai'uni, iya- ri iruvanti^e, s. An

vuni (i-3So5, f^ojoS), rtf. 7>. To Arabian jessamine.
be sufficient; ^>r^j. or fut. $rd jSjG* iruveru, j^ <^^F'5.

pcrs. n. ^odotio, f^odo^,, it will be A

ire, ^. leaf (of a plant).
enough or sufficient; also 3s a plantain-leaf.
cdoo^. 'if iio a^b^SoTS (odj^) he is a betel leaf.
tobacco. $3
likely to come; past. irekalli, J. A kind of milk-
> it is enough;
hedge-plant, Euphorbia ni-
f^oiorfcS it is not
enough or sufficient.
A kind of parrot.
iregili, s.
o3o3 iyere, s. This side (of a
6 '-3D 4*3 S irebavoli, s. A bat.
iyye, d.v. Yes; cf.
o5. 6^ irelu, J.-6' 5^^. 2. shadow.

Pci} iyyodu, ^ f
. This year,
also S'3'5.

irolu, J-6'6' ^?^jaf.

iru,prefix signify ingT\\o,
double, both, e. ^. ^30-5 two- irku, J. The night. ~*7l$

fold, f^sroro3j double edged, day and night.

>3J both sides in some ; I
AFE'S* irkannu, s. Inability to
the & assimilates to the :
see by night, night-blindness.
consonant following-, e.g. ^eS
SDF^ irkivuni, c. r.
$),To make less. 2. to extin-
iruveru, sec guish. 3- to stop, disturb. 3.s>

irijtsilu, ^. A remittance to extinguish or put out
to the treasury. fire.

'S do u v irambala, s. Twenty seers. :

s ->F5> irkuni

(^^~), ^. w. To
ad^s)3; s
irakasu, s.
Sulphate of abate, lessen, be reduced. 2.

iron. to be disturbed. 3. to be

'SS Abatement of intoxi- quenched; also pQ^VS sgpeLs.

iri, J.

cation. ,^ irkei, J. Both hands. 3&

irda 60 irme

to give a blow transverse laths or slij

with both hands spread out. bamboos, palms

irda, set' z-3&3. -'^, ^ irbalyuni (^ar ^


irnalayi, s. Double To be benumbed.

tongue. WDrojj irbiyi, 5. A double
'S^FS irnali, s. A double pulse. &
~d 5 a double edged sword.
2. a carpenter's boring tool. 3 o5,3 a snake,
^ a swelling of the throat. irbu, sec t-v

" "
-":." ri. irnudu, num. Two hun-
dred, 7-. w. To curdle, be decom-
'S^JSF^ irnulu, ^. A double posed, as milk etc.

^F^ irpakki, s. A bat. isiiForl irmande, s. Two v

i-^^ irpadake, adj. Ripe and


placed on the same hearth.

2. a large forehead 3. a very
'3~S Double ration. large vessel.
irpadi, s.
SJora^ irmadike, adj. Double,
'ssJFd, raF irpale, irpale, ^.
two fold; sec ^^5>. <^c~r;->.
A kind of net. 2. a double leaf.
^. Horripilation.
_d s^ a mat.
2. rising up, as of corn shoots.
Sfl^d irpude, 5. Both sides.
sliF^F irmarlu, j>\ FickK--
~z irpude, s. A double load.
mindedness, unsteadiuess. -.

irpe, A kind of fish.
s. idiocy.

'S^r i^r irportu, J. A whole day 3F irmarle, ^. A h'ckle-

and minded man. 2. an idiot.

(forenoon afternoon),
twice a day. sS a whole
5e'J -_--;jrrd)F irmirpu, s. Two
2or3or. fathoms.
day's labour; 6/.

'j.^ri irbadi, Double, two- -f* irmmu, s. A kind of

fold. fish.

irbalappu, s. A double -fl, -3doJF^irmune,irmune,

-J.atwist. 3. tight-
s. A double od.L'e
r point.
no^-. -t a donlile poii
n-i',1 j'n;- v,
riling on
JT^ irbalipuni
r'. <7. To tie a cloth ro'iiul palmyra
the waist, to gird (the loins). -^ irmena,

_'. to fasten a thatched irmei, J.

"^st-^ irmeyi,
with double ropes aver it. ]!utl 2. a cloth of
'J^r J
irbale, irba'e, .v. different nhm; 'nrc
A double- brar-'l-'t. 2. double on each side.
rmi 61 ishta

irmone, ile, s. A hair. 2. a fibre

'F irlu, irlu, .y.
Dusk, 3. a fold, plait. ^jsaS three-

darkness, night. fold. o3oe how many fold:

irla, s. Two seers. <^OF&

two seers of rice. ile, see <?8.

irva, num. Twenty. ?3

.^ ilkuni, see ,.
twentieth A
illu, s. house, dwelling.
irvande, see ^^"ozf.
2. a family.
" ^ OO
S, f^ejs
f at
irvala, see <^vr. home, in the house.
irvara, */?'. A second iBe>$ to go home.

time, twice. the inmates of a house. ^wo,

?> to build a house.
irveru, (personal form
of the numeral tfSy Two 'S.^eoJSdo illaburu,
s. A kind of
persons. creeper used in thatching
S^FO irveri, s. A medicinal roofs and plaiting baskets and
plant, Andropogon muri- small boxes.
catum. 'a era 73* illasu, j^ ^re^.
;&jFoj| irvonde, ^. Two kudtas ^^ oo3.
ille, m
or eight fluid ounces,
ishta, i//'. Acceptable,
irvolu, see ospiatfo.
agreeable, pleasant, wished,
irvolu, a^f. Two times, cherished, beloved. La ^^H
twice ^s to be loved, cherished.
; cf. ^>
?;e>F25 irsalu, odor a desired-for event; an
'STs^-, ^^s)^ ilaki, ilake, J. (in object which pleases one. &
language) A depart-
friends. ^o3o a dearly be-
ment, a branch-office. loved friend. $.?&( sa-

Belonging or attached to a voury food, a favourite dish.

department. J. Wish, desire. 2. friendship,
ilaci, J. A female's cloth. familiarity, love. ?rtfc\a to

J^ ^areodoS.
break off friendship. ^o
to make friendship, to
ilalu, 5-. A large torch,
love, like.
ili, J^ .33.

J^ ^93s7)&.
^ (P r v-) three blows to him
ilijaru, who makes love, and three
iliyuni, .. To fall, measures of ghee to him
tumble, come down. who causes discord.
ishta 62

ishtasiddhi, s. Attain- isara, isarat\j, s.

ment or fulfilment of one's A sign, hint.
^, QX^ ise, isen^ji, a^ 1
. Now;
s. Friend-
3S^,C3e)d ishtacara, at once; cf. ^3.
y .j
ship, familiarity.
?i), 'Si^dJ iskru. iskuru, s.
s>.?}^, ishtanishta, adj. Liked q)
so so
and disliked. 2. good and
A screw.
bad. 5^0
J- O 2;* istambnlu, s . A T u rkish
ishtanna, see os^tfLs?;^. gold coin worth about Rs. 2
~e>,.^ ishtanpitve, s. Simple As. 8.
5j ^ s"'

imprisonment. istara, see a^tJ.

qSr ishtartha, -y. The object isti-
o *, 'S.^oOoDD* istyar^,
of desire. 2. the highest good, s. A notice. ?^>3o a

ishte, J. A compa-
friend, notification; an advertise-
^^ and foe.
friend ment.
^:3c 5;5 >
relatives and friends. A smoothing iron.
Ao istri, s.

s,^, 'S.-: isu, isi, m//. express- iron wash-

ing disgust. ed clothes.
'a^O" isylu, ^. Whistling. ss
3o$ to whistle.
faf, ^^^ ispit^, ispety, J.

^^ Playing cards.
a3 isa, ^M-
75* AS islfgidi, s. A kind of
'a^zj^oa* isabakuly, ^. The seed o*>

of Plant-ago Ispaghula.
isse, ^^'

<3,roojoAS, 3?i^.oon isamungi- ^ o

s. Crinum de- iha, ^. The present state.

li, isamungli,
flexum. tt this world and that to
'S.nSd^o* isarabery, J. The root come.
of the plant Aristolochia S^cf ilijarv, ?. A slope, slop-
Indica. ing ground. 2. slipperiness.

3.36 isare, Jtv ^^. oioj^, iliyuni (^9), t'.w. To

, 'SiJo, isavi, isvi, J. The slip out or down, to slide;
Christian era.
63 lya

I, The fourth letter of the be equal, to match, pair; s^

alphabet. In MSS. it is often ;&>Xo ^nsLa to be liable to

written osus. sin.


? I, pron. 2nd per s.

sing, Thou ; iduge, idege, a^z'.

emph. ^?o3oe even thou. In vain; ^. ?&;*.

s 1, dent. pron. This or these; idi, ^<f<? i^-

as & e?f this boy, 3s a ide, idegij, j^ ^,

these people.

ine, J. A lute, a fretted

mgudavuni, t. v. (of musical instrument of the
To cause to stoop. guitar kind; also e5??3, >es3.

dsoAo^o^ mguduni, itu, indef. num. So much,

so many; emph. ^s^e just so
inguduni, see
much, only so much. ^^5

mcilu, see
J. The sago-palm, pl. so
many (people), ^
3o, ^?33fSo^ so far, as far as
Caryota urens. ^?
this, up to this. ^s^or,
imbala, s. A kind of leech. 3*
^si^oou^ so far, so long.
imbe, ^t'. This side, here; ^c=3 is this all? ^?3s5 being
cf. ^t>5jj. so; nevertheless. <^3s (^?
ikkane, J. An arrow.
-e?i) so and so much or

icilu, ^. The wild date. so and many; with neg.


the wild it denotes unlimitedness not :

Phcenix a little, inexpressible.
3$fcjo> icuni, ljuni (3sS", ?c3dojy. idanenge, Ida-

z-. . To swim. mutta, see ^?NCT^, &ev3c7<

under ^?.
itu, J. Manure,
(of land). 2. fat, sap. srozlis> ipini (^5), z-.. To shoot
to manure. (an arrow).
A lance, spear. ipe, aafe'. This side. d 8B?i
iti, ^.

^. A pledge, pawn. 2 an people on this side or part.

idu, .

voc^o^ to stand a^j this side.

security. Aa^s to deposit

a pledge, to pawn. e?b$ to iyavu, see

lya 64 undu

lySvandu, irulli- see S
ryyandu, ^^ facoocS under ^

j . The tender
fruit of the palmyra tree.
33JF8 irpadi, see ^rs,.
6 lyere, see
^5^ ise, s. A lord, master.
iru, /<r^5. pron. (pi. o
z/.y^ in 35^,3 isvara, The eleventh year
You, tionorifically j
of the Hindu cycle.
addressing a person.
irangade, s. Separation. isvaraberu, see

rs irana, s. A small drum.

irinti, s. A cricket. ^9^,6 isvare, J". The Supreme

oj ^

Iruni (^s5). r. . & n. To Being. 2. a name of Siva.

rub off, be worn out. ^?55 657733*7^ Isatugu, Wz Instantly, F


&oL$ to undergo wear and this moment.

tear, wear off, be reduced -to??vO^ isuni (^e3), f. a. To
to powder. 2. to pick up. scrape.

ero u, The fifth letter of the
b^ undapi-
alphabet. In MSS. it is often ni, unddduppuni, sec crootSo.

written 4'- S^fo* undi, undicltu,

unka, s. Dirtiness, filthi- . A bill of exchange; bet.

ness; cf.
^c5. cOC^.

ooh^ ungila, s. A ring. -8335" Siri undige, s. A sheaf of straw.

the ring-finger. :fo>eeoo7\> a undiye, J '<'
plain ring. j undu, d?. T-. There is, or
ea>crL3^ unguta, ungu-
orloeJ, exists. 2. in answer to croozro.

shta, s. The great toe. -e3r5i CA)otf.t? is there? and other

the thumb.
questions: there is, yes. 3 iviS/i .

uriguru, see CA)oax)-ao and ttie dative case it

possession. ^oF yoz-&> I huvi-.
uic croooD?.^ to come into <

undidibatte, J. A tence, to spring up, arise;

lazy fellow given to gluttony. that which has
undu 65 ukka

occurred, what is really a umburu, J. A kind of

fact, what exists,
small leech; also &to&<&.
a to exist. to create, umbe, see croowo^.
produce; to invent. ^os^ro umboli, J. A freehold,
o3o the Creator.
land granted without rent.
tnjo^o^ort unduluga, s. A kind 2. any present, donation gra- ;

of fried cake. tuitous service.

sroozS unde, s. A ball, globe.
orfoi, umma, ummap-
2. a ball-shaped confection.
(when startled], mean-
pa, int.
ing Who knows? 2. 1 do not
erv>od, voozi? unde, undye s.

sheaf of straw ; cf. know.

undluga, ummi, see eroso.

^ untavuni, . ?'.
(of wo ummuge, see auosootf.
To cause to stand up. The purple
ummuta, s.
2. to detain, stop. ripei
thorn-apple, Daturafastuosa
to allow further time to a which is said to cause mania.
debtor to pay his debt. see crooaio^.
untuni (croc), -u, n. To ummuru, see
stand. 2. to remain, stay. 3.
urndula, see
to stop, cease.
urnde, s. A lump. 2. a
roo<3o undu, pers. pron. neui. morsel.
This, eroorf^ozS besides this,
urndeburu, J. The
moreover. ^/. croocS^o^o these,
smooth-leaved heart-pea, the
unnata, <z^. High, lofty,
creeper Cardiospermum ha
tall, supreme. licababum.
osoofi, 'JuowosS voos3 umbuge,
eAio^re3 ff
urndelu, adj. Round,
umbucce, umbe, The white J.
circular. sroodorf small rice
flowered thorn-apple, Datura
pastry balls baked or boiled
alba,- also tfjasro with sugar and milk or
D.fastuosa; see cocoanut juice.
umbuca, J. A kind of eroodo rrl urndluga, see eroo-rfo^oA.

woS ero^?,^* ukalu, ukkalu,
o^z3 umbuda, s. A kind of Vomiting. 2. an emetic.
colibry. cholera.
io^o^ umbude, adj. Globular ^Jjd ukkada, ukkuda,
and small, s. Chewed betel, ^. A
small boat. 2. a look-

umbudepakki, s. A out place between the bounds

kind of bird; cf. of two towns.
ukka 66 uja

ukkavuni, i^rij ugre,

s. A passionate man.

ukki, .y. Steam; cf *rt^,
&s3- e ucapati, s. Dealings on
?'. To credit.
ukkuni (w^),

boil, bubble up. 2. to run


To exceed the bounds of

. .

over in boiling. 3. to swell

oo^ors. propriety either in word or
up, spring up; cf.
ugaru, adj. Brackish ; also
ucita, adj. Proper, sui-

table, fit. s. A gift. troEasaS

ugadi, see
freely, gratis.
ugipuni (WT\), r.w. To
spit out.
^^^ uccakacca, s. Quarrel,
fight? 2. see
rtoda uguraddige, s. A neck-
uccakitta, -s^ oo^^u.

lace with chasings 0r engra-

vings like finger nails. uccaya, see &3&i'&.

uguru, s. A nail, claw. uccaripuni(w-^ 8), 7-. a.

a whitlow. t3si
tepid, To utter, pronounce.
lukewarm. uccalu, j^ <^>"?> 5.

rljjjozj^do ug-uruburu, j. The

N uccatane, -y.
creeper Daemia extensa.
evil spirits.
ug-gra, ^. Over-boiled rice;
A t5i) oJj, uccaya, J^ w^3o.
cf. ;&Xr.
Ue)d, uccara, ucca-
uggi, s. A handle. 2. a hook.
Zy ir

fek$ to fasten a hook rane, s. Pronunciation.

also ;

uccalu, s. A hammer.
w. To uccava, ^r^ CTO^SO.
ugguni '. "

stammer. 2. to spurt, c?^ ucci, J. A snake. 2. a worm.

5 blood to flow by spurts. oSoo a kind of fish.

erort & uggelu, s. A well.

uccikatta, s. A loose

ugra, </^//'. Angry, vehement, knot. 2. spots on the skin

passionate. 2. cruel, s. Wrath, of serpents.

rage. crofisjLa to be angry. uccu, ^. A snake, serpent;

rra,cs, ^Ajr^c^ri ugrana, ugra- cf.

nige, s. A storeroom. TOC&); i uja, J


. A fountain, spring.
see ov)As;rJ. rfXoJ a granary. a marshy field ; see

rra,rS ugrani,
s. A storekeeper,
steward. 2. a village peon ujade, s. A deserted per-
under a Potail. son.
uja 67 uni

ujade, s. Light, splendour. udi, see ^pa.

^fc to become light. udigere, s. A gift,
tras* ujadu, .y. Ruin. e?Sb$ oso
to be ruined. a betelnut may be a present
wo, eruzosja ujila, ujila, adj. as much as an elephant.
White. wre^ white colour. udu, .$. An iguana.
uje, ^^ oua*. 23
^a to udu, ^. A star. 2. water.
ooze, percolate, trickle. 2. to
uduku, ^. A kind of
become swampy. small drum.
ujjatu, .
Force, violence.
uduge, see
to force.
udugere, see
ujjalu, .s. A swing. 2. A
ududhara, see
udupati, ^. The moon.
ujjuni . . To
o4 udettelu, J. Bruise, adj.
rub; e/orfora.
Beo* ujjeru, ujjeru, ^.
rl^j^ udepuni, ude-
A pestle. and n. To
vuni (
^), v. a.
fac)Oaj^Jci, eni&j3^)?i utayisu- as pottery etc.
break, split,
ni, utavuni (CTO&JDOSJ^, oo6ro),
uddi, s. Any pile of three,
7'. a. To raise, lift up; ^/". with one on the top, as marbles,
seeds etc. ae^a to set thus
utarane, s. Forgery, in piles of four each.
udduddane, 0afr. In
ca ca
uttu, see B^U^. one after
^ [clothing> rapid succession,
uttutane, ^. P'ood and
u another, over and over again.

^ Uttoll, W .
to speak hastily. 20

A gold or &r& to come or follow in close

dqj"50 udadhara, ^.
silver girdle; 0/50 c^o^. succession.

ra^a^ udarige, udarige, udsure, s. A honorary

s. A kind of cake. gift; cf.

^. Cc)35 unape, Little recover-
udalu, udalu, ^/'.

The belly, stomach. d in.

hectic fever. unaru, see
rs^* unasu, s. A meal, dinner,
boiled rice and curry; also
To deny, contradict. 2. to 5o9oJ.
reject. unile, adj. Small, short,
mm 68 uda

-^S unupini, unpini uttara, see

(w53),7/. a. To take one's meal, uttasa, s. Zeal, perse-
to dine, eat rice,
(in oppo- verance. 2. a rash, (?r stre-
sition to a slight repast of nuous exertion.
fruits, cakes etc). s. The dried
erorf,^ unkelu, s. The time of date fruit; also
evening. 2.the night-meal.
uttuma, ^
crocs J unpu, s. Boiled rice, solid
^ utthana, ^. Rising. 2. re-
food; also
o4y su'rrection.
150s utaru, s. An antidote.
utpatti, J. Birth, origin-
J^ uttana, -^ 2.
oog^si. produce, profit.

^si) uttama, adj. Best, chief, utpanna, s. Birth, adj.

superior. 2. excellent, virtu- Produced, born.
ous, oo^ki an excellent man. utsava, 5. A festival, pub-

s^-do the very best; God. lie

'd^e^rf the
>Z; the first person, gram. of an idol on a
uttara, s. The north. 2. car. ^^F
a moveable idol
an answer. (in law) a de- generally taken abroad du-

fence, adj. (Left), northern ;

ring a procession.
subsequent, later. )-> ^03-3 ^.
36 utsaha, utsaha,
funeral ceremonies. saa a
Festivity, joy, rejoicing 2.

surety, bondsman.
energy, strenuous exertion;
uttarane, s. The shrub V often interchanged -with
Achyranthes aspera.
S^D uttaradhikari, ^. A utrani, see cro^iS.
successor, heir. A
utharu, ^. free gift,
^DDCiors uttarayana, s. The a freehold.
sun's course to the north of
udaka, J. Water.
the equator.
udaya, J. The rising
'^ uttarashada, s. The
of the sun, moon, or other
twenty-first lunar mansion.
heavenly bodies, crod 0^0535;.
^Gri uttarige, J. An upper
the dawn.
or outer garment. 2. a towel.
udara, s. The belly. 2. the
6 uttare,^. The twelfth lunar
core of
any thing. &&$
mansion, the tail of Leo.
feeding the belly. *k3 colic.
s^r?, -^ 3 ?>.i^, uttana, utta-
udaruni, see cr
vali, s. Haste, rashness,
precipitancy. udarme, see
uda 69 udyo

udalu, s. The white ant. jo uduriburu, s. The

o5)o23 udalupurica, s. A creepers Asparagus sarmen-
white-ant-hill. 2. (med.) a tosus, and Asparagus race-
cancer ; pins or pinlike holes mosus.
on the sole of the foot )d>dj> uduruni, v. n. To fall,

udale, s. Saliva, spittle. drop off. 2. to hang down,

udatta, adj. Liberal. 2. ude, s. A sheath.
j- song _

lofty. 3. high, as a note in uderaga,morning s. A

music, j. The acute accent, udsvuni (2K>i3?), a. To i'.

gram. throw out. v. n. The hands to

erozroo* udaru, s. The credit sy-
shake, as in sickness.
stem, lending. J23JS A formula
udo, intj.
en) 23130 udara, Liberal,
adj. used in presenting offerings
generous. &3, -^ liberality. to a goddess.
eroc3s)dff , n,2J3Ef F udarane, uda- s. 2. distance.
udda, Length.

rne, see erotrasorf??.

Long. jroe^oaocreoSj a
en) eras* udalu, j^ en)rf.
prattler, braggart, bully.

3V23a>?o, ero23e>o<d udasa, udaslna, srod^od P

uddakuddya, adj. (lit.

adj. Unconcerned, neutral. long and short) Middle sized.

s.Neglect, indifference. creoSo 2. separate. 3. distinct, adv.

a careless man. Distinctly.
erucjssotf?! udaharane, s. An erorf uddari, see
answer. 2. an example, il- uddara,^^
lustration. j uddume, ^
udi, see wrfcdo. Deliverance.
5^ d uddhara, s.

c. v.
udipavuni, (of 2. prosperity. 3.
To beget. e?L$ to obtain deliverance;
), udipini, ^^ eroaodoo^. to become rich. _ rfotfo^s
udime, j

Merchandise, to protect, support. &S&F&
trade. to deliver the spirit of a de-
ceased person from the power
JQcd&d^pj udiyabenpini, v.n.
To become rich. of a demon by propitiating it.

oaojjj^) udiyuni CCWQ), . . To J233poF$ udyarcane, s. The

rise, as the sun. 2. to be biennial ceremony of washing
generated. an idol..

do^) udupu, ^. The act of odfcceri udyoga, s. Exertion,

coming into existence. industry. 2. business, occu-
udri 70 upa

pation, employment. ^ a upadesa, ^. Instruction,

public servant. teaching. 2. initiation into

udri, J. A braid of false the mysteries of religion.

hairs. rico^ upadesi, s. A teacher.
Sj udri,
J. A match, pair. 2.a catechist, Chr.
T&8 an equal. c
dj, srj33t>^, upadra,

^ udrigonde, s. A hair-
upatra, upadi, s. Calamity, ad-
ornament. f"eojs"do. versity, trouble, affliction ; cf.
udriburu, see crorfoS

do^ udruni, see ourfj-dos. upanayana, s. The

d^ udreka, .?.
Excess, super- ceremony of investing a Brah-
abundance. Excessive,
man boy with the sacred
outburst of wrath.
^sid upapada, s. The modern
?^ excessive lust,
grammatical term for article,
udharane, see
also any subordinate word
sS unape, .$

in a sentence.
s3 unile ^'
CzSJS^qi^ upabodhake, s. An
^ unnata, assistant teacher. 2. a deacon.
sro3iupa, ^4 Sanskrit prefix im-
plying direction. 2. vicinity. upabhaga, s. A sub-
3. inferiority.
upame, s. Resemblance.
trosi^cp upakathe, s. An episode. 2. 3.
comparison. simile,
yuS'udrs upakarana, ap- ^. An parable.
pendage. 2. means, materials. o3j$rt upayoga, s. Appli-
3. an instrument, tool. 4. cation, use. 2. advantage,
vessels used in worshipping utility.
an idol. uparaga, s. An eclipse.

enisJoDrf, vv)3J?rx^ upakara, upa- uparali, see cros^o.

kruti, s. A service, favour, ^D upari, <2^. Above, over,
kindness, benefit. cro3if3& also CA>20&.
a benefactor.
uparme, see CA)^&??.
v^v^ ^ upakrama, ^. Taking in
upavasa, ssc crocro^.

hand, setting about. s. Put-

isisJ^o^ upasamana,
yu^TYexdj upagrama, s. Suburb.
ting to rest. 2. alleviation.

?A)3J2cCpS, ?ror;t5e)rf . upacarane, 3. calmness, rest. e?;&3 to

upacira,^. Politeness, courtesy. be alleviated, assuaged. ^o
upa>dra, sec uuirfj.
^s> to appease, pacify.
upa 71 ube

u^rf^ upasarga, s. A gram- d) uppu, ^. Salt.

JA)^^ brack-
matical term for preposition, ish. a?& salt water, fis^,

e.g. 3, yut, etc. refined salt. && small

G3i?j upastha, s. The parts of grained salt. ^ e/^, ^-

generation of either sex. salt, Bombay salt,

u3J3o^ s. 'Mischief, earth salt.
trouble. 2. calamity; cf.uu ) ^uppuda, J. Salted fish; cf.

upinga, s. An appendix f uppuni (04.),
?>. r. To
to s5oX. 2. a subordinate be, exist. 2. to abide, live in.
scientific treatise, of which 3. to help, support, protect.
there are twelve according to 4. c. dat. pers. to have, pos-
the Hindu sastras. sess; also "SisS^, (j>ast
D ^.)
tfussD^s^r upakarma, s. The o^ uppuruni (cro^Tio), v.n.
annual festival of purifica- To faint, stagger.
tion among the Brahmans n.
w^^rfj^ upperuni(^^?S),^.
between July and August Cattle to copulate.
when their sacred threads
uprali, s. Spite. 2. an-
are renewed. vosiSj
noyance. ^o^^ to despise,
tfu33i>2> upadi, see CA)3rfj.
deride; to annoy.
erosraoi) upaya, s. An expedient,
SAJSOD*, ^23^)DS ubaru, ubaru, J.
device, scheme. 2. means.
Brackishness. adj. High. 2.
3. stratagem. [zrerf.
turbid, fldfr

. Above. ^?5salt
tfusjSJd upasa, s. Fasting; also
water. c3^ brackish, ^r
tfus3^ upekshe, s. Disregard. barren soil. aj^jjs fish
2. want of appetite. 3. reluc-
to ascend a river with the
tide. TSO^B the stench of
tfuslcs* uppadu, see eros^S.
(stagnant) sea-water.
tfU3J,cs* uppadu imper. of ero^s. ero^$ri ubalige, ^. A kind of tree-
s. The
tfus^Ofi upparige, upper !

?Ai23 ube, .r. Steam. ^ s^rfos)

story of a house. to bleach clothes. 2. to drive

tfU3J p> uppala, s. Macaranga out any vermin by smoke.
Indie a. 3. toripen fruits by artificial
v\j )f( uppalige, s. A kind of heat also cw*.

tree, sec croz^a. erod ube, ubbe, see

f uppadu, s. Pickles.
s^u^2dJ^ uberuni (ws35)
upparu, sc To become thick.
ero ZA ubba 72 uri

ubbara, ubbarij, umedvare, ^. A volun-

teer, candidate. 2. a copyist.
ubbara, #<//. High. 2. , umma, see
swollen. 3. turbid, adv. Aloft, j'o* uyiku, s. Crying like a
s ubbasa, see croe *.
monkey. ^-^
ubbi, .y. Saliva,
$e5 viscid spittle.
spittle. uyiluni, see en/)a;o^. ^
uyivuyi, /w/^r/'. sig-
a spittoon ;
nifying alarm.
N ubbina,^. A spittoon; also
x 8
; uyyalu see 03
&o3oo) ubbiyuni (cwey, p. n.
ura, Ploughing, tillage.
To spit. a ploughman's stick.
vodo ubbuni, ubbe- toplough and level
runi (CA)^, w^eS), ?'. To .
a field a second time to, ;

swell. 2. to be elated with make a field to hold or re-

joy or puffed up with pride. tain water.
ubbesa, s. Difficulty of Ajrf23* uralu, s. A ploughman's
breathing, gasping. 2. asthma. or herdmaii's song. ssi^oa
_ tt^rs to gasp, be breathless; to sing whilst ploughing;
to suffer from asthma; also also 2o^.
3&. roO uri, s. A kind of very small
^S5ii|2 ublapatera, ^. Stam- crab.

mering, lisping. uri, s. Blaze, flame- 2. heat.

uble, s. A stammerer. 3. acute pain. 4. wrath. X^c

Both. two. burning itch. &s>3 burn-

pc^j ubhaya, adj.
35. both parties. ing heat. rfrea a furious
^5 ^j
on both sides or places. person. TSJJS^J
urine morbidly

umani, sec >dor5.

heated. eo.tuos>to speak an-
grily to take revenge.
umi, s. The husk <?^ chaff ;

of paddy. oOtfzS urigejje, s. Small bells


s. A mosquito, strung on a rope and tied
-a tfocuo a musquito- round the neck of a he-buffalo.
curtain. oDS^ uripuni (^ B), r.a. To
ume, s. The wife of Siva: sound, play upon. ^o^O-
also sj^^'S. to sound a trumpet.
s3jfC3*, tro^jfb umedu, umedi, .sj^.?, uriyuni (^&), J'.. To
s. Liking, inclination. 2. ex- burn, blaze. 2. to feel ;i

pectation, prospect. burning sensation, as from

uru 73 urna

fever 0r itch; to feel acute ,

?ro6J3^o uro, urolu, s. A
pain. 3. to feel anguish. 4. bar across a passage.
to be wrath. wcaS (lit. the

belly to burn), to be hungry; To bubble up, as boiling

to feel anguish, to be envi- water.
ous. 3o(lit. the body to urkavuni, c. v. en)
?j (of
burn) ;
be feverish
to to be ;
To cause to run over.
provoked, be angry. uusB 2. to put out.
well-heated, pure, as silver. urki, s. The shrub Sida
uru, s. Tediousness.adj.
Idle. -tffca to be idle, to feel -S-FG* urkilu, .v. The prickly-
reluctant. to pro- heat. 2. a kind of shrub.
crastinate, put off. 3. a rough basket.

djofo*, erodoock^ uruntu, urku, s. An amulet. rforJ

a necklace composed of small

urundulu, adj. Round.
dooyo^oct uruntucande, s. A glass beads with a big gold
kind of drum. bead in the middle.
^jFr! urkune, s. The act of
jurundeburu, s. The
smooth-leaved heart-pea, Car- bubbling up.
^OF) urkuni (ew^r), v.n. To
diospermum Halicababum.
urumbuni (erotfoo^S), rise; cf. cn)*^.

v.a. To bore; also ^rloF^) urguni, 7.'. . To curdle.

2. to ferment.
uruduni, see
^OF> urcuni, f. w. To go
urubu, see to stool, erotjsru loose-
? en)
uruvolu, en)T?js,
ness of bowels. erosSrew a
filthy woman. erosSre3 a filthy
ure, s. A deer.
urepuni (en*?),
7\a. To urti, see en)^.
try metals by a touch-stone. s.
urdata, Wrestling,
^) urevuni(w3),
v. n. To be
combat, struggle.
penetrated or incrusted, as urdavuni, c. v.
(of ero

with salt; also 3o34s. To set persons against

uresuni (cn)^5J),
i\a. To each other, to stir up fighting,
rub. 2. to polish. S.^c/otf^a. luni, v.n. To wrestle,
uro, zw/y. Alas. SJD^^? combat, struggle.
alas, what a pity! rfdo.odo
urna, A round shaped
have pity on me. cake.
Mini 74 ero 3D usva

urni, ^. A bulb, protuber- j ula, see i

ance. to clot, curdle. j.

SUJjS uli, Nought, nothing.
urti, see
wa in A)t>cxioo$.
to annul; see also
urdi, s. Increase, prosper-

The kidney-bean, wound-

^ ulikuttu, A small
erodiFurdu, s.

Phaseolus mango. jODoJoJ) uliyuni ^. . To

eroc>jFi urduni (wc3r), r. a. To instigate, induce. TV 72. To
rub, file. 2. to polish. tremble.

vu^jF^ urpuni (A)I3r), r. <?. To ^O^O Uluku, ^^ 00 ^Oj.

blow a wind-instrument; cf. SjjjJj ^^ ox)docO. 2.
fraud, cheating.
Slight boil- s3 ule, ^. A furnace.
urpelu, 2. a deer;
ing. 55& rice obtained from CA3T3.
boiled paddy and differing s3^)^i ulevuni
from the unboiled (= dialog). shine.
s. In-
urbi, urbu, ulo, see
crease, as of any disease or
*, ulku, see
trouble. -3&odjoa (lit. to per-
^ ulkapata, The fall-
ceive trouble), to discern. &3e
ing of meteors, which is con-
pressure of work. sidered a bad an
sign. 2.
urbuliyuni, see ^ omen.
en* ulku, see
uryuni, see
. A red kind of fowl.
urli, s. A brass vessel for
ulta, ulti, Con-
preparing curries in. tradictory, opposite, counter.
urlu, s. A noose, snare. 2. upset; to take off,
to be entrapped in
upset, fig. to lie.

a snare. Debs> to lay a

ullaye. ullaldi
snare. srozl^to put a noose ^ o5o.

round the neck; to hang. sro

Exultation, hap-
&crjs> to hang oneself. ef-l?) to be cheerful.
urle, -y. A kind of cake.
adj. Joyous, blithe.
sro^Ff! urvane, 5. An instrument er\> ulli, j^ cwv
for destroying nits. s.
usvlsa, Breathing out,
voctF urve, ^z^. Unripe. a sigh; cf.
usha 75 ullo

srusStiO* usharu, adj. Alert, sharp; room. CA)^oo5 from within.

bet. soo*v>5. cro^^^j'c'oso, CTO^OSOT!) ^oso se-

ushna, adj. Hot, -warm. s.

cretly, privately.
Heat, warmth. ulavu, s. One's secret.

, eni?o.?2
usu, ussane, s. A 2. design. 3. inclination.

deep sigh. s^csS ulasanci, s.

usaru, ^^ ^os^>5. conspiracy, secret design;

tfUnjO^j usuru, usulu, .?.

collusion, fraud.

Breath. 2. life, to uli, s. A chisel.

hold the breath. $p&z> to
ero^oJo uliya, ulliya,
die; gases to escape, as from s. A small river-island or
a corked bottle. eoo&jSbtO to
breathe, respire.
ule, w^ eA)3, oo A

usulti, s. Collusion, con-

ulo, '//. Alas!
ulki, J. Remnant, rest.
usvasa, see ooss^rf.
ulku, ^- A sprain, or cramp.
ula, Inside, inner part; /". "

o,a ulkuni (wo p.w. To be

-^ the palm of the
d ),

hand. ^j^s to take in, sprained, <?r

to have a secret. Xouo a

latent secret, hidden mystery. ulla, ulle, J^

8ro4 a bend the curve of an
ullade, s. A fisherman.
arch. 30^(5 inside. -rfooo

ullaye, s. A master,
t>> the inner square of a
lord (/<ww. CA)V
V ^).
house. ;dsa a
by-path. 78^0 K

the lower part of a female's ulli, ^. A generic name for

garment. garlic. e"cio9, onions, datfo^

<o3.>, eA)s?e>o5o ulayi, ulayi, ^ r

. garlic.

In, into. Some declensions ullori, s. A memo, of a

are formed of this adverb; receipt given to a tenant for
as, ri e>;3 a back or inner part-payment of rent.

76 uru

j? u, The sixth letter of the 2. a staff. :f*es;j a weighing
alphabet. In MSS. it is often rod.
written 30. ,
ens era uda, uda, adj. Sky-
unc, uncu, blue.

Superior, costly, fine. udu, s. A prop. ^-atrs

to prop. &s?oo a pole used as
To lift up. 2. to cause a prop.
a person to get up or leave CiiVdiiid udukameli, s. A
his seat. 3 -to insult, des- malignant kind of jaundice
sro&sosojios. from which particularly child-
pise; cf.

untuni (ennoU), v. n. To ren suffer.

3d)?j uduni (srinS), 7'. a. To
get up, press.
53Cjo> unduni (erj)oS), v. a. blow, as a pipe. 2. to swell,

To press down. erincrfo:io t, a piper.

An aro-
^^ to hold firmly. ,
udubatti, s.

^f6 c.=)oeoo. matic pastille.

A una, s. Defect, maim. 02
umbe, s. hole.
o3o, eAT>N a cripple.
)^), r. w. To ooze; '

j^o uyyalu, sec ew^S.

ura, adj. Local. ^^a a
j uta, J. Food, meal.
public office. 33 local cus-
lj uti, J. A spring, fountain.
tom. ^^ gossip,
'iJot3s)C utupacara, ^. Hospi- J^ ero^!?.
tality and civility.
uravuni, c. v.
(of CAndo
ute, see ^B.
To plant, fix firmly.
c. #.
udavuni, (^/"enprlj
uriyaye, s. A stran-
)Tofix. 2. to put in order. 3j
ger; also eAm^oc2o.
a to fix the boards of a
uru, ^. A town. 2. a vil-
lage. 3. one's native place.
udilu, s. A kind of broom _ crocSo
a countryman. ^>o
grass. townsfolk. oSoi^ country
.^ uduni (CAn5), z'. a. To sesamum. enMa-doXj from vil-
plough; /". 5oj)3o?i. 2. to fix.
lage to village; cf.
erusrs una, see CAP. A
adoozo^ urumbali, J. village
uta, 3-. A weight, burden. grant.
uru 77 srio ru

urukolu, ^. A walk- usante, s. A large bug.

ing stick. usu, J. A fart.
jsdo^ uruni (SAT>5),
v. a. To set
usuni (ouoi), 7'. . To
firmly. plant in the
2. to
ooze; cf.
eAD&os to break wind
ground as a seed or shrub,
^5_ downwards, wig.
etc. 3. to gain power.
to plant one's foot. tfe5 to
J5?3^ uselu, adj. Oozing. 2.

filthy. 3. breaking wind down-

be established firmly, to take
wards, vlg. enj)^3 a man
root; to grow.
who frequently breaks wind
&dJS^o urolu, 5-. A cross bar
at the entrance of a garden

etc.\ cf.
coDTSj?)?. ^ uhe, uhane, ^.

ado urya, see ennodor. Supposition, conjecture.

sSoF^ urjita, adj. Confirmed, erua$riuliga, J. Service. 2. work,

established. a servant, labourer.

F j to serve, work.
urdhva, adj. Aloft, on
high. XS ethereal course, uliyuni (enn^), t'. .

heavenly bliss. To ooze; /". eaoaio?). 2. the

bowels to evacuate frequent-
urya, ^'. Strange; ^/".

ly; also

RU o

o ru, The seventh letter of the nounced like tfo or o, which

alphabet, but seldom used in see for words beginning with
Tulu. It is commonly pro-
ye 78

ye, The eighth letter of the yenne, ^. Oil. ^ T^re an
alphabet. In MSS. it is often oil mill. ^8&!os> to rub with
written o3o. or apply oil.
e?^, distilled

yenku, see otaS. oil. ^s2^^_ cinnamon oil. ^^

oil. X=
yenkulu, pers. pro. We. <c^cj? gingely
This word which sandalwood oiL
is the plural
si- cocoanut oil.
of orfjsoi signifies only tlie per-
lamp-oil, frorf^i- olive oil.
sons addressing, and should
zJ7?> castor oil. 4(3o^rf_ the
be distinguished
from 3zk
oil of the nuts of Rottltria
which always includes both
the persons addressing and tinctoria. zi)o-5idc?? kerosene
oil. ^oL^ci- champaka oil etc.

<0os3- adv. How? <w>. ~o fl^^),, ojocl^o^) yennekappu,

w323s*D however,
anyhow, by yennekempu, ^/". Dark red.
all means. flzorfcS yennebadane, s. A spe-
cies of brinjals.
yenci, sec <or5 .

yentra, see orfoo^.

yenci, intg. pro. What sort
^ yendruni r

. </. To
of? , ?i 3,
3^3 what sort (3c5j),

of thing? jTOoSj, _ jrooSo say fully; ^^S- cf.

what sort of man? yennavu, /ro. Mine ; cf.

o2oG* yerijiru, s. A kind of tree.

yennun, see
ofo* yentu, j. Boasting, pride.
2. craftiness,3
yempa, see 3fy
o &seas>
4s to show pride, be cunning. yemmalu, ^. A woman.
S333o3 to
an angry woman.

play tricks.
boast, prattle,
-rosSo a crafty oiodo yemme, Jtr ^^d 2. ^^
man. ^o^oeJ^?i yemmettuni
A i'. n. To turn back. 2. to yield.
io&3 yente, s. clod of earth.
2. an unburnt brick; s>o8. 3. to abate, as sickness; cf.

>or!itf yennige, s. Calculation,

estimation. yekambelu, ^^'

yennuni (^oFSj, c a. To
. yekare, yekre, 5-. An
count. 2. to think, presume. acre.

3. to r/.//. Nearly dc;ul.

expect. ,
yekky. 79 yeji

yekkusakku, adv. Con- yekkuni (

fusedly, indiscriminately.
? touch. 2. to gin. v.n. To ebb,
&$ to become confused. sag decline.
^ to be within
tfo$ to reproach unjustly. 3o reach of the hand. a2?^i- to

to be perverse. be on the point of death.
the ace. r!3r_ to gin cotton. aiosB
, yekka, see atf. 2.
The unit of to be hungry.
.o yekkam, s.'

first in yekke, s. The shrub

numeration, place 3_>

ciphering. Aristolochia Indica.

,^^ yekkacakka, sec f( yegge, s. A branch, bough.

J& yekkadu, adv. Then. T^ & yeggelu, s. A small branch.
already. SJQ^_ a little while a small piece of wood.
'grS yekkadi, s. A kind of game 2^ yecca, see so^ .

with cowries, arranged on a

Q^ yeccarike, s. Wakeful-
board. to play such ter
ness. 2. care, caution. 3.
a game.
warning. e?b^ to be awake.
s. Hiccough. 2.
^,d yekkade,
o" -jabfS to warn, put on
gasping. to hiccough
s'owo^ ;

guard. ae&a to take pre-

to gasp; cf. o^d.
caution. T&^S to remind.
=^,^)23 yekkanale,' adj. Lean, _S
thin. j. A ero^s to be on guard, be
glutton, greedy
man ;
2. ^^ ^#d e3.

^o yekka- yeccarpuni,
o^sjj^sl oO^,
_ 8 ^. a. To

J. yeccarisuni ( r ),
male, yekkamale, yekkame,
The swallow wort, Calotropis admonish. 2. to caution, warn
J. Body.
3 yecci, S sjscl>$ to
^jd yekkale, s. A cockroach; So"
put on clothes. K
also O^P'J; ^/l <o^.o, oD^jroeS.
to assult; see ^^_.
t>:<; ^ yekkalyuni (.0^6), v. n.
To stretch the body, or stoop yeccig-e, j^ ^fi*-
down in order to catch or yecce, J^ r9& t

pick up anything. 2. to yeamane, -$<?

spring or jump up. yejipu, ^. Endeavour, at-

ro^ yekkasakka,
sec ^^. tempt. &sbF> to caution,
^'s,^)^ yekkavuni, c. v.
(of <o^jj betray. ^otfo^s to try
To reach, cause to touch. through others.
te yejja 80 yedde

yejja, yejji, s. A hole. rough, rugged. -^<^ri an in-

loophole. 3. the eye of different work; an objection-

a needle. able act. a stupid

^e d ~K fellow. ^fea a rugged path.

3 , yej.ji, yejje, see WJ
, ,
1^ VAJ

3 d yedumbure, s. A doll,

yejriya, see
. yedupuni, sec .ort^a.
..W yettakutta, s. Quarrel- yede, sec <q.

ling and
yededettu. ^tr ^o^ 1

^i yettavuni, c.i\ (of -^^
yedenanya, Paper-
To bend, cause to stoop, money. croiSo a stupid fel-

A low, a man temporarily en-

yetti, s. prawn.
^elweyevo6 yetti bally aru, .y. A
yedenali, .y. An inner
small kind of shark.
wall round a temple.
-' ^U.^jjcJ yettisutta,
d d Q tsix>& yedemudi, see ^^ooa.
yettisudda, s. The sword-fish,
yedde, A\ Goodness. ^.
x yettuni
j . . f^S)
v e$/
7'. a. To
Good, excellent, superior,
stitch, as leaves. 2. to cause
fair, fine. 2. happy. 3. pros-
mischief. 3. to box the ear.
perous. &^> a superior
T . ;/. To stumble, bow down ;

caste, fine breed. arf a

be hit. 4&54pe&9 to bend
festive day, holiday. $
down, as a tree laden with _ t^n
&>-, -rfjosoj^r, an
auspicious occasion. ^ooSsfc!
fc3s3 yettele, s. A mischief-
black pepper. 0^r. Well,
very well. tsks to improve
<^zi yeda, see odo3.
in health; to prosper, be
^^0=5*' yedanku, a^ r
. On the c?^5
happy. may you,
left side. rogtf an offensive be happy. &s!:ra.
(he etc.}
word. _ Tios?o^ to do good, to bless
'.jTicv^ yedankuni ('~3c), ?. .
with prosperity. _3^s (///.
To kick. 2. to hit. 3. to dis-
to eat good), to enjoy hap-
regard; see do^oa. piness as the fruit of one's
*j^03jd:>> yedapuni, ye- caitka to speak
<oz233)^, good deeds.
duturuni, 5r ^t^s>. favourably, fluently, or at
ij* ^^^s:' yedavattu, ye- length; to speak or argue

devattu, '///. Middling, in- ably; to chatter, 3^ good-

dill'crcnt. dull, stupid 3. ness. of good sort.
yedpu 81 yed

~e good, emph. copi- yettaruni (^5). 7-. a.

ously, abundantly, heartily; To ascend, climb.
immoderately, severely, vio-
lently. tavuni, c. v.
(of ^^) To
yedpuni (5), 7-. tf. To reach, deliver. 2. to gulp,
thump, strike with the fist. swallow water etc. eagerly.
2. to pound in a mortar. or in large draughts-

j, yenuma, num. Eight. tf yettige, s. A collection.

yena s. A corpse. rfoocof

yettuni (3,), 7/. a. To
a good for nothing, vlg. raise a subscription ^r tax.

ocl, <ocf, yenike, yene, yettuvali, ^. The act of

yenke, s. Calculation, count- raising a subscription or tax.

ing; estimation, .
yetna, ^. Essay, endeavour,
ls* yenelu, <//. Pertaining to effort, exertion; &?/.
the first crop. 200$ the first
yetvasi, s. Difference, dis-
crop. agreement, variance; bet. 3o

yenci, s. A ladder. 33orf.

yenne, see
SDyetha, adv. As, according to.
adj.. Proper,
usual. 5^5^ as
yenpanum. Eighty.
usual. dreXr the usual
yenma, ^^ ^FizJo.
course or way; &?/.
^. The
l^ yenme, gingely-oil r yethartha, see
seed, Sesamum orientate. rf
s. Pain, smart, grief.
<oor? p yethe,

yeta, see ^qro.

k, Cx7
w yethecca, yethe
shta, J^ o*>^^i orfo^?^-
yetasti, <^/'. Exact, cor-
rect, adv. Exactly, correctly
*c yectypu, J. Beginning. -BJ

a>^~ the first shower of rain.

bet. o3oi5ra> B.
rfodj yedijriji, yeduru, J.
yete, see ^.
The front, that which is op-
ois^rtzS yettu^adi, yet-
posite. 2. presence.
tugade, s. Scheme, device.
counterpart of a deed.
to scheme, devise.
do^s osdo^ora a conditional deed
^sA* yettutagg^i, a^'. Un- of sale. djs^o^ half boiled
even, rugged. rice. ^ the counterpart
yettana, see ^- of a lease. s^a an opposite
d yettara, ^/'. High, lofty, party, opponent. c?L$ to
tall. s. Height. meet, come face to face. CA^C
yedi 82 yera

*os> to stand in front, to op- yena, yenna,

pose; to rebel. 0003343 to Half-
yebulante, <2^/'.
set up <?r instigate a person boiled. 2. half-witted, silly.

against another. s^^rfos to

yebbavu, see
speak to one's face; to contra- eme, see
dict, oppose. 30-3^0$ to come
r yemarike, yemar-
in sight, be seen; to be over-
taken. Ju>35&A face to face. ge, s. Storing. a?L^ to keep
-5 before, or store.
in presence of.

3 yedi, see &>& iZotf yeyipanji, s. A porcu-

yedinke, s. A wing.

a. To
Jo^^ yeyyuni (<ooso),

yediyane, see shoot an arrow.

yedukonuni (^^o yeraka, adj. Molten, cast,
z-. #. To advance. 2. to as metal. 3 t^^~, ^^jaoi
meet, go to meet. !?rf molten 0r casting work.
duD^^yedurata,^. Antagonism.
An anta-
_j^ to pour melted metal
diDe)^ yedurali, s. into a mould.
gonist. yeragu, s. Fitness.
tS yede, s. The heart, chest,
yeraguni (~^A), 7-. //. To
bosom. -* 00
to harden melt. to agree with the
one's heart. &&FS> to take
courage. courage, i\ a. and
yeraguni (^),
n. To bow. prostrate, do obei-
sance. 2. to fall upon, seize.
yeddumbe, J. A kind of 3. to alight.

plant. js* yerad,a.Two; </. TJ^.

^ yeddupu, s. An ambus- ^Djj yerabdyi, s. A kind of
cade, lying in wait. srotSos
to lie in ambush.
<xj~'- yerala, yerala, J^ ^e
a yeddyuni (^^), r. To iJ<.
fan. ^. The act of lend-
ds^) yeravu,
oirf cjd
O ojjSfl, Q "O
yedde, yed- ing or borrowing anything.
deae, yeddyana, s. A fan. for temporary use. 2. dif-

yedru, see ^S5, jdJTio. ference, distinction. ~ A

s. The creeper a borrowed ornament. K
Jasminum angustifoliuin. s> to borrow.
-? yedroli, ^ le, s. An antelope, deer.
yeri 83 yele

yeri, s. The glare or heat of yerke, yerkelu, s.

fire. Y^W a very hot wind, Rising; cf.


sultry wind. rf^si, _3^>

^0$ to glare, be affected yergone, yergole, s. A dull man
with the heat of fire; cf.
SoS. like a buffalo, a simpleton ;

cdjok3 yeriyante, s. A kind of a glutton, vlg.

fish. yerta, see ^tf~.
yriyaye, -^ SoBcdraoSo.
The flood tide
yerte, s. ; cf.
)o> yeriyavuni, .
To burn, blaze, JF yerpa, s. Seventy.
yeriyuni (aO), v.. To ^. A
Ff5 yerpene, hairpin-
glare. 2. to be hot.
adj. Old.
yeru, ^. A buffalo. 2. a ^. a. To
yerpuni (^5),
moth, worm. 3>^$ to be de-
lift up.
cayed with worms. eobrs to
yerme, ^. A she-buffalo.
come into manhood. a kind of bush. CB
o33S ?
<orfj3^? yerutari, yeru- a calf. a kind
tali, s. A kind of palm tree, of fish.
.$&? co-dK^oaa
yelakki, j^ o*j.
yerndale, J. A green 5.
yelatra, yelastra,
pigeon. A handkerchief.
yerku, ^. Rising or ac-
yela, intj. of surprise.
cumulation, as of water, etc-

2. severity, yeli,
s. A rat. SDS^C rat's
adj. Exceeding.
bane, arsenic.
1>&^ to be in danger.
yelikebi, J. The herb
yerka, s. Fulness. 2. proxi-
Evolvulus emerginatus.
mity, adj. Full; near.
yerkavuni, ^. v.
To tuck up,
as clothes, yeliyuni, z'. n. To melt,
when wading a river etc. 2. as any soft substance, butter,

to hold back, as milk by a etc.\ also e)os.

cow etc. yeliseri, ^. A shark; also

jF^ yerkuni (^"), v. n. To
puff up, swell. 2, to rise or yelu,^.Abone.
water in a place. in the bones. &stf a
collect, as ^js^,
3. to be full of milk, as the skeleton. -Kd a joint of the
breast or udder. soc^_ the bones.

belly to be distended. 3 yele, s. A leaf.

yele 84 yeka

enage, s. A small but

ro '0
reel yellyanne, ^. A junior
dangerous insect found on elder brother.
betel leaves. yellyaye, ^. A youth;
see <oero. 2.a junior, minor. 3. a short

^cl yelkode, see coAtl. man. c3o> o4 a small thing.

To melt, as jcz3 yevarica, J^ a^o^.
. v. yelpuni, v. a.
lead, butter, etc. yevane, see &33.

yellariji, adv. The day yesalu, J. The petal of a

after tomorrow. flower, leaf. ^Garcinacam-
yellamma, s. A name of bogia. -5rf a tobacco leaf.

Kali. yessuni, see .o^a.

oi<t> P
ro *0
yelli, yellya, adj. A$ yelatu, yele, adj.
Little, small, short. 2. in- Tender, green, not fully
ferior, mean. -5^,

grown. s>?5 the water of

from infancy. -rfo a tender cocoanut.

to extol and disparage any- num. Seventy. 3e
^ yelpa,
thing alternately. seventieth.
<>je3yelle, adv. Tomorrow. & yekshi, ^

ye, The ninth letter of the yeka, ww. One, single. 2.

alphabet. In MSS. it is often solitary. 3. combined, united.

written o?o?. 3stf the accurate adjustment

affixed to the words e?c5 of song and instrumental
a^ c?^ w//^ addressing music. s unanim-
honorifically a ity.
^ singular number.
single person; as, 9o^eus^o-5? of one colour
Rama! 5c:3 ? &s e ^os? e <?/> caste. ?5 a solitary man ;

boys! children! wos^? is a bachelor. jointly,

it not so? // is also affixed unanimously; collusively.
to nouns, pronouns, and yekadam, ^'. At once;
adverbs by way of emphasis. abru[)tly.
-'rS>o3oe man only. ^?o3o? ^DOJo u yekanayaka, s. A medi-
you alone. ^soSo? even to day. cal plant.
yeka 85 yera

yekanayake, ^. A how much each? a&ae how-

monarch. ever much, how much rfSr !

yeka, ^<?
B^- s&, atre-S- how often?
abruptly, suddenly; without yetu, s. Annoyance (from
permission. 2. unreasonably, goblins); cf.

333333$ to re- yetonuni, see

unjustly. ^^s.
proach unjustly. yetolu, intg. How often ?
yekangi, s. A solitary >f yenu, ^<2 03^^.
life. w5 alone.
>> yeni, adv. When ? Ke^>, e?$
yekanta, s. Solitude. 2.
Kiys, a^?$Kejs always, for ever.
secrecy. ^/'. Solitary, seclud-
a^o&ail) in se- >33, i)^3 yepa, yepo, aafe.When ?
ed; secret,
always, ever,
clusion, secretly.
0Dc3li yekadasi, j. The eleventh ^^j^yepuni (^), v.a. To catch,
as a ball. 2. to take, lift or
day of either fortnight in
the lunar month, on which
toss up a child in the arms,
yepolu, see azJ.
Hindus fast.
^^or^r yemarike, yema-
e5>, >^> yekini, yekhlni, s.

2. chas- rge, ^^ o^-doa^.

Honesty, uprightness.
yeme, s. A turtle.

yekoci, adv. Alone, , intg. pro. Who? ere.

whoever, whoso-
yecane, see c&aerf?3.

ever,any one. a-d^ who is

o?i yeccuni, yeccyuni
*7 oG"^ that? a3 ?54o, vs83$<fo at
(a^F), t
. n. To reflect, muse.
whose house? a^/^S for
s. A kind of gambling
yetu, whom? for whose sake? a5o
in which a piece of coin is
(a5 Lcd5) who knows ?
tossed up and a wager laid
J^<2 ^e&-
as to which side it will fall.
ff s
yeruperu, 5. Difference,
^jaeoo^to gamble in this way.
distinction. 2. perversion,
yedu, s. A goat. man>
j- distortion. 3. reproach.
yedamode, s. A stupid
el yerane, ^/^-. Who?
A coward cf. ^?a.
yedi, s.

yede, ^. A blockhead,

D^)> yeravuni, c.v. (of

To raise, lift up. 2. to in-

eni, ^. A ladder cf.

o3o?$. ;
crease, enhance; promote.
yetu, intg. pro. How much ? 3. to load ;
embark. 4. to pet
how many? iKfiro for any and spoil. 3-3!?, ^baK to flat-

amount, on any account. ai?i ter; to pet and spoil a child,

yeri 86 eige

servant, e33_ to raise An

:' yelamu, J-.
the price; to out-bid. 3o3_ public sale. 3^^o^. _ "rfos?o\
to set
up a tree. to
2^ s> to sell by auction.
enhance punishment, ^csotf
to increase one's To
^ yalavuni,
cause to melt.
c. t 1
(of aoos)
pay. -Sy3-n& to load a cart ^ yeluni (S), r-.7/. To melt,
or vessel with goods. as lead, butter etc.

Oyeri, s. A kind of fish. 2. a bed 1 yavanca, adi\ However,

for planting vegetables etc. at rate.
o yemni ( a ^), "'. a.To ascend , >53e>d yevara, see ^g^ssstf.
climb, mount, v. n. To rise.
zSyevndeppnd^^. Doubt,
2. tobe increased, be aug-
perplexity, adj. Doubtful.
mented. 3. to be accumu- J^
yevura, ^-
yesa, ^^ ^?M-
;|F yerte, see ~$r.
yesige, J^ 53e^^, ^e~^.
SJD^-S- yerlaki, s. A part of a
<$* yelu, www. Seven. a^^3
boxing match.
yersavuni (aster), t-. a.
$ri yelige, J. Increase, growth.
2. to beat, strike.
3. to eat up. 2. prosperity. 3 -improvement;

yety, J^ af.
yelpa, w^
yelakki, J. Cardamoms.
)?l s. Weariness. e? o yelya, see
--S- to become weary. yelveru, s. Seven persons.

e/u EI
ei, The tenth letter of the eikulu, /ro. wrw/. They.
alphabet. Also written esosj.
;- eikya, s. Unity, harmony.
einda, #tf^'. Hereafter. 2. diligent application to any
eindrajala, pursuit or occupation. 3.
g,3D^, 3ogjt3e>>
eindrajali, ^^ <^o^-, -&^o^-. spiritual communion.
rbsk s.
eik^, /^^. (dat. of 4) For eigalu, eigulu,
or to it. -to or for A schoolmaster.
* *5.
it only, sow is it for it ? eigeru, see
S owing to therefore. eigena, J. Five spans.
eitij 87 S3 3, eisra

eitu, //#. (loo. of 94) In it. necklace worn by a virgin or

eiddavara, ^. Owing matron.

to therefore. sodd, S3Oe>f3 eirane, eirani, s.

eeoso^. A new ornamented earthen

53 3 eita, see
vessel used by Lingaits during
S3^ eita, /r<?. (<?. of. e?4), Its,
of it.
nuptial ceremonies.
)Kie>) eiranali, see soSsas.
S33e>d, 533-3,3 eitara, eitvira, J.
eirana, eiranu, s.
Weariness, affliction; bet. 5o<!
5333^ eitala, .s. A kind of medi-
133 f.
cinal plant used for castrated
eiravata, s. The elephant
of Indra, regent of the eastern
S33DS? eitali, see
sod ayida, see eiruni (>5), v.a. To wait,
S0c3* einu, w/z. Five. z>33 fifth. stay, stop. |-

S3^J3c5o einudu, num. Five hun- 3irolu, s. A kind of creep-

dred. )?j* eilata, eilasu, s. ,

eipuni (so), ?'. . To tread. Sport. 2. childishness; also

eibu, ^. A flaw, defect.

?5 eilisu, ^. Incivility, impo-
Obliquity, ir-
eimule, s.
liteness; cf.
regularity, as in the founda-
eilesi, see
tion of a house.
sod eiva, w^w. Fifty. 3 the
eiye, eiyye, see esoSog.
eiyo, eiyyo tntj.
eivaji, eiveji ^.
Alas! 2. no, not. srftS sjre^,
Money, wealth, property.
have you got money ? 5
eiveru, see sooSogS.
eisabasu, m/y. Bravo!
sool eiyo, ^^ S)^.
well done!
SDC&cC* eiyeru, pro. Five per-
eisvarya, ^. Wealth, rich-
53 s6 eisu, z/y. Ha ! alas !

eiyyelu, J^ e9odogs*. S3?o eisa, see

eiyyo, ///. ! woe !
eisra, s. 2. cheer-
eirutali, s. A kind of
fulness; cf.

WO wondi

wo, Tbe eleventh letter of the lS wonti, adj. Alone, single,
alphabet. In MSS. it is often separated. ^ a single man.
written 4. l3 wonti, s. An ear-ring.
wonku, adj. Thin. e3 wonte, J. A camel, drome-
wonka, J. Crookedness. 2. dary.
a hole (of rats, snakes etc.) wonda, s. A public tank.
adj. Crooked, curved. 2. a hole, pit.
^ wonkade, s. Yomitting. ocS wonde, see tfactl
-eiLrr- to feel an in-
-3u^s>, G^rre6 wontagare, ^. A strong
clination to vomit. man. 2. a clever man.
wonki, sec sSc-3-.
wonti, .r. Turn. time.
^i wong-eruni, see Sjo^do^. k
wontige, J. Contribution.
woncake, ^. A deceiver, ,0^$ to collect contribu-
cheat; cf.
^o^^. tions. Aabrs, 3jS<3o$ to
wonca- contribute.
oZtf^,Zoo^s3^ woncane,
Ime, s.
Deceit, fraud, delusion; wontu, J. A turn, time.
also ^c^j3. rfo^A^ to cheat, adv. Once.

deceive. J wonte, s. A little, a bit,

adr. Whence? smallness. adj. Little, few,
where? are
anywhere. small, trifling; also s^crf.
whence do you come? a few persons. & a few
days. -^>^or a little time.
o^^)^ woncipuni C^ceJ). 7'. a.
very little.
To deceive; &/. ^sel^S).
wondake, ^. Urine. -^
o^^, loot!^ worijane, wonjene,
"&o. to piss, make water.
First; cf.
^ wondane, J<?<? ^^
wonji, num. One (waj. So5,

_vLa to be united oodJSe^ wondalige,
reconciled. -5 e ^ perhaps. wondolme, s. Congruity.
Asc35 each, one by one. )^ wondavuni, c. i\
22 some, certain. &>o To gatber, collect, join;
ee9cSoa3 f?jjUo on a certain to beap up.
day. a^, oooftri wondike, wondige,
wonta, s. The hip, waist, s. Joining, uniting, coales-
loins; cf. cence; sSjsca^.
wondi 89 wogga

wondipuni, sec wokalatu, see

wonduni (s^oS), ?. a.&n. wokile, see 3S?.
To gather, accumulate. ^. The
wokka, hip, waist.
ocS wonde, see ajo. Suaao a string 0?- thin girdle
c3JS^)0^ wondoluve, J. Rela- round the waist.
wokkattu, s.
=0,^5, Concord,
wonnu, ^. Gold,
wonne, .? v.n.
To be in concord.
adj. Becoming
elegant, graceful. ^_r3, 2T^p| wokkana, wokkane,
wombuni (SoosS), v. n ^. A heading, title, address.
To be suitable, to agree with 2. style,
composition; bet. 3
sj^zlioi to sign.
womma, intj. of surprise ^s3.

,020 wokkayi, s. A single hand.

Eoo^oori wommukha,
wommuga, s. One direction. wokkuni (^^), v. a. To
adv. In one direction. ?&$, scratch.
^jsiks to assemble for a 0* wokkelu, s. A tenant. e?

certain purpose. ^s> to

occupy, reside. TOT$O$
35^00^ wommuta, adv. All a- to be tenanted as a house,
round; erooeoo^.
cf. place or garden.
womme, adv. Once. 2. One
=$,d wokkelme, s. of a
<j \
7 cf. SodsecS. 33
cultivating class called the
oneness, unity. 3os^s> to Bants, a Bant; fern, a^oa,
gather, collect, heap up. aj^.eS.
o o
:>^oel>,> womettuni ('<
' J. A an
eJ wogatu, riddle,
v. n. To be gathered. 2.
enigma. mystic language,
osSo^^> wommevuni cant. rf SJ^^TJ an ambiguous
v. n. To be united, to be as- expression.
sociated. *
wogaru, s. Brackishness.
wornku, s. A lane, foot- ".
Salty, brackish.
path; also SoSo^. wogaruni (^XS),^. To .

wornde, s. A quarter seer; become salty ^^ brackish.

Eri ^ wogg-atu, see
wormba, num. Nine. 3 ,
woggattuni, 2o?\
the ninth.
A 80 eo

woggada, s. Oneness, con-

wormbuni, see cord. ef&s, 5^ aj?\3 tb?>.
wogga 90 woda

,r! dfl woggaraue, s. Seasoning. !3),

7-. a. To gather. 2. to

to season. change money, cash a cheque

woggapn or note.

To become one, be united. ; wotara, s. The enclosure

ft woggi, s. A handle, hook; of a house. 2. vicinity.

cn>?\. tJeteoao a piece of toU s ^^,^J wotta, wottavu s.
plank suspended on both ends, Discount, agio. 2. premium.
for keeping things. &&& to dj33J3Q2o:3 discount of a rupee.
be of one mind, -^w^a to ^e3. wotta, s. The chin.
lay wait.
wottam, s. Money, cash.
s. Depth.
^kra,3 wottara, wottare,
-3. w
wocana, see On the whole;
fe'. cf.

wocipuni (&>^), 7-. 0. To

wottige, ^
wipe off, rub out, efface. Qy

&3o wottu, s. Total. 2. amount,

2. to clean.
sum. 3. the whole. XO^T?
woccadi, adj. Single.
IT the whole contract. ^>S the
wocci, s. A small whetting
an aggregate
o- whole. 3a}
board: ^/j<? 2j2p'rfor3. si^soso
sum total.
&T account, 3o^?>
a board for sharpening knives, to add, sum
collect, heap,
chisels etc.
up. Sjii^Xo together, with,
23o&j aj
^), ?. a.
wocciyuni ( ^*^ along with: ou the whole.
To deliver, give in charge; wottuni To
khfi (^), -i'.a.

also 2oeJ 5 ^asLr 2. to

2j press. heap, pile up.
woccuni ^. The mouth.
&3 wotte, lip,
2. to whet, sharpen
'ft wotte, s. A fissure, hole.
(a knife). 3. to row (a boat).
2. a potsherd. adj. Broken,
woja, wojaya, wo j aye, woja, iA)i ^.
wod^telu, sec o
wojedi, s. Deduction, subtrac-
woda, /<;j//. With.
tion, remission. ssTiid to
deduct, remit. wodambadi-
wojaim, wo^'ane, s. A ke, Agree-
wodambadige, J.

load, weight, burden. ment, consent, contract, cove-

3d, to^ wjira, wojra,
s. A nant. 2. a treaty.

diamond; bet. 3^. 333o> wodambadipuni (^^=

3^6 wojire, ^. A vizier. aici),
?'. a. To consent, agree,

^ wotayisuni concur. 2. to be pleased.

woda 91 wodda

:5* wodaku, s. Bruise, frac- wodungeluni

ture. 2. a leak. 3SQsotre:xb a ^), T/. . To cease to bear
prater, tell-tale. fruit.

wodakari, see a^da. djoWJ wodumbu, s. Stupidity.

wodatana, sec 2ozf^^. 2. uselessness. adj. Stupid:
A useless.
wodati, .y. mistress.
wodumbulu, see
3Jy 6
wodatelu, .?.
adj. Broken; cf. uvS^S.
^do^j^ wodupuni (aj^o), -v. a. To
wodaye, ?. A proprietor,
master, lord.
2ozS, zd&d0^*0 wode, wodetaddyei
wodaru, s. An additional
rafter or prop, used for sup-
s. A kind of cake.
tod wode, #<&>. Where? whither?
porting a roof; also SjrfS.
how far? how long?
wodalu, sec ox>c$6". TdooWj
ds3 wodave, J.
Property in
wodetana, s.
2. an Proprietor-
general. ornament,
ship, mastery.
^ s. A border.
^doi wodetaruni (8jtJ^5),r. .

wodi, 2. di-
To suffer from the pain of a
vision, plot or range of rice-
boil etc.
fields. to put borders
3^$ To
in a field. wodepuni (^), v. a.

A bubo. break or break open.

H wodi, .y.
a^s 3X
sg,$, a bubo to break o> wodeyuni (ajt), v. n. To
wodeye, see ajrfoSo.
wodipuni, see SjtS^s>.

ao&o3jj> wodiyuni (a^a), ^/. To .

o, wodewottu, s. A whole
break. 2. to stoop, bend, as family.
a branch laden with fruits. l wodka, s. End, termination.

wodilu, see 2. bruise, flky'.

Broken. crooSo

the last man. CJ^^B,

wodive, see 2oT^e;5

&od) wodu, woddu, s.

inferior riceimported from
the Ghats, broken rice.
na. ?ij5cdoo), 0X0
s> an
cie? wodkelu,^. Finishing, end.
iguana to get into a house; TT

.) to have a bad omen. wodda, #^/. Flowing, z><>5


k^Oono* wodunkelu, flowing water.

wodungelu s. The end. 2.

boundary, limit. ?>)

To turn, stretch, cast, set.
9 wodda

$?5 to turn flowing water wodyuni, see SJT^S.

into a field <?/. to hold
^ s
o7^s* wonungel^, adj. Dry,
or stretch out the hand.
withered; lean, thin; also ov>
sod- to cast a net. cnxfcew
to set up a snare. wonakattu, wo-
woddalu, s. A stalwart

nakatte, y. Dried. 2. stiff.

well formed man.
3. faded, emaciated; cf. 3?
woddi, see en)fc

woddu, s. Stubble. 2. .?
wonakelu, ^. Dryness.
2. J en)
wodduni ,
v. a. To
wonape, adj. Bitter, astrin-
hold or stretch out, as the
hand. r. n. To flow, run.
wonaru, see
wodde, s. Multiplication
^ wonas^, see

s. A royal
fl wone, ^. Bail, security.
-ssoSo a bail, bondsman.
assembly, darbar.
s. A ^ wotta, J^ cnn^.
wodta, stroke, beating.
2. gain, emolument. ^fo*. wottattu, s. One side.

^ wodte, s. A kind of fish. ff(/r'. Aside, in a corner. &e

O* wodtelu, see &&$. t>a to keep aside.

wodpavuni, c. v. (of z> o3o, 2^3^ ojo wottaya, wotta-
^) To cause to pluck, ya,
s. Force, compulsion.
bend, sink in. 2. to lessen, persuasion, coaxing;
diminish. 3. to drain. $?&- T$3 odo. _^ijtfjvS> to force; to
to drain a rice-field after persuade.
sowing or before reaping. ^.d wottare,
we vu^S.
4. to change, as money. ^d wottare, ^. Extremity,
wodpu, s. Plucking. corner. 2. order, arrange-

jjci wodpuni (a*5), t/. a. To ment. a?bs> to keep in a

pluck. 2. to lessen, decrease. corner, put in order- -&?>$>
k ?, to move aside _ rfjtfo^s to
zn^re wodyane, wodyana,
j. A belt or girdle, made gather.
of gold etc. and generally * d wottakshara, s. An under
worn by a devil-dancer. letter.

s. A wottana, ^. One place,

2ogoft^> wodyungila, ring
with worn or side.
engraving by
females. wottavuni, e. v.
wotti 93 woppa

s) To cause to press. 2. to eJ woddata, ^. Hardship,

be impressed 0r sealed. difficulty, misfortune. 2. suf-

^ wotti, s. A pawn, pledge. fering from any disease.

DeL to pawn. 2wC3s> cs^^)^ woddaduni,
wottu, .?. The mark of To
woddadupuni (ajo^S), z-. .

aspiration under a letter; be in distress, strive with

a kerned letter. 2. closeness, difficulties. 2. to be pro-
thickness. place a?ib$ to strated from illness,
closely, fix firmly; to foment. woddavuni, see
_&?} zirfLs or 5:3^0$ to
wodduni, see
reproach or abuse indirectly,
S wodde, s. Wetness, moisture.

tottu, adk'.
ttu, wot-

Very closely.

Wet; cf.
J^ ste.
wottuni, v. a. To press.
dsS wonape, J^ ajresS.
2. shampoo. 3. to seal,
v. n. To be close, or thick set. jD
wonaru, ^. An art, skill,

cunning. 2. means, device,

Jg wotte, adj. Single, solitary.
attempt. nsco a contriver,
i^ wotte, a^.
s. An schemer; also 5&>c5.
igSS wottele, oppressor.
3e)osd wonantara, J^ ste-
cSn* wodagu, s. Haste, speed,
to make to Jr^, EO^, 2w^^ wopage, woppa,
zfctfo^ haste,
hasten. woppage, aafe'. Jointly, in
company with. adj.
, wodagavuni, c. v.
(of (^>^)
To procure, supply. Joint; accessary; neighbour-
2. to 3. to assist; ing. aj^crocSo
a companion,
also SorifisS^jsLiFS). attendant. Zj^ 4^ ?roc3o born
e*dr(o> wodaguni v. n. To of the same parents, a brother.
be opportune, or ready. 2. Jra wopala, see
to prosper. oCj woppanda, s. An agree-
wodaru, J^ aj^&. ment, contract. 2. an alli-

& wodi, ^. Phlegm, phlegmatic ance, treaty.

humour. 3^$ phlegm to J.^d woppasale, s. Flattery.

gather in the throat, to breathe

^oira^;^ woppavuni,
hard; to become hoarse. 3
woppiyavuni, ^. ^ (of ^^ty .

phlegm to rattle. To cause to consent or agree.

wodeyuni, j^ ewd^s). 2. to. persuade, prevail upon.
i, 3. to level.
8os^4 ^orf a level-
To oppress, molest. led field.
woppi wora

lo^j.ri woppige, ^. Consent, as- woyilu, s. The force or

sent, agreement; compliance. velocity of a stream etc.
::j~>, 2*^ois~o woppi- woyisilu, see Zj3><><5.

yuni, woppiyonuni l
^), # 2o05j?3jsr?o^ woyisuni,
To admit, acknowledge; to ac- woyisonuni, see ^sios.
quiesce in. 7 72. To agree to, jp woyya, *//. A sound ut-

assent, consent. 2. to comply tered by labourers by way

with. 3. to be fit, suitable. of encouragement when draw-
4. to resemble. ing anything very ponderous.
woppu, s. Signature. zx> to utter this sound.
^>S> to sign.

o^?iOJ ^jf wopportu, see &>&r&jr. woyyana, see

I3fi, &o2J
o^3 wobbantige, wo- woyyara, s. Coquetry,
bbante, s. A single man. rt</z'. affectation, foppery. rfovo^,
Alone- ajodro^s^^
to be affected or
co^o womma, *//. of surprise. foppish.
tf woru, num. One, single,
i> wommuta, see ajc^ooa.
solitary, csp. in cpds, as
2. harmony, unanimity. 3. see
SR^ one eye /f.
D* woru, ^^ 2o^o-
womme, ^"

d wora, ^
Once, at once.

woyana, see 2o^ each time, now and then.

woyaluni (&>orfo>),
7-. ;/.
Ooeo*, 2dosJj worantu, woran-
To reel, stagger. tu, s. Hatred, ill-will. 2. re-

O>J woyi, J^ ^So. 2. a pole, taliation.


tfL&3 woyite, sec SJOB. To hate. 2. to retaliate.

j?si woyina, see 3c&>^. woraka, s. Gold leaf; gilt.

N woyipane, J. A kind of woraka, ^. A watery place.

wooden comb to pick lice with; woragu, s. A cushion to
also u\fni. lean the back upon. 3oi* a

c. r. wooden seat with a back.

uoSLSTs;^ woyipavuni, (of
To cause to draw or iw3rL woraguni (^^'^), z'. ft- To
pull. lean the bade against or upon

^ woyipuni, 7

. a. To draw. anything, to recline.

pull. dnig. ;. woratuni (arfS), r. .

woyimale, s. Feigning, wrangle. 2. to importunate.
pretence; insinuation. 3. to haggle; cf.
wora 95 wore

.d^ worada, s. A collection, woralu, ^. The plough-

subscription; cf. ZjoSX. man's song. eroo^s, 20030

dro* woranu, -r. A pagoda, coin ^S, srotSos to sing such a

of four Rupees. gold ecoc
below the highest touch. ^ t)^ woradu, worada,
^j?S a coin of the value of see 3jrftl

13 gold fanams. J^ s>j^^.

Ca, &oCDa worata, worata, s.
wori, a^/'. Single, solitary,
Urgency, necessity; pressure.
2. an worike, ^^ aj&^-
urgent demand; im-
portunity. sleS a notice of xrars^ woripavuni,
demand for collection of rent. worpavuni, t. f.
(of 2oS^) To
_ ^i>^$ to
demand, impor- spare. 2. to protect. 3. to

tune, urge. .a?3o a peremp- assist, help.

tory demand. l>j> woripuni, wori-
di worate, s. The name of a 5 v. n. To remain, be
yuni (2 ),
female demon. left. 2. to survive.
d:3s)y woradata, s. Mutual
sS, o033o* woripe, woripelu,
wrangling, disputation, or
s. Remnant, adj. Remaining.
dcT5;^oi woradaduni
,oo3.r woriye, worye,/?*?.
To wrangle,
A single <?;-
solitary man.
v. n. contend,
emph. N, ^ alone, singly,
woru, s. Features, form,
woradi, see ~^~.
mark, shape. 3iAtfo$,
woraduni, see
3pe^$ to be changed, as one's
ti-$* woranu, see ztitf.

dcj^* worabelu, s. Rice once

features. 3^$ to recognise,
cleared of its husk only.
woruva, ^^ Sj^r.
do* woralu, s. A large mortar.
woruvaira, ^r. Once,
2. see arif .

worale, J. A termite, white wore, s. A scabbard, sheath,

ant. worenkuni (ajiSo^), ^. w.
d^s? worasare, worasale, To roll on the ground, in the
^. A kind of sham-fight in dust or mire; also T?O^O$.
connection with a temple- worekallu, J. A touch-
festival. "3
stone: also OOT?^.
play this sham-fight. ^JSO worekore, ^. Oblitera-
d So woraha, see tion.
wore 96 wordu

woreguni, see counts in the ledger; also

worepuni, see
worguni (^ r v. n. To
worepelu, see 2oQ:5.

agree (any food) with one's

worevuni (^), v. a. To
stomach. 2. to have a relish
rub, wipe, cause to corrode.
for a particular dish. 3. to
2. to tease, trouble; cf. ootfjgs.
agree with a proposition.
63o> woresuni (^c3), v. n. To
2rU)F$ worgele, worgole,
diminish, wear off. 2. to glide. ,

j. A man who can relish or

3. to fail. i'.a. To rub, wipe.
" digest anything.
^Fora workannu,
s. A single
U)?F8 worgori, s. The first of
a breed of fowls.
^FiS workadi, adj. One sided.
2. 20?^
worja, sec 3'zr.
partially developed.
a drooping or languid person. worjipuni, see -3r3z>.
_ T?^S to cut or pare on one worna, see ^5rer.

side of any thing. sieoora to F worta. see ^33.

develop gradually, as a creep- F worti, pron. A single
er or the kernel of a tender woman.
cocoanut. ^S^QSJ one half F worte, see ^$- 2. see 2^.
of a cocoanut. worda adj. Bent, crooked,

^FcS workade, .y. A stick in

tortuous, uneven. -3jsL-$ to
the manure. cast a side-glance, to leer: to
Se>Fc* workaru, ^. A single squint. sra^os to place
leg. 5 A)o^># to stand on 5n>3o$ to talk
one leg. aijs'dja to fall
workumbe, ad-:\ Alone.
obliquely, a/^<? 33r.
to^Fi) workenni, s. One of the "

^ori o wordangelu,^^/. Crook-

i S i
cheeks or temples. ^o^ ed, curved; inclined, bent.
35FS^)?i wordavum, c. 7 1
(^ ^
lortF worga, ^. A class, commu- To incline, slope, form
nity: a tribe. 2. a proprie- with a slope.
tary land. 3. (mere.} the wordi, s. Report, .

ledger 4. transfer, ^jstr^.

(book). intimation. tiooSj^
shift. ss3 : osoSo, trot? a to report, intimate; also
proprietor, landlord. t?J:a
to b" transferred: also ^Xr. -Trjworduni (^^ r ), w. To ''

r ),
^)Tj worgipuni (^ '' r. </.
bend, bow. 2. to lean on one
To arrange or classify side.
worde 97 wola

wordelu, adj. Bent, ob- JF worma, s. A vital organ

lique. s. A bend, crook. or member; also ^&F. 2.

wordele, s. A capricious a secret. 3 secret; pricking;

man. vital. 3 &7>K a vital part. -
worna, s. Shape; see 3rr. s^etf a secret that will affect
3^c3 as before. a person.
wornaga, adv. Formerly, wormara, s. The trunk of
once upon a time. a tree lopped of its branches.
c5e)F) wornali, .y.A single pulse SoFOs) worme, worme-
or artery. 2. the uvula. 3. la, adv. Throughout, every-
a swelling in one of the ker- where, all over.

nels of the throat cf. ^artf. ; worya, s. Remainder.

jFs3 worpale, s. A lean, thin r conclusion. xJo^u
man. 2. a single leaf. 3. a dangerous sickness.
mat made of single palmyra ^Fworla, s. A seer, a measure
leaves. 4. a small mat for equal to eighty tolas.
one person; cf.
&>20r<$. a seer of paddy.
Fci worpude, s. Torment, (/zV.
a man worth a seer of
trouble. 2. one side.
paddy), a worthless man.
3)~c3 worpude, s. A single load. X)F> worluni, see Sjskra.
s3r worpe, see ^83- dF worva, s. Crookedness, adj.
^F^JF, ^O^FS^ worportu, Oblique, slope; cf. >3.
worpoltu, s. Half a day. rf ^osi to stand crookedly. s^
s3?e3 half a day's labour; to talk evasively.

work that can be finished worvara, see

within half a day. worsa, J. A year;
worbadi, adj. Single. ^orio^i wolunguni (i*oK),'v. n.
a garment, a small To move in a circle or to

piece of cloth, adv. Whole, and fro.

all over, entire. orb^ wolanguni (>ejoK), t-. .

F3, So^rs? worbale, worbale, To incline, lean.

s. A single slip of a bamboo. ;ode;, 2*jOods3 wolandala, wo-
2. a bangle. Swoon, fainting.
landale, s.
worbuddhi, s. Union, vz>6 wolampu, wolapu,
harmony. s. Cleanliness, purity. 2. af-

worbule, A single crop.

^. fectation in walking.

worbhaga, s. A single ^ wolapuni (&e>), ?'. a. To

part, portion or division. love. 2. to fondle.

wola 98 wosa

wolamayi, s. Pasture, d wolbe, J. A kind of paddy-

to tie cattle for graz- field.

ing; also WC^JSOAJ. ^d wolme, see

^s3o, oi>osl> wolame, wolume, Eo^rsri wollanige, ^. A cloth
s. Affection, love, kindness. covering the privities.
>r/' wolasu, adj. Putrid, stink- -tf wollasu, see croe^?i.
ing, dirty, unclean; also^-^- wolli. J. The sheet, i.e. a
wola, intj. Behold! lo! broad piece of cloth, used
oli, Anaffix to verbs mean- for covering the body in bed.
ing can, e.g. ^os^e? can 2.a laced cloth for wearing;
make, or can be made; &e also Soe^.
4 can go; ^?de3 can read, A water-
d , &o$, wolle, wolle, s.
<* v
(ppp. to a:^ cannot).
snake. 2.^^ 2^-
woli, s. A
cadjan leaf used wollekodi, ^. A medi-
to write upon. & a
tforfo^ cinal plant Memecylon am-
basket made of cadjan leaves.
wolipu, .?. The skin. 2.
)33) s3 wolve, ^. Resemblance, simi-
the skin of a snake. 3

to cast off the skin, as
_7^$> wovu, intg. pron. Which?
a snake. what? 2j4<yj> whatever, any-
>33)5> wolipuni (&), r. . To
be possessed with a demon.
j^o wovulu, see

wolipe, s. Gratuitous sup- J.

wosa, Charge, possession.
plies to persons of distinction. 2. subjection; also $*. _ e??j^
2.a present, gift. ^-sLrs to
to pass into possession, to
give a present; also A>e23. to be facinated,
aoOslid) wolimade, .s. A place charmed. ^otfo^ to take
where devil-dancers are paint- to
charge of; subject, subdue;
to gain over, enchant, charm,
o)o&o woliyuni (3j<s), 7'. .

favour, be kind, as superiors
>, z*f>t wosilu, wo-
to inferiors.
slli, woseli, s. Bias, partiality;
2*jsjoorfj> wolunguni,
also 3&eC. rfo^S) to
be par-
<~"d wole, pL of &><IK>.
^) woleppu, see e?^. z^oi) wosage, wo-

LO^ wolpa, see Sjv-j.

saya,wosaye, J. News. 2. the

wolpe, ^. Purity; cf. ceremony of sending a mes-

2. j senger to a girl's husband
wosa 99 wonte

or parents, with the news under-wood; a fenced wood

of her attaining puberty. # near a house; also <ye? .

34rfos> to send such a message. dolk wolamattu, in- J. The
o wosaru,
s. A
spring, foun- ternal measurement of a given
tain. 3*3 a fountain-head. area, or of a hollow thing.
tfoS an oozing 0r trickling sissrtF wolamarga, s. A by-
spring. ^<5 a lateral spring. path, footpath; also CAJ^JS Xr.
j(3o) wosaruni (&>*5), v. n. To s^), aoS'i)^) wolavu, wolavu,
ooze, leak. ^. Curve, bend; inclination.
wosllu, see z&&. 2. the mind, secret thought.

wosulu, s. Collection or 5ix>o>a* wolamundilu, s. The

inner courtyard of a house.
recovery of any dues; also
Ssiaa). to collect, ?oc2S, fco^nJo^o wolasanci, wo-
lasancu, s. Collusion, conspi-
? wola, adj. Inner, internal. racy, plot.
also ~&*$' ?lfS^. wolasutra, ^. The inner
2. secret, private; O
intermeddling collu- frame of a door ^^ window,
t^ ;

sion, conspiracy. woli, s. Light, splendour.

rTs)&> wolagapini (atf7w>), .#. ?j wolepuni (2^), v. a. To

To submit, obey. 2. to adhere, call.

as to a party. wolevuni, ^^ ca)e34.^>.

rtatb. wolaguttu, s. A secret, ^, 20^,, 2o^ wolty,

mystery. wolta, woltu, wolpa,
wolacilu, ^. A grove, wollekodi, J^e

to wo, The twelfth letter of the ing of the belly. to

alphabet. In MSS. it is often vomit.

written ;&>? j?) wongeruni
to wo, intj. 0! oh! as, So TO^JS To listen. 2. to overhear,
Rama! &>
?5^ mother! eavesdrop.
too^cS wonkade, s. An enort to wonti, see ijott.

vomit, retching. 2. heav- wonte, ^. A kind of large

100 to Co? wodya

thin reed. 2. a pipe made of net for throwing from a boat.

reed. 3otf Q3o a
boat-shaped wooden
.: wonte, see >u.

fcoo&Sa^)'!? wontepuli, s. The sour wodari, s. A potter. 2. a

fruit of Garcina cambogia; term of reproach implying
also .orif i^, 5^-r^ ?. 1
want of sense. ^fori. _e2?3

the potter's work; a clumsy

ijodo wondu, (abbr. of otfoc3o)
Where is it?
or ill-executed work.

wonti, J. A blood-sucker, ^3* wodikattu, s. A religious

or social association of mem-
salamander. 3^ a swell-
ing of the face. ~x>$ a bers of the same caste at
kind of fish. board, festival, marriage etc.;

$ wokali, wokuli, .y. J gj

Crimsoned turmeric water. LJ^O wodilu, wodu, s. A

?y red potsherd. 2. a tile.
squirting this li-

quid upon passers by etc. at woduni (>S), ?>. n. To

the conclusion of an impor- run. &<& roots to spread

tant temple festival or of a in every direction,

wode, see &>^-

marriage; also e^rf.
^J: rsj wokonuni (Sj^f?), 7-. # .
i, fcoziA* wode, wodegu, adv.
To answer to a call. Where? cf.

2C 3 JSrjo^) wononuni, see jo^e3os>. wodreyi, abbr. of

2c woci, .J. A pair, couple.
_s7)Tli?) to pair, couple, woni, s. A lane, alley,

L>^^ w5Ja, wojarsa,
s. Light, wone, J^ sr^Fi.

2. strength. 3.
onedaye, J. An areca-
bravery, valour. nut planter. 2. the name of
p wop, intj. Hailing, calling a caste. 3. a lame man.
out to a person at a distance,
LcoD^)^ wodavuni, c. v. (of &^$)
wojju, s. A tie, knot. -333 To cause to read, to teach
IB to tie. how to read.

,vota, s. Running, race. 2. wodige, wodu, s.

the current of a stream, sail- Reading, perusal.

ing of a vessel. do woduni (^^), v. a. To
wotepuli, sie 3083*. read, peruse. &S5 ^f^^ to-

read over to another.

isrf woda, s. A boat, wherry,
a boatman. rf aod a cS- wodya, sec ras^.
wona 101 wole

wonama, s. The first rillu, s. A hut. 2. a house

letters with which a Hindu with quarrelling inhabitans.
commences his studies, mean- oi>o woriyuni (^ 8), v. n.

ing 'I make obeisance to the To grumble; see &5^)ca.

Infinite'. 2. an alphabet. woruni To
(^), "'. .

?:e>s3 wopasale, sec So^d prate, babble; to wrangle.

srsa wopadi, adv. Like, ac- wore, adj. Crooked; bent.

cording to. ^J3^6worek6re, adj. Oblique,

wopu, s. Polish, -d Spofco uneven, irregular.
a fine kind of sand used for worevuni, wo-
polishing jewellery. &8&F&, rovuni (^, *&),#., To be
to polish. grumbling; to quarrel conti-
wopedaye, pro. What nually.
man ? intj. An expression of woryuni, see joodoo$.

contempt. wolaga, ^. A royal assem-

wobelu, s. The song of
bly, durbar.
women sung while transplant- s. A band of mu-
ing rice-plants. sicians. crooSo a musician.
Ls3o woma, s. The seed of bishop's
do^s to play upon musical
weed, common caraway, Si- instruments.
son amomum, Ptychotis ajo-
wolayi, J. Menial service
wan. 2. any small seed.
of Pariahs. croo3o a menial
to do woma, see sU?^o.
i>o^ womana, adj. Darling, s;o3:>^}> wolayipuni (Sj^oso),
dear. s. Fondness, tender- v. a. To serve. 2. to do ho-
mage. ever<
woyi, intj. A polite form of adv.

STSOSo wolayi, Always,

jused in hailing, or in ans-
woli, s. A festival in honor
wering the call of a superior of cupid; bet. sLses?.
Sjorfjs sir!
wolige, ^^ ^JS^T?.
woyikkane, s. A quill
woliya, s. A furrow,
of a porcupine. ,

trench in the earth made by

woyya, see ajcdoo.

worata, see so^e^y.

a spade or pickaxe.
to make a trench.
wori, s. A kind of whisky.
0afo. like. s.
wolu, As,
worige,^. Grumbling, howl. Likeness, resemblance.
ts3 wole, s. A metallic ear-ring.
2. tallness, height.
O'i; woriyillu, wo- 2. a palmyra leaf rolled up
$3 wole 102 auiu

and put into the hole of a wovu, zVz/0-. Which? what?

female's ear. 3. a letter or Oh! oh!
woho, intj.
epistle inscribed on a palmyra
woligu, adj. Flexible, pli-
leaf. 7v3 the carrier of such
a message.
^ jaggory made

wolige, see ^U?

^. 1

palm juice.
woleg-a, see
>e>X. wolu, ^r'. Where? 03, j

^ woleguni (>3K), :-.#. To ?.
sit in state. 2. to lean, recline. everywhere. aj^. Sjs?^,

3. to tremble as a demon- o O
wherefrom? whence?
s^o T^O

priest. aj^o f wna t place? 2o^

Ss&raorF wolemanangu, s. A where? whither? in what
kind of fish. place? whereabout?
wolya, see wole, see >3.

au, The thirteenth letter of , !3s?i autana, autana, ^. A
the alphabet. grand dinner. to
aunkuni (?^), f. a. To give such a dinner.
press down. J^F auddrya- see
auntu, s. Arrogance, in-
audi, ^. sec
solence, pride.
v.a> To audreka,
aumpuni (2? ),

chew, mumble, bite softly. d aura, ^<//'. Light, not heavy;

kJj autu, s. End, termination. Cf.

??ba to be finished. ausaknna, see

aude, ^. Dolichos catjang ;

aushadha, aushadhi, ausudhi, J.

^ auta, 5-. The letter 5? in Medicine. _'. a drug.
combination with a conso-
3 ausa, $

nant, as in *pa. tfaSbra to

combine it so. aulu,

ka 103 kanci

ka, The fourteenth letter of ^. The areca-uut
the alphabet. tree.

kankana, s. A. bracelet. kangana, see ^csjre.

2. a sacred string tied round ,
^o/rs^ kangalu, kanga-
the right wrist of a bride- lu, ^/'. Destitute, poor. 2.

groom or the left of a bride. weak. 3. inferior. ^?i

^rs^d kankanakhara, s. Bo- verty, weakness. e?L^to be
rax used in soldering metal- poor; to become weak, or
^cl), ^o^cf kankani, kankane, decrepit.
s. A bracelet of gold or shell-
lac, with prickly chasings. kangilu, kang-ila, kangula, kan-
a^s? a shell-lac bracelet of gula, s. A
kind of dancing
similar form covered with among pariahs at a particu-
Dutch metal. lar season. 2. a song sung

On the face, at the time.

kankane, adv.
flatwise. kanguri, J. Enchased tin
foils used in decoration.
^sS kankappe,
s. A small ham-
ocS9 ^ kannana, kannila,
mer, especially used by gold-
s. A small plate. ^oaj a

^kj, kankabhatte s. The as-

flat earthen plate.
^^ a
sumed name of Dharmaraja hollow plate.

while in =3^0^^, ^oS5"s^> karicala,

residing disguise
with Virataraja.
The bitter
kancala, kancala, s.
gourd, Momordica charantia.
, 'cWaoJJo^ kankari-
kanci, s. The town of Con-
puni, kankariyuni (^c^&), r. n.
To hawk, force jeveram.
up phlegm
kanci, s. Gong-metal, bell-
with a noise ;
to clear the
metal. ^e;^ a vase. s'tljdoo
throat; to hem.
metallic utensilsof a de-
kankini, see 3o^r5.
mon shrine. 3 a lamp-
^oj3^ kankushta,
post with circular tiers of
kankoshta, s. A kind of fra-
lamps, zx>%3 a vessel made
grant drug, used as a cos-
of that metal.
zS^ejdj?^ kancikamakshi. s.
kankula, s. The armpit, uuy
The name of a goddess at
kanke. see t^o^B Conjeveram.
karici 104 kanda

karicikayi, ^ kantelu, s. The neck,

karicipuli, s. A kind of bitter throat. ~~, 3 ?>;
orange used in medicine. by the neck.
^o^^d karicikare, s. A kind of ^o&d kantyele, ^. A quarrel-
wasp. some man.
^O^ASO karicigare, s. A worker ^odkantha, s. The neck, throat.
in bell-metal, brazier. _ ^Srare up to the neck ;

Molars, ^cta^ karicini, kancini, s. ing by the neck. -x>2 an

A dancing-girl. ornament worn round the
^o^co* karicilu, s. A vow made neck.
to a demon. =CToUe>^Cr? kanthibharana,
^o:3j kancu, ^-? ^ceS. kind of necklace.
. A lotus. 2. j^ #=~g- ^oSs^w kanthakshara, s. A gut-
s. A kind of tural letter.
tambourine. o?jO kanthi, kanthisara,

OCO kariji, s. A calf. 2. the

s. A
necklace of gold beads

of a grinding stone.
worn by males.
3. a sheaf of hay. oDDc3j kanthiraye, s. The
odJS^j s. A kind of
name of a certain king. ^>
RJ a gold coin issued by him.
=CToCS^a kandudi,
kanjya, s. A bag or metallic
3uti stealing;
vessel in which pilgrims put adj. Stolen.

their offerings. 2. a wicker- adultery. o'cSg-^

a woman
work used for storing rice
who has become pregnant by
etc. adultery, r/^.
kanta, see =r kanduji, see

^oej^ kanta, kantaka, s. kanda, ^. A field.

Danger, peril. kanda, see

^ kantavu, s. An iron style
used for writing upon palm A husband.
kandane, see sn^rig.
kanti, see
kandapini, abbr. of

To stir up a quarrel. kandabatte, ^. Con-

oL'Jo ?jkantiyuni,kan- fused, out of order. 2. un-
tyuni ^), e>. //. To quarrel, M)nable.
fight. a quarrel. Confusedly; at random: im-
U kanda 105 kanny.

properly. .-0X0^$ to roam kannu, J. The eye; the

about. s^ttfos to prate, sight, vision. 2. the nipple of a
prattle; to abuse; to speak breast, pap etc. 3. a rent, tear.
nonsense. 4. the eye of a needle. 5. the
kandavuni, see star in a peacock's feather.
_ri out of sight. rf i^o
kandi, J. A hole, opening. the eye-lashes. ri

a window; socS. i
-5^ the eyelids.
2. cf.

kandita, -^ socaa. _rf ^ooj3 the outer corner of

d kandimara, J. The trunk the eye. -d X^, -ss ^orf the

of a tree cut down for sawing. eye-ball. 3& a speck in the

s. A thief. 2. a eye. rf a film on the eye.

_4^or the rheum of the eyes.
knave, rogue.
kanduga, see
the pupil of the eye. rf ^
dji kandun! (^=5), 7.-. #. To
the eye-brows. ?5 tears.
take. 2. to steal.
to shed tears. 3?3
z! kande, ^. A bulbous root. _S>e5c3s^si
sore eyes.
^o3 liberality.
2. the stomach. 3. bottom.
prodigality; eagerness.
wdo$ (/&'/.
the stomach to
3 <3 a man given to winking.
be hard pres-
evacuate), to
to be done
&3CN a beck, wink. s^ ^

sed, bothered;
an estimate made by looking
up. srotfos, to suffer from
at a thing, a rough calcula-
colic. ZSJATJO^ to grow or 5o3 a squint, leering.
appear above the surface of ^otfotk a blind eye. eS?~> a
earth, as the trunk of a cocoa-
sickness in which the eye-
nut tree etc.
lashes fall off. -o^zfS &oL&.
kaadekutti, s. A dwarf.
^?^s> to become blind.
} kandegare, see to wink. 2033 5
kanderiyuni to instigate, encourage
T.a. To make a cut.
by winking. to blind-
slc^ kandelu, a^'. Thievish, fold, deceive. 5^^ to stare

stealing. 33 thievishness, vacantly, be puzzled. ^A

theft, ^czfd a male thief. o tfo$, ^jao^o^, ^jstfe5cdoo^ to
^so a female ^o
thief. doze, be sleepy. a;^^.
djirjj^kandonuni, "'. rcf. (lit. tiov^, eoo<34' to open the
to take for
oneself) To steal, eyes. s^dis to swoon. ^
rob. to stare.
kannu 106 kandu

ttfonz kannumberu, s. Talk- &s> to fathom the depth of

ing in sleep. water. a?L$ to plant deeply.
*, kannukattu, J. Blind-

folding, deception. 2. jug- '.

Inclined, bent

glery, conjuration. trooSo a downward. ^jsw^

a spade

the edge of which is inclined

kanna, ^^ ^- inward. &&

to walk with
downcast eyes.

kannambaruni (3oro
?'. 72. To talk in sleep, kantavuni, c.v. (o/3o
To cause to fall or sink.
kannadi, see tfo^a.
2. to prick. 3. to offend.
tf&rs^jo^ kannadi- 3o.
kantu, see
yuni, kannadyuni (^op5), r.n.
To be confused, perplexed. kantuni (*o), ?. . To
sink, go down. 2. set, as the
rssirao* kannamalu, s. The
sun etc. 3. to be pricked,
morbid secretions of the eye.
as with a thorn, razor etc.
ro5)6 kannare, adv. With one's
4. to take to heart. 5. to be
own eyes. 2. clearly, dis-
tinctly. &a&s to see for
io* kantelu, s. Sinking.
oneself; to see clearly.
kandu, adj. Dull, faded.
c3 kanni, s. Fibre. 2. gummy 2. inferior. eSos^
exudation from the outer
silver. ^e^ to fade; to be-
fibrous covering of a cocoa-
come pale.
nut. rfo'd
Caryota urens.
A kind of kanduka, kandaka,
r^j^i kannuccu, ^.
2xr s. A ditch, trench.
insect, infesting the eyes.
kandambi, The excre- 1
.s .

ai^ kannoji, see tfojSjse^.

ment of a new-born child,
kantu, J. An instalment calf etc.
or stipulated period of pay-
cuoio kandaya, s. A space of
ment. z&) a written con- four months. 2. assessment,
an obligation
tract to fulfill tax.

by instalments. rfotfo^a
to kandavuni, c. v.
(of ^o
agree to pay a debt by in- To render dim or dull.

stalments; to fix, settle. 2. to deteriorate the actual

a kantu, kanta, s. state or quality of a thing.

'2. a precipice, steepness,
adj. kandu, see 3oE.
Deep. 2. precipitous, adv. kanduni (^5), "'. . To
Deeply. 2. precipitously. -* fade, wither to be wan.
2. to
kande 107 kammu

become dim or dull. 3. to be & kampa, s. Agitation, tre-

vexed, annoyed. mor. 2. hesitation. 3. terror.
^o^s:s kandelu, s. A pitcher, $A an earthquake. rfepa

large pot. aosfrsa a drun- diffidence in public speaking.

kard. 5osjs5 a
aioa^s to frighten ;

^cd^20J?rfj kandeluburu, s. A fish to draw away the fishing

kind of creeper. when it has caught
^odJ33 kandodi, ^. An adder, the bait.
wicked people.
viper. ric33

a broad hooded snake.

^ kampiyuni (^3), r. n.

^83 To tremble, quake, as with

s^tSo a grey coloured snake. fear. i\ n. To make a notch.
a?5 a water-snake, kd a
kamba, kambha, see
yellow spotted snake.
a kind of creeper. kam-
=5*0(3 kanna, s, A hole.
badu, kambadu, kambapu, see
to bore a hole.
'ffoc&e kannada, ^. The Canarese kambi s. The borders of a
language, adj. Of or belong- cloth. 2. a flat bar of iron.
ing to Canarese or Canara. 3. a wire. Seiks to
ftarfc^ kannadaka, s. A pair of run away.
spectacles, an eye-glass. owos^ kambula, kam-
^o^S kannadi, s. Glass. 2. a s. A bullock race in a
mirror. 3. a pair of eye- rice-field.
200 a network for
glasses. kambecci, J. A steel plate
suspending earthen vessels. with holes for drawing wires.
eos? a glass bangle.
ofcSojr kamberlu, s. Demons
^o^dojjo^kannadeyuni, v.n. To worshipped by pariahs.
suffer from morbid secretion UP a hut of such a demon.
of the sore eyes.
kamboli, s. A blanket.
^o^rtu* kannaderu, s. A class of 3& a species of hairy cater-
Canarese speaking Sudras. ^c
3i% a man of this class,
kamma, ^. pillar, post.
kanni, see *crf.
kammare, ^. A black-
kannike, see 33ft smith.
kannoji, s. A class of kammi, adj. Deficient, de-
professional thieves from the ^j-S-p^ojkammukiminu, intj.
ghauts. 2. a rogue. Disturbance caused by talk-
kampa, see 7\ct>.
kamme kaca

kammena, kam- - 'J

kakkata, ^.

yana, see 3^3. vomiting.

karnka, s. The state of kakkabikkare,
being to burnt or singed. &s Alarm, fright, adj. Crooked.
- to fry. roast. =5* 57> 6 kakkare, -sv

D^'^Jro karnkallu, s. Gravel.

kakkavuni, <;. T-.

hard sand. To cause to vomit.

0=5 vrdo^j karnkadyni (^ctrcrS), kakkuni (^) T '- ^- & w -


. . To burn.
To vomit. ^ to emit poison.
karricavuni, .
(cf. as a serpent.
To cause to burn s. A
kakkusu, privy.
to cinders.
to go to stool.
TC:^F karncuni (^c^or), r. .
^. A crow, raven.
To be burned to cinders.
a black kind of fowl.
karnta, s. Obstinacy ha-
; j

a kind of black
tred, grudge. 3^0^ to be shelled oyster.
obstinate: to have a grudge. ;

s. Cassia fistula.
karntavuni. c.v. (of T&tf its tree.

To blacken, scorch. odo* kakkendelu, 5. The
karntuni (s'cSr), i<. n. shrub Canthium parviftorum ;
To fade, become pale; to be Citrullus colocynthis.
scorched. ^.
, kakkokasastra,
^o^r karnde, s. The shrub
A treatise on women.
Sphaeranthus hirtus. 559^0
cra kanana, see
^ the tree C.-irissa carandas.
a^^ kacakaca, zV//y.
A sound
^c^r-^, karmpakki, ^. A kind when kneading
produced, as
of small bird frequenting a
any glutinous substance.
sugarcane plantation, [cane. %??> to tread or knead any-
^oWJF kannbu, s. The sugar-
thing to a jelly.

^oioord karmbuda, s. A sound

_ kacakka, pro-
^o2Jor^) karmbunl duced by a stone falling into
To mutter. mud.
ijj karmbelu, ^. A stingy ,
=5^3023 kacapici, kaciku-
woman. Confusion, disorder. ~2.
ci, s.

?3 kaoise, ^. Krushna's uncle. ;

reducing anything to a jelly.

kakka, kakka, J. Sedi- adj. Gummy, sticky. 3. zig-

nicnt. *oais3 putrescence zag; difficult to deciplu

of sardi read.
kaci 109 kaja

kacita, see while tilting; to turn the tail

between legs, as a dog.

kacura, see w
kacure, .?. A clever man. ^okf, ^&oS3 kajantij, kajanti,
see ^rdcO.
kaceri, ^. A public office.
tffcjos&n* 3j ka.jammadume, s. The
the Tahsildar's office.
tonsure of a child.
the Collector's office.
kajaku, s. An oyster or
kaccakadi, J. A tortoise
cockle shell. 2. a cocoanut
shell. ^jseeu_ the shell of a
kacc'ade, s. An outcast.
black oyster.
kacca, ^/'. Green, unripe; t^odod s. A kind
raw. 2. silly, indiscreet. of basket.
3. base, low.
kajake, adj. Variegated
s. Quarrelling,
eJ kaccata, with white and black. &s?>
fighting; dispute. a white fowl streaked with
23e>oa kaccaduni, "'. 0. To black.
quarrel. kajane, s. The green stuff

kaccavuni, c. v.
(o/tfzQ floating on stagnant water.
To join fast. kajaruni, see zg^s.
kacci, ^^ 3&5> 5.
^^31)4 kajavu, kajavu,
kacci, J. A notch, incision.

Rubbish, sweepings. 2. ^
to make a notch.
kaccikada, J^ ^g^a. kajane, j

kaccidaye, J. A native kajipu, s. Curry.

'of Cutch. SJ
kajilu, m- *s55.

^0$ kaccuni (
^ r),
^- w To -
8 ^-. A kind of grass
be joined fast. t/. . To bite. growing on brackish soil.
^23 J3 d kaccura, s. A fragrant 2. an acid substance accu-
root of the Zedoary Zeruui- mulated on the teeth by
bet or Curcuma Zerumbet ; chewing betel leaves.
Kcempferia galanga. E kaje, adj. Dark-red, reddish.
The end or
=&Z3 kacce, s. hem of S9> an inferior kind of rice.

a lower garment gathered up kajepuni (^), v. a. To

behind and tucked into the chew. 2. to husk with the
waist-band. ^y^?>
to fasten teeth or beak.
the under cloth behind; any ^kajeruni (--S), y. a. To
fluid to run down the rim waste, as time. 2. to lose, as
kaje 110 katty

sleep. 3. to delay, put off, as confusion. cao^i5j a quiet

work or labour. man.
s;* ka^elu, s. The after-birth, katari, see ^328.

placenta. katavu, J. Reaping.

kajelpuni (^~), see
kataksha, J. A glance,
side-look. 2. mercy, favour.
kaj.Jatu, * North-west
&?&s>4s> to
&?L$ to regard with favour.
33 c& kajjaya, -r. A cake made
katina, jj^ ^SP.
of rice, jaggory and ghee.
13^13 katipiti, s.
t>c a sweet preparation
2. disagreement, misunder-
consisting of dholl, gingely
standing. 3ot>r$ misunder-
seed, jaggory, cocoanut, and
standing to arise.
to to haggle in mak-
kajji, see
X. wrangle ;

ing a bargain; to disturb,

kajjura, ^^ Xs35.
as by babbling.
J. Business, work. ejjao, ^^js^d katura,
kajjeruni P. .
katura, katora, Harsh,
(^f^), adj.
To be interrupted, severe, cruel; ^3r.
procrasti- cf.

nated. ,6J3^3or?i katkarohini, s. Black

f^b? katukutu, s. The noise hellebore, Hclleborus niger.
produced in biting or chewing kattu, s. A band, hoop.
any hard substance. 2. un- 2. a
bandage. 3. a bundle,
easiness in the bowels. 4. an order, com-
katumastu, sec XO^o^. mand; a regulation. 5. a

katakata, s.
Babbling, bond. ^y^ a law, institute,

chattering, sro^os to chat- usage, routine. ^?5 fixed

ter; to speak harshly. $ hire. T^ra to loosen a tie.

$> to laugh noisily. ^\> to unfasten; to cancel

JiS^N katakkane,
adv. Readily, a rule.
to make
at once. a resolution, or rule; to ex-
suddenly, ^^yS
to communicate.
speak harshly.
katale,^. The shopkeeper's kattukamma, s. A fixed
open box for putting in cash. pillar.

33^13 katakuti, s. kattukada. ^.

disorder, disturbance. sfe .
kattukadi, s. Determin-
lumber, things lying in ation, settlement.
111 katte

kattukade, s. A final kattavuni i

arrangement or resolution. To winnow.

^ finally, at last, on the ex- ^13 ft s. Fuel, firewood.
treme point.
TjkJo kattu, see #0.
fo* ^$ kattyikathe, s. A fable,
kattuttara, s. Adjust-
novel, romance. &j

ment, settlement. 2. order

fo^.sjooejj, kattijmuttu, set
command. 3. the pacification
of a devil.
& katt^lme, see
J* kattuvasu, s. A rough ej>
kattuni (^0)
\ w i). a. To
kind of cloth. 2. a piece of bind, tie, fasten, secure. 2. to

cloth to clothes etc. build, construct. 3. to set,

wrap up
A dam. 2. 5^ ^^. as jewels. 4. to amass, as
J, katta, s.
wealth. 5. to deposit, as money.
katta, see *3.-
6J 6. to pay government dues.
. rs kattana, s. An embank- T2bF$ (lit. to tie and
ment. 2. any earth- or stone- to erect for
give) another,
work. 3. a building.
as |
^ OS &sbF$ to build
csz^ds^} kattanaclravu, s. A e3

a house for another; ^513^5

bag with divisions; also X^o =jzbr& to submit voluntarily ;

jTOnojo ^0 S tftabrs) to refer a

kattapuni, s. An em-
dispute for arbitration; efteao
bankment between rice-fields
.5 ^jsbr?) to lease out a
or across a water-course.
land. e>eL$ to store,
e3 d kattalme, s. A building.
amass; to forbear, as from
kattale, Custom, prac-
showing one's pride. ^^>
tice. 2. an order. 3. a rule, SJD^JO) to confine. #05 s^>;frfo$
regulation. to argue closely a point in
^oeJ kattakutti. see ^Sro^ot?. dispute, to contest.
U eo kattani, s. A necklace of J^

H kattumuttu,

five or seven strings of gold

beads, each having a gold coin katte, ^. A raised seat of

in the middle. earth or stone. 2. an altar. 3.

3u^ c.v. (of. an office.

ws^S" a post-of-
$) To cause to bind or tie. an embankment
fice. ija^a
2. to have a house etc. built. round the tulasi plant. 3oo
3. to supply. ^^ to supply ^rf a custom-house. ri^ca
with vegetables. to suffer loss, be ruined.
katte 112 kada

kattevu, s. A flea. ,^. Grinding. *^

s 1 a grinding stone. *cs2 a
kattonuni, .
rg#. (<?/"

To bind for oneself. 2. grinding pestle,

to supply oneself, sroz! to oeo^kadambalv, s. The space
commit sin. behind the hearth.

38, 38, katle, katle, ^ *^- ozos? kadambale, ^. A kind of

3Se>0 kathari, s. A dagger. poisonous snake; also B'tS^otS.

tffcf. kadakattu, ^. Monetary

3rs Hard, harsh,
kathina, adj.
severe, difficult. 333rea a transactions, lending and bor-
cruel man. a severe ^3 rowing.

expression. &S?A a serious kadakda, see X3Xrf.

_3c^coo a hard kadaga, ^. A bracelet,
heart. ^. A cloth covered
3&fldkathora, adj. Severe, hor- with a composition of char-
rible. coal and gum, and used in-
kaduricilu, see *&. stead of a slate for writing.
3zz ozoao kadijtiji, ka- 2. the skin.
dunjeyi, sec kadadu, see 35^.
G^oZwj kadumbUj s. A kind of
Srf s. Distance. 2.
cake. about half a mile.
023*3 kadumbele, s. A miser,
SOD^ kadapavuni, c.v. (of 3
niggard. To cause to pass. 2.
kadijta, s. A cut, incision. to help one to ford a river,
2oc^e SS^JSAO ^tS he cut it at
kadapu, s. A ferry.
one stroke. 2. ^r.^
a stone placed across a stream
7,^33 kadutale, ^.'
for crossing over. croo5o a
kadud^, ^<? ^5
kadupuni, ^-2 kadapu, .y. A rheumatism
kadijima, ^ of the joints.

kadume, ^. Pride, vanity. kadapuduni, c. r


2. ostentation, vaunting. To despatch, forward,
=- ^37)53 kadusale, kady.- send away, dismiss, ^r^ti^
sale, s. A devil-dancer's ^Lrsi to accompany one for
sword .
a short distance out of civil-

5^ kad^istana, ^^^ XSco3#. to follow the remains of

ity ;

^ kada, ^. A loan, debt. & deceased relatives to their

-to lend,
-^s to borrow. last resting place.
kada 113 kadu

kadapuni (^), v. a. To lathe; to wear anklets, or

cross, ford, pass. z. n. To wooden shoes.

elapse. 2. to surpass. drj* kadasu, see X<3r3.

& kadapelu, s. That which SD^S kadakadi, adj. Resolute,

can be crossed over. decided, strict, exact.
sJo d kadapyade, see ^4- c3s>c&o kadayi, see
kadama, -y. A stag, elk. EDS kadara, s
kadame, .?.
Deficiency, de- css)^) kadivu,
fect. 2. remnant. Less, An opening, pas-
#af/. & kadi, ^.
deficient 5 ?
^r sage. 2.a small fragment,
difference, about. ?& to a small passage. ^
bit. 3.
become less, be diminished.
w^$ to block up an opening.
to lessen, reduce; to
^js^a & kadi, s. Broken rice; adj.
kadayi, s. A boiler of
kadita, see *S^.
kadicilu, see ^^>-
kadara, .?. The companions
of a bride, bridesmaids. ^ kadime, see
yo.$ to choose a bridesmaid. kadiya, ^

ro$ a bridesmaid. rf 3oQ To be

oJoj^kadiyuni (^^), ^'. .

a gift of four rupees to a

octe:2 cut in two. 2. to break down.
bridesmaid. 3. to give way, as a dam.
kadaruni (^^), ^. n. To 4. to dissolve, as friendship.

croak; to caw. ^^Cs^kadiru, kadiratana,

3* kadalu, j

. The sea, ocean. see #a?5.

3^, 3i3 the sea-gull. c^> ^rs kadivana, s. The bridle

ei303j the bone of a cuttle- of a horse.
fish. or? the foaming surges 0* kadiru, adj. First-born.
of the sea. ^03? a sea-hog, &3 primogeniture. crooSo

dolphin. aro3 a kind of fish. the first-born son.

^>a a sea-snake. ajsoi a kadiru, s. The plant Sida
sea-fish. ret us a.

kadu, s. Pungency; seve-

aridinum. cSsJ the ground- rity. 2. excess; extremity.
nut, Arachis hypogacB. adj. Pungent. 2. extreme, ex-
kadavu, ^. A turning-lathe. cessive. 3. severe. ^s/sjs,

2. a wooden shoe. 3. a silver 3j3T$o5> poison the

to fish.

anklet. -533^0^ to turn in a 5 excessive trouble. 33

kadu 114 kade

very bitter. &aez5 excessive corners of lips. tf.??ror dis-

passion or anger. aVK a qualification. ?3c5 the

very liberal man. 333^ a waist, t\y/>.
of cattle. 3j&&>d

great sinner. 3>3 excessive to come an end.

to ^jsSba to

heat. witness the end <?r destruction

^^oczocf kadumbaru, s. Drowsi- of anything. &a?a^>3i$ to
ness, dreaminess. threaten with evil. eoj3-dos

to talk in sleep; cf. to avoid, escape; to recover;

=3^0023 kadumbe, .s
to get through a task. --?

or;, =3^033) kadupa, kadupu, tfos> to pare tfr lop the top.
to conclude, bring to

kadubu, ^. A kind of an end. ^ijs'dos

(a woman)
cake. to commit adultery, obsc.

Jdooel).kadumuttu, . The doowo^, 4Bo:&>$ to come to

extreme point. 2. severity, a conclusion or decision,

sharpness, adj. Extreme. 2. to finish, terminate,

severe. a t3ef3 travail. finally, at last. &$& a?

^jS3e>(&) kaduvayi, s. A kind of & to keep aside. tf^S

fish. $ to gather together in one

kaduve, J. A hero. 2. a place. '$'$& ?tfo& to be an

courageous man. 3. a clever adherent of. tf^t&r ulti-

man. mately, finally, end. at the

kadustana, see
*^3- tf^e the very last, final. &
s. that side. ^? this side. w&
kade, Verge, edge, margin.
osorf- inside. L^osorf- outside.
2. end, extremity or point.
3. place, side, direction, adj. icZaJ^ kadencuni (trfodTj^ . a.

Last, final, ultimate. 2. low,

To knead.
mean, -saosj the fruit of the kadekannu, s. The outer
last crop, -rreo (lit. last time), corner ^r angle of the eye.
2. a side-glance, leer.
end, death; evil; distress.
^jsatrooS without head or 3jsLa to look askance; not to

tail; forlorn or destitute; stu- be well disposed.

pid, absurd, senseless. 3 kadekatty, s. The settle-

oJj a retainer, adherent. t^ ment of a dispute. 2. a double

the last day; the day of judg- cross-beam. 3. a wooden

ment. -tfd;$j9$ a low, mean, square in front of an upper
stupid man. ;3jseU a story, supported on posts,

side-glance, leer. arooso the kadekary, s. The heel.

kade 115 kana

^drtaa kadeguri, s. A pit used by ^0 kadtelu, s. A prattling

the rope-pullers when work- woman.
ing a country water-lift. kaddu, s. Severity, rigour,
kadeccuni, see mSo^os. harshness. 2. the strength of

kadepini ( 5 ^), v. a. To wine etc.; also 7\sQ3.

bite, champ, gnaw, grind. Severe, harsh. 2. strong.
53030 to chew the cud. 3\2 3jD;fd a harsh word. e?L
to gnash the teeth. TBfrS&tfdT to be severe, strong. fc

a grinding stone. ^s to make strong.

zizos, ^^ws^, kadeballu, kade- kddata, .s.
Cutting. 2.

ballu, J. The ropes with which fighting.

a water-lift is worked. s. A bill-hook.
doJoo^i, ^cls^)^ kadeyuni, kade-
kadpu, adj. Excessive, be-
vuni (&&)) V' a. To stir up,
J limit, etc. 9<3 o
turn. 2. see
oversweet confection. sroi^
kaderuni, a very harsh word. ^oAs5
kadesa, ^. Delay. gold containing a larger pro-
kadesavuni, . ^. (<?/"* portion of alloy than usual;
To delay, detain, stop. cf.

kadesuni (^53), ^. To .
^ kadpuni (*S), ^. To cut; .

be late, to delay, tarry, linger. to fell down, ^rf,^^

a stone
d\ kadei, see ^oso. cut from a quarry.

^ kadga, ^. A sword. ,
kadma, J^ *z&rfo.

& kadcilu, s. A
turning l, ^d, kadle, kadle, see
co' V
lathe. sjstSo?) to turn in a
kana, J. A square piece.
lathe. crooSo a turner. the piece of cloth from
kaddi. ^. The fibre or vein which a female's bodice is
a *

of a leaf. 2. a very small made.

stick. esd!?, s kana, see ^3-
d P kaddya, ^. A pitcher, water- ^o
a kana, w. a. (imperat. of
tSfcs) Bring.
d o?3 kaddyana, s. A bridle,
kanambaruni, j^ ^o
reins, bit.

^sSwsJoaj kadtalebayi, j. A
kanaku, ^. Fuel, firewood.
quarrelsome person.
kanaja, A granary, barn.
g^o* kadtelu, j. That which is

broken. d kanapade, ^. A kind of

kana 116 katte

having poisonous milky kaneparu, s-:e

juice. kanepe, j^ Sr^.

kanapane, s. A stupid
kaneyuni, see
kaneru, s.
s. A jaw-tooth, Astringeucy.
kanelu, s. The thick end
of grass or straw. 2. a small
s^oSj kanapalayi, ^. A plank
for the driver to stand upon
branch of a tree.

in buffalo race. kanevuni, see

so,^ kanapini, see Aso^Ls. kanopini, see

kanape, adj. Bitter, astrin- kanole,

gent. kannu, J
kanale, sec re3. ra ^ej"'.
re d kannakattu,
kani, s. A ditch, trench. kannaniru, see 3~

To tcr ^c^F.
ss^ kanipuni (^), t'. .

he hardened by burning, as kannoji, J^<? ^o^e3.

an earthen vessel. 2. to be ! kate, ^^ *^-
afflicted. ^3c3_ to be depres-
^ katta, ^. The coir or fibres
sed, dispirited; the heart to of the cocoanut, used to make
be hardened.
ropes with.
3o kanime, s. A defile or pass kattari, see ^s.
between two mountains.

kaniye, s. An astrologer. kattalyuni (^^), w. To set, .

kanile, s. A tender bamboo. as the sun; to get dark. 2.

shoot. to droop, as one's spirits.
{% kane, s. A slender bamboo ^53 kattale, s. Darkness. 55,
fl kane, A
blight incidental
pitch dark. 3o- the

to rice crops. =#osjg_ a

blight- ^4 kattavu, ^ *,.
ed ear of corn. kattalu, s. Cash, ready
P! kane, ^. The quill of a por- money, :'/,;'.

cupine. 3o33 a
porcupine. $ katti, J. A knife; also 3^.
kaneag-u, kanengi, ^ katte, J. An ass. 2. a silly
creature. tfodr a
kanepuni C^f?), r-. n. To iD a katteri, ^. Scissors, sh
have an acrid or astringent 2. an betel-nut cracker. 3, a
taste. 2. to rot. rat-trap;
^i katte 117 kadry

katteriyuni, kadike, s. A granary. 2. a

.tf.To shear, depository for the receipt of
cut with scissors. offerings.

kadine, see ^^cS.

A composition of chunam J^ 3 e

kadipu, -^-
and other ingredients used
kadipuni, see tf^s.
for flooring.
A kadime, see *a?3o.
, =5^ kathe, kathana, s.
^t'. Strongly,
story, narrative, narration, kadiya,
well. 3ioyos> to squeeze well.
history. 2. a fable, tale. intj.
Ah! nre^_ wonderful! tfqz 0* kadiru, ^. An ear of corn.
2. see tfSS.
zi^oX narration of a story.
a delightful or pleasant
^qre-drf kadlma, a^'. Of long
story. ^i-re^oXj^o a collection standing, veteran, experi-
of stories a enced.
; compendium
of history. kadime, s. A veteran, an
o32 kadumpe, s^ ^ricsS. experienced man, a servant
of long standing.
kadukulu, J. A vital
kadu, s. Grit.
part of the body, as the heart.
2. the side. a ff. [t
kadupu, see 5rf^.
kadijru, s. A spindle, dis- S kade, .?. Catamanial dis-

kadampe, s. The decayed charge.

part of timber. 2. a chip. kade-
cScdoo?), 36^)$
splinter. puni, kadeyuni, kadevuni (tf#),
kadamsara, s. A per- z. . & . To disjoin. 2. to
fumed braid made of the
pull out, strip off".

"kedagi" flower. ^ kadelu, adj. Loose.

kadana, s. War, battle.
kadeluni (*d), ?-.. To
kadane, s. A swivel-gun. become slack. 2. to
to fire a swivel-gun.
shatter, tatter.
^ddo kadaru, kadaru, J^
Sjs kadoli, s. A species of
j^ ^d^js*. plantain, Musa sapient um.
J. A kadpu, J. Stealing, theft.
kadale, rag. adj. Rag-
ged, tattered. kadpu, s. An ear of ripened

kadike, s. The Huriallec, corn. rfoAos an ear of corn

grass, Cynodon Dactylon. 2. to bend from its weight.
the name of a village. 3 , kadru, s
.?. kadro 118 kappa

kadrolu, s. A kind of kannada, sec
edible grass. kannadi, see
T& kaaa, s. A dream. & T*3
a vision chimera, fancy. 3o

if. dream and mind);

& kanya, s. A virgin, young
girl; also ^^, tfs^, tfjSo^so
sleep or wakefulness, used
PW- the
2. sign Virgo in
negatively ^wo^s, c. dat.
the zodiac; the sixth solar
^ to dream.
month. s
virginity. ri kanambaruni, e5^i an offering to the dead.
3?te kanaka, .s. Gold, 3 ^oso the first crop. 3
showing honour #r devotion ~2S5 a kind of grass. ^
by pouring gold coins on do, d?5 the country sarsa-
the head. sparer gold dust.
Hemidesmus indicus.
=5^33 kanape, ^ *r3. parilla,
^cTOocBrf giving a girl in mar-
3>^3 kanikara, J. Pity, compas- riage.
sion. to pity, have kapa, see 3^.

compassion. sisj kapata, ^. Fraud, deceit;

=3^^ a, =aojoo> kanipuni, kani- hypocrisy. 7^:3, croc3o,
yuni, see tfrS^s. ^65 a hypocrite, dissembler.
^sjojso kanimuri, ^. The smell 3?M the guise of hypocrisy.
of smoke. 3j^ kapade, ^. A gluttonous
^-0 kanile, j^ tfrfeS. woman. 2. cloth.

T^^^ kanishta, <//. Small, little. sisj, =5S5Do kapala, kapala, s.

2. young. 3. base, inferior,

The scull. 2. the temples.

low. i$o lowest. ^SM, a kapatu, s. An almirah.


youngster. kapayi, J. A greedy

^fi kane, see 3 A. woman. 2. middling, as liquor.
4 kanepavuni, c. i\
*$ & kapi, A monkey, ape.

-) To afflict, cause trouble. _?;5 a monkey's trick; teas-

2. to harden, as the heart. ing. ^UJj^
to mimic, ape.
kanepuni (*c3), f. . To olj kapi, s. A pulley.
be afflicted, troubled. 2- to kapila, s. A tawny colour.
be hardened j <7c//. Tawny. 3oos, tfL5 the
founder of the Sankhya philo-
kanevuni (^w), r
. The 1

. . sophy.
skin to be discolored by a blow. kapura, see 3&rt. ,.

kanna, see * kappa, ^. Tribute, an offer-

kappa 119 kaba

kappanda, s. A sling. ff^ kappuni (^^), "' a. To eat

a sling stone- greedily.

z^d, 3^8,, T^cikappada, kap- 3 kappe, A frog.

-3o?v large

padi, kappade, s. A dirty, eyes. 33*j , 3i?> a green

tattered cloth. frog, tfjseX a disease
cS kappade, s. A snipe ; cf. of cattle, dogs, ^.
rt kappade, #<//. Dirty,
- kaprasuttu,

A portion of
o* kapparu, s.
kapha, ^. Phlegm,
a large earthen pot, potsherd. to accumulate in the
3^3) a flat kind of cake, or throat.
e>^^ to expectorate,
a kind of bread, baked
kabuca, s. A short jacket.
in such a potsherd.
o kaba, ^. The space between
si o* kapparu, adv. On the face.
the fingers; cf. #& $} a
eojstfos to fall on the face.
bifurcated branch.
31 o^o^kapparijsuttu, s. Gal-
vanised iron, zinc. kabandha, ^. A headless
trunk. 2. water.
t> dob* kapparantu, s. A fabu-
lous beast. 2. a glutton. 3. a ;> kabandhe, s. The name
of a giant. 2. a short-necked
rake, debauchee.
s. A tad-
man. 3. the moon's ascend-
sj dofeS kapparante,
ing node.
0* kappalu, J. A -^e& kabakei, see under 3&.
a game cock. 8erfrf?> a kind oU kabata, see 3*u. ^aois a
of cumin seed, Nigdla sativa. dissembling woman.
ado?) to 'go on 6
kabadudaru, intj. Be
vC3 'c5s)D

board a ship. careful! ^wStroa^ care, cau-

kappu, ^. Blackness, dark- tion ;
ness. adj. Black, dark. ^e os* kabatu, ^. Drill, military
s? a dark <?r dejected face. exercise.
srocios to conjure <?r divine
by kabaru, j. A forked or
putting a black application lateral branch. 2. a forked
on the palm cf.
^B. ;
stick. 3. a report. 4. news.
crooS?roo3o a
J5<S*2&,^^j-jj Jj3vA3 kapputo- adj. Forked.
laci, kapputolasi, s. A kind heedless or negligent man.
of mint shrub, 'Holy basil,' kabari, s. Tufted hair of
Ocimum sanctum. females.
kaba 120 kara

kabatu, see ^sreO. ^iS kamastare, s. A sea-

kabiduni (*835), r. To . custom superintendent.
strain, as the gruel of boil- 33^, ^^^)Fi- kamany, kama-
ed rice. nu, s. An arch, vault.
;:^oo^ kabiyuni (*83),r. a. To iraoSo kamayi,^. Gain, income.
besiege, surround, overwhelm. )^!] kamiti, s. A committee,
2. to overspread, as clouds; conference.
also Seoooa.
kamma. ^
kabire, ^. A
^u kammi,

saint, once a Mussulman, ammena, kamyana,

Smell, odour, scent, fra-
aooo*, tftijsa*, tfuJS kabulu,
s. grance, savour.
kabulu, kabiili, Agreement,
consent. kaya, J. Depth, as of water
etc. 2. swamp, Deep
20je3 kabule, Tawny, of a adj. ;
yellowish dark colour. ??;>

to get ripe, as the gingely oil- kaya,

seed, s. A tawny coloured ^ kayappa, ^A'. Entirely,

bull. wholly, all over. 2. well.
z5 kabe, s. A
forked stick, adj.
plough well.
to ^20^
Cloven, forked. the cleft
^ to anoint or besmear the whole
between the thumb and the &8t35$s> to mix.
=eee;o a A
forefinger. post =5^30 kayame, J. kind of
forked at the top. Xo& a rice &?&.
; cf.
kind of fork-shaped grass.
=5*03.0'" kayalu, sec
kabettu, adj. Tawny, of
kayipu, see
a yellowish colour,
^t kayipe, see
e^kabetti, s. A tawny colour-
ed cow. kayilu, J^
kabca, see 3d. jd kayile,

t3>, ^o kabbe, kabya, ^V: 1

o kara, J. An earthen vessel.
eo=o5i- the stomach.
Topsyturvy, upside-down. ^5"
_ 33t$os> to overturn. aijsdos) cooking utensils.
to capsize, upset. d kara, s. Pollution from death.
djo kamala, J. The lotus, d kara, s. The hand. 2. the
Nymphea ndiunba. trunk of an elephant. 3. a
f kamasu, see A^OJ- a
spark, ray of light, as
=3* n;:?^ kamasu, There is none, r/^. the sun.
kara 121 kara

karantuni, see karadu, s. Wastage, loss,

wear. adj. Rough, coarse ;
worn out. 53X33 waste paper.
lu, see-
5^6 a rough copy. e?!b$
karampe, s. A wound. 2.

see tftt. to be worn out. k !

0v$ to

karampelu, #<//. Perfo- waste, spoil.

rated, bored; having notches. karadi, s. A bear. 3ooso

s. The scar of a wound.

a hairy man.
karadige, ^. A small box,
karambu, see ^osoor.
karambuni (3tfo), 77. a. karadu, ^^ ^S.
To prune, cut off, as super- karana, ^. An organ of
fluous branches of a tree; to sense. 2. cause, instrument

clear away, as bush, etc.\ cf. or means of action. ^o&> the

three means of action, name-
karambelu, J. A kind ly, j&ci^esjawkafc the mind,
of coppice. speech and body.
^ karaka, .?#? =5^. dr^'s karaaike, kara-
^u karakara, s. The noise nike, see ^rfr^.
J. 2.
made in chewing, sawing, or , karatala, Cadjan.
a mode of beating time with
the hands also
2, ^d^d karakari, karakare, ^^^, ^ss"?.

j3 cadjan leaf.
5. Annoyance, trouble. 2.
karapunij "'. ^. To repulse,
grief, sorrow, distress.
drive. 2. to urge. 3. to clear,
karagasu, j^ A7\Drf3.
remove. 4. to digest. 5. to
karagavuni, c. ^.
waste. 6. to cause abortion;
To melt, liquefy. 2.
to affect the mind, make a
sS karape, ^. A notch or in-
person's heart melt. 3. to
afflict, cause sorrow.
karapelu, s. A trouble-
rta^ karaguni, r. n. To melt, some or mischievous woman,
2. to be-
dissolve, liquefy.
karapele, s. A trouble-
come thin or lean; to waste.
some or mischievous man.
3. to become affected, soften-
ed ;
to relent, melt with pity ;

karaya, J^
also ^KS^e^S.
c2^e)o5j karajikayi, s. A kind karale, ^. A swelling,

of fruit-shaped cake. karavi, J. A mould.

u kara 122 kari

karavuni (^3), T. n. To kari, s. Castration.

be dissolved, melted. 2. to to castrate.
be digested. 3. to miscarry. karinku, s. Sediment.
j;3 karave, s. Phlegm. ^js? .?#? ^orfors).
pulmonary phthisis,
karijlrige, ^. Black
karalu, J#? ^^ cummin seed, Nigella satira.
karale, see. 3de3. ^Skarinelli, s. Country goose-
karadi, s. A class of Mah- berry.
ratta Brahmins. karipuni (^&), c a. To

karanike, see 3(4-3. deduct, subtract. 2. to spend.

3. to remove.
karabu, adj. Filthy, dirty,
s2, ^DsSo* karipe, karipelyi, J.
unclean, bad.
6 That which is deducted;
3s>do3 , 'CTQD^O^, karamatu,
karamati, s. A miracle, won-
der. 2. the power of doing S^lJ kariblti, s. The real

wonders, etc. ebony.

karaya, s. Phlegm. ^4, ^30ojs2?4 karibevu,

kariyabavu, s. Bergera koe-
^DDdo kararu, kararu, s.
nigii, called the curry-leaf
An agreement, contract. ^k
tree, the leaves of which are
^s> to make a contract.
used for seasoning.
karavali, s. The sea-
karimara, s. Blackwood.
coast, coastline.
kariya, adj. Black.
karavuni, see ^34$-
j kariya, s. A ferry.
karalu, adj. Frightful,
terrible. 3j8?s3 a frightful kariyatolaci,

D Chimney soot.
kari, s. 2. kariyadu, s. A black

charcoal, or any thing burnt,

as the fibrous covering of a ciod kariyade, s, A black man.
cocoanut, straw etc.
adj. see oJo^-a, kariyanekki, j. The

three leaved chaste tree, ;

S kari, s. An elephant. 2. the plant Gi

kari, s. A bar with which a russa vulgaris.
door etc. is fastened. 2. a oJodors kariyamani, s. Black
pole fastened to a load, by beads.
which it is carried on the kariyamudyala, ^.
shoulders. An aromatic plant. Andro-
kari 123 karka

Jwarancusa, with jtlj?> to sail near

pogon .

fragrant roots. the shore. ^uo^s to fasten a

o3oo> kariyuni (*6), 7'. . To selvage; the horizon to be-

elapse, expire, pass as time. come cloudy. 30^ to sail

aux. i'. To be able, or pos- towards the land, -a^-doa to
sible. 5>o3ocD TjoXS an un- escape to the shore to escape ;

avoidable business. ^&S ^s?b from danger; to recover from

s to die; to drop down; to be sickness.

over. ^>c^ $e^3 ^ScdocS I :

5 8 kare,
s. The pole to which
must go by all means. a bucket is attached in a

^a karldi, s. Price, value. country water-lift.

to settle the price; ^6 kare, s. A parish, a social
to purchase. 0r caste jurisdictional divi-
karu, J. Vulture. 2. j^ Xrb.
karempe, see
karumbuni, see
karepini see
o^ karukumbuda,
karepuni (^3), #. . To
make a notch or incision.
karukuru, s. The noise
6s3oa karemedi, s. The sides
made in chewing any brittle
of a border in a rice-field.
otfj^oUokarugontu, s Boiled -
doooj^j, ^os^ kareyuni, kare-
vuni (^), v, n. To crow.
and dried areca-nut.
karelu, s. The mark left
karuna, s. Mercy, pity,
on the skin by wearing any
kindness. ^otfo^a
to show
thing tightly.
mercy. To
$v^ kareluni (^), v. a.
karupu, see v^r. leave a mark on the skin, as
karubuni, see ^-dXo^. by dressing tightly etc.

karulu, see tf&r. karolu, see

kare, ^^ syS. ^j karolu, //. ?/^.

kare, 5-. The seashore, coast- s
r karky, s. A very tender
line. 2. the bank of a river. cocoanut 2. its tender shell.
3. land, as opposed to water. *F^)S? karkupuli,
s. Garcina
4. border, edge. 5. the co- Cambogia.
loured border of a cloth. F karka, adv. At once; sud-
r^ land-wind. ^sa by denly. 2. sharply, violently.
land. -3jrfo, 4ia=^5> to _
to bite sharply ec

touch 0r reach the land; see to grow or ripen fast.

karka 124 kartry.

karkata, s. A crab. 2. the karcilu, ^^ ^it^-

Cancer in the zodiac. ^Fl? black spe- A
karjati, ^.
a female crab. cies. 2. the class of pariahs.
=5^:1^0:^0. karkademullu, s. A karjali, s. The tree Z>#-
kind of thorn. indica, Phloinis indica.
karkattale, karjura, see X^tf.

k ark are, ^^.^ kardu, kardu, ^^

FO, ^^F^J karkasa, karkasa,
! : ;
rtc-//. Violent, harsh, unkind. karna, see
2. cruel, hard. 3. intangi- D karnakutta, adj. Head-
ble. 4. miserly. 3^ cruelty; long, topsy-turvy, s. A sum-
in- merset.
hardness; unkindness;
tangibility ;avarice, niggard- karnataka, see ^cjitS.

liness, ttrb a violent or karnatige, Jtv


wicked woman. ^r a vio- karnike, ^. The sheraste-

lent or wicked man. dar, chief ministerial officer
karkataka, see tftfry. of a collector. 2. a secretary.

Za karkumbuda, s. A f r karne, ^. A half-brother of

pumpkin. 2. an ash-gourd. thePandu princes. 2. a hard

man. -&r the story of
rtro^vs^, 'arfFs^ karganda-
kattale, karkattale, see
Kama's exploits as given in
the Mahabharata.
kargayi, J^ XXroso.

^T^. SJ^ kartupattuni (^^

kargavuni, see * ) ),"r
. . To set-off. 2. to
kargi, kargudi, ^. deduct. 3. to exclude. 4. to
A very black woman. give up hope.
^rfoFdi kargude, s. A very black FS3i,c3JS?rt kartariprayoga, J.
man. Active voice, gram.
~--'il kargota, s. Hardness. kartave, s. An agent,
2. hard-heartednes-^. adj. maker. God, lord. 3. a 2.
Hard, hard-hearted. master, owner. 4. an author;
^^JSerS3rt kargotige, ^. A hard-
cf. **#'
hearted man. )Fart^^OF^r^, kartadige,
s. Expenditure,
karci, kartuttige, s. Ownership, pro-
^- household prietorship. 2. dominion,
expenses. szXo^, jj^^, authority.
_ w^orj to cost. ^Jo^Ok^ to F kartru, s. The nominative
expend. of a verb, grain. 2. sec
karto 125 kala

kartodige, see gram. 4. fate; misfortune.

kardu, adj. Black.

5. sin, transgression. XS
black and white. 2. see the condition induced by one's

karna, ^. The ear. deeds. ^^orrf^joS^eA the pas-

an ear-ring worn by a woman. sive voice, gram. de^M
F karna, s. A black paste transgression. $v the fruit
of human actions,
composed of dross of iron,
kernel of wild liquorice and funeral rites,
boiled rice, applied on the a performer of funeral

right side leather of a finger-

rites. ^0" ^aorrf,. a sinner.

drum. o the organ of ac-

karnaparva, see 3&r. tion, as the hand, foot, etc.

karnalu, see X?^>F<5. oFfl karmane, see

sea ^tfr^. under ^>5.

F^S?* karnirelu, s. A dark karmara, J

shadow. karjnar\i, ^. A superior
karpu, s. A pit, hole, ditch. kind of firewood, Vaiica lacci-
2. a pit for catching wild fera.
karmug-alu, see w5
karpura, karpura,
under ^>5'-

s. Camphor. 2. the thick

karmuda, see ^oroeoorf.
leaved lavender. eojstfo Z^-
karmuli, s. Thatched
endula carnosa. tt crude
calomel. grass taken from a roof.
karya ? s. A ferry.
karpelu, karpelu,
see ^'dsSa'o. ^odoFd karyada, karyade,

karba, -y. Iron. ri XTOCJ s. The liver, as of a fowl.

an iron link.
karyuni, see ^5orfoooi.

karbasu, karba- J

The bowels.
karlu, .

su, J. An ox of superior breed 2. the liver.

from the up-country.
a ghaut cow.
^ F^ karlukappade, s. The
intestines, entrails.
ooFe3, =^3J3F^ karbule, F karle, see
bolle, s. A fowl having white
plumage with black spots. SDF^)^ karvavuni (^OTF), y.a.
s. An action in To burn the clowns of a fowl
2. a religious cere- by holding it over the fire.
mony. 3. the objective case, j kala, s. A square. 2. a bed
kala 126 3 kale

of flowers, etc. 3. a place kalame, J. A kind of rice.

where pariahs assemble. ^
kalayi, see
wo^ to make a flowerbed; a
group of pariahs to sit in a
. ^sjs! kalasa, kalasa, s. A
pitcher, 2. a vase, goblet. 3.
kalam, s. A reed-peu. J.
a spire.
a paragraph. sroS detailed, -^ purification by
pouring water. -s?bs> to set
item by item.
up a spire.
^SJG^', TSJG^O^ kalaiiku, kalan-
kalase, s. A grain measure
kuni, see ST^OT?. .

equal to ten, twelve, four-

^33-3^, ^ccre^i kalamtani,
teen, fifteen, or sixteen seers.
kalamdani, .$. An inkstand. 2.
s. Quarrel, dispute.
a small box.
kalambi, ^ *3cs3.
kalapa, A family

or dispute.
2. an
kalambuni, -'. . To
ornament, zone. sktfo^s
quarrel, fight.
quarrel; to make confusion.
kalaka, ^<? ^<%.
=5^050 kalayi, s. Tinning. 7^n5
kalakambula, ^. A a person who tins vessels, tin-
drenched miry floor.
ker. ^js^rs), 3j7>t$os> to tin.
v^v kalakala, s. A confused
kalavu, sec ^^4-
noise, hum.
kalasi, ^. A sailor, lascar.
z>3z> kalakala, adv. Brightly.
to shine tt* kalasu, s.
c. v.
end. 2. consumption, exhaus-
)) kaladavuni, (of^v
To mix. 2. to knead. tion. wL$ to be finished,
kaladuni (^<^S), t-.w. To
<?r consumed. 3jtfo^ to

be mixed. 2. to be kneaded. complete; to empty.

^ kalapuni (^<^), f.
2. to knead.
. To 2J3 AJ kalasi,

kali, ^. Toddy;
^^ ^3.
mingle. )

to plough a watered field. 0, ^QolJ^r! kali, kaliyuga, J.

e^) kalappu, /. Mixed. 2. The fourth or iron age of the
kneaded. world; the age of vice.
r^ kalaberake, Admix- kalike, ^. Dissimulation,
ture, compound. dissembling.
^" kalamu, s. Grafting -3o kale, s. A scar. 2. a mark.
to graft. blemish, stain.
kalamu, kalamu,
Rust, verdigris
kale 127 kalpo

kalembi, s. A chest, cof- ^B vi* kalteigu, ^'. (/?V.

for the
fer. 33$, cro$, ^0003$. mouth of toddy). Something
do) kalembi, s. The hindmost given as a relish when sip-
sail of a boat. ping toddy.
^ejdK) kalekarana, s. A bad exo* kalnaru, s. A medicinal
affair. drug.
s. A period of time.
2. a sacred work, one of the
kalepini, kalepuni
v. a. To remove. six Vedangas. 3. resolve,
strip off,

purpose. 4. artifice,
2. to subtract, deduct. trickery,
kalevuni (^<), #. 72. To cunning.
be stripped. 2. to be deducted. e^od kalpande,
s^kalka, s. Decoction, infusion vji kalpada, s. A fluid measure

of any drug. 2. sediment. equal to twelve seers.

s. A place abound- ?! kalpane, s. A stone quarry.
v^d kalkare,
^. Fiction, fable.
ing in latrite stone. s;.(3

s. The tenth 0?- last

2. invention, fabrication. 3.
O, kalki,

incarnation of producing, forming. rfo^$

Vishnu, ex-
to invent, fabricate, contrive
pected to put an end to the ;

to produce, form; to esta-

kali or iron age; also essS

e>jv&,, ^j,d kalkutti, kalkude, ^do^, ^^d^kalparuksha,

.J. The name of a demon. kalpavruksha, s. The tree of

Indra's paradise said to yield
eua kalkuni (^^),
^'. To .

o , whatever is desired.
cry, as a demon 0r one pos-
kalpanta, s. The end of
sessed with an evil spirit. ,

the world.
d9 kalke, see *<>3.
315 o^d kalpantara, s. Another
6 kalkore, s. A kind of fish.
u period of time, eternity.
) dodjsss*' kalgi rumalu, J. A kalpavuni, c. v.
yellow handkerchief with To teach, instruct. 2. to
black spots.
instigate; also #8^5t?2jrfr
kaltamara, s. A wild
^j^i kalpisuni (^^oJ), ^'- .

kind of lotus growing on stony To invent, fabricate.

ground. kalpuni (^^), f. a. To
kalte, s. Morning, the day- learn, study.
break: * cf. 53cti _d(oion morn- kalpokta, adv. Accord-
*. >

ing and evening. ing to religious directions.

kalma 128 kalli

kalmadi, s. A kind of fish. \xy^J kallumullu, s. (lit.


stones and thorns). The mill-

kalmada, Bitumen, gran-

ulated gypsum from Arabia. cog. 2. the indented surface

of a mill-stone. 3. a rugged
kalmasha, s. Corrosion.
2. 3. sin. 4. the path.
s. Sugar-
matter of a sore. ^=0,6 kallusakkare,

kalya. see ^DCXJO.

2j*zdJ3o*3 kallusunti, s. Wild
o co kalyante, see 3s CO

ginger, Zingibcr zerumbet.


73 kalyana, s. Happiness,
v kalla, s. A kind of oyster.
prosperity, good fortune. 2.
>!k its shell ;
36OO .

sjo^S kallankalli, s. A kind
iv r$ kalyani, s. The name of a oo ro
of bag.
tune. 2. the name of a female.
^OT^-I kallangei, s. A kind of
^^1 kalrutti, see oo

kallu, J. A stone.
ci:5, ^^e3
kallante, kallate, j.
The Indian nightshade, Sola-
pillar. 53, rf 3& a stone
tium In.iicuni.
embankment or seat.
kallabiru, sec under
- a mason. ~zmj a stone
put across a stream to pass
over. - 3J&SOSJ a slate. -c3 kallayi, ^ ^ ^-
s. Asphalt,
a stone bridge. -~c a Jaina ro
shrine. s23o a kind of bow ^jodr^ kallarpada,^. Small-pox
fO ,
for discharging stones. 'rfo
attacking a person a second
-02- a stone time.
trough. 33^$
to break stones. ^3o s to
O F kallarpe, s. A kind of

chip stones. &jS^s> a stone sieve to remove small stones

to grow hard. -,
3^ stony, from earth.
made of stones.
^<^u play- kallale, s. A class of
ing with stones. pariahs. 2. their headman.
4. kallutetti, s. A rotten s'S
kalli,' s. A bag of net-work,

made of ropes. 2. a wicker-

lallubage, s. A kind of work. 3. the pods of cannabis.

tree, the wood of which is \.see **,.
used as timber. _ kallitti, sec ti^&j
'lallubare, s. A kind of kallirolu, s. A hard

plantain tree. grown palmyra fruit.

kallu 129 kasu

kalluppu, .y. Rock-salt, kavalige,


the Bombay salt. J.

kavatu, Drill, military
kalluru. s. A kind of fish. exercise.

kalluruna, adj.
Imma- , ^^1^46 kavi, kavlsvare, s.

ture, half-ripe or half deve- A poet.

loped. >;i,
^^ kavite, kavitva, j.

kalluruti. ^. The name Poetry, a poem, verse.

of a female Bhuta. ,
^^^?d kavundrasa,
kalluruni kavudrasa, ^. A cancer on the
odj^ (^^5), z>. /z.

A stone to press or hurt the cheek.

sole of the foot in walking. ,

=5^030 kasaya, kashaya,
.s. The straw covering j

. A decoction, extract. tk>

of a bundle of rice; also ^s to extract, <?r
prepare a
kasi, J. Graft, grafting. ^o
kalletti, s. A bag with
s^s to graft.
divisions within.
kallottu. J. A foot-sore ^o^o^a, ^^o^o^jj kasi-
caused by a stone. pisi,kasukusu, kasukusu, adv.
In bated breath, in a whisper.
^ kallola, s. A large wave
srogtfos to whisper.
or billow.
, ^^ft kasidi, kasibi, s. Em-
zt, =asJs kavaca, kavace, s.
broidery, ornamental needle
Armour, a coat of mail. 2. a
jacket, short coat.
o3J kasyapa, s. The name of
JeS kavate, ^^ w$8.
deified sage.
ari, =arfcl kavadi, kava- s*, kashta, ^. Trouble, hard-
dig^e, kavade, ^. A small shell,
2. toil. ^v a
ship. labour,
cowrie. calculation with
?a^ time of difficulty. ?abs-$
cowries. to play with
^200^ to give trouble. 3:f oc!oo$ to
be afflicted, to suffer. wo
rf kavane, s. A sling. -^ B^S, T^O^S) to work hard,
a sling-stone. take pains.
kavatu, see ^^. s.
kashtishta, Enmity
jfd kavana, ^. Poetry, verse. and friendship; love and
2. invention, fabrication. ratf hatred.
a poet. to S
^KS ^ A sound
^y^si, 3o#o^ kasukasuka, s.

compose verses to caricature. ;

produced when anything is
s^joa to exaggerate, invent. smashed.
7? 130 = -- kala

'ss^rvst&i kasukayi, ^?3 kase, ^. The strings or ties

kasugayi, see tfsfcfcoaj.
of a jacket. ^?ex) a whip.
vrtftf kasijru, ^^ ^&. ^w^^ to fasten the strings

Brackish, of a jacket.
37* kasa, '//. e/o^rf
anything over salted. IT
kaskayi, adj. ripe.

3~ kasa, s. Sweepings, ruhhish. kastu, s. Force, pressure.

3>ok? s. adj. Violent, severe. 2. dan-
2. sediment, adj. Rancid. gerous. dangerous
3X33 kasakase, s. Poppy seed sickness.
3o#o^a to press,
of Papaver somniferum. force; also ^^ -

3^3, kasakka, adv. Forcibly, j^3 kasturi, s. Musk. & a

hardly; deeply. tfc^os to species of jessamine. -&>o&

prick forcibly, as a thorn. $ Curcuma zedoaria cf. e??5 ;

35rf,s> to speak so as to affect ^o&f. ^X a musk deer.

another's interest, to betray. ^y musk-mallow, Hebicus
kasaba, kasabe, s. abelmoschtis.
The chief station of a district. kasmalii, ^". Unclean,
r;:-: kasabisi, see X25&3. loose. a nasty
filthy, t^jS
X^:0 kasabu, s. Profession, woman.
trade, business. ad^ kahale, J. A bugle, tfre-

7tzd& kasamalii, see ^T^. a large bugle.

^D^ kasani, s. Remainder. 2. *3 kala, ^r ^<y.

profit. 3. sediment. lanku,^. A spot, blemish.

2>f\ kasariji, kasarige, s. 2. turbidness, muddiness.
Dross of smelted iron. 2, 3. mistake. 4. suspicion. Se5
fissure, flaw, holes. 3. a turbid water. ^^c3r a sus-

particle. tSjav^oa to remove picious mind, 's'tfcs^s to

the fissures of any metallic render turbid, ^tfc^os to be
article. turbid.
^^: kasakasi, 5-.
Haggling. s^^^ kalakala, kalapala,
kasabisi, see ^2>L5. j
. A confused sort of noise
produced as when wading
kasaya, see
through water, or shaking a
whole cocoanut.
it, kasayi, kasayigare, kasayi-

J. A butcher. kalakala, sec

kasi, see *8. kalapuni, see
kasldi, kasudi, tt? kalame, sec
=5^ kala 131 kanda

kalavala, Anxiety, al-

s. & kalli, J. The milk-hedge,
arm. 2. anguish, sorrow. Euphorbia ; the prickly-pear,
_??:$ to be anxious, agitated, Opuntia dillenii. 2. the fruc-
or confused. tification of the hemp plant
sj kalavu, s. Theft, robbery. or Cannabis sativa. ^,
% kalase, see *' ^eS ,
8zf ,
^oo^ are its

kali, see
&&. varieties; cf. ^^.
oJoo^ kaliyuni, see ^Scdoos. kallige, j

. A very tender
o kalu, False, untrue, jack-fruit.
not reliable, s. Fraud cheat- kalle, see *^.

ing. 2. trick. 3. a lie, false- kalle, 5-. A kind of grass.

hood. sraid a falsehood. 2. Jfl? ^^,-

3^ perjury, false evidence- kakshi, s. Objection or reply

to tell lies. in argument. 2. wrangling,

kaluve, see arguing. 3. one party as op-

kale, see 33. posed to another; also TxS.

^jS an opposite party.

^00^) kankariyuni, v. n.
To hawk, force up phlegm
OJJO^, =a$^> kaleyuni, kale- with a noise; to hem.
vuni (^$), v. n. To lapse, pass,
kangu, s. A dark-blue
as. time. 2. to be exhausted,
cloth worn by lower classes
spent, as money. 3. to be-
of people, or used for bed-
come loose, as the bauds of
ding, etc.
a box, etc.\ cf.
orb^ kanguni v. n.
^ kalkuni, see
To be dejected. 2. to become
? kalve, ^. thief, robber. pale.
s. Gold. 2.
adj. Deceitful, dis-
kalla, karicana,

honest, unfair. 2. under, sub- money ;

ordinate ;
additional, s. Dis- kanci,

honesty. 2. stealing ; cf. ^^o. sJo kante, kantya, J.

^jse3 the swelling gums- in A large basket.

teething. 3<y^ an addition- ^so^ kanda, s. A section, divi-
al piece of split bamboo. sion of a book.
rtaS an under roof. SJN kandava, kan-

oil, ^iJoliri kallanti, kallanti- da vana, s. Indra's garden.

ge, s. Dishonesty. 2. false- oC3i)o5j kandayi, s. A kind of

hood. fish. .
=5-30 3 kandi 132 =0=3 15 kata

kandilu, . A kind of ^e)^ kagi, s. A brown colour.

tree; cf. ", ^s^ kacu, kaci, ^. Catechu,
cul kande, adv. Early in the Acacia catechu. 2. the sedi-
morning, s. Morning. ment of boiled areca-nut.
kandeyi, see troorssoso.
fcS^Q kacikalli, s. A money
kandelu, s. A kind of bag of net-work.
tree, growing near salt water, e^^ootood kacikumbuda, s. A
kantane, s. A pot. small species of ash-gourd.

s. Effulgence, splen- kaji, s. A Mohammedan
dour, lustre. 2. beauty, love- judge or priest.
liness. =5)2o kaji, ^. A glass bangle worn
s. A wife. 2. a round the wrist; also eos?.
beloved female. ^cFs cat-eyed, blue-eyed.

kamparu, s. A carcass. xTOfciO kaju, s. A brown-coloured

2. a nasty man (f/^.) c^//. dog with black stripes.

Nasty; filthy. 2. pot-bellied, =Gd\$ katu, ^//'. Wild, rude.

kambodi, s. The name 254^0 the wild peepul tree,

of a tune. Urostigma arnottianuin. ^c
desire. ^a the fruit of the creeper

" kankshe, Wish, s.

2. passion, appetite. Momordica dioica. 5aCO a

rough stone. ^oso a wild or
kaku, kaku, ^'.
^e^F disso- jungle fruit. 3>3 a bulbous
Bad, corrupt.
lute, vicious. ^?^5 wicked root of Dracontium polyphyl-
lum. ^js??? a bull-bison.
a bottle gourd, Lagoia-
kaka, see 3^.
ria vulgaris. ^?4 wild coc-
kakaballi, ^. The creeper
co, Colocasia nymphaefolia.
Negretia gigantea.
cftSrew Turnera
the tree
kakaji, J<:^ ^XaS.
if c^ wild green-
kaki, adj. Black, dark.
gram, Phaseolus ro sir at us.
^ kakula, s. Rashness. Zs-fcS tobacco, Lobelia
9^&5| kEkesoppu, ^. The me- nicotianacfolia. a wild ^^
dicinal plant Phylanlhus plantain tree.
^o3 a wild

multiflorus', also tftfjJ&itiy tree. c5o~do. .sr^ ?js^.

kagaji, ^. Paper. 2. a ueJ^ kata, s. Trouble, annoyance,

letter. eozSL^ to write or vexation. 2. danger; a/^o
address a letter. ^~ stamp- 5i>y^. ?izS K e?w oSoe^ saw the
paper. cat's play is the death of mice.
kata 133 j k-iti

kata, s. A pyre, pile. ~Xa the angular-leaved

$ to prepare a funeral pile. physic-nut, Jatropha curcas.
srl katanne, s. A fowler's kada, adj. Wild, untamed,
idol, consisting of some white-
kadakadi, sec ^zst^S.
washed stones decorated with
kadane, s. A wild ele-
flowers. K
make an
offering to it.
3^5^ kadikalu, s. kind of
e>eJ^j>oao k&takayi, s. Mutiny, song.
rebellion. 2. pillage, plunder. sa^JSdf9 kadikorage, s. A man

=ge>l3^, 'osUtf katake, of the Koragar caste living

katike, katige, s. A trouble- in jungles.
some fellow.
d&ft kadige A
collyrium of
^ejkioF katarti, s. The wild fig- lamp-black and oil. z.-

tree, Bauhinia tomentosa. a collyrium box.

o3b'd $ katale,
: (
s. A rude man.
=05)13 kati, s. A bison.
kadulli, s. The Indian
=51)1^0* katlru, s. A kind of tree. squill, Scilla Jndica.

^siJo^i katuni, #2 ^>tl)o$. kade, s. A quail, Tetras

=ge>&3 kate s. A wild untamed cotarnix.

beast. "sdoo ^ kadyuni (5^5), v. a. To

kateru, see tR>a. trouble, torment, importun-
^. A forest. ate; also 7$T&o$.
kadu, jungle,
adj. Wild, rude; /".
traS. rsr5?j^)^)^ kanusa-
^ forest and river-bank. vuni, kanisavuni (^srfrfs), v. a.

^DiS^^o, snathe plant Todda- To show, represent, mention.

lia aculcata. -&8I wild fire. =5)r3^)Qr kanapurli, s. The bird
^oS a jungle sheep. ^jao^rJa mina.
lower class of people speaking =ae)?l) kani, s. The fraction one-

the Konkani language. &8?8 sixty-fourth.

a jungle fowl. -3;^S a wild
class <?? tribe. 3tfsire$ a money offering; a present to
rustic <?r rude man. $e& a superior. ^J3^~s>, a?&$,
rain-water rushing through srailiS) to make an offering,
a jungle and washing down scl kane, ^. A kind of fish.

all the rubbish in its course. 535 long-legged.

^ra^o (lit. a jungle-uncle), a long legged man.
a tiger. -^\X a wild beast. kati, *&: S335.

134 kami

katonuni, reft. v. (of kamangayi, s. A

To wait; to expect, wild species of green gram,
kadata, s. A fight, war, Phaseolus ro stratus.
battle. Ss) kamaka, kama-
>C3Dt3j> kadaduni ka, adv. Positively certainly.
To fight, inakasturi,^. Sweet
kadi, see Basil, Ocimum Basilicuni.

kadi, see a)Q, kamagari, s. Work ;

kaduni (^5), v. n. To also

quarrel, fight, wrestle,

kana, s. A rookery.
s. A kamade, s. A liberal man.
TFe>c3?$ kana, kanana,
forest, jungle, wood. kamadhenu, s. The
kanapurli, see ^r cow of Indra's paradise, said
to give whatever is wished.
kanunu, .s.
Arule,regu- jrfjss^^ kamapale, s. A name
J^ of Balarama,' the elder broth-
kane, ^s5, sro^.
er of Krishna.
kapata, ^. The act of
kamali, see ?ro^oe5.
watching; guard.
kamavikara, s. Lust,
sy)do> kapaduni (ffssroS), v.a.
To inordinate affection.
protect, preserve,
kapi, ^. Coflfee. dos^kamate, s. A man of the
mercantile class. 2. a nig-
Protecting 2 .watch-
3. gardly or cunning man.
ing, tending. brooding;
4. a scarecrow, sira^orf kamatura, s. Lust,
to brood to hatch, inordinate affection, adj. Libi-

to set up some thing in
a field or garden, to avert kamari, s. Siva the

the effects of evil eyes ; to set enemy of Cupid.

$F kamartha, see -sv&^^r.
up a scarecrow.
kapuni (w), v. a. To kamakshi, s. A goddess.
watch, guard. 2. to keep,
kami, ^. A debauchee.
preserve, protect. 3. to wait, J. The
kapele, s. A watchman,
object of desire.
kappu, .? w>^i. kamini, s. A pretty
kama, s. Desire, wish. woman.
2. lust, passion. kamili, see
kami 135 kaye

kamisuni (^o!3), v. a. kayi, s. An unripe fruit

To covet ;
to wish. of any kind. 2. a cocoanut.

kamuka, adj. Lustful, 3. the seed. ssijrf,

^3o^o a
libidinous. sssko^ a libidi- kind of cake. ^czf vegeta-
nous man. bles and roots; pulse. 324
kame, s. Cupid; vegetables in general. gp^X
kameli, s. A kind of a kind of cake. ^zfLs, _
jaundice, a dropsical ennrio to chew the cud. ^P?
kind of jaundice. &, a sali- to over-boil; to get loose.

vary kind of jaundice, eo^o

^s)o5oc3 kayida, kayide, ^r.

jaundice with scab. Rule, regulation. 2. custom,

)do^ kamya, adj. Desirable, kayipuni, ^. t'.
agreeable. To make hot, warm, as
s. The water. 2. to fry, broil.
3vq$F kamyartha,
object of desire. =05050^)^ kayipuni, see $^$.
bodily exertion.
s. The body.
Xooa the
^ =5302023 kayile, ^. Sickness.

kayilita, a^" Infertile,

3^ stoutness. ^4^
kayuni (trooso), w. To .

s to commit suiside. - 20
burn, to be hot. 2. to get
s to lay down the body, to
ripe. 3. to be feverish. 4.
to become angry. 5. to be
=ge)cd>o, a3cdod^ kayam, kayamu,

tight, or fast; see ^02055$.

s. Permanency, settled state. Aoe3_ a knot to be tight or
adj. Fixed, confirmed, per- fast, djsoeoo the sun to be
manent. 3&X permanent
very hot. $e5_ water to boil.
employment. ^o^$ to con-
eioaS to be very hungry. &>
firm, settle, establish.
=5 e> o3o do kayame, see
oax_ to be feverish or hot. ^
bread to bake.
kayaru, see ^.
kayeru, Strychnia,
53 =030^0^, kayalu, kaya-
, vomica. also ^soso.
lu, ^. A folded tender leaf of the nux vomica tree.
plants or trees. 2. season- ri eoorf?)^ Loranthus lonice-
ing. cqS a tender leaf; /". roides.
3o3ocs s3) s kayerupuli,
( )
^. A kind
kayale, ^^ 53 020 d of sour-leafed tree.

kayavuni, t. T/.
(<?/"^ 5>o3jo <f
kayelu, s. The state of

cdoos) To have anything warm- being green or unripe. 2.

ed, burned, boiled. seasoning. &$ to become

kayo 136 =DO kara

green or fresh. &al)ra to karanga, ^. A cutaneous

season. disease which renders the
=54)03 J2<i kayode, ^. A kind of skin black.
3^$ to suffer
cake. from such a disease.
karu, s. The leg. 2. the >doz3 karanji, s. An artificial
foot. 2 ^c<55 knuckle. d fountain, a kind of siphon;
s33> the toe. -3^ going an underground channel.
or walking on foot. &, karanta, sec tfsd^ocy.
the ancle, ee4~ the stalk
karanda, adv. Excessive-
of cocco, Arum colocasia.
-rfo?? a footstool. W)3o$ to
ly,exceedingly, very. ^5
very bitter.
tread or fix the foot. ^JS&FS karande, sec 3--
to run away. 3^dos> to slip
=cfDd^ karaka, ^. agent. 2. act-
the foot, lose balance; to be
ing, doing, gram. 3. a tax.
reduced in one's circum- =<aLrs to pay a tax.
stances. so^ the thigh, -fc?
karakannu, s. The
&s> to place the foot. ?3o$ ankle. to the
^oy^s thump
to stretch the leg. i^ft to
ankle, as a punishment. rfoo

prostrate, do obeisance. to dress down to the

Uj ^j^rj
karu, adj. Black, dark. ankles, i.e. completely; to be
_soc8l lightning issuing from
black clouds. ^>OA> black
drf^rt karakada, ka-
clouds. 53<y ,y ^S^FO. s. A kind of anklet.
sD^JS fS karukune, s. A clerk, karakayi, sec

3?2 karukhari, s. An
karakunta, karakutta, kara-
establishment. 2. a work-
gunta, s. A disease of cattle,
shop. 3. management. called Epyzootic aphtha\
j'jd karutude, s. The thigh.
Crto^ karagantu, s. The ankle.
BeJtfsraoS ^0*2^0* ^arubaru, 2. a corn on the toe. &&3
karubsru, sec ttttrl. $ to fracture the ankle.
rSukara, s. Tasting or smelling karadi, s. A footstep. 2. the
hot; also ^3. adj. Hot, sharp, sole of the foot.
pungent. 3^ alum. karana,-y. Reason, purpose,
=5T)w kara, s. A prison, jail. motive. 2. cause, as opposed
=7^ kara, A tennis r, 'ion affixed to effect.
to a letter, as ^^-^ the letter drc^ karanika, s. A miracle.
etc. 2.
supernatural power, adj.
kara 137 kala

Miraculous, supernatural. $ karkala, ^. The town

a prophet. of Karkal.

karabaru, see SSSTOFS. ^'ST'sr^ karkala, s. Cloudy or

>3^ karave, s. One belonging rainy weather.
to the class of the Konkani ^ejrir^d kargattale, s. Thick
speaking fishermen.
karaji, J. A low class of
karnike, ^6 c s'rSr^.

pariahs. karti, ^. The third solar

karadige, see ^raS. month. 2. the sign of Gemini
c. v. ^>tfo in the zodiac. rf &os? the
karavuni, (of
To cause to vomit. first crop. ^sjS the worship

kari, A termination
of an consisting of
to nouns to signify one's waving of lamps in fulfilment
^>a a beg- of a vow.
profession', as,
kartika, J

. The eighth
A nest. a black lunar month.
kari, s. 2.

bull, ox. adj. Black, dark.

^Fsf, ^IFS* kartelu, kar-

_o a black cow. ^ *
a telu, ^^ ^DjBr.

^Frro karpanya, J. Trouble,

raven-nest. to build
a nest. vexation; importunity, dun-
karuni (^>5), w. a. To ning. eoo^s to trouble, dun.
vomit. W^FD* karbaru, s. Rule, man-
s. A <?? agement, superintendence ;
karuppu, strong
control. 53S33F-0 a manager,
black sort of salt.
karubariji, see ^sarorS.
SjooFrto* karmugalu, 5

. A dark
karuruni, j^ 5s5-
kare, J^ TTO^,
karya, ^. Work,
kare, ^. A kind of neck-lace ness, affair. 2. a ceremony.
or collar. l^eSrf a brass col- 3. cause, motive. 4. effect.
lar worn by pariah women. idF karve, .?#? ^s^5.

karekayi, s. A dried )s;

kalu, J. A quarter, the
date fruit. rf ^o5 rotten fourth part of a unit.
G. adj.
0r shrivelled date fruits. rf
a date tree.
kala, s. Time, tense of the
karolu, ^. A kind of verb. 2. season. 2rt> $ a
wild Cacinia Indica. an astrologer.
diviner, seer;
karya, see e3?r) the revolution or circle
kala 138 kavi

of time. ise^ the vicis- s>^sJ kalakshepa, ^. Passing

situde of the times, evil days ; 0r whiling away time. 2.

misfortune. satfo^ the right maintenance, support.

man in the right place, a man 'oijo^okalantara^. The course
whose life opens a new epoch or lapse of time.
in human affairs. e?ed the p kalavadhi, s. The end
vicissitude of time; change of of a year, season or period
seasons. 3c$ the conjunc- of time.
tion of two periods of time, kali, see

as morning, noon, evening. sQ^JSZooi kali^obbu, s. A kind

_ ^3r, whiliug away time, of game. 2. playing for no-

procrastination. ^e^ liveli- thing.

hood, maintenance. #s?&3, kalive, ^. A channel for
_f to while away the time; irrigation. 2. a canal.
to procrastinate; to live kalu,

wretchedly. eobrs the end kale, j

to approach, to die. kale ^. A black man. 2. a
kala, adj. Black, dark. black dog, etc.

s3J3^a kalocita, </;'. Oppor-

s. A lever. SJSWON to lift with tune, well timed; according
a lever. to the times.

kalagati, ^. The pro- ,^SfcS kavante, kavate,

gress or condition of time. s. The tree Zanthoxylon
, ^S^C^CJFO kalajiri-

ge, kalajirdari, s. Black cum- kavande, s. A master,

min seed, Vernonia anthel- lord, proprietor, owner.
mintica. >d& kavadi, ^. A split bamboo
ej5j) kalapilli, s. A silver with ropes suspending from
ornament worn on the toes. each end, for carrying bur-
kalabheirave, s. One dens across the shoulders.
of the sons of Siva. kavalu,^. Guard, custody,
tra:3o a
J^DorS^ kalaminike, s. A kind watch; protection.
of medicine. guard, watchman. >?&$ to

r^^Doa^ kalarudre, place a guard. 3o^s to

kalantake, s. Siva the de- mount guard.

kavali, see ^4e3-
kalaharana, J. Whiling 3 kavi, J. Red ochre;
away time.
139 kali

kavu, s. Heat, warmth. cash. 53^)3^ a destitute <?r

2. the rind <?r scraping of worthless man.

vegetables, etc. *?;&$ to ^ kasarike, ^. Selfcoufes-

scrape away the skin of vege- kasa, ^'. Own. ^^

tables, /. one's own younger brother.
kave, adj. Red. '-rf )ro kasi, see w2>.
the red garb of an ascetic.
5-5 ^ori kasige, adj. Private, per-
kaveramara, see sonal, accounts.
^so^ private
xfSrOSeJS? s. The mar-
kaveri, s. The river
riage badge worn round the
Kaveri. 2. a female's name.
neck of a woman.
ricg^ca a festival in honor
=5=2)20^ kahala, adj. Black, dark.
of that river held on the 1st
ttr a kind of very poisonous
day of the 7th solar month. serpent.
kavoli, .?. A frying pan. ^s?.
kahale, see
s3r, kavya, s. Poetry. 2. a
kahalorage, see ^>
tftt. -rfjsd
poetical work; cf.
a garland of poetry, poetical A grain, as of rice,
kalu, s.

kala, adj. Black, dark.
kasi, s. Benares. adj.
ddo a wild cat. oSjdo a
White. ^sXsS a white paper.
?ro^a. A
black buffalo. ^>^j a very
dark night.
a Benares priest; an
j&<>& the Indian kalangu, see sixyoK.
zftS^F a kalakotte, ^. Ex-
corn. strong, white
' '

cloth. 8p37\etf$> the Ganges tremely very. ;

o3 extreme-

water; also ~&<>tfr. ly bitter.

kasiroga, ^. Lunacy. kalaga, ^. War, fight,

kasmlr^, s. The province
^^Zo^Ori kalajirige, see ttv&-R.
of Cashmere. 2. a superior
kind of woollen cloth. 5e>^5i\ kalamma, ^. A name of

A of Kali. 2. a female's name.

^^ kasyapa, s. sage
Blackness. 2. the
that name. kali, s.

SDC&J kashayi, s. The red goddess Kali. 3. a black cow.

garb of an ascetic. s^orf kalinga, s. A bird. 2. a

snake. 3. an elephant.
kasu, s. A cash, an old

coin worth half a /^, _?j^r a black serpent,

pie. ^S the fraction of a kaliga, .?
kali 140 kici

kalitakshi, s. The fifty- epiglottis; a disease under

second year of the Hindu the tongue, called frog. 1>

cycle. $$ a small corn the Ricinus ;

>$C3s>ro kalidase, ^. A celebrat- seed. 225.,

a kind of rice.

ed ancient poet. _e33< the little finger ; cf. rj

k kaliya, see ss&setf*.
', sooa narrow-minded-

kalu,black dog.
s. A 2. a ness; senselessness.

man's name. adj. Black. old and young.

kale, s. Death. dejected face. ae&s>, s
to bring forth, yean, as sheep.
kalorage, 5. A black
S-o^uosS kimpurushe, J. A fabu-
kinkana, -s^ (^0. lous bird with a human face.
kinkare, s. A man-servant.
3-0^03* kimmatu, s. Value, price.
slave. Srctt&tf servitude, to fix the value.
kirmpilu, see -at-.
&^kinkini, adj. Trickish. ^
a trick; trickery.
3c3g An
reJ kirmbata, s.
831 a kind of medicine, see
sensation. 2. scratching.
kirmbilu, ^r. The ear-
wax. ^y^X an ear-pick.
kirmbillu, JfV ^Lr<5.
&^SJ*' kincanilu, ^. A red
kirmbuni T-. w.
squirrel. To itch. v. a. To rub, scratch.
cl kinde, ^^ ^oz.
rS&U kinnikitti, j

Sounding, 2.scratching. ^?4 a kind
as a broken bell. of nettlish Cocco, Colocasia
kintana, s. Canvas. 2.
linen. ^ocyo packing cloth. rt kigga, adj. Little, small.
kintalu, kintala, s.
a-o-2a kicikici, s. Chirping. 2.
The beam of a pair of scales;
prattling, adj. Bruised, jel-
also slc^^. lied. ^js^rs) to tread to a
c^S kinnari, J. A lute, fiddle. to chirp; to
jelly. rio^s
r^>X, 330 the tune of a lute.
to play upon a lute. ui kic'idi, kicedi, s.

kinni, adj. Small, little, Boiled rice mixed with split

young, s. The young of an pulse and jaggory. aDocerf

animal. 2. smallness. T&seBri 2>?^5 a female's brown coloured

a chicken. srs^soaj uvula, garment.

kici 141 kinu

i, kicita, ^ precious stone. ?>$ to

kiccadi, J<? become enraged. s^os, tf


uo^, TOsgs sparks to fly.

-D-^J, -2^ kiccijkiccu, kicce,
io- icr Lcr

Fire. 2. 3. indiges-
e kini, ^. Wit, keenness, cun-
tion, disorder of the stomach. ning. ^200^^ to play tricks.
to show one's cun-
V3tt- a jungle fire.
envy, hatred.
kiccidi, kiccodi,
&?3&c3 kinikini, s. The tinkling of
small bells ;
a clinking sound.

2 > kicceli, ^. A musk-rat. kinilu, s. The noise made

A by the fall of a small bell, etc.
fc^', :^NS kijanu, kijanu, s.
3,re kinkana, adj. Little. e3
kind of fish. ^rfo its
3 the little finger.
fc}^j> kijaluni, see XsBew.
?,, kinkuni, see 3>0j$>.
23i3-s3 kijikitti, ^. A boy's toy; ~&

a rattle. s a s
kinnalu, s. A brass cup.

kijibiji, kitabu, s. A book. 2.

the Koran.
kijeluni, see
kittu, J^ -3-^.
kituka, see
kitukitu, ^. Annoyance,
kittu, Lightning. -^^^
T^T? a lightning to flash.
disturbance, teasing.
tormentor. &t-& to be vexed. *^,, -ffi kittali,
0, kittili,

kitle, ^. An orange.
^otfoi^ to vex, disturb.
kittuni (*,), v. n. To
3 kiti, ^^ -S-a.

flutter; to be in agitation.
j-S- kitiki, s. A window.
kidunkana, see &fjC.
kitikiti, s. Ticking, as a
kidumbre, ^. A brass
watch; a small sound pro-
ear-ring; also ^rfocdj.
duced by tapping on a flat
substance. giggling, titter-

to kidukilu, kidukelu, kidkulu,

ing. titter.
kidkelu, ^. The armpit. 2.
2J kitta, s. Sediment of boiled
tickling. syts to be ticklish.
areca-nut. 2. scoria; dross
_ s^Tkfj to tickle.
of smelted iron. 3. proximity.
&c3ozooci kidambure, ^^ ^Sodj.
adj. Near. S^<!DS> to repair

or cement an earthen or stone >

kidi, ^^ ^a.

vessel with the powdered S-cS kide, s. A cow-pen, stall.

dross. S a manger; r/. tfixg.

& kidi, s. A spark. 2. a small ^^^o^i kinukuni, ^t

kinyi 142 kirku

*G*, veto , -O-NO* kinuru, ki- -S-0, -o-do kiri, kiru, ^/'. Small,
naru, kinalu, s. A bit, trifle. little, young. 2. low, mean.
-?6 s. Margin, bank,
kinare, 0^., 20
kirikattu, ki-
shore. 2. border, edge. rikattuni. ^^ ^e&^uo a, under
^> kinikini, see *rJ*r5.

kinkana, see Sf^re. S-O-S-0 kirikiri, J. Disturbance,

^xS kinkuni (oL), ? r

. a. To annoyance. 2. creaking, as
pinch. shoes, etc.\ cf. ^tf^s. -sj^dos
to prattle. to disturb.
kinnari, ^o^s
see 0^ kirigi, kirige, s. The
c&3j. kinyappe, J. A mother's garment worn by a girl; also

younger sister.

C& sSo, kinyamme, .s .


A father's kirigi, kirig-e, s. An-

younger brother. noyance. 3o^& to annoy,

kinyavu, J. The young of kiridu, sec 5r.

an animal. 2. a little thing; 33* kiriyatu, s. Chirayit
gentian, Ophelia chirata.
&Qo3o kiriye, J. Exorcising; char-
kipaya, kipayatu, kiphayiti, s.
ming a demon.
Profit, gain, advantage. A junior, younger
S-GoSo kiriye,.?.
kippilu, see member.
3-O^y kirita, s. A crown, diadem.

^ kippe, J. A pile, heap. S-Qefo^^S a king.

3TO?t>s> to heap up. S-tfo kiru, see -3-8.

kimmatu, ^L 7? IriT'O 7 ^ ^v
y^ \j JX1I C OC/t-c^ T'T'i.j

kiyude, ^
^CciT" kirengu, ^^
o^ kirumbuni, see
kirudu, see
kirencuni, ^^
mud. kirejuni (^^), z>. a. To
kiranci, ^. Mire, adj.
cut, as straw, grass-stumps
Miry, dirty, foul.
A etc. 2. to scrape or clear, as
ra kiraria, ^. ray or beam
of light. the ground.

r?) kirani, s. A kind of itch ; 6)>, ^da^)^, ^O^rJ kirepini,

also ^3rf, TTSjrf. kirepuni, kirevuni, sec 06*}$.
S-Oe)! kirate, ^. A hunter, fowler :
kirku, s. A creaking
a forester. noise.
kirka 143 klce

kirkalu, kirkala, kilepuni, see ??3ss^.

j. Annoyance, trouble, teas- -S-e3i?^;^ kilevuni, kile-
ing. 2. a grain. vuni v. n. To
(*3, S-3e),
Og kirgatti,
^. A small knife. whistle. 2. to resound.
2. a short sword. rO kilesi,
3-rt>F< kirgulla, s. A small j. kilbu,
kind of brinjal.
kille. J. A fort. 03-5 the
S-^rd kirtara, s. An inferior
commander of a fort.
sort or kind.
jzS, -o-^d kivade, kivude, ^.
O-CJ^F kirdu, not
adj. Inferior, A deaf man. #4tfk deaf,
kisikisi, J. A titter, laugh.
4&Fe) ff

-&&FO* kirpilu, kirbillu,
^r^, &n) kisu, kisi, J. Grinning.
j. A hut, small temporary
2. a fragment. 3. trouble.
4. hinderance. *^, KTO&
^-QdJa^s* kiryatu, see 8odjs.
a very small balance. arooso
S-?3F kirse, see a grinning face. s3?5 a trifle.
&o*o2oj, 0*200, &^odoo kilum- _a*?uo$ to give trouble; to
bu, kilubu, kilumu, J^ e3oe3. haggle. 3u^s to hinder.

S-o kila, J. The belly. a bag.

2. &7?& kisuka, s. Tittering or
_ e>o&(34$ to fill or feed the grinning. 3 ^<y^S)
to grin,

belly. laugh.
o-^-S-o ^. -?o kise, ^. The pocket of a
kilakila, Chirping.
2. screeching. Heartily, 0afo. jacket.
to laugh heartily. &?,, -S-^ kistu, kiste,
^. A fixed

period for payment of reve-

-^JEoo kilimbu, kilubu,
see -S-eSosS. nue. an instalment.

kilikili, see 3v$v. kilipili, s. The sound of

A chirping.
kilenji, s. fly.
kicake, s. The name of an
^-s3ozoo kilembi, kilembu, ancient king.
s. Rust, verdigris, corrosion. s. A
z3W3s3pO kicabavoli, fly-
SotSO kilembiri, J. Cream. ing fox.
2. scum. (S^o-Stfo* klcukicu,
froth to form. s. The squeaking of
^o^ kilekuni rats, etc.
To draw out, pull. 2. to kicuni ("fre^), v. n. To
irritate, provoke; to stir, squeak,
move. klce, ^
klji 144 =5^ 0=50 kunku

s. White lead. 3* kilu, ^. A
joint, hinge, peg.
2. a wooden fastening. ss
&ej kita, s. An insect in general.
ci>> to fasten as a door; also
2. a worm. 3. see
?i;3, ^r> kltake, kitage,
kilumbu, J^ &3c83.
A base or rude fellow.
Inferior. kiludavade, 5-. The
S-^Ca* kidu, #<//'.
lower jaw.
ee~', 3?^ kidu> kldi, J. A worm,
kill, 5. A lock.
-^ the
insect. &^s, ax^dos to de-
key of a lock.
cay, to become useless.
cS* kllmslu, adj. Evil and
3* kitu, s. A part, bit; a
good. 2. inferior and supe-
rior, adv. Upside-down.
&e^ kltuni (e), ?'. n. To
to sprinkle. klvu, 5-. Pus, matter of a
spirt, sprit;
&d> kiduni (*?5), ?. a. To
;&> klsuni, sec ^?sb'..
importunate; to dun, tease.
A bunch. ?do kisuli, .s-. A carpenter's
3?3g) kipu, J.
*l~& plane.
o^ivS* kibillu,
kilu, <//. Base, low, mean.
kiru, ^. A split, rift; a _e?f, an inferior.
scratch. &sB a low class or caste.
kiru, //'. Ancient, old; 33 baseness, meanness. ^
?K aooa a lesson for 3tf a vulgar expression. aioa

the past and future. a mean disposition. 3o?.

5 kiri, ^. Continuance, inces- see

sancy. ^^^ to continue, go kilu, kilu, ra? *e^-

on without ceasing. ^^eo^r ku, adj. prcf. Bad, low,
incessant rain. &3 vulgar people.
small; as
&> kiruni (*e5), v. a. To low tricks, etc.
scratch to split also ?\?^os). s. A crim-
; ;
5^6' -3-eB. of
klre, soned powder turmeric,
jkirottuni (*?^a5 o ). r. a. used by married women for
To roar, as an elephant. making a mark on their fore-
^Fc3 kirtane, s. Praise; a heads. ^e^Q sec ^e~3-

psalm, hymn. ^^ to sing o^J^o kunkuru, s. Going on

praises of God. hands and legs, as an infant ;

^or kirti, ^. Fame, renown, also ^-j?o5 o"dj.


a toad.
s to stagger, reel.
kunke 145 kundu

kunke, see clothe. ^fsga to cover with

xfoofctf kurica, s. A tassel, flybrush. clothes, put on clothes.

^oosS kurici, J. A kind of chil- kuntuni, see ^J3?owo^.

dren's hood reaching down kunte, s. A dwarf, short
to the calves of th.e legs. man.
kurice, .?. A weaver's stay. =00 k3 kunte, s. The web bearn
kurija, s. A heap, accu-
of a loom. rf ^ fire set up
mulation, hoard; assemblage.
to warm the bleached thread.
/G-dos to set a post
kurijaru, s. A small
OO^DO* peg.
the cross-beam
jungle. 2. the name of a ^ of a

kuriji, see
XscaS. kunda, ^. A pit, especially
of sacrificial fire.
kunjirga, see ^oca^S.
oc^ kundala, s. A kind of
kuriria, s. Genitals, vlg.
ear-ring; also XocTto.
^oofcJ kunta, s. A peg, post. 2.
o^O s. A kind of
the stocks, adj. Lame, crip-
pled; blunt. ?ro?3> a crip-
^ kundi, kundige, J.
tricks. 5s5 a lame
ple's A strong trough.
leg. ?5Ls> to place ^^ fix
kundelu, see &abrf&
a post. 3JT>7l>$ to set
up a
kuniie, 5. The penis.
"oboyro kuntani, s. Vexation. ^oo ^e; kuntala, ^. A curl, ringlet.

2. ^otiri 2. the hair. 3. a drinking cup.

dissoluteness; cf.
' ei

~r\s3 a debauchee. =5*00 3 kunti, s. The mother of

the Pandit princes.
^0023* kundu, see ^oorfj.
talu, kuntalu, kuntala, s. The
tree Gomphia angustifolia.
=00 rf kunda, ^. A pillar, post.
33o5r its fruit. 3<5rt a stone pillar.
see &seo to build a pillar.
kundana, s. Pure gold,
kunti, ^. A female dwarf. kundavuni, ^- ^.
rt^'. Short; worn out, wasted; To reduce. 2. to boil

blunt, dull. 3os3 a worn down. 3. to repress, humble,

out broom. sojstfo^ to become kundu, s.
blunt, ^. defect, fault. 2. want. 3. loss.

3jj kuntu, ^. Cloth. 2. gar- crccSo a helper; a compan-

ment, dress. ^o^o 3 to dress, ion, comrade. Xo to make
kundu 146

up a deficiency. ^ want kumbi, s. A mirage. 2.

of money Jr means. the penis. 3. an elephant.

^ood> kundu, s. A child of Pa- =aOo2ookumbu, Rottenness, adj.

riahs. ss^oa to bear, bring ; Rotten, carious, decayed. 3o

forth, as Pariahs.
tf a rotten tree. e??^ to rot.

Tjooc3o> kundum
lo ^oozjj^ kumbuda. A pumpkin cr
(soccij, j

decrease, abate, be reduced. gourd, Cucurbita agcnaria.

2. to fade, wither. 3. to be
5& an ash-gourd. tysE_,

boiled down. a small kind of ash-

^oocSs/ kundelu, s. Deficiency, gourd. e3e>_,

as in the measurement of to boast,

etc. vaunt, I'l

=g\)o x kundri, s. A small craft SO
kumbottu, see so c zoo.
or vessel from the Maldive ^ kumbha, s. The eleventh
islands, adj. Little, small, solar mouth (Febr.-March).
short. ecred a puny 2. a pot, an earthen vessel.
baby, bantling. ^^. s^> 3~ the name of a giant,
oso a small kind of cocoanut, Ravana's younger brother.

imported from the Maldive TTO& the sign Aquarius.

islands. z> kumbha, kumbha-
3 kundrukote, s. An sthala, ^.

The frohtal globe

old fort at Mercara. of an elephant's head.

jsraa, kumpari,
kum- OCOS*, ^ooDo^ kummaku, ku-
padri, s. A god-father. mmike, st\' ^^^.
kumpuni, see 5Jsc3os>. see
:o$)^ kummaya,
)o3j kumpe, see ^^v kunrjilu, see
kumba, .svt" ^Jo<$. kurntuni
3\>o2o6 kumbakare, To shrivel, shrink.

kumbare, kurndu, sec 3Uc:ior.

kumbattu, kurndodi, ^. A kind
kumbaruni (^0020^), of fish.

To kumsu, sec Xo5o?ij.

(|uake, tremble.

r . ;/.

=5^0^53 kumbava, ^. A pumpkin ukku, ^. A mango. 2. the

or gourd. feast of the Pariahs.
^ooior? kumbasu, see #00200. bd a mango tree. 3
tfjoOTO kumbare, ^. A potter; a young mango. rf w
also ij^S mango pickle.
kukku 147 kutta

Pariahs to at- ^cz?o kuccena, see

tend a funeral ceremony. T#ota Earth-born. ^.
kuja, <^/'.

kukkuli, s. Pecking. A tree. 2. the planet Mars.

kukkuliyuni 33-d
(tfowo, Tuesday.
r. <7. To peck. =gbfcio!3 kujanti, see ^js&og.
kukke, s. A basket, -tfo
J. The stench of
a small basket.
urine; any bad smell.
kugguni (^^), v. n. To fcso
kujalu, J. The hair of
be humbled, depressed. 2. to the head.
sink; j^ ^0?^$. kujaluni, see &ssSe>o3.
Zco^o^o kucukucu, J. A whis-
^jzdjosoo kujimbu, ku-
per. 3^s3os> to whisper.
jumbu, ^. A chip, fragment.
kuce, <?
kutayi, see tfjsucoo.
e^JS^o kucodya, s. Ridicule,
kuti, ^. A hut.
derision, mockery.
^. Shortness, kutini, ^. A deceitful
smallness. little.
//. Short,
I3^> kutila, s. Trick, imposture,
=5*023 rf, ^OLJsy kucca-
to to
deception. 2. hypocrisy. 3.
nige, kuccane, kuccata, ^. Re-
crookedness. craoib, o&3e3 a
probation, taunt, upbraiding.
cheat, imposter.
kucci, ^. The cropped hair

of the head. 2. the stump

yoow kutumba, s. A family;
a household.
of a shrub. 3. a tassel, a*//.
^sS a copse, lboftrl kutumbige, s. A house-
Small, short.
brushwood. o3 holder, family-man.
stump, stubble. a kutuku, s. The game of
thicket of thorns. hide and seek. 2. a female's

to shave the head. ear-ornament.

^? a kind of fish. so& an kutukutu, s. The
addition made to the tuft of rumbling of the bowels. 2.

hair on the crown of the head. grinding the teeth.

kticcile, s. A taunter. kutta, see tfjsUj.

kuccuni. see ^o^ ro^. kuttanu, J. A kind of

kuccenuni, tares. a field over-


kucconuni Fi, ^otS, Fi), 77. grown with such tares; a

&r /'

To blame, censure, re- barren field.


prove. kuttana. see $> rf*.


kutta 148 kuna

-U.?;* kuttasu, -sr<? ^a. kudumbe, s. A jungle

^. A stake, peg, stump. man. 2. a Konkani speaking
eJ, kutti,
^jsedo a short stick. Roman Catholic.
kudutale, m: ^o^d
to play at throwing
a stick. , kudupu, A strainer,

kuttilu, sec 3&v- made of wicker-work.

kuttu, .y. A blow given kudupuni, see ^ori^si.

with the fist. kuduma, ^. A ferry.

kuttuni P. . To 2. J^ tfoUooax

thump, give a blow, strike kudume, J^ ^orljod.

with the fist. 2. to crash, kude, 5-. A rat's hole.

pound, bruise. c3 kudenji, s^ ^.siSc^.

3 kutte, s.
Decay, rottenness. dozS^jO kudenjimara, ^. The
535 a borer, that destroys
tree of oval-leaved rosebay,
trees. x&^s to decay. $pt
Wrightia antidysenterica.
to be ruined, done up,
exhausted. ,, ^osi kudki, kudke, J. A
o" o"
small earthen vessel. skzkr
kutru, s. Cooing. $3
^:k> to coo. a kind of firework.
spotted dove.
os d: ^ kudcuni (^^)- "'
^- To
^ kuda, adi<. Again.
drink excessively. 2. to swal-
once more. ^orf again and
low liquor.
again, repeatedly.
kudcelu, ^. Drunkenness.
kudariji, see

^i kudapuni, kudcele, ^. A drunkard.

kudari, ^. An axe.
^ a kudtale, J. The re-
hatchet. gistered right of paying land
kudikolTji, revenue.
j, under &'i .
kudpa, kudpe, see

kudicelu, A^

; -i3 kudicele, Jt^ tf~

J3. s?
kudpalu, ^. A woman
J. with uncombed hair. 2. the
Dolichos untftofus. 2. the name of a female demon.
testicles of dogs, cuts, ^. 3. kudpuni (^S), r. n. To
the fresh scars of small-pox. shiver, as from ague. v. a. To
_ ;nsrfoa to feed (cattle) with dust, shake oil' as the dust of

gram; to cuff, give blows. a cloth, etc.

_83a?ors, lit. gram to scatter; kunale, kunile, see

small-pox to break out.
kuttu 149 kudi

kutturi, see jvl 3 kuttiri, .y. A civet cat.

;^ kutta, s. Sickness.
o^jp kuttu,
^. A' prick, punc-
jaundice. $e& dropsy. ture; very small hole. 2. a
, kuttata, s. Pain, as in fomentation or poultice. 3.

suppuration of a boil. a basket-maker's knife; also

kuttatta, kut- eu. ^3!^$ to foment,

tyatta, ^. A granary, store. to prick, make a hole.

A s to become a hole,
^^ kuttani, s.
kind of silk cloth.
kuttuni (^ J 5o), v- a - To
bore, pierce.
kuttane, adv. Headlong,
^0 kutturi, s. A weel for
kuttari, see tfoat^e.
catching fish with. 2.abasket-
3-5) kuttaruni (^o^5), ?. ;z.
shaped cage for fowls.
To feel a biting #/ itching ku-
sensation. 2. to ache.
=5*0^5} kutturuni,
truni, see ^rfo^s.
/Sg^j kuttalu, see 5 A kind of
^o kuttelu, s.

j^j^ kuttaluni, brush used by toddy-drawers.

kuttale, J. A sickly man. Jjs & kuttodi, s. A cobra ema-

y o3 ciated by devouring another

kuttata,* see ^^)

J^ 3j&> species of snake called

D kuttari. _D
kutti, ^. A liquid measure,
as of oil etc. lj^o^j kuttyolu, see
^e^o, under ^o^.
kutti, s. The trunk or
kudante, see ^.arfoa.
stump of a tree. TSitf-R fees
levied for permission to fell kudadu, see &arfS.
trees on government land. ^orf?S kudape, kudane, s.
t&3?o> a perpendicular post The fruit of Solatium pubes-
supporting a roof. -^3 pro- cens.

pitiation of
demons, sup- kudi, s. Term, turn. adj.

posed to haunt a newly con- Fixed, settled. ae~a to fix

structed roof. es^orfoos a a time.

race or family to be extinct. S kudi, .&? ^ts.

A;$F$ to dig up the stump kudikarij, J. Tiptoe.

of a tree. a post A
S^JF^ , kudike, jackal, fox.
planted in the water for
oJoo^ kudipuni, ku-
supporting anything. t

diyuni (^o), . .
kuttipuli, s. Tamarind. regret.
kudi 150 kube

kudipevuni (^oa^), o
kudpe, ^
i\ a. To be desiring, wishing. 5
^. A
co^^ kudrasu, square
2. to be anxious. bottle.

kudumbu, sec (zfcwfcoax),

kunale, see 3ar3.
kudumbulu, ^. A j
d kupEnde, 5-.
quail. one's nature, acts, etc.; hy-
kuduke, pocrisy. s^aTka to talk like

a virtuous man ;
to impose

kudupuni (^E>), v. a. upon.

To cut; to reap. srsod, ^ossjodj kupande, ku-
pandre, Jt^ so^etf.
kudupe, s. A small kind
of earthen vessel for boiling ^)^)j, ^j^)^j kupulu, kupulu,
rice. 2. (fig?) the belly. s. The crow-pheasant. s'o

?*3 red eyes. 20 reddish

kudume, s. The side or r^
colour. ^ocFa a mole-hill.
cross roof of a house.
^Pod kupendre, ^^ ^otSe^.
kuduru, s. A sand bank. V_X

2. a small island. ^?i kuppasa,

^. A petty coat,
'd>3o> kuduruni (tfoskS), y.n.
To recover from sickness. kuppi, J. Glass-ware. 2.

A horse. china-wares. 3. a pial, bottle.

3 kudure, s. 2.

the lock of a gun. T^T?, oO

kuppe, see XoA-

~crao3oahorsekeeper; a rider. kubalu, kubalu,

sSeoi a saddle. rf &3o5 the s. A pinnacle, the top of a
mane of a horse. e^odj a roof.

stable. 3sro& riding. so kubuja, adj. Dwarfish;

^ Tio^> 5033 ^i$ to mount a hump-backed.
_o _o
horse, to ride. kubuje, s. A female
A dwarf.
kude, s. piece of wood.
kubuddhi, s. Foolishness;
kudke, J^
^^ folly. [tree.
kub&, s. The top of a palm
kuberamara, ^. The
kuddoli, J^ ^d^> o.
mahogany tree.
s'oc^ kuddya, kudya,
o^^d kubere, s. The Indian
Shortness, adj. Short, small, Pluto and god of wealth, pre-
dwarfish. crooSj a
dwarf, siding over the north quarter.
short man. 2. a rich man.
kubja 151 jdj kuru

kubja, see kuranga, s. A musk-deer.

2- a monkey.
kubje, see
^odokf kurant^,
^oOo^o^i kurantuni,
, tfodoo-S-,

kumaku, kumiki, ^o^ kurantuni,

kumuki, kumuku, kumuke, s.
^s^ kurandrakallu, s. A
Aid, assistance. 3^>K unas- kind of very hard stone.
sessed land for the use of kurambilu, J. A kind
cultivation. of grass growing in fields.

kumandra, kurambu, see &atfoaxx

^.D'S^ kuraku, kurak\j,
kumaya, s. Chun am, s. Food, sustenance.
lime. 2. mortar. kuradi, kuradi, j^
idJSS, T^o^JSsIr kumari, ku-
marti, s. A girl. 2. a virgin. kurade, see
3. a daughter. kuranu, ^. The Koran.
sirad kumare, s. A boy. 2. a
kuri, ^. A sheep. aj

son. foolish people. ^ a lamb.

73-3 25
kumusalu, s. Consul- _AaetSo wool.
tation. 2. conspiracy, plot, D kuri, ^. A boil. STOSJ- a

kumetelu, s. Putrid small boil.

meat or fish.
kurijaty, J^ ^o-do&rel.

>s3os3) kumevuni (^o3o), ?. n.

s. A mixture
To decay, putrify. as meat, etc. of lime and turmeric water.
, ^o^jj^D^ kumerujkumeru, DoJjo^kuripuni, kuri-
s. A waste land cleared for 8 v. n. To decay,
yuni (* ),
rot, putrify.
isSj^do kumeru, s. The south kuru, adj. Little, small.
pole. kuruntu, s. A small
kuyilavuni, see # a
bundle, as of rice etc. 2.

lump, as of tamarind etc. 3.

kuyukti, ^. Craft, cun- contraction.
ningness. kuruntuni (tfJtkcCi),
iDJoo^o^i kuyuluni (^oodoo^), v. n. To contract, shrivel,
t 1
. n. To inflame, as the eyes, shrink in.
or a boil, djoSo* kurumbilu, s. Curled
kura, se hair. 2. see
kuru 152 kurna

: ^. ^.ro^Uc- kurukuc- kureyuni, ku-

cane, kurukucsi, .?.
Grumbling, revuni (^-"5),
:'. n. To be worn
murmurn. out, washed away. 2. to decay,
kuruci, see

^odo^DS* kurujatu, s. A inoidore. ->623* kurelu, s. The nape of

the neck.
kuruji, see
kirkavuni, c. :. (of
kuruda, adj. Blind. 33
To shake, agitate.
2. to wash well, as clothes.
o" kurkilu. ^. A kind of
kurudu, ^<//. Blind.
kurudumannu, kurkuni (^^Fr), r. w. To
shake, as a tree
kurudumari, see ^o kurkuru, <idr. Slowly.
J kurude, kurute, s. ..
to shut slowly,
A blind man. kurke, se Xo^r.
do w 1)^0-^ kurubaldlu, .y. A
kurni, see ^osr.

postern, backdoor.
kurci, J
. A chair, seat,
kurubu, s. The eyebrow,
kurci, s. A kind of fish,
kurube, ^. A shepherd,
kurjatu, see ^o^o2:t).
kurule, see 3o3-.
kurdayi, ^. A large
kuruve, ^^ o3r.
black beetle that destroys
^DS* kurusalu, .y.
Servitude, the core of palm-trees.
slavery, bondage.
^oSFUjao^, =5\):1>F kurdiburu,
rL, ^,TJ?) kurupa, kurupu, kurdu, s. A kind of creeper.
Deformity, ugliness. <z^/'. 'ff-c^c- kurdu, see ^o^o^>.
Deformed, ugly. ^otf^sS an
^ori^^ora" kurdumanriu, s. Soil
ugly man. earth
i?r impregnated with
kure, s. Filth, dirt. 2.
the poison of kurdumari.
swamp, pool. stinginess
in trifles.
^o^j^uO kurdumari, s. A kind
^^ decayed skin. of poisonous vermin.
a poor life, half-alive,
~,^- kurde, .srr ^o^^.
filthy soil.
kurepini, kure-
^JaF, ^J^F^ kurte, kurtelu, s.

Dirt, filthiness.
puni (^3), :. . To bore, adj. Dirty.

drill. ^Ji^d kurtele, s. A filthy man.

scrape, excavate, 2.

see ^ kurnasu, s.
kurni 153 kusa

kurni, s. A
sore in the eye- pertaining to a family or
lid. ^oR> sore eyes. caste. ^5oJ one who belongs
s. Manure, fer- to a good family. a
'Qr kurpu, ^u^si
tiliser. to be fer- caste or family to be degen-
tilised. erated or ruined.

a^ kurpu, s. Sharpness, as kula, see ^otf.

of a cutting instrument. 2. s. A sweet
kula, preparation
dissection. ab$ to dissect.
consisting of cocoanut juice,
FS kurbilu, see jaggory, ripe plantains, and
kurbu, see cardamoms; also ??o#.

kuryuni, } kula, kulavu, s. A
kurlu, ^. Contraction, kind of creeper.
shrinking in. 2. parching, kulanji, ^ o<3o32.

kulayi, J. A kind of cap.
J^JF kurlari, kurlu, s.
sydo^o^ kulankusa, adj. De-
Parched rice.
tailed. 2. whole, adi'. In
^orj} kurluni (*>?), 7-. .

detail. 2. wholly.
To be contracted, to shrivel,
shrink in, as from cold; also ^ kulasu, ^. Discharge,
acquittance, letting go.

^j3F kurle, J. A tender plantain ^, =^0^)033 kulipe, kulupe,

tree. a see ^o^s3.
2. young pig. 3. the
fresh shoots of grains etc. kulma,^/'. Noble, honor-
^j53F;o3 F s
s. A able. ^os5??3 a nobleman.
kind of bitter medicinal root. kule, ^. A ghost, apparition.
^OSDFO^J kurvayi, see ^Oororoao. arrf continual fever.

^osiF kurve, J. A basket. 2. s3cc3 kulenji, ^. xA.

plot of field.
distension. 20033 ^o^r #wo.$ kulpe, see
the belly to distend. kulla, see
^o^cS kursandi, ^. A kind of
sesamum imported from the
corf sesamum kulliffe, s. The buttocks.
ghauts, oil.

^J^rr^ kursani, see ?ro^o^te^. kuvaka, Jt^ s'o^^.

^jr,.F kursu, s. A cross. 2. see S kuve, j. A mast; also

Family, race, tribe. sS kuye, see
?^5 a family god. ydor. ^ kusa, 5-. The holy grass.
duties and customs Poa cynosuroides ; also ti$~.
kusa 154 kuli

kusala, ^. Cleverness, skil- to boot, when a person buys

fulness. 2. welfare, happi- commodities. 2. see OAJJ.
_ &a
ness. adj. Clever, expert, &F$ to give something into
able. aioo keen the bargain.
wit, quick
apprehension. ^OwO kusuru, s. A bit, trifling.

SD'S*, kusaly, .$.

Merriment, adj. Little, few.
pleasure, frolic. tfjeeX vene-
^odo^) kusuruni (tfo;&5), ^. .

real disease.
to be To shiver. 2. to shrink in, be
merry, to lead a debaucher- afraid.
ous life. ?jot>o kusulu, J. The small
^kusi, J.Joy, pleasure; hila- bead of a nose ornament.
rity. 2. will. 3. agreement. & kuselu, kuselu,
as you like, as you s. Ingenuity, cunningness,
please. a sly artifice. 2. wittiness,
^oJJOj) kusipuni, ku- to play tricks.
siyuni (^J&), '. . To contract,
^a^ kuskuni (^oJj), v. n. To
shrink in.
shrink, give way, sink in. 2.
kushi, see ^o>.
to sprain.
kushta, -y^ H&T+.
s. Gymnastics, wrest-
);o kusa, see ^otf.
ling, 7^200^, rfj^
,?5d kusave, J. A potter. wrestle.

kusalu, J^ ^os^5. kusri, J. The pulp or soft

s. part of a fruit. 2. ^^ ^orioS.

o?o^ kusinu, kusini,
A kitchen. kuhaka, adj. Fraudulent,
deceitful. ^osc^ a cheat,
^o^ kusipuni, see ^o&^s.
A)w kusiri, ^^ rogue.
kula, A tank 0r pond.
kusumbe, J. The safflow-
er. oios? safflower oil.
kulaku, J^ ^js*^.

a deep red colour. kulamandra, ^. Dried

^i kusukuni, j juice of mangoes or jackfruit.

^S'SO* kulavaru, s. Details.
2. item by item. 3. a list of

J. The safflower. creditors, debtors, etc.

kusuma, J. The filament
of a flower. 2. the pollen of kuligfe,
a flower. To
kulipuni (
kusuri, s.
Any thing given sting, as an ant.
kuli 155 kudi

kulipe, s. The large black- kuke, see

ant. ^. A excla-
kugu, cry,
kulunkuni mation, outcry.
. a. To wet, moisten. ^. To
kuguni (^-^), .

^o ^o kulukulu, cry out.

-woJ kulupu, .r. A piece of kuci, ^. A small goglet,
black stone e/., with a device filledwith water and placed
or inscription on it to be used in a demon-shrine.
as a seal. kuje, ^. An earthen goglet.
.fttf 30933. An
kulupu, kuta, ^. assembly,
kuluvaru, -^ ^sro5. meeting. 2. mixture, amal-
gamation. 3UtlD$ to as-
^}*53a>s3)cl kullavuni,

kullapavuni, z 1
^o^o semble; to conspire.
. .
(of v )

To make to employ. SeJOoO kutayi, s. Storing rice,

granary etc. 3js3o$ to store
kulluni (*jfv), t'.w. To
sit, sit down. 2. to lodge,
kutu, s. The inner roof
of a house. 2. the hip. a?
Q ku, s. Response, responding
&$, -s^>cl>s> to place the roof
to a call. 2. alarm. cstSos
on the wall. 3gja
to con-
to respond to a call ;
to give
struct a roof.
SsJo^ kutuni (*jsB).
7-. #, To
Shortness of
sharpen. 2. to mix, mingle. ^
Sa, ^jsyoa sharpened; mixed.
kunke, s. The mock tri-
^js65^. ^jaB^S sharpening
bute given in a kind of game, ;

^ooai. mixing.
kurija, see
kuda, adv. With, along
kuriji, see
with, together with.
kunjelu, ^. A kind of ^. A small
weel for catching fish.
country water-lift.
kuntuni, sec ^jsUos.
^JS^s)^, ^Szra^? 1
^J5odJJ>tw kundelu, kudisavuni, c. ^.
kundolu, s. A wasp. &_ a join, connect, unite. 2. to
large yellow wasp. collect, gather. 3. to
So^o^j, ^jaodj^i kuntuni, kum- store. 4. to mix; also sUz^S
puni (^jsol, ^jso), i<. a. To ae^a.

peck, strike with the beak. 2. ^JS&fi kudige, .?. Joining; union.
to prick a hole. 3. to put out. 2. collection. 3. assemblage,
kudi 156 kuli

gathering. 4. storing. 5. kuma'v

mixing. ^) kuyiluni,
J kudisuni
To add, sum up. ;.^o' kurangelu, ^. Drow-
kudu, ^ siness, sleepiness. fW~
: kudukattu, ^rfo^3 a drowsy man: a

The association sluggard.

kudugattu, .S'.

or union of the members :li^ kurambilu, s. A kind

of medicinal plant.
of the same caste or family.
To kuri, ^. A kind of weel for
^JS^o^j kuduni (^5),
r . .

catching fish. aeS-s to set

join, unite. 2. to cohabit,
it; fig, to ensnare a person.
copulate. 3. embrace,
5UsK<3^> -^,^>. ^o^ eK^3 -.

T'. ;/. To meet, as- C _a

he will not get into one or
semble, gather; also S.?55 eo
the other kind of weel what- :

tr$. 2. to be mixed, mingled.

ever you do, you will not
3. t. dat. Can, to be able, be
catch him.
possible. *j8T3j4; that which is
kuru, s. Boiled rice; ^'Ig.
practicable or possible.
rice and curry.
cannot, as :~5 ^.-^c5 I can-
kuru, ^. The dusty sub-
not, it is impossible for me.
stance contained in the fibrous
impracticable, impos-
an impos- covering of a cocoa-nut.
sible. ^.r:3oe>33)
to remove it.
5.~^o5 not being
kuruni (^^), :. n. To
able, or practicable.
be drowsy, sleepy. 2. to
^Tka, ^^ joint, attached;
assembled; the
^^fc^ =5Ucs3 kurele, s. A sleepy fellow.
assembled people. ^js^^rocSo 2. a sluggard.
a partner; an adherent. *
^J2lr kurte, Jt*f ^
&?rof a concubine. ^^.-? is
^. A fierce
can IV ^. =o\)c3e!FO^ kurnayi,
-? kuni, 5^ so^S).

^JS^ioF kurma, ^. A turtle,
kunu, s. Pudenda, /
^J^.reo .

tortoise. ss333 Vishnu's

diun i/iiili-'brc. second e
kutale, sec ^o^A turtle.
kudi, J. The anus; poste- =aJS^o^j2! kulankusa, J^c ^oe^o
riors.'in'ir,- nudic.bre. s. Hire. TO
5 kuli,

hireling, labourer.
kuli 157 kenda

S kuli, s. A tooth. - krutike, s. The Pleiades.

the teeth. ^
3:?c>ix>$ to gnash

swelling of
^ do,
s. A
kr ultima, kru-
irick, artifice,
the gums in teething.
deception. 2. sorcery, witch-
sSo^^, ^JSSTo^ kuliya- craft, adj. Fraudulent.
vuni, kulyavuni sU
(^-osSodra, \^ krutya, s. An action, act.
e^p), '. #. To make faces,
2. duty, conduct. 3. any
mock, mimic.
thing proper to be done.
kulu, see tfjatfj.
sS krupe, s. Grace, mercy,
kulyuni, see tfocdooews.
compassion, favour, ^sros?,
kuve, s. Arrowroot, Cur- lit. the ocean of
cuma angustifolia ; also ^ ^sTOTfeX-d
mercy; the all-merciful God.
So krumi, see -&j^o.
kuve, s. A mast; j.
krushi, krushe, Agri-
^&L, ^3
culture, husbandry.
kusambri, jr. A kind of
^, krushna, krushne, s.
condiment made of minced
Krishna, the eighth incarna-
and fried pulse or other vege-
tion of Vishnu, adj. Black.
3^ the dark lunar fort-
kuhaka, see
night. ^k)A a buck antelope.
kula, J ttr a kind of black-serpent.
kuli, J
o kem, ken, abbrev. of^o^ red.
kulinge, s. An irregular
kengannu, see ^ec^oFs.
keng-ude, s. An obstinate
<?rrefractory person, block-
a kruta, adj. Done, made. ^. head. 2. one who has no
Improvement; repairs; addi- man.
feelings, a cruel
3o^$ to improve,
c kerica, kerici, adj. Red.
as land etc.
2. fair. sre^ red whiskers.
r^i i krutajnate,
_ become red.
3^$ to get red,
^cdoori, ^s^oiwrl krutayuga, J^ ^^&os>.
krutayuga, ^. The primeval
kenja, ^<?
golden age of the Hindus.
3 kerijelu, s. The udder.
3D$F krutartha, adj. Success-
ful, fortunate, happy. kenjola, s. A red kind
5\3 s. of great millet,
kruti, Verification;
literary composition. kenda, see ^otl
kenda 158 kedda

kendavare, see ,,
^"^.^ kekki, kekkilu,
The neck, throat, -ri Xo5 the
kenni, kenne, The
cheek. pit of the throat ;
_^83 /tV. the neck
oej*, kempattu, s. Reddish- oso, ^^.
and ear; a complete set of
ness. adj. Reddish.
to the
c o kempalli, s. The red kind of
jewelry. ^-^ up
neck or brim. 3
^joso^ the
water-lily, Nymphaea rubra.
nape of the neck. ^oioiQS)
kempu, s. Redness. 2. a
to cut the throat; to de-
ruby. 3. chalcedony. 3of
red eyes; glaring eyes. ^oo
^w^J^ kejaruni, keja-
ax>3 squash-gourd, Cucurbita

maxima. luni, ^

X3e;js, 3^^e;os>.

&^ a reddish scurf

new-born kejelpuni, see XsSe^s.
generally affecting
infants. ^
the red wool or kejja, ^6- *%.

hair of animals. ^-^ a red ketta, fl'^". Bad, base, vile.

kind of the vegetable Amaran- a bad disposition, de-

tus oleraceus. ai~<5 the red a^B a base
praved nature.
spinage, Basella rubra. &>
kind. 3 wickedness.
re red colour. ^00^9 red rf^ bad conduct. 333^ bad

soil. 3js?3 a fair complex- ricXS a bad

ion. T$^?X scurf, rfo^cO thing.
to make red.
to turn
ird^ keda, kedaku, see


^czojzt kembude, s. A kind of kedake, s. An oppressor.

pumpkin. kedaguni (^3K), 7-. . To
T?oo3o kemma 't
see 2,.
Qt fall or slip down. r. . To
3ozhd kemmade, s. Dust. 2. dirt. ruin, spoil; to deflour. 2. to

3. a kind of red insect; a remain, be left; also

glow-worm. 4. canker. 'sSoe

iift to corrode; to infest. kedu, s. A mole, wart.

^odj^Urt kemmamruga, .?. A keduku, s. Nuisance,

kind of deer. damage, loss.

csS>Oe>^ kemmaralu, 5. A ruby. ri S keddasa, .v. A kind of three

2. a kind of red flower. the Tulu
days' festival among
75^ kemmlse, J. Red whis-
people about February or
kers. March, when they go on hunt-
^o^iro* kerndelu, ^. The udder. ing excursions, and eat fried
kena 159 kebi

^ y^ 9 a strong wind ^.^ keppatana, ^. Deafness.

blowing during that time. kepparse, see ^.

} kenakuni, kenkuni S) keppi, ^. A deaf woman.
P. a. To provoke, 2. a silly woman.
irritate. 2. to kindle. s. Deafness.
=a5JL keppu, rfoos^
J. Stratagem.
r!> keni, deafness and old age dotage. ;

3 ket- to behave like a deaf

dj$, ^uo^, ^s^do^ ts'w^S)
taruni, kettaryuni, kettaruni man.
(i?5, 3ss5), 7'. . To feel irfi keppe, s. A deaf man.
pain in the belly. s. The cheek. 2. the
=^^ keppe,
B^ kettige, s. Carving, en- temples. Fv sos^os to slap
graving, chasing. 2. setting, on the cheek. awdos to
as jewels. ^^ a carved dislocate the cheek-bone.
stone. ftorf carved work. <$) kebi, J. The ear.
kettuni (^>), P. To
deafening. pain in the 0^
carve, chisel, engrave, chase. ear. o5 a boil in the ear.
2. to dig slightly. 3. to set,
^4} a deafening noise. ^^
as jewels. X an ear-pick. rfjstf half
kette. s. The bark of a tree. deaf. ^ sjoB, ^4 a male's
2. a piece, slice, chip. a ^oz! the
large ear-ring.
kedijnke, kedanke, drum or tympanum of the
^. The tip of a bird's wing. ear. detSc^ a male's
2. a thin layer. ear-ring. aDja-do the rim of
kedijkuty, see ^5^(5, the ear. - s&otfo a male's
kedaruni (^5), ^. ^. To common ear-ring. Sozss 4$
break out, burst forth. 2. to to give ear, listen. --8-5ca:os>

be excited, irritated. the ear to itch; to hear with

kedi, s. A feather. displeasure. ^ogo^ to bore

the ear. ^epsos to hear,
kedu, s. An artificial tank,
listen. &j>>Fca to attend,
pool, pond.
give ear. ^jsn$or ^eros> to
ir?o^ kedonuni
listen attentively; to over-
To lie down, rest.
hear. 6oA34c^ b
kenakuni, see
to twist the ear.
to turn the ear; to refuse;
^^ keppade, ^. Swelling to be fickle, ^83
the cheeks. a_ swelling of
(///.have you no ears?) don't
the temples and cheeks. you hear?
kebu 160 kele

kebure 3
s. A deaf man. kerci, s. A knot. -
2. an inattentive fellow. to tie two cocoanuts toge-
kebbattu, see tfe^B,. ther.

^^\L'oej a kebbattuni, see *&.&.&.

JF kerpa, s. A slope, adj.
- v " "
=5- zoo kebbu, see ^s^-
kerpavuni, c. v. (of *
o, kemma, sec c3o.
To cause to kill.
The standing or
keyi, -r.

kerpinaye, J. A mur-
growing crop in a field. &a
derer, killer.
osots to reap the crop. &%>-
F kerpini(^), v.a. To kill,
a to thrash.
murder, slay.
3:> kerantuni, see 3tfoo$>.
kerpu, s. A kind of ladder.
kerana, ^^ Xj^r. to place a ladder.
=tfODF?) s.
, kerani, kerani, kerpuduni (3^5), ^.
Warts. 2. a kind of scab; a. To cause to lean against;
cf. ff>jr5. to place against.
ddo kerama, J^ ^>^>- r. a. To
kerpuni (35),
d kere, s. An artificial tank.
prop, support.
gjsoeio the sluice of a tank. J

A clod of earth.
kerpe, .

_a;rf the illumination of a ?3o7\ Z clods turned up when

tank. ;&; the adoration of after the second
a tank with pomp. 2-xt3o$ to be cloddy.
Cio kerengu, ^. A sweet po-
A5 ^e 3^r.
tato, the root Dioscorea a-
kermalu, s. A Pariah
ttf& kerenci, see -S-ttoeJ.
kerencuni (^csT), -v.a.
j, s^j kela, kelavu,
Some, few, several. &3 a
To scratch the ground, as a
few people.
fowl. 2. to wipe oft', as water
J?O kelasa, s. Business, work.
from ground. the
3. to
2. employment. 3. affair, mat-
crush down a clod of earth.
ter. 4. advantage. ^a?3jsXo
380 kerekiri, set
eotfcS it is of no use or ad-
^6tiO^ kerejuni, see
vantage. 3^r- ^ bad act or
kerepuni (^)- f. <z. To

scrape, remove, clear away.

^ handiwork.
?o kelasi, sec
2. to polish.

2. a kelenji, J6V
$tf> kerepe, s. Simplicity.
3. a prattler. kelembu,
kele 161 keni

kelekuni, see customer. a shop rfoXS

v. n. To supplying goods on credit.

kelepuni (3<3),
crow, as a cock. #. a. To keke, ^. A shout of joy.
iron. 2. a loud laughter. s:;><3o$

to shout joyfully; to laugh

kelebu, see *3pe3.
kelevuni (33), tf. . The
tedu, s. Mischief, evil.
ears to tingle.
A 2. danger, disaster. 3. loss.
3A), d?3 kelesi, kelese, s.

4. perdition; also 3<>T&. sse;

evil times. o-b^ evil or
kellu, s. Brink, edge. 2.
CO to happen.
danger sfctfo^
vicinity. 3. a splinter.
to do mischief. eo^orfoos to
X> rtadj kelluguru, J. A toe nail. wish evil.
^^ a whitlow. zio^ as^s reaofl kedage, kedinge,
a whitlow to rise.
s. A mischiefmaker. 2. an
kevade, kevude, see $3 a bad or
mischievous neighbour.
kesaru, s. Mud, mire. 2.
rso^) kenuni (^?^), z- ??. To

hear, be attentive to. 2. to
kesar^kall^i, s. A foun- 3. to
obey. ask, inquire, re-
dation stone. 333i3o$> to lay
quest. ^efo3o3o a hearer;
a foundation. an inquirer.
do^ kesaruni (3*6), w. 72. To ?30 iietu, ketu, s. The
be inflamed, as the eyes. or descending
djF kesarme, J. The remain- node, reckoned by Hindus
ing symptoms of a sickness, as the ninth planet. 2. a
before complete recovery. standard, flag.
o^roro*' kenkannu, s. Sore eyes, i kete, s. A glutton.
ophthalmia. kedu, s. Mud, soft clay.

kenkannapakki, s.
^C33C&J kedayi, kedayi,
The black Indian cuckoo. ^. The flower of the tree

Joo^ kenkariyuni, j^ ^30 Pandanus odoratissimus ;

also e^cT^rf a gold

kenkrakal- head ornament.
lu, kenkralu s. A kind of red cS* kedarummu, j. A
stone. kind of fish.

keka, ^. Taking and giving keniru, s. The serous

goods on credit. crooSo a matter of a boil.
kene 162 kei

kene, s. A kind of yam, sinner ^j?S great friendship

Arum cavipanulatum. sko a very poor man.
^J, Dracontium polyphil- kevu, ^. Boat-hire. 3
lum. >3 a hired boat. cro^So a
sds? kepale, see 3?3e>. boatman.
kepijinu, s. A red ant. kesa, s. The hair of the

S. The cap of a head.

etc. kesara, ^. A filament. 2.
5? s. pollen. 3. the tree Mesua
Sj) kepula, kepula,
The shrub Ixora coccinea. ferrea.
&> its flower. kesave, s. Vishnu, one
who is worshipped. 2. a
FSo kebonya, s. Hot ashes.
man's name.
kema, s. A blow, hit, box.
^" kesu, A
male's superior
2. meal, food.
upper garment, made of red
o3j keyi, see ^oso.
d<* kerala, s. The province of A lion. 2. the
r<j?d3 kesari, s.
Malabar. filaments of a flower, ^oc^o
keri, s. A street, lane. 3o Spanish saffron. z^
kere, ^. A kind of harmless the filaments of the lotus.
snake. ??sS^or kesarme, ^^ ^ri^or.

6530* kerekariji, J-. A scaly- ,

kei, J. The hand. 2. a sleeve.
skinned leg. S.thehandle of an instrument.
620J3do kereburu, J. A kind of 4. a branch or leaf of a plan-
creeper. tain tree. 5. the arm of a

d^o^o3o keremeyi, ^. A scaly river, etc. 6. a key. 7. a lot

skin. of five, as sheaves of
kerle, s. A sound, noise. hay, etc.; cf. ^oso. -do^r a
2. the mid-rib of a sago palm-
handful; willingly, liberally.
leaf; of.
3&<3. ?5 3eL~ a ?n)5 the hands and legs.
kind of scoop for irrigating
3^ the hand proper, consist-
a field.
ing of the palm and fingers,
kelqi, ^. The abode of a united by the wrist to the
Pariah. arm. 3 knuckles of
c3 kevaji, ^. A kind of fish. the hand. oajs?, see
3v kevala, adj. Entire, sole, 3^5 as long as the hand. 3
absolute, excessive, adv. Very Sr subject dependent on.

much, entirely srab a great beyond the reach of

163 kei

the hand. ^ ,
&>^ under- the hand.

hand; collusion. so_ the rn>^^. ~&8e?l>$ to close the

arm of a river. rfoso ,
rfo hands.
^w^a to clap the
rfo_, ti^ , the left hand. hands; pat on the back.
^S_ the handle of a plough. at?^ to stop the hand.
3$ side by side, closely, es IH5 oe^ to misplace, miss;

^ ^zS^jS 09^ sroe3 a child at- to place out of reach. &

tached to its mother. 2oa_, 20 rt>$ to settle one's
D hand in
e^_ the right hand. e3?Xrf_ a writing, -stebs to feel the
key. ^o^?i_ the ornamental top pulse; to observe the palm
of a pillar supporting a roof; a of the hand, as a palmister.
roof projecting from the trunk
of a tree. 55c
^j the palm of wash

the hand, the elbow. the hand. a?L$ to dip or place

eSe;^d^r^ lit, to strike the the hand on the head; to
hands against the ground ; to ordain. -^J&FS to lift the
curse. handful; libe- hand; to threaten; to assault.

TT 3\xs> to come to -stes^a lit. to direct the

hand, be within reach of the hand; to

intermeddle; to
hand; to be caught. ^ sere a
manage business. ScS^a
oaoK ?&$ lit. to be service- lit. the hand to move ;
to be
able for the mouth and hand ; energetic or able to work; to
to succour, help, as a grown succeed in any undertaking.
up son to his parents. ^ ccro4s> to move the hands, as
sroosoK ^jal:s> lit. to glance at when busy. Jicdo^ the hand
the hand and mouth: to to shake.
^ss^sto re-marry
to cross or a widow or divorced woman.
tie the hands. ttzs to
-33^$ hand
to stretch out the

expect or seek help ;

to watch. in order to receive show ;
_#ot$o\rX ^oc^ogojcj to shake the hand to hold by the hand
; ;

or dust off the hand. &azj3 to marry; to be blessed with

4*> to join hands, as in prosperity. SJDT&N to put or
marriage. =5\eTi:?> to attain, thrust the hand into any
gain; to succeed, prosper. thing; to undertake; to in-
&abFS> to shake hands; to terfere; to assault; to take
help, assist. 3:1^4$ to draw liberties, as with a woman.
the hand back. ara3os> the the hand to get tired.
hand to slip; to slip from s> to grope; to give a
kei 164 keikra

second coating of plaster ;

to keikanji, ^. Cattle.

give permission to eat. >e

keikattu, J. A kind of
&;os>, _e!>e^$. _ 83?7k to move bracelet.
or wave the hand to menace, ^. A
keikada, temporary
threaten. eoorfoba lit. to let
loan, without interest.
go the hand; to give over, .
keikashta, ^. Industry, la-
forsake, desert. ecuatfos> lit.
bour, handicraft, husbandry.
the hand to fall down ;
to be
^. A present
unable to work; to meddle, a
given superior on the
interfere, take part. derfoa
occasion of a visit.
to lift the hand for strik-
m'SD4 keikaru, s. The hands
ing. ^o?3<ao$ to
prepare and legs. ^^a to embrace
to to bran-
fight. ^o^s> the hands and feet to cringe.


dish; to assault; to bargain,

&-3-od>, T^ooUo, ^x^od keikin-
handsel. ^TC^ON to exchange, <a

de, keikuntu, keikunda, ^. A

alter. are-dos to trans-
to menace. piece of cloth to handle heated
gress, violate;
vessels with.
_ -rfoj?\odoos> to close the hands
out of respect, to salute,
kundelu, s. Poverty, strait.
^ooy^a to touch with the
JvS'or^O keikudari, s. A hatchet.
hand; the hand to reach.
_;&>do s> to rub the hand. s. Shortness of
ei O keikudya,
_ 4?clio^e;o^ to ease the hands means. 2. poverty, strait.

after work. 3^$ to press ^ keike, see ^3.

or squeeze the 'hand. 4^ y?vX keikelasa, s. Manual
crooSo a
4s> to ask permission to eat. labour, handicraft.
_ e-do$ to go into one's manual labourer.
?5^?4^ the hand To
?^J3r?o^ keikonuni,
possession. ^^?.
to get weary or exhausted. hold. 2. to accept, receive,
333^03 to strike a bargain, take.
to make a cheap bargain J. A kind of
r^JS^S keikori,
to promise, assure. shocks round or long scoop for serv-
to attain, gain. ing boiled rice with.
^. s. A walking
T^piJ^ kei-attil^, Cooking rj^JS?^ keikolu,
for oneself. stick.

3 kei-akshara, s. Hand- keikola, s. Handcuffs,

W ^A
writing. keikraya, s. Cash. 2.

^tfff* kei-alu, ^ purchasing for cash.

keiga 165 keipe

':?" keigantu, s. Money in conclude, end. 5 a?b^ to

hand. 2. a hand-bag. confine, imprison. ^o^a
^rlrfF?? keigargasu, J. A hand- to arrest; to stop, finish, ter-
saw. minate.
T&rreS keigadi, .?. A wheel-barrow. keidanda, s. An unneces-
2. a go-cart. sary loss.

j^rras^ keigarike, .?. Manual keidande, s. A bracelet.

skill, dexterity; handi-work. o keidaddye, J. A kind of

priors keiguna, s. The virtue or cake boiled in steam.

efficiency of the hand. 2.
^era 6 keidare, ^. A marriage
practice. 3. experience. ceremony.
^rio^r keigurta, s. A person's keidi, s. A prisoner.
signature. sj keidlpa, J. A hand-lamp.
keicamatkara, s.
^SsdJS'ad Coj keidu, see t^5.
Dexterity, sleight of hand.
rfcii^ keinambige, -$. Giving
2. manual skill.
^r striking the hand in token
^^^5 ^pDs;^ , keicalaku, kei-
of a promise or assurance-
calaku, s. Quickness of hand.
^ keine. A nasty woman, abus.
& keitapaguru, s. A ges-

ture made with the hand. r^cS* keinenu, ^. The knot of


A a fishing tackle.
TsM5k keitappu, s. mistake,
slip of the hand. rlf^y keinota,^. Aim t?r direc-.
tion of a weapon swung by
^s s3 keitale, s. A hand-rope to
the hand.
climb a palm tree with. rb v>
3j|B ora

s :8 keipattinalu,^. A wife.
keitadegy. adv. Towards,
33!) Ca keipadu, J". Gain, ad-
keitalu, adv. Near, by,
A hand rail keipu, J^ ^^55.
SeioA* keitlngu, s. j)

for supporting when crossing keipude, ^. The name of

a small bridge. a certain class of Pariahs.

keitala, ^. A small cym- j)

vJ keipulu, s. A rake.

^o keipulu, />/. of ^34.
^^oorf keitunda, 2 keipe, ^. Bitterness, adj.
^vsodc5 keitudaru, s. A hand- Bitter. 2. envious. &3 bit-

lamp. terness; envy. 3tfo a kind

keidu, s. A sword, sabre. of fish. sroO3otTOo5o a miser.
2. a prison. 3. arresting. 4. .
atfos>, -o^r" to be very bit-
conclusion, end. y^& to ter; to be envious, fig.
keipe 166 ceiyye

keipelu, 5. Bitterness. keibsdi, s. Handcuffs.

aJj. Bitter. itf?4 keibevu, s. The neem-

:?!: 2^)? keiperipuli, s. Bitter
tree, margosa.
orange of Atalantia mono- s.
vW-^d keibyara, Purchasing
phylla. for cash.
}4$rc 4 keiponjavu, s. A single ido keima, s. A
small piece.
woman. to chop into small
3^3* keiphetu, s. A plaint,
keimannu, ^. Fine earth
=j.^r^ keibadalu, J-.
Exchange. used as a rough plaster.
2. changing hands. riotfo^ ^SiFS to plaster with it.
to exchange; to change hands. r^i keimani, ^. A hand-bell.
keibaru, ^. A circle.
osSro6 keimarcelu, JT.

taming, adj. Dome-
^wjj, keibaravu, stication,
ing. sticated. 3 ^?S a tame fowl,
keibarkatu, s. The vir- to domesticate, tame,
tue or efficacy of the hand.
keimada. s. A funeral
^^c/^ keibalike. s. Avarice, ceremony. ^d^^rf such a
borrowing and re-
readily cerrnony performed with mag-
turning tardily. nificence.

^x^ kaibale, s. A bracelet. js?7~, >

?3 keimasu, kei-
si -^jJ3
^iZCTe)^ keibaji, ^. A small kind masa, ^. A slow poison.
of chisel. ^.
) eJ
keimutta, Urgent
^^!B keibittu, J. A handful of need.
seed sown on the fifteenth of
do keime, ^^ ^e^a
Paggu (about the end of April)
x^oin keimette, ^. A kind of
as a beginning of cultivation ei .

musical instrument.
operations. J. A of
keimosa, slip
cf keibirelu, s. The finger. the hand.
^::^"r keibirsu, Sleight of
keiyara, <7^'. With one's
hand. 2. quickness of hand. own hand: by handfuls; wil-
3 keibile, s. Cash price. lingly; liberally.
? '^.^^eJoSj keibudtinaye, s. A ,oijss?* keiyalu, s. A dependent,
d-'stitutc, or unhappy man. an attendant.
2. a wicked man. <7^-.
^pi^^Gio keiyyakeiya,
keibedi, s. A pistol; a Hand in hand.
musket. 7i keiyyedde, J. The virtue
keiyyo 167 konka

or efficacy of the hand. 2. to attain beatitude.

3. experience. to die.
practice.' S^s>
keiyyoppige, s. A keivasa, s. Possession. 2.
signature. subjection, taming. ?^$ to

03% >

keiyyoli, s. The mouth submit; to get into possession.

of a weel. rfotfo^
to take possession;
to subdue.
cs ^iDe)^ keiru, keiratu, 5.

Welfare, health. 2. happiness, iSi)Cs* keivadu, ^. Manual skill.

prosperity. VSeiD* keivaru, ^. A pair of

co3J5o s keirumalu, ^. A hand- compasses. 3^)rfo$ to use

kerchief. compasses.
~.o'" keilu, .?.
spoon, A ladle. keivodaku, J. Progress :

2. the handle of a hoe or axe. prosperity.

3. a cluster or bunch of fruits.
8*%A ^,^% keivoppige,
o<35:i_. rbr!>3- the handle of keivoppu, ^^ ^oSafc^*.
an axe. v&Q a bunch of 6 keisere, ^. Arrest, capture.
plantains. 3jtli$ to fix a .
keisatti. A round,
handle; to put forth a cluster wooden trough with a handle.
of fruits, as plantains etc. r&s keisare, s. A Caesar, em-
keilakade. s. The handle peror.

of a ladle pointed towards its s*^ keisala, s. A small or

end. adj. Very thin, as the temporary loan without a
limbs. P led g e -

[a wall.
&>cS keilade, s. A kind of cake. JSoZo keisumbe. s. A hole in
2. a pigeon hole. JS'6 keisure, ^. Plundering,
je>fl$OPj ^po^F keilapurli, pillaging.
keilapurli, s. A kind of creeper, x?oJ3o?3 keisonne, J. A sign made
the flowers of which are used with the hand.
in curries. oo)^^ keihalita, ^.
An estimate

3^ a^)$6 keilapulire, .?. A kind of made by the hand, z. ^., by

creeper; atso v*&35&ff& handling a thing.
\579?o keilasa, s. The heaven of !
^So^ keihidi. ^. A vade-mecum.
Siva. ^rf a loan irrecover- 2. a warrant for arresting
ably lost. a person at once.
SJ&O keiltari, ^. The feminine konkana, ^. The Kouka-

species of palmyra. na country.

The Konka-
5^^ keivalya, s. Heaven; konkani, s.

eternal happiness; beatitude.. ni language.

konka 168

r?; konkane, kon- kondi, J. A sting. 2. a

kanye, A Konkani Brahmin,

.$. hook. the staple* that holds

konke, s. A hook. 2. the latch of a door, etc. 4. the

crookedness; / 3^. adj. clasp of a bracelet; also *-

Crooked, curved, bent: also cf.

^j^S. 5c3 a crooked field ; kondu, /^^/. ^r/. (of $&
an isolated field. srotios) to put, lay-
kongij, down. 3^5'dos to run away
crookedness, adj. Bent, curv- with. ^?la to take away,
ed, arched, irregular. carry, convey. -a;E;r^ to
konga, s. The declivity of bring.
a mountain. 2. a name of the konde, J. A liquid mea-
Cera or Kerala country. sure, equal to half a seer, or
Sorfo^JS kongarukuli, s. An dry measure equal to one-
irregular tooth; also fourth or one-sixth of a seer.
2. a hollow piece of a bamboo.
kongi, see &s?c?.. 3. the bush or socket of a
kongeru, ^. The lower wheel. 3j an umbrella with
class of Tamulians. a small bamboo handle.
konci, see ^oosJ.

J konta, s. Viciousness. konopini, see 's

2. stupidity,
adj. Vicious. 2. konta, s.
stupid. ^rS a vicious buf- A
kontala, ^. large boat.
falo; a stupid fellow. sutlis,
_ ec^os> to be vicious or res- kontalyuni (*o<f),

. . To burn, ache, pain,

tive; to limp, halt.
smart; #/.$<? tsUca^cdoos.
kontavuni, see
^^ kontana, ^y. Bound-
less, immeasurable.
ejo kontu, se
s. A hole. konti, J. A kind of fish.
o: konda, pit,
33& a o kontu, s. The cross-beam
of a hand-water-lift.
/JcCeoj^,$J5oZ32)f3 kondapini,
kondavuni, see rfoii>83F?>. konde, . A kind of
s. fish.
i3oC5a)tJ kondata, Praise,
eulogy, applause. Scd konde, s. The pudding-
pipe tree. Cassia fistula.
JSo^s^j^ kondaduni (^orssS),
v. a. To praise, applaud, kondra, adj. Small, little.
glorify, celebrate. 2. to boast. ;?? a small garland, rosary.
kompa 169 kokka

kompa, kompe, s. soften the flowerbud of a co-

A heap. sra^os to heap up. coanut tree in order to squeeze
komba, ^/. Horned. ^ out toddy from it.
5 the pincers of a crab /. 3odoc s kornmar^, see tfaoeoS.

fodoB a kind of centipede. Sodo komme, s.

^e^ a scorpion with shears. fatness, adj. Corpulent, fat.
the thumb. -rfoo.3 a _ a corpulent man;
eJ ^ajrooSo
kind of cap made of the stalk an arrogant fellow. "stSorfoos

of an areca-nut branch. to diminish, become thin. a

=5^/30200* kombaru, s. A kind of
^$ to get fat,become stout.
cap worn by Koragars. s3ojs5 *?&$ to become very
kombarunij see fat, as cattle.

korngi, J. The branch

^ kombikolu, see or spatha of a sago-palm.
kombirelu, ?
3oAr-, ^J3orior-sjod korngi-,
kombimara, s. A mast. korngu-mara, J^. The Indian
beech tree, Pongamia glabra.
kombu, jr. A horn. 2. a
a a kind of creeper,
musical horn. 3. tusk.
korngu, s. A crane,
4. a branch. 5. spadix, the
tender flowerbud of a palm-
3c?^F kornge, see ^jso?\r. 2. a
tree, prepared for the ex-
of toddy.
white cock.
the horn of a deer. kornde, J^ ^dzS.

korndu, J". The stalk of

are va- a cocoanut <?^ other palm

rieties of horned buffaloes. leaf.

the staff of a palan- kokka, J^. The game of

sie^c&zi u
kin. nsoSo one who blows hide and seek. a?lbs> to play

the horn; a man. at such a game.

J. Koughness.
music with the wind 3^,D* kokkar^,
_sro:ig XT
instruments. AsosS the dis- 6, ^J3=CT,s3 kokkara,
o" tr .

tance of a horn-sound (about kokkare, kokkale, ay. Rough.

two miles). eroa^s to blow ^z On half bended knees.

a horn. &>br?> the horns to

83^-5 rough and crooked.
appear; to become arrogant. s'o^^ to sit on half bended
A buck
kombe, J. deer. knees. KTOOSO
3^3 ^ ^^
kombel^, J. A
horn the words are sweet, but the
used by a toddy-drawer to actions rough.
kokka 170 kotta

kokkayi, sec kojapuni, kojepuni, kojelpuni
^ kokke, .y. A
hook, clasp; (^ar. -.
Z], i>. a. To
/; &s<t. ss^d speaking spoil. 2. to break, cut. in

crossly. to crouch. pieces.

_5 ecu-do^ to be entangled, get -?.^^;^j ^_7 wj kojameda-buru, ^.

into difficulty. A kind of creeper.


-7!T,^8>oSj s. The JJ^o kojaru, ^v 5c:



fruit of the tree Tabcrnae-

montana coronaria. 3 rfjrf

its tree.
kojaluai, kojiluni, kojeluni (^
,&$ kokkeri- K^, ^35^, t-), .. TO
yuni, kokkeruni (^.^5), r. n. burst, break in pieces.
The hair to bristle or stand S^cli kojenti, ^^ 3--

erect, to horripilate. ^2S kojje, ^. An eunuch.

JS^JS, kokko, .y. Boiled rice.
ij^jsej kotakota, o^'. Defici-
2. cocoa. ent, short, little. >-^ small
JSCcjs^ kocakoca, s.
Lisping. quantity of rice or food. 20$
curios to lisp. ^s to serve out but little food.
vS^Q* koccaru, ^. A kind of p. Lid kotare, j^' ^KJ.
black crab. kotarme. see ^y.-Sor.
kotale, kotale, Jtv
koccippadu, koccilu, koccelu, ^.

A kind of pickle. J3l5. kotta, J- A hut or dwell-

J5^J 5> koccuni (3^ <ia
" ), r
. w. To ing of Koragars. 2. leprosy ;

prate, brag.
=j3io!3 kojanti, J. The refuse a leper, abus.
or offal of vegetables /., to kottaiiji, J. A fruit with-
from which the juice has been out ilesh. adj. Emaciated.
expressed. J2y,o5j kottayi, s. A dried areca-
.0^3 kojante, J-. A thicket of uut. 2. contraction, stiffness,
thorns. im- death.
adj. Thorny; ^w^s. to contract,
passable. become stiff, die.

~-B^ii^ kojaku, adj. Over-ripe. ,

kottarfe, see ^B).
2. burst, broken. kottarme, s. Steward-
~.''^^ kojapu, s. Sour inilk, ship.
curds. s. A
3i3e).c3 kottara, palace,
o .

mansion. 2. a store-room.
kotta 171 kodi

kottari, s. A store- kodandelu, s. A snare

keeper, steward. 2. a sub- set up for birds.
division of the Stidra class. JSC^P r$ kodakyana, ^/".
Hot or
Li 3 f\ kottige, s. A kind of cake strong to the taste.

boiled in steam. J3^rio kodagu,5. Coorg.

s. A 2. a the province of Coorg. sp^4

w kottu, spade.
cock's comb. 3. a peacock's the Coorg language. tfjs&Tt a
tuft. 4. a veil. SJ^T^O^ to Coorgman; a turbulent fellow.
cover with a veil.

kotte, s. The kernel of a kodapana, kodapana, kodapana,

nut. the testicles. .y. A metallic
2. #1% waterpot.
5 to harden. to kodapavuni, c. v,
castrate. To weld, forge to-

3&3,S3rt kotteagra, see under gether.

AJ. Q^o> kodapuni (&a^), v. a.

,.?* kottepijinu, J. A kind To forge, hammer. 2. to bite,

of ant. as a serpent. 3. to peck,
kottemullu.' j. The strike with the beak.

plant Zizyphus xylopyrus. ,ics55kodape, s. A kind of bird,

J. A stall.
the hoop.
kotya, shed,
a verandah. do55_ a Qd^oo^soSj kodamandaye, s.

bathroom. The name of a demon.

5? kotririria, J. A lark. kodari, see tforfa.

s. Point, end, ex-

kotre, 5, A spade.
tremity. 2. a sprout. 3. a
&tio-^ kodankatti, s. A kind
flag, ensign. 4. interdict,
of sickle.
prohibition. 3otf a flag-staff.
kodangu, see ^jsrSc^. 3o$ to set up a
i. o in front
kodange, . An ear-ring. of a temple as the first cere-
kodang'ye, s. A buffoon, mony of its car-festival. ^

jester. 2. see &at^ under to tie, in the name of a

demon, a handful of leaves to
a tree in a forest or planta-
.Ju, ^. A large kind of ape, tion, prohibiting its use until
a baboon. ?- a devil dancer their removal. ;&> a flag
going a-begging in the Tulu to be lowered as a conclud-
month of ey& ing ceremony of a car-festi-
JSdou kodande, s. A kind offish. val. to remove an
kodi 172 ij. kottu

interdict laid on the use of a konile, see

forest, etc. s^tks to deco- konuni (^- E; :
7-. ?/. To
rate a shed with cloth, etc. in com-
take, hold, keep,
top and bottom shelter;
Pounds with other verbs; as,
progeny, issue. raoB issue- corfo to meet;
^ to hold,

keep; &3 to take to heart;

oSi a vagabond an issueless Lrio to discern.
man. 2. 'sUoeos (ajpeos) is used as
kodipuni (3-3), v. n. an auxiliary verb to

To bud, germinate.
reflexives; as, ^JS&PSOS to be
J2&d kodire, s. The top-leaf. 3&?,fo& to get en-
J^j^j koduku, s. The hymen. tangled; jitl^jsroo^ to walk,
adj. Obscene. behave; ew&sreos to prosper,
kode, s. An umbrella. do well. zJo^reo?i to make
3jazicj kodenji, s. The inside for one's self. 3. for its past
of the cheeks. part, see ^ctSo.
3j3t3 ;:> koddevi,
J ' . .
^. A kind of kone, ^^ ^^.
fish. >
konopini, J

^ ^-?oti>

"C"v^^: r C"
~ T^"** f^i
IlOClVailU. i0"* *-
o o [hit.
dyanu, s. A small kind of fish.
konpini (^^). :. n. To-
^JScI o koddye, ^. A bull or ox
j^.c^3, ^JS^ozSo kottambari,
with a tuft of white hair on
kottamberi, s. Coriander, Co-
the tail. *-. a cow with such riandrum salirum; also 3&
a tail.
_ _
3-i rt^ konaje, J. A fly infest-
sro^re an ear-ornament of
ing the eyes.
gold, strung with small corals.
^r^To* konajekallu, J. A
large rock near Mudabidri.
s^ kottala, Jftf
^5,^, ^aa^d.
3J5r?oj^ konapini, ^^ ^c-rfoeo Sa^^ kottalakatte, ^.

Lr^ under 3^crio. police station.

wJtC"?J33 Konale, Konole, kottalige, ^. A palm


^. The weed Papsalum pilo- branch stripped of its leaves.

sum. -- i3 a bad person. kottavale, see ^s^3.

l t,^ a kind of bird with a kottala, J. A bastion.

very long bill. 2. bulwarks. 3. a trough.

koni, s. A sting. eAtfrfoa 4. a stone pavement.
to sting, dv//. Cunning, de- sfJp kottu, s. A mark showing
ceitful. the limit of a liquid measure.
kotte 173 koyi

kotte, s. Trash, dirt. jssl

koppa, s. The hut of
d A the lowest grade of Pariahs
kotvale, J. police of-
ficer. called "Marimanseru" cf. ;

SCjcSJ, =j3doe3r\ kodanti, ko-

dantige, A wooden hammer.

s. d&d, ^JSs^D koppara, koppari,
s. The dried cocoanut kernel.

kodadu, s. A chopping-

S^Ori kopparige,
^. A caldron,
Scj>o kodame, s. A blockhead, boiler with a wide mouth.
dolt. 2. hidden treasure. Ite^S)
kodi, s. Greediness, eager- to discover hidden treasure.
ness. tfoi&S), axs-dos to be Ssle; koppala, s. A cocoanut
affected with the evil effects garden. 2. a village of cocoa-
of greediness.
X^s to take nut gardens.
away the evil effects of greedi- 33
asl^o^ koppalipuni C^ ^),
ness by charms. soo^s to r. a. To gargle, rinse the
covet. mouth.
^ kodipavuni, c. v. (of koppu, ^. A female's upper
To cause to boil. ri SoXrB its screw.
^Jsaojjj^) kodipuni,
S^ koppe, J^ AO^.
kodiyuni (&8t>), z'.w. boil,
^JSUO kobari, kobbari,
see ^A^-
^jscl^o* kodipelu, J
^sSj, komme,
kodupelu, s. The act of boil-
^jic^j i.oya, #dfo. Over, out.
ing. 2. lisping. -aroS boiled
=^j30Jj^J30Jo koyakoya, adv. Ex-
3CJOocokodumbu,^. Thecyrnbi- cessively, exceedingly. dX^s
form sheath of a bunch of to have copious perspiration.
cocoanuts. jso3Jo35) koyimpuni, ^^ tf^o^^.
kodde, s. Stammering. ^J303oo200nJo^j koyimbusulu, s,
2. lisping. aroosoirooSo a A sigh, long breath. 3^s>,
stammerer; one who lisps. _&)o5Ls to sigh.
sc3 3% jac3c. s/ koddelu, kodye- >
koyipini, J^ ^^s.
lu, ^. A highly seasoned soup koyilu, j.
Reaping. 2.
of pulse. harvest. 3. a small paddy
konale, konile, see field; cf. &e3oa3.
-^^ to

begin the harvest work.

kone, ^. A point, end, ex- SOfo^Sj, koyilatta,
s. The pad-

tremity. dy paid to a reaper as wages.

koyi 174 tore

koyilatti, s. A scythe koraguni, see

ur sickle. s. A man of the
..js2 koyile, s. Pudendum Koragar caste, a tribe that
muliebre. ci&o3oo$ to become feeds on carrion and whose
pubescent, to menstruate. women wear lerv

j^2j koyyuni, sec &?b>. s.

?rjsc/iij koraji, koraju,
koyyusulu, sec 3& A serpent charmer.
^. A log, stump.
oOs koyyelu, s. Harvest. a piece of sandal wood.
.s. Bivalve 2. see ^^brs.
shell, Mytilus. koradi, see 3j&&r.

kora, adj. Brief, short. korade, s. A pollard.

JSCci:' korantu, s. The kernel ^J?di korati, korate, ^.
0r stone of a fruit. 2. the Defect. 2. want, need; /".

cashew nut. s'uj.s the ker-

nel to be formed in the stone. koranu, ^. A kind of fish.

korandi, see ?w^^j korapalu, J. A Koragar

uni woman. 2. a female's name.
To pretend to eat, handle food 3w35> korapuni, ^6' ^.tr"

reluctantly. 2. to pick, as
ci^dkorape, korapele,
lice from the hair. . One who snores.
=^JSdo33 korampe, s. A bruise, korapelu, ^. Snoring.
contusion. 2. a welt; ^-rfc^.
koralu, J An ear of 1

j3dc2JO korambara, awfc'. Abun- corn. 3o,^_ a small or wither-

dantly, plentifully. wrf^ ed ear of corn. ^^crf^_ an
to eat heartily.
after-ear of corn.
^J2doi korambi, J. A kind of
korale, see 3rt$.
korasandi, sec 5o^roS.
=-'^0^0* korambilu, s. A pro-
tection for a creeper, especi- koralu, ^^ ^"d^.
ally for one of a small kind korale, Cold, catarrh;
of cucumber.
-.'~3 A groove
korambu, s. koru, i

. A bar of metal.

umbrella, made of the a bar of gold.

leaves of the dammer tree. jsdjort korungu, ko-
2. a rib. runge, see ^oXor.
^JSoo^t korambe, s. A swamp. kore, '/<//'.
Weak. 2. small.
175 koshta

and eye. 3o-3 the upper end

korengi-, korenji-, koreji-inara, of a female's garment tuck
&o'r Fo&d. up into her necklace.

^C^JO^ korejuni (&83), 7.'. #. kole, ^. Murder. 2. .?

To make a uoise. od _ =sr^ continual hard-

shi P-
J3wo^)^ korepini, kore- [paddy field.

puni (&S-3), '. 0. To bark, 3s3oc3 kolenji, ^. A plot of

roar. 2. to bore; cf. Tta3!b$. ^. A kind of fish.
korevuni, ^ ^o3ojoo$.
kolke, see ^sir.
korkal\i, J. A kind of A
kolkori, .?.
legged fowl.
^JSc^F korji, see a?sSr.
kolci, J. Setting on edge.
^JSF, ^JS^F kordi, korde, ^.
kolcuni ^ ^.
A (*^), .

whip, scourge. The teeth to be set on edge.

^j?ST3reJ korpata, ^. Giving,
Ji<5 kolde, ^^ ^jaftr.
distribution. a
=5J33DF4> korpavuni, c. r.
JS^tf, ^JS^^, ^JS^d kolta-
le, koltile, koltule, ^. A cross
^!;F&) To cause to give, to
beam. 2. a clasp.
give through another.
P kolnine, s. A candle made
-.' _-> korpini (^*^), ^. . To
of a piece of cloth twisted
give, grant, bestow. 2. to
round a stick.
beat, flog.
^JSdojrs kormuka,

s. Startle,
)^kolpavuni, c.v. (of ^
To fasten; to touch.
sudden alarm.
kolpu, ^. A sprain. 2.
^JS^FcQ korsandi, see s'orirca.
the cramp.
T?J3s; kola, see AOS?.
kolpuni (^^), z'. To .

-7 cjo^ kolambe, J. Marshy stick, cleave, come into col-
ground. lision. v. n. To touch, reach.
^^=5* kolaku, ^^ ^js^. s. Nicety,
SS^kolme, delicacy.
^Jivir kolake, j

. The third crop _3 *?< delicate workmanship.

of rice.
kollataru. ^. A kind of
^JS^sSo kolame, s. A very deep small fish.
pit; an abyss, hell. A
s. bay. 2. a fire-
S|) kolli,
^.^d, ^J32:?o5j kolave, kolayi, brand. a? a firebrand used
s. A
clasp. 2. the metallic top for a light.
of a cane. 3. a hollow tube.
sl koshta, ^.
Leprosy. TO
it^~, kolike, s. A clasp, hook o3o a leper.
kosa 176 koti

kosaru, sec 2. sec kontavuni, c. r.

To halt, hobble.
r* -r- . S r* c**
Y ^ "T-"^ 6:5 Tmovolrnni
rz2 s. An
-t Pv
Or.~J y'
~J3rj3,V Ji.OSraE.OUl,
'Jo kontu, angle,
kosrali, s. A perverse dis- corner, crook.
position. 2. tale-bearing. 3. kontuni (^eoS3), t 1
. w.

an ill-tempered man. 4. a To halt, limp.

tale-bearer. J3^oc3 konde, s. A stick to which
JS^o^ kolambe, s. A drain. fruits fc. are studded.
2. a bath. kon-
adj. Decayed, JS^og, ^J^orf^ kondra,
dru, ^. Boasting.
putrid, stinking.
^J3^=5* kolaku, .s. Nuisance. kondri, ^<? rooaj.

adj. Filthy, dirty. JS^o^os? kombule,

=$J3^ kolake, see &ae;3. n kombule, Soft, delicate.
r-g ra j ^'.

kolaga, ^. A measure of 2. young.

s^ kolaci, ^JS^ koka, i\ The game of hide
Buffoonery; mi-
to and seek. -?^s> to play at
micry, jeering. ^u^fj
such a game.
mimic, jest; to play tricks.

^J3v3* kolalu, ^. A fife. j2?s)OSo kokayi, s. A bill, beak.

_ cro^So a quarrelsomeman.
kolala, j .
War, battle,
CT> f a quarrelsome woman.
kolave, see
_ ero:>F$ to rub the beak; to
r^ kolpu,
kolpuni, A
^-2? 3 33^3 kokilegili, s. sing-
kolli, set
ing parrot.
^ konke, see ^^z^. ^J5^r\d, ^X^sii kogile, kojile,
A^^t. konkekanda, s. An .y. A cuckoo.
uneven field.
$&, ^JS^ koca, koce, s.

:f(ofo*" konganiiu, s. A squint Boasting. ^^4-, -^--vain-

eye ; cf. tat& glory.
^Ji^oA kongi, J

Ridicule, jest, =aJS^ koci, s. A kind of mask.
mockery. ^Uoa, rfo^OvS) to 3? maskery. to
make fun. to ridicule. put on a mask.
^JJ^oSo konca, s. Extravagance; ^JSei^oZo kotariji, s. Sexual in-

cf. T&sed. _ s'Uo 3 to be ex- dulgence.


travagant. tfje^UsS kotale, s. Pain, sick-

kontu, Jf6' t?js?ct3o. ness. 2. the


kontangelu, s. Hob- 3. hardship, distress.

bling. <//. Lame. ij koti, s. A crore, ten mil-
koti 177 koma

lions. 2. remembrance, re- koneriraye, ^. A

collection. 3. the name of a demi-god. [stone.
male. 3^3 by crores. s? *
konkallu, ^. A corner
&s to recollect.
kotale, .?. A kind of fish-

koti, s. A store, goclown. ing net. 2. a straight grown

es a salt store'. tree.
3ol> kotiya, see
&s?Wg- koti, ^. A monkey. ^?M,
kotu, s. Losing a game, the pranks of a monkey mis- ;

vlg. e?&$ to lose the game. chief.

-^y^s to be silly,
to defeat. foolish.

kote, s. A fort, fortress. kodanda, s. A rope sus-

s. A kind of sail- pended in schools for punish-

ing boys. 2. a bow.
ing vessel.
kodu, s. A horn. 2. a kodle, see &3?u3.

pod. ^% the milk-hedge, 3^ kona, ^. A kind of sweet-

Euphorbia anliquoniin. meat.

kodangi, J koneriraye, J^ ^?

kopa, J. Anger, wrath.

kodadabbu, kodidabbu,
to be angry.
kodedabbu, .9. A demon wor- a^^i?>
to provoke.
shipped by Pariahs.
&^sratf kopara, ^. Buffoonery,
kodi, adj. A lot of twenty,
low jesting.
a score.
kodi, s. Corner. 2. a 3^3l kopi, kopishthe,

place, quarter. fire- s. An angry man.

side. a^^ the hind part of kopinu, j A piece of 1

the fire-place in a bathroom. cloth to cover the privities.

kodu, see T?jseS. kopu, ^. A cup.

kode, adv.
Yesterday. kope, ^. A string of fruits,
an upstart; a young, fish, etc.

inexperienced man, a griffin.

O koma, s. A crowd.

kona, ^. An angle, corner. aJS^o!3^ komati, ko-

2. ^^ fo>er. Sj_ a triangle. matige, s. A class of mer-
A chants. 2. cunning, craft.
kone, ^. room, apart-
ment. 2. a corner. 3. a rogue. c^oSo a
S^cJ^ konedappe, ^. A female crafty fellow.
demon. komana, s. A piece of
koma 178 kola

cloth to cover the privities. an entertainment with fowls.

the privities. ^ a chicken.
^ rf
S^ook komaya, 5-. Home-sick- rf ^B a cock's comb. rf

ness. 2. attachment. A^J a poultry -yard. zJ^

komare, s. An oracle. a kind of preparation of fowl.

a kind of fish. ^
komala, adj. Tender,
55 A)o^oS) to stand on the
delicate, young. 2. pleasing.
right foot. to get up
^rfoeS komale, s. A handsome ^yo^S)
a cock-fight. ^e3^a to crow.
_ 3ccix>$ to crow fast and
oo komu, .$. A crowd.
lustily. ssS a jungle fowl.
kora, ^. Measles. adooix- a teal. 3e a short
kora, tf^'. Rough, not fine.
legged fowl.
curved. harsh, jarring.
2. 3.
S^S^, =&3^ korike, korige,
^ocwo unbleached lawn cloth. s. Hope, desire, wish.
w& a curved tusk or fang.
2?do> koruni (^eS), r. . To
-3DX a discordant song or
desire, hope expect. 2. ,s&?

S^uoSo korariji, s. A kind of

kore, ^". Curved, bent;
uSJoB korapanti, .?. The fra-
korji, ^. A measure of
grant grass, Mollngo cerm- grain, consisting of forty-two
ana. muras of rice. by ^^
korayi, ko- korjis.
rayi, s. A basin. 2. lameness, 3^eJor kortu, s. A court of
hobbling. justice.

, adj. Lame. 53 korde, see ^ar.

a lame leg.
korte, ^.
Preparing a
koravuni (^C^D), z'. . field for sowing; also Sc^^
To halt, limp.

kori, J. A fowl, cock. k6lu, ^

2. poultry. 3. a kind of ladle kola, s. A devil-dance. ^
for serving rice. eseoiS a to assume a mask, to act
small bean, dolichos. ^w a devil-dance.
es^ cock-fight. ssS kolakalli, s. A kind of
the right foot raised against Cactus.
anything. -^.aW^ a kind fobsb kolayi, <?^. In lines.
of medicinal plant. _ o?La to place in lines.
kola 179 kourica

kolata, s. A game at ing cough. -3^?A a disease

which persons make alternate of the bowels of children.
motions and strike mutually kovemullu, s. Bar-
short sticks in each others' leria longiflora.
hands. txoon$ to play at i
kosa, kosha, s. A
the above game. glossary, vocabulary, diction-
j^oD3o^ kolahala, s. Pomp, ary. 2. the scrotum. S5c^

display. 2. din of war. the stomach.

-7^3 koli, see 3? 5. 2. uproar, , adj. Oblique, squint.

bustle. a squint eye; cf.

i?yj kolu, s. A stick, staff,
rod. 2. a sceptre. 3. a mea- kosamba-

suring rod about two and ri, kosumbari, kind of s. A

half English feet. 4. a kind
condiment made of pulse.
of black oyster. sfrrf?io TTO&L- ,
kola, s. The stocks. 2.

a king's sceptre. %>$ a see ^ja?<y. 3. a veil. rfozS.

rod with a handle twisted with hand-cuffs.


3^'gs>6, kolukare, s. A peon to put in stocks.

in general. 2. a peon whose )
kolambi, ^. A broad
duty is to measure salt. epittoon.
e^oods* koludalu, . A kind koli, J^ =&se8.
of white ants.
kolu, ^^ ^jseew.
J^os^O kolubeli, s. A fence A kind of cake. -

kole, ^.
of sticks.
Q koikuri, ^. A kind of
Ji $ 3 kole, aw/. Hollow, sunken ;

sheep with fatty posteriors.

cf. ^j?e^, &es?. ^c^s a sunken
koipini, f. a. To cut, reap,
eye, a large eye.
J? o?\ u kolkare,
XT o koyyolu, ^. Chopping.
ja^Cl kolde, J^ a
Co si^ species of the vege-
kovana, table Amaranthus tristis.
kovi, ^. A gun, firelock; koilu, ^^ T?joaj^, ^5.
Bjp* "

koiserangu, s. The
kovilukatte} ^. A mode of wearing a shawl by
mule ;' cf.
a bridegroom.
kove, ^-. A mould. 2. a kounca, adv. Topsy-turvy,
upside down. z&&>$ to up-
kovetemma, s. Hoop- set, overturn.
i'*" kountu 180 krani

kountu, kountu, s. ^d koule, see tf?*.

Rancidity, adj. Rancid; see ^^sj kousala, ^. Happiness, well-
fare. 2. skilfulness.

i, koun- kousige, s. A name of the

duni (TfSoO, Tf3c5), r. . To sage Visvamitra.
become rancid. The mother
AJ^ kousalye, s -

ocaJuZo koundurasa, s^S. of Rama.

o^)^) koumpuni (^=), #. To '. ^T^ kouli, koulige, J. A
bury. 5^04 &3h a burial drinking vessel. 2. a bundle

ground. ^cs^oSo a grave- of twenty or twenty-five. &&?

digger; a term of reproach. "3d a bundle of about twenty-

five betel leaves.

ffisanige, s. The scarf-skin, koulu, s. Odour, scent,

cuticle. smell. 2. a kind of perfume.
's^rl^ koucanige, s. A kind of 3. stench. 4. the cheek.

comb. o koule, koulye,

see ara
koutu, see tfSoO. o<B kyati,

'tPc^uro koudu, koudurasa, kyadage, jt

. A cancer on the cheek, ^3^ ^ kyalu, i. Diligence. 2. de-

koudi, s. A cowry. votion, attention.

>ei s. A =5^0
^ kratu, s. A sacrifice, ob-
koudige, koude,
cowry ;
Cyprcca moneta.
>d koudige, koude, s. A ^o krama, s. Order, method,

regularity. CC?N irregular,

milkman. 2. a man bringing
disorderly. ^jst>-d, ^rfjsS
contribution for temple feasts,
gularly, in order.
koudurasa, see
=^OJo kraya,
^. Price, value. ratf
koumari, a buyer, purchaser. eleO
3 kourave, s. A descendant a deed of sale; also 7^33.
of Kuru. srerorfo settlement of price.
koure, s. A hailstone. && _ 3jo& buying and selling;
% to hail.
traffic, trade. -^u^S), riotfo^
DJ koulu, koulu, s. A to fix the price. 3j;xU>Xo

special agreement. 2. a docu- ^rS) to sell. to

^joSjsXo d^
ment granted by government buy.
to a cultivator etc. 3. the
5^C3 krana, sec Xj^r.
voucher of a vessel. s. The erruptive
=0=3,^ krani,
kouli, see kind of rickets.
kritti 181 khande

^si) krittima, s. A trick, arti- krussu, kruje, s. A
fice, deceit. 2. sorcery, cross.
witchcraft. krura, s. Wickedness,
krimi, s. An insect, worm. cruelty, adj. Ferocious, ter-
o3j kriya, kriye, ^. An
rible. &3, cruelty.
act, action. 2. daily religious efrorf cruel disposition.
ceremonies. 3. obsequies, fu- ^
- kreiste. s. A Christian.
neral rites. Wrath, passion.
3 kriyapada, s. A verb, ^. The fifty-
Sj^jd krodhana,
gram. ninth year in the Hindu
ora^j^kriyaphala,^. A reward, cycle of sixty.
as the fruit of one's deeds.
^ krodhi, s. The thirty-
Qfoe>Dd?sr3 kriyaviseshana, eighth year in the Hindu
An adverb, gram. cycle of sixty.
%d krlda, kride, s. Sport, krounca, s. A curlew. 2.

play, amusement. a mountain in the Himalaya

k3 kruta, $<?
^)^. range.
?oO krussu, s. A chair; 6/. si
^ klupta, adj. Brief, short.
2. fixed, determined.

kha, The fifteenth letter khandi, s. A weight equal
of the alphabet. to twenty maunds. 2. see

kharija, J

. A kind of grass.
oc3 khanda, s. A piece, part, khandita, adj. Strict, se-
2. a continent. 3. a vere. 2. positive, true, certain.
&%>& to fall into adv-. Strictly; positively.
pieces, ^otfo^ to break into
To cut into pieces, to sever.
s. Division. 2. 2. to refute. 3. to criticise.
dissertation. 3. criticism. 4. to fix, settle.

_ to divide; to decide, khanduga, s. A measure

to criticise. of capacity, containing twen-
khandabatte, see ty kolagas.
odd;^ khanderuni (sooc5), v. a.
182 khuddu

To chip, cut away a small kharabu, adj. Bad, filthy,

piece. 2. to square, make disgusting.
right. kharamati, ^^ ^^doS.
khaga, s. A bird. _ -s^ s.
kharidi, Value, price.
Garuda. the king of birds. 2. cost. to settle the
khagola, s. The cele-
stial globe. 6 khare, adj. True, correct,
khacita, adj. Resolute, po- certain. to prove.
sitive, decided. adv. Reso- kharjura, J

lutely, determinately, posi- A] fialasi, J

khalasu, see
^j^to khajanuji, s. A trea-
Ai khasi, -^ ^2>.
surer, cash-keeper.
s. A ^, khastu, j^ ^oJfl-
khajane, treasury.
2. money. 33fc|^
a cash chest, khadi, ^. A coarse cloth,
cash box. khane, s. A house, dwelling.
khajji, see
X .
2. an office. e'orfjsB census,
khadakhadi, ^ tfzsafcra. population. pi- a printing

khadga, s. A sword. 2. the office.

horn of a rhinoceros. khara, s. A pungent or hot

^)X soda.
taste. 2. Hot,
a rhinoceros.
a'ts. to burn, feel
khadiru, *a? *a5-
khani, ^. A mine.
khali, ^//'. Empty, vacant ;

SJ^D* khabadu, khabaru, 2. vain, use-

s. A report, rumour, news, less. sraStf vain talk, useless
message. 2.
caution; cf.3z>5. words. ^^an empty house,
croSmind! take care! cf.'tiv* ^. A master,
5cro5. ro&, _cro&^ respon-
owner, proprietor.
sibility, control, management. khasa, ^'. Own, private.
khaya, s. Depth. _XS. ?\ one's own.
sjd khara ^. The twenty-fifth one's own younger brother,
year in the Hindu cycle of immediate brother.
sixty. 2. an ass.
?,, ^khistu, khisti, J^ *^ -

Sjrf khara, adj. Sharp, hot, harsh. ^. The

khudupa, princi-
khararic&vuni, see
* Mohammedan
pal prayer.
khuddu, adj. Own, per-
kharancuni, see sonal. a</f. Personally,
khula 183 gantu

one's own consent. khula, adj. Bad, mean,

self-acquisition. cruel.
khulasu, see ^003$. khecare, s. A demi-god.
not Se^TOS? a wandering
khulla, adj. Open,
closed. priest, vagabond, vagrant,

khusalu, see fowS. beggar.

khodi, .$.
Failing, defect,
khusi, .rce 3o2>.
fault. a simpleton, adj.
r^ khusti, ^o^. Incorrigible, irreclaimable.
khuni, .y. Murder, man- So3 khyati, s. Fame, repu-
slaughter. tation.

rf ga, The sixteenth letter of ganjali, J. A kind of para-

the alphabet. site.

rf, rra (mas.), r!s3, ris? Ow.) ganji, s. Gruel, rice water.
ar^ affixed to verbs in ad- 2. starch. 3. porridge.
dressing Pariahs, as "&v X, so o
garijippu, ganji-

fi3 come (man)
V /
OO pu, s. A kind of playing cards,
(woman). ganjuppu, s. Purified
rlo^ ganga, ganga,
, rlorre, salt, table salt.
gauge, 5-. The river Ganges. s. The ankle. 2.
2. a female's name. XoA3i#5 a knot. 3. a bundle. 4.
Siva, who received the Ganges riches. Xosiasmall
on his head. XoADajre^) pilgrim- kind of jack fruit.
age to the Ganges. XOTTO^^ ^S a pickpocket. 3

bathing in the Ganges water. a variety of syphilis in which

orWtf gangara,gangasara, the joints are affected. rfoo^j
Arrack, liquor. a sealed bundle, to
gancakkaru, ^. A hoax, pack; to amass wealth. ?\

humbug. rfo^Ov?), 5 STOT$OS> to untie,

to hoax. S eojsTJo?) to be to settle a
hoaxed. debt. sstSos to tie, bind,
ofc;r3rl ganjanige, s. A frag- knit. . eojatfoa to form a knot ;

rant grass, to come in contact with; to

ganjani, see attack. sktfo^ to make a
ganta 184 ganda

marriage alliance. eoaSe a gandantara, ^.

fabrication, false story. peril.
L' ganta, see ^c^. izsn'sO gandagali, J-. Inter-

^ gantapucce, s. A male course, intimacy. 2. inter-

cat; also AC a ference. 3. slander, defama-

krerforS gantamani, .?. A large
tion. 4. a report, ^orfo i

bell. ADC &BC^ I will have nothing

to do with him.
gantase, .y.
Avarice, cove-
tousness. C3e>rijo& gandagundi, s. Au-
rfo!3 ganti, .s-. A kind of earring. dacity, barefacedness.

gantisuttu, s. A child's gandi, .?. A hole, opening,


gap; cf. c&. to

necklace of beads. ^zio^ft
Jo s. The knot or joint bore a hole.
of a reed or cane. 2. .src AcE. gandida, ^v socag.

oii^?^ gantusu, s. Stinking i

gandipuni, J^ socario?).

produced by breaking wind gandu, ^^//'. Male. 2. brave,

downwards. valiant. ^
3. large, stout.
gante, s. A gong. 3. a
3$ large scissors.
clock. 4. an hour. 5. see
o gandusu, s. A husband,
AC& 53^0-1
ring to the
bell, strike the hour. gannya, s. Esteem, re-
cz^tioS:) gandukayi, s. Papaw, gard, attention. 2. estimate.

the fruit of Carica papaya. adj. Numerable; honorable.

2. manliness. rfotfjs^
to esteem, regard,
oE^rUri gandumruga, s. A revere, care for.

rhinoceros. -

gantu, 5
N gandustana, s. Man- rto.B, rio! ganti, gante, s. Rags,
liness, bravery. patched clothes.
'rs gandagana, ^. A host of
ganda, gandha, 5-. San-
demons. 2. a baud of heroes. dal wood. Sjnt alum album.
r!o^23?3oo:3-c^ gandaberunda- 2. smell, odour. S)? a su-
pakki, ^. A fabulous bird with
perior kind of sandal,
two heads. serf, sandal oil. ^
rlo^s^j?e3 gandamale, J. Scrofu- a stone san-
^^ for grinding
la. 2. ulcers on the neck. dal on. = ^a^S a piece
rlcCs^N gandastana, see
X or log of sandal wood.
C gandakshara, s. An as- a cake of sandal powder.
pirated letter. ,
a sectarian mark of
gandha 185 gaja

sandal on the forehead. $^ gammatu, s. Merriment.

the distillary of sandal oil. 2. happiness. c&tfj^ to be
rf 3otf sandal tree, sandal-
wood. ^J^se3 a sandal paste ,cS gakkane, ^. Quickly.
prepared with other ingre- qj gaggandha, ^/'. Very dark.
dients. e?e3i smearing sandal 8 gaggara, gaggare, ^.
on the person. ?&& spices. A petticoat. 2. a bell-orna-
ggsfcos to smear sandal on
ment. 3. a kind of liquor.
the person.
gaggallu, ^. A rock.
rioi^gandhaka,-?. Sulphur, brim-
stone. rirtad, rlrlodo gaggura, gagguru,

rio^riO gandhagiri, s. A kind of s. A kind of curry.

timber tree. gagguryun
rio$52oj?& gandhamunci, s. Cu- . ?z. To bark. v. a. To
behs, Piper cubeba. frighten.

rtaqidr gandharva, s. A horse. ^DD^)^) gaggeravuni (A^-OD),

2. a musician of the demi- it', a. To frighten, alarm.
gods, having a human face 2. to censure, scold.
and a horse's body. ^.e a r(o gaggela, ^. Fulmination,
handsome woman.
denouncement; cf.
gandhasale, ^. A su-
perior kind of table-rice,
^^ gaggelyuni
To roar, cry. v. a. To frighten.
ganna, s. A sugar-cane.
ri^j gacci, gaccu, s. Mortar,
gannakatteri, s. A burg-
plaster. 2. a lump. *o^?j
lar's instrument; also ^^ to stick fast.
AO. 2. a deceiver,
d gaja, ^. An elephant, adj.
gannya, see Xofsg. -rfoosS
Elephantine. Ganesa,
osj gampa, ^. Mire, mud. adj. with the head of an elephant.
Muddy, sticky. t^orf a fertile
rie gaja, gaje, s. A yard
a large
paddy-field. -^^ measure. 2. a ramrod. ^o
tract of fertile land.
^a flag-staff. ^w^ a stan-
o^ed gambhlra, adj.
dard in purchasing elephants.
ble, revered, venerable. 2.
&s?<yo a yard measure.
deep, profound. honora- ^
bleness 03 ga.Jantu, see ^rioS.

oSo an honourable man. gajagaja Jostling, jolt-
z~i^ gammu, s. A good or bad ing. trembling.
smell. gajani, J. Poor or infertile
gaja 136 adij

ground. an gajje, sec

* .
^j ^
infertile land. j^
rteJ gata, r^w.

S^ gajapuni, see rteJrtU gatagata, s. A gurgling

td* gajalu, adj. Confused, dis- noise, as produced when
tracted. 2. filthy, foul. 3. drinking.
rough, not fine. 8 a foul rikJrii gatani, see ^o^rf.
or rough sort of rice. J^ v^.
a filthy place.
rteJ.r, rieJ r^r^, ri^.clgattani,gat-
gajaluni, see Til /

tanige, gattane, s. The founda-

ga'alpuni, -sw XtSeo^a. tion of a building.

gajalu, #<//. Boasting. rieJ.3 gattale, see 3^3.

r!:3r( The Molucca
gajige, .?. rtS3. gatti, rt^'. Firm, secure.
bean, Gnilandina bonduc. 2. solid, hard. 3. clever, able,

ga]ipuni (Xs2), v.a. To

'-, strong. CT09 a narrow, thick

-ten, strengthen. chisel. ^e;^ substantial

work. STOOSJ a loud speaker,
:: gajibiji, s.
confusion. 20 a talkative person. ^uo^^
^4 bad scrib- to coagulate, curdle, freeze.
-rfjsXr a miry road. i^a to hold fast. rfo
ri^D s Xa53. to make strong, fix firm-
gajiru, tttt BB

A a;. ly; to bake a kind of cake;

rtzS gaje, Jt^
^. A stick
'/ *%
gajekampa, rtfilrtel gattigatti, s. Clot after
for flogging. fij

clot, clod after clod. adj.

ajeni, see
Very cloddy, very hard.
gajepuni, w gattige, s. A clever man.
gajeluni (Xs26), 7-. n. cleverness,
X^X^ji ability,
A sore to form or suppurate. skill.

^?> gajelpuni (X^5), v.a. To gattiyuni, gat-

cause a sore to form or sup- To wipe off.
tyuni )**. a.
purate. r(e3 gatte, s. A kind of cake.
3 gajji,
s. Itch, scab. S^D 2. a clod, lump.

O Si
. XaS r^ rtfe3,
gatle, ^ ^y,3.

ej^ ^^ he who suffers from gadusu, adj. Powerful,

L--I Cw
itch has no shame. 2. clever.
strong, able. 3.

gajjira, s- The marsh date brave, firm, gallant. 4. se-

tree. -tzZ>- its fruits. vere, strict. &3 severity,

gadan 187 gadu

strictness, strength; ability. to banish.

_ trooSo, X5;3 an able or wealthy ^Lrs> to appoint a head-
man. man. crocyoNto transgress,
r? gadangu, godown,
.?. A violate the bounds. srotSosj

store-room. 2. a toddy-shop. to make an incision, mark

o^s3 gadambale, s. A poison- out a tree to be cut down.
ous snake. &s>5- a slip. e^^bXra the

3, rt^ri gadaka, gadaga, see boundary of a land.

rfdX. gadige, s. A small earthen
, gadakka, awfo. Suddenly. ware, a pot.

gadagada, ^. A chattering gadipuni (XS), 7'. 72. To

noise. t$oXo$ to shiver, agree, harmonize, be in uni-
tremble with cold. son. 2. to suit, be con-

gadabadi, ^ XaeSS. venient. ^ 33D j

a house black with smoke
rtGDOSJgadayijgadayi,.?. A
will not suit, (said of a rest-
long pole with spherical bells,
less or fickle-minded
shaken in temples; cf.
XX d. man).
^jse^o^K Xa^sS they do not
2. a hillock, hill. -* PO the
name of a rocky hill. agree together.
s. Bustle con-
f gadasu, s. A heifer, young gadibidi,

cow. fusion, disorder, tumult, dis-

turbance, ^o^o) to bustle;
gadabaji, s. A rocket.
to disturb; Xe>s3.
2. an independent person.

3. gadima, s. A large piece

heedlessness, recklessness,
of any thing.
& gadi, s. An incision, cut. crijs^ gadiyalu, s. A watch,
2. the half of a cocoanut.
clock. traoSo a watch-
3. a limit, boundary, frontier. maker.
4. authority, power. 5. ap- gadiyuni, see XS^a.

pointment of a headman or gadu, J. A term, fixed

chieftain. e>3otfsi_ a piece time 6>r place. Xti>
of a now and then.
mango-pickles. -6^ cally, a?Ls>,

boundary stone, land-mark. to fix a time,

__s>a, c&a nomination and gaduvady, J. Halt, stay.

appointment of a headman a halting place,
with certain privileges in a gadustana, s. Bravery,
demon shrine. ^5 banish- manliness. 2. power, strength,
ment, transportation. greatness; cf.
gadda 188 gati

ri<igadda, s. The chin. 2. the

i ic<y<= ganita, s. Arithmetic, cal-
beard. 35-" 5 &a ?os> to culation, adj. Counted, num-

entreat a persoa by taking bered. -3do arithmetic.

hold of his beard in token of ^ ganipuni, sec ,

rteofo gaddayi, -y.
Compulsion, r!r?o*' ganilu, s. z?
^a to tinkle.
force, adj. Compulsory; also
A^-D cm _3i ^3 compulsory rifl gane, s. A pole, staff. 2.

work. to compel, an arrow. AssjSd- a tum-

force. bler's pole; cftt.
rf3 gaddi, J* 5^. rfff^, rieles! ganesa, ganese, s.

rid gadde, J. A bulbous root. The chief of demi-gods and

a lump, clod. to remover of obstacles. He is
invoked at the commence-
coagulate, curdle.
ri;?a?3 gadsutana, see X^oJ.
ment of
auspicious cere-

rirs gana, s. A flock, host, multi-

monies; also Xre^.
rtoo ganya, see X
tude. 2. a retinue, train of
attendants. 3. 'a class of ris* gatu, s. Fatigue, weari-
4. a foot of three ness, trouble. ~^5 t2oS x5
y-j^> he is done up by work-
syllables. 5. a number, arith.
6. series of asterisms class- ing continuously.
ed under three heads, ~^ rfs gata, adj. Past, gone, ante-
and cedent. 7&$ to expire.
human, ^tx^ infernal,
i3e^ divine. -3 Ganesa the aS?rf suicide, extinction of

leader of Siva's retinue. T\Z life, ^^e intention, wish.

3 evil spirits, ^z^ angels. purpose.
rlrscx* gannanu, s. A tinkling ri3 gati, J. Destiny, fate, fortune,
sound. condition. 2. protection, sup-
rtre^s3& ganakalepini (Xre^eS), port. 3. means, resources,
7'. 11. To be pensive, thought- income. 4. motion, course.
ful and sad. ^ae^j means and family.
J ganagati, s. Leg orna- ^j8?^)iroo3fC3^So a poor, help-
ments. less man. sfi.t? a down-
janane, s. Regard, esteem. ward course; perdition, enn
2. calculation.
r~ an upward or
rtr?v* ganasu, ^. The link of a ward course; salvation,
chain. 2. a hook. the progress of time,
ganalu, j-<
the motion of planets, their
j gatu 189 gama

influence on the human desti- ricS^jgaddela,


ny. c5o5 a bad condition; Prose. -^

rid o gaddya, s.
future misery. fate,
^j>^ prose and verse.
destiny. to help, Xd
zbtfo^ gadhe, see
show means make funeral

gana, -^ v^-
ceremonies. o3c^ 5_ -who
will protect 0r save me ? <oc^F ganagatti, j. A tinkling
CTO??_ what support have I? article. 2. anklets and toe-

what is to become of me?

ornaments. adj. Powerful.
7\B pQ3 I have no means gannakatteri, see Xo
or support. D

gatu, see X. gapu, j. Concealing; sup-

rid gada, see Xd pression. 2. misappropria-
tion. el 13, sJ?^
rtdrid gadagada, J. A crackl- silence,

quietness. to hide;
ing noise. tsssorft to burn -rfo^ft
to misappropriate.
or blaze with a crackling
noise. rtsJe^s^ gapalatu,
^. A lie, false-

hood. as cards.
gadaru, s. A lump. an 2. shuffling,
3. misplacing.
object of love.
gadipuni, see to$s. rtsS, rf^, r(o^ gape, gappi, gappe,
j. A lie, falsehood. 2. a hoax,
rtdo^gadukuni, gadkuni
To humbug. ax>a^, 55^0$ to
(X5), -v. n. lap, jolt.
tell a lie; to hoax.
.rid gade 5. A weapon; a club, -rfo^ft
to hide, conceal, suppress.
rtsS gappa, Silent, quiet;
rido gddala, s. Confusion, dis- oJ
turbance, noise, rfotfo^
make noise, to reprove, re- rtzorizo gabagaba, Gulping,
swallowing. to gulp,
buke; to exhibit magnificence, Ss^ft
swallow up.
D^) gaddavu gaddavu, gabba, J^ X^r.
. An earthen plate. agama,^. Fragrance,
gaddavuni, c.v. (of~*&>to odour; ^/".

To shake, move, rock. gamatu, j^ Xo^5o.

gaddige, ^. A throne, seat gamana, J. Going, moving,

of honour. motion, course.
do> gadduni (X5),
^. . To ?/ gamasu, ^. Fragrance,
shake, quiver, be agitated. odour. 2. stink, stench.
gama 190 garo

gamasun -o, v m n. garabu, ^^ ^ca^S.

To smell, scent; stink. A wing, feather.

gari, ^.
:?c!j)o) gamayisuni (X^>reO3o ^
7'. 72. To be fragrant,
ime, 5. Severity, strict-
odoriferous. 2. to strike, flag.

rfOOJoj) gariyuni (XB), ^. n. To

meyuni, gameluni, gamevuni (X
break off, give way cf.
X3o), SP.H. To be
3o, X3o,
rfO^W* garibu, adj. Poor.
hot, feel hot, as in a fit of
a poor man.
rfdo garu, J. A rafter. 2. a
i> gaya, see 3odo.
mould; ^tfo.
s. A place of pilgrim- cf. a^;. Rough.
zx>35 the ridort garuga, see XXr.
age. people of
Gaya ^e^> the sacred r^dod, rldosS garuda, garude, s.
The son of Kasyapa, having
place at Gaya.
a human form, with a bird's
gayaju, adj. Prodigal,
&3 prodiga- bill and wings, and described
Xojre^ an extravagant to be Vishnu's vehicle. 2. the
woman. Xotos? an extrava- Brahmany kite, eagle; also
a wooden
gant man. zi-Sjj.

*#. form of Garuda, used to carry

gayilu, see
an idol in procession. Xtforf
, rid, ridrid gari^, gara, gara-
s. A 5^0$ a post 6r pillar in front
gara, whirling noise,
of a temple, with the figure
turning with rapidity. 35o
of Garuda on its top. Xtfo
Xo$ to turn round with rapid-
&vA3 a seat of an idol with
ity, as a top.
the figure of Garuda zrosstf
garakena, adj. Clean,
a kind of bush, Ophiorrhiza
mungos. s^sa'tf a drag to
garagari, see X5.
catch things under water; an
^ s garagasu,
outer part of a palm-leaf.
garadi, ^ s. A crucible.
W garuputta,
garade, ^ rid s. The shaft of a
garana, country water-lift; cf. ^3-

^r garamu, adj. Hot, warm.

1 _g ;3etk a broken tile.
Heat, warmth; cf. Xsor. rtdoirey gareyata, s. A kind of
spices for curry. game.
j^ garaste,
X^^. garodi, s. The shrine of
garra 191 gali

the demons called

to cause abortion.
2. a veranda. 3. a fencing to miscarry. X^r
school, gymnasium. steqS<3 _ 3^$ to be afraid ;
to touch

gymnastic exercise. the vitals.

garrane, j^ XtfXtf.
qJF^oo garbhasuti, s. A web
rte~ garka, aafe'. of cloth woven with red and
black thread. ~>~3&<5 a
rtrtr garga, ^. A kind of medi-
cinal plant, Eclipta erecta.
turban of this kind. 3>?8

a female's garment of this

rfrtForf garganda, Profound,
2. thick. tf^rf thick dark-
ness- tpFc^ garbhini, s. A pregnant
rfrtFoSo gargayi, adj.
half-grown, as an arecanut ^D^ garmasale, see under

gargasu, s. A saw.
jtf -rf idojF garmi, garmu, s.

the teeth of a saw. Heat, burning, warmth; zeal.

garjane, s.
Roaring, -3o garyuni, see Xaodx>$.
s to roar, bellow, garva, s. Pride, arrogance.

garji, J. Need, necessity, crooSo a proud or arrogant

occasion. ri ^P^f7 a time of man. i&tfo^ to be proud,
difficulty. haughty. ^w^$ to subdue
garti, ^. A married woman. one's pride with effort.
a chaste or continent s.

woman. A
garvi, garvishte,
^rsFG* garnalu, s. A mortar. rte^rbej* galugulu, J. A rumb-
2. a bomb, cannon. ling in the stomach,
garpuni (X5), ^. a. To riorta galagala, s. A noise caused
dig. by bracelets.
garpelu, s. Scooping, rtawo galabu, s. Tumult, con-
burrowing. fusion, noise.
garba, see
XF. rtasSo^ galamena, see X3^.
garblja, J. A melon, the rt^?io^ galasuni (X), v. a. To
Cucumis melo.
fruit of use, employ.

^F garbha, s. The womb, ute- galasu, s. A tumbler. 2.

rus. 2. pregnancy. 3. embryo. a swinging glass lamp.

-_a?3, _;cb<y disorder in the ^ts galija, galiju, j.

womb; colic. e?l>&, cr\)o

Dirt, filth, nuisance.
^35 to be conceived. 13$> s to soil, make filthy.
gali 192 ;:D ganja

galibili, ^. Disorder, con- gaule, see
fusion, tumult; anarchy; cf.
gavya, ^. The product of a
_wta to be confused. cow. adj. Of or belonging to
^ to disturb,
a cow; cf. zlodXdo.
ii galime, s. Acquirement. 3, gavve, adj. Very tender.
*,, rtaj, galuku, galku, gasant^, j^<?

galku, ^. A
noise produced as siTlSj gasagasa, s. Coarseness,
when sinking or diving. roughness, adj. Coarse, rough.
galjuni (AOJ,
i'. a. To adv. Coarsely, roughly.

confuse, disturb. tflbs to grind coarsely,

^ galti, s. Error, mistake. 2. o* gasary, w ^^5.

misplacing. Aj gasi, s. The sediment of oil,
galpasu, see X^<o. pickles, etc.
galmena, s. Freshness, ?3oi>j> gaseyuni (&$)>
briskness, vigour, To rub.

gallu, w* X<ys. S^ gaseni, ^. Difficulty. ^//'.

The lower part of Narrow, strait.

galla, 5.
the cheek. aj;3 whiskers ^ gasti, ^. patrole.

on the lower of the a patrole, watchman,

to patrole.
cheek; also Xe^e^.
The galagala, s. A noise, as in
3. rtew galla, gallu, s.
CO CO or by shaking
drinking fast
gallows. XeS^Xo 3^>tio^ to
a cocoanut.
hang, execute a person,
galamena, see Xe36 .

galli, s. A. street.
galasuni, see Xo^s.
gava, ^. Sense, sensation,
galige, ^. A fold, crease,
3^s> to be wrinkle. 2.see&v*. -X&^z
out of senses, be disturbed,
to arrange folds. to
gavala, 5-. A handful, mouth- 3oo^
fold, double.
ful. 2. a buffalo's horn;
rttfj, rt^ galu, gale, ^^ A^J.
also tfsSe?, *ai^.

s. The case rl^^galpasu,

s. A halter round
Xrlri gavasanige,
the neck, a noose. 2. death by
<?r cover of a fiddle.
hanging. 3. a lie, falsehood.
gavi, s. A cave, hole, cell.
v'j. galpu, see x.
^Q gavudi, ^
c^Dganja, ^. Tlie hemp plant,
gavude, Cannabis whose leaves
^^o gavutama, see and fructification are smoked,
ganti 193 rraeo g5ba

or ground in water and TYS^ gadha, adj. Strong, firm.

drunk for inebriating pur- 2. excessive, much, great.
poses. $3) sound sleep.
ganti, s. A kind of sweet- rrara gana, s. An oil-mill. 2. a
meat. sugar-mill. ri <ooB oil ex-

SOE*, rrsodo gandu, gandu, s. pressed in a mill. ri

^z3, rf

A coward. 2. a man without Xs? the

perpendicular roller

ocsejrv3 ^ gandagouji, s. Much
of a mill.
cavated trunk
d the ex-
of a '
fuss, much ado. used as the body of a mill.

gandiyuni, see
nuoSo an oilman. SJDC&S to
work a mill.

s. An oil-miller.
ns>r!iri ganige,
tara, gantra, s. Depth, adj.
Deep. rrerso^ ganuni (T^Fa), z/. . To
smoke, burn to cinders, glow;
gandaye, see ADrcroo3o.
e)o>>gandari, gandini,
A A)^, rra^, n"s3 gata, gataka,
s. roving woman.
gati, see y^^.
rreo >,
ganvti,^^/'. Local, country.
rra^, Ai)so^ gatake, gatuge, J.

rrertj gagra, ^. A child's petti-

A treacherous man.
coat. ^. The body. a
rra;^ gatra,
rra&j gaji, gaju, 5-. Glass member 0?* limb.
adj. Stout,
ware. 2. China ware. 3. see thick.
rraa$,'rraaa gadini, gadivi,
AC) 13 gatu, gati, adj. Hot, 7\DOCJ30.

pungent. ^ gade, gadhe, s. A pro-

gadu, gada,
^. Tor- verb, adage.
ment, vexation. gana,^. Psalmody, music.

gadi, J. A bandy, cart, oothe science of psalmody.

coach. AST?, rrocSo a coach-
gapu, see AS 200.
man. ^wo^S)
to harness horses s. A leak, hole in
or bullocks to a coach, cart a vessel. to repair a
or bandy. t3etfo$ to drive leak. a vessel to leak.
a cart.
rraQ gabari, gabiri, J.

^oioo^), rrec&o $ gadiyuni, ga- Perplexity, confusion, alarm,

dyuni, see ^>^og. perturbation. ?&$ to be
gadiyuli, ^. A small perplexed, alarmed, confused.
chisel. to alarm, perplex.
gabi 194 gali

rra gabi, s. Darkness. gar-

rre3, rre&ioS gabidi, gabudi, gandakattale, gargattale,


rra^ gabu, gabe, .y.
Agita- ,
rrar garsanu, gars,
tion, commotion, disturbance,
s. A store, provision.
ferment. 2. rumour, ASS?? J 7 ^o?c3* galumelu, ^z'. Head-
00 rumour upon rumour. long. topsyturvy.
gala, w^
gabri, J^ AsaiS.
s. Confluence, gali, J. A wheel. 2. m' AS.
5oXo& the wheel to turn
Cij gaya, ^ ^Q*>. dan>
round. Trekzi a cart wheel.

TTsS^)^ galipuni (^>e), f. . To

.Asinger, musi-
strain, filter.
gayatri, s. The most
rrsOoJoo^i, galiyuni, ga-
sacred incantation of the rra^^i
lyuni (ABC), t 1

. 72. To be
Brahmans, namely &c 2fc>sp>or
strained, filtered.
rra>^j> galisuni (TTOC^), p. a.

To separate grain from re-

fuse by washing. 2. to strain,
?i gayana, J. Singing, mu-
rrao ^'. Dry. 2. hot.
garn, rrasj^gavale, s. Jugglery. -cscSo
-*ot$ a dry field. -Ls> to
a juggler. s^o conjuration.
be dried, heated. ^. Heat. 2. fomenta-
rredfl, A^dfS garane, garane, tion. 3. glare; t/". S34-
Whitewashing or painting avuda, ^. A stage or
walls, etc. &str?>, -CTtias, distance of twelve miles.
zSo^s to whitewash or paint s.
rra?ogasi, Fatigue, exhaustion,
them. or fritter.
[ toil, pain, trouble. 2. the state
rradri garige, J
. A kind of cake of being emptied. 3. end,
garipuni, see ASO^S. termination, death. &l~& to
Lime plaster, a
gare, J. be distressed, wearied ;
to be

composition of lime, earth, etc. confused, dissatisfied.

gare, An affix of nouns gala- s. An angle, fish-

denoting profession, employ- hook.

ment, etc.\ as, ^ocktf a horse- gali, s. Wind, air. 2.

keeper. tJ3&_ a backbiter. breath. -XoS a falsehood.

ao^ a seller of bracelets. U a paper kite. rf^rd^^,
- a liar. rio an unfounded rumour,
rras? gali 195 Aci gidde

a false report. 333^0$ to gidupuni, see

fan. 23?&o$ wind to blow. A shrub.
gida, ^.
rras?c&o>, rre> galiyuni, ga- a medicinal drug.

lyuni, see Aac&>o$. ^ gidaka, ^^ ^.

AoS, Aod^, Ac^ gindi, gindya, gidi, 3-. The falcon or hawk;
gindye, s. A goblet, small an eagle. e?u a kind of
metal vessel. -tSedoa to
game. play at
AoFse:* ginnalu, s. A goglet, cup such a game. ?re& a black
of bell-metal,
eagle or hawk. 3?orf_ a red
gimpu, see f^>^ eagle.
j, Aodoj gimma, gimmu, see

gidipuni (^5), p. . To
gijaru, gijjaru, make fast.
*tf oel.
r\&)Q> gidibidi, s. A small drum
g played by turning it up and
^'. pul- Soft, down in the hand.
pous. s, A
chirping noise. 2. gidiyavuni, c.v. (of
a rattle, toy. the shrub
-^ To cause to run, to
Crotoloria verrucosa.
drive, race.
-^S, gijibiji, see X^838.
&odjo> gidiyuni (>S), v. n. To
oO^ gijiluj s. Confusion; also run. *.S*poao&r5> to attack
a^". Confused.
-5 assail.

^?b?i to become confused. d A

gide, s. partner in a game.
gijja, ^'. Thick, full. s. A 2. see &&.
t>3zj> to choose

heap, mass, crowd. a partner.

h^, A^ gittu, gitta, gitti, % gidku, s. A stopper, cork.
s. Scoria, dross of smelted 2. a mouthful, draught. $?5
iron. 3TOil>s> to repair an a mouthful of water.
earthen vessel with its paste ; A si gidke, s. A blind or screen,
J *.. made of palm leaves. 2. a rib.

3. gitta, adj. Proximate, near. Arf gidda, Small, short.

gitte, see *Ej. 33 smallness.
gidungu, giduku, a,
Ado giddi,
, giddu, s. A short
giduge, gidage, see Ads3, gidde,
giddele, gidye, gidyele, s. A
gid^pu, see dwarf, short man,
gidda ' 196 hs? gili

T\i3> gidda, s. A kind of tonsure. AShO girigiri, .s.

Creaking, adv.

gidderu, s. A race-buffalo. Quickly, speedily. SScXoa

to turn round with great
gidpu, -S". Thickness. #?/.
Thick, stout.
d? gidye, .s. A kind of cock. >
giridupopini, see TV

2. see ?\5o3oo$.
adj. Short; <:/. t^.
see f\ giriyantra, s. Ruin.
AOoiraiigiriyata, s. Wandering;
gn, -^ **. vagabondage.
Acfe hsoi)j> giriyuni (^&), v.n. To
ginigini, ginilu, ^.
The tinkling sound of a small wander, roam. 2. to suffer

from giddiness. &3 to be


gidijpuni, giduruni, giduruni,

hOoSoeS giriyele, s. A wanderer,
gidruni, sec t\^r^. vagabond.
DMrlrn tPP 7\S
liAU, Ott
gidipuni, see ^asg,^. 2. see \^.
s; girkalu, ^. The smallest
^. fraction of a coin.
gidpu, Loosening. [peg.
ADI;^) giravu, giravu, s.
girkolu, s. A wooden
Epilepsy also T\Ti&3j3?7t. ~t>
; girpuni (^5), v.a. To
^s to suffer from it. t>o& loosen, untie, break, pull
a kind of epilepsy. down. r
s^ to pull down a
, giraki, graki, j. house, v. n. To be loose, be
A customer, purchaser. pulled down, to break.
"3r<3 zooFZSeJO girbudari, s. Fate,
giragati, s. Family af-
fairs. 2. influence of evil stars misfortune.

upon one's fortune, fate. gilumbi, sec sS^-

giri, s. A mountain. gilikitti, see
8-a3fc5 .

girikolu, see Tv&serew. cS, A, gilku, gilki, s. Fear;

girigi, s. A female's under- trembling.
dress of striped cloth. gili, s. A parrot; <:/".

girigitti, s. A child's toy, ^j^o, a kind of mango. ^

with wheels whirling round S7>3, ^3^4s5 kinds of ear-

by means of a string between ornament.

them. 2. a kind of gambling $AS? giligiji, s. A jingling
by turning round a ball, dot-
ted with figures, in a plate. 2 giligejje,
s. A necklace.
gili 197 gumma

gilimuku, s. A hooked ,^. Sapping

nose. 2. an ornamental carv- the foundation, undermining,

ing on door posts. ruining.

gicuni O<?2*), . 0. To gundi, s. An abyss, gulf,
draw lines, to rule. 2. to great depth. one ^cFicrooSo

scratch over with a pen, with deep or large eyes.

scrawl, erase; cf.
-S-e^s. gundige, s. The breast,
gltu, s. A line, stroke, heart. 2. bravery, courage.

mark, narks to draw a line, gundu, s. A ball, bullet,

gltu, .sr *1. anything round, adj. Round,
gita, -y. A song, hymn. globular. ^^ a grinding
stone, roller. AssB a pin.
, f^Co glru, giru, s. A
do^o round. *ftj a necklace
scratch, superficial wound or
of large gold beads. SSD^
mark, slight incision.
#. a. To guess, surmise. sjatSos, 552
glruni (*S),
to fire with a bullet,
scratch, wound slightly by
the nails, etc. gunduli, s. A round
gllu, see *e.
s. Courage,
gunde, adj.
gisuni (^eo), z/. a. To
Round. rooso the heart.
pare, strip off, shave, scrape,
gumpu, adj. Secret, con-
to shave the head. t\$te
a barber.
gumpu, s. A flock, as-
glsuli, see -3-e?^.
semblage, crowd, multitude,
gunge, j.Mould, downy
heap. ^jszsa^s to collect,
substance 3^$ to mould, to assemble. Xoo
get mouldy. in crowds, flocks,
gunji, see XjsoeS.
gummu, -^ Xoc-^x
no o^3 gunta, gunti,
ki, rtooiJ, o^o gumma, J. Stench, stink-
gunte, see Xjacy. 2. a quick, sharp noise.
guntake, s. A bastard. &L& to make a sudden,
gunda, ^. The idol's apart-
sharp noise; to stink.
ment inpagoda.a 2. a
gumma, Unequal,
closet, small room. 3. a kind
irregular. 3o?? an irregular
of cake or pudding boiled over stool.
o^o^3, rloosiisS gummate gum-
gundala, s. An ear-orna- made, s. A statue of Buddha.

ment. 2. a kind of drum.

gummu 198 guda

gummu, s. A noise pro- gujuguju, s. A boiling

duced, as in firing a gun. or bubbling noise. &-
2. cooing, as a wild dove. to bubble up.
3. a cuff, blow.
guje, see AO:|.
orfjj> gummuni (XocSo), v. n. gujjanige, s. A metallic
To blow, cuff.
a tapering mouth.
oil-pot with
gumme, s. An owl. 2. a
j. Quarreling.
<S gujjane,
bugbear. .:? a kind of
fish. X^os to hoot. 7^5 y
gujjari ^7(//'.

c$ the nave of a wheel. ^S gujjare, ^. A native of

gummeyuni (XooiSo),
. To rise. gujji, 5^ Xo3r.
gUinSU, .? AO^XJTiD.
eS, rtotjj gujji, guj.Ju, s. A
r gurmpe, gurmbe, pole cr post fixed in water.
. A pond, pool, puddle. 2. conversing in whisper. sv>

or gurmbu, see to fix a pole in water.

gukki,, -sv
- a- Curled. ^o
gujjiru, <(/.

^3 curled hair.
53* guggilu, s. Damp soil. ,

gugguri, s. Soaked grain. rtoeB gujje, ^. A tender or half-

s. A small in- ripe jack-fruit. 2. a kind of

buffalo. 3'vX a very tender
sect infesting grain or corn.
jack fruit. Q?s the fruit
rto^ guggula, s. Bdellium,
a of the tree
of Artocarpus incisa, bread-
fragrant gum
Bo swell ia glabra.
rb!3^ gutige, s. A kind of drum.
guci, s. Buttress, stay.
o^o gutuka, gutuku,
gucci, see ^o^_.
5. A single gulp, a draught;
riots s)3*, r^o
cf. *Sj.
gujarani, gujaranu, gu- J-. A secret, mystery.
Jaru, gujara, ^. The mode of
2. one's private affairs, adj.
passing time. 2. livelihood,
Secret. osoSj a reserved
living, life. to live
sij^a man. to find out a
according to one's means.
secret, to trace. ska^s to
rL^j guji, guju, ^^//'. Short
consult secretly.
and stout.
whispering, 2.

speaking in an under tone.

gutte, sec ^.
s. Coarse sugar.
-^ocB, _Xoo a stout dwarf. guda,

talking in whispers. gudadi, sec

guda 199 riora guna

cSvT* gudaku, s, A narcotic gudcilu, see

composition of tobacco and oSri guddumallige, s. A
other ingredients, used for
short, thick kind of jassamine.
smoking or snuff. gudde, ^. A hill. e^oeoo a
large vessel
gudana, s. A C&
kind of mushroom.
with small mouth; cf. XG^F.
to ascend a hill; to forget
gudara, s. A tent.
what is learnt.
gudi, ^. A small pagoda or
rtadeJj guddetti, j. A kind of
Q> wJ
small prawn.
&rrac! gudigare, s. A turner
rto^e5 guddele, J. A cultivator,
and cabinet maker.
gudigudi, see XoiliXoa. ftid-&$ ^. A blow,
riots', rfo&ro3 s gu- box.
dicilu, gudisalu, gudisilu, s.
rioc^ Qc>sJvf guddalamu, s. An arti-
A hut, shed. shift. 2.
fice, expedient, fraud,
gudidi, see 3. a kind of mint,
^o gudisi, W* J-. The stopper of a

gudumbu, .s .
Gulping. small phial.
2.the noise of anything fal- s3 gudyale, see Xoz^<3.
ling into a well etc. gudsi, ^. The embodied form
gudugudi, J. A hubble- of letter ^ or ^?, as in -S-. #e.
bubble, hooka. we XoaeJ.
zi>rt>cao gudugudu, s. A rum-
^j gudsu, ^. A kind of broom.
bling noise, as of thunder.
2. a fetid smell, stench. ti
2. a noise made in smoking oso L& to stink.
tobacco in a hubble-bubble.
^. Hitting
3. a noise made
shaking in ?Sj

from a distance. S3s3o$ to

a cocoanut whose kernel has
hit <?^ strike from a distance.
dried within. a^oeoo, see &5o
rt>rs guna, s. A quality, pro-
perty, attribute. 2. temper,
gudusu, see
disposition. 3. excellence,
gude, see tfozS.
merit. moral or physical
rwtl gudku, gudka,
improvement, recovery from

rio^.-rto^j, gudkugudku, sickness, restoration to health.

Hastily, hurriedly. 5.use,-advantage. Ase^good
rfoci, gudke, ^. A crooked man. and evil. . 3o an excellent
2. a small earthen vessel. man. ?$ to recover from
rte gun a 200 rtocfc guddu

sickness; to win, gain. landed property with certain

to derive benefit. rfo^ privileges attached to it.
$ to cure a disease; to
rijaJg guttu,
s. A manor-house
decide in one's favour. with certain privileges at-

jcs^ gunaka, s. The multiplier, tached to it. 2. a leap,

arith. jump. a stride.
3. rooSo,
gu- lagare, see XoS^scSo,
_ a ? l;s> to take
nadige, s. A good 0r virtuous strides. eroXooS to jump.
man. s a virtuous woman. ^. The hold-
la 33 8 guttedare,
ros^d gunakara, ^. Multipli- er of a monopoly, a liquor
cation. "rfo^cS
to multiply. contractor.
r3i gunita, see Xrf3. rb^o guttruni, see Xo;&s>.
nitonuni, t'. To
refl. ri-dcl, rtad^ gudane, gudane, j.

be pondering, thinking. 2. to Solanum pubesccns, a kind

be calculating, reckoning. of thorny shrub used in medi-
z/. a. cine. TOQSO its fruit.
or5S gunipuni (Xorf),
To multiply; to calculate. rt)>r\ gudige, s. A club, cudgel.
rteortorao gunugu- ^^ a blow, hit with a
ttu, gunugunu, s. Murmuring, cudgel. s^, resorting to
muttering, grumbling. force, transgressing law.
gunuguttuni (XroXo gudipuni, sec soa^s.
i'. n. To mutter, murmur, sec Xoaio
rumble also XoreoXoreo 333

[murmurs. jrf c=* guddanu, J. A long pole.

fl gunpanne, s. One who
rijrso gunya, ^. The multiplicand. if lost it will be a stick,
gutta, 5-t'^ XoL^, Xo^a. if gained it will be a mango
n^d guttadare, ^^ (said of a doubtful enter-
A stipulated
cio guttaya, s. prise).

as of guddali, see
supply, liquor.
gutti, sec ^3. guddalu, s. A worn out

ri guttige, j. An ale-house, plough.

the keep- crooSo rijuiD o eJ guddata, gud-
liquor-shop. O *o
er of an ale-house or liquor- dyata, s. Boxing cuffing,

shop thumping.
guttinaye, s. A Bant. guddu, J. A blow, box,
2. the holder of a manor or cuff. ^> a stone used by
guddu 201 guri

toddy-drawers, a pounding gumaste, s. A clerk,

stone. writer. 2. an assistant.
riorfo gudduni (^^), ?. . To dooriosiio gumugumu, s. Noise
box, cuff, beat. of a multitude. a^-dos to
rtodJS guddoli, s. A kind of box, cuff, beat.
pickaxe. ?3cK a kind of dookb gumutu, s.
sweet potatoes. 3cJ\ a kind
of fish. s^os to burrow, s. Fire burn-
dig to dig a pit as the first
ing in embers.
ceremony of the Moharam gumuluni, isapTftSaorfidft.
to ramp, leap and
^j gumusu, s. A stroke,
frisk about in play.
Cuff, box. AalbFS), srotliS)
rtodP 3$$ guddolipuni (Xod^e), to strike, box.
s^ ajoeS Xo
v. a. To dig with a pick-axe. ^js^r ^sej mind, I will
j gunugunu, see Xoreo slap you, if you do not look

N out.
fczjg gupita, gupta, r?osi>j?fo> gumusuni (AO^OO^),
Hidden, concealed, secret. v. a. To box, strike.
guppun AG, ? To
riodo, gumme, J^ AJO^O.
pour, shed, spill; also
gurumpe, J. A temporary
reservoir in a dry field for
rt>33, guppe, s. A heap. the use of crop. 2. a puddle.
rfo)^ gubita, see Xoba. AO
i).> guraguttuni, see
rlocS, gubbi, gubbe, ^. A
stud, ornamental knob. 2. a s. The snarling of
button. 3. see Xo83r. a dog.
rio^cf^j gumusu, -y
guri, J

. A hole, pit. ^z
rio^osS gumate, J^ to dig a hole, a pit or a grave.

r(o^Je)^ gumana, ^. Doubt, sus- ts guri, s. An aim, mark, butt.

2. liability, e?
picion. 2. regard, notice. responsibility.
_ to suspect; to take &s> to be liable. &&ts, X
^s to aim, mark.
notice, attend.
roJ3> gumani, adj. Suspicious, gurikare, see Xotro^.
doubtful. KN suspicious gurigumpu, .y. Uneven-
people. ness, roughness.

riodJeir^rl gumastige, s. Clerk- Qo&^tf guriyala, 5-. A game of

ship, writership. the Pandu princes.

guru 202

co guru, s. A spiritual pre- gurutva, see under

ceptor, teacher, guide, priest. guruda, see Xonijr.
2. the planet Jupiter, Bru- J. A
gurubi, sparrow ; cf
haspati. adj. Heavy, weigh-
ty; venerable. crozifetf the
guruvara, Thursday.
instruction given by a Guru.
ffsrf^ a
gurepuni, see
present or gift to
a Guru. ~3 venerable guretuni
sons. 33 the position To hit a mark.
of a Guru; gurrukorepuni (Xo
r\ n. To bark, growl.
dignity; heaviness, gravity.
2. to snore.
jsrf the foot of a Guru.
^. Standing
$0 devotion to him. 3o3 gurkallu,
his house or residence, espe- steadily or motionless.

cially of a Lingaita priest.

-GJ^JJheavy and light; great yisuni, gurka
and small. sro-d z 1
. . To frown, knit the brows.
?3?3 service due to a Guru. 2. to grunt, growl. 3. to

a blessing menace, frighten. 4. to snore

-^s^s to get
from a Guru. =a^Fi3 gurkare, s. Ahead-man,
gurumpu, gu- foreman, manager, master.
a a mistress, matron.
rumpe, see XOO^F.
riodoo23 gurumbe, s. Anything rte&Frto^oF gurku, gur-
hollow. kugurku, s. Roar of a tiger.
guruku, see Xo^or. 2.grunting of a pig. tku^S)
iootS gurukuriji, to roar, as a tiger; to grunt,
as a pig. to
guruguriji, see XoXoroaS. ^sss> phlegm
rfo do^o e3o,)
rattle in the throat.
^. n. To snore. 2. to purr. gurkuttuni
13^), ^OF^^
3. to coo. 4. phlegm to rattle v.n. Togrunt. l.

in the throat. 5. to roar. s. A

gurke, very large
guruke, see Xo^r. water-vessel.
i). guruguttu, s.
Snoring. rtoFos3, rtoriJ5Foz3 gurgunji,
2. see XoceoXouo.. s.The seed of the
djrlodo guruguru,s. Snoring.
country liquorice, Abrus
2. the rattling of phlegm in
the throat. s. A temporary
guruta, sec halting place for idols, deco-
^r gurta 203 guhe

rated with leaves, flags etc. gulamali, J. A buffoon,

2.a temporary shed covered jester.
with awning for offering ob- gulame, s. A slave. Xo
lations to the manes of the slavery, servitude,
deceased Sudras. adj. Fine, s;* gulalu, ^. A crimson
small, short, little. ^o?3r used at the Holi
offering rice etc. to the manes. festival; also sfr$>.

^u^a to erect a temporary crimson colour,

shed decorated with leaves, Xo.
guli, see
flags etc.
gulumbu, see
sF gurta, s. A mark, sign,
gulkandu, ^. Confection
token, symbol. 2. acquaint-
of roses.
ance, recognition. e?t$ to
become acquainted. &&<%& e)od>o, r(od_ gulma,
to identify, recognise. &? gulmavayu, gulme, s. A disease
as>3i to point out. a?fba of mesenteric glands a kind ;

to mark. a to describe. of colic. 2. see XoSc3.

_ zi^s to recognise. srotSos >
see Xo^oo.

to sign, make a mark. 3o

gulla, s. A kind of small

"s^a to note,
mark. mollusk. 2. see
gurdu, s. Sounding lead. see
gulli, **\.
2.a buoy. 3. a post planted in ^. A
gullu, great noise,
water to mark the spot where
shout, uproar,
a net is spread. sstka to j^ XOH?.
fathom water to plant a post
as a mark.
^ guvelu, J. A well; cf.

F gurbi, ^. A sparrow. o
rb?do gusu, ^. A whisper. Xo
Xa_ ,
20:3 oso the ordinary
0) yo a, _Xo?i)ojD^do?) to whis-
sparrow. 3sB
a species of
per, lisp, talk in a low tone,
sparrow which builds a hang-
gussuni, see Xo^a.
ing nest.
gula, s. Condensation. 2. guha, ^. A name of Gana-

condensed sugar ready for pati.

putting in forms. >ooe)>od)) guhanipuni (Xosua),

rfo ere zoo
v. n. To meditate.
gulabi, gulabu,
.y. A rose. 33$, 03$ a 2o guhe, j

. A cave, cavern,
for rose- grotto. 2. a den, lair.
goglet sprinkling
water. N?S rose-water. oS guheli, see Xo3<5".
gula 204 gusu

gula, ^ make a peg.

A 2. loss, ruin. S), to drive in a peg.
guli, s. pit. l?:Wj^
3. end, death. -O^s to sink guge, j^ AOC&>.

in, disappear; to fall into gucuni, j^ ?

ruin to die. to ruin gujavuni, c. v. (of XJB
another. To cause to ooze,

gulige, s. A pill, globule, ffajuni (A-^), t 1

. . To
bolus. 2. the name of a ooze; cf.
demon. 3. the son of Saturn. guje, ^. A goglet made of
_3 ^9* a fatal hour, in- cocoanut shell.

auspicious time a bad omen. ; guta, gute, see AJSOW.

e9o^tf_ a demon haunting the "

gudaku, see Xotro^.


6 gudu, s. A nest. 2. a co-
rtotfoo, rfo^o^j, rtotfosto gulum, coon. 3. a bird-cage. 4. the
guluku, gulumu, s. A noise
hollow in a seal for receiving
made by the falling of a
a stone, -^w^s to build a
stone etc. into a well. 2. loss.
nest. <X3d the hollow of
3.cheating, fraud. ^^ a the chest,
cheat, defrauder. &^& to
d gude, .$. A kind of basket.
fall into water; to be lost.

to defraud.
rU)d gude, s. Prolapsus of the
anus. 2. see Xori^.
gulugulu, ^. A noise

as in filling a pitcher gunu, s. A hump. 2. a

mushroom. Xjs^S a hunchback.
with water.
guru, .?. Asthma. 2.
, gulla, s. A kind of round
v cough. asthmatic
Solanum Jacquini, ws^eri
20^^ Solanum fer ox.
3do^ guruni (AjsS), v. a. To
guile, ^. A bubble. 2.
pile up, as rice, firewood,
blister, pustule, vesicle. 3.
stones, etc.\ also Xjadoaetbs.

2. to stick in, fix. 3. to hoot.

gungu, s. The cry of an
4. to make
a plough froc5o5_
to stick the pole of a yoke
rtJt-osS gunji, J. The stalk in the
into the ploughshare; to
midst of a jackfruit. 2. the
make a ploughshare.
germ-matter of a boil. 3X3
gurke, see Xotfor.
the core of the heart.
r(j5o?3ri gurme, s. A kind of bird,
J, gunta, guntige,
s. A peg, pin, stake. -^*3%to gusuni, see Xo^s.
gule 205 geppu

s. People leaving a
gule, tf rt d geggara,
place en masse on account of
gejeluni, J
invasion or famine.
, tfz| gejja, ge]Je, j. A small
rf\3o gruha, s. A house, mansion.
round bell, tinkling orna-
adj. Domestic. -^)
3 house-
ig ment. -^^ -, a knife or
hold affairs. $3j domestic sword with the handle orna-
trouble or quarrel.
mented with spherical bells,
m 0n. r>\3oroJt> Qn frruhastali-

^^ small stones, iron-
ge, gruhastolige, Respectabi- ore. ^js?2;j a stick with
lity, honesty.
upright man.
TOO!) a honest,
csf^ an honest,
a neck
attached to

upright woman. with chasings. & the act
rixSdr^ gruhaste, ^. A house-
of worshipping gingling bells
holder, married or family when put on dancing girls for
man. 2. an honest man. -a
the first time.
a respectable woman.
3,, tffco, getti, gette, s. A lump,
7^ ge, a particle signifying, It is i j
said, they say etc.; also ^3.
J,;joocid gettimandele, ^. A
20=^7?, 803^3 it is said that he
came. he says wagtail.
3035^7?, sc^FrfrS
genike, j. Calculation,
that he a
is coming. ^\ estimation. 2. regard, esteem.
s. A live or genipuni, v. a. To count,
genda, burning
coal, -o^rcdo a dance upon reckon, number.
! gene, ^. Coupling; tf3.
burning coals; also 3*3. cf.
AST? an associate.
genda, adj. Reddish. ss3,
gettonuni, see T(^.
gendali, gendale, 5. gedungavuni, c. v.

A reddish coloured cocoanut (of 7*50X0$)) To get rammed,

tree. ^A a kind of red stuffed in.

eruptions on the skin.

gendi, J. A reddish cow. puni (^SoK, *a), t/.a. To stuff,

v. a. To win, push in, ram.

conquer, v. n. To be hot, to gadaruni, see 3^3i?>.
burn. gediyuni (^a), z/. ^. To
gende, s. A reddish colour- be rammed, stuffed.
ed ox. e^roaS a tawny P. a. To
geppuni (3?), take,
coloured cocoanut. receive. 2. to buy, purchase.

ok gebba 206 geru

3. to draw, pull out. 4. to geravu, see

steal. 5. to draw back, open.
^0^, geraste, see 7 ^^-
6. to dismiss,
discharge. 7.
fid gere, ^. A line, row. 2. a
to dig, excavate. 8. to re-
stroke. SD^O T&s?e>j a ruler.
move, take away. 9. to ex-
surfos). to draw a
-^s> line,
communicate, interdict. 10.
to rule. to insist.
to dis-
to press, express. 1 1.
rid^)^, rid^)gerepuni,gerevuni,
honour; to ruin.
see XjSo^s.
to ruin a person.
gerpuni, v. a. To raise,
4 to draw out the purse
from the pocket. to T$JS>
lift up; bet. ^a.
knock out a tooth. XcO gelavu, Sprightliness,

to steal a bundle. Xo&_ to liveliness, vivacity, courage.

dig a pit. s^s-S^

to discharge ,
f\tj\^ gelipuni, gelpuni,
from service. a^> to excom- see ^odos>.

municate. 3^5 to take one's e^oSj gelkayi, s. Victory, win-

name ;
to dishonour one. v& ning. rtif//'.
&> open the door,
to rfoo^j, gelpu, ^. Victory, gain.
to draw out a thorn. "33 to
gain and loss.

express juice. steles to A

gellu, ^. branch, twig.
purchase articles. ?foex_ to
R tf
ri^rs genu, gena, J. A span
u> kf, gebbattu, s. Confusion, ,

j eo
from the tip of the thumb to
that of the little finger.
gebbaftavuni, c. v. tro^
a span long.
(of tfa^uo^)
To perplex, con-
fuse. geni, ^. Rent, contract.
o^e^ a permanent
gebbattuni (*^), eJ?S
lease, perpetual rent.
To be confused, perplexed.
a lease. Aa3, _ cscSo a tenant,
rt^o gebbu, s. The temples. Xo
contractor. t.-rr_
^>?JF$, Xo ^?^4?), rf^r?) to
at will, annual rent. ssoso
beat on the temples.
j3_ rent for a fixed time.
rto3o> geyipini, see ^&. to fix the amount of
7^ Co 3 geranti, w T^J^^-
rent. ft
^^.S 3ji>br& to lease

geracara, out. 4^6" a tenant.

geratte, J gena,

gerama, 5 gerukayi,
era 207 gotte

gerekayi, s. The marking nut. to become acquainted.

_ rf -&rd the tree Semicarpus to know. to
004^ sks^s
anacardium. find out, ascertain. cSoc!?

gera, tfafr. Around. zx>& OJ

I do not know.
to surround.
ijsoc:^^^ gonda-
gerja, s. A kind of bird ; lapuje, gondlupuje, see
also ~'3jj-

geli, .?.
Ridicule, jest, mock- gombe, ^. An image,
ery, insult. puppet, doll; also
hod$ geindale, see foris?. ^jsza do^ gojjaranna,
& geipini (*), ?. . To do, gojji, ^. Boiled juice <?r
fulfil. pulp of any fruit, mixed with
ivZJo gaibu, J. Missing, disap- cocoanut, salt, chillies etc.,

pearing. 2.seestfy&. 3. see seasoned, and eaten with

yL$ to disappear. boiled rice to make it savoury.

^. Unoccupied, adv. gojje, see *a.

Not, without. 5os&(5 absence.
gotta, see
_cc33;5 fcs to be absent,
geireya, ^. Red chalk, j

gotti, j". A kind of play.

^. A bell-sound.
gottu, J- The kernel of
gonga, ^. A large cowrie, a nut, as cocoanut, almond,
castor oil seed etc,
Sorio^ gonguka, s. An oil tree.
godave, Interference,
2. a bunch.
connection, intercourse, con-

c^, r^J2-c^23 gonci, goncilu, cern with.

s. A bunch, cluster.
goddu, adj. Barren, sterile.
gonju, s. A tassel.

^barrenness, sterility.
gonda, see ^jzcrt,.
?je)D goddusariji, s. A kind
gondi, s. A button. of pepper-water made of tama-
gonde, s. A cluster, tassel, rind, chillies etc,
a fringe godde, s. A Pariah, pi.
topknot. ti
with tassels. & a kind of >
5, ^.zS
oor the name of a

flower resembling the mari- sub-division of Pariahs.

gold. eroQ5rf_ an ornament ?^ gonasu, ^^ Xr^.

put in the hair of females. gOttU, J^ T^JSC^O.

Knowledge, un-

)o^o gontu, s. J.
Sweepings, rub-
?'^ gotte,
derstanding, acquaintance. bish.

goda 208 gondu

godagoda, see golle. s. A man of the

cowherd or milkman caste.
odduni (^^)- P. 0. To Q a female of this caste.
pick r devour, as a fowl. S cowherds.

godde, Lisping, stam-

s. golaka, J^ ^js^X.

mering. KroosocrooSo a lisper,

go, ^. A cow. 5^ a
stammerer. block of stone set up by the
rU;^ gone, ^. A bunch, of fruits, roadside for cattle to rub
as plaintains, cocoanuts. themselves against, -crotf a
gift of cattle.
goppe, w AS. &>so a spout or fountain,
s. Manure,
made like a cow's head.
s^os to manure. o?^ the sacrifice of a cow.
^. Diversion, gonku, s. A cashew
fruit. - 3o~3 the cashew tree,
c. v.
Anacardium occidentalc.
gobbavuni, (of
To make one play. ^o'S'odj, T^JS^O^ gonkuru,
s, A play, dance, gonkru, s. Rocking, as a child
:^ gobbu,
&DA a play-ground. does on its legs and hands.
2. a lullaby used when so
t~: N ^ gobbuni (**^). v.a. To
'J. to trifle with, mock. rocking, adj. Large, great;
gobbuli, J. A bubble. Cf.

gontu, adj. Dried.

gobbe, ^e tS^e^.
a cocoanut the kernel
gorante, gorate 5 of which has dried within.
^ptfo an unripe dried betel-
^?o goraku, ^
nut. to get dried.
c^Ort gorastalige,
, rLoeouio s^t! gon-

dalapuje,gondlupuje,5-. A speci-
^ gorajana, see
al worship of Durga in ful-

gorke, s. Snoring. filment of a vow, performed

tfj2;ir gorte, J>. The final pre- by decorating her image in-
paration of a field for sowing. doors and by dancing in the
^z,,^. rtaex} o&x>d. riJS^j outer court, with music and
'T ro
r:_jccl golambude, gollumbude, lights.

gollumunde, s. The angular ^orfo gondu, s. Gum; the

leaved physic-nut, Jatropha gum arulno of Acacia arabica.
en re as. to sum.
gompa 209 gopu

gomparu, adj. Large, c. v.

great. *^, see &s?c;3. _ Bl^ (of &seaodoo$) To join, knit
a large cocoanut shell. ^x> together. 2. to prepare, get
w^ large kind of cap made ready.
of the areca leaf-stem. 3&odw g6diyuni(&3?&), v.n.
gompe, s. A toad, pad- To join, connect.
dock. 2. see &8?33. gode, s. wall. A >?>>

a^rsr gokarna, .y. /#. A cow's to raise a wall.

ear. 2. a celebrated place of gona, s. A he-buffalo;
pilgrimage in North Canara. see "%.?>.

goku, see ^eec^o. goni, s. A sackcloth,

2. a gunny bag. 2. a malignant
gokula, J. Cattle.
station of cowherds. 3. the kind of small-pox. &'%,

^jstfja to fall a
place of Krushna's early life ;
also ^orf&se^oa. _s>;5 ao the
victim to malignant small-
^e^o <5j.
birthday of Krushna. pox,
efcW Krushna's frolics when ! gone, ^. A he-buffalo.

at Gokula. l.fig. a stupid fellow.

gocara, gocara, gotra, s. A family, tribe,

s. Perception, conception, pe- lineage. T\&
^e^j crocS^^j a
netration. 2. an object or destitute man.
organ of sense. e?b$ to be ^cs'sdO godavari, s. A river

visible; to comprehend, un- so called. 2. the name of a

derstand. woman.
goji, s. Interference. 2.
J3^ godi, godhi, J.

intercourse. 3. confusion. Wheat. ^o^ a kind of

S &?bs to forget, cyorfo &>? mango.
8K jgjse^ have nothing to do godikke, J. An unmar-
with him. ried Pariah. 2. a nickname.

gotu, ^. Embroidery; godudi, s. A quilted

lace. a?L$ to put on a lace bed sheet.
border etc.
adj. see :&s?cwo. ^sraeS gopale, s. A herdsman.
da, ^. A horse ;
bet. $TO?ct 2. Krushna. 3. a beggar. 4.

Dlxr1 goda- the name of a man.

mukhe, godamruga, s. A dunce, gopi, -r. A herdswoman.
2. yellow ochre;
fool, simpleton.
godi, adj. Erect, straight,
direct. 3p?S:s> to go straight. gopu, s. A thin girdle.
gopu 210 gosva

gopuni (&s?> v.n. To gorojana, s. Gall of

hold fast a tree with hands cattle, Calculus cysticus.
or with a rope. 2. to join. gorte, w? &s?3r.

gopura, s. A tower.
gorle, Jtv ^?-de3.

gope, s. A chief of herds- j gorsavuni, r'. <7. To

men. threaten.
o gopya, adj. Secret, hid- ^"-
R un d.
den, preserved. TJOT\B a to make round.
secret, fai&sxk secretly. ccra^golandasu,^. A gun-
gobi, A cabbage.
s. ner.

a,^. A peevish woman. golambude, see

S^sSj^T? gomanta,
s. A gem of a goli, see
or tawny golikotte, ^. The
yellowish colour,
topaz, onyx. great great grand-father.
tf J3<=>si>d golimara, see T^^-^^.
^d^ gorante, gorate,
s. The prickly amaranth, F^JS^oo golu, s. Grief, lamenta-
tion. 33AJ$. rf^rs to be
affected with the evils of
goratiji, see
another's grief.
gorajina, see
^J3?woohsj golungila, s. A plain
isS gorabale, s. A large
ring, a guard ring.
gole, w ^?^-
gorale, s. A small hand-
i govate, see
govardhana, s. The
gori, s. A grave. 2. a name of a mountain.
burial ground.
>es3<3, rU>?dri, ^j?^Se>^ go-
S?dj> goruni (^e5), #. . To govale, s. A
vale, govalige,
dig from, out, or up, as coals herdsman; cf. ^J?STO^, ^js?^.
etc. 2. to gather, collect, pile A name of
JS^od govinde, J.
up. 3. to catch fish by a Vishnu. 2. the name of a
hand-net. 4. to level a man.
ploughed field with a plank.

gore, see 3w3. j. Goa.

gorelu, see r^JS^s^c gosvari, go-
o-^ goreyun svare, s. An abstract, sum-
J'. a. To drive together. mary; also &s^Q.
goshti 211 gouty

)?& goshti, s. Conversation, gounde, see

gouji, s. A noise, tumult,
gosu, gosu, adv. uproar. 2. alarm agitation.
Leeward. 2. seaward. ^ 3. magnificence, grandeur.
to shift the sail in order to make
yo^ ^oy^si noise; to
to direct the vessel seaward. threaten. to shout;
z^s, 3peb$ to steer sea- to be magnificent.
ward. s. The district of
ofo, i3t?faobri gosampa- Gour. 2. see

yi, gosampige, s. The flower of goudi, see

the wild champaka tree, Plu-
goudu, adj. Peevish, fret-
meria acuminata.
goudubangali, s. A
)?raoSo gosayi, s. A sect of
2. a
trick, artifice, stratagem.
Sivites. 2. a religious mendi-
trickster, cheat.
cant. a COW. ^. The headman of
j" goude,
gohatya, s.
Killing of a village, /. 2. a man of a

gola, s. A globe. caste of farmers.

go lake, .?. An illegitimate ^^ gounadike, ^. Great-

son of a widow. ness.

goune, j
riJS^s'D^c! golakara, adj. Globu-
lar, spherical.
r^^sSj goutama, gouta-

golata, see fa>? e;o. me, ^. A name of Sakya

Muni, Buddha; Xoo^ofeS.
s - A marble. 2. a cf.

goudige, ^. The seat of a
ball, bullet. ^ (5 gun fire.
Jd{#dlri3 golidamara, J. The
Ogouri, s. A name of Parvati.
large banyan tree, Ficus
2. the name of a woman.
^8 balsamine.
golipadpe, s. A kind of
055)Si)r3 gouripashana, s. A
potherb, Nyctanthes tristis.
tawny coloured mineral poi-
golu, see &s?3o. son.
gole, s. Hollowness. adj. goule, adj. Tender, unripe,
Hollow, void within. ~&ri>
sapless, as a sugarcane.
a hollow tree. Xdft gousanige, s. A bag,
goundi, s. A female slave, case, cover.
maid servant. A^Vgoulugoulu, s. Chew-
goundu, s. Swelling. 3 ing or eating voraciously, as
^N the body to be puffed up. betel leaves etc.

riPvstt goula, goulasu, s. cury, ")^3 Jupiter, ?o^

Digestion. -&ld to be di- Venus, ^$ Saturn, ^)3oj the

gested. ascending node, 3?&> the des-

gouli, s. A kind of lizard. cending node. sro<y convul-
_3*'o; the chirp of a lizard, sion of children.

considered ominous. grahana, J.

a treatise on the omens pres- acceptance. 2. comprehen-
aged by the chirps etc. of a sion. 3. an eclipse. ^v the
lizard. occasion of an eclipse.
3ri goulige, s. A milkman. rlsorS grahani, J. Rickets, a

2. j* tf^A .

wasting disease.
o goulu, see rico^ grahike, ^. Understanding,
goule, see comprehension.
rra ?$ gnana, -^ s^^- r^So^)?j, rj,!o^j^ grahipuni, gra-
hisuni (^j^ n. To under-
A^5 ^ griani, see a^ a.
stand, comprehend, perceive.
rra 3^^
gnapaka, w a ^-
2. to
Sf consider, ponder.
T\ o$ grantha, s. A book, work, s.
granti, Habit, practice.
composition. 2. appetite, longing, eager
rt^^rt.rtj^Otf grastalige, gra- desire.
stolige, SM T^T^SX. gracira,
rt.3o graha, s. A planet. 2. an
rra^rs grana,
evil spirit. ^*otf an astrolo-
see Xj^rf.
^jaW rra^rs grani,
gical diagram or table.
grama, s. A village, ham-
conjunction of planets. X3, r^^j
the custom of a
-^d the motion of the
village. ^jsu a village coun-
planets; their influence on
the human destiny ; fate, luck.
cil. craob, ^a villager.

T^2> the mansions of the A;i&> rural, rustic, unpolish-

ed, inelegant.
planets. NoS- the nine planets
rra.nJ grasa, ^. Amouthfulof food.
as enumerated by Hindus; \,^

-52^" the sun, tied) the 2. food, subsistence.


moon, siocX<? Mars, a:^ Mer-

213 c hora

gha, the seventeenth letter Fragrance, odour.

of the alphabet.
gharimu, gharmi,
>oU ghanta, see see
>o!3 ghanti, see ghalige,
>c&3 ghante, s. An hour. 2. a
clock; see Xc&3.
ghata, gha-
ghandi, st
taka, ghataga, s. Murder,
efrosl^ ghamu, slaughter, killing. 2. trea-

ghata, s. A large earthen chery, fraud. ^^ suicide.

water-jar. 2. the body. <& mur-
destroying life,

ghatakkane, see Xrf^. der; suicide. S>^T^ treach-

$ ghatane, s. Contact. 2. as- ery, breach of trust. ^JS^T?,

semblage, bringing together, ^ijz^-R a murderer ;

an execu-
ghatasarpe, s. A large tioner; a cheat.
snake. ghati,^. A matter becoming
>y ghatta, s. A ghaut, defile, serious. &3r &r $x>8 e?c5
pass. what was meant for a joke,
,cl ghattane, J^ ^ou^3. has become serious.

il ghatti, j^e XB,. ghada, ^. Depth.


u)sj^ ghadavane, ^. Joining, ghabari, see AT>eoa.

uniting. 2. invention, manu- Jo ghaya, s. A wound.

facture, coining. 3. fabri-
ghara, see raS.
cation, concoction,
sAi ghasi, ^. Fatigue, trouble,
ghadi, see Xa.
toil. conclusion, exhaus-
sJ^Cc ghanaghana, ^. The sound
of a ringing bell. tion, termination, death.
&s> to be troubled, fatigued;
ghana, s. Respectability,
to die; to conclude, finish.
honour, dignity. 2. hardness.
3. solidity, substance, s)$ ghali, ^. Air, wind, breeze.
Heavy. 2. noble, great. 3 ghoda, s. A horse.

greatness, nobility, glory, ghora, ^/'. Frightful,

the cube root. horrible, dreadful.
na 214 candra

o? XT
na, The eighteenth letter of the alphabet. No words begin
with this letter.

ca, The nineteenth letter of candaduni, see
the alphabet.

cangu, s. Guinibard, Jew's- candale, ^. An outcast,

harp. Pariah. 2. a wicked man.
candi, s. Wetness, adj.
Wet, moist, humid.
5joon> canga,
- . L- .
cangane, canga-
manga, cangeimangei, s. A very wet. 3otfo^s>
to wet.

frolic, gambol. 2. hoax, hum- 3 candi, candike, s. A

bug, deceit. to de- name of Parvati.
ceive, impose upon. candu, J^ $5.
orreoSo cangayi, s. A friend. 2. cande, J. A kind of drum.

friendship. candemara, sec 3cz.

crto canguli, s. A preparation canda, ^-
Beauty, elegance.
consisting of jackfruit, jag- Cccrfjrt candaga,
gory, the juice of cocoanut ^. A small
canduka, canduga,
and rice.
z camca, s. A spoon. o<3?3 candana, J. Sandal, Santa-
^ caricala, adj. Fickle, wa- lum album.
vering, unsteady. 33, s
candra, s. The moon. -^<3
fickleness. &>& fickle a digit of the moon. TOO
mindedness. ^c^3 a fickle the colour of the rising moon,
man. red. ^tfre, an eclipse
candu, see f&cS* of the moon. _ eSoai the
nda, J. Vehemence, fierce- moon's disk.
ness, obstinacy. 2. offspring. s^od,^ candraka,
s. The eye in
3. host, multitude, adj. Vehe- a peacock's tail.
ment, fierce, obstinate. 2. ^oci^eio^ candrakanta, s. A kind
quarrelsome. of gem. 2. alabaster.
candra 215

candrakanti, s. The cannalige, s. The red

moon-flower, Ipomocagrandi- jasmine.
flora. o^320JSda, ^o^EOJSdj canna-
o2.i2e3 candrajoti, s. A blue buru, canneburu, s. A kind of

light, a kind of firework. creeper.

o^^rari candranage,
s. A ser- 0$ canne, ^. A kind of game
pent with a crescent-like with cowries. ^or3 a board

stripe on its head. with two rows of seven holes

clzj)6 candrabare, s. A red for arranging the cowries.
kind of plantain tree. y^aeoo^
to play at such a

od,eoss3)' candrabavali,
s. A game.
kind of ornament for females. osi^ campaka, s. The flower of
Michelia champaka; bet. rio
rfj^oo^ candramandala, s.
The moon's orb. 2. an idol's
campe, see .

whirling car.
candramadake, s. A ,
2^0200 camba, cambu, s. A

kind of fish.
small water-pot; cf.

2. a barge, fishing boat.

candramuru, s. A fe-
male's ear-ornament in the cambare, see tic-3x>-3.

form of a half-moon. s^oeoj?^ cambige cambuge,

s. The s. A shoe. 2.a bad smell.
lunar race. oe3?> cambeli, s. A cunning

o^J3^, ^odo& cambodi, cam-

candrari, J. Ketu, the
madi, ^. A sledge hammer.
ascending node. 2. skin, leather. 3. a scourge,
D,^.B candravati,^. The name
\^/ whip.
of a city. 2. the name of a
J. A shoe-
maker, chuckler; cf. rfrfoTsxS.

candrike, ^.
Vs s^oOo cammi, s. Dampness, mois-
2. the covering of a letter
ture. 2. a kind of water-
written on a palm leaf. 3.
palm leaves rolled and tied s^ceoor A blossom
carmbu, ^.
up. without setting fruit, adj.
^ candre, s. The moon. Thin.

canna, ^/".
Red. 2. hand- carmburi, see
some, well. caku, j^ ^^j.

cannanayi, s. A wolf. cakubandi, see

25=5* caku 216 catu

cakumuki, cakkuli, s. A cake made

cakamuki, s. The steel with of rice flour, salt etc., and

which fire is

flint stone.
sos^os to strike
^ a fried in oil; also tfotfewftSft

5\>,>53od cakkulimara, s. The

fire with a flint and steel. Manilla tamarind tree, Inga-
2^^ erf cakanda, ^ ti&c-z. dulcis.

Cc^cc^cakacaku,^'. Slow. a^ r
. =5L\) cakkulli, ^. The pum-
Shortly, suddenly. pleniose or shaddock, Citrus

&>^ cakotra, ^ ^e^- decumana.

without cakke, see &.
25^, cakku, #<//. Hollow, =0,

kernel. 2. stunted, short, lean. s. The bosom.

=^,2/ cakkelu,
3. flat. s^aso a hollow =CT cakra, s. A quarter rupee.
cocoanut. ^o^ aflat head. 2. a wheel, circle. 3. a pot-
_-rfo^ a low seat. ^oja^o a ter's wheel, coach wheel. 4. a
nose; a/^ ^ocS^ix^o.
flat discus. 7\a two equal parts,
2^3, cakka, adv. Quickly, at
once. as of a cocoanut. ^oo^o a

^otfo^ to sit at once, with- kind of small white cloth,

out observing where. a wheel shaped fire-
work. srorjo a mendicant's

speciousness. adj. Plausible, drum. ^ a necklace of

craoSj a plausible gold ringlets.
man. s^>tJ a plausible cakravarti, s. An em-
speech, flattery. s^^os to peror. s an empress.

say what is plausible, to flat- cakri, s. Vishnu. 2. a

ter. potter. 3. a snake,
cakkattu, adj. Low. cagane, see

cakkappa, adv. Down, be- cagule, s. A bug.

low. caccara, s. Haste, speed,
cakkamu, see hurry.
cakkamukki, caccouka, J. A square,

6 cakkare, s. Sugar. catu, /w// Fie, fie! adj.

cakki, s. An ornament worn Useless, excessive. ^9^0

by female children. very sour. ^8, see fcr;0.
cakku, ^ ^^j- catuka, J. A snapping
Joa cakkubandi, J. Boun- sound, adv. Quickly, briskly.

dary-stones. 2. jurisdiction. -$s?t;$ to walk briskly.

217 cadi

j3 catukkane, #<&'. Harshly, catti, J. A broad-mouthed

rudely. to say rudely. spittoon. 2. a chamber pot.

Energy, vigour. 2.
cata, ^. cattini, J^ ^Brf.

the germ of a disease, the .

cattu, ^. A country pony.
remaining symptoms of a
^f}^ to eradicate ,
catte, <^^/'. Flat, level, with-
a disease. _?&$> to lose out inclination. ^ a flat

energy, be tired, weary. stone.

cataka, s. A summary me- 3,rre6 cattegare, s. A native

thod of offering to the manes who assumes European dress.
of departed ancestors. catni, catni, see ^E2rS.

catakka, s. A slapping or caducadu, ^. Quickly,

&&3. arfK
cracking sound; cf. speedily. so^-dos to
^eJsjkJ catacata, cata- mount a ladder quickly.
pata, Noise produced, as
caduta, cadata, see
in slapping or cracking a
whip. cadati, ^. Dissimulation.

catini, s. Grain or fruit 2.

pounded, made into a thick cadacadi, see

paste with chillies, salt, etc. 2.

and eaten as a condiment ?oo> cadayisuni (^ro

with curry ; chatney. z/. a. To increase, raise or bid
catipiti, adv. For noth- higher, as price. 2. to beat,
ing, uselessly. strike, flog. tjs? to put

catlla, s. A cracking in stocks. XcXrirf to swal-

sound. low liquor. ^4f~ ^ sm k e
cattu, End, dissolution, excessively.
termination, death. 2. ex- cadavu, s. An ascent,
haustion, consumption, ruin, uphill. 2. increase, enhance-
demolition, extinction. ^JUo ment. 3. a kind of country
tSs^^, -rfo^^ to exhaust, shoes. ^otfo^ to raise, en-
spend away, tir. hance, as the price cf. ;

catta, s. A litter, sort of

a palanquin. 2. a bier. 3. a cadavuni, z'. a. To as-

window frame. ^yo.$to pre- cend, climb.

pare a bier. cadasuni, see ^ssosorfoa.

cattane, a^z 1
Suddenly; cadi, J. A notch, indentation.
2. a whip, stripe. :?&.?>,

cadu 218 can

to make a notch. teenth day of the lunar fort-

to whip. ^ t$3& a night.
joining bench, groove-plane, ^odrrtr caturvarga, The four
jointer. objects of
pursuit: justice,
cadu, s. The belly. 2. a wealth, pleasure, and heaven.

pleasing discourse. jdrrsr caturvarna, s. The

cadugu, adj. Bad, de- four castes.

praved. j^^rrf caturveda, s. The

caduta, J. four Vedas or ancient scrip-
2. a bet or wager. tures of the Hindus.
_ s^^do^ to speak persistently, catushpada, adj. Qua-
to provoke. druped.

cade, s. A kind of bag. ,2cc33 caduru, cada-

ru, cadara, s. Dispersion, dis-
^ cadta, s. Daily <?r regular
sipation, scattering. ?&$>
observance of rites or cus-
to be dispersed, scattered.
toms ; cf.
t^odor. 2. see dT$o3.
to disperse, scatter.
a a diary.
.y. Leanness, thin- s^rfO^)^ cadaravuni,
J cadpu,
cadaripuni, c. i\
ness. (of ^rftSo^)
J^ ro-
To disperse, scatter.
cana, fx
cadaruni (dd5), v.n. To
canilu, ^
be scattered, dispersed; also

caturu, num. Four. cadi, ^. Obstinacy, pertina-

5 the four sides 'or boundaries
city. 3os^s> to be obstinate.
of a land etc. retaliation.
[rous. revenge,
catura, adj. Clever, dexte- cadupu, s. Skill, ingenu-
caturanga, s. Chess. ity, cunning. ^J8?aa^s> to

caturangabala, s. An play tricks.

army consisting of infantry, cadura,

cavalry, elephants and war cadure, J

chariots. cade, J. Severe fighting. 2.

cature, see tro^otf. destruction of life.

s. Great harm.
caturthi, a^'. Fourth. canani,
5. The fourth day of the lunar 2. quarrel, riot. 3. desola-

fortnight. #*,.,
the dative tion, waste, ruin.

case, gram. >

cani, see rfa. ^^ ^^6.
caturdasi, ^. The four- canilu, s. A squirrel. 2.
canna 219 caba

see enumerated the Hindu

2^ canna, by
sjcapacapa, s. A noise made writers.

with the mouth, as a pig in jj* capparu, s. A kind of

dried fish.
z$ capate, see si^. ^0* capparu, adj. Low, cast
titiudrf caparasu, s^ down. ^jsoaio an ornament
of a devil-dancer. eojatfos
233j>, 2^3J^ capala, capala, #^/.
to be low.
Waving, moving. 2. fickle,
.?. A
3. ^<j cappara, shed, pandal.
unsteady. swift, quick.
^, _s fickleness
^o^ a cot with posts and
; quick
Nttejsa a man
curtains. 3j3tl>$> to put up
of quick perception or ap-
a temporary shed.
prehension. sk?j fickle- s^3^)^ capparipuni (^^5),
mindedness. ^x;e3 a woman a. To smack the lips.

with quick and moving eyes. s*, ^^-^ cappalu, cappalu,

2. Laxmi, the of
j. A shoe, sandal.
wealth. 3i ^ cappali, s. Clapping the
;&$ capayisuni, <$z*>

capavu, see ejto^. ^53)$ cappalipuni (^*), f. .

To clap the hands.

capdi, J^ ^4vS.
o^o^ cappayisuni, see ^sro
2J. cappa, ^. Fast, firmly.
2. suddenly. ^^^ to stick cappavu, see
fast. 353^0$ to fix firmly,
cappi, cappe, s. A
cappa, ^^ ^A-
stamp, seal, mark.
3J,cf1 cappanga, s. The sappan .Q s.
x~* cappudi, Concealing.
tree, Caesalpima sappan. 2. legerdemain, jugglery; also
&? cappatu, adj. Tasteless, A5. 3. the play of 'hide
insipid. 2. bad, worthless. and seek'.
oJ cappate, J. A worthless
Tasteless, insi-
cappe, #<a^'.
person. <^'.
j^ ^^. 3. cool,
pid, unsavoury. vapid.
OJ &j
^ cappatte, ^.
Cooling. 4. trifling, worthless. wuS
^csaiZa: cappadaci, Coaxing, quite worthless.
flattering. 2. fabrication, in- ?"/ caprasu, S. A kind of
vention. drill cloth.
t>0> cappadi, see d^\5.
*"* ^wj=Se)d cabakara, cabu-
oJ ,

^^l cappanna, a^/". Fifty-six. kara, j.'Soap; fuller's earth;

3& the fifty-six countries also
cabu 220 cari

cabukumara, see caraky, J-. Machinery. Bo

to set a machine in
cabuku, .y. A whip, ti
a Casuarina tree. s. A noise made
in spurting or throwing water

camug-are, s. A shoe- from a pump. 2. see eaSelb.

maker, chuckler. tf erog> a $?> an even accumulation

chuckler's awl; 0/50 rfSora-d of water in a field. sjn^doa

camuca, ^ z^fc.. to prattle.

A carate, j. What is coarse;

camatige, .r.
hammer. leavings or stalks.
si)<3 camada, .?. The skin, ra carana, s. The foot. 2. a
leather, foot in poetry. 3eA j

dJS"3,d camatkara, s. Clever-

carane, ^. Pasturage, graz-
ness, dexterity, artifice. 2.

astonishment, surprise. 3. ng.

wit, eloquence. 4. d caracara, ^'. Moveable

and immoveable. rf^o
curious, ingenious or ex-
animate <?r inanimate things;
traordinary; also e^rfo3^a^.
the creation, world.
rfj-^.r^camattige,.?. The flower
of carasti, see under dtf.
Pyrethrum indicum. B

doS3&\rt camarimruga, J. The car.ige, ^. A cooking utensil

yak, 0r bos-grunniens. of copper or brass. 2. see


camipuni, see carige, ^

c'amca, s. A spoon, ladle. ZdOj, 2^DJ, carita, caritra,

w caritre, s. A history, story,

caya, ^o^-
narrative. 2. conduct, be-
cayi, see
cayila, see $^v. ^. An
caripu, offering
s ^^ dosoor.
presented to an idol and
0200 carumbu,
^d cara, adj. Moveable, lo- then distributed among the
comotive. sScatf, dTO^ move- people present.
able or personal property, caripuni (^ 5),
a. To
chattels. quake, tremble, shudder, shi-
j caraku, caraku, s. ver; rf&8&.

Merchandise, cargo. 2. goods, (^ s ),

caripuni 7 1
. . To
articles; bet. move; wander.
23 do earn 221 calla

23 do, 23 do 3 caru, caruva, .?. An children make while playing.

oblation of rice and other calane, s. Motion, move-
ingredients to the gods or ment. adj. Wandering, roam-
demons. 2. a small fish. ing.
23 do 200 carubu, see ^ceoor. calapatu, see ^S3.
236 care, s. Small shots. 2. the calavala, J. Alarm, con-
head; bet. # sternation, agitation. 2. ex-

z3^F carka, haustion, weariness; ^^eoe;.

Straightly, cf.

to s.
directly. splash calapala, Agitating
off, as mud. water.
23 &F carki, ^ 2Je)53r3 calavani, s. Currency,
23sF Dis- genuineness, as of a coin.
232&F, carci, carce, s.
?ooa_ drawing a bill of ex-
pute, wrangling. ^otfo^ to
change. rf ?roreo a current
dispute, reason, argue.
cardi, s.
-rfo^^ to make pass
or current.
3r!F&o* 23S33F&/ carpa-
call, s. Cold, chilliness,
tu, carpattu, carpatu, adj.
shivering, as in ague. adj.
J^ K*&3. Cold, chilly; also rf3. ^a
the cold season. X , see &
carbi, J. Fat, grease. 2.
cold wind. tf

arrogance, pride, y%-.

ague. 02033$ to warm.
carma, s. The skin, hide,
osoijsreos) to be warming one-
leather. -asra4s> to flay, peel,
33^3 to catch cold;
skin, bark.
to be afraid. to
2^SjOOFO cannuri, s. Parched rice. -KXirfo^peLs
be relieved of cold fear to ;

o3oF carya, carye, s.

Observance of rites or cus-
calipuni (^3), v. a. To
toms. 2. conduct, demeanour.
shake, move.
Q?i a diary, chronicle.
Do, 23 } calimi, calmi, see
carva, see 3tb.

f^Fcs carvana, ^. Chewing betel. calpatte, see ^^.


sJb* calupatu, ^^ ^^0. callu, Stupid, dull.

cala, J^ ^<^- 2. timid, timorous. 3. imbe-

^' calaku, ^.
Dexterity, parti- cile, weak, useless. [bell.
^ calluke, .$. A kind of small
cularly of the hand or tongue. 23 53

calacala, s. A noise in calla, ^. A noise of a fall


wading through water, as with force.

calla 222 cala

callangayi, s. The cavi, s. A. disease of newly

Sepistan plum, Cordia myxa. born infants.
callante. s. A kind of cavuntu, see
cavuntuni, see
callana, cal-
cavuka, w<?
Short breeches,
lana, callana, s.
reaching only to the middle
of the thighs. 2. a mat of ^^"^ cavukasa, cavu-
straw rope. 3. a kasi, Cleverness in dealings,
for a horse. marketing with judgment.
2. leisure, respite; bet.
icallapini (^^^ w. . To
get weak. 2. to become use-
less. 3. to fail, lose;* cf.
&$PQ cavuki, cavuke, see

SJ3&;D callapilli, s. Confusion,

disorder. cavura, J
2. dispersion, scat-
tering. cavurasu, J. A square
calli, s. A chip. 2. a reed. bottle.

3. a potsherd. 4. a kind of cavuri, j^ ^8-

grass. 5 2^^)^ cavuli, cavuli, adj.
calluni (**,), P. n. To Cold. s>?5 cold water. &o
spill, shed ;
to disperse. 55 very cold water.
calle, ^. A weak or timid ds^^j cavulu, cavulu,
man. 2. the name of a man. ^'. Brackish, saline. s^js^o

callepille,.^. Youngsters. poor or infertile land. 3)^-

gp'dh nitre ;
earth salt.

>S) where shall I take these ^)*5e)oaj cavulikayi, s. The ve-

little ones? getable Dolichos fobas for

cavadig-e, see t^>a/*. mis.
4 s.
cavane, ^. An instrument aosJD cahalu, caharu,

dexterity. 2.
for drawing wire, pincers, Expertness,
tweezers. S sroS to conduct.
O ^(55$

draw wire through it. T? calaku, w etoS-

cavara, ^. A fly-brush. 2. calaki, J. A kind of bra-

celet, made of gold and coral
cavala, s. Half a rupee. beads.
2. the ceremony of tonsure calacala, s. A bubbling
of a child. interest noise. 2. glittering. ^Soo
at 12| per cent. skfc to glitter, glimmer, shine.
cala 223 capa

calatummu, ,
L3e>. cakari, cakri. J. Ser-

caltumbu, s. A double cone- vice, employment. cscSo a

shaped ear-ornament worn servant.
oktf^s to do ser-
by females. vice.

cali, see f^o. cacuni (wa*), v. a. To

stretch out, hold out. 2. to
call?, #?* ^<5>-

calla, *%
.?. The mon- catu, ^. Exchange, barter ;

also *teH to barter,
key-fruit tree.
25e> ca, s. The tea plant, Thea
catu, ^. Force, current.
I'iridis. 2. lemon grass,
current of water.
Andropogon schoenanthus.
tSBeJxs'^oo^. cataka, cata-
3. infusion or decoction of
the leaves of tea or any medi- kamantra, s. An incantation

cinal plant.
the tea ^ for destroying or subjugating
a person.
T&#O^ to prepare tea.
25*3 okf ^0. 25>e3, 25j)^3 cati, cate, see >>S.
cantu, see
cadi, ^. Defamation, slan-
15-5 ciS cante, adj. Lame, crippled.
der. 2.
talebearing. 7w3
ss5 a lame leg.
a slanderer, talebearer. 3
candale, see e^oz33e3.
canduni (e^>o5), f. a. To
tfs?, ora^rf,
fling or dart a spear.
s>&oix>> cadiyuni (^s5), ^. a.
3oo3)dj> campaduni (t^os^S),
To slander.
z'. a. To
withdraw, get out.
33JY catappu, see &*>.

?c^ campu, s. A knot, as of


an angling tackle. cati, see epS.

e>o2oo> cambuni (troo^), z/. ^. cature, ^. A clever, dex-

To run away. terous person.
flee, escape,
2. to close, shut, shrivel, as a e>3ocdjr caturya, s. Eloquence.
flower. To 2. dexterity. 3. cleverness;
v.a. lift with a
lever. also 80 5 ^'- Skilful, clever,

s. Chalk. a dexterous man.

s. A kind of canahani, J^ ^?^>$>.
3*. cakattu,
bracelet made of coral and canu, J^ ^?^-

gold beads. 2. a packet of cinulu, ^. A woman's

tea. d ^jrf, trs^sSffsoaj a neck ornament.
bead of such a bracelet. capakane, j^ e
capa 224 cava

capane, >". A lever. 2. caritra, see

5^^56 carukaneslre, ^^ w>

capisuni see ^rab?l>$. FcS

capu, s. The cock, as of a care, 5. Features. 2. food.

gun. 2. a piece of a cloth 3. a cocoanut tree; cf.


or web, containing several ^^3^r^g^3 carkhanesire, ^. A

garments etc. 3. a shop: female's cloth with inter-
b:t. 1134. 3 ~A5O3o a thin woven flowers.
metal plate, ssc&a?^ s$_, oa ^SF^ carvaka, adj. Sceptical.
^)i a piece of cloth contain- 2. sophistical. opposed to 3.

ing several towels or hand- the Hindu scriptures. 3o3

kerchiefs. scepticism, tjusror^ a
ss5 cape, s. A mat; fo/. t>-&. 2. a sophist.
y&? epi. -3ie;o3j a kind of calu, J^ ^- 2. J^ ^e<y.

window-shutter. behaviour.
cama, sec 52^0.
2. 56't &fv^o. calageni, ^. Rent for

A one year. J?I3 a written

camara, s. fly-brush
agreement for one
of the hair of yak or bos year's
e>3s>^ calaku, s. Dexterity,
camlkara, s. Gold.
cleverness. on^So a dex-
camundi, J. A goddess
terous man.
so called, a form of Durgi.
2. the name of a female
s> 3 cali, J. Nature. 2. habit.

3. conduct. 4. scorn, mockery,

scoffing. to mock.
came, see
s)S^)?) calipuni (^*), r

. /. To
mock, ridicule, jest.
cayi, j. Ink. 2. see
i!rioij calimara, s. The tree

caru, J. A kind of pepper- Ocimum gratissimuin.

water; also 7X>5.
caliye, ^^ sseSoSj.

cara, see eto. num. Forty,

callsu, a^y.
carage, ^. A cocoanut. Weak or near sighted. 5. A
I5s)dfl carani, carane, s. pair of spectacles.
Smearing a wall or floor . -ilti, caldi, adj. Of
with mud, chunam or cow- daily occurrence, practical.
dung. s. \ routine of business.

cari, ^. A traveller. ^>^ _ cavadi, s. An open hall,

a traveller on foot. or veranda in front of a house.
cava 225 citu

2. a public place where busi- cimpu, see e! e cb. 2. see

ness is transacted. 3. a lodg- .

3. a bunch, cluster, ara

ing place for travellers. 4. a bunch of plantains.

a demon shrine, cimma, see asi>.

cavala, see ciku, //.


calipuni, see cikuru,

cingara, s. Ornament, cikara, ^
decoration, embellishment ;
cikini, ^'. Tender, young,
beauty; bet.
y^cTstf. small, s. A chicken. &>&J
cingiri, s. A kind of fish,
a of boiled
piece tender,
oh =$ cinglike, s. A large kind arecanut. ^<e& a young
of ape. 3^3. r fowl.
L oo

cimcimsakkare, see 9 J cikitse, ^. The practice of

cintakrante, ^. A medicine.
man overwhelmed with sor- cikku, see S^6 .

row or anxiety. , cikka, ^/'. Little, young,

cintamani, s. A fabu- small, short.
lous gem which gratifies its cikkani, ^^ do^sr5.

possessor's wishes. $^3 a cikkasu, s. A cash, trifle.

book on omens. ^oo^j an rf
trifling, worthless.

incantation supposed to grati- 2000 a mean disposition.

fy one's desires. &>&) a kind , cikke, J. A dwarf; the name
of pill. odoo^j a talisman. of a man.
o;f cinte, J. Thought, reflec- <g

ciknoli, ^. A syringe.
consideration. 2. dis-
cig-ute, s. A slit of a leaf,
tress, grief, sorrow. 3. an-

xiety, care, uneasiness. ^ ciguru, ^. A sprout, bud,

4^ to be anxious c^ sor-
rowful. _ s&tfo^ to reflect;
^r^odo^ ciguruni, cigu-
to care. runi (2oh5, z>. . To
cindi, ^. A rag. sprout, bud, germinate.
cindidi, ^/. Spotted, cigalisu, s. A method of
a spotted turban of treating diseases by oils and
black or red colour. ointments. 2. see 8$^ -rfo

china, s. Gold. ^s> to treat a patient by

An immodest that method.
cinnali, ^.
or incontinent woman. citu, ^. The influence of
226 cn

evil eyes. s^oa to be af- disposition, purity of heart.

fected by evil eyes. 3^3 as one pleases.

aite, 23el cituku,citiki, -^d cittira, see **&).

citka, s. A snap of the fingers. citturli, ^. An orange.

2. a pinch, as of snuff. sro^o
^^ e^-
o citya,
a to snap fingers.
citi, ^ elBj.
picture, painting,
7^-3 a

painter. -
citiciti, J. The throbbing ^sos3 a painted picture; ap-
pain of a boil, when suppurat- pearances. z>Za&) a curiosity,
ing or forming. 2. a crash-
rarity, wonder. sa?^ ^j^
ing or crackling noise. to work wonders; to make
citti, s. A small spot or much of a thing to mystify.

speck, adj. Spotted, speckled. s.3J3eJ citrakuta,

s. A moun-
citte, s. The foundation or tain so called, to which
platform of a house. 2. the
retired in exile.
register of a land. 3. a
s s. Fire. 2.
) 2p'3ri> citrabhanu,
rough, daily account. the sun. 3. the sixteenth
5 the registered number of
year of the Hindu cycle of
a land.
citte, Small, little. The lead-
adj. citramula, s.
d^;res> a small man. ^JS?Q wort, ^cig rose-coloured
a small cock. rosea.
lead-wort, Plumbago
, 2S3D, 233, SSI cita, cita, citi, eSjatfo the Ceylon lead-wort,
cite, s. A funeral pile.
Plumbago zeylanica.
the wood for burning it.

the ashes of a funeral

^^^, tfflj citranakshatra,
p^ citre, ^. The fourteenth lunar
pile. E^pstf Siva, smeared mansion.
with the ashes of burnt bodies. rDo citrapurnami, s.
.s citi, see a 3. The moon of the first

, citkara, ^. The whirling lunar month ^*j, which is

noise of a war-car. 2. the observed as a holiday.
citlipuli, s. A kind
notes of superior birds. of

cittu, s. A blot or erasure. orange,

336 a rough copy, draft. cidra, .str ^.
to blot, erase. cinimitti, adj. Trifling.

lJp citta, .$.

Will, desire, wish, trifling work.
inclination, disposition, plea- ^^S3-3c3r cinivare, cina-
sure. -*> correctness of varde, s. A money-changer,
cinna 227 cilia

jeweller. 8aasroar/3
money ciraku, ^. A lamp.
changing, dealing in jewelry. w^O ciriciri, s. Gabble, babble.
cinna, see 2. drizzle. 3. a certain game
fcf cinpitu, played by boys, tip-cat. airir

a drizzling rain. SD^O^ to

cipulu, cipulukotte,
s. .The poisonous seed of the cirka, J^ *tfF.

drug Cocculus suberosus. cirke, ^<? ^f.

lht> 53 cippale, see 3z5d 2. a A
cirtepili, J. leopard,
clamp used for torture.
j^ 8^ 3 s? -
A cocoanut shell.
cirpale, ^
Zaob cippi, s.
2. an oyster shell. 3. a pearl cirve, adj. Tender, green.

also cilumbi, s. The fire bowl

A tailor. of a hooka.
sS^ri cippig'e, s.

s. A crust, scurf, *, ciluku, cilku, s. Lift-

2&i) cippu, . F
scale. ing, raising; a push. 2. the
^ s. White spots on catch or bolt of a window.
the body also ^Q- a wooden pin used in
; 50^
Do 13 cimati, cimiti, $. playing at tip-cat.
Tongs, tweezers, pincers. ^o, ea^ cilimbi, ci-
cimicimi, adj. Faint, lime, cilme, s. A small tank ;

a faint 2. see 85To8D.

prattle. eSjstfo^
cilllu, J^ ele!^.
ciluvana, J. The odd
Sjjo^o^ cimukuni (dsSMffy v. a.
To press, throng, throb. 2. to money, over a round sum.

pinch. adj. Little, small, trifling,

Sojo^^oo cimucimu, adj. Ner- mean, low.

vous, weak. 2. throbbing, cile, s. A fishing rod.
painful. pain caused 3?c3 cilkuni (^^), v.a. To
by a slight wound a nervous ; lift up. 2. to flay.
pain; throbbing. cillu. ^. A small round
C cira, ^. A long time. adj. piece, a piece for playing at
Lasting, durable, firm. ?rs<y
draughts. 2. &$
a long time, always, ever. s. Small money,
3ea eJtfosBea long lived; a trifle.
change, adj. Little,
crow; a younger member of
trifling. o Xa a petty ware-
a family. ^elr trifling c^ contin-
ciravu, se 3Q3 little
gent expenses.
cilia 228 cira

work. crecSo a man of inferior Ca clkade, j. A kind of

mind, a simpleton. fish.

mean understanding, cikara, adj. Not pungent;

cilia, cille. see sweetish.

cilli, cille. s. A leaf clkari, see el?^ra8.

stitched <?r folded in the form S^U cltu, citi, s. A note,

of a spoon or funnel. 2. a short letter. 2. a bill, bond.
kind of cucumber. ~2no 3. a ticket, label, stamp. 4.

scattered, dispersed; cf. ti^ chintz, coloured cloth. SSCA


-D&WJ^ to stitch a leaf 5d_ a shop-bill. ys^- a

into the form of a spoon. postage stamp. &>e<5_ a
Q^s* cillilu, s. The screech of transfer deed, a mortgage of
an eagle. title-deed. soocS a bill of
s3^) cilleli, s. A sharp stick exchange. -3^4$ to paste
to dart a fish with. a stamp. &-3L& to write a
cilvana, see sloo^N. note.

ci, cici, *//. Fie! ^ cma, J. The empire of China;

also &. _ 53A32 Chinese
23? o^O, s^o-S-O cinkari, clnkiri,
s. The stalk of a cocoanut paper. -rooSo a Chinese.
leaf. thin splitters of bam-
a kind of medicine.
boo used for stitching leaves a kind of pepper.
etc. also ?c&o, cmi, '. Chinese.
aec&&. _^<y 4 a kind of cake. a telescope. ^aluin. e3S

The chirping a blue light. sstJo a

^ofc^o cmcm, -s.

of birds.
^^i ^
a kind of music, used especially
among Muhainrnedans. ^-3
spongy cake; r/".

white sugar.
eJecslecsi^K ^oc^jsrfo g'o^ the
cmcin cake has many (lit. ^^ft^) cmekolu, s. A music
band of Mfiplas.
300) eyes or holes.
clncuni 7'. ?&, Zff^ cipi, cipu, wtf e^eoSx
2^^oZaO^ (eleo^F), .

To chirp. 2. to be scorched, clpu, J. A wedge, wooden

burnt. peg. 2. a comb or cluster of
cintuni, see &eouos>. plantains. 8.ttG$ew& 1.

cintuni (^?=), v.n. To

burn. 2. to roast as a fruit. cimari, s. A loathsome
?oob, 25?oc5i cimpi, cimpu, s. A woman
bolt, bar, latch. 2. a kind clra, s. Lead. 2. bark, rind.
of sail. 3- a cloth made of bark.
23 ?d cira 229 CU

clravu, s. A bag, purse, cuguli, J. The rind of a

pocket. fruit or vegetable.


.s . Carved or CUCCUku, J^ E^O^e^O^.

chiselled TO
a cuccuni (^^ ), v. a. To
oi> an artist.
200:3^4$ to
pierce, bore. 2. to bite;
carve, chisel.
cirlo, Kesponding to .y.
cuti, adj. Smart, clever.
a call in a game. fa?f. 2. sharp, pungent.
cilu, s. A split, splinter bet.
A cheroot,
cutta, s. cigar.


. Forced converts
cutti, s. A span. 2. ^
3. ^^ ^otij^o.
cu, see ee.
cudra, see ^orfj.

cunka, rioo^.
cumucumu, s. Pain
cungani, J. A tobacco- caused by the sting of an
pipe. 2. .?
s^o^rS. insect. 2. sleeping of the
orioS cungudi, J. A trifling hand or leg; slskoslsko.
sum, odds, small coins,
cumula, cumla,
change. 2. anything of little
value. srooTi a
petty trade.
cuyicuyi, see
*tee>a trifling debt.
cunge, j A kind of rice.

curuku, s. Quickness,
2. awn.
haste, speed. 2. sharpness.
o cumcum, see eioSo^oSo.
3. zeal, activity, adj. Quick,
cunna, see rfoop*.
vigorous, zealous. 2. vivid.

cunnei, ^. A kind of cloth. _ 30oa quick understanding,

2. scab, scurf. 3. shabbiness. wit.

cumbana, ^.
Kissing. dj2^odo curucuru, hissing s. A
see ^oSodoSo. noise caused by frying, burn-
ing, etc.
cunyicunyi, .$. The
noise of a heated culaka, adj. Light; cf.
metal dipped into water.
cukucuku, s. Chirping
of birds. culi, w ^9.

culli, J. The plant of Bar-

^^d cukani, cukkani,
s.The rudder, helm of a ship, leria vbovata.

rtacicugude, s. A smart man; cu, s. Setting on a dog. 2.

also driving a dog away. 3. see ^-

cun 230 cette

cum, sec ceng-ani, ^. A friend. 2.

^JSsJo cuti, cutu, 5. Es- ooT^rJ.


caping from the grasp in cendu, s. A ball.

to play with ball.
wrestling. 2. aim; device. 3.

perception. 4. cessation from oC^^jSri candumallige, s. A

work, leisure. species of clustered jasmine.

cute, see *a8. o<3DCo^ cendaduni (^osroS), v.

a. To play with ball. 2. to
cuda, ^. The lock of hair
left on the head at the time destroy, ruin.

of tonsure. ^aats^s&r the

ozl cende, 5-. A large drum; a
kettle-drum. d^yj s to beat
ceremony of tonsure.
a drum.
J3dri cuda, s.
od^jrf cendemara ^. The tree
A kind of gold bracelet.
Cerbera odollam a/5^ ^ciSs&tf.
ftCSSS&eS cudamani, J. A jewel

rf its
worn in a crest or diadem. 83^ poisonous seeds.

cudi, .$. The coil of a rope.

2. a
bundle, as of fagots, cendelu, see Sz^.
betel leaves etc.\ also 7fa&. cennanayi, see

cudu, s. Heat, warmth.

2. zeal. fl^/'. Hot, warm. cenne, see

cude, J^ ^^. cenneburu, ^

SrS cuni, J. The front, van.
2. strength. . Former. s:i cembate, ^. A coppersmith.

adv. Before. cembu, ^. Brass, latten.

cunya, see ^fo. 2. a small copper or brass

curi, ^. A knife, small pot. *o^ a coppersmith.

sword. _
cekku, see ^^..

curu, s. A piece, bit, i? cekkatu, <//'. Thin, lean.

small fragment.
cut into
^^ s> to ,;3oF cekkarme, j
pulverise, small J^ **!.
pieces or bits. "dss^lm to
cekki, cekke, s. A
break to pieces. T3 ~O~

chip, split, splinter.
curna, Powder, dust,
^0, 200 a cekkubandi,
any pulverised substance,
medicinal powder. 2. see rf*
sS^e/ cekkelu, ^'^ &&<5.
^^ cetti, ^^ ^BJ.
culi, see C6tt/e, ^^ ^
cedi 231 ceile

cedi, &? *& cedi, s. One of the fiftysix

^ ceppe, s. A splinter, chip,

countries of the Hinduwriters.

2. ceny, j^ ^ e Fs.
slice, paring. disappoint-
ment, failure. adj. see s33y orts:*
cepangelu, ^'. Curv-
-&&&, a^-dos to fail; to ed, inclined; cf. 3&c-R<5.

rest, lie down. cepu, see ^e^.

d* ceradu, ~s. The ear. -3^ The Indian

celakade, s.
5 Leofe^is to twist the ear. turnsole, Tiaridium Indicum.
cerige, ^ cele,- j^ ?Se3.

cere, see celgondi, ^. The sting

of a scorpion.
r cerce, see
celgondimara, ^^
F cerbi, J^
^ cerva, -^
cevu, see
~; celave, ^'. Damp, moist,
ceshte, s. A grimace, trick,
celuvike, J. Beauty, gesture. 2. mockery,
comeliness. ^o_ ridiculous gri-
celuve, s. A beautiful or maces. TTOT? one who makes

handsome man.
grimaces, a jester, mocker,
y cellata s. Scattering, dis-
wag a humorist.
3otfo^ to
persing. 2. spilling, shedding, make gestures, to mock; to
celluni (&,), T-. . To joke.

sprinkle. 2. to spill, shed. celu, W 3e

n. To spill, drop, shed.
a kind of sport.

cotton, cei, J^ ^^>-

celvayi, -y.
celve, J^ $x^r$Q ceitana, ceitanya, s.
<& <o
,_ 9
J^ a?e Strength, liveliness, vigour,
animation. 2. life. crooSo,
cekare, -3z a vigorous man. ^oo
J^ ^e^-
2^ cete, cette, zk$ to lose strength.
cedi, j^ ^?S. s. The first lunar
^ ceitra,

cenu, J. An awl, chisel. month, corresponding to

adj. Even, smooth. March-April.

to chisel, ceila, see ^ (SJ -

cetana, see see

ceili, ^^.
cedana, cedane, see ceile, s. A pair of large
J3o!3 conti 232 cotu

conti, see coppi, ^. A cap, hat.

compudi, s. Copper coppu, see ^s^. ^4y

powder. 2. verdigris. 3. see Loose or
53Jrkj* corpatu, adj.

thin, as cowdung /f.

combate, see J^ ^B^-

sf JSc^y^ combattalu, s. Brazen
corpuni, see
pot and plate.
combu, see z^cax
colake, colike, colke, columpe,
, cokka, adj. Pure, genuine. see Sjs?e5.

2. neat. elss^ pure silver.

colle, adj. Halt, crippled.
cokkata, 0^". Neat, < a hyaena.
choice, agreeable. ^, conkattu, adj. Lank,
beauty, handsomeness. lean, thin. ^ebs to become
cokkale, see $- 2. thin.

conkara, J
J cokkata, see
conku, see
, cokku, ^'. Stupid, silly.

eS.^ well riped. conkuni, ^

l=y, cokke, s. A stupid man. conci, ^. The beak of a

cogaru, ^/. Astringent. bird.

_ef^a to be astringent, to contu, see &a?uo.
have an acrid taste.
conte, see ?.js>o&.
cotta, s. A Pariah's hut;
coku, f//'. Sapless, un-
fruitful; exhausted, old. J. An
cotti, s. A woman with a unfruitful or old tree.
maimed hand. O(&0Q cokoli, ^. A merry
) cottu, adj. Handless, man.
maimed or deformed in the cogaru, sec -cS^X5.
hand. s. A leaf or branch
cotte, s. A man with a of a palm tree ;
bet. &s?
maimed hand. O f Pariahs. cota, adj. Short, small,
cottete, s. The headman petty.
conanginayi, s. A ^J, COtu, COttu, S. A
greyhound. span from the tip of the
-.3, ^JSP! conink^, conke, thumb to that of the fore-
s. The scab of itch etc. finger.
codi 233 coudi

o codika, codya, countuni (tfSoB), v. a.

s. A curiosity. 2. surprise. To pinch, nip.

fl^'. Curious, wonderful. e? coundi, J^ a^tSoooa.

>$ to wonder, to be surprised ; couka, square. s. A

2. the

bet, Aserfo.
linga box. adj. Square. ^o

copattu, s. A kind of a square stool. rf^r a

pitching or calking a boat. square piece of cloth. ^~

&abr$. 3TOTl>$ to calk a boat quadrate.
with a mixture of tallow coukattu, ^. A door-
e>F and chalk. frame.
copavuni, see coukadi, coukani,

^/'. Quadrangular, s. A quad-

<? sesSi-
copu, rangle.

cope, . A scrap, scratch. coukasa, ^^ ?fe^53^.

coyi, J. Milk. Ss^a to ^^ coukali, adj. Square, s.

suck the breast. An earring set with four

coratu, J^ sloxJrS. pearls. ^ a female's gar-


A festoon of
ment with small square pat-
corana, .

and terns.
leaves flowers, hung over
the door-way or across the ^r/jt^S'szo coukasu, couka-
sa, see ^M^SOJ.
highway on a joyful or
couki, s. A railed veranda,
triumphant occasion, a tri-
_^ pial. 2. a watch-house. trotf
umphal arch; bet. &setfr.
a guardsman.
wo^ to put up a festoon.
coukuli, w^ s^s ^. 1

S^d^^, sJ3^0coratana, cori, s.

Theft, robbery. to couke, s. A stool, chair.

steal, rob. ~
o* coukkilu, J. A kind of
3^6 core, s. A thief, robber, earring; cf.
rogue. coutu, see

coli, s. Skin, bark, rind. s. A

coudalu, square
S> to peel, skin, pare off.
cole, see &J3<5.
v^Q>fi coudige, s. A one-stringed
J3^c)^ coladesa, guitar formed by a small
colarajya, s. The Coromandel barrel, open at one end and
coast; the ancient kingdom covered with a skin at the
on the Kaveri delta. other. 2. a peculiar kind of
countu, see neck-ornament. 3. a kind
t couta chala

of ear-ring. ns:&> a man couri, .?. The tail of the

playing upon such a guitar. yak. 2. a fly-brush.

^eJo^) coutatuni r. a. .?
(^>S). coula,
To sing a lullaby. couli, J

^ ^45-
couti, ^"6~ s3oq>r. At once.
coula, adv.

sJd coupada, s. A quadruped. 3b he went at once. -

2. a kind of verse. again and again, one after

coura, ^. Shaving; bet. another.

^sc&o coulikayi, sec
courake, coura-

daye, s. A barber. coulu, see

cha, s. The twentieth letter of chapavu, ^. Concealment,
the alphabet. secretion. 2. absconding. 3.

chanda, see t^orf. deceit, fraud. e?ls> to ab-

dw^w. scond. rfo^s to conceal.

chatachata, see
> chatala, s. The noise of 5^ chappa, c5^.
a slap or lash. 353^0 s> to
tijO^ chappanna, num. Fifty-
beat or strike heavily. six. ~& fifty-six countries

c2)o^) chad&vu, see ^c3s^). enumerated by Hindu writers.

chadali, s. A stupid fel- ^=3* chappaka, adr. Backwards,

low, on the back. ai^-do to fall

chadi, see 3&. backwards.

i chatra, s. An umbrella J Qtf chapparige, sec $i&p*.
; j

^. 2. an inn, choultry.
i_ *~*
chapparipuni, sec ^^>
s. Wander-
sr^psi^ chatradhipati, king, s. A charachara, sec

sovereign, c&e^ an emperor. .: y chala, i\ Fixed purpose,

S, chatri, J. A barber. 2. ^ firmness, determined resolu-
. see <$&) tion. 2. obstinacy.
chapayisuni (^nsoso exceedingly obstinate. s

v. a. To conceal, secrete. resolute or obstinate person.
2. to deceive, defraud. perseverance in a pur-
do chala 235 chedi

pose. 330^, s5o#o^s>

to be broken, fractured,
obstinate; to persevere. as a limb.

oe s
chalaku, see &&&. ci chidra, ^. A hole, vacuity,

perforation. 2. flaw, defect.

chalachala, s. Glitter ;

3. disaster, trouble. 4. sor-

3. cery, witchcraft. croc5o a
$ chali, see
sorcerer, wizard ;
a defective
chadi, see e^a.
man. rfo^s to assume an
chati, s. The breast, bosom.
air; to bewitch, enchant.
2.courage, bravery. rfoi a
domestic quarrel or
brave man a bold trader or

practitioner. Fie!
chi, chichi, intj.
^yscSd chadara,
s. A silk garment,
, fie, it is bad. ^tfosro
a shawl.
fie, you rogue!
chanasu, chanasi,
doci chudra, adj. Small, little.
s.Being peculiar or singular
2. low, mean. s. Smallness;
in what one does nicety, ;
baseness. 2. sorcery, witch-
fastidiousness. 2. accuracy,
craft; bet. ^^j-
chudre, s. A base man. 2.
chapisuni (sp^oJ), v. a.
a sorcerer.
To stamp, seal. 2. to print,
cheda, s. Loss, ruin.
chapu, see ^53.
cheda, chedane, ^.
e)^j, vpsti chapu, chape, s. A ,

Cutting, dividing. ^otfo^ to

printing press. 2. a shop.
cut, divide; to circumcise.
)03j, ^jsoSo chayi, chaye, ^> a part, fragment; circum-
Shadow, shade. 2. colour, cision.
tint, dye. ^4y- black colour. chedipuni (^? ), v. a. To
oa chindi, J^ ^OQ.
divide. 2. to circum-
o^ chinna, adj. Cut, divided. cise.
~ Ja 236 ^ Janti

w ja, The twenty-first letter of


ohOO Jangli, J. A forest, jungle,

the alphabet. waste laud. adj. Wild.
wo jam, j. Rust. -?fj&a^ to 5 the forest department.
become rust}
Jannayi, see
zzo& Jaiiku, J<o?
rfg^fccS. janjara, jajari, s.

w 0=5=5) <3, WoJ3?3 Jankane, jankha- Fetters. a^srecS a bail for

ne, see aie^tro^. a prisoner.

janga, .*.
Being across, janjara, adj. Serial, ordi-
transverseness. 2. a ceiling nal. ^ceoS serial numbers.
of boards^, over a fireplace. o23>l; Janjata, s. Trouble, an-
orts!) J angama, #a[/. Locomotive, noyance, grief.
moveable. 2. of or belonging Janjara, see

to a Lingait priest. ~&ti the s. A

janjali, wall-piece
residence of a Lingait priest. or long swivel gun. 2. flatter-
te<y a debt, which is
urgent- ing, fawning.
J demanded. rfxb
a move- o3a>s3 s. A talkative
able thing. a boaster.
^jj Jangame, s. A Lingait. ofcjoo Jamjum, s. A sound, utter-
Jangamemara, see
3^ ance. ^f^tf he does not
say a word.
janga- jandu, see -cS.
lu, jangaru, Jangalu, s. A jande, s. Delay. 2. a
wooden platform placed on tassel on the tail of a tiger
^ the rafts of a in a masquerade. 3. ;in

ferry boat to carry large or ensign, standard, flag.

a green
heavy things. 2^ to hinder, stop.
colour, the subacetate of lead. ore* jannujannu, see rt\*f
worraofo Jangayi, see dcraoso.
janta, s. Ivory, the tusk of
Woh jangi, s. Force, compulsion, an elephant. 2. SM -=3$.

oppression, ~t^t$os> to force; Jantaga, J. A halter-band-

to plunder, pillage; to rebel. age.
Jange, Janghe s. The Jantaru, s. A kind of
calf of the leg. 2. an old ointment.
man. -awcioa the calf of the wo 3 Janti, J. A a piece

leg to be disjointed. of timber crossing a rafter.

Jantu 237 Jaga

.A creature, animal. j'ammane, s. A demon

2. a worm. priest. 2. a headman of

SioJjante, see
atoS. Pariahs.

Jantra, see cdoc^j. Jakam, see a!>So.

_ A calender. 2. Jakani, see K*e rf.

Jantri, s.
a table of interest.
[-#$ . , , ta^,, 5=5;,
& jakku, Jakka,
^" o" o"
3>?d><s jannirolu, ^^ oax>s> e
Jakkadi, adj. Worthy. 2.

D^ Janne, ^. A burnt offering. youthful. 3. see ^^j. ajrf^cS

sSjjjjd &jo3jdo<3
a youthful man. ~&j the
3ax>?ro. ruddy goose. 20^0$, sire'docS
jampemara, see
s. A mode of to undersell-
osSsi)^ Jampetala,

beating time in music ^,d Jakkini, s. A married

Jamba, see atofS.

woman who dies in her
husband's lifetime, and causes

Jambara, jambara,
demoniac possession.
s. An affair, business. crooSo

a busy man. ^o, jakku, see &%

?5;$>4$ to
finish a business. =ao, C> J akkuli, -^
Jambukhanu, st J. Vanity, foppishness.
s. India. -crocxb a fop. rof a coquette.
^c?? strut, affectation of
tdosjo^djs*!? Jam-
diginity in walking. S3^do
bunlrolu, Jambuniroli, s. The
s to boast.
rose-apple, Syiigium jambo-
lanum. 2. Jambosa malac-
& a* Jakkelu, ^. The lap; cf.

censis. 'SofeS ^>. ^podojn^) to tarry,

Jozoo^jJSS Jambumuri, s. An linger.
offensive smell. :

Jakri, s. Plenty.
jZooS jambuli, s. A kind of Jakhamu, s. A wound,
basket made of date leaves. to be wounded, bruised,

>$ Jambha, s.
Pomp, ostenta- fcsri Jaga, see &*.
tion, display. 2. foppery; tart, wr(3^, jart^g Jaga, Jagattu,
also fcoepsu.
[Indra. Jagatya, s. The world, uni-
:2pDQ Jambhari, s. A name of verse.

:Ej2 Jambhe, s. A giant. fcirio>jp> Jagannatha,

^. A cele-
s^j Jamma, see a;^. brated place of pilgrimage.
Jammanige, j. Headman-
Drfo^jT^ t^rto^D^ Jagannathe, s. The lord
ship among Pariahs. 2. idle of the universe. 2. a name of
talk. Vishnu.
jaga 238 jade

aga, aga, see o man; the tutelar god of

An open veranda. wrestlers. ^-do a pair of

fcirt Jagali, s.

r!s7e>y Jagala, Jagalata, ^. earrings.

fci^d Jathara, J. The belly, stom-
Quarrel, fight, dispute. -Xo
ach. 2. womb. adj. Firm,
a vixen, shrew.

s.An old man. aretes?^ digestive power,
r* Jagulu, ^^ &Xs?. s. Origin, root, -eoo
fl Jage, s. A sigh, groan, jroa the ultimate source.
ejaculation; &^. d
cf. ^u^s Jada, s. Fatigue, weariness.
to be unable to breathe, dullness.
2. adj. Sick. 2.
to breathe hard.
200^$ to dull, stupid. 3. inanimate.
groan, sigh. 4. cold, -ssa cold weather.
n*" jaggu, s. A kind of small -Xore sluggish disposition.
fish. 2.
delay, postponement. full of dullness. &^n>
K caciia to delay. Ffttefrss a a very stupid man. tf

sluggard, lazy fellow a/j<? ;

^^ .
to stretch oneself.
A^ sj^j Jaggavuni, see 5*7^4$. fc a e) oSo nb ^ J aday isuni, J^ a L .

f\ Jagge, s. Stooping, bending. t^a Jadi, ^<? sJ^, 2. j^ ri^.

2. see ft*- 3. J^ under &K .
Jadita, Jadta, s.
tio^ jajjuni P. . To w3tl>, see
(aj?|), ming, stuffing.
bruise, squash, crush, pound.
b^rib^ Jatupatu, adv. Smartly,
jaditi, jc oL\oas.
promptly, speedily.
^a^)^, ti^ajjo^ jadipi-
kJ Jata, see ^ti. xa
ni, Jadipuni, Jadiyuni (^a,
3 Jatajata, Jata-
otf), r'. . To ram, stuff, 2.

pati, J. Strife. 2. hurry, con- to load, as firearms. 2. to

fusion. drive cattle. 3. to rain in-
issjJdor;) jatamainsi, s. The to
cessantly. ajaSsrosro^s
Indian spikenard, Nardo- drive in, fix.

stachys jatamansi. 3j Jadu, s. Apathy. 2. fright,

Jatile, s. A hermit, ascetic,
devotee. J. Matted or clotted
| Jade,
Jate, w^ a A the
hair. 2. plaited hair. 3.

jatka, adj. Soon; /~.
Ktl. hood of a serpent. SP
ll Jatti, s. Awaist-band, belt. kind of cactus. & small.
2. a wrestler, boxer. t
circular, ornamented, gold
a boxers' combat. tf a brave
plates attached in succession
jade 239 janma

with a woman's 33 vulgar speech.

on or alon 3^$ to

plaited hair.
soz orna- be indisposed.
mented tassels suspended jana, J. Man, individually
at the end of a woman's or collectively; people,. po-
plaited hair. ^^^ to fasten pulation, community. 3j$
braided or matted hair, a*
persons, both old and young,
"d in clots, braids. mankind. &3 ^oasr a^)-^

d^ Jadepuni, see aaSte. is it the people or festival

adv. At once. that attracts most?

hard- WDd janakabare, s. A kind
8* jaddu, .y.
A of plantain tree.
ness, as of the skin of the
etc. from much use; Janake, s. A progenitor,
also rfS
& J see sSSG>

Land janajana, s. Every one.

S Jaddi, J. subject to be
Cd be talked of by every
overflowed by salt water ;

janajanita, adj. Rumour-

Jadti, ed abroad, generally known.
Janujana, see Janana, s. Birth;
a 5^.

Jata, -?* KC birth and death.

? Jatana, ^. Carefulness, adj. Janani, s. A mother.
Secure, careful, fast. fc!^ janaranjana, s. Popular,
Jati, see
pleasing to people in general.
jate, ^. A pair, couple. 2. a Jananga, s. A nation,
set. 3. equality of shape, size, body of people; generation.
etc. adj. Equal. AS^, gaoSo
janapavada, s. Public
a companion, colleague. 5 censure. 2. disgrace, infamy,
uoa to make a pair. v. n. To
janipuni (as),

^ Jatna, see
o^o^. arise; to be born.

rfodo^ Jadaruni, Jadu- Janilu, see 7\r5.

runi, see ^irfdo?). janivara, s. The brahmi-

Jadra, ^. Poverty, want, nical thread. to put STOT!>>

penury, distress. 2. ailment,

on the brahminical thread.

Janma, J. Birth, nativity,

indisposition. adj. Poor, ,

indigent, distressed. 2. mean, state of existence. ^^r,

worthless. rooSo an unfortu- 3j3si inherent sin. 31^ a
nate or worthless man. sro
janma jami

Janmantara, s. Another dasti, s. Violence, force, ur-
birth. 2. regeneration. 3. gency; also -rfo
transmigration. [beet. ^s> to force; to dun, set on.

c^S^ janmipuni (^^), v. a. To fciWO^joSo jabarumeyi, ^. A stout

japa, s.
Repeating prayers, body. adj. Stout.
incantations or the names of jababu, see &xv%.
the gods, as an act of adora-
Jabulu, adj. Slack.
tion. 33 religious devotions.
rftf a 383$,
-^ Jabti, ^ -^,-
fiL, jabbi, jabbu, s. An old
to pray, to repeat tau^
woman, a hag.
soo. jabbu, J. Delay, adj. Hol-
?oc3 japasana, see Asezrarfii
low, empty within, not solid.
Sjapipuni, japisuni,
2. old, infirm.
(&^), 7>. #. To repeat prayers
j3 N jabbe, s. An old man.
etc., as an act of adoration.

Japudavni, c. r. (of &

To cause to let down, jamukanu,Jamakanu,jamakanu,
to lower. j. A carpet. 2. a blanket.
v. a.
5)do> japuduni, (a^5) Jamunlrolu, ^.

To let down, lower.

s. se-
Japti, Confiscation, pj*' jamanu, s. A kettle.
questration. 2. attachment,
2Joa, tasjjszooa jamabandi,
law. ^o*^s> to attach, con-
jamabandi, s. Settlement of
the assessments. to
s. Goods etc. rfj^s
.orio* Jappangely,
settle assessments.
remaining after selection. s. Cro-
jappu, s. Selection, choos-
ton seed.
ing; cf. esaisgy

^Jappuni (&), v.a. To open.

jamakharci,s. The receipts
2. to descend, come down,
and disbursements,
alight. 3. to select, choose;
Krc-3-6 to open d3e>o3j?oo> jamayisuni (K^JSOW
the door. &&r to descend, co),
7-. a. To collect.

dismount. aoo5) Jamipuni (^^), P. a. To

^a* jappelu, ^. A descent, utter incantations, in order

slope. 2, ebb. to gain the favour of an evil

spirit or demon, or to charm

it away.
jabarujasti, Jabari^dastujabaru-
jam! 241 Jara

jammu, s. The soil, a god. TO^O_ the festivity

ground, land. CTOT? a land- of Rama's advent.

holder, zemindar. jayamini, see ^so^.
oo^j jamuku, s. Kashness, in- ^odi3s)C) Jayavante, ja-

considerateness. 2. pride, A
yasali, s. conqueror, victor.
haughtiness; cf. ar>js!r, oJo^oSoo* jayavijayeru, >^.

jo^opi jamukuni (arti5), r>. #. The door-keepers of Vishnu's

To brandish. 2. to smack. heaven.
3. to frighten, threaten. o& ii^oJo jayajaya, ^. Victory
l> jame, s. A collection, gather- and defeat.
ing, assemblage. 2. assess-
oaocraari jayinadige, see 5raa*.
ment. 3. receipts. 4. cogni-
jayine, J^ ^A
zance. 5. lurking. 6. over-

a^re^ o5o^j?> Jayipuni, jayi-

hearing. ^slr, see.
suni, see ^s.
elr. ;&>!)$ to lurk, spy ;

Jayilu, j^ ^^.
to overhear; to estimate.
_^otfo^ s. Fever. croi5^_ a
to collect, jara,
assemble. hectic fever. ox>^
a fever

^oc3>8 Jamedare, s. A native from morbid heat in the body.

bilious fever. 3jsSs3
military officer. Ib^
0. To small-pox. 333_ rheumatic
jamepuni (3o), .

fever, tfossjs^ typhus fever.

assemble, collect. 2. to rec-
T^ ^e^ fever with ague.
kon, estimate; to meditate; ,

also &!^SoSzi^o s>.

~2o>F$ to be attacked with
SoD jameri, s.The hair about fever. ax>a^ fever to abate
the body. a man. <?r leave.
Xot^ hairy
rf Jara, J. Old age, decrepitude.
2. hardness.
d^oci jarakande, s. Enlarge-
ment of the spleen, ague-
jaya, s. Conquest, victory,
&odo hail! jarakka, see tfj.
success, triumph.
jarajara, see
vivat! tf$ the sound or
shout of victory. ^e a war- Jaradu, ^/'. Vain, unsub-
drum. ?bs> to stantial.
succeed, gain.
jayanti, s. The public r, J
rejoicing on the birthday of d^ jarane, see
jara 242 Jala

jarabu, jarabu, see undue authority, overbearing

conduct. A3T? a tyrant,
Jarabari, s. Tall aud oppressor. tl> s^;fdoa to
stout, well-proportioned. speak an overbearing tone.

fcso^dodrs Jaramarana, s. Old age r^j ^e^ to walk with a

and death; death in old age. haughty mien. o&tfo^ to
s. A king of show undue authority.
^Us)3c$ jarasandhe,
Magadha. jalumbevuni (^5od),
&D Jari, .y. A precipice, slope.
r-. . To be born. 2. to be
2. gold or silver thread 0r pregnant.
lace. 3. cuttings. 4. grit, fcis;* jalujalu, ^^ r
granule. 5. sand. 2. see ao.f'afcf.

^) jala, ^. Water. -S)?^ sport-

jaripuni (&), '. a. To ing in water. zx>3 water
insult, jeer, despise. 2. to beverage. orfoo^j
a water-
shake, make tremble; cf.
ri& pump.
jalaku, Glitter, gleam.
Jariyuni (^a), 7'. To. to glitter, gleam.
fallor slip down. 2. to wear Jalaka, J. Bathing, ablu-
to shiver, tremble. tion. to bathe.
away. 3.
5 20j5-do$ to fall off, drop off; jalakavuni, c. v.
to be cut away. To cause to shine.

dj jaruru, s. Necessity, oc- <^-> Jalakuni (^e^), r.. To

casion, urgency. 2. want. shine.

3. pressure, adj. Necessary,

^rretS jalagare, ^. A man
urgent. arck>5rf
pressing, searching for gold in sweep-,
urgent. &rtfjs"do^
urgently. ings, etc.
jare, sec -3.
o^o jalacara, jala-
jantu, s. An aquatic animal.
Jarepuni, see &!&^^.
fc;^<3, ^ej3)d Jalatara, Jalatara,
jarra,fl^ Suddenly, quickly.

s. Gold <?/ silver thread, or

_ 2^-doato slide down suddenly.
lace. rf zJs'a a turban with
jarka, J^ ^*^-
gold lace.
jartonuni, j^ ^ocr
cS^sx jaladu, see ^e..
jarpu, J^ ^4^-
w^nsd jaladare, scj z<j7x>3.

jarpuni, sees&i&. 2. sec

J. An
^ej^S'sso jalapravaha,
inundation or stream of
Jarbu, s. Oppression, water.
jala 243 janki

jalapralaya, s. The javanye, ^. A youth, young

deluge; a flood. man.
jalamatta, s. A level; a
mason's level.
javantana, javantana, javandige,
jalamalaku, s. A com- Javandige, s. Manhood, manli-
plete set of ornaments. ness, courage, hardiness.
3a s.
Q javandi, javandi,

libilali, jalalibulali, ^. A mas- A young woman.

querade at the Moharam. javana, see
33), ZdSoJojS Jalipuni, jaliyu- j^
ni, see a^c^s.
javale, see
Jaldi, a^fa. Quickly, speedily,
soon. javadi, ^. Civet.

2 honour. a civet cat.

2> Jalma, so? &^-
_ L&>3 imprisonment for life- avanu, avane, J.

z3^$ to dishonour. A peon. 2. a servant, porter.

wjl *jalmatta,
see aj<y^>y,. o javabu, javabu,
& 43 B
s. An answer, reply. ^jabrs
S^aJJOci, t)^^ jalmiyuni, jal-
to answer, reply.
mevuni (^^d ,
6), t/. n. To
be born, come into existence. 3D^craD?^, ws3'szooc3DS^ java-
j Talla, ^.
A boatman's pole. budarige, Javabudarige, 5 Kes-

jalli, s. A chaplet of flowers. ponsibility, accountability,

2. anything dangling 6>r
hang- liability. aJsssoocreTS a res-

ing loosely. 3. boast, brag- ponsible man.

ging. 4. broken stones, s? javuli, j^ a:'9 ^.

ti~ clothes
loosely worn. javegodhi, s.
a chaplet of flowers flowers
$ javvana, s. Youth, virility,
dangling down the head, etc.
bet. cdo*Sj3^. &&
srootfos to boast,
&3^s>, rfo to fade, get old.
brag. a^3o& to wear flow-
rS javvane, see
ers loosely; suspend a to 3

^ jalaka, J
garland of flowers.
flowers to hang loosely. jalabala, J. A noise made
>o&j) jalliyuni C
^), v- n. by agitating water; bubbling,
To as of boiling water.
boast, brag.
see &!<a .
Jalle, jalledolle, py '- OO

janki, s. Prattling, chat-

J avane, Javane, tering.
janga 244

jangati, see s^^J the eleventh day of the

jangali, see
first half of the lunar month
Kartika, which is observed
by the Hindus as a day of
jamparu, see fasting and wakefulness. -e?
zfci&ca to be awake, -^otfj &
jamba (#&5r ^J y
to keep awake.
What will you do? what are
jaginapatte, s. A kind
you doing?
of garment worn by females.
! jambavante, s. The
jaglru, s. A rent-free
king of bears. 2. a fat old
land, a freehold; crootls^.
man ; fern.
araotSoo a fat old cf.

jage, see aft>K.

s. A bear. i jagrate, ^. Caution, care-
jambave, 2.
fulness, vigilence. 2. dili-
a strong, bold man. 3. a hairy
man. gence, assiduity. e?cio^S),
to be careful, cau-
^ jambige, ji-
mmuge, ^. A flower twig of
the wild jack. a piece of 2. jaju, jaji, J. A ship.

coir rope used for igniting a jaji, ^. The great flowered

gun, etc. jasmine, Jasininum grandi-

jambe (abbr. of a^od), florum. ^^ red chalk. ^P

What is he doing? jasmine flower.
'so^ei* SZc^o3o jajikayi, s. The nut-
jambelu, ^/. Large.
^>tf the nutmeg-tree
sjt3 a large breast. meg.

jakina, ^. Regard of per- Myristica moschata.

son. 2. partiality. 3. jajipatre, j. Mace.
consideration. 4. kindness, d^, s. A broom, bisom.
compassion; bet. jadu, J^ ^^5.
jakte, see s, A sweep-

jakti, see
er. 2. a
scavenger. 3. a

^. A servant in charge of a travel-

jagu, place, dwelling,
lers' bungalow.
station. 2. space, room. 3.
!cfl jadane, s. Purging, loose-
land, ground.
s. A circular ness of bowels. 2. sweeping,
;rfoe3 jagante,
3. see
jadadaye, ^
jagara, jagarane,
s. Waking, watchfulness. S^S jadapuri, ^. A spider.
jadi 245 japi

jadi, s. A large earthen tual jealousy of castes.


t3e>&>j)) jadipuni (&&), P. . To the usage and custom

shake to sweep, clear, of a caste.
off. 2.
-^^ ^NSoSo
jadimale, see s^S^o^. an outcaste. T^OTJ teakwood.

>ci s. A a man of low caste.

jade, jadye,
weaver. 2. a spider. uo a to lose caste. 5

s. ^a to excommunicate.
o jadya, Carelessness,
^>4S> to admit into a caste.
negligence. 2. sickness,
_ srotf order of castes accord-
3. heaviness. 4. ;

folly, stupidity.
ing to castes.
22?) 3, 23 s)^ >j<3 jati, jatika mara,
jana, s. Skill, wisdom ; cf.
. _3> skilfulness, ability,
jatipatri, ^^
janaki, see &>&.
j atiphala,
janadig-e, s. Cleverness,
>i jatre, J. The annual festival
of a temple; ^". orfjs^.

srl jani, jane, s. A wise

3^M the people attending a
festival, pilgrims.
jatu, ^^ cro^. 2. J^ cre?^. Sor-
33 do jadu, jadu, J.

jata, ^".Born, produced, cery, conjuration.

the ceremonies per- to conjure.
formed on the birth of a jadi, w
jana, 5^ ^^. 2. ws ?g^
tS'Ss^ jataka, s. A horoscope.
janaki, s. Sita, daughter
a horoscope cast up of Janaka.
without sufficient data, skrf
jani, j^ s^-
TO a horoscope prognosticat-
Janipuni, januni,
ing one's death.
23 s> 3

jati, j .
Kind, sort, class,
ane, J
tribe, caste. 2. birth. 3. social
c. v.
position, status, adj. Pure, japavuni, (o

unadulterated; superior, high- To put down, as a load; to

-t?jid3 the rules unload, lighten.
regulating a caste. ^^o^ japaka, see &%**
ceremonies peculiar to a caste. )^ Japini, Japuni (3=3),
^J^OTS a horse of a superior ^. . To be unloaded, light-
breed. -?^, -3tf the mu- ened.
246 :

Japu, .$. A kind, sort, form, o Jarajata, <^'. Illegiti-

different sorts. mate.
c. v. ostfo
Japelu, s. Putting down, ^D)S^)^ Jaravuni, (of
as a loa(l. 2. unloading. 3.
To let slip. 2. to strip
a stone pillar for
placing off, as clothes, etc.\ to bark,
a load temporarily. 4. a peel, flay. lop off, as 3. to

halting place. the branches of a tree. 4. to

)c Japya, s. Delay, loitering. steal. dreS- to remove the

adj. Slow, backward, linger- thatching of a roof. ^^~

ing, loitering, to turn the cheek-bone by a
sdtffl Jamuge, see a^ceS*. slap. 8OT-8-<5 to leave the door
^oo^_ throw earth,
Jama, s. A watch
Ddo <?? a ajar. to
as into a pit, etc. or fill it
period of three hours. rf

Aae& a cock crowing at three with earth.

in the morning; ao3o. jari, s. Enforcement, exe-

35l>cra> Jamadani, s. A knap- cution. 3^0$, ^jtfo^ to

sack; /". craXasD^. put into operation to enforce, ;

JSeS*' Jammu, ^. Bail, se- execute.

curity. trooSo a surety, se- 22e)Or>Jarige, .y. The Mysore gam-

curity. boge Garcinia pictoria.
3doort Jamuge, ^ &;>c83*.
its fruit. ?* an ugly

Jame, ^. A cunning or face.

artful man. ars^o^^o^ a J. An un-
great thief.
steady man, a backslider.
t3e)03jSe>c)J jayikayi, s. The nut-
3o jaruni (aS), r. -w. To
slide, slip down; to move
23)OSo-so3o jayinayi, s. A grey- be slippery or
further. 2. to
smooth. 3. to tumble, fall
23^)05j3Jo, jayipatri, ^. Mace.
down. 4. to be dislocated,
t3s>o3o jaye, J^ ^^Sj-
as a limb. 5. to shrink, hesi-
Jara, jaratva, ^.
^ tate; to backslide. 6. to flee,
Adultery, incontinence. run away. 7. to stretch, as
Jarange, ^^ a^a??.
the lobe of the ear etc.

jarangelu, s. Slip- aftira.

Jarupadi, see
periuess, glibness, smooth-
ness. Jare, s. An adulterer,

s. The whoremonger.
name of a demon. jarele, s. A runaway. 2.
jarge 247 jiju

can unsteady man. 3. a back- ava, J^

slider. 4. a coward. s* Javakallu, J. A block of
23s>rr Jarge, see tttt. stone by the road-side to

t3s)ir, 23Dc3r Jarte, Jarde,

The s. rest a load upon, a porter's
sign Scorpio, the eighth Tulu rest.

month. #0 rfj 6 Javakudure, ^. A grass-

23e53JF& jarpadi, s. Running hopper.
away, decampment, retreat. Javadi, j. A kind of verse.
to run away, decamp ; 2. .? &?3^a.
to slink, escape. )sj^^ra05jjavalanayi, s. A wolf-
CJSo* Jalu, s. A
thrashing floor.
2. a courtyard. Javavuni, see afcs^a-
Jala, s. A net. 2. the lattice
Javige, Javuge, see
of a window. 3. magic, con-
juration, illusion. 4. pride.
vuni (a), see
rsjcrfj producing, by magic ^^ zto&<5.
art, supernatural appear-
^. Increase, addition.
ances. r^ jasti,
^i>3o?c:^_ bringing into
2. injustice, violence.
existence, by sorcery, any ^
c^o) to take by force.
thing required.
"rios to speak in a violent
jalaru, s. A fringe, net-
work. 2. the borders of a tone, to abuse. sfctfo^a
force,compel; to increase,
garment, etc.

Jala, see
roefc. promote to raise, as rent

s. Representation,
Jalandra, s. Any wood
work with bored holes. showing, informing, adj. Ob-

an ornament worked vious, plain, clear. ?&$

small perforations or holes.
to become known ;
to be clear
_ ^o<^$ to explain, inform.
Jali, see

S^eJ s. Black Jalu, see

stripes on the throat of a ra jakshana,

cobra. jinke, ^. An antelope.

see 7&)3j>d.
Jingiri, w<? ^o^j-

Jalimara, s. The tree

J^ a=^-
Ocymum gratissimum.
Jinjavuni, see
jale, s. Heat. 2. burning
sensation. 3. pity, compas-

sion, sorrow; cf. as&A Jinjuni, J

jinda 248 jire

jindagani, 3 jiddi, a^//'. Back, postern,

jindigani, s. Treasure, trea- j. A small, raised platform.
sury, wealth.
_ a back door a small ;

Jindige, s. Property, gate.

estate. rf-rf moveable pro- Tidde. s. A kind of mortar.

perty. atf immoveable pro- 2. J^ sS. ef>53o;3oy_ a

perty. wooden mortar for pounding
t3of3^<f Jinne, jinnesvare,
s. The name of a personage adj. Conquered, sub-

peculiar to the Jaina sect, dued, overcome. cciJ learn-

who is ranked by them as ing a lesson by heart.

superior to the gods of other a disposition under discipli ne ;

sects. 2. a teacher. 3. a a firm mind.

saint. s. One who
Jimbuni, see afocax>$. has subdued his passions.
jimbuli, jimbli, see 2. an ascetic. 3. a sage.

!^^ jittekalli, see &^^, under

t3osi> jimma, <zafc'.
Suddenly. taA
e3o3 Jinhe, J^ aS^. Jidda, s. Enmity, hatred,
Jikiru, s. Care, anxiety. jiddajiddu, s. Mutual
2. interference. hatred.
ri Jiga, ^ ^TV-
J^ s3S.
jgaiga, jigijigi, 5*r^, co^r^ jinusu, Jinasu, ^.

j.The jingling noise of danc- A thing, article, goods, pro-

in. visions.
jgiru, j 5*r3e>3 Jinusara, s. Variety,
S jijnasa, J. Asking, inquir- diversity. adj. Various, di-
ing. 2. search, investigation. verse.

jitti, j^ z^Jjj. e;j, c3wj^o Jibalu, Ji-

jittu, see bulu, jibulu, s.Boiled, tender

isJo, -u^.
areca nuts.
jitte, ? A lump, unshapen
mass. Jibuli, s. A kind of boys'
game, similar to hopscotch.

z2^ Jiddu, Jidda, ^. Ranci- s^ jibba, see 0^.
- (3

dity, niustiness. '.

Rancid, c3oD^j;e3 Jirasale, see ^?^ste3.

musty. 2. j^ . :3i Jire, ^/f//'. Little, small.

rancid oil.
light red.
249 jiva

jilumbi, see jiru,

s. Splashing. jiradari, s. The seed
-s. A kind Cuminum Cyeninum.
s3^ Jilebi, Jilbi,
of sweetmeat; also ?js)s3 jirasale, ^. A superior

kind of rice, a fine table rice.

wOj jilupu, Jilu- jirige, see

bu, jilpu, s. Locks of hair left
Small, short.
above the ear as an ornament.
a small species of capsicum
z3d jilme, see a!o<yjSo.
(perhaps bird-pepper) of a
w' jilla.
, z3s3 Tille. s. A district,
stronger taste than other sorts.
jiruni, see ^0$.
eSsraUrLosoj, Jillatigobbu, .s-. A A
jlre, s. hero, brave man.
kind of game; cf. z<5^.
23?sj5>r3 jlrevale, jir-
z2e) P jillya, s. A curl. ae&$ to 6s3e>s3,

dress the hair in curls; vale, s. A wasted palm-leaf.

cf. 3e>0y
2. a worn out ear-ornament,
t33o, jihve, y. The tongue.
jlrge, see &2?&*.
t3^ Ji, ^//". Small, little, short.
a short legged fowl. jirna, ^. Digestion, adj.
Digested. 2. tattered,
a dwarf. ?rooso a old,

lapdog ;
a small kind of dog.
worn out ; cf. \^&>- ^ the
power of digestion. ?bs
Creaking, as san-

?5 Jiku, J.
to be digested; to be worn
dals, shoes, etc. when walking
in them. rf out, reduced. 3o#o^> to
^>ow^ creaking
sandals. digest.

3fi Jitige,
j . A torch, flam- rsrqred, ZO^J^FCJS d
beau. crocSo a torch-bearer. dhara, Jlrnoddhara, s. Repara-
^ Jltu, J. Advantage, gain. tion, renovation.

adj. Profitable, advantageous. rlr Jlrne, see

_ ere^sito win, gain.
Jirdari, see
Jinu, Jlni, ^. A saddle. r Jirna, see
-T^a, -ssrfo^ to saddle.
??ja>Fs3 jlrsale, see
F^ru* jmyisu, J^ eS^co.
d jlva, J. Life, existence.
^ Jina, adj. Niggardly, parsi- 2. vitality, strength. 3. a
monious, stingy. s'ci
living creature. esgsXg,
mony, stinginess. S9SXS languor, prostration.
Jme, J. A miser, niggard. XoO
dear, fond. 3?3
Jipuni, j full of fresh. roo;S
jiva 250 jumbu

lifeless. ri ^o^r fainting. livelihood. 2. life, existence.

rfo^rXo at the risk of life. 3. means of sustenance.
_ &1& to be quickened, ani- a to deprive one's means of
mated. 3<Ls>, ^ livelihood. to live;
tf^S), ^o<s>o^
to take away to to earn one's livelihood; to
^$ life,

kill. 's'^.&ip'sos, zS&areofc to follow a trade.

commit suicide; to bother
d^)$ jivanathe, s. A hus-
oneself. si^a to be animat- band. 2. Yama.
ed; to spring, sprout. 333^0$ Duration
s&s^ jivamana, s.

to swoon, faint; to be alarm- of life, lifetime.

ed. ^e^fc to die, expire. dD3$ The animal
jlvarasi, s.
200^3 to die; to endeavour, kingdom, living creatures.
aspire after. to
o&tfo^ dzdo^ jlvasankada, s. Fa-
revive, renovate. e^s to
tigue, weariness. 2. languor,
be envious. cSe^jj
vital pow- exhaustion. t?L to be fa-
ers. 8?407k s3?^ T?j8&F$ to
tigued, exhausted.
help at the risk of one's life.
drTSN jlvasthana, s. A vital
^ol Jlvante, s. A living man.

^$3, 23?3Ju^? jivakale, jlva- jivitmaj s. The sentient

kale, s. Animation, vitality. soul, spirit. 2. life; cf. 33sjr.

8S?33^ man, as a sentient

to animate, i. e. consecrate being.
an idol. 53>a jivadi, s. Living crea-
^S5e)oJ Jivakante, s. A hus- tures, animal kingdom.
band. tf
jlvakshara, s. A vowel.
e^D^ Jivakala, s. The life-
s. A living creature.
time, existence. 2. a worm, an insect.
tz?t>3, t2?rf^?3^rt Jivaghata, 33 jlvita, adj. Living, alive,
Jlva^hataga, J. Danger to life. existent.
2. murder. 3. treachery. & ?oO^ jivisuni (23?^oJ), i\ n.

^js^ a murderer ;
a betrayer, To live, exist, subsist.
treacherous man. see a? ^'
J ivu >
dfcjo^j jlvajantu, s. A living
Jumjum, see &(o5ooSo.
creature, animal.
Jumbuni (KociS), r. n.
jlvadana, s. Gift of life.
To suck, sip, lick.
? Care for life.

rf J. Subsistence,
jivana, li,
jumma 251 judi

Jumma, s. A sudden stun-

5o Tumla, s. Total, whole.
ning or smarting sensation. Jurunguni (aio-docK),
iJosSo jumme, s. Custody, w. w. To hesitate, be reluctant.
charge. jurumane, see
JJoOfo junyi, s. A boiling or
bubbling noise. julabu, JT.
o^zio^ jukasuni (aJosaco), 7;. .
looseness of bowels. 2. a
To nod, be drowsy, sleepy. e^b^ to purge.
^0,1 jukuti, see oix;-^. _^jsbrs to administer a pur-
j^j, jukku, .s. A measure of gative. ^^oi to take a
tr .

seven sticks in a game. purgative. &&?> to suffer

ori juga, J. A pair. 2. twins. from looseness of bowels.
3. .? CXJOJA. C/XKL vomiting and diar-

rhoea, cholera.
Gaming, gambling, i
^j^), tsio^ Julipe, Ju-
a gamester, gambler. lupu, julpu, see ^^-
to gamble. s.
^osjo*, ^j^julumu, Julmu,
lib. juttu, s. tuft of hair of
CO Oppression, tyranny, injus-
the head, cue. #&>$, _XcO tice; also Koeoso, 3doeL _&;s^
srotlis to tie the hair into a
tyrannical procedure, violent
knot. measures.
Judde, see 22<^.

20 jubba, s. A short jacket.

julumane, julmanu, Julmane, s.

jubbu, s. A spheroid, A fine, penalty. -rfos^s

iSl^fcsjsi^ jumjum, ^. Numb- juvadi, ^^ s5?^)2.

ness, sleeping of the limb.

juvali, J. A kind of reed.
2.a throbbing pain. 3. horri- s. The noise
pilation, -cribs a limb to be
of falling water.
benumbed; to be horrified;
^jstio juji, juju, J. Gaming,
to feel pain, as when a boil
a wager, as with cocoanuts.
suppurates. to gamble. TVDT? a
jsjjsa Jumadi, s. A demon so 3 &aeO a fighting
jumula, see fciJ3Uo jutu, jutu, j. A lie,

jumma, sec falsehood.
;3o, jumme, ^^ judipugere, s. A kind
I Juti 252

of tobacco imported from c^op jenkuni (-?-^), "'. ;/. To

the Ghauts. delay, be deferred. 2. to

juti, s. Shoes. hesitate, waver; cf.

July, s. The cover of a o jenke, -fttf -?=^.

saddle, horse-cloth. jeg-u, see


juli, .$. A funnel, pipe, ^. Glutinous clay,
spout. 3 ^a distilling pot

chalk, a kind of white earth ;

with a pipe. tScaio a pot also 3?a.

with a spout.
jedi, >. /J/ part, of &^s>
jembilu, jembuli,

less> jepu, jebu, s. A
jembe, 0^'. Insipid, taste- pocket.
jekuni, s a^rf. jeru, s. A Pariah's child.

jekkelu, ^ a^ff. stetf jeru, jera, j. Descent,
2rt Jege, stf* a*. declivity, precipice.

n* jeggu, J^ c^^oioaj jerukayi, ^^ T^S^CXSJ.


^ jegge, see
^ jerlu, J.

jevu, ^. A
Pariah children.
child. 2. a lad,
jetti, asBj.
youth. e?s&- a male, man.
s^ jedi, ^. A speck in the eye ;
a female, woman.
bet. 3&.
jelu, *J* 5^.
jedipuni, see aLs>. 2.

see ^Qcxjoos). jeshta, J^ %3


jede, j^ iS.
jeshtamadhu, ^^

^o^, "S,^^ jeppuni, Jerpuni

jeshte, ^^ ^^ ? -

To lie down. 2. to
(), f.
sleep, rest; also

PPj ^^ The last cowrie

jeitta, jeitye,

jeinadige, ^.

put in an empty hole of a from meat and liquor.

playing board (^o^5do?6) at jeine, s. A Jain.
the end of one's turn. Invulne-
jeipana, adj.
jeme, see rable.
jeru, ^ *R [mity>
o^jeipuni, jeisuni (%),

jeshte, ^. Misfortune, cala-


. (7. To conquer, win, be

c. f.
jenkavuni, (of?o
To 2. to eimini, 5

. A sage so called.
detain, stop.
delay, put off. jeilu, s. A jail, prison.
jfonke 253 jodu

jonke, joiikelu, jogipurse, s. The

s. A bunch, cluster. name of a demon.
Soa, dU'oS^a jompadi, jom- 6gip u > s - A kind of
pudi, s. A shed, hut. jogimara, s. The por-
tia tree, Thespasia populnca;
joggu, .y
also ^jse^ es^
Tirf zktf.
joggura, ^'. Overripe.
J^ &. jogu, s. A water-fall,
jsi jote,
jsJj, jotte,
Joguni, s. A drinking
*** 2J3rta$ jogula, Joguli,
s. Spittle; ^.
jolle, s. A lullaby.
jompudi, see sS^o^a. Jojapaduni ( sroS),

joku, s. Ostentation, dis- v. a. To sing a lullaby ;

to lull.

play; vanity, foppery. -

S^osj^ jokumu, s. Danger, juni (Sj3e2, !&se), i). n. To

risk. adj. Dangerous. lull to sleep.

s. 32SJ3 jojo, intj. expressive

i^o^o jokulu, Children;
tSjse^- s&ae^ovsfeS^ childish- of blessing, Be happy, etc.
ness. It terminates every song of

certain lullabies.
3? joke, ^. Care, heed, cau-
joti, s. A
Tktf^$ to take
tion; safety. plait.

care. jodane, s. Joining, unit-

Joga, s. Abstraction of ing, union, collecting. &
mind; see oSjaeX. Cfbs to ^oi to join; to get ready,
be in ecstasy. soLrs to prepare. [&3 ?7ix
be seized with demoniac Jodapini, see under

frenzy. Jodavuni, c. v.
i^rtcsi) jogamma, ^. A female To make join, unite.
devotee. jodi, see

a^rt^. jogatte,
s. Sitting cross- jodige, see
legged. -^orfoob^ to sit on '.
jodipuni (Aeefc), .

cross-legs. To join, pair, unite.

S?r> jogi,^. A religious mendi- 3^crfoj^ jodiyuni (Ae5), ..
cant. 2. the name of a caste. To be joined, united.
3. the name of a man; also jodu, s. A pair, yoke,
match, couple. 2. a pair of
jogiparndu, s. A sandals. adj. Equal, like.
kind of fruit. two and two. e?b?>,
zl j
odne 2.J4 jriani

&s?T33?:$ to join, couple, pair. fected with liquor, tobacco,

to join, pair, unite. to be harsh.
3o^s> etc.; tro^a to
2. to assist, countenance, pa- be hard. ^o^s> to force,
^ a pair of gloves. compel.
3^>3c3 a pair of slippers. jola, see &s?tf.
60020 a pair of stockings.
w^: o^c?\.
Jodne, see &&fd&.

jolata, J. Oscillation,
Jotaduni (dse335), hanging.
v. n. To wave, move, oscillate. A
Joli, Jolige, ^.
joti, d^?S. small bag for receiving alms.
'g^tX) Jotikolu, s. A long 2. a piece of cloth suspended

walking stick.
by a woman down her shoul-
3?3sS[, dU?3?o jotisha, jotisa, ders to carry about her baby
see &oezv in it.

o jotishye, we AsgeS^g. jolu, adj. Soft, moist.

jotra, we Ase^j.
2.pendent, flapping. ^%
s. A wicked per- a soft or moist kind of jag-
son; a lewd fellow. gory.
see Aacia. Jovu, s. A child, baby,
youth, youngster. 2. a fe-
J?^c3, 2J?3irf^, ^J3^5TO^ JO-
male child. ^o^o. e#otfo
pane, jopasana, Jopana, s. Care,
circumspection. a^'. Cau-
s^ jola, 5-. The great millet,
tious, rfo^s> to
Sorghum vulgare. a es&
take care of; to keep care-
small kind of millet, Sorghum
j35joe>s3rod s. A saccharatum, the Chinese su-
kind of gold necklace. gar-cane.

see Ae?\.

ise, J. An astrologer. joli, jolige,

Jora, see J2e5.

jouli, J. Cloth. roc&> a
, ^JS^DDdS joru, joravari,
cloth merchant, draper.
s. Force, pressure, violence.
2. 3.
^s? joule, i//'. Tasteless, insipid.
importunity. power,
strength. 4. severity, harsh-
3^ ^ Jnana, J. Knowledge, wis-
ness ; also 2S*e5, eO. ef >$ dom.
tobecome importunate; to Jnani, s. A wise, learned
become powerful, to be af- man, a sage.
jrianu 255 jhama

jnanum, see jyeshthe, s. The elder son

re- 0r brother.
jnapaka, s. Memory,
collection. <!?& jyoti, s. Light, lustre.
s. The third 2. a star. ^>^c astrology.

,^ jyeshtha,
lunar month, adj. Best, ex- Jyotisha, s. The science

cellent. 2.
of astronomy ; astrology.
elder-born; cf.
i Jyotishye, s An astro-
qk Jyeshthamadhu, s. Li- nomer, astrologer.
d j vara, see &ri.
quorice root.
jyeshthe, s. The eighteenth
^Os)doj) Jvalamukhi,
s. A vol-
lunar mansion. 2. an elder cano.
sister. 3. the goddess of jvale, s. Flame. 2. heat,
poverty (-3^ ,),
misfortune. warmth. 3. inflammation.

i jha, The twenty-second letter jhadipuni, see
of the alphabet,
d^dcp^y jhanu-
jhankara, see Jhanu, jhamujhamij, s. The
Jhamjham, tinkling of ornaments when
jhampetala, see jhameri, see 3o5.

Jhakayisuni (n^o^) jhari, J.

spring. A 2. a
z p
. . To bluster. tyran- cascade, waterfall.
Jhallu, ^. Sudden terror.

rtd^rl jhagajhaga, s. Brilli- 2. palpitation.

ancy. 3ooe3o$ to shine bril- y
Jhadu, j hada,
liantly. Settlement or payment in full.
Jhagala, J^ KX* 2. completion, termination.
jhaggane, adv. Quickly, e?b$ to be settled or paid
hastily. ^00^0$ to flash, fully, to be over, finished.
as lightning. to to
do^$ pay entirely,
Sjt>e3 Jhatapati, see &(6roaiW. finish.

Jhaditi, Jhadti, s. jhadane, see 3dsrf??.

Examination, as of accounts. Jhama, Jhava, see

2. search, rummage.
jhala 256 taka

, jhalari, Jhenkara, s. The buz-

see zing 0r humming of bees,

jhajige, see jhompadi, see

ria, The twenty-third letter

of ^r riaranara,nar-
the alphabet. kariarka, adj. Slight, little.

S3*, 'SPSS nannu, riakku, s. ?N slight pain.

Crushing, bruising into a riarke, see z3r.

jelly or mass. &^& to be riavu-

crushed into a mass. ~&>
linapuli, noliriappuli, adr. In-

^^ to crush into a mass,

discriminately. 3^s> to eat
riakkanakka, ad?. Quick- indiscriminately.
"D" "D

ly, swiftly; coarsely. riani, see

?r!fo* nakkatu, naga- nonnu, #<//. Shrivelled,

patu, adj. Lean, thin, stunted, contracted.

faded. noli, s. Anything sticky,
si nappe, see rspcs;^. 2. see gummy glutinous, viscous.
2. saliva, -xtf y^/^ litoralis.

narunaru, sec &&e!e. to vomit phlegm.


ta, The twenty-fourth letter tangu, ^. A saddle girth.
of the alphabet. ;?^ tantanu, s. A noise made
tankutanku, s. Fit-a- in sounding a brass vessel,
pot, twang, as of a wire, etc. etc., with the knuckles. 2. the
s. Borax.
tankana, striking of a clock.
d tankasale, ^ ^c^sted
?> takayisuni, see
tankaru, J^ ^^j- oao ;&>$>.

2 tanku, ^. The twang of a takaru, takari, see

takku 257

takku, takku, ku, takotaku, <z^'. Quick, hur-
ried, hasty.
takke, see ^ d
o tane, tanya, see ^r.
tagaru, s. A ram. 3e)3S tapu, U-
J. Banishment,
jl tappa, adv. Flatly. sro pupituve, tape,
<&$ to drop down -ao transportation. ?La to be
tfoa to fall flatly. punished with transportation.
tappalu, s. The post. taru, J^ ^>S-
2. a relay of bearers, bullocks, tara, J^ ^>^.

/.; also Us5y the post- ^^ , kjss^l^c^ tavu, tavu-

office. ssXsS a letter-paper;
tikanu, see ^>4-
a post-letter.
- ^orfotS a post- A deceit.
tali, ^. lie,
horse. To
talipuni (&), p. a.

tamate, tamki, s. A deceive, cheat; cf. tsses^s.

tambour. 2. proclamation by J. The sound of a
beat of tomtom. 553^0$ to
stringed, musical instrument,
proclaim in such a manner. as a guitar, etc.-, also I3c&r3.
tarayisuni, see
P*e3P* tinijtinu, s. Tinkling.

tiku, ^. The sound, as of

cl taravane, see t
a pendulum. e?&$ to tick.
tavane, see ^&-
tikanu, tikani,
?3, k$3 tase, tasse, j^ tf

o^ tanku, ^.The nib of a 13 & Hitting one marble

tikki, 5

pen. 2. basting down a with another in a game of

stuffed bed, to make it secure. marbles. *>?&$ to hit a

so^s^toos to nib a
^xio$, marble.
to baste down a stuffed 13* tikke, see ^A
1313 ^ tittibha, J. lapwing.
o^c^, foeio^ tankanu, tanka- 13 s. A commentary;
^cl tippane,
ni, see
an explanatory note.
tanki, s. A trough, or J^ ^e4-
S tilli, J. The spleen, milt;
tankini, see 6ro^Fs.
taku, wfi &3o^. Mean-
^, I3^o tiku, tiku, ^.

ro*, ^si^c^ takanu, takanu, ing, interpretation, glossary.

. A Pegu pony. fcSe&rfos) to translate, inter-
Ukata- pret, explain.
tiku 258 nira thdna

5* tiku, tonka, J. The loins, hip.

& s. A
small precious _ _3^)t43S> to hop, leap
tiki, c^s,
object ;
a small bell cf. X3 ;
. on one leg.

3or3 a gold necklace. toppi, j. A cap, hat, 0r

tlpu, .5. A stitch; also ^?3 helmet. 2. fraud, cheating.
& 533^0$ to stitch. 3. failure, defeat. -S'is to
fail. aebs> a hat to put on.
s 333ci)$ to cheat.
o" u"

tuktuku, dU/9. Rapidly, quick- tollu, j^ zSjatfo,.

ly. _eAO5> to dart, flit, fly. ^J2^j toku, toku, .y.

o^rjSsS, kSo'g'S) s3 tenkasale. tenk- Cash, ready money. 2. total,

sale, ^^ ^c^^toeS.
aggregate; also aaeotfo, Sjs?^-.

5jpe>,2, eSe^rs tevanati, teva- 3ire4 money in cash. tfja

ni, see total rupees.

0' TH
d tha, The twenty-fifth letter sun
of the alphabet. 7;. <z. To compose, execute
'S^ thankasale, s. A mint. any literary work. 2. to fix,
determine, settle.
thakayisuni (^treoso
tharavane, s. Composi-
^), f. . To deceive, cheat.
tion, combination of the
2. to gain time by false re-
parts of any literary work or
discourse; diction, style. 2.
thakari, adj. Spurious,
^ixi^j a settlement, determination.
false, counterfeit. _o
thavane, s. Simple and
*,, d^o, thakku, thakku, J. compound addition. "Sjtzsd
o ~O
4$ to add up figures. ss
Dissimulation, deceit, pre-
Tka to write down figures for
tence, hypocrisy, fraud. &3
chicanery; hoaxing. 3f^$> A
o, d?o thase, thasse, s. seal,
to lie; to pretend. rO
rfotf^s 2. stamp duty. TK>
cheat, deceive, defraud.
X^ a stamp paper.
5-, thakke, J. A cheat, dissem- s. A
'o thana, thSnya,
place, station; lodging; a
thagar^, garrison, police-station.
tharu 259 dakka

tharu, adv. At one stroke; thlpu, ^^ &3?^-

completely, fully. >?) thlvi, s. Ostentation, dis-

thavu, s. A place, abode, play. 2. condition, state. 3.

2. cause, occasion;
lodging. gait, figure, mien.
also Tro^a^sR).
o^i thenkara, then-
re*, &Ve>?3 thikanu, thikani, kara, ^. The twang of a bow.
s. Resort, residence, station. 2.haughtiness, pride.
2. means, room, opportunity. d^^)^, $dr?> thevanati, the-
^ fit.
thlku, <z^/'. vani, s. Deposit of cash. 2.

Proper, exact, complete. ready-cash. 3.keeping money

3. true. 3 ^roJ a sumptuous in a bank. Beta to deposit,
meal. keep money in a bank.

d da, The twenty-sixth letter of danguni, see
the alphabet.
dange, jf^ ^-R.
c3 da, a conditional particle af-
dangra, ^. Proclamation by
fixed to verbs, signifying:
beating of a gong etc. SB
If. e?o3o eo rf if he should
D ^0$ to proclaim in such a
come, w^rdrf if he does not
dandanu, s. The sound
do dam, see tSSo.
of a large drum
ZaoW", do^, do^rs4 a ^u > danka,
J. A double do 20 damba, see r$c$.
dankani, large,
drum. ^OTfsaroaS a drummer. dosod dambara, s. Pomp, gran-
doS'srf dankara, s. The sound of deur.

a double drum. dozod dambare, see So^-S.

? danke, ^^ ^o^. 2:j dambha, s. Ostentation,
dorto s. display. &8sio a to boast,
*, dangu, dangu,
Surprise, wonder. tfL^ to brag.
be surprised, stunned, over- ospDca^rf, dozpDjJ dambhacara,
powered. dambhata, J. Ostentation,
dorf, dorlo danga, dangara, see empty show.
^,,d^, dakka, dakke, s. A large

TT_ 73"

do^dort dangadanga, <&'. Hasti- kind of double drum, shaped

dana 260 dubdu

like an hour-glass. 3 200 s. A belted

carrying an idol in proces- peon.
sion round its temple with rf era o*, CaJ3>;) davalu, davali, s.

beating of such a drum. 03 A peon's belt. sroAsreo^ to

cSo a drummer, adv. sc put on a belt.

danadana, s. The sound davulu,

of a large bell.

dappu, s. A small drum ge, ^. A pedant, one given

beaten on one side ;
a tabret. to affectation. 2. a hypocrite.

o dabba, s. A noise of any- daku, ^. Vaccination. SB

to vaccinate.
thing falling into water. 20^

tfo$ to fall into water with *

damdum, ^
a noise.
o dabba, ^. A tin box, as of dalu, J. A shield.
kerosine oil. dalcini, see troe .

\ dabbi,
.?. A small box, chest. dali, ^. An army.

2.a box kept in temples, for ^. A

dinki, gymnastic
receiving offerings. && a feat.
snuff box. The kuolling
SoS dindindi, ^.

dabbu, .$. A lie, falsehood. of a bell.

2. a boast, brag. 3. a half (SiS^o dindima, didima,
anna piece. 7&8 a liar; a s. A small drum.
braggart, r^oa to tell a ^z^ dib, dibdib, ^.
lie; to brag. The noise of a violent blow.
dam, s. The noise of firing dibbu, s. A push with the
a gun. ^So the noise of a leg.
drum. dllu, a^/". Loose, not tight.
dama- 2. free, unrestrained; also ^
ru, damaruka, damaruga, s. A
small drum, shaped like an duk, jt

hour-glass. duggn, s. Uneasiness.

J3^, :3^j}d damana, damara, d.eJs)o5o?io?i dubayisuni

s. A kettle-drum. c3),
z>. <?. To drown 2. to

sjjsOo damami, s. A hollow cause loss. 3. to deceive,

sound, empty noise. 2. false cheat.

dignity; ostentation, empty 55* dubdub. s. The sound

show. of a small drum.
dubba 261 dhoku

3,u dubba,
O wv ^^ ,

so^o sij 5 dumdum, J. The sound rrasj5 , cSj&fb dokka, dokkalu,

cj A A ^
of a large drum. 2. -$#? ^So- see
doggalu, doggalu, doggu,
^o^ordo^or durkudurku, J. The A
noise of breaking wind down- doppa
fcs^ (-rf-^),
ward. With, together with.
o^N dennana, see mritf. with him. ?^^re^o_ with
dere, .s. A tent. srorfos. man; cf. s^.
to pitch a tent. doppe, see d-^.
deimanu, s. Diamond dollu, <^;'. Fat, stout,
in cards. 2. void, hollow, s. A

o^j donku, donku, j .

Crookedness. Crooked, A man.
^;". dolle, s. pot-bellied
curved. 2. perverse, cross.
o doku, J^ ^js?^o.
to limp, hobble.
35?S dobi, s. A washerman.
danka, see &&0&.
dolu, j^ Z3^<yo.
o^<Ds donkelu, s. Crooked-
dolangi, see n"Stio?\.
A doli, J. A dooly <?r litter.
donne, s. cudgel, club.
dolu, dolu, J^
ljSo^DeJ dambarata,
dombata, see ^oeor^u.
dola, s. The eye. adj.
dombare, see djscd.
J3os3 dombi, dombe, see
doulatu, j^ z57>e>i.

s doulu, 5-. An estimate,

domberu, see
valuation. appearance; 2.
^a s dombelu, see mien; air; demeanor.

dha, The twenty-seventh letter dhere, j
of the alphabet.
dhoku, s. Injury, defect.
0=0 dhanka, see 2. fear, alarm.
re na 262 tandi

rs na, ^. The twenty-eighth letter haustion; harassing.
of the alphabet. to be done up, harassed

red nappada, s. Weariness, ex- ^ nala, adj. Smooth.

ta, s. The twenty-ninth letter in the preceding evening,
of the alphabet. stale food.

o=& tanka, ?. The lungs. 2. the tantavuni, see

liver. 3. see *c3. ^Sodoja,
tantuni, see
3^4$ to be very much
&S tante, s. Annoyance,
trouble, difficulty. 2. mischief.
tanki, J&? &TOC&.
3. interference, meddling, con-
tangu, .?#? sscK.
nection. Tratf,
e^B a trouble-
tangada, see rfoTfa.
some, mischievous or obsti-
tangadi, s. A male's nate man. dttfi vexation,
younger sister; also ^of\. molestation. ^?, ?^? bad
adv. goods; rotten things.
tangada, Together, ^j^
tangali, s. A cool breeze. ?> to
annoy, trouble. fcSjj

e?odo ^08 tSjsa have

r^rj* tanglsy, adj. Cold, chill,
to do with him.
j. A fishing tackle, fishing
line. Cs* tandu, J. Whole. 2. j<fg

tanguli, see s^oXoC. adj. Entire, whole.

tCfl^ooZC?! tannanemannane, s. tandu, tarida, s. Multi-

tude, crowd, host, army. 2.
Deception, imposition, pre-
tence. to a side, party.
7&s?o^ impose
upon; to pretend. tandatundu, see

tanci, s. A bag, purse.

tanja, s. Evening, sunset, tandasy, ^. A privy on

~ the evening the bank of a river.
night. a^,
star. tandi, sec ^ca.

taririana, s. Rice boiled tandige, see

tandu 263 tanne

see tandu, see 3o5.

[raw state. ^cc^SjOoQ tandupudi,
Rice in a
tandumudi, see ^oda.
tandula, 5.

tande, .y. A silver anklet.

tandana, ^. An unmean-
ods3 tandelu, tandele, s.
, ing sound, used in humming
The captain of a native vessel ; a tune. 2. red sandal; t/". t*o
a boatman, tindal. rf^J.
^". Small. 2. deterio-
era tanna, ^^ ^or. rated, reduced, worn out &
oc-3^, gore^dora tannana, tannu- A ^odji ^oS this ornament
mena, see <3. is worn out.

)^ s
tannasu, see tandelu, s. A cudgel,
club; also Xoa^.
tanni, adj. cf.
^cr5?5 cold water. tandodi, . The handle
so 3 s so^o tantu, tantu, .?. of a plough.

Thread. 2. pulse, vein, nerve. dJ3<i?r\ tandolige, s. The white

so siorfooTl} dammer tree Vateria Indica.
^js^j only the
pulse beats. $^ tannana, see tiotig.
.?. Wire. 2. the string
3ov> tanti, ^S^tannavUj^ww. One's own;
of a musical instrument. & his own.

sj^> the telegraph. c5e)ir^tannate, tanna-

s. Craft, cunning, pron. For oneself, him-
^oj, tantra, teg'u,

device, trick, intrigue, plot. self, itself. dfo. Of one's own

2.worship performed by hand accord, by itself. ^rfi,aros
without formulas. 3. a reli- to walk for oneself, ?'. ^. to act

gious treatise on formulas, as one likes.

rites, etc. for the worship of c3Do3j tannaye, s. One's own

the deities. 4. the part of the man; a dependant; a friend,
Vedas treating of magical and favourite.

mystical formulas. 5. subser- J3>r3ritannimaniga, s. The

vience, service, dependance. name of a female demon.
AST? , roo3o ? ^xaSr a crafty tanne, adv. Near, by, close,
man. croS, see &o&\. 'rfo$>x> .?. A bystander.
to play tricks, to deceive. to stand by one.

tantrajne, ^. A man of art. to vex. SO&FS to come to-

so 3f& tantri, tantrike, s. gether.

One versed in mystical formu- c^ tannena, adj. Cold, cool.

las, rites, etc. for the worship tannepinne, s. The old

of the deities. and young. 2. box and dice.

tann 264 tamme

tannede, sec 3*1$. tambuli, s. A kind of

Two chatni or sauce, prepared of
ct tampade, s. slips of
a bamboo close to cocoanut milk, condiments
each other, and tied together. etc.with or without greens,
and eaten with rice.
^j tampu, J. Coolness, cold.
adj. Cool, cold. v^ cool tambulu, s. Tamil,
breeze. ?Ls> to become tamberu, s. A kind of
cool ;
to be appeased, pacified. reckoning in the game of

to cool; to appease, yekkadi (-^5).
pacify. tamberuni, eee. 3ode3o$.

tambaku, s. The prince's tambodi, see ^oeow. 2.


metal, an alloy of certain sec. s^ctfvS^.

metals, pinchbeck. 2. tobacco

tamboli, see ^O&XDS.
ofcS tambata, tambate, tammate, see ^csou.
A tambourine, war-drum. 2.
tammana, Hospitality,
boast, bragging. 3 see ^os&sa. .

entertainment dinner. 3

to brag.
2oc^ a grand wedding dinner.
tambada, s. A large drum. >:!>$ to give a dinner to a
Coriander. 2.
pregnant women.
tambara, s.
to give a dinner to a wedding
tambarande, 5. Garlic. party.
tambaku, see ^020^.
^ori tambige, s. A small, round, o3) tammanipuni, tammanyuni,
metal vessel. tammanipuni (^c^orJ, 3os$o$),
v. a. To entertain a guest,
^oi t> tambila, ^. An ordinary
to give a dinner.
offering to demons, etc. es^
^^ under e>M. ?roX_ an tammale, s. A maternal
uncle. 2. a father-in-law.
offering to serpents. $>&&
3. a kind of tare growing
a grand offering to demons.
among corns etc. 3btk3
_&sl>F3 to give such offerings.
a kind of tare found in
tambu, s. A tent. csrli

s, 55^03 to pitch a tent to gram.


tammuge, see
remain, stay; to delay. & ^o^.
halt, stop in a march.
tammena, see ^3-
ZOJ30 tamburi, tambu- tammepuni, see ^So^s>-
ri, s. A five-stringed guitar. ^o;3oS tammeru, tamme-
2. a soldier's drum. ri, see
tamme 265 tagga

tammeluni, see ,

tammeiya, s. An affec- kelogu, see ^^AaXo under

tionate form of addressing a

younger brother. [rice.

takkona, Jtv ^^,r.
tammge, .?. A kind of takraru, ^. Interference,
tarntuni (^cSr), r. . hinderance. 2. dispute, quar-
To shrivel- rel.

takattu, s. A throne. kriru, s. Objection, pro-

333 takataka, takapaka, test. ^r a counter peti-

s. Agility in dancing, etc. sktfo^s to object, pro-
2. bubbling in boiling, adv. test, quarrel.

Nimbly, briskly. ^>o* takslru, s. An offence,

suitable, crime, fault.

\ takka, adj. Fit,

proper, deserving, tagadu, ^. A thin metal

oA2t* pure
33 fitness. zn&J a proper plate. gold.
word. a good opportu-
rf^octfo s^oratfrf a gold leaf.

nity, favourable season. ^ o tagaru, ^^ wXS.

?re> suitably, properly, de- tag-aruni (^5), ^. n. To
draw near.
,od takkanda,
^ a^od.
a 3jtf, takkatu, takkattu, tagavu, tagadi, tagade, tagavu,
^,t3 ,
o" 13"

As much as is
s.Dunning for payment. 2.
#^y. suitable;
adequate, sufficient. peremptory demand.
3,0, s. scales. tagume, see 3^.
takkadi, Large
one who cheats in tagule s. A bug.
weighing; a rogue. tage, s. A female's elder

takkana, takkana, s. brother.

^,rs, 33^
A small spoon. 2. a small f, s?|6 tageiru, tageire, J-.

kind of mat; also && Discharge, dismissal. ^^

adj. Little. ssScxioo^tSK ^re ?i to turn out, dismiss.

si^jrooSo /?/. one who holds tagori, s. The potter's

a spoon where (anything)

drops, i. e. one who takes taggu, s. Low ground, a

advantage of another's weak- dale, valley, descent, decli-

ness, a stingy man. vity. .

adj. Low, depressed.
s. &3 lowliness, humility.
&ptai)Jortj, takkeyimungei,
The upper arm and forearm. taggavuni, c.v. (of ^Xo
tau 266 tatti

To lower, humble. 2. to tatalu, ta-
diminish, lessen. 3- to level tala, tatali, see $&nv.
down. tatavu, s. A lake, pond.
tagguni (^), v.n. To be ,
s. A snapping noise.
humble, modest. 2. to in-
tattu, s. A country pony,
cline, lean. a pack-horse. #/.$<?

taggele, s. A lowly or
2. the forearm; also
humble man also ^^ ajraoSo.
A adj. Serious, critical.

tagmalu, s. A female much delay. ^o^rf a serious

slave, maid-servant. illness, -dooc^oso^ the stalk
s. A male slave, of screw pine.
^7^ tagme,
man-servant. tattuvasu, see 3te>$.
gteotf tajanku, s. The plant sJ. tatta, j^ ^u,A
Cassia fora. u
^y tatta, see z^u,.
3fcJ3$ tajapu,
s. Notching, inden- OM

tattanku, J. Hinderance,
tation. adj. Indented, notch- ^03*
ed. sjstiiS) to cut into a
3 el 3 tattane, ^^'. Speedily,
row of teeth.
v. a. To quickly. suddenly, unex-
^&5j)) tajapuni (^ty,
pectedly, without premedita-
chop, cut in pieces.
tion. 5ft$3?>, 3fe>S> to go
3&8i23 tajibiji, s. Endeavour,
quickly 0r suddenly. 3r^s>
effort, exertion. 2. cogita-
to say instantly or without
tion, reflection. to
to to reflect
endeavour, try ; ;

^y,^ tattappa, see ^w^-

get out of a scape by unlaw-
f. r.
ful means. ^^js.sij^ tattavuni, (of ^u^ty

s. A ladle. To cause to hit, strike.


tata, s. A shore, bank.

^ tattasi, tattas^,
see ^te^co.
tataki^, ^. A drop.
A screen blind
tatakka, ^ ^N. tatti, s.
made of split bamboos, cadjan

U^y tatapata, ^. A slapping leaves, etc. 2. a honey-

sound. 2. loquacity. comb. esaTdrf- a mat made
tj^ tatappa,
a jerk.
Heavily, of split canes. a small,
with 2. suddenly. low kind of wooden trough.
_3Djstfo$ to fall heavily or farksj a wicker strainer,
suddenly. sieve. steko'^
the wooden
tatane, see 3Uj3. lid and the strainer of a
tatti 267 tade

culinary vessel. to
^^ tadayi, s. A small earthen

put up a screen or blind as cup or plate.

protection from rain. tadava, J^ ^zro4'-

3.;&>el>. tattimuttu, s. A vessel tadavu, ^. Delay, hinde-

jj jj
for distilling liquor. 2. rance, impediment. 2. a slow-
house- coach or dilatory person.
culinary utensils. 3.

hold stuff. y&& to get late, to be de-

layed. to delay,
jo, tattu, see aOj. *ks?o^?>

^. A flat kind linger.

xrt tattuga,
tadi, J. An inferior kind of
of trough for serving boiled
rice. rf^a to join imper-
aa* rwa. ceptibly.
tattuni, see
tadipuni (^^), v. a. To
.ojsJo. tattumuttu, s. Strait,
quarrel, dispute, contend,
dilemma; cf. si^^oB^. struggle, to dispute,
fc3 tatte, 0^". Empty, void argue.
within. Ttf^r
good and bad tade, .
Hinderance, obsta-
things. cle. charm
2. for serpents.
&,rcj tattonuni v.
To -Q.LS to stop the
(of carry on the motion of a serpent by incan-
haunch, as natives do a child, tations; to obstruct, hinder.
tatvasu, s. Un evenness, 3^4$ to remove the
inequality, variation, as in to break a spell. 3jt>?o$ to
weighing. hinder, impede ;
to charm.
tadupe, see *y sras^ tadepavuni, c. v. (of 3
P. r^tf. $2>$)To hinder, impede, ob-
ijsreoci tadutonuni, (<?/"
^a^s>) To quarrel or dispute
da^^tadepini, tadepuni,
'.a. To hold off: to
3d tada, see &&3)-
hinder, keep back, prevent,
3d tada, 5-. Wool, fur. 2. skin
stop; to oppose.
with soft hair.
a^ tadeppu, Stoppage,
tadaku, ^. Intoxication,
resistance. 2. anything put

tadapu, 5^ sz^. up to stop a passage,

tadamata, s. Fumbling. tadeyi, see ^tSoso.

^^o tadame, s. A kind of stile gd^a tadeyuni, tade-

or narrow entrance to a vuni (^), v. n. To halt, stop,
garden. tarry. 2. to bear, endure,
tade 268 tadi

suffer. oSo^S
33 *33 20*3
starj tateilasa, j

. A joyous
I can bear it no more. dance.

^^; tadevu, s. A halt, stopping, tatkala, ^/'.

The time
tarrying. 2. impediment, then or now. sasjdeX) for
hinderance. the present, for the time

tadevonuni, v. reft, (of being.

To bear, suffer; to be tatta, s. A shuffle, artifice;

2. jesting, joking, adv. Shuffl-
tadpu, s. A foreign cloth. ingly. 2- jestingly. 333^

^OA a kind of loom. tfos to speak shufflingly or

^cj,?} tadpuni, j^ ^55$. jestingly.

^3 tattara, ^^ s*3srf.
^d tadpe, J. A sieve for cleans-
tatti (past part, of
ing grain, etc. ^ooczrolj a ^s),
^//'. Missed, beyond reach,
large turban. $3^3 lit. a
failed. ssicrfo, ^cXSwhat is
sieve and a brom: a bad
past; a lost opportunity; a
omen; a cruel woman.
^c, r|o tadya, taddya, J. A An
tatra, ^. umbrella.
step, stair, the middle
ra^^ tatva, J. Essential nature,
step. the lower step,
S^r^g real nature of the soul. 2.
threshold. ^5% the lintel
the Supreme Being. 3. truth,
of a door.
reality, substance. 4. mind,
srsr;* tanasu, J. Wetness, damp- intellect. 5. identity. e3jsetf?3
ness, adj. Wet. j3a wet
instruction in the real nature
ground. of the Supreme and human
r3^ tanipuni (^rf), t'. a. To **.
spirit; cf.
cool, pacify, soothe, comfort.
tatvadi, s. Mystical theo-
srsoJJO^ taniyuni (^rf), v.n. To
logy. [want.
become cool, calm. tatvara, s. Destitution,
^rlo' tanilu, J^ ^^- tatvartha, s. The essen-
^rso tanu, s. Coolness, cold. 2. tial purpose.
quenching, appeasement. tadanantara, adv. After-
to cool; appease, as wards, subsequently.
tadigina, s. Beating time
hunger, etc.

^s4 ^ ratatkshana, <z^r. Instantly. in dancing to music. 2. in-

tatanga,^. Obstacle, hinder- trigue, plot. 3. upsetting, fall.
ance, complication, entangle- _ narks to dance ;
to be over-

ment. turned. 3j*^a to intrigue.

tadi 269 tappa

tadige, .$. The third day tapasllu, see ^;>.

of the lunar fortnight.
tapasu, s. Prayer, devo-
313s taddu, s. Retch, qualm. tion, austerities.
taddu, s. An eruption or ttz> a devotee, ascetic. ^^?
swelling, erysipelas. power of devotion,
do$ tadduni (^), 7,'. rc. To tapalu, see ws^-
retch, puke, to be qualmish. tapavatu, s.Difference,
$ tana, An affix to form ab-
discrepancy. 2. cheating, de-
stract nouns; e.g. oSotf
good, ceit. 3.
prevarication, equi-
oSozS^ goodness. 2. ^mV. of vocation, evasion.
33 0^. v. n. To
^oboJoo^) tapiyuni (^),
c^*, 3iD tanaki, tanikhi, s.
burn, be inflamed, hot.
Examination, investigation, ^p$c3 tapodhane, An ascetic. .?.

inquiry. The prac-

^^9^3^ taponishtha, s .

$itf tanasu, see

of religious austerities.
tanipuni, see
&'&%Q&t&$Qbi&&l seeujuler ^oJ-
taniyuni, see
Heated, inflam-

^^ tapta, <^'.
tt? ^ro. 2. the body.
tanu, ed, boiling, burnt. 2. affected

tanukulu, pron. hon. with pain grief. or


plur. of 33o>. heated body. T$O^OJ mind

3$ tane,s.
Conceiving, breeding, affected with grief.
as cattle, sheep, etc. ?&$ ^33* tappu, .$
to be conceived.
2io^ to
atfoa, ao
be big with young.
^ tappa, ^. Sap; c/". ^, ^-

^>j the incipient stage of

bling for cocoanuts thrown in-
being with young. to a crowd of people. vurbrs
^?3ajjo> taneyuni (^), t'.w. Cat- to gamble with cocoanuts.
tle or animals to be big with
^jMc^s^ O-J
^, ^ois^cri
M oJ
pada, tappadappa, adv. Occa-
33J tapa, see 33$.
sionally, now and then, alter-
^sj^sj tapatapa, s. Palpitation.
^tra?*, ^3^015^, ^3JD~33 tapa- ^j CKJ
tappadeppu, ^. Conceal-
raku, taparake, taparatu, ^.
ing one's fault.
Slapping the cheek or temple. ^3j d?oj^ tappadesuni (^^^^3),
^3J^> tapala, s. A spear, lance. v. a. To hide, conceal, as one's
3s3 tapale, j. A large metallic fault, v. n. To escape, evade.
cooking vessel, saucepan. ^3iOfi tapparige, see 3~\a*.
tappa 270 tabbi

tappalipuni, see tabatuni (S3c8), r. 7?. To

be unpalatable to the taste;
tappavuni, c.v. (o/*fy to remain as after-taste.

$) To cause to err, evade. tabate, s. A kind of fish.

2. to extricate, disentangle, s. The name of a
deliver. -sicS^ the fruit of
3) tappu, s. A fault, mistake,
&J it, (eaten by children).
error. 2. an offence, crime.
S tabali, sec ^E^C.
_ 3jo2crc4s>
to accuse, charge
tabi, 5. Flavour, taste; also
with a fault or crime. ~^^\ ^83. ai//'. Savoury, delicious.
$ to err ;
s. A
commit a crime.
tabite, ^ ^^o.
tappu, leaf, foliage.
c^)^tabipuni (*e3), c-. a. To
vegetables, greens.
appease, as the appetite. 2.
^o^i tappuduni (^5), v. a,
to smack. 3. see &!4$>-
To beat the bush in hunting.
tabime, j. A follower.
tapputippu, see ^a^-
tabuku, J^ ^a:^.
tappuni (3). r. . To mis-
to miss, d tabukuda-mara, see
take, err, sin. 2.

escape, slip. 3. to fail in an

tabudippu, -^ ^^s^-
engagement or promise ;

ai^e^s. cSj^S ^Ic taburi, j. A pot. r.

a mistake; I missed. taburu, J. A kind of red

^cS it slipped from me, or I

tabuli, w<?
have lost.
tabule, see
s^otf tapperige, 3^tt.
r. To
tabepuni (*3), .

i^i tappoliyuni (*3g>).

long, eagerly desire.
"'. . To be covered with foli-
z3do^ taberuni (^ ^^),
v. a. To
age as a tree, to grow to leaf.
o^a* tapsllu, J. An analysis,
tabela, s. A stable.
detail, the particulars of an
account. a tray> 3^ tabta, see ^.

^EoS*' tabaku, ^. A salver or plate, ^^ s:s tabdilu, s. Change, alter-

To ation, variation.
jy tabakuni (^2^^),
T-. a.

desire, wish, covet, v. n. To ^\ m tabbibbu, ^. Distraction,

be allured, enticed, tempted. confusion. 2. variation, dif-

c~e7 tabatu, ^. ference. adj. Irregular.

acerbity. 3^$ to be unsa- tabbilu, see *&f. 2

tabbi 271 tara

.ej tabbila, see tamusaku, J. A Ijond.


Cx tabbili, ^ mepuni(^^), z 1
. a. To
a tabbuni ( pour, spill. 2. to cast into a
Jw ,

feel, grope.

tabbudibbu, see 3^w


tamepelu, s. Effusion,

320.x tabbuli, .y. An orphan.

tameyuni, see ^^Sowos).
adj. Low, vulgar. 2. weak,
infirm. tameru, s. One who gives
3. cowardly, timid.
a bride away in marriage; a
^otama, s. Darkness. 2. mental
darkness, ignorance. 3. world- guardian.
>oSo3jo tameriyuni (^o5),
ly delusion.
v. n. To extricate, disen-
^si)^ tamake, s. Leisure, respite,
tangle, save.
opportunity. delay, pro-
crastination. tameruni, see s^doa.
^jalbFS, a?i$,
sTOtSos to delay, put off, ^^0^;^) tameluni, tame-
vuni, v. n. To overflow, run
^dokS tamate, ^. A tambour. over or out. 2. to menstru-

2. a little drum. ate.

Sjs? flora tamoguna, s. The

}. tamaniyuni, j
quality of darkness; igno-

tamaru, tamara, J. rance; passionate or angry

Tin. disposition; cf.

tamaru, ta- tayapuni, see ^a^s.

mari, tamare, see tayaru, J. Preparation,

^ tamasu, j^ ^^o. readiness, adj. Ready.

> to become ready. a?>$

^^jsdoo tamamu, ta-
The whole, to keep ready. to
mamu, ^.
adj. All. rfctfo^
prepare, make ready,
J3^, ^sira?3 tamase, tamase, ^.

A show, fun, sport, amuse- tayi, w ^

ment. 7&8 a
pantomime, tayila, see ^e>.

one fond of show or amuse- tayili, ^^ ^3-

ments; a w-ig. 333^0$ to tara, ^. Kind, sort, class,
crack j okes,
to make grade. 2. manner, mode. 3.
fun. a line, 3d
[rf&s. row, range.
oo5 tamiru, s. A gimlet. 2. see
variety ; variegation ; gra-
jjo^, ^sl)0^o tamulu, tamulu, dation, order, method,
s. Tamil. ^a good match.
tara 272 tare

taraiiku, tarangu, tarabali, taravali,

sec ^. Kind, species; variety,
tarantuni, see ao diversity, adj. Various, di-

taraku, see rtt. verse.

tarakari, s. Vegetables 3^)S taripuni (a&), f. a. To

in general. lop off, as the superfluous
= branches of a tree; to clear,
tarakonuni (^
To 2. as a jungle.
r'. ;-t7?. receive, accept.
to hear, listen, mind. tariyuni (5), r. n. To
taradu, ^5r. ^ stay, stop, tarry, delay.
^dj taru, s. A small kind of fish
taraua, ^.
Fording, cross- ;

any little _X)3r, _eoo

ing, passing over.
"rfo^ a
~- taratamya, see 3a33si>o. swamp with such fishes.
aijs^aaj a small kind of
taratra, see #3&)-
tarapu, .s. A side, party. A bunch of
^Coozjo tarumbu, s.
2. care, custody. adv. To-
sdorl taruni, j. A girl, young
tarapuni (3), z
. . To
woman. 2. a wife.
rivet, fasten firmly. i\ n. To
3^rf tarune, J. A youth, young
be riveted, fixed.
3 do 3 taruva, see ^o.
tarapoli, see tt&v.
^6 tare, J. The head, top. 2. the
, slij^^Jj tarabety, tara-
hair of the head. gener- 3.
beti, s. Training, education.
ation. *3 from generation
to train, instruct. 5^
to generation. Bir^S^o^
upside down, topsyturvy, head-
tarasu, ^f
long. 3o3) poll-tax. %3 a
tarale, s. Slander, calum- head-load. ^ZT^B head-orna-
ny. 2. backbiting, tale- ments. headache.
bearing. SoBj
a mischiev- to behead, decapitate; to injure,
ous backbiter. -7^3 a sland- ruin. 33?:$ to leave the
erer, 3r^$ to head bare. T?jsSbF$ /tV. to
slander, backbite. offer the head to undertake,

tarantara, J^' ^<wo^d.

engage in; to submit; to take
taratara, s. Variety in the risk. -?\&odoo$, ScXors
goods. 2. distinction of rank, to be giddy, confused: to be
etc.; cf. atf.
tipsy; to become proud.
- w taraturi, J. Haste, speed. to impute, attribute.
tare 273 tarko

jjccka lit. the head to shake ;

wear away, to become thin,
to be improved in one's cir- wasted.
cumstances; to gain power. 35os tarelu, adj. Worn out.
Z)7\3 3i to bow the head ;
a blunt or worn out
to humiliate; to be modest, billhook.

-20X0 s the head to be tarevuni, see *5cbooa.
bowed down ;
to be ashamed ; taroli, J. A kind of
to be humiliated, -eo^ors to creeper ;
also 3^. 2. the tree
comb the hair. zSooa^s to Rhynchoglossum obliq., the
introvert the tuft-knot. <y leaves of which are used for
3 cleansing the head in bathing.
w^3)$ to thrive, prosper.
&3iS> the head to ache. ccbo^F obsSor a larger species of
#3 <-s(3 //. I have no head; the same. 3. a milky plant,
I have a severe headache, Ericyne.
taretra, s. A turban, head- tarolu, s. A kind of tree
dress. the leaves of which are used
^0* taremru, .s. Spring or by toddy-drawers to rub the
fountain on the top of a hill, horn of *palm trees, djstfoCo
irrigating the land below. 2. a white species of the same.
amuiotic fluid or fruitwater. dJ3^d tarotara, see stossfti

_ rf&odoo^ the amnios to burst d

tarra, see ritfj.
or break.
=^F tarka, ^. Dispute, discussion,
tarepuni (^3), v. a. To 2. creoSo
reasoning. logic.
grind, rub. 2. to try, assay
a disputant, sophist. arfg,
the science of logic.
tarebile, s. Exorbitant
to dispute, discuss,
price, overcharge. 2. the
price fetched by the first sale
tarkatti, tarkatte,
of goods.
^. The curved knife of a toddy-
taremande, s. The skull.
rfijBFpsosto quarrel to break ; tarkonuni (^ArK),
one's head over a business. v. a. To hold up in one's arms,
5>oS taremuri, s. Determina- as a sick person; *tfjlpw&

tion, resolution. 2jrfy&tosay j^3, a^^Fejo tarkolu, tar-

definitely, decisively ;
to make kolu, ^. A key. 2. a mid-
known one's resolution. wife. 3. assisting a woman in
oj.o> tareyuni (33), v. n. To labour. ^otfo^ to assist a
be rubbed off; to abrade; woman in labour.
targa 274 3s3 tale

targayi, see XXroso, talara, s. A kind of whit-

targode, s. Leanness,
low between the toes.
thinness. 2. a lean man. talasuni, see *ec3^^
&oFdo, ^JF^O tarjime, tarju-
under &<&>&
me, s.
sktfo^S) je)o^d, 3a)o^ talantara, ta-
to translate, interpret. lantra, ^.A generation an ;

iCT'F tardu, s. The testicles. age ; cf.


^Frs tarpana, s. Satisfaction. talavu, s. A large tank.

a religious rite, present-
2. talasu, j

Inquiry, search.
ing water to the manes of the 2. procuring, providing ^5o

deceased or to the gods.

to search to procure. ;

^.sLrs to present such water 2.

talipu, .y.
to satisfy, please. ?e&

!srar4), ^53)Fdo> tarpavuni, talipuni (^e), ^. . To

tarpuduni, c. i\
(of ^r$) To sprinkle.
cause to bring, send for. 2. o talu, adj. Thrashed, beaten.
to get, obtain. thrashed straw.
>3)F) tarpuni (^5), v. a. To ^ talukupadika, s. A
rivet, fix firmly. 2. to depress, topaz.
humble. ?'. n. To be riveted. A
3 tale, ^. rop, for climbing
2. to be depressed.

IsS-iFcs tarmena, ^<? ^e^^.

palm trees.
^ the hand-
rope, 535 the foot rope,
tarva, j ^o. _ ifjs^c^ 1
the whole apparatus
tarvelu, J."
Holding up in of a toddy drawer.

tarle, see &$$< ! 0200 talembu, s. A pillow.

tala, see
w& rf tf.
talenlru, sec ^3e5,
talambu, ^. The sun- talepatta, s. A head-orna-
hemp, Crotalaria juncea. ment of a devil-dancer.

talake, s. A slip or lath of talepu, s. Interruption,

a bamboo. ^^ the bone bet-
ween the wrist and elbow. talepuni (3*3),
?. ^. To
# talagulle, J^ Xjs^.
interrupt, hinder, stop, detain,
talapuni (^), '' . To delay.
arrive, reach; cf. 3e^$. talemani, s. A head
, ^-oS; talabu, talavu, ^. ornament worn by a devil-

Pay, wages. 2. a tribute in dancer. tj^tfotf a tasselled

a gamje of cards. headband of a demon-priest.
tale 275 tala

sisiow talemara, s. The frame cut away any leaves or brush-

of a thrashing stool. wood, to clear a bush.
A talkatti, see atfr^. tasara, see rfstotf.

talku, s. An ambush. tasibi, see ^~^.

>j,$ talkuni, see av^s. j*,,^?i!J tasku, taskara, s. A

u v. , tr ..

talpuni (*),
<z. '. To trick, wile, pretext. 2. a mis-
drop. 2. to knock, shake off, take, error.
as fruit from a tree. 3. to o* taskaru, s. Theft, robbery;
thrash, as paddy. 3m> 3jse&

a thrashing ox. 7L3 taskare, .T. A thief, robber.

talmena, s. Refreshment,
rj^, ^^ tastu, tastu, s. A
revival, relief. Cool,
adj. basin, broad mouthed vessel.
cold, refreshing, bracing. ^ 2^> ^2i r^^ ^^S*, ^r^ft
v a cool breeze.
tastiku, tastigu, tastlku, tas-
tallana, adj. Wavering, A government allow-
tige, s.
ance for a temple.
talli, s. A kind of cucumber


rosary of
^ taspi, tasbi,
^. The

talluni (*), P. a. To pene-

So, ^aoD taha, taha,
^. Consent,
trate, push in, press through.
2. to hide, conceal. agreement. 2. a contract;

talle, ^ ^t' ^ ^ -^ #/.y0 ^55s?ro^o. _-rfo^?> to

tfo$ to be proud, arrogant. agree; to contract.

&e3 tallepille. see *oe3S>o5.
S^ 6
tahasilu, ^. Collection

A scimitar, of revenue. cro^S the revenue

talvaru, s.
officer of a taluk, a tahsildar.
tavara, s. Tin.
35o&e^ the post of a tahsil-
tavayi, s. Delay, deten-
tion. 2. halting in a journey.
_sktfo^ to <$ tala, ^. Low ground, base,
halt, stop, delay.
bottom. 2. see &<3. eAndos
- tavu-, see under 3^.
to find out a place for a
tavunku, s. Agitation.
to lay a
building. -^w^s
tavukuda-mara, s. A
kind of fruit tree. 345^
foundation. 3^$ to lie

flat on the ground; to be

its fruit,
in a great calamity; to be
tavudu, ^^ s'Szlx
tavute, J^ s^^.
^ talatantra, s. Ruin,
tavuruni (45), ^. ^. To desolation, destruction.
tala .
276 tante

^ talatala, s. Glitter, lustre. tankavuni, c. :-.

-iSoo-^os to glitter, flash, To cause to nurse.

sparkle. 2. to cause to give (said by

J, 3^kf, talapata, talapat- Pariahs].

tu, s.Ruin; cf. 3tf3o^. adj.- io^o^i taakuni (3^=^), z-. a. To
Vacant, deserted, take care of, nourish, bring
waste. sfctfo^a
to devastate, up, foster, nurse, feed; shel-
desert. ter. 2. to give (said by Pa-
^tfsjd talapala, see **. riahs}.
r^ tangu, s. A support, prop.
3^~^, ^tfsijtf talabala, talamala,
^jabrs, cDTks to prop, sup-
s. Alarm, agitation. 2. ex-
port, provide with support.
haustion, weariness.
_^3r> supporting by holding
3ste6 talavare, s. A village
up in arms.
orio tanguni (^> 3 ^), f. . To
3<s>s>o^c5 talantara, see * wo^tf.
assist, help. 2. to prop, sup-
^s?e)0 talara, s. A sore in the toes. port, sustain.
talipuni, see ^3$. je>$3g)ci tangolipuni (^CT^S
taliru, J. A sprout, bud, ,

. . To support.
shoot. --"3 a tender leaf. tannuni, Jt^ ^>CAO^.

talu, see *v. tanca, sec T&O&.

,$ talepuni, see tancavuni, see

talpuni, see
JB *3^. tancuni, see
j* tantumontu, ^//.
^ talli, i'. Slander, calumny,
Crooked, bent. 2. vain,, useless.
defamation. 2. intercourse,
.s. Debris, fragments.
interference, association. 3.
<\ i\
^ tantavuni, (of
$ ^^. a^'. Slanderous.
To make touch, to
2. anonymous. teaSr an ano-
bring into collision or con-
nymous petition. tact. 2. to set one person
talluni, j^ ^ e)
^^- against another.
talle, ^. A heap. 2. plunder. tantuni (^-), v.n. To
touch, hit, come into collision

tankana, s. Fosterage, or contact with. 2. to quar-

fostering. -:ic3o a foster rel, fight.


3 sro-3
^ a foster mother.
a foster child. slender.
tante, adj. Lean,
-3^5 lean slender
tande 277 tata

legs. ^js?oS a cripple, a hit. aj&orfooi SjojorK to set

decrepit person. ^/soaoo a one against another,
slender horn.
rlo^i taguni (^?N), v. a. To
tandele, see 3oz. touch, hit, come in collision

.s . -A glutton. or contact with. v. n To be .

tantrike, ^r^ ^ejj. impressed, sensible. o-crfoK

3oa^4 37>Kc5 he was impress-
3e>ceoe3, 3e)ozoe3 tambati, tarn-
ed by what was said.
bate, see $oaDB.
e>23o) tacuni
3e>oWe>re tambana, s. A metallic (332?), ^. ^, TO
come in collision.
dish 0?*
tambula, ^. Betel leaf taja, adj. Fresh, new ge- ;

and areca nut, sierra chew- nuine. 2. fair, correct. -^oSo

ing betel.
bene, a postscript. a
fair -55^5 a genuine
tambra, s. Copper, copy.
Copper-coloured. ri eSozoo a
copper-pot. ri 3X5 a cop-
tajlpu, ^'. Marvellous.

per plate. s^^, aoz^stf calx tatanka, ^. An ear-orna-

or oxide of copper. ment.

J^fcSsdod ^. The tataki, j. A female giant.

tree Morinda 2. a quarrelsome woman.
3"5>U tati, j.
takika, J. True report, Clapping the hands;
correct information. -^y^^ to clap
the hands; to
D-S-a4 ,
3^-S-a takitu, ta- applaud,
takidi, s. An order, tate, j. A kind of fish.

command, injunction. ^a tadane, j.

Beating, whip-
to order, direct. ping.
tadi, see &^S.
oc3j3^o takuto-
ku, takudoku, s.
Responsi- 3^)do tadu, J.
Goring <2/^ sszssy.

bility; risk, liability, adj. SDC^O^ taduni (s^S), ^. . To

Responsible; liable. gore with the horns to butt.

takuni (33^), v. n. To &d&& s. The act of

hit, touch; SSAO^J.
cf. goring or butting.
taga, adv. Pointedly, direct- tana, s. A place cf. ste 5*.

ly; explicitly. to say

-3f^$ a lampstand!
directly, refer pointedly.
tatayi, tatayi,
tagavuni, c. v.
(of ssXo J.
Caraway seed, Curum
To cause to touch, make carui; cf. ^ ?-dia.
tati 278 tara

a tati, s. A kind of ornament; made of paper and tinsel by

Mussalmans at the Moharam.

taturi, s.
Eloquence, 315^: tabe, s. Control. 2. charge,
ability, cleverness; cf. t^>^o care. ^ gssSS ero^ he
v is in
otfor. 2. love, affection; cf. your charge.
tamakayi, see
3);l tate, s. A grand-father. 2.
tamani, see
Brahma .

tamayi, see
tatparya, .?. j. The lotus
Sentiment, opinion, notion.
flower, Nyinph(za pubescens ;
2. love, affection. 3. purport, '.

also 33^j3^s. idjfJ the seed

meaning. 4. object, intent,
of a lotus. 3=5 the stalk
design, purpose. ~^s of a lotus.
tell one's opinion. &?;$> to
>do66j3ri tamareroga, s. A
care, favour.
wasting disease of children.
3Dd tatsara, J. Slight, dis-
r\) 2. green sickness.
respect, contempt.
tamasa, s. Laziness, in-
tadi, see
[goods. dolence. 2. delay, procrasti-
nation. 3. anger, passion.
33 pi* tanu,/^w. Self, one's self. _croo3o. gs'doAj a sluggard: a

2rs^ tana, w ^" passionate man.

tamisra, J. Great dark-
tanike, see
Se;^^ ^^. the dark half of
g^3i ^.
tapa, Heat, burning.
ness. -^
the lunar month.
2. fever, inflammation. 3. an-
tame, 6'

guish, distress.
^. Grief, distress, trial, 3)six tamra, ^^ 3D=a:j-
trouble. 3e>oao tayi, s. Mother.
tapi, J.
A trowel.
ssoaortozS tayigande, s. A rogue,
tapipuni (^>-), v. a. To cheat, scoundrel, ffoc.
burn. 2. see &> &$& 3^05023^0* tayiberu, J. The prin-
tapu, s. A watchman's cipal root of a tree, taproot,
stand in a field. 2. an ambush. taru, s. A rivulet. 2. tar.
e>tws>o tabulu, i-. A tinsel, brass tara, s. A star. two pie. _'.

2. the cuts, as of a
leaf. 3. crossing, passing over.
precious stone. 3s>Crs tarana, J. The eighteenth
s. The cage Hindu cycle. 2.
tabutu, year of the
tar a 279 tala

the act of crossing. 3. perse- mendation. 2. novelty, rarity,

cution. 4. a raft, float. to commend, praise.
Oo taratamya, s. Kank, c tarunya, s. Youth, man-
state, condition. 2. distinc- hood.
tion, discrimination. taruni (ss5), v. n. To
3"SD^o3o tarayi, s. A cocoanut. sink in, plunge. ^5 feet to
_ rf rf sxKkzS the shell of
&by sink, as in mire.
a cocoanut. 'dctfti a large dosjoSD* s. Con-
cocoanut. ^e& a small hard fusion, disorder. e?>$ to
cocoanut. a?4^i a cocoanut become confused.
of the (Laccadive) isles. ^
tare, J. The cocoanut palm,
d- .? Ttotf*?.
to play Co cos nucifera. Xoa? _ a short
with cocoanuts by knocking cocoanut palm. ^? a?4si_a ,

one against the other, the species from the (Laccadive)

person who breaks the co- isles, bearing small cocoa-
coanut of the other gains it. nuts, do?' a species, bear-
c. v. rf sU
3^>o^s3)> taravuni, (of-grt^ ing large cocoanuts.
To drive in. 2. to immerse.
s^* the stalk ^
midrib of a
3e>o tari, s. The palmyra, Bo- cocoanut leaf.
rassus flabelliformis. ^o<5
taroli, J^ ^tSjs^.
the bulb of a fragrant grass,
Fcl tarkane, s. Substantia-
Cyperus rotundus. tf tfs?
tion, proof, demonstration.
palmyra toddy. 2. ^Lrs, rfo
vessel for palm-wine.
s&ySto substantiate.
a kind of sparrow, building
tarkike, ^. A sophist,
its pendent nest on a palm
tree. zSoS a kind of grass, disputant.
3Sc5r tarkolu, see
Cyperus hexastachyus.
the fruit of the palmyra tree.
tarmaru, ^^
_ rf
jaggory made from
t3<^ tala, ^. The metallic lid of

palm juice. ^>^3 a poison- a cooking utensil. 2. see &v3.

ous snake. ri ^od5 the rt a talangadi, ^. The wooden
midrib of a palm-leaf. peg by which a water-lift is

tarini, J. A goddess pe- fastened to the stem.

culiar to the Jains. o s. A
talavya, palatal
\*&.^ SDS^o tariku, tariku, letter; gram.
A date, clay of the month, DG^ talanke, s. A name of
tarlpu, s. Praise, com- Balarama.

A i, j. The marriage badge. tasaye, ^r a?-

worn by a female. 2. a metal
tasildare, ^<?
tumbler or small pot. 3. a under 33o&?>.
kind of grass. ^Wo s> to tie
H )?3 tase, Jd?t' 33zt
tbe marriage badge to the
tasemi, ^6^ ro^so.
neck. ^4. a kind of climb-
taha, ^^ ^3o-
ing shrub.
A cymbal. 2. tune,
tala, s.
taliye, see ss3g.
beating time in music. 3o?tf
o talimu, J. Gymnastics,
music and play. to
athletic exercise. sSjaii^s
^eoo^s to beat time.
practise gymnastics.
tali, see s&. 2. &? 3395.
talu, s. The throat. 2. the

palate. is^?i taluni (s^f), r. n. To

jejo^o taluku, ^. The division bear, endure, suffer, forbear,
of a district. have patience,
taluni (s ^), 3 "'. ?2. To fall tale, see sad

off, drop down; cf. 3s) ^ talme, ^. Patience, forbear-

tale, ^^ ^^- ance. 2. endurance.
,^ talpuni, 3c-3- tinki, j^<? So?>.

talyatundu,) s. A o-3-O, vso^S tinkiri, tinker!, J.

cloth worn A
special only by very small piece or strip
weavers. of anything, adj. Thin, fine,
r-i^sikf, talyapattu, s. A cob-
o, w wiry.
30=3 tinke, -^ S^r.
talyapuri, ^. A spider.
tinkri, ^6' l!ec-*&
talye, ^. A weaver. 2. a
tingapuri, J. A larva,
A metallic tube
3D c3 tavaji, ^.
i;6 tingabare, see AjcXerod
for keeping an amulet, money,
etc. tingara, J. Ornament, de-
3e>6 j^ coration. 2. SboXd.
tavare, see awriotf. 2. .re<2

es5. s. Poison.
CO tingi,
IAVU, J. A sheet of paper. lit. to mix poison; to foment
-'.death; cf. ^4- 3. place, a quarrel. sstSos to poison;
room. to taint.
tlsha, s. A kind of drum.
cfljsd tingode, s. The first
tisu, s. An hour.
day of a solar month, which
3e>cj tasayi, ^ is considered unlucky.
tingo 281 0=05,

tingolu, s. The moon. tirngavuni, c. v.

2. a month. ~AO April. To turn, whirl, make
May. TO3r> June, e?^ July. return. 2. to
change, convert,
&3?r August. 5j3o or s^ro gain over. ^^020 to break
September. djsoM 0r ^rJ a promise; to deny. ^o^5>_
October. &s>:3r November. to change the mind. ^3^
stos^r December. $osuo<5 to gain over a witness.

January, ^raoso February. vBofVeS tirngunaye,


Tb^ March.
^s a kind of tirngele, s. A rover, vagabond.
large worm. eSjs^ moon-
ri 2. a backslider, unsteady man.
light, moon-shine. rf ?doeotf
rtjF> tirnguni (^^ ir
v. n.

monthly pay or salary, To turn, revert, revolve,

tinna, s. Repetition, whirl, turn back. 2. to shift,

tindada, -r. A rag.

as the wind. 3. to move,

tindruni (3c5j), v.a. To wander, travel about. &-S

to be giddy; to become proud.

eat all, guzzle; cf. 3^$.
8o-%r8 zfrabs to go for a 'walk,
ow^ timbatu, adj. Worthless.
take a walk; cf.
oofc3. timbatte, s. A vagabond,
tirntuni, see
worthless man.
tirmbi, s. A kind of fern
timbare, see ^020-5. ;

also Sort,c&.
timbulu, s. A thimble,
tikani, see
timbele, J. A glutton.
tikku, s. Entanglement,
tirngudu, ^J/ ^r/. %

intricacy, perplexity. 2. dif-

(of <cXor^) Having turned. ficulty, distress, trouble. 3. see
Again, once more. &? to get entangled.
is&j. ^fe^s
k& to return, go back, go a^tfos to be entangled.
again. sobrs to come again ;
\k5* tikkattu, s. A labyrinth,
to return from a walk. ax<- uo$ Tj Eo

maze, intricacy.
to be upset, overturned; to
>L> tikkatuni (S^S), v. n.
rebel, revolt.
A To be matted, as hair. 2. to
3orircl tirngane, J. pivot,
a screw. be entangled; to be intricate.
hinge, swivel. 2.

3oriF5Jjoorir tirngamurnga, adv. ,6 tikkale, adj. Short and

or .

topsy-turvy, pell-mell.
oonsrii tirngata, s. Excursion, ^' tikkavuni, c. v.
(of &&%
walk, roaming. 2. turning, )
To ensnare, entangle. 2.

change. to fix. 3. to button.

tikku 282 3a tidi

tikkuni . a. To have charge, -r.-^-^ to suf-


rub, brush, polish. T-. 72. To fer from heart-burn.

be ensnared, caught. 2. to f\i tigite, ^6- K3.

be seized, apprehended, c.dat. orioo^^ tigipuni, tigu-

To find, get, obtain. puni (S*N, SK),
t-. c?. To split,
;kote, see S^jsrB. slit, cut, saw, tear.

tigute, J. A split, splinter, rijdoS, 3rto,^, ^rtj^o^ tiguru-

slip, piece. to split. ni, tigruni, tiguluni (3Xo5,

divide, saw. SKj),
t r
. n. To sprout, shoot,
germinate. 2. to split.
tigupuni, J
tigte, see
3e3 titti, ^. White spots on
3rt tiga, 5-. A beehive. 2. honey. 3

5 bees. - leaves; c/. eots^

titte, j^
a honeycomb. 3^ aSZ^.

3 zireodj^ bees' wax. tittesi, J- Interference,

honey. 3^,?^
_3 Asajofe! a small kind of intermeddling. 2. annoyance,
bee. trouble; /$0 ela ?^.

iii tigadi, ^. The Indian 3fl tine, 5-. A small open ve-
Ipom&a turpdhum.
s. Con- 33 titi, see ft 5.
fusion, tumult. 33^0 tittiri, s. Playing upon a
etc. 2. a top. 3. a
tigate, tigatti, ^^ pipe,
partridge. ^^s to play at
tigale, j. Thebreast, chest, tops.

heart. 2. courage. Xo&5 a 3 3^0 3^,0 tittiribittiri, s. An

unfair dealing.
giant; a big, lazy fellow; a
3 AJSC^,_ rfXjsTli, 3^ tithi, s. A lunar day. '2.
~ ^^4 the hollow the annual ceremony per-
of the
formed to one's deceased an-
breast; bravery. pain
in the chest. cestors.
^sg anger, rf

wrath. &a?jra to brave 3C3*, 3S tidu, tidi, adj. Small.

encounter with courage; to 3n*o33 tidunkara, s. Sitting on

be hold. _5 o?Sj$ to give in the feet, -tfotfo^ to sit on

charge; to hold responsible. the feet.

Mic hua.rt to palpitate. 3a tidi, sec
35. 2. see ^a-

.j3,ra the heart to break; 3&o2 tidipanca, adj. Dwar-

to labour hard. 5 eojj-rfoa to fish, short.
tidda 283 timu

7j)$ tiddavuni, c. v. The creeper Cly-

33J53tipale, ^.
To get corrected, rectified, pea Burmanni. 2. an appli-

altered, cation for the head, generally

via ?^ tiddige, s. Correction, train- prepared of the leaves of this


ing, renovation. .
^o^o an plant.
erect pillar. 20^4 settled tipila, tipule, see

3dJS tidduni (35), v. a. To 33J tippa, adj. Small.
correct, mend, reform, rectify, tippi, s. A cocoanut shell.

^ ///. to correct the ^JS?^ ///. a cocoanut shell
hand; to acquire a good pen- and a stick; beggary. t/se

manship. Q
5 ctfuo.cS to come down to

3does 3Ja, 3doQ 53DeJ tiddupadi, tid- beggary. ^o"5 a small breast,

dupata, s. Correction, amend- resembling a cocoanut shell.

ment, modification. 2. refor- e?^ the lower half of a
mation. ^otf^s to correct, shell. 3(8 or,: the upper half
amend, modify. of a shell. ^T3^_ the skull.
3d o tiddya, adj. Junior, young- & C) tippili, J. A kind of borer.
^ an aunt, 2*. . mother's
younger 0r younger
^^a,s*, 3^^,^ tippivok-
kelu, tipyokkelu, s. A poor
uncle's wife. o3o an uncle,
i. e. father's younger brother,
^) tippu, see a?&y
or aunt's husband.,
s3. tippe, s. A heap, pile. 2. a
3c^Ox)oo3o tiddyaye, s. A young oJ
tibila, s. A hand-lamp,
3 do,
tidpu, see 3$r.
3d, tidma,
^. A kind of fish.
tiburu, s. A crack, split.
3^7^ tinasu, see

3FS tine, see 3s3.

& tibbi,tibbe, s. Hemming.
^ tinpavuni,
tibralu, s. Treble dis-
To feed, nurse. tilled arrack.

^ tinpini (^^), To eat, "'
. timare, s. The Pennywort,
consume. 2. to destroy, waste. Hydrocotyle astatic a.
3. to receive, as bribes, blows, timin^ijilu, s. A whale.
etc. to get blows,
3^ timukuduni (S^oo
to take bribes. To jostle, push;
^o5), .

,s3 tinpele, ^. A glutton. to try to escape from a crowd.

timu 284 r tirkei

timukuni, ti- tirupu, see 3^r.

muruni (S^bo^F. 3^jo5), r. .
tirubanji, see
To throng, crowd. tirumuru, ^.
timekolu, see a wealth. 2. exchange.
tiyara, -svr -?^- 3 do doja 3r tirumurti, ^^ 5,3oj? Br.

tirunguni, tiruva, JtT 33r.

tira, -ytftf Aitf.

tiruvana, J. A nitpick.

-/ tirasu, see tiruve, ^^ 3?^r.

tiraskara, s. Contempt, tiruli, ^. A kind of round

chisel or gimlet.
disrespect, reproach, affront.
D tiri, J. A sprout, shoot, sprig,
tire, tirekajipu,

germ ;
the tender branch of a
2. the wick of a tirku, J. A band, tie made
palm. lamp ;

of the fibre taken from the flat

&&. STOQSJ a harelip. &>
side of the cocoanut branch;
a thin body. 15>:4> to cease |

zfc~. rotSos to fasten the

to sprout. cf.

cocoanut blossom with such
sprout, shoot.
a tie.
the point of the nail.
tirkattu, s. The slip-knot
'& tirikattu, see ^rl^. Co
of a rope used for drawing
tiriyara, ^r. Within
water. 2. see
33^. zarbs
reach of the hand; below, to fasten a band, peg, etc.
tirkade, s. The lower part
liru, s. A bow string. 2. a
of any thing.
short stick used to tighten,
tirkayi, see 3^~.
as the string of a bow, etc.
tirkavuni, c. i<.
csrfo?i to tie a bow- (^/S^or
^u^a, To make lean, to weaken.
string. [church.
_ z^ tiru, adj. Holy. ^ the holy tirkasu, adj. Obli(|tie,
slant, sloping, adv. Obliquely,
tirunguni, see aslant.
tirugane, J<v Ss; roijj tirkuntu, s. An undci--

;-3 tirudana, ^ r^ tirkuni

(%&'), n. To -<'.

", ^dj?5 tirupa, tirupe, s. be Iran, weak nls > Aj^or^.;

Alms, charity. r tirk^, ^. A split, splinter;

: j tirupati, J. A celebrated
place of pilgrimage in North ^^" tirkei, s. A water jar, pit-
Arcot. cher. 2. a handful. t,&z>
i^j^F tirko 285 J>^ tila

to join the hands for receiv- ^F tirpu, s. A swivel.

-~ :

ing anything. ^ a small a head-ornament.

pitcher. tirpuni (S5), v. a. To
i^.^ri; tirkote, s. A lean or twirl round.
weak man. J. The abdomen,
3=aJ?)?F<2>j tirkolu, bowels.
3rtFrf tirgaue, see 3oXrs3. tf r tirbe, J. A piece, chip ; cf.

tirguni, J&:
tirnane, s^ tirmuru, Exchange.

s^F tirtu, ;/<:'. Down, beneath, tiryande, s. A kind of

below, under, adj. Lower,
subordinate. o&Fd tiryara, adj. Low. adv.
so^ topsy-
turvy. 20^0 s> to fall down. Below, downward, under.
Lower side or tirlu, s. The core, heart of
tirtatt^, s.
level. a lower field. a tree. =5-stl>$ to come to

tirtadya, s. The thresh- age, to fye full-grown.

old, lower step, under frame. 3^Ftirle, ^. A full-grown, strong

5Fff tirtane, J. The lower part man -

of a slope; cf.
es& 3dr tirva, s. A kind of timber

rO tirtara, s. An inferior kind. |>?3F tirse, see ^A-

adj. Lower, inferior. adv. s. The bandage ^^

Below, under. crown of a stack of corn.

tirthattu, see ^>^\ 52
tilu, s. The spleen, milt.
tirduni (^ S;r ), v. n. To 2. a<5.

turn. 2. j^ Srf^a. s; tila, s. The gingely oil seed,

^P tirpanatre,
^. A place Sesamum indicum. ^Ttitb
near Cochin; the former resi- the sesamum flower. ^~fs,
dence of the Cochin kings. UsSjsed^ sesamum seed and

Fr tirpani, ^. A fund for the water, presented as an of-

repairs of a temple. fering to the manes of the

F3 tirpati, see
ST>. departed ancestors. ^e>
3^0 gingely oil. Ketoro^ a
tirpali, J. Long pepper. cro?3,

siFs3 tirpale, J^ ^3- gift of sesamum.

r. y. tilaka, ^. A sectarian or
sSD^Jj^ tirpavuni, (o/S%r
To settled.
ornamental mark on the
s) get made,
forehead. 2. a freckle, mole.
2. $ S?ojF4N. ^5c7\i)5 to
make gold ornaments. tilavuni, ^
tila 286 !es tira

tilana, see Se^ r. 2. ^^ tmtaVuni, c. 7'.

(of ^o
To cause to splash,

tilavu, see tlntuni (3?o), v. n. To

tilodaka, ^ under eo. splash; a/

tilladuni Se <'. 0. tlmpu,

( g,S),
To tlmpuni (Sec), z

dissipate, disperse, scatter.
. .

a snort, breathe heavily. 2. to

tillana, J. Humming
tune. snivel; cf. 3oosoc^$.
?os5s3 timpele, s. A sniveller;
3e!^, 353Dn) tivasu, tivasi, s.
A kind of carpet, a rug. 2. Cf.

a cushion. ^cibr^ tirntuni, J^ ^^oUo.

tili, 0d^'. Transparent, clear. ^ tlku^^^/'. Tasteful, savoury.
2. distilled ; cf. *, *. -S>e& *
tikara, tikeru, adj.
clear, <?/ filtered water. Sweetish; not pungent, not

o5J^^, vl^od^ri tiluvalike, ti- properly seasoned.

luvalige, s. Understanding, tlkode, s. A kind of fish.

intellect ; knowledge, infor- i

tlge, ^6' A?*
mation. tlduni (S?S), f. a. To rub,
tillapilla, see derobe. 2. to irritate.
" ' ' '
oo co press.

:ille, ^^ sl^. *, 3P?J tmu, tini, J. Food,

meal, diet. 2. a glutton.
3^0^-D, o^o^D. o^o^. tinkiri,
tlpale, see
tmkeri, tmkri, s.
for the festival of the female sS tipe, ^. Sweetness. <//'.

demons ^^ vstiX. 2. see Sweet, fresh. 3^ the liquo-

rice. ^oK sweet potato, Goa
tinku, J^ potato, Dioscorea aculeata.
timullu, s. A kind of
35 0=^3* tmkelu,
touch-me-not, Cccsalpina ini-
tlntuni, see A;
)J tlntata, see ^ A nit. the egg
tlru, s. 2.

7>^3 tmtara, tintha- of a bug. 3. see S?^r. _ 3?o>

ra, s. Dispersion, dissipation. a small louse. &:
_'. ruin, waste. ^ls to be- doa. ^8_
a crushed nit.

come dispersed ;
to be ruined. 3^D tlra, </r/y. Entire, whole.
to waste. Wholly, entirely. 2. decided-
i tmtare, s. A destitute ly, positively.
miserable man. tlrandi, see under
tira 287 tungg

tlrate, , tlrtha, ^. Pure

tiravuni, see water, sacred water in which
an idol is bathed; a bathing
tiri, see &?8.
place of pilgrimage. 2. a
tlrike, .?. Conclusion, end.
bathing place. octo;fj pil-
s* tlrinaty, j&2 'SetfojroH.
grimage to a sacred river.
3?0?oo> tlrisavuni,
ste^fi bathing in sacred
tlrisuni, c. v. (of 3?tfo$) To fi-
water. Aa&rji to administer
nish, conclude, complete. 2. sacred water, to give water to
to settle, decide, determine. drink. eobr$ to spring forth,
3. to pay off, as a debt. as water from a fountain.
rfjc3e53* tirunatu, adv. As far
, tirnike, ^ sJesr^.
as practicable, to the extent see ^?Q
of one's ability.
tiruni (Se5), 77. . To be s.
tirpu, Settlement,
finished, settled, c. dat. To
adjustment, decision, decree.
be able. <?dca (<?. part.) e?b$ to be settled, -
incapable, infeasible, unset- to decide, adjudge.
tled endless, inexhaustible.
tlrpuni, see

Hetfco eo^ work beyond one's

tirvike, J. Conclusion,
to perform. cfcrfoK
settlement, adjustment.
he is not well. e?cdo5
w s3r tlrve, ^. Land assessment,
heit not able to do it.
is is done. S?5^s?b?),
tlrsavuni, see S?8rfs
)setbs> to end, expire,
tlsa, J^ ae^-
tlrumana, J. Conclu-
e^ tlkshana, tlkshna,
sion, settlement, completion. *^\
j. Haste', hurry. 2. heat,
adj. Complete, final, adv. Fin- warmth, pungency. #</?".

-d 83e3, -TSjodo the lowest
Sharp, quick; hot, warm, pun-
price. to settle, re-
3otfo^s> gent.
solve, determine. tunkuni, see ^c^o^.
do=$ tiruvike, see S?a-^. ofl tunga, s. The river Tunga.
6 tire, see 3?tf. 2. height, loftiness, adj. High,
^. lofty. #rfj the river formed
tlrelu, Termination,
conclusion. by the junction of Tunga
s. and Bhadra.
rtrd. tlrgade, Completion.
2. see tungaye, ^. A tall man.
288 tuga

tungaye, s. A kind of tumbuni (^oo-Ji),

seed. To bear, carry, as a load. 2.

^o2o tungayi, .?. A fragrant to fill. 3. to endure, suffer.

kind of grass. v, n. To be filled, full. 3

^oorfo tungu, see ^eoXo. srorf. s^)^d to suffer from
a false accusation, s^^a^
tunta, adj. Mischievous,
33 impu- to be guilty. s& 5- to carry a
impudent, wicked.
load, rfsw- to be in debt, ^oc
dence, wickedness.
300^0 e &>5Lrs> to carry an idol
^oo 13, ^oo &3a tunti, tuntedi, s.
A mischievous or impudent in procession, round its tem-
woman. ple.

3-ci2 tunte, s. A wicked or impu- tumburu, see 3oa?d.

dent man. ^00^06 tumburu, tum-
^oodo tundu, s. A piece, slice, bure, s. A celestial chori-
bit. 'S'ooUo a rag. Xoa^, ster.
&>o The plant Phlo-
Xo^Fi a short cudgel. c tumbe, s.

3j pieces, fragments. mis indica.

4s to patch, join pieces. sra Wild
to fell a tree in blocks. vegetation. -^ja54^ wild vege-
to cut into pieces. tation to grow; to fall in

sd tunde, 5. The cover of leaves ruins.

round the loins, as worn by tumbo.
Koragar women. c3&j a nuni, tummonuni, reft. v. (of
black kind of the five-leaved *joeoo^) To bear or suffer for
chaste-tree. one's self, to be patient.
tunna, see xbore. turmbu, see

ooP^ tunnangu,
tun- tukadi, s. A piece, rag,
nei, ^. The scurf or mealy fragment, bit. 2. the division
crust of the body. of a district. 3. rank and
-j tumba, adj. Full, complete. file, to divide, to

tumbavuni, c. v.
(of put into files.

To cause to fill, load, ,

o tukkutukku, s. Skip-
lade. 2. to ping; strutting. 2. arrogance,
accuse, impute,
attribute. haughtiness. -eraXoga to skip;
The blackbee. to strut.
tumbi, 5-.

2. J&? *:od. ey?3rf , j^ ?iooa. tukre, sec *if$j.

. -j*" tumbilu, -v.

Sneezing. tugadi, tugudi, see
^s> to sneeze.
tuga 289 k tudu

tugaty, s. The skin, bark, tude,


5 . The thigh, shank,

rind. ^^s, Stools, c3 side piece; cf.
^. ^"do

i^s to skin, pare, peel. ^ the hip. -^^050 a side

tucca, #;//. Small, little, plank, so?*, srotf a bubo,
mean. 2. void, empty, desert- venereal ulcer; cf.
ed. 33 contempt, scorn, tudepuni, ^
vileness. 200
^ low-minded-
tunangu, J
ness, to despise,
-rfotfo^ The
tune, J. gummy juice
exuding from the stalk, etc.
tuccata, s. Biting. 2.
cr of certain fruits. 2. arro-
dispute, quarrel. to
siitf^s gance, pride. sgw^S)
to be
dispute or abuse mutually.
23"3 s3) tuccavuni, (of c. r. ^ s. A sort of drone
To cause to bite, chase.
E^N) corresponding a bagpipe. 2.
2. to join, unite.

e3 tucci, see 3o .

Cff tuttari, see

^j> tuccuni O^sf), 7'. a. To c. v. ^>
5* .
tuttavuni, (of
bite. 2. to be joined, united. To cause to
s) dress, clothe.
tuccelu, s. A vicious ani-
^. Dressing. ^ocuj
mal; a biting animal, adj. clothes, raiment. ^5^ dress,
Vicious; biting.
clothing, covering.
tujji, see
z &j tuttuni (^lo), "'
a. To
S3, soe3, tuti, tutti,
J. Dearth, dress, wear, clothe.

scarcity. ^//'. Dear, scarce, tutturi, s. A trumpet,

rare. crooSo a trum-
horn, pipe.
tuda, adj. Bored, scooped peter, piper. /X5&4$ to blow
out $><&. -djrfcoo a
; a horn <?r trumpet.
trough made of a palm stump. ? Point, end, extre-
A a lamp.
tudaru, tudaru,
mity, top. ^ the arm from
^. light ; ^^ the elbow. ^00^ complete-
iron hand-lamp. o3o?3
lamp to the top. -rfooc3
ly;up top
oil. eo3 the --dx>36 ^^c:3
lamp-light pro- and bottom. S3
cession of an idol, etc. ~^> Wasfca
aimless, purposeless.
33^'$ to light a lamp. to be sufficient, convenient.
tudale, see _-^ouasto finish, complete. ^
tudi, j^ && the point of a sword.

oj^ tudupini, tudunkara, J

tude 290 turu

^3 tude, s. A river, stream. tuyimbuni (*oo5j;.

208 the bank of a river. S 7

. w. To hiss. 2. to grow
to ford a river. angry. 3. to blow the nose;

tudeculli, .r. The holly- Cf.
leaved acanthus, Dilivaria .c^tuyimpele, s. A fretful

ilicifolia. person. 2. a sniveller.

tudemadirengi, ^. tuyilu, sre ^ooso^.

The tree Crahera niri'ala.
turanga, see zirtoA. 2.

f&sSo, 3j?3j?3 tunusu, tunuse, s.

A kind of grass or nettle. turana, ^6- ^re.

Tragia involucrata. turala. '.. ^o.

>$ tune, see

turale, J^ jsrl<5.

s3e)& tupaku, tupaki, ^oD)02)j turayi, ^. A crest-like

. A gun, musket. head-ornament worn by males.
tuppati, ^^
^U rfo^tf. a crest, plume of feathers.

tuppe, J. A stack, heap ^oO turi, s. A cramp-iron, brace.

of corn or rice. S^F a
^00 3 turita, sec &>&r.
stack with a crown of twisted
and ears of 3jO&>, 3>)033)> turipini, turipuni
rope of straw z

a. To as
(go&), .
paddy. sS the crown of a
beads. 2. to bore, perforate.
stack. #3 eft a kind of
$3_ to bore the ears ;
to wish-
per; to backbite.
to sit in a coil,
^jOGdoo^i turiyuni (*^), v. n. To
as a serpent.
be stringed. 2. to be bored,
^O^JD^ tuphanu, s. A cyclone, ax?rd- ^J55
storm. 2. calamity, misfor-
fall, as powder from decayed
tune. 3. a serious imputation.
tubbu, sec xL)>ou .

ij ^oooturu, adv. Violently, strong-

tubbu, s. Discovery, as of ly. ^3$ to pick flesh from
stolen property; detection, a carcass, as a vulture.
as of an offence. to vie as puppies when suck-
^x^j tumuku, s. Pressure, ing-
throng. L turung-u, s. A prison.
doj^o^tumukuni, see IteJoo^os.

tuyi, J. A feather, quill, turumbu, s. Chaff.

the plume of birds. to winnow.
;^, ioc&>oejo tuyimpuni, turutu, sec
turu 291 tullu

? turuna, see Quick, hasty, swift.

to hasten, accelerate, be quick.
turuta, see
turli, 5-. Obeisance.
turuturu, adv. Swiftly,
quickly. tula, s. A balance. 2. simi-

2. a larity. 3. 62 ^0TO.
turupu, 5-.
trump <?r winning card. )^tulaci, tulasi, . The
turupuni, ^<2 go Bib a. holy basil, Ocimum sanctum ;

a/(? ^jse^. _ the embank-

turuvayi, 3^
ment round a basil plant.
worship paid to it.
^psS ^orJ
turuvonuni, v. re/I.
beads made of wood of the
To embrace, take in.
holy basil. 3jse3, _ ;tfd a
odj?do turudu, a^r 1

Fast, necklace of those beads. 3oo
tightly. ss^s to hold fast,
"cka kind of earring. JTOOSO
od ture, s. A water-gou rd, pump- the wild basil, Ocimum al-
kin . 3 e9ozl a large calabash
used by toddy-drawers for col-
2J3 tula, s. The
sign Libra.
lecting toddy, or by mendi- 2. the seventh solar month.
cants as a vessel. 3 4s?^o
tulavuni, .

the shell of an over-grown

gourd. ^ eojstfo the creeper

tuli,^^'. Sweet, fresh. Se5
of water-gourd.
fresh water.
^F^OS turkamata, J. Moham-
medanism. ^)^, ^oojjj^ tulipuni, tuli-

^. yuni (^ 3
f. a. To churn,
^rfii turkali, Distention,
make butter.
puffing. 2. pride, insolence.
.$<? ^oeScxioo^.
igpe^o) to be proud, insolent; tuliyuni,

to be troublesome. tule, see ^ja3.

^F^JC?) turkalyuni (^o^?"^), tulebara, .

To be one's self against gold, etc.
7 n. distended, as an

overloaded stomach. &8W>;3i$> to get one's self

turke, s. A Turk, Mus- weighed against gold and dis-

sulman. tribute it in charity.

kJoF turtu, ^. A female's hair tulya, adj. Comparable,

tied into a knot. analogous, equal.
FSF turna, see ^r. ow
tullatulla, see go^^otf.

tulli, see 00
sF, ^OSOF turta, turtu, ^. f" 5

ex>> a.
Swiftness, haste, speed, adj. - tulluni,

tulle 292 tunku

sj tullela, tullyala,
(*>,), . . To
5j tuva, .s-.
Overflowing, run- turn. 2. to leap,
roll, jump.
ning over.
s'o* tullelu, J". A marriage
tuvvi, J^ 3ooso.
among Pariahs; also
, tusku, #<//. Useless, vain,
3 tu, ^. Fire. ^". Fiery.
unmeaning; also 3?kj.
2. ardent.
tulasi, -$ goaeJ.
bright. 3.
matches. 3 #5 soot. 3 ^3
), ^o?e)^)ri tulapini, tula- the scar of a burn. ^ ^<5 a
vuni (^^>), ?'. #. To row, flint stone. 3 &i5, _^ _^
paddle, steer; cf. ^ocfvg a spark. 3 ^octi, _3
tuli, see Tbv.
_^ 7^00 a fire pit. 3
tulipuni, ^ ^jsciS,

&?^, a firebrand.
ft coals.
tuliyuni, burning
flame. ^ 47^ smoke.
tulu, J. Talu. ^/. Of or
a box of matches. 3
belonging to Tulu. K^t-hc t=^
Tulu people, -fe^ the Tulu -^"^.
-^ 4^v a burn, scald,

country. -EJTO^ the Tulu blister. 3 M$ the heat of

language. fire. 9a>F$ fire to burn.

tulukuni, J^ deec^os. eroa^S to blow fire. 2o^0j$

tulutaye, ^. A native to poke fire. tfjatf^s fire to

of the Tulu country. blaze. 7\tvJd fire to burn fit-

^o ^5 tuluve, ^. Softness, as fully. e^x3)S to quench 0r

that of a variety in fruit, etc. extinguish fire. ^o.$> fire to

adj. Soft, as a fruit, etc. tfo^o, extinguish. ta^FS, Aeo^os

a soft kind of mango. to tread on fire; to smother.

tuluve, Tulu man. s. A ,

_ OT^j^to set fire. &>

an ox born and bred to light, kindle a fire.

up in the Tulu country. fire to smoulder

3 tulpuni, see tunkana, s. Swinging.
tulpe, ^. A shell, skin, rind. 2. dependence.
see tunkaliyuni, see ^e

v v
.^ 1
. In an out-

spoken manner, straightfor- tunki, see

wardly. 2. suddenly, hurried- tunku, s. Swinging. 2.

b'- -^^ to speak out or drowsiness. 3. reeling. 4^

straightforwardly. deliberation.
-.) tunku 293 tutu

sJ5or!ji tunkuni, tun- ni,tukalyuni (^^<5), r'. ;/. To
guni (&3CT?. ^>cK), v. a. To doze, be drowsy.
swing, toss. r n. 1
. To reel.
tukavuni, c. v. (of
2. to doze, be drowsy. 3. to To cause to weigh. 2. to
deliberate. hang up.
tungalu, adj. Awny, tukiri, see 3ja3oe5.
full of beard, as corn,
tuku, ^. Hanging. 3o35
awny paddy. a hanging lamp.
tungu, s. The beard of tukuni (^^), ^. a. To

barley, etc.
weigh. 2. to hang suspend.
turici, adj. Thin, fine, 3. to swing, rock, as a cradle

small. 2. see riocsl. 3j3^ajoo$.

turiji, 3^oe; tukula, s. A hanging
tunti, st lamp.
3s tundalu, s. A nest of red &j tukuli, tukri, j.

ants. 2. see ^coc. Annoyance, distraction. ^P?

To 2i to annoy, distract.
Ooct)> tunduni (&aoS), v. a.
^. Drowsiness,
aim, point at. tugadi,
ozto* tundelu, s.
Pointing, sleepiness. 2. ^^ ^>^a.

directing. tugadipuni (^Xa),

Qo&o* tumbaru, ^. A big hole. . . To be drowsy, sleepy,
o ut' ^'^'~^9'^^
MIB cvo.
tuguni, see ^js^o.
3ozod tumbara, ^. The eye of tutanu, s. A mixture of
a spade ; cf.
rubbish and earth, burnt and
tumbu, tumbe, see used as manure.
tute, s. A torch, made of
tumbo, ^ palm leaves, etc. 2. a fierce,
tuka, ^. Weight weighing. ; quarrelsome woman also ;

3 AOOT!) a
plummet ; weights. ^a _^3^X, _sfc a mock-fight
&a&$ to ascertain the weight. with torches. ^re^s^a a

to weigh. quarrelsome woman.
2^ tuka, (im-perat. first pers. SeJo^JS^o tutukolu, ^. A sol-

pi. <;/" ial-s). Let us see! dering rod.

S^d tukara, s. Turbulence. tudi, see ?^a.
-4-?S;S) to be turbulent. tuna, ^^ ^>^-
1^ tukala, J^ ^a^oej. 1

tuti, J . Appetite: desire,

tukaliyu- tutu, ^Vz/. Fie! shame!
tuna 294 lot! tende

tuna, s. A stake, post. rattan, Calamus rotaug; cf.

#5cK a kind of yain, Dios- ^- the root of
corea alata. the same. -3 see?
a thicket
;rs tupana, s. A sign. of the same. -
3^ a walking
3j5o57rf)3 tupavuni, c. v.
(of & stick made of the same.

1$ & To show, point ?cijr turya, s. A musical in-

out. 2. to cause to winnow. strument.

To tula, (iwpcrat. 2nd pcrs.

3s*j> tupini (^), 7'. a. see,
sing. of3^$) See ! 2. ^a'
look, observe. 2. to try, test,

examine. 3. to visit. 4. to tulangi, ^

seek; to consider, regard. 5. tulavuni,

to take care. tuli, J^e 5&a?5.
tupu, s. Winnowing, as tuluni
(*a^), To '' .

tupuni (^*), z>. #. To totter, reel; to nod, be drowsy.

winnow, fan. 2. to blame, tulengi, see

abuse; see ^e^osx en-

tula, ^- Inspiration;
tube, s. A hole.
thusiasm, ecstacy.
tura, s. A contract, parti- tulam, s. A kind of cotton,
cularly for toddy. -~ <3
tulu, see s^^o.
toddy supplied according to ^. An instant,
zf trutu,
contract. a toddy-
ca truna, ^. Grass, hay, straw.
drawer who has contracted
to supply toddy. rf ^e3
2. a bit. i//'. Light or trifling,
^o^ as a straw, -s^j^io contempti-
i&s- to
consign toddy accord-
ble; short life.
ing to contract.
turi, .?. Au earthen water- ^ trupti, s. Satisfaction, gra-

tification, contentment.
pot; cf.
e&a&. &*> a man
L$ to be satisfied. -~^
with a dropsical belly.
to satisfy. [desire.
^joVo, turimullu, J-. Zizi-
v x3S trushe, J. Thirst. 2. wish,
anoplia. wtizs to
tenkayi, J^ ^^^oso.

J. A tenkralu, J. A red kind

turu, crack, chap, N,,/

fissure. to of stone.
eoot^s crack,
tengu, s. The cocoauut
turuni z (
To tree. 2. a swelling.
(^^), . .

crack, as a vessel. tendu, see &-$>

.'tfj turolu, y. A kind of tend6, ^v i

Jozi tende 295 Jib. tettu

tendemuli, ^,d tekkare, s. A cucumber,


tendemuli, s. A species of Cucumis sahva.

thatch grass.
^,s3or tekkarme,
.?. A kind of
zSs ff

tendelu, ^. A very young ornament; also &\ 2. see

cocoanut just out of bud.
&>?& a shrivelled or wan tekkale, -?
^uo^ the face to ^
c. f.
^^^ tekkavuni, (<?/"

^s>) To quench, put out,

cS* tennu, adv. Now.
ffcj* tennasu, see $3& , tekki, s. Teakwood, Tectona
iozod tembara, tembare, grandis. ^ si>tf the teak tree.
s. A small drum. e3jawo $ to
eo j,^ tekkuni (^j), ^. n. To be
drum. extinguished. 2. to be calm,
The lower part of
loft tembi, s. be pacified. && ^oS the
a cocoanut shell. 2. the back fire is quenched. ^js?si anger
of the head. to be pacified.

;io0, Joz5a tembiri, temberi, ^. , tekke, ^^ ^^. 2.^^ 2^^.

A burning sensation in the
^,6 tekkere, ^^ ^3.
throat. 2. a raw taste, as of
i*o6 tegulu, J. A sprout, bud.
imperfect seasoning of food.
Y^o^ teguluni (e?\^), v.n. To
Joc3oo3oo) temberiyuni (3oe35),
sprout, shoot, bud.
"V. n. To feel a
burning sensa-
io> teg-uni (^^), z/. . To take.
tion in the throat. 2. to taste
2. to abuse, revile, ^e making
raw, as imperfectly seasoned
a threatening noise.
uni, see
Jcsooca tembuda, adv. Yet, still,
to this time. ris3 tegele, ^. Abusing, reviling.
_^AO?> to abuse.
Ioz3 tern be, see
Bad, wicked.
tettu, ^/'.
;io~C; tembere, see
rotten, decayed; /-?<? *0.
Jo^a" tembelu, see

A ^3|,^)^ tettavuni,
c.v. (of
Jo^j temma, ^. cough, cold. To cause to be damaged,

^^ the whooping cough. or also

corrupted failed;
^jse^ cough with dyspnoea,
bronchitis, ^o^ a catarrhal n. To
ejo,^ tettuni (^^), ^'. rot,
cough. a^ cough, decay, be damaged. 2. to
hawk. become corrupt. 3. to fail;

tekku, sec &.
u also 3$.
tedi 296 tere

a tedi, sec tematige, see

ao* tedity, s. Thunder, thun-
derbolt. thunderclap. ^Sooel
teyi, teyya, s. Beating
a flash of lighteniiig. &e3
time in dancing.
_ -rfoj3;3o$ to
n .stf
teyya, ^o^-
30$ to be struck by lightening; terante, sec o?-doB.

to be thunderstruck. terakayi, s. Breadth. 2

?z7? tenasu, ^ >. making way. adj.

also ^tesoao.

An wide;
^ tetti, -y.
teraduni, see e^rfosi.
z$ tettuni (3), P. . To
throb 0r distend, as the kid- terana, see s^c.
neys from accumulation of terapu, s. Space, room.
urine. t-erasy, see ~st^>.
tenu, J^ ^=^-
terige, J. Taxes.

^'osoao, Jc^o3otenukayi, ten- teripavuni, c. i'. 3

e!^)5) (of
kayi, .y. South, adj. Southern. To make known, com-
2. the Malabar province. municate, inform. 2. to ex-
?j* tenas^i, s. Food, feeding. plain. expose.
j teni, J^ erax teripuni, sec oS^sjjs.

c5,6 tenkere, irregular gerund teriya, .?. A cirular pad of

wicker or straw, placed under

teppa, s. A float, raft. 2. a a vessel to make it steady.

shoal of fish. adj. Dense; cf. DToj teriyu, s. A circle.
tit*. _ tfuo a to make a float. To
oJ d oJjo^ teriyuni (*e), r-. ;/.

^&ri tepparige, ^. A cloth- be known, understood, com-

likesubstance which wraps prehended. c. dat. To under-
round the base of the cocoanut stand. 2. to be able. 3. to
branches. feel, perceive, conceive. oSoc'F

)teppu, s. The fibrous cover- ^aod-xiorfo I know, or I can.

ing of certain nuts. 2. see tf^y
e?odoK 3&a3 he did not know,
S teppe. see 3 oJv he could not.

tebatuni, see SEOWOS). teruntuni, see g^ouos.

tebatfe, s. A kind of fish. teruve, see &?3r.

i tebbu, J. A bow string. 16 tere, see 5.

tebbubbu, ^ ^e5,aw. - terekayi.

16 tere 297 teja

tereduni (*35), v. n. To
be confounded, confused.
^ teluntuni, see ^fcuos>.
2. 1

o^ telpu, j . Thinness. <//.

to roll down.
Thin, lean. 2. few, little,
$j)F> (5), v. a. To
terpuni j^ 3%$.
separate. ^SrS, srotio^ to
make one sit in a cross line Ja^^) tellavu, tellavu, s.

as an outcaste at dinner.
A thin, flat kind of cake,
3r o ? L$ to keep separate; made of rice flour, etc.

to interdict, excommunicate. oo telluni

(^^), v. a. To
s2r terpe, s. Sod thrown up by winnow, sift.

ploughing; ec-3r. s3 telle, j^ ^3.

cf. 00

sSr terve, see B^f. s^N

m tellena, a^/
J Thinnish; cf.

e^oeii^ teluntuni, see *f 0^0$.

A sjs:* tevalu, ^. Desire, wish.
l^"3^j telavu, telavu, $.
2. attachment.
young 0r half grown cock.
^okb^ teluntuni (if^oG), ^. n.
ws3), lo^d> telavuni, telavu-
To contract, shrivel. 2. to
ni (3e, iferc),
r-. TZ. To go aside,
wither, grow thin,
make way. 2. to avoid, shun.
teli, see
eTSoto* telantu, s. Coming
beforehand. teliyuni, see

teli, s. Gruel, rice water. O^ tenkuni, ^
2. see $& tenke, j^ ^?c??.

telike, s. A laugh, smile, l^rfoo^r teku-
laughter. 2. ridicule, de- s.
murku, tekamurka, Cloying,
rision. dioXo'do a gentle palling, satiation.
c. $
^ teka, see 3&.
telipavuni, .
$ir teke,adj. Brimful, up to
To make laugh.
the brim only. es5 about
telipuni (*5), P. . To three quarter seer of rice.
laugh, smile, v. a. To deride.
04^ to mete up only to the
Ni teliyavuni, see brim of a measure.
dA* tegu, J. Belching.
teliyuni, J
?rt>> teguni (^), ^'. . To
j telu, j

^ ^^. belch.
^jjrlo telungu, telug-u, s.
J"^?u^ teja, tejassu,
Telugu. Lustre, light, splendour. 2.
telunge,^. A Telugu man. glory, fame.
teji 298 tere

teji, s. A gift ; cf.

3e3s. d tepale, s. A kind of trough
A horse of superior or bucket used for watering
teji, 5.
breed, adj. Swift, fast. 2. trees, etc.

sharp, as a knife. tepu, s. Rubbing, whetting,


J . The beard of grass; polishing, as a precious stone.

^jssXo. ^^ a polishing stone: a
cf. adj. Pure, clear;
osoij corundum. a polisher. AST?
glaring, downright.
a tall man. c3oc?? oil.
_ 3OQ30 a whetting board. t,
Tdotfo, a glaring lie. 5^43 to polish, cut, as a
J. A precious stone.
lta, JeeJ
tetila, tetla,
^tepuni (^e), i'.a. To throw
kind of vegetable, Caladium
water with a bucket or
tete, ^ e
rub, polish.
2. to irrigate. 3. to

tedayi, ^. A base woman,

tebate, see 3&&.
tedayi, $&? f.
tematige, see $^&*.
tedi, ^<'6 ^?S.
e^JS^ temana, temana,
, 1^ tedu, tede, ^. A slice, s. Loss in assaying metals,
piece, as of a jack fruit ; cf. waste caused by rubbing or
?3 e 3o.
polishing metals.
ci tede, s. A kind of fish.
^db temayi, teme, see

are its differ-

io teya, ^^ ^^^>-
ent species.
^o* teru, ^. An idol-car. 2. the
d^o^Oj tedemullu, JT. A kind
-3^3$ to draw
of tree. t>o&r the fruit of
a car in procession.
the same.
^D* teru, J. Bark, rind, peel.
^a tedi, s. A day of the solar
^eSbs, J3^\^,
WRX4SJ, 3<!
^ to peel, bark, flay. 3^^d_
j tepangayi, a^o the peelings of cucumber.

do&3 terante, s. A centipede,

^sjcrio* tepangelu, J. Any
article with an inclined sur- millepede.

face. ?De>s3 terata, s. A car festi-

t^s&& tepakallu, s. A polishing
teru, see ^?5.
stone, whetstone.
s. tere, ^^ ^?5.
3?f!tepane, Rubbing, polish-
ing, as a precious stone. d tereda-mara, s. The
terga 299 toga

marking-nut tree, Semecarpus tonge, tongelu,

Anacardium. ^. A cluster of blossoms;
tergade, s. Settlement; a bunch of fruits, etc.

conclusion; acquittal. 2. tonde, see ^oozf. 2. 5-^

passing, ^as an examination.

s3r terpe, s. Mire sticking to tondekalpu, ^. The
a plough. northern frontier of the Tulu
i^ra terbldi, .?. The street laud. ifjaciS^reJOx'rfj
j co

through which an idol-car is t?^^, 3ooW.

^j^o d?^ the Tulu
drawn; the oar-street. country extends from Tonde-
telu, see ?<?. kalpu down to the ford of
telavuni, see ^04$. Kasargod.

teluni f. . To tondtini, see g&S^s.

float. tondappe, s. A tadpole.

tevu, s. A
kind of yam, tondare, s. Entangle-
Arum colocasia; Calladium ment, confusion. 2. perplex-
esculentum. ity, annoyance, trouble, vexa-
S?* telu, .?. A scorpion. Xoo5 tion. 3. misfortune, distress.
the hook of a chain, to which 3odo^ (&8o5), v, a
tonduni .

a coin etc. is suspended. 553 To work hard, labour; cf.

so$ a scorpion to sting.

teinati, s. Being in one's tondoru, s. A
baking pan; a
charge or care. 2. a peon copper vessel for baking cakes
attending on a superior offi- by steam.
cer; an orderly. ^od tonde, adj. Big, distended.
see ??)$. soc^ a big belly. ^5 a
j^i teipini,

fl teirane. j^ tadpole. <3re> a kind of

teiruni, see s*8orfoo&
Sowd tombara, #^/. Abundant,
teilu, j

. A money bag, much. adv. Heartily, freely.

purse. to eat heartily.
jj, i>e3 teila, teile, ^. Oil,
tombaku, see ^OSJBTF.
SosSo tomme, s. The lobe of
ri teilasa, f^ i^esJ. the ear.
teili, J^ ^ (^-
togari, togare,
Void, vacuum.
3 s.
tonke, . The pigeon-pea, Cajanus
toga 'j toddu

indicus. -?;& -pdsftoso doll, todumbe, s. A cluster

split pigeon-pea. of flowers.

togalu, J ^J3Cdc^ todanku, s. A clasp,

togori, J

^ tojanku, see
iJSZ^ todaku, ^. Entanglement;
obstacle, hiuderance.
Jjs^^, JjSfciacS tojake, tojakade,
Jjs^rio^ todaguni (5^K), .

s. Malice. *>ifdos to talk

To begin, commence. 2. to
maliciously; to give vent to
Jjsdno*, s. Beginning,
tojji, s. Itching, scratch- commencement.
ing. 2. the scum of water,
;JS^orftodainane, ^. Entertain-
collected into bubbles.
ing a son-in-law or a mother-
toti, s. An old woman. in-law for the first time.
;f J3&3 tote, s. An old man. Jjs^o5 Jja^do todaru, todaru,

J jsll totti, s. A bucket, trough, s. Entanglement, obstacle.

tub. Jj5ds5 todale, s. The funeral
tottilu, s. A cradle, cot. dinner. 2. hardship, trouble.

a bat. sTOcg a large ti os5s.
food earned with
kind of butterfly. j&so^os hardship.
to rock a cradle. todi, see ^^o.
tottu, s. The stem 0r todige, ^. Clothes, dress.
stalk of a leaf 0r fruit. 2. 2. ornaments. 3. avidity,
the nipple of a breast. eagerness.
syo,^, JS&,r?o> tottuni, tot- szi>, Ij^do^je35 todu, toduvelu,
E r
tonuni (js^i &s&3. re) r
. rr. j. Greediness. .
&5Tio3<3 a
V ftj fej /

To embrace, hug, hold fast; greedy man.

7 ^feSjs.O'SOS).
tode, J^ ^^
^. A basket made of todepuni (^^), '.
jS^ totte,

cocoanut leaves. 2. a honey- To anoint. 2. to paint. 3.

comb; cf.
--sUcXor a to smear, rub.
kind of crane. trough. -DV* todevalu, s. A bubo.
j totrayi, s. A wooden Jjsc^j ^ todduve, s. A large bee.
totlale, s. A child in the 2. a beehive, honeycomb. 3.
cradle also ^^6aro3. _#>?
a lump of musty flour. ^wo^
k$ a wife to return to her ~ to build a beehive; to be-
husband's house, with the come musty. X^s to ex-
new-born child. tract honey from a beehive.
todde 301 tolke

sci todde, J. A large kind of torapuni, ?'. </. To wash

bee. 2. its hive; superficially. 2. to flatter.
cf. Aerfo^J.
toddelu, .?. Greediness. 3. to heal a disease by incan-
2. a large bee. tations, fumigation, etc.\ also

toddeli, see *a&a.

toddele, todtele, torali, j

. A greedy man. torale, s. The mucus of

a todtini, J. A greedy the nose.

woman. 30o3)> toripuni, J^ OJS^FS.

tottu, s, A maid servant, s6^ s

torely, ^. Abandonment.
todale, s. A stammerer, torevuni (<i^), ^. To
3d^> .

todale, .s.
Stammering. abandon, give up.
2. indistinct pronunciation. torkaliyuni, see As
3. untruth. ssidos to stam-
mer; to lisp; cf. JS^OF^ torkuni (&5nFr), ^. a. To
todunkara, play. 2.J

todungeilu, s. Long- torkelu,

ing, eagerness. torpu, J. A kick.

3d>o3) todupu,
s. A vain hope
torpuni (^5), ^. a. To
or desire. kick. 2. to tread.

as^s?^ toppalipuni, see 3*oz3 tolumbe,

toppi, s. A cap, hat. tolanga, J
toppu, ^^ ^4^Y
tolaguni (Aa?\), . .

toyali, J. A washer- To depart, move away; to

woman. leave, forsake, desert.
^j^) toyipuni, see &e$ca. j?>2J39e)Dtoladliari,.y.
A weigher.
toyila, w *& JS^ tolike, s. The skin, bark,
toyili, ^

^^ tolunkuni,
tora, ^-
torangu, see J. A
tolumbe, bunch,
torake, large flat
.s. A cluster.
seafish, a skate, thornback. A hole.
toluve, J. ^jse
x$- ,
be> different species of to bore a hole.
thornback. ^. The weight of a
torage, see rupee. 2. a beam, log.
rs torana, see 5do ff
tolkelu, see A^f^ :


tolpu 302 -*) toda

tolpuni (&s), v.a.&n. toku, J. Danger, risk.

To prick. to open, as a
2. 2. collision.

boil. 3. to split, as a tender tokulu, see &s?e>o.

cashew nut. , l-'J^o
toke, tokelu, ^.

tollu, s. Substance, pro- A slope, declivity, adj. Se-

perty. -^OT^S to dissipate. cluded, retired.
3^j> tolluni
(**$,), P. 0.
To 35T?-?,ejj tokolu, s. A kind of
pluck out, as hair, feathers, bait.

etc. tokkale, ^<? ?3^^-s3.

tolaci, tojavuni, f. r

To show, point out.

be, see tojuni (^?^), :'. n. To

JjS^S^ tolilu, s. Trade, business. appear, be seen. c. dat. To
2. see ijsorfo^. seem, think. ijsaio5^8el>s
iJS^o tolu, J. A hole. adj.
to disappear, vanish; to

Empty. miss.

tolunkuni, see eJ tota, ^. A garden, orchard,

nso3o a garden-
tole, see er, planter. tysSx- a coffee
plantation. y83 a cocoa-
tolke, J
nut garden.
V tolluni,' see
toti, ^. A scavenger;
tolle, ^^ zfjs^. a sweeper.
toipuni (^-^), ^. To .
?^l3^ s. A class of
strike, beat. 2. to wash, as
Brahmins, working in planta-
clothes. tions.
SoW,} toimbu, a^/'. Large, tall. eJo totu, see ^J8 ? wj.
2. fat, stout.
toda, s. Faintness exhaus-
3* toilu, ^.
Plenty, abun- tion. 2. see &5e3o. _ axs-rfoa
dance. to be exhausted.
tonku, ^tr As/ todangelu, ^//'. Scoop-
tonkuni, ed, burrowed.

todamarayi, ^. A

trough scooped out of a single
log of wood.
tonge, see
S^SD^c^ todavuni, c. v.
tombfe, see To cause to dig, to have
tormbu, dug.
O todu 303 tountu

;j todu, s. A drain, sewer, torana, s. A festoon of

gutter. 2. a brook, water- leaves, flowers, etc. hung over
course, canal. a doorway or across the

&/2?zi>tj toduni (&?S), v. a. To highway, a triumphal arch.

dig, burrow, mine.. Xo3J_ to -j^u^s
to put up a triumphal

or sink a well. arch.

3?0^, iJ2?eri torike, torige, s.
todtini, see e^a^.
tona, see ^ae?.
Appearance, show, exhibition.
toru, s. Leaking.
totra, J ^e^j.
toruni (&ae5), v.n. To
s topana, J. A drain or
leak, ooze, run. 2. see *ee&io).
opening on the border of a
tolu, see $&&*.
garden to let out rain water ;

^^ tolpuni,
J^ ?3js?^a.

topi, see &&y 2?^i)S? tovale, ^. A cultivator,

topu, .y. A grove, clump gardener.

of trees. 2. a cannon. 3. a 5?5^) toVU, J^ Aae^J-

red coloured cloth, adj. Red. S^sS tove, J. Boiled pigeon-

S?3 a
female's garment of peas.
red colour. 3^ tosha, 5

Joy, delight,
j^sSs* topelu, i&>ee3. pleasure.

J3?gj, JJS^ topra, tobra, s. A 3^S3e)jS, Jjs^?35

?S toshekhane,

gram-bag for horses. toskhane, ^. A treasury,

ja^w toba, ^. A fault, crime. tolu, J^ ^jse^o.

ijseso eyL^ to be harassed, tolu, J. The arm. 2. a

or defeated. sdr^s
to plead wolf; 0/.J0 &ae#si)\A. a>e>

guilty. strength of arm. -^8^ an

SesS, &P23s* tobe, tobelu, adj.
ornament worn on the arm.
-aio^ a s3eos> to wave the arm.
Big, large. pot-
belly. Jjs^ors* tolangu, s. Shaking of
the arm.
S^rfo toma, see ?3p?^o. 2.
3^od tomara, s. An iron crow. tolui s. A beam,
2. an arrow. 3. a javelin, tole, j^ ^js3-

toya, ^. Water. toi-, J^ /5f^

toyipuni, J^2 ^4^- ou-y see &$-

3^d tora, s. Stoutness, thick- tountuni

ness, adj. Thick, stout, large. To shake, wave.
touku 304 trisu

touku, -y# and ignorance,

adj. Three-
tOUji, SCC fold, treble.

touda, see trijayi, s. A third part,

toudange, The creeper tritiya, adj. Third. -3

Asparagus sarmentosus (
the instrumental case,

Zsotoudu,.?. Bran, husk. eocr tridiva, s. Heaven.

brown, ruddy colour. ^o trinama, J. The secta-
a kind of viper. rian mark worn on the fore-
toudugoli, s. A kind head by Vaishnavaits.
of wild fig tree.
o triphala, s. Three kinds of
touti, see o^S. fruits, i. e. es3 c3e5
, ascS^oao,
toute, j. A cucumber. used in medicine.
touruni (s *^), r. 0. To $odr3 tribhuvana, s. The three
strip off, as the leaves of a worlds, heaven, earth and
tree etc., to remove. hell.

tourya, $. Music. dod trimara, s. A holy tree;

J^ ^4e3. also Stfo^jd
touli, touli,

^. trimurti, s. The Hindu

trana, Power, strength,
croo3o a strong triad, Brahma Vishnu, and
doJEw trimula, s. Three kinds
tranike, ^. A strong man.
of medicinal roots.
?^ trasu, s. A balance, pair
o3j^ triyeka, adj. Triune.
of scales.
0or( trilinga, s. The three
So trahi, imperat. Nourish,
genders, namely: masculine,
protect (poetic).
=5^0 s. A medicine feminine, and neuter.
of three ingredients triloka, sec >)%>^3.
trivarga, s. The three
J. human objects, namely: love,
trikarana, Thought,
word and deed. duty, and wealth.
& >v trivikrame, s. A name
Morning, noon
trikala, s.
and night. 2. of Vishnu.
past, present,
and future tenses. 3 >$ trividha,
s. Three kinds.

j^rs trikona, s. A triangle. adj. Threefold.

3> s^d trivude, s. A kind of metre.
adj. Triangular.
triguna, s. The three 3^J3w trisula, s. The trident of

qualities, i. ., truth, passion, Siva.

treta 305 dankyu

tretayuga, s. The tvakku, s - The skin; the

second or silver age of the rind, bark, as of fruits, trees,
world. etc.

treilokya, see tvarita, s. Haste, speed,


tha, The thirtieth letter of thalathala,
the alphabet. o) thantuni, J&? sscyj$.

thagude, see ctf\a.

thatu, ^. Gaiety, mirth,
e; thatala, ^. The sound of
an unexpected slap. S thatuni, see
thattu, see 3&j thate, ^^ ss^-

thattane, see &xf- >

thaduni, see
thatti, see
*% s.An ox that gores.
thattuga, j^ ^^- ^^ ^>r.
q3)cl thane,
thattetaraku, J. House- J.
qidrj thasa, Heat, burning.
hold furniture. 2. inflammation, fever. 3.

q$d thara,
see ad
anguish, distress,
qS^ thala, J thedi, ^

cj da, The thirty-first letter of with contempt. 3. to flaunt,

the alphabet. strut. rfoT?5 sre^3os> to speak

do dam, see roSo.
defiantly. 3&>r to mock at
c. v. rfo
dankavuni, (o/
To cause to kick, etc. elders should not be despised.

dankiyuni, j^ ^o^o^^. >tfoo dankyuni (=^), v. n. To

dankuni (
^), ^. . To crow lustily, as a cock. 2.

kick, or throw with the foot, mucus to discharge from the

as a ball. 2. to despise, treat nose ;
to suffer from catarrh.
don* dang^i 306 dandi

dangu, .$. The arm. general. ?5d a spring of

dori danga, see ^~T(. water.

^w^a to levy an
army- ste'Koiios to go to war.
do n >>> dangapini, see under
dandu, s. The stalk, as of

c. v. rfo
a plantain leaf. 2. an oar,
)2j dangavuni, (of
To cause to bend, bow. paddle. eSe&a, 3^3 to row,
do A dangi, .s^ 2c*.
danda, s. A staff, stick ;
dangi, dangidi, ^/'.
rfozs^jseoo. 2. punishment,
Bent, inclined. ~&ri a bent
fine. 3. obeisance, salutation;
tree, sjsjodo bent with age ;
also ^-33^. 4. loss, waste.
old, infirm; cf.
53^; an ascetic's staff. trooSj

dangu, .s^ ~CA. a worthless fellow. $?3

danguni (^K), ?. ^. To ethics. e?L*> to be-
bend, incline. come worthless; to be wasted.
doridange, J. Rebellion, mutiny. ^jsLrs to pay fine <?r dam-
ewa^a to rebel.
ages. ^Jtfo^ to waste.
dangelu, ^//'. Bent, in- dandaka, s. A sort of
clined. s.
Bending, inclina- metre. 2. the name of a
tion. forest mentioned in the
dantu, s. The stalk of cer-
tain grains and vegetables. dandane, s. Punishment,
2. any pot-herb, as spiuage, pain, torment. &&& penance,

dandasu, s. A black-
dantavuni, c. v.
To cause to stumble, smith's tongs; a large pair of
trip. 2. to give offence. pincers.
osi> dantuni (3o!3), v. n. To dandi, s. A mace-bearer.
stumble, v. a. To throw with 2. an ascetic.
the foot, as a ball. rfoSS dandige, s. A kind of open
-S to stumble; to be of- palanquin. 2. a palanquin

fended. pole. 3. a sunbeam.

dante, s. A walking staff, Ss^, do:ij dandipuni,
stick. dandisuni (-=^),
. To
dc~' dandu, J. A spring of water. punish. 2. to mortify, as the
2. an army. 8?$r a sacred body.
bathing place near Udapi. dandiyavuni, c. v.
a soldier. crocdo^ a To cause to stretch
dandi 307 dammu

out the hand, as by offering dambadyuni, see

to give something, to offer;
also rfcC53o^)S>. dambatti,
dandiyuni ( ),
v. a, ao5
To put forth, stretch the hand
dambu, see
to receive anything; also rfo
do 200^ dambudi, ^. A pie.
dod daude, .?. Ornament worn dowos?, do^js^ dambuli, dambo-
on the arm. 2.a dam, mound, li, s. A thunder bolt.

3. the back of a dambe, The hollow slip

bank, bar.
of a palm or bamboo used
pial. log of wood
^JTJ a
across the brink of a as a drain.
dambelu, see <3od.
well to stand upon.
dosin dandye. see ctoatf.
$ dambha, see tiotf.
doo danta, s. A tooth, tusk. 2. damma, see ^r.
ivory. dodo damma, adj. Left. 2. ^^
do3s>d<, do3 dantavale, danti, the left hand.
s. An elephant.
ri^. _T% -^
a left-handed man.
do^o dantya, adj. Dental.
odjOJooJ dammante,
do 3 dampati, ^. A married ^^ d^oodooS.
couple. 2. a household. ^, osjoojj dammaya, ^. An humble
j _;$>i adoration
t33o;j3|g. mode of entreaty; craving
or honour paid to a married
mercy or indulgence ;
couple. _ tit\&
rfo^ocdorfs^odo. to crave
dozo damba, see rio$. 2.
mercy. ;rat$o$ to entreat,
doto!3 dambati,
importunate, dun.
dozo^^ dambadige, s. Delight,
dammaru, ^
pleasure. 2. love, good will.
3. 4.
dammare, see
acquiescence. persua-
sion. dammu, s. Breath, hard
breathing. gymnastics.
_ to hold one's breath;
?jO^ dambadipuni, dambadiyuni *B^
dambadisuni (rfoeoa), ^. a. To to be silent. 35^$ to hold

please, delight. 2. to recon- one's breath. sjstfos to die.

cile,appease, bring to acquie-

_ sooa^s to breathe; to sigh.

scence. 3. to persuade, con- to breathe in. 3

vince. breathe hard; to smoke.
dambade, see dammudi,
J )
damshtra 308 drf dagga

damshtra, s. A tusk, fang, 3 dakkoti, see ti

large canine tooth. daksavuni, c.v. (o
a person having projecting )
To bring into another's

teeth; a demon so called. possession. T. -. To defend,

dosi, doS dainsa, da lisa, ^. A retain, or appropriate to one's
gadfly. 2. a bee. 3. ^<? v=*>. self what belongs to another;
a Jr. Soon, also tiv*>l4e(*)&
C^,a^, dakkudikka,
quickly. ^ daksuni (^), 7 1

. .

eta dakka, s. Trouble. * be retained, digested, as food

to get into trouble. medicine, etc. 2. To be mis-
d?\3 dakkati, s. Possession, con- appropriated successfully.
trol. appropriation. 3. di-
2. dag^di, s A rogue, im- -

?>$ to be appro- postor. 2. a termagant, vixen,

priated; to be digested. daga, see -*.

titt dakka, e, J. An amazon,

J. Weight. 2. Diffi-
masculine woman, adj. Bold,
culty. a?t$ to place a weight
masculine. 2. ill-tempered.
upon anything; to press; to
_ scrooso an
aggressive or quar-
relsome tongue or temper.
dakkavuni, c.v. (ofrts^
drizort dagadaga, dagaba-
a) To cause to throw, expel.

ga, <&'. Brightly. es&ora

i). n. To place a
weight upon
to blaze.
dagare, J. A funeral drum;
rso^) dakkavonuni, rcfl. i<.
O also rf^TSdjsefiw.
(of tiv^3>$) To retain, digest A rogue,
tos zjt>codagalubaji,.y.
anything eaten. 2. to mis-
cheat, impostor. roguery,
appropriate successfully. 3.
dishonesty, imposture.
to carry a load or burden.
dagale, s. A coat livery, ;

4. to take charge of.

to put on a livery.
*,3 dakkita, see =#j3-
v dagasu, ^. Corn, grain in
dakkuni (^), 7'. . To general.
cast out, throw away, expel. dage, s. Deceit, trickery,
2. to reject; also ri^Tiis. r. w. imposture. AST?, so3o a
^ d^s>. sJ5jj5^f8e) to be deceiver, impostor. rfotfo^ato
thrown away, lost. s3a_ to deceive, cheat; to disappoint.
shoot. drt?3 dagga, daggane, Wr.

^, dakke, s. A quay, pier, Suddenly. -aors to blaze

embankment. 2. J#? ^^.- up suddenly.
dacca 309 T

t3z3 dacca, ^^ c*u.

dadadadi, adj. Quick,

dZa rf daccane, see active, smart, adv. In hot

dfcio> dajjuni, see
dadi, s. A speck in the eye.
dk5 data, s. Thickness. 2. coarse-
2. anger, rage. 3. see rt.
ness. 3. closeness. adj.
4. see 3fc. aojs-dosi to have a
Thick, stout, coarse. 2. close.
speck in the eye. eSjsB^s
dkreoS:>;4j> datayisuni (rf&rooao
z 1
0. To make firm.
stamp the ground with the
dil datti, s. A waist-baud.
dadike, s. A kind of rash,
ci dattiyuni, dat- blotch.
tyuni (^)i #. 0. To rub out, ac^o^ dadipuni, dadi-
obliterate, wash off. v. n. To
To drive away.
yuni (^S-), v.a.
be dense, crowded. 2. see a*a&&.
dadu, see rfS^. dadila, ^^'. Suddenly, -^o
^O^^?^, rf^*5* dadumbasu, o^ to drop suddenly.
daduku, adj. Coarse. ^ocWo J^ rf^so-rf.
a coarse cloth.
dade, ^. An obstacle, hinder-
^fc^ dadujaddu, s. Callosity. ance. a screen, blind. 3.

adj. Callous. a charm. 4. a scaffold, plat-

dada, s. A shore, bank. form. 5. a roller, lever. 6. a
dadakka, a^. Suddenly. weight equal to seven pounds.
to fall suddenly. _ to charm a serpent;
dadadada, ^. The noise of to hinder by witchcraft.
fastwalking or talking. crftS a?>$ to postpone; to come
3$ to walk very fast- s^ to terms. &&&$ to lift
^J to speak or talk rapidly.
upon a scaffold.
^oo^$ to
dadabada, dada- prolong.
badi, s. Rapidity, hurry ; cf. daddu, j. Short stubble left
rirfrfrl 2. the noise of falling in the ground. 2. worthless
suddenly. ^ hurry, haste. paddy. 3. callosity, hardness,
a bouncer, blusterer. as of the skin of the palm
to fall suddenly. from manual work, etc.
as* dadalu, Talkative, void. ^
Dull, stupid, idle;
loquacious. erooso a blunt knife. 3d stu-
loquacity. Sj,
^^3 dadale, see ^a??. idleness. ^o?\ in-
dcJ dadavante, s. A strong, dolent syphilitic ulcers. 55

powerful <?r influential man. & a bad kind of rice. -

dadda 310 dapta

QSO a kind of wild screw-pine. datta, i. Adoption. 2. a

j&tgVsSocDos an indolent sore gift. a^/'. Given, presented,
to suppurate. made over. 2. adopted. 4
d dadda, adr. Suddenly; cf.
an adopted son.

-^OAopto fall suddenly. adoption. rf^e3 a

daddalu, s. The tree Gz- deed of adoption. 7?^^,
arborea. to adopt.
titi /-, daddalakki, 5. An inferior 55 j>3 dattapahara, ^. Taking
ca #
kind of rice. back a gift.

rfg, daddi,' ^. A stupid woman. datte, s. An adopted son.

' ' L
2. EK8J9 dattoji, see
8> ojoo^ daddiyuni, see 7\aoire4$. dattole, see under rf^.

' '
s. A stupid fellow. dadaluni (rf^S), z>. a. To

2. a sow. give, distribute. v. n. To

? daddoli,
s. The American tremble. 2. to boast. 3. to
aloe. stammer.
^. dadevuni w. To
^?o dadmena, Sluggishness, .

torpor. 2. indigestion. become hard, get stiff.

danalu, 6-. The sound of daddu, s. The ringworm,
a bell. herpes. 3oS~ the shrub
dani, J^ v. 2. see ^. cassia alata.

Fatigue, weari-
danike, ^. dana, -^ v^-

ness, exhaustion. &b$ to i

dani, w v- 2. see tf.
become weary, fatigued, tired. danu, J. A daughter of

danipavuni, c. v.
(of Daksha. 2. J^ qJcis.

To fatigue, Aveary, j^ dapana, ^.

^^to bury, commit to earth.
daniya, adj. Heavy. 3, rfcp dape, daphe, s. A turn,
daniyuni (^rf), v. n. To time. 3 every time, again
be fatigued, tired, exhausted. and again, frequently.
2. satiated, satisfied; also rfrJ S^sid dapedare, ^^ ^03-3.

o^, rfss^D* daptaru, daptaru,

cJ Fatigue, weari-
danu, J. s. A
bundle of papers tied
ness, exhaustion. together in a cloth; records.
dattu, s. The left side. &> an annual ceremony
datta, adj. Left. -# the observed by merchants on
left hand. closing their old and opening
&_ dapti 311 dam a

their new accounts on the 1st lose one's senses, become in-

day of Vikramaditya's era. sensible.

*^ dapti, see rf4& dabili, see s^tf.

s. Thickness, dabuti, see 33,8.
3^ dappa, adj.
Thick, stout, -tfopuo a thick ?/ daburasu, see rfarorS.
or coarse cloth.
daburi, s. Division of pro-
, dappu, s. Occasion, coDveni- fit. 2. a writer. 3. J^ aax>&.
ence, opportunity making ; 5 J^ ^^5.
z^D dabtaru,
room or forming an open file
c^, dabti, J^ ^4.
in a gathering of people.
2. 3. an umbrella 2o
N du?3 dabbadabbane, see ^a^-
stripped of its leafy covering.
dabbana, s. A bodkin, a

^ dappuni (-), v.a. To plough. large packing needle.

daphana, see tt$.

udQud dabbaradibbara, adj.
daphedare, s. A head Disorderly, confusedly.
tSos to put into confusion. sro
to speak incoherently.
0=^ dabakka, adv. Suddenly.
axs-doa to fall dabbi, see 3>&s
2. headlong.
s^XonS to dabbili, see s^.
suddenly. jump
down suddenly. dabbu, ^. A crack, break.
oci dabade, s. A capacious 2. j ^ 20
leathern bottle. dZJA^ dabbudi, J. The wicker-
dabadaba, s. Palpitation work of a cart.
of the heart.
to pal- dm $ dabbuli, j^ ^ aD
^ e3

pitate. d& dabbe, ^. A splinter, slip of

^ dabana, see ^a^pe. bamboo, etc.
adj. Cracked,
dabare, s. A kind of brazen split.
pot. 2. confusion, disorder. dds^ dabbelu, s. A split, cleft,

dabardasti, see chink, adj. Cracked, split.

d^uodoovB damayanti, s. The
dabayisuni, name of Nala's wife.
dabasuni (rfsrooso^), v. a. To s
daman u, s. The large
menace. 2. to force. 3. to sail of a boat.
chide, frighten. 4. to stop, s. The noise
dsjjs^jo damami,
detain. 5. to keep under, of a drum.
press down. damasu, ^. A stamper,
d> dabi, s. Sense. ^4 to
beater, large wooden block
dama 312 do dari

with a handle, used to level "rs darana, ^. Bursting, split-

the ground. ting. 2.^^ tfdro.

damasa, s. Damask cloth. daradara, J. A noise, sound.

a damukavuni, _ to drag with a noise.
c. T.
(of ^^s
, To cause bluster, darabara, 'idv. Greedily,
tumult, noise. voraciously. ^$ to eat

slo?ro> damukuni, v. n. To voraciously ; cf.

bluster, storm, swagger. darabaru, see

dammaya, see rfc^oocio. darasige, ^. A kind of

daya, s. Kindness, favour; grass.

compassion, pity, goodness. darase, s. The day of the

a?b$ to favour, condescend, new moon.

Coloured border of
oblige. ^>s?o^ to honour dari, s.

with a to to a cloth; KB. 2. a window

visit; give; cf.
blind. 3. railing. ^ocy the
come; to sit down; to go.

do3o?k?} dayasuni (3odo^), v , n , peg of a railing; a wooden

To suit, be fit. post to fasten a racing buffalo.
doira^O dayakara, Kind, daridra, adj. Poor, indi-
gent. s. Poverty. 35 the
The trea- state of poverty.
dodJS^ dayanidhi, s.

sure of kindness, God. daridre, ^. A poor, desti-

A kind tute man.
doiradol dayavante, s.

or generous man. daripuni (sto),

r. . To
do&s)?;e>rto dayasagara, s. The shudder, shiver, tremble (as
a demon priest); cf. &>$?>.
ocean of kindness, God.
io dariya, s. The sea. ero
dotted dayalu, adj. Kind heart-
rf5Xrf a small island off the
ed, merciful, compassionate.
coast of Udapi, called the St.
d?35 the merciful God.
Mary's Island.
dd dara, s. Price, rate.

do dara, s. Fear, terror. 2. a

^ dariyapti, s. Enquiry,
investigation, trial, exami-
hole in the ground.
nation. sSotfo to make an
dctee>d darakara, s. Power,
authority; right. To
oJoo^ dariyuni (^&), v. n.
break, burst, spring open;
kastu, see rft
also d&S&eba.
daragu, j drf?\.
darisana, s. A necklace
daraji, see of shells. 2. .ft
daru 313 dava

daru, s. A door. 2. see tftf.

darpuni (^), v. a. To
daruni, sec ^rJ- thrash, beat, strike, break.
v. n. To swell, inflame. <a
daruduru, <;//. Rough,
coarse. z!f^s>
to speak eva- ^ curse, anathematise.

araro* darbary, .y. An audience.

2. an audience hall, a court.
daruburu, .?.
darusana, ^ cter. 3. grandeur, pomp, ostenta-
tion, show.
dare, .y. A fence, parapet,
wall ; cf.
sit?. _ >3$ to fence, darbe, darbhe,
Sacrificial grass, Poa cyno-
raise a wall.
[whole. suroides.
w?^ darobastu, <^'. All,
s^f darma, see ^or.
O* darkaru, ^^ sftiss-d.

cJ.sysFT^darkastu, dar-
^ daryapti, see.

SFfi darsana, darsana, s.

khastu, s. A tender for the
A vision, sight. 2. a visit,
cultivation of land ;
an offer
for liquor contract.
rfo dala, ^". Stout, strong,
to bid for a farm, etc.
robust, thick.
drtr darga, s. A tomb
ciwse523*", ci^sjsa dalavad|j[, dala-
to work miracles.
vadi, ^^ rf^nsow.
dcoF darji, s. A tailor.
do^a daladi, s. Depth, adj. Deep.
darjuni (rf^), r.0. To $e5 deep water.
dalalu, dalali, ^^
darna, ^^ c^pe.

ro* dartelu, ^. Breakage, J^ ^>-

what is broken.
dallu. j^ rfS.
rd dartele, ^. A striker, break-
also rf3r3; ^4^$.

dallali, dallali, s.
er; cf.
A broker, agent. 2. agency,
dartonuni, reft. (of
To beat one's self in commission, brokerage.
<SX3K to beat d ro ojj dalliya, ^. A foot-cloth.
sorrow, etc.
the breast; to mourn. c$goiM dalliyuni (*), . a. To
slap, beat. 2. to smear. >^e
JF darpa, s. Pride, arrogance.
man. zf\ z^ooFe to smear a wall
creoSoaproud, arrogant
JFC3 s. A with mud; c/". stoTJ?6.
darpana, mirror,
looking glass. davade, ^. The jaw, cheek.
darpu, s.
Swelling, inflam- ,
ddrl davani, davane, s. A
mation. fixed term of payment. 738
dava 314 dasta

one who pays by installments. dasanga, ^. A composition

_ aleS a written agreement of ten fragrant substances,
fixing installments. used as perfumery.
davaneballu, s. A long dasamsa, s. The tenth
rope to which cattle are tied part, tithe.
in rows. uds'sd dasavatara, s. The
davati, s. An inkstand; ten incarnations of Vishnu.
also 0^3. c?u a dramatic performance
davana,.?. A kind of fragrant exhibiting puranic episodes.
shrub. >
dase, .v. Condition, fortune,
davaru, * The flapping luck, influence of the planets;
selvedge of a garment. $P
<so3 hemming the selvedge da-
cjroojoo?) dasevuni,
of a garment. siyuni (^ ^^), v. a. To tread
davaru, 0^'. Loose. down, press in.

loose breeches. dashtiyuni

ri v* a.
( ^),
?o davasa, ^. Produce of the To clean, as a slate.
" t^-
field; corn, grain in general, ^i dasa, Jtv

davali, s. A peon's belt, dasabasa, ^f eo^^xi.

davudu, $. Expedition; dasari, ^. A kind of striped

march, speed. 2. a gallop, linen cloth worn by Brahmin
davude, see -33&. females when cooking or du-
davuti, see =JrfS.
ring meals. 2. see ^^j-

davurangi, ^. A loose dasare, ^ **)

jacket, long coat. dasalu, ^^ aoste^.

davuru, ^^ cftteo.
^ dasi, ^. A painted palmyra
dasa, ?w. Ten. ^> tenth. stick.

^ ten kinds or sorts. ?3 dase, w <&?, ^.

dasami, J. The tenth day ^SJS?.* dasemmu, .Y. A kind of

of the lunar fortnight. fish.

dasamukhe, s, Ruvuna daskatu, 5-. A signature.

the ten-faced giant. _TO^OS), to sign.

dasamula, s. A medi- s^ dastu, J. A parole.

cine composed of ten ingredi- < dasta, s. A quire of paper.
ents. 2. a pack of cards.

p dasarathe,
s. The father ^^ dastaku, s. A passport,
of R~un:i. permit. 2. a summons.
dastu 315 dandi

^0 dasturi, .?.
Custom, usage. tools. 2. an assembly of
2. likeness, similarity. 3. people. 3. an army.
a signature. 4. fees, duty. fe3
srac&j dalavayi, s. The general
^< postage of an army.

^ v^2, droJS^Zo dasteivaji, da- dalasari, ^. Strength, thick-

stoji, s. A legal paper, ness, robustness.

voucher, document, exhibit. dali, s. A line of reepers or

dasya, see oari^. splits of bamboos. 2. wooden
A demon. an or iron railings; cf. c5&. ^ E^J
3 JP dasyu, ^. 2.

a barbarian.
^S a travellers' inn. ^uo.s
enemy. 3. u
to erect a frame work of
^. A
^, d?^ dasra, dasre, popu-
lar festival observed in
daliya, J. A mode of puri-
honour of Durga for the first
nine days of the lunar month fying clothes on account of
pollution from birth or death
of a relative; also era^,-
dasri, see zte&.
dalena,Torpid, in-
N dahana, s. Fire. 2. burn-
active, as the stomach.
ing, especially of a corpse.
dalmena, see d^-
3. digestion. 20<s a burnt
rs dakshina, s. South, adj.
offering. *A


a. To Southern.
dahipuni (-3), .

burn, consume. j^ dakshinayana, s. The

^ dala, s. An army. 2. bottom. sun's course south of the
3. the shore of a river, etc. equator.
4. the petal of a flower. 5. a dakshe, s. A son of Brahma.
fragment, adj. Thick, stout, )
da, intg. pron. What?
robust; cf. siA- ^JSQ^S to which ? what ? cs
cf. SB.

foam, bubble up. rf^ e?4o7l> oSjK croera

why? anything.
rf^ a-^sTiO it must be thick A sound for
intj. calling
and stout. cattle.
dalanku, see As^cF. dantuni (crocS), v. a. To
dalanke, adj. Large. 2. cross, ford, pass by; also
loose. tree? a loose bracelet

0r bangle. Do^ s. A stone-mark on

^20^ dalabala, adj. Thin, clear, the seashore.
lucid. 2. loose. A
c&ri dandige, s. strong,
^53)d dalavada, ^. Artizan's stalwart man.
dandi 316 danu

dandimara, see dagaduji, s. Repairs.

sfcd to repair.

dinti, w^r .
/>ar/. What is
dagayi, ^. The left hand.
not; destitute; less. &3 The beard.
dadi, s.
uninhabited. $v fruitless.
dadi, s. Harm, risk.
ax>s senseless, imprudent.
daduni, see ^?li$.
a man without ^)

means. D^ dade, 5. A tusk, fang.

during my absence. 3* datu, see 5^0.

dante, neg.ger. Without, datari, 5. Protection,

except, not being. ^?a^- support. 2. -$ os^.

without fear, fearlessly. 7^ datike, datige, J.

danna, intg. pron. A strong, courageous man.

Whether. 2. I know not what. 2. a thriving, prosperous
efcfo ^j^.^3 I doubt whether man.
he will do or not. 4 &3~ datu, see
^t I doubt (<)r I cannot say) s.
datrutva, Liberality r
whether it happen or not.
dc^o dimpatya, ^. Married )i date, ^. A generous c>r

state. liberal man.

dambuni, S ditvari,
daku, ^ dadavu,
dakina, see Which, what?
^)3s dakhalu, dakhi- dana, J. A gift, donation.
lu, ^. Arrival. 2. entry in a _^lrfor liberality, charity.

book <?r e?L^ to &) a deed of gift.

arrive; registered or
to be and honours. 2?^ generous,

put on record, as a petition, liberal. _^ir, -rfotf^a


etc. to make an bestow alms.

entry; to file, register; to danave, 5. A demon,
produce. giant.

o, c3e)i3 dakhale, dakhle, s. dani, sec ODN.


Demonstration, proof, docu- dani, s. \ giver, donor.

mentary evidence. 3&lrz> 2. an elephant.

to give proof. :, danuni, -///. r. What is

J. A scar. 2. dis- to be done? ra>oz$ what are

grace, infamy. you doing?
dane 317 dare

dane, intg. pron. What? daye, dayegu,

eo^ what did you come for? m/^-. pron. Why, for what
o^ danendyinda, <?/. (/?'/. purpose?
If you say what), namely, era o3 j rl o C3*o^ dayegandunda, c<?/.

thus, as follows, be.cause, for. (/?V. Why, if you say) Where-

dapu, see &s^. fore, because.

dabaniballu, see c& daru, J^ rai5.

rfJ3 do daruduru, ^^ na-rforfjs-do.

dabali, ^. A kind of white
dara, j

. A thread, string.
blanket. 2. a wife. surfoa to stitch.
dabu, s. A child's girdle,
sdorf daranda, J. A door frame.
a silver belt.
w a lintel.
dabudi, ^. A joint-piece. The second of
dr^ darag-e, J.
dabe, <$. A pigeon-loft. 2- the female twin demons; cf.
bodily care.
damudumu, darane, ^. Price, value,
charge ; cf.
ztt. 2. see ovd&.
daraya, s. A star. 2. see

s 6 damas?, J
n? Road, way, path.
dari, s.
damadi, ^ era do do do
daruduru, s. A false
J. Pro-
damliayi, accusation; slander.
portion, apportionment. dare, .?&? ^3-
eOOrJ* damisu, a^;". Useless, -4
dare, personal affix
worthless. 2. worn out.
an office
denoting bearer,
s>;3J5c36 damodare, s. A name
holder, etc.; as,
of Krishna.
i>o3o daya, ^. Heritage, inheri- d darepire, s. The fruit
tance. 2. a gift, present from of Cucumis acutangula, a
variety of fcetf.

^ dayake, s. A giver, donor.

)63^)^ darepuli,
J. The caram-
s. Illusion.
dayana, bola fruit, Averrhoa caram-
3)a dayadye, daya- bola.

di, s. A kinsman, relation, c! daremane, ^. A seat

coparcener. occupied by bride and bride-

23iD o3o daye, (-3
-" groom during the marriage
dare 318 dirija

darekalli, s. A kind of sA) dasi, J. A female slave,

striped milk-hedge, Euphor- maid servant.

bia antiquorum. e!^^ dasina, s. The colouring
darne, see cre3?3. of the teeth. 2. a kind of
3. :roro3.
srcr darbadu, see ^srorS. grass. .fttf

s)?3 dase, s, A slave, servant.

dalacini, see crog^.
2. a mendicant; <;/".
dala, s. Anything; cf.
ij dasemi, ^. Mustard.
os3? there is nothing.
eirj^^'dastana, dastanu,
dalali, .v#? r^e. A
s. store, storing. a?b> to
, C3e))o3daliinba, dalimbi,
store. to collect,
make ready.
see under
ro*o4 dasyatva, w cro^s^.
330 dalcini, s. Cinnamon. ^.
to Z3D3o daha, J. Burning. 2. thirst,
tftf c^,s. 2. ardent desire. S?^r^ to
quench thirst.

davaniballu, C33$ dali, ^. Marauding, plunder,

davati, ^. Grief, sorrow, sacking. [
na t e .

distress, suffering. 2. weari- dalimba, s. The poraegra-

ness, fatigue. CTS^- r?o dakshina, dakshi-
" ^\ -0
davali, j^ 03209. ^. Regard, respect, con-
davu, ^. Glare, lustre, heat, siderateness. 2. partiality,

warmth. ziooso regard of person,

^ dave, s. A suit, claim ;
com- di, A feminine affix of nouns;
plaint. 2. enmity, spite. C3"5
as, &^ a youth; &(df3a, a
a complainant. to zSoQ a maiden. odoai^raN a
claim; to complain. master ;
aka^ja?2n a mistress.

dasatva, s. Slavery, bond- orlorfjJ), aorto^ dinguduni,

age, servitude. dinguni, J^ o)cXoo).

dasana, s. The shoe-flower ti dirija, ^. Plenty, abundance.

plant, Hibiscus rosa sinensis ;
adj. Full, complete, replete.
also 03^39. 2. much. 3. violent, severe.

dasapanti, ^. A kind of adv. Very, often. a plenty

grass, used as a blister. of people. 13?3 severe pain.

dasaya, see 33r often, many times.

> dasaye, dasayye, ^j dinjavuni, . v.
s. A Visluiuite incn.'licant. S>)
To causi- to fill, load, heap.
diriju 319 dikke

=ij> dirijuni (ao), t\ . To be dimmskayi, see Xo

filled, full, replete, v. a. To
fill. acsL- /#. to fill the a &. dikku, ^. Direction, side,

belly to earn one's livelihood

; ; region or quarter of the
to be pleased. world. 2. refuge, shelter,
oz9* dinjelu, s. Fullness. 2. protection. cro<5 four points
flood-tide. of the compass. nsoS des-
dindu,The festival of
s. titute, helpless. ascSpscSo
illumination, when the idol of a destitute man, an orphan.
a temple is carried in pro- without protection.
cession. to decorate; confusion
^w^s giddiness, ;

to prepare for an illumina- roaming, wandering. 3^$

tion. to miss the direction.
dindu, adj. Strong, stout. dikka, aafo. Quickly, speedily.
2. rash. 3, .y^ aczsatS^.
03j)^) dikkaripuni (a^a), w.a.
33^ a tyrant, bully.
To despise, condemn, censure,
ces* dindu, J. The tender stalk
reproach. 2. to disdain, re-
inside a plantain tree,
cddinda, adj. Proud, mischiev-
aoz. S* dikkalu, see at?jaa <s*o.
ous, impudent; cf. id
s. dikkapalu, s. Disper-
dindatige, Mischief,

impudence. 2.
stupidity. sion, dissipation, ruin.
ou^j dindu, see aoS. to be dispersed, dissi-

d dinde, ^. A strong, stout pated, ruined.

man a ;
mischievous fellow. dikkamalli, ^. A kind
3s3 a large cocoanut tree, of resin tree, Gardenia lucida.
dinna, see JJ dikkara, s. Disrespect, in-
Soari dindige, see disdainment,
suit, contempt ;

Qo$ dinne, J. A hillock, eminence. rejection.

hill and dale, ups and ^ dikki,
see &\
rf dikkijjyande, 5?^ o^
dimma, ^. The sound of a
under o^.
small finger-drum.
ooF3 dimmane, ^. a^> dikke, .J. A Pariah.
Quickly, JT

suddenly. a ^,, a=5y3

dikke, dikkelu, j
. A
o" o
dimmaku, j^ a^ja^. hearth, fireplace. d
S^ the
j dimme, s. A wedge ; a front of a hearth. a^rfcX6
stopple, plug. the hearth-place.
dikko 320 dina

dikkolu bull, an ox belonging to a

. A Pariah woman. Siva temple. 2. Siva's steed.

.3 dikpalake,
s. The guar- acs "^ diduka, see art.

dian of one of the eight points 33* 533 didudida, #</:'.

of the compass.
didumena, see 33^3.
diguru, s. Disregard, in-
dida, J^c -^.
difference. 2. resentment.
sro didika, see a^.
adj. Adverse, contrary.
33. _7i3t>> an adverse state- ^j didumbu, s. A big drum.
ment or reply. -rfotfo^

resent; to disregard. didumberu, see a5ot35.

diganta, s. The horizon. l didka, ^. Immediately,

digantara, s. A foreign quickly; suddenly.
country. diddu,5-. An elevated ground,
o>~d digambara, adj. Naked, a mound. 2. rancidity.
uncovered. aXo>c-3 a nude ada didde, see
man; a recluse, anchorite.
Fear, alarm.
\s digilu, .y. 2.

cowardice. didamme, didappe,

s. One of the
see ), Sin, under
fabulous elephants support-
dinusu, J. Likeness. 2.
ing the globe.
kind, sort.
a rt^$Z
u digbandhana, s. A general
a^;=73Ci dinusara, J. Different
charm to keep off all evils.
kinds or sorts, as of goods, etc.
art s3o digbhrama, s. Unsteadi-
v) a^ dina, J. A day. ~=^$ daily
routine. *.?
daily wages.
a?Te) Jr digvarte, ^. News from
^ daily. tst>, _ss& a
different directions.
diary, day-book, chronicle.
aAtiOJo digvijaya, ^. Universal
_e3odoF daily conduct. ajSjs

conquest. 3^ daily. ^^^ the length

aU dita, w -^. of a day, a day in general :

a&J. ditta, ^//'. Confident, bold. the times. sc^r passing time.
*5i boldness. the
^si^sJ- present time.
ditti, see *frs to spend time, to live.
a!^ [man. ^^s>
afe3. ditte, s. A bold, or clever dinamprati, adv. Daily,
II a^o^j
azs^o^j didumbu, /z^/'. Corpulent, ry day.

did^mbery, ^. A deified dinasu, se

dina 321 a 5373 dipa

A certain
^ divya, adj. Divine,

clay. beautiful, agreeable, excel-

aj3e>?3e> dinala, dfr. Daily. lent, supernatural. _Xor
aursdibbana, J.
party,A bridal excellent disposition. 3sa
T ?i

a marriage procession. ro divine knowledge. &>&&- the

tfotfo, awr3^5 persons Divine Being, God. "disk a
ing to a marriage party. rare gem.
also 3jt>!^d^j. 3.^e^ heaven.
dibralu, see
-rf^an excellent substance;
a holy being.

s. disantara, see
dimaku, Haughtiness,
arrogance, pride, disdain. ij3 disatane, ^

dimiti, j. A kind of stout, ise, s. Direction, side, space,

white cotton cloth, ribbed or region ;
cf. o^, d.
figured ; dimity. dishta, 5-.
Fate, destiny,
dimidimi, s. Agility, fortune.
dancing nimbly. dishti, j

^ rf^^.
_7&rf glass
adv. Sud-
ad, diyya, dirra, beads put on the neck of
denly, at once; cf. a^. an infant to ward off the
dity, . The mind, heart. effect of evil eyes.
a^Jo diva, divasa, ^'<? a.
a?3dise,.y. Fortune, luck, -otfo^
^d divakare, j

. The sun. to be lucky, obzf _ good luck.

s. sja^- bad luck.
&S3e)^ divanu, divane,
The minister or secretary of a dltige, see eSefeS*.

native state. 2. an idiot, fool.

^ divaratre, Day and s.

dlna, ^'. Poor, indigent,
night, rtdfr. By day and night. 2.
needy, modest, humble,
rad^Sors divarohana, s. As-
dine, s. A poor or weak
D divali, s. Bankruptcy. man. 2. an humble man.
2. see Q?SJS^. Sj^-8 a bank- A lamp; a light.
3J dipa, J.
rupt; a spendthrift. ?&$, 332 3
lighting lamps in a
o^s to become insolvent. temple as an act of devo-
divi, J. Heaven, the sky. tion.

li diviti, ^^ aefeS*. sjfj dipana, ^. Hunger.

S L ^ o d dividivimara, -s.The di- a?53)^^dipali, dlpavali,
vidivi tree, CcBsalpina coriara. '/. A row of lights), a
dlpa 322 dumbu

festival with nocturnal illu- taking a service, austerities,

minations in honour of a etc.
^^a to take a vow;
god. to undertake any pious work.
33 j>4 dlpavuni, c.i<.
(of De^s) dunkuni, see &sctfo$.
To cause to place, keep, put,
dunci, s. Shag, nap, as of
etc. a cloth.
-^u^s to hem a
jS3s)S^>r3o) dlpavonuni, reft. v. garment. -05o,$ to become
(of O?STO;$O>) To keep, ^. for
woolly or shaggy.
one's self. 2. to keep a con- oosa duncelu, adj. Shaggy,
cubine, rig.
woolly, as a cloth.
|i^ dlpike, see a?zJ.
cct) dundu, adj. Round, globu-
j^ dipti, .?.
Light, lustre. 2. lar, -eotf a kind of bracelet
fire. 3. a lamp kept burning worn females. ik *
by CO
near an .idol. a kind of round jasmine,
;ji dlpini (a?), v. a. To place, Jasniinion sainbac.
keep, put, reserve, lay by. dunde, see dc^.
j diya, see oofcg.
dunna, s. Heaviness, adj.
dire, J Setf-
dlrgha, adj. Long. .y. The oodo dundu, adj. Prodigal,
long form of a vowel, the wasteful. TTO&^, g?; prodi-
letter ?. -w cdoo^ a long life.
gality, waste. T\S$ a prodi-
_ C$F a prophet, seer. tforfo^
gal, squanderer.
death. i^cB long The fifty-
suffering, ocktp dundubhi, s.

patience. sixth year of the Hindu cycle

!^e)F53 dlrsale, s. A superior of sixty. 2. a kettle-drum,
kind of rice.
dunna, sec nsoore.
divati, se J. A kind
dlvali, set of earring.

:^ divi, divu, s. An island. dumpiyuni (^cL),

_d the bread fruit, Arto- :. w. To stumble.
carpus incisa. d>o^ns dumbagu, <7</r. In future,
dikshanta, s. The fulfil- next year ; cf.
rfi rs t.

ment of a vow or austerities. dumbatta, </;'. Fir

dikshe, s. The
initiatory dumbinani, W:\ The
crivmony of a sacrifice, etc. day before, previous day.
2. a vow, resolve to accom- o&o dumbu, s. Front. 2. past
plish anything. 3. under- time. 3. futurity, adr. In
dumma 323 duppa

front. 2. early, beforehand. pini (

^. . To acquire,
3. at first, in the beginning. gain, earn, obtain.
4. formerly. 5. in future, dudumbuni (rfo^oo^S),

hereafter; alsot&ztt'R.
~ crooSo . a. To drive.
the first man, firstborn. ^p? o^o^^ duduku, du-
$ to go in advance. &d3i dukutana, Hurry, rashness.

before and behind, front and 2. violence, injustice. 3. pride,

rear -
dummana, s. Grief, do^j^i dudukuni (z^Tli^), v. n,

s. The sound of To be rash or hasty. 2. to

a mosquito. be violent, haughty, v, a. To
doo?o du'insa, duifisa, see defy.
duduta, see ck&3.

do 8 duh, -?,? &5. duddata, J. The game of

dossu duhkha, chuckfarthing.

Sorrow, grief,
&sbr$ duddase, s. Covetousness.
affliction. to afflict,

grieve, tease. to duddu, s. A copper coin

mourn, lament. worth four pie. 2. copper
coin in general. 3. money,
dJ8jOo3oo) duhkhiyuni (rfoia)),
?'. . To mourn, lament. riossD
cash. ?3_, A&3_ a thick Co

cfcsa)5 esbrs to sob, weep copper coin that was current

in former days.
v. n,
dossteo^ duhsakuna, s. A bad jr>s3)> dunipuni (^>^),
omen. To struggle, strive. 2. to

^. A flutter, flap the wings in agi-

dukanu, shop.
tation, as a bird. 3. to bustle,
dukka, Wz-. Suddenly, at
be in a hurry.
once, quickly; cf. a^. 83^
orlisS^ dunipelu, adj. Strug-
s> to get up at once.
gling, striving, fluttering. 2.
SJ dukkha, ^eY cbsso.
rfjA^rs dugane, dugga-
orls5?3 dunipele, s. A bustler,
ni. s. Two pie.
Cos! dutta, ^^ C^M..
50 ra dunna, see
dudi, ^. The lip.
duttu, see
^, do a J dudita, dudite, s.
duppa, Suddenly;
Gain, acquisition. 2. proper- quickly.
ty. do
3^13, do^eo duppati, duppate,
s. A laced (?/ other cloth
duppe 324 durgu

loosely thrown over the body. 2. a vain 6/- forlorn hope,

2. a sheet, tablecloth. unattainable desire.
duppe, see ^o^. durita, s. Sin, transgres-

dubaralu, see sion.


dubalaku, adj. Twice duruji, src Xo35r.

distilled; double. duruda, sec &fi-

::o dubiri, adj. Double. 2. Coii durubi, ^7<//'. Inebriating.
needless, useless. ^sJr 2. _^rf inebria-
double or needless expense. tion; surfeit.
3. see cos^)j>.
durubini, see
CD~; dubasi, s. An interpreter. ^
2. a broker, agent, etc.
durusu, J<?

dubralu, 5-. Twice dis-

tilled arrack. durustu, s. Repairs, im-

jj5o dumukuni provement, adj. Proper, well,

#. a. To jump down ;
to alight right,-^os^fc to repair, mend,
put in order,
dumusu .sw Xo^5oo?jj. djdo^durula, adj. Wicked. 3d
duyamu, ^'. Second-
dodj? durule, s. A wicked man.
ary, subordinate. 2. middling,
second-hand. d->rtr durga, s. A castle, hill-fort.
2. see rfj?\r.
dur, dus, Prefixes
denoting Bad, ill. wicked. doriroqi durgandha, ^. A stench,
2. difficult. 3. inferior, vile, fetid smell.

durangi, ^'. Differently dorlrU, dos^rij durgata, dur-

coloured on both sides, as ghata, adj. Difficult of attain-
some cloths. ment, insurmountable, w
orf durabhyasa, ^. A bad ok" an object difficult to ac-
habit or practice. complish.
duraya, see rfj^g. dorlr^durgati, s. A bad destiny,
duracara, s. A bad misery. 2. hell.

custom or usage. 2. wicked dorrar^ofc durgalaya, s. A temple

conduct. of Durgi.

duritme, s. An evil spirit. dJhrdurgi, s. A name of Farvati.

2. a wicked man. 2. the name of a female.
Oe>dJ2S?2 duralocane, ^f. Wick- dortorre durguna, s. A bad dis-
ed thoughts.
position or temper, corrupt

durase, 5 Covetousness. nature, adj. Ill-natured.

durge 325 dushkl

durge, sec dj DOF!

durmitre, ^. A bad friend.
durci, s. A sheet of paper. dorfjoFSJ durmukha, s. An angry
2. see disaSr. face.

rjana, ^. Wicked people. dosjJOF) durmukhi, s. The thir-

durjati, s. A disreput-
tieth year in the Hindu cycle
able caste. of sixty.

CtaZoF durji, see Xos2r. 2. ci)o3j3^FCjc3duryodane, s. The

elder of the Kuru princes.
durjilu, sec

$ durdase, s. rfot>Fcfj durlabha, adj. Difficult'

of attainment, scarce, rare,

Bad con- durvarte, s. Bad news,

r$FdJ durnadate, s.

duct. durvasane, s. A stink,

durnudi, ^. A bad word. stench.

durbala, ^. Weakness, durvyaya, see rfo^roso.

impotency. adj. Weak, im- durvyasana, s. A bad

potent; helpless. habit, evil practice.
durbini, s. A telescope. durvraya, s. A useless

durblja, s. lit. A bad expense, squandering, waste,

seed. adj. Of bad family, of dursu, s. Rockets; also
disreputable descent. sror. 2. see rfo'rforfo . 200

20jr> durbuddhi, s. A wicked to fire rockets.

mind, bad disposition. 2. folly, dullodi, s. A kind of
want of sense. necklace.
)23j3^Fqj^ durbodhane, s. Bad dusmane, s. An enemy,

opponent. <io^oi^ enmity,
durbhikshe, s.
Scarcity, hostility.
famine. A bad
4^ dusslla, ^. dispo-
cks3oF>3 durmati, s. The fifty-fifth sition or practice.
year of the Hindu cycle of s. An evil
sixty. 2. an evil mind.
deed, crime, sin. rfos^aor a
do^oF^s* durmanasu, s. A bad
wicked man.
^ dushkale, s. A great thief.
dodoFdrs durmarana, s. An un-
timely death, death by acci- ^ dushkala, J. An evil

dent. time. 2. famine, scarcity.

riosiraFrfF durmarga, s. Wicked- , dushklrti, ^. Infamy,
ness, vice. bad name.
. dusta 326 duru

dushta, adj. Bad, wicked, the dead; a mound marking

depraved. 2. low, vile. Xore, the burial place of a Sudra.

a bad disposition. & 2. a temporary shed, covered

wickedness, depravity. 200 with awnings, for offering

a an evil inind; a minister oblations to the manes of
so called. ^^Xr wicked deceased Sudra. 3z-J> a
conduct. a wild beast,^X field inwhich such a mound
mischievous animal. or shed has been raised. rf

dushte, s. A wicked or bad o;&

oblations of boiled rice
man. offered to the manes of a
j^o dustara, Difficult, deceased Sudra. K
trying, hard. prepare such food.
An unhappy to serve such food; to serve
_ dustale, s.

man ;
a bad man. a person with a large quanti-

dustu, s. A suit of clothes. ty of food.

s. An evil dubina, s. A comb.
So^spDd dusvabhava,
dura, s. Distance,
disposition, ill-nature. adj.
s. Bad compa- Distant, remote. ^T3jsXo_
fcrf ort dussanga,
com- very far. crooSo a low-caste
ny or intercourse; evil

man; a man come from a
distance. os$" a female in
U)ceJ dunta, see Xjsow.
her menses; a low-caste wo-
IfSc:! dunde, see djsofi.
man. ^)^ foresight ; long-

iJSoto, c5j3o233 dumbe, dumbelu,

sighted. a long
-dreXr, risa
see slaoeoo.
way. -trocgoa to stand at a
duji, s. A needle, pin. distance, ^ets to go far,
^, a magnet. ^5otf the
move further. -"os> to
tinian pine.
be deferred, delayed.
duduni, see N^^OS*. a to separate to shun. ;

duti, s. A pimp, procuress. 5Qe)U durata, s. Aspersing,

2. a female messenger.
calumniating ; complaining.
s. A
dute, messenger, spy. s.
duru, Aspersion, blame,
an angel. osor5o the
reproach. 2- a complaint.
messenger of death. _ if^co to complain,
CJJSCjJ dudu, ^6' 3ijs2S. 2. J^fc' ^A'rfj.
to accuse, blame,
CjJSw, c3je)jc^ dupa, dupana, ^^ censure.
3dOie>oi> durunaye, J. An ac-
dupe, s. Food laid out for
cuser, censurer, complainant.
duru 327 dekka

duruni (:&>&), v. a. To ample, illustration, evidence.

accuse, complain ;
to blame, ^jsLrs to exemplify, illus-
reproach, censure. trate.

3 diirele, see ziatfocracSo. &. drushti, J.

Sight, seeing.
s. Crafti- 2. an eye.
ness. dengu, J. A hiding place.
3sF durte, s. A deceiver. >
dengavuni, c. v.

s. A To cause to be hidden,
dushake, blasphem-
er. concealed; hide, conceal.
dushane, s.
Cursing. 2. denguni (t3oF\) t 7>. n. To
censure, reproach. <& blas- be hidden, concealed, lie in

phemy. ambush.
v. a. 7^3 dengele, s. One who hides,
5&35)) dushipuni (siaiU),
To blaspheme. 2. to
a refugee.
censure, reproach. denji, s. A crab. aro^ an
s. Fine powder; abscess between the thumb
and the forefinger.
dusuni (rf^co),
#. a. To
_ are
spill, sprinkle. 5

ja^o* duselu,
some of the species of crab.
s. Powder, dust.
Powdered, dusty.
denjeli, s. A kind of um-
see ^tfo. 2. a dis-
brella made of palm leaves.
3. a high num- dentu, see
picable person.
ber. ts, 35z unreliable. dennana, see

o dulu, J^ ^^o- dembu, see

1=0* druku, s. The eye. 2. sight,
dembelu, j^
seeing. dekkattuni
drudha, J. Firmness, sta- To shuiSe, or move in a slo-
bility. 2. certainty. 0<//'. Firm, venly manner, as a person in
stable. -3^ firmness; truth- a tight dress or when the foot
fulness. to affirm,
do^s> is entangled in anything.
declare; to fix, make certain. ^. A kind of nut-
, vBj, dekkatti,

drudhlkarana, s. Con- cracker used for cutting the

firmation. areca-nut into pieces.
l3l dr^shta, adj. Visible, appa- The betrothal
,oSo dekkayi, s.
rent. same to put the
badge. ^B^S
drushtanta, s. An ex- on the person of a bride.
dekka 32S devg-

dekkare. lase, dese, s. Condition,

17 tr "O"

dekkaru, dekkaru, J. The space state. 2. fortune, luck.

between the legs, when they deseddu, postp. From, by,
are apart. adv. Between on account

of, for.
the legs. deki, ^. Nicety. 2. manage-
~r~~ :c dekkaji, .r. A kind of ment or foresight, a.ij. Nice,
bracelet. good.
d?n* degu, 5tv cr
dekkane, adi'. Tightly.

dekkavuni, c. i\ ~ defc deja, J^ *?.

To cause to wash. debe, s. A quarrelsome
Tq\dekki, s. Space, room, place.
U derata, ^. Driving.
^o, $ dekkuni (-^_), ''. a. To wash
deruni (-e5).
. <?. To
(anything except clothes),
drive, drive away.
lave, cleanse.
s; dela, ^. A small temple.
dekkulu, see d^jro^otfj.
2. God. -AOCT^ the idol's
dekkuli, .?.
apartment in a temple.
teeth, projecting teeth. a man
T.T^ s.
~ dekke, bereft of his child blasphemes

c. r
leppavuni, against God.
To cause to take. ^s:|JSeJo. delantottu, ft

d^ deppu, sec 2. see Brahmin's house.

<D ^)cd33)d, d?y3jri delandapuda,
deppuni i'. a. To take, delapuda, s. A temple pigeon,
d^^< (-),
X C^Cl > v/ /"/"
C*/ 7?7i
^v f.i ^S
w- F\
" \
oJv deva sec fe^c. 2. the male
^1)^ to abolish, take away, put organ.
aside ;
to pull out to remove, . 1 devanda, adj. Pertaining

dismiss. to temples. a small

s-:e ^sl. kind of tiles.

W s.
d?53& devaki, Krishna's
3. 'see &
r? devagana, s. The race
~i deyiva, see 3.
of gods.
r. ; : ;'. -
derangayi, ^^
deste^. rl- :3ri devadike, de-
d^r^i derpuni (-^J- f. . To vadige, s. One of the caste of
lift, raise. musicians.
devva, ^. A demon, evil -
devatarcane, s. V
*j . .

spirit. ship of a god.

deva 329 desa

devate, s. A demi-god. ?ja) $ devasthana, s. A temple.

devatva, ^. Divinity; ri devanga, s. A Lingayat

godhead. class of weavers. 2. an ape.

derfd^ devadatta, adj. Given crooSo one of the weaver
by God. class.

destocf, d?rfc3e>6devadaru, de- ^. Death.

sis^^ devadhma,
vadare, s. A cedar. adv. In God's disposal. e?

z3 ?rf cites devadute, s. An angel. &5> to die.

derfdj^eso devadroha,
s. Aposta- S3SD5qS?3devaradliane } J. Divine
cy, heresy. worship.
derfc^rfo devanama, s. The 3e>t>o&dmlaya, s. A church;
name of God,
a temple.
devaninde, s. Blas- devi, s. A goddess. 2. Par-
vati. 3. a queen. -t3 the
devapuje, s. Adoration
of God, divine worship. Sakti worship.

erf3l3^ devapratishthe,
s. The 3^0 deviri, devari, s.

consecration of an idol. A Brahmin's dress.

erfsrad devabare, s. A superior deveru, s. God. 2. an

kind of plantains. honorific title, applied to
devabhakti, s. Piety, de-
zji^ persons of rank, de^ soodjr
s. A a sacred work or undertaking.
devabhakte, pious
man, a devotee. s. Indra.
odj devendre,
ts3si>oC3i>d s. A desa, s. A country, land,
kind of flower. territory, district, region. ^?

erf sfos fir devamarga, s. God's S one who has left his

ways. 2. pious behaviour, country, an exile. oXor?i

^tfortdevaranga, ^. The centre to travel.

of a temple.
sp^sS desabhashe, s. The
devaraje, s. Indra. language of a country.
s. Heaven. desabhrashta, s. Trans-
devaloka, eo

>? devalya, see de^^odo. portation, expatriation.


^ s. desasthe, J. A native,
devasa, Temple-lands
or property. inhabitant. 2. a class of

Brahmins. [country.
Presence; God's presence. ^ desantra, s. A foreign

8 devasamarpane, ^.
s. A foreigner;
Offering to God. a traveller.
desa 330 donku

c33e>23e>ddesacara, s. The custom ^ treasure devoted to a

of a country, local usage.
cS^SeJ&JfS desatana, s. Travels ;
Oioo^di deiyankade, c/z'. To-
travelling. wards god or a demon, s. An
z3?Se>$5e>o, cS?3i!^3J3 desadhi-
inclosure of an idol. 2. the
kari, desadhipati, s. A sovereign name of a village.
ruler. deiyare, ^. The name of

d^SDOSo desayi, s. A chief man a demon.

among the Lingayats. SiCi.r, ddo deirya, ^<? ^(o^or.
ei w *j

desresSd, c3e3s>533d desavara, de- )d deiva, J. A deity; God. 2.

savara, adj. Foreign, exotic. an evil spirit, a demon. 3.

s. A present, gift, alms. destiny, fate. adj. Divine, ce-
z3?3 dese, see cS. lestial.
3c^ a divine
act. divine
desya, #<//. Local, of or -^3, -riotf^
belonging to a country, God's will.
-ejro^, origin, 3^3
ordained by God. XS, odoa^,
deha, J. The body. oSjseX fate, God's decree.
corporal Xor divine nature. ^oWi5,
punishment, pe-
nance, mortification. rio^oUfS God's help. eoa
divine strength. 3ooso the
dehi, adj. Having a body,
corporeal. face of God ;
divine grace.

dei, s. A plant, young tree. sjsp^ deivadhlna, adj. Sub-

deindi. s. The name of a ject to God's will. s. Fate,
tree. 2. a God's decree; death.
staff, stick.
deinde. J^ oocS. deivlka, adj. Divine.

deinde, ^^ 3c$>X. deisuni, see >s. 2. see

dj- deitya, deitye, s. A

donka, see B-ao^.
titan, demon, giant. -
donka, a^/'.
a giant's deed ; .
a wicked act.
to grow tall.
tf, c5i?ip deina, deinya, s. Mean-
donkavuni, '. r-.
ness, humility, servility. 2. To cause to tread,
poverty, adj. Mean, humble, trample.
lowly. 2. cringing, servile. donkasu, ^^ dso^.
humble disposition. donkuni (^c^), ?. ^7.

deipuni, sec =~3S. To tread, trample. six>^_

deiya, ja-
~^. nuri^ a a Pariah woman to become
gift or offering to demons. pubescent, i'lg.
donke 331 dokke

donke, donkelu, celebrated under a pandal.

_rf axs-do the succulent creeper

donkelu, s. What has purslane, Basella rubra; cf.

been trodden, adj. Trodden,

trampled. dompiyuni (Asob),
. . To stumble.
donguni, see
dJ3ozS dombi, J. A mob, rabble.
donte, see
2. a
riot, T^tS a
dondi, see
rioter, turbulent man.
Oo^l donde, s. The throat.
dJSozoo dombu, J. Sunshine, heat
_ 3$3)& (///.
to wet the throat)
of the sun. ^osktf mirage.
to drink, allay thirst. the heat to decrease.
rs donna, s. Self-confidence. to expose to the
7\z~3 a man carrying a club ; sun. aDjs"do$ the sun to
a self-confident man. shine. 55^0$ the sun to
3 donnappe, s. A self- strike. ?ix-
very hot. cSriS

confident or conceited man. the morning sun.


donne, s. A cudgel, club, evening sun. 3$ twilight.

mace. dombudi, J^ djaot3.

Qorfs^ dondappe,
s. A com- dombe, ^. A tumbler,
panion. trau
rope-dancer. tumbling,
dondi, s. A small torch rope-dancing. ^5 aSo a
made of a rag. female tumbler.
dondu, s. A couple, pair. J3o23o*, dombelu,

domboli, chap, cleft in

s. A
the surface of the earth.
D dondepuri, see daori^B
under &8od dommare, see s3jsGs3.

I5o^ donne, ^. A cup made of domsa, see ^ori.

plantain leaves, etc. ^U^N 3e>^J^o, dJS^-x^o dokkina-
to make such a cup. s. A mode of
kulu, dokkulu,
Apandal, shed,
ffiosj dompa, addressing high caste people
temporary covering of matted by Pariahs.
palm leaves, etc. cf. t^tf. 2. ; =CT, dokke, .y. Breath; breath-
a frame-work of bamboos, etc. ing. -wJte, -^jarfo
erected for training a creeper. .^ e? L^ to revive.
^ tsaiTS
Cynamopsis psora- _ 3^>-do$ to cease to breathe;
loides, a kind of bean. rf aiO to expire. o3o^s>, sieS^S) to
the annual festival of a demon palpitate.
dogga 332 dori

doggalu, s. Kneeling. 2^ doddastige, s. Great-

OS, sojjfdoa to kneel. ness, loftiness. 2. riches,
power. 3.
ostentation, pride,
doggu, adj. Kneeling.
_^eroo ///. saluting on one's doddu, see rkzk. 2. see

knees; submission, yielding.

rieteo cracks to submit, yield. dodde, see 3i3 .

dogguni (~-^), ''. n. To donelu, s. A club,

kneel. donna, st

d doggoli padpe, J.
dodde, s&
A short kind of tbe vegetable &
donelu, see
Amarantus oleraccus. 2. the
doppe, s. A kind of grass.
s. Uncleanli- dobari, sec
%S3 dojjalu,

ness; rubbish. dobbi, see t*E2

fccj dojjuni (- -*|,),

e ". To ,o.
dobbu, s. Pushing, shov-
stammer; to hesitate.
Q^d^j dobbuni (-s ^), "'. To
dojje, s. A stammerer. push, shove, put off.

dotte. ^^ cdo4..
doranku, see
r'" dodaku,
^'. Perplexed, dorankuni,
confused. 2. broken, damaged. dorangu, see da^dK.
dode, ^. A greedy man; do-
3;a3o. 2. ^^ daezS. 3. J^ randalige, dorandolige, s. Self-
3o<3. _ ^^ greediness. praise, egotism, elation.
dodda, adj.' Great, large. dorakavuni, c. v.
doddanne, ' ' ' '

. An elder To cause to obtain ;

i i

brother. to procure.

doddanti, J. Birthday. dorakuni

doddanadaye, J. A & t. dat. To be got, obtained,

powerful man. procured, found.

dorake, 5r^ &s-dt.
-v|c3j doddappaye,
doddaye, s. A father's elder doragy, ^'. Coarse,
brother. rough.
doddare, s. A kind of :^ dorastu,
^^ rfo-do?^.

dori, <7^'. Poured, as corn,
doddale, dodle. ^.
etc.; cf.
A wild orange, Atalantiu doripavuni, c. 7-.
Monophylla. To cause to flow down,
dori 333 dodu

run out, or run over as corn, dollu, ^

dolle, see
5>c> doripuni (:&>&), v. a. kra^ ^. A tall
To shoot out as corn, etc.,
man; c/". tSjs^oB.
from a sack or bundle. A long pole j

donti, .

fcOoko^ doriyuni (3&), v. n. with a hook to pluck fruit.

To flow down, run out, or ^S donte, s. Tallness, length.
run over as corn, etc., from 2.a tall man. adj. Tall, long.
a sack or bundle. 2. to ^5 long legs. a long ^
fall, as rain, to shower. 3. to worm.
feel a limb heavy. dondala, see T^seorf^^^.
S6 dore, see fctf. j doku, J^ $>r5o.
toFO* dorji, dorjilu, s.
doga, Crawling.
A kind of rafter.
dog-uni (d?K), T-. </. To
aiFs* dortelu, adj. Partially crawl on hands and knees or
empty or loose, as a bundle in a sitting posture. 2. to
of rice.
grub up grass.
So^F^i, d^F> dorpuni, dor- dota, $ ^?u-
buni, see d &:$>
dote, see AB?o8.
3^o^o> dalankuni (cUaoiiF),
v. a. To relax, loosen.
l dodane, J. Furniture, ^.
dodiyuni (&8?&) f ..
dollu, adj. Useless, un-
To arrange. 2. to collect,
profitable, vain. 2. empty,
void. 3. see gather, provide, store; cf.
dolle, J. Saliva, spittle,
dode, s. A talkative
to cough hard.
clo^oo^j dolanku, do-
doni, s. A boat. 2. a
lunku, (//'. Loose, lax. s.
spirited c^ quarrelsome wo-
Looseness also ^^00^6.
_tfu^a to tie loose; to
done, see zSjsoi?.
dotra, ^. A Hindu's lower
dolunkuni (datfooF), \

garment, the cloth wrapped

?'. . To be loose, lax; be
round the loins. ri ^cs3 the
colored borders of such a
$ dole, see &s3.
dolpuni, ^'^ ^<yo,^.
" 2. dodu, adj. Thin, watery.
see 2. see
dode 334 draksha

dodelu, J. Thinness, dolki, J. A small drum.


.s . A washerman, dou'.nsa, see ^cx.

dora, J<?* sd. doudu, J. A gallop. 2. a

doraka, see quick motion. 3. arrogance.

4. speed, haste. cfazrocfsa
great haste.
?0 dori, J. A rope.
doude, ^. The jaw, cheek.
dore, .?. A kind of gold ^jebrs) to slap the cheek,
bracelet. 2. the thread used
douta, J. Loss, destruction.
for fastening a knife to
to destroy,
the legs of a cock in cock-
douti, s. An ink-stand.
s. A ^doft, c5^s-oh dourangi, dou-
^d^oSj dorekayi, ripe
langi, ^. A long coat

dorganda, see rfoXru. ^s*, n^dJS^o doulatu, doulo-

tu, ^. Rule, government. 2.
d>JSor(ok3 dolante, do-
s. A drum and pomp, ostentation.
lagante, bell,
doulu, see Z3^>o.
doli, see <&s?. douve, adj. Toothless.

s. A drum. wosS ti>c3 dravida, Jt^ n^^zS.

a pot-belly. d ^ the hollow as^ dravya, J. Wealth, proper-
cylinder or hemisphere of a ty, substance. 2. elementary
drum. substance, namely: earth,

dole, s. A man with a pot- water, fire, air, ether, time,

belly. space, soul, intellect.

U)??o dosha, dosa, s. rfsyjvs! dravyase, s. Love of

Fault, defect, blemish. 2. sin, gold, avarice.

offence, crime. 3. error, mis- Dravidian
cy3j3r3 dravida, adj.
take. ^So^ a man of unble- or Tamil. & properly the
mished character. country from Madras to Cape
dose, s. A cake of rice Comorin. ^sj^oe a Brahmin,
flour. native of the South of the
?o dosti, -J.
Friendship, inti- Vindya mountains. epraMone
macy. 2. a friend. of the Dravidian languages.
dola, ^. Desire. 2. the P,^ draksha, drakshe, s.
^\ ^^\
lin plant, &s?U a vineyard.
doli, w aijs-do the grape vine. "33

dolu, wine.
droha 335 dhara

\P3o droha, s. Treason, treach- dvijati, s. One of the


rebellion, revolt. twice born castes.

Qi-y, ^^
apostasy. ^so_ treason. dvije, s. A Brahmin, whose
dejeSo an apostate, traitor, investiture with the sacred
betrayer. thread supposed to con-

dvandva, s, A couple, pair. stitute a second birth.

2. dispute.
strife, dvitiya, adj. Second.
single combat. ^re?j a form the accusative case.
of grammatical combination a,3JcS dvipade, s. A metrical
of words. '"composition in couplets.
o? d dvara, ^. A door. ^, TO a 3733 dvipadi, J. A biped.
<y^ a doorkeeper. The dual
ad^cS dvivacana, s.

crad^dvarakajJ. The city where number, gram.

Krushna, reigned. dvividha, adj. Twofold.

a, dvi, adj.
Two dvlpa, s. An island.
dvija, 0^'. Twice born. dvesha, s. Hatred, enmity.
s. The oviparous class of
to hate, detest.

animals, as birds, snakes, ^ dveita, s. Dualism. rfo^

fish, etc., which are first born a sect that regards God and
in the shell or egg and then matter as distinct.
produced from it. of this sect.

dha, The thirty-second letter >
dhani, s. A proprietor
of the alphabet. master, lord. 2. a wealthy

dhakka, see ^. zJj*j man. 3. see YS.
a peremptory demand, dhanike, J. A wealthy
dhakke, ^^ &&. man.

l dhade, sec cill 2. j^ ra. c3j. qJ^j^J. dhanu, dhanussu, s.

dhani, j^ qJs-
A bow. 2. the ninth solar

l dhane, see &3.

month. TO?) the sign Sagit-

s. wealth,
tarius. q^ov^S an archer.
dhana, Riches,
property. 3, ^^^z!3 Ku- dhamudhumu, J^ ^
bera; a wealthy person. ^o
3 a rich man. dhara,
dhara 336 dhare

dro* dharanu, s. An old coin ^ dhavala, <//'. White, fair.

equivalent to one Rupee. white colour,

drs dharana, see PD^E?. dhavali, s. A white cow.

, $3dharani, dharitri, qssiso dhatu, dhatu,

^. The
dhare, 5-. The earth. sftWziB a pulse. 2. any constituent

king. part of the body, as flesh,

D^oSj, $0;fJ3r?oi dharisuni, blood, etc. 3.a primary or

dharitonuni 5
(v ),
a. elementary substance, as

wear, dress, put on, assume a earth, air, the proper-

etc. 4.

form. 2. to retain in mind, ty of a primary element, as

hold, es^sutf to become in- odour, colour, etc. 5. a gram-
carnate. X$F_ to become matical root. 6. a fossil or

pregnant, sk"
^ to be silent. mineral. 7. the tenth year
dor dharma, s. Justice. 2. in the Hindu cycle of sixty.
3. cmis-
charity, liberality. duty, 3^ spermatorrhoea,
sio seminis. full pulse
obligation. 4. usage, practice. 4^ ;

5. litness, propriety. 6. vir- strength.

tue, merit. v^ a wedding dhanya, s. Grain, corn in
in which the bridegroom in- general.
curs no expense. 3^ a d^c^^ dhamudhumu, s.

wedded wife. -oscSo the Prodigality, dissipation. 2.

oldest of the Pandu princes; the noise of a drum or a

Yama. ^^L a code of laws. gun.
dotfo^ to give alms. dhara, see
to do justice. dharane, s. Price, charge.
dharmanuje, -r. A 2. holding, having, maintain-
charitable man. ing, wearing. 3. keeping the

5r dharmarta, mind collected, breath sus-

dharmartha, adj. Gratuitous, pended, and all natural wants
charitable, free. ^rarg^r restrained.
5. z^rfrar&sFX.) Given
gratuitously, SDDrf^, dharadatta, adj.
freely, gratis. bypouring water on the hand.
dharmadharma, ^. _ to give by pouring
Right and wrong. [judge. water on the hand.
-.A 6 dhare, s. Sharpness, as of
dharmi, dharmi- a knife, etc. 2. the stream of
A charitable or liber- a jet of water poured. .>. a
slithe, s.
al man. wedding ceremony. -Ds^a
dhava 337 dheirya

to pour water etc. in a dammer tree Valeria indica ;

stream, to solemnise ^ode'S'A M ^lreorfj;j its

-So^s cf.

a wedding by pouring water j

;3oS^ to burn in-
on the hands of the bride cense.
and bridegroom- dhupambutti, see enn
d3 dhavati, s. Thirst, desire,
ardour, heat, hotness.
dhavu, s. Heat, warmth. dhuparati, dhuparti, dhupundi,
2. purse-pride, pride of wealth. s. A censer.
.3. being care-worn from ex- ^.
3>j^)^ dhupipuni (^^), .

cessive love of money, To offer incense, burn in-

dhave, see os3. cense.

si>3 dhimati, dhimate, dhuma, s. Smoke.

s. A wise or intelligent man. a comet.
dhlra, adj. Brave. 2. firm, ss&> dhumala, ^

steady, ^bravery, boldness, dhumavati,


dhire, s. A hero. dhumra, 5. A sort of

2. see
j=5* dhukku, see d&# purple colour compounded of
rfosso. black and red. -^ tobacco.
J^OB dbuttu, adj. Reproached, dhumre, s. The name of
reviled. 2. abandoned, de- a demon.
serted. ^F dhurta, Fraudulent,
dhuni, s. A river.
crafty. ,
^tx crafti-

$ J2J J do 2JO dhubudubu, s&? tkeoo^. ness; dissimulation. ^r a

J. War. deceitful man.
Pow- 3?oo dhusu, ^^ ^&T^.
dhurandhara, ^'.
erful, able. 3o"dcqfr3 a strong dhuselu, ^^ cis?56.

cr powerful man. dhulu, j. Dust. -Srf

O, qijS^ dhuri, dhurike, s. A mildew; cf.

burden. dhenu, J. A milch cow.
dhurlna, s. A bad disposi- ?&>= dhenukari, dhe-
tion or mind. ^. A name of Krushna.
dhuru, s. A yoke, s.
dheirya, Courage,
dhukshu, adj. Elevated, bravery. 2. firmness, steadi-
dhupa, s. Incense. rf *<^ri, ness. crooSo a courageous
oy^ a censer. rf -rfo-d the man, adventurer. oo?^ a

dhode 338

timid man, coward.


dhouta, adj. Washed,

a to take courage. cleansed, white. tsozotf

dhode, see washed cloth.

dhyana, J. Meditation,
>i>#o^ to medi-
rige, dhorandalig-e, see reflection.

dhore, s. A master, lord, ra^^J) dhyanipuni (^^), r-. .

king, ruler. 2. a European. To meditate, reflect.

3Z sovereignty, lordship, ^. de-
j^o^I dhvamsa, Loss,
mastership. *&$ a lady, struction, extinction. rfo tfOv

mistress. a to destroy, desolate, anni-

dhoku, set hilate.

dhode, see ^fcj dhvaja, ^. A flag, standard,

Ccl dhorane, s. Manner, way, banner.
mode. 2. display. 3. prowess. j ^ dhvani, s. Sound, voice,
4. ability. noise, report.

na, The thirty-third letter of oi> a man with a scrofulous

the alphabet. constitution ;

a malicious
0=5* nanku, (Pr.on. dot. plur. man. ^oti a poisonous tree,

of ri^o) To us. a poisonous thorn,

cn* nangu, s. A kind of fish, a scrofulous disease.
useless paddy. -rf?^ anything tend-
c^orta* nang'aru, nangalu, ing to deteriorate the quality
s. An anchor. of blood. atfoa, sja-do^ to

j. Poison. have puerperal convulsions.

2. puerperal convulsions. 3. ofcsooci narijunde, s. A name of
impurity in the blood, scro-
fulous tendency. 4. the af- &, (foU^ft, F^oL'O nantu, nan-
ter-birth. 5. envy, jealousy. tastige, nantu, s. Kin, rela-
6. see CB. Poisonous, tionship.
impure, unwholesome. v* ou? nandy, ^/'. Chronic, viru-
oso cocculus ; lent. 1'ostoring. 2. shrunken,
any unwholesome fruit. CD shrivelled; also
nanda 339 naka

dampness. -3& a festering nambarapu, see

sore. ^ixstfo a shrivelled
nose. ^~S a slender spring nambavuni, t. r.

or fountain. ^u^jS
to be-
vxs) To make believe, in-

come shrunken <?r shrivelled. spire with confidence. 2. to

_K eojatfos to become indu- hoax, deceive.

rated. o) nambi, J. A Vaishnava
nanda, s. The foster-father priest; also
of Krishna also orf&se:5, o

^3060. TLae^oo Krishna's ^^ nambig-e, ^. Fidelity,

birth-place. faithfulness, honesty, loyalty.
-& nandana, s.
Delight, joy. 2. trust, confidence, belief,
2. the twenty-sixth year in the faith. cDoSo a confidential
Hindu cycle of sixty. 3. or trustworthy man.
Indra's garden; a pleasure nambudi, s:e ^caxs&.
garden; also os^s3?i. nambuni (>s'^), ?. .

dN nandane, s. A son.
To believe, trust, rely upon,
nandarike, s. A class of
place confidence or faith in.
Brahmins. toJSO namburi, s. A Brahmin
rf^> nandala, J. A lamp-post of Malabar.
in front of a temple. ^^
oZ^Ori nambolig-e,
C3s>^3j nandadfpa, s. A lamp
nammavu, see 3
always kept burning before
nammlke, see
an idol.
nandi, s. A bull. 2. one of nammuni, see
Siva's principal attendants;

naka, J. The shell of a fish.

also gc^&gd. plea- 3. joy, cf.

^rfo^aaso. 2. j^ fiso.

sure. 4. the name of a man. a kind of perfume.

&???? the name of a demon ; nakariyuni, see N^^^>.
the statue of a bull. ^^ G* nakalu, A copy, tran-

a kind of white flower. script. _a;-3L^ to copy,

?j nandini, s. A daughter. transcribe; to take a copy.
2. a celestial cow. to make a rough
nambaye, see copy.
of nambaru, 5-. A number. 2. nakali, s. Ridicule, satire,
a suit, case. 3. any criminal caricature ;
imitation, adj.
4. an imputa- Spurious, counterfeit. c^o:o
tion, charge. a buffoon, satirist.
naka 340 nacca

to ridicule, caricature; to nakhaguti, s. A market

imitate. tax.

nakari, adj. Useless, worth- nakhavali, s. A row, as

less, adj. Inferior. of nails.

nakula, s. A mungoose. *$) nakhi, 5. A perfume. adj\

2. the fourth of the five Having claws.
Pandu princes. ^A*3^) nagupuni, see s>7\^.
nakera, s. A nail, claw. c^rt naga, s. Jewels, ornaments.
adj. Claw-like 2. goods, property. 3. a

nakeruni (5*^5),
v. n. mountain. 4. a sailing vessel

To neigh. 2. to titter, giggle. or craft. -^3 Vishnu.

, ...j|j, nakkamutti, s. A sort Firt^nagadu, adj. Fibrous; nap-
a- eJ
of gambling. py. 2. overgrown.
osxd)^ nakkavuni,
c. v.
(of ^^ ria nagadu, nagadi, s.

To cause to lick. Ready money, cash. &s^r&.


nakkuni 1

To to pay in cash.
tfo, (^), z . .

lick, lap. , cirfd nagaru, nagara, s. A

^. An earth- city, town. 2. the name of a
worm. s^> a red worm. town. -33^ a citizen, towns-
j^T^do^ nakkeruni, see ^TJOS.
?i.t>o nakkelu, see ^^Q - reS, srrsdnagari, nagari,
5. A kettle-
s. A man who nagdre, large
^^,s3 nakkele,
licks, especially the plate in
nage, s. Mouldiness, rotten-
which food had been served.
ness. zJ^s to moulder,
2. a greedy man.
become mouldy; to be rot-
^u,) nakkeldi, s. An abandoned
-' ten.
woman. 2. the fern, of 3^3.
^. A crocodile.
R^ nagepuni (^), r. . To
?yc\ nakra, mould, get rusty,
s. Vishnu's not
N^tSaJ,, nakrajittu, n* naggu, adj. Stunted,
weapon. [kettle-drum. fully developed. a^5 stunt-
<~J Cl
nakramaddoli, J. A ed paddy.

^^ nakru, ^<ff
^o^-do. ?J.>r(oiiaggunuggu,tf<//. Stunt-

fi-s- nakli, ^<J fitfc.

ed, diminutive.

:iakha, s. A nail, talon, ta

nacca, ^. Pricking. 2. peck-
claw. a fragrant substance
2. ing. 3. J^ 3. e3^s>

resembling a nail. prick, peck.

nacca 341 nada

^ naccatra, see s^^j- tobacco grown in South-
nacce, see N^.
* o.^DoSj, ?S^3 ?3 nattunaye, nat-
najaru, ^. Sight, seeing. CO SO

2. estimate, value. 3. a pre- tele, s. A beggar; a beggarly

sent to a superior.
to keep in surveillance. Jo^
nattuni (^), ^.. To beg,
^^ request, apply, pray.
nata, Uj-

ta&J9&F$ nattogukorpini,
natanata, Briskly,
under cifas..
nimbly. 2. with a crackling
nadupini, ^^ ~^^-
noise. 3$ to frisk,
nadake, ^. Walking. 2.
sa5_ travelling
J^ natane, s. A dance, danc-
pace, gait.
on foot.
ing. 2. sham respect or
attentions. nadatara, ^^ ^o^.
i nadate, J. Behaviour, con-
natavu, see ^4-
duct. 2. intercourse, fami-
, natuku, s. Cracking the eyso^A ^rf3 osoo!
they have no intercourse with
f., ?dU. nattu, natta, ^'. Beg- each other.
ging; beggarly. 3>& sores
JjsrsOoi nadatonuni, v.
about the underlip, believed To behave,
(of ?ft$3>>) con-
to be curable only
by partak- duct one's self.
ing of food earned by beg- 8Qi)kJ nadapata, s. Walking,
ging. exercise. 2. behaviour, con-
natta, see ttj duct.
natta, adj. Middle, central. s^c^ Nd^oSj nadapavuni,
2. trifling. ?i&?5 midnight. c. v. To
nadapudnni, (of N^S>)
3$ a trifling, bit. siwoN cause to walk. 2. to manage,
midday. direct, guide, lead.

,, r^^ra,^) natta, nattavu, s. a3) nadapu, see ^^>y.

A loan,
lending. ^S
nadapuni (^), v. n. To
^jsLr^ to lend.
walk, proceed, go on. 2. to

To cause to beg; to send for doi^ nadamada, s. Noise, cry-
begging. ing.
13 natti, s. Planting, trans- nadari, ^. The periodical
planting. $M a kind of feast of a temple.
342 nane

nadare, s. A native hearth, rfj."1v?j naduguni (v^oK), r. .

To tremble,
nadavari, sec ztt. shake, shiver,

s. Inter- quake, totter.

?i? nadavalike,
2. ma- dorljvlserl naduguroga, s. The
course, familiarity.
palsy, tremor.
nagement, control.
c^j^d nadutara,
^CsSSjS nadavali, s. A grand festi- Middling

val occurring once in 1 2 years
at Dharmasthala. nadupuni, see tttsS.

f5S nadi, s. Behaviour, conduct, j nadupulu, s. The waist,

walk. ?jo& .y&? under zS. loins.

Sfl nadike, nadige, ^ & naduvantadi, s. The

2. 3 residence of a priest.
tij8, naduvadi, s. Conduct.
nadiyuni (^ a), v. n. To

be planted, or transplanted, 2. a customary observance.

.ra? a?5. o^f! naduvane, adj. Central,

middle. tracSo the inter-
^. The middle
mediate brother.
room of a house.
dodrS naduvandi, s. The inter-
s'r nadiru, nadlrlu,
mediate daughter or sister.
Midnight. '

"O naduve, sec

nadu, s. Centre, middle.
2, the waist, loins, adj. Cen- 3d nade, s. Walk, step, gait. 2.

tral, middle. &&?: a middle conduct, behaviour. 3. a

<?r cross wall. -=-3^5 the court- closet, side-room. 4. the lower

yard before a house. *3,

space between the two veran-
the crown of
das of a house or temple.
-c?^ the head.
9o2o a cloth
sscSo one who is in the spread on the
road for a procession to pass
middle; an intermediate son
or brother, -goctk a middle over. -oS conduct and
piece. rioK the middle arm. speech, or word and deed.
2^0 the
3^!-} naddantadi, see
_rfooj the backbone.
v -^^
midnight. -Kfo the middle a^ nadpini (^S), 7-. a. To
row. to gird up the plant.
loins. ^zf 3)$ to have pain in s^d nanavare, see tS^Btf.
the loins. to hold nanilu, nanile, Jtv
zJai^s by o*, NCoisS
the waist. r^j.

nadumbulu, see 3rij$ nane, ^^'. Wet, moist.

natty 343 namu

nattu, s.
_ natty, ^j nappu, Injury, degrada-
nartu, s. A female's ornament tion.
for the nose. r b
rr ' sec spcs>3
nappe, ".
2. see 33-
ctf nattinge, s. An owlet.
^. Profit, ad-
^ naphe, gain,
2. a man who is- partially vantage; also 3$.
323* nababu, see cosro^S.

naduru, nadaru, sa? ' TI o T\p C/*/-* r^of?

a nadi, J. A river. $, ^^rj* nabha, nabhassu,
The sky, atmosphere. a 2.
$, F^SD nana, nanala, aafo. Yet,
cloud. <3ej3.?'rfoc3e; the firma-
once more, farther on.
^j^orb I shall no
rio naroa, pron. of oo."s^
more do this. NSB &B S
_D he

We, including the person or

has not yet come.
persons addressed; cf.
>j nanapini, see 33$s.
sAx rfoz5o^i ours. ~
^^S^ nanavarike, see j5rf&& one of us, one of our party.
$v nanike, s. A brother-in-
^!o^ namana, s. The act of
SD^^o nanepavuni, c. v. (of 3$ 9
^Orisj ", fS^o^islj namanatu, na-
To make wet, to moisten, s. Union. ?-ls to
f namaru, see ?i^j.
nanepini, nanepuni, naneyuni,
nanevuni f. n. To be ^j^Oo^^i namaskaripuni (~^
(^^), To bow, make
moist, wet, damp. ~l ^^ ?i&),
7'. w.

Z.-ziizn 3$ lit. if the hand
be wet, the throat also will 3o7^d, ?5do^ namaskara,
^. Salutation, prostra-
be wet; if you work, you will masya,
tion, obeisance; also 3:re3J.
-TOcSosto prostrate, fall down.
naneri (c3S), s. Wet rice.
to salute, bow, do
?^ napasu, J^ fros^oJ-
napumsaka, adj. Neuter.
X3)3, ^DJ^O^ namipuni, na-
impotency. s5cX the
misuni (^^oc3), v. a. To bow,
neuter gender. ^^z^ a
reverence, do obeisance.
:;ojr3, cj3oJ3> namune, namune,
3 nape, j^ 3$. A
^. pattern, sample, model,
ji nappada, see re^rf. form.
namu 344 nara

^^- narunuru, 5.

7-. a. To mark; to mention, ^. Bruised.

state, show. ^d nara, s. A vein, nerve, ten-
sl)J5do namudu, s. Appearance, don.
mark. 2. mentioning, stating, ^d nara, ^. A^/'.
showing. ?; to appear, a:^, KC^ human existence.
be mentioned. --do^s to araS mankind. ao human
mention, show. sacrifice, -ds?^ the earth,
nether world.
namepuni, see stools. ^^ murder.
f. Fodorta> naranguni (^cK), T\ w.
nameyuni (^^), .

To wear away. 2. to become To waver, hesitate, be reluc-

3j^o> nameluni, see X^bcdoo^. narandu, see ^5.
U namma, see >>do. narambu, J. A sinew,
nerve, pulse. sinews 3^3
>^ namra, adj. Humble, sub-
to contract, to feel cramped,
missive, gentle. ,
s hu-
naraka, s. Hell, hades. 2.
mility, submissiveness, gentle-
dirt, filth. 3 ^jaotS the abyss
of hell. -2 *8 the hell-fire.
DJO naya, J. Gentleness, meek- _ ^?3$c3 hell-torments.
ness. 2. kindness. 3. fine-
narakantake, ^. A
ness, polish, softness, delicacy.
name of Vishnu- r
4. a bait to catch alligators.
narakadhipati, s. Ya-
5. cheapness. 6. see j^oorfo.
naraki, ^/'. Hell-worthy.
adj. Fine, soft, smooth, glossy.
2. dirty, filthy.
2. gentle, meek. 3. kind. 4.

cheap. Xor. 2>e> an amiable narakuni (^^), "'. rt;. To

<?r gentle disposition. oS, sigh, groan, moan, grumble,
_ 33t>3d an
elegant expression narakele, s. A grumbler.
0r kind word. dj narag-uduni (^^XoS),
nayikumbu, adj. Half 7 1
. . To bruise, crush ; to tor-
cotton and half woollen. 2. ment.
naraguni, see jrtf^j^.

: J30 nayikuli, s. The tree naraguri, s. A sheepish

Wrightia tinetor ia. man, coward.
nay ike, see f^odo^. 2. ^^ naragoli, see a^^i^se*.
naratuni (?0), r. . To
?w3 nayipili,
grumble; cj.
nara 345 narta

naradu, s. Roughness. 2. 3 nare, see erfd

a -wart, protuberence. 3.
3 nare, s. Greyness, hoariness-
stuntedness. 4. false preg- 5o&i
adj. Grey, hoary. }

nancy, adj. Rough, craggy, *? grey hair. saoSo a grey-

stunted. haired man. aoLrs to be-
d3 naradeva, narapa- come grey,
ti, s. A human ruler.
naranara,^'. Slow, gentle,
slow labour,
To hesitate; cf.
narapuri, s. A mortal.
loft& narengele, s. A dull,
c^ddoiirS, c^ddJS(5o na-
tardy, slow, hesitating man.
raman, naramane, naramanye, s. A
nareti, s. white-spotted
Man; a mortal.
naraye, s. A kind of crane.
nareluni, see r^d^'osi.
2. a grey-haired man. 3. a
narevuni (^), v, n. Hair
white-spotted ox. adj. Grey.
to become grey, grow white.
2. white-spotted.
Q narendre, s. A king,
naraluni, see stotfos.
^ ctt.
narka, se
narasimha, ^. The fourth
incarnation of Vishnu, ?F narke, ^. The skin, hide,
naraluni, see sWtfos.
eJ nargata, s. Bruising.
onaradhanie, ^. The mean-
est of mankind. nargavuni, c. v.
(of 3
s. The To bruise, crush,
)^3J3 naradhipati,
ruler of men. narguni (s^), ^ 72. To .

nari, J. A jackal, fox. be bruised, crushed. 2. to be

narike, see s^r. close, as a cluster of fruits.

J^ F^^r. narguru, see sMjXodo.

fj^rs3 nargele, s. A grumbler.
do&do naruguru, na-
runuru, s. A crack, crash. oj3*FFJO^oFnartunurtu, adv. For-
2. a sound produced while cibly ; by dint of perseverance,
eating anything crisp. narta, adj. Soft, pure.

j4^^> naruvolu, ^. A kind of nartage, s. A dancer,

aromatic tree of which the actor.
leaves are used for curry or nartana, s.
Dancing, act-
medicine, Saccharum Munja. ing. -3oo,$ to dance.
narte 346 nava

t~ narte, s. A bivalved shell- nalipuni (~e^), r. ;z. To

fish, mollusk. dance, leap; to turn round,

Nf"d narnara, see tftfoXo-do. z'. . To let fall, as a vessel.

oFlrs;* narnurtely, Half 2. to indent, bruise.
boiled. )o3oo^ naliyuni (-), f. . To
narpu, ^. Deserting, for- be indented, dimpled, as a

saking. 2. disgust, dislike. metallic vessel.

r> narpuni (^),

<? To naliye, see ^^-
desert, forsake. 2. j^ ?3Sbr?).
nale, see SA

. '. To be disgusted.
nalenci, ^ ?23oel.
narma, ^. Sport, amuse-
ment, pleasure. N^ nalke, nalpu, see $.

^jrd s. The river $ nalpuni, see s'^s.

Nerbuda. nalme, ^. Goodness, friend-
.)F5> narluni (^^ ), v.n. To ship.
rattle, as phlegm in the nallu, s. A kind of flea
throat. 2. see NC^OS. which infests poultry, cats,
FckS narvante, s. A small uni- etc. 2. a sprain.
valved shell-fish, mnllusk. The bone of the leg
nalli, s. f
narvolu, ^ FWo4ew. o

below the knee, shinbone.

nalu, nala, adj. Good. 2. see $.

2. cheap, ?3,
nallige, nalle,
tfo nala, see 3$. naliye, J. A weed, tare, Pas-
f$vr(^ nalaguni (^!<y ^), "'. . To palum pilosum. 2. a hollow.

grumble, murmur. 2. to _a:jsrfjs) to be dimpled, de-

fade, wither. 3. to be pro- pressed.
strated, reduced from sick- nava, adj. New, fresh, num.
ness; c/.
zttfofr Nine.
fi Dent, dimple, as of
nali, s. s. The nine
r^sd navagraha,
a metallic vessel. to
^s planets, TYC., the Sun, Moon,
remove the dimple of such a
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Ve-
vessel. 20^0^ to be indented. Rfihu
nus, Saturn, (Caput
s. Dancing, jump-
nalike, draconis), and Ketu (Canda

cDoSo a dancer; one of
the class of demon-dancers.
craS, fdsiui^cl navadara, nava-
N ft nalike, see Zv. s. lit. The nine doors.
nalina, s. The lotus. 2. the human body which has
?id nava 347 nasa

nine inlets or outlets, as the vasara, s. The salt Sal am-

nostrils, ears, mouth, etc. moniac.

3zjra?l navadhanya, s. Nine J navabe, s. A Nabob,

kinds of corn, as v&5 paddy, governor.
&8?t? wheat, 3rfe3
Bengal gram, 3^oSj| navayite, s. A Konkani
speaking class of Mohamme-
ifjsAb 5\icli
dholl, gram, <3&,

gingely seed, country 5^ dan cloth-merchants.

beans, ox>^or black gram, and ,
e navaru, na-
^2c7. green gram. s.
varuda-patti, Tape, band',
ifiOsN navanutana, adj. Very fillet.

beautiful, handsome; singu-

23*Sj^\ navilupakki,
s. A pea-
lar. cock also
is^ navapattu, s. Fungosity.
na,^. Renewal,
2. musicaccompanied with renovation. zb<3^& to renew.
beating of drums, adj. Fun-
etf navlna, adj. New, fresh,
gous, excrescent. excellent.
navama, num. Ninth.
^)oJ navunta, s. Itching, irrita-
islssrf navamasa, s. Nine tion in the throat. 3$,
months, the period of preg-
navumpuni, see
navami, s. The ninth
nave, see NA.
lunar day of either fortnight.
P. a. To
d navara, s. A kind of grain ;
nasipuni (^),
c3^fr3. destroy, ruin. z>. n.To perish,

sSd^, navaratna, s. Nine kinds decay. 2. to work hard,

of precious stones or gems, exert one's self beyond one's

^053 ruby, strength.

viz., ^oo^ pearl,
3%j diamond, ^^jsorfor cat's 5200 naslbu, naslbu, 5.

eye <?r beryl, ^?^o?^ onyx, Fate, destiny.

^n-csA topaz, See; sapphire, nase, s. SnuiF, medicinal snuff.
and 2^. emerald. 33^ a snuff box.
doD^ navaratri, ^. A festival l nashta, s. Loss, damage.
observed for the first nine injury, adj. Lost, destroyed,
days of the seventh lunar damaged. &&> to be lost;
month honour of the god-
in c.dat. to lose.
dess Durga. ^e* na-suku, see N^.
>6 navare, s. A kind of rice,
Js5e)rl), Fw^De)^, ^rj^rS nasapa-
ra, na-
ni, nasarani, nasrani, ^. A Naza-
nasi 348 nandi

reue or Syrian Christian. I

nallu, see 3$^.

2. a
nasty, base, mean, or I

nalli, s. A spool.
worthless fellow. to spool.
^o nasi, sec 33.
, ^ >^\
naksha, nakshe, s. A
2co3jj> nasiyuni (3ty, v. n. To map, plan, chart. 2. a paint-
submit, subdue. ing, picture, photograph, rfo

^OJJ3* s. Punish- es^ru a genealogical table,

ment. pedigree.

nasuku, see 3^. ^ nakshatra, s. A star, planet.

^. The forehead. 2. a constellation 0r lunar
mansion. rfooito, e?j3?^ the
?3 nase, adj. Soft, gentle. 2.
planetary system. ^SjS^o
moist, damp, humid, s. Moist-
^jsw favourable conjunction
ness. 2. softness. AST? a
of natal stars.
man in good circumstances.
na, An interrogative particle
?j* nasku, s. Twilight, dawn,
affixed to nouns, pronouns
early .morning. and adverbs
adjectives, verbs ;

T^e&j naskyatra, 33^. as, tra^o?ro is it Rama? ^oSofro

nasya, see
3$. is it he? cSoz^^
is it good?

The fiftieth year of ^Pe^fra are you going? ^aezScra

1 nala, s.
the Hindu cycle of sixty. was it yesterday?
3$. Z&3 naricuni n.
2. see superior )o2^o^) (e

To dance.
nalakambha, s. A pole nantuni, see

planted in the middle of a nSnde, ^. A measure of

stack of straw. grain, equal to one-sixteenth

3$. or one-twentieth of a seer.
? nali, see

?,' ^$ri nali, nalig-e, s. A tube, j

nannya, see srortg.

2. the barrel of a gun. nanta, ^<? ^^>

nalina, see 33. nandi, ^. Benedictory
verses recited at the com-
nalipuni, see
mencement of an auspicious
naliyuni, see
ceremony. 2. a ceremony per-
? nale, s. A celebrated king,
formed to preserve a marri-
the husband of Damayanti.
age party from the pollution
of birth or death in the
\ nalye, see 3&X.
nambu 349 nage

nambu, s-:e
dwelling there, or the purity
S naka, of any thing, as water, etc.
s. Heaven, paradise,
sky atmosphere.
2. J^ srctfo. ^ nagabetta, s. A species
a sacrifice to
all the of cane with black spots
gods on the of a about the joints.
fifth, day
marriage. >tf nagamallige, s. The
^^S 5^5. flower Justicta nasuta.
nakari, see

naku, s. A female calf, s^ nagarusuttu, s. A

gold or silver thread.
naga, J. A snake, serpent.
nagara, s. Dry ginger.
2. a class of demi-gods. 3. the
2. the cobra. 3. see ^Xrf. -Zo
image of a serpent. 3?5o a
class of demi-goddesses. ^6PO ^3 a feast on the fifth day
of the fifth lunar month. 20
the stone image of a serpent.
_ ^o^os?, _-rfj> the young of a ^4 the
Kagari or Sanskrit
AOC^C; an ear-orna- character. r3^_ the Bengal
ment in the form of a serpent's Nagari character. 3oa_ the
hood. -3 the hood of a
Peninsula Nagari character.

-d??^ the infernal riD^ nagarika, adj. Civilized,

regions. refined, cultured. 2. elegant.
^^ A. 3. prudent. & civilization
naga, ;

s. A kind elegance; prudence. ?5X&^

o^, nagakushta,
of leprosy. a civilized, neat, or prudent
nagajidepu, s. A head
rtzSzf <30

ornament like the extended ^ nagavandige, s. A shelf.

hood of a serpent. nagavalli, s. A very pun-
oe)^ nagatali, s. The cactus gent species of betel leaf,
Trichosanlhes anguina. piper betel.

nagadandu, 5 nagasam-
Stag- rJ, cssrfrgssj^
nant water of yellowish color. pige, nagasampei, s. The flower
riNrtS naganagari, s. A kind Mcsua speciosa.
of drum.
^srl^d nagasara, naga-
>risiU nagapatta, s. A kind of A
pipe answering to
svara, s.

serpent-worship. the drone of the bagpipe; a

^-srizo^nagabana, naga- snake pipe with two holes.

bana, s. A grove haunted by, nage, s. A serpent. 2. the
or sacred to, serpents. image 'of a serpent. ?r? a
nagabldi, locality, s. A spotted serpent, -rfoo??

affecting the health of those see

rae 350 nanu

nageru, s. Native Ro- cisU nati, ^.
Fixing, pitching,
man Catholics, so called by planting.
Pariahs. ^ralJosri natiraga, s. A prelude.
nagendre, s. The chief
sr^o^ c3a>sL$ natuni (c=S), 7'. a.
of the serpents. 2. the name affect, impress, move. 2. to
of a man.
operate, act upon, as a medi-
5rL<3s3 nagole, s. The conclud- cine. cS^n crsii^) ^yj3=7) will
ing ceremony of a marriage nothing move you? or will
among Brahmins. all the telling be lost upon
nacu, s.
Dancing, a nautch. you V
rri nacike, nacige, s. 3 nate, -y#? ?^y.
Shame, modesty, blushing. eJo J.
natya, Dancing, acting,
7?5 shameless, impudent.
nadu, J. A district, village,
_ e?l-$to be ashamed, modest;
nadavuni, i'.c.
to blush. (pf*x>&>
$) To cause to search.
K$$3v, ^r?aa^& nacikedei, na-
The sensitive plant
)3 nadi, ^. The pulse. 2. a
cigedei, s.
blood-vessel, artery, or vein.
3. vital air or breath. 4. an
nacuni (siS~), z
. n. To
astrological term connect-
blush, be ashamed.
ed with natal stars. -5.-.y
id najaru, najare, s.
A sheriff. planetary conjunction
consulted by astrologers when
na-i, s. A kind of dance.
matrimonial alliances are to
najuku, .adj. Delicate,
be formed. ss?^ exami-
fine, soft. ^arf delicate
nation of the pulse. A);6o-<j
workmanship, 3.^$
the pulse to cease.
najre, see srafcS.
to feel the pulse. v3;gs>,
j nata, ^. A
pole used for a the to beat,
hedge. a pole used for
s. One of the
supporting a plantain tree,
cultivating classes in the
or for training up a creeper.
northern part of Canara.
1 nataka, nataga, ^.
nidu, see sroS.
A play, drama. 2. a theatri-

cal performance. cso3o, jro

naduni (?^S), z f
. <7. To
% an actor. ~e? a theatre. search, seek.

k5>4 natavuni, c. r.
(of ?s nade, J. A cord, rope.
\ To cause to affect or ,
^urs nanu, nina,

J . Naked-
operate. ness, nudity. 2. the buttocks.
nana 351 name

nana- nanuni (^^), r 1

. . To
see shrink; eA)s^dj>.
parvesi, nanapravesi, cf.

nanya, s. Likeness. 2. kind.

naiiilu, s. A species of


^ ~y^"^
(M^ oJ 13'-w
* 6
T^ "^r NT^ f-6
(3 S)oj -j

olive. ^ o3oo oil prepared napasu, nsipasu, naoe, napesu,

from its fruit.
adj. Worthless, useless. 2.

?o nanya, s. Money, coin. powerless, helpless. 3. stingy,

cQcTw- a counterfeit coin. miserly.
STsH^ nanme,
Manipulation. napike, ^. A barber,

^53 niita, ^. Smell, odour. 2. nabhi, ^. The navel. 2.

stink, stench; also Z&3 &>&,

the holes in the leaves of a
3o& a base family. palm book, to string them
tree's natapu, s. The plant together.
Lantana aculcata. SJo nama, s. A name, appel-
lation. 2. a sectarian mark
cTO^o natu, s3; /! c^i^os).
on the forehead. 33 p the
73$ nathe, ^. A husband, master,
ceremony of naming a child
lord, protector.
after birth. 3 ^35 a kind
e)d nada, s. A sound, report,
of bangles. ^-.^ a noun.
noise or note. ^o?vo thunder.
ac3c the roar of a lion a _?^3?5 invoking repeating
the name of God.
e?fcs>, eo
war cry.
3o$ to fail, be defeated. ssa
>C3i>> nadini, adj. Stupid, t$os> to put on the sectarian
mark; to cheat, deceive.
cS'SCjDO, cSD^S nadiri, nadhari,
)dJC3^^o namadabaru, s. Coun-

Poverty, pauperism. 2.
try sarsaparilla, licmidcsmus
bankruptcy, insolvency, adj. Indicus.
Indigent, poor. 2. bankrupt.
namaradu, adj. Peevish.
$e)c3o> naduni (?roS), v. n. To 2. impotent.
smell, stink. A
;dodr namarde, s. eunuch,
nadre, see
impotent man.
^3s>:i 2. a sneak,
^r nanaparavarshi, s. coward.
A pension, gratuity superan- ; dJ2o--3 namankita, .$. Aname.
adj. Dedicated, as a work to
"3^D nana, adj. Various, diverse, a person.
different. 33 different sorts. namusu, s.
rfrer diverse colours. s$ 2. shame. \\>\i.

various ways. s3v^ namesa, s. Nothing, a

352 nalu

naya, sec crogcfc. narang-ayi, see

nayake, s. A guide, lead- narange, see ssxSoTs.

er. 2. a chief, bead, general.

, c^d^ narakatti, na-
3. an honorary given to
ratti, ^. A kind of sword used
a Roman Catholic or a Kon-
by the Nayars.
narade, s. A celebrated
nay are, sec fraoao^jsKS. sage and legislator, the son of
nayi, s. A clog. _zft3o?\ Brahma, and inventor of the
an acute form of syphilis. lute. 2. a tell-tale, slanderer.
>?5 an otter. narasu, s. A very thin
nayikini, s. A mistress. wire. 2. the hook of a
native woman's nose-ring.
nay ike, see ?^cdj^.
adj. Thin, lean, emaciated.
'^S nayitolaci, s. The
2. stingy, miserly. =5v?j a
white basil <?r
country tea,
rod with which the measure-
Ocimum alburn.
of a (^WTS) kalase is struck.
nayipalle, s. A kind
of tree. narasiinha, see

X&j&S nayipili, J. A hyena. narayana,

oSje:^^ nayibadamu, ^. The narayane, s. A name of Vishnu.

2. the name of a man. ^$s
wild almonds.
a kind of amulet.
05j5Jjsd nayimare, ^. ANayar
of Malabar. narayani, s. The wife

nayiyulli, ^ ^^%- of Vishnu and goddess of

prosperity. 2. the wife of
A* nayisonangu, ^.
Siva and goddess of de-
The plant Mucuna pruriens.
struction. 3. the river Ganges.
oSoD* nayeru, J. A plough.
_ ^S j^g JTOTJ nari, s. A woman.
2. see ?3sQ3oTireT3. ,

*S . _rf Xorf 6. _ Xodjs ^o a

sJ naru, see ^-
_0 o '
worn out plough. narengi, s. A kind of

naru, ^. The hemp of orange.

bark of trees, naresu, s. An instrument
plants, fibrous
etc.; linen. ^ ^ocUo, _3oa to make either gold or silver

a linen d wire. 2. see p^!3.

eo^ a
narde, see 33.r.
hempen rope. ^wo^^ to be-
come stringy ^
tough. >
num. Four. ovxk,

to twist hemp or fibre jroe;^-dj //'/. four towns; some
into ropes. countries or parts of the
nalu 353 nashta

world. cra owdo Sc^rrio disparage, censure; to dis-

one should travel abroad. grace.

the name of a nale, J. A sewer, drain. 2.

demon. a^j the four points a pipe.

of the compass. &sk, sra j nalkolu, 2^'. Four

e^do four hundred. times; o/w ci3j^?Jj.

four corners, a square. s. Four
s3%^oyo nalkontu,
the four Vedas. corners.
.y. A num.
nalu, horse-shoe; cf. nalpa, Forty.
a>o5 a farrier, shoe-
tf nalpamara, ^. The
smith; farriery. sss
^^$, bark, etc. of four kinds of
s'os to shoe a horse, /.
milky trees used in medicine,
s. The hands,
namely: *?,
5)s;crl nalanga, >,*, e?Br,
legs, eyes, and ears, and ~!i^j3?e5.
nalane, adj. Fourth. nalla, s. A fourfold
c3a>s)C>J nalayi, nalayi, ploughing. 2. 5^ c^)4a^-
s. The tongue. tf sro faith- s3 nalle. see 5s><3.

fulness to a promise. estf

^. Four persons.
speaking faintly, as a sick
J. A man
navade, belong-
person. si5 lit. double
ing to a tribe so called. 2.
iongued; hoarseness; dupli-
the claw of cattle, beasts or
city, equivocation. &o& ,

3-tx- the uvula. 3c:&s> to
navala, see m&>*3.
be able to speak. bs^os) //'/.

craSrl navike, navige, s.

to retract one's tongue, to ,

break a promise. 20^0$ A sailor.

to falter, cease to speak, as nave, s. A ship, vessel,

a dying person; to pledge navola, J. Four seers.

one's word. ^oX-dos to speak DSJ^ nasa, nasana, J. De-

fluently; to break a promise, struction, ruin, loss. 2.

nalavarti, s. The four annihilation, death. ^ a

seasons, adv. Four times. destroyer. "3o;3 God, the

nali, s. The throat, wind- immortal, -tffca, -5 ^?-

pipe. 2. a pipe, tube. 3. the to be destroyed; to fall in
stalk of a lotus. 4. see ss<X ruins to die. to de-
; -rfo^S)
c3>0r^nalisu, s. Disparagement, stroy, ruin.
detraction, censure. 2. dis- <3e>3i nashta, nashte, s.
&J &J

honour, disgrace. sktfo^ to Breakfast. 2. luncheon.

nasu oj-i rt niga

^n?? nisu, s. Snuff. beration. 2. ^EO
nasagra, s. The top of the sound of an echo.
the nose. 2. sec "~^- -
to mimic.
!^ nasika, s. The nose. o^4?> ninnsvuni v. n.

To echo.
)^ nasti, s. Denial, refusal.
nimbe, ^6' ec^.
nastika, adj. Infidel, he-
retical. -as infidelity, athe- ^ nika, J. A marriage among
ism, heresy. Mohammedans. -do^s> to
:V^ nastike, J. An marry a Mohammedan wo-
infidel, heretic.
=0^0 nikulu, priii. of^)
nalu, see ~^. 2. see <^. (pi.
N^>$ nala- nali, $<;
$sQy, ci^Sv' nikhila, nikhila, a^'.
eS nalikera, J. A cocoanut All. the whole, entire, com-
r-^ ninkuni, j^ se>jj. ^ A* a nigudi, ?. Instalment. 2.

srio* ningalij, J. Broken rice,

a fixed period or sum for
grit, ilijs^o
very fine grit. payment, as the assessment
3 rtj on land. 3. fixing, settlement.
nin^uduni, nin-
7^^)~E~ government assess-
guni (ac*o5, scK), 7-. </. To
swallow. ment. to resolve,
infolu, see *^T(. determine.

ninni, see zz&. A*SJ)) nigupuni, see st\3d.

>rtecj> nigacuni (".AiS"), ?.n. To

oS^o^,- ^orfj^ nindi-
puni, nindisuni, ninduni (s>c5,
:. (7 To abuse, nigada, see ttii.
aoacu), .
proach. 2. to nigadi, nigade, see
blame, censure.
3. to mock, ridicule. 4. to

blaspheme. nigadi, J

oz3 ninde, s. Abuse, blame, cen- nigapuni, see

sure, reproach. 2. mockery, nigama, s. The V
ridicule. 3. blasphemy. 7^:5, 2. a fair.
ro-^o an abuser, censurer, ?:* nig-ayinenu, j. A cord
scoffer, blasphemer. or rope for fastening a buoy.

^ ninna, ninnavu, ^v"6' nigaru, sec ?2X5.

>rtsrt nigarige,

ninni, s. An echo, i , nigaruni, see

Rrt niara 355 nittu

nigarvi, ^. An unassum- }:s nicca, sec

ing, person. adj. ^^j niccaya, see stf orfo.

Unassuming, modest. ^^ niccala. see &$

\z& nigavu, jr. A buoy.
Ic- W e>.
ifci nija, J. Condition, circum-
,?? nigasu, J. Food-, victuals.
stances in life.
adj. Own.
2. disregard, disdain.
"cbs, one's own #r natural
nigalu, J#? t3xf

form. 4/3>c3-> $2i 3^0,$ to un-

s. Glitter, shining.
niglsu, derstand a man's disposition
nigipavuni, t'. &t\ of character.
To cause to level.
Truth, veracity, cer-
ni]a, J.
nigipuni (>V), z 1
. a. To tainty, reality. adj. True,
level. 2.,? o?\5gis>.
certain, sure, real. 1?5, s

nigiyuni (a*), w. To .
s^5 truly, certainly. a^
be levelled. 2. to be filled certainty. crao
up, as a pit. unreliable. sraftf a true
niguruni, see
word <;r statement, a fact.

StfOjS to ascertain the truth.

?> to prove.
, %f\3 nig-gu, nig-gira, J. In-

elegance. 2. filthiness, nasti-

ness. 3. disgust, Un- nijikatruni, nijikavuni, nijkavu-

' r '

pleasant, filthy. craoSo a filthy

> \ _J^

man. To grin #/<? tfjoax>&vc!>.

zks^a to make foul,

render filthy.
^o> nijikuni (^32^), z-. w. To
/ nig-glsy, s. An unclean appear, seem.

man; also 23 nijji, s. The gums. ^>3

a toothless mouth.
13s; nitila, s. The forehead.
Fullness, completeness. W/.
Full, complete. 2J, nitta, s. Pleasure, adj.

see s?\rf. Pleasant. 2. ^rf\.

y nigra,

nigraha, J. Punishment. 1 nittanige, s. A ladder.
^3o BJ

2. killing; /jr^ ^7\tl3o. _T!) 2. a pile, heap. 3. a row, line.

v the name of a village.
t)^ to punish; to kill. 4.

i> nigruni, see fSXtfos. j, L\P.d nittura, nittura,

c '& , ^ ^o eJ o nighantu, nighan-
tu, s. A dictionary, vocabu- Jo nittusuru, ^. A deep
lary, glossary. sigh; loud sobbing.
nitte 33 G nidre

nityatva, s. Eternity.


nittelu, s. The bip, loins, ^ nityatme, J. The eter-

t '

waist. 2. the bosom. nal Spirit, God.

$So3o^ nidankuni (s^=^), v.n. ^SorfoCo nityananda, s. Ever-

To incline; cf. ~o^>s. lasting happiness.
$a nidi, adj. Straight, high, ^e>o>:so nityanitya, s. Eternal
lofty. ^^ a lfty stone, and temporal.
an erect stone. odoS 55S
( )
nitrana, s. Weakness,
rice not broken by pounding. Weak, faint.
debility. aJj.
3 nidipa, -w* &~y a weak man.
:,:>>, S^ nidiyuni, nidi-
# To wash.
pini (-"^),
8_ to wash the face.
j^ nidupuduni, see ^^
^o nidu, adj. Long, tall, high.
nidarsana, s. An ex-

f)^Jo:j6 nidumbare, J. Barracks; ample, illustration, evidence,

also SK^OEOOTl instance.
s. Tallness,
$32o sj niduppa, nidana, -r. Ascertaining
lenth. 2. see sa the cause; the study of symp-
nidda- toms with a view to trace the
ditaru, nidyaru, nidyedi, ^. A remote or proximate causes,
kind of small fish. as of a disease. 2. a work
^Ti nidpa, see s^. on pathology. 3. J

^rl nine, J^ ^^ >

nidi, see &5>.

J." The buttocks.

O niddhi,^. Abundance, plenty.
nitamba, >

2. a mountain side. -LaoLrs) to prosper.

oori niting-a, f?/ Strong, bard. nidpa, adj. Straight, up-
2. serious, dangerous. ^c^o
right. erect, a Jr. Straightly,
a serious illness. roc&is to stand
00^ nitinja, sec ?;:-.
(^^ s

i^s nittelu, Bj5. ky3o nidpuduni ),

<' a.

nitya, '/<//'. Eternal, con- To erect, set up, stay. 2. see

stant, perpetual, everlasting.

2. daily, regular. daily s'saF nidre, s. Sleep, drowsiness.

penses. 5^or daily cere-

monies. ^afo daily obser- sleepy man- zi&^s,
wLr?> to
vance. 3e^ eternal life. c3 become drowsy. ^^
ioS^ daily and occasional. sleep.
nidre 357 niya

v. n. Clever, skill-
S^ nidredpini (a^S), nipuna, <^^/'.

To sleep, be asleep; to go to ful, conversant. ^ skill,

bed. proficiency in any art, etc.

nidhana, s. Caution, deli- 5rf nipune,


.s . A clever man.
beration, calmness, quietness. 3)i niputre, J. A sonless man.
2. slowness, clilatoriness. adj. OO$^ nibandhane, s. Order,
Cautious, deliberate. 2. calm, mandate. 2. appointment,
3. slow, dilatory. e?
quiet. engagement.
e3js?^j3 a careful considera-
tion, deliberate judgment. nibasuni, nibhasuni, nibhayisu-
Xoro quiet disposition. tt^ ni, V. a. (SKTOOJ, ^sp^oJ, ^epra
slow motion. s^As^o care-
To bear, endure. 2. to
fully, quietly, slowly. manage, sustain.
rs nibbana, ^^ oa^ro.
To consider, examine care- ^f! nibhdvane, s. Endu-
fully. rance, toleration. 2. under-
nidhara, see s^rd. taking, sustaining.

idhi, s. Concealed or buried nimaji,.?. A Mussulman's

treasure. 2. a receptacle, ritual or form of prayer.

place of accumulation. $ ^, ^3 nimita, ni-

tfo4 an opulent man. mitta, nimitya, s. Cause, rea-

s. The serum of the son. 2. object, motive, pur-
3 nina,
3. consulting stars, an
flesh. 2. the marrow of the pose.
bones. omen, or fate-book. postp.
tf (gen. of <?) Thy.
nina, pro.
For, on account of.

SN^JA by or of thyself. s>^4, result of soothsaying. c

$3^3) thine.
an astrologer, soothsayer.
A wick. a very
_ 3j8&$ to consult stars 0r a
nine, s. 2.
young fruit.
nimisha, .y. The twinkling
ninepu, see 33&
of an eye, a second, instant,
ninosa (&3 ^), Thy care
or charge.
nipatu, s. Ruin. To become straight.
334>^ nipata, s. Falling, coming s. Restraining
clown, alighting, adj. Irre- the natural appetites and
gularly formed, gram. passions; good morals or
tJobo conduct.
niya 358 lira

niyata, adj. Checked, niraparddhi, s. An

restrained, as the natural innocent person, adj. Inno-
appetites and passions. cent, not guilty.

niyama, s. An agreement, 3S nirapu. .?. A' frame of

contract, engagement. 2. a boards, with planks, as


religious observance in gene- a shutter or a door. r^.

ral; voluntary penance. 3. a niravu, s. The anus:

rule, law; cf.
c3?^o. ?d nirasa, s. AVant of flavour
niyukta, adj. Appointed, or passion. 2. dryness, want
ordered. 2. attached to. of juice, adj. Insipid, tasteless.

s. An order, 3oo :

oDd nirahankara, s. Ab-

command. 2. authority, ap-
sence of pride, humility,
3. modesty. S^SOCTOB a modest
pointment. occupation,
person, one without egotism.
D^&^a, ^c?^3^o^ nirakari-
3JS?ft35) niydgipuni (s=S.s??.),
T-. . To order, command. 2. puni, nirakarisuni (s-^5t-
to authorize, appoint. #8c3), 7-. . To transgress,
disobey, disregard. 2. to re-
*, *;* niru, nisu, prefixes
ject, set aside, refuse, decline.
implying Certainty. nega-
want. 'S^^O nirakara, s. Shapeless-
tion, 3. out, without;
ness, absence of form. '2.
as: stfziTO^ innocence ;
censure. 3. denial, negation.
blamelessness; s^'cgs^ child-
less undoubted. adj. Shapeless, formless. S 1
; s^c5o i&8 God, who has no mate-
ofc;^ niranjana, #<//. Immacu-
rial form.
late,pure, spotless. 2. ab-
nirakhu, sec a^SF.
sorbed in. oS^ &3c^3
?t3 niraji, .^. A kind of cloth
God, the immaculate one.
with gold borders,
nirantara, adj. Continued,
^o^niratanka, adj. Uninter-
continuous, perpetual. 2.
rupted, unmolested.
unimpeded, constant, adr.
T3q3e)3 niradhara, adj. Unsup-
Ever, always, generally, fre-
ported, unstistained. 2. poor,
quently. destitute, a^^s a destitute
niraku, s. Current or fixed
2. assize 0r tariff.
>> nirani, J. A kind of erup-
niradi, j^ ?^u. tion on tho skin, ei'xema.
oD niraparidha, J. Inno- niraparadhi, sec ^zJ

nira 359 nirgu

^j nirimaya, adj. Well, ) nrepu, see

hale, free from sickness.
^65;* nirelu, ^. A shadow, resem-
-D< nirayasa, '^//. Easy, blance. 2. shade, shelter.

unfatiguing. )6^i nirevuni (&3), ?>. n. To

os>o3ooqj nirayudha, adj.
Unarm- be ready; ?354S>-
ed, defenceless. ^6JS?r\ nirogi, 5. A man who is
nirara, see free from sickness, a healthy

uiravu, see &33- 2. man.

nirase, s. Despair, des- 6j?q}nirodha, s. Loss, destruc-
2. tion.
pondency. disappointment.
_ i?L> to be disappointed. ^jurccl nirkande, 5-. A soft root.

'i to despair.
raF^, nirkakke, s. The sea-gull.
nirasraya, #<//. Without ^^Fcl nirkane, s. A small branch
refuge, asylum or support; of bamboo.

helpless, destitute. ^^rjoo nirkanya, s. A water-

k nirasi, see &=*>. nymph.
nirahara, ^. Fasting. >uwFoeJ nirkunta, s. A post
fixed in water.
nirakshepane, adj. Unquestion- ^-Fo'sJo nirkuntu, see ^e^orowo.
able, unobjectionable. ^^JF^^J^ nirkujeluni (s^oraS),
f. . To curdle, coagulate.
nirkutta, ^. Dropsy.
nirlkshipuni ^irOF^

. . To hope, desire, look for, ^^OF^ nirkutti, s. The post of a

expect. watering-machine.
0^ nirlkshe, s. Hope, expec- $^JF;3 nirkuve, s. A kind of
tation, waiting. arrowroot.

Dcd%eft nirudyogi, s. A man nirgu, see ^Aor^.

without employment, a lazy Inodo-
rlroqi nirgandha, #;//.
rous, without smell.
O^Cj niruddha, adj. Obstructed. rtFdo nirgama, s. Setting out,
wJ3S nirupa, s. A letter, epistle, exit. 2. total loss or depar-

representation in writing. ture.

3nire, s. Neighbourhood also ; rfoFr3 nirguna, adj. Void of all
S-SST?. 2. destitute of the
adj. Neighbouring, properties.
adjoining. _r??ao^ a bad qualities incident to humani-
neighbour. gsoSo a neigh- ty. 3. having no good quali-
bour. ties, bad, worthless.
nirja 360 nrmu

~Z nirjana, adj. Lonely, un- nirpattu, adj. Moist, wet.

inhabited. ^j^e^, Qxzi a 2. diluted. 35 diluted milk.
deserted country.
e^Foi^^ nirbandha, nir-
fc!Fej nirjala, adj. Waterless. bandhana, s. Violence, oppres-
~sj Lifele sion, force, constraint. ^o

nirjlva, 0^'.
inanimate. to constrain, or oppress.
2. weak, help- ^"j
less. 3. inactive, lazy. ftc!?ra a nirbuddhi, JT. Foolish-
a dead body. ness'.

^rs^oio nirnaya, s. Resolution, ^c3~ nirbe, nirbhe, ^. A

determination. 2. certainty, kind of oblation given to a
conclusion. 3. settle- priest. i^ya to prepare.
ment, final ^t^FOJo, ^^^Fe, nirbhaya, nir-
_ -do^a to resolve, settle, bhiti, ^. Fearlessness. (//'.

fix. Fearless, undaunted.

r3FcEo;oj> nirnayisuni (faperow OFCJ nirmade, adj. Uncovered.

'. a. To resolve, decide, sl>Fe;nirinala, s. Parity, clean-
settle. liness, adj. Pure, transpa-
aF nirta, -^ ^r. rent, pellucid, clear.
jo nirdaya, s, Unkindness. r? nirmaaa, s. Creation,
manufacture, production, in-
nirdakshinya, s. Dis-
want of attention. vention. rfo^s to create.
2. severity, strictness. produce, invent.

z3ja?r3Sl nirdosha, s. Blameless- nirmita, adj. Made, in-

freedom vented. 2. fabricated. 3.

ness, innocence. 2.

from blemish, adj. Innocent,

sS^s to produce,
sinless. 2. unblemished. invent.
oi nirmisuni (^^~oJ),t .(/. r

nirdhara, s. Certainty.
To create, produce. 2. to
ascertainment. 2. determina-
tion, resolution,
manufacture, invent. 3. to

^srsj^nirnama, s.
nirmune, .v. An appa-
ratus for watering a field.
nirnayi, s. An otter.
adj. Blunt.
nirnala, s. The sixth
jo^docri^ nirmurungele, ^.
Tulu month between Sep-
arrogant man.
tember and October.
^Ow?-F^)nirmula, s. Kxtirpntion,
nirnali, s. A water-spout, i

eradication. to ex-
nirnirelu, .see d?5z>i3<5. tirpate, eradicate.
nrmo 361 ,

nirmoha, s. Want of nilankara, s.

affection or love. ment. 2. ruin.

&)Fr3 niryana, s. Death, nilakara, see 3vtt.

demise; final beatitude. s.
nilakaru, Stretching.
s. Impudence,
to stretch out the
shamelessness. forelegs, to scrape along the
35F& nirlepi, adj. Undefiled, ground.
untainted. 2. innocent, 1

nilagade, 5 .
blameless. adjustment, conclusion, de-
s3 $ nirvancane, s.
Sincerity, termination. 2. cessation,

ingenuousness. intermission.
F2on!o nirvahisuni (S^FCOOJ),
nilavu, nilavu, see
v. a. To manage, transact, 2. see
sustain, effect.
nilike, nillke, adj.
3>F3o nirvaka, nirva-
Full, replete.
ha, s. Management, power or nilipuni, see ej^.
ability to perform, execute,
iluvangi, s. A long coat.
sustain, etc. ;
also sasr. _croo<f
3 nile, s. The bottom, as of a
without power to manage,
well, etc.\ depth, profundity.
etc.\ unavoidably.
2. a secret, mystery, adj.
TSFra nirvana, s. Nakedness.
2. reunion of the soul with
Firm, fast, abiding. 2. quiet,

the deity, final beatitude. still, calm.

e?rfo^ to be
firm, steadfast. GP&S to be
33Frf, >)FS3Dd nirvada, nirvi-
un- quiet.
vada, adj. Undisputed,
c$ nilenci, see ?Se3o8l.
questionable, unobjection-
able. nileppu, s. State. 2. pos-
nirvisha, s. An antidote ture, station.
for poison. 2. the plant Cu r- nilevu, J. Balance, arrears.
cuma ferumbet. 2. standing, residence.
SF nirve, see S3r. nilevuni (s3), w. . To
S^rd nirveda, Humility. 2.
s. be steadfast.
despair. 3. weariness. 4. see nilkavuni, c. v. (of ,

To cause to peep. 2. to
nrsan, see ~a3S>- cause to reach.
nila, see ?-% nilkuni ( d ),
y. . To
nilam, s. Ballast. 2. the peep, look slily, get a glimpse
bottom of a vessel. of. 2. to reach.
nilke 362 nishka

nilke, sec &<s3.


, nisani, nisane, 5 .

d nilgade, see
A mark, sign. 2. a flag,

s. A standard, banner,
nilpu, pause, stop,
2. stay, dura- nisi, ^^ $.
tion. niiln, ^'. Together with,
c.i\ & also.
nilpuduni, (of
To put a stop, cause nisudi, ^. A bill of acquit-
to stop, make stand.
To nise, j. Night, midnight.
nilpuni (), r. .

!,3^F niskarsha, ^^ $z^r.

stay. 2. to cease; to become
o^j niscaya, ^. Certainty, as-
quiet. j
nillavuni, see certainment, positive conclu-
sion. 2. resolution, determi-
3F?3 nivartane, 5-. Cessation.
nation. gsoeos^a present of
2. remission, forgiveness.
see betel, fc., at the settlement of
nivaji, nivadi,
a marriage. cs^ uncertain,
nivarane, J. A remedy. -rfj^s. a^ososjjs to resolve,
2. averting. 3. deliverance. settle, determine; to ascer-
4. prevention.
--rfof^sLra to prove.
A habitation,
> ^> niscala, J. Firmness stabi-
nivasa, $.

dwelling. lity, adj.Firm, steady, fixed.

-: nivasi, s. A citizen, inhabi- oi niscinte, ^. Ease, freedom
from care or anxiety.
nivali, s. Taking away
the effects of evil eyes.
^ niscita, adj. Determined,
is$3^, 5>S33$?kc> nivalipuni,
nivalisuni (^SD*, ^SD^CJ), i'. a. ^ nistika, see s**^.-
To take away the effects of leo nissabda, rt^/. Noiseless,
evil eyes. still, quiet.
ni vrutti, j. Cessation. 2. nishiddha, adj. Prohibited,
abandoning. 3. repose, rest. forbidden.

nivedana, s. An offering. nishedha, s. Negation,

2. an address. 3. informing. prohibition. 2. the negative

nisa, s. Inebriation, intoxi- mood, gram.
cation. 33j8?"3 an inebriate slriy nishkapata, s. Sincerity.

man. adj. Frank, sincere.

nisacare, s. A fiend, 3l Cors nishkaruna, adj. Pitiless,

goblin. 2. a night-walker. cruel, harsh.

nishka 363 nlta

3lslr, sLiF nishkarsha, ni- worthless. fc>o unfertile,

shkarshe, s. Determination, barren land.
settlement. 2. certainty. nissuni, see 3o35^a.
3^00*, ^3l^os nishkalanku, oJo nikshaya, see
nishkalanku, adj. Irreproach-
nikshepa, s. Hidden or
able, spotless, unblemished.
buried treasure. 2. a deposit.
, nishtura, nishtura,
oC3^y nindata, s.
adj. Cruel, harsh, severe, s.
2. floating.
Harshness, severity.
)> nlndavuni, c. v.
(of eo
nishprayojana, s.
>3^ o3J3?fc}^ To set afloat. 2. to
Uselessness. adj. Useless, cause to swim.
vain, bootless.
nlnduni (s>?c>) 5
<v. n. To
3lsj nishphala, adj. Fruitless,
swim. 2. to float.
^rlr nisarga, s. The natural ^^oJoo^j nlkaliyuni (e^*), v.a.
To peep.
^^5e)^i^ nikavuni, c. v. (of $tfj&)
?7s5> nisani, see s^s.
To grin. ^jaC to show the
rOgOS^ nistaripuni (^&), v. a.
teeth, as dogs, monkeys.
To endure, bear, sustain. 2.
to cross or pass over. ^^0^1 nlkuni ($e^), v. n. To
appear, as the projecting
roJe^ nistuka, adj. Critical,
serious, as the turn of a
disease. ^rto) niguni, see fSA^os).

xjori nissanga, Separation.s. ^^ mca, adj. Mean, low, base,

2. seclusion, retirement. vile, abject. &s low caste.
_ ^ }
meanness, baseness,
tfrfjs5> a mean
v nissangi, s. A man who vulgarity.
mortifies himself to the world, man. sra^d a mean, vulgar
a recluse. expression.
Child- ^^srsdcS nicatadane, s. A kind
OjOSsiN nissantana, adj.
of beating.
less, issueless, heirless. s?

2^ to die childless; to be ci^o^) nlcuni (Se^T), v. n. To go

ruined, annihilated. through, pierce. 2. to extend;
0^30, ^osJoJo nissandeha, cf.

nissamsaya, s. Confidence, adj. nice, s. A mean fellow. 2.

Undoubted. a demon so called.

nissara, s. Worthlessness. nlta, <z<//. Long, extended,

adj. Sapless, pithless, dry; high, upright. 2. straight,

mta 304 nlru

direct. ^r
lengthwise and of water. -c^oSo a water-

crosswise, zigzag; confound- carrier. 2~ poison in

ing. water, miasma. F^OSO an

lre^53 nitaniti, adv. Straight- otter. ~&'3<5. s>?5 perspira-

ly. 2. lengthwise. tion ; fatigue. ^rJ a drop of
kre>4> nitavuni, c.v. (o/z>tte> water. s^>5, ^?c3f6 fixed
To cause to stretch, length- hire for watering rice fields.
en, etc." also S>? es^x- a mode of watering rice
eJo nltu, see $ fields. CA)^ salt water. <ocf_
W G>

fresh water. ^ore tears.

v. a. To stretch out or tforfeS to
weep, shed
forth, hold out, lengthen. ^- tears, ^rfej- sea water. ^o5
to stretch out the hand. yellow water. EJ^_ cold
3 niti, s. Morality; righteous- water, e^tfo brackish water.
ness, justice, equity. ^?5 ^o3_, ^o ?1
sweet water.
injustice, iniquity. '$&>? <ie^_, i^_ clear or filtered
morals. cucSo, -0$ a just water. TF& rain water fall-
man. ^rororfo justification.
ing down from a roof. &>eo
_s3Sud a just word, moral ^o-tfo
muddy water. j3


saying. .1?^ moral teach- hot water. z><>c<5 putrid

ing. TbtiXr the way of water, ^ooso sweat ;

righteousness, upright con-

duct. moral philosophy,
s^ to leak, ooze. e?&& to melt,
ethics. xfe^ essence of mora- dissolve. je;o^ to water a
lity; a treatise on ethics. rice field.^uo a to turn the
-co?~ immoral. course of water on a land.
mtinga, sec aSoX. ^ e .

_^^s>, ^JBQ^SI water to boil.

u nltinja, sec &&&& under ^.:.?^j^ to water. tf^^os
niru, s. Water. vtivti a water to be very hot. ^S
water c?^ a whale. to squirt, spirt. Xo
-ero^,r a water bubble. -&, si water to run down. ^5
?^ furrows between a row to sprinkle water.
of plants, etc., for watering ^<s>odoo^ water to be-
them. ^cf^a a water snake. come clear. 3?^S to water.
^ a sea-gull, shag.
a water-fowl.

-5<y 4 a kind
_ oeLa
c. (tut.
/?'/. to
to involve one in
lay water;

of cake. 3e3i a species of culties; to ruin. zto^fc

yam. ^-5 a falling stream water to flow. -3oUos> water

nira 365 nuga

to wring out. -sc^s water sapphire ;

also se^^. 3. see

to dry up. 200^$ to irrigate $?. adj. Blue, dark blue.

or water, as a field. T^A^S, _eoof, _-rfrep- blue colour.
to draw water >tfo nllakauthe, s. The blue
from a well or tank. 3o4 necked Siva. 2. a peacock.

a to pour water.
fringe, ^r\S nllagiri, s. A blue
nlrande, s. A small sy- mountain; the Nilagiris.
nirakolambe, s. The nllanjana, s. Blue vit-

damp or swampy ground. riol. 2. a small lamp.

nlragulle, s. A bubble, mli, s. The indigo plant.

s. A lotus. 2. blue colour. rfy&
to mock
zi^a to become blue.
, >ed& nirata, niradi, s. A
water plant, Pistia stratio- nfle, ^.One of the monkey
chiefs. the planet Saturn.
tes ; also sso^dXc^.
s. A &8& a dark 0r black fowl.
mrasuli, whirlpool.
Butter-milk dilut- nunga, J^ ^OOAO.
ds? nlrale, .y.

ed with water. nungavuni, c ?


To get dried, cause

0s>y nirata, s. Bathing for jiooXo^)
2. see Setiu. to dry.
mruppadu, s. Green ^crtjimngu,.*

. A species of mite,
fruits pickled in salt-water, tick, which infests cattle.

nlrulli, s. Onions. fliorio^nunguni (^CA), v.a.&n.

To dry up, become dried;
nirkunta, see a^orou.
also crfooAOdj^eLs).
nirkuntu, s. Water-
cfcorts* nungelu, s. Drying, adj.
proof cloth. 2. a small piece
Dry, dried. ^ooUj a dry
of cloth put on in mourning.
cloth. -3js$ dry fish, salted
^or^ nirkutta, s. Dropsy.
fish. c?w dry ground.
croc5o a man suffering from
^^odo'5) nukuduni, see c&XozSos.
^6^ nlrnirelu, 5-. Water jdo^a nukkuni (*>^), v.a. To
poured on a corpse, a funeral bruise; t/. ^o5^^. y.n. To

ceremony. decay, rot.

3jrkj* mrpatu, adj. Watery, nugudi, see
^^ nirpalu, see under e5. nuga, s. A yoke.
nirmuttu s. An in- ! nugate, see
ferior kind of pearl.
nugapane, j. The joint-
si cl

>s; nila, s. Blue colour. 2. the

piece of a watering machine.
nugi 366 nure

nugipuni (~-^, ?.a. To nudipini (s^), t

. a. To
fill up, as a pit. speak, talk.

nugiyuni (^), <'. .
nudiyuni (^^), . .

To be filled up. To pronounce, utter.

nuguduni (oXo5), r. w. s. Boiled rice.

c^i nuppu,
To labour. 2. to become To
uppuni (>^\), ^ . ^-
rich; cf.
nugute, 5-. A dot over a
nubbu, a^'. Mouldy,
letter, as in Persian. 2.
musty. &eXa ?je^>O3o
split dholl.
rk33) nugupuni (0X0), 7'. 0.
nurige, s. The drum-stick
To throng, press. 2. to ac-
cumulate. 3. to loosen.
tree, Hyperantliera moringa.

to fill
Oio* nuritelu, J. Bruising.
up; cf,
2. chips.
nuripavuni, ^. v.
To make (of
loosen, slacken,
To cause to crush. 2. to
press into a hole.
AOwOJ^i nuggiyuni (^0?)N ), #.
nuripuni (^5), "'. . To
To press, r. w. To be filled
break, powder, granulate,
nuggu, flfl^'. Small, little;
.^ nuriyuui (~^&), r. w. To
A break, go 2. to
nuggelu, s. Smallness.
decay; also ^o&5^) ? ^.
nuggru, a broken heart.
nucci, nuccu, see cS .
cr to-

^, cJJ^ nujji, nujju, s, A nuruntuni, ^'

contusion, bruise.
nudi, 5. A word, speech, nurumpe, J. A hole; cf.
saying. an oracle, XocsSr. _^;^o?) to make a
as uttered by a demon-dancer. hole.
obrfj&x- the CooWO nurumbu, s. Alluvium;
counter-part of
a deed or document. ^& wood-dust; iron-rust. r$.

conduct and speech. nurumb.uni, see uooaw

a33e>4^ nudipavuni, c. r/. (of nurunuru, s. A crack-

^oa^S)) To cause to speak, ing noise; cf.


speak through another. 2. to nure, s. Foam, froth, scum.

play on a musical instrument. a small kind of fish,
-'. . t nure 367 nekki

to vomit froth. 3oo nudane, a/w. adj. The

to foam, froth. hundredth.
nurekayi, s. The soap- nudu, num. A hundred.
nut, Sapindus cinarginatus. nunate, see ^3.
nurka, adv. Suddenly. v. a. To
nupuni (^),
nurkallu, s. A kind of spin, twist, string.
pebbles found in rice. nupura, s. An ornament
T&F> nurkuni (^^ fr ), " a. To of the leg, foot-ring.
press on. 2. to elbow, push, nuruni (5*5), p. . To
make way.
creep in, enter with diffi-
rtaF> nurguni (oKr), y.n. To
pass over. 2. to sprain. 3.
le;0 nulu, J. Thread, yarn.
to decay; also eiiXoFda^fceS)?*. cdo fine thread. ?icre thin
rir nurge, J^ o&*.
or short thread. ?;e^ to
3Fori nurtinge, s. A malicious spin. ^ocrfoa to spool. ?ii

or spiteful man.
;^?> to twist thread.
l^oA nurbengi, s. A climb- J5dJ3Co nulodu, J. A spindle.
ing shrub, Bryonia 33 nrupe, ^. A king, sovereign.
iFS' nurtelu, ^^ ^osi^.
^SJ^^N a royal throne.
^FCiiJl nurpuni, nur- nrutta, nrutya, j. A
puduni, see 08451.
dance; dancing.
sxi^ nurluni (^^F), v. a. To otf
(-oioT^) nenge (-enge),
wind up, fold, shrink. as
postp. Till, until, long
null, ^. A bit, fragment. as. sic till one comes.
- done.
SaJoj^ nuliyuni (?k), ^'. w. till it is

To be broken, shattered, nentastige, J. Relation-

nusulu, ^ ship.

nungu, J 3 nente, s. A relation.

nukataka, ^. Fighting, nempu, ^^ ~^^-

nukuni ^. a. To neka, nekku, (contrac-

(NJS^), ,
thrust, push. 2. to reject. tion of ^cf^) To or for this.

Jieji;wj^ nutavuni (^&ra), ^. .

^,6, ^=5^,0* nekkare, nekkaru,

To show. s. The
plant Melastoma
Jlsfd nutana, at//'. Fresh, new, malabathrica. c2e> a kind
recent, Newness, freshness.
s. of grass.
j3j nutra, a^'. All. 2. a tk nekki, ^. Five leaved chaste
hundred. tree, Vitextrifolia. ^Q Vitex
nekki 368 netti

undo. &;:::?, ao Clcro- o, negilumullu, 5

diH.iniut inci'mc. ^~\ its

leaves, used by Koragar neggi, J. Shyness; shame,

women for clothing, and by rt a/.
c^, neggi, neggya,
some other castes for certain
Full, complete.
cSfcy. nettu, (tfWr. o/ c\)=S) In
3id nekkilupadpe, s. A
T3" oJ this, herein.
variety of Ainarantits. ^iiri nettage, adj. Straight, up-
negada, adv. Near. right. adv. Straightly; pro-
r!&, ^rizl negadi, negade, ^. perly.
Cold in the head, catarrh. fSiJ.'v^ nettalige, s. The ground-

-3^ a to catch cold. floor of a storied house.

ris^ negattu,
s. Overflowing, i3S3. netti, see e5S .

running over. A deep breath.

sJo, nettu, J .

negapuni (NA), v. n. To
nettelu,j^ &f>-
overflow, run over. 2. to
nedanku, ^^ ^js^c^.
ooze. 3. to perspire.
riu* ^.
nedankuni, see r^c^o^.
negaru, Loitering,
lingering, as a sick person. nedi, adj. Long; <:/".

2. a sea-animal, the vehicle of ^.??au a long stick, pole.

Varuna. 3. a whirlpool, ed- ^^, ?5^^j;;^ nedipini, nedipuni,

to be caught in 2. j
dy. ^^z
a current. nedilu, ^. A kind of bush.

negarige, ^. -Lingering. neddu (^3r. ^/" ^=-5^),

negaruni (c5*6), 7-. . To From this, herefrom.

linger, loiter. 2. to procrasti- ^ nedpuni, see 3&^.

nate. l nene, sec ?->. 2.jr^ ^f3.

aegavu, see $X;& netta, (Wr. a/rsic^) Of this.

^rtv* negalu, J. An alligator, netti, .?. The forehead; the
crocodile. 2. .?<? 3X5. crown of the head. 2. the
f5i \ negi, J^ w?^
front, vertex. a whirlpool. 3.
negipuni To 4. cracking the fingers. 5. the

leap, jump, spring up. 2.^^ tender stalk of fragrant screw-

13 ^jJo> $ to sew pine. Frrtj
top. vertex. T(

tight. &.a to crack the fingers. o

,. negiyuni (c57.),
:-. . To sjrs to make the fingers
rise, come up. crack.
c3 A. netti 369 ner

nettlkande, s. Dysen- s.
neyige, Weaving. 2.

tery. texture.

nette, .?#?
^o^; /" 3^. neyipini (Norfj), if. a. To
0* netteru, ^. Blood. tftfr^S weave, plait, braid.
clotted blood. ^ ^jstfe;, ti nayipanti, s. A smooth
^s?^o^ a stream of blood. rfo kind of grass, soft straw.

&>ctf S98odx>$ neyimuli, J. Soft grass,

to bleed.
AOS^S to shed blood. neyime, adj. Fine. ^ooyo
_ blood to run out. ^3o a fine cloth.
e>oi to menstruate. &&& to s* neyilu, j. A peacock.
have bloody stools.
)Jex>> neyiluni (j3c>so), To
-v. n,
fsi nedupa, $#? s>^. bunch
fade, as a of cocoa-

nede, s^ $^j- nut. 2. see >;w$.

nenapu, ^^ ^c34- 3j^ neyisre, J. A cloth used

for cleaning an oilmill.
nenavarike, see c2^8^.
Jjo^ neyuni (^-^), v. a. To
F3(3^^ nenetonuni,
weave, as a spider.
nenepini, J^ N^4^.
neyya, ^e? c%jo.
nenepu, s Thought, inten-- p eaf>
tion. 2. remembrance, recol-
So neyyoli, ^. A tender palm-
lection, memory. cSocT? $3$ nera, see &3.
I do not remember. 3> nerade, s. Abuse, bad

to remind, bring to re-

language ;
nickname. c$ SJD

collection. to remem- ^rf abusive language,

ber, recollect. nerapu, ^^ $^-
nenepuni (3c2), v.n. To J^ ^o-drf^.
think, imagine, mind, reflect,
d^) neravu, ^. The privities of
intend. 2. to recollect, re-
the male sex.
member. A fold or gather in
neri, s.
SsJOri nenevarige, s. Kemem- also
clothes, wrinkle, crease ;

brance, recollection; recogni- $%. _crooS?roG3o an upright

man. 3^$ to gather into
J nepa, see 33$. folds.
^otfo^ to fold; to

neyama, see ^cdo^o. 2.

see ?2?^o-
ol o>, ^64?> neriyuni, nere-

neyi, s. Clarified butter, vuni (J3e, ^), t. To be full. .

ghee; grease, fat. 2. to assemble. 3. to be at-

neyigare, s. A weaver. tached. 4. to be in coitu.
nere 370 neili

$6 nere, see ssS. nelakaru, see


^5v* nerelu, nerelu, sec Palsy affec-
nelakale, J .

ting on one side of the body.

<3^F nerta, adj. Straight. 2 true. .

adv. Straightly. 2. truly. j^-o^:^ nelakumbuda, s. The

jS^rdo nertama, s. Straight
ploughing. nelagade,

$^0 F> nertruni, see j3br. cS^cS'sS^ nelanalige, ^. A medi-

cinal plant.
SsiFzS, ?SsiFr3, 3s3e>Fe3 nerpade,
nerpani, nerpata, see cS^zf. ^e;fSr,C nelanekkare, s^e f^^S.

333DF4?} nerpavuni, f. (a/3^r .

cS^cS nelanelli, s. Phyllanthus

To cause to abuse. madcraspatensis, P. nintri.
nerpini (c35), ?. a. To ^^53"3s3 nelapale, ^. A kind of
abuse, revile. 2. to give nick-
names, ^O20^s3 nelabasale,^. The spread-
nerpele, s. An abuser, ing hogweed, Bxrhavia dif-
nerbe, see S^F. [gentian.
nerluni, see nelabsvu, s. A sort of
sF nerve, see ^e^S nelamunda, s. A kind
of fern, Curcitligo orchioides.
s*oL o^ ?
sjs^^s*' nelamuccilu,
s. A
nela, J. Earth, soil, floor,
kind of medicinal plant.
ground. 2. bottom.

the foundation of a building.

-^ ^^osJoS^nelasampayi,^. Kamp-
A:?, see ^aXz. _ST^U an feria rotunda.
3 nele, sec r.c.
earthquake; cf. sfc^cz;.
nelenci, s. Dysentery.
<?* a ground floor, cellar,
crocS bottomless. ?:$ to have dysentery.
^^FS see
to curse, im- precate. s^> ^ nelentuni,

to bury. nelekale, see

nelakanci, s. The plant nelpuduni, f. :.

(of 3
Naregamia alata. To hang.
r. ^=3i55 nelakadale, j. The nelpuni (^^), "'. . To
ground-nut, Arachis hypo- be hung, suspended.
goca. i nelli, s. The emblic myro-
CO '

u nelakara, s. Fertility of balan, country gooseberry,

land. Phylanthus cmblica. ^^oO
'1 nelakale, s. A mark on pickle made of emblic myro-
the ground. 2. SL\ balan. - - :
its dried fruit.
nelli 371 ner

rS) srsrc&nellirtaye, s. A demon netaduni (5?sa5), p. .

so called. To be pendent, to hang, swing;
S^3 nevana, s. Pretence, pre- to depend. 2. to be involved
text, trick. 3?2ya
to make in difficulties.
excuses ;
to pretend. ^
o netra, s. An eye. T?JS?A

cSsjt), fSsJv nevala, nevala, see ophthalmia.

o,^ netramukkuli, J. A
-^ ^?dg. demon so called.
fSs3?c^ nevedya,
F^c* nesymi, ^. Morning. do v_
netravati, s. A river
2^0 the morning sun. so called,

%& nesaru, nesalu, s. nedya,

Seasoning. -.&&?&, _ S7>ci}$ j nenu, J
to season.
nepalaberu, s. The
:: nesalu,.?. The forehead; cf. root of swallow-wort, Ascle-
?jE>. _e:-d^) fate, fortune.
pias asthmatica.
^3, ?S?o^ nesale, nesale, s. A ^^ nepini, ^<2 ?3coob?).
silly fellow. 2. a large, broad,
nema, s. The annual fes-
frying pan; also s3?3e3.
tival of a demon. 2. j^ s
s^ nesipuni (3*), f. . To ojo^o. a priest seized
press down, make tight. with a demon.
e>6 nendrabare, s. The s.
nemaka, Regulation,
Malabar plantain.
rule, law; determination,
nega, ^. Beauty, nicety. choice. 3. appointment, no-
Beautiful, nice, fair. mination to a post, ^otfo^
negilu, s. Small caltrops, to appoint, fix.

Tribulus lanuginosus. rfoo

nemisuni (^e^ooJ), v. a.
tfo, its thorn. To determine. 2. to appoint,
A nursling,
neji, s. young neya, see ^orfo.
plant of rice, etc. rf
_ neyi, see ^oso.
rf ^<s< a nursery. to
-c^$ j^ ?
transplant. sratiisto sow in
a nursery. i
neyuni, see

!3 neti, see 3^. ^

neyisre, see

r9,^rsonena, nenu, s. A cord, neri, see as.

rope; a bow-string. nerinke-

^c^, FS^Oo^^)^^
3e)e3 netata, s. Hanging; natti, nerinkepugere, s. A varie-
swinging. 2. entanglement. ty of country tobacco.
nere 372 nocca

mother's elder
e, s.Straightness. 2. jus- sister.
tice, truth. 3. agreement. aunt, wife of father's elder
adj. Straight; just, true; brother, mother's elder sister.
even, like: thin, delicate. ^SjSo5> nevaripuni (N?^S), v.a.

nerengi, The name of a To fondle, caress.

village. tSttf
3?5ctfo^. &^*3 nevala, s. A silver or gold

6j2<^o nerolu, nerolu, girdle worn round the loins.

s. The newel fruit, Syzigi &*&3 nevuri, s. A kind of cake.
jambolanum. &io2oo_ the rose tS^nS nesa, s. Asthma.
apple, Jambosa vulgar is,
3^$ nele, see ?v.
cfr nerde, adv. Early in the
f& nei, ^<? woso.
neikuli, s. The tree
^r nerme, adj. Fine, thin,
delicate. creoSo a delicate Wnghha tinctoria. 2.

e>23 neidile, J. The
nela, nelangu, s. A water-lily.

a square s. Cleverness,
hanging rope. 2. 3j)C?o neipunya,

piece of white cloth tied over skill.

a cradle, to divert or amuse ajj neiya, ^/'.

Soft. ^0200
the baby in it. STOCKS to the evening sun.

hang a rope for drying ^rfo neivedya, s. Food pre-

clothes upon \i\ fig. to make sented to an idol, an oblation
frequent visits. to a deity.

nelang-i, see under cSeo. neisarangu, sec

To hang, suspend. , f2j3oCc!ri nonna, nonnage,

neli, see w?oo. adj. Soft, nice.
s^o,^ nokkuni (^^), v. a. To
nelike, s. Hanging, swing- *o
stroll about.
neluni v. n. To nokke, s. Sweepings, rub-
e;ocJ (^e<5), u~
bish. 2. the name of a woman,
hang, be suspended; to swing,
vibrate. 2. to
all rubbish,
hang on, stick.

nele, see c2?e>. nokkele, s. A trifling

or destitute man.
2> nelya, adj. Great, large, ex-
tensive. 55c?x, ^?<3cT\ a long noga, see cioX.

coat. father's nocca, sec &t3> 2. see so

3^ uncle, wO" ^"
elder brother, husband of X,
nocc 373 nounta

nocci, s. Rice cooked with ijj notu, s. A bill of ex-

ghee, cocoanut, etc. 2. see change; a promissory note;
t2j. <^6 a leaf used for a currency note.
various ceremonies.

noccu, -nocce, adj. ni, nodavuni, v. a. To point at,

Minute. 2. light. 3. beneath show. 2. to rake up, stir.

nodilu, s. c5&5.
notice, paltry.
3rs nonna, see NJSOOQ. none, J".
Saliva, spittle.

SoSocr noyiru, s. Whiting, lady- s> nopavun, c. v.

w> & To cause to beat or strike.

fish; cf.

noradu, s. Rubbish, nopn, nopun

see. T-JO.
(^e), v. a. To beat, strike,
flog, knock. 2. see c3*eowLs>.
3^j nollu,
.y. A kind of water-
3?s3)^rao3o, tSJS^sSsS nopunaye,
nopele, s. A beater, striker.
nompu, s. Any meritori-
noyi, J^ j3js?a).
ous act of devotion. 2. a
festival, especially the one
To ache, pain.
observed on the 14th day of
co noru, ^. Freight, fare,
the 6th lunar month in honor
hire. 2- j^ N.oso5. ejstSosj
of Ananta.
fixed hire.
ombu, s. Fasting among
3?6 nore, s. A kind of water-
the Mohammedans; fast, pe-
plant. 2. a kind of tare.
nance. cjje>o20os> to fast.
to root out the tares.
2%v$, (&Afjd8 nokate, noko-
nore, s. A kind of crane.
te, s. The name of a tree.
noli, -st' ^->3*ee3.
noku, nogu, adj.
^. A species
0?3d nolisara,
Small; inferior. 2. bad.
of aloe, Aloe litoralis.
nota, s. Sight, vision,
view. 2. aim. 7^3 a for- noru, see Asetfo.

one who hits nole, adj. Very sour.

the mark. fortune- n ovu, s. Pain, ache. 2.

telling; guess, surmise. rf3 distress.

aiming. a?Sb$, i&ya to aim; nohi, s. A meritorious

to hit. s^tiOS) to watch, act or vow.
look after. nou, -adj. Naval.
l3-/ notice, s. Notice, inti- aountavuni, c. v.
mation. To cause to pinch.

nountu 374 ^ nyuna

nountu, s. Pinching. distressed, r. . To covet,

a. desire eagerly.
nountuni (f^-S), r-.

noulu, ^. Longing, hope;

To pinch.
nountu, s. cf.
o^o Squeezing,
nyande, s. One-sixth of a
pinching, crushing. 2.
ing, s^ to masticate,
nyadu, s. Pain, aching.
ruminate. ?>&& to loosen
cio nyaya, ^. Justice, equity,
fitness. 2. law.
o^o^ nountuni (^-;, "'. tf.

3. logic. 4. morality.
To chew.
$&? ^?o^. quarrel. adj. Right, just,
noumpu, reasonable. Tv3 a
noumpuni (z^~), t'.a- To a
logician; a lawyer; quar-
chew. 2. to entangle.
relsome man. e&^, 3?^ r
^3 nouka, s. A ship. a judgment, decision, verdict.
^5u, ^^"5)6 noukare, noukare, zzx logic;
O a work on law.

s. A servant. 2. a lascar. ?> 3 a court of justice,

nouji, ^. A spear, lance, judgment seat. 3&3S, rfo

noutu J^ ?f3cuo. ^s to quarrel, fight, dispute.

oT3p3 nyayadhipati, s. A
noutangu, ^. A weight
judge, tribunal.
equal to about three Rupees
nyavala, see 3&v.
or one-eighth of a seer,
nyasa, s. Abandonment.
noutu, see ?f9cuo.
2. a deposit, pledge. 3. mental
noudi, ^. Kubera's nine
appropriation, accompanied
gems; also N^s>a. with certain prayers and
the imaginary gem on the
head of a serpent. Blamable.
**$ nyuna, adj.
^0 noumi, see 3ax 2. less, deficient, defective.

.^ nouluni (s^S),
. To J?-N! nyunate, s. Defect, defi-

itch, be irritated. 2. to be ciency; omission.

pa 375 penca

3j pa, The thirty-fourth letter of o pancakajjaya, s. An

the alphabet. of five articles:
0=5* panku, s. The hair about dholl, gingely seed, jaggory,
the privities. cocoanut and cardamoms,
3Jo= panka, s. A fan, pankah. as an offering to Ganesa.
2. mud, mire. 3. evil, sin.
o^So^F paricakurve, s. A wick-
sjo^fcj pankaja, s. The lotus. er basket or box.
0=3=37?" pankasij Sprinkling. o23rl2o3o pancagajjeyi, see ^o^
pankila, adj. Muddy. ^sa cdo.

> pankti, see t>o. ^. Five ar-


pankha, see ticles derived from the cow:

panga, see t>c^. viz., milk, curds, ghee, urine,
pangada, adj. Distinct, and dung, mixed together
apart, s. A division, part, and drunk as a means of
portion. 2. a group. purification.
iori^o^j^ pangadipuni (3oXS), O pancatantra, s. A popu-
^. 0. To straddle; to place lar book of fables in five
apart. stories
chapters, containing
ioArfc^ pangidana, see STOGTM^.
illustrative of five qualities
iorlopangu, <^'. Lame, cripple. necessary to kings and great
j. A cripple. men.
iorios; pangula, s. A horse of pancatatva, see
a silvery white colour. a
o^^i pancani, s. A variegated
iorfoO panguli, <z^'. Soft, slip-
oe^f^^d, 3Jo2^?S^. pancanekkare,
pery. 2. .!' ^OAO5. oj><S'rf a ~o *-*

soft word. pancanekri, J. A nettle creeper.

!os^ panca, s. A rice field. 2.

o^sj^td pancapaklre, ^. A
a breed, sort, kind. o3oz_ pauper, vagabond.
a good breed. SEX- a small o^sj s. The worm-
kind. wood plant.
ioz panca, adj. Five, consist- o^scracd^o* pancapandaveru,
ing of five. -tf five, made j. The five Pandu princes.
of five; a pack of five, as of
pancapataka, J^ ^i
:c panca panca

pancapatre, s. A small paricaloha, s. The five

metal tumbler, cup. chief metals: gold, silver,

paricapapi, see under copper, and lead; or

copper, brass, tin, led, and
-7T3,rs paricaprana, J. The iron. 2. a metallic composi-
five vital airs in the body. tion., bell-metal.
c^2jparicabali, s. An offering Jo^sJrtr paricavarga, s. The five
to the five elements. classes of letters in the al-

o-3^lJ?^ panca bh'ita, s. The five

phabet from ^ to "sk.

elements: earth, air, fire, o^drsr pancavarna, s. Five

water, and ether. colours: white, black, red,
paricama, adj. Fifth. yellow, and green.
33e>*5 paricamahapa- o2tfS3<i?203-
6 paucavalibaccire, see
taka, .s. The five most heinous
sins: murdering a Brah- pancavadya, .?. Five
man, stealing gold, drinking principal musical instru-

spirits, seducing the wife of ments: the lute, cymbals,

one's spiritual preceptor, and drum, trumpet, and a kind
associating with a person who of hautboy.
has committed such sins. 3o 3a>or! paricanga, s. An alma-
'c2zl><5G7>s3^, sicijsjsL one guilty nac. 2. the foundation of a
of these sins. building.
'^^j^o* paricamaly, s. The pancatige, sec
local market qf a town. J. The con-
?u paricami, s. The fifth day science.
of a lunar fortnight. s. Dis-
25Do3e)C^ pancapadu,
pancamuihe, s. Siva 2.
persion, scattering. waste,
with five faces.
j pancamula, s. A medi- :oS5l\^ pancamruta, s. The
cine of five ingredients. of five
aggregate articles,
zi ; c o r! pancaranga, ^tr 3iotirfrer. used in bathing an idol milk, :

^. A poem curds, butter, honey, and

ozsd.^ pancaratna,
of five verses. 2. five princi- water.
pal gemsdiamond, emerald,
23^o&o3, c!L3D03o3tf pancayi-

pearl, ruby, and sapphire. ti, pancayitige, s. Arbitration.

pancariyery, see t>o 2. an assembly composed of

five0rmore persons to settle
pacarengi, see * a matter by arbitration. 3o
panda 377 panta

arbitrators. - o3 panji, s. A pig, hog. 2. a

to settle by arbitration. torch. 5355 a male bamboo,
ccseiO pariclli, scs Tiotrw. Banibusa stricta. &}ot$o, j^
jjcif. -rfooolSoso, j^ rftSjs 9.
aoso a porcu-
, ^??^., ^oo^
a porpoise.
paricaleru, see
pine. tftte
a hand-lamp, ^s the country
paricasati, .y. Pentecost.
paricali, s. A braggart, j

. A torch.
talkative man.
2^o)r panjurli, J. The name
ozse^o*' paricaleru, s. The five
of a demon.
classes of artificers: gold-
2 parije,
s. A kind of towel
smiths, blacksmiths, carpen-
kf pantu, ^^ ~^>-
ters, braziers, and masons.
2. the name of a warrior
tribe. korpini, pandijkorpini,
see under
s. The 3i^?).
s3eoa,oi) paricendriya,
five organs of sense the eye, :
dpanda,^. Discernment, learn-
ing, wisdom, understanding.
ear, nose, tongue, and skin.
2. articles or things in gene-
tSeD* pancery, s. One-eighth
of a maund, 3-j pounds.
pandite, s. A learned man.
panceiveru, see ^0^030
2. a teacher. 3. a doctor,
under ^o^coo!!.
pancoli, s. A very pun- A musk-rat.
pandili, s.
gent kind of betel leaf.
pandonuni, see 3^$.
panja, s. The hand with
a repre- pannavu (abbr. of ^ca
fingers extended. 2.
J^ under irfS). 2. J^
sentation of the same carried
in procession at the Moharam,
crs panni, j^ ^os>.
supposed to represent the
cfl panne, ^. A bunch of plan-
hand of Ali. 3. the tuft of a
oc|J5ri pannolige, s. A basket
fci s. Scarcity. 2.
or wooden trough for draw-
s. A 2. a ing water.
panjara, cage.
or?P pannya, s. A comb.

Z33d panjara, J. A fritter. 2.

os* pantu, ^. A trap.
a kiud of amulet. os panta, J. A purpose, vow,
panti 378 pambu

resolution. 2. a bet or wager. panna, see

s&hz(3gti a manly resolution.
to be resolute. ca ^. Ambergris. 2.
c-or^s pannambura,
^os> to bet. &3;3$ to lose a affectation, ado. 3. mystery,
wager. ZJO^AO resolutely, mystification. zfctfo^to make
positively, purposely. a mystery of anything.

panti, s. Grass. 2. a o^rt pannaga, s. A serpent-

dauble nail. o?i panni, 5. Bragging, boasting.
pantirengi, see z&^lo'h. 2. egotism, self-conceit. 3. J^
3 cart. e?Sr. dc profession and
pantura, see
3 pante, s. Aline, row, range. practice, exhortation and ex-
_ ^otfo^ to sit in a line. ^> ample; advice, admonition.
"3 the line of &3c$ ^e^eosS he cares neither
guests at a meal. for exhortation nor for exam-
ij?j pantoji, . A school- ple. ti &8 a braggart, an
idler. ^JSE^O $. _s3;f
master, teacher. ^tlxft,
J &3"

Jo pantye, s. A small lamp. ijo^, e^ors to boast, brag.

a^> mud lamps used at an panniru, ^. Rose water.

illumination (e^oezi). to sprinkle rose water.

$ pantha, ^ 3o3. panmra, adj. Rose-scent-

d<i pandade, s. Fructification,
ed. Xc^ rose-cented sandal
productiveness of a tree. adj.
panne, see
Dense. c3

panne, s. The cheek.

pandavuni, C.T. (oft>o rS

To tonsure at the forehead in the

rock, swing, move,
form of a comb. 3. see ieL
wave, shake, oscillate.
worn-out. &s
pandi, adj. Reserved, cau-
> adj. Small. 2.

tious. Srteiiss a reserved yo^ ^jsB; a worn-out spade.

man. ^ a parasol. -^-do?j the

-5r:jF$ to
s. A kind of mouse; cheeks to fall in.
also 3r& '
cf. ca3. ornament the beard or the
v. n. To hair about the face with
do^ panduni (-c5),
tweezers. OT?OJOO$ to be-
shake, be loose, wave, move,
be agitated, oscillate, vibrate. come proud.
s. A oZoz3 pambade, J. A devil-
ocja, pandrali, very
talkative man. dancer belonging to a low

s. class of Sadras,
oc;Lo^$Os>rf pndhuralirag-a,
The name of a tune. j pambu, sec irf^ft-
pamma 379 pakki

pamma, ^. Fraud, trick. bag carried on a bullock, etc.

parnkuni (^c^Fr), 7-. a. 2. one who supplies water
To pluck out, scratch with in such a manner; a water
nails. nu t. carrier.
ort-S ~fel pariigotte, .y- A cashew- pakasu, see *%*>
lo^jr^ parncuni (~csS>), 7-. a.
paklre, s. A fakir, mendi-
To trouble. A
[some man. pakuru, s. rascal.
szlrd parricele, s. A trouble-
j,, 3^^ pakka, pakkane, adv.
oC3*F parndu, .?.
Ripeness. 2. a
Suddenly, unexpectedly. 2.
ripe fruit. 3. ripe plantains.
adj. Ripe. 2. gray.
j^, pakka, ^. Foreign, of
ocr3F4i parndavuni, . ?'.
(of another country. 2. $ ^j^.
zjorfora) To ripen. 2. to per-
a foreigner.
od>F) parnduni (3o5r), t/. .

To be ripe, mature. si 3,53 pakkale, ^. A glutton. 2. a

2. the ri"

hair to turn gray.

small net. 3. see z5#J; ^r/.eo^d

^i sj^,r3* pakkasu, j. A rafter.

parmbuni, see xia^or^. a'


A long, narrow 3JTje>, pakka, ^;'. Ripe, mature.

pakudi, .

turban. nn 2. fit, proper. 3. substantial,

solid. 4. exceeding, perfect,
si ^3* pakadu, s. Seizure; fetch-
complete, ^^o a consummate
si^ s* pakatu, adv. Only, merely,
falsehood. ^^o^ a down right
simply. 2. entirely, wholly.
a daring lie. rogue. ^ejrf a clever stroke
of business; excellent work-
siSoC^ pakapaka, adi\ Quickly;
much, excessively. <S^>AOO$ manship. Ffttelras a clever
to palpitate, as the heart to
man. srositf a proper word;

to leap, hop. an apt reply. Scscoj a

valiant soldier.
sj^dpakara,^. Sap, juice. use,
profit. csxys sd^-d t^aS
j[t is ^=5^,) pakkali, see
good for nothing.
sj^, pakki,
^. A bird, ^
si^^, =3^ pakala, pakala, ^. a kind of partridge. <

Coral, rf^e) ^^_o S ^?) ^o?xo3o _i>j^ kinds of fish. t

/^.having learned everything, a fortune-teller. riacxao a

he swallowed a coral (bead); of a door
lintel, headpiece
he a jack of all trades and
is frame. tfjseX croup, bron-

master of none. chitis, peculiar to children.

!::'5)) pakEli,^. A leathern water ris3 a hawk.
i p 380 paca

5^ pakku, m*
^ _3-r pagarce, s^c zxs.
^^ 3*.
^, pakke, rogue, rascal,
cunning fellow. 2. a clever sjri^ see
>, pagala, pagala,
man. ^v.

3, pakke, J. The side; $/". ^. pagale, ^6'

2. a banner. ^ a rib.
pagi, ^. A rent, splint, split,
ra: ~^- z^S.
F^, pakta, pagidi, see
pakva, adj. Mature, ripe, r
v. a. To
*j pagipuni (-' .),

fit, suitable, proper; cooked. rend, split.

_e?L$ to ripen, \f^ pagipelu, see **,
pagudi, a?*
ssa. '' w To
pagiyuni (^^)i -

pagumalu, ^ 3X 6 f.
split, rend; to crumble, fall

J. Cleverness, in pieces; to give way.

skill. 2. cunning. i
page, s. Hatred, enmity,
S.sec 3X5. malice, hostility. NB^SJ a

An 3X5 anti-
rtei parade, ^. ace, one in foe, adversary.
dice. pathy, spite. i^a to en-
games, ^oa^sto play
at dice. tertain hatred. to
5Jrtl pagate, s. Exchange, re- |
hate. 2^:1303. _ ;dcaolx>a to

turn revenge.
K in ex- i
seek revenge.
K A io ff
s. The day-time.
change, instead of. pagelu,
like for like. -w^ a blue light.
rt> pa^adi, s. Tribute, tax, ^s3 pagele, ^. A kind of harm-

f. 0. To less snake.
risj)) pagapuni (zJX),
paggu, ^. The first Tulu
change, exchange, substitute.
srlc* pagaru, ^. Time, turn. 2. month ;
the sign Aries in the
making signs with the hand.
3. hire, rent, wages. ^& pagtelu, s. A rent, slit.

sjrio pajara,
s. Exchange. 2.
pacakka, J. Plash, splash.
to fall with a splash-
^. Changing,
sjriosl; pagarata, ing noise.
exchanging. cN pacana, s. Cooking. -j.

rtS> pagari, ^. An arrow, dart. digestion. -?':?; to be di-

Zj pagaruni (^7(S), r. n. To gested. Tio^S) to dress

be ini'ected. 2. to shift, change food; to digest.
place. 3.-.?X_ to take the 3& pacapaca, s. Licking. _>.

infection. a clacking noise, adj. Little,

i5D paca 381 pajji

scanty. $?5 scanty water. 2 pacce, s. Greenness, fresh-

3<^$ to lick, eat with a clack- ness. adj. Green ; fresh ; cf.

ing noise.
_ eocr green colour.
3"s>d pacara, s. Punishment, Js=^J5d23 s paccekoralu, s. A
castigation. 2. a fine, penalty. kind of fragrant flower.
to fine; to reverence. is! 6oA ^. A kind
rfotfo^ paccerengi,
pacile, s. A kind of oyster. of nettle, Tragia involucrata.
s. Plight, predi-
cament; trouble, distress.
pajaku, 5. A bag made of
2. disgrace.
pajakayi, j^<

pacca, .s'. An emerald, adj. 2. j^ es

Green. 2. fresh. t&S broad tS pa.ji, adj. Wet, damp. 2.

daylight. full of sap. 3. green, fresh.

paccangri, see zJg -.^a green grass, tender
shoot, sprout. quite raw, x
^otf a tree or timber
paccakarpura, s. A green.
2^ in a fresh state. 3oS a green
superior kind of camphor.
whip-snake. ^ a green leaf.
jd fo* paccatu, see seleS.
to a-rfoa to revive, as a faded
iz^^ paccadi, J. Minced vege-
plant. 3^$, to
tables, salad-
grow green, become stout.
iz3 el paccade, s. A silk cloth
too* pajiru, s. Grass.
worn by males; a shawl.
t3d pajire, (abbrev. of ^^ <sn3)
?3 j3 paccana, J^ 5i^F3.
IT A green <?r fresh leaf.
z3 c2-S\6 paccanekkire, j^ 3i^
^ TT <-^

& paje, ^. A mat. <^r$-

paccala, s. The buttocks.
a mat plaited with double
?s OF^ paccarige, J^ sie^d.
leaves. SJZ;FS?_ a mat plaited

D^, sj^d pacciru, paccire,

uO* ij
with single leaves. ^ro
The pulp enclosing the seed a very small mat. 1>&^ a
of a jackfruit. tforf a small worn-out mat. tSooe^^cro'Scj

layer of it. a fine mat. t>3^p to be

paccirengi, see t>^Qot\. confined to bed from sick-
paccila, J. A medicinal ness; to be very sick.
plant. 2^o3s223 pajemadipele, s. A
pacclsu, ^. A kind of large kind of bee.
with dice or cowries. see *
game pajji,
pajje 382 patta

pajje, -y^
wsS .
3 pati, s. A rafter.
^ o3

&* patu, palmyra rafter.

#;//. Sharp, skilful,
clever, strong. ^S a dodge. S3o,*1 patinga, adj. Roguish,
sj pata, m- ^- knavish. &3 roguery, kna-

eJori J^ very; prodigality.

patanga, zJUjcX.
i3ori pating-e, s. A rogue, rascal,
&3, patakka, w* s&sa.
tr knave, scoundrel. 2. a pro-
feJcS, eJ?S patane, patane, .$.
Reading, perusal, recitation. itei)d patikara, s. Alum.
kJ3Jl}?2 patapatane, ^. A flap-
sJ^, iiri patike, patige, s.
ping or rattling sound. Urine.
-o patala, see

yo"s^^ patalamu,

^. A regi-
patilukayi, see
atelu, patele, J.
ment, army, battalion. ca
The headman of a village.
o3o a soldier, sepoy.
~u Jkf. pattu, s. A nest. 2. abun-
3o patalkodu, see
dance. K ^(ssriis ///. to
thrust hand into a nest; to
patavasuttu, ^. A kind
divulge a secret. ^lu^rf
of drum.
A abounding in thorns. ^u^si
je)o- pataki, s. squib, crack-
to build a nest. T>zfc; a
-ex>a^ to let off a
nest to be pulled down; to be
cracker, to crack up; to tell
dispersed; a secret to be di-
patakila, see Z^TOOSJ.
jy patta, s. A metal plate
patate, ^^ -eofaaB.
with astrological inscriptions,
patani, ^. A class of fastened on the forehead of
Mohammedans. 2. .s<? so&rorf.
a to avert the
c3Do3j patanudaye, J. A
consequences of having been
fisherman. born under an unlucky star.
e)^ patala, adv. Smartly, 2. crowning, anointing, instal-
sharply. SOD^OS to strike
lation, ordination. 3. a
throne, office, rank. 4. title
patalam, or appointment of office. 5.
patali, see a deed of lease or a

patavu, see iUjoX. grant. rf

a royal seal.

patali, ^. A buffalo with zJSro^^otf anointing a king,

wide-spread horns. 2. a palan- or priest, coronation, ordina-

quin bearer. tion. -

patta 383 patte

to reign, rule. &a pattavu, see

^y^a, z^cX.
&r& to crown; to ordain. c.
eJ3,s^)^ pattavuni, if.
Ill patta, #</?'. Suddenly. 2. ^^ To cause to be distributed,*?^.

^^ a vow suddenly 3 patti, s. A list, catalogue,
made when in trouble. 3 voucher. 2. a note, short
7333$ to break suddenly. letter. 3. the fastenings of a
Ilj.osc, sSeJ.ort pattanna, pattanga, box, etc.; cf. 3^. 4. a strip

Bragging, boasting. s;ido>, of cloth, collar of a coat. t

_ ^of. to talk idly and a lathe. 6. a kind of tonsure.
falsely. 7. a bundle of betel leaves;

;J.ort pattange, ^. A braggart, also ^.soeltf. _w>a3a kind of

u W oJ*

!k!,c&3 pattambara, ^. A robe glass bangles. ^w^a to

of state. ace< apply a bandage or ligature.

',&& pattadi, s. A kind of neck- _ &s>bF$ to appoint. *Ke?i>s>

to shave the head in stripes,

',^d pattade,
see 3i
^. to write a list,
It- re pattana, ^. A city, town. note,

i^^DjS pattadane, ^. A royal

iloftpattinga, pattinge,
;elcii pattadevi, s. A queen.
fid pattige,
TIQttQTlO Ot{> M

"*^ .

pattimuru, ^. A kind
jJ pattabandha, ^. Coro- of earring.
nation. eJo, pattu, see ^^.
pattaya, see i^. sJsJo,^ pattuni (^^3),
^- To

pattavali, ^. A striped divide, distribute, apportion.

silk cloth. 3i^ patte, ^. A strip, stripe. 2.

aJ d) pattavu, see xu. silk. 3. a document specify-


ejs).orl pattanga, see sy^c ing a grant of land, etc.; cf.

4. a slip 0r strip of a
w's.ra pattani, j 3^-
palm tree. 5. a piece of cloth ;
b's.plo pattanye, see ^CE! a silk border.
a tape.
e3> ^^^ pattabhisheka, J^ AST? a silk a
U ;
under su..
eJ dealer in silk. NJS^O raw
^Ci pattayipili, j. A royal silk, silk thread. 3><*3 a
tiger. female's silk garment. &
ra.O pattari, ^. Ruin. 030 a black stripe, ero-5-
to go to ruin. a black <?/ yellow coloured
pattala, j^ cloth.
J& patto 384 padi

pattonuni, r^tf.
(of padappe, j^ -^^.

To share, divide, etc.
padaya, adv. One upon
pattye, ^ *%. 2. see
*% another. eo^rfj^ to fall one


patna, ^ ~u,r. upon another.

eJs^oa,), EJU^^rfj patlakayi,
patla Aodu, J. The snake-gourd, -j padaruni (-r-o). r . //. To
TricJi.^an ''lies
aiign-ina. creep.
s patha, JT. A picture, drawing. s:^^) padavu, ^. A vessel. 2. ^
2. a boy's kite. #;/:'. Much.
zia^S to fear much. OT-D si^?v* padasu, see &^.
4$ to let fly a kite. ^^?37)53 padasale, ^. A veranda,
3*; paduca, paduci, stv? reception hall.
c3>o3o padayi, s. Trouble. 2.

see zrf oso.

, padupu, Q
sicSe)^} padavu, s. An imputation,
padupe, ^v -^ charge.
Not 8 padi, s. A daily allowance
pada, ^/". sufficiently
of food, extra pay to servants
sloping. 2. placing or laying.
55^5 a flat roof. 20^0^ when travelling. 2. alms in
kind. 3. a small weight.
to fall or lie at length.
4.a thrashing frame; also 3
5 pada, s. A boat.
^00^4. 5. a door or shutter
padanga, ^6' s^ooX.
made of slips of bamboos
padambu, ^. A rough tied together. sea rice for
canvas cloth.
charity. #3 a building over
^otlft^ padamboli, J. A liar.
a gateway, a porter's lodge.
2. .yrtf rf^jas3.
^W^$ to be reduced.

z&? padaca, jcc i^..

ss^s to pay allowance
^sirf padapada, J^g ^u^y. to labourers, to distri-

^S5^ padapuni, see it^z>. 2, bute alms. S rfs^ra to

sec 133. thrash.
tdsri padape, ^. A whore; a sj&^ padike, .v. Wickei!
whoremonger. corruption, depravity; ^/^^
rfsSdui* padaperad^, s. A kind "/'.
Dad. corrupt.
of grass. a=$c3 padikenti, a.//". Bad.
os^ja?? padaposu, ^//. Superfi- wicked, corrupt.
cial, .shallow, not profound. sJ<a^J3oCje>o3jpadikondaye, ^. The
ci 3o a ilatterer. name of a demon.
padi 385 sirs pana

padica, padici, see padepini (^), ^'. . To

get, attain, acquire, obtain.
sr^ padicare, padi- 2. to possess, have. 3. to

carake, s. A peon, attendant. beget, bear, bring forth.

&^ padita, J. A stripe, streak. ziGdoj^, 3Jsl^)^ padeyuni, pade-
2.a wale, mark of a whip, etc., vuni n. To
(^), "'.
as on a bullock. rfosso
feel, experience, enjoy,
S*j)) padipuni (3&), r. #. To to suffer grief. ^o^js?^;_ to
learn. 2. to plunge. 3. to
enjoy pleasure.
swell, k. see 'Z&'&Si. zx>~3~ to ~>
padkanataye, see
learn a lesson, exercise.
ia^lbr^ padibatlu, ^. Straits,
2 padca, ^. Settlement, ar-
difficulty, trouble.
rangement. 2. determination,
Ss/ padilu, s. Waste land. adj.
disposing. 3. clearance, con-
Waste, barren, unfruitful,
sumption. ^fbs to be settled
fallow. 2. fallen in ruins.
or disposed of. zktf^s to
Jd) padu, adj. Pure. 2. see
settle; to dispose.
pure palm wine.
paddane, a^'. Sloping, flat.
padumbu, see ^P^OCSDO.
Jra? o3o paddayi, paddayi,
padupu, see zitky Cd
s. The west.
zS pade, J. A multitude, mob,
rabble. 2. an army. 3v3> ^o ,
^3^ o padya, paddya, J. A
the general of an army. spittoon, especially an earthen
a stray dog, a<5z^j.
to raise an army. ^ padta, J^ ^&^-

an army to halt. padpu, s. A plain. 2. waste

dengi, adj. Old. oSo^or ground.
a very old she-buffalo.
padpe, see ttiZ.
ci^d padetale, ^. The helix or
lj^Ao, sj^j^^ padposi, padpoli,
border of the ear.
j^ ^zS^eoJ.
padenali, s. Leanness.
loe3 padyele, J. An honorific
to become lean, or
title among the Jains.
a pana, s. Senselessness.

To cause, occasion. 2. ^ panake, ^.

Pairing together
to inflict. rfosso to inflict with a rope, as cattle.
pain, cause sorrow. si panaja, ^. A kind of
M to make glad. grass.
pana 386 !3 pati

s. The weight song. 25o5EtfjbF5) to teach,
of a gold fanain. advise, instigate; to back-
panavu, panavu, bite. t.zSz3i, TJCO^) what was
s. A quarter rupee. 2. money said- ^c-lsreos to talk to
in general. 3. wealth, riches one's self; to address, repre-
in specie. sent, announce. ^cSS^rf^
s. Dew, fog, mist, snow. ik$ to send word.
r?) pani,
2. see v rf - ^Scdoos to be rf? panye, see
moist. 3i^s>
dew to fall. s* patu, see ~s.

r2>3 panita, s. Praise, adj. ^ pata, J. Maintenance, sup-

Praiseworthy. to 2. see *>$
-rfotfo^ port, alimony.
praise, eulogise. ^rfsgil)?) to maintain.

r33> panipuni (3$rf),

^ . tf. To iort patanga, s. A bird; a

give a shape, v.n. To drizzle. winged moth.

^d to shape a vessel. sotfs* patan^elu, 5. Harmony,
r$c&e)d paniyara, see 3$orfratf. fitness. 2. adherence. ef?:s>

to fit.
jp| pane, s. The forked stem of a
^o2dS patanjali, J. The name
water-lift; also*>&fo&a^&y3.
of a celebrated teacher of the
Jef pane adj. Proper, due. adv.
3j^ due weight.
Yoga philosophy.
Jflue)o5j panekayi, .y. The fruit
^ patana, adj. Falling, liable
to fall.
of palmyra.
pataki, s. A standard,
&& panelu, s. A kind of tree.
patayi, s. A large chest,
Jf|jJCo panoru, s. A plough- coffer.
share. A
-2 pati, s. husband, master,
JclJ3> panoli,

j . A kind of pal- owner. 2. a match, equal.

myra tree. 2. a kind of um- faithfulness to a
brella made of palmyra husband. ^3e, _-rfj3 a vir-
leaves. tuous wife, -c husband and
jp? panne, see Zc& wife.

iroD^^ panpavuni, c.v. (of ^>t\

3 pati, s. Similarity, equality;
To cause to say, let say, in- cf. *>B. -K *3 equal to.

form. 33 patita, adj. Fallen, over-

v.a. To say, thrown, defeated. 3. wicked.
Jr^^ panpini (~^),
tell, inform, narrate, relate, 3i patite, s. A sinner. 2. an
recite. 2. to teach, instruct. outcast, a heretic.
7ii_ to recite a verse, sing a 3^ patini, see z^-
pate 387 patro

patengala, ;f , patte, s. A patch. 2. trace,

J^ zi discovery. S.see o?Ls>
palenuru, iajg.
to patch.
3* patty, num. Ten. ^. A
^^J^O pattemari, ^. A pat-
nail, peg, pin, particularly
used for a plough.- temar, sailing vessel with one
j^ patta, Quite, fully,
ij^ow pattonji, num. Eleven.
entirely wholly, effectually;
at all. e?aiG$ to be quite ij^cd^ pattonjene, adj.
dry. d?s3;>4$ to boil fully. Eleventh.
_ )3
rs^ there is nothing at i^O pattoli, see ^g^tf.
s. A wife.
J. Tight-
^orts* pattangelu, 2o patya, ^. Regimen, diet. 2.
ness; <:/.
3o/3>. .s^ si^. adj. Suitable, agree-
^EB, sjj^Ndo , 3J^3Zo patta- ing with. ?^> to suit, agree
naje, pattanadya, pattanaji, s. with.
to observe diet.
The tenth day of the Tulu j^
lo patye, ^^
month Besya. 2. a feast
^ patra, s. The leaf of a tree
celebrated at Dharmasthala. or book. 2. a written bond.

j^,r3 pattane, a^'. Tenth. 3. see 4. a

t,3f$. passport.
^ojj, sjs^ odo, 3J3^o3o patta- -

ya, pattaya, pattayi, ^^ si^oso. to execute a bond.

3^ patta, see
x^. J

ara>Zo patraji, .
s^ sj^, sjg^^ pattavale, patta- boasting.

j Bribery
li, .
; cf. ^g^^e3. s^SjO, si^^ patravali, patra-

s^jj^ pattavuni, c.v. (oft,^ li, s. A plate formed of leaves

To cause to join, stick, stitched together.
attach, adhere, affix. 2. to
^ patri, see 33).
cause to hold, seize, catch. s^ 1
s. An epistle,
s^ni* pattasu, ^. A kind of letter. 2. a memorandum of
sweetmeat. 2. ^^ sigsaso.
some important event, ^o-dr
-^ patti,
s. A trace. a testament, will.

^r^ pattige, see xf^. l.

patre, ^r. A twig with the
^^j pattuni (^o)> ^- ^- To leaves on. 2. mace.
hold, catch. r\ To adhere,
jjs>^c! patrotte, patro-

stick, be joined, united, de, ^. A kind of cake made
to contract a habit. of the leaves of yam or
<5r~ to turn mad. other pot-herbs.
JqS patha 388 pada

t$ patha, s. A path, road, way. d^d padakara, adj. Dense,

thick, adv. Densely, thickly,
1$: pathya, see isfg.
3 23*0* A closely. e:.^G3 to fall
paduru, jr.
fold, layer,
stratum. 2. a plait. thickly.
3Ji3^o padanuni, pada-
ic3*D?eJ, sScSoDC? padurata, pa-
s. ~S nuni (--^, ^s5^), t'. To .

daradu, Flight, retreat.

TroSss^o^ to run away, de- become soft. 2. to get wet,

be chilly.
j c?' 03'~ paduradu, #/. Twelve. ^, sirfFi^ padana, padanappa,

z;S^^F5 twelfth. adv. Well, nicely. &zx&

to smear well.
ic3*dj^ paduruni, see ^"dos.
^ padaniyuni, see 3$
5d pada, s. A foot, step. 2. a
foot-mark. 3. a word; a con- [man.
padaniye, s. A wealthy
nected sentence. 4. a verse,
cisJCJo padapadya, s.
song. to sing a song.
Id pada, s. Abatement, subsi-
dence d^j, padappu, .y. The temples.
; e?La to
2. "see Z3&
abate, as storm 0r rain.
da* padaru, j.
'rto^ padanka, s. see -ztt.
see -z^il.
vagueness, adj. Ambiguous,
vague. 3^33 an ambiguous
padankara, afe
. In a
statement; speaking vaguely.
stooping posture. 2. see *>ti
j^ ^55.
rfd padara,
^o^j,^ to cower, crouch,
dD^>c3 padaraji, see z&Z).
sirfos:^ padannane, s. A lazy d^i padavi, s. Wealth, property,
fellow. possession. 2. rank, degree,
3Jdoc2 padanji, ^^ ~^v,. grade. 3. road, path. 4.

fortune, luck.
siric^;^ padampuni (^^o^) 5
1/. .

To become wet. d^; padavu, s. A plateau, table-

5Jd=ff padaka, s. An ornamental
d^ padaste, s. A moderate
breast-plate. 2. meditation.
3. .sr<? --. ^ov^^^ to set
padanga, s. A syllable.
a breast-plate with precious
Uri padatige, see sjccroi!*.

SJC^G* padakaru, s. Breadth. padana, ^^ ~.

i ^jj'doaco a kind of concave JiCTsa padati, padadi, s.

umbrella made of leaves. A foot-soldier.

pada 389 padma

padarcane, s. Homage !cj3J<3 padepade, adv. Fre-

paid by falling at one's feet. quently, again and again.
3"33F padarti, s. A class of icSjsO, djss? padoli, padoli, J.

drummers, attached to the The principal hall of a house.

service of a temple. an out-house.
raqiF padartha, s. A thing, i^ceJri, 3odo3r^, 3JdB paddan-
o o O
article. 2. vegetable curry, tige, paddantige, paddati, see
sauce. 3. the meaning of a 5SD33.
sdrfS; c/".
word or sentence,
rfo^ padduni (^^), v.n. To
a padi, J. A basket,
sneak, crouch, hide, lurk.
a padi, 72#2. Ten, esp. used 2. to be afraid, perplexed,
in comp.; as, sraaS sixteen.
?^>> fourteen. 1

?3^ eigh- c>?c&> paddeyl,

J .
teen. 3ef seventeen.
^o> jewels.
fifteen. ^jaoeor nineteen.
rf 3 paddhati, J. Custom, prac-
paduma, see 3^.
tice, habit, rule.
padumukha, s. A kind
of medicine.
rfa padpu, s. A particle,
a very small quantity. 2. a
zSoft, :3oZo padengi, paderiji,
dot, clotted blood on the skin.
j. Green gram, Phaseolus
-3-o^_ sisS
nothing at all.
mungo. 5 ?3eOo_, ,

cS padpe, s. The common herb

33e5 are varieties of it. oJ
Amaranthusoleraceus. ^os&-
cS^ padeka, ^. Collection; re-
a red kind of the same. t3js^o
covery. o
a white kind of the same.
cStS QS padeccilu, see Xti^S.
c3, padma, s. A lotus, Nelum-
2. see 3lz%<5.
bium speciosum. 2. the
dvl padeti, s. A midwife.
Egyptian or Pythagorian
cSsicS padepade, see ^d ? z3t3. bean. 3. coloured marks
d^j^ padepini (iz3), ^. a. To on the throat of a serpent
collect, recover. or on the face and trunk of
^3^) padepu, J. The crown of an elephant. ^erf& the fila-
the head. ment of a lotus. cro a
dcdoo^i padeyuni (^), v.n. To name of Vishnu. ^X a
sink down. 2. to become in- ruby. pdad a weaver,
visible. the seed of a lotus.
padmi 390 payi

J5O padmini, s. One of the four ^.

Pappadam, a very thin
classes of females. kind of cake made of pulse,
rfo padya, .s-. A verse, metre. salt, etc.

J3, 3J^33e>o$ pana, panapana, see 3^5 pappu, s. A carcass, carrion.

t>$. 2J.
pabba, see 3&r.
^o2~d panambara, s. Amber- c^, s. An ear of rice,
gris. 2.
boasting, making a etc. 2. gum, resin. 3. see
mountain of a mole-hill. oj^Dio. _La an ear of rice
to boast, make a to shoot.
great ado about trifles.

J pani, s. Drizzling rain. 2.

payakelu, payacelu, payaccety,
see 3r3.
a^'. Little, small.
s. The time of shooting of
3. few; cf.
-^ a small the ears of corn.
kind of frog. 33) a small
oj-rs payana, see ^jcdjape.
umbrella. dac3 a tempo-
shed, -sorir oJ-3"3o3j payatdye, ^. A thriving
rary drizzling
rain. atedos to drizzle. ^ man.
odooa to abate, as a drizzle. oJodo^s^cSj payarand^jitaye, ^.

?. To A demon so called.
3J>^)> panipuni (is>), .

drizzle, shower. payavun, pa-

G3j:j>flpaniyara, J. An offering yavuni (^o>, 3icdn>), ?'. To .

to a god, etc., consisting of shoot, as an ear of corn.

preparations of fruits and ojj^" payasu, s. Water 2.

vegetables. milk.
3J^J2do, sJ?$J3do, 3J?2j^io panu- payi, $" An ear of corn;
ru, panoru, panoru, J^ datfo.

3j{3, si^^o^ pane, panekutti, sec SJ^e^ payicily, s. A bag

made of palm-leaves.
sJN^JDcS panemade, J

. A demon *
Jtv ^coo^6.
so called.
?? payijany,
oJjSjS^ panoli, see zJAs<9.
payirianu, s.
A kind of silver
3J^A?0 pankori, 5. A kind of anklet.

sSfy. panni, see 03.

&s$ payiriali, payinalayi, payi-

nali, -v. -.
^j panpu, 5 J
oJ payitinusire, =%
sJ rf, si^ ^ pappada, pappala,
payi 391 para

payitota, s. A young ^ parankuni, see

garden or plantation. paran^u, see
payilu, see z5o3j^>. ^^ t-jj\.
payilumanige, -^ n.
paranguni (33oK), z;.

To become stale, musty; to

payecelu, s. Subscrip-
decay; also 3itfcK5>;&>e^$-
tion, contribution. 2. j ~s3o '
parangelu, s. Staleness,

payebelu, ^ 3oe3& decay,
Stale, decayed,
a decrepit
payoli, see ;5o3og5.
0!^ payya, payye, see >
parancuni, J^ ^-So^os).

5Jdo^s3 parancena, pa-

payyana, ^". Gently, s.

rancelu, Prattling. 2.
softly, quietly cf. ;
grumbling, murmuring.
to conceal quietly.
3oss3 parancele, ^. A prattler,
to put gently.
babbler. 2. a grumbler,
payyeru, j. A horse. 2.
^ ii3oc3.

pararijyoti, s. The
Supreme Being, Light of
yyoli, s. A horse. 2. riding,
galloping. .jr^4$ to gallop. dce/ parantu, s. A bull frog.
3 para, 0^'. Distant, remote.
doe3 paranta, s. Murmuring,
subsequent, after, follow-
grumbling. srotdo^ to grum-
ing. 3. other, different. 4.
ble, talk nonsense.
more, exceeding. 5. before.
_^j)do a strange doeJs^, doeJ$ri parantalu, pa-
place, fo-
s. A kind of
reign country.
rantalige, creeper.
doiJo^ parantuni (^oS), p. .
d para, adj. Old, worn out.
^ocyo worn To gripe, grasp, seize, lay
out clothes.
hold of. 2. see 3itfos3os>.
d para, s.
Regard, respect.
TOOC&> a careless man. parante, ^. An old buffalo.

ero^s to have regard 0r res- parantele, s. A prattler,

pect. ^a^a to lose respect. grumbler.

dorf4$ be careless, regard- dod paranda, J. Murmuring,
to regard, give grumbling.
attention. , paranduni, see sd^S).
have you no regard? do you o
parandhama, ^. Vish-
not care? nu's paradise.
para para

dcldparainpare,.$-. Succession; gropes about. 2. a lazy man,

race, lineage, descent, adj. etc.

Successive, proceeding from paratu, adj. Old, worn

one to another, hereditary. out. ?>$ to become old.

j^i parambuni, see paratantra, adj. Depend-

paraku, see v^- ent, obedient, subservient.
fo parakatu, see d^do^i, sjd^jdo^ parataruni,
paraturuni (~tf35, ^-d^o5),^..
A To spread, extend, diffuse.
s. long cloth.
s. Another 2. to creep, as an ant, etc.
tfffejab parakaya,
body, ^^transmigration. parati, see *Br.

d& paraki, ^ ^r. a, 3Jdd paradi, parade, s. A

d^ .?. A vow made in curtain, blind, screen. ^
2. see u^s,
zretSos to put up a
trouble; beseeching.
sj^s to vow, make a
VOW. STOTfca, ??jabF$ tO fulfil dd^i paradevate, s. A fo-

a vow. ?iocro4s> to do a reign deity.

work carelessly. ?jodj^avow dcS^ paradesa, J. A foreign
to be fulfilled. country.
d^> parakei, s. Depositing with sd?^ parades!, s. A foreigner.
another, as the stake of a 2. a vagrant, vagabond.

wager. to deposit in ^. Paradise.

^wo^ ddytf paradeisu,
this way. d^D ^. Another's
paragante, see ^ r ^- wife.

parag-ati, s. Future des- s.

paraninde, Abusing
tiny. others.
C^ parajana, s. Strangers.
d^o* paranlru, s. lit. Old
^D3 parajata, adj. Adopted, water. flowing water. 3. a
fostered by a stranger.
perennial fountain. 4. water
^D3 parajati, s. A foreign stored the preceding day.
tribe or caste.
d^o^ parapanca, see -tyzoti.

paraji, see
z3 s
dsi^ parapasha, s. Partiality.
paradi, ^^ to show
TJotfo^ partiality,
paraduni (^5), ^.. &a. be biased.
To grope. 2. to spread. 3Jd parapara, s. The noise of

paradele, J. One who rending cloth.

Id para 393 para

d^j) parapu, s. A sandbed. adj. ,

s. Great
flowing, running. happiness, heavenly bliss.

o^ parapuni (z#), v. n. To ds^js^ paramapte, s. A best

flow, as water. 2. to creep, friend, intimate friend.
crawl on hands and legs. 3.
d5J33$F paramartha, s. Chief
to spread, as a creeper. object or intention. 2. truth,
sS parabari, s. Assignment. fact.

adv. Separately. 2. indi- d^js)^r paramarthi, s. A truth-

rectly. ojB^-do?) to speak in- full, honest man.

directly. 3i?>e&5> to avoid, paramarthe, s. God.

as a place in a journey, and paramasu, adj. Best,
go another way. to excellent.

transfer, deliver over to an- dsljsiro paramasi, s. Command,

other. mandate, order; will, plea-
dzoj parabu, s. An old woman. sure.

An old man. dsSo parame, s. A clever man.

dz3 parabe, s.
2. a cunning, tricky fellow.
dzasd parabrahma, s. The Su-
s. The
ds5o?^d paramesvare,
preme Being.
Supreme Lord. 2. a name
sl> parama, #*//. Best, most
of Siva.
excellent. 2. principal, chief,
dsf>o?<&, parameshti, s. The
supreme. A3 a blessed con-
Creator. 2. a name of Brahma,
dition, salvation. Xore an
paraye, ra*
excellent disposition. Xo-do

a supreme, religious guide. pararajya, s. A foreign

a very wicked territory.

j^js^, rfoT^
man. des* paralu, j^ ^>^^.
3^3 superior under-
zjrfs ddJS^ paraloka, s. The next
standing. heavenly
bliss. world, heaven.
ooC3^> s. Hea- dsj parava, ^. Concern, care,
ven, the sky. regard, respect; cf.

do^ paramata, s. A
strange dsJo2^ paravanca, see tftcti.

religion. 2. another's inten- d^sj paravadave, s. Another's

tion. property or thing.
d^ paravasa, s. Subservi-

paramayana, s. Rice 0r wheat ence, dependence. 2. ecstacy.

boiled in milk with sugar, etc. 3. absence of mind.

s. The Su- paravasa, s. Residence

brfje)^ paramatme,
preme Being. in a foreign land, exile.
para 394 :o> para

C3 paravi, see
33 200. JSoa parahita, s. Kindness to
3 parave, belong-s. A man strangers, benevolence.

ing to a low class of devil- 3&J33J paraloppa, ad\\ Wholly,

dancers. totally, fully.

dri^sl paravesha, J. Persona- tt para, prcf. implying Su-

tion. 2. .J premacy. 2. liberation. 3.

^j parasu, s. A hatchet, an
invested order. 4. pride.
axe. 2. the 5. excess. 6. encounter. 7.
stone; also^^^SPO .
_us&>the overcoming. 8. going. 9.

sixth incarnation of Vishnu, destroying.

who said to have peopled
is JSoZG-xsj parannmukha, s. An
the coast of Malabar. averted face.
$ Pilgrims going s. 3Doj3 paranna s. Living on
to or assembled at any sa- others; food supplied by
cred place or festival of an another.
idol. SDouS^ parambarike, s. Care,
^/ parasu, s. Benediction. protection. 2. enquiry, in-

Means vestigation.
rT?^ parasadhaka, s.
of obtaining heaven.
The perforations v. a. To take care of,
3 parase, s. 2^&^),

of a small machine for mak- watch over, nurse. 2. to in-

vestigate, consider.
ing a kind of vermicelli (e
rSoosorf 2. see t,ti$. pariku, seo zafi.

?^d paraseve, s.
Serving parake, intj. Attention!
another. 2. calling attention while ad-
^^ parasthala, s. A strange dressing a superior.
place, foreign country. OD^do parJLkrama, s. Power,
s. The wife of valour. 2. exertion. nsc5o,
another. 3i> a powerful man, hero.

s^c paraspara, adj. Mutual, Oe)2J3* parakhaty, ^ ^soS.

reciprocal. ^3 mutual ha- crsticdo parajaya, J. Conquest,
^?3o mutual friend- defeat.

ship. D^rso.SJ, paranmukha, ^<? ^^=>

parasva, J. Another's pro- 830. SO.
perty. s)^ 6 paratpare, J. The Su-
parasvadhina, preme Being, God.
[tion. 3?>paradhma, s. Possession
,?3 parahimse, Persecu-
by another, alienation, adj.
OD para 395 pari

Dependant on, subject to quity. 2. part, portion. 3.

another. rfotfo^
to alienate, abandonment. 4. end, term.
as property. 5. sickness, infirmity. 6.

see ^TOO^. stress. 7. separateness, dis-

see tribution. 8. encircling. 9.
cssJdd^Oj, paraparavastu,
depreciation, exposure of
The forti- faults. 10. respect. 11. re-
ODSJ parabhava, 5.

eth year of the Hindu cycle jection, turning off or away.

of 2. discomfiture. 12. ornament. 13. diffusion.
3. destruction. 14. sign. 15. sorrow. 16.

cessation; impediment. 17.

parabari, see zirieaaB.
truth. 18. an exclamation of
^, sioDwOglr paramari-
pleasure or satisfaction.
ke, paramarsa, see nosozos^.
0o-o- rid parinkigadde, s. The
D05J parayi, ^'. Strange,
Telinga potato, Arum cam-
foreign. '&3 foreign people.

another's things,
30^0^ parinkuni, see sio^or^.
parari, see ^fcraO.
paring-otto, see

^qiF parartha, s. The property


parikale, see
of another. 2. another mean-
^<?^ ^&~-
ing, adv. On account of an- pariki,

other. parike, ^ ^^- 2. see

s. Taking ?^v
D^OJJ parasraya,
refuge with another. ^o^ parikhyati, ^^
D pari, s. A path, way. 2- an pariga, ^. An iron club.

opening, gap; a vacant space,

a rabbit's path. tf
zJ paricaya, paricarya, parici-
to repair, as a
ti, paricite, s. Acquaintance,
gap in a hedge. ^jslj^to seek
knowledge; intimacy.
a way; to track the path. :
s. An at-
Dc5'3C CT paricarake,
3^$ to go one's way; to
tendant, servant.
escape. >&>$ to plant again s. Divi-
e23?rf?3 'paricchedane,
where the previous plants
sion, section, as of a book.
have perished; to repair a 2. circumcision.
hedge. --rfo^s> to take care. Qfc!^ parijana, s. Dependence.
-rfoo^s, -_rfooeoix>$ a path 2. retinue.
to be out of repair.
J02 parijiti, parije, see
O pari, pref. implying Ubi-
pari 396 pari

parnajna, pa- ^rf pariyantara, a dr. Till,

rinema, sec -z^r-dz. until.

3"3r ri parityaga, s. Separation, t ~J^? &J N pariyatane, s. Wander-

abandonment. ing, roaming; revolution.

The forty-
to wander, roam; to
paridhavi, -rfotfo^
sixth year of the Hindu cycle
of sixty. So^Dcij pariyaya, s. Order,
W>DJ parinama, see t,^r-&>. arrangement, succession. _'.

-3t. opportunity, occasion. 3. a

sJ^ paripaksha, see
grand festival once in two
paripari, adj. Diverse,
years at Udipi, celebrating
the occasion of a Svami's
33D>c3 paripalane, s. Protec-
succession to the management
tion, care, fostering.
of Krishna's temple there.
a^^ paripuni (^s), v. a. To
Ooi>j> pariyuni (~o), n. To r.-.

tear, rend.
run, flow. 2. to rend.
^r3F paripurna, adj. Com-
Oo3j3^o pariyolu, s. A kind of
plete, full.
SS^^F paripurti, s. Fulness,
Osjsd parivara, s. Followers,
completion, satisfaction.
retinue; army.
Dzoo^ paribandha, s. Relation- QsJorf parisuddha, adj. Sacred,
crooSo a kinsman.
holy, pure. crooSo, ^Sodf,

O^^j paribhrame, s. Turning sia^oi a holy man. -^otfo.s to

round, flurry.
T *^

O^o^ parimala, s. Fragrance, Osljn's s. The
perfume. 9 l^parisudhatme,
rfrf^ perfumery. Holy Glost, Holy Spirit.
&& fragrant water. c3 parise, ^^ ^^>
Sdj?r3 parimana, s. Measure, s. Ex-
SlJS^^ parisodhane,
amount, quantity. 2.
amination, investigation.
SdJe)V* parimalu, s. An honori- ZJBA?O
temptation. sktfo^a,
fic title amongst Bants. ^ to investigate; to tempt.
ODo^ parimita, adj. Measured, O^ rfj parisrama, s. Fatigue,
meted, s. Estimate, value. exhaustion. 2.
OSjJorci parimunci, Country practice, exercise.
chilli! 5-. Death.
O^oja parimudi, s. Perishing. pariharipuni (^=9),
OOiopariya,^//'. Plenty, exceed- 7

. a. To forgive, absolve,
ing, much. pardon. 2. to clear, as a debt.
pari 397 pare

parihara, s. Removal. parengi, j. A Frank or

2. healing, relief. 3. absolu- Portuguese. 2. an Euro-
tion, pardon. ^otfo^s
to pean. adj. European; foreign.
heal, relieve ;
to pardon, ab- 3e;?rco3j ananas, pine-apple.
solve; to propitiate, as an -door^ Spanish pepper, Capsi-
evil spirit, etc. cum annuum. -&3?A syphi-

D3oD^, si03oe>?oo parihasa, pa- lis. Xo!3 ,

^ja35 _, c^JOSo , 5gW_

rihasya, s. Jeer, mocking, are some of the different

raillery, sport. to kinds of venereal diseases.

jeer; to sport. 6oris3 parengele,^. A syphilitic
man. 2. see i
parlya, see ziSodo.

parlkshe, s. Trial, experi- parencana, pa-

exami- rencata, ^. Prattle. 2. twaddle.
ment, investigation,
nation, test, discrimination. parencun
an To prate, prattle. 2. to find
crooSo, experi-
fault with, censure.
menter; examiner; a tempter.
; to 6o^s3 parencele, s. A prattler,
examine, test, try. tattler. 2. one given to fault-

^o paru, s. The teeth, as of finding.

a beast, saw, file, etc. && doSo, sj&u parenji, pareji, J. A
a tooth-pick. wzS^a to set scaffold, temporary platform.
teeth on to erect a scaffold.
edge. erorfjrfos, ^uo^s
the teeth to fall out. os parelu, ^. A grain of sand,
to file the teeth of grit, gravel; a bit of glass,
a saw. s'zSobd, ^tfojoooi to etc. 2. a grain of corn, /.
gnash the teeth. a s3a^_ small
s^rfos) to ^^ pebble.
furnish a saw, /., with shot. a washerman-
teeth, -sobrs to teeth. barber of low class.

parukatti, -s^ xtirl^. pareluni, see zJewrs.

paruku, j^ 3!FF. cl pareldenne, s. Castor oil.

paruva, ^ ^^^ parelu, see ~T3.

paruvelu, s. Food, meal, , sjd^j pareji, pareju, adj.

as of a Pariah. 2. .$ 3ptfo3. Equal, corresponding with;
dj^J, sjdjsio parusa, parusu, see cf.
zidtfo. 3?i parete, J. Crawling on
6 pare, ^. A cataract or hands and feet.

web on the eye. 2. ^^ sratf. ^ parese, see xtitg.

paro 398 parpu

s. Dissimulation,
parodi, parcarya, par-
hypocrisy. 2. skill, craft, Clta, J^
scheme. ratf a hypocrite. 3F parji,
_ 3otfo>ya to simulate, pretend ; sF parna, J^ ^^f7 -

to play tricks.
parti, .y.
Cotton, Gossypium
d3jtreti paropakara, s. Kind-
ness to strangers, benevo- F parte, s. Sharpness, edge.
lence. a philanthro-
adj. Sharp, quick, keen. ^o
pist. to whet, sharpen.
o^o3o parraye,
s. A stranger,

F, sJiFo* parte, partelu, J.

A rent, tear, as in clothes,
etc. adj. Torn, tattered, old.
parku, parkattu, parkate, parkat-
Fe3 partele, s. A man in rags.
te, adj. Old,
SJ^FC! parkadu, parkade,
out, ragged.
pardatti, ^ ^tfr^.

#</7'. Grinding or gnashing of pardi, J^ 3ie5-

teeth. odo s to grind r sJcSF pardi, parde, 5^ sfto.

gnash teeth.
pardesi, j^ id^e^.
parkadi, parkaddi,
^r parna, ^. A leaf. 2. a feather.
s. A tooth-pick.
NFsras3 parnasale, ^. A hut
parkatti, parkat-
made of leaves, hermitage.
te, J. A scythe, sickle.
2. a booth. 3. a bower.
tf3F^) parkavuni (3?rcr), 7;. a.
^s)Fdj parnama, ^. Health,
To draw in, call in. 2. to
welfare. 2. prosperity. 0^".
confiscate. 3. c. v. of ri^or^.
Thriving, prosperous.
-^F, &?r?3*, sJ^FO parki,par-

parpata, s. Drinking.
kisy, parkelu, adj. Destitute,

parpataka, s. The shrub

or$ parkuni, J^ sJo^or^. Mullugo cermana.
^r parke, ^<? =^- c. v. rf
3-3F^)^ parpavuni, (of
b? or iJSr) To cause to
^F parke, ^. Bedding. 2. sleep,
drink. 2. to have pulled out,
rest. ri& the mat under a
cause to pluck or pull.
bed, etc.
F> parpini (35), z/. a. To
=#J3Ffc3, parkote, par-
3J^J3F^ 2. to take food,
kottu, see drink, sip.
as a Pariah.
^JSFj3oJjJ^i parkodeyuni (sJ

z'. a. To grin, gnash. ^r parpu, see 3d^.

pargane, j^ ^5^^.
parpuni (35), p. a. To
3JF parpe 399 pala

pluck, pull out, as roots, section, division, chapter. 5.

grass, etc.; cf. f&^F^. stage or degree of ripeness
s5rs3 parpele, s. A drunkard. in fruits, tree; a
holy day.
&F parba, s. A festival, feast, dFod parvanda, adj. Honor-
a robe of honor.
holiday. ary. ^!^
KraFSj'pi parbavuni, c. v.
* dF^ parvata, s. A mountain,
30or$) To cause to spread, hill.

extend, diffuse. ^FS3f ,

SJ^F parvelu, parveli,
parbu, see ~5)#o. s. A feast or meal among
v. n. To Pariahs. 2. see
parbuni (^F),
$F tf&
spread, multiply, diffuse; to parse, see
$F5j) parleppu, see
parmana, see .s#J ?^.
parmari, see
t)o^^ palankena, adv. Early.
parmanu, s. A pole at- 2. J^ sir^.
tached to a boat's sail. j^ ^^cX.
d33F?D s parmasu, see ztfsirecl
palambara, s. Fulness.
siraFS?parma,le, s. The name of 2. see 3^cejd.
a hill.
ozodo^) palambaruni
parya, see ^Oodo. v. n. To be full. 2.

paryatane, see

paryaya, see To lament.

paryuni, J^ .. To
^o^) palatuni (io53),
parluni (~^~), z. n. To be altered, changed.
be washed, as a dam 0^ re- J. A
&5) palapu, boundary,
servoir. v. a. To cut sharply, limit.
as a knife.
palayi, s. A plank, board.
parva, s. Awe, fear, rever- the Indian cod.
ence, respect, regard; trt.
e,.y. An elder brother.
F parva, s. A knot, joint of a
palavu, see
cane. 2. a name given to
certain palana, ^^
days in the lunar
month, as the full and change palayana, Flight,
of the moon. 3. division of retreat. to retreat,
a year, as the equinox, sol- decamp.
stice, etc.; cf.
33or. 4. a palayi, J^ ^ocxso.

pala 400 pava

palaye, see to be altered.

^o^S) to
rf palara, see *vy3.
s;^ pallana, J. Rags. 2. patch-
palasa, s. The tree Butea
work of a garment. s^345>
to wear patched garments.
si) pali, s. An elder sister.
sjoSj pallayi, s. An earthen
pali, .M?
-& 2. see ~s?-
si0^ palike, 5. A valley, decli- vCO A sprout, shoot.
vity. 2. a pond, ditch.
SR palla, J. A port. 2. s^?
siS^ palita, sec 4^-
si>^, siS^) palita, palipu, palladuni (-^S), r..
Effect, virtue, efficacy, as of To be unsteady.
a hand, medicine, etc. 2. A house lizard.
sj) palli, ^.

durability, survivance 2. a fork. 3. a rake. -sJA^a

si)o^) palipuni, see ^3$. to grasp one's hands in a
sj^o palu, 5. Kipening, as of fruit. children's game.
2. see z5S^.
adj. Half ripe. ^j pallu, adj. Stupid, simple.
3is3 pale, see soak. 2. timid, spiritless, wanting
To boldness; 3. *
3Jwj,?i palkuni (^C), '. .
cf. ri%.
be very soft, as an over- ^ijj.
^osiotfa mad or howl-

ripe fruit. 2. to be pliant, ing jackal. ^sfcsa a weak

flexible. fellow a stupid man.

sje3 a palgsedi, see *fy\ si palle, s. The spleen. 2. the

large bean of Entada mona-
cCid?3 palgedi, s. A base, mean
stachya\ also
zi-the knee-cap. ^
siO paldi, J^ -?
o a bundle of the said beans.
3i^o* palnlru, see =io^e5. eojTjj the creeper of Entada
3Js* pallu, see 3e. {1
monastachia. T^eco^toplay

A small enclosure with Entada seeds.

sje; palla, ^.
of wicker work for keeping 3Js3o-o- pallenki, s.
A palankeen.
cooked food during an enter- sJd*,6J3?rt pallekkiroga, J.

tainment. 2. see 3^,. Rickets.

5J^> ort pallanga, J. A canopy N* pavanu, ^. A gold coin
over a couch or bedstead. equal to twenty shillings.
sjo pallaki, ^. ^3 <*>
ri pavana, s. A sieve, strainer.

sj^> ej pallata, adj. Overwhelmed. j^ pavana, pavama-

2. altered. 3. misplaced. - na, s. Air. wind.
pava 401 paski

3^, sid^ pavala, pavala, see pasantra, pasandra,

t>3v. j.
Vicinity, neighbourhood,
^ pavitra, ^'. Clean, pure, environ.
purified, s.

^ TJ
pasakka, see X&3,.
kusa) ^Ooijo^ pasariyuni, see 3?3do$.
des. 2. a ring of kusa grass
o s
pasalu, j". The share of a
put on the fourth finger by fisherman.
a Brahman while performing
?o) pasali, J#? ^?J^.
a ceremony.
rUD^ pasadi, see ss^fea.
^)o^ pavurici, s. A bracelet of
oJe)^ pasadu, s.
gold beads.
The Dasara becoming public.
pavuriji, s.
festival. pasaru, see *>?$>

A pasari, s. A druggist,
3)ot3rra6 pavunjigare, s. fop,
dandiprat; a vain or proud pasi, s, A boy. 2. a child.
man. pasinkara,
j .
pavuji, see wetness. 2. yielding, softness,

pavoli, see rial, sJai^^ pasigetti, pasiget-

sJ3 pasapasa, J^ &&. te, see i^t^.
An animal Jo pasu, see ia.
b pasu, J. in
^. Moisture, wetness,
general. 2. a beast. 3. horned pase,

cattle. dampness. 2. greasiness,

oiliness. 3. essence, sub-
pase, see

stance, strength. $e5rf

s)32)^, SJSDS^.SJ pascatapa,
2ar io-
dampness. ^oso^_ greasi-
pascattapa, ^. Contrition, re-
ness of ghee. s57?6d_ the
pentance, remorse, sorrow.
strength of tobacco.
2. pity, compassion. e?La
to be penitent. paseruni (3?3&), v. n. &
a. To extend, diffuse, spread.
to repent.
rj^ pasku, J. Collection, fee.
-oD^s to collect a fee.
^. A sack or bag made of
coir. ?lll, sj^.lj. *
paskatti,' pasketti,


?joriS pasangari, j. A kind of J.Turf, sod, sward, removed

condiment. from the earth for covering
a wall, etc., with it.
3J?joC5* pasantu, pasandu,
irUeXO* paskaru, see 3^-rf.
^'. Comely, handsome, well, v
pleasing, nice. Ao, paski, s. Punishing a boy
pasku 402 pangi

by making him to stand and o. pallu,

A - '-
^^ -s) J
sit alternately with both palle, j^ sd .

ears seized by his fingers pallena, J. Light, shine.

2. .fttf ^^^. -eyL^ to become
paskutta, s. Sickliness.
zo.),^ to shine.
light ;

crooSo a sickly man, invalid.

s. The dark or
&& paskedi, see ^ttj
half of the lunar
?oO, paspu, adj. Clear. 2. wet; month. 2. a side, flank. 3. a
cf. t>3. 3. see t,3\.
/ oJ party. 4. partiality. 5. an
^D' passaru, s. Clipping, cut- a position ad-
ting asunder. 2. killing, mur- vanced or to be maintained.
dering. crooSo a partisan, adherent.
passuni, see ^^s. C33, s#_ s^B
,3J^or^ palanku, palangu, a partial person. ^>4. ss^
see V oX. nsacraoiba para-
fO paralysis.
palankena, see zJso^jl lytic. ^)^ the dark lunar

^r~ the bright

s. tfo
palantige, Declivity. fortnight.
s. Sauce or pep- lunar fortnight. sftf^XoSpe&s,
per-water with or without n^.^Aj ? -do$ to take a side.
n^ 53DOJJJ pakshavata.
vegetables. M STs^, _ VM
v'wtf palapala, J. The rippling pakshavayu, ^. Paralysis.
noise of water. adv., sec 'a o^cJpakshantara, ^. Another
side or part. 2. the opinion
pa lane, see ^N. of a party.

^? pali, ^. A long rice-field. 2. pakshi, J^ ~&6 .

see ~. pakshivalu, j^ si^cro
s?^ palike, w *>8. under z^.
^o^a^i palenkuni (-^o^) 5

. a.
panku, ^. A kind of
To upset, overturn. musical instrument.

0,3 palkuni, see 3rfms>. panka, j^ ^ctf.

palla, s. A shallow stream, ^ pangala, ^. A portion,
pond, ditch. 2. a hollow, low share. 53^0$ to divide; to
spot. 3. a hole, pit. tfoKoa mark.
to roll in a to
pond; fill up
a hollow. pangitana, ping-idana, pangida-
^ palli, s. A mosque. 2. ^ na, s. Scorn, mockery, jeering,
pangi 403 paka

pangyavuni, . tf. n^czSs;* pandilu, pan-

To despise, jeer, delu, ^. A kind of tree; cf.
mock. e^. -J#e3 large ears.

oo^ pangiyuni, pandu, s. The father of

pangyuni (s^oK), #, . To be the five Pandu princes and
despised, jeered, mocked. sovereign of ancient Delhi.
pangila, adj. Precious. adj. Pale, yellowish white,
pangu, s. Sickness. 2. a piebald. &, liver complaint.
share. 3. proportion. tfjseX the white leprosy.
aricaleru, see rics^^S. o pandya, J
parija, ^. Oblique, slop- pannere, under
)cfc:d, sje)ot2Brf pfirijara, panja- panta, ^'. Linear, regu-
ra,s. A den, cave, cavern. 2.
lar, methodical.
a cage.
)o^o> pantuni (srooi), 77. w. To
S3 s) olio pantu, pantu, s.
be eager, impatient. 2. to
Fatigue, weariness. ^uo^ vie, compete. ojao^sraosiS
to get weary.
eagerly, ardently. sroosroo
pante,^. A spool. r man 5 to purchase eagerly.
s. A stunted
pante, stiff,
pante, J. A butterfly.
pantela, s. Stiffness;
od^) pandava, pan-
davu, s. A
thin strip of a
panda, see sroca.
cocoanut branch 0^ of other
pandara, J. Pale <?r
fibrous trees, generally used
yellowish white.
as a band or tie. ri &^ a
!o3j s.
pandava bajjei,
string or cord made of such
A large kind of areca nut.
>j)o^s3 pandavu, panda- ff

A pigeon, dove. >oas:*, S33od><3 pandilu, pan-

ve, s.
delu, ^. A kind of bush.
pandaveru, s. The five
Pandu pampu, see ts>3<>-

A pambolu, J. A kind of
pandi, J .
country in
flat, long fish. adj. Long,
the south of India, compre-
slender. ^?3 a rat-snake.
hending part of the modern
Tamil paku, flflfe. Once a day.
provinces. ^oorfo,
^oootl) a male's to cut once to tap,
garment ;

manufactured there. as a palm-tree.

paka, adj. Some, several,

paka 404 padi

a few. K a few persons. patu,

tfsJooio some time. >y pata, ^^ sro^-

paka, Maturity, the state

patala, ^. Pale red, rose
of being boiled or ripened. colour. the trumpet flower
efSbs to be fully ripe; to
also s^yeS. the ^
be properly prepared, as food, flower.
^otf^a to cook,
etc. boil.
)kre)^ patali, s. The manager
paku, see or warden of a temple.
pakutti, J. A knife for
A gang of work-
^ pati, J.
cutting betel-nuts. men, particularly working
srsrrad pagara, pagara, s.
, on roads. 2. road-work; also
An inclosure, fence; a ram- s^fe3d t3?3. 3. a party, set of

part. people.
sri page, s. A kind of tree.
s^sd patha, J. lesson, task.
paca, s. The lungs of fish. 2. reading. i>>e3 a school.
2. the skin of the leg. to commit to
^v\p memory.
paci, s. A sponge. 2. ^<? ^jsLr$ to deliver a lesson.

^>jo^$ to learn or commit

pacige, pacu, s. A to memory, as a lesson; to
kind of pill. do frequently; to
f3523*, S3D2^^ pacilu, pacile, \

contract a habit.
A bivalve shell, Mythihcs. syszs* padu, Likeness, simila-

S3t pace, tt? s3s. 2. see ca3.

rity, mode, form, order.

?; 7 :-;y c5o, 55'st3'3o^) paccaye, pa- J. An oil vessel.

33s)^ pada,
Javii, s. A pasha, sovereign, 2.a liquid measure equal to
ruler. of a
e?rf^^ royalty about one inaund.
pasha. 33-3 :s rf padaga, s. An anklet,
53"3Zo paji, ^. A servant, menial.
padalu, sec
5333 3fEerfo SD^ ^5 even a Kazi
padari, adj. Destitute,
may become a menial; mis-
fortune may reduce a great poor. extravagant, reck-

man to obscurity. less,
padavalli, see
Si A
33e>2, 373e!o5j paje, pajeyi, .s .

Algae, lichen. ^J^ft algae padavuni, c. v. (of
to grow. o cause to throw, place,

j. Thetree Ficus congloinc- padi, s. An under-wood,
rata\ also XXrco ^4^. small forest;
pidu 405 pate

paduga, see >r^ pani, J. The hand.

under a marriage.
duniyere, see
pani, s. A large water-
paduni (ssS), v. a. To pot.
throw, cast, fling; to dis- S3"5r3> panini, s, A celebrated

charge, as a missile weapon Sanskrit grammarian.

or fire-arm. 2. to place, put. SjDcl pane, ^. A large earthen
3. to put on, dress. 4. to pot.
pour. e9c7v_to put on a coat. S3s)f! d pannere. J^ under s^fSoo).
Xjo73o to shoot. to
pata, patana, J^
name. rfg5 pour into a

pot. Xo36S_ to throw into S3e)^r{ s.

S^, pataka, pataga,
a well. to put into SD^, 333^
zJfc^S Sin, crime, sro^-o-,

a hox. ssa thrown, dis- a sinner.

charged; worn; poured. 3o& The infernal
s)3D^ patala, s.
3e<3 s^a lit. the task X-dotl _ X-do^
?ks^ regions, hell.
set and the food doled out; a drag to catch things under
slavery which exacts the
water; X-dot$s^>37> under
largest quantity of labour A^oil XoeD^ a demon so
for the least pay.
Xj^ore an eclipse
sTOTfcrSoSoTS, called.
put for eat-
33sc??-3 lit.
ing; any thing serving as
below the horizon. a -^3
demon so called.
sauce or pepper-water.
pati, J. A small boat. 2.
padenayi, see zizSsraaso.
a trough or bathing tub. 3.
^ padonuni, reft. v. (of a spout, drain, sluice, tube.
To wear, dress; to put 4. a nursery for plants.

on a mask. ^o patitya, s. A lapse, fall.

55t)cl 6 padnere, see under .S^T&S. 2. loss of caste.
^. A
legendary patiri, s. A priest. 2. a
U jd paddana,
account of the demons and demon priest.
heroes of the Tulu country in o pativratya, s. Chastity.
verse. fto^res the tale of Bent.
patu, <2^".
the demon Jumadi. zir^s to bend, be curved.
to recite such verses. e)^o) patuni, J
padya, s. The first lunar
3 Id patera, ^. A word, speech,
day of either fortnight. saying. 2. language. 3. a
padruni, see promise. r4Abna to promise.
pate 406 ?3D3i papa

2ooa3 333^rf crooiii I have Sj^cS pade, s. A rock. t a

something to say. flower growing on rocks.

TJoo^o, Polycorpaea corymbo-

vuni, paterpavuni, c. v. (of zz>
sa; cf.

To cause to speak. 2. 33"3rfp padya, .?. Water for wash-
to make reproach. ing the feet.
33"e)ia pateri, see s&. An
)5j padri, padre, s.
r. n.
pateruni (sro^5), European clergyman. 2. a
To speak, say, converse, talk. Christian missionary, mini-

#. .To reproach, scold, ster.

panu, J. A page,
5^ patra, adj. Worthy, fit,
J. -^^o
pana, Drinking,
suitable, s. Worth.
drinking spirituous liquors.
573 patre, s. A
J patra, s. The cooling
vessel in general; a plate, drink made from jaggory,
3c3 a round kind
cup, jar.
pepper, and water mixed
of water-gourd,
together, lemonade. ^"&
patri, see offering such a drink to a
pada, s. foot. A
2. the
foot 0?" line of a stanza. S?
33)^33e)^ panapatra,
s. A drink-
tfrwater in which a spiritual
ing vessel, cup.
guide has washed his feet;
SSD^, sra^e)?^ panasu, panasu,
a foot-bath. -&e3 a foot-stool.
s. A lantern.
worshipping the feet,
S3e)> pani, s. Water.
as of a guru. ^^ a sandal, ^. A kind of brass
shoe. ?3?3 prostration per-
vessel. Sj3 a vessel made
sonal service.
of palmyraleaves. 3^$
srfelri padattige, s. The pe-
to make a small basket of
destal of a column.
s. Quicksilver,
padarasa, panka, J^ ro~^.
D3i papa, J. Sin, fault, trans-
padari, s. The tree Big-
gression, iniquity, crime,
nonia cJielonoides. 2. see suaj.
guilt, wickedness, evil. 2.
padatige, s^i^. pity. adj. Vile, mischievous.
padara, J. A pair. 2. pitiable. 9:%n?_ alas!
33e>c3ort paduke, paduge, what a what a pity
sin !
^ !

s. Wooden sandals. -&>r a wicked act. Xors a

papa 407 pay a

depraved nature. presentation of one's self as

_ d5^ confession of sin. ?ro a thank-offering to a deity.
tf, Sodr _33&5o3'd pardon, ^e)^ papottu, adj. Suffering
atonement of sin, absolution innocently. ?ftte$js$ an in-

from sin. rfotfrf distress nocent sufferer.

occasioned by sin. 4?o pamacu, .r. A small
viceand virtue. ^uo^s
to wooden bridge.
commit evil; to incur guilt. pamacca, s. A kind of

^a^reo^ to be hardened in scab.

to sin. jtdj
pamaj, pamaju,
)3i^ papate, s. The parting s. Moss. a green substance
of the hair on a female's floating on stagnant water.
forehead. 330^ to become mossy.
>!^j papatu, .?
sra^)^. Sj'S^od pamara, adj. Ignorant,
s. des- stupid, foolish. 2. wicked,
papari, Pauperism,
titution. 2. a pauper, adj. vile, base, rude. &3 low,
Insolvent. ignorant people. 33 igno-
s>rj* papasu, s. Shoes, slip- rance, rudeness.
33Dsi>0 pamari, adj. Vile. 2. scab-
33e>3Js3)> papavun, see
by. 'AoeX scabbiness; itch,
sissiQri paparige, s. Insolvency.
33e>53e>i,papatme, s. A sinner, Foundation. 2.
33e>oli paya, J.
gain, profit; cf.
s^osorf. &
srasyssS papavu, adj. Bent. &$ to look to one's own
S3D33s>4?> papavuni (ssana), z/. .

advantage. <f.?tk?>, z3^$

To bow, bend. ^. w. To be
to dig a foundation.
sufficient, enough. to lay a foundation.
SG's^ papasu, see tt>3& $ to gain.
papi, papishte, s. sisodo paya, s. Coming into ex-
A sinner. 2. a destitute man. istence, or being delivered
papu, s. A small bridge; of a child, as among Pariahs,
a stone or log of wood, etc.) etc. 2. see ^o&- _?&>, s^>odj
serving for a bridge. &$ to be born, delivered of
SJD^J papu, adj. Enough. -
a child.
53"3^ pape, s. An image, statue, 33e)OJj?o payasa, s. A preparation
puppet, doll. adj. Bent, in- consisting of rice, milk, and
clined. rfo-rf a bent tree. sugar. j-^o^.
to offer a re- payapini, see under
paya 408 33e>0s> para

payavuni, c. v. (of to make pass or

To ripple, agitate cross over; to deliver from
the surface of water. a difficulty.
payi, s. A sail- 2. a mat.
parupopini, see era

3. see srooio. s'uo .$, "rfo5;Qs>

to take the sails in; to de- s. Guard, custody,

camp, run away. Asbrs, keeping. 5353$, rfotfOvS to
to set sail. to
guard. -^o^a guard,
payikane, watch. o?:5>, s^>3o$ to

payikhane, s. A privy. place a guard. crooSo a

03orf, 33e>OBo:3 payida, payide, sentry, guard, s^jszl) a?t>$
s. Profit, advantage, gain. to put in a lockup.
2. ready money. hatch-
para, .s".
s. Infantry.
payidala, ing, incubation. s^5j?i3o Sotfo

payinali, see ?> to brood, sit on eggs. s^>

SJSAO Qe^?> to place the eggs
for brooding or incubation.

^ payisu, <2^/'. Public,

sj3-5jsXo eobr?) to
prepare to
j^ on eggs after a fowl has
published, known. 2. sro sit

odori. 3. ^^ ^k^OvS to finished laying them.

publish, advertise, notify, 333tfo6, ssDdosicdjF parampare,
make known. paramparya, s. Continuous
payisa, ^^ order or succession.
roodo:d 2. tra-

payuni (^030), ^/. n. To dition.

wt3e)^ parajata, see 3&a^g.

ripple, be agitated, as the 53-3

surface of water. 2. to be S3'3tfc35C)3j paradaye, s. A guard,

diffused, as molten metal, sentry, or watchman.
in a mould.
SjeiCidj^? paramarthika,^ One

etc., .

03^^,0* payekkelu, intent upon another world.

^ payesu, see adj. Real, true, sincere.

payyana, see sJa ssDO-sli parata, s. Running, a

D* pary, J. An islet. race.

paru, ^. The opposite parayana, s. Reading


bank of a river. 2. end,

from a sacred book the lesson
eySbft to pass, for the day.
c. v.
ford, cross over; to get SS-SDD^?) paravuni, (of&&&
through or over a difficulty. o>)
To cause to run; to drive.
333 a pari 409 pala

pari, s. A milk pot. 2. the revenue collected by a

water. 3. $ village officer. 2. examina-

parige, < tion of coins, assaying.

One of the e)ir parte, see 33r.

parijata, s.
trees of paradise, Nyctanthes qjr partha, s. A name of
arbor tristis. 2. the tree Arjuna. &>~3 Krushna.
yielding every wish. pardana, see SJD^^.
parisa, see
parpadilu, //. Ernpty.
paru, J^ ^E>. 2. ^^ s^tf.
parvana, s. A
7-. ;z. To funeral ceremony. 2. a cake
paruni (ss>5),
run. 2. to fly. 3. to escape. used at a funeral ceremony.
3e^ to expire. sjstfo^oSo, j^ 333 ^F 3 parvati, J. The wife of

[rain. Siva.
r3 parupani, s. A drizzling 53)^r parsi, s. A Parsee. 2. the
^. Manage- Persian language.
^> parupatya,

ment, superintendence. ratf sto N the kingdom of Persia.

a manager, superintendent. parsva, J. A side. 2. a

parulu, j^ 3s>*j8o. 2. part. ai<^ the right side.

3_ the left side.
pare, s. The hip, haunch. palu, s. A share, portion,
2. the shoulder. 3. the scom- csoSo
part, division. 7^5,
ber, a kind of fish; also a partner, a^x on all sides ;

4. .stftf 3333. 5. .? e?Ls> to be di-

_awdo$ the hip or shoulder vided. ^jsbrstogiveapart,
to be dislocated. 3$^$ to
portion or share.
parengi, s. An iron apportion. -Q?b$>, _7dj^ to
crowbar, used for digging. divide. 333< /j sometimes
2. a lever. cardinal numbers
added to
53-36000 parenji, see 3ft3a3.
the purpose of forming
55)6e^ parelu, ^. A
fugitive multiplicatives ; as, cro>- qua-
animal. 2. ^ 333^^0. druple.
5Ts6d parele, s. A runner; a palaki, J^ ^gc-S-.

run-away, truant ;
a fugitive.
palake, keeper, guar-
.?. A
33e>dJ3^o parolu, s. A young she- dian a protector, preserver.

buffalo. ostf_ a doorkeeper, porter.

Sjs^rcl parkane, 5. Paying in- aaTve^S the regents of the
OJ *-*

to a government treasury eight points of the compass.

pala pasu

e, s. Cherishing, pro- cloth spread on the floor at a

tecting, nourishing, nursing ; wedding for the bride and

bridegroom to tread upon.
2. a garment, skirt.
r3 palasa, palase, see girl's
3. a cover. 4. the cloth put

Invoking, address-
on the back of a buffalo.
pali, s.
a vow. ^?i- a petticoat.
ing in prayer. 2.

-r^s to implore ;
to make a e>sJrc* pavanu, see -^o>.
vow. iff, o3-;3Dc! pavane, pavane,
s. A quarter anna, three pie.

palipuni, paliyuni, palisuni (^> pavati, s. An acknowledg-

To nourish, ~
v. a. ment. 2. payment.
cherish, protect, keep. 2. to receipt.
bestow, grant, give, distri- sj^ pavana, s. Purification.
bute, vouchsafe. 2. penance, adj. Pure, puri-
i, SJT^O^O pale, palembu, s. fied.

The spatha of palm-blossoms pavali, see *>&>>.

or of an areca branch. 2. a pavu, s. A quarter seer.

cap made of areca
spatha. 2. curing, as tobacco, etc.\
3. the sole of the foot. 4. see es^Ssjc^. 3ULr$ to cure,
the tree Alstonis scholaria. as tobacco, etc.
3c2% the stalk of a spatha. ^. A sub-
)^)^S23* pavupeicilu,
put on a cap; to be
>?>> to
scription given to a demon.
in servitude,
t&^ft to hold 5^3 pavori, s. A leech.
a spatha to beg. e3\x$ the
; _ a larger kind of leech.
spatha of an areca branch to j. A
pavoli, quarter
fall off. 3o_ a kind of grass.
?3-)C!'^) palevu, s. A large tor- s. A
pasa, fetter, chain,
bond, tie. 2. a noose, snare.
3T3DJc3 pal?una, see $>e>o

pasi, J .
Hanging by the
33e>> palya, s. A grant. 2. m- neck. 2. algae. 3. a kind of
glass beads. 4. bleeding of

I? pavate, J. A step or stair. the nose or the gums. 3c-&>

ft to erect steps, gallows. K =&s.bFd to hang.

pavate, s. The bush pasu, s. A mattress.

Ptircft'i Indica. j^ pasupata, ^. A Sivlte
pavade, s. A foot-cloth; sect. a kind of
pasva 411 pinja

charmed weapon; Siva's tri- ^^ pasapini, see under s^>c3.

dent. 333 ?o pasi, see TO^.

pasva, see CT^F. A kind of grass.
^ pase, s.
J. Heresy,
pashanda, o paspu, ^
pashande, .?. A heretic,
impostor. 2. a bigot, en- pali, s. A rag, shred. 2.

thusiast. see

>^3F? pashana, s. A stone in ,

53=)S? pali, pale, s. The tip
general. 2. arsenic. j5?a of the ear.
the plant Frianthema pen- 33e)<$ pale, ^^ srod

tantra. <o white arsenic. S3DS?o s. An

33e)^g, palya, palye,
7fs& ,
Tic^ are some of its 2. a halting place. 3oo
varieties. stf a petty chieftain.
>?? pasu, s. The warp of a J^ S:CAO.
loom. 2. .sw sjs^o- sJfeS
ortd pingana, pingani,
border. to
a^s prepare see >o7TOr5.
the warp. s^o$ to fix the
5jor16 pingara, ping-are, s.
warp in a loom.
The blossom of the areca tree.
'd'zf Passing, as an
pasu, j.
pingari, s. Dissipation.
examination or test. e?Ls>,
an exa- Ijcrl^ pingala, pingala, s.
sroste&s to pass, as ,

mination. The fifty-first year of the

Hindu cycle of sixty. 2.

pasupalike, s. A mattress, etc. tawny colour; gold colour.

2. sound sleep. 3. cohabita- &cri<$ ping-ale, s. A demi-god.
tion, conjugal called Yaksha. 2. fire.
-37$ pasa, Fasting; /". erosrarf.
s. &orrseS pingani, ^. A small plate;
2. the eleventh lunar day of porcelain, China ware.
either fortnight. &orrad pingara, J^ ^cXd.
^>Jve>o^ pasantra, s. Neighbour- ^oSirs, ^jo2C3 )r pinnana, pin-
hood, vicinity, suburbs. nani, see Lc7\srf.
^eJS pasadi, postp. With, a pinci, s. Parsimony, stingi-
sign of the social case ; a s, e? ness. adj. Parsimonious, stin-
ccio S3?foa &>&
go with him. gy, miserly. -TOCJ a miser,
a companion, associate.
&>?ba to accompany,
ofcid, ^o23d, pinjara, pinjira, ^.
pasana, se A bird's cage. 2. the body.

Zjozt pinja 412 pija

pirij'ari, adj. Dejected, pimbili, sec e3c835.

spiritless. 2. timorous; timid. pinyanvu, adj. Small,
ofle^ pint a, pintangelu, little.
see &?ot3. &o*" pikiru, see >&B.

or3 pinda, s. heap, A lump,

273^, aj^^ej pikilata, piklata
quantity. a ball, globe.
Cheating; wheedling, dis-
3. a mouthful. 4. an oblation
honest dealing. 3otfOv$ to
to the manes, as a ball or
cheat, deal dishonestly.
lump of rice mixed with
milk, etc. 5. the foetus or ^ pikka, adj. : <r
Fast, as colour.

=0)^, <x> osx?5 pikkasu, pikkasu,

embryo, in the early period
of 6. the
s. A pickaxe.
gestation. body.
obczsa^ssa a man entitled to pikdani, ^6' L?^cros).

make oblations to the manes ^2^ Miry, mud-

picipici, adj.
of his deceased relations. &o dy. 2.
oozing, trickling. $e5
^ t& e ^ ue foliation of the oozing water.
foetus. picca, ^/. Left. -^ left

pindanda, s. The body. hand.

pindi, s. A bundle, parcel,

burden. 2. what is squeezed picccanda, piccand.^ pic-
or ground. 3. sec ^oa. -rfo
cad/, piccandi, piccadi, s. The
rf^ harassing, dunning, teas- hind part. 2. fetters.
ing. ^ocwo^_ a bundle of a rope to tie a horse's hind
cloth. soeJtfrf- a bundle of ^wo/j to pinion, tie
oy legs.
betel leaves. to tie the hands behind.
into a parcel or bundle. d piccali, see
* e.

pindu, see picci, . Mammon ;

pinde, see ?^5. 2. the testicles of

pinda, ^ ? animals. 3. a nut, especially

the cashew nut ;
also &stf oO.

a nursery field.
-rfjsS %
pindinavu, pindiniye, pindonu-
sec under a^s> to play with cashew nuts.
ni, S-^Si.
pinni, see Sbs*. ci^s to castrate.

pinne . A hole. 2. the picc&, adj. Left.

^ left

eye of a needle, etc. ^kcdoo
& the eye of a needle to piccoli, see

break. pija,
pija 413 pita

pijakrd, see 3 piti, s. Fear. 2. regard.

piji, s.
A twist. 3&S3 pitipiti, s. A small noise,

pijinke, see
t>3. ^i&s to walk with short,
ookF s. rapid steps, as a child.
pijiatu, Twisting,
to hop, skip, jump.
pijintavuni, c. v.
(of pitilu, ^. A fiddle.

To twist, writhe. ^13, pittu, pitta, J. Tho

pijintuni (teScB), v. n. tartar of the teeth. zi^Si

To be twisted, writhed. 2. to the teeth to be incrusted
be distorted, deformed. ^sesS with tartar.
the face to be distorted; to

^?^, ^jb^Jv pittasu, pittasu,
make a wry face. 2. not
adj. Brittle, fragile.
3ofc3s3 pijintele, s. A man properly baked or burnt. 3.
whose features are distorted, delicate, frail, thin. 5. sordid,
a deformed man.
stingy, mean. ^ a half bak-
^ pijike, s. A kind of tree. ed earthen vessel. -g^-cDOSj
2. a twist. a thin-shelled cocoanut. 5ftf

3^ pijikre, see das^. ^rasi a man of delicate consti-

* An ant. tution; a mean person. ste

brittle ware.
are some kinds of ants. pittele, J. A miser, stingy

3^> pijipuni (fcaSS), zf. ^. To man.

twist, as a rope, yarn, etc. oo^ pidita, piditta,

^. A thin ear-ring. pidta,

Discrimination, judg-
i .

s. The matrix ment; bet. So3 o .

pijirige, _D _J3
of a screw. s pidite, Jf5 3iX5. r
razor .
3do pijiruni (-335), .. To pidibalu, j. A kind of
turn, return. 2. to abate, 5.
pidku, Indisposition,
subside; as rain, fever, etc. indigestion.
*" A great grand- s. A father.
^^ pita, pitru,
2. manes 0r deceased
pijje, ^. A great grand- progenitors of mankind. ^
father. ^5or, 5DOJOF- worship of the
pijri, J. The corner end of manes by oblation of water,
a female's cloth. food,etc. &$ the day on
fo!>6 pitare, s. A chest or which offerings are made to
trunk of rattan. the manes of an ancestor.
pita 414 pina

_dse3 the
peculiar region pida, fl^'. Outer. 2. lucky;

or habitation of departed cf.

^ allurement, a
tt a cemetery. lucky hand. to
ancestors, -^osfc^
ste 3 like a father a father's ;
allure, entice. ^ outside,
pitambra, pidanke, ^r ^-c^.

3uOo pitamahi, pita- pidangara, ^

mi, J. A paternal grand- pidambu, sec.

mother. J. A water-vessel;

e>do2c, ^3)s5j pitamahe, pita- X^. 2. see under

me, s. A paternal grand- Jt-e 33sk3.
father. 2. Brahma, the great
pidayi, Out, outside,

progenitor. rf #0
abroad, adj. Outer.
^ a covetous eye. crooSo an
3> pituri, .&?
outsider, stranger, outcaste,
pite, ^^ -^-
heathen. cref a strange
pitty, J- Bile. 2. shifting, woman; a woman in men-
changing position; fickleness. struation. ?b^ to be in
_a??;s> to shift, change posi- monthly course. &?&& to
tion. go to stool.

pitta, adj. Bilious, choleric. pidara, s. The tie-beam of

53-&)> a jaundice producing a roof, -a beam resting on the
pillars of a veranda.
salivation. art bilious fever.

s'Qe-d a bilious constitution pidaluni r. .

0r temperament. ^^o^, t?
To stumble, be sprained, in-
ctoos, _o3o?-do^ to be bilious; troverted.
to be irritated. c. ?.
pidadavuni, (of
i 3^ P^ tta PP e J s - ^ man ^ To cause to start,
bilious or irritable temper;
a crack-brained man. 3e>d>> pidaduni (LiroS), i*. n.

]^c! pittara,
^^ ^rf^- To start, depart.

^sS pittale, ^. Brass. 2. tinsel. pidara.

_!?e!icroo3o one who listens to :?) pidukonuni (-: **),
tales. -&> pure brass, the 7'. To know, understand,
mixture of copper and zink. comprehend, ascertain, for
pitturi, see ^ one's self.

pitre, sec
>g. pinari, see t-?jroa.
415 piri

pinasi, s. A cold affecting to backslide; to with-draw.

the nose. 2. a disease of the _ a?b to place behind, lay
nasal membrane. aside; to postpone,
put off,
small, defer. sJSTtjs to throw or
pini, adj. Little,

slight, trifling. ,-bs very put behind; to defeat, van-

as, b$ aisr a very quish. -^8e^a to go back,
return. eobrs to come
slight drizzle.
back. 20j3TJo$ to lag be-
!& pinkatu, s. An atom, mite,
hind; to fall back; to' be
defeated, vanquished; to be
P in P^vuni, c. 7-.
(;?/" ba^
put off, deferred. ^jtfok$ to
To make known, commu-
do again; to delay, dilate.
nicate, inform, report, reveal. eyoSo 2W as>tfo3o he will not

pinpini (^),
#. To know, shrink
back; he can be
understand, comprehend, bo
relied on.
a4 what is known ;
piranku, see b-doU.
ledge, acquaintance, infor-
mation. boajrocSo a man who pirangi, s. A cannon. 2.

is informed; a learned or wise

man, scholar. ^ca^DoSo an pirantu, pirantu,

ignorant man, a simpleton.

bcdaoeos to know for one's piraka, ^^ s^j^
(you) don't know, piraduni, see
(you) don't understand.
pirana, see s^jre.
^0 pippali, s.
Long pepper.
pirata, J^ 3d a.
Piper longum.
J pirati, J^ ~)S.
^> pippi, 333y
piradane, j^ ^drf^.
030* piyya, see
doj pirapa, adv. Back; again.
d pira, adv. Behind, after, as
to either situation, or time; 3^} piravu, adv. Behind, in the
cf. L-d4. 2. again, back. rear. TroaS a kind of brace-

support, help; as, $L let. -eobrs, to follow, -^efcs
^jsLr^ to support, help. 200 to go back, retreat, return.

^ an after-thought. epsX D piri, s. A twist. 2. the spiral

the hind part. 3ooso abate- thread, as of a screw. 3. cure,
ment. zJocaoo- front and rear. healing. 4. abatement, re-
&3>z to abate, subside. &a moval. adj. Curing, healing.
~r& to give back. :-s3o?> an antidote.
41G pilli

pirikattu, s. Cancel- pirepuni, see
lation, revocation, repealing, Si, >6s3)> pireyuni, pire-
as an interdict, oath, etc.
(^),r.w. Toache, gripe,
03 pirike, s. Twisting; wind- as the belly or bowels.

ing. 2. the state of being 6;fo) piresuni (^oJ), v.a. To

shaped like the spiral thread peel, scrape or pare off, as the
of a screw. outer coatings of certain

piritini, s. A ceremony nuts ;

to grate, as a nutmeg
at Dharmasthala. or cocoanut.

piripavun, c.v. o~?>

To turn, twist. pirmara, see

piripini, see &&cdoo$. pirmari, see

piripiri, adv. In a con-

tinuous drizzle. 2. pratingly, we ^e.
loquaciously. cs^os to
pili, ^.
A tiger. ^cr^a a
SOTJF eoLrs>
prattle, prate.
big viper. ^jscrf^, _ ?.
to rain, drizzle continuously.
^o a large kind of wasp.
.LwoS piripu, ^. Abatement, re- a spotted thornback.
moval; cessation. 2. anti-
a hyena.
)o,'J; pilimbi, pilimbe- J.
3 piripuni (&&), r. a. To A low ground. [fish.
twist, as a rope. 2. to cancel, j

A kind of
pilikucci, .

repeal, revoke, as an inter-

dict, oath, etc. 3. to counter- ^ pilikutta, ^. Swelling of

the head.
act; to abate, remove.
&T? pilisu, s. A span.
&SOJj piriya, see ^jcdo. 2. see &&.
s3 pile, s. Impurity from birth.
&00&-,> piriyadi, J#? ^odjsro. humili-
2. the menstrual. 3.
:.j> piriyuni (t&), P. . To to humiliate.
ty. ^uo^ft
be sober, sane, or lucid, as e>3o_ defilement, especially
after being drunk or insane. on account of birth or death
2. to be cancelled, repealed,
in a family.
as an interdict or oath. t>
A demon so
^> c^ pilcandi, s.
~~7 aoa3 trX 2oc35 indicates called.
a changeable character. A silver-
3 pilli, pil!6, s.
j piriti, ^^ ^eS. ring worn on the toes. ^oo
,:. pireduni, JtV ^"^os. 2. i!tf the same ornament con-
M0 sisting of four silver ri
pilli 417 pinta

? pi, J. The ordure, excrements


To of human beings, dogs, pigs,

ni, pillyavuni (*?$),
despise, scorn, slight.

pisaci, J. A demon, o'sW, Sj^o^c^ pmkanu, pm-

evil spirit. kanu, ^. The buttocks.
p pisune, ^. A talebearer,
informer, spy, calumniator. ni, pmkavuni, c. v. (of tc3z
^OK) To cause to slip, move
V D pisuru, ?
anger. 2. self-conceit, ar- or fly out. 2. to press out, as
rogance. --^N to humiliate, tamarind seeds or the testi-

humble. &br&, zk^o^ to cles of animals. 3. to get

be angry, offended. on the sly.

ook)* pisantu, s. Fretfulness, OTS^O^, ^o^J^ pmkuduni,

peevishness. 2.
anger, dis- v. n.
pmkuni (t^c^, ^so^oS),
pleasure. ^y^s to be fret- To escape, slip out.
pmkratu, see L?^.
jc&3, &^ofc3$3 pisante, pisantele, see ^
s. A fretful or peevish man.
pisande, s. A kind of
D5 pincilu, adj. Thin, slen-
pisaru, see ^!o&.
der. 2. bent #r crooked.
oc^ pisinte, see S:3cS3.
5^5 thin or bandy legs.
vi>,3 piskari, ^. A syringe.
plncelu, adj. Without a
piskavuni, c.v. (of brfOj handle. a knife with-
To take by force, extort. out a handle.
2. to compel payment. pmjaru, see
o,> piskuni (^o^), ^. .

To squeeze, press. 2. to pay o^4 pmtu, j


. A twist; distor-
on compulsion, pay in ready
2i?oi3s pmtang-elu,
;rr^s pisnari,
j^ ^e?i&.
pmtelu, adj. Twisted, dis-
^oj<^, ^?j pilapila, pilipili, torted.
^//'. Sparkling, twinkling, pmtavuni, c. v.
-^c?s sparkling
glittering. To cause to twist or
eyes. distort. T5js??? to make gri-

pille, J. A child, baby. maces.

pmtu 418 punku

oL'o> pmtuni (e=S), v.a. To a miser, niggard-

twist, turn, wring. rfo-d the poon tree, Sterculia

^ pmtelutana, s. The foetida, Ailanthus. T

state of being twisted or

distorted. 2. perverseness, ?3J, i?33D03j plpa, pipayi, ^. A
crossness, wryness. cask, tub.

^o2oo> plmbili, plmbu- ^oj plpi, J. A kind of pipe.

li, see ipuni, see &$$.
plkadani, s. A spittoon, A little
pibale, ^. child.
pikratu, see 2^8. nnu, s. Miry earth.
s. The
piriadamara, s - A small
pine tree. chicken.
pitha, s. A seat; a throne;
^oSj?P plyyo, intj. An expres-
a pulpit. tf;3 the seat of sion of ridicule, mockery,
Udipi Svamis. generally accompanied with
Z3 plthike, s.
preface, A
clapping of hands.
preamble, introduction.
piriyuni, plru-
:icf,Sj^jS pldane, pldane, ^. ni (t^&, L5), 7'. ;/. To ooze,
Vexation, pain, suffering, percolate. 2. jr^ 3S?~rfo^.

anguish; &#. A
^6 pire, s. potherb, Zw^Jz
^^]^>, ^j^?jo^ pidipuni, pidi- acutangula. ^c-rf_, ^ca?6_ y
suni (t?a. L?ac3), 7-'. a. To vex, CTOT? are varieties of the
annoy, molest. same.
oioo^ pldiyuni (^e5), 7'. w. ?6oft pirengi, see Ltfc?\.

To be vexed, annoyed; to s. a kind of

?0 pill, Pith,
rush used as corks. 2. a
zt plde, ^^ Lerfd
peacock's feather, adj. Dry,
pita, ^/'.
Yellow. thin, light.
3z3 the soft
sDs ^!or^pitarumani, s. A kind part of a bird's tail. ><?

of medicine, \\ratram album. oox>$> to die out. - T?C?S

2.antimony. the star in a

3"So^d pltambara, s. A yellow feather.
tfwo^ to be stunt-
silk cloth. va Krushna, as ed, to grow lean.

wearing such a garment.

rJ^ plnasu, see LjraS.
pisuni, sec ^Tix^.

<//'. Stinking, punky, punku, see
emitting disagreable odour.
^jo^ punka 419 punna

punkanu, sec quarrelsome, wicked. &3

pungave, s. An excellent mischievousness.
or pre-eminent man. -rfoo&_ pundade, s. A kind of
the chief of sages. water-fowl.
;rtj pungi, puigu, s. A <

pundari, see under 4&-

sort of drone or bagpipe.
cJe)Uri pundata, pun-
pungu, s. The Indian
datige, s. Mischievousness,
beech, Pongamia glabra. <

2. see s^oAj.
pundi, s. The fist. 2. a
orta> punguni (^-^), V. a. To
handful. 3. the refuse of
rock, toss, as a boat, etc.
expressed cocoanut, etc., oil-
punge, pungele, s.
cake. S55, i^orfD spare rice.
A fickle-minded man.
ey^ci- the ele- of an
z^'z? punnatu, adj. Tender, phant. ^>PO
5^ ^rf^6OO &3e9_

young. fowl curry and rice balls

:,: punca, s. A white-ant-hill. boiled in steam, and served
2. a snake's hole. 3. a kind on particular occasions.
of poison. crf a very pundittu, see sQoasSi^
good rice-field. rf ^Soof^ the
punditappu, s. The red
termite soil used for chemi-
Hibiscus sabdariffa.
cal processes. ^ a kind of sorrel,

pundinaru, ^. Jute.
02^23* puncalu, see s^z^. pundibittu, s. lit. A
A kind of handful of seed. 2. a mode
02* j puncala, .?.

of sowing seed in the third

fly-brush, held by a devil-
rice crop (Aatflf).
A pundiyuni, ^^ 4^^-
punja, s.
heap, collec-
tion. 2. property consisting pundu,

j . A crowd, herd,
of ready money. flock, swarm.

ofcjss^ puntavuni, c. v. oz^orreori, ^c^o^^d punduga-

To cause to wring, rige, pundutana, see ^o^sw.
press or express. punde, s. A bush, thicket.
oUo?j puntuni (s&oO), -j, a. To d &.. ^^ ago-rfd t355c$_ a

wring, as a wet garment. 2. thicket of bamboos.

to press or express, as ^^ 4soL^.
juice pundelu,
from fruits, etc.
punname, s. The day
od punda, adj. Mischievous, of full moon.

02! punte, see *j useless. 2. false, untrue.

a dr. For nothing, in vain; cf.
pundi, <// Sapless.

purnkatu, s. Storing,
^r pukuli, s. The anus.
keeping. 2. ^oXrij.
c^o^ purnku, see ^or. pukky, J^ ^Oj.

ortFej* purngatu, .y. Fermenta- pukkate, J


^ 55- -~

tion. 2. decomposition, decay. ^r3Sr^,^ pukkalersavuni,

adj. Fermented. 2. decom- ^oo
ester 4 s>.

posed. pukkaliyuni, see ^ix>

c. v.
purngavuni, (of
agcAor^,) To cause <?r allow to pukku, ^. Fear, timidity.
ferment or decompose. '. Timid. e a^^_
being ^
orijc-^ purnguni (^=^~), v. n. easily overcome by fear; a
To ferment, undergo fermen- frightened goose. -3> co-

tation. 2. to wardice.
decay. pukke, pukkele, ^. A
Fer- timid man, coward, sneak.
purngelu, adj.
mented. 2. decomposed, de- puklayisuni, J^ =^
cayed, mouldy.
or>Fs3 purngele, s. A dirty
puklersavuni, 6. r-.

man. To instigate, incite.

pugarige, ^. Praise,
purncun (^=, v. a.

To squeeze, as a lemon, etc. eulogium, flattery.

s. A o^ pugaruni, puga-
purnde, thorny bush;
luni (s&A5. b^'f), c'. ^. To
%z3. adj. Shaped like a
bush. 2. distended, enlarged. praise, laud, eulogise, flatter.

to be
F^ puge, s. Smoke, vapour,
^uo^ shaped like a _ a ^A<5 a
fume. rfj^3o3
bush. 20ca ^ozSr ^uo a the
w steamer. ^ TTO^ a
belly to distend.
train. a^s to wish for
rsa, s. Manhood, virility.
one's ruin. -^s^s to be
pukalayisuni, see
affected with smoke. e^>oso

a shelf in the kitchen. S

pukara, pukari, s.
aLs, _ zrarfoato expose to
Rumour, report. 2. alarm, smoke; to fumigate.
noise, e^JiS) to
pugepuni (3#), "'. To .

raise an uproar.
expose to smoke; to fumi-
pukusate, adj. Vain, gate.
puge 421 puda

pugeyuni (3*), v. n. putani, see

To smoke, reek.
putta, ^'. Small, little,

pug-ere, s. Tobacco. ^-, diminutive. 3j*iioX a small

20^020, TWorCi are some kind of earring.
kinds of tobacco. ^. A kind of
& pugelu, puggelu, grass.
5. The shoulder. -j&3^?> to
puttana, s. A thistle.

give shoulder; to help, assist. .)> puttavuni, c. v. (of 4

pucukku, s. The force, f-w-

To produce, originate,
as of spitting. to
-:ro^odoo?> give birth to, cause to be
spit out with force. born, cause to take place.
puccadi, s. The hind 13 s. A small round
part. basket. a wickered
pucce, s. Braiding or plait- bottle.
ing hair. 2. braided hair. s. also
puttu, Cowries;
_2po7\s5 ornaments worn in 2. see sooyo.. AJS
the braids of hair. 3?=-$ to play with cowries.
to plait, braid.
puttuni (4^), v. n. To
pucee, s. A cat. ^> a wild
be born, come into existence.
cat. ^oou_ a male cat. ^reoo 2. to arise, originate, spring
AO a civet cat. jsoi a
up or from, be produced.
u a kind ^or_
cat-fish. rfooyj of to feel pity. rfjso_
tree. to be sorry. s^>e? a child
puccekuli, s. A tooth
to be born. a report
growing after the eightieth to be afloat.
year. fc3
putte, ^. A fox, jackal.
ocfF pucceparndij, s. The S*J

putla, s. A bubble, blister,

fruit of Pavetta Indica.
A pustule. *^S a blister to
puta, ^. page of a book.
2. folding or doubling. 3. a
^ putha, ^ 'e ^u.
pair. 4. the purifying or
calcining of metals, etc., by
^ puda, ^r<? ^^o.

fire, ^tf the hands joined, as pudatelu, J. A bruise.

in supplication, etc. c^rfD crack, adj. Bruised, broken,

both nostrils. EpcroS ^SJBAO cracked.
fcebs 0r ssrfos to subject do^ pudapuni (^), v. a. To
gold to the process of purifi- break, burst.
cation. pudayi, s. A basket.
puda 422 puna

pudasu, sec ^c3. d pude, s. Border, edge, brink,

pudiiduni (^ssS), i>. a. margin, brim. 2. interval,

To space, ^o'rfrf- the border of

prostrate, bow, salute.
a field, ^o^^ the eye-lid.
puddyi, see sgrfoso.
_ the brink of a well.
pudavuni (53^), v. n.
the side of a wall.
To break, burst. 2. to ache,
3o& lit. the eye to trim the borders,
as of a field. -rfoo'eJ to
to break, smart; to lose one's up
the brim.
sight, abus. o& a boil
to open. eT?_ to have head- pudekuni, see ^zStfoa.
ache. Ascw to have sore pudepuni (#3), v. a. To
throat; to become hoarse. winnow, fan.

pudi, s. A sore, ulcer, abs- j|rfj?j puderuni (^o), 7-. n. To

cess. 2. see 4^- suppurate, break, burst. 2.

S^a pudi, s. A handle, haft, hilt; to be haughty.

4^o- rl, pudke, <7^'. Plump, fat.
pudike, s. A small basket. es33 a pl um p child.
pudipu, .?.
Covering, cloth- pudke, ^. A stout man.

ing. 2. 5^ ^&4-
,^) pudpuni, ^
)^^)^ pudipuni (5S>), 77. <z. To d A quarrelsome
offend, provoke. 2. to quar-
rel, fight; j/. ea^s. ^!i3?ja
;!} pudyaduni,
fos> to be offended ;
to quar-
rel with each other.
na,^. A dead body, corpse.
s. Holding, grasp-
adj. Dead. 2. inactive. tf
ing, handling. ^ the shaft W^ grow to stiff, -ff^o^s to
of a plough. 2-^ a rope
attached to the yoke of a
bury a corpse.
U pnnakattu, a^".
plough, to serve as the
reins. ated, slender, reduced to
skin and bone.
puduku, s. Slight, dis-
2. punake, see *r^.
paragement, depreciating.
insult, indignity. punarapuli, s. The
pudukuni (s5ti>F),
r. n. mate mangosteen, Garcinia
To be afflicted, grieved. purpurea.
Sjclj^ puduta, adj. Foolish. punalu, ^.

^)^o3$)^ pudupuni, see punaluni, see

puni 423 puda

c puni, .s\ The border of a punyadige, s. A virtue u.srui.1!.

field. a fortunate man.

punikally. s. lit. A ?s3oari puuuyadige, s. Good-
hand-stone (cgca^V
\ po/
2. a ness; well being; good for-
small pestle for, grinding tune, prosperity.
turmeric, etc. punyaha, s. A lucky
rs^ Tamarind. s. day. 2.
purifying. s^ei^
_ -rfo3 the tamarind tree. purifying a house, etc., after
C&e3.v punikotte, s. A tama- accouchement, etc.

rind seed. .
*S^i,i 33) |o P utta P uttU
putte, j

darling.. A rtd?/.
punuugu, pu-
Darling, beloved.
Civet. d a civet
nugu, s.
^^ 0, ^)l^o^ puttali, puttoli, J.
A gold coin, ^cd an image,
cl pune, -y.
Security, bail.
puppet. -2?c7\s5 gold of 12
a surety.
carats. rftf a string of such
coins, worn by females.
#. a.
punepuni, punevuni
To persevere till
one has
l putre, J. A son. ^ an
adopted son. ^^j^ossS hav-
avenged himself; to contest
ing a family. ^&e^>tf adop-
to the last, as a suit. 2. to
tion of a son.
compete, vie.
puda. J. A dove, pigeon.
punevu, s. Resoluteness.
)d=^^s3 pudangara, pu-
punya, s. Religious merit,
dakadale, see ^rfcX-d.
virtue. a good action. 3.
pudake, see 3$^. 2. ^^
purity, purification, adj. Vir-
tuous, good, meritorious. 2.
A kind of
^. game
pure. 5^jr a virtuous deed;
by making alternate motions
a meritorious act. sse; an
and mutually clapping each
auspicious occasion. &s$r other's hands. 55^0$, f^
a sacred river. a?j a sacred
^i)^ to play at such a game.
day. $v the fruit of one's dws6 s. A demon
merits. e^?^ heaven. ^o so called.
3 a virtuous man. ri tf,
pudaru, s. A name, ap-
a sacred place of
pellation, designation. 2.
pilgrimage. 3otfo^$
to per-
fame,- celebrity, reputation.
form holy or virtuous acts.
e?L$, -e^OjS to become
l, ^reDcSi^ punyatme, known. ;s> to utter a
puda 424 pura

person's name to bring ; punaluni, see

one's reputation into discre- ^^CcI punascarane, s. Repeti-
dit. sratiis to name. ?
tion of mystic formulas or
?} to be celebrated. incantations.
pudapini, st'c "~o &b& s. Re-
under ~-j.
pudina, s. A kind of mint.
punaha, ^<?

s. Boasting.
punike, ^^ ^rf^.
w, pudukku, fldfo. Sudden- Free from
punlta, adj.
at once. f^Scciooa to
ly, to ab-
sin, purified. 3otf^$
pour suddenly, as a bag of solve, purify ;
to justify.
[paddy, punugu, see
pudubaru, s. New
puppala, see
pude, J. A load, burden,

pudepuni, see ^szS^sj.

cay, rottenness.
J pudelu, s. A bush, shrub,
puyintelu, s. The
puddaru, s. The harvest tenth Tulu month.
feast; a ceremony observed d pura, s. A city, town. 2. a
in partaking of new produce house 0r any receptacle.
for the first time. sraa a citizen.
3 pudde, see &^. d pura, ^^ ^J-

purandare, J. A name
3 punah, adv. Again, once dcdO
more. of Indra. ^cr^cro^ a cele-
S? punarapuli, see brated Canarese poet.

^tfi3* punarutthana, s. Re- purake, s. A bad smell.

surrection. puratu, s. A dowry.
SejN^r^, ^^-^^ punarjanma, puramardane, s. Rub-
s. Being born
punarjalma, bing of the body with an
again; regeneration. 2. trans- unuent.
migration of the soul. purame, see ^oreo.
.-opunarvasu, ^. The
So purameyi, s. A mucous
seventh of the lunar man-
body. [;&fd.
Ss*, ^ro3 puralu, purale, see
tiz* purasu, see t?^*
Reconsideration, review.
~^i^ punarvivaha, s. Re- puraskara, s. Reverence.

marriage. honour.
pura 425 53)
do puru

=g\^ purakruta, see ~j&^. nacy, self-will. 3^>tfo$ to

s. A sacred and talk maliciously.

(Csjra purana,
work comprising the puripu, .y. The twist, as of
a rope or cord. rf 20^0 a
Hindu theology, adj. Old;
ancient. 3$ an old story. bullock-driver's whip or rod
_ 3tfo3 with its handle twisted with
God. There are
eighteen acknowledged Pura-
nas, namely, &&O , ^4O >
puriyolu, s. An eel.
* v i

-^6 OZi
20j55S, ,
, ^sio _,
u,^. A snail, adj. Small,
tender. 2. snail-like. $ a
tender fruit, bud. ecroe3 a
_ suckling. &todo$ to be very
slippery; to glide like a

s. One who snail.

reads or narrates sacred his- purunkuni, J^ ^o^or^.

tory. purunguni, ^i? 5SoXor?i.

^ puratana, adj. Ancient, purungele, see ^o-R-g.
old. 2.a sickly person. 3. a reluc-

)D puri, see &3.

tant worker. 4. a stingy

S puri, ^. A worm, mite, moth. man.

2. skin parasite. 3. twining, 53)doot! purunde, see ^ozfr.

twisting, as threads. 4. coir puruku, see ^^or.

yarn. ^ mulberry leaves.

to twine
rs, ^jdo^o^* purukucca-
_30^ coir.
-5^$ na, purukutse, see
coir yarn. prepare to purubu, see
a rope from cocoanut fibre.
purushatva, s. Manhood,
_ ^oeb$ to suffer from ring-
worm. s. A kind
puring-uni, see ^oXor^. of medicinal plant, lonidium
purigantu, suffruticosum .

eaten or perforated by worms. sdoss~3^F purushartha, s. Hu-

adj. Worm-eaten. 2. envious, man desire, object of life.

jealous. 3. obstinate, stub- 2. benefit, use.

born. cfttejsfc, 5g>Ac&3 an 5>do3 purushe, s. A man, male.

envious or obstinate fellow. 2. a husband.
0^0^ purijantra, s. Malice, !$&&&{^;$0 purushottame,
envy. 2. mischief. 3. obsti- The best of mankind. 2. a
3) Co puru 426 pula

name of Vishnu. 3. the name purki, 5. The rheum of

of a man. the eye.
purusattu, see $~~& purkuni (sS^o^), 7-. ?/. To
6 pure, s. A roof, ceiling. be half baked. 2. to become
3oe- the upper part of a soft. 3. to rot, decay, become
roof; pi. &33j$j materials putrid.
of a roof. purga, ^. Sour gruel or
, 5j)6s3oi purericuni, pu- pap.
recuni, sec ^odo^a. purgatu, see ^5Xo&
purepuni (#3), 7'. a. To n To
purguni (^AF), --. .

roll, turn over. 2. to retract,

be well boiled, as rice.
recant. 3. to impute, attri-
purcuni, sec
)d^o>, 5j)3oi>o> pureluni, pure-
yuni (#3), 7'. n. To roll. turn. ,
s. The tender areca
-3ro& to come out, as a young blossoms. 2. J^ =5^-
bird from the egg-shell. purbu, s. The eye-brows.
8^o^, 35)6^,) ^ puresuni, purei- puryolu, see ^Sc^oo.
suni (#35, #3c3), r. n. To ^. The wild hog-
complete, fulfil. 2. to afford.
plum. 2. see ware^er.
3. to be satisfied. <OCTT 33^32 s

I cannot afford.
c^)?iF3 , O^^FS^ pursatv, pur-
sattu, ^.
Leisure, opportunity.
5jS^2oJ purohite, s. A family-
occasion, time. 2. relief, rest;
also ^p3jseF;l). _ to be at
purka, s. Remains, residue,
leisure. Htz^s to take
saving. 2. frugality, econo-
time. to find an op-
mv -
re* s. Purulent portunity.
~rf pursada, ^^ ^/
^^~i; purkatu, pur-
s. Pasturage, graz-
kate, adj. Diminutive, small. pula,
ing ground. 2. reminiscencos,
5)r4ri purkavuni, t-.
(of c.
recollection of old associa-
^orsi) To bake in embers,
half bake. tions. .ocreos) cattle to low
2. to save, lay
for their old pasturage; to
up, rake, hoard. s^TSvrS, zbz>
to call to mind old associations.
spare, save, reserve; to

lay out frugally. pulankena, sec 3^,,g-

S:* purkasu, s. A very ) pulampuni
small thing. To set afloat; </.
pula 427 pulla

pulaka, s. Horripilation, To make sour; to

erection of the hair from leaven.

ecstasy. 2. rejoicing, festi- )0^ pulipu, pulupu, s.

vity. Wcpz^, ^ffs^es'bath- Money.

ing an idol in scented water
pulipuni s
S- ),
V. a. To
on a festive occasion. irritate, itch.

pulapavuni, c. i\
(of 3 >33)>, ^jSodjj^i pulipuni, puli-
To cause to float. yuni (35), v. n. To become

^j^'^o pulabu, pulame, sour; to be leavened.

see ^p^aoo. pulippena, adj. Sour.


, c^)S3e><3 pulavady,pula- 0?5S pulisu, s. Police. 2.

di, s.
Pasturage, grazing- money, cash.
ground. puleyij s. A skin. erotf

^ a deer's skin.
Oe>4 pulavuni (3^>), v. n. To
float. sSoiioj), ^jsS^^puleyuni, pule-
a sour vuni (^?), To smart,
7-'. .

puli, s. Acidity. 2.
feel sharp pain.
fruit. 3. tamarind. 4. leaven.
5. pride, pulevu, J. A crack. 2. a
arrogance, adj. Sour,
3. a crook, bend,
_ odj.
^^ a tamarind seed. patch.
curve- to remove the
_^o!3, XoO, E^O any- 3^$
sour. -tfcazJS same.
thing very
sauce, condiments, /. mixed , pulka, see ^^.
with acids, boiled and sea- pulkadi, ^. A handful of
soned. ^e?? a wry face. grass given by a vendor to
_ ijse2i^4S) be arrogant.
to the purchaser of cattle in
_ 53-UoS) tosqueeze a lemon token of striking the bargain.
or other sour fruit; to check pulkotte, s. Tamarind
one's arrogance, to humiliate. seed.

pulpu, adj. Tepid, luke-

warm ;
also ^ewdei

pulya, ^ ^e ^
are varieties of
place over-
pulladi, J. A
sour fruits.
grown with rushes.
puli, see 3&-
pullayi, ^. A kind of
pulijantra, J^ 3&o^. cap.
pulipavuni, 6\ 7'.
(of pullavuni, see
pulli 128 puli

SJ )
pulli, s. A sheet of paper. o pushya, ^. The tenth lunar
2. $
3%- month.
3j) crt pullinga, ^. The mascu- j^oO^ri pushyaraga, s. The to-
line gender, gram. paz, chrysolite.

Sj^o pullu, s. A rush. 2. a )3o pushye, s. The eighth of

kind of grass. XS, see 3 the lunar mansions.

e^a. $e5 grass and water, 'oS pusa-

cattle fodder. XS a mat layisuni, pusalyasuni, (^
made of rush. 3>3<5 a bush cxaoco,
v.a. To coax,
of rushes, bulrush. -Sot^a cajole, persuade, fawn.
to pluck out a grass blade; *,, Sj^J, pusku, pusku, ^^
to twist the ear. &s>ut>4$
to pluck the feathers. puskatu, puskate,
pulle, s. An off-shoot. 2.
Vain, useless, feigned.
a split, splint.
a kind of deer.
3. set

empty, adr. In vain, for

rfo^X nothing.
4$, _ a?L>$, e^jjS to sprout,
^? pustaka, ^. A book, volume.
J. Instigation, abet-
J. A kind of r^ pusti,
ment, incitement. 2. help,
support. a portfolio for
3* pullelu, .s.
increase. 2. keeping loose papers in or
for placing under a paper
jejp^s;, v)^
w coiic^JSs3 pu-
while writing on it. t&ra
lya, pulyakela, pulyakole,
to instigate, back up.
Morning, day-break. adv.
?5)i ^)^ pussu, pussu,

Early in the morning.

hissing sound of a flash in
s^^s^j puvalu, puvolu,^.
the pan, when the gun does
The navel.
not go off. 2, unsuccessful
pushkatu, see ^^U.
termination of an undertak-
pushkala, adj. Copious, to
ing, coming nothing, de-
full, complete. 2. much, feat.
many. 3. excellent, eminent,
^ pula, see 30.

Nourished, pulaka, see

pushta, adj.
fed. 2. strong, stout. to
pulabbu, .sw

puli, wt- ^a. 2. see as.

pushti, s. Increase, thriving.
2. stoutness, strength. ^oCj pulinde, J. A hunter, for-
pushpa,^. A flower, blossom. ester, savage.
$ puli 429 puje

pulikantu, see tinder clump, as of bamboos. 2.

matter from a sore.
pulicaru, s. A sour os punte, adj. Light, very
kind of sauce. light, not heavy.
3^ pulipu, s. Acidity. o:! pumbe, s. The flower bud
puliyaralu, s. The of a plantain.

yellow wood-sorrel, Oxalis pukare, ^. An ornamental

corniculata. structure, as the stake of a
tfj^o puluku, ^. Slipping out, bullock race. 33^0$ to fix
anything soft or greasy. a post of such a structure;
pulevuni, see to ornament the ridge of a
, pulku, see racing
puki, s. A fart.
%^ pulkotte, see $3^8.
pulla, w* ^je. pukute, adj. Empty,
void. An empty mouth.
$ pulli, s. A grand-child.
s^jdo, S^s^ pukuru, pukru,
pullu, J* ^wj,.
adj. Tender, young, little.

^ pullena,
s. A flower,
^^ ^%^-
blossom. 2.
2. sallow.

^. A sickly man.
3 pu, pukre,
a cataract in the eye. & s. A betel-nut.
X) a sore mouth. trooso a
puce, see ^..
very young fruit. 3 dree3 a
^.A demon priest.
garland of flowers. &^ct3
2. a Billavar or toddy-drawer.
a bunch of flowers, nosegay.
323D>OF pujarme, s. The ofiice
-rfo^a a
disagreable smell of of a priest. &&4 5^ a ,

flowers. sstfeus, 4e--^, so

demon priest who is also the
&rs> to flower, bloom, blossom.
to wear flowers.
8t3s>4?> pujavuni, c. v.
(of ^^^
punke, j. Mould, mildew.
To cause to smear or
z;^^ to become
pujita, adj. Worshipped,
punguni (^oK),
orio5> z 1

. n. To
pujuni (3*2), v. a. To
punje, s. A cock. 2. a
smear, rub. daub, apply.
family-name among Bants.
puje, s. Worship, adora-
^?3^S) a cock to crow.
tion; prayer. ^03^; princi-
puntuni, see 3000$. in a
pal worship temple,
^. A thicket, to worship.
5^8 53 a F purva

pujya, adj. Worshipful. purita, <?.//'. Filled, com-

adorable, venerable. 2. plete.
blank, void. s. A cipber. pureisuni, J<?<?

dignity, nobleness. d purottara,

puti, .?. Mcmbrum mulie-
purna, ^'. Full, filled,
-o pudu, see ^8 ^- complete. 2. all, entire. 3.

puta, (7. Of or belonging able, powerful. adi\ Wholly,

to a flower. 2. purified, cleans- completely. -3, _a fulness;
ed. 3. see s&og. the whole; ability.

putani, s. A giantess kill- srerCjj, s^tirsr^j purnami, pu-

ed by Krishna. ^^^5 rname, see ^ore^So.
Krishna. purti, J. Fulness, com-
punine, s. A very tender pletion. rfotfo^s
to complete,
fruit. fulfil.

punlru, Flower and

s. purva, adj. Former, prior,
water placed in a demon first, before, in front of. 2.

shrine. a?~d to place flower east, eastern. s. Ancient

and water before a demon. times, clays of old; the east.
3^or former actions. TOO
pupuni (^), v, n. To
break wind, fart, vlg. former time. -5 progeni-
tors, ancestors. -- the first
ssSd pupele, J. One who farts
member of a
compound word,
frequently, vlg.
e^DCi pubire, s. A kind of
sentence or verse, gram. &
So in olden times.
purvapaksha, J. A
^JS^, ^ssJJS^ pumale, pu-
under ^. proposition, assertion, the
malike, sec
first part of an argument.
^~S pumlny, s. A trout.
353DF3Jc; purvapara, s. Past
pura, ^fc' vnr?". 2.
and future, former and lat-
ter. :/"?
pu>t and future
puranda, <//'. Vindictive.
2.implaccable, unappeasable. ^. The
SJSF^^) purvabhidre,
implaccable hatred.
twenty-fifth lunar mansion.
^5 purattara, ^^ ^s^a?^^. s. The
8S3DF35Di^ purvashadha,
purappara, ^//'. Clear twentieth lunar mansion.
(?r full understanding. s. The early
pura, sec & ref. part of the day, foivnonn.
purvi 431

piirvike, s. An ancestor, pengare, pengara,

progenitor. see

tf purvottara, s. Cir- orio pengu, a<^/'.

cumstances, particulars of a o^, 32oe22 penge, penne, s. A
person or event. ,
fool, stupid fellow, simpleton.
puvari, s. Rice used at ti: pecca, ^^ &$
the worship demon.
of a
^ pe]a, s. The wild jack,
rf^S) to throw rice on a
Artocarpus pubescens. v
demon priest. oso its fruit.
puve, The day preceding
wo^ojj, sSt^^o^ pejankuni, pe-
the full moon.
jakuni, see ^paio^o^.
3^0 puvoiu, s. The navel.
z3oo^, ^tdo^ pejipini, pejjuni
2. a thin film between the
(S3, ^), z,. a To select, .

pulp and seed of a jack fruit. choose. 2. to pick up. 3. to

sSd pusara, s. A kind of gar-
pick or remove stones or
paddy from rice, etc.
Sjp^c! pushana, pushane,

2ou^"soSo pejirenaye, s. A demon

so called.
pusuni, see
P eJJ> s -
Gruel, rice water,
3o3jpulandaye, i'. A demon
porridge. 3 ^s, j^^ &soe!)A
so called.
^, pettu, s. A blow, slap, cuff.
pulu, s. A chip, small
&S&FS to beat, slap, cuff.
piece of anything. 2. a piece
<SK $ to receive blows, be
of betel nut. ^^4 a vegetable )

beaten. si>tl>i to eat

curry. s&>^o small pieces.
^osorf a piece of a fruit, c&o
M a piece of dry betel nut.
fo^rf pettug-u,
ately, directly.
adv. Immedi-

ai^osod a piece of fresh or

30 Sj.os* pettanku, see aaio^.
preserved betel-nut. &?L$, Qy

to slice, chip, cut. pettige, s. A box, chest.

a square pillar or
pruthivi, pruthvi, J.
The earth.
3513. rt pettige, see s3SK.
prushtha, s. The back. 2. 20 6J

sSeJ J<?^
petla, ^?w,-
the rear, last. 3. the back
see 5
or hind part of anything. sSejbo^ petlupu, ^y^ ^-

penganne, ^ 3*. 33^ petta, s. A cow. -ijKc^ a

^ pengatana, ^. kind of Cassia tora; cf.

stupidity, foolishness. pedumedi, see 3c|

id peda 432 333 peri

pedanke, s. Stumbling, ..'"

perantu, sec
2. eo^-do
tripping. sprain. 33 do 3* perantu, sec
a to be sprained.
siiD^ perade, ^. A hen.
33rfori* pedaiigu, adv. Bebind
-&4a, -333$ to cluck.
the back. ^u^a to pinion
33d ^ perata, s. A ceremony per-
behind, as the hands.
formed in behalf of females
sSriortd, sScSorreoQj, ?3;j37^ pe- who have become pubescent.
dangara, pedan^ayi, pedangei,
2. see 35j?^.
s. A water-pot placed out-
side a house for washing
perati, see ^.
^oci peradane, pera-
33c5otoopedambu, adv. Obliquely, mane, s. A grater, scraper.
not directly. ^orfo^a to cut, ^3 a kind of moss.

s3dcS perade, see ~-

shave, etc., obliquely.
3323=53 e3 pedakale, s. A demon so
f^^3 perastana, see ^jorfo^.
33o-ilr perarte, see ttd.
see kcfckd
33o)23r perarde, s. The ninth
peddoldi, see sSdtx
^ P Tulu month.
pedpavuni, . v. (of
33s peri, see 5cdo.

To assist a woman in
^S= A bullock's load.
perike, ^.
child-birth, serve as a mid- 2. any burden. s^>roa to
load. eoj3~doa, ^ sScxior.

a ,
33rf:> ^ pedpini, pedduni (3 33Dodo periya, adj. Large, great,
S), ?. a. To bear, bring forth, jSoso
high, superior. honey.
as a child. TOO a highway.
c^a pedmedi,
s. A woman in
J. A
sSocrfoosSj periyamme,
child-bed, lying-in woman. father's elder brother, or a
$* pensu, s. The lungs. mother's elder sister's hus-
^3* pensilu, s. A slate or led band.
pencil. 3300J033 periyappe, s. A mother's
sJ , ?333, peppu, peppe, s. Dumb- elder sister, or a father's

foundedness, speechlessness, elder brother's wife.

as from amazement, etc. sjs
periye, ^. A heap, pile.
*rioa to stammer; to An
speak ^o periyolu, s. eel.

hesitatingly. The contents

w?? peristu, J.
pebbe, s. A dolt.
r^ -2-3
3;^ of a book, library, etc.

perangayi, sic fca to write such contents.

peru 433 pente

perumari, see 3ror&. conclusion of fasting among

v. n. To the Mussulmans.
pereduni (335),
roll, move, wallow. 2. to ^f perpu, s. Anything put
into milk in order to curdle
scrape, shave.
d>i "'
To it. -.e?La, see 3^$. -jgUwo
perepini (33),
s>, ^razl)^ to put in milk any
grate, scrape. 2. to bore,
thing to curdle ortu rn it sour.
r perpuni
(^^), ^'. n. To be
peremane, see ^333.
curdled, as milk.
perevuni (33), v.n. To be
^. A boa or
do^ D pennari, large
grated, scraped. 2. to be
serpent. 2. sheaves of straw
bored, perforated.
placed, in the form of a ring
to serve as a granary,
perke, perg-e, see 35^. a to make such a granary.
33riF perga, s. Winnings made ^-F penne, s. Sluggishness,
in a game of ^o?3iii3. 2. laziness. 2. haughtiness.
profit, gain. ^s> e?o>?; ^AF s.A large bee. 2.
he had a good meal to-day. see 3j&cdo. _3 313, a beehive,
sSrird pergade, s. A chieftain, honey-comb. ec^os> to be-
headman. 2. an honorary come dense; to fall densely.
title. o3JdFa peryadi, s. A highway,
o^rtoFci perg-ude, s. Abandicoot, public road.
large rat. -erooaio a kind of o3oF perye, ^. The toadstool,

mushroom. mushroom. 2. a rush.

perge, s. A kind of bag. ^>pela, s. The jack, Artocarpus
Z.see $o-Rr<5. ssoso the jack-
perci, 5. Shying, starting fruit. & the seed of the

suddenly. to shy, as jackfruit. ^o-rf the jack-tree,

a horse, etc. jack-wood. ^o^o^_ EO^F , ,^ooo

s&F percuni (^s^f), P. n. To ^t are varieties of jackfruit

shy, start aside suddenly. pelambu, see ofoejosoo.

2. to rise, increase.
peli, j^ te.
Fd perjlva, s. Life, spirit. pelegu, a^'. Rude, mean.
perfuni (-^F), P .. To o2^ psnci, .?. Filth, dirt.
increase. oU psnti, j. A good meal.
pernama, see ^^sr^o. oe3 pente, 5. The mercantile
, 33c3c>FS?* pernalu, per- part of a town, bazaar,
nalu, J. A festival on the market.
peca 434 sS^od peimda

pecata, s. Effort, exer- peravade, s. A kind of

tion. 2. affliction, distress, Phnseolus trilobus.
trouble. r

?0"d53)> perivuni, c. r .
(of -&<&$$)
:SD:SJ> pecaduni (33etnS), i\n.
To lade, load, burden,
To try, exert, strive. 2. to
psrita, see ^j?&^.
be in distress, trouble.
peruni (^?5), 7-. a. To
f pecilu, see
load, burden.
pacuni, see edo^s;* perengelu, ^. A kind
}ij, sS?e3 peta, petla, pe- of creeper.
' ?'-',
tie, s.
pop-gun. A aoo<X$ ?C?rf perepane, see ^-S^A.
to shoot a pop-gun. 6
td&ttrj peronasu, ^. The meal
5efc3 pete, see Sects, just preceding the celebration
,?ci pede, s. A kind of thorn- of a wedding.

1^3*, s5?iO petu, pstu, s. Partu- perga, see sSXr.

rition, child-bed. 2. fear.

P cl 5 e j ^w
fPf "^iT^T

i3) petale, jr. A greedy man. perci, see s3EJr.

?1s_^ , s3?&^23*
^-/ ro
petri, petrikallu, psrcuni, see sS^ors.
S. A large stone. s3?s3jr perme, s. Fame, glory.
;<jd psde, 5". A peon; also zx>o3.
^ psnu,
6 s. A louse. 2. a pen. T"*p
^ TJ^Ttrp /7 // 7
( )nf"Cir|p ^!^A^ ^

Q^ an outer
&8j 3=^reoso_ a very large
1 court.
louse. 35_ a small louse. sS^Sfl pesige, J. Disgust, loath-
d.^ a white-nit found on ing. 2. dirt, filth,
dirty clothes: to be disgusted.

% pape, see
A'^c^oo^ pesiyuni (^?^.), 7'. <?. To
loathe, be disgusted.
^sSj psme, jr^
s. A demon. ojfss^c*, 5^3Se), 6 peshkaru, pe-
^o5o peyi,
s. Milk. 2. cocoanut- shkare, s. A subordinate re-
?0* peru,
the milky juice of
venue officer.
juice. 3.

_CDX^, a milkman. sS??ori pesige, see 33?5^.

a milk-pail. 3^1 pel, s. A pie. one-twelfth of
an anna.
perangayi, The .y.

^. Pegu.
guava fruit, Psidium pomi- sSjcrto peingu,

feruvi. 32>o;* peincelu, ^. Ten pairs.

j^wf? peranB, sec <^j~3K. 33oCj peindani, sec ^osoa^^.

^osLiperata,^. Lading, freight- ?t.cri?3, s3v2c3 peindale, peindle, j^.

ing, shipping. ~A notch, nick.

peimba 435 x~/ peisu

peimbala, ^. Ten seers. peinali, ^^

sSioto^ peimbale, s. A flatterer. peiniru, ^. Turbid water
2. a potbelly. 3. a glutton. of a river.

33)022 peimbe, s. A bag. Si^)^ peipuni C-^), ?. . To cut^

sSvS*, sS^ peiku, peika, s. A reap; ^/! tf^s>.

pouch, 'scrip made of rushes 3)^j3e3 peimale, j^ ^rspse.

or palm leaves.
^sdjaS, sS^JoS^o peimasi, peima-
33y8- peiki, /W/>. Of, out of. 2. si, ^. Measurement of land,
concerning, respecting, survey.
out of it. 3j5?^o#- of 0r re- peimudi, j^ under -^.
specting these persons,
o^oSooO* peiyeru, peiyye-
peikuni (^^), v. n. To j^
t^$J ru, ^o5:^.
contract, shrivel. s. A child. rf troS
s^oJOo peiyya,
35vjs?0 peikori, J. A kind of fowl; a small cloud.
game fowl.
c5v03Ja)oc2 peiyyane, ^. A kind of
5j "0
peicilu, see ziodo^S. medicinal tree, Bignonia
peijanu, peijani, long ifolia.
s5)03jo peiyye, ^. A child, boy: a
s. Shoes, slippers,

Pariahs child. 2.akindof fish.

3 s.
sin'SO !) peinali, Bragging, sS-D* peiru, ^. Standing <?^ grow-
boasting. 2. hoaxing, deceiv- ing corn. goods or cattle

ing. ^i-rfos to brag. from the ghauts.

-33oyi. imported
3j>S3c} peitini,

.s . A country so s3i* peilu, j^ ^^.

si -*
called. -2>?-3 a female's cloth
s3,s;*Ss)^ri peiluvanige, ^. Tumb-
made of silk and cotton.
ling, rope-dancing, gymnas-
sS\^, 3&>^P peita, peitya, J. Bilious-
ness, adj. Bilious. TTOT? a
A tumbler,
man of irritable temper; a
acrobat, gymnast.
lunatic, fool.
c&<38>o& peilandi, s. Brag, boast.
o3vjv peitru, j^ ^^\.
jro^-dooi to brag.
&c5, 33>d peida, peide, 5-^ s^cxsori.
Zj^^, 33^^, peivasti;, peivaste,
s. Produce,
AcsDr^ peidastu, s. Endorsement of a letter,
crop. -&ls to grow, pro- the date of its
-rfo^a to grow, raise receipt. s^o$, dotfo^ to
a crop.
33i^ peina, see
sSv^f peisu, a<//'. Distant, remote.
s3 peinale, see '. Get away, make way.
peisa 430 pomba

5v3 peisa, .?. Four pie. 2. money. ponnambura,

. ?i^o, 3ji^us3* neisalu,
O <& e)

peisale, peisulu, ^. Settlement, ponnu, A girl, female,


adjustment. 2. decision, de- maid. XS

the upper half
cree -
of a cocoanut. a^B the
^T;^ ponka, adj. Handsome, female sex. ecse? a female

ponkara, see &?c=tr. child.

SCTJ ponku, s. A kind of boil ponne, see &o$.

or sore; cf. ^cXz. ponnolige, J

tsr-Co ponkuru, see

So^ ponke, J^Y ^>o^r ?
^ ponnavu, see

pongu, 5^ poriju, s. A purse <?r
bundle of money.
pongade, j. Proud flesh,

flesh to form. o^fi pontana, s. Favourable-

s. The Indian ness, auspiciousness.
J9orl(5 pongare,
coral tree, Erythrina indica. ponduni, see &.ssJo?>.

pongayi, J. A canoe, o^r?) ponnani, s. A kind of

J. Borax. medicine.
pongara, 2.
c^^ri ponnalige, J. A kind of

c. v. jungle tree. ^^ leaves of

ra^jj^ pongavuni, (of
r To cause to rock or this tree used as medicine.
tumble, as a boat. orS ponnankanni, J. A
0^3 crL pongu, see .t3.oXo. kind of vegetable, Alter n-
anthera sessilis.
^icno^ ponguni (4^-^), "'. .

To rock, reel, tumble, toss, ponnu, ^. Gold. 2. see

as a boat.
c^pcfH ponge, J. An unsteady ponne, s. The tree
tlera tinctoria. S& Boswd-
j," pongelu, Tumbling,
lia thurifcra; Calophyllum
rocking. -j. unsteadiness.
? a fickle man, dolt. apetalum.
5' ponnanu, see :&JoXd. ^8c203 pombatte, ^. A yellow
ponna, a^//'. Female.
feminine. 2. bridal. ^A?^ 3 pombade, i

a bride's parental home, so DJOJ^J pombariyuni (^sow

5u<r^ a bridal cartege. B),
?.'. n. To start, wince,
a female's conduct or dis- shudder; to be startled,
position. amazed, astounded.
poriiku 437 poji

and catching them as they

adj. Slovenly, dirty, filthy. fall down. ri
T#^ pebbles
pornkavuni, c. v. used in this game.
(of 7^3200^
To cause to roll. to play at such a game.

2. see sJpcTroF^a. pokke, s. A sore, ulcer; a

^o'aOF^ pornkuni^-^), T. a, blister, pustule. ri ^3 the

To roll, run over. 2. to make scar of a sore, e^s a ve-
fun. 3. .ft?<? 3poXoF$. sicle or blister to form,
(So^F, ^Po^F^ pornke, porn- pokkele, see 4^-
kele, s. A dirty man. ^A.
pogate, see
o^FQ^pornkelu, s. Dirtiness,
ItfojS pogaruni, po-
galuni, see j&X'docS.

j8oAe)F5^^ porngavuni, c.v. (of srta3 poguti, s. A shameless

;PCAOF-$) To make stiff, har- woman.
srta^j pogulu, s. Praise, eu-
jaorfoFpornguni (^oKrj, v.n. 2. renown,
To become stiff or hard.
poge, see 3$*.

jfSorfF^ porndana, s. A Pariah

pogepuni, see ^^o>.
i poggavuni, c. v.
(of ^>
f8o&ysFeJ pormbata, Strife, i i

2. 3. AO^^)
To cause to enter, pene-
struggle. wrestling.
trate or interfere. 2. to
oWJF^ pormbuni (^osSr), v.a.
^), v. a. To
To wrestle, strive. (4'

2. to inter-
^Fe3 pormbele, s. A wrest- enter, penetrate.
ler, wrangler. 2. a quarrel-
some man. igpavuni, see

pokankuni ( S^j?)iT70) pojankuni,

^. <2. To learn by looking on pojakuni, see $>z8otfo&.
pojaku, J^
others. ^feF.

pokkade, adv. Without B^^JSrso^) pojakonuni, v. reft.

cause, reason, or meaning. To be grieved. 2. to be distort-
2. for nothing. 3. gratis, ed, as from pain. 3. to rub the
gratuitously. 4. for pastime. face, as in grief or shame.
5. without success, adj. False, pojilu, s. A
germ, sprout,
vain, mere, empty. bud.- es& rice made of
o, pokku, s. A game of germinated paddy. &s>t*oO

throwing pebbles in the air a germinated cashew-nut.

poje 438 podi

5^ inalt, grain steeped in

water. jScS he sold the
N pojenkavuni, c. :

grain and kept the chaff.
(of Spcfiotfos)
To strangulate. ei^ potte, s. A dumb man.
2. to cause to knead. 2. a demon so called.

zSo'rfj^, ^js^^j^ pojenkuni, potte, s. The calf of the

(&20S), -. a To leg; also sv3& a tender

pojekuni . 2.
knead. 2. to shampoo, rub. ear of corn. 3. the hollow
3. to squeeze. 4. to strangle, of a stalk or tree. 4.
_ to strangle. nancy, i'lg. 5. thickness, as
pojenkele, ^. /#. A that of a blade of a knife.

squeezer. 2. a sycophant, a -3o;3cxix>d to whet the thick

man seeking to please. part of a knife.
pojekavuni, see 3r^o ^.a^v* pottedalu, s. A preg-
nant Pariah woman.
pojja, pottebanji, s. A pot

potira, belly. 2. a corpulent man.

?Lro ?

potla, ^. A pustule, blister.

pottangelu, Any-
2. swelling of the gums. 3.
thing useless.
pottadye, ^. A kind of
r 1

podutonuni, .
cake made without jaggory.
To struggle, strive. 2. to
potti, ^. A dumh or taci-
the wings, as a
flutter, flap
turn woman. 2. a silly woman. bird. 3. to bustle, be in a
pottu, ^. Husk, chaff. 2. a hurry.
fruit seed without kernel. c36 podatare, s. The side-
3. a blighted ear of corn- etc. bone of the scull.
4. a crack, hurt. adj. Dumb. ^D podavi, s. The earth; c/.
2. empty, useless. 3. stupid. [fish.
4. injured. Xo3adry well. podas^, s. Tlu scales of

3SU509J an
empty cocoanut. podi, s. Powder, dust.
vain bragging. sro5 \
crumbs. 2. flour. 3. snuff.

blighted paddy. -*c- ^5 gravel. 3jo^ a miser,

blind eye. ^ort a blind ^
abus. cSs^Q to sow in
dry land. s^rfos, oUJ.s>
rSj pottugatti, j-^
^Wj^^. |
dust to rise up ^r be dis-

3flii).iB., sSaiJo.cJa' r
pottutatte. persed. to pulverize,
SO !.j W C3 rfotfo^a

pottudaddu. .v.
Blighted corn. powder.
podi 439 podu

podittavuni, see pottnni (^0), .. To

podiyuni -
^^3^ potturuni, po-
To powder, pulverize. truni (^^5, ^>fj), z/. a. To
podumbu, adj. Stupid, kindle, set fire. 2. to incite
stolid. 2. cowardly. 3. to a quarrel.
sneakish. ^. Cowardliness. s. Burnt
a^or^ pottengri,
o23 podumbe, s. A stupid, trees.
? spiritless man. 6
pottelu, ^. The testicles.

pode, J'T ^- scrotal eczema. Xo

podekuni (4*46), 7;. a. c^a to castrate. e9

% a
To regret, repent. 2. to be vulgar name for eS

envious. wild kind of yam.

podepuni, see 3&Z&S. podukolu, see
podda, <?^/. Foolish.

^^ ^ptljod. e, s. The eye lashes.


ponake, ^^ ^ro^. podaluni (^^^), 7'. w.

s. A To come out, rise up.

srs^, ponakke, scab,
scurf. podike, s. Stale food,
J^ food prepared for a journey.
o^ ponaluni,
2. hoarded money, savings.
pone, see 3>&-
_ ^yo^ to put up food for a
sra dj,
^)f| ^ponjavu, ponjevu,

^."A female in general; a journey; to hoard money.

podipuni, see &3sjd.
grown up woman. e?Sb$ to

become pubescent. Four clas- :0?} podiyuni, see 3

ses of females are enumer-
ated by Hindus; namely: podu, s. Relationship or
ria, a <?r
connection by marriage. s^>
o '

^o?) to propose an alliance

by marriage.
potta, (^/'. Hot, burning.
.0 pottari, ^. A burnt co- j podunkulu, podunklu,
coauut tree. poduku, poduklu, ^. A tuft;
a handful of grass, etc.

pottadruni, c. T.
(of t$> To W^s .
podumbattu, see &*
light, kindle, burn-
to light a lamp. podumbu, fjs do oeoo.
podu 440 S pora

podukolu, s. A ^s^'^jjfj)
To cause to roll,
small broom for broiling cover, encircle.
podupuni (^P),
r (
. a. To 2, ponike, ponke, ^^
)Su$oo''d. ^srfot) iPW?.
broil, parch.
^ a broiling pan. ^^ poppala, ^^ zJ^rf-

podupelu, .s-.
Parching. J^
^j poppi, ss^-
Parched, broiled. ara5
adj. poyikannu, s. A veil
parched paddy. '
mask. adj. Short-sighted.
f. r.
&Coo334cJ podepavuni, (c/ poyipini (&aso), :-. .

^IC^N) To cause to put on To twist, as a rope. 2. to

clothes, to dress. tap with a horn, as the tender
sd^j) podepu, s. Wearing blossoms of a cocoanut tree
apparel; also &>&> ^3%. for toddy-drawing.
-1- *- r "

8cS^)^ podepuni (^-), 7

. <?. To poyimaru, s. Vio-
put on clothes. 2. to brood, lence, force. 2. extortion,
as a hen her chickens. 2?TSo an anarchical
poddana, s. A distant province.
relationship; also ^ro^^ssso. o poyimusulu, ^^
poddike, s^e, &&
poyilu, 5. An abscess.
.'jv?j, ^SCjO,
2. tapping. s^>:i>a to
podduni, (^-^), "'. <T- To roll,
the tender blossoms of a palm-
cover, wrap. 2. to encircle,
bud in toddy-drawing.
wind, twine.
poyisalu, see 4sosori5.
poddu, se
poyyamane, see ^P5
podde, s. A relative, kin-
dred. >M,5 relations and
poyyuni (^^ '), r

. n
To sit
s* , ^^ J5 ^o poddolu, pod-

dolu, 5

. Broiled grain; <?/". <8pO.

c. r\
j podpavuni, (^/"
To roast, broil, toast,
poyye, ^. Sand. **,-
parch. coarse sand. to be
podpuni, see afflicted with small measles.
e:* podbattu, see ^^5.
poranjdlu, see

^ podyuni, see ^p^ i* porantu, see ^;E 2. JT^C

poddyavuni, c. r.
pora 441 porlu

porakaluni, see ~>* porkelu, see

porkele, see ^
poraana, J
poraje, ^ sJj&
poralu, s. A fi'fe, flute.

, j8ds* poralu, poralu, J.

portu, J. Time, daylight;
the sun. eso^Ooaoos the sun
Fishy smell.
about to set. ^c^o^thasun
feiDpori,^. A harrow. 2.a spark.
3. see 5P& & -^czS the to set. ;&>?>o> time to pass,
to be late. djjsi^o^ the sun
whole root of a tree. T^UJ.S
to rise.
to harrow. 3^$ to lose in
the game of
^^dos!. ^L^ por-
to as tyolu, s. The month #r time
get broiled, grain.
to broil grain. of birth.
pordavuni, c. v.
To (of
33^)?) poripuni (30&), v. a.
To bring together,
broil, parch.
make friends; to familiarize;
ei3aJoo^ poriyuni (=&&), f. .

to reconcile.
To be broiled, parched.
J^ ^c^r. pordu, s. Inclination,
sdjo^o porunku,
leaning of the mind. 2- battle,
sd.d poruve, J^ ^s^r. combat.
cLsSs;* poruvelyi, J. The under r.n. To
rfJF^i porduni (4^),
part of a fowl's wings. approach, draw near; to be
2. the side, flank.
attached, adhered. 2. to be
pore, see 4& accessible, sociable, familiar.
5cCcO?J porencuni, ^^ 5go^ors). 3. to be in harmony; to be
reconciled. ^crEF e?odo<3 ^prfor
poreduni, J
a3 I cannot cope with him.
u^)^ porepuni, see 3>
efodoK B33i ^(Jdorc?io the curse
porelu, s. Reeling.
cleaves to him.
o^ poreluni, see z&
pornana, see
^ porelpuni, To
porpuni (*5), 7\a.
:^ poresuni, see
pull, pluck off, root up or
^p^F^n^ porkal- out.

yuni, porkeluni (^ss-'r^, sS^r porlu, Beauty, comeli-


^), t 1

. w. A boil to form or ness. adj. Beautiful, hand-

suppurate. some, fair, pleasant, fine.
porle 442 polle

&F? a handsome boy. poliyuni

tf a pleasant word. To break, be broken.
very beautiful. ^S polisu, see

pir porle, s. A handsome man. poluve, see

5. A wild duck. ^o polusu, ^a
je>~ir porve,

ps2FQ* porvelu, pole, ^. Pollution, defile-

To clean, wash, rinse. 2. polke, j

polpuni (*>*), ?'. a. To

s. Acquaintance. level and smoothen, as the
2. 3. flooring of a building, etc.,
familiarity, friendship.
4. ability. with a wooden instrument.
exercise, practice.
the outline or plan of a
5. cf. ^>e5s3,a.
&7><5- to level a

work- courtyard so.

*f polasu, adj. Dirty, un- Mending

pollakattu, s.

clean ; cf.
sU^co. j. see *& upon mending, patch upon
ao TJO. patch.

poll, J. Interest in ,kind. pollavuni, c.v. (of *&

eo To cause to sew or
2. increase, abundance. &> 00 ft)

home stitch.
733 4$ a farmer to bring
a sheaf of the first crop, shout- pollige, s. Sewing, stitch-

;&)-;fse ing, needle-work.

ing sot^e; (increase!
multiply K ??JS>&FS to lend
! oi>o>, ^jaaw^polliyuni, pol-
rice before the harvest and luni (^^j),
7 '- (i- To sew,
stitch, knit. 2. to slander,
receive it back with 25 per
cent after the season. m backbite.

to sllOUt pollu, adj. Devoid of pulp,

cctij while gathering corn
e;. or kernel, as a fruit. 2. empty,
in :i barn. zoLrs to increase. void. 3. timid, spiritless.

polike, polige, j^ , ^s^^ ^ polluna-

ye, polvediye, s. A tailor. _'.

a slanderer.
polipuni (^5), r. . To
polluve, see &>^-
break. 2. iw ^^^ s.
s. A wooden pollusu, Interest,
2. luck, good
instrument for levelling and gain, profit.
fortune. 3. money in reserve.
smootliening the flooring of
a building, etc. 3 polle, see ^- 2. see &>
polle 443 potu

s^j polle, 6\ Slander, talebear- ponkuru, pon-

~ a slanderer,
ing. 4?^ kru, s. Slough, mire. adj.
tale-bearer. Miry. 2. dirty. &3 nasty
3, polve, j&? people. e5 muddy water.
_ 3oj3& a dirty smell. &s&
polsu, J'
s^j New, novel. 2. ^, _ -3^$ to be covered
posa, tfd[/.
with mire.
fresh, recent. 3. strange,
ponkre, ^^
wonderful, unheard of. &> ^P^J.
the New Testament, pokuri, J^ 9&8?*B.

5& rice of the new poka, adj. Profligate, de-

crop. s'osUo a new cloth. baucherous. 2. mischievous,
stttejsa a stranger. ^5 new turbulent. 3. jocose, droll.

kind a new path.

SsraaS a &3 profligate, or debauche-
new custom, an innovation. rous people.
-rf^r a new year. ~^ e>e33?d, ^j8.?^Uj^ pokatana,
strange or wonderful news. pokatige, s. Profligacy, de-
8sSofe3 posante, see ^rissoSo. bauchery. 2. mischief. 3.

& posatu, s. That which is waggery, drollery.

new, fresh, etc. adv. Newly. 5>^ pokala, s. Perdition,
observe the harvest ruin.
pokiri, s. Diminutive
ti posataye, po- of ^Pet^. adj. see $ptf.
sabe, s. A new man, novice. s. Means; end. 2.
see off.
?j posuruni, see pokulu, see ^.
poske, see &?>$
poke, ^. A profligate, de-

^G^J^) polankuni (**oP),^. . bauchee. 2. a mischievous

To be in distress. 2. to have person. 3. see ^. 4. a wag,

pity. wit; /".


poli, ^<? ^3-

poktana, see &?3&3.
, ^ja$ polinke, polike, 3 potapoti,
A present in cash to an actor.
poti, Rivalry, emulation,
2. bark, skin, peel, crust.
polipuni, see ^p e s. A
^pe^ poti, pote,
3v iJ,

poltu, see $p woman with a beard.

polla, pollu, see $p v. a. To
, ,
e>?e3o> potuni (^PeS),
ponkara, adj. Dirty. embrace sexually, vlg.
podi 444 pole

-rfo^^ to give a
s. Fear, fright,
terror. T^foa.^^
w si&j3,d)>
w correct measure of grain,
to frighten, intimidate, threa- ., as a seller to a pur-
ten. chaser.

poryun Pe, r (
. a.

yavuni, podipavuni, c. v.
To give a correct measure of
^Sctfoofc) To frighten, threa- grain, etc. 2. to tease,
ten, terrify. trouble, annoy. 3. to wrestle,
s?&cijo> podiyuni (4"?^), v.n. quarrel. K'S&S^ to wrestle

To fear, be afraid. $&S$ from insolence.

fca to be alarmed, frightened, ?6J5k3o porotu, s. The side
terrified. slips of a piece of timber.
s. Coincidence ?a?S3)p6ryavuni, c.v. (pf&*
in measurement, agreement, 5ojjo^) To cause to measure
likeness, adj. Right, correct, correctly, as grain.
equal, uniform; cf.
jSjseB^. ?> poll, J. Speaking irrele-

popini (<&*?),
?.n. To go, vently. 2. plunder, extor-

go off or away. 2. to be lost, tion. adj. Irrelevent, imperti-

disappear. 3. to pass, depart, nent. 2. plundering, extor-

r a house to be tionate.
t^ 3o^$ to plunder.
ruined. a_ to pass time; ee3 pole, see ^p?^.

to support one's self or his A small kind of

polye, s.
family. &?&
when going. basket.
^Per;& a:3iF& when going and
lr^, ^pesslrf posha,
coming. $p&3 z*~ let me j. Nourish-
poshana, poshane,
take leave, ^e'rfoads^ not to ment, maintenance, feeding.
go, so as not to be lost. & s. Sunset, evening.
where had you been? _ &&>r evening time. DT>

5? just when going. ^? -io one who observes the cus-

20^ you cannot go.

& tom of taking his supper be-
you must go. fore sunset, as a Jain. L'

pora, pore, s. A lad.

pori, s. A lass. 2. see posra, s. Urine.

2730 ^
posraladaye, s. \
porige, s. Full or cor- demon so called.
rect measurement of grain, 3?S? pole, J. A cake of rice
etc. y^& to measure cor- flour, etc., baked on a pot-
rectly, measurement to be sherd or iron plate.
pole 445 prati

s. Writing s. The present,

polekayi, 3^=5^ prakruta,
a large, crooked hand, as this time. Xo for the present.
children do. v3\3 prakruti, s. Nature. 2.
s5^ pou, see zz>3i- 2. see &. the natural state of anything.
^ctS pound, see zJ^P^- 3. the root. 4. cause, origin.
pounji, pouji, see sisJSo^ prakhyata, adj. Celebrat-
ed, famous; notorious.
pouji, pouju, see sisSev-S prakhyati, s. Publicity,
pounattu,pouna- fame, notoriety.
ttu, s. Doing things by halves. w,2^c^ pracanda, adj. Intolera-
3&7i a work done by half. ble, insupportable. 2. bold
zF> & poutri, s. A grand daughter, confident, presumptuous. 3.

pourusha, Heroism, .r.

violent, fierce. sfcss? tempest,
manliness. 2. boast, brag, storm. odja?> a bold, vali-

pyade, see 3?:3. ant or fierce man.

si pra, A Sans, prefix implying sitssd pracara, s. Precept, ob-
Progressive motion. 2. ex- servance.
cess. 3. excellence. si3e>!3 prajapati, ^. Brahma,
the creator. a king. 3. a2.
3J =CTiJ prakata, adj. Displayed,
unfolded, revealed, manifest, decent term for the memb-

public. to proclaim, rum virile.

make public- sJzB praje, s. People, subjects.
s. 2. offspring, progeny.
si^&JrS prakatane, Revelation,
manifestation. prajotpatti, s. The
^drs prakarana, s. A chapter, fifth year in the Hindu cycle
section. 2. an introduction, of sixty.

prologue, prelude. ?io^ prajvalisuni (^fc^cj),

=030 s. Manner, v.n. To shine, glitter. 2. to

method, mode. adv. Accord- blaze, be inflamed.
s. Shining, glit-
ing to, conformably with. siz3^e3 prajvale,
5=32! prakasa, s. Sunshine, ter, blaze. [affection.
2. siracrfj pranaya, s. Friendship,
lustre, light, splendour.
expansion, diffusion, mani- si3e)3J pratapa, s. Dignity, ma-
festation. t?l>~ to shine. jesty. 2.
valour, prowess,
~ C|A to have lustre. &? si 3^)3^) pratlpu, s. An old Indian
&os light or splendour to coin equivalent to one rupee,

appear. &?ls light to fade si 3 prati, A Sans, prefix im-

away; light to shed forth. plying Substitution. 2.seve-
35.4 prati 446 pratha

ral, in order. 3. direction, pratirupu, J. A picture,

designation. 4. belonging to. image, counterpart.
5. exchange, return, s. A choosy pratilabha, s. Twofold
substitute a copy. adj. Each,
; gain, profit.
every. 3 every day. sto
3^,13^, gj0^3i)^o
^je>$ each man. ~S\s> to prativakya, s. A reply, answer.
take a copy. w.o^eja
prativadi, s. A defend-
dlvs'o'tid pratikara, s. A remedy, ant, respondent.
antidote. 2. a return of sj.33pratishthe, Fame, s. cele-
offices either good or bad. bnty. 2. consecration. 3.

to revenge, retaliate. endowment. 4. staying, stand-

pratikula, s. Oppo- ing, fixation. 3^3 to be
sition, clashing, disagree- \
consecrated. 3j^s> to con-
ment. adj. Adverse, contrary. secrate.
32 pratijrie, s. Promise, as- 3jj3^s)d pratlkara, ^B^^.
sent. 2. resolution, vow. pratikshe, ^. Hope, ex-
,3dj pratidhvani, An echo. pectation.
A resem- ^. An affix.
,3^p pratinidhi, s.
Sj^sk pratyaya,
blance of a real figure, image, Percep-
^^c^ pratyaksha, a^//.

picture. 2. a representative, tible, perceivable, present.

proxy. 3. a surety. 3 appearance, advent.

pratinema, ^. Daily i^op^tf pratyuttara, s. An

religious observance. answer, reply.
33,333^ pratipaksha, j. The op- s. Re-
V_X IJ^ sj^oc^eid pratyupakara,
posite side or party. ciprocated favour, return of
sl3 i; pratiphala, s. Reward; good offices.

return, requital. siJc^ pratyeka, adj. Separate,

s. Obstacle, distinct, 3 one by one.
3l3fcjcqipratibandha, ^j ^
impediment. g,!^^' g,^?*?iipi pratyeki-
^vl^c^JN pratibandhane,
s. A puni, pratyekisuni (^^e*i ^j
demoniacal possession. 2. ifoe-8-co),
v.a. To separate.
binding. prathama, adj. First,
s. A reflec- prior. 2. chief, principal.
^^::o2j pratibimba,
tion, resemblance or coun- _^tJozi the third person,
terpart of a real form, as a grain. -^^ the nomina-
picture, image, shadow. tive case. 3 at first.

s. An image, prathame, .?. The first

^vS^o pratime, <rf$dj
idol, puppet. lunar day.
prada 447 prame

pradarsana, s. Showing. prabhava, s. Majesty,

2. explaining. dignity. 2. power, energy.
3ld-c-rs $ prabhavale, s. The shrine
v^\ v
^\ oO^ ^ pra-

dakshana, pradakshane pradak- of an idol.

shina, s. Reverential circum- sj^jj prabhu,

s. A lord, master,
ambulation around an object prince. ^ power, author-
of worship. ity, government.
pradana, s. A gift, dona- J&2J3 prabhe, s. Light, splendour,
s. A place in radiance.
general. 2. a country, dis- slsjo^ pramatta, adj. Intoxicat-
ed. 2. infatuated, proud.

The first slsjozp pramathe, s. An attend-

d-Q^Si pradosha, s.
ant on Siva.
part of the night.
^X pramada, see ^j^erf.
q3D^ pradhana, adj. Principal,
odrea;^ a si^fosrs pramana, s. Measure,
chief, superior.

high priest. size, dimension, quantity.

s. A 2. proof, testimony. 3. an
pradhani, prime
minister. oath. 4. limit.
^log^ a
sisioSCT prapanca, s. The world, document containing the
universe. 2. illusion, delu- terms of an oath, ^otfo^
sion. 3.
to takean oath.
partiality, adj.
Worldly, secular.
sld^r^ pramani, s. A head-man,
to be partial. 35o^ trit>o& chief.

^23i there is no distinction at pramanika, see z*

a dinner table. pramada, s. Mistake^ in-
prapata, ^. A cliff, preci- accuracy. 2. carelessness.
pice. 2. a water-fall. 3. a .dje>> pramadi, s. The thir-
bank, shore. teenth year in the Hindu
sj^o$ prabandha, s. An essay, cycle of sixty.
literary composition, con-
,^33^^ pramadlca, s. The
nected discourse. forty-seventh year in the
<rlw<y prabala, adj. Strong, Hindu cycle of sixty.
powerful. 2. abounding, pre- ,^osj pramukha, adj. Chief,
vailing. ??ja to become principal, first. 2. excellent,
powerful; to prevail; to best.

spread widely. ,s3o^oiiprameya, s. Opportu-

3ld prabhava, years. The first nity, occasion. 2. the subject

in the Hindu cycle of sixty. or topic of a conversation.

prame 448 prava

pramesrinotu, ^. medicine, poison, etc.', to use,

A promissory note. make use of.
slsSj^sd prameha, s. The venereal Lc&Atttti prayojake, s. A clever
disease. man. ,
$}- a worthless

pramoda, s. Joy, glad- man.

ness, happiness, delight. kQ&A(t3tJ prayojana, s. Cause.
The s. 2. motive. 3. result. 4. oc-
^sSsis^do^ pramoduta,
fourth year in the Hindu cupation, business. 5. profit,

cycle of sixty. use, advantage. ?^$ to be

Endeavour, of use. cro^ of what use is
effort. 2. act, action. ^o it? rod! useless, worthless.

to try, endeavour. ^ojj pralaya, s. A general
prayaga, s. Sacrifice, deluge, the world's destruc-
oblation. 2. the confluence tion. &v the deluge.
of the Ganges and Yamuna Le>e>3J pralapa, s. Sorrow, lamen-
at Allahabad. tation.

jrfjC&rara prayana, s. Journey, ^^F^ pravartake, s. An author.

2. an arbiter, judge.
march. crooSo.
^ a passen-
ger, traveller, to J^^F^ pravartana, s. Action,
business. 2. conduct, be-
travel, journey.
gc&rarf prayasa, s. Labour,
trouble, fatigue 2. difficulty,

embarrassment. 3.
T'. n. To be going
on, to be
in a state of action. 2. to
slota)^ prayukta, adj. Endowed
behave, conduct one's self.
with, possessing, as an attri-
s. Increas-
bute, postpo. For, on ac- ^dq^Npravardhane,
count of. ing, thriving.

prayoga, s. Conse- ^d^>F?ij^ pravardhisuni (z^tpp

go3j2?rt v. n. To
c3), increase, pros-
quence, result. 2. the opera-
tion or effect of magical or per, thrive.

rites. 3. effort,
sl53Drf pravada, s. Report, ru-
exertion. 4. act, action. 5.
si^rsdfS pravadane, s. Prophecy,
use of a word. G. the admi-
prediction. r^s, ^OTario?)
nistration or prescription of
to prophesy, foretell.
medicine. to be in
c"o^a A
slsysft pravadi, s. prophet.
use, as a word. ^j^s, ^joSa?
see srirorf.
?N^S to perform any magical ^S3e)?j pravasa,

rites, etc. ; to administer, as 3^30 pravaha, s. A stream cur-

prava 449 prasta

rent; the flowing or course lecture. 3. a Hindu drama.

of any thing. ^jrio7\ a preacher. ^>tfo^$
^ratf pravala, s.
calcination of coral.
-^ to preach, discourse.

slSio^ prasanna, Pleased, adj.

pravlna, adj. Skilful, delighted, gracious, favour-
clever. cleverness, skill. able, auspicious. e?lb^ to
pravme, s. A skilful man, be pleased, favourable. ^
a clever man. $_> T(&_ fo$ to win over.
s. Activity, s. 'forth
pravrutti, Bringing
g^d prasava,
occupation. or bearing young. 2. birth,

slslrf pravruddha, adj. Full

production. 3&3 the travail
grown, expanded, spread of childbirth.
abroad, dispersed, increased, sl^JStj prasada, s. Favour, kind-
more. ness, propitiousness. 2. food,

trf,;3^ pravesa,
.y. Entrance. 2. etc., offered to a deity or to

arrival. 3. commencement, as a guru. z3?3"d_ God's favour;

of learning. e?bs> to inter- what is offered or conse-
fere. ^o'tfOvS.
sJ^eS^S to crated to God.
enter; to commence. prasadana, s. Cooked
s. Praise, flat-
^s-o^ prasamsa, prasadhane, s. Dress,
tery. 2. subject, matter. z3
^ to refer to a matter.
,2orf prasiddha, adj. Famous,
-dotfo^ to praise, flatter; to celebrated, public, notorious.
speak on a matter. _ ?>$ to become famous or
3^2^ prasasta, adj. Good, com- notorious. to publish.
mendable, excellent, illustri- .ro> prasiddhi,^. Fame,notorie-
ous, famous. 2. convenient,
ty, celebrity.
commodious. rfJ33prasuti,J. Bringing forth
jrf^ prasne,
s. A question, inter- as young. 2. birth.

rogation. 2. soothsaying. s. Any auspicious

_ Beba to consult stars on a ceremony. 2. marriage. #ae
matter or event; to make s$3 consummation of a
an astrological calculation. marriage.
zio^S) to ask, question. ^e>n 3Jprastapa,.s.
"oj^JS^d prasnottara, J. A 2. incidental reference to a
dialogue, catechism. person or thing, sktfo^,
slnJort prasanga, j

. A sermon, ^j^brfo?) to speak on an af-

preaching. 2. a discourse, fair; to seize an opportunity.
nj;L prasta 450 praya

rjjjpdfS prastavane, s. Com-

SJ^e& prani,
s. A living being,
mencement, introduction. an animal.
add prahara, s. A watch, or ;

53^^s 5D^, STe^nJS,<L> pratah-

the eighth part of an entire kala, prataskala, .s'. The dawn,
day and night. 2. a weapon. morning.
3. a blow. prapta, adj. Obtained,
COD d prahlade, s. A pious son gained, received. 2. profi-

of Hiranyakasipu. cient, efficient. M to

^OJJ pralaya, see ^aocio. be competent.

5e>tff3 prakshalane, s. Wash- scre^ prapti,

^. Gain, profit. 2.

ing, cleaning. acquiring, obtaining. 3. suc-

prantya, cess, improvement. 4. power

33^0 3, ,oag pranta,
Edge, border, frontier, part,
's. or faculty of acquiring. 5.

neighbourhood, adj. Near, luck, fate, fortune. &^s to

adjacent. happen ;
to be obtained. w
ra.o* praku, a<//. Before, prior, to be able or lucky.
2. past. e?
old, preceding. srs.sjj^r^ pramanika, adj. True,
from past time. s3so^
an of great force, credit, or
old account. 5 formerly.
praya, s. A state or con-

ra^s prakruta, ^/'.

2.low, vulgar. 5. A peculiar dition of life, as age, youth,
dialect of Sanskrit. etc. o3o? how old are

pracina, adj. Former, you? 00- middle age, prime

prior, ancient, old. of life. ^ a young man.
5-exfc; prajna, adj. Clever, intel- e?L?> to be old; to come
ligent. ; , sjSjsS
a clever to age. There is a saying
man. about the different stages of

^Coprana,J. Life, vitality.

2. air human life; namely: ^S
inhaled, breath. oso^, ^?
8c3, srajsro^an intimate friend.
_ ^jss^ a murderer. ^jS^
consecration of an idol. 3o rfoB,
dangerous illness. ^Pe orfoji, ^js5 3ioooo9 childish-
^$ to die. dcs&areos to be ness at ten (years), beauty
weary of life; to consume at twenty, youth at thirty,
one's self,
^o^s^rfjatfo the

manhood at forty, dotage at

five vital airs, or modes of fifty, longing at sixty,
a stick
inspiration and respiration. at seventy, cripple at eighty,
praya 451 plava

prostration at ninety, and an affectionate

departure at hundred. disposition. Aseafc^iS ^o
sKOJu^ s^ prayascitta, s. Punish- ^s to love. Qe^ to be
ment. 2.
expiation, penance, affectionate.
atonement. -Jfj*bf?& to pay P r eta, ^. A corpse. 2. a
a fine.
to punish, ghost, goblin.
fine; to atone, expiate. prema, ^. Affection, kind-

ixCo^ prarambha, s. Com- ness. 2. pleasure, sport, pas-

mencement, beginning. time, joy. rod a friendly

9,30^^0^ prarambhisuni (^ discussion.

tfoEpoJ), v. a. To begin, com- cS^d^ prerake, J.

An inciter,
mence. mover, instigator.
33^20 prarabdha, pra-
Djdzo ,
^pdrl, gj^6^rl prerane, prere-
labdha, s. D'estiny, fortune, pane, s. Sending, direction,
fate, luck. passion or operation of the
prarthane, s. Prayer, organs of sense. 2. incite-

supplication, asking. 2. di- ment, instigation. 3. inspi-

vine service. ration. to

sk^s, s^^r *$otf^?>, ^j?-5?L^os)
T^S> to pray. inspire; to incite, induce.
s. Feeding, eat- <&^3^ prerita, adj. Sent, di-
53^2!^ prasana,
ing. 3otfo^ to eat; to drink. rected; inspired.
55r\^ prasa, s. Alliteration, ^3i^^, ^^ra procana, prok-
rhyme. shana, s. Sprinkling. rfos?o^?),

sq^^ praste, s. A prime minister. ^jo-o^?<o^ to sprinkle.

^,oij priya, ^'. Dear, beloved, 5^^proudha,^/'. Skilful,
desired. 2. dear, high in s. A skilful or
55^^ proudhe,
price. 3. $" 335coo. ?js5 a clever man.
beloved companion. sj plava, ^.The thirty-fifth year
1^3 priti, s. Love, affection, in the Hindu cycle of sixty.
regard. 2. delight, pleasure. 3J
3or( plavanga, ^. The forty-
3. the second of the twenty- first year in the Hindu cycle
seven astronomical yogas. of sixty.
pha 452 d phala

pha, The thirty-fifth letter of r3 phani, s. A serpent, cobra.
the alphabet. -rfoc-rfe; a festive ceremony
3?5 phakire, s. A dervise, in the name of the serpent-
Mussulman mendicant. 2. a god; also craX^ootie;.
destitute man. 3. a solitary cf phane, see *>.

man. see
jg phatte, ,.

,3 phakkane, adv. Suddenly, 557 phayisalu, see ~*6.

unexpectedly. s. Discrimina-
phajlti, see sJe5?3.
tion, distinction. 2. recogni-
phatinga, adj. Rude, ill-
tion, identification; ziS?^. cf.
behaved, unsteady dissipated. , _ dovo^s to discriminate. 1>

2. dishonest. ^ dissipa-
3-^a to recognise, identify ;
tion; dishonesty. inquire.
sjljori phatinge, J. A
rake, pro- De!SJ3
pharakhaty, adj. Free,
2. a dishonest man.
fligate. unrestricted, well off.
djia phadca, ^.
phadica, pharari, Running away.

Settlement, adjustment. 2. B to abscond, desert.

determination, decision. - cdJtF?5 pharmane, ^. A mandate,
La to be settled; to be de- order.
cided. 3o^a to settle; to sp^ phala, s. A fruit in general,
determine. the fruit of any plant. 2.

ofjzt^???, ^^?A) phadposij, result, produce, consequence.

phadposi, s. Carelessness, per- 3. prosperity, thriving. 4.

functoriuess. 2. answering gain, profit, advantage. 3

without thinking. 3. getting ^ fruits. e?Ls> to be fruit-
through a business by hook ful. ^ssbrs to yield fruit.
or by crook, adj. Superficial, ;
^o$ to see the conse-
careless; also t.'Sj^j. ^VTJ a quence of an act.
work done anyhow. -:;
phalane, pron. Such a
a superficial man. -s one, such and such. ^wri
to say more than one knows ;
sucli a work.
to speak at random. s. A slight re-
of)CT335j phadayi, s. Difficulty, past of fruits or sweets, col-
great distress. lation. 2. any food except
phali 453 bange

rce. phalguna, .y. The twelfth

light food. lunar month.
phalita, adj. Fruitful. 2. J30 phituri, s. Any secret,
profitable. 3. prosperous, deceitful or underhand pro-
thriving. 4. effectual.
ceeding, intrigue, conspiracy.
0?jo5> phalipuni, phali- 2. instigation, incitement.
suni ($), ?' n. To yield fruit, _^jaLr$ to incite.
be productive. 2. to be suc- to intrigue ;
to betray.
cessful, profitable. 3. to come phirangi, see Ltior.
to pass, fulfill, as a prediction,
^o&Dra phiriyadi,
phasali, phasli, s. ^.A complaint, an
current revenue year, (from accusation in law.
July to June). 7f phlsu, s. Fees, remunera-
t3 phavuji, s. An army, tion.
troops, host. ^. Sale,
dJS^Oj, phuroktu,
phayide, see s^osorf.
particularly of stamps.
pharikhatu, s. Receipt, o* pheilu, s. A register, file.

acquittance, divorce. 2. pay- **$'

C pheisalu, see
ment of a debt.

2j ba, The thirty-sixth letter of bangala, s. Bengal.
the alphabet. s.
bangali, Jugglery,
banki, see legerdemain, trickery, impos-
Ovj^ bankinayake, ^. A ture. 2. an impostor, cheat,

honorific title amongst Billa- bangi, s. Hemp, Cannabis

vars. sativa. 23?^ one addicted
Jc2S banga, banna, see #CA. tohemp smoking. 3^$ to
bangale, j
becomeintoxicated with hemp.

S^S tosmoke hemp,

Wo HDD*, looADd riod bangude, s. The mac-
bangaru, banga-
ra, see $cAs5.
n bangura, j^ eSo^a.
too/ fsd 5e)03o

bangarakayi, ^.

The Indian acalypha, Aca- bangule, see soc^.

lypha Indica. bangeru, s. A title of

bangra 454 banji

certain old chieftains. 2. a stomach. - ^We? want o

family name amongst the food, starvation. exyor?) to

Bants and Billavars. be hungry; to be distressed.

bangra, bangri, see 3j&- a big belly, potbelly. &>
illicit inter-
^pregnancy by
f\ bangle, s. A bangalow. course. 3oe&- an early stage
residence of an European. of pregnancy. e?Sb& to be

^yss^e* banghi, ban- pregnant. ^ora the belly

ghitappalu, s. Parcel or pac- to subside. na&orfoosi, crot^
ket post. dos, _ oSo^ora the belly to
cx banna, see ?SoX. distend. tfdsga to miscarry,
^^3'5>o3j banjanataye, s. A cause an abortion.
demon so called. to digest. 3ta33i$,

baricane, see to feel a griping pain in the

bancuni, see bowels. scKos to fill the

barijara, ^^ belly, to have a hearty meal,

hunger to be appeased. $P
banjara, #//. Sterile, bar-
ren. #-so uncultivated land; ^fc to be aggrieved. eo&Fs.

waste land. 80.-do$> to re- ^o&^reos to become preg-

main uncultivated. nant through illicit inter-
ct2e>d banjara, adv.
course. _ rfoK^S), -doci^s> to
freely, e?Sb$ to retch, to have nausea, qualm.
have a hearty meal. _-rfos?o^
to cause pregnancy
to eat heartily. through illicit intercourse.
srazSos) to
serve food profusely.
_ 5^ 3p?bs> to have looseness
^. The stomach. in the bowels, to purge.
ct2 banji, 2.
the belly. 3. the womb. 4. os3c$, &-oz3c^ banjina, banjina-
vu, s. Pregnancy. 2. stools.
the interior or inner part, as
T?OS,-J aio
of a tree, etc. 5. the thinner adj. Pregnant. V $,
^sefcs to go to stool.
portion of the shell of a cocoa-
nut. 6. the mind, heart. 3oa banjinadi, J. The belly
aicaStrooSo a corpulent <?r clum- of a beast 0r fish.

sy man. 3o& a long worm o^^ras?* banjinaly, s. A preg-

3o3 nant woman.
infecting the bowel.
voracious, eager; patient,
-6 banjibeire, s. A glutton.

long suffering. K 0335 there banjiruni (eocsSS), r. a.

is nothing to eat. -t2e?3 colic, The (distended) belly to

gripes; fig. envy, -cs 5tf the subside.

barije 455 EO o<3 banda

20o2 barije, s. A barren woman. to colour, paint,

adj. Barren, sterile. dye; to exaggerate. i&eLs
eoo2s3 barijele, s. A glutton. colour to fade.

barijeltana, s. Gluttony. zooC9cA's03obannang-ayi, J. A half

barijottu, see .eoo&tf. grown cocoanut.
J- sooreUtf, WoD3s!3tf bannatige,
bantu, Pride, vanity.
2. bannatige, J. A
piece of wood
bragging, boasting.
driven through rafters to
zookraeJ, 20oks>a3ri bantata, ban-
keep them fast. 2. carving,
tatig-e, see ^ozssu.
20oeJo bantu, see sooB. 2. engraving.
3. & bannanige, see 200^^^.
courageous. glutinous.
courage, pride. bannasara, s. A coral

^. A man necklace.
20ofc3 bante, belonging
to the principal class of culti- oriitf bannige, s. A painter.

vators, called Bants. 2. a bandu, s.

Shutting, closing.
servant. 3. a demon so called. 2. stoppage, suspension, ceas-
3^333 a demon priest. ing. 3. prohibition, forbid-

2oo<2 handy, see fScS.

ding. e?ba to be shut; to

?^ bandasu, A kind of fish.

J. cease, stop. *^, .^socrfo^H
to to
bandasale, s. A store-
nie)e3 e&tfo^ shut, close;

house, warehouse, granary. secure; to prohibit; to cease.

soorf banda, s. Dough. 3f$ leav-
o^?3 bendase, see soc^co.
en. ^03$, sktfo^a to knead
flour to dough.
tige, see

soorf banda, -^ 200^.

bandayi, ^. Conspiracy.
eoocSd P bandaddye, ^. 'Half bak-
34)d bandara, J^
ed or boiled cake.
bandari, see
d bandada-mara, J. The
bandi, see sfSoa. wild mangosteen tree, Dios-
^o^c^ bandu, banduta- pyros embroypteris.
na, see ^o5.
bandagi, s.
Slavery, ser-
od bande, see $01$. vitude.
rs banna, s. Colour, paint, , 20od?S bandana, bandane,
dye. 2. exaggeration. 3. a see sio^.
degree of fineness, touch in bandanige, s.A parasitic
metallurgy. 7^6 a painter,
bandaru, s. A port, har-
dyer; Jig. a man given to bour. Tktfo^a to make a
exaggeration. tfjabrs, d^v port, to anchor.
20o > bandi 456 baka

20ob bandi, s. A kind of neck- : EO^-J$ to be afflicted.

ornament of gold. eotra to be involved in

20o& bandi, 5. Imprisonment, con- troubles. 3os?^s>
to afflict,
finement. 3&5 temporary torment, trouble.
confinement. MD^ a SOC^^T*.
w>c3, bannatige, see
prison, jail, imprisonment, --"*
bannalu, see ^bo^a. 2.

UoQ&Aftti bandikolu, s. A pair a family name. 3. lineage,

of cudgels used by a gymnast. coo^s^od, 20o<3>o3 bannimara,
20oas3D?2 bandivane, s. A pri- bannemara, s. The tree Mimosa
soner. 2. a criminal, culprit. si tin a.
2oo:3 bandu, bande, 20oSj23" bampelu, see ero-x.
LvO~oi.) bambayi, The thorny

part of a palmyra branch.
bandukatu,^. Securing, 20o2oo bambu, s. Layers of the
making fast. 2. compactness, fibrous coverings of a plantain
union. 3. fineness, nicety. tree. 2. the bamboo.
adj. Secure, fast. 2. compact. 2oo200Dbamburi, s. A small kind
3. fine, nice. of oyster.
zoodfcs* banduku, s. A gun. 2Jo23 bambe, s. The core or
ZJocSs;* bandelu, s. A residence, inside stalk of a plantain
house. tree. 2. flattery, false praise.
Ucds^ZJ?^, bandobastu, s. Set- 3. prattling. --^ the rind
tlement, arrangement, ma- of a plantain. ?^^oos> to

nagement. 2. safety, security. work for nothing or in vain.

_ .fctfo^ to settle; to secure. 20o3o^ bammana, s. Slander,
bandha. s^jftfos
200$, zooqSrS, 2oc$?3 backbiting. ~^s,
bandhana, bandhane, s. Bind- T$; -- to backbite,

ing, tying. 2. imprisonment, bammaniyuni, see


20o#j bandhu, s. A kinsman, baka, s. A crane. 3

relation. -Z^A relations^ a loud talking person.
in the aggregate. ^e3o love a glutton.
of relatives. bakabaka, 0<&'. Voracious-
Fi bannana, Trouble, ca-
ly, eagerly. B^ to swallow
lamity, affliction, torment. eagerly.
2. see ecc^. _ ro:3o a tor- bakala, s. A gash, deep
menter. incision. -e?l^ to be gashed.
baka 457 20 rl baga

u bakalamara, s. The tree malignant abscess on the

elengi\ also 0225 back.
rfk3o> bagatuni (eoXS), v. n.
bakasure, s, A monster To straddle, stand astride.
so called. 2. a glutton. s. The name
20&6 bakire, see of a giant.

baklti, sec 2orfzjr(bagabaga, s.The crackling

bakllu, s. A glutton. noise of conflagration. esaor
?5 fire to blaze with a nbise.
o^osiraO, 20^ baku, baku-
S soe; ^OTTO, aio^S >7\
mari, bake, see 2o^>?ta3. ro

^e& bakedi, s. Loss from bad (he says) "come son",

2. diffi-
while inwardly regards you
debts, insolvency.
with jealousy.
culty, distress. 3. necessity,
want. jtorfrea a needy 2orio bagaru, see s^S.
man; an insolvent. bagara, s. A bow.
see *,&. tf
j. The armpit,
bakkanipuni, the side from the armpit to
bakkanyuni the hip. ^ 333^0$ to put or
To ask repeatedly. keep under the arm; to mis-
o* bakkaru, s. A stride.

bakkasu, j^ tf^x. bagaluni, see siXo^.

njj^i bakkasuni (Dw^?5), v.a. bagale, s. An Arabian

To devour. ship.
2TO020 a largo mouth;

o^ bakkonuni, a glutton.
2or^as3 baktale, bagutale, 2oris?2)e3 bagalata, s. Barking.

s. Parting the hair in the 2. clamouring, vociferation.

middle of the head by com- 20 A <o$.
rfo^CkS, see

bing. 2. combing the hair zori^o bagalu, J. Eaving, wander-

into curls. 3. the crown of ing in mind, talking irra-
the head. 4. a chaplet. tionally. tfo$ delirium, in-
bakra, s. A sheep, jungle sanity.
sheep. 2or!^o^ bagaluni (o>Xf), v.n. To
buguti, see #*,. bark, clamour, vociferate.

bagulu, see v>7<<5. 2. see 2. to rave, talk irrationally.

2or{$ bagale, ^. Distress, anguish,

bagandara, ba- sorrow. 2. trouble, difficul-
gandala, s. A carbuncle, ties. trooSo a man in trouble.
rre baga 458 baccu

bagaru, s. Seasoning. ^ bagte, 5^ sp^.

r. 0.
bagasuni (WASCJ) o bagye, postp. For, on ac-
To desire, count of.
sorto bagu,w* w^. s.
bacavu, Protection,
bagutale, w* w^A deliverance, escape. e?bs
corto^o> baguluni, ba- to escape. ^t to seek pro-

guluni, soA^os. tection. to protect,

fl bage, .?. Kind, manner, way, save.

species. 2. means, resource, bacca, ^. A fault, mistake.

income. i'O^a to have pro- 2. a young, as of an animal.
perty, stock, means, or sub- S.J^^Ix^.
-^==3 a calf of
stance. to acquire not more than a year. cs
wealth; to pay off; to do a S to pay a fine.
favour; to commit mischief. baccangayi, ^. The
rtari bagebage, s. Rank, grade, water-melon, Cucumvs cit-
class, adj. Diverse, various, rullus.
a variety of goods. s. Tired-
f\ 4 bageyuni, bage- ness, fatigue.
vuni C
*), v. . To think,
3 ?2 baccanfe, see eo^FfS.
suppose, guess, imagine. ^^_
s? baccale, baccale, ^t^
to deceive, intend evil, play
the traitor. oSocT? -dS so^oSo
a &
he intended to ruin me. CT
^ baccavuni, <:. T-'.

t^^) To
s. Flat-
cause to dry, fade,
baggu, baggu,
stunt. 2. to tire, fatigue.
tery, praise. 2. backbiting,
srotdos to flat- baccire, s. The betel leaf.
to bear tales.
_d a betel salver, -rf
ter; K>Mj4S
^5o&a venomous insect found
4> baggavuni, <;. .
(^ "^
To cause to stoop, make on betel leaves, -w ^a a
bend, cower.
bundle of about one hundred

r\ baggi, s. An iron hook betel leaves. S^s> to chew

both ends. betel leaves; to make peace.
pointed at its

To or
3 bagguni (2:^).
r-. w.

In-nd, bow, stoop. 2. to yield,

or oooiflO are

baggele, s. A bending o?- varieties of betel leaves.

crouching man. baccuni (8^)1 z-. . To

bagtale, jre zi^A become lean, thin. 2. to
bacce 459 20 e3 bata

dry up, evaporate. 3. to be bajavu, s. Dried leaves

weary, tired, fatigued. ^BS etc., used as fuel. 2. beating
5 the hands and legs to be
202obaji, adj. Empty, mere, only.
tired, croc^oso to falter in 2. vain, useless, false.
speaking; to be thirsty. 20^ an empty hand. tfos^an ut-
54tel<a to get tired; to grow ter falsehood; an unfounded
lean; to be dried up, as a etc.
z*23o3)) bajipuni,
see $&$.
202! & baccelu, s. Fatigue, weari-
z& 20 So 23* bajilu, s. Paddy, moistened,
ness, tiredness. 2. leanness.
dried, broiled, and beaten
3.ebb; cf.
' j
_z3a js a to
into wafers in a mortar.
take rest, refresh one's self.
a kind of grass.
t>o& xtf
202! s3 baccele, s. A thin man.
tcr a kind of wreath made of
baja, similar wafers of gold.

, 2022^, 2023 bajanu, baja- 202 baje, s. Sweet-flag, Acorus

na, bajane, see $& calamus. e3?5 a mixture
202^2023 bajabaja, >//'. Moist, of sweet-flag and butter. 20

moderately wet or softened zoi pDeraosoK fiff3j^S) to apply

with water. &se& cattle- the paste of sweet-flag to the
fodder soaked in water.
tongue (of children to im-
2022 bajavu, ^^ 20 &^^.
prove articulation).
oz33r3^ bajani, ba.Janige, wzacrt bajjanige, see soa^rS.
j. A
broom, besom. 2. clean-
A mode of prepar-
2ot3 bajji, s.
liness, freedom from dirt, etc.
ing certain vegetables by
3. a plain, open ground; cf.
baking them embers, a in
_s3o#o^ to sweep, kind of condiment. sSa^os,
to prepare the above,
:n^ bajanyuni (20&i5^), f.<2!.

bajjeyi, s. The areca-

To long, wish; be greedy. to

nut, betel-nut.
3-3o3o?l)>, wt3e>?jo5> bajayisuni,
J^ sroedDS.
bajasuni (eo&Jsosoco, 20337)^),
-u.a. 2Jgj bajra,
To beat, strike. 2. to eat 2ob ff
S3e)sS, 2oe3s3D^ batuvade, ba-

heartily. 3. to do anything tavade, s. Distribution of

freely, without restraint. money, etc.

^)0 bajari, s. A harlot, whore, 20 U, 20 ^ra bata, bata, a^". Open,

prostitute. 2. an immodest wide. tS^
an open plain,
or indecent woman. a highway.
bata 460 badi

batate, s. A potato. poverty, indigence, leanness.

s. A kind of pease, 3 a poor man, pauper.
Pisum satii'um. d?<$ 3&Q badantaruni, see
coo split pease.

batuvadi, see edSsrotS. badakayi, J. The North,

North, northern. o^
batuve, s. A bag, purse,

#e3 S
the north point.
satchel ; cf.


s. A sack, bag. badakka, a^". Sudden, ab-

j<?<? eow .
The foreskin.
j. o 3s?3 badatana, s. A marriage,
<^^^> to circumcise. wedding among Pariahs; cf.

toU batta, J. A globe, sphere.

badataruni, ba-
adj Circular, round. 2. see
.D-do an ox with cir- dapuni, see soS^o^.
cular horns. 33 a bald badabada, ^. The noise of
head. a drum. 2. babbling gar-
A rulity. sro^tfos to babble.
&>y.o* battalu, .s.
plate, .y/.

of bell-metal. badavu, ^. Hunger, ap-

e?L$ to be hungry.
to 13. batti, s. A ratan basket. petite.

2. a badave, badastana,
still, kiln, distillery. 3.
see under 20^.
distillation. 4. a kind of sco-
soSo s.
to distill. badayi, Boasting,
lopendra. 5Uo^
bragging, -s^gtfos to boast,
v^. batte,
s. A cloth in general,
2. a road, path. brag.
jso3o?o0^, Eo^D?Jo^, badayisu-
batte, see $0^
.20^ badasuni
ni, (eorocx30c3, aoosco),
battolu, see 200.^.
v. a.To augment, increase,
batvade, v. n. To increase,
batve, ^ thrive, prosper.
badala, see

badytaruni, badyturu- badavu, see

ni, badytruni, badypuni (^5 badi, s. The fold of a gar-

^5, eoS^o5, 2o5j, so5), v. n. ment. adj. Folded. ^5
To ascend, climb, mount. double, two-fold.
Xoz|K_ to ascend a hill. ^> ^o* badikally, s. A stone
ti^- to climb a tree. slab on which ;i washerman
ti bada, a^'. Poor, indigent. washes his clothes. 2. an
2. lean, thin. 33, 355 , 33 anvil.
badi 461 20 &. batti

badige, s. Carpentry. 2.
badyuni, w^ a
a carpenter; also eoafcraoSo.
banumpu, J. A kind of
20<S^)>, 2o<3oJoo badipuni, badi- timber tree, Terminalia cori-
yuni (2
s), v. a. To strike, acea.
beat, thrash.
bana, see &#.
2oas3t>rf badivara, see 2002030.
banangayi, see
20 ci) badu, s. A stick, cudgel.
banajige, 5. A Lingait
, _I3 is^os to beat,
merchant. 2. a Lingait.

To banabe, Light, not

>3o),z'. 0.
eo5^i>?>. heavy. 2. weak, imbecile.
climb; cf.
A s. A stack.
baduve, s. pimp, pro-
curer. 2. j^ 20ti3. banale, ^^ &3<3.

i bade, adj. Thin, lean. ^ banari, ^. A tear, sob.

to become thin. bani, ^. Colour, hue; cf.

badekane, s. A large 2. breed, kind. 3.

coffer, cash-box. wages.

ir3JS>53> badesopu, s. Sweet- banupu, banpu, see
fennel, Anisum foeniculum.
baddu, adj. Blunt, edgeless. banna, ^

2. dull, stupid, obtuse. s. battu, s. A gander, duck.

Bluntness, dulness, stupidity. well boiled rice;, a
-tfS a blunt knife. - glutton. #cra5 all kinds of
to become blunt. tfuo
w to metals.
get dull or obtuse. eo^ batta, w #,- 2. w AS.

s? baddupuli, see ^^^9. battada, w^

20^^ ^f!o-
bdda, see >tte

20 ^e3 battale, adj. Naked, un-

baddi, J. Interest on money. covered, without clothes- 33
principal and interest. nakedness.

^ compound interest.
20^$^ battalige s. A quiver.
to pay interest. K s. An inferior
to lend on interest. kind of tobacco.
baddiyuni (2^), ^. .

battasu, s. A kind of
To fly, run away. sweetemat.
sod badde, ^. A stupid man, ^ batti, s, A wick, caudle,
dunce. 2. a refractory man. match. 2. a cigar, cheroot.
badtaruni, see s
a wax-candle. ^
batti 462 bad!

iixs> to make a cigar. ^^ not tightly. ^o^s to dress

s> to twist the wick of a lamp. loosely.

f^s to smoke a cigar. badari, ^^ t^jss.

s. Thebusiness
^v^ battikajja, zo^S^-sg sio badari, badari-
on which one has come. kasrama, s. The residence of

jpJSN* battimlnu, s. A kind Vyasa.

of fish; also badarike, ^^ #aj3-
^. Dishonour,
^ battuni, sec ,

batte, see #,.
battelu, ^ w&_6. badalu,Exchange, com-

pensation; cf. es3eorf. ^r0.

baduku, s. Living, liveli-
Other, another, adj. Substi-
hood. 2. estate, wealth, pro-
tuted, acting for another.
perty. ep^Xo a comfortable adv. Instead of. -^ in lieu of,
living. j5>Aoa to be im- sorfSK a}d
instead of. tit

poverished, reduced to pover- for tat, retaliation, -

_ sk^$ to acquire wealth. a contradiction.
badukavuni, c. v.
To cause to live, badalamu,
to save, protect. 2. to heal, s.
badalamu, Disrepute, igno-
cure. risk.
miny. 2. responsibility,
3. a false accusation.

exist, subsist. 2. to survive.

sk^ badalayisuni (mw
recover, be saved. ,
r.a. To change, alter.
2* Co bada, see 2^- 2. to exchange, substitute,
2Jc3oM5L> badangala, s. A large barter.
sore. 2. a carbuncle; cf.
badali, ^. A substitute; cf.

Acting. ?fos5 an

badamba, ba- acting appointment.

not badamu, J. Almonds.
dambatte, rt;^/'. Flabby,
badalu, see &*$.
c-r.~/!Drjj badaname, see aorfe^A A
badi, J. dowry.
hadane, 5. The brinjal plant, badi, w >&.

Solatium esculentum, or S. s^ badiyelu, J. A side-bone,

melongona; cf. Xos^. ^os?^- rib.
the love-apple.
badire, a^/". Deaf.
c-r^rt badabada, ^'. Loosely, deafness.
bad! 463 baya

badirengi, see navani, s. Invention, forgery,

fabrication, adj. Forged, fab-
badu, adj. Thin, watery;
also aD^sorf. ricated, false, fictitious. ^
^\^ to forge, fabricate.
badukavuni, .$<?

banavu, s. Agreement,
badukuni, concord.
badenkuni >
bani, see eorf.

To dangle, as a weak limb. ^o banekeri, see eosraB.

2od>orio badeagala, see sodoXe.
^on-soaj, 2033^0^0 bappangayi,
eorf, badda, dfc
y True, certain. bappayi, J. The papaw fruit,
2. bound. Carica papaya.
badra, see $&).
20 ci s. Obscenity.
'x_X ^o bapparu,
badramushti, see #rfj adj. Obscene.
srogtf obscene
badri, see oi) bappu, s. Stupidity, sense-
see lessness. <2^/'. Stupid, simple.
wa^^badrike, badrige,
&oO bappe, s. A simpleton, stu-

baddha, ^'. Tied, bound. pid man, glutton.

'2. astringent. W,O^J3o2o babbarimanji, s. A
badlamu, see sorf^So. kind of fish.

s. A grove, pleasure tx6<j babbarye, ^. A demon so

d bana, " j .

JTOA a thicket called. its shrine.

garden. ^jsW^
haunted by serpents. babrapuri, j. Disorder,
banampu, see eof^o^. confusion.

banale, 5. A kind of frying bamana, s. Backbiting.

pan. #<//. Thin. ^oowo a )^' bamanipuni (ws^s),

thin kind of cloth. i). n. To backbite,

banatu, s. Woollen cloth, baya, see ^^>-

broad cloth. bayambu, s. Chaff, shell.
2. a hollow, hole. adj. Hollow,
v.a. To invent, forge, fabri- to become hollow.
cate, as a false document, etc. ^o3j3o bayakuni, ba-
2. to prepare, as a dish. yasuni (aiodo^, aiodoco),
v.a. To
banari, s. Saliva or juice long for, desire eagerly.
of fruits drivelling about the ^. Desire, especi-
corners of the mouth, etc. occasioned
ally the longing
banavane, ba- by pregnancy. **>'&>& to en-
bayi 464 bara

tertain sumptuously a preg- thin. ss3o, iSjaeX a scurfy

nant woman. ^o53o a cere- jaundice, scurvy. sa^oTS a

mony observed in the fourth disease of children. ^uo s>to

or sixth month of pregnancy. grow thin, scabby.
2. barantuni
bayi, see (^oS), r. .

^ bayitadu, see
To grow
or thin.
become lean
a sore to heal.
bayine, w* t3e3
barambu, see si-doeoo.
?^ bayirasu,

bayilu, ^ 3^6.
baraku, adj. Full, filled,
bayilare, s. Very low 5.
barakattu, Success,
fields which are under water
prosperity, thriving, blessing,
in the
rainy season and
fortune, luck.
yield only one crop.
barakala, barakala,
o&c* bayya, s. Evening, even-
tide; also 3(orfo. ^. Inundation.
> barakelu,
bayyata, s. Abusing.
bayyuni Wcc v. a. cod^o baradu, baradu, adj.
( tf,g), ,

To perch, roost. Useless, unprofitable, vain.

bayyelu, 5-.
Running. 2. barren, childless. 3. (im-
2. riding. to ride a perat. of eoS;F$) let (him, etc).
run, as see Kbrs. oSo^or an
horse, etc.
-^^s to come;
cattle, etc. old she-buffalo past milking.

bayyoli, J. A walk. -K odel barani, barane, s. A

to take a walk. china jar. 2. the trough of

20 ti bara, .y.
Famine, scarcity. 2. a water-lift.
coming. 3. weakness. rao, barata, w $&r.
attSraa a time of famine, barati, w ^Sr.
dearth. barana,^'. Scarcely com-
200 bara, -r.
Divorce, dissolution ing or occurring; rare, un-
of marriage. 3rf^$>
to di- usual.
vorce a wife.
[sloping. Sffc< baranyuni
barankane, ^'. Steep, To curse. 2. j

barangayi,^. Boundary,
limit, shore. barapuru, adj. Full,
Cci;* barantu, j. Scurf, lean- plenty, ample, brimful.
ness. Scurfy, scabby.
adj. : barabara, s. noise, as A
l. scaly, as the skin. 3. lean, of rain pouring on a palm-
20 d bara 465 206 bare

leaf umbrella, or of parching 20 S bari, see 203!.

paddy over a fire.

zoO bari, s. Lineage, descent,
20^200 barabu, J. A boundary. family, race, tribe, -eoorf,

2ods3oo baramu, .y.

Respect, ho- eoorfj relations,

nour, reputation. ,
barinka, s. A small kind
2ods3c3ri baravanige, .
Compo- of deer.

sition, style. ,
208=$ karika, barike, adj.

^j baravasa, see sjftfcta. Hard (distinguished from

s. A small excava- soft), as the pulp of a fruit,
tion in a well or tank for a hard kind of mango,

water to collect in. 2. see barita, see %&r.

^^o^s to make such bariparndu, adj. Al-
an excavation. most ripe.
baravuni, see 200^)^ baripuni (K>D), p. . To
gash, cut, scratch. 2. to
baraha, see
s. A kind of fire- trim, as the border of a field.
work. 200333$* bariminu, s. A kind of
20O>ri>rv baranige, s. Agreement,
2oOoko> bariyuni 208 #.#. To
coincidence, as between any C ),
encase a bottle, jar, &., in
two measures of grain, etc.
a kind of net-work.
2. fulness, completeness. 3.

see 20-d^rf^. 2oO^S barita, adj. Full, complete.

baradi, s. Coming, haste, 20do baru, s. Boast, brag. adj.
see tSjaetfx
barabari, adj. Right, [sobrs.
2odos3 baruve, see ^>^ .
2. see
proper, just. s. Equality. 2. Q
good order or arrangement. 206 bare, s. A mud-wall round
the premises. oSoeTO^^ to
DD^) baravu, s. Writing, manu-
2. learning. rfo^ erect such a wall.
eoLrs) to be able to read and 206 bare, s. Branding the arm,

write. etc.^ with a piece of red-hot

0e>s3)i baravuni (e^>), v. n. copper in certain diseases.

To be benumbed. 3^5- the TOTSos, 345> to brand in
foot or leg to sleep, to have this way.
numbness. 206, 2065 bare, bare, see

A carpenter's
O'Snf barasu, s. baregala, see under >tf.

forked instrument. s. Low caste

O bari, s. Side, border. 2. talkativeness.
bare 466 barphi

bareta, s. A line, mark, 7


. it. To threaten, menace

scar. 2. a wale, stripe, we 2. to frown.

T^^_ creases in the Land. barcane, s. A comb,

barepavuni, c. r.
(of barci, s. A spear.
To dictate, cause to a: ^r To
barcuni ( ),
"'. .

write. e;-5c34^o3j a school-

master. -y. One who de-
s3 barcele,
6j> barepini (^), v. a. To vours food in haste.
write, draw. r "'
a. To
barjuni (2-^ ),
6oo> bareluni (^35), <'. . To
strike, beat. 2. to reprove,
rebuke, v. n. To be obsti-

nate, stubborn. a-^rS^oeo^

To cause to starve.
to refuse obstinately to do a
baroni, see
D barobari, barta, see p^r.

barka, adj. The noise of

barti, see s$&r.
rending a cloth. bardashu, s. Consola-
^-s* barkatu, s. Prosperity,
tion, comfort.
thriving. c. v.
e>aa. 3D^5) barpavuni, (of
barkala, see To
ai&rs), let come, cause
barkasu,^'. Bad, mean, to bring. OA_ to give
base, vile; unpromising. trouble, tease, vex.

barpini r. n. To come,
xrar?]^ barklstu,
JT. Rising,
breaking up, as an assembly. 2. to bring.
arrive, arise.
barke, s. A title among 3. to befall, c.dai.
the Bants. 2. ^ x>?>3.
To acquire, get; to under-
W^F^ barkena, a<//'. Solid, fast; stand. 2. ca aooa
2. $ aDBS 1

he will be wise.
2jrtre3f. bargattu, adj. Reduced, I understand Tulu.
weak. can read
eojgrctSo I
c. v.
^avuni, (of and write.

To neglect, waste. barpuduni, sec 2023^4$.
wXr ^),
bargattuni ( barpuni, see s^Q^s.
u. n. To run waste, be ruined.
, ws^Fdj barpura, ^6- ^
s. Threaten-
tfjsr^ bargottu,
ing, menncing. 2. frowning.
^jF barphi,
^. A kind of sweet-

bargottuni meat.
ZJIOF barba 467

ZOZOFO J barbaru, s. Noise, bustle, balambayi, s. Wide

barmu, see wtteoo.
mouth. 2. see eoaisrcaso.

orl barmunde, s. A very balakana, see &&.

poor widow. balakayisuni (&v&>

barluni, see e*5e;o$. ,

e/. . To
secure, pro-

A kind of tect. 2. to augment, increase,


?iF barsa, ^.


djaBcdooa balake, ^ wtf??.

rain to pour. 2o>r$> to rain. balatu, ^. The right side.

balutruni, see so4o>- zoo 3 balata, ^/'. Right. -^
the right hand. ^f\^<5 the
s; bala, s.
Strength, power,
3 right side.
might, force, influence.
zo ^3-3,0 balatkara, s. Force,
e5c n, 3zSo cakes prepared o

on the preceding day of a violence, constraint, exaction.

festival; the day preceding zo^o^ balapuni, see eos^s.

a festival. ^o^ a powerful zoo?J300jbalabayi, 5-. The bamboo
man. e>^ digestion. e? of a just above the
&s> to become strong. 3 entrance of a house. ?3?e$
to weaken, invalidate, to hang upon it.
to strengthen. ^o balabhadre, s. Krushna's
to take courage, stand elder brother.

firmly. ^oo5odoos to sub- ZO^SJOOQ balamuri, s. Turning to

jugate, put down, break the right hand, -tfcso a rare

down. conch that winds to the
sj bala, s. A coarse net-work right.
of rope, in which pots and balayi, see

other vessels are suspended ^. Krushna's

from the beams of a house. elder brother.
^o a noose to tighten the Force,
>s3oori balavantige, s.
vessels so suspended.
violence, compulsion, pres-
^o=5* balanku, s. A day of sure.
fasting previous to Krushna's oriol balavante, s. A strong,
birthday. a^oT? reduced. or powerful man.

ejofcJ^ balanjuni (20>c2), v.a. balavatte, s. An unequal

To roll up. pair.
^oeJo^) balantuni (asaoO), v. a. balavu, s. Potstone, glim-
To grope, search in dark- mer, slate; also 2oe>43 5.

ness; to feel, stroke. a slate pencil.

bala 468 so bali

balasy, adj. Loose, slack; bali, s. An offering, oblation,

phlegmatic. e?L>?> to become sacrifice; a victim. e5^r?5

loose. an offering. esirtS

?fc;} balasuni (>a), v.a. To to offer sacrifice, make an
serve food. offering. broiiw to go in
;So^ balahma, adj. Weak, im- procession.
potent. 3, s weakness. >
bali, ^. The name of a king;
a weak man. also eoe3^^)iiBr. rJeor, _s^>

balandi, s. A female
^o a Hindu feast in memory
demon. of Vishnu's treading him
uSfl, W2J3&O balEdige, bala- down.
dhye, J^ aoe;rfc^. ^balike, s. Prowess, strength,
,b balatkara, see eoog^tf. hardness. 2. toughness, adj.

^5> balapini (sos^j-),

?. >z. To Strong.
gain strength; to recover rf balig-e, baligema-

health. ra, A
jungle tree used as

ja>2os;, sooejzo^ balabala, ba- strong timber.

labalike, s. Strength and balitaruni, see ^eScdws).
weakness. 2. the strong and
balipam, s. A marble.
weak points of a case.
balipaburu s. The
d balabalme, s. Strength.
creeper Gloriosa superba.
balayi, s. A pestle used
balipltha, J. An altar.
for pounding. 2. arrogance.
balipu, ^. x\ rope fastened

i'. a. To transgress. over a thatched roof to keep

The rounding
the thatch compact. ^uo^^
to fasten a rope in this way.
of the edges of a table or
other wood-work. Z.see&tt. balipuni ("), r. n. To
decamp, scamper, r. a. To
balalu, adj. Useless, s.

adhere, hold fast.

<sea& sBj a frame of
see stick,

bamboo sticks with torch- , balipe, s. A royal tiger,

lights at their tops, carried leopard. prowess, strength.
in a procession. 3. see a^3-
balas^, adj. Loose, not balime,^. Strength, might.
tight. 2. J^ w ^
D balasa, s. The phlegmatic )oJo:> baliyuni (ai5), t'.. To
temperament. stick fast, as a poultice,
balale, see plaster, etc.
bali 469 balya

baliruni (*5), p. . To of fish. 2. the broken mouth

develop, as the fetus, in the of a vessel.
womb. j5^ocl balendriye,
balishta, adj. Strong, firm,
balendre, s. A celebrated king
powerful. &3 strong, power- of giants.
^^ a power-

Firm, strong. ^. Strength,

zoe;o balu, adj. Very, large, great.
2. severe, violent. e?bs> to

be powerful; to be violent. ^ balkatti,

J. A large knife.
2. J^ >o&3;QS?.
balukade, see eoe^a.

balumara, -J. A palm

balke, J^ 20^^. 2. ^ soe3^.

which does not yield toddy. zos3 balge, see &&X.

balume, see 20^. tetpkf

balcatu, s. A kind of
balummu, s. A kind fish. 2. a coarse kind of bread
of fish. offered to demons.
s3 bale, J. A
net, web, snare. zos3 tod u>^
, balde, baldemmu,
a spider's web. 83e
u s. A kind of fish.
to cast a net. soaoodr, o
20>,p balmana, Preparation.
2. decoration. ^o^p_ a
sumptuous dinner. ?&$
are the names of different
to be ready for eating; to
kinds of nets.
be decorated.
3 bale, s. The rapiers of bam-
s. Strength, prowess,
boos fastened cross-wise to the sod^balme,
rafters of a roof. 2. see &>$. might. 2. soothsaying, augu-
_ crooSo, eoosnoSo a sooth-
balenkri, ^ w?roD. ry.
^eoeoS) to
sayer, augurer.
5. Closing an open-
consult an augurer.
ing or passage in hunting, by
to augur.
which a beast can escape.
v. a. To zj^ balya, s. A turn to the
balepuni (a>J),
surround. to right course. ^Oorio^ry a
enclose, 2.
doubtful sickness.
besiege. 3. to hem. v. n. To
be distressed, vexed. balyaye, ^^ under soe^.

o?bs> to ensnare. 20
balyaru, ^. A shark.
to entangle one's self or to
get entangled. are different varieties
balevodu, s. A kind of shark.

baity 470 200, bahi

i~<? baity, s. A rope. cord. basava, basave, s. An


toe; balla, J^ ># . 2. ^^ eoLrs. ox; Siva's steed.

S -j basaty, basala,
202J3*? ,
2oa'5>s? ballaty, ballale,
5. A baron or nobleman.
adv. At once. 33^$, -^
=ds> to throw, pour 0r cast at
L^) balli, dcf. v. neg. Cannot.
Sj) oSoc^F I cannot.
ajs33- cannot see. 20nj basi, s. A porcelain dish or

A bush. plate.
i^& balle, s. thicket,
2. see $
2o-:c3jo basiyuni, see &VQ&.
so 20 bava, bavana, tox!ot), zo^j^o basuri, basuru, s.

bavane, .?. Birth, origin, ex- Pregnancy.

istance. 2o3jS^) basula, s. A wale, stripe.
bavate, see erods. 20 ?3 base, see ^-. 2.^^ 20^.
bavana, s. Cooked rice. basta, <z^c'. At once; a^.
c^^ cf.

bavaroga, see 20^,^ bastade, s. An abode. 2.

^. Barking. 2. an inferior kind of fane.

jo^j bavu,
20 <. basti, s. A Jain temple. 2.
todjrf-;^, 20^)3^^^ bavuruni,
an abode, lodging. 3otfo,.a
bavurottuni, see ^^ar^a
see to people, colonize.
20S^)X bavusa, 2^5^.
mar- 20^ basma, see #^-
2o?o basa, s. Strength, the
row or serum of the flesh. 2o3 bassa,
s. Overflowing.
adv. At once. ^ooz&s to be-
203odfcd->, 2ooos)CiD'' bahaduru,
come weak. o33ci>s> to put at bahadaru, s. A hero, warrior ;

once or suddenly. a noble or high-minded man.

20^0* basakku, basaty, 2. a title of honour ; cf.
adv. Forcibly, violently. ^ aiScrfa ^roSi a gold pagoda.

s& to draw violently. 2020^ bahala, adj. Abundant,

basabasa, s. much, many, numerous. <idv.
flowing in a stream. ^ D5 Abundantly. sBr often,
to throw up much blood. many times.

basaruru, s. A village 20 3o bahi, adj. Without. 3cX

near Kundapur. ~c&3&% public, abroad, outside. "3 3

lit. the arbitration of Bas- X erLsto become public. 20

ruru; an indefinite or un- outside.

settled arrangement, pro. ,
s. Expul-
23 basale, s. The Malabar sion, ban, excommunication.
nightshade, Basclla alba. to excommunicate.
bahu 471 bale

J03l> bahu, adj. Much, numerous, multitude, body. >co_ re-

many. 2. severe, violent. 3 lations.

<^^ much work. ^ many balanike, see
sorts or ways. ^aor very balapa, ^
nice. desro^r^S polytheism.
balapavuni, c. ^ .
ejSdo^D^o bahudhanya, s. The To make grow, rear,
twelfth year in the Hindu
bring up.
cycle of sixty.
j^3 balapu,^. Growth, growing.
bahumana, s. A gift
2j<^> balapuni (), . . To
by a superior to an inferior.
2. reward, recompense. 3.
grow, shoot up, be enlarged,
honour, adj. Honourable, re- balara, J. A kind of cornice,
ornamenting the beam on a
wall, window or door-sill.
s. Dia-
sdj^oJSa, bahumutra,
betes. ^Q^balalike, Tiredness, fa- s.

tigue, exhaustion.
bahuvacana, s. The
^sJS balavali, see ecvorf*.
plural number.
tfsjjp balasuni (^c3), P. ar. To
20 ado 5> bahusa, adv. Probably,

serve out food. 2. to use, have
perhaps. 2. often, many
most part. in common use.
ways, for the
eosco^ bahula, s. The dark lunar
bali, see
eoe. 2. w aieS.

fortnight. balike, J. Familiarity, ac-

2j^ bala, see 20 <y. 2. see >^ - quaintance, intimacy, com-
mon use. adj. Common, fami-
balantuni, see eoocoa.
liar, usual.
balakani, ^. Meshes of a
Jo, balikottu, see 208.
net; a noose for tightening &J

the vessels suspended in a balivali, see eo^o^^.

net-work of rope. balumburu, J. A kind

o> balakuni (^^), #. .

of creeper.

To quake, shake, shiver. 2. balukuni, J^ 20^03.

to bend, curve, stoop. 3. see baluvali, j. A wife's

dower, bridal gift. 2. pursu-

balake, s. Boasting. 2. j
ing. t^^s to give dowry.
S.see 8339^. ^ua^ baluvike, ^^ sro^.
balakka, J. The sound of ^ bale, J

. A bracelet. 2. a
vomiting. 2. a large piece the edge or rim of
of a cocoanut kernel. a vessel. 3. the reepers or

balaga, s. A quantity, heap, slips of bamboos used to

20? bale 472 baki

fasten the rafters of roof. bangavuni, c. v.

036 double reepers. &>5 a 8030X0^) To cause to bow or
single reeper. erooso, see &> stoop.
banguni (arooK), v. n. To
balepuni, bow, stoop, lean on one side ;
cf. 20X0 s>.
balyaru, A
banda, ^
20<s>. bally, see eo^.

A measure bandu, J
20^, balla, .y.
of capacity equal to about Ejsoi banti, bante, ^f
one seer or eighty tolas; in
bandu, J. An embank-
comp. 2oj
ment, mound. 2. a boundary

are the
stone. trwo ?> to raise a
zotf, Sjo20F<y, 33(020^
& mound.

modes of reckoning from one

to ten seers. bandhave, s. A relation,.
ballaye, s. A master.
>x? bandhike, sec vs>$j- cf.
ballale, see sos^f.
* balli, s. A creeper, parti-
cularly the betel vine. <\$
bambe, see
to plant betel vine.
bambelu, s. A crack,.
banku, s. A poniard, crevice, hole. 2. a large
dagger. mouth. ^23 a wide ear.
Huge, gaudy.
banka, adj.
bakaru, s. A walking
a a gaudy turban. with a curved top.
3 bankade, ^. Retching. bakayi, see tfacvaoax
_3oLr to retch, be qualmish.
i,^. Balance, remainder,
ot? banki, banke, s. A rest, surplus.
trumpet, horn. -A)&^ to ^dJ5)Qs ,
2J3x?^D* bakimaru,
blow a trumpet. crooSo a
bakyaru, s. A large open field
trumpeter. in front of a house.
banku, s. A bench.
bakilu, s. A door, gate.
e^cS a large gate, ^o-do a
banku, bangu, banga, bangu, J. wicket, small gate,
A call for prayer among door-hinges.
Mussulmans. &8&F$ to cry to open the door. zra

out, call for prayer. to shut the door.

baku 473 bada

bakude, s. A Pariah bajige, bajida-

husband. ye, s. A musician.
bagu, J. A garden, bajira, (corrup. o/
baga, -rae sps*.
A bazaar, shop, &:.

the counter of a native shop.

)A bagadige, bagi, s.

A coparcener, shareholder, e>c2cj35j) bajirapu, adj. Very

much. w^ about eight feet
equal sharer.
long; very long.
DrraoSoso bagayiti,
22oe)o3o s. An emi-
bagayitu, s. A garden.
nent man.
arari^o* bagikallu,
w s. A resting
i baju, s. The arm. 2, side.
soca, _&Dcrfo an armlet.
We>r5dodbagemara, s. The sirissa

tree, Acacia speciosa. aio^s to get out of the way,

make way, step aside.
23e>rto> baguni (ereE), p. . To
Music; a musical
baje, s.
bow, stoop, lean,
baca, ^^ eroal.
e^o* bajelu, s. Thirst. 2. a
bacanige, .s. A comb, 3 of a
drink. s^a^ the head
baci, J. A wedge. 2. ^ Pariah gang, who has the
5 ersel s\^ to take honor of taking round the pot
O oJ
a little from a heap. of toddy at a drinking party.
bacinga, J^ eroSoX. -e?bs> to be thirsty. -Aa&rato

s. A clown, give to drink. zbrd to drink.

rustic, simpleton. bajra, w* eoaa^S.
bacuni (e^sS"), v. a. To bajre, s.A rich merchant.
scoop or gather up. 2. to batanne, batane,
cut lengthwise. 3. to trim ^. Food, meat, provision.
a palm leaf. 4. see eorfors). a?&g> to food for a
bace, adj. Curved in front. demon.
2. oblique, adv. Obliquely. ^O batu, J. A pimp, procurer,
!?j8ceoo a horn curved in
front. T?^^ to chip. badankelu, badangelu, badante-
bajana, s. Any vessel, as lu, J. Withering, leanness;
a pot, cup; a dish.
dejection ; paleness ; decay.
3e)d bajaruj bajara, Withered, dejected.
-. A bazaar, market place. ! badane, s. A bribe. 2.

baji, s. An adze, a carpen- drying in shade; cf. aroyo??.

ter's axe. rf aro5
partially dried paddy ;

_*a?:rs> to bribe, s. Darkness. 2. blindness,
a to dry. dimness.
badayi, Rent, bire, banale, j. A dim sighted
freight. K x&sSbra to let. man.
^tfoya to fix rent, hire, 6>r
ree)^o6 banasure, ^. A giant
destroyed by Krushna. 2. an
badavuni, u. arc
(<?/" archer.
To make dry or fade. A
bani, s. border, edge, as
badi, tfd/. Faded, withered, of a boat. 2. sec s^rf.

badige, J bane, J^ aro^-

badu, see batu, we ^5,- 2.J^ sro

^I baduni (sro5), r. ;z. To

fade, shrivel, wither, die; bata, 5t^
also src55^fE?Ls>. bati, J. Resemblance. 2.

bana, ^. The sky, heaven,

air. 2. an arrow. 3. a bow. batume, s. Spying.
4. a rocket. 5.' a water vessel. ^. Affliction, distress,
adj. Striped. s^oso, _ gryda'tfo torment.
a bitter kind of fruit.
badaru, see eosc^U.

a swallow. s!tfo a rainbow. -Xri a
Heroic; excellent.
5?3a female's striped cloth. small island near Udapi.
3*53^ a sky rocket. s. The
s^5j badarabette,
a rocket, wheel-fire-work.
20^ nut of taliput palm.
a^a to throw rockets, let off riD^o3of!badarayane,.y. Vyasa.
fire- work. sro^oa to shoot the compiler of the Vedas.
an arrow. arodatSo joK: a^sjj* badamu, s. An al-
/*/. an earthen
oil-pot in the mond, Tcrminalia catappa.
sky, (riddle) \
a palm fruit. badi, adj. Heavy,
Kradetk /jV.a knife in to become heavy.
the sky (riddle) \
a tamarind badu, s. A fence, file.

baduru, see so^^s5.
2J->r9oo bananti, s. A lying-in
bade, s. A kind of drum,
woman. ^o^ puerperal dis-
used by Pariahs.
rf badbakkana, J. Making
^ofo* banakannu, ^. A side- *
-. .

distinction in common affairs,

glance, blinking. naoSj one
who blinks. D3 badri, J. A kind of barley

j*, WjjRD'j* banalu, banalu, badli, sec

badha 475 bayi

rd$3 badhaka, s. Inconvenience, j^^o bapelu, s. A plethoric

annoyance. ?$ to be in- woman. 2. an angry woman,
convenient. bapele, s. A plethoric
~d$<3 badhala,
s. A door. man. 2. an angry man.

sp^j^ badhipuni (eras), v. a. babu, babu, J. A

To afflict, distress, torment. point, matter, subject, item.
sro5 the particulars 0r de-
3pOjoo badhiyuni (eras), v.n.
To be affected, as by one's tails of an item, etc.

sin, etc. babtu, s. Account, tiead,

3$ badhe, s. Pain, affliction, article, item. a^ r>
torment. 2. see srotfox! . re 4 money due on account of

e)$n badhya, #^/. Related to, rice.

entitled to; incumbent on. bama, ^. A bend, crook,

badhyate, ba- arch. adv. So, like, after
s>$o J, WDCj^n^
dhyastig-e, ^. Relationship. 2. that way or manner. wbr
right, title, or claim to $ to have a bend, be crooked,

possession. bamini, see

sqk^B badhyaste, s. An heir; >>oo3oo bamiyuni

a claimant. To console, comfort, soothe.
bana, see erar. 2. to decline, refuse.

D?5 bane, J. A hill, or jungle bame, 5


. A faithful wife,
near a rice-field. a
eSjaW^ bayake, see
rice-field situated on a high
A father. bayalinka, ^. A quar-
35j* bapu, s.
rel, dispute.
DSJoflo*, 539^0* bapangelu, ba-
^. A inflam- bayale, s. A noisy man ;

pelu, swelling,
mation, sore. adj. Swollen,
03Je)Q bayadi, 5.

A prattler,
bapavuni, c.v. (ofzx>zj
braggart. &3 prattling,
To cause to inflame.
s. A swelling, bayarig-e, see
bapu, tumor,
abscess. O^Q ,
T\W or <*${ ,
v. n. To be
z3cs_, zJe^ ,
eo^^- are di- thirsty.
ferent kinds of abscess. bayali see

bapuni (era),
v. n. To bayi, -y. A Roman Catholic
swell. woman.
Ds3^ bapelu, s. Swelling; cf. bayi, s. The mouth. 2.

the edge of a knife, sword,

bayi 476 bara

etc. 3. speech, utterance. 4. of a bag, etc. ^gbs to

an opening. v3 . ^^ o^ecrooso. vociferate, talk loudly; to
psi5 . .y ogsroroso. ^zS the open the mouth. 5353$ to
corners of the niouth. 3^ guard one's mouth; to re-
hand and mouth. aroc&e frain from returning abuse.
a loud noise. 83^3 a large 3Uti>$ to be of age, as an
mouth. 2>8_
a harelip. ov> animal when it has got its
flattery. 3^ a large complete set of teeth; a sore,
knife. -3-ot3r> an itchy etc., to be perfectly heal.
mouthed man a quarrel- ;
to feed, nourish.
some man. 1^3 bitterness to bribe ;
to poison
of the mouth hatred. 3e3;
one's meal. 5 axs-rfo$> to be
sweetness of the mouth; flat- entangled in a plot, ttc., to
tery. azjaSo a
loquacious fall a prey to one's rage.
man. $?E> spittle. 3ftS dis- 20j3-do$ to fix a price defi-

pute, quarrel. learning sro^ nitely; to pass word; to

by heart. sj^gtf an oral com- make a promise. soLrs to

munication, verbal message; be able to speak. eoorfosro

a promise. 3& a sore mouth, 4s> to make one speak out,

ulceration of the mouth. eo3 cause to confess. -sDoa^s to

^ a clamorous man an ;
indis- open the mouth; to speak
creet man. ^o^ talking out, disclose, reveal, confess ;

loudly or haughtily. ^ooeS to cry, as in danger, etc.

<5 a
cover, the lid of a vessel. sxs-rfoss to cease to speak, as
_3ojsS a fetid breath. -S3 a dying man. -si>e>oF$> the

taste, appetite. mental mouth to itch; to be quar-

arithmetic. ris3
relsome. 3o<^$> to make
palatable. escT^s to an opening; to bawl out; to
the mouth, yawn, gape. es scold, rebuke. -7&
eora, -e/oscdjoa the mouth to to rinse, gargle. \

burn. -^T^r^s, coAar^sto to shut the mouth, to hold

turn the mouth of a vessel. the tongue. 3^03 to de-

ceive, defraud.
^fca^a to overcome in argu-
We> o* bar^, s. 3 a see
ment; to silence; to prescribe Paddy.
-^UOjS to muzzle; to
observe regimen; restrain bara,.^. A thong, strap. -J.

the appetite; to shut the the upper leather work of

mouth; to fasten the mouth sandals. 3..sve s>3.
bara 477 bala

bara, s. Overgrowing, over- j?crfj_, ^t_, efjsron ,

ripeness. ^^5, &CA are some of

barage, s. A title of Bants. the varieties of plantain,

2c)d^ barane, barane, s.

^o barkala, The thrashing s.

Stripping the bark of a tree, floor, barn.

or cutting it lengthwise. 2. barke, j^ sro"d^.

a comb. 3. sec KTC^F. An

barne, s.
offering of
$f baradanu, s. The dif- food to a demon. 2. a .meal
ference of weight in the two after fasting, breakfast.
scales of a balance. crfFC$ barpani, s. A comb.
5<Je>&> barapini v. n.
(arotro), 3
bardanu, j^ erorfcro^.
To be fruitful.
barli, ^. Barley.
baravuni, c. v, (of erodo
To cause to chip, balu,A razor. 2. a

s. Bamboo pointed, double edged, short

bari, splits
knife tied to the foot of a
fastened lengthwise to the
cock in cock-fighting. -&OJF
rafters of a roof from both ,

fntfR , T&^OO , ^A'rf-S-oJ' are

bari, see 3^5.

some of the varieties of the
same. ^ooso, ^ooso the
isuni (333oJ), v Q" - To
feather of a cock. eooiro'd
play on a musical instrument.
the sword and other gear of
baruni (sreS), y. a. To
a demon. a barber's
cut, chip, trim. 2. to comb rfoou^
case containing his shaving
the hair.
instruments. 5'yoa to tie a
bare, s. The plantain tree,
short knife to the foot of a
Musa paradisica. ti oqtS a
cock in cock-fighting.
plantain leaf. rf the
stock of a plantain tree, bala, ff^'. Young, tender.
2. childish. -djeiS, -0?<3
unripe plantains. ri

childish sport. child-

a young plantain tree.
hood. 3j3??3 instruction of
^ a bunch of plantains.
d c a cluster or comb of youth. 80)5o^o a young
rf 3ic5r bachelor.
plantains. ripe
& ^cd the pod balake, .?. A boy.
containing plantain flowers. d balagraha, J. Convul-
~eocs3 the round stalk inside sions, fits to which children
a plantain tree. are liable. rg s jj
balade, s. A kind of
bala 478 ball

balacandre, s. The face, unevenness,bencl, curve.

new moon. as of a plank, tree, etc. 2.

balanaksatra, s. A see

comet. bavuduni, v. a.
balasara, s. A female's To turn up a rice-pot after

earring. the gruel has been strained off.

balasavuni, (aroe^te), bave, see eps3.
i\a. To dispise; /". eyster^i^. eci)^ bave, s. The cream of milk.
e)^3cCitl balaharade, .y. A small 2.the pulpy kernel of a tender
variety of gall nut. cocoanut. 3. a film on the
c. v. are ^ocf^ fine earth float-
S7e>4> balavuni, (of eye.
To 2. to admi- &~
ew$) export. ing on the water; cf.
nistrate, rule. A bat. an
erodp bavoli, s. 2.
^o baluni (a^), v. n. To run ornament worn women
over, go out. 2. see aro^os.
at the tip of the ear.
bale, s. A child. 4^0 a
We) basi, adj. Plain, unstamped.
new-born child. 53A32 a plain paper, in con-
5>J?* balemmu, s. A kind trast to stamp-paper.
of fish.
eoDJbrl basinga, s. A nuptial
^ balke, J. A companion, crown.
base, base, see zpv..
balji, ^. A demon so called.
s^sJ basata, ^//'. Talkative,
baldi. j. A bucket.
balya, J. Childhood, in- s?od^^ basarevuni (sra^,
fancy ;
also sj^jodo,
adj. T'. ;^. To talk in
Young, tender. basing-a, see
bava, see ejra^.
^. Abundance.
crS^iS bavate, bavute, s.
S38><>* balu, ^6- aroS.
A banner, flag, ensign.
eoe)^^, ws^^ baluka, balaka, ^.
bavade, ^. An earthen
Thin slices of plantains fried
lid or covering of a vessel.
in oil, called sovereigns.
sdsJil bavadepatti, s. The
bala, see ai^#.
marginal rapier of a roof, c. ?-. aro^o
balavuni, (of
pole-plate. To make thrive, prosper.
^ bavane, see
3 balike, s. Existence, sub-
si9 bavali, see
sistence. 2. prosperity, thriv-
bavu, J. Inequality of sur- ing.
o balu 479 =5-,

baluga, ^ srof^. binnaya, binnaha,

baluni fl. w. To s. A request, petition.

2. to exist, binne, s. A kinsman, rela-
thrive, prosper.
subsist. 3. to last, endure. tive. 2. a guest.
4. to sow seed. bimba, s. The disk of the
sun or moon. 2. form, shape,

figure. 3. a reflected or re-

d, W3&, 33*$, balu, balu-
oJ _
presented form, shadow. 4.
vike, baluve, balke, baltara, ba-

Ite, balve, see vw$.

^o^binka, s. Boldness, courage.
bimbili, bimbuli, s. The bi-
2. pride, haughtiness.
limbi tree, Averrhoa Biliuibi.
iiorl binga, s. Talc, soap-stone.
bimma, ^. The lip. 3^6
orrat> bingari, s. A battlement. a man with a harelip.
2. intoxication.
os3or^ ^o^jo^ bimmage, bim-
zions, bingiri, bingri, s.
^ohj mane, adv. Tightly, firmly.
Raving. 2. self-conceit, adj.
bikari, ^. A beggar, pau-
Delirious; vain; also
per. adj. Poor, destitute. 2.

low, mean.
3^Sr(o^ to rave, talk ir-
bikku, s. Holding one's
rationally, as a mad man. Q
breath, as when making a
to be wild, furious, as
tfuo^ 2. a
strong effort, straining.
a mad man.
Q bindi, J. A kind of cake.
^o bikkanasi, see e3^?a.
3*, sorf bindu, binda, ^. A c. v. &
bikkavuni, (of
drop. 2. a dot, mark. 3.
To cause to hold breath,
semen virile.
as when making a strong
bindi, s. A small earthen
effort; to strain.
bikkuni (e^), T-. a. To
binna, J^ po^.
hold one's breath. 2. to give

N^ binnana, adj. Quick, fast, little by little. eBS^ ^?lbs)

adv. Quickly, spee-
speedy, to happen with difficulty; to
dily. &. fast walking. have a premature birth. 835^
binnatale, s. A written 5 esLir?) to sob. 83^83^5 ^js
memorial, petition or letter Sbr?) to give reluctantly, little
addressed to a superior. by little.

binnana, .
Work, labour. * bikke, w ^^,-
bikke 480 bija

,& bikkelu, adj. Deficient. ft 33s) 4$ bigipavuni, ^. v.

2. rotten.

rotten egg (prov^.

^ a useless or To cause
to fasten.

bigipu, Fastening,
3 bikkele, s. A man who he- tightening.
sitates m speaking. bigipuni (e3 ^), v.a. To
^man biknesi, s. A beggar. 2. tie, fasten, tighten. e3?,i

a of mean disposition. ^^ to hold fast.

3. a mischief-maker. 4. an !OJjj bigiyuni (e3r), . . To

obstinate man. become fast or tight,

bigute, see 83^4- bigu, see s3?\.

5> bigupuni, see >f\3>&. biguta, ^. Tightness, ten-

0dfo. Late in sion, adj. Tight, fast.
the night. bieca,^^/. Drawn, unsheath-
biga, see s!>eX. ed, as a weapon.
bicca, see $3\.
bigata, ^'. Tight, '* 7

so rs?^ biccanige, see aD^r^S.

bigadiji. J. Taking offence. ECr

2. disagreement, ej s. Bursting,
discord, disunion. zScs^oso breaking or flying open.
S^ adverse counsel 0r deci-
s;5>s3)5> biccavuni, c.i'. (pf&tQ
sion. 3j;^l>$ to talk ad- To open, unfasten. 2. to
versely. split.
teo, ^ne)^)^ bigaduni, biga- ^0 tf&s biccukatti, s. A drawn
duni (83X5. eST^S), y. To be . sword.
offended, take offence. 2. to biccuni (e3 7'. To
^), .

change, alter, as one's opi- burst, fly open, become loosen-

nion or sentiment. 3. to ed; also 83e|cr 5$8Sb.
abandon, forsake, as a side :~ biccelu, ^'. Broken,
or part. ax>a
mind was disturbed. cs2 biccole, s. A coiled piece
bigary, see of palmyra leaf put in the
bigale, ^ ear.

h bigi, s. Tightness, tension. bicva, s. A double edged

sword; srao^.
adj. Tight, fast, rigid. 2. cf.

difficult, hard. 3. obstinate, ^ys>> bichane, s. A bedding,

stubborn. -SUj a to tie fast mat, carpet. 2. the straw
M ;

to rivet, to make bed of a horse.

fust or tight. bija,
see s3A
bija 481 bidi

bija, ^^ 83<3. bitti. ^

&oe3 bijantfl, see ,
bitte, 5. The excrement of

bijakre, sheep, goats, rats, etc.

bijagre, ~-^j bidavu, s. A ruling in-

strument of carpenters.
8i>o3o?io> bidayisuni (83rn)O3o
i> bijala, s. A monstrous
z 1
. . To enclose, put in,
speech. fill.

bijalu, * e336.
bidara, see eoozrotf.

bijaldi, s. A midwife.
<y. A cat.
bijagri, s. The hinges on
bidike, bidige, see
which the lid of a chest, etc.,

turns; also 83&O-&).

^ bidita, see &a&
bijiku, s. A clacking J bidite, ^. The chorus of
a drum-beating to a vocal
jT5\ bijikre, 5^' s3a;^5.
music. 2. intrigue. Sj3t$os>
bijige, j to beat a drum; to put on a
to disguise.
J bijigre, mask;
bijipu, adj. Thin, watery, bidugade, see SOO<!>AZ.

bijibiji, adj. Greasy, bidugUj J. A coquette.

gummy, sticky. bidug-ubajaru, see

bijilu, s. The matter of a

sore, pus. bide, 5. Shame, modesty.

vj$ bijiluni, bijelu-

bidte, j^ e3ag.
ni (83^^, 83JS5), D. a. To bear,
bittu, ^. Seed. 2. the kernel
bring forth, as a child, v. n.
of a nut. 3. the testicles. 4.
To suppurate,
o biju, raz 83^^.
^ft bittige, s. Sowing.
3 v. n. To
t/. eA/)#o$>.
(s ^),
^ bittuni (8^), v. a. To
sow seed.

j. A kind of Venetian
bije, 4 bitte, see
blind made of split bamboo Cj*o
^^ ^55.
or cane.
d bida, j^ 23^.
r^ri bijjanige, j
Q, ^ao3o bidi, bidiye, w ~9-
bijjayi, j
a?^ bidige, j. The second day
bijjelyuni, ^ in a lunar fortnight.

bidu 482 bila

biduruni (3^)5), ?. n. birudu, see

To loosen by itself.
biruve, -^ s

z3 bide, s. A particular sort of J^

birusu, 2.
seed. 2. sort, kind, class.
_ g era^a management of
birelu, s. A finger. 55^
half finger, fig. half mind.
adfctffl bidolige, s. Letting out,
the ring
out going.
A finger. 20^ the fore-
, ^dX
Scf^or^ biddukannu, s.
finger. ^c^, -S-^ the little
squint eye. [man.
finger. ^oao_ the thumb.
rf ?oF biddarse, s. A squint eyed
the middle finger.
birku, w 83^; cf.
s3s ors.

binnaha, -

birka, ^.
eJO* bmugubajaru, abundant.
Household furniture, baggage.
^OF^) birkuni (s
^), v. a. To
ol) biya, .s. A kind of tree.
scatter, disperse, shed. [gap.
)0rao biyam, see 83?o>o.
birke, J. A crack, chink,
d bira, .s. A kiss. ;

birkele, s. A scatterer.
to kiss.

birake, J<? birgali, s. lit. A tempest.

2. a vagabond, wanderer.
, D~5?! biramane, birane,
. A Brahman. nf r, -^dJ3F^ birdu, birdolige,

biravuni, bira-
j. A badge of honour. 2.
a. To mix, show, display. 3. prestige.
vuni (sW, e3u3)-,

_2 sos? a bracelet worn as a

mingle, compound.
badge of honour.
birasuni, see sJdrioa.
s. Slender pieces birve, s. A toddy-drawer.
of firewood. birsu, s. Velocity. '2. a

0>5 biribiri, s. The noise of kind of firework, adj. Clever,

rending cloth, etc. skilful, dexterous. 2. hard,

05JjC birimara, jr. A door bar. stiif, rough.
:,;> biriyuni (s35), 7-.. To )?5e>Fari birsadige, s. Cleverness,

split, crack, burst; also e3& ability, prowess.

?3F birse, s. A skilful man, an
biru, ^r. A bow. 2. a curved able man.

spring, as of a gun, etc., adj. bilu, s. A bill, -srcri a

Violent, severe, strong, quick. sign; cf.

a tempest, whirlwind. :C.'i> bila, ^. A liole, cave.
bila 483

e>>ij bilara, s. Tin iron vessels

; rO bisi, ^'. Heat, warmth,
plated with tin. esp. of the sun. 2. j^ e3^.
o bilimbi, see eScsoc. bisu, see a^o.

erarfd bilavara, s. Glass, bisulu, s. Sunshine.

porcelain. bili, o^'. White.
wo ^3 wo, wo, bilukulu, bil-
bikshe, j^ ^fx-
kuty, tfdfr. Never, not at all,
blmpu, J. A tail.
by no means. 2. universally,
blga, j. A lock.
-^'^ a
key. ^,5 a cross-lock. sro
s3 bile, .s .
Price, value, worth.
to lock, bolt.
sszSsis to cost. *uo.s> to
blgatana, s. Relation-
estimate, fix the price. 5?
ship by marriage.
(3&^fU8 to buy, purchase.
ri blge, s. A relative by mar-
^"toS'^^S bilvapa-
tre, ,y. The bael tree, Aegle
marmelos. bija, J. A seed ; cf. 83^. 2.

origin, cause. 3. a cashew

wo billu, see e3tfo.
e3 bille, s.
Anything made in
brjata, s. Waving, swing-
a form, as a tablet or
ing, fanning; brandishing.
lozenge, a peon's badge, etc.
2. a pane, panel. Z3e>d)>, ^23^4^ bljaduni, bl-
Xo^si- a
of javuni, c. v.
(of 83e&(o^)
lozenge sandal paste. tro

oSo a brandish, fan.

wave, 2. to
bilva, -stftf
swing out, fling. to wave
the hand backwards and for-
bisi, see 83^.
wards in walking; also
. A knife.

bisaruni (s3 ^), v.n. To bijuni (s

?^), v. n. To
slip, tumble. as the wind.
swing, blow,
bisale, bisale, j. An v. a. see e3??io$.
earthen vessel. -S-cs a small s. The beat of a
earthen vessel. s3ca_ a large 2. see >&. 3.
earthen vessel. see

bisatij,^. Regard, concern, !3 blti, ^. Blackwood. ^B

care for. oi^ eSstei oSjcTF cro?3
ebony, Dalbcrgia latifolia.
what do I care for you? A
bidyi, ^. gathering, as-
^oSoNfS* bisayinenu, J. The sembly. 2. dross, alloy of
cord of a fishing net. iron, ricesj-
bidi 484 bisa

3 bidi, s. A cigarette. blyam, biyamu.

fa^ bldike, .?. A herd of loaded s. A jar, jug.
cattle. 2. the pile of their eo* blru, ^. Beer.
burdens. f
;?D rfO blrudari, see eS?r;

j bldu, see 23?S. 2. ^ D blra, s.

Vanity, conceit.
bide, J. Shame, modesty. 2. 2. baseness, wickedness. 3. a
agitation, nervousness, fear. panegyric, eulogy. 4. hero-
fi The Indian
bine, s. lute. ism, bravery. 5. mischievous-
2. a harmonium. ness, trick, knavery, adj.
indis- Vain. panegyrical. 2.
bine, adj. Tough,
soluble, as overboiled jaggory .
mischievous. ri
83^ a rnisr
chievous person. to
bitu, s. Intoxication, adj. s^
Intoxicated, drunk, intj.
humble, humiliate. nrf^a,
drunkard! ep&s to to boast; to sing the
get ~-e3^s>
drunk. panegyric of a demon. 3Pe

$?. &s to lead a mischievous life

biti, s&7. ;

to get worse; to be trouble-

?> bidi, . A street, gate.
bine, s. A grumbler. 2.

To collect, heap up.

see 83?&
blravuni, sec eW^a.
e33e><!? blpalu, bipali,
s. Conflagration of a
. A fisherman. blri,

jungle or hill. -eojstfoa a

Casting, throwing.
forest or hill to be on fire.
2.blowing of wind. 3. wav-
203 a casting net. blruni, blryuni
ing hands.
(e3?5), i'. a. To scatter, dis-
blpuni (83?), 7-. a. To cast
perse. 2. to brag, boast,
a not. 2. to throw, sling, as
a stone- 3. to throw up earth. parade.
blre, see setf.
4. to wave the hand. 5. to
blla, J. A tail. - rf^ooel
wash or cleanse rice. v.n.
cubebs, <?r Chinese pepper,
To blow, as wind; cf. eSe&oa.
A Piper cubcba. 3^$ to walk-
33 bipe, J. king, ruler; a
behind one; cf. sS&z^s.
cruel man.
fladv ^/r 1

^. A Mohammedan f^J bisa, .

Quickly, rapidly,

blme, ^ ^e&>.

go I
straightly. -J5bs> to

jo blmu, s. A beam. J. A mill-

S^<^ bisakallu,
jj biya, .s<
stone : a hand-mill.
blsa 485 buda

^rstf, ^?o>rt blsanige, bisa- bugudi, s. A female's

nige, s. A fan. ornament worn in the tip of

??% blsatti, see 63*^. the ear. 3o a small flower

?j^, >?dr3 blsana, bisane, s. plant with yellow blossoms.

Fanning. 2. net-fishing. 7\&3 Orta bugubugu, see eoXsoX.

a fisher. 3^0$ to fan. buguri, see t3j^jaD.
bisuni (s3?oJ),
tf. 0. To eoorlo^o^ buguluni (ewXof), ^. .

fan. 2. to grind. 3. to wave, To be grieved.

swing. 4. to cast. v.n. To buja, ^^ &&
blow, wave; cf. bujanga, ^^ ^o&(oX.

o^o^ burijipuni ,
zoo^O^ bujarike, bujari
To enjoy. ge, s. Dignity, honour.
bunnu, see buju, adv. Softly. &oo
bukitu, s. A fragrant 200?) to suck as children.

powder used as a perfumery. ^o^.ri buttage, adv. In cash,

WefcrS, 200^0^1, 200%^ ready money. 2. in a round

bukuti,bukuni, bukuni, bukku- sum.
di, s. Anything reduced to a sojll butti, s. A basket.

very fine powder, as flour, etc. 2ooe3, butti, J.

Compulsory or
bukku, s. A handful. 2. unrequited labour. ^ ^a ^, 1

_rf d?e3 task work, forced la-

bour, perfunctory work. ^o

O bukkudu, see
_?te7;s^s> to do task work ;
to do a thing perfunctorily.
bukkuni (2^^), z/.a. To
ecorf buda, ^. The bottom or
pulverize, powder, z;. . ^^ of a tree. 2- origin,
cause, foundation, sue) be-
o^, bukke, An affix showing swtSatfo $e5 a?^$ to
rf" ginning.
/^g condition, disposition or
ruin one (fir0v.).
habit of a person; <zj, XaS
budande, /zdfe. Without
a man subject to itch. eoo?\_
intermission, incessantly; cf.
a man who chews or smokes
hemp leaves. budakane, adv. Suddenly.
bukti, s. Sacred ashes; 2. heavily, with force; cf.
ti ^da^ a box containing to fall heavily.
sacred ashes. to dive suddenly.
rta bugu, see to rise suddenly.
buda 486 budru

~ budakka, see
, to set to, set on, as men to

work, dogs to fight, etc.; to

i^ budapatta, adj. Irregu-
lar. srt intermittent fever. appoint to a work. 9. to un-

^?3 budale, s. Ease, freedom. cover, expose, make bare, as

2. overgrowing. any part of the body. v. n.
s. A To become loose, dishevelled.
budara, temporary
abode, lodging. rfotfo^
to open the eyes, tfofe

take lodgings. to be in a perplexity,

to gallop a horse.
budibele, see aootiisSeeS. ^
to reduce the price of
, budu, budukatty,
a thing, atf- to send a mes-
see aDoriiXif.
senger. 32?si- to expire, era
budumba, adv. Hastily,
to throw down hastily,
8, ;ctea to make way, get out

budukka, #afr. Suddenly,

of the way. ^ to flower, sro
090- to gape, to con-
unexpectedly. yawn;
fess, reveal. sf& to shoot
^ortd budugade, s. Liberty,
a gun. Added to the gerund
release, freedom. 2. inter-
or suspensive tense
mission. e?Ls> to be releas- of other
ed, to release. verbs, it
expresses the com-
clscrad bududare, s. The re- pletion of the action, and
widow or of a answers to off, away, etc.;
marriage of a
divorced person. a re- as, ^dor_ to give away,
to take away; to collect
married wife. c^j

or recover fully, as a debt,

>c$JC3)$ bududali, s. A rover.
etc. 3iSr_ to drink off.
2. a libertine.
c. v. jdjZJjdi budubudu, adv. By
budupavuni, (of
To drops. eojsTks to fall by
loosen, untie. 2-

to release, emancipate, de- drops.

liver. }z2oz3ee3budubele, s. A journey-
:l>&> budupini r. a. man's labour, job work,
To put forth, from or away budedi, see
from. 2. to leave, forsake, budka, see
quit, give up. 3. to let go,
buddale, s. A kind of
leave alone. 4. to shoot, dis-
fishing net.
charge. 5. to remit, dispense
budde, s. A pod, legume.
with, deduct, leave out. 6.

to dismiss, send 7. to Zj budpini, see

cease, desist, terminate. 8. budruni, see
buna 487

200C-3 buna, s. A peg. Sir, your honour. c

buaupu, s. A straight stupid, senseless. s

a handle made senselessness. -do^ wis-
branch. ^ 3o3
of such a branch. dom, prudence, sense.
a wise man. oe?3 a stupid,
200C 303) bunuppu, bunpu,
> ,
200^ senseless fellow. to
.y. Heel-tendon. 2. ^e^$
learn wisdom, take counsel.
2003^ buttu, see 83^.
to advise, admonish.
20031^050 buttayi, _ ei^FcO to grow wise, learn
butti, .y. Stale food. 2.
food put up for a journey.
20o$>a bunadi, s. A foundation.
buttuni, see 83^$. 2. origin, cause. ;a?3o$ to
w j^ butte, s. Semen virile.
dig a foundation. 5^$ to

2ooc3"~e3 budule, see build a foundation. 33

200 d to lay a foundation.

buda, .?<?

budali, ^
20o>a bunipu, see
200 j3o bunu, see

budubudu, s. A bub-
or gushing noise of burn, burane, buru, buruburu,
J 2005;.
buruji, see
2oodoe3, 2ooc5>.
2oocSjs) budule.

buddali, buddoli, s. A skin buruju, ^

bottle. 20odod burude, J. A bottle, made
bu- of the shell of a cocoanut,
20oc^oi, tooc^od budyante,
A gourd, etc. 2. the skull. 3.
dyande, s. wise, sensible, or
an inkstand. 4. a snuff-box.
prudent man.
lit. to behead; to
200$ budha, s. The planet Mer- --dSjD^s
ti$ cut off; to revenge.
cury. the influence of
burude, see sDocSr.
Mercury on one's fortunes;
good luck; prosperity. burusu, s. A brush.

c budhavara, s. Wednes- 200 i5 e:

burelu, $<? 8^3^-

day. burra-
2000^, 20od^, 20odo, burru,
3 buddhante, see aDorfno^. The noise of a
9 w ne, burru, s.

2oo> buddhi. s. Intellect, sense, bird's wings in flying, etc.

know- s
2. 2oo s jr

understanding. 20o s r, burku, burku, s.

: !

ledge, wisdom. 3. advice, Sipping noise. 2. the noise

admonition, reprimand, intj. of breaking wind downwards.

burka 488 zoos? bule

~oSe)F;3) burkavuni, sec bulepini, see

- w
*-$ to
burji, s.
be confused.
^^a s

kind of
WjfcOF, ujzkF burju, burdu, s. bird.
A stone-dam; bastion. bulpuni, see aso^S).
burtavuni, see bullavuni, c. V. a^
?> (of
To enlarge a sore, ^/t.

burde, J. Mud, mire. 2. to split, make a crack.

burnasu, a^'. Tasteless, liulluni C 8 ^^.),
w A -

insipid. 2. decayed, spoiled. sore <?/ wound to enlarge.

3. useless, worthless. esa 2. to slit.
decayed <?? worthless rice.
^3 buvana, see
a worthless man.
o, 2Jj?oJtoj?jj, 200^0, busu,
uuruusu, .y. A kind of

busubusu, bussu, Gasping,

panting. 2. hissing. adj.
jdJF, ecodvOF burma, burmu, s.
Sullen. to hiss. ^e
A gimlet. ?8 ax3sjj20o^ efts the face to
bursu, -s
look sullen.
bulaku, j bussu, J. Hissing; the
bulakuni, see tf
noise of pouring water irom

bulara, adj. White, striped a water-lift;

with black. bulante,
6 bulare, bulare, s. bulambu, ^^ ^^,-
An ox striped white and
bulaku, s. Brightness,
20J22em s
bulaky, J. A jewel,
bulu, see ax>^.
worn by females between their

buluni, see sootfLa. 2. w*


^ bulavuni,
To open wide,
c. v.

as the bule, ^. Standing, grow-

ew$) 3
ing corn, a crop.
reaping of a crop.
bulipuni, ^^ eoo^.
the present of a small quan-
buluni, 7;. . To be open.
tity of new corn, etc., made
bul^, adj. Fermenting. 2.
by a tenant to his landlord
during the harvest season.
bulekali, ^. Sour toddy. sS6 the harvest time. &a
I buleti, ^t reap corn.
zoo ? bule 489 buri

bulecelu, buti, butu, s.

buleti, (/r. Empty boast, brag. 7&6,

Full grown, ripe; a boasting man. z&

to boast, brag,
tfnrajj?}, ^o<$33)do> bulepavu-
bulepuduni, c.-v.
soos? butuni (axeG), v. a. To
ni, (of
To make grow, rear, raise, repay, give in return, avenge.
as a crop, etc. 2. to boast, brag.
ZOJStio s. A manor-house,

sji bulepini, bulepuni, buleyu- mansion, residence of ahead-

ni, bulevuni p. . To man. treoSo the squire of
a manor-house.
grow, ripen, be ripe.
bulka, $ eootft. zoJSra buna, ^. A wedge, peg. 2. a
s short stick driven into a jack-
a*, bulkad^, bul-
toa^_c3 fruit to ripenit soon. e3,afeix>,
d^, s. Crying passionately;
to drive in a stick.
bawling. 2. clearness, adj.
bunu, s. The coffee berry,
Open, public.
bulkaduni (^o^B), y. . buta, see

o cry, as from fear o^ being butala,

possessed of a demon. butayi, ^. Sardines,

bulpu, ^. A cry, lamen- ti
5^ the refuse of sardine
tation. 2. the noise of any fish.

animal or bird. 3. clamour. budi, s. Ashes.

bulpuni (a^f), y. . To
!, EOJSCJO budinga, budu,
cry aloud, shout, exclaim. adj. Ash-coloured.
bulluni, J^ ^e
buna, see eijsro. 2. sojsroo.

bu, ^^<? ??
33 ;<!?
bupali, J. A king. -^?
bundu, see A the kings'-evil.

buku, ^- A book. bubi, see

toJ5^o buci, bucu, s. A bumi, see

cork, stopper. CJ3D^lJ burata, J. Falling, crum-
20J3tdO buci, bucu, bling; delapidation.
buju, s. Mould, mildew. oJ3DDS^?j buravuni, c. v. (of

iayort, 2oJ5eJ^^f3 butanga, bu- "dtfy To cause

to fall, to fell.

takatana, see eojs^. 2. to conquer.

butavuni, c. v.
(of sojs
"buri, s. An assemblage,
To make pay or retri- congregation of people. ^
bute, to avenge, revenge. 4 a curry intended for a
buri 490 bengo

grand entertainment. 3%^ bulya, bulya (cor-

a gift of
money a large to
rupt. of setfo), Betel leaves.
number of mendicants. 35^ 2. sandal paste offered tof a
majority. demon and distributed to the

burigu, see soatfoX. people assembled.

SOr^ burige, s. A kind of sweet- bushana, see
meat. bulu, ^
buru, s. A creeper, climb- xSori 3 bruhaspati, s. The planet
ing shrub. ^33 tbe lower
Jupiter. 2. the preceptor of
part of the ear. }
the gods. 3.the name of a
eorid vne. sro-d
law-giver. Thursday.
buruga, s. The tree
s. Malice, hatred,
Eriodendrum anfractuosum; 2.
envy; revenge. disparage-
also tSjsedrf s5jrf; /".
em censure.
ment, detraction,
buruduni, see _ 20*00$ to revenge.

burutavuni, beriga, s. The red sandal-

wood Pterocarpus santa-
buruni (aijaS),
v.n. To linus. r).

fall. 2. to be caught in a o^i bengaruduni,

sec tScXo

snare. 3. to be overthrown, 23 o rid, s.

cfoj bengare, bengre,
defeated. 4. to die. e5T
Bank, shore, margin.
to fall down, prostrate, sa- a shore resorted to by smug-
lute. ^OOC'&D to fall on the glers.
knees, ri^o to suit, agree; e3orf s. The dregs,
to consent. refuse, lees. Drunk,
sdd burele, s. A weak-legged intoxicated. 2. capricious,

man. whimsical. ^o^oSo a drunk-

burduni (eojsSr), r. a. ard, sot.
To spread evenly, as grain bengali, J. Boiled toddy.
for drying, or earth to level
bengiri, j^ sScre.
the ground. 2. to level, To
23or!o> benguni (3cK), r. .

repent, be sorry. 2. to feel

burtavuni, see pity, compassion, commisera-

tion; also 3o*j?reor5,
burte, see

burpavuni, ji bengoditede,
kind of fish.
banria 491 beja

benria, see bembala, s. Recommenda-

o'sr^ berijana, benriana, tion, help, patronage.
Curds, curdled milk. ,
^o3oo* bemme, bemmeru,
oci> s. see sS^or.
bendu, bendu,
Pith, a light and spongy plant 23 3-, bekka, see rf*,.
growing in water, Aeschyno- e3^,ro* bekkasu, j. Surprise,
mene aspera, 2. thinness, wonder. 2.
nausea, disgust.
leanness, lightness, adj. Thin, to be disgusted; to
light; emaciated. e?Ls> to be astonished.
become lean, thin, light, ema- bekkasuni (^oJ), v. n.
To wonder, be surprised.
The esculent okra
bende, s.
2. to faint, be tired. 3. to feel
Abelmoschus esculentus. ^roS
Hibiscus abelmoschus. TO 020
23rido> begaduni (*3X5), -o. n. To
its fruit.
be alarmed, bewildered,
oci^" bendekku, j. The tree Za-
. begade, see eSeXiS.
gerstrcemia microcarpa.
oclJ3S bendoli, J. The bush begapu, ^ 23X5.

Physalis indica. 3rttfo5) begapuni, bega-

oetJ3523 bendole, s. A hollow runi (3X, 3X6), ^. TZ. To per-

kind of gold ear-ornament. spire, sweat.
orl benne, s. Butter. begaru, ^.
osD* bentaru, ^^ d?oa5. sweat.
^w^s, eSesiss),
_ a?o
wo^ to perspire.
ol bente, J. A class of Pariahs.
z^ becca, s. Heat, warmth.
oJos benteru, s. High water Icr

tide. adj. Hot, warm. *fo. Hotly,

c3*D ff
t3o?iD? bendu- warmly. e5 hot water.
, 23oao*,
s. Hot erd^a to cool. ^jsbr^, _-rfo
r^, bendiru, benniru,
water. 2. a tepid bath. 3. a tf^fc
to warm, heat, make hot;
bathroom also tUo. 3o<! to beat, flog.

=33 to bathe in hot water. 2^^ beccana, s. Warmth. 2.


, e3o?S benni, benne, s. Land evening meal; cf. ^o^sp^. rf

under cultivation. 2. agricul- i^ a warm habitation.

ture. Xozf <3, era o3o a culti- z3?3 beccane, adv. Hotly,
vator, farmer. 2c^s>,
-do warmly.
to cultivate; to rent a z 53
beccelu. see && .

land for cultivation. bejantu, s. cake A dried
to finish cultivation. of cow-dung, used as fuel.
beja 492 233 bera

bejakire, bejakre, bedaruni (^5), z/. . To

s. Dried leaves, used as fuel. be alarmed.
bejar^, see dea^S. zSaodoo^ bediyuni

( ^S),
^. n. To
r. a. To be surprised.
(u !^),
cut, circumcise. ^3c3bede, s. Surprise, aston-

bette, ^//'. Middling. -tt ishment, miracle, dec?? fear.

a timid or weak man. -L, _*u^, -sJ^ft to be

surprised, astonished.
23^n* bedaiigu, bedagu,
benake, J. Ganesa. 2. the
s. Surprise, wonder. 2. see
name of a man;

bedaguni (33K) p. . To
wonder, be surprised. 2. to

behave. benpini To
bedage, s. A charming labour, work. 2. to cultivate.

man. doS S^si to support one's

bedi, s. A gun. -ew^ self by labour.

^Sr gunpowder. ^ beppu, s. Moderate heat,
lukewarmness. 2. feverish-

^o to fire a gun. ness. adj. Lukewarm. 2.

S^ci bedebede, s. The sound ^Sbrs), ^otfo^ to
of a broken vessel. beaten.

benne, 5^ 3& beppuni (3), "'. . To stab.

However, but. beppe, j^ >3y
bettu, 019;
2. afterwards. iro^S what bebbe, ^. Inarticulateness,
then? what news? speaking in broken, indis-

betta, s. A rattan, stick, tinct accents.

cane. -
a rattan basket. bemaru, see 3X5.

, 22
ij^cso^ bettuni, betto- i beyipini, j^ 3eb.
nuni, see zS^S- beyipelu, s. Boiling.
e3uijo5) bed^pu, bedupu, adj. Boiled.
j. Erysipelas, an inflamma- beranka, s. Cleft, chink.
tory eruption.
bectyrv, s - ^ bamboo. berankannu, berankan-
a kind of grass. ^.
ni, berakanni, berakanu,
bedanke, see ^do^. Cracks on the sole of a foot.

eidO^ bedarjj, bedanke, dotfa* berankallu, s. The back-

s. A start, fright, fear, alarm.
bera 493 bella

berangade, adv. Late, berelu, j

berke, see t3^. 2.
dorfc&o berangayi, adv. Finally. roots of a cocoanut
dokf, sSdos* berantu, berantu, tree.
see 33or, gfJj^So. 2: ^e epsjo. r^, tS^r^, ^33^F bertadi,

beraka, see sStfK. bertali, bertili, adv. Closely

berake, s. A
mixture, com-
^I berpuni, see e3s^^.
pound. ^0^3 to mix.
dr^beragu, .y.
Wonder, amaze- berpuri, s. A borer.
ment. ?bs> to be amazed, bermara, s. The fulcrum
^. To of a country water-lift.
beraguni (^^), .

be amazed, astonished, bermasthana, see

berane, -y. A Brahman,
berame, d3or, ^j^o. berme, see ^j^o. z>3 by
thee (I swear). ?>, zSs^
beravuni, ^. n. To be
to be amazed, astonished;
mixed, mingled.
to feel giddy.
r;* berasu, J. An admixture.
eS^oFo^ berme, bermeru,
berasuni (3^cJ), v.a. To
see vy5^- ^oF75Xoa the de-
mix, mingle.
mon's shrine. ddorste 3 a
o beri, J. The back,

place haunted by <?r sacred

the lap, a pouch formed on the
to it.
back by the folds of a gar-
3oF3 bermeti, s. Trouble,
ment. $e5 very loose bowels.
annoyance, pain, -what
-rfoo^ the backbone. a wonder!
3<5 hump-backed.
,y#2 s38rfsodo.
-^TJ^Si to follow, A beam
lu, s.
resting on the
pursue. -3^>?i>$ to turn back ;
to flee, run away; to back- &&
e3 bele, see
slide. -B e> _o3j e
closely, at ocI belcade, s. A devil-dancer;
the heels, just behind. o3o
one possessed with Kali.
eotbFs to follow
closely. o bella, s.Jaggory. e-
3o^-3* berinkallu, s. The back- 90 -11
jaggory in tablets, sugarcane-
bone. aa^- palmyra jag-
D^DCdo berisaya, s. Support, rf ^A rf ^^^ syrup
aid, patronage, strength. ^?r boiled juice of
do beru, s. A marten- treacle.

beresuni, see e^siJ bellapatre, j

bella bede

bellamullu, s. A kind voury. -dijsD a bad smell,

of tree. offensive smell of the body.
< bellolli, s. A tender leaf e&sS ^r^, ^r^a' bskilu,
of a palmyra. 2. bskile, bcilu, s. The upper
of a roof.
tfrfSr bevarsi, sec part ss^ the
j^ ^5. loft of a
bath-room, used
eSzda"' besaru,
as a granary. a bath-
besarpu, -'sUw^
J:^^r, t3^3g), 3^^) room with such a granary.
besrapu, besrupu, sec sSSeg.

s. Soldering gold
83^ seed stored in such a
ci-.ri besige,
<?r other metal. rf A a
^SJJ^ bekhubu, adj. Stupid,
soldered ornament. sroti>$
senseless. t2?soj?d a stupid
to solder.
:::c&j, e2?3o&o besiyuni, be- ?T\ bega, adv. Speedily, quick-
seyuni (3?j), t'. w. To get soon. see 3eX.
ly, s.
hot. ^-fig- to be angry or rtzS begade, s. Tinsel, brass
haughty. leaf or foil.
^ bessuni, see
rv ?J ^rraD begari, Compulsory
belakara, ^. Borax, labour.

belagu, s. Brightness, ^o becu, becu, ^^ ^?oJ-

splendour. bscilu, s. A kind of

c. v. 3
belagavuni, (of pumpkin.
To make shine; to
Improper, in-
beja, ^//'.

polish. consistent, unsuitable, bad.

3tfrt>> belaguni (^^), r.w. To an improper act.
shine, glitter. bejaru, ^. Weariness,
~5 ^>6, pref. Without, dis-. - 2.
fatigue. disgust, offence,
eooTJo, disrespect, dis- vexation, annoyance.
honour, etc. tSoX.
bejni, see
^o^ bsnke, ^. Heat, sultriness. eJ beti, ^^ ?e^'- 2. ^^ 3jaeo&5.
e?Ls>to become
bedave, s. A fowler. 2. a
^ort5 bengare, ^w e?oX^.
poor man, beggar.
b3ima, s. The tree Plero- Fetters,
bedi, s. chains,
carpus tantalinus. hand-cuffs. srfo$ to fetter.
?o?c benci, ^. A bench,
z3e^^ beduni (^?5), p. <7. To beg,
bente, see d^ec&S. ask, beseech, entreat.
?o3D* bentaru, J. Change of b3de, s.The keystone of an
smell or taste. 0</. Unsa- arch. 2. abounding in thorns.
beta 495 beri

full of thorns. sss

bepara, see zn^, s^^-d.
to fix the keystone; to
bepavuni, c. v.
(of ^
finish a work. To
fc?, t3es8$>) boil, seethe,
D s*
< r
betalu, betalu, cook. 2. to cause to thatch,
Naked, s. Nakedness.
get thatched, as a roof.

betale, *. A demon
&$ bepini (3e), v.a.&n. To
posed to haunt dead bodies
boil; to be boiled, seethed,
and cemeteries. cooked.
1 bete, adj. Separate, differ- J.
, Lurking, spying.
ent, distinct, other. -&$>
2. a kind of angling.
to become separated.
to separate; to change.
^ bepuni
watch, spy; to betray.
T-. . To lurk,

bsdu, s. Secret information.

^JZ^FS bepuni (3e), &. a. To
T^xS, crooSoa spy.
thatch the roof of a house,
to give secret information.
-R^s to spy, pry. >$^s>
200(3* bebandu, adj. Unsettled,
know a secret.
23eu>, deri bedu, beda,
^ ??=*
without order.
2. negligent,

bedabu, bedabu, odj2oodo beyaburu, s. Disres-

s. Disrespect, incivility, in-
pect, dishonor, insult.
sult. sfcf^S sraitfos to speak
beyipini, see tf&s.
rudely, or insultingly.
beyuni (3e), ^. . To
e2^cJ3c$ bedana, s. A kind of
boil, seethe, be cooked, baked,
medicinal seed.
beru, s. A root. 2. origin,
23 ^ a bedi, see ??.
cause. 33QSO a root-stalk.
bedige, J^ ^B^-
^i a kind of citron, used in
2o^ckv> beduni, bedyuni
medicine. erwdos, e3?^jsTJo^ to
(3?5), v. a. To leaven dough take root, be fixed. =#J&FS
with toddy. 2. to listen, give to aid, help; to incite, insti-
ear. ^o5r_ to apply a medi-
bera, see
c3js$ri bsdolige, s. Cultivated assort.

land, fertile land. beravuni, <:.
(<y s5?^o
d> bede, see tf& ?>)
To lift up the hand for
^^5 striking. 2. to beck, make a
bene, s. Ache, pain.
headache, severe sign with the hand. 3. to
20C35 the colic. row a boat,
pain. >

^rs> to have labour pains. beri, see $?&.

beru 496 beika

beruni (?5), i ]
. n. To be ^ besala, s. The hot season.
waved, lifted up, as the hand. z3?3^ besya, besha, see t5e^.
z p

. a. To lift up, as the hand. "

Good, proper,
besu, adj.
$^_ to trim a light.
well; excellent, agreeable.
^ to throw or pile up w 3?r.
earth. cS_, 4s??i- to row 5
nSo besaru,^. Fatigue, weari-
a boat.
ness, vexation, disgust, a^/'.
berengetti, .?. A large tf^cS to
Fatigued, weary.
kind of lobster.
get tired, be weary. t2^s>
ed^, z3?d^ bereji, beroji, ^. to rest.
Land-revenue. 2. amount of r7SOJo besaya, s. Cultivation,
assessment. agriculture, farming; <5<?/.

bsredamara, s. The
croton tree. Croton tigli- besi,
bsrpuri, see sS^s.
besurpu, see 5S^.
ioo$ belayudha, s. A lance, s. The curry
J?c^), besoppu,
pike. leaf Bergera k&nigii; cf.
c2?> beli, ^. A
hedge, fence.
i 3j3c a post or pole of a
bele, s. Split pulse. 2. one-
eighth of a rupee. 3. a liquid
bele, 3 .
Work, labour; cf. measure of about six seers.
'-. _ cscSo a workman. 3
3 ^s a stack.
bei, s. Straw.
to work.
c^$ 2. J^ srooso. _rf^r^> to thrash.
^?^3s)S^ bevarisi, <^'.
Unclaim- Dull.
beinku, ^/'.

ed, without a claimant. sfcs

o)rl, 2^0200 beimbige, beimbu,
unclaimed property.
5. Areindear; a boar. 2. see
bevu, s. The Neem or

margosa tree; also s.

beiku, Delay, stay. ai//'.

Soft, delicate, adv. (abbrcv.

bevuni, 5 In the evening.
of aoodooK)
o bevuru, s. A foreign beikaddi, s. A female
country. demon so called.

$& beau, ^. ^?!3. beikatte, s. A sickle.

b3sa, s. The second Tuhi beikalty (ecroo&3d^^), j..

month. -2 ia the first rain. The stone or stones at the
*3 hot weather. mouth of a well.
beike beilma

2 x ^ beike, j liquely. 2. to cut, reap. 3.


2rfo* beicera, J. A Malabar see E2?bs>. 4. .? sf(odoos).


physician. ^door(, s3)rfoo^ beimuga, beimu-

beitu, s.
Stay, sitting. ge, .9.
Shyness; shying.
to cause' to sit.
^^rt beimruga, s. A lair.

beitadu, s. A flail, thrash-

:~>cd>p ^.
3iOuO, beiya, beiyya,
ing stick. _ dX in the
Evening. A,
Sv^eJO^beitabaru, s. An inferior the four-
kind of paddy, obtained by o'clock flower, Mirabilis ja-
beating straw. lappa.
beitari, s. A very inferior P. To
pjoo^ beiyuni (^),

kind of rice.
perch, roost.
^s3 beitale, .s.
Vortex, top, o3o J. Riding. 2.
skipping, romping, as boys.
s. A beam put
beiranga, see eoco^oX.
across the mouth of a well
to stand upon when drawing 2^d4, ^0^ beiraye, bei-

water. ravu, beirige, s. An instru-

beidurli, see etSeor.

ment for boring; cf.

A beirave, w^ c

xz3 beide, .y.
fern. beiragi, s. An ascetic,
&c3tfoF bei- mendicant.
jc3ex>F, beiderlu,
derlu, s. The demons Koti and as>rj* beirasu, ^. An upper or
over cloth, a bath-towel.
Cennaya, said to have been
the sons of a Billavar father beiri, ^. A kind of kite.
by a Brahman wife. 6 beire, s. A man belonging

beidva > see

^& to a class of Pariahs.

2^^ beina, beini, s. The

, & beilu, s. A fertile kind of
bastard sago palm, Caryota rice-field, situated in a low
urens. land which can be easily irri-

SeJS? beinali, ^. A demon so gated. adj. Public. e?^^

called. to become public.
3J beipa, s.
Obliquity, slope.
adj. Oblique, sloping. beilakare, beilare, beilaru, bei-
3Jrf beipane, s. A manger. lare, J. A low land near
&$, ^^
beipini, beipuni (^),
the seashore.
p. .
chip or pare ob- beilmana, see &>z>&>-
:':.- z3 bonka ~j bomme

~ bonka,
aJj. Big, large. bonneyi, (cor nip. of
-^ a large swelling: also
R&z&> S^y
a large ?P bonnya, ^.

cocoanut shell. it? bontelu, ^. The seventh

s'Sc&o^ bonkaliyuni, sec Tulu month; the sign Libra.
23J3ocr', bond\j, bondu, ^.
sSJSo^o bonku, adj. Hollow, void, Weakness.
empty. 22JSorf, t3JSodc bonda,-bondya,^. A
sSj^o^o^i bonkuni (slsc^F), r. #. tender branch of a palmyra.
To deny. ::J?c^, z3J3o:3c3 bonde, bondena,
v3j3o^e;o> bonkeluni s. A kind of sardine.
^. w. To swell. bompiri, sec &fjsc20o5.

zSjSorf, wJSorio bongu, bongu, ^. /'. White.

The inner part of the tender & bombadotte, (corntp.
shoot of a cocoanut. _'. \\
of eS^crfsJ
j. A tender
distended navel. 3. a protu- cocoanut which has been
berance on any part of the emptied of its contents. -^^
body. 4. a large flower- ^s> to throw it out; to
bud. smash, as one's head, aous.
bongude, see 2
bombayi, s. Bombay,
bonguni (elecK), r

. .
bombu, ^. A large cocoa-
To be distended, protuberate ;
nut shell. 2. see d^?oeoo.

also d^o7\o^j$5(B?S;s>. SoWoS bomburi, s. A small

JSo3i bonda, s. A tender cocoa- kind of oyster.

nut. *ccro*?_ a red kind of J3o2oo bombuli, s. A kind of
the same. fish, called '-Bombay-duck."

bombuli, J. A mob.
bondala, see &CT%&>.
bombe, s. A puppet, doll.
bondi, see tSjsa.
2. an image, idol. 3. a silver
^j bondu, J. Marrow. 2.
coin. -?u a puppet show.
the brain. 3. pith. woo^os
?i bommana, see aoc^j^.
to be stunned. e?Ls> to be
emaciated, decayed, become bommarutaye,
thin. A demon so called.

&ozSJ8> s3j3oj bommi, s. A stupid

bondoli, s. Physalis
In die a. woman.
X J. A kind of
;^jjj bommu, ^^ d^eoeoo.
medicinal plant. -^j bomme, s. A simpleton.
bormba 499 bodi

bormbat^, botta, J. A spot, mark.

bormbu, see t3jsrfoo2ol3 .
2. a drop. sro^os to put a
bokka, 0/. And, but. mark on the forehead.

<^z (
After- JS^ja,^ bottana, adv. Exces-
(2^'. Subsequent. .

wards, then, even.


w again, sively, exceedingly. tSjsa

3 eydae djsa^e?:^ to be very

again and again.

e*^ an after thought. much exhausted.

bottavuni, c. v.
3 bokkana, .y. A bag, poc-
To make beat, as a
drum. 2. to cause to hammer,
bokkasa, s. A large bag.
O" as metal. 3. to cause to
2. a kind of portmanteau.
knock, as a door.
3. treasure, treasury.
bottikanda, see
>&, e3JS^, bokki, bokke, s.
"o" "d"

An itch, pustule, pimple. s. see

US bokkele, s. A provoker. High, lofty. 2. dry, as land.

bokkonji, pron., adj. _^crf a high land, dry field.

Another. 3T3$?5- such a rice-field irri-

j?,Q bokkori, pron., adj. gated by a reservoir situated

Another. on a hill, essre a rice-field
J. A depending solely on rain
bo^ari, spinning top.
djs^jaS. water for its irrigation.
2. .?
adj. see ?2&?7\'6.

5yo,a bottuni (&S v. a. To

bogalata, see eoXs^y. \ w

beat, as a drum. 2. to
bogari, ^. A copper-
hammer, as metal. 3. to
knock, as a door.
3rU3S bogori, s. The jujube
bottele, s. A drummer.
tree, Ziziphus zujuba.
boda, see eotl
sriJSO^js^ bogorimlnu, J. A
bodi, s. Satiety, surfeit,
kind of fish.
loathing, disgust. 2. back-
5A boggi, s. A bitch.
wardness. 3. exhaustion,
orio O, ^3J^?1J $,' ^jsrto ft bog-
f\ f\ A %* tiredness, fatigue.
guli, bogguli, boggulli, ^. The c. v.
bodipavuni, (of
Indian squill, Scilla Indica.
To satiate, cloy,
bogre, s. A dog. surfeit. 2. to exhaust, tire.

bojja, s. A funeral cere- Q30uJo> bodiyuni (tfjaa), z<. n.

mony or feast, funeral obse- To be satiated, cloyed, sur-
quies. feited. 2. to be tired, done up.
bodu 500 bolli

bodu, a To yield milk. r. or. To

.3 bodedi, j. A wife. pillage, plunder, rob.

bodji, d. i\ (neg. o
Brag, boast.

a braggart.
Must not, should not, do not.
bodde, s. A stout man. borukallu,
2. a simpleton. borkallu, see

bonya, we 5jaoreg.
e, bor-
bodumbattu, adj.
32cor borcu, see
Stout, corpulent, unwieldy.
bodumbe, s. A corpu- bordu, see
lent man. bolu, adj. White, bright.
&z3J3Wj boduluni, bolumbu, ^^ dja^oosco.

bodoluni (3>&><5, Sjad),t'. //.

e3j3^o^oool)j?) bo-
To soak, steep.
lankaruni, bolankuriyuni (e3ja
>& bonu, .
Encompassing, ^o^S, da^o^oS), T-. 72. To be
enclosure. *o srortifc to en-
intoxicated, fascinated to be ;

compass. lustful, proud.

bopparu, see >~^5- zSJSe;^ bolaku, see tSja^^.

3J^^3 boppu, boppe, see ^o2o bolakuni r


(^a^), . ,'/.

33y To weld, solder.
bopponi, j
. A small
d bolkara, adj. Whitish.
kind of crab.
bolkallu, see eXs^^,-
j, bobbata, s. A loud

noise of quarrelling, weeping,

^ojS bolkude, bol-
"T /^

or lamentation; a shout. gude, j". A

small umbrella,

A used in demon worship.

N bobbuli, s. bubble.
s. A cook. bolcayi, adj. Pale, wan.
bolci, adj. White. 2. sec
bobbe, s.
fL Crying, weep-
ing cf. tSjaa^w.
s^rfoa to
bolcuni, sec
cry out.
83&o&r3 bommana, see aicrfo?i. bolcelu, j^
a :oo borambu, J. A small boldu, J^ sSjs^.
kind of mat. 3 bolyari, ^>. A kind of
23>>0oj boripini (tf^a), i<. a. To rce.
milk. bolli, j. see
&** adj. sec
boriyuni (tf^a),
bolle 501 boldu

bolle, ^. A white kind of bolu, 2.

lice, found on clothes,

bolu, see && ,^. Alburnum,
rld bolungare, #<//. White, sapwood.
23jS<*o3k boluppu, s. White salt.
bolanku, J. Mire, mud.
&i3s&^c3 bolubene, s. Severe
bolante, .$. Rice from
paddy that has not been
bolena, see 3^v .

boiled; also *3j8S?cgp&.

&&. bolepuni, see KJ$$&.

bolambu, see
boleruni (e5a*5), p. .

bolaku, .y. The fat of

To become pale, to fade.
fish; fish-tar.
bolkallu, 5. White stone,
bolakaru, a^/'. Partially
quartz. 2. marble, alabaster.
nearly ripe.
bolakuni, ^ d^e^os. Clearing of
the sky from clouds; a peep

bolaccelu, .y.
Shying. of the sun after shower. ^>
2. ripening. 3. paleness. orfoos to have sunshine after
zS j^ tfjs*.
bolajji, rainy weather.
bolapu, J. A mode of JS^OjdL <&&^d
bolkude, bol-
^ A
catching fish with a net glide, see
fringed with palm leaves. bolcavuni, c. v.
3^3 to fish with such a To make shy.
net. bolci, ^.
Shyness, starting
>^o3o bolaye, s. lit, A white aside suddenly.
man. 2. an epithet used by <&> bolcuni To

Pariahs in addressing higher

shy, start aside suddenly, as
castes of people. an animal.
bolasuni, see, eo<?do$.
bolcelu, ^
boliri.Jiru, s. A small,
boljati, ^. High-caste
white kind of fish, called cara 2. white people.
pao. 2. a kind of grass. The middle layer
bolji, ^.
boliru, s. A kind of bush. of fibre of a cocoanut branch.
its leaves used in medi-
boltu, adj. Sapless. rf

a sapless tree or wood-

$do) boliruni (e$AS), v. n. s.
boldu, Whiteness,
To become white or clear, 2. whites,
brightness. adj.
bolisuni, ^^ &s9?3o$.
White, bright. the
bolpu 502 b5du

white leprosy.
_ sgpe&fc to bonka, adj. Large, great.
suffer from whites. 3'^ a large cocoanut shell,
bolpu, j. 2. a
Light, bongu, sec tSjscK.

wick <>r candle. fy-s^^s, bonjiru, see sSja^csSS.


to kindle a light, /.
nte, s. Hunting, chase,
bolya, adj. Light, white, a hunter. arotf hunt-
clear. ^oso butter.
ing of wild beasts. ^ov^s
j. Freces,
bolyambige, to hunt.
bontre, J. A head man-
bolja, s. Inundation, flood.
3, cJjs^ocS bondale, bonde,
bollakaru, see a
s. A stout, corpulent man.
/6 w. o
bolladdi, y 6
bombilu, s. A hollow.
bollaramaniga, s. s> to become hollow.
A kind of bird. b5mbu, s. Afire-engine.
bollare, <&'. White. 2. a metallic instrument for
v4 bollalu, see we^f. 2. a tapping bales of rice, etc.

family-title. boga, see s?-eX.

bolli, J. A star. 2. silver.
bogare, adj. Not quite
3. three annas. a gray ox. 4. true, fictitious, unreal. ^oso^
_ .e)o silver thread 0r girdle. unreal hardships. doso 3^5^

bollukallu, J^ t3j9
^ )
tfj$to speak of hardships

bollulli, J. Garlic. which are not fully true.

s. A white cock. bogare, s. A copper-
2. a gray t>r white ox or buf- smith.

falo. 3- a kind of medicinal I3^r> bogi, see $*>&.

plant, MnssirnJa frondosa. "<hcojo2i bogiyuni (&???>), :-. n.

4. see To be enjoyed.
bollentari, see iS^rlor^ boguni, s. A small
-'oo bollenti, <z^'. White. saucepan.
s. A white sub- boja, ^. Excellence, great-
ness, loftiness. 2. pride. 3.
stance. aJj. Whitish. csoSo

a fair man. salutation, obeisance.

bolleraduni bojana, sec $??!

T'. n. To be heated to a white bote, sec ^?cB.
point. b5du, </. T'., r. </;?/. To
bolleri, s. A kind of want, wish, desire. 2. to be
leprosy. requisite, necessary, must.
bodu 503 bornu

COOT? I want. rooSoK why monish, incite, induce, ex-

wanted ? sSjaesreS for the sake hort.

of, on account of, purposely ; bodhe, see e3jae^.

obstinately. t&seaaoso need-
bonugiri, s. A variety
ful, required. tSjaesro&srai, in ssoF.
kangu cloth; cf.
zroosoro sufficient, ample; bona, s. Food. 2. boiled
cf. eSjaa.
&! rice and ashes mixed into a
8?ci)83e>Qao bodubayi, s. A teeth- paste for applying to the left
less mouth. side of a finger-drum.
Handsel, the first
fi)c3 boni, J.
boni, see
money a trader receives or
bonu, see
the first bargain he effects in
the morning. to take boyi, s. A class of fisher-
handsel. men who are also palankin
bonu, see eSjs^o.

boru, see
iri, botri, see
bora, ^^
bo da, see borappa, ^'. All, fully.

bodige, J. The
capital bori, ^. A bull or ox.
of a pillar. 2. architrave.
boru, adj. Bald, bare,
fc^dj bodu, J. The dung of an shaven uncovered. 7\o:S

ox or also a barren
buffalo; hill. da^rf an
empty bag. -rfootS a bald
bode, see e5

2^ bodha, s. Intellect, un- boruni (djsS), z'. a. To

derstanding. 2. awakening, shave, shear, strip off. 33
arousing. ^^$ to swoon, to shave the head. 3otf to
be out of senses. eo>F$ to strip the branches of a
come to senses. tree.

3^^ bodhake, ^. A teacher, bore, s. The top of a

preacher. hill.

s. v. a.
S?$c3 bodhane, Instruction,
^do^ boryuni (eSjaeS),

teaching, advice, persuasion, To assault <?r butt, as an ox

exhortation, incitement, in- or wild beast.
ducement. bordu, s. The side of

iS^^), t3je>e?i) bodhipuni, a ship.

bodhisuni (3et?, tS^e^fj)
v. a. To 3^F bornu, adj. Sluggish,
instruct, teach, advise, ad- lazy.
?- borne 504 brahma

^r borne, J. A sluggard, or ^^ooo^ bolkatymurici, s.

vagabond. A smooth species of pepper.
J..r^ boryuni, see sfj??^s. l boune, see >3.

>/. 0/~ &j5. 2.

boudhe, sec ^^~.

bouru, s. The snarling of

b51a, J
dogs and cats. 2. frowning,
^, 23js?s3 boli, bole, threatening.

^dJS^^ bouruni, bou-

bovi, so,' t

rottuni (af^S, ed^^^), 7-. ;/.

^ bovu, .s. The tree Vatico
To snarl, as a dog or cat.
& black kind
bardifera. 2. to frown, threaten; cf.
of the same. tSjs^o a white

kind of the same.

boulane, ^. Speaking
z3j^v bola, s. Myrrh. 2. a
kind of medicine composed of
bouli, j^ Eja&e.
ghee, jaggory, cocoanut milk,
zo 7'^, e^?^o bousa, bousu,

?l> see iee^s>. bousu, ^

2. ^^ dae^^S)- boula, see
boli, ^. A widow whose byaburu, see E3?

head has been shorn. ^. Trade. s

jS$?oj> bolisuni (-^s^oJ), v.a. to trade.
To A
shave, shear, strip off; cf. O byari, s. Mapla, a Ma-
layalam speaking Mahoin-
bolu, adj. Bald, close medan.
shaven. 2. hornless, though J-. The
of an age to have them. croton seed.
Sf^Oci boluni (^?f), r. To
o^ bramanda, J^ a^^c:-.

become bald. 2. J^<2 s3^?-do^.

_ brame, J^ ^j^-
bole, s. The seeds of a
2. a bald head. brashta, see ^j^-
jack fruit. 2^^
5cFid The Divine Cause
the eyeball. tfR>
brahma, s.

large eyes. ^eous^^ to re- <?r essence of the world, the

move the seeds of a jack unknown God. 2. sacred

fruit; to put out the eyes. knowledge. ^ a religious

?} boleisuni student; a bachelor of the
. To coax. 2. to twice-born class. T& 3 the
cf. vital part in the head.
brahma 505 bhaga

20j3o,6 brahmare, s. A demon of many, abundant, excessive,

the brahmanical class; also immense.

Cx5^ ;6. brandi, s. Brandy.
20,3o,TU ?)^
brahmasthana, s. A brantu, branti, see
x*-x t3* CAJ

shrine of the

demon. brandi, s. A Brahman
2o,3oaorf brahmanda, s. The woman.
universe, adj. Very much, brane, s. A Brahman.

bha, The thirty-seventh letter
of the alphabet,
bhandata, J. Obscenity, rude-
rt bhanga, 5. Loss, injury. ness, impudence.
2. affliction, trouble. 3. defeat,
^o<3e>d bhandara, ^. A treasury;
disgrace, degradation. ^js^_ treasure.
loss of reputation, disgrace,
$oSe>Q bhandari, s. A treasurer.
afflict. ^<3 2. a family-title.
to be disgraced, molest- s. A cart. 2. a
ed, troubled. small car on which an idol is

bhangata, s. Affliction drawn.

upon affliction, extreme dis- osl bhande. s. A rake, lewd
tress. man. 2. an indecent man.
, $orrad bbangaru, bhan- ^ bhakti, s. Devotion, piety,
gara, s. Gold.
zeal, worship, faith, godliness.
bhangi, s. Hemp, Cannabis ungodliness.
saliva. an ungodly man. ^>
bhangitappalu, see
to be devoted to ;
to wor-

bhanna, see ?oX. .

bharijane, s. Destruction. ,
5-. A pious or devout
2. breaking, splitting. bhagandala, see >AC^.
bhandu, s. Obscenity, rude- bhagavante, s. God, the
Supreme Being.
^bhanda, adj. Obscene, rude, ri^3*r^! bhagavatuglte, s. A
filthy, impudent. &3 ob- theosophical poem represent-
scenity. ed as spoken by Krushna.
bhaga 506 bharta

bhagavati, s. A goddess. bhadramushti, s. The

2. Parvati, etc. aromatic grass-root, Cypcrus
bhaglratha, adj. Of 0r hexastachyns, used in medi-
pertaining to Bhagiratha. cine.
D3o3o an enterprising man. )^ bhadrasana, s. A throne.

zJjaios^ great exertions like bhadrike, see $3).

those of Bhagiratha.
bhaya, s. Fear, alarm,
\?d$ bhagirathe, s. A king fright, timidity. 3oo a
who is said to have, after man.
fearless $83 full of
great exertions brought the fear, alarmed, terrified. ~3
Ganges down from heaven. 4i to be afraid.
bhagtale, see w^rf. ^o bhayankara, ^^/'. Fright-
bhagna, adj. Broken, rup- ful, formidable, terrific.
tured. 2. overcome, defeated. s. Swiftness, speed.
$d bhara,
bhajake, s. A devoted man. ?iti4 swiftness of walking.

$ Adoration, wor-
bhajane, s. 2;jdrs bharana, see $Br.
ship, homage. 2. a singing ^. The second
service. lunar mansion. 2. see aitfrS.

cjiw bhajabhaja, w bharata, ^^ $&r.

2^)^, !^z3^5^ bhajipuni, bhaji- dl bharate, ^. A younger
suni (^sS), ^. a. To adore, brother of Rama. 2. a cele-
worship. brated dramatist. 3. the sou
v bhate, s. A hero, valiant of Dusyauta by Sakuntala.
man. ep-d^soo^ India proper. $tfa
3 bhatti, see 20^. a standard work on
bhatte, s. A priest. 2. a dramaturgy.
soothsayer. dS^D^ bharapuru, adj. Full;
bhatt 6, bhatya, s. Extra brimful; crowded.
D' ^%
allowance, batta ; travelling dri?o bharavasa, s. Confidence,

allowance. ^k^a to pay trust; assurance,

extra allowance. to assure. a?L,
a^ya to -do^^ to
pay the same in kind. trust, confide in.

bhadra, s.Care, precaution. bharita, adj. Full, replete,

2. safety, security. <z^'. Care- completed.
ful, attentive. 2. safe, secure. 3r bharke, see v>3r.

5D i? bhadrakali,
: <
s. A form ^r, ^3r bharta, bharti, s. The
of Kali.
high tide, flow.
bharti 507 bhava

bharti, bharte, J. Ful-

ness, completion, a^'. Full, gisuni (?fro^, sps^c3), v. a. To
complete. divide^ distribute.
<3 bhalle, ^. A spear. r-
A^d^ bhaglrathi, ^. The
^S'rj bhavana, J. A house, dwell- Ganges.
s. Mundane exis- bhagya, J. Riches, wealth.
$;j bhava,
tence. T3.a?A sickness of 2. felicity; fortune. 3. bliss.
_ 3o a rich man a blissful
worldly pleasures. ;

bhavishyatu, s. Future, \arith.
$33^3* The
about to be. w& the future bhajaka, s. divisor,

tense. bhajana, see aroa^.

^j^i bhasma, s. Ashes. 2. calx. s. The dividend,
$ to be burnt to ashes ; arith.
to be digested, as food. s. The sixth
s bhaksha, bhakshana, lunar month.
Feeding, eating. bhanu, ^. The sun. srotf

35^, 2^bhaksha, bhakshya,

Sunday. [
w ife .

Dressed food. 2. a cake. J. A virtuous

Oo^ bhamini,
bhakshake, s. An eater.
s. A
t bhara, weight, load,
2. a glutton. 3 a cannibal.
burden. 2. charge, 072&J.
^5jsc?j_ a meat-eater.
3. oppression, heaviness, as
bhakshipuni, in sickness. 4. importance,
consequence. adj. Heavy.
To eat, devour. 2. 3.
responsible. oppressive.
a)o3s bhanda, s. Any earthen 4. important, ^^.s govern-
vessel. 2. a bundle, load.
ment, administration.
s. A great epic
3. capital, principal. bharata,
bhaga, s. Portion, share, poem of the Hindus, treating
part. 2. side, part.
^o^$ of the adventures of the
to divide, distribute. Pandus and Kurus, etc.

bhagavata, s. One of the

bharati, s. Sarasvati, god-
Puranas. dess of speech.
2pe>rlsjJ bhagavate, s. A pious ->0 bhari, adj. Important, seri-
man. 2. the manager of a ous. 2. s. see
great, huge.
theatre. ecroa. a great man.
Epurra^c s.
bhag-akara, Division, sj bhava, The s.
eighth year
2p"3Ae)l, 2,Ti)7Tz)odo>B bhagate, bha- in the Hindu cycle of sixty.
gayati, see 2. nature, condition of being,
bhava 508 :D bhuta

disposition. meaning, pur-3.

0^ bhukta, adj. Eaten.
pose, intention, mind. taking only one meal a day.
bhavane, s. Mental per- bhukti, s. Eating. 2. food,
ception. a meal.
bhavartha, s. Design, c^or^ bhukti, bhugti, J.
purport, intention. otd bhuja, <y. The arm. so<y

bhavi, ^. A well. 2. future. ability.

o&ori bhujanga, ^. A serpent.
2^)^X0^ bhavipuni,
2. a libertine.
bhavisuni (ep^ ejrosoj),
v. a.

To think, imagine, intend. )3^) bhujipuni, see ^|^4-

bhave, s. A brother-inlaw. odfj bhuvana, s. The world.

s. j?do bhussu, s. The hissing of

epu3S bhase, bhashe,
a serpent. 2. panting.
Speech, language. reproof,
J3 bhu, s. The earth. ^oz;,
reprimand, -f^^ to reprove.
eiLra to be able to speak. ^c^ an earthquake. ^a?*,
_-doc3e> the earth, terrestrial

globe. ^ a worm. -^ a
s to translate. map. -a. 3j33. sS a king,
bhuta, j

A goblin, ghost.
bhashinga, see STO&CA.

2. matter of fact, what has

$ bhinna, adj. Split, broken,
mutilated. 2. dis- really been. adj. Been, be-
come. 2. gone, past, -^cfi,
tinguished, other, different.
TO5. 2:^ medicinal
bhikari, J.-A beggar. 2. ^,
a pauper, vagabond. plants so called respectively.
-53<y the past tense.
bhiksha, J^ ?^-
?^>^o a devil dancer.
^seJ. '
fl bhikshata, bhi- a malignant abscess,

kshatane, s. Begging, asking.

2. wandering in quest of cha- gi bhutala, J. The surface of
rity. the earth.

bhikshe, s.
Alms, charity.
Cjjj;3j)^33)ozl bhutalapande, ^.
2. ratf a
begging. beggar. The promulgator of the law
to beg alms. inheritance
-tfu^s of nepotism or
bhikara, <//'. Terrible, of a person's property by his
fearful, formidable, frightful. sister's children, apjss^tfs^oa
bhlti, J. Fear. the law of nepotism.
do bhlme, ^. The second of :;^ z^ bhutaii, sec w3. 2. a
the Pfuidu princes. species of aloe.
bhumi 509 bhrante

J30o bhumi, s. The earth or a, ^ja?7^)oa ^4 a mortgage

world. 2. land, soil, ground. by which the interest of
3. a place, site. 4. landed money lent on a house,
property. land, regarded as an
etc., is

bhuvana, see'$v3. equivalent for the use; a

bhushana, s. Ornament, usufructuary mortgage.

embellishment. 2. a trinket 3fcc3 bhojana, s. Food. 2. a
or jewel. 3. flattery, praise, repast, meal, eating. v

honour. a dining hall. OD^_ the

j, ^ bhrutte, bhrutye,
hired servant. 2. a depend-
Lord's Supper.

^kra, $,s3orf bhramana, bhra-

ant or adherent. mane, s. Whirling, wandering.
j bheti, s. A visit, audience. 2. perplexity, confusion.
to give an audience. }>, 2^Oo?io^ bhramipuni,

to visit. bhramisuni (^-so, ^j^cJ), v.a.

Co* bhedu, see e2?S. To confuse, perplex. #. n.

^. dif-
To err, think erroneously.
bheda, Distinction,
ference. 2. s3o bhrame, ^. Whirling, going
disunion, discord,
strife. to make dis- round. 2. error, ignorance,
tinctions. mistake, misapprehension, il-
^. a pur- lusion. 3. confusion, perplexity
bhedi, Purging;
of mind, giddiness. 4. a tem-
^jj^ bhedisuni ($e&!3), f. .

To separate, disunite, tear,

porary aberration of reason,
delirium. 5. astonishment,
A a bilious
bheri, J. large drum; a surprise. 1:^
kettledrum. complaint. e?L?> to be con-

Cd bheirave, ^. Siva. 2. an fused; to be astonished.

inferior manifestation of him. bhrashta, adj. Fallen, de-
j. praved, defiled. e?L^ to be
bhoga, Enjoyment,
pleasure. depraved, defiled.

^JS(?r\ bhogi,

. A person brought ^L bh.rasb.te, s. A depraved

or corrupt man. ^o^ an
up in luxury or enjoying it.

To enjoy, especially any carnal oS*, ^c3 bhrantu, bhranti,
or sensual pleasure. ^.Delusion, mistake, blunder.
2. delirium.
bhogya, s. Enjoyment,
usufruct. 2. a crop. sjLaerao ,oJ bhrante, s. An idiot, fool.
ma 510 : :: manna

) ma, The thirty-eighth letter
of the alphabet.
ladevi, mangalavati, s. The
mankudi, ^. A wooden goddess after whom the town
peg in a
wall to support a of Mangalore is called.
roof, or a plank serving as a s. Wav-
tf mangalarati,
ing a lamp before an idol, etc.

manka, manku, s.
^ s.
Dulness, stupidity. z5o^r
Sanskrit verses sung when
half mad, foppish.
waving lamps before a bridal
manga, J. A monkey, adj.
Apish, foolish, senseless. sSe
s. A
sioort^ manngali, spotted
the pranks of a monkey.
MJ cow. Dapple, spotted.
_ scos adj.
sjjortsksdo mangaluru, s. lit. A
Gril?" mangatu, s.
Coaxing, the town
prosperous town. 2.
wheedling, cajolery,
of Mangalore.
orfkras^ mangatavuni (^>cX
si>oris? mangale, s. The planet

. a. To coax, cajole,
Mars. 2. a spotted ox or bull.
hoax, wheedle, deceive.
adj. Spotted, dapple.
, d-crt^ mangane, manga- ^ocXu.
sjjorttf* mangalya,
s. Ajffectation, *iJ
ne, coquetry,
siicrreeJmangata, J. The pranks
of a monkey. 2. tricks, pranks.
^ mangala, manga-
J. 3. see ~&
la, Happiness, auspicious-
ness, good fortune. 2. see mangu, s. A female eat,

si>=A<. 2. a silly female. 3. a small

adj. Happy, auspi-
cious, fortunate, prosperous.
insect. *$ ^"-^ CA^O^
ssoior an auspicious cere- 3ocXo e?tf /f/. by

mony. ^o3o5 deceit. ^ the time you conclude your

a female's narrative the cat will be
&) marriage-badge
worn round the neck. tfLva pubescent; i.e., you are a
an auspicious ceremony to be slow coach, pro.
concluded. mange, s. A monkey, ape.

mangalarati, -^ ^= 1. a silly fellow. skcR? a

small worm.
?w mangalavara, s. Tues- SJJOE mannane, see ^
marica 511 manta

, ma- oto manji, J. A long boat. 2.

cavu, s. A cot, bedstead. a single masted country-


mancipatre, marijapatre, mariji- manji, ^. A kind of hemp.

s. Artemisea indica, a see
pungent, bitter drug, said to marijishtha, Bengal mad-
be anthelinintic, stomachic, der, Rubia manjista.
and a remover of phlegm Jo^j manju, see . see
and catarrh.
ofc&o* maricilu, s. A kind of manjuru, s. Approval.
conveyance, resembling a 2. validity. <M^'. Authentic,
hammock, made of sack cloth valid, ratified. N disap-
with an awning above, and proved, in valid; rejected. 3o
and carried on the shoulders ^oi to approve, ratify; au-
of men. tenticate, to make valid.

marija, s. A fish-market; manje, adj. Barren, un-

also sjsctfrfooia. fruitful.

skowtf marijana, see esoajtf. do oe!3. manjetti, s. The arnotto

si) owe marijari, s. The spike, tree, Bixa orellana. 2. the
or bunch of flowers seed of it, used as a weight by
and fruits. goldsmiths.
sjoofc3S3 ,
sko&i$* manjalu, man- manjeru, adj. Sterile,
barren. ^js^o a barren
jalu, s. Turmeric, Curcuma
long a. 2. yellow colour.
o2crao3j manjeraye, s. A de-
adj. Yellow. es^ a kind
of cake. 3^ a kind of fish. mon so called.
Curcuma zerumbct. ocis3 manjele, see ^oo&;e3.

3&j a kind of bird. 4 o^J5e3,, djo^J5^!3 manjotti,

a kind of flower. wa3 -, WcS-,
GO manjoti, see ^oosS&i.
are several kinds of A raised
oeEjs^, manjotte, s.
turmeric. ^o"rf_ Curcuma bank at the end of a race-
xanthorrhiza, a kind of medi- field.
cinal root, applied to the eye.
manjolu, see ^oo&!6,
o manjala, adj. Yellow.

joo^s? manjale, manjale, manta-

j. A
yellow or tawny coloured pa, mantame, mantavu, ^. An
man. &se> a yellow cock. open shed or hall erected
mantu 512 mamm

on marriage and other festive

occasions. an airy
a large kind of
from head to
shed, tdooso a portico, porch, buttocks. ^fj, hydrocepha-
mantu, see ^>^- lus, dropsy of the head.
The counter of
_ c&>*, _ -^zB-R a capitation or
a country shop a low bench ;
poll tax. ^.5 a royal ant.
skozS eooa difference of
or platform on which a shop-
opinion, disagreement. ^o
keeper squats while trans-
acting business. w^s to box the head or knock
oodo, ^ooCs^ mandala, inanda-
it against anything hard.
_ s^oa to take part; to
la, s. The disk of the sun
or moon. 2. an orb, ball,
mandege, s. The name
globe, circumference in gene-
of a caste; also skot^.
ral. 3. a province, region,
district. 4. an empire. 5. a odzos? mandebale, s. A straw

heap, quantity, multitude, covering of a vessel. 2. the

assemblage. 6. the period pole-plate of a roof.

of forty-eight days. ss?3iS, ocldvraO mandemari, s. Swell-

zSoorfe^ziS an emperor, ^o ing of the head, a cerebral

the disk of the moon; an disorder. 2. giddiness, intoxi-

idol car. &? the Co- cation. 3. a word of abuse.

romandel Coast. ~tf a fo- mandele, see ^
reign territory. fc> the under ^ocrSe3.

earth. SJB^O^J to describe a o^J3ne)6mandoligare, s. The

circle. president of an assembly.
>oCs) mandali, s. An assembly, 2. a member of an assembly.

congress. ^ a member of an mannu, s. Earth, clay,

assembly. Xo^nS a presi- soil. -rfoTj^i
earth and
cemetery; anything without
mandi, s. The knee. order or discrimination. 3
mandikutte, s. A six>3 a lump of earth. -dx>3
a r o
demon so called, heavy. 3oofrobo>, TSocra^E-'

^joo&rt mandige, s. A kind of to be reduced to earth ;

to die ;

very thin cake. 2. the nasal to decay. sraosoK ^oof5 eojatfos

passage into the month. 3. ///. earth to fall into the mouth;
the name of a caste. to be disappointed or de-
mande, s. The skull; the ceived; to be afflicted with.
head. 2. a large earthen a grovelling dispo-
manna 513 mandi

sition. ^o-^a to swallow counsellor. 2. the queen in

earth. chess.

cess^ manuadake, ^. The se-

c^o&o^ mantriyuni (^o=Sj),
pistan plum tree, Cordia v. a. To charm, enchant. 2.

myxa. to advise, persuade.

crsS'o* mannadiku,^'. Under oo$! manthu, mantha-
the earth, subterranean, na, see rbc.
mannane, see 3oo^B. dooq5e)?i manthana, man-
mannase, s.
Earthly thana, see ^JOSB^.

desire, worldly-mindedness. manda, s. Slowness ;


manni, s. Rice flour and ness, stupidity. 2. thickness,

3. the planet Saturn.
jaggory boiled with cocoanut density.
^baass^s Dim, dull. 2.
juice, etc., treacle. adj. stupid,
to boil down. senseless. 3. mild, moderate,
salt. gentle. 4. thickly spread,
mannuppu,^. Bay
A dense. -rfocc^ indi-
c3 mantu, manta, s. es?^,

stick. 2. see sfcsg. gestion, want of appetite.

e?6, zSoorfd thick butter milk.
o^rfzSJSosS mantadabombe, s.

A _ ^cR; dim sight. 535 a dense

moving puppet.
forest. A^o=i a slow walk.
osdor mantarme, s. The back
or railing of a cot. 5>e5 turbid water. eooo

dull comprehension. SDCCOO

mantana, s. High birth,
noble parentage. a gentle breeze. s^ Satur-
-S=DX! a gentle smile.
mantra, s. A mystical day.
verse or incantation. 2. a oorfd, SjjocsTrf mandara, man-
formula sacred to any indi- dara, s. The tree Bauhinia
vidual deity. 3. a charm. acuminata. 2. a mythical
7^3, G3o5o a charmer, con- mountain . & mandara flower.
jurer, magician. mandare, s. A tell-tale

and devices. woman. 2. an artful woman.

$ to charm. *teor$> to ?;^ mandamastu, see 3o
master the mysteries of a
formula. 5 mandaksha, s.
mantrakshate. s. Raw bashfulness.
rice coloured with red
powder, mandi, see ^o=~.
over which incantations have mandira, s. A house,
been pronounced. habitation. -CD^ a palace.
mantri, s. A minister, mandiri, J
mandi 514 makka

mandillu, see scarcity. ^retfoa to desire

;: mande, ^. People, persons. eagerly. j-

ti on .

- ///. ten people the ;

maka, ^. A sacrifice, obla-
members of a parish, a pres- jss^ makamalu, s. Velvet.
bytery. how many per- makaru, ^. Trick, artifice,
sons? ~>O r5oc
_ AJ> 7js5o rfjo^j
cheat, deception.
///. ten people are equal to s. An
makara, alligator.
pearl there is wisdom in the the
; 2. Capricornus, sign of
counsel of an assembly, pro. zodiac, adj. Obstinate. ^e
a few persons. 3si Cupid, whose banner
mandri, s. A bed-sheet, bears the sign of an alliga-
covering garment. 2. a table tor. 33 obstinacy. &setfr
cloth. a wreath carried on poles.
inandhana, see sSocsssf. ^c^ca the passage of the
, oc$ mandhi, mandhe, sec sun from Sagittarius into
manna, ^. Suspense, post- j^, ^0=5^0^ makariyuni,
ponement. 2. discontinuance, makaryuni (^>55), v, n. To be

cessation. 3. prohibition, dis- changed.

allowance. makuta, s. A crown,
Oo^cl mancane, s. Respect, crest, tiara.

civility, politeness, attention. , make, see &>&

^i manni, see 3oorf. makku, s. Awn or beard

5Joo>;do> mannipuni, of grain, etc. adj. Bristly,

mannisuni (skca, -u, a. rough. e?La to be bristly,
To forgive, pass over, over- as a plant, etc.
look. 2. to regard, treat makku, ^. Irritation in

kindly. 3. to honour, show the throat. <^'. Irritating.

respect. _3c^o distressing cough. ^>

s&oS^ mampuni, see ^_ La, feel irrita-

siotfo^. -jjuojftto
The tion in the throat.
. mamma, s.
breast. makkaru, sec
makkara, see
w mammatikottu,
,ieJ-\ s. c;

A mamooty. makkalaceshte, ^.

inanimate, see ^>^o^. Convulsions of children.

. 3 mamme, s. Longing, eager- e)^ makkalasantana, s.
ness. _'. want, Inheritance by one's sons, in
makka 515 magru

contrast to inheritance by maga, see

nephews (ss^oSoxbg^). magapuni (^X), v.a. To
. Child- draw and turn over. $?5- to
ishness. draw water.
Irritation. *
s makki, J. 2. magaru, see
^orf a
ploughing. ploughed magaruni, see
field; a field of one crop.
crooSo a ploughman.
magalu, ^. A daughter.
rough timber. S$JAVSZ$O
pi. J daughters.
makku, ^^
ricz3o> sjjrjjo^)^ magucuni,
makkuni (^>%), ?'. To
magupuni, see 3oK4$.


feel irritation in the throat. ri mage, J. A son; pi.

makke, see &>&. sons.

makkeri, s. A kind of magga, ^. A loom. -c

W a weaver.
wicker basket used for fish- rf^s to pass or
shoot the shuttle through the
ing. to fish with such
a basket. warp in weaving, as country
weavers do.
makkelu, ^'. Irritating,
jy s.
as a rancid substance. maggi, Multiplication,
the multiplication table. X
bristly, rough.
o repeat the same, -so
to know the same,
makhe, j s. An
maggina, obstacle,
J magute, ^'. Again, a
second time. &$.
magte, see
magupu, s. A turn.
magna, adj. Plunged, im-
magupuni (^J\), #.. mersed, sunk. eyL$ to be
To turn, upset. socsS to sunk, as in any vice,
retch. magpu, see ^oh4-
* fol-
maguru, ^". Next, magrama, adj. Next, fol-

lowing. adv. Again, once lowing. a3 next day, the*

more. ^>e> next year. 4 following day.
w^s, Tbowo^to crop up again, magravonuni, z'.

to have a relapse. To prostrate,

rY^r magurne, adj. Next, fol- magru, ^^ 3oK5.
lowing, succeeding. ^v the magruni, ^. To fall, .

next year. tumble. 2. to shake, be agi-

maru 1G matta

tated. 3. to feel a reeling distance from nine to twelve

sensation, a^os! to feel un- miles.
easiness in the belly. ^o' majalu, adj. Of middle
magruru, s. Pride, ar- sort, as land. tforf a field

rogance, haughtiness. 2. of middle sort. 33 middle

rudeness, impertinence. sort.

maghe, s. The tenth lunar majale, j. Kubbish

asterisin. eorir a season of washed on shore.
much rain. ^^ ska^S*.
macca, s. A little piece of ^. Coal. 2. black
jc maji,
gold or silver kept as a
powder. 3. ink.
sample or test.
s. A churn-
macca, J. A strong, stink-
cr ing-stick.
ing smell. U&J3&) majuri, majuru,
53 $6 maccammu, . A kind s. Hire, cooly, wages. *$&

of fish. &f to pay hire.

o maccara, s ^^ maje, s. A natural speck,
s. A stone-cutter's spot, freckle, mole.
a macci,
chisel. ^ot3 majji, j^ 3J33.
maccu, J^ ^o^ Before-
do^.^D^ majkuri^, ^'.
z macce, s. Likeness, re- Con-
mentioned, aforesaid. ^.

semblance. 2. *>& .

j^s maja, see &>& "-

,3 majbutu, ^'. Strong,
o^oiJ majanti, J. A small kind firm, fixed.
of bee. 2. its wax. majlasige, ^. Boast,
jfci^j^ majakuni (^oar^), r. ;/.
To become dim. i\ a. To Url matige, sec ^^- a Jr.
scatter, huddle. Till.

owj2e3aoJ9do majakoteburu, s
s. ,
mattu, see ^owj,.
A kind of creeper. matta, ^. A carpenter's or
majade, see sfcoafli bricklayer's square. 2. level,

majane, ^. A kind of black

fj height, measure. a?a>_ water
scars on the body. level,
to suffer from them. y. matta, ^. Toddling, awfe 1

f majabuti^, sec At full length, -rfods'f? on

j v majal^, .s. A stage in a the whole back. rfo^
journey, halting place. 2. a to toddle, as a child.
. matta 517 madi

otlo' mattaru, s. A place of ;d madake, s. An earthen

cock-fighting. 2. a fair held vessel for collecting toddy.
in the month of May. z3os a kind of crab. o5r
s. A small
o^.3^1 mattitoute, a kind of fruit.
kind of cucumber, gerkin. >crio #. a.
madaguni (do3K),
okJo, mattu, Measure, extent,
To lay down, put, place,
limit, capacity, ability. &so
madatana, see dorfs' ?i
sabs to understand a person's
madate, s. A fold, crease.
matte, J. A kind of tune, madalu, s. A palm branch.
mattelu, The pouch s. 2. a cocoanut branch with
in front formed by the folds plaited leaves. <&3 a dried
of a female's garment and leaf of a palmyra tree. sjs

used as a pocket. 2. the bosom, oi a kind of fish. doo<iL>$

lap. doa ,
3oO- an under to plait palm leaves.
pouch so formed. _ madastana, s. Rolling
matha, s. The residence of one's self round a temple or
a priest or spiritual guide a ;
before an idol, in fulfilment
monastery. 2. a school, college.
of a vow. 3j7>3os> to roll in
the eight residences of
^ such a way.
the spiritual guides, connect-
;ra)03o?oo5) madayisuni (dozssoso
ed with the Krushna temple
i). a. To bind, cover, as
atUdipi, namely, zjeSdreS ,
^ a book.
o^S Sgi'd , 3&&& 7\. Sgtfja'dO--, tJSrJ50
ra y s. A
?5j3?:3 ,
es^ja5 , and 33e madi, newly washed
^nO a nunnery. Xo cloth, bleached cloth. 2. a

the residence of a spiri- garment of bark, silk, or

tual guide or minister. &oX wool, worn by Brahmans and
^o the residence of a Linga other high-caste people dur-

ssa an inhabitant ing meals or any ceremonies.
of a monastery. 3. fold, the same quantity
maduguni, see added (in comp. with &>5 and

mada, ^^ ^^>^- f^5, do changes into 20;) as, 1*

madanku, see air& a single fold; ^aDra a
^odod^ double fold, etc. adj. Bleach-
s. Rice ed, washed. socUo a washed
madandelu, plants
after cloth. 7?jeo33 a kind of toad.
sprouting again they
have been once reaped. 2. a gaoSo a washerman.
kind of tree. to bleach, wash clothes. d-s

madi 518 mani

;&$ to change a washed gar- maderiji, s.A kind of fish.

ment. rf.-B^s to become l madke, 1

.s .
quantity of
dirty. grass, etc.
ja^ madike, s. Folding, doub- maddi, s. Sediment, lees.
ling. 2. a wrinkle, crease.
2. rice boiled with cocoanut
3. a small earthen vessel.
and husk, for cattle.
3e> 4 a kind of cake.
s. A
d^sc;^ maddelapakki,
:a^c?rf^) madiciravu, s. A kind kind of bird.
of bag or purse.
, djdksii maddele, madyele,
c. T.
madipavuni, (of s. A washerman.
To make cause
fold, j
madlu, see &>&$.
to fold.
.C2, ^ors^ 5 mana, manaku, adj.
madipu, s. A fold, plait.
_e3?jS a clasp knife.
Viscous, sticky. ^^s, _^o
s'o^?) to stick,
s3j3AO adhere,
sjj^s^)^ madipuni (3oS), To become united.
fold, plait, double up. socaS
s. Pilchard.
to feel loathing or disgust;
manajogu, s. Giddi-
to retch.
ness, vertigo.
:jjj madiyuni r'.w.
manali, s. A tune. 2. see
To become folded, doubled up.
sjoa^s? madivale, see rfoz^A s. Red arsenic.
3' madlru, Second
manara, see 3o&ee^Ti
born. cro;3o the second son.
mani, s. A bead. 2. a small
;&& madu, ^. An axe, hatchet. bell. a gem, pearl, ^orfor
_^ ^5 the handle of an axe. a small kind of black beads.
r*.^ madugadi, see ?ra5 a rib of a ship. SD^
orij^) maduguni, see a prophesy. a necklace ^
^. of beads. s#1F beads in
made, Orts, refuse,
crumbs, or remains of vic- general. ^oOodooa. ^Sodood
tuals. 2. saliva, spittle. 3. to string beads.

whatever has come in con- manigantu, s. The

tact with the mouth. ^3 a ankle.

leaf-plate that has been used manigare, see -&37V3.

for a meal. 4& ring worm. manipande, sec under
anything defile
by bringing in contact with jt$Q manipu, ^. A strong,
mouth. superior kind of coir.
mani 519 mada

;^ manpun, see matsara, J. Envy, malice.


manu, s. A maund equal matsya, s. A fish.

to 28 Ibs. 3^>^ the first incarnation of
mane, s. A low stool to sit Vishnu in the form of a fish.

upon. todr-ei--. a whetting mathana, ^. Churning.

board. a kind of
^u^- madumaye, s. A
stool furnished with a short
handle. E^ON j-^ under
c^ja's* madumalu,^. A bride.

^oj3. ^JUDOSO wooden furni-

2. a pubescent female.
a kind of fish. 3,
?f ns>6 manegare, s. A revenue
inspector. s. A
madume, wedding,
manoli, s. The vegetable
d zSjsosJ a shed
Coccinia indica.
erected for nuptial cere-
mata, J.
Purpose, intention, monies. 4^oJ a wedding

wish, mind. 2. religion; a feast. ?)$ to become mar-

sect. the
religious ^J^ ried.
^o^s> to marry.
Christian religion. crooSo.
madure, ^. Madura. tfo

^ a follower of a religion,
a red kind of turban
a sectarian.
sfs^ Buddhism. manufactured in Madura.
j5?rf religious difference.
madurengi, ^<s ^odjc?\.
j^o^), o3^wo matalapu, ma-
madijlu, 5. A roofed
talabu, s. The contents tfr
wall of a compound.
purport of a writing or speech.
to make a roofed wall.
SDOSo matayi, s. A wave.
d mada, s.Pride, arrogance.
o3 mati, s.
Understanding, 2. insanity, madness, infatu-
intellect, common sense. 2.
ation. 3. joy, 4.
the senses. crooS senseless.
rutting, as of an elephant.
_ to be out of senses.
;^$ 5. inebriety, intoxication. 6.

mattu, ^^ ^ooJp. or vinous

spiritous liquor.
matta, <^".
Intoxicated. 1. desire, love.

2. furious, mad. l madante, see ^orao^.

matti, s. The tree 7Vr- s. Ulcerous

minalia tomentosa.
leprosy, -t&^d to be affect-
jj, matte, j. An inebriate man ; ed -with leprosy.
a mad man. rt^o^) madakuni D. n.
a -^ matlabu, J To go or move swiftly.
mada 520 dodo maddo CO

madaga, s. A large natural ^ 6

madimuttelu, s. The
tank. first menstruation.
madadu, adj. Slothful,
indolent, s. A log, trunk. s
madilu, see
an indolent fellow.
madu,Mediating or in-
madadi, see 3o&s&. with a devil-dancer
madadu, J. A lazy woman. as the spokesman of a com-
adj. Lazy. 2. sloping. to mediate so.
munity. zjrfyS
madade, -r. A blockhead. dockd madura, see sk^'d
2. a sluggard.
sjod made, s. A screen, blind.
madatruni, see ^orf^s. 2. a retired place, privacy.
dF? madana, madane, s. e?S:s> to be screened, shelter-

Cupid. 2. a man's name. ed.

sktfo^ to screen, hide.
madapu, Forgetful- madepu,^. Shade, shelter,,
ness. retirement.
d$> madapuni (^>rf),
i). a. To ".a.
dodc^^i madepuni (^^,
forget. To screen, shelter, hide.
ri^sS madapele, s. A forgetful
dodoJoo^i madeyuni (^>^, v. n.
man, absent-minded man. To be out of sight, shut.
madari, A branch of
doc3J3^ madodi, s.

madarengi, a of its
palmyra, stripped
madale, madale, leaves.

maddu, see sSoSr.

madante, ma- s.
dandhe, s. A man blind with A demon so called.
pride or passion an arro- ;

e3, sjods? maddale, maddale,

gant or dissolute man.


a sluggard, lazy man.

maddane, j. A rutting
z3 D do x^madamastu, # ^//.Stout,
robust, lusty.
do a do maddima, see
madipu, s. A consulta-
tion, deliberation. 2. settle- doz3 ^. dod^ maddesa, madye-
ment, resolution. - sa, s. Persuasion, inducement.
- 3.
-^a to consult, 2. pacifying, appeasing.
to settle. mediation.

a^j^ madipuni (^^), r. a. To maddoli, s. A finger-

consult, deliberate, settle. drum.
maddya 521 mana

do madya, J. Wine; spiri- do ^=5* ?j Qrt manakasarige, s. Ill-

tuous or fermented liquor. feeling; uncleanness of heart
2. see ^otfo. s^>~
taking or mind.

liquor. SJBS a drunkard. kc3c3s>> manadani, s. The next

zioft madrengi, The henna
s.. day, following day.
plant, Lawsonia spinosa. manara, sje -&>3jz?&>-3.

madha, see ->i. manavariko, s. Know-

madhande, ma- ledge, perception. [s^cstf.
, sjjzp>oq:>
dhandhe, see ^ocroc^. manasantara, see ^>

manastapa, s. Heart-
qkmadhu, s. Spirituous liquor,
wine. 2. honey. 3. sugar. burning, grief. 2. contrition,
4. sweetness in flavour, sound, repentance. ^ ?odo -&3
or disposition. Tfo^ ^c5> his grief has cleav-
Sweet, ed unto you.
qkd madhura, adj.
ON?J* manassu, s. The mind;
pleasing, agreeable. OJ
the heart. 2. desire, incli-
madhya, The middle,
nation, attention. 3 A
centre. adv. Between; cf. v
the state of mind. 3o<3

magnanimous. 5^ vacil-
madhyama, adj. Midd-
lation, wavering; reluctance.
ling, of middle sort.
3^ an excellent mind, ami-
qj^rrad, doqSo^, madhyasta- 5^ dream-
able disposition.
gare, madhyaste, s. A mediator. sa^
ing and waking, ^y(3 ,

an evil mind; a bad disposi-
"kj\ madhyastige, ^. Arbitra-
tion, ^c^ej fickle-minded-
ness. -e?L$ to will; to wish,
doqrsoao^madhyana, desire. ?$ to have no mind
w ;

dhyahna, J. Noon, the middle not to desire or

of the day.
like. 2^
^^ as one likes; indiscrimi-
^^ madhyesa, see rfo^?rf.
nately, arbitrarily. a?bato
e's, 2^3o3ormadhvacarye,^.
The covet; to be attentive. sktfo^
founder of a Veishnava sect. to to deter-
will; resolve,
^ mana, see mine. to have mind
A)s^?> ;

manah- to covet; to like. =5^53$ to

purti, manahpurvaka, adj. Vo- be grieved. 5y7\o$ to be

luntary, wilful, earnest, adv. moved, to relent ;

to feel pity.

Voluntarily, wilfully, ear- ^ooirfoa to be dejected. 3s>

nestly. Sbr?> to pay attention. ^o

mana 522 maya

to be willing, to will, manovakkaya, s.

consent, determine. TJW^)?) Thought, word and deed.

to shrink, recoil; to be dis- manovega, s. Swift-
inclined; to be fascinated, ness of thought,
enamoured. rf^
as quick as thought.

ftee)& manassakshi, s. Con- j^J3^36d manohara, J. Charm-

rO 1
science. ing, delightful, agreeable,

)$j)5) manipuni (^>$), v. a. To pleasant.

speak, utter. // is used mannadake, see

chiefly in the negative; as,

^ mannipuni, see
322 (I) do not speak i&>a3izS s.
of^zp manmathe, Cupid.
do not speak, ^o^rfi he does
o^o^d manvantara, s. The reign
not speak. -&>&t>o3 without
of a Manu, a period equal to
speaking, quietly, silently.
306,720,000 years of the
0:3 to be silent,
ero^s mortals or one day of Brahma.
manu, s. The celebrated
Jc^o* manvaru, s. A man of
Hindu legislator. v^or-s^ war.
the institutes of Manu.
jfS manse, s. A Pariah.
manuje, manu-
j:2, do&slp
j^ mappu, .r. Evening, twi-
shye, s. Man, a man, mankind.
light. ?&$ to grow dark.
Jcfo?3 manuse, .?&?
^^. tja mabbu, adj. Dim, dull,
mane, ^. A house, home. obscure.
estf a palace. #3_ a prison,
3 a household. siraS
makara, mamate, mamatkara, s.
household furniture; person-
Affection, love.
al property. sroSrj*
maya, s. A Sanskrit affix
household affairs, family con- used in the formation of
adjectives attributive of
manegare, see
of which a thing is chiefly
manepu, see made or consists \ as, >-

manoli, see covered with water. ^^ >ir

manogata, ^. State of golden, all gold.

mind, purpose: opinion. oiooo mayanti, s. A demon
s. State so called.
'-c^v^ manobhava,
mayandruni, see
of mind.
r-dqi manoratha, ^. Wish,
desire. mayaka, see
may a 523 mara

mayakuni (rfoodoS}, marampe,

i'. 7i. To vanish, disappear. maraka, ^<
2. to flicker, as a light.
marakatu, a^'. Rough,
doctors mayana, see sfcaodore.
3e3 a clumsy
djoJodooio mayamaya, ^'. Dim, work .

dull. sy^a to become dim, marakadi, a^'. Rough,

as the eyes. half finished, as a work.
mayaluni, see 3ooo$. marakata, s. An emerald.
mayasure, s. A titan, marakalu, see ~&>3r<5.
the architect of giants,
A fisherman,
mayi, ^ ~&>^ who
is also

mayilo, ^ ^raosoeSjs
bearer; a
steersman, fern.
under ^jsokos.

mayyaru, s. A pair of dod^d marakalme, s. The head-

compasses. 2. a circle. SJD
man of fishermen.
to draw a circle,
djd^doA* marakerengu, s. Tapi-
mara, s. A tree. 2. timber;
wood. ssS a a wooden oca, Jatropha manihot.
3rf5 small branches of a dod^jsd^ marakodappe, s. A
tree. 3 sSeeitrooSo a carpen- woodpecker.
ter. -^e4 a kind of Acacia, maragupatre, s. Mint.
Arum viviparum.
r maraje, see S&tfx.
to become stiff. oddo maradu, maradu,
trees to be rubbed against j-.
Barrenness, sterility. 2.
each other. 5^ to cut or a small trough; cf. rfo^osj.
fell a tree.
adj. Barren.
do^cl, dod^cl marankane, ma- odra marana, J. Death. &-
rakane, adj.On the back ; top- and death.
birth ss time
on the
sy-turvy. zS^a to lie
of death. ass^ a horoscope
back. sojsT&s to fall back-
predicting one's death. 3Sj
ward, ^o^?? siydos ?? 1

??, _a3^^ a will or testament.
to turn topsy-turvy; to con-
odre)oo a :

maranantika, adj.
Lasting, enduring, ending
marang-e, see
with death.
marante, see A barren
oSd^> maradevi, s.

marandala, see woman.

marampu, see maranlru, s. Toddy.
mara 524 mare

marapu, s. Forgeti'ulness ; mari, s. A serpent, snake.

cf. ^0^55. 2. a mistake, omis- 2. a worm. 3. a young
sion. animal. ^ soeSr the young
45} marapuni (^), . a. To of a serpent. ~s2 a green
fell, pull down, as a wall, etc. whip-snake. 52rfor& a boa-
2. to set up what has been constrictor. soc^_ an intesti-
upset. 3. see rJjrf^a. nal worm. 3 3ocR> poison-

doddoofc!^ mara- ous earth; unhealthy soil.


marijalu, maramanjalu, s. The sjo0door(j^j marimugudu, s. A

yellow sauders, Morinda kind of fresh-water fish.
umbellata. SjoOciisQ, ojooc&jdrii mariyadi,
ds&d maramara, ^/'. Sleepy, mariyade, s. Custom, usage.
drowsy. 2. propriety of conduct. 3.

5JJ3S maramari, j^ rf^^^jas. respect, civility, politeness.

3.a present. crecSo a
maramasa, s. Tough polite
meat. man; a man of rank.

j marayi, see mariyala, see 3ooctoF.

maraluni, see maru, s. A particle, atom.

s. The caste of adj. Following, next. &3

Maravas. 2. ^otf- the next day. a ;

there is no body.
odps? maravoli, s. A kind of
mistletoe. 2. a wild screw- maruva, sa
pine. jdoT90$j maruviyi, s. The bi-

marasani, s. A kind of valve, a kind of oyster. ^ ,

jam from Ceylon. '&

' '--

d3oosjo3* marahammat^, s. ssuS & are different kinds

2. of it
Mending, repair. engineer-
ing. ^s,/sa5 public works marulu, se: si>r.
department. ^o^Ntomend, mare, s. A shelter, retreat;

repair. cf.
Tk:3. 2. the milky juice
, maralikke, s.
Hinge. or sap of plants, fruits, etc. ;
marayi, s. A trough <?r gum. fe^N the milky juice
bowl. cf^rc^rf- a cattle to exude. -~3^^ to be cover-

j"3_, ^oTt_ a long ed with the same.

trough, ^e^- a stone trough. sjodzl)mareduni,
*J^o- a large trough with a ^33$.
marepuni, sec 2.

handle on either side. set ^bt

530=5* F marky. 525 marya

marku, s. Scum or sedi- mara, see

ment of oil.
c. v.
marjavuni, (of
marka, adj. Fainting, To cover, shelter,
dejection, languor. e?&a to as a hen its young ones under
faint, feel dejected. its wings.
uFej* markatu, see rfo-rf^O.
marji, s. Opinion, senti-
markate, s. A monkey, ment. 2. disposition, incli-

ape. 2. a stupid fellow. nation. 3. will, pleasure. 4.

markadi, see ^o-ctea. manner, way.

sJo'&SFzi markade, mar- marna, see zk-dr.

kode, s. A bad habit, improper marti, s. A silly or simple

behaviour, rudeness, naughti- woman.

ness. |F marte, s.
Selling, bargain.
markalu, s. A measure C3*F mard^jL, s. Medicine. 2.
of salt, equal to 28 pounds. t3c^o5Sr.
gunpowder; <z/.ytf 3.

^OF^) markuni (^o^r), v. n. decoy powder, philter. crooSo

To groan, moan. a physician. &a&F& to ad-

^Fs:6 markelu, s. minister medicine, treat a
moaning. patient.

margij, adj. Dead.

e? mardade, s. An honorary
to die. title among Jainas.

margi, ^^ ^OTOOSO. dF(3 mardana, s.

shampooing. 2. grinding. 3.
margilij, ^. The side,
flank. eo<^^_ the killing. ^otfo^, skar^s to
right side.
the left side. rub, shampoo, grind.
s. marpu, see
marca, Enticement,
seduction. 2. taming, domesti- marbu, see
cating. marina, J

. A secret. 2.

marcavuni, c. v. (of a vital part. 3. see

To entice, seduce. marmale, see

2. to tame, domesticate. marmaye, ^. A fe-

^OF^I marcuni (^o^S"r), v.n. male's son-in-law, a nephew

To be enticed, seduced. 2. or a brother's son.
to be tamed, domesticated. 5J05J33FS?* marmalu, s. A female's
2FS3 S marcelu, adj. Tamed. daughter-in-law, a niece or a
s. Tameness.
^ taming, as brother's daughter.
an animal. ^o 053s) FS maryadi, see
marya 526 male

maryala, s. The rainy malampu, ^^

season, monsoon. malaku, ^. A kind of
marlu, s. Madness, insa- necklace. a small
nity. adj. Mad, insane, foolish. kind of necklace.
n3- half-mad, crack-brained.
o^ malaka, s. A storm, tem-

osjSr dotage, senility absent- ;

e>5o. a to have a storm.
mindedness. L<S a small, o^rio> malaguni (^o^F\), ?-. w.
red kind of ant. ^s prema- To lie down, to sleep.
ture blossoms of a plant. e?
s. A
malatanke, hyena.
s to be fascinated, enticed,
>^)) malapuni, S&? i5o3cXo.
seduced; to be exceedingly
o^^j?i^) malapupa,
pleased, enchanted. ^u^sto
malapupu, s. An enclosure in
behave foolishly. 3^$ to
a letter,
become mad. sktfo^s
ow^os*' malamalu, J. Muslin.
seduce, fascinate.
^osD^L' marlata, s. o^^J?^ malamasa, ^. An in-
silliness. 2. pranks, tricks. tercalary month.
c. r. o>c&re<^ malayala, s. The
marlavuni, (of
To province of Malabar. 3o>
entice, decoy,
allure, seduce.
a man from Malabar.
JSXF marlu, see ^Sr. malar aye, J. A demon
r n so called.
.-> marluni (^>^
- -

To be restless <?r over-active ^oys3 malave, ^. A man with


to be intent upon doing mis- squint eyes.

chief. malamu, see
rfod^ marie, s. A mad man. a malamatu, s. A strait,
a mad woman. calamity, difficulty, dilemma.
marva, s. A kind of timber 2. reproach.
tree, Lagerstrcemia regiiuc. o^ malina, ^<//. Foul, filthy,
i>53FO&j, wj^srowj marvayi,mar- dirty.

vayi, ^^'' ^0^-^030. : - J wj maliy uni, ma-

marvavuni liruni w. To slip or '

sljSTSFSgj^ (^>ror) ? (^-),

r. rz. To gnaw, nibble, bite wear away, as a portion of
slowly or with effort. earth t;r mud work; also 3o
mala, .y. Dirt, bodily excre- .

tion. 2. dross. 3. sin. -r .53 male. ^. A forest, jungle;

:id urine. con- a hill overgrown with forest,

stipation. a large viper. m
male 527 mase

~ ^oa a kind of serpent. in age ;
a grown up woman ;

, ?v3oK a large kind a rich woman.

of sweet potato. mallavuni, c. v.
e5or!o> malenguni (skdoK),?'. n. To make coincide.
To recline, lean against. era ss mallasu, s. A kind of fish,
s3w.>sjJ3a malejumadi, s. A malli, s, A lamp-bearer, a
demon so called. man who attends with a
malepini, see light, aezisL- a molten image
maleyala, ^^ holding a lamp in its hands.

maleyuni, >gr^ mallige, ^. The creeper


malevuni To frown, Jasminum sambac. sSoS

(^><3), v.a.

scowl. 2. to stare. ~^ J~ > J "

are different kinds of jasmin.
j, skera s^) malla, mal-
3odo_ the four-o-clock flower,
lavu, mallavu, #/. Great,
Mirabilis jalappa.
large, big, extensive. 2. chief,
principal, important. 3 loud.

a down-right thief. mallivalu, see

r an important busi- malluni (^^,), "v. n. To
ness. ^'d^js^ a great or coincide. 2.

respectable man. ^ja^o an malle, see

extensive land. tfeo
a loud malle, s. A boxer, wrestler.
noise. 2. a barber. 3. a keeper.

o^oe2 mallanji, see ^U-dat. a dog-keeper.


c^o^o mallamma, s. A goddess malloli. see

so called.
mavupuni, see
mallayuddha, ^. Box-
masaka, see ^o^-
ing, wrestling. 2. a duel,
masaki, s. A leather bag.
^^ , do3e>o masalu, masalu,
. A torch.

masi, J. Ink. 2. charcoal.

-d^S, -sooiiozf an inkstand.
malladige, Greatness, supe-
masldi, ^. A mosque,
riority, loftiness. 2. pride.

osra oSomallaye, ^. A man senior mase, ^. Little, few, scarce.

in age; a senior. 2. a rich l.-juithneg. not at all. 20,

man. 3. a grown up man. there is no effect at all.

fein. doeA) f a female senior masevuni, see

masa 528 maha

inasaku, sec masti, ^. Intoxication,

pride, lust. 2. the rut of an
masakuni, see
masana, s. A
elephant, etc. ^a^s, _ 3o
zioc^ any thing without
*>$ to be overbearing ;
to be

reference to its tbo aggressive, quarrelsome.

do So^s? mahankali, 5^ rfos3sm>9.
B^ to eat indiscrimi-
nately. sl)3o4
niahatva, Greatness,
f either in rank or bulk.
.<'i>3 ,
skSeraart masalatu,
dv^dc? mahalu, ^. A palace,
masaladige, Deliberation,
mansion, hall. 2. an ele-
counsel. 2. intrigue, plot.

z phant's stable.
masaluni (rforf), r
. .

^jao maha, ^/'. Great, much,

To change colour. 2. to be-
eminent, adv. Exceedingly,
come muddy or foul. ^c^_
excessively, very. &3 a
eyes to turn red. $?& water
large crowd or assembly of
to become muddy.
people. -dft'X an incurable
i)^e)s3 masale, masale, 5.
Curry powder; spicery. 2.
sjo3os sre)^, si>3ott>d?3

horse medicine.
mahadevi, s. Durgi, wife of
sevuni (^o*. ^-),
. To mahatme, s. A great man.
whet, sharpen. 2. to quarrel, 2. a prophet.

fight. osDFoosp'SsS mahanubhave, s. \

^j^o, ^io^masuku, mask^j, 5

. man eminent for wisdom.

Dimness, dulness fading. ;

>3a3Di>:u! maharaja, adj. Prince-
_t?Ls to become dim, to fade. ly, royal, great. && wor-
thy of great respect. 3)
?3oo maseluni, see ^JosJ&oa.
possessed of great respect;
^,3 maskati,
J. A fine kind
an honorific prefix.
of rice made of boiled paddy.
o3osoe>2, s5oso)Ds)o3o maharaje,
j?jj,^ maskuni (^c3c ), ''. n. To s. A
maharaye, sovereign,
fade; to become dim, wane. emperor. 2. a gentleman.

i^,, rfj?i^ mastu, mastu, ^. GT)?i ,

^J3oSD33^. mahira-
eJ eJj
aaf;". Fat, stout. 2. abundant, shta, maharashtra, s. The Mah-
plentiful; ample-, sufficient. ratta country.
3. drunk. rOo maharnoumi, s. The
sio^^ masta, mastaka, ^. ninth day of Dasara feast.
The head, scull. 2. the Dasara feast.
53 j 353 maha 529 maka

si) 35 s; & mahalaya, rules. ? to cause 0r inflict

mahalya, s.
Offerings made to pain. Affixed to nouns it

the manes of the departed gives them a verbal significa-

ancestors, during the second tion; as, &&/> to cook,

fortnight of the. 6th lunar i

to eat. 33_ to delay.

month; also !
to love.
mahi, s. The earth; also manka, s. Darkness; cf.
a king, sovereign,

mahita, adj. Proper, mankali, see

right. 2. reverenced. v.
mangavuni, (7.
s5o3os3jmahime, s.
Glory, magni- To avert the eyes.
tude, majesty, greatness. 2. to put out of sight. 3. see

dj2oS)^j6 mahishasure, s. A
giant so called. manguni (sao), r

. w.

5&2onSoC3e>o3.) mahisandaye, s. A To disappear, vanish.

demon so called. s. The pomfret,
oco2 dmahesvare, s. A name of a kind of fish, djs^o Strom-

Siva. candidus.
sjosoJJ^o^ mahonnata, adj. Very manta, j^ ^j?>3.

high, supreme, supreme ^. Dried juice of
bliss. rfo&8<H*a God the Great
mangoes. 2. sweetness.
or High One.
mampuni, see
Great rfo^s.
o&2vA^ s3
mahotsava, s.
mamphala, ^ ^re^a
sJ03oJ5c33 mahodara, s.
sjj3ozo^ mambala,
a kind of dropsy. mambala, s. A cake of fruits.

malampu, see ^^04. mambra, garland 5-. A


malige, s. A store-house, put upon the neck of a devil-

wholesale shop. 2. a cloth- dancer.

shop. mamsa, 5. Flesh; meat.

male, s. Rain, -3o~, ,
rfjs^zl makate, makade,
a temporary, sloping shed. j. A deceitful woman, adj.
malpuni (^^), v. a. To Deceitful, trickish, fraudu-
do, make, perform, cause, lent. 2. worthless, useless,
frame, cro^au to do a kind base.
office. to arrest; to ra^Ooko^ makariyuni (^5
close, finish. 5^:2 to frame v. n. To become black.

maka 530 inata

.uakaldi, sec chief. ErooSj a sorcerer; a

mischievous fellow.
maki, sec &%
to bewitch.
maklrakallu, s. A
mati, see
collyrium from the calx of

brass, used for toothache. mate, s. A hole, or cavity

sjjsricl s. A division of in earth, wood, ^. 2. a hole

a tfduk. -<ej*5 a village of snakes, scorpions, etc.

accountant and writer. : madu, s. The roof. ss=^5 ,

sjjsrtofo magayi, s. An ear-orna- _, i^_. 55 d^_, ^o^_ are

ment. different varieties of roof.

3:>rL>) maguni (^>*>K),

T-.W. To mada, ^. The shrine of a

ripen. 2. $ TircoAos. demon.

sjjs^ magha, s. The eleventh Ji)^s^^, dJs:3D^i madavuni,
lunar month. 2. the name madavuni (s^^, ^js^s), ?. a.

of a Sanskrit poem. To cultivate, as land. 2. to

s. Worm- display, parade. 3?3 to be

:)!> macipatre,
wood, Grangca madcraspa- foppish.
iana. jsd) madu, s. A weapon made
^r^-34 m *J&vuiii, c.v. (o/** of a deer's horn.

&o3) To hide, conceal. 2. to

j5f^D^^manavuni(^^fro), r.a.
erase, wipe, efface. 3. to dis- To lull to sleep. 2. to lessen,

sipate, squander. decrease, abate.

maj'i, adj. Late, former, mani, s. A Brahman boy.
recent. ^JS).
2. Jtftf 3. SCC ^53??Q.
manika, s. A ruby.
majimu, majime, majumu, s. An
arl manyadige, J. The
intoxicating sweetmeat made
of hemp-leaves, sugar, etc. position of a demon priest,
.3' majiru, s. A statement manye, ^. A demon priest.
of people present at an in- cp matukathe, s. Conver-
etc. sation. 2. intercourse. <^3
quest, m
;jj3fcio> majuni (sfca5), "'. w. To not being on good terms.
wear away, become dim, be ef- mata, J. The whole, all,
faced. 2. to vanish; also "tin
every thing, pro. All.
Completely, wholly, entirely.
matu, o^//'. Unsuitable. <y
altogether, entirely.
mita, s.
Sorcery, witch- :730 matabari, adj. Rich,
craft. '2.
wickedness, mis- respectable, of good rank.
mat a 531 mapa

eJ ,
a respectable gentle- madevi, see
man. s. A
madri, specimen,
matayi, see sample, pattern.
matiri, s. Ebb, the reflux mana, -s. Honour, respect,
of the tide. civility. 2. measure in ge-
3^o> matuni (^jsS), v. n. To neral. 3. a quarter seer.

lounge about, saunter, es^i

disgrace, e^cdj lunar
sic*, ;J33;ioe> materu, mater- measurement. ?OA defama-
la, s.All people. tion. skSodrecS honours and
3o3, $ a re-
s^ matra, adv. Only, solely, privileges.
simply, merely; alone. 94< spectable man. ste ^ a place

merely that. efcSo of honour. 553$ loss of re-

only he,
he alone, ^v just come. spect. 3o??3 a despised man.
matre, .y. A pill. 2. a short to honour.

vowel. 3. quantity in metre. S manasantara, s. Re-

matrephala, s. A kind pentance. r^j.

of citron. manavuni, see ^JBFTO

so* madu, ^. Turning about. mani, s. A man. 2. a

2.a small bridge. messenger. 3. a servant; cf.

madaraphala, s. A
large kind of citron,
nisuni (^ss>, ^ra^oJ), #. <z. To
madari, see ^jsaj.
honour, respect.
madala, see ^^^0.
o manya, ^. A grant of
J^C3"5^^ madavuni, lands. 2. respectability. ^'.
madavuni, (of ^ires!os>) To
^. v.
Respectable, venerable, troa;
turn about, turn the face to
of princely honours ; royal.
another quarter.
manya, adj. Human, per-
madige, s. A chuckler; man. tt human
taining to
a class of Pariahs.
voice. ^>r$ to murder.
madira, s. A kind of s. A Pariah ser-
Sc^o manye,
dancing. vant. 2. see 3ra$>.
^adrwjsdo madira, s. A
mapala, large
madirdaburu, s. A kind of
citron, Citrus medica.
creeper. dj^ssDcS mapari, ma-
madiri, see 3reaj. A public measurer,
maduni (^re5), 7-. n. To one who metes or measures
turn about. grains, etc.

mapi 532 mayi

<$ mapile, mapule, ma-

s. A descendant of Malabar yangruni, mayandruni
Mahommedans; cf. sro^e. Kj. ^TOodocSj), -j. n. To become
je)^) mapuni (3j), v. a. To dirty or filthy; to become
undress, divest of clothes. sticky from much soiling, as
clothes, etc.
2. to change dress. 3. see

T$oX:3ri. ^ocyo to change SOJooS3s)c3j mayandaye, s. A

dress. demon so called.

maphu, maphu, s. io^, r.

Pardon, excuse; exemption, mayandaly, mayalu, mayeldi,

remission. ^jsLrs to excuse, s. A female demon so called-

as a fault ;
to remit, as a debt, o^ mayaka, ma-
yika, s. Vanishing, fleeting,
etc. to beg pardon.
to forgive. passing away, disappearing.
2. see Trfraodo. _e?Ls> to vanish.
maphaku, adj. Accord-
to conceal.
ing to, suitable, fit, proper.
mayake, ^. A great
maphala, sec sfcwso. ^rccdotf.
deceiver; cf.
mami, s. A paternal aunt.
mayana, s. Wax. -^S^
2. a mother-in-law. 3. the
a wax candle.
wife of a maternal uncle.
jso&s*, ^J3o3j^ mayatu, ma-
sire^oje; 5 , s&s-oj:yj mamul^, sec ^^3oS.
mamulu, s. Usage, established .~ X3D33D2! mayapasa,^. Family
custom, prescription. ties.

mime, s. A maternal s.
js)Oi3-3g3Jo^ mayaprapanca,

uncle, mother's brother. The world, as being an il-

SJJ30& maya, s. Fraud, trick- lusion.

infatuation 2. 3e>o3ys5J5>d mayavada, s. Idea-

; deception.
skodj^. lism. 2. pantheism.
illusion; cf. 3.juggl-.
ing. 4. wickedness, villainy. JSOi3e>S3)a mayavadi, s. An
5. idealist. 2. a pantheist.
vanity, phantom, imagina-
tion. 6. idealism. 7. Parvati, mayi, s. The eleventh
Lakshmi. &??t3 a vision. Tulu month (Febr. -March).
_^n jugglery, sleight rao^sj mayiphala, J. Gallnut;
of hand, legerdemain, magic. also 85-XjTOOSO.
_e?L^ to disappear.
-^jtfo^> 3o3os2JS mayilo, j. A term of
to i!
impose upon; to exorcism, coupled with
conceal, hide.
mayu 533

mayuni (3x>zo?), r. n. marashta, sec

To be extinguished, put out.
2. toevaporate, as vapour or mari, j. Durgi, presiding
fumes. 3. to fall off, as corn, over epidemic diseases. 2. a

etc. from being over-ripe, ^e plague, epidemic. 3. small-

fire to
extinguish. ccSr5 to pox. 4. a bore, intolerable
drop down, as a fruit from person. &:3 a large cow-

being over-ripe, pen. so<5 a large hand-net.

maye, see zJj?\ ?i
pestilence. iS^eA an
maru, .?. A fathom, the epidemic, as cholera, etc.

space to which a man can ;&>AO

?) an evil to happen
extend his arms. 2. twist- suddenly.
ing straw into a rope. 3. see raOsfcc^, ^J)0rfo^ marima-
nuse, marimanse, s. A low class
to measure a rope, etc., with of Pariahs.
the arms extended. 2oo<\$, maru, see
to twist a of To
sk^s rope > maruni (^^5), y. a.
straw. of.
sell, dispose
mara, s. Cupid.
marubala, see
marampade, s. A title
3 maroji, see
among Jains.
marga, J. A way, road,
maraje, s. A large kind
of snake path. 2. means, manner,
; cf. "Stf. -
mode. 3. conduct. e5t
marana, s. Killing, de- )

a cross-path; an improper
stroying by charms or sorcery.
course or conduct. tro^_ a
2. intrigue, cabal.
foot-path, short cut, by-path.
marayi, see ^otfossaoso.
s. Sale
^_ the highway, main road.
marata, ; barter, -3 a traveller. -Aseara^s to
exchange. means.
show the way or
raosiiri maratige, s. A Mah-
to construct a road;
ratta settler.
to devise means.
maramari, s. Fight-
33&F?3 marjane, s. Cleaning,
ing, cuffing. 2. a riot, affrey.
to fight, particularly the floor of a
house with cow-dung.
maraye, see
marnudi, s. A reply.
maravuni, c.i\
To cause to marnomi, sec ^0533
sell, get
r marpa !j masti

U marpata, -y.
Change, a string of beads, a rosary.
alteration. e?L-& to change, 4. cunning, trickery; cf. ^j.
be altered. _ csc&> a florist; a class of
marpu, s. A fathom; cf.
dancers. Xc3 the scrofula.

[army. osdJS^ maloke, s. A foreigner,

n;j?o:F<i)inarbala, s. An opposing, an alien.
malu, ^.
Property, wealth. maldi, 5. /^//
2. goods, things, articles. malya, sec
~r^o"~ malu, s. Scum, refuse,
, wJe)^)J mavate, mavute,
lees. tnjo^os scum to ac- An a
s. elephant driver,
cumulate. e^o^ scum to mahout.
float, to ferment.
mavu, ^. A kind of tares.
j mila, J. The mullet, Mugil
r^-a tares to grow,
mave, s. A father-in-law,
-5e>0oio, j2s;o3o malakari-
^f rfosrooodo. r^^r'masu,^. Fading, turbidity;
ya, malaya,
soiling, adj. Faded: turbid;
,>5>D malapuri, s. A kind of
sweetmeat. [sireoTi
masa ^. A month, l.scc
^r?i75sj malavuni, c.r. (of-3
To make lean or incline, masadige, s. Animal
cause to lean. 2. to impute, food, in contrast to vegetable
charge with; to throw upon.
sj33i to charge with guilt. .- masika, .?. A monthly
mali, s, A gardener. ceremony for a deceased an-
malikanu, s. An annu- cestor, performed during the
al allowance to deposed first year after his decease.
malike, s. An owner, adj. Monthly.
an s^jai^o^ masuni (^-^c3), '-.'.n. To
possessor. 2. heir.
fade, lose colour. 2. to soil.
5JJS?3* malisu, s. Rubbing,
*& a flower to fade. 3js?
cleaning, as ahorse,^., with
a brush, the face to become pale.
to clean a
horse. 53je>?3 mase, s. The after-birth.

.j maluni (^j>), t-. w. To .o* maselu, s. Fading. -1.

lean, incline. 2. to reel, stag- that which has faded or

ger, totter. 3. to be proved, soiled.

established. m * sti s - The ghost of a

3 mal&, s. A garland, wreath suttee. -$x worship of
of flowers. 2. a necklace. 3. such a gho
mahi 535 mmu

mahiti, s. Acquaintance, migute, migite, ^.

knowledge, experience, Surplus, balance, remnant.

malu, see 2. mesne profit.

mala, see miga, s. A deer ; cf. rfo^X.

mala, malaya, oAo* migi, migilu, i\

Surpassing, excelling.
malige, s. An upper ftoo^) migiluni (so^^), t (
. .

story ;
a terraced roof. 3 To excel, surpass.
a cellar. skooTio a garret, migu, miggi, see

maluni, see migguni, see

makshi, se m-
minci, see jaku, mijadu, mijasu, s. Display,
mincuni, ostentation, vain show. 2.

minjuni (soosg), v. n. pride, vanity.

To be released, saved. 2. JZoo3)>, oto5x>> mijipuni, miji-

to escape, v. a. To exceed. luni (aaaS, ao^6), ^. . To be

2. to 3. to full of worms, affected with

spare. conquer,
overcome. worms.

mindakare, see aoozf. mm,

minimirii, a. Viscous, sticky.
mitti, 5. Sweetness. 2.
>tf mindagarige, mindatige, BJ

smacking. 553^0$ to smack.

mindadige, Unchastity lewd-
s. ,

ness (applied to a female). mitte, adj. Prominent.


mindi, s. An incontinent protruding, s. Pollen. ??d

woman. ^rf
pollen of Pandanus
minde, s. A rake, para- odoratissimus.
mour, whoremonger. ^^s mithayi, s. Sweetmeat.
to live in adultery, ^.
midi, Young, unripe
minnukuni, fruit.

mimpuri, see midu, see skocix

mikka, adj. Left, remain- minimini, ^'. Twink-
ing. 2. other. s^odo other ling, glistening, dimly shin-
affairs, etc. ing. ;3o<35 a lamp burning

i^o,^ mikkuni (^^j), v. a. To dimly, ^cra or33or3 e?bs>

to glisten.
surpass, exceed, transgress.
u. n. To remain, be left. minuku,
minu mila

orcj, minukuni, mittacara, ^. Hatred.

minkuni (3orotf<s, ao^V 7'. 11.
mittaduni (aos^S),
To twinkle, glisten, sparkle, r'. 11. To spring or leap
iemita, s. Moderation, temper- over.

ance, forbearance. 2. meas- mittsruni, see so^os.

ure. 3. limitation, bounds.

mittottu, ifi<?
adj. Temperate,
mitaruni, sec. sotfo$.
^ mittodi, j
. The higher
or upper part of a garden.
o^JSDr&S^JS^rl, m i~
i mitre, s. A friend.
tanubhava, s.
mitanubhoga, The third
mithuna, 5-.

Temperance, moderate enjoy- solar month; the sign Gemini.

ment, indulging moderately. s.
minaya, Suspension,
3 mitamita, adj. Modera-
tion and excess.
^e>o5j, >J?ra3o minayi, minahi,
miti, s. Limit, bound. 2.
s. Abolition. 3. discharge.
measure. 3. moderation. croo
to dispense
dismissal. 3otfo^s>
3 boundless. to rate,
^w^s with, dismiss.
estimate; under-
to despise,
mini, postp. Et cetera, and
value. ajstfos to transgress,
so forth.
mittu, postp. Above, upon, minimini, see
over, after, adv. Then, after-
minukuni, see
wards. soLrs to come up,
miyande, see s&^
to prosper to be possessed,

^^ 3^-

as with a demon. axotfos to mira,

mirimiri, Astrin-
get up; to assault. (//.

_^ mittantaye, s. A gent, sharp.

demon so called. mire, J. The breast. 2. the

_ mittatta, -?. The loft of a nipple or teat of any animal.

small upstair-room, an attic.
_ 3$ ^c*? the nipple. ^

s. An 3?5 breast-milk. ^br?> to

i^a mittadi, offering
suckle. to suck. -ax>
to the manes. -3^3
s. The lintel to wean.
_,: mittaddya,
of :i door. etc. mirevuni (arf), r. a. To
mittara, adj. High, be- produce.
yond reach of hand. ys^s* milakatu, J. A common
_ XiS^s^ mittaruni,
mittavuni (so^ 5, 0033 V t'. d.
-''ml. mount, climb. ^milayisuni, milavuni, milasuni
mila 537 miru

v. a. a pressure or sustain weight,
To mix, compound. as with a lever.

OeJog), ajtfs^ milavu, milavu, mitu, 0^/. Clever, smart,

s. Steel. sharp.
misra, s. Mixing, mixture, mltavuni, c. T.
combination. adj. Mixed, To cause to force up.

compounded. mltuni, see sjsc^s.

~:3o misimi, s. Valour ;

skill, mmu, s. A fish.
s. salted or preserved fish. 00
misku, Scorn, despising.
~& X dried fish. ~3 fresh
2. confusion, dizziness.
&<3 a
fish- fishing net.
&& to be dizzy.
_ecre^??d, 3C3-rfe3 a kind of ear-
^o,^ miskuni (-^c^), v. n. To
move, venture. 2. to inter-

fere with, meddle. It is used mma, ^. The 12th solar

in a negative sense month; the sign Pisces in the
with $33, e?3c5, eo<, etc. ;

3f^oCa minakanda, ^. The

5, e54^o you can-
so;6jt3 eoe^
calf of the leg.
not venture there. AsSS ste
sire3 ac25 s^>7J,-8 eo5 the cart e)3doci mmamanja, J. A fish-
C po
being completely laden, there
s^^c^ mlnavuni (~^>~),
r . .

is no more room, eroca?^

^ c?S
^xi^-5 e?^^ my
To behave coquettishly.
)f3c)o 3
: ;

mlnanka, ^. A public
stomach being full, I can
fisllin g-
take nothing more. & ^?<% bath.

3otf SV&-8 a ?-do^ it is difficult

^ss^tJ mipata, s.
Bathing, a

to climb upon such a large mlpavuni, c. v. (of ^>js

tree. e?^o^ ^snoSjsti} ^O^,TS e? :) To make or cause to
7j o
^cS you should not interfere bathe; to bathe, wash, give
a bath.
with their quarrel.
mlpini (), "'. . To
Sj misra, see <sos>
take a bath, to wash one's
r>x misri, s. A gold coin worth self.
about 2i rupees.
50>o:t miyande, s. The throat,
milli, s. A small metallic
roof of the mouth.
vessel. Sjqirc; such a vessel 5>0j0c5)r mlyarpuni (^reodoS),
containing holy water. t To wash a

. .
^oL'o^) mmtuni (-^c!3), 7'. ^. miru, ^'. Much, exceed-
To force up or out; to exert ing; Cf.
mlra 538 muc

mlra, s. Sweet toddy, money. ?abr$ to pay in

c. r. To mungay, J
miravuni, (of ara'rfoa)
cause to surpass or exceed. mungaliyuni
mlrike, ,
v.a. To surpass.
mirige, mlruvike, s. Trans- mungaru, s. A ham-
gression, violation. mer.
mlrun r. a.

To transgress, violate. 2. to mungili, mungile, munguli, s.

exceed; cf. so^a. A mungoose, ichneumon.

mungu, see ^ooc^.
je>clF mirne, J. The sexton of
a Roman Catholic church. munguduni
js?3 mlse, s. Mustaches, whis- To be angry; <;/

kers. 2. feelers of an insect. mungude, J^

the whiskers to ap-
ttr^s mungudi, ^^
pear. OSCARS to trim the
o^ munguduni (^000X0^)^
mustaches. ^33$ to stroke To
t dive, sink.
. .

the mustaches; to defy, oorLsixj^oci} mungumusudu, J.

challenge. A wry face.

oo, dooo mu, mum, (in
;o7l>3F mungurta, s. Progno-
adj. Three, treble, stication, foretoken.
three fold. ciw^^ a three
munge, s. A shoot, bud,
pie or quarter anna piece.
skoS,etf a tripod, stool.
oori) mungei, s. The fore arm.
mum, adv. Before, in front. 2. the elbow, -zrf^s'e a chain
-3^ the front.
bracelet, to hold out
munkannu, the fore-arm. to box
sJooc'SJa munkudi, see each other's fore arm in a
dJOo9 munkeli, s. A proud kind of boxing match.
woman. occcr? munnana, Jtv ^>OCA^.

sjooo^ munkele, s. A sickly a murici, s. Red cayenne

man. 2. j^ ^oe^3.
pepper, chilli, Capsicum an-
si>Jo^J3d?* munkoralu, s. A 1111 urn. 3oz I
^- pepper,
small spike of corn. the
nig rum. ^?a^
T^CCT>S_, ,

first ear of corn. <yrfcX_ a very sharp kind of

jvjortrs of
skoorirf, mungada, chilli.
-3-sU^ the stalk
mung-ana, s. An advance in a chilli. "-? M'))or wator.
munja 539 munda

murija, s. Circumcision. ooo^5y mundila, s. A brush

muriji, s. The grass
used by devil-dancers. 2.

Saccharum munja. 2. in- a kind of bush.

vestiture with the sacred Jodo mundu, j. A young ox.

thread; also ^oooao. 2. cir- 2. the vessel in which toddy

cumcision of Mahommedans. is put. 3. a
upper small

to invest a boy with garment. 4. the raised border
the sacred thread ; to circum- of a veranda. 5. see 3ooc3.

cise. an out-house. 333^0

ooo'so, dooo'3?
muriria, munrie, to prostrate. ^
s. The breast, as called
by *34$ to wear a small gar-
children. ^aSbrs to suckle. ment. 205orfoo$ to fasten a

muntu, see ^WoUo. toddy-vessel with a coir net-

s. The forehead; work.
^oooiSo. 2. the trunk, sjooodo^^5^)d mundupacara, s.
cf. adj.
Small. False civility.

mundage, see ^ooozfoso. o&>ocko&o3rrt mundumukkali-


^. A ge, ^. A tripod, low stool.

demon so called. s&joc! munde, s. A widow. 2.

an abusive term. 3. a pestle.

dooo^o*, SJOJOOSP; mundalu, mun-
A -stoffsoso a kind of jack fruit.
dala, s. higher class of
;joOoctobo mundeyi, The screw-
-3o^ a Pariah of
this class. pine, Pandanus odoratissi-
see 3ooozie?. inus.
doooe2|, mundalli,
dooocs)rj*mundasu, s. A turban.
J? mundo, see

^y^s to wind a turban. mundola, see

dojoS mundi, J. The blue doooslJS^ mundoli,
flowered tree Memecylon tinc- mundoli, s. A rough kind of
torium. 2. a female's name. betel leaves, tfos^rf- a betel-

^joo&ri mundige, s. A small vine trained upon a mango

stool. 2. .$ tree.

doooSdo^) mundiduni munni, s. The folds of a

v. a. To kneel to prostrate ;
male's cloth.

also ?ix>oaa.v5). Dcfl munne, see ^ooj3.

doooacs^^)^ mundidpavuni, <:. z'. iOcdrs mundana, ^.

(of ^ooaa^a) To make kneel, a^;'. First, prior, future. 7\B
cause to kneel. future destiny.
munda 5-iO muka

j} munda- munnulu, s. Three

ripuni, mundarisuni (^-~>, threads.

ti^c^aco), 7'. tf. To advance, munne, see ^ooc3.

march; continue, carry munnodu, adv. Year
on ;
also 3ooo~Sodoo$. before the last, two years ago.
ojorfe3 mundale, s. The front ooowd mumbara. s. Calamity,
part of the head. 2. the hair distress.
above the forehead. 3. a head mumbayi, s.
ornament. a plate The name of
elsW-^ mumbu, s.
set with jewels in its centre. a caste. 2. dumb animals.
the whole face.
si) jo do a mummadi, adj. Three-
mundiri, s. Settlement, fold.
a settled
adjustment. -^^ mummana, see
murnkavuni, see
oooao5 mundilu, s. Export,
exportation. 2. the court-yard
^ murnkuni,
of a house. the inner
murnguni, see ^o^or^.
courtyard of a square.
murntu, see
=5*0 munduka, mundukattu, mun-
duku, s. Dangerous illness. F^ murndala, sec

munduruni see muka, sec T^SO.

mukadamu, J. A head
munde, ^//'. Before, in cooly or labourer, a maistry.
front. j^zrsd mukabare, ^. A kind
of bush.

munderiyuni, munderuni,
mundersuni, sec ^k mukaravu, mukarupu,mukasiri,
munnadu, ^ 5^ under ^>ooso.

munnaya, 5. Bezoar.
ij djos'SD* mukarij, ^. Three legs.
2. the be/oar root, Dorstcnia r:S
s^TioS) to run with three
J )rakcna, Radix contrajc lamo quadruped.
legs, as a

munni, s. Tip. lappet. SjJO^DD mukari, s. The head-

jio^ri munnige, s. The hem of man of Pariahs.
a dressing garment. -7$ mukasu, s. Considera-
jOfSjJCjjmunnudu, HUM. tion. foresight. ~2. s" -&A
Three hund;
541 mukku

mukaste, sec w i, ^loo^sS mukkalige,

sjoo^ood mukunda, a-dr. All over, mukkale, ^. A small stool or
around. bench.
^joj^ooD mukunde, s. A name ocvSo mukkaldi, s. The priest

of Vishnu. of the demon Kodamandaye.

023 mukkambe, see 3>^>

mukuti, mukute, ^. A crown,

diadem. ^. Three-
wT5\)C mukuda, s. The coccyx. 2. a quarter
mukudi, see ^ix^a. anna.
mukudu, s.
Looking o^, mukkaru, ^. Three legs.
muikari, see ^00^5.
^oz3o> mukuduni (3oo3b5), mukkalu, s. Three

. 72. To look back, turn the

quarters. 2. a three-pie or
quarter anna piece.
mukude, see
mukkali, see 5oo^c^.
mukuti, see
mukkavuni, c. v.
mukute, see To over-feed.
*3 mukurukapole, ^.
mukkasu, s. Three
A very nice woman. O"
mukki, see
. ?z. To bud, germinate.
mukuriiru, ^^ mukku, s. A corner. 2. a
narrow lane. 3. painting,

dying. sjsoj^ to dye.

mukuli, J
mukubu, ^. , mukkuda, adj. Stout,
robust. 2. mute, speechless.
stoppage, adjournment.
_ ^ixe-doa to become stout.
o^ muke, ^i?^oo^ . 2.
,^ mukkudi, taciturn ^. A
mukoralu, see a reserved woman.

mukkudu, s. Eeserve.

o^, mukka,
s. An abusive word. 2. taciturnity, reservation.
2. see 3ooso.
^'. Deformed. mukkude, s. A taciturn
-aroe? a deformed child. reserved man.

three eyes.
mukkanne, s. Siva with mukkuni v. a.

To gobble, swallow, devour.

mukkaravu, see
/?'/. to de-
mukku 542 mukha

vour earth, to be ill-fated, s. A power of attorney. -2.

ruined. an assignment, transfer of

j-^j.t) mukkuri, title or interest by writing.

mukkuridpini, ^^^.6 muktare, s. An attorney,

agent, assignee. 2. an owner,
. DJ mukkuru, .y.
mukti, ^. Manumission,
grunting, growling. oa a
absolution. 2. final beatitude.
kind of crab. -s,r^^. ^50j?j,
rv muktssre, sec

mukkuruni 'C? mukyelu, see ^o^*?o.

r>. . To challenge, defy. 2. to mukri, ^. A reader of

snort, grunt, growl. the Koran in a mosque.

mukkururu, sa? ^w dooSJ^do mukruru, adj. Esta-

blished, fixed, certain. 2.

to esta-
mukkuli, muk- appointed. rfo^s
A mouthful of any blish, determine
to appoint.
kuli, s. ;

^i^sj mukha, ^. The face, counte-


kuliyuni, mukkuliyuni

2. a means, instru-

yacoo, -Jch the com-

5. rfoo*o f 7-. a. To plexion, colour of the face.
i ), gargle or
rinse the mouth. _c3-S^ro attention, regard or
^. One of a class civility inspired by a person's
fishermen. 2. J#z ^ooc/;.
presence; partiality, respect,
consideration. sor a veil :

..^- 53 mukkele, ^. A voracious

a wrapper. aps^ the expres-
sion of the countenance,
^_=7J5,o^ mukkonde, s. Three
resemblance of features. sfc

quarters of a seer. 3 a front veranda. ~3

"^jmukkolu, adv. Thrice.
lustre of the countenance;
a menial servant;
cf. betel leaves, eaten with areca

nut, lime, etc., which gives

^-^ja^ra mukkona,
J. tri-
the mouth a deep red tinge.
Ti^B flattery. _^jou^j,
mukta, Released,
0af/. 3ojaj5six>a) face to face ;
to be satiated; to become
-^ mukta, As^. disgusted.
^-. .v-4 mukhara-
^00^,0*, -^^
mukt&r^, muktari, muktyari, pu, mukharavu, s. Expression
mukha 543 mugi

of the features. 2. a metallic sils of demon-worship, especi-

plate tied below the eves of ally of Jumadi.
a racing buffalo. urtoS: mugayi, s. A small
mukhantara, prep. earthen vessel.

Through. adv. By reason of, mugaravu, see

by means of.

: mukhabile, s. Colla- mugalu, mugal^,

tion, comparison ;
confront- 5. A cloud. daoaoo sultry

ing. &s2:s> to compare, col- heat. ^e3ccojs), to

-rfi^fj to confront. become cloudy.
mukhi, sec i&osog^. mugalte, s. Scent.

mukhuphu, s. Aboli- to scent, track.

tion, abrogation. 2. adjourn- mugasu, mugasa.

ment, postponement. &%>&
to be abolished, adjourned. c mugadara,
.vtiJ2^> mukhurupu, o mugayi, ^
mugita, J
s; mugitala, J. End, con-

mukhya, adj. Chief, clusion. adj. Final.

principal. Tko^-.~!3 chiefly.
mugitaye, see
SJJOSJH^ mukhyaste,
s. A chief,
head, principal.
muga, s. A demon's head-
r. <?. To accomplish, conclude,
gear made of silver, etc. 2.
a mask, disguise.
mugite, 5. A settlement.
o^ric3 mugante, J. The pials decision. 2. a contract, bar-
on either side of an entrance ;
gain. 3e3 a work given on
to a house. K ^.eL^s, ^OOT,
:?', ojr;:a, sSxirtd
mugadu, ^jsbrs to a work on
mugada, mugade. s. The capsule contract. -K -^PCOS, ^oor,
of a cocoanut or other fruit.
to undertake a work
Soond-7 C mugadora,^^/. Bottled. on contract.
^ muganu, s. The front-
oA&S^o muginoldu, J. A kind
mugapattu, s. The of paddy.
cramp of a lock.
mugipu, see
mugapuni, see 3X3$.
mugipnni (r). r. o.

er mugamurti, ^. Uten- To finish.

mugi 544 mugge

mugiyun x>?\, r. n. mugulari, ^. Par-

To end, terminate, cease. 2. boiled rice.
to close, contract, shut up. orto muguli, s. An odd
to close hands in saluta- number, tt odd and even
tion, to salute without pros- numbers.
trating. mugule, s. A Mogul.
sjjjfto* mugilu, s. Planitude. 2.
muguvali, see x>Xj^&.
see 3oox.
muguli, s. A bubble.
rfooAOmugili, s. A turret, mina- 2. the pinnacle of a temple.
ret, top, as of a temple. 3. the top of a walking stick.
^ojrta mugu, s. The fixed hire 4. see 5. see
with board,
lodging, and see
raiment of a labourer. ^ ^. A small earthen
tfotfo^ to serve under such a
mugeru, s. A hare, rab-
sjoortaji) mugudu, s. A kind of
bit. 2. ^ ^005? 5.
fish. 2. sec skoXotfo. a
oriosjoi)mugeraye, s. A demon
kind of eel.
so called. 2. the name of a
doortacS mugude, see six^zS. caste.

^ojrfoSDCflj mugutayi, s. Comple- mugei, see ^ooXoso.

tion, finishing. J. Mould, musti-
sijorij^-soi) mugutaye, s. A ser- ness. J^5ooXo. ^7^". Musty.
vant engaged for fixed hire, re?df3 a musty smell. ^^
boarding, etc.; cf.
^00X0. to become mouldy.
muguti, see ^oo^. 2. see r
S-OJT^ re mugganu, mug-
gena, s. A narrow piece of
mugute, see cloth, used for covering the
muguru, s. A sprout, privities.
shoot, bud. adj. Tender, muggiyuni, see
delicate. 2. gentle, not harsh.
ic^ a gentle smile. zx-3

a tender breast. s. A flower bud,

3^ muguruni (^ooXo5), ^.a. germ.
To bud, sprout. *
muggeru, ^. A Mala yuhuu
3o mugururu, see ^oo fisherman. 2. ^6' 3oo*5.

do muggerlu, ^. A class of
A f>

mugulu, Parians.
muo 545 eJ

d^^JS i?muggoli, mug- muccuni ^^.), ^. &

c:^j $

goli, $". A
species of contri- a. To shut, close, cover. 2.

bution or tax levied in the to screen, shelter. 3o& to

days of Hyder and Tippoo. shut the eyes. STO-&&- to

zfco^if. shut the door. arooso- to

mugte, see
so eJ mugyata, s. Conclusion, keep quiet.
termination. ojs ,
jjojs* G6 mucce, muccelu,

00 A mugli, see 3oo?\3.

see sko3
<y. 2. J^d ^^ r

muccele, J. A conniver,
munnanu, see z5jooXrf. 2o-
one who pretends not to see
mucca. see 3oo a.
2" what takes place before his
muccante, J. A close

mouth-piece. oofcJo&3 mujange, muj-

)2&3 mnccate, '
s. A festivity, anne, see ^J53so833.
to- . .

great rejoicing. >fc3ok3 mujante, see ^K^O^.

muccala, J. The lid or j2s;i mujade, s. A toothless,

stopper of a vessel. or old man.

? fi muccalige, ^. An agree- >^a3)5> mujipuni,
see sboos.;^.
ment writing, in deed of z3e3 mujire, mujile, s.
settlement. Allowance, subtraction, re-

sfott5e>fc3 muccata, s. Blind-man's- duction, remission. 3<3b$

c. to deduct.
muccavnni, -v.
To cause to o^o
J mujukre, adj. Old, worn
cover, close.
v. muje, 5. A kind of tree.
mucci, see ^oo^

muccige, s. A lid, cover, mujekuni, see i&srftfoa.

wrapper. 2. the ceiling of a ,
o^j mujji, mujju, ^. A
i Ci

roof. black monkey.

xs3- Qs muccilu. ^. A medicinal mujjinti, J

plant, Elephantopas scaber ; mutadane,

d mutta, J. Proximity, near-
muccilame, J. Cere- ness. adv. Near, close by,

monial defilement of women to, with, towards, postp. Till,

on the third day after child- until, as far as. -^c5g short-
birth. trooSo a relation;

muccu. see 3x>g <s.
a man with whom one can
a disguise, mask, covering. associate. ^f a female
mutta 54G mutte

itiou; a female with whom' j muttu, s. A shoe, sandal.


one can associate. ?.l?j to 2. a footstep. 3. steps, stairs.

approach, go near. abr$ 4. a stool. ^n>z^. a hold,

to come near; to be suf- brace, e^osoi . ^e^oosonS-
ficient. 5. ^oo6Sp tiivery near, a stool 0r machine for prepar-
near by. ing vermicelli. AO ^s^ to
mutta tti,
s. A sickle, j
walk step by step. ^3os> to

sjjoildri, s3oOJ.dc3 muttadane, put on sandals; to measure

s. An instrument with the foot. cocks
for etc. to fight.
mincing vegetables,
sjoofcj,e3, o2ooej.s?
muttale, muttale, muttu, s. Menstruation.

cj jj
s. A cap made of the stalk 2. ceremonial uncleanliness
ofan areca-nut branch. S5 ^ or defilement.
, tiO^, ^y^,
&soXi ^5 are some of its ^c;^ flooding, exces-
, _sS?^,
varieties. sive menstrual discharge,
c. v. lochia.
muttavuni, (of
To cause to touch. jijj. muttu, s. Touch, contact.
63 fij

2. to to one's 2. a distillery. <//'. Touching.

to cause to
_ ^a. _ xa a critical state; a
reach, to deliver. saXsS to dangerous illness; a nar-
deliver a letter. row path: straitened circum-

sl^kiss* s. A stances. ~3 people of the

muttalu, very
same rank. the lid
stupid or indigent man. ^Wj
of a distillery.
mutti, s. A small kind of

earthen pot equal to a pint, o^O muttuni (^^).

To touch. 2. to attain, reach.
by which toddy is sold to
customers. ^ arrive. r. . To arrive at,
2. see
^^- be received, come to hand.
^^ to be unlucky or unfor-
2. to cost. e/wdoK- to reach
tunate. cSoe^F 'sioot*, Td'os^Q, _

one's native ssXaS

d? place.
U one potful of toddy to receive a letter. to
receive money; to cost.
will make one light-hearted,
Sft to touch the roof.
two will make him talkative,
three will make him turbulent, ^^ muttuvali, J ?.

skoll^o* muttikallu, s. A step- u mutte,
s. The head, of

ping stone. fish or fowls. 2. a heap. 3.

muttibisale, s. A see-SzoS.
^<_ the fist. t
distilling vessel; also a stack of straw.
mutte 547 mudu

jfcl mutte. s. The knuckles, ooo3)> mudipini, mu-


joints of fingers. 2. sec dipuni (^oo&), v. a. To dress

muttelu, see the head with flowers. 2. to

muttoli, s. Expense,
make the top-knot tight.
cost.. ooa^) mudipu, s. A bundle of

muda, s. Stiffness, rigid- money, jewels, etc., put by,

ness. 2. emaciation, leanness. as devoted to some idol. *
_ stupidity, dulness. w^s to put by money in this
-5UO become stiff; to be
to way. ?ferfoo to present to

emaciated; to become stunted. some idol money or jewels

mudauku, see ^atSo^F. thus consecrated.

^^ 3ot$c<f 6. v)j<Scdoj) mudiyuni (3ooS), 7.'. n.

oz^oCJC mudandale,
To be turned into a knot ;
mudajilu, s. Shrinking. |

be knotty.
53oocs3o3o mudayi, mu- A cock with
oo&o3j mudiye, s.
dayi, s. East, eastward. a treble comb. ^jsUo. such
ooc^ mudavu, ^. kind of
a comb of a cock.
oo&o* mudiru, .?. Pregnancy
&>8> mudi, s. A bundle of rice,
without getting menses after
etc., packed in straw. 2. a
the birth of the former child.
lump of tamarind, fc., pack-
ed in leaves. mudivala, see
3. a measure of
mudisale, see
grain, containing from

forty to sixty seers. 4. a young, dooa^o^i mudisuni, see

unripe mango, etc. ^S from sjoojia mudu, .?. The shoulder
the head to the toe, all over joint.
the body. oD"dos>, _^uo
a to doo^jowo mudumbu, s. A side-

pack rice, etc., into a straw- piece. 2. see sixsczii. 3.^^

bundle. dos^S) to pack a
^jod ^eSosSnt- a side-piece
lump into a bundle. of a coffer.

mudi, s. The mask (or estf)

mudugu, s. A kind of
of the demon called Lekkesiri. parched rice.
s. Roasted rice. ^ mudutonuni, see
3 mudipalle, s. A gold
ornament for the head. muduni,
mudipavuni, c. v. (of mudupu, mu-
To have a person's dupelu, J
head dressed with flowers. mudubu, see
mudu mutti

.a mudu- Xcy &!?> cubebs. r^cysd ,

mudusuni (^jo^oc3), r. a. ej^cX- a very small, hot kind

of chilli. fj?>?5^-- peeled
To eat up, consume.
made black pepper.
sfcod mude, *. A screen, pepper. ^^-
of cocoanut leaves. -^^^ -osi)S^ mutalike, ^. An agent,
to put up such a screen. steward. 2. agency.
sizzles* mudenku, see

sfcoz8&?>, siwzS^S mudepini, ^=3! muttaka, ^. The tree

mudepuni (^*3), v- # To Butea frondosa.

plait, braid,
knit. 2. to bind.
_^ muttajji, ^. A great

sfcozlcio^, s*z2s3)?> mudeyuni, grand mother.

mudevuni (^ocd), 7-. ;z. To be
_ muttajje, s. A great
folded. 2. to get entangled. graiid father.
-3z3 to pinion the wings of muttayide, st

a bird.
muddi, s. The buttock.
j muddiye, J. A wild boar. muttare, s. Three heads ;

three ssoSo
mud- a man who has
s. The
defa, mudyala, mudyela, seen three generations.
cuscus grass, Andropogon muttadi, s. The fish
muricatuni. ^Qorfo a dark
kind of it. a white see
sfco3^,i muttate, ^^i.-
kind of it.
a^i'. Three
__ muttara,
g mudye, see times.
muni, st
muttari, see

munuci, see c.
muttavuni, 7'.
omunumunu,/. Mut- To ruin, desolate,
tering, mumbling. destroy.
mune, w ^^>^-
rnuttas^, see -^3^
munkuni (^^ v a
- -
c )i

_ i
mutti, muttige,
To "say s6^o, expressive s. A the act of be-
disapproval or unwillingness. sieging. & i t2jse5 urging.
2. to cry, as a ghost. to besiege.
-Tfcwff *3 munkele, s. A grumbler. s. \
sfcjrS munci,*. Pepper. 2. chilli. female's head-ornament.
muttu 549 mudu

muttu, s. A pearl. 2. a o^ ^ mutteide, see

3. .r#? rf ^js3,
o^ a
drop. ^oo^. mutradi, adj. Impudent,
3 rid a pearl necklace. rf
i&e3 a pearl earring. d^ a s. A
mutrali, promi-
precious pearl. -
^rf- the nent man.
nape of the neck. 333^3, mutsaddi, ^. A writer.
_ TjoBorfoos to string or set with a salt
accountant, clerk. 2.
pearls. superintendent.
je^, muttu, J. A darling, s.
muda, Joy, pleasure.
dear child. ^'. j^ rfoorf^.
mudaru, s. Rubbish,
muttu, #^'. Desolate,
debris. 2. see Kre33oc^> under
waste. 3&&& to become
desolate or extinct.
mudaruni, ^
muttuni (^>5o), v. n.
To become be de-
ood^ mudale, mudale,
s. An alligator, crocodile-
~$ its young. sosoao a
muttuni (sixjSj, v. a.
talkative person.
To surround, besiege, hem
in, encompass. odeS^do, ^oorf$5r!do mudale-
s. A dear boy. 2. karu, mudalegaru, ^. A lateral
oo^ mutte,
rafter that supports the
four cowries won in a game
of soc&k& _e9s?5S,a to lose ridge-piece of a roof.
the chance of winning the mudi, adj. Old, aged,
same. ancient. 3, s^odo old

muttedi, see ko e& age.

o^a o
3oo> mudiyuni (^ooa), z-. n.
o^O mutteri, J. A kind of
To feela severe pain in the
skin eruption. 2. a small
joints. 2. to be worn out.
ornamental knob in jewelry.
oaoSo mudiye, s. An old man.
ol^S, ^oolg^A} muttesi, mut-
s. A woman whose adj. Old, aged.
husband is alive. oas^, ^oodoo^)^ mudipuni,
mudupuni (^ooa, -six>rfo), z/. a.
oJ^rj muttesa, s. The five
To pluck out, pull out.
principal ornaments, consti-
tuting the badge of a woman
orfo mudu, ^ ^o^a. 2. ^
whose husband is alive;
muduke, J. An old man.
namely, ^cdor^orf, dau^, T&JB^O
3, 5322 and ^&4c?\e> 2. any muduru, 5-.
instrument or implement. dilation.
mudu 550 muna

muduruni child. ^^r^i to kiss, give

v. To expand, become a kiss.

dilated or enlarged. mudde. s. A lump, un-

r.j^o mudulu, s. A hawk. snapen mass. 2. consanguini-
-doc^- useless.
mude, J. Consanguinity.
ty, ^w^^
to be turned into a lump or
mudepu, s. A screen,
mass. ^caorrSh si>o;3 rsiaS the
blind. CD 3>j

Pambadas observe no rules of

s*" mudelu, s. Tbe bottom.
2. stubble, stump of a tree.
s. A
cS -,
muddei, complainant,
3. origin, cause. 4. capital,
3 muddeile, ^tv ^oos odo?.
mudda, see ^x>&>.
mudra, j

^ six>^.
5&oc3 ^ muddanu, mud-
d mudrakshara, ^. The
dany, s. Pimples or blotches
printing type; typography.
on the face.
mudrike, s. Dedication
of a literary work to a person.
muddamu, muddamu, muddamu, 2. or
hoarding amassing
adj. Own. An express sent .
wealth. 3. see ^oo^j. _d zJrf

on a particular errand. tt a dedicatory stanza. a?;s

5o^.^o^ to send an express or to dedicate.
to lay
out money.
oodcio53, sioon'soiosS mudda- a.
Q O >
mudripuni (^"5,), i'-

yale, muddayale,>y. An accused To seal, stamp, impress.

person; a defendant, respon- mudre, s. A seal, signet.
dent. 2. a stamp, print, impression.
muddaduni (^ooo^Sj, w7\ a stamp-paper. ^>c
z\ a. To kiss mutually. ^<y a seal-ring. ^tka, ^i>

^ muddanu, see
^oo^F. ^S>, i^^si to seal, stamp,

muddayi, see impress, rfooijvs'rf^, ^JJTOJ^S

applying sectarian seals
"-.-- -j; muddale, see
o among the Vaishnavaits to
si>oa)*frao3j muddilunaye, 5. A the different parts of their
demon so called.
body above the navel.
muddu, s. A kiss. 2.
muna, adj. Half done ;

affection, love.
adj. Dear, maining, left, unfinished.
darling, favourite. STOJ t, munape, muna-
di juvenility. eo53 a dear phe, s. Profit, gain :
muna 551 muyi

munasiphe, s. The bring the matter of a boil to

subordinate civil judge of a the point; to incite, instigate.
taluk. to make pointed.
munase, see munekama, ^. A knot,
::*, 3oo^s?dzjo munasabu. tie.

munasabu, ^. Worth, value, oo^|j?rso^,doo?Sol)0^ muneto-

estimate. 2. discretion, opi- nuni, muneyuni, see ^oos>aio.5^.

nion. 3. circumstance, con- oj?2^-sh, ^ojNS3"3^ munenagi,

dition, position, state. &e munevasi, s. A disease of
a?o$ to be of opinion; to be
worth, seemly or appropriate.
munkuni, see *fcorOjS>.

o muni, s. A sage, saint. munni, J^ ^oocs).

7wz. Thirty. -&ao

j^i^) munipu, 5. Anger. 2. doos^ muppa,
20?" thirtieth.
hatred. thirty-nine.
& thirty seers, equal to
munipini (^ooa), v.a.
To detest, hate.
about two kalase.
>o>ci)o> muniyuni (3oos>), v. n. 5Joo33s> ri muppaga, s. Three-
To be in a passion, to hate. fourths of a fanain.

oo3o?3 muniyesre, s. A taci- muppavu, s. Three-

^ sjoosra^^)
turn man. 2.sce quarters of a seer.
Old, aged.
munishi, ^. A teacher of doo3^ muppu, adj.
s. Old age. 2. misfortune,
a language. 2. a translator.
mischief, ruin, destruction.
3. a writer. 4. a secretary.

munlsvare, s. The ^4y- infirmities of old age,

^ot &K n>Fc33e
chief of sages, a great saint. senility. 3oo^
drunkenness is the ruin of a
munukuni, see
drunkard. ^soo.^odoK &GA35
munukele, ^ o3o e
^oj^ gambling

is the ruin
O, sjoj^oio munumu, of a gamester.
munume, s. A grumbler, one muppuri, adj. Composed

who murmurs. of three twists. a three-


ojS mune, 5. A point, end, fold rope.

extremity. 2. see s3oo. ^o&ro o. mubbu, see
^^ the point of an iron A
muyi, ^. gift of money
^oQ3_ the opening or
at a wedding.
outlet of a boil. -.-<.- the
jo3ogodo>, sJoooSo^o^ muyitu-
point of a needle. ^c3o5c_ runi,muyitruni (^vX>oso^o5, s3oo
a plough shaft. &s^r$ to t To put upside
. .
muyi 552 muru

down, overturn; cf.

the hand, winding of a conch,
2. to strangle. 3. to finish. etc. s>3- Hdictcrcs Isora, a
conch that winds to the right,
oooSo^) muyipuni (^>aso
t-. #. To pluck off. 2. tt murigi, see ^oo?\r.

murige, s. Twist. 2. en-

tanglement. autSoaro-
:., muyya, adj. Returning. disentangle.
c. v.
_^tx>$ to return, give back. muripavuni, (of
To cause to burn,
mura, s. A demon so called.
consume, as firewood for
mura, s. A stone
quarry ;

culinary purposes.
laterite stone, adj. Laterite. v. a.
s3oj03S) muripuni (^"^),
2. stony, Lard, strong. ^^, To burn, consume, as fire-
a medicine prepared of hard
wood for culinary purposes.
wood left by white ants and
sjojooi) muriya, a. A cry, weep-
of earth from the ant-hole.
ing; a loud noise. zJss^s
^^,a laterite stone, used for to make one to grieve,
building purposes. sW^jss
a hard-hearted man.
s3jjS333e>y muriyata, -y. Lamenta-
mura, murange, see
tion, wailing.

slx>&o3-&o>, koOo3j3ck> muri-

sic j 3 3;^, doodad muranda, mu-
yeduni, muriyoduni (&&'-
rande, s. A swelling, protu-

. n. To weap, la-
ment, bewail.
;,^ murampe,
_2 j. A made
^--^a^ muriyedpini (^>^^>
muraje, rope S), i'. n. To grumble, murmur.
of straw.
sSo-OaSJi; inuriyo, infj. Alas!
muradi, adj. Knotty. s. Weeping loudly ;
a cry of
murali, J. A iit'e. _'. .v c lamentation, distress, etc.

djjS^c^^murisankada,^. Severe
muraai, murd- illness; a crisis.
ni, see ^ac^rf. 3ooOo muru, s. An car-ring. 2.

muri, s. 3o-&> s^>3oa

Entreaty; cf. fortitude, patience.
oio. 2. an incision 0r notch. to endure quietly.
~rfy, to swear. -r.5^j^ to . oJj muruntu, adj. Shrunk,
make a notch shrivelled.

muri, A 1

.s .
curve, circle, djodjoUo^ muruntuni (skrtooS),
ring, twist. 2. the creases of i'. n. To shrink, shrivel.
muru 553 murgi

muruntelu, s. Shrink- muresun ooJ, -v.n.

ing. To rumble, rattle, as thunder.

sliodo^o muruku, see 2. to contest, as in a game

of foot-ball. tloS to vie with

sjoodorf murug-a, see
another in kicking a foot-ball.
murutu, see'
_ to thunder.
o<S, s&ododo murudi, muru-
murka, adj. Full, brim-
du, s. Roughness, coarseness.
ful. 2. exceeding, very much.
adj. Rough, coarse.
38. ^oo^r 3=5 ^ija ros to take
muruduni, see
milk (with rice) up to the fore-

arm; to swallow very much
murudu, 3o)
milk. ie^rfoo^F o^a to be
murupavuni, much be
very exhausted,
done up.
murupuni, ^
murkavuni, c. v. (of
muruminu, s. A kind To cause to sink,
of fish. immerse.
dip, 2. to ruin,
jdo3oos3Foz3 murumurcande, injure, spoil.
j. Perplexity. 2. demoniacal
murki, s. Fainting, swoon-
3 murumukuti, ^.
murku, s. fragment,
A woman's jewelry. the young of an
piece, bit. 2.

mure, s. A node, protuber- animal. ~c23i_ a young pig.

ance ; swelling, bruise. eolbr
soeJ -8ti- a bit of betel leaf.
s> to have a node, swelling.
o^oF?) murkuni (^dio^F), <v. n.
mureduni, nee To sink, immerse. 2. to be

ruined. 3. the sun to set.

murepini, j^On F^ murky uni
murepuni, To swoon, faint.
* ^. The thick part ?5 to sink into a fainting fit, as
of a spade. #&6 c5 the nape one possessed with a demon.
of the neck,
skow^ the creak- murkhe, see sixasSF.

ing of shoes. murga, s. Union, concord,

^oods^?i mureluni, especially between a married
inurevuni (^oo^S), ?, n. The couple. 2. see
fo3tus to be formed. 2. to oo AF murgi, s. A twisted bangle
creak, as shoes. 3. see or wristlet, generally made
4. see of silver; also '
murgu 554 mulla

murgun murpun, sec

To mould, become musty. 2.

murya, see
3ooSor$. ^. Trouble.
jo^rs^ murgelu, J. Ducking, 2. fashion, work, practice;
diving. also rfooUo^lxjeoF.

murgesre, sec murli, s. A quarrelsome

sJoozaF murcande, woman; /jt ^oorfoa ^ooer.
murci, ^^ ^ojsdrjf. 2. J6^ ;rfoo^s?.

murcuni JF murlu, J. Kindling fire

murce, into a blaze. stretching of


a limb. 3.m' ^ooora.

F murta, s. Beginning. 2.

oo^oja^r. 3. ^o\3. _T$O OOJF^ murluni (^oo6r), T-. n.


to begin. A. spark to be kindled into a

blaze. 2. to be stretched, as
the limbs. 3. see ^oo^ooa.
murtama, s. Haughtiness, ar-
rogance, pride. 2- folly, fool- J^F murle, s. A quarrelsome
ishness. 3 d?<9.> a kind of man.
kettle-drum. 3 we an offer- oe3F murle, adj. Little, small :

ing accompanied with beat-
mursavun, sec
ing of a drum.
murti, see ^^og- a^s:^ mulam, mula-
murtika, murti- mu, J. Cerate, plaster. -2.


O^|F murte, J. The act of mulaji, mulaje,

s. Respect, regard for.
drawing toddy; tapping a
muli, s. Thatching grass.
palm tree for toddy. 2. see
_ ^^o_o a, 3-6&J& to cut the
-25s murtelu, s. Dry leaves, same. sT$w>,56i to thatch
., used for kindling fire. the roof with the same. ^

ojn3FtiA)oh murdarasingi, ^. dr_, f5oso_, oSodo- arc dif-

Semi-vitrified oxide of lead. ferent kinds of grass.

-DF), rioo^eJF^ jnurnali, ve; mulla, s. A mullah, Mus-

murnali, s. A
grooved instru- sulman doctor or preceptor
ct of metal for tapping a of law.

bundle of grain, etc., in order mullankale, see

to take out a sample of it. mulladonkuni
J3F$$ murpavuni, see &
: . . A Pariah woman
st .

to become pubescent.
mulla 555 muli

mulla vuni, musuntu,

mullavuni (^^), ?- n. To musundu, s. The face, snout,

limp, hobble, as from dis- muzzle. 3js??S a distorted

location of the hip-bone or face; an angry look.
other cause : also ^ooeroOQ 3ooeroPO oo^ooQ, sJoOrka musundi, mu-
ST$^S>. 2. to disregard, treat sudi, ^. A shameless woman.
with indifference. 2. a kind of weapon. 3. see

mulli, mullitaru,
s. A kind of very small fish. musuku,
s^oos;j coJSo'aoS mulludonkuni, see o^iodo musudu,

o^oe:^ musulmane, s. A
e3 mulle, s. The tail of a Mussalman.

cock, ^. 2. T&.e3. ^o musku, s. Inefiicacy. 2.

the lapwing. sra<y_ the tail
disregard, disrespect, adj.
of a cock. ob-
Ineffective, fruitless. 2.

mullengi, scure. 3. see rfoosi^.

muvodu, J .^,3 muskara, ^^ ^OOTJCX.


muvolu, muv- muskllu, ^. Pain,

sjoo^s^ o^o*
see ^ixs^^. trouble.

muvve, s. A blossom. o?o>x musku, s. A hood, veil.

_ TOciosto put on a hood or
muwerij, see
^^ veil; the sky to be clouded.
a* muvvel^i,
o^ muste, s. The grass Cy/-
mushti, ^. The fist. 2.
DJ rus rotandus.
a handful.
o^ musre, J^ ^Soowd
o^j^ musare, ^. Anything boiled
-j2oJ3^r muhurta, ^. Time.
or dressed for eating. 2.
an English hour.
2. 3. an
uncleanness. adj. Boiled.
hour of 48 minutes. 4. the
dressed. 2. unclean, foul.
time fixed for marriage or
sn>aj?i a vessel in which rice
other auspicious ceremonies.
has been boiled.
to fix such a time.
musalu, s. A wooden
to begin at such a
pestle used in pounding rice.
Onj!^3, ^ojo3e)^0 musapiri,
mula, see
musaphari, ^. A traveller,
stranger. 200^ a traveller's
j-;?&33* muslbatu, ^. Trouble. muli, J^ ^x>5-

mull 556 muku

^^ a female's ear-orna-
muliyuni, muleyuni, mulevuni ment. :5^o3* a kind of

(^x>9, ix)^), T'. . To germ, Pyrethrum. 3 s3?zS a place

shoot, sprout. abounding in thorns, thicket.
muluguni, see ^ootfors. rf de3 a thorn
hedge. ^^*-
mule, s. A nail, peg, wedge. the thorn of a bamboo branch.
2. a germ, shoot. ^ootfO 30
odoo 2co<$ the out-turn of a are different kinds of thorny
&e8_ the astringent
crop may be estimated from plants.
the saplings. plant Zizyphus cenoplia. 3o
a poisonous thorn.
&JS> a thorn to pierce. sa
lta,^'. Of here, belong-
Xos> to be pricked by a thorn.
ing to this place. -sbov^oSj
mulluni (^X) ^v), To
a man of this place. n.

mulpa, mulla, a^ r
Here. muksha, see o
mullan- munkanu, ^. Small
kale, mullankole, s. The plant grits of rice or other grain.
Hugonia mystax. JJo^o munku, s. The germ of
mulladi, *. A thorny corn. 2. the top, or space

ground. ^oo^o, ^S^ between the eyes of a cocoa-

thorns will sprout on a thorny nut. 3. the extremity of a
ground, prov .
mango fruit. 4. see ^OJB^O.
mullaparndu, mundi, see i&ocS.
The fruit of a thorny plant. ^. A
V oJ
, .
mullapadpe, big yam from Ceylon.

mullupadpe, 5. A kind of s. A pale to

orach, Amarantns spinosus. a wooden
support bridge.
mukanu, sec ^xao^f,
mullu, ^ mukambe, s. A dumb
mullu, j

. A thorn, thorny goddess.

bush, an iron prickle, 2. a muki, 5. A woman who
spur. 3. the bone of a fish snuffles or speaks through
or a serpent. 4. the spine. the nose.
5. a fork. w^o^oso the muku, s. The nose, bill,
soursop. #3cF\ a species beak. -3 ziyd the bridge of
of yam, Dioscorea tomcntosa. the nose. ri ^iw* ?rf the nose-
muku 557 mutra

jewel of a woman whose distinct, unclear. -

husband is alive.
da^ destitution, poverty.
the nostrils. up to the three worlds.
the nose. 3oS_ a flat nose. muda, J. A cloud. 2. ad-
froorfoS a long nose. u^$ versity, affliction, misfor-
to stop the nose. tune. to be clouded,
^o&^s to ^^
bore the nose. 'rfo 3^>^doa as the weather; to become
to snuffle, speak through the dull.
s^s to be afflicted
nose. ?& e5r3 a?b$ to put with adversity; to be unfor-
the finger on the nose, as tunate.
an indication of surprise or ,
5ix/3C3e)05o muda, mudayi,
threat. ^oosoo^a, see ^oo^oao.
to blow the nose. mudavuni, c. v.
mukuduni, see iginate, produce,
cause to rise, cause to be
mukuti, mu-
s. A nose-ornament of mudu, s. Support. 2. the
a married woman. east.

^. A man who J3&>> muduni (^xs5), v. n.

snuffles or
To rise, be born. JP^- itch
speaks through
the nose.
to break out.

^. A proud man. rje)^)^ mudusavuni, see ^oj


mukoralu, see under

mude, s. A kind of rice
cake or pudding boiled in
mugu, see 2. see
steam. 2. a mould made of
the leaves of screw-pine, in-
mug-uti, see
to which the dough is poured.
muce, J^
mudha, adj. Ignorant,
mujadi foolish, stupid. &3, a^
Three feet or steps.
ignorance, stupidity. ^^
j3mujane, a^/'. Third,
- superstition. see
a third man a bail. ;

muji, num. Three. mudhe, ^. An ignorant

one and half pie; a trifle. man; a fool.
sscocreoSo a worthless or pen- s. Urine. erc>a_
niless man. s^id thrice ut- scalding urine inflammation ;

tered, as an oath. z&>^ in- of the urethra. ^$j stop-

muda . mula

page of urine, strangury. ::i~ murkhe, s. An obstinate

_crox3 urethra. man. 2. a fool, blockhead.

mudale, see ^oo~3. r ?S,

_'*' -; :Jtc~, ^JS^~ mur-
sec cane, murce, murche, i. Faint-
rfoJS^oJjj^ muniyuni,
ing, syncope, swooning.

-: mune, see 3ooc2. to swoon, faint.

sixis^j) mupu, s. Timber. murta, see ^oosoja^r.

7j) mupuni, see ^eX^s. 2. IF murti, J. Matter, form,

solidity. 2. the body. 3. the

mubadali, .s. A loan figure, form, any definite

without interest. 2. anything shape or image, an idol. 4.

lent to be returned. a god, emanation of a god.

muru, adj. Fat, stout, 5. see &&. ^ idolatry.

=p?^s> to become ss^^e the first cause.
corpulent. Sj

fat, stout.
the Hindu triad. 3?- a

muri, J. A bad smell, respectful epithet used in

stench. stretching oneself.
2. addressing learned men or
^8 Lantana aculcata. ^e? priests.

Ls, d;&a to stretch oneself. -^03^, murtimattu, adj.

to stink. Substantial, material.

muru, sioJS3reJe)o3j murtilaye, s. A

demon so called.

3 muruti, ^ murte, sec ^o^r.

slxodo ^D S murunaH, , ^jj?qjr murda, murdha,
sJOJ3do) muruni (^xs5). r ^. To r

s. The head, pate.

tap the blossoms of a palm tree murduni, see ^rfj>$.

for toddy. 2. to mince, cut ^o murdhanya, adj. Chief,
up, as vegetables. principal.
to mince vegetables. ;-r^?i;^ murdhabhisheka,
o3o a toddy-drawer. j. Anointing or crowning a
murusavuni, see sovereign.
OJSQJ mula, s. A root. 2. origin.
mure, s. A man without 3. commencement. 4. capi-

moustaches. 2. JtT zixr3. tal, principal. 5. the original

JSSjr murkha, adj. Obstinate, text of a work. 6. means.

wilful. 2. foolish, ignorant, 7. cause. 8. the nineteenth

stupid. -3? obstinacy, stu- of the lunar mansions, adj.
pidity, ignorance. Main, principal, original.
mula 559 sixrt mruga

rff the original cause. 7\s3

muloka, ^. The three
the owner or proprietor of a worlds.
land. ^?r5 a perpetual lease SeJc mulya, ^^ ^?3e^-
of land. Xjoqi the original ^. A demon
J5s3< mulye, priest.
text of a work. 3*fca?2c, crooSo
2. .? ^Oje5oSo.
a Pariah attached to a land. s. Three seers;
-Ktetfc* the title-deed
of a land. ^oc;3j a mystic JdsS muve, adj. Shrivelled,
formula, the Gayatri. sregs shrunk, contracted.
the piles. *te 3 the me-
T JS^D*, sJoJS^o^ muveru, muv-
tropolis, original veru, pron. Three persons.
0r abode, as of a tribe 0r JSdo5 muvelu, J. Three pairs
demon ;
one's native place. of cattle.
7te&_ assets and liabilities,
s. Last year.
do J3 wo ft mulang-i, see
^oJ35^)^o muvola, mu-
mulaji, ^ w sbjttt.
volu, [mouse.
muli, 0d^". Original, mushike, ^. A rat,
principal. ^AF proprietary
mushe, see
tenure of land.
oJSO^, sJjJSSfl mulike, mulig-e,
e (
. . To scent, trace, track.
s. Any medicinal drug or
2. to smell.
root. 2. a charm.
^uo^ to c. v.
wear a charm on some part musavuni, (of
of the
To make smell.
body. 3os?o^ to
s. Smell. 2. money.
charm; to administer a drug. ,

muliye, s. A potter. musuni (^o-^oJ),

v.a. To
s. A smell. 2. to take notice.
sii mule, corner, angle.
2. a point of the compass, to sniff. ?cdo!S

orf5 no one takes

quarter, direction. ^^ a ro

corner-stone. K 2oozro^$ to notice of him.

put <?r collect in a corner ;

to 5 muse, J. A mould. 2. a
exclude; to degrade; to ignore.
_S 8Odos> to be in a corner; J3s?DS^ mulavuni,
to become an old maid; to 2.^f 35^034$.
remain neglected to remain ;
mulu, aafe'. Here; cf. qzS,

unemployed. 3^$ to be- ,

J. An animal, beast,
come weak, powerless. brute, adj. Brutish.
miilengi, J. A radish. brutishness.
mruga 560 meni

^e mrugasira, mru- jtf mennatige, s.

gesre, .$. The fifth ofthe lu- ness.
nar mansions; head of Orion. mempuri, see iSopso.8.

.Xi, dxB mruta, mruti, adj. ,

sSoh megudi, megdi, s.

Dead, deceased. ricsSe^?* a A female's younger sister.

life-restorin cordial.
megge, meggye, s.
* i O
A younger brother also &>t\ ;

tige, s. Earth, clay, soil. i meccamane, s. A privy,

slxtfSJ*, mrutipatra,
s. A will, c. v. -So
meccavuui, (of
To please.
slxa-c mrutyu, s. Death.
3o2& mecci, s. A sacrifice to a
mrudaiiga, s. A finger- demon.
drum, tabour. srot>3o$>, d->
meccige, J. Approval, ap-
fek.s to beat the same.
n probation, applause.
sixcSo mrudu, <?<//. Mild, soft, meccuni (^~T), v.n. To
(& ^^
approve, consent, be pleased.

mrushtanna, ^. Cooked
rice well seasoned. 2. dain-
menu, s. Glitter, sparkle.
ties, rich meal.
enukavuni, c. v.
ccLa-s^> mencavuni, c. v. ( O f To make glitter,
^ooiso^) To cause to shine.
2. to polish.
c^^o^i menukuni (3ofi>F), r. n.
sSjosS merici, s. Brightness, ef-
To glimmer, glitter.
fulgence, glitter. 2. lightning.
_ 03^3 to sparkle, glitter. menupuri, J^ ^ore^s.
menupe, ^. The king-
sSjo^JN mencuna, adj. Bright,
fisher. ^jBe^oso a large
shining, sparkling.
&>o^j> mencuni (^ooeS"), v. n. species of the same. aicS oso
a small species of the same.
To sparkle, glitter; to flash,
^rso* menaku, s. Glitter, glim-
sSoozi mende, see soozS.
Sjors^fcSmenakate, adj. Gummy,
mennu, s. A spark. adhesive. 2. see
~t s z i menti, mente, ^^ ^o^.
menakavuni, see

~/ mennu, J^ 3ooFs>.
.- .
mennate, ^. The hand- menakipuni, see
kerchief, used for covering
the breast of a Pariah woman. menipuni, see
menu 561 mere

menuku, s. Sparkling. medule, see

menkuni, see ^0^0$. medkuni, ^

, dora&, ;3e! menkoli, ?, medkuli, J. Hire for

menpakki, menpe, see ^3oFi?3. cleaning rice.

D menpuri, s. A glowworm. medpavuni, c. v.

To cause to clean,
, sSoj^rS mettana, mettane,
see ^o^si. as rice.
medpuni (^>S), v.fl. To
mettale, metti, see
clean by pounding, as rice,
etc. 2. to full, mill.
mettige, s. The pavement
or boards of the floor of an c^JS^O menukori, ^. A king-
upper story the ceiling of a ;

house. srorfoa to pave or menatu, see ^oso^i.

cover in this way. menipuni (3os>),

^.. To
a" To awake, rouse.
_^ mettuni (^5o), <v -

fillup with earth. 2. to re- )^ menkavuni,

pair, as a dam, etc.

s. menkuni, J

jjjg mette, Fenugreek, Trigo-
nella focnum gr&cum. menkoli, ^6^

)^c$ mettena, adj. Soft, pliant. meppuni, 5

jfj.XsS mettesale, s. A kind of mema, J. An abusive term.

fine rice.
meyare, see ^oe-5.
:?ods3 medule, medale, s.
meyi, see 3^.
A thread-worm, pin-worm,
e^rt meranige, me-
medupuni, see iSorf^^.
ravanige, s. A procession.
medi, s. A bush about a eoLr$ a procession to march ;
to be wandering about. ~&>

medipuni, see 3jsi\$.

^^ to take in procession, as
medu, adj.
pliant, Soft, a bridal couple.
gentle, ripe, yielding. meruve, s. An ornament-
to become soft, get ripe. ^o ed post near a 7\o3r.
s f
v$ to soften, make elastic.
mere, ^. Display, parade.
p?L$ to make a display.
To move, be in motion.
merepavuni, t. v. (of
medupavuni, see ^o-iSba) To make or cause to

go in procession. 2. to make
medupuni, see 3c shine.
mere 562 mega

melpuni, see

pini, inereyuni, merevuni ?^v mella, adj. Slow, soft, gentle.

7'. 11. To go
in procession. 2. adv. Slowly, softly, gently,
to swagger, make an osten- slightly; also -S^v^t. zx>

tatious display. 3. to shine. T&& to speak softly.


merpu, s. Glitter, lustre. to go slowly.

sSoS melli, adj. Bad, inferior.
merve, .s

oSotf^ good and evil; au-

spicious and inauspicious
melaruni, melariyuni, melaruni
(3oa5, 3oe^>5), t/. n. To attack, s. A kind of
rush upon, fall upon. 2. to i&7^5* mespaku,
sSj^s'" mehanatu, s. Labour,
s3j>^a melipuni (^), f. 0.
pains, effort, exertion. ^
knead, dough; to tread
to exert.
into a well mixed mass, as
menke, see ^o?^.
earth. &>;$ &&$ &% ?d^o

eyctS5^oo &s?:?K ;tfrfo if a wall , sSo^osJ mentu, menta,

adj. Showy, boastful. 2. lewd,
be made of mud, well mixed,
rakish. T^J&T? showiness,
well trodden, and well beaten,
pery lewdness.
7^-5 a fop ;
it will be as good as a stone
a rake.
mentige, j. Coupling,
s. Kneading,
;3j)35) melippu, union. 2. a female's toe-or-
mixing well into a mass. 2.
nament. 3. see 3o?oCjA3&^.
macerating. under ^o?=S.
do)C&o> meliyuni (3o), r. n.
mente, s. A couple.
To become well mixed. 2. to s. A
meky, peg, wedge,
be reduced by sickness. 3. nail. 2. malice, -
to become rich; cf. ^>e3^s>. a malicious man, foe.

sSoe^oio melkayi,^.
Upper-hand; 3ir^
to speak maliciously.
victory. &t& to be victori- ^jotn> full of malice.
ous. meke, J. A disease of
3 melkodduni, sec 3oe cattle, caused from feeding
"C -^

a on poisonous matter. 2. the

dis* C>Je;?3
melguminu, j. A craw or crop of birds. 3. sec

3o?4. _T3oe-'.3 cattle to suffer

flying fish.
melpattuni from the above disease.
:. a. To beat with the hand. ^r! mega, *
mega 563 melu

, si^rfO, medha, s. A sacrifice, of-

5s3 megare, msgali, me- fering.

gale, megala, megole, ^. An ^s* menatu, see
imputation, accusation, false mepar,
or malicious statement; cf. s. A
mepali, mepali, grazier,
one who tends cattle.
megi, adj. Cloudy relat- ;
mepavun, c. v.

ing to clouds. <3w3 heaven.

s&) To cause to feed or graze
megha, s. A cloud. 3oo cattle.

, ebe^ the region of clouds. ? mepini (^e), v. n. To

meci, mecu, see graze, eat grass, as cattle. 2.
to spread, as a parasitic itch.

mecelu, -y.
Pasture, a 4& the body to be infested
meadow. with ring-worms.

meavan, mepu, see 3oe4-


mejvani, s. A treat, banquet, mepunaye, s. A gra-

entertainment. zier, one who tends cattle.

meji, j. A table. 2. a 5^ mepuni (^e), v. a. To

meal, repast. c!4,s> to clear feeder graze cattle; cf. ^>e^>.
a table after the repast is ^o^ memane, s. A Mahom-
over. sj3Tt>$to serve a meal. medan native of Cutch.

meje, ^^ ^o ? ?5. meyi, J^ 3o.

mejodu, ^.
2. ^^
i=!3 meti, ^. A mate, or as- ^i meyun, J^ >&.
sistant of a butler. naeru, /r<?. (honorific pi.

?:S mede, -s. A bar of a door. of f^od) This person.

mena, see >?o meru, ^. The pipe or tube
of a hooka.
menaye, see
meru, .y. The mount Meru.
^. An oil-monger
meruve, ^^ ^o?^r.
wearing the sacred thread.
?6 mere, j

boundary, limit.
medale, s. That part of

a female's garment which meroga, see ^o ? ^.

passes over the breast and e, s. Manner, method.
down the back. 3-dcK the 2. conduct, act, behaviour.
upper part of a female's gar- a* melu, J. The upper part
ment. of any thing. 2. superiority,
564 meha

excellence. 3. futurity, time upper. ^

the fibrous cover-
to come. 4. success, adj. ing of a cocoanut.
Upper, higher. 2. superior. '*
melalu, s. An overseer,
3. future. adv. Hereafter, head coolie. ^S 3jB^ to
at some future time, postp. supervise.
After, upon, over, above, mele, ^^ ^j?^.

beyond. *e good and evil, melodduni

superior and inferior. -^B i'. a. To outbid, vie with each
a high caste. 33, ^e^rtf other.

superior kind, breed, etc. j?e3.rso> melonuni (^o?^?),

superintendence. a v. To overreach, defraud.
era^ the address of a letter. 2. to throng.
_ rf^oXB future event, what is $3j3?r1S melogara, ^^ 7So?roXj.
to hereafter. x-dcF\
happen o?fc>,&&F melkarci, s. Extra
the upper part of a female's
expense; sundry expense.
garment. -K in future, here- melkoduni, see 3o?
after. e?&$ to succeed, over-
come. 5 a?Ls> to place
above or over. -5 eo.tfo$ to v. n. To be cautious. 2. to
fall upon, attack, assault. win. 2. ^e ^oee3jsros>.
=#833030 3o?<5
rfj^S) /#. tO
^^d meltara, sec under 3oe.
raise the hands and mouth; s. A sweet kind of
to grumble, growl; to ges-
food any thing eatable.


sSo^w mela, 3o?s?.

^ m 6vu, J

Food, fodder,
~3 melante, s. A barber
?3 mesha, s. The first solar
of fishermen. month. the sign Aries in

w-'-^^>d meladhikara, ^. Su- the zodiac. 3. a ram.

premacy; predominance, ^o?

oassS a a
^ mese, ^. A cleft or hollow
superintendent, in a tree.
higher authority.
?rtj melagra, J. Curried
a stone-cutter, mason.
^. A carpenter.

vegetables. mestri, mestre, s.


^ij s.
melata, Out-bidding An overseer, head labourer,
another; rivalry. maistry.
:^a^-^, ;2w?3azi3$ mela- -, ^05306^^ meha, meha-
disuni, msladuni, ^r ^<3^^^ s. Urinary or venereal
3 melara, a^'. Superficial; disease, gonorrhoea.
mela 565 meipa

>'r mela, s. Concord in music, sire;3oa the body to become

concert, harmony. 2. a set dirty.

of musicians, dancers and >cC3* meindu, s. Dew ; mist, fog.
actors. 33< beating time -^oo;^ thick fog. wjs'rfj^ dew
to music. 3o- a double to fall.
drum. crooSo a musician; s. Leger-
ip^^O meindrajali,
an actor. STOICS to cut a demain, conjuration.
dash, make a display. #^$ 6
^ore ,
sSo^^cS* ineikannu,
to get up a band of musi-
kanu, ^. A kind of fish.
cians. etc.\ to
mask, disguise, va\;i meikuni r.n. To
melana, s. Union, entice, persuade. 2. to per-
meli, s. Marriage. 2. a plex.

bride, wife. 3. rutting. meig-ala, meigalla,

adj. Lazy. 33 laziness.

;^$ mele, see sSoe'tf.

2oirt<& meigalle, ^. A lazy fellow,

s. The body, person.
Vx mei,

H&_ a thin of sluggard.

2. see
5 meijodu, see >*&*&>.
lean body. form, shape,^ ^. The
model. 3z*R a painted eye ; meitala, plant
Ruellia ringens, used in

-AOP medicine and purifying salt.

body-guard. tempera-
S orna- 3ox^>, ;3o->i& meitidi, meitedi. s.
ment, habit. ^0 w e)

ments and cash, whatever A sister-in-law, a father's sis-

one has got. s>?5 perspira-

ter's daughter, or a mother's
brother's daughter.
tion; urine. ^tfj^s
to be-
come thin, -trocdoofo to be Sov^cS meitine, s. A husband's
feverish. tfj&Tioa to become younger brother; a son of
^ ^re^sthe a female's maternal uncle;
stout, robust.
to be affected, as with
the husband of a female's
food, etc. ^jsbp-s to assist,

to venture; to be at- meidanu, mei-

help; QJ

tentive. -S
a>br$ to be pos- dana, ^. A plain, open field.

sessed by a god or demon. j^S meidune, ^^ 3o.

rfjQFS the body to swell, suf- N meina, -?. The bird Mina.

ferfrom dropsy. S^ors to meipaku, ^. Exercise.

become fat. eoLrsto suffer mepavun, c. r.
from fever. Ssp??b to suffer To make or cause to
from leucorrhea. as a female. pour.
566 mondu

'^$$ meipu, ^. A broom or be- meilu, s. A mile.

som made of the ribs of mile-stone.

palm-leaves, tfoci! a worn- X meilututtu. ^^

out broom; the stump of a
broom, s^ a new broom. meilana, ^^
meipuni (^),
'' a. To !
^o* meilaru, s. A Mopla
pour. 2. to cast, as in a
priest. 3-
mould. to feed: to
.aeili, meilige, see
sSj^-fi meiluni (^%^), "'. ?/. To
^_-52 meipe, meippe, s. A shine bum
glimmer, c>r
black or dark-coloured fowl :

also tSo^sSajsjS. s3:,s3 meile, 5. Filth, pollution,
Stic oSooooso.
incline, dirtiness, adj. Dirty, filthy,

meiyaru, see ^>o<5. foul. 5ocyj dirty clothes.

io meiyi, s. A kind of col- -*23 the small-pox.


lyrium; cf.
become dirty. sk*?^ to

meiyeresuttu, see make dirty.


_o' U^D^ meivaripuni (^^5),
meiru, s. A compass, 7'. a. To paint the eyes with

meiru, s. A peacock. 3c antimony or collyrium.

lim sight, weak eyes. - djiSD^ meivana. .^'^
^-2 re.

3& the stars in a peacock's dov^oui^oSj meisand&ye, 5-. A

tail. - -r~ a peacock's demon so called.
.her. riosJj , see So^?io?"^o .
-i> meisala. ^. A loan with-
neirambala, .?. A kind out pledge <?r
of plant. 33) a simple bond.

--?, SoOeiFrc meirana, mei- L>S J?. Co meisuru, s. The province

rvaaa, s. Legerdemain, jugg- <?r town of Mysore. ero^

a kind of plantains.
lery, -zk^sj to juggle, play 5^
tricks. cakes of sandal powder re-

meire, s. A tawny coloured ceived from Mysore.

cow. 2. a female so called. rte'" montangelu.

adj. l>ark yellow, tawny.

;3o>d>^Fi meirojina, s. A kind Jj montn, sec.

of r. ; monte, .v. A grasshopper.

meirsuttu, s. Blue 20 mondu, adj. Blunt. _>.

vitriol, sulphate of copper.

moka 567 moda

mokata, adv. Face to moga, s. The front;

face, personally. SJB^OS to
speak personally. to mogante, ^
mogade, see
mokaddame. . An af-
mogapu, ^. The clasp of
fair. 2. a criminal proceed-
a girdle.
Srts^ mogapuni (^jsX), v.a.
s^rfoo&JsSo mokamantame, s.
To turn, 2. to
put. upset.
The front porch, as of a
* ^cri
2. a vestibule, por- mogaru,tf^. Sandy.
a sandy rice-field.
mogasu, J. Surplus,
remnant, balance. 2. orts,
mokasale, ^
leavings, adj. Full, satisfied,
53JS^>3 mokabili, pleasant, happy. e?>s to
mokabile, s.
Confronting, com- excel, surpass; to be glad.
parison. rfotfo^s
to collate, to satisfy.
compare, confront. s5J3rtrJ3s3
S=5>SjOo mokamu, J. A halting mogasale, y. A veranda in
place in a journey, camp. front of a house or temple,
2. a dwelling, residence, a portico, porch.
mokta, J ^8^33. drijQ* mogulu, s. Mogul.
, dJS^ P moktari, mok- mogere, s. A fisherman.
tyari, ^. A power of attorney ;
mogge, see
also oSjjwa QC^S^O. ^jjLrsi to
2S3 mojanne, s. The head
empower, authorize. of a fish, jowl, jole.
s^rod, sSjs^f^ moktesare, mojanti, s. A small kind
moktesre, 5. A trustee, mana- of bee. 2. a honeycomb.

ger of a temple. 2. a princi- mojade, see zSoo&tS.

pal resident of a village, etc. v. a.

JS^^o^ mojekuni (^ad^),
mokruru, s. Appoint- To mix, compound.
ment, nomination. 2. reso-
J3& motte, J. A bundle. 2.
lution, settlement, adj. Ap- an egg; /! ^oo^.
pointed. 2. settled. e?Sbs to
jsdo^ modanku, ^. Crooked-
be appointed; to be settled.
ness, obliquity. 2. a hump
> to appoint ;
to settle.
back. 3. perversity, obstinacy.
mokhuphu, see
adj. Crooked. 2. perverse.
^.0 mokhtari,
speaking irrelevantly.
moda more

modankuni morange, s. A cubit


. n. To become crooked. 2. from the elbow to the tip of

to bow, bend. the little finger, about seven-
modankelu, s. Side, teen inches.

margin, edge. 2. see -S^ric^. 3dofc3 morante, s. A kind of

_?reaso akind of oil fruit. fish.

-A3 modankele, s. A bump- 30oc3, djsdcc^sj, ^jjsdod mo-

backed man. 2. a perverse randa, morandala, morande, s.

man. A swelling on any part of the

^jp.rion* modangu, s. A kind of body; induration of the skin.
s^.oc!,&, sSJSctoiSo* modande- sdoSj'soSj morampayi, adj.
lu, modendelu, see ^n>o&. Knee-deep.
sSJSii mode, adj. Stiff.
odoo^) morampu, s. The knee.
.j, sSJsds^ modepini, mo-
2. a cry, roaring.
efudos> to kneel,
^ the
de vuni, see ~- 2. .J6' knee-pan.
bow the knee.
mone, sec 3 morampe, s. A swelling

A small or protuberance on any part

piece of laud stretcbing into
of the body. e^s to have
a river. a swelling.

sSjscjdi modade, see ^^. ^J3C^ moraja, moraje,

sSjS^ mone, see ^^.
moran, moran,
^J3s3. moppe, s. An old man.
?t~> adv. The day before yesterday.
-;?v, ^^jr^mobalag:vi,mo- moru, see
blagu, s. A sum of money.
lio moruntu, Jfg
>a$3 mobidile, s. Exchange,
more, .?. A cry. 2. see
transfer. 2. advance;
oc! morenji, see

mobbu, j
moreduui, ^'^
.'iosS ^, sSJSOs^j^ morepini, mo-
moyili, moyile,
^. One of a class of Sudras, repuni (
^i), r . . To mix ;

in tbe out-door stir up.

service of temples and some- noreyoduni, see
tiiuL-s art ing as musicians.
oil-moi; y morelu, sec
: mora, s> moreluni, sec
more 569 monte

moresun, see
molampu, mo
morodu, 0^'. Empty. lambu, 5^ &RS-;?:.

s. A large hare.
r molike, ^. A bud, germ.

molampu, s. Mire, mud; s^^), slras?3^^ molipuni, ino-

sediment. lepuni (^js^, ^Sjs^),
r. n. To
mo- sprout, shoot, germ.

s. The knee-pan. S<$ mole, J<?^ ^oo^.

molani, see o^^o^ molekutti, s: The
hinge of a native door.
f molamu, see
moili, see ^aosoe.
j mole, see ^oos?.

mosaru, .*. Curds. -^ montu, monta,

&3 a pot of curds; a festival

in commemoration of Krush- .
montangelu, adj.

na's birthday and childhood. Crooked, bent. 2. lame.

montavuni, c. v. (of
?od mosare, see dooTj-3.
^jaeoyos) To cause to bend.
&>$ mosale, ^. An alligator, 2. to lame. 3. to limp, halt.
crocodile. STOQSJ the orna-
monti, s. A lame woman.
mental top of the pole of a
montiyuni (^eecfcS),
v. a. To do mischief; to
s3JS3o& moharu, mohari.
annoy, trouble.
s. A gold inohur or pagoda.
3oeJo montu, s. Lameness.
2. crookedness, bend. 3.per-
verseness, obstinacy. adj.
moharamu, s. The first month
Lame, maimed, crooked.
of the Mahommedan year. 2.
^s5 a
curved. 2. perverse.
an annual Mussulman festi-
lame leg. taco a bent
val in commemoration of the
horn. 3^>^ an irrelevant
death of the two brothers
Hassan and Hussein.
So^^o6 mohasamu, j-. The
to be perverse.
trading season.
montuni (^?cS), ?. n.
Co mohuru, see ^3>etfo.
To be lame; to limp. 2. to

mola, see &tdc^. 2. see be crooked.

monte, s. A cripple,
sstD6 molamparu, see lame man. ?Dcy_ a very
weak man : a cripple.
monda 3 moda

siondale, s. Shaving rcerer, conjurer.

the face, etc., particularly of provincialism. ^^4; a run-
a bridegroom. sf^ft
to ning hand, illegible writing.
shave in this way. s~ sorcery, conjuration.
mombatti, s. A wax- trick.

candle. :1j modu, adj. Cloudy, s. A

J2C ^~-
mokulu, pron. (plitr. hill. -zJw,
-t*V hill and
These persons. dale.
of osicef)

moke, s. Love, affection. mode, s. An ignorant

an affectionate man. man, silly fellow, -io^a a
to love, fondle. simpleton, witless fellow ;

mokhuphu, ^^ ^>
* instigator.
JS^d mode, adj. Curved, bent.
s. 2.
j. An ox or buffalo with
rt moga, Fragrance.
curved horns. ^.soeoo a
plenty. *&//.
curved horn.
^?2Sf3 mocane, j^ -a&ae^-
mone, 5-. The face, counte-
>J3&j moci, s. A shoemaker.
nance. 2. the front of a house.
2. a book-binder.
a small face. cia_,
moce, s. Country shoes. ^oocAOi a long face. srosSS
dJ3?z3, ^JS^o moja, mo- a plump face; an angry face.
ji, Fun, sport, amuse-
s. ^o^o- a stern face. ^^9J
ment, entertainment. 7\&3 ^O^A a. ^SOTTO^^ to be deject-
a beau, gay man. TTOS^
ed. A ^, s^i^oa to flatter.
gaiety, merriment. _K rfj^a to slap on the \

3 moti, see ^eec63. to be over-sweet to nauseate, ;

mote, see ^aeoa. as over-sweet food. ^

s. A cloud. 2. to regard, show partiality.
dullness. 3. see.
_ dsjrs the face to swell.
_ lecBj$ the face to be dis-
torted or deformed.
4s> to be sour-faced.
modi, s. Hooking the
the face to become pale
fingers one into the other.
2.any thing placed by a con-
i motayi,
jurer to try the ability of
another. 2. conjuration, de- ^
^ motra, see
lusion, sorcery. 3. a running
mBda, s. A wave, billow,
hand, illegible writing. 7^-3 surge.
moda 571 mohi

moda, s. Joy, delight. morti, see

oes modauda, Doubt, un- s. molu, s. Price, value.

certainty. adj. Doubtful, un- mola, s. Coupling or

certain. 33satt a doubtful coming together, as serpents,
word, speaking undecidedly. cats, etc. ^^^ cats to
J?^c5o modu, s. A stripe, a couple. 3f>3>s
wale. reptiles to couple.
mona, see 3*?^. moli, s. A kind of pepper-

moni, s. A daughter. water.

A son. S^rf mosa, ^. Fraud, trick,

monu, .y.

deceit, dissimulation, treach-

mone, ^^ &e&.
ery. 2. fault, mistake. 3.
si 5 eg) mopu, $ ^oja^i.
risk. ?w3 a deceiver,
sSJS^d mora, ^. Beginning, out- hypocrite. ?&$, ^U?*fo> ^P?
set^ commencement. 2. J^ >5> to make a mistake. aibr
3jB?Tk. adv. Immediately, in- s to be exposed to danger,
stantly. commencing a
%t>7i- torun a risk. ^*o^5> to de-
new business, a new under- ceive. -&3e?3j3tl} StfOj?)
to be
taking; a new broom, aorirrf deceived. ^>js??3jaco s^tSo?) to
commencement of the mon- mislead ;
to deceive. &w^tf&
soon. e^crfo
aojsTJoS) to be mistaken to run

s?sS the moment he came a risk.

his business was done. mosam, see ^js^^So.

s. Fodder for cattle. moha, ^. Love, lust,

2. a channel, drain, kennel. carnal affection. 2. fascina-

3. a public dunghill. tion, allurement. Wi&a

z* morisu, s. Mauritius. be affectionate, to love; to

%8 refined sugar. covet.

o moru, s. A seal, stamp. 0eso mohana, s. The over-

to seal; &s^5. powering of reason by worldly
more, s. The

face, visage. |
allurements, fascination. ^
2. a person without mous- 3 a necklace of gold beads.

taches. ^aotf moharu, see ^e*5.

j^co^ mohini, J. A fairy; a
morca, morja, moharje, s. A fascinating woman.
battery where cannons are S^So^)^, SjJS^So^^ mohipuni,
mounted. mohisuni (&&&, SjaeSocJ), 7'. .

morta, see To love. 2. to fascinate.

moli yada

moli, s;\ -. J} mouruni (^=^5).

To masticate, chew.
j molu, pron. She,
moulavuni, c. T. (of
To cause to desire,
sSjse^ moksha. s. Deliverance,
"A long for. 2. .tttf ^73^4^-
setting free. 2. heaven, beati- ^
^oj, sjo 3 moulu, moulu, s.
tude, bliss, salvation. s^^ Desire, wish. [desire,
attainment of salvation. sfcs
mouluni (^^^), "'.a. To
Xr the way of salvation.
moulya, s. Price, value.
mouna, s. Silence, taci-
myamvu, ^. The mewing
turnity. qi&^a to be silent.
of a cat.
? 3 33$ moupuni (^), v. a. To
si) Pole
v mlenccha, adj. Barbari-
co eo
upset, turn; s5jA^. ,
an, 'outcaste, unclean.
mouravuni, c. v.
(of barbarism, abomination, un-
To mumble, chew cleanness.
softly. 2. _/?. to make a d^ Poz mlericche, J. A barbarian.
n j

thing easy. 2. an out-caste.

cdo ya, The thirty-ninth letter j. Being
ls* yakkandelu,
of the alphabet; beyond reach or means. 2.

For words beginning with

etc., not fo mid her,

^. An implement,

want, insufficiency.

sS, cio^.c^o*, ci-^

yantra, kkambelu, sc-.-

in.'. mill, apparatus, :^
yajamani, s. \ mis-
chine. 2. a necklace, talis-
tress, wife; ill so "-cso>;d.~

man, amulet, charm. ^Nyajamane. J. A master,

diagram of a mystical charact- owner.
lord, proprietor,
er. 4. restraining, checking. J. a husband.
controling. &^ a water ^. A sacrifice,
pump or lift. *y^s to ap-
incny in which oblations

pend to the arm. < .. a talis- are present'-d.

man to avert evil by ch.-mns.

yada, ndj. I-
-^ the
inner. left hand. -^ inferior sort.
yada 573 yi

yadambu, s. The left A sort of female fiend, at-

side. sStSoeoo &&$ /#. to tached to the service of
look to the right and left to ; Durgi, and frequently main-
use the right hand instead taining, like a fairy, inter-
of the left. course with mortals. spajS
OJO^D yata, see odoqro.
worship of these spirits. -doc^
0303 yati, s. A sage whose a magical charm.
passions are under complete ya, conj. Or. a-:lv. Other-
subjection; a religious mendi- wise.
cant. yaga, s. A sacrifice.

ojozpe) yatha, adv. As, according yacake, J. A beggar,

to, to the extent of. adj. mendicant.
Usual, customary also ~z?s. ^. A
yijake, priest, any
o&qSe>q$F yathartha, s. Truth, officiating Brahman who con-
verity, adj. True, real. adv. ducts any part of a sacrifice,
Truly, really. ^ simplicity. yata, s. An engine for
s. Truth-
O3oq3e>^ft yathastige, drawing water.
fulness, veracity. 3e>^?$ yatane, s. Pain, agony.
C^CjDAj ,3 yathasthiti, adj. As 2. the pains of hell.
before, as it was. 2. true,
yatre, s. Pilgrimage. 2.
certain, s. Usual state; truth, tt%
see &vgj. pilgrimage to
fact. Benares. >t$r pilgrimage
oJospe^ crfoq^slyathecca, yathe-
, to a holy place for bathing,
shta7 adj. Agreeably to wish etc. K $psL&. to
-djs?o^ go
or desire, as required, as on pilgrimage.
wished. 2. ample.
A memo-
yadastu, s.
oJodo&fS^ yamaloka, s. The in-
randum, note.
fernal regions.
033 c)^ yanu, pron. I. orfjs?ro is

yamarge, see -o-rfoa^.

it I? o3je>?3e I myself. <&>c&

yame, s. Yam a the god of to me. oSoc^o^o we. c5jo^4

the infernal regions and judge mine. oSofj cSo?^ me.
of departed souls.
yalni, ///'. of surprise.
yavauci, see a^ceJ.
o^ssj^, yavattu, ya-
yavana, s. Greece. 2. see s. The whole.
vastu, adj.
35 the Greeks. entire.
..^ yaksha, s.
demi-god, A o5o, 02 J5 yi, yl, For words be-
attendant on Kubera.
ginning with tfiese letters see

, yakshi, yakshini, ^. under a and ^?.

:r. yukta 574 yogi

yukta, adj. Right, fit, yekkubalyaru, s. A

proper. 2.possessed of, en- species of shark.
dowed with, as virtue, quali- s
yekkerigant^, ^.
ties, etc. Consecrated money.
yukti. s. Fitness, pro-
cfoo-^ .3^, oSj^ozoo, o2ju3^ yeda, ye-
2. an excellent ex-
priety. dambu, yedattu, see oktl 2.

pedient, happy thought. 3. see odorfoeoo.

advice, counsel. crooSo,
so o3jc^ yeduma, yedma,
3 a schemer, contriver,
a bad contrivance, foolish
^^ s^^-.
si)5 yerasara,
device. -?>$ to suggest
yevura, J^ ^.
an expedient. sk^s> to
contrive. yelampu, see

oixr! yuga, s. An age of the yekanali, s. Indiges-

world, of which four are
enumerated, namely, yega, see OJS?A.
the primeval or golden age. ?S yeli, ^^ -

gjesss the second or silver ^, yeshti, J. A white gar-

age. cs^zi'd the third or meat with coloured borders
brass age. ^9 the fourth ; worn by males.
or iron age. ~Xtfo$ the i

-^ yesu, ^. Jesus.
shape or state of any thing
yo, intj. of surprise.
to change.
yoga, s. Junction, con-
s. Change
o&orrao^ yugantra, nexion. combination, associ-
of ages; another age of the
ation, conflux.2. a religious
and abstract meditation. 3.
c&orre> yugadi, s. The new
lucky conjuncture; cf. c^?X.
year's day.
meditating abstract-
Dhar- ?3g
yudhishthire, s.
edly or deeply.
maraya, the eldest of the
J. Wonder, sur-
aertfcj yogaja,
Pandu princes.
s. War, battle.
yogi, s. A devotee, as-
cetic. 2. one who performs
yuva, s. The ninth year worldly actions and cere-
in the Hindu cycle of sixty.
monies without regard to
iuJj. Young, youthful. their results, and keeps his
o2j ye, sec the remark un-L mind fixed P>rahmn
yogya 575 dofcs rarija

alone. 3. one devoted to i,

s. The vulva; womb.
abstract meditation. 2. place or site of birth or
yogya, adj. Fit, proper, production in general. There
worthy, suitable. 3. power- are four kind of oSjseS, viz. s>o

ful, able, capable. 3 ability, rf& oviparous.

^^ sprout-
merit, fitness, suitability. ing. ^?i3i engendered by
e?5 fitly, worthily. sweat, steam or vapour, as
insects and worms, arosodooa;
yocane, s. Thought, re-
flection, deliberation. 2. anx- viviparous.
iety, concern. sjfS youvana, s. Youth, viril-

j?.^fS yojana, ^. A distance of ity, manhood, adj. Juvenile;

about ten or twelve miles. also

d ra, The fortieth letter of the rangani, s. A child's play,

alphabet. thing.
do^ ranka, s. A large ladle or dortc! rangane, ^
spoon. 2. a measure of fluids
3 rangasale, j
equal to about twelve rupees
rangani, see
in weight.
s. le, s. Ornamenting
dors*, dori rangu, ranga, Paint,
colour, tint, dye. 2. dancing,
the entrance and floor of a
house with white sand or
acting, singing, etc. 3. plea-
sure. 4. a place. ^nS wor- chalk.
do23fl rannane, s. Fascination,
shipping an idol with illumi-
nations and sweet offerings. enchantment, captivation, be-
_ ^ooyri the ornamented hall witchment. rfo-^s
to cap-

of an the in tivate.
idol; place
td rarija, see -SoK.
which a king sits at a public
levee. tfc/^ a very nice ranjaka, adj. Charming,
i&? agreeable, s. Colouring, dy-
person. ^^ sroe3, tf

<3. rf o. -3 s? the place be- ing. 2. a stimulus, an inciter

of affection. e?5 agreeably.
fore an assembly in which
actors, perform.
etc., tfre_ a fc;^ ranjake, s. A charming
battle-field. tfofib$>to&ound man.
sweetly to the ear. srorfoa ranjana, s. Colouring. 2.

to paint; to please, delight. gladdening.

rariji 576 On rag-a

-o> rarijiru, sc.c 0355.

doz5a^)i ranjipuni (^coS^i), i\ a, rambhdruti, .

To gladden, please. ?'. n. To 5*" raku, -v. (luard.

be glad, pleased. r ; ~Ds3 rakuvale, s. A guard.
Cc^s3 rarijele, s. A cbariner. watch, keeper.
rantuni, see 93cwj$. rakane, see ^fx^-

randi, s. A fretful woman. "^~3 5

d^^Joo rakamu, rakamu,
~ j. The whole quantity; whole-
'2. a whore. 3. see

A sale.
dod rande, s. widow. 2. an
abusive term also TJczf^ooot. d=g-, rakka, ^<2 3^.
; tr

randavuni, c. v.
"do c^,cl rakkane, see ^tx^
To make or cause to C=CT,?O rakkasi, s. A giantess.
importune, tease. d^,^ rakkase, s. A giant.
randuni (^S), v. a. To
d=5\ rakke, 5-. A charm, amulet:
crave, importune, tease, dun. j~

f/- ^^x- 2. anything very

2. to beseech, entreat.
thin or light.
randelu, ^. Begging, en-
C^ rakta, s. Blood, adj. Bloody;
crimson. scurvy. ^j
randra, randhra, s. A 5-^,
3o?3g. __3o e s bloody urine.
bole, fissure, cavity.
hematuria. doer crimson
doj rampi, ^. A shoemaker's
colour. 3T>3 a rheumatic
uoot rampe, s. An swelling of the veins. ---">
a martyr; martyrdom, -^tejrf
do^jp?- ramponi, JT. A large cast-
the bloody flux.
ing net.
raktabola, ^. Myrrh.
OciJe)dJsij, Cc^)dJ33 rambaruti,
rambaroti, 5. Clamour, out-
raktambara, s. A red
cry. -J. diffusion, extension.
Cr^ ^ raktakshi, J. The tifty-
inandering, dissipating.
ee55 dcsrod^fcS to crv eighth year in the Hindu cycle
sS^r^-doe^^iSa-Lft of sixty.
to be scattered, thrown about. d^^o raktesvari, 5. A female
demon so railed.

to spread, publish abroad. -.^6 rakhvale, see

do 2:2 rambe, rambhe, s. drl ragaraga, adj. Beautiful.
A celestial courtexan. 2. handsome, pretty, -sf.-.

a beautiful woman. F nice picture. a beau-

dancing. tiful female, belle.
raga 577 da rata

ragale, s. Gabble, inco- j rajju, s. A rope, cord,

herent talk. 2. a confused
rattu, J. Sacking, canvas.
state of things. 3. trouble,
rattavuni, t- T-.
bother, annoyance. crooSo a
To strike or kindle fire.
gabbler, prater. S so.a'dos
2. to raise, as dust. 3. to
to be in a confused state;
shed, as blood. 4. to scatter,
to be involved in troubles.
z-. . To
to trouble.
splash, as mud. 2. to 'rise,
^ ragta, tf^. as dust. 3- to fly, run
raghu, s. The name of a
4. to be scattered.
sovereign of Ayodhya. 2. a
de3. ratte, s. The arm.
dd rade, s. Retreat, flight. -5
racane, s.Literary compo-
^reos to run away, back-
sition. 2. making or prepar- slide.
ing anything. ^^ s> tf &??&$
raddu, w. Two. 33?
to compose, write; to make,
a pregnant woman.
?5??4S) to betray, be
3 ?l raccane, ^^ ^l^-
treacherous. ajccS!? d5 ^r5\
I s. The thorny rind d oJ
racce, to exaggerate, misrepresent.
of a jack fruit. ~ w&$ ZJC&TT to improve,
-dS^ ^5o^s
to fly from alarm.
better, as one's fortune; to
d, dz raja, raje, .s. Leave of
break, as a vessel, etc.
absence; permission. 2. a
raddano, adj. Second. 2.
d^&?d rajatapitha, s. A silver
Oca rana, J. Battle, war.
throne of the god Krushna at a war trumpet, horn.
Udapi. 2. a name of Udapi. _ dreracAC
doctSsj, "doX, a
rajaputre, s. A Rajpoot, battle-field. -3?^, _^3 a
fi, dfcio3fl rajabandige, valiant hero. 3:e& a run-

rajavantige, ^. A compromise, away, coward.

composition. ^5 dradrs ranarana, ^. The glare or
<e&^34^ to compromise a mat- heat of the sun.
ter in dispute, to settle ami- J. The front of
dresr^ ranagra,
cably. a battle; a sanguinary battle,
Ssids^ rajaraptu, s. Absence
on #0^3 to fight.
leave. etes to be absent d^'S* ratalu, J. A weight, one
on leave. pound t?r
forty tolas.
rati 578 rava

rati, s. The wife of Cupid. ranarana, s t


2. passion, desire. 3. sport,

rapurapu, s. Drubbing,
dalliance. 4. a weight, one- cudgeling; beating soundly.
eighth of a pagoda, used s^oa to beat in this
in weighing diamonds and
emeralds. -S^stS dalliance, s. A noise of beating;
sexual intercourse. 3&
slapping suddenly also "d^N. ;

Cupid. 5\Z3s4s> to enlarge,

sss^osto beat suddenly, give
to make much of a trifle. a violent blow.
3! ratipa, s. Increase, multi- a
rappu, s. Darning. -
plying. ^J5K&$ to put or
So^s> to darn,
join together. raphtu, J. Export.
ratipe, s. A witty man. import and export; sailing
ratna, J. A jewel, gem. t~&- of a vessel to and fro. &
the nine kinds of precious ~$ to be exported, 3o*^a
stones, ^oeo^ a fine sort of to export.

rug used to sleep on, etc. rabasa, see ^33.

/lo^ ratnagandhi, s. The 5 ramani, s. A woman, wife,

Barbadoes flower-fence, CCBS- mistress. 2. an agreeable
alpinia pulcherriina. woman. tJ5orJ?^j beautiful,

/i^r ratnagarbhe, s. Kubcra pleasing.

the god of wealth. ramane, s. A husband.
the ocean; the earth. )j^)^, dCto?jj^ ramipuni, rami-
S ratha, s. A car, carriage, suni ("rf^o, "d^ocJ). t'. 0. To
associate to copulate with.
chariot, -oo^rf, tf&s?^ the

festivity of a car drawn in > ramya, ^;'. Pleasing, de-


procession. tiifroiSjseSor ascend- lightful, agreeable, charming.

ing a car. tt a delightful garden.
:^ rathike, s. A charioteer. _ SD^O charming music,
2. an able man. rayite, sec &&.
ci^ raddu, raddu, s. Re- ravake, s. A bodice.

peal, cancelnient, rejection. ,

s. Ardent attach-
c/^//'. Null, void.
e?Ls, -dcro^fc ment, devotedness to some
to be repealed, cancelled; to object or pursuit. 2. strong
be void,
-rfj^s to abrogate, excitement.
abolish, cancel, revoke, re- ?o ravasa, s. Speed, velocity.
ject. 2. a loud, rattling sound.
rava 579 raka

ravanisuni rastari, rastali J.

i'. a. To send, forward, des- A kind of sugar-
fine, soft

patch. cane; also "d;& 9 tfoeoor. i

d53~2?2 ravane, s. Sending, des- d^, raste, s. A road, way, path.

patching. ?$oSoya
to send, d3o3e>& rahadari, s. A passport;
despatch. an intimation to a village
d> ravi, ?. The sun. -rfoc^a
officer to provide a traveller
the solar disk. with necessary supplies.. ^
d;3 rave, s. Molasses, syrup. 2. a to issue a passport.
small particle of anything, d3oX> rahasya, adj. Private,
grit, groat. 3. a small shot. secret, s. A secret, mystery.
dJ^> rasidi, s. A receipt. rf srotrf a secret word.
d?o rasa, s. Flavour, taste. 2. doosO rahari, s. Pleasing.

taste, sentiment, emotion, as d&i rahite, see ^^.

an object of composition. 3.
d^ ^ rakshake, s. A saviour, pro-
affection of the mind, passion.
tector; a guardian.
4. juice, exudation, liquid. d^rl rakshane, s. Salvation,
a mineral or metallic salt. ^A
redemption; saving, protect-
6. quicksilver. s^rd crude to save.
ing. ^oo^
calomel. 3s<s, see
,y "d?tecdj.
ecro'iS a
?3 rakshase, see ^^.
a rakshipuni, ra-
kind of plantains.
kshisuni (d-^, ^tx^)* ^. . To
rasane, ^. The tongue.
save, protect, defend.
rasayana, s. A dainty. s.
rakshe, Preserving, pro-
2. medicine in a state of fluid,
tecting, saving. 2. a talis-
elixir. 3. chemistry.
man, amulet, charm. SSCA
rasavada, s. Alchimy. a jacket, coat, sroi a pair
rasalu, see <rf57x><5. of shoes. to charm.
d^^rasika, adj. Tasteful, agree- )o^o^j rankuni (^-^ ),
"-. . To
able, sociable, sensible, full adulterate.
of good sense. ^d^reS) an raku, ^^ e^d^.

agreeable man; a sensible Os^uiJ rakati, ra-

man. s^^d an agreeable s. A circular
kadi, rakuti,
speech. ornamented plate of gold,
dr:^b rasidi, see tf>?a. worn by females on their top-
C^-7^ rasoli, s. A kind of knot.
plantains. rakase, ~fj--
raki 580 radi

0^^ raki, rake, see ge, s.
Intermeddling; boast-

ing. 2. royalty.
raga, s.Tune, music, sing-
ing. 2. mental affection in )c3 raji, s. A compromise or
adjustment of differences.
general, as joy, sorrow, pas-
sion. 3. 4. see tfcK. 2. reconciliation, pacification.
d^esi envy and hatred. ^ 3. pleasure, good will. adj.

=r, rf^Cn'zd its ^ an organ Contented, satisfied, agreed,

tfeojse a
or pianoforte. rfo^s, ^ pleased, willing.
written agreement to a com-
to sing.

The common grain promise. s3o a deed of com-

C7:ft ragi, s.

ragi, Elensinc coracana. 3 promise of matters in dispute ;

ragi gruel. resignation of an employment.

Royal, denoting
e?bs> to to terms, be come
raja, <//.

excellence or eminence. 2. compromised or adjusted; to

chief, supreme. escssre. .svc consent, agree, -w^s to-

us&^csire. _^>o&r- a public like, be willing; to be on

affair. ^o& a carbuncle. good terms. AaLrs to re-
v^or duty sign, as an employment or
s& kingship.
incumbent on a king. rt-~ to compromise,
post. sks^s
a capital, metropolis. $>e reconcile.

politics. ^3 cs3idje)No3D-e rajisu, adj. Manufec-

Sj? kingly in respect, rever- tured by Rodgers, as a knife.
ence, and wealth; a respect- raje, s. A king, sovereign,
ful mode of address. prince, an emperor,
-rfjeiX" a highway. _ great king; a nobleman.
royalty, royal dignity. ^ ^
rajesri, rajesri,
a royal assembly 0r court. see under ^>-.
^^030 a pulmonary con- \

rajendre,^. An emperor,
king of kings.
^ rajane, s. The core of a
fcio rajya, s. A government,
kingdom, province, country.
CDfc!?^, 07>; rf rajasu, rajasa, s.
2. the administration of go-
The predominence of passion,
vernment. epyrf rule, govern-
pride, arrogance, presump-
tion or auger.
s. The rate, sec
court-yard of a palace. z radu, see
Lin; rajata, rijati- .
radi, adj. Foul, turbid.
rade 581 rari

rade, see ^&- Rama's arrow, which

rana, s. Brightness. 2. see had the peculiar property of
p. hitting the mark and then
rani, s. A queen, returning to the quiver; a
kind of fire-work. _~aSo a
ranya, An army. 2. a

low class of Pariahs; also

term of salutation among the
U3po^. nsoSo a man Hindus. ss^o a faithful
ing to this class.
ramacca, s. The cuscus
)$&, De)J^ ratalu, ratelu, see
grass, Andropogon murica-
ratri, ratre, .y.
dJ^o&ra ramayana, s. The
i>_, dotfo midnight.
epic poem, containing the
night and day. $j?
history of Rama. 9^^ ,
8ic5 the Lord's Supper. TOSS
^i33^_, sroej ,
^ros5,?^ are
ro^h, r^333^^S by night,
some of the works on the same
before daybreak. caguTro^jT??
eo^S ^)?o3o he came and
s. Bleed-
went away before daybreak, sJJ^d^, ramarakta,
ing profusely.
radu, ^. A way ; cf.
rame, s. Rama, the seventh
radari, see incarnation of Vishnu.
rapavuni, )>J^ <3 ramesvara, s. The cele-

To make <?/ cause to fly. brated place of pilgrimage
2. to blow up. in Madura.
rapini, see TTO^S>. ,
oso3o raya, raye, s. An
rapu, ^. Lustre, splendour, honorific affix to the names
effulgence. 2. beauty, come- of Brahmans, etc. 2.aTahsil-
liness. 3. pride, arrogance, dar. 3. see TOSS.

haughtiness. craoSo a proud Cdo^sjQ rayabhari, s. An am-

man. sire^rf pride of money, bassador, envoy.
rapuni (^)), v. n. To fly. rayare, s. The moon,
2. to leap,
jump, skip. 3. to rayasa, s. A letter ad-
behave haughtily. dressed by a sovereign or a
)^o rama, s.
adj. Of
see T^^SO. spiritual guide to his subjects
pertaining to Rama. rfjai. or followers. zz-3bs to write
-20o65 Hanumanta, the faith- or address such a letter.
ful messenger of Rama. zz>
rari, s. Cheerfulness, ani-
& Rama's mation, good
monkey-troops. spirits. ew^
rali 5S2 riya

<* to be cheerful or in good paralysis. 4.a curse, depre-

spirits. cation. 5. voracity, ravenous-

ness. 83^ Elccocarpus
rali, see
dicer a. ^oosa the diurnal
situationof the ascending
^3- ravaki,
node; a fierce countenance.
DD^cl ravana, ravane, s.
t^a, -si^s to be voraci-

The king of Lanka or Ceylon, ous. o^^os) to be seized

who was destroyed by Rama ; with a sudden fit of apoplexy
also ^^s6?s3. or paralysis.
ale, ravalye, J. rahute, sec rz>3).
A greedy man. rala, s. Pitch, resin.
2. ^<2
^ rakshase, s. An evil spirit.
giant, demon, fiend.
ravute, s. A horseman,
rikabu, s. A stirrup.
trooper. =
a rrja, ^. Punishment.
ravuni, see TTO^S.
to chastise, punish.
rave, J. Syrup made of
ritlekayi, see sfcflroaw.
sugarcane juice.
riti, ^. Taste, relish, sweet-
rasi, ^. A heap, quantity.
ness. adj. Palatable, savoury.
2. abundance, plenty. 3. a
_e?b$ to be tasteful; to re-
sign of the zodiac; a month.
&3 a crowd of people. 3 lish, like, -w^sj to have a
a grand festival. srf e?;*3
relish for. 33X0$, -3^3 to

acquire a taste for to attract

^ Aj-d
and cro^crio are clif-
one's attention.

>> to
ferent positions of constella-
taste, try.
tions interpreted in astrology.
ritu, sec ^>^o.
oe&$ to consult astrology
^ rippe, see ^^- _'.

about one's fortune. STOICS

to pile, heap up.
tu, riyati, riyayiti, s. Remis-
Oeia^ rasya, tf^rfg. abatement, as of re-
rashtra, s. An inhabited venue. 2. lenity, moderation,

country, realm or region. forbearance. ~izx>3$ to

the Mahratta country. treat leniently, as one's sub-
rahu, s. The ascending ordinates. to abate
node or caput draconis. 3. a in a demand, to be lenient
sudden fit of apoplexy or in enforcing a penalty.
riva 583 do s ruta

rivaji, s. Custom, usage strip off, pluck off, as leaves

practice, from a stalk.

rishi, see
do2>. rumbhu,
o^o rumbha,
risalu, see <^^. see "do o 200.

A rumma, <z^. With vio-

rlku, s. mystical prayer.
lence. rftfo^ to shoot flr
nti, .?. Usage, custom,
throw with violence.
practice. 2. method, way,
rummuni (tfoSo), ^. ^.
To move hastily. 2. J^ ^
.$<? "dore.

rlpu, s. A reaper, lathe.

, dor\rS rukmini, rugmini,
, doo<3o, dooct runda, rundu, s. The first Avife of Krushna.

runde, s. A skull. 2. the head dorii^ rugruje, s. One beginning

severed from the body. ~3<3 to learn the Vedas.
a necklace of skulls. ^>eo s. The first of
tSere he will not yield
the four Vedas.
even at the risk of his head.
ruci, s. Taste, relish, sweet-
oJJ3d!ofcJo)F rundaraparijurli, ness; c/.
s. A demon so called.
do^o s. A signa-
ru.ji, ruju,
oC3s)6, doocjs)^ rundare, run- ture. 2. proof; also "doaiosroi.

davana, see ^ccs^. 3. assent, admission. adj.

dooa runda, rundi, s. True. e?^a to be proved:
Width, breadth, adj. Broad. to be brought home to; to be
doo^rundha, rundhi^.The
convicted. srot3o$ to sign.

grave of a Svami. to prove.

o^a)^ rumbadhi, ^. The front doll rutti,

of a crowd. s.
docs runa, Debt, obligation.
rumbali, 5. The name sjs^S the sin of indebtedness.
of a tribe. ricrfos to discharge
rumbavuni, c. v. (of a debt, tfo^wo sojs-dos) to be
To make or cause to indebted or under obligation.
strip off, pluck off. ?JoScc^<y3 -doc TJo^cS the

o rumbu, s. Galloping, run- cremation of a person's re-

ning with speed. 2. stripping, mains cannot cancel his debt.
plucking. ^w^a, 5^S

ruta, s. Improvement,
4 a to decamp, take to one's to
bettering, turning good
account ; cf. ^. 2. see ^. e?

rumbuni ^oo^S, 7-.<z. To >$tobe improved; to prosper.


_ 3ov o^ to improve, make pro-

j '
j rusum, rusumu.

ductive or profitable. s. Fees, remuneration. 3.

rutu, s. A season. 2. the lawyer's fees.

menses, ^~33_, 7\je^_ ,^si.r_, "?, dJ3^^ rudane, rudige, ^.

._, Sorfj^c^ a&d_ are the ,

Laying out in profitable in-
six seasons of a year. vestments, turning to good
doci rudra, adj. Pertaining to account, as money. rfo^a
3o). 2. parched, hot, dried. to invest money profitably.
_#jsso a cemetery; parched dJ3&, d-7.^ rudi,rudhi, s. Custom,
land. sroodoo
apoplexy. practice. efb^ to be ac-

' OotJsx-S-, dJC3D,=CT
^ ^ rudra- customed, come into use, be
OkJ/ o>^

ksha, rudrakshi, rudrakshe, s. established.

^o^S) a custom
The berries of the Elceocarpus to prevail; to be in use.
lanccolatus. tftf, ^jsd a -7L^o rudhisuni ("^^oj), v.a.
rosary made with its berries. To improve, turn to profit;

Q rudri, s. One of the six to establish.

Brahmans who take part in dja s. Form, figure,

performing the sacrifice of shape; an image, reflection,
or resemblance of any real

rudre, s. Siva, the disper- object. 2. beauty. 3. declen-

ser of tears of mortals. 2. a sion, conjugation. ~'-

demi-god. beautiful man. 3 a beauti-

5J2CB S rudhirodgari, s. The ful female. -rfo^$ to form,

fifty-seventh year in the shape, model.

Hindu cycle of sixty. dsOsraos. rupantra, s. Change of

^, dosra, rupayi, rupai, s. shape or figure, transfor-

A rupee. mation, transfiguration.
rumytrumu, s. A :302>J rupayi, scj -rfo^osj.
whirling sound, as of wind ruparupu, sec
blowing violently. TW 3?
&w$ wind to blow violently. ; rupita, s. Economy, fruga-
rumalu, .?. A turban. lity, adj. Economical.

handkerchief. a frugal man. sktfo^fc


ruyya, ndi-. Noisily, with manag(> economically.

^j^i rupisuni (^A^CJ),
, ruyi, ruvi, s. A pie. To sketch, form, shape, m
uJ^ rusi, rushi, s. A sage, 2. to describe.

int. -^ rupu, .v
rupu 535 rebha

dissolve, decay. 2. to roll,

djsaoo rupurupu, rubarupu, ru- wallow, as in mire.
burubu, adv. Face to face, in r, rekke, s. A weaving ap-
one's presence. =#eros to paratus. 2. see ~Sc^.

ask in person. -
^o^0x to reccevu, s. Caladium
confront. ^jaLgi to see in esculentum. 3 ^czS the bulb
person. sssiioos to speak of the same. ^Bo^o- a dark
personally. species of it.

v-Lo rumi, J. A cheat, rogue, rette, see *% 2. j^

^ sd^.
hypocrite. esrf a downright J^ ^^a.
^) 5> reppuni,
^ reppe, s. The eyelash, eye-
rusu, s. Hardness, stiff-
lid. 3jstk?> to wink.
?j resa, J^ ^^>
renkavuni, c.v. (of -80
^ rekshe, j^ ^^.
To smear, soil. 2. to **%

to delay, put ^ re, intj. Oh! halloo!

perform slowly ;

off. ?c2o renji, 1. A kind of con-

renkuni (^^), v- n. To veyance resembling a ham-
be smeared, soiled. 2. to be mock, a litter. S ^otfo^ to

get into a litter. S $Pel>$

dilatory, performed slowly ;

to linger, procrastinate. 3. to travel in a litter.

to be delayed, off. ^o3, d^oU^eJO^o renti, renti-
renke, s. A wing of a bird. kayi, see ^0-537)020.
to pinion the wings. 3 reke, rekhe, ^. A line.

_ eobr^to be fledged, as a bird. streak, stroke. ^>^ geome-

^raewa to fade, faint, be ex- try. ^^o creases in the

hausted. hand.

An inferior >
reg-iyuni (^e^), f.. To
^DDft renkeragi, .

be excited.
kind of ragi.
s. An recana, see stf?ti3.
renkele, invalid,
cripple, etc. 2. a slow coach. redu, 6-.
Debt; cf.

3. a procrastinator. renu, J. Dust, powder.

rerici, see
3ceJ. retassu, s. Semen virile.

^ reti, s. Fine, black sand.

rena, ren, renjiru, G3$> a sand <?r pounce box.
rerije, renjeyi, renjevu, s. The ^j repha, ^. The letter r <?r 5.

tree Mimusops elengi. 2pDosrebhanta,^/'. Described,

ce-iw^ renjuni (^^), i
. n. To stated.
reya 586 .- roda

reyati, sec UJj$

to become thin, be ema-

&, i<^ revani, revani, 5. rondu, s. Patrolling,

Revenue, assessment. 2. the going the rounds, as a guard.
revenue department. a patrole, watchman.
3PSJ3 revati, s. Balarama's wife. js^li, djs^, djs^ -

2. the twenty-seventh lunar roka, rokati, roki, rokoti, adj.

asterism. In cash or ready money.
revu, s. A harbour, port. s.
1 roga, Sickness, disease,
5? 4'^ revuni, see ?^rf.
indisposition. c^iSo, T3js??\sJ

C? resi, s. Pus, matter of a a sick man; a leper. e?bs>

boil, etc. to get sick ;

to have syphilis.

6e3J, resimi, reshmi, -r.

^^s, S.t^.t^o 20j8-do$ to be
Silk, -s tfo=UJ a silk cloth. sick.

resa, see 3*. roganu, J. Varnish.

6>i s. A farmer, culti-

-.. -SSAS^^,
w to varnish.
vator, ryot; /$<? ^80*.

&?c* reis\^, J. A small coin; a : roca, s. Movement,

cash; cf.
&J- motion.

reisuni "'
. To be rocana, s. A yellow
pigment used as medicine,
clear, evident; to shine.
i-^j^ij rokoti, ^^ TSjse^- dye or perfume; bezoar. 2.

a stomachic; a carminative,
z.^. rokka, J. Money, wealth.
roja, J^ ^-
2. ready money, cash, small
money or change. roji*
J- A day. 2. daily
work. 7^>&tf
roccu, see cSjsrfo .
earning, service,

employment. AST? a work-

roja, 5. Anything very
little or small, a bit, trifle. man, servant.
adj. Little, small, trifling. rojipini (*e^), .

To be employed.
rotti, s. Bread, a loaf.

-~7\y8, C3^3j a baker. rotu, s. Trouble, an-

to bake. noyance.
r^. wash the rodu, see <i.

bread and drink the water, J. rotri, s.

A deceiver.
t. e.,
preserve the capital and /3^N, 5j?Pd?S rodana, rodane,
live on the profit. s. Weeping, lamentation, cry-
ontu, s. Leanness. 3
ropa 587 lande

r-s ropana, s. Bewildering of v roukula, ^

the mind, confusion of ideas.
roudra, -r.
Wrath, rage.
roma, s. The hair about
adj. Fearful, formidable, ter-
the body. 2. hair, wool. fa
rific. 2. acute, violent.
wool. a terrible form,
romanu, adj. Koman.
roudri, ^. The fifty-fourth
a Roman Catholic. Hindu cycle of
year in the
rosha, ^. Wrath, fury, sixty.
anger. rourava, ^. One of the
^sst^* roshanu, 5. Shine, divisions of Tartarus, hell;
glitter. also T?3tfoJeftftf.

3^2ord rohini, ^. The mother s. A mode of drum-

of Balarama. 2. the fourth
lunar asterism. afe.
sJrS rouvane, Suddenly;
rohita, adj. Red.
S tey

rohite, s. A well-wisher. TOUSU, ^ TJ^5s3.

la, The forty-first letter of the lancu, j. Taming.
alphabet. to tame a wild horse.
^, ^o^ lanka, lanke, s. Ceylon, lanca, s. Bribery, a bribe.
the ancient capital of Ravana;
abrd to give bribes.
also e^csaE^o B^
to take bribes.
lanka, see
vozi landu, landa, ^. Obs-
giantess who
cenity, rudeness. 2. evil, wick-
defended Lanka. 2. a fierce,
edness ;
also ooT*>&3. adj. Ob-
passionate woman,
scene, rude. 2. evil, wicked.
rfzl, ^ori^ langude, langade,
A lande, ^. A rude or wicked
s. cripple, lame man.
^. A man.
langa, gown.
* s. An anchor. landuni (S), ^. . To
lead a vagabond's life.
langoti, s. A cloth
landelu, see T3c3<5.
covering the privities.
^ langhane s.
Fasting. 2. c3s3 landele, s. A vagabond.
leaping, jumping. vagrant.
lampa lagna

3^iJ lampata, s. Eagerness, lakhote, s. A folded

desire for. s^odx- indulg- letter. 2. an envelope, cover.
ing in carnal appetites. 3. a small packet. 4. a pouch.
>?3* lamba, lambasu, _5 srotSos to enclose iu a
adj. Long, tall. 2. suspended. cover; to put into a pouch.
3. expanded, aoecroco
-sktf^a to fold a letter; to
a tall man. prepare an envelope.
3&<3 lambana, s. Hanging on, \
2v/T lagubagu, a dr. About.
depending. 2. see GctS.
nearly, approximately.
32^5^, e;32J3r$ lambadi, lamba- i
laga, s. Taking or seizing,
ni, see e>37>?3. as a fort.
lambanuge, ^. Length, lagana, see oX^.
lambu, adj. Tender.
lagabaga, .y.
Hurry, haste.
i lambe, s. A tender fruit.
lagadu, Rubbing.
jzf JJ^ciC lambodare, s. /^V. Large ,
urre^ lagadu, lagadi,
pauuched. 2. Ganesa. s. Intercourse, interference,
C) lanvdi,, see fi^cfc. connexion. 2. trouble, an-

r"^^' lakulaku, ^t//'. Shining, noyance, difficulty. 3. wicked-

glittering, brilliant. e?Ls)
ness, mischief. 4. ruin. i
to shine, glitter.
^s> to annoy, dun ;
to ruin.
lakote, sec a>^^?S5. eradicate, destroy. K $e
lakka, s. A kind of dove. && to interfere with.

r?ri lakkanige, ^. A reed pen.

c. v.
. A bridle.
lakkavuni, (of GS'OJ
To lagisu, ^. Devouring. 2.
."5 lift, raise. 2. to wake,

rouse. 3. to steal, pilfer. flogging.

lakki, s. A kind of medicinal e)^o^ lagasuni (^T^OJ), r-. a.

To eat, devour. 2. to beat.
plant. SJOF&J a dark variety
of this plant; a water-fowl. flog.

J^ o lagu, see G^J.

ivL. lakkimi, e>-^
^. Compensation. 2.
5.,) lakkuni (^^:)' n To "'
- lagga,

rise, get up. 2. to stand up,

arise. 3. to start, >ri lagge, s. Crowding, th.

^)8?i:^ to get to ing, assembling. 2. scaling.
ert^u) away,
become loose. rf lagna, s. The period selected
& lakke, s. A measure ;
a mark. for any auspicious ceremony,
^ as the celebration of a mar-
zo^ a seer for measuring.
laghu, 589 lappa

riage, etc. 2. the rising of a ~ laddi^e,

' "
C3 C3 C3

sign, appearance its above laddu, s. A ball of sweetmeat.

the horizon. 3. the celebra- ,
osrscs* latadu, latadu, ^.

tion of a wedding or of investi- Pressure, urgency. 2. press,

ture with the sacred thread. thronging. 3. difficulty, per-

t*c:dj_ the rising of the moon plexity, trouble, hardship, an-
in a constellation. ^^ a noyance. =#e^ pressure of
natal star. &$ to be work. 3ir4rf need of money,
married, etc. ~3a!b$ to fix being pressed for money.
a time for marriage, etc. 3o 5Pe^s> to be overworked.
to marry, tffc. e)37>5 eojatfos to be involved
laghu, .?. A short vowel. in difficulties.

2. sleight of hand, dexterity. s^i? lativali, s. Obstacles.

2. pain.
adj. Light ; slight, trifling.
2. abating, on the decrease. 3^ lattu, adj. Young, tender,
unripe, green. 2. imperfect,
lacca, see e^\.

laccana, ^ ^^\^- rough, ^o^ a tender mango.

tender &>
oj^jcdo age.
laccimi, see <^txd'

s. A pasture ^ immature understanding,

laccilu, ?oSo
tT thoughtlessness. al^
ground; a brushwood. he acted
* ^o^ imprudently,
lacce, see o.
he was hasty, ^vx e> e?c

^2 lajja, lajje, J. Shame, the thing did not succeed;
modesty, bashfulness. the business spoiled,

lajjande, ^. A shameless latta, J. A creeper.

^orS, ^^rS lattande, lattane,
latupatij, lata- ^. Lentil, Dolichos catjang.
pata, s. A noise of breaking
i^ latte,
J. A die; a game of

sticks, <?/. 2. fighting, quar- dice. 2. a blow. ^20^ play-

relling. 3. slapping; cf.
^w ing at dice. 3&LrZi to give
^W. a blow.
yb 5
^^. lattu, lattu, s. A top. ladda, <Mfc

2. a stick, rod. laddi, J. The dung of a
a>^. latte, * *
j. The arm. 2. a horse, elephant, etc. s^os

staff, cudgel. to void excrement.

^C3s>c&> ladayi, J. A battle, fight, 51 lappavuni, ^. z'.
(of ^^
-^o^S) to fight, &) To make >? cause to
quarrel. measure.
lappu 590 laksha

>s3i lappu, s. Measurement. )^ a line on the

adj. Measuring. r forehead; fate.

measuring rod. t>,

lalla, lalle. ^. In-
v. a. To sincere love, pretended affec-
D^ifi lappuni (),
measure, mete. r-. n. To tion; <2/J-(3
2. to sneeze. >& to fondle; to flirt.
to measure rice. icrJo to sJ lava, s. The sixtieth part

cough. ?&c)<5 to sneeze. of the twinkling of an

;sl^J lapramu, r

A 2. an atom, mote.
.s .
pulley. adj. Small,
little, minute; also 530.
jzo laba, .?. Fear.
>3cd a small a
A streak,
)2ot>u labalaba, s. noise made
minute portion of anything.
by crying and beating the
SJort lavanga, s. The clove
mouth. 2. crying, lamenta-
cloves. sj mace.
tion, weeping. tbti^z a
lavadi, lavudi, ^6'
confused noise of talking
loudly or indistinctly. 553
lavana, ^. Salt.
Asoeoa to beat the mouth-
lavani, see ej^jS.
while crying.
lavadana, s. A moment.
>We>a labadi, s. Dissimulation,
lavadi, see eSeaua.
hypocrisy, deceit, pretence,
fraud. 2. a false promise. 3. lavane, J. A man of the
a hyprocrite, cheat, Brinjari caste. 5 the Brin-
to deceiv.e, cheat, dis- jari people.
simulate ;
also 233aojoo$. lave, s. A son of Rama. 2.

>&> labdha, s. The see &&

arith. 2. profit, >,o
laskaru, s. A camp-follow-
gain. ^^
er. 2. a soldier a sailor.
^tJ labbe, s. One of a class of ;

lahari, s. Intoxication,
Tamil Mahommedans. 2. a
Mahommedan weaver.
laksha, s. A lac, one hundred
laya, s. Loss, destruction,
thousand. J^e^^. 2.
ruin. &a to perish, be ctf^;

destroyed, ruined.
^^c^j more than
33, a lac,

^>o5o^6 layisu, adj. Accomplish- many lacs.

ed. 2. lakshana, s. A property,
j.f\ s. A necklace. peculiarity, indication, or pre-
dicate. 2. mark, sign. 3.
lalane, s. A woman.
beauty, neatness, perfection,
.j lalata, ^. The forehead. in outward
shape or form.
laksha 591 laty.

4. fortune. sign. 2. a spot; a bit. adj.

bad sign. Very little or small.

^aes lakshadlpa, s. gen- A oL'c^, eraorfo* lantanu, landa-

eral illumination festival in r^, see T>UO>.
honour of an idpl. Length. 2. hit-
i Iambi, ^.

lakshapuje, s. Worship- ting the ball from above in

ping an idol with a profusion a game of cricket, etc.
of flowers. lambu, s. A mushroom,
o- 3)S, > o lakshipuni, la- toad-stool, fungus. 2. nonage.
kshisuni (ix), ?' To es- adj. Tender.
3IU- ,
sicaS ,

teem, regard, care for. 2. to oso_, 3i-i3^_, 33Xorc_, ^&)_ are

aim. different species of fungus.

$ lakshe, see e^. laki, s. A half-grown hen.

uA "J _ 2. Jtftf
=5 ,tf s. Rama's erorf-Sjj.

the name laga, lagya, s. A
younger brother. 2. r^
summerset, jump, leap. s^>
of a man.
to make a summerset.
& , lakshmi, J. The wife of
Vishnu, the goddess of wealth s>rra^U laggata, lagya-
and property. 2. ta, ^. Jumping, leaping.
fortune, prosperity, riches, e) 71 >
o3o^o, as)7T5h3* lagayitu,
wealth. rich in lagaitu, J. Beginning, com-
wealth. cdor_ rich in cou- mencement.
rage. hoJoa^i, e3e>rl^$ lagiyuni, lag-
o lakshya, s. Regard, re- yuni (eH), z/. . To leap,
spect, care for. sro^s to jump, skip.
care for, be provident. &> >23s> o^, Os)25s)0 lacaru, lacari,
Q ? L^ to regard. in
tfo^, !?^^ti3 ^'. Reduced, helpless,
3 la, ^4 conjunctive affix difficult circumstances. 2.

meaning and, also; j, <^^ weak, debilitated. &3 diffi-

house and garden ; culty, helplessness. efLs

this and that; to be in difficulty. eojs-doa

^^2;s still, yet ;

always ;
to become weak, as from
eycrfc^ it sickness.
though be, but,
nevertheless ;
^os^oera gp *oera laci, fl^'. Tender, soft.

here and there.

latu, adj. Inexact, not

, $3-30^ lancana, precise, superficial, loose. K

lanchana, lanche, s. A mark, <^)C3
superficial work. K era

Dki lata 592 lungi

3ooys to do a thing super- lavanga, see
ficially. ^. The grass
te* latanu, s. A lantern.
Andropogon muricatum.
late, .y. A
spinning wheel. lavakki, s. The quail;

2. a pulley used for drawing

water. lavani, lavane, s*
ladu, s. Aline, row, group, A tune so called. 2. a ballad.
lada, s. A horse shoe. lali, s. A weaver's shuttle.

ersji ladi, lade, see sro^S. 2. see c^. 3. see erae3.


s. A kick. 2. dis- lalu, see e/s5.


grace; reproof. laksha, ^. Shell lac.

labha, Gain, profit, ad-

s. ort linga, s. The penis. 2.

vantage. eft$Tio 3^ osj3Bo there the phalus, or Siva under that

is no enmity where an ad- form or emblem. 3. gender,
vantage is concerned. gram. 3cg & Lingait, one
GDOSo laya, s. A stable. ^O^OT?- who wears the linga.
a horse-stable. the neuter gender.
573 c&y", StioSo^ layaku, layiku, the masculine gender,
0d/. Suitable, proper, fit, the feminine gender. .

convenient, commodious. 2. to wear the linga.

nice, pretty. >o ft lingi, see ewe*.
as a* lalu, ;//. Red, crimson. >o), o23 limbi, limbe, s. The
2. flushed with .
inebriation, lemon Citrus
fruit, berga-
drunk. -e?&& to be drunk.
mia; also dod^O.
Qi;o*, UDS; lalu, lala, J^ ^>^-
OiD^ likhita, Written. ^. see

n;^c5j laludaye, s. A farrier. 3eso?j. s^u_ fate,

ot) o)^ lalane, s. Caressing, fond- as supposed to have been
ling. to fondle, inscribed upon the scull by

caress, dandle. Brahma.

lali, J. Walking to and >& lipi, s. Hand-writing, a
fro; frequenting. 2. wander- written paper, etc. 2. destiny.
ing. 3. see <w>s. rarfos to a^ -
6 fate;
an act which is
frequent, walk to and fro. irrevocable or unalterable.

5>53), ers0o> lalipuni, lali- O lile, s. Play, sport, pastime,

suni (w>c, e^>e5c3),
<:>. ^. To frolic. ecrae> children's sport.
listen, attend to. 2. to fondle, lungi, s. A checkered gar-
caress. ment worn by a Mussalman.
lunda 593 SJ

lunda, d^'. Confused, kind of nut used in medicine

confounded, mingled, s. see for this disease.

lenki, adj. Timid. 3

lunde, -ft timid people.

lumbavuni, . #. (of lenkinu, J. A dark

To cause to plunge, cloth.

wash, rinse. >

lenkini, ^^ o*?).

oWJS> lumbuni (<soo), v. a. To 3o^D lenkiru, lenkiri, 5.

plunge, wash, rinse. A thin kind of bamboo.

lukalu, A)?ro6.
lenkuni, ^^ ^o^os).

luksanu, s. Loss, dam- lenke, J. A slave, servant.

age. &?& an ale-house, j^ <^=^-
liquor shop, slg. y. A
lenci, ladder, flight
Sff lucca, #^/. Mean, base, of stairs.
low, worthless. &3, ewes?
lenda, adj. Wicked,
meanness, baseness, vul-
lende, s. A topknot, tuft
of hair, tresses. 2. a lump
2 lucce, s. A base fellow.
z? of dung. srorfos) to
^DOSo^o^ lutayisuni (<yo6rooso tie the hair into a knot.
v. a. To pillage, sack,
lekka, conj. That, in order
that. adv. As, like, accord-
lutuka, s. The cracking
ing to ; also <3^3. s. see 3so^.
of the fingers.
3^ ^jso try to come. ^otS
lubdha, a.ij. Covetous, e?orfo
eS^cS w^, he resembles
greedy. e>ot3 a miser, cove-
that man.
tous man.
od lekkanda,. j^ ^. 2. w*
lutaluti, ^. Plunder-
ing, sacking. 2. mischief,
ni, lekkanige,
s!3 luti, s. Mischief, misbe-
haviour. 2. lekkiyuni
plunder, pillage.
7v3 a To count, reckon up. 2. to
mischief-maker; a
estimate, regard, esteem.
plunderer. oktfo^ to make
or cause mischief; to plunder, ,AiO lekkesiri, ^. A demon so

extort. called.

luti, s. A cutaneous dis- lekkha, s. An account, re-


ease; also e>jaT5jsA. ^oso a ckoning, arithmetic. 2. con-

a lekkha 594 53J8& lotte

cern. examine >

lele, s. Dancing of the
audit an account. Pariahs.
to write out an account. levadi, s. A kind of sweet-
^\^ to count. 3slp A
j s3e533d?^) levadi, leva-
to charge or enter to one's
devi, s. Borrowing and lend-
ing, usury; dealing.
lekkhacara, s- Ac- ^. A s^^o> to
levu, cry.
counts. 2. money transac- -

tions. 5 leve, s. A kind of decora-
cis zd lejjande, see
o& <1
A bit, small
* lesa, J. quanti-

. e5z
lejji, lejje,
^ ***
ty. adj. Small, little. -d^^j
C 35^4 leppavuni, c. r. (of 3^s)
only a little.
To cause to call, to send for. ro*, e3??io lesu, lesu, 5-. An
_LT: leppu, s. A call. 2. the auspicious ceremony or event.
distance at which a loud cry 2. a handkerchief, adj. Ex-
can be heard. cellent, good; cf. <3co, deoJ.
_ ^3r3 a host, one who re-
sSe^irss^, 3^zti leppudavuni,
ceives or entertains guests.
leppuduni, see e3s^^s>.
_ ?L$ to be excellent; to be
s3^j leppuni (3), t r
. a. To call.
well done. sktfo^ to
2. to invite to an entertain- -s^s,
ment. perform an auspicious cere-
mony. [medicine.
-t'~ lebbe, see e^.
leha, s. An electuary in
6^SJ??>, s3?sjrfri lekhani, lekha-
v.n. To jump,
nige, ^^ o^rf^. $&$ leipuni(^),
leap; also
^^SJ?- lekhana, J. Writing,
era?vodoos>; cf. Qz^&
ture. 2. an epistle, letter.
3>ae)^ leilamu, J. Auction.
: lekhe, sec "5es3.
to sell by auction.
lejhamu, s. A kind of
W leisu, J. Preparing, provid-
ing, making ready, complet-
, lede, s. Denying. ing, finishing. wLa to be
to deny. be accomplished,
ready ;
'^?3J?ilepa,lepana,J. Smear- finished. to prepare,
ing, plastering. 2. a lini- make ready; to accomplish,
ment, salve, ointment. ca finish. [SO.
., -38&U3 to
apply a lini- lottulottu, see v&
ment or ointment. lotte, ^. A lie, falsehood,
:~ ler^, sec fib.
adj. False, untrue.
loda 595 loudi

loda, adj. Loose. 2. un- be left out or dropped; to

reserved. -203 open, frank; decrease, become less and
public. less, be wasted. sSotfo^ to
loka, s. A division of the omit, drop; to waste.
universe; an inhabited place, ob?^ lopisuni (&3e^cJ), f. a.

region, world. 2. the world To omit, drop. z>. n. To

of people, mankind. ^&"& be omitted; to suffer elision.
the three worlds, namely: 2. to disappear.
X3 heaven, QJH earth, and lobha, ^. Covetousness,
3jD33^_ hell. 3$, siae^ an avarice, stinginess. ^ par-
earthly ruler, king. simony, avarice.
S^eios lokanta, adj. Public, S^e)^ lobhana, ^. A fragrant
spread abroad. e?!;$ to resin, incense. ^S_ myrrh.
transpire, become public. ?3?5 frankincense, resin of
J>?We>oitf lokantara, s. An- Boswellia thurifera; also z
other world. JP?SJ$ to die.

o lokantya, ^. The end lobhi, lobhishte,

of the world. s. An avaricious man, miser.

lokacara, ^. The loma, see T?jse^o.

manner of the world; worldly s3js^s3 lola, lole, adj.

custom or practice. Desirous, wishing, bent on,

locana, J. The 2. fond of. 2. moving, shaking.

sight, seeing. lolisara, see

o lota, lotu, s. A
crowd or throng of people; love, J. Steel. 2.

over-crowdedness. loha, s. Metal.

lodu, s. A cushion to a rail-way.

lean the back against. o<? 3j3^ loli, lole, j^ ^3js e e.

&>$, 3j33o$ to place such a loundi, ^. A strumpet,

cushion. whore, harlot.
lopa, ^. Rejection, ex- c^o^Dlountaru, lounta-
punging, cutting off in gene- ri, s. The penis, f3^.
ral. 2. elision, ellipsis, gram. 3^-^ loukika, louklka,

59^^ the dropping of a '.

Worldly, secular.
letter. jore_ omitting part Iqjukike, ^. A worldly
man; a layman.
of one's
duty. ^$- defi-

ciency in wealth. SL>?> to loudi, J

va 596 vaja

va, The forty-second letter vammukha,
of the alphabet. varnku, -^
For words not found under varmbuni
Hi is initial see under &. To quarrel, fight. 2. to grasp.
^c-o- vanki, s. A fimbriated gold
, 3ovain8a,vaaisa, s. A race,
generation, lineage, family.
s3ori vanga, s. The white oxide osradi? vamsavali, s. A gene-
of lead. 2. tin. 3. the ancient
alogy, line of descent.
province of Bengal. $^ ^dvtf, 5j^e>5733* vakalatu,
calcined oxide of lead, sugar vakalatu, s. A power of at-
of lead.
torney, commission, agency.
^32^ vancake, s. A cheat, de- s. A pleader, vakil.
ceiver, hypocrite. advocate, agent.
doc^N vancane, s. Deceit, decep- vakkane, vakkane, s.
^cf ,
tion, delusion, fraud, hoax,
The style of a letter. 2. a
literary composition, diction.
^ctr^j)^, Sjo2a?jo^ varicipuni,
Bent, awry,
vancisuni (^c&i ^ vakra, adj.
crooked. 2. malignant, cruel.
To deceive, defraud.
fy3 vageire, postp.
SJod vanji, see &>o.
and so forth.
o_<oi5"5S vantakari, ~see
vacana, ^. A word, speech,
sjo^, s5os) vante, vantedi, sentence, dictum, aphorism.
culine and feminine affixes ^ the singular number.
implying the possession
of the plural number.
certain dispositions, quali- vacipuni (&), v. a. To
ties, etc. eoo^cg a wise man. speak.
SeS^oS a righteous man. "da 3, s^t3s) vaja, vaja, ^. Deduc-
2irfo^D a handsome woman. tion, subtraction, remission;
: vandane, s. A bow, obei- also &>& s^>3o$, -rfj^s* to

sance, reverence, worship- deduct, remit.

ping, salutation. ^o^^to vajaya, ^. Paying, pay-
reverence, salute. ment; cf.
ojo3)fs>, SjoDxij^i vandipuni, vajaya, s. Form, shape.
vandisuni (3oa, ^oac3), ?. a. of like form or shape,
To reverence, worship, salute. a chip of the old block.
vaji 597 vara

vajra, SK . tionate man. 2?^, God who

223^6 vajiru, vajire, s. A is gracious to His devotees.
vadana, s. The mouth,
prime minister. 2. the queen,
in cards. visage, face, countenance.

vajra, ^. A diamond. 2. one vadhu, s. A woman, bride,
of the astronomical yogas. wife. 335 bride and bride-

adj. Hard, strong. SDOJO a groom.


strong constitution of body. 3$ vadhe, j .

Killing, mjurder.
_^ a coat of mail. idx>^
eJ -rfo-s^a to kill.
a hard blow. ;52}>jorfoo the s3^ vana, ^. A grove, garden , park,
weapon of Indra ;
a thunder- forest, wood. ss?j residence
bolt. iu a forest for religious pur-

^akozfoj, 3^3 vajrayussu, poses. :ro& one who resides

s. Longevity, long in a forest, a hermit,

life. a pleasure garden. ero a
*j vata, s. The large banyan, garden near a house or town.
Ficus religiosa. ~^)the leaf >si>c3 vamana, s. Oblation. 2.
of it.
vatara, ^. The compound vayana, ^. Manner, cir-
or enclosure of a house, cumstance, way; the art of
vicinity. doing a thing. 2. a device,
.o s
vattam^, see a^o. scheme, expedient. 3. artifice,

vade, s. A kind of cake. dodge.

a3o<ix>) vayaluni (3cdo), v. n.
^^ vaddyana, see a^s?.
To totter, reel, stagger. 2.
vanannana, ^. A kind of
to shake, be agitated.
vegetable, Alternanthera ses-
sjcio^o vayasu, vayasu,

^^ ox>f^3.
s. Age, time of life.
vayina, see
r^ vattas^, ^^ aj^cjo.
vayilu, see
vatti, J^ ^^ 2. see aj3r.
^ d^?js)O vatsanabi, va-
fv r3e)S),
d vara, s. A blessing, boon,
tsanabhi, ^. An active vegetable
gift. 2. a bridegroom. ^'.
poison, Aconitum fcrox.
Best, excellent.
vatsara, s. A year; also
dofo* varan tu,Envy, rancour, s.
N deep animosity, hatred, adj.
s3 vatsale, s. A kind, affec-
Malicious, vicious. BJ^J ob-
;o vara 598 vardhi

struction of business from vara, var-

malice or spite. -^s to Jana, varjane, s. Abandon-
bear malice. ment, relinquishment, quit-
dtfo:* varanda, s. A veranda. ting. -zJo^ to abandon.
~.t~\ -^z^ varaku, varaka, s. S varjita, adj. Abandoned,
Gilt, gold leaf. relinquished.
~z^ varaka, s. A fountain, oF^)^, sJe^F^o^ varjipuni, var-
spring. jisuni (^S^r^o^ i~. a. To re-
_a varatuni (^WS), v. a. To linquish, abandon, give up.
chaffer. 2. to trouble, dun; sF varna, s. A class, tribe,
SjrfXos. caste.
cf. 2. colour, tint, hue.
varate, see tftfB. varnane, s.
'1 varatele, s. A baggier, explaining, pointing out
one who chaffers. 2. a teasing qualities or excellencies.
i^^, rfcSrrfici varnipuni,
varanu, varanu, s. To
varnisuni (^rf^cJ), v.a. de-
A pagoda, four rupees; also scribe, point out qualities or
varada, adj. Favorable. ^F varta, s. Fountain, spring.
varadi, see vartake, s. A merchant,
varaha, .$ trader.

^fl varuna, varune, ^. vartane, s. Occupation,

Uranus, the Hindu Neptune, profession, living, livelihood.

regent of the west, the god j?^ vartamana, s. News,

of water and rain. intelligence, information, in-

varusha, see 3^r. timation. 2. the present

^ varga, s. A class, tribe.
tense, grain.

2. a section. F?oO vartisuni (^Br|3), ?, a.

chapter, 3.
To act. 2. to thrive on.
transfer, removal to another
4. tenure of F varte, s. A female demon
place. land,
so called.
proprietary right; also 2oXr.
the square root. ~^o News, report, in-
vardi, s.
also 3-ar.
to transfer. telligence;

dhr?ij> vardhanti, s. A birthday,

lj, vargipuni,
a. vardhana, s. Increase.
vargisuni (3t ~, ^-hrcj), ?-.

To square, multiply a num- F?dj vardhisuni (^'5), V. n.

ber by itself; also To grow, prosper, thrive.
varma 599 o vakya

s. Rancour, grudge, vastu, vastu, ^. A
spite. 2. see ^zr. tfs? a
thing, matter, substance.
vital point. 33^3, jrociogs ^ vasti, s. Halting, sojourn-
to pursue with rancour. 2. see -3*B.
ing. -rfos^s to
or^g^a3o varmalataye, .s. A halt, stay.
demon so called. o
vastra, ^. Cloth, raiment.

varsha, varsa, s. A vaksha, '


.s . The heart.
2. eorir.
year. rain; cf. va, interrog. pron. Which ?
2rtaa valeguni(^^\), r. .
what? ^/".
OB- ?ftjsire$ which
To be possessed by a demon. ^ra whatever.
vallabhe, s. A lover, vanku, ^. The felloe, outer
husband. 2. a superinten- riin of a wheel; jaunt.
dent, overseer. vankade, see, jo5d
3 vasa, vasa, s. Submis- A
ej vangmula, depo-
sion. 2. charge; also 2j^.
sss- time of death. e?L?> to
vanti, vante,
be subject to, be possessed of.
to retch,
to subdue; to de- feel nausea. s cholera.
liver, make over. to vomit.
vasa, s. Marrow, fat. 2. an ^. A
vaku, vaku,
offering to fire. word, speech. 2. a rule. 3.

vasanta, s. The season of an imprecation, curse. 4. an

spring. imaginary danger or risk.
vasati, s. An abode, dwell- _ ., '
_ a
ei ei

ing. curse to cleave ;

to be affected
vasana, *
Cloth, garment, with an imprecation. ^jsbr
clothes. K
$ to curse, imprecate.
vasalu, s. Alacrity. 2.
l&OjS to incur the risk of
see a>35.
ordering or assenting to a
surfj^ vasavuni (&te), ^'. <^. To -ae&s
delicate proceeding,
sit, stay. to curse, denounce. &04$>
vasllu, vasili, see to absiolve from a curse.
STS^S) ^ocior vakcaturya, J. Elo-
?io vasu, ^. A kind of demi-god. crocSo an eloquent
jss^, d^J3), ^^JSt)0 vasulu, man.
vasuli, vasulu, s. Collection vakmula, ^^ ssoX^a.
of a debt, etc.
^o^a to vakya, ^. A sentence. 2.

collect. a rule.
rsrt vagda 600 vayi

vagdanda, s. Reproof, _?f?:^ to suffer from rheu-

s)rra^ vagdatta, vag- vatsalya, s. Parental
A affection, love, tenderness;
dana, s. promise.
^ vagvada, s. Quarrel, dis- sympathy. 2. home-sickness.
^" vadu, s. Way, road.
S3T^ vadu, vada,
5^3, re^ vacaka, vacana, s. ,
J. x\ dis-

Facility iu reading; reading. sertation, discourse, dispute,

_rfoov$ to read. contention, discussion. rfo

ij, Sj3t53> U vacata, vaccata, ^s to discuss, dispute.

5. Quarrel, dispute.
Da vadi, s. A plaintiff. ^B-
to quarrel, dispute.
a defendant, respondant.

^. vacaduni sS^ vadike, j^ sro5.

To quarrel, dispute. D>3^^, S3e)a?io^ vadipuni, vadi-

STS:^)^ vacalake, s. A great suni (snia, rroaojj,


. 72. To
talker, eloquent man. argue, discuss, dispute.
vacita, ^. Reading. sido vadya, j. Instrumental

vacoule, ^. Talkative-
music. 2. any musical instru-
ment. n>xo a musician,
ness, loquacity.
a wind-instrument,
r vacya, adj. Fit to be
to play on a musical
uttered. 2. see s?_ im-
proper to be spoken.
o vanaprasthe, s. A her-
vaja, J. Speed, haste, swift-
mit, 'anchorite.
ness. [monkey.
vanare, s. An ape or
S3e)o^ vajabi, vajmi, adj.

proper, right,
^ vapasu, adv. Again,
reasonable price. behind, back, returning, s.
just. Sjcdo
sjs^d a proper, true word,
Return. T&^S> to return,

give back.
vata, see u.
e)SJON vamane, s. A dwarf.
^^ vatepuli, we Sjca^^.
srozk>?irfsD-d the fifth incarna-

s:^^^ vadike, vadige, s.
tion of Vishnu,
Custom, usage, practice. s. The north-
ofcs^ vayavya,
53>3vata, s. Rheumatism; gout, west quarter, adj. Relating

^cdoo. XoO , to the wind.

- gout; swelling of the
vayi, s. Flatulence, windi-
joints. ~x-
paralysis. ?isrV_ ness. 2. gout, rheumatism.
iiitlammation of the joints. 3. see
vayi 601

vayida, vayide, varjita, J^ -rfc5r^.

^. An instalment, term of
varte, ^. -Tidings, news.
payment. good news, gospel.
K&oysoA*, S33c)j>^ori vayi- see

langu, vayivilanga,-^. The seeds &&

vale, see
of Erycibe paniculata.
s)s3 dors 071s valemanang^,
vSyu, s. Wind, air.

2. see nDQSj.
valeisuni (ns^^j), &. a.
var& s. Auction. 2. a
To do homage. 2. to serve.
rod, yard. K s3T3js
&e-S- valmiki, s. A sage, the
to put to auction. Oj
author of Ramayana.
vara, s. A time,
vava, see under zx>.
twice; ajsronj once.
vara, s. A week day. 2. a vasi, adj. Improved, better,
e?a^n_ > sogsQd, either in health or quality;
week. oO 7
preferable, s. Health, re-
Sunday; 75js?^o_ , ^esirc^ Mon-
covering. 2. preference. 3.
day ;
Tuesday ;

fame. 4. an affix added to

.awcrotf Wednesday;
words denoting fractions, as
Thursday; ^o^) ;cbg-sjd Fri- ,

^s> ri^cdra^
a mere expletive; as, n?_
day; , Saturday.
half; ?s> one-fourth. ^1
on what day? &t ss^jstSo
virtue of the hand; skill.
it cannot be this week,
from week to
unequal balances. *x>v

osorf ,
see under cro<yoao. _ e?
&$ to be cured. ^o to
varantu, s. A warrant
cure. soS e^ sroorfo ss5 this is
to seize an offender, goods, etc.

&38. preferable to that.

varate, see
6 S3e>?o, ?iJ vasa, vasate, s. An
varisu, s. Heirship, own-
abode, dwelling, habitation.
ership a claim. s^, TOT?
to dwell, abide.
an heir, proprietor, owner,
vasane, s. Scent, smell,
odour. a stench, dis-
varu, J^ sraS-
agreeable smell. 7& a good
vare, j<?^ 2j^.
smell, fragrance.
varjika, varjige, vasudeve, s. A name of
^. Haggling, chaffering, higg- Krushna. 2. a proper name.
ling, as in a bargain. 3o A) vasi, s. An inhabitant. 2.

to haggle.

vas 602 vic'a

^o vasipuni, vasi- vikasa, s.

Expansion; cf.
suni (ss^oJ), r. a. To dwell,
reside. r^ viklrna, adj. Scattered,

Dwelling. s. diffused, spread about. 2.

Se>5k4$ vastavya,
residence. ^os^s to dwell.
5TS3o^ vahana, s. A conveyance, vikruta, adj. Changed. 2.

vehicle, chariot, waggon. ugly-

sis 551), of ?\3 vikruti, ^. The twenty-
vahva, intj. appro-
bation. to applaud. fourth year in the Hindu
cycle of sixty. 2. change.
vala, vale, valya,
s. A protuberance, swelling. adj.

2. a bubo produced by vene- vikrama, s. Heroism,

real affection; also valour, strength. 2. the four-
teenth year in the Hindu

r;^? vaksha. ^^ S5s3 (

l s-
cycle of sixty.

Oofica ^. fe, a*;&3>tfF

O vikra-
vingada, Separation, >D

Separate, dis- maditye, vikramarke, s. A

parting, adj.
celebrated sovereign.
tinct, apart. T$OJ^, aoXa^s
to separate, divide, set apart. .

vikraya, -y.
Selling, vend-

SoZjU vindhya, ^. A range of ing.

mountains so called. vigada, adj. Terrific, se-

aw- vere. 2. opposed, contrary.

vikata, adj. Terrific,
ful, frightful. 2. austere,
rl3d vigraha, ^. An idol, image.
severe. ^53 a frightful form. tf-njqj^, aXjssT^yt? an idola-

vikalpa, ^. Doubt, indeci-

tor. efc^^^S, sXj jsscTjqi^ idola-
sion. 2. alternative. 3. of- try-

eoLr$ vighalige, ^. The sixtieth

fence, displeasure.
to disagree, be at variance. part of a yO'S*.
^. A hiuderance,
>^sd vikira, s. vighata,
obstacle; a prohibition.
alteration, change. 2. sick-

ness. 2. unnatu- vighna, s. An impediment,

adj. Ugly.
ral. Xore an unnatural dis- obstacle.

f^^jss* an ugly vighnesvare, J. Oa:

position. oJ
man. the remover of obstacles.
a-ffe>0 vikari, s. The twenty- ^rs vicakshana, adj. Clever,
third in the Hindu
year able, wise. t^ a clever
cycle of sixty. man.
603 vidva

vicara, s. Investigation, vidambane, s. Mimicry,

consideration, judging. 2. mockery. 2. affecting.

solicitude, anxiety. fcd vidura, viddura,

to investigate. s.Hinderance, obstacle.
$ to be solicitous. ^w vitala, ^. The second world
vcara, vcarane, below the earth.
s. Investigation, examination, ,
vitta, J. Substance, proper-
inquiry. 2. consideration, ty, wealth.
thought. 3. superintendence, Do?o vityasa, see
management; also ^oe^a&TOd.
vidana, see s^3.
to examine; to su-
craiel vidarana, vida-
perintend; to inquire. s.
rane, Tearing, breaking,
v, a.
3e>So^)> vicaripuni (s^a), rending, splitting.
To investigate, examine, in-
vidya, s. Learning, science,
knowledge. 2. an art. 3.
vicitra, s. A curiosity,
juggling. tf^o5_ archery.
wonderful thing, adj. Beauti-
the art of using arms.
ful, wonderful, variegated,
curious. ^2J^ a wonderful &Oy- sculpture, architecture.
to impart know-
act or workmanship. tfjasi
ledge. tfe^a to acquire
a beautiful form.
vcirna, vccr-
l^J55^ vidyamana, ^. Circum-
na, ^. Agreeableness. adj. stances, situation, condition.
Pleasant, beautiful. 2. won-
So doJ vidya vante, J^ acro^o^.

^. con- 53oqi6 vidyadhare, ^. A demi-

vijaya, Victory,
the twenty-
god so called.
quest, triumph.
o 2J3o ?o vidyabhyasa, ^. Study,
seventh year in the Hindu
cycle of sixty. ^Xtf Bijapur. learning.

Trowsers. vidyarthi, A student.

vijaru, j.

s. A vidyavante, s. A learn-
vijnapane, petition,
ed man. 2. a skilful man.
application, solicitation.
to solicit, request. j'eV 3"53 vidyasale, ^. An acade-
my, school.
vita, s. Whoredom, lewd-
ness, gallantry. ~#dos3; a vidye, we acjg.
gallant, seducer, lewd man; vidvamse, J. A learned
a fop. man, philosopher.
vidha 604 vibhu

vidha, s. Form, formula, vinasa, s. Destruction,

rule. 2. manner, kind, sort. annihilation, ruin. 2. loss.

-y various, of different o3J??r( viniyoga, s. Sharing

sorts. any thing sacred. 2. appro-
vidhave, s. A widow. priation, as of money, etc., for
s. Rule, precept. any purpose. 3. giving or
2. form, mode, manner. parting with any thing. sk

vidhi, s. Fate, luck, des-

& to divide, share, distribute.
tiny. 2. rule, precept, for- l)rf vinoda, s. Sport, play,
mula. 3. text. 4. order, pastime.
command. 5. the imperative
^J^^OB vipatty, vipattu,
mood, gram. s. Calamity, distress, adver-
vidhura, s. Separation. sity, danger.
adj. Confused. 0^ viparlta, adj. Contrary,
vidhure, s. A widower.
reverse, perverse, opposite.
vidheya, adj. Obedient, HvA an unusual or impro-
pliant, tractable. ,
per act. ?icA an unusual
obedience, submission. & event or circumstance.
to be obedient. i vipre, s. A Brahman.
vinanti, .?. Petition, re-
vibhakta, adj. Divided,
apportioned. 2. parted, sepa-
io vinaya, -y,
Modesty, af-
rated. es_ undivided.
fability, humility, mildness.
vibhakti, s. The inflection
2. reverence, obeisance. 3.
or case of a noun. -ty&&
decorum. 4. see ?}5o. ri s^>
the nominative case.
*3 speaking modestly. ^srfr
* reverently, vibhakte, J. A divided
member of a family.
vinaha, vina, adv.
Without, except. vibhava, s. Property, sub-
stance. magnanimity. 3.
vinayake, J. Ganesa.
a feast on the display, pomp. 4. the second
fourth day of the sixth lunar year in the Hindu cycle of
month, in commemoration of sixty.
vibhaga, s.
Part, share,
Ganesa's going to call his
a s^T.rioa to
mother 1'unati. portion. ^*^ ,

divide, share, distribute.

v. a. To s. Sacred ashes
except, exempt, ex- vibhuti,
clude. with which the followers of
vima 605 viva

Siva smear themselves. 2. virodha, s.

superhuman power. 3. di- opposition, contradiction. 2.

vine grace, manifestation, prevention, hinderance. ~T\S

glory. 6, ~ osoSo, see ^JB???. ef5

s. to speak against. rfo
vimarse, Investigation,
4^5 review, as 3T5j3e9?3o$ to oppose,
of a decree. virodhi, s. An opponent,
vimana, s. A kind of air adversary, enemy. 2. the
balloon or car, self-directed twenty-third year in the
and self-moving. 2. a chariot Hindu cycle of sixty.
of the gods. $JJ>*Mo virodhikrutu, s. The
vimukti, s. Liberation, forty-fifth year in the Hindu
final emancipation from fu- cycle of sixty.
ture births. vilamba, see s^ceo.
s3je>5sc3 vimocane, ^. Pardon- vilambi, ^. The thirty-
ing, absolving, cancelling. second year in the Hindu
2. releasing, quitting. 3. re-
cycle of sixty.
demption, liberation. ^^ 57e)ol>> vilayati, vila-
a, a&seeJsiis to pardon, re- i,^. Europe. ^'.European,
lease, absolve; to deliver. chalk.
3JS?rf viyoga, s. Separation, Extra-
disunion. 2.
^ ra
vilakshana, ^/.
bereavement, ordinary, unprecedented, pe-
loss. 3. subtraction. culiar.
virahita, adj. Left, aban-
villsy, s. Superscription,
doned, diverted. sfctfo^
to mark or direction. 2. the
exclude, discard.
price of a cloth, etc., marked
viraga, s. Disregard of on it. &>? the address of
all carnal
enjoyments, ab- a letter.
sence of passion.
vilasa, s. Sport, pastime.
viruddha, adj. Opposed, 2. dalliance, wantonness, co-
hindered; contrary, opposite. quetry.
virupa, adj. Deformed, 3, ie3s3E>0 vile, vilevari, s.

ugly- Distribution, apportioning,

JS5J3^ virupakshe, s. Siva, arranging.
having an unusual eye in the ! vivara, vivarane, s.

centre of his forehead.

Explanation, particulars, de-
virecane, s. Purging; tail. 2.
<3 circumstances, matter,
evacuation; also affair.
viva 606 visha

vivaripuni (8, r. a. thing unusual.

_riotfo^ to
To explain largeat ;
to de- distinguish; to make much
scribe distinctly, of.

vivaka, see s-tf. viseshana, s. An attri-

bute or adjective. 2. dis-

vivada, s. Dispute, quar-
tinguishing, discriminating.
rel, law-suit.
an adverb,

vivaha, .
visrama, s. Repose, rest.
marriage, matrimony.
3o ?k) visramipuni,
vividha, adj. Diverse, vari-
ous. visramisuni (s^ao, ^sooJ),
s. dis-
^. 72. To rest, repose.
viveka, Judgment,
visranti, s. Repose, rest.
cernment, discrimination. 2.

&b& to repose, rest.

reconciliation. to be
reconciled. to re- J The world, uni-
visva, s.
concile. verse all. &>4 Lord of the

man. world Siva a proper name.

viveki, s.A. sensible
; ;

s. A mon-
visa, see SM- sX^o;^ visvamitre,
arch who became a Brahma-
visaya, see a^odo. rushi.
.s3 visakhe, s. The sixteenth j visvavasu, j. The thirty-
lunar mansion. j
ninth year in the Hindu
visala, s. Diffusion, ex-
cycle of sixty.
tension. 2. the firmament.
visvasa, s. Faith, confi-
adj. Wide, roomy, capacious,
dence, belief. 2. kindness,
intimacy, favour. yjs^^ a
visishta, adj. AIL
betrayer of trust or confi-
visu, see s^o.
visuddha, adj. Pure, clean. visvasisuni
2. pious, virtuous. To
z/. a. believe, trust.
visesha, s. Sort, kind, 2> visve, J. The heavenly archi-
manner. 2. distinction, dif- tect.
ference. 3. eminence. 4. any ssl visha, s. Poison, venom.
thing unusual, adj. Distinct, ^5oo
a famous remedy for
different. 2. unusual, ex- snake-bite. ^o^o a poisonous
traordinary. 3. much, great. creature. ^>ocXo3 the shrub
& a festive day. a^oa Crinum ^xs5 a
9 dcjlcxnm.
superior talents. ?icX3 an kind of water-lily. ^ , J^
extraordinary affair, some- to poison.
visha 607 vire

vishama, adj. Odd (in ^a^)^ vistaripuni (^5), f..

numbers). 2. uneven, rough. To make prolix; to diffuse,
3. painful, difficult, trouble- publish.
some. vistara, ^. Diffusion, ex-
fc vishaya, s. Any object of tension. 2. abundance, plenty.

sense,any thing perceived 3. prolixity. e?L$ to become

by the sense; any object in diffused, spread abroad; to

general. 2. reference, rela- extend, expand, dilate; to

tion, as to a person, place, etc. transpire, become public.

3. the topic or subject of a
discourse, etc. 4. seinen virile,
^rsr vistirna, adj. Spread,
postps. Respecting, regard- extended, expanded. 2. large,
ing. &* s^oSatk in this re-
great, s. Area, space, extent.
spect. ^ as^c&stfii in what
vismaya, s. Wonder, sur-
respect? on what subject? ?&$ to be surprised.
? s^orfo <OCT? %>& a
I am J.
vismr^ti, Forgetful-
ignorant of that subject, a^
cdjs^jrf uxorious. >s^odj3!--
vihita, ^;'. Friendly, ami-
inordinate devotion to wo-
able. 2. fit, proper. 3. true,
men; lewdness. certain. rioXS a fact. ^re
vishu, s. The fifteenth
XF a friendly 0r proper
year in the Hindu cycle of manner.
sixty. 2. the vernal equinox ;
vilamba, ^. Slowness,
the feast observed on that
tardiness ; delay, procrasti-
vishnu. '
s. The second of
P3 vilambi, see
the Hindu triad.
vilasa, see
3 vishnukranti. s. The
Evoh'ulus 5 cl vine, J. The Indian lute.
plant alsinoides,
used as a decoction in fevers. ?d vlra, adj. Brave, valiant,
o visa, .st-' ^><. strong, powerful. &3, ^
visarga, ^. The soft as- heroism, bravery.

pirate 8. virabhadre, s. One of

te:F$ visarjane, s. Quitting, Siva's attendants.

relinquishing ; dismissing. vire, s. A hero, champion,

5i visarjisuni (s^3r^3), warrior, brave man. >etfae
. To relinquish, abandon. 3, setroa^otS a great hero, very
visesa, ^ s ; ^. brave man.
virya 608 veda

JjF virya, s. Heroism. 2. 2. the sign Scorpio ;

the eighth

strength, vigour. 3. fortitude, solar month when the sun is

firmness. 4. semen virile. in Scorpio.

3^, ^^ vlsu, visa, s. A six- j vrushabha, s. A bull. 2.

teenth. 2. a weight of gold the sign Taurus ; the second

equal to a grain of rice. solar month when the sun is

The in Taurus.
e<$, m\
betel leaf.
vile, vilya, s.

&, vrushti, s. Rain. wsa

4, 4-3 u, u, ^V worrfj %w- drought, ^tf a shower of

m';/^ rwV/j //^.y letters see gold a good shower of rain.


under cro, CAD. 5

a shower of flowers.
sicC33d^ vrundavana, ^. A basin ^ vruksha, ^. A tree.
round the purple stalked ^eJAO s. The
basil, sacred to Vishnu. 2.
sacred hill of Tirupati.
the shrine or tomb of a
^eJds^Jci s.
spiritual guide. Vishnu worshipped at Tiru-
vruta, see -ty*. pati, etc., under this designa-
^B vr Vtta, .
Verse, metre. tion.

si 3^0^ vruttanta, s. News, in- vecca, s. Expenditure, ex-

2. an pense efrfojj income and
telligence, tidings.
event, occurrence. expense.
^. Livelihood, pro- ve] ja, vejhjha, sec -^.
SJN^ vrutti, 13

fession, occupation. ve'tyasa, see ^>^^>-

si qra vrijtha, a^//'. Useless, fruit- vethe, see rfg*.
less. 2. incorrect. 0dfc'. In
tfdf/. Moist, wet.
vain. a vedde,
verta, see ^~-
si Co vruddha, a^'. Old, aged,
s. Speed, velocity,
ancient. 2. wise, learned.
J. Old age. quickness. #^/. Quick, speedy.
3io vruddhapya,
vejya, **>$*$
slQ vruddhi, ^. Enlargement,
veda, ^. The principal
increase, augmentation, ex- of the
sacred writings
tension. 2. prosperity, suc-
Hindus, which are four in

An number, namely, sfc*eri, oi>

sld vruddhe, J. old man;
^, and sr+^^ce
experienced man.
vruya, see ^jodo. Vr-ilas. the true V
vruscika, s. A scorpion. the Bible.
veda 609 veime

vedane, vedhane, s S3 veidika, adj. Conformable

Pain, agony, distress. 2. sen- to the Vedas; scriptural. 2.

sation, perception. spiritual.

cjsort vedanga, s. A subordi- a^ veidike, s. A Brahman well
nate part of the Vedas. versed in the Vedas. 2. a
vedanta, s. The Upani- priest. 3. a doctor of law.
shads or theological part of veidya, s. The science of
the Vedas. medicine; also 2.
ereos vedanti, s. An adherent medical aid, advice or pre-
to the Vedanta system. scription. dSk $ to give medi-
vedi, vedike, s. A cine.

raised floor, especially one do veidye, s. A physician ;

used as an altar. 2. a

pulpit. veidhavya, J. Widowhood.

vele, see &&. ^^ TO.
Sjra* veinu,

>?% vesyastrl, vesye, 5 x^ veina, ^^ ^cdo^.

^e, o
professional dancing SjSJ, sS>^) veipa,veipu, 5. Elonga-
girl, prostitute, harlot.
tion, enlargement, growing
vesha, vesa, s. A long. XoS a loop, noose.
mask, disguise. 2. ornament, a waist cord,
dress, decoration. TOT$O$
veipuni, see ajow^^.
to disguise one's self.
O veibhava, veibho-
veshti, see o^e^j.
s. Happiness, enjoyment.
vele, velya, s. Time, 2. wealth, riches. 3. majesty,
period, opportunity, glory. s$os^$ to enjoy.
vei, J^ 4e (.
* idOcfo* veimanasu, ^. Sadness,
veiky (<2^/. of sro), /row. dislike, sorrow, disinclination,
For what? offence.
aOcd veikuntha, J. The para- sira3 veimale, s. Fiction, in-
dise of Vishnu. vention. 2. see SjQso^teid adj.
veicaru, see Fictitious, invented. SJD^O
s. The $ to invent a story.
garland of Vishnu. 2. a flag. ^'gri veimalige,^. An open

dJe>afcF, s3>^oJjr veidurya, upstair room.

veidhurya, s. A gem of a o veime, s. Straightness, fit-

fine azure-blue colour, Lapis ness, rectitude. 2.. see

lazuli, beryl. -rfori a straight tree.

veiya 610 vori

^^s* veisulu, sec
veiyapure, s. A temporary s.
?is3, veisalme, Partiality;
roof. ^130,3 to build a w
m favouritism; bias, preposses-
temporary roof. sion.
k&J3d veiyara, sec ajodjgd. ?in;Dre*" veisanu, ^. Acceptation,
sSiO&i veiyi, see 4^- taking charge of.

^idi, veira, veiratva, J. En- veisuni, veiso-

W _
S) oj ^0$, ^?SJ3r3o^
mity, hostility, natural anti- nuni (*^5, ^Aa),

. <r. To sus-

tain, support, bear. 2. to take

pathy. T&tfo^-to hate.
sSjCreh veirag-i, s. An ascetic, charge or responsibility of.

devotee, mendicant. a'^ r '^ /

sSiD'srio veiragya, s. The absence Idlers, not

e> TJ

of worldly passion or desire,

found here, see under ov>, 2o. &j.

want of affection, self-renunci- ^. Whitewash.

4^&i^ votvasu,
-ffjabr?) to whitewash.
sSiD veiri, s. An enemy, adver-
4^crtaj> vodungeluni (4-^ocx
sary, foe. a&SjU&tf) six pro-
^), ^. n. To fade, wither.
perties of fallen humanity,
53^0 ;3s>zii
^ voddu, s. Obstinacy, stub-
namely, lust,
bornness. ^cS ^^^ to
anger, 3js(?^ avarice,
love, ^$o3
pride, and ^ importunate obstinately.

envy, hatred. voyipuni, sec ajcoo^a.

veilu, ^.
whirlpool, eddy; A voyime, s. Artful, skill-
a strong current of water. ful, dexterous. 3. see
;fo>3* veilatu, s. Danger, diffi- speaking artfully,
culty. voyisulu, w ^S?^.
;3i3s>j veisakha, s. The second s.
lunar month. 2. mid-sum-
Struggle, wrangling,
The agricultural vora, sec zxi.
veisya, s.
and mercantile see 2o"dwj^.
j^ voratuni,
a man of such a tribe. vorate, j. Source, spring,

5^35i530s veishamya, s. Inequal- fountain.

ity, unevunnuss. 2. prejudice, vorata, sec 2^.

bias, prepossession. i)^ voriyakariya, J.

to l)e biassed. A precarious condition, adj.

veishnave, s. A follower
Precarious, critical, uncer-
of Vislinu. tain.
voru 611 vyaka

vorunku, see distress. 2. fear, alarm. s?

S>$ to be in pain, to be dis-

-3, 4^3^ voruva, voruve,
tressed. 13 ero^s to be

?. n. in distress.
voretuni (4^S),
To stick in the mire, as a tpzsDd vyabhicara, s. Adultery,
wheel to clog. 2. to be in prostitution. 2. erring, stray-

a strait. 3. see Sjdwos. ing. -rfjtfo^ to commit adul-

^J3??2 vorone, adv. At once;
3o3. ?P^J)D vyabhicari, s." An
adulterer. 2. an adulteress.
vorkadi, see &>^ra. 2.
3. one who is going astray.
The twentieth
^ volume, j. 2. see vyaya, s.

year in the cycle of
i sixty. 2. expenditure, spend-

5o vokuli, .$

A ing. do^s to spend.

f3?^oDsl33z2 vodurimada,
qjr vyartha, adj. Useless, vain,
very small demon shrine. 3
unprofitable, unmeaning.
F>7$ vousij, s.
Prosperity, good
vanity. -e?5 in vain.
s. Leisure,
small log of wood,
s. p^zjJ3(d vyavadhana,
^ voi, opportunity.
a stake used for a hedge cf. ;
s. Culti-
&. 5^$ to cut and pre- ^sJSeioJo
2. exertion, effort,
pare stakes for a hedge.
perseverance, industry.
voipuni, see 200303$. ^. A
vyavasthe, decree,
jo Qte$ vyanjana, s. A consonant. decision. 2. settlement, dis-
3^ vyakta, adj. Clear, plain, position.
evident. 2. individual, spe- daoejtf vyavahara, s. Litiga-
^Q^j individuality. tion, law-suit. rfos^S), irfg^J

Differ- 3o&rfos> to litigate, contest.

o3S^ vyatirikta, adj.
ent, distinct. ?> 3ti3>$ to ?oc3 vyasana, 5-. Grief, sorrow.
behave differently from what 2. care, thought, concern. 3.
one ought. calamity, misfortune. 4. fault,

22^o?d vyatyasa, ^.
Contrariety, vice, frailty. 3br_ the vice

opposition, reverse ; differ- of drunkenness. &(-&-2 the

ence. 2. inverted or retro- vice of chewing tobacco. e?

grade order. ^J^stomake &$ to be grieved. *$o;ri&a?k

a difference. *&,$ to be in s'orrow.

f , f>zp vyate, vyathe, ^. Pain; ^drs vyakarana, J. Grammar.

vyaku 012

vyakula,rt<//. Perplexed, vyasa, ^. The diameter in

confused, bewildered, s. Dis- geometry. 2. division.

tress, perplexity, grief; also >o?oori vyasanga, s. Knowledge

or experience in learning. 2.

vyakhyana, s. An ex-
state, circumstances.
planation, exposition, gloss, ejo?3 s. The original
compiler or arranger of the
vyaghra, s. A tiger.
Vedas; a sage.
vyajya, s. A law-suit, dis-
ra s. An
e vrana, ulcer, sore,
pute, quarrel. to
^otfo^s wound.
dispute; to sue. vrata, J. A vow, any
33"?v p vyadhi, 5-. Sickness, dis-
meritorious act of devotion,
ease, plague. the voluntary or vowed ob-
S3e>-3j^ vyapaka, adj. Diffusive, servance of any penance,
pervading, comprehensive. etc. to
austerity, 3os?o^
-Cf^s to diffuse, spread.
observe a vow; to perform
Sevsj^ vyapake, .?. A ruler,
some act of piety.
superior person.
s. Expense, expen-
s. djOJo vraya,
vyapara, Occupation,
diture. 2. waste.
business, commerce, trade ;

833o3. to trade. STS, S3e>S3e> vha, vhavha, intj.

cf. CO 00 00
r. n. Bravo! well done!
vyapisuni (^^c3),
To pervade, extend, spread.

sa, The forty-third letter of the left. yoa^s> to blow a
the alphabet. conch.
sanku, see tc-3. sankare, s. Siva, he who
sanka, s. The conch-shell,
makes happy.
used as a horn, and for offer- &> sankini, s. One of the four
classes of females.
ing libations. ^^ a flower
of the creeper Clitorca tcr- &ol>j> sankiyuni ( ^),
natca. t;ar$joe a conch To doubt, fear, be alarmed.

winding to the right. oSorS % sankfe, s. Terror, fear,

a conch winding to apprehension. 2. doubt, sus-
siosu sankha 'o sama

picion, uncertainty. 3. envy, sata, ^" A hundred. 2.

jealousy. many. ^jocsos^

a great effort.

osj sankha, see totf. rfjsjd a century. tforfs^d a

iss^ra sankhapashana, s. hundred years; a long life.
Rats-bane, arsenic. satabhisha, s. The twenty-

sambhu, s. Siva, fourth lunar mansion.

saka, s. An epoch, era. satru, s. An adversary, foe,

sakuti, see
An omen, augu- . ia^,. s!?ie4^ sani, sanisre,
sakuna, s. v^ J

an ominous bird. troob sanisvare, s. The planet Sa-

ry. 2.
omens. turn or its regent. 2. distress,
an interpreter of
5;i_ a bad omen. tfop_ a calamity. Saturday.

good omen. &&>& to consult ^szii^yD to be in distress.

an omen. J$ sapatha, s. An oath, prot-

3 sake, see & estation, asseveration by

* J.
2. an imprecation, curse,
sakku, Apprehension,
suspicion, doubt.
& >$,
oath. ^otfo^ to swear,
take an oath; to resolve
5&a to have doubt.

to suspect, doubt. solemnly.

see 33^3. >?o.j> sapisuni (tf&oi),
v. a. To
.g&p sakkare,
curse, adjure.
2i^ sakta, adj. Able, strong,
?^ sabasu, ///'. Bravo!
powerful, capable.
3r J. Power, strength, well done!

prowess. 2. an iron spear or sabda, ^. Sound, a sound.

dart. the energy or active
3. 2. a word. v~ an ungram-
power of the deity, personified matical expression, speaking
as his wife. impotence, irrelevantly or improperly.
weakness, t^^r the poten-
c^a-jj noiseless, silent,

tial mood. ^eo^qJr

literal meaning. e?

2^ sakte, s. A strong or power- ^ to sound, a sound to be

ful man. made. rfo^s to sound,
2>=5> sakya, adj. Practical, pos- make a noise.

sible, s? J.
impracticable. sama, samana,
2*^0^0^ sakyamuni, s. Goutama Mental tranquillity, calm-
the founder of Buddhism. ness. 2. subduing, pacifying,
s. 2. erosi
.>r^ sagti, Extravagance. quenching, refreshing,
s&m santi

samsun i>p, 5?3 salya, salle, J. A thin

To pacify, appease. upper cloth, generally with-

sayana, J. Sleep, lying out border; cf. 3e<3.

down, reposing. to Thin, fine. ^oouo a fine

sleep; to lie down. cloth.

2id sara, s. An arrow. sava, s. A corpse, dead body,

sarangu, .^v? 3tfoK. sasi, 5-. The moon.

sarana, ?. Protection, ref- 3 sastra, s. A weapon. 2. a

uge, shelter. ^dsroX^, tfrfKro^r surgical instrument. ^cftae
a refugee, one who seeks pro- X discharging a weapon sur- ;

tection. gical operation.

sidrsosaranu, s. Obeisance, rever- , 2>35DO* saharu, sahar^, s.
ence, salutation. ~)$\& to A city, town. 2. a bazaar.
santa, adj. Calm, patient,
2>ddo^o saratkala, sara- tranquil. Xore quietness,
drutu, s. Autumn. s3C3s?j^
meekness, patience.
sarabha, s. A fabulous <yb& to be
animal. to
calm, quiet, appeased;
slODZo* sarabu, s. Brandy, liquor, as etc.
abate, fever, sSotfo^
spirit. to appease, quench.
sioDds* sararatu, s. Force, vio- 3-30.1 santi, .y.
lence. 2. mischief, hurt.
quiet, peace. 2. patience.
sarlra, s. The body. adj. 3. mildness. 4. rest, repose. 5.
Bodily, corporeal. -^S the preliminary ceremonies to
constitution. ^^ ,
&, , ss^_
prevent inauspicious acci-
are the different constitutions
dents at any religious cere-
of the body.
monies. 6. remission, allevia-
^DfO sarlri, s. An animal <?r
tion. 7. removing the effects
sentient being. of unhappy stars, inauspi-
SO sare, J^ cious omens, etc. a

23 s
r, ^^r sart^i, sarta, J. A ceremony performed to avert

condition, stipulation, clause. a plague, etc.

tt7(j& a cere-
2. an agreement, compact. 3. mony performed to propitiate
a bet or wager. the nine principal planets.
3otfo^ to
bet. 3e>o3s;kd sintimara, s. The tree
iwe aalya, ^. The shrub Van- Terminal ia Idler ica ;
gucrca spinosa.
sakhe 615 sinka

sakhe, ^. A part, branch, salu, s. A shawl.

sale, ^. A hall, room, cham-
>c32j3J3rt sanabhoge, see er3. ber. 2. a school. &? a
A clever man. 2. cow-pen, a college.
f>fS sane, s. scrog-
see s)a& 3e>^o3rt savanti, savan-
tige, see
>3J sapa, J. Curse, imprecation,
malediction; abuse. Xj^an o o

accursed man. ^rsrodo con- Perpetual, eternal. ^2. fixed,

demnation. a^jses^cS deliver- stable, permanent, durable.

ance from a curse. &S&F?> $vx durable work. 3
to curse. eternal bliss. ?S perma-

>&o3oo>, Se)3^c^ sapiyuni, sa-
pyuni (^^), f. #. To curse.
33^ sasana, s. A charter, grant,
usually inscribed on stone or
sabasu, sabasu,
copper. 2. a deed, written

contract, an inscrip-
Se)05o sayi, s. Ink. riS^,
_ erooeoj

tion on copper. ^otJr-s a will,

an inkstand.
SDOija sayidi, ^. A witness.
3e> ?o sastra, ^. Scripture, science,
2. evidence.
institutes of religion, law, or
s "50* saru, s. A town.
letters. 2. any work of litera-
s)dd sarade, s. Sarasvati, the ture or science in general.
goddess of speech and know- Xrf^ arithmetic. Un?3?_
ledge in general. Z^OF_
astronomy, astrology.
3^dJ5Fo sardula, s. The royal a code of laws.
tiger. adj. Excellent, su- A pundit, teacher
3>?o sastri, s.
perior. of sacred science, or one
3->^ro sarvari, s. The thirty- skilled in it.
fourth year
cycle of sixty.
in the Hindu 3)^J3 ^ sastrokta, adj. Ac-

cording to scripture, agree-

salu, see ^>oo.
ably to science.
sail, (in comp.) Pos-
adj. 5 si, Words not found beginning
sessing, having. &(orfo a con- with this letter must be sought
queror. a wise man. under & or a.
s;cd^ salivahane, s. An an- si, intj. denoting disgust,
cient king and institutor of the loathing, etc. Fie!
era called the Salivahanasaka, ^o^rfo^cl sinkadandane, ^. Capi-
which commences A. D. 78. tal punishment.
slnki 616 sile

s slnkiri, sec A rj* siparasu, sipa-

singaripuni, see rasu, J.

Recommendation, com-
mendation. w7\3 a certifi-

SorraC singara, see cate, testimonial. &brs to

Soh commend. o&tf^s to recom-
singi, see
SchS singiri, .?. A kind of fish.
S33t>o3J sipayi, 5. A soldier, sepoy.
Son* sindu, adj. True, estab-
lished; valid.
S^o. sibba, sibbu, J^ ^^
So 36 simha, .$ ^5o- sima, J. Cold, rnoistness.


simudre, see ^je^oodj.
3^?^, ?^ sikastu, sikastu,

Doubling a paper into folds siyamu, a^'. Third, in-

before writing upon ferior. 33 third sort or

S5e>0 sikaru, sikari, j.

SO, sira, sirassu, s. The

Hunting. -rfotfo^
to hunt.
^^3 sike, sikhe, J. Heat. Sti^erf^ decapitation.
d;d^2o:rfos> to carry on the
sikkuni, see &3^$.
head; to obey implicitly.

sikkeyuni (^), ^. ^. D siri, see Sje- 2.^^ 35.

To end, be complete. J. The
siriponne, poon<
3olx>> sikheyuni (Sa3), T/.TZ. To tree, Calophyllum apetalum.
be hot, sultry.
S6 sire, see *5.
Co siguru, ^. A sprout, germ. ^. A crest
ddfi^oliei siromani,
siguruni, see <SXo^os>. gem. 2. a headman ;
a leader.
sittu, j. Anger, displeasure. Sdor^ sirduni (2>Sr), ^. a. To-
sittesi, ^. Trouble. correct, reform, alter, rectify.
2. to afflict, grieve, torment,
sidike, sidige, ^
trouble. 3. to reproach.
sidipuni, j^ tfa&s.
sir be, see
SCiOtoj sidibu, sidubu, s.
sirva, J^
The pustule of small-pox.
3 sila, ^/".
Of stone, made
sidily, j
of stone. ^oo3o made of, 0r
sidi, see *a.
abounding in stone. ^JoaSr
sidigoli, s. The tree a stone image. B^^ a
Uro stigma pisifcrum. charter inscribed on stone.
siddi, 5^ A S^S.
S^_. 3 sile, s. stone; 0/J0 PO

, liddige, sidde, ^. A 3 sile, J. A fishing rod. &a-

quarter seer. ^f7 ^ to stir
up, incite.
Sex silpa
617 sila

> <
silpa, silpi, J. Any Quick, swift, speedy, adv.
oJ , '
manual <?r mechanical art. Quickly.

as^ architecture, sculpture. slge, see ae^.

3, S^
siva, sive, s. Siva, the sigonde, see 2>?3o&ao?S

third of the Hindu triad, the under Se^So.

destroyer. fc^ssr Siva's

slta, -r.
Cold, chillness,
history. fcS^tS adoration of catarrh. Cold, chill.
Siva. foSs^ a follower of -art ague. -O-L^ to be cold ;

Siva. fc3c3^j the thirteenth to catch cold, suffer from cold.

night of the second fortnight SD^J^ sltaphala, s. The white
of the eleventh lunar month
observed in honour of Siva's
sitali, j

. A white species
of cocoanut. 2. see Sj^ss ?.

h sivayi, sivai, adv.

a site, see ^?^.
Besides, except. adj. Ex-
sltoshna, ^. Cold and
cluded, exempted. P3
heat. Cold and hot.
, 3^<5 sisse, sishye, s. A pupil,

sida, J^ ^?-
disciple, follower.
33 sipe, ^. Sweetness, pleasant-
3^, S^ sistu, sistu, J. A land-
ness. adj. Sweet, pleasant,
tax. 2. a mark, aim.

sikshake, s. An instructor. agreeable. X^ liquorice.

sime, J. A country. 2. Eng-

sikshisuni (^tx^)i v a - -

land. &scoS a kind of red

To punish, fine, correct.
flower. Tioor chalk.
sikshe. s. Punishment, cor-
. . slyamu, j^ ScrfoSo.
rectum, chastisement. 2.
siru, J^ ^e&.
instruction. punish- tf^
ment and protection. ^jsbrs sire, s. A female's garment.
to punish.

si, adj. Sweet. tf sweet

and r3_, STOP, usX^^ are dif-
hot, sweetish, not suffi-
ferent sorts of it.
ciently hot, as a dish,
smkiri, ^^ a?o&B. sila, s. Conduct, virtue. 2.

^^ A?OWO?>. nature, quality, disposition.

rfo bad nature or disposi-
smtiri, ^.
tion, 7b good nature or dis-
smtelu, see ^e=i^. ef^J ^?<y 2icd I know
sigra, slghra, adj. his disposition.
618 surpa

sile, .?<?
3>e- cious. ^ a lucky day; a

holiday. ss^r good news.

sis!, *#//. Fie ! fie !

?La to prosper, thrive,

3 sisa, see ae^.
let it prosper,
?o, 3??3 sisa, sise, s. A glass
subhakruttu, s. The
thirty-sixth year in the Hindu
sllu, s^ *??
cycle of sixty.
sunthi, s. Ginger, dry
2ps)&^ subb.asb.ita, sec 7^2^^.
ginger; also Tiacfc!.

s. Venus. JJJ subhra, adj. White. 2.
s ^-/
sukra, sukre,
pure, clean. ^ofi,
2. the name of a man; also rf^S*
clear eye-sight. e?Ls> to be
3o^. OT*);TOTJ Friday.
sukla, s. White colour. 2.
sumaru, J^ ?io^^5.
the third year in the Hindu
cycle of sixty. 3. semen virile,

adj. White. the bright 2^ 5 su, s. A sound, used in

lunar fortnight. exorcism. ^oc^ exorcism.
suci, s. Purity, purification. 7>o^) idotfo^ to exorcise,
adj. Pure, ceremoniously sunthi, see ^ocs>.
pure. 2. clean, purified. 3.
sudra, a^'. Of <;r belong-
ing to the fourth pure Hindu
suddha, adj. Clean, pure,
cleansed, purified. 2. fault-
sudre, J. A Sudra, a man
less, correct. 3. entire, com-
of the servile caste.
plete, s. The bright lunar
fortnight. -s S^n sunya, adj. Empty, blank,
void, vacant. >3 an unoc-
purity, cleanness. -^3 a SDS an atheist.
correct copy. f&atfo cupied day.
white, -^tfo, altogether false.
_ e?Ls to turn blank, prove

_ eyLs to be clean, ceremoni- unsuccessful. to

ously clean. to
make blank; to disappoint;
to annihilate.
suddhi, J.
Purity. tfoDe^ sura, adj. Heroic, valiant,

sanctification. brave. &3 heroism.

jj subha, a^/. Auspicious, for- sure, s. A hero, champion,

tunate, happy, prosperous.
brave man.
s. Any auspicious ceremony; F^ <
surpanakhi, s. A giant-
also ^o^SiraaJor. es_
inauspi- ess, Havana's younger sister.
sula 619 sentu

sula, .s. A weapon, pike, settuni ,

v.n. To de-
dart. 2. a stake for impaling cay, be spoiled.
Criminals. e|)
a trident. ^ , sette, see fc3..
e3;sAO s^>zi3$ to impale a
criminal. ^^do^i sedutaruni (^S^5), P. .

To feel a throbbing pain.

Lfcd sula, sule, s. Sharp
^3 the head to ache severely.
pain in general. 2. the colic.
sedavu, s. Pride, haughti-
X#r_ painful menses, dys-
menorrho3a. ness, affectation, coquetry.

zj sustra, see sedi, s. Sprinkling. 2. box-

ing with fingers. 3. see 3&3.
3D3 a kind of cattle-desease.
z/. 0. To decorate, garnish,
ornament. ^ sedita, ^. Throbbing pain.
orred srungara, s. Ornament, do -^ sedipini, seddyuni
decoration. 2. beauty. 3. a. To sprinkle
(^a, ^^),
the sentiment of love, as in with fingers, as water, etc.
poetry, to decorate. 2 -to box with fingers, as the

ori^O srung-eri, s. A village in ear, etc. v. n. To feel a throb-

Mysore, containing the monas- bing pain; cf.
tery of Sarikaracarya and
>& sedilu, see
his successors.
sedtaruni, see
se, Words not found begin-
ning with this letter, must serang-u, see

be sought under $ or & e, -s.

Imprisonment, captiv-
sentuni (*8), v. n. To ity. 2. a prison; also ^t3do?S.
stumble. 3.
indebtedness, obligation. 4.
seke, ^. Heat, warmth. liability, answerableness. 5.

settu, j^ iSB. see ;&?.

to excuse or

c. v. release from an obligation

^b|,^)^ settavuni, (of ^U-^s) ;

To spoil, destroy, ruin.

to absolve from a liability.

$13, setti, s. A title of Jains, 8 sere, s. A wave, billow.

Bants, etc. 2. the headman lr serge, see *
of a village, etc.
3 selle, see tf3o.
Spoiled, ruined.
sill setti, adj.
o^ti senkada, see
djs^ aooa to become wise
when too late. senkuni, see

5. A title of ^oeJ sentu, senta, s. The
some Bants. hair about the privities.
sendi 620 sele

a sendi, s. Toddy. -Xo^* serige, s. Union, inclusion.

toddy-contract. 2. influence, power. ^^ #js3d

seka, J. A salutary heat; ?s^5 the ghost

erootli is in

fomentation; t?f. 4^, the power of a demon.


s, t^lrsto foment; to beat. serisavuni, c. v.

(of %*
sekada. ^e'. Per cent, To cause to arrive, join.
hundred. J. Percentage. rf
2. to injure, harm, ruin.
ire4 a percentage. >oi serisuni see
setu, <? 3eB.

sete, see &*&g seruni (^e5), r. w. To ar-

sedu, sedi, -^ ^e^. rive, reach. 2. to be added

A or joined to. 3. to be included
3 senave, senave, ?.

clerk, writer, ac- in. 4. to enter, as a member

countant. into any sect, class or pro-
fession. 5. to be in harmony,
^rfa setu, setuve,
to agree together. 6. to be
sedu, see s?^o.
seduni, sepuni, see relished, liked, to agree with,
as a particular food or dish.

2. wide. 7. to adhere to, be attached

sebi, adj. Open.
^^j to reach home.
sebe, see ja?^.
8&)75&o9lfoz&a3i to keep com-
^,^ semattige, s. A fragrant
flower oiPyref/iruin Indicum.
pany with gamblers. s^
3j>K to become a Christian.
semage, semayi, ;Pee3c3S- to be enlisted in the
police force. &&& to be
c. v.
seravuni, (of included in an account. &
s) To join, unite, mix, com-
ccfoK ajsoi tfetfosS he does not
bine, include, accumulate. 2.
like fish; fish does not agree
to admit, as a member into
with him.
any sect, class, or profession.
serga, s. A lot.
3. to find, provide with oc-
serve, see ?&*.
cupation or employment.
^ sersavuni, see 3e&?fe4a.
eOrrs3, tt dona 5 serigare, seru-
gare, s. A man of the musi- s3 sele, J. Boast, brag. 2.

us' caste, a musician; also coquetry, affectation, haughti-

2. a man of a ness. 3. display, show. adj.
rior-caste speaking Cana- Boasting ; showy ;
affected ;

rese; also haughty. - TO oSo a braggart;

sesha 621 srava

a fop. traf _3iio7\o

, a very assay, tempt. 3. to sift,

coquettish woman. &soro4s strain, filter. 4. to purify,

to brag, be showy, affected, clean.

copuettish. ^3o^o\ $, rfjszro^

Og sobhakruttu, s. The
5> to make a the
display. thirty-seventh year in
sesha, ^. The rest, remain- Hindu cycle of sixty.
der, residue. sraa what has s. The consum-
>?$?$ sobhana,
remained. mation of a marriage, when
seshe, -y. The chief of the the parties come together.
serpent race; the couch and s. A festive
^Jpej^ sobhane,
canopy of Vishnu, and up- song. 3^$ to recite a festive
holder of the world.
&^o seitya, adj. Cold, cooling.
s. A cold.
To shine. 2. to be adorned.
&;3 seiva, adj. Belonging to the
^. Lustre, radiance,
32J5 sobhe,
sect of Siva.

&;3 seive, ^. A follower of Siva.

light. 2. beauty, -ou^s to
be beautiful.
siJSfa soka, J. Sorrow, grief, ^.
souca, Cleansing, purifi-
cation. 2. easing nature.
soku, J. Pleasure, gaiety,
merriment. s^odorsourya, ^.Heroism, valour.
2. proclivity, ad-

dictedness to vice. treoSo a sise)^ smasana, s. A cemetery.

pleasure-hunter; a gay fel- ^cS sraddhe, s. Faith, devotion,

low. ttlzF
indulgence in confidence. 2. esteem, regard,
liquor. care for. nz>c3j, <^,B jraoSo,

sokele, s. A gay man. ^jcro ^ciS a devout man. e>


>?$=$ sodhake, J. An inquirer, negligence.

examiner, critic. 2. a tempter. sJ.^o

25.^0, ^j
srama, srame, 5-.

>$?!> sodhane, J. Search, re- labour, fatigue, distress,

search, examination. 2. temp- trouble, suffering.
tation, trial. 3. correcting. toendure hardships.
4. cleaning, cleansing, purify- $ to be in trouble.

ing. && filtering water. ^> to labour, toil; to be indus-

to search; to to trious.
^s> try;
correct to filter, strain. sravana, -y. The ear. 2.
3?$$j)>, &Je>e$oJoo$ sodhipuni, hearing. the twenty-second

sodhiyuni (^?0), v. a. To lunar mansion. s&tfo^ to

search, examine. 2. to try, listen to.
sraddha 622 svasa

e. sraddha, A funeral sruta, s. Holy writ, sacred

ceremony, performed for re- science, adj. Heard. e??:^

cently deceased relations and to be heard or known. a

continued annually. 5&S to inform, make known.

sravaka, s. A sect of 2^3 sruti, s. A sort of drone

Jains. corresponding to that used
? sravana, J. The fifth with the bagpipes. 2. the
lunar month. Vedas. 3. the ear; hearing.
3 orr->d sringara, see ^o/wd
o " j^oJOrj^ Ireyassu, 5. Virtue,
3^ srl, Lakshmi,
s. wife of moral merit. 2. good fortune.

Vishnu and goddess of plenty t P35i

o x J Pre-eminent,
sreshtha, adj.
and prosperity. 2. fortune,

excellent, chief. ^ excel-
prosperity, thriving. lence, pre-eminence.
wealth, riches. 4. a prefix
ip^ sreshthe, s. An excellent
w> o
to proper names of deities.
man, a pre-eminent man.
ingandha, s. Scented
f>^,<& sleshma, s. Phlegm, phleg-
matic humour.
srltali, s. The taliput or
fan-palm, Corypha umbracu- &^ sloka, J. A couplet, dis-
tich, stanza or verse.
srimanta, Noble, Era rf svana, J. A dog.
3,^003 adj. itJ

princely, wealthy. s) ^ ivasa, s.

Breath, breathing.
oes' srlmante, s. A prince; CAX- breath inhaled,
a nobleman; a very rich man. labouring for breath, as a
s. The seventh dying man. s^s to be
S,^si)oiD srlmukha,
year in the Hindu cycle of choked, unable to breathe.
sixty. z2^a to breathe in. eaoa^s>

^sjoodj arimudre, s. The five to breathe out, exhale; to

sectarian seals used by Ma- pant. 2^0,3 to heave a sigh ;

dhva Brahmans in marking to be jealous. 3^$ to gasp,

the face, etc. 2. the impression pant; to breathe one's last;
of these seals. to be in a hurry.

S?^3Sl srlvesha, see

under e.
sha 623 sanke

sha, The forty-fourth letter case. a festival
of the alphabet. observed on the sixth day of

shashti, s. The sixth lunar the ninth lunar month in

of either fortnight, honour of Kartikeya.
day adj.
Sixth. -3$^ the genitive shumlru, see

s: sa, The forty-fifth letter of ject, design. 3. a religious
the alphabet. vow or declaration. _
to resolve, vow.
?oo sam, pref. With, together
with. ^ sankalpisuni
sanka, s. A bridge. 2. the v. n. To resolve, determine.
liver. 3. see ^^- 2. to vow, declare solemnly.

o^eJ, tio^ti sankata, sankada, 'tfd sankalme, s. Doubt, sus-

s. Illness, sickness. 2. dis- picion.
a see tfcso
tress, difficulty. trooSo sankavasana,
sick man. csjf dangerous
illness. ^o^r_ fainting, swoon- rio=a?jsankasa, adj. Like, similar.

ing. ?>$, rio^zfjsUo sankasale, s. A mint.

to be sick, laid up.
sankana, ri^ro. kyuni (^*), v. n. To hesitate,
sankapashana, doubt, waver. 2. to be shy,

or bashful ; also tf c&ocsoos.

sankamale, ^. A kind -S-^r^sankirtane,^. Praising,

of serpent. hymning, celebrating. t$os?o^

o^sS sankale, J. Fetter, chain. to sing the praises of God.

o^rL'gfi sankalegulige, ^. A ^ sanke, see ^o^.

demon so called. ^d sankelme, see ^o^.
sankalpa, sanka- sankesa, sankesa,^.
Ipane, s. A resolve, determi- A residence. &&& the resi-
nation, resolution. 2. a pro- dence or seat of a swami.
sanko 624 sarica

e, sariko- ori^o sangama, s. Junction,

le, sec *v3<3. meeting. 2. confluence, as of
o^Jt^ sarikoca, Hesitation,
. rivers.
doubt. 2. shrivelling up, con- sangate, see
tracting. 3.
brevity, abridg- sanglta, s. A song, psalm,
ment. 3o^s to abridge. singing, vocal music.
3^>?3 sarikyase, sec Xz^x.
sangmana, see rfcro^.
sarikramana, !


sangrama, s. Storing,
sarikranti, s. The passage of
the sun from one sign of the
piling, heaping, collecting
together. 2. see below. rfo
zodiac into another. 2. the
<^s> to store.
first day of a solar month.
rlso saftgraha, s.
i3, zdosS;. sankhe, sarikhye, s.
Number in general. 2. a amassing, collection. 2. com-
3. abridgment. 4.
number 0r numeral. 3. count- pilation.

ing. taking, receiving, seizing.

psoodo a compendium of
sanga, s. Union, junction,
confluence. 2. association, laws. 55^ a library. ^
company. Xx
good com- G^S), ^oAjSo^a to amass,
? ~ sexual embrace. acquire.
pany. f!oj

rtci sang^ada, s. Fastening two s^


sangha, s. A number cr
boats to multitude of living beings.
together, -^w^s
fasten in this way. 2. an association, society.

rtc3 sangada, see

s. Occurrence, hap-
sangadi, see ghatane,
pening. 2. encountering,
sangadige, s. An associ-
meeting. 3. success, achiev-
ate, companion. 2. a col-
ing. ?L$ to occur; to meet;
to succeed.
sang-ati, ^. Company, as-
o23 sarica, s. Collection, mass,
sociation, union. 2. subject,
heap. 2. a hold, support.
affair,matter, business, cir-
cumstance, occurrence, con- czc, ?oo2^^o:c sarica, saricasari-

tents of a writing. e?<xJo 3o ca, s. Difficulty of breathing.

X<8 have nothing to do ^=sa to be choked, to
with him. cs^_ what is the gasp.
matter ? o23se>rf saricakara, s. Earnest
rtul sangada, postp. With, to- money, advance. &J&FS to
gether with, accompanying. advance.
r sanca 625 santo

^ sancayana, s. Throwing d sanni, s. A kind of silk

the ashes and bones of the cloth, worn during prayers

dead into a sacred river. and meals.
o^O^)^, sSo^Orfj^ saricaripuni, ^>, rfo3e>{3 santati, santana,
sancarisuni (rfo5,3o^&^), v.n. s. Family, progeny, offspring,
To wander, roam, travel. issue. 2. lineage, race.
oZ3e>d saricara, s. Roaming, ^siFc! santarpane, s. The cere-
wandering, travelling, jour- mony of feeding Brahmans.
neying. to wander,
-rfo^S) santapa, s.
Burning heat.
travel. 2.torment, pain, distress.
o2& sanci, see &o& 2. see _?ba to be distressed.
^o^. santushta, adj. Pleased,
saricita, a^/'. Acquired, delighted, satisfied. e?b$
obtained, got. s. What has to be satisfied, contented.
been acquired, as wealth, ^j&.,santushti.^. Satisfaction,
merit, sin, etc. contentedness. ero^s to
?oo^osancu, s. Intrigue, plotting. have contentment.
2 artifice, stratagem.
. 3. spy- s-
4)^B santrupti, Fulness,
ing. erotf secret plotting,
satiety, satisfaction- e?&s>
collusion. 7TOt5 an intriguer. to be satiated, satisfied.
to spy.
sante, s. A
market, fair.
sancemi, see
goods taken to or pur-

Tj* sancesaraku, chased in a market. e>e&o>

under ^^. to hold a fair.
, sanja, sanje, ;i>o santemi, s. The wild
sanji, J^ ^oel.
mustard, Cleome icosandra;
sanjivana, s. A life-re- cf.

storing medicine.
io2 sanjne, ^. A hint, gesture, santeruni, santeripuni, santeri-

sign; cf.
suni (^o^5, rfcse^), ^.. To
sante, ^ comfort, console, calm, pacify.
^ri sandige, s. A condiment ^?r oJ^A) santesi, 3o^3. w
seasoning made with chillies, oJj3?e> santola, w ^0^?,
asafcetida, cummin seed, etc. under 3^.
sanna, adj. Small, little. o^JJ^ santosha, J. Delight,
2. fine, delicate, thin. 3. nar- gladness, joy, pleasure, hap-
row. piness. ?>$ to be glad,
sandij 626 sandhi

tri^ to perform a vow;

pK-used. ^o^oy^ to please. to

to be happy, do a thing superficially. SJTO

sandu, s. A cleft, fissure, M to accomplish a resolu-

opening. 2. a joint, joining, tion; to fulfil a promise.
junction. 3. an interval of pay a debt
to to ;

time. 5
a crisis, critical perform an obligation, or to
free one's self from it.
time; an opportunity. eojstfo

the creeper Cissus qua- Xci sandi, s. A call, promise.

drangularis. SD^, ssccix) 2. see ~'9- -s^tSos to call,

rheumatism sandu, 5-^ ?Jo5.

gout, arthritis,
of the joints. 5js:3i>4$ to sanduni (~=>), r. w. To
rabbet, cement, join, as a pass, as time. 2. to pass from
fissure. to leave a this world, die. 3. to be due,
gap; to crack.
^oow^s to indebted. 4. to be paid, liqui-
be polluted by an unclean dated. . 5. to come to pass,
contact. be accomplished, ^o a^_
time to pass. ??f ew3Xo to
3033^, 3orf$r sandarpu, san-
darbha, s. Convenience, feasi- depart this life. nd^_ a vow to
bility. 2. opportunity. -L$> be performed. ?fe^ a debt to
to be convenient, be *paid. ?odoF; o3o5 rio3jo?i4
feasible; o
to have an opportunity; to erocrfo I owe him
get, obtain. rfo<s^5>
to try ?ood^3o sandeha, s.
for something, --dof^ =&abr$ doubt, hesitation, scruple.
to procure. _ ero^s to feel doubt or
3oCteFf3 sandarsana, Seeing; s. scruple.
inspection. 2. a visit. ~&>
sJod^fi sandyuni r. a.
to visit. To join, unite; to bring in
^ sandana, see xc+zz. close contact.

3=C3e>oij sandaya, s.
Toe do sandy e, sec 3=53.
over, making payment. ^ sandrapu, sec ^=-

~r& to make a set-off. 1>

sandhana, ^. Mediation,

to make excuses; to pacification. ^o^$ to medi-
justify. -T&VO^ to pay off; ate, go between.
to deliver over. } sandhi, ^. Junction, union,
Zoocje)^^ sandavuni, c. r.
(of rfo combination. 2. an interval.
Tu pay, liquidate. 2. to pause, rest. 3. the union of

perform, accomplish. 3. to letters either at the end or

,rt. /;;;*_ to pay rent. beginning of different words
sandhi 627 sampi

<?r in the middle of compound c^ sanne, see

terms, to avoid dissonance or san-
oc3^?3, ?joc5^^.risannylsa,
hiatus. a chapter. 4. 5. a J^
nyasige, ?i?^^.
eulogistic narrative of a great osdi^ sampage, see XcLX.
osi^, sampattu, s. Riches,
sandhipuni, see rfcci3g$.
wealth, increase, prosperity ;

CifS sandhyavandane, also ~c^!3, ?jcu, ^csitS. _CA)
The daily ceremonies and be prosperous.
to *

prayers of the Brahmans. oo?) sampanna, ^//". Possessed

sannu, s. Anno domini.

of, having. accomplished,
ON sanna, see ^cre. completed, effected, obtain-

o^a*, SJON^O sannadu, sannadu, ed. 3.

prosperous, fortunate,
s. An order, a written au- thriving. xczJc^ a prosperous
thority for holding land #;- man.
office. 3. a certificate enrol- oo3j sampaya, see ^04.
ling a person as a pleader. osioSv sampayi, see XoLX.
oN<3 sarnaddha, adj. Ready, csJ^^ samparka, J. Union,
arranged. mixture. 2. meeting, contact.
c3e>2o sanna- e?Ls> to associate with, mix.

sannaya, sannaha, s. Pre- j^

ya, o5i^ sainpala, ^r^- 2.j^
paration. 2. materials re-

quired for a specific purpose.

oci sampali-
to prepare.
zbti^s puni, sampaliyuni (rfoxie), ^.

sanni, s. Morbid state of a. To

gain, acquire, attain,
the three humours, bile, wind earn.
and phlegm. 2. cholera; also s.
sampadane, Gaining,
rfc5K?jseX. 3. epilepsy, con-
acquiring, attaining, edotfo,^,
vulsions. 4. typhus fever; to gain, acquire.
delirium, as in fever; also
sampavuni (^0333), 27. .

rfossro^. eof\f raving, as in To become calm or cool.

a fit of epilepsy.
sampige, The strong

iqj^, op sannidhana, san- smelling flower Michelia

nidhi, 5-.
Presence, percepti- champaca. ^sli , &se a
bility,appearance. proxi- 2. wild sort of the same, Plu-
mity. xo$9s^js'rfG in presence meria acuminata. ^c^,_ a red
of, before. sort of it. % another sort
sannivara, see in the form of a bell. sroX ,

ampi - =

"j - the white sort, Mesua ing. -80% the thick-leaved

f-z> a sweet cented lavender, Anisochilus carno-
sort, Kacmpfcria rotunda.
_oDc?? champaca oil. sambaliyuni, ^<? rfo

o&ri^cSj sampigetaye, *. A sambala, s.

Pay, salary,
demon so called.
wages. cscSo a man in one's
sampu, s. Coolness, cold- pay. ^jsLra to pay wages.
ness. 2. sufficiency, compe- sambara, sec rf

tency. 3. plenty, abundance ;

3c. adj. Cold, cool, re- 7'. To
sustain, bear,
freshing, pleasant, mild. 2.
support; to appease. 2. to
sufficient. 3. plenty, adv. control. &ezu to
Coolly, gently. to control one's temper.
-sfctfo^ s2?fS_

appease, refresh. to endure pain.

os^r?^ sampurna, adj. Whole, sambi, j. Secrets ; spying ;

entire. 2. complete, finished. CTC!)> to spy.

cf. t5?5.
3 completeness, perfection. J^ ^c^^x
to finish.
sambodhane, s. Ad-
sampurti,^. Completion. dressing, calling. 2. the vo-
2. fulness, satiety. 3. abun- cative case, gram.
dance. 3os^ to accomplish.
$;3 sambhava, J. Birth, pro-
Xo^iO,, o^peo sampottu, duction. 2. cause, origin.
sampodu, ^^ rfc^^. 3. possibility, occurrence.
:^sampradaya,.y.Custoin, $^)i sambhavipuni (*o?
practice, usage. 2. tradition. ^),
?'. . To be born, befall,
Ajcslclsert samprayoga, ^. Rela- happen.
tion, dependence, association, havane, s. Honour,
respect, respectability. 2. a
samprlti, s. Great love,
present, reward.
samprokshane, ^. The
2^3=3, riozp^a! sambhavike,
ceremonial purification of an
sambhavite, s. A respectable
idol with milk, ghee, honey,
cf. 5&*j?^??.
2j3e)3S[fl sambhashane, ^. Dia-
~.z^--^ samphala, see ri^s>.
logue, conversation,discourse.
^ sambandha, ^. Connection, to converse.
relation, affinity. s. Sexual
ri sambada, ^ icecrs.
pleasure sexual ;
sambara, ^. Spicery season- , 2. enjoyment, delight, luxury.
sambhra 629

sambhrama, s. Joy, de- sainyoga, s. Intimate

light, pleasure. 2. grandeur. union, contact, communion,
sjooqi sammandha, s. Connec- association. 2. copulation,
tion by affinity, connection sexual embrace. to
in general; cf. xioaDoqi. adj. copulate.
Connected with, endowed
samrakshake, s. A savi-
with, belonging to, possessing. our, protector, nourisher.
rioTJoop^ a relative. _ samrakshane, ^. Main-
to be related to. tenance, support, protection,
sammagare, see nourishment, care of. ^5o

oosi>3 sammata, sam- tf^?, rio-d-S^s to protect,

mati, s.
Assent, agreement; nourish.

acquiescence; also ^2^0^. _e? ^J3rsl sarngode, s. A slender

^ to assent, agree, yield, man.
saSvatsara, s. A year,
comply. ero^s to agree to,
to be willing, to acquiesce in. especially of the Hindu cycle
to consent, agree to, of sixty.
samvada, s. Dialogue.
accept. ^jabrs giveto
consent. to receive samvara, ^^ ^0333^.

samsaya, J. Doubt, un-
do^ sammana, see ^o^or.
certainty, suspicion, scruple,
sammaniyuni, see 3o hesitation.
A)^$ to have
scruples or doubt. ok^s
sammale, see to doubt, hesitate.

sammana, -^ risra. 2. samsarga, .s. Union, prox-

imity, contact. 2. acquaint-

sammara, ^<? ance, intercourse, familiarity.

En- _ ro;&a to have intercourse.
sammukha, adj. OJ
& to associate with.
countering, opposite, facing.
3csi>oa3j3?l) in front
of, in the samsara, ^. A family,
of. household. 3. the world or
s. A double habitation of mortals, sari
s3o?^ sammela,
drum. 2. s*)0do family cares. m?> fami-
mixing, blending;
union. ly ties. 7h7\Ti the whole

samyukta, ^/. En- family. rfoso
worldly happi-
dowed with, possessed of. 2. ness. 3otfoy&
to be a family-
united, joined, annexed. 3. man, to keep house,

compound. a family-man.
saffiska 630 sag-o

samskara, s. A purifi- sakaya, ^. Easiness. 2.


catory or ceremony.
rite 2.

burning or burying a dead saki, see s<&).

Tktfo^ to burn or To

body. r
sakiyuni (^), . .

bury a dead body. submit.

oX\ \3 samskruta, s. The San- ,
, X^ sake,
sakku, sak-
skrit language. ke, see ^.
samsthana, s. A seat of rs sakkana, s. A small mat.
2. a net. 2. see *ap. 3. 5^
government, the royal city.
2. a kingdom, state, presi-
dency. Trfocro^- the Madras ^d sakkare,
^. Sugar,
the pumpleuiose fruit. *^
s. sugar candy. a!?$ China
samhara, Destruction,
&?& Mauritius
killing, annihilation. ^^ sugar.
s>, Xc&%d to destroy, kill,
sakkelu, sec zx.
annihilate. ri^orf-

o3oJ samhite, s. An arrange- ^^,0 sakkela, s. A proper or

ment of the text of the Vedas suitable time.

into short sentences. 2. a X-S^, sakti, ^. Force, constraint,

code, digest. exaction. 2. see

" sankshipta, adj.

Abbre- X5O sakra, see e^5j.
viated, abridged, brief. Xs3!0ij sakhaya, Jtr ^tnicdo.

rio^^S sankshepa, s. Abridg- X^ sakhi, s. A female friend.

ment, brevity. e?5 ^rfLs to Xs3 sakhe, ^. A male friend.
say briefly. rfotf^a ^^\ & ^aj* sakhya, ^. Friendship,
7b& to abridge.
amity, intimacy. 2. see
nj"or saisa, ^^f io3rj.
sirio3 saguti, jr^ *,.
rd^rs sakana, s. An omen; ^/. ^Xod
Xrio?;; sagule, see
$j. an ominous bird.
xrt sage, j>vf 7?.

sakati, sec ^^ sagotre, J. A distant

sakala, s. The aggregate, kinsniau descended lYom a

wholi;. ,7
//. All, entire, whole. common ancestor of the
3 all facts.
same family-name, as among
i, x^s^^j sakalati, saka- Brahmans; also ^js^oaJb.
latu, ^.
Superior woollen ^^e*j a relationship of this
sagti 631 sadi

sagti, see ^ f3 sajjane, J. A good man ;

see a gentle man.

sacalasna- &;d sajjalme, ^^ rf^s^.

li >2/ oi

na, sacelasnana, s. Bathing 23 saj]i,^/'. Good, well, proper,

with all one's clothes on. excellent. 2.
fine, healthy,
to bathe in this way. odfo.
siitfo^ Well, nicely, properly.
3 sacca, see *3g. rf e??s a fine lad. d c3^^
C53?>oc3 saccidanande, s. God, a good behaviour. s^^d a
the eternal source of wisdom 5
proper speech. tro^s to
and happiness. enjoy good health, he well.
sacya, s. Expense. sroewos 5 ^?ros) to hear attentively.
to pay expenses. -5 8^& to eat heartily. -S
2 saja, see 3as>. to thrash soundly.
sajapu, -fttf ^a*ig. 5> to make a thing
saja, J. Punishment, fine.

2.annoyance, trouble. e?b ^2 rt sajjige, j. Rolong or wheat-

$ to be punished. &a&r& en grits.
to punish. ^5e)Xl3 satasati, adj. Grating,
Jfl? harsh, adv. Harshly, severely.
>etfoa to
sajibiji, see speak harshly.
k3 sate, s. Falsehood; also
sajiva, <a^'. Animate,

sajja, ^. A short time. ^'.

satta, see tsu.
Instant, temporary, sidja Xo li

5 A kind of wooden
satti, .

presently, now, recently, late- laddie. 2. J<? 3. a feast

ly; shortly; temporarily, on the night of the sixth
sS^Xo e?S for the presentuse ;
day of a child's birth.
temporarily, etc. *'&& ^o s3ed
iJo.n sattuga, see ey^x.
oso^ there is no work for
1 s? Srt sadaga, adj. Hard.
the present, ri&s Xo so^F- ?

will come sadagara, see ?3rfXtf.
ca sajjandi, ^. A good woman, ^ sadita, J. A purpose, vow,
gentle woman. resolution. 2. a bet, wager.

sajjana, adj. Virtuous, 3* sadilu, adj. Loose, slack,

good. 2. gentle. loosened. e?b^ to become

200^$ to let loose,

^f\ sajjanige, s. Virtue, good- loose.
ness. 2. gentleness, meekness. to loosen, slacken.
632 sada

saddu, s. Disdain, inatten- to try one's strength.

2. satiety, a stick to try one's strength

tion, negligence.
indifference. 3. facility, ease. with another in wrestling.
e? 3&7j 3 K risk he can do the ^ri sattige,
s. An umbrella,

work with the greatest ease. a parasol.

e? ;dao 3% 5\ 3rfo it is nothing l^ sattike, see steS^.
to him to go by that road. Truth.
zicS s^cld 3^> he would
^ satya, s. 2. justice,

ri^J\ honesty, a^//'. True, sincere,

not listen to what he was honest. a
truth; credibility.
told. _ ^ci a truthful man; a
saddle, s. The relation sincere man. CfLs truth to

in which the husbands of two prevail; justice to be done.

sisters stand to each other. _d^a, sfctfj^ to do justice.
sadde, sec rf5 . _ -rfjjsiodoo^ to be cursed.

sadsudu, ^ lo satye, ^. An umbrella.

r2o3), Gioo> sanipuni, sani- 3 satva, ^. Life, vitality. 2.

yuni (rfrJ, ~c&),

'. ?z. To cool, power, strength. 3. essence,

substance. crooS
grow calm, be mitigated. powerless.
fi sane, J. A fine cloth ; cf. ^ero^s to be strong or vigor-
3cr3. 2. ^^ 3d. ous.

sanna, Jf<2 ^cp. sadu, see 3rfo. 2. J ^-

sis* sat^, a^//'. (m comp.) True, ^^dort saduru, sadyran-
good, virtuous, excellent, ga, ^. The front. 2. spreading
right, proper. ^$ a true abroad, becoming public. ft

story. ^^or, ssodor a good 80&F$ to come to the front;

action. 335^) worthiness. to appear before the public;
CD), a worthy man.
igdoj^ to become published.
an excellent son. ?oc5do sadaru, sadaru, s.
3 sati, J. A virtuous woman. A throne. a mattress, car-

2. a woman in general. pet. 3. see 355.

^ satu, satuva, ^<? ^^. dd>3Sr3 sadaramlne, s. A sub-

1 satkara, s. Politeness, ordinate judge,
lioimur. respect. sadari, see rfOj.

X3.&J&S) to show respect. sada, #^ r

Always, at all

satti (corrup. of tf*J, j. times, perpetually, for

Tow igth. -^^ a nse;, ffsdjsXo for ever.
lit-avy stone to be lifted up the eternal Spirit.
633 sapa

sadacara, s. Regular sanamata, see

observance of all duties, good sanani, see &&>$.
conduct. J^ tf?>- 2. j^ ^c.
3s>3), ^C3e>jo sadapu, sadabu,
saniyara, J.
s. The rue plant, Ruta gra-
3J sanipa, see *3x>.
ve ol'ens. rio.
[2. see
s. S3Ds2)^ sanipavuni, t. v. (of 3$
sadi, Striking, beating.
^) To make cold <?r cool. 2.
sadu, s. Sound, noise. 2.
to pacify, conciliate, comfort.
answer, reply. 3. rebutting.
^a&Ffc to answer. ?odo s^3 3$ sanipuni (rfs),
w. a. To
tfjsAG Tiiio
^8^ his words are cool, render cold. 2. to re-

unimpeachable. fresh; to set at ease,

odorf saduranga, see *55. saniya, see

\a! sadrusa, ^/. Like, similar, saniyuni (rfs), . . To

resembling. become cold; to be cool; to

3, sadevuni (**), p. . To be softened.

get hardened. 2. to wear
saniyesre, see 3$.
away, as an earthen vessel. sanilu, s. A bayonet.
sadolige,.y. Course, way.
sj sanipa, see 3are~.
sadgati, J. Heaven, bliss.
sanu, see ^ro.
to attain bliss.
sane, j^ ^^5.
sadguna, J. An excellent
nature or disposition. sanna, see *c&-

o Co sadguru s. A. virtuous sanmana, s. Respect,

3o f

spiritual guide. honour, politeness. o^5>,

oJ saddu, see *>&>. ,

to show respect,
^ r
L <u*
treat politely.
cSj?or1o sadya, sadyogu,^^
3tsriFsanmarga, s. Morality,
sadranga, -&# ^S5. G
good conduct, true way.
sadri, ^/'. Aforesaid, above-
?j sanyasa, ^. Asceticism.
sadrupa, adv. As it is, in k sanyasi, s. An ascetic.
an axact or true form. 2. 3J sapa, ^. Polish, smoothness.
face to face. *fe-d
sap. siaS there is no
sanu, s#? ~c^. polish.

NA* sanangu, sanagu, .s-. 3J^ sapata, ^^ sz;^.

A thing, article. 2. a piece 3Jt> sapala, J^ ^v^- 2. j^

of clothbrought to the market.
634 ci sabhe

XE : -t sapaliye, sapale, sabate, see

sec ^?<r. ?:tcT3:
, sababu, sababu,
,e3 sapale, sappale, Cause, reason, ground.
^-d sabara, A. A pack-saddle.
x^s?"' ^^ sapalye, sapale, s.
^ sabapuni, J^ xcos^os.
lit. A spearman. 2. a fisher-
To please, satisfy.
TCsJ^S sapasara, ^.
?v sabasu, see
:2o sapayi, <//'. Even, level,
smooth. efts to become ^iO sabi, ^. Flavour, taste, adj.

smooth. to make Savoury, palatable, pleasant,

^337>flF saparne, ^. 3^ sabipuni (*), v.a. To
taste, try the flavour.
?^?d sapura, sapura, <2^".

Delicate, thin, fine, narrow.

SWj^u sabukara, s. Soap.

ss2 sape, s. A page.

?o2oo&> saburu, s- Halt; delay. 2.

sec. Ssco'do.
3 32^3* sapetu, see ^y?.
?d^od sabuli, ^^
XSp sapta, adj. Seven. 3gd
the seven notes of the gamut. ^::^^ sabepuni,

saptema, ^/'.
Seventh. ?ou^
sabbalu, ^. A crow-bar

s;^^) the seventh day of the used for digging.

lunar fortnight. Tozco. sabbuli, j^-^^e.
^ sappa, see ^^.~
X2^ sabhe, J. A convocation,
Td^tf sappala,
^^ ^^. assembly, meeting. 2. a royal
sappu, see ^^. court; a council-hall. 3^33
the president of an assembly.
z.-t sappe, see &&..
riepcocdo the place of public
saphala, J. Success, pros-
meeting; a church, chapel.
ji'-rity. reward. e?!:& to be
rfapsS^ church-discipline.
zbvo^ to make 3
church rules. So&
oSoan elder, church-warden.
I* saphetu, adj. White, s.
_37)^ a church-member: a
White lead. eccre white
councillor, mombt-r of an as-
colour. '

sembly. CTA :.-* mi assiinbly

sabaku, see
to disperse, -n..^. .m as-

sabatu, J<*^
sembly to meet. ^e'rfoa to

-sabatuni, a church
join (l>y haptisi
samu 635 sama

confirmation). S^ samaya, ^. Time, season,

to excom- opportunity. 2. leisure. vo
rnuuicate. ^o>
to have time ;
to be at
d^iTso samugare, s. A chuck- leisure. ^55$, g^Ls to

ler, shoemaker. -
watch for
do sama, adj. Like, similar. ^JS&FS to allow time.
2. same, even, equal. 3. uni- samara, s. Conflict, war.
form, equable. 4. right, just,
oqir samartha, adj. Strong,
proper, ^jorfo proper value. powerful. 2. able, capable.
_3j3<5 equal shares. rro^ samarthige, see
midnight. &b?> to compare.



to make

^. .
^ samarthipuni
To overcome any

level; to put right; to make
ficulty; to succeed.
equal to correct, rectify. s. An able
jcpr samarthe,
^oo^ samanta, adj. All, whole; man, powerful man.
all people.
samardhane, see
samakattu, s. Propor-
tion, fitness, suitability. 2.
, adj. Proper,
level, smoothness of surface. fit, appropriate pertinent. ;

-vox> 3v a level, even a proper answer.

to fit, agree. _ t?5 3^$ to speak perti-
jrra6 samagare, see ^So7\3T5.
oru samagra, adj. All, entire, f! samarpane, ^. An offer-

full, complete. ing. rfotfo^fc,

Tjrfobrrio^ to

si>ii03o^tf, offer, sacrifice.

xj^o^^ri samajayi-
sige, samajeisige, s. Pacifica- samasta, ^'. All, whole,
tion, satisfaction, consolation. entire.

^ sjj samaksha, sama-
to calm, appease. , ^5^0^
o^, JdrfjtSj^oJj samaja- kshama, &av. Before, in pre-
yisuni, samajeisuni sence or sight of. s. Presence,
7-. a. To appease, calm, paci- sight. ?cdo
rirfo^^rfo in his
fy. 2. to comfort, console. presence.
s. jj^ri^o samagama, ^. Union,
o;l,?ido^ samate, samatva,
Equality, proportion. 2. si- junction. 2. coming, arriv-
milarity. ing.
samanisuni see J3S5"sd samacara, ^. Tidings,
news, intelligence, informa-
sama 636 same

a message. of words, formation of com-


tion. 2.

intelligence of one's welfare. pound terms, grain.

^7^1: samaja, s. A multitude, samidhe, s. Short sticks
assembly. 2. a society, asso- of particular trees used in
ciation. burnt offerings.
rodjsjp's^ samadhana,
s. Peace, ^.
iJ33J samlpa, Neighbour-
tranquillity. 2. conciliation,
hood, proximity, adj. Near,
consent, agreement. 3. re-
close by.
conciling differences. 4. wel-
doosj samukha, s. Presence,
fare, well-being. -&^z> to ^^os3^A. ^^ooa3js5
be reconciled; to agree, con- near in the presence of.
sent; a sickness to become see ^SOT^T?.
subdued. _ vo^s> to have
j samuccaya, s. Collec-
peace to feel better. or
; -rfo^
tion, assemblage. 2. con-
?> to reconcile, console, ap-
junction of words or sen-
tences, grain.
3sira samadhi, s. A grave,
tomb. 2. meditation. Srfjo^oio, ?osjooc3s>c& samudaya,
3. silence. S to be samudaya, Assemblage,
absorbed in meditation. heap, multitude, number,
quantity. & a multitude
?3;3.33fi samana, adj. Like, simi-
of persons. JcteSooaaaSjETiO
lar, analogous. 2. equal. 3.

xi^o. erally, on the whole.

one, uniform, same; cf.

i. _s! r^ samudra, s. The ocean,

5*0 similar things. ?3 an sea.
a ceremony of

equal person. bathing in the sea at new

moon in the mouth Ati. - ^<y
^ samapta, adj. Finished,
the fruit of the tree Borring-
tonia racemosa; fish.
samapti, s. Completion,
finishing, end. 2. killing, de- ro^ojsao samuha, Aggregate, s.

stroying. CfLs* to be com- assemblage, multitude.

pleted. zij^S) to complete, rg^Jxa samruddhi,
w O Prosperity, s.

finish. success. 2. increase, thriving.

^jsu samara, sec ^^ti. eoos?g_ an abundance of crop.
samaradhane, s. Wor- _ ?Ls to prosper.
ship, reverence. 2. a public
?o^j^ sameta, adj. Accompanied
feast to Brahmans.
by, associated with, possess-
^ samasa, s. Composition in.?.
saya 637 sari

sayana, see dare, s. A European. 2. a

sayi, see
3. person of superior rank.

sayipini, see 3&5>.

da saradi, s. Cold, catarrh.

sayile, j. A ghost, goblin. d3j$, ?jd<, sarapani, sarapali,

jOSj^o^ sayisuni, see ri3orfo$.
d3J3 sarapati, see
d sara, -?. A string of beads
sarapita, ^^
or pearls a wreath, garland;

a necklace. & a rosary. sarapoli, ^. A chain of

jroroorf a necklace of coins. any metal.
d sara, ^ rfd. ?odzjOe>c&)sarabarayi, s. Furnish-

s. A kind ing supplies, preparation.

do=S' saranku,
of suffocation caused while
rfo^a to furnish
swallowing any liquid.
do^o* sarankallu, ^ ^c^.
roCoSo sarayi,

nJoo* saralu, see

dor\s sarangu, J. A trench, mine,
Sdd sarale, ^<?
hole, tunnel. 2. a rat's hole.

dot3e)^o* saranjamu, ^. Tools,

^Jdrj* sarasu, ^. A joke. 2.

2. furni-
merriment, ^^7'. Tasty, sapid.
implements, goods.
2. jocose, merry.
ture. -^otfo^a to prepare,
furnish. ?3dd sarasara, adj. Hastily,

de* saraku, J. Articles, goods, quickly, speedily.

sld^vB sarasvati, s. Brahma's
commodity. a^tka, ^^
to unlade; to land goods. wife, the goddess of speech,
_ ao&^ij^, STOICS to lade, learning, music, etc.

load; to freight. ^jdsoCo* s. Limit >

o sarahaddu,
saraku, '//. Get out of boundary, frontier.
the way! slip aside! rfoV saralu, s. A bar of iroiK
f Govern-
^e)D sarakaru, s.
?od^ sarala, ^' Straight. 2.

ment. ^a>?j the government sincere. 3. easy.

service. 3 ^r^ the public s. A
Ttetf&wsiraa saralajumadi,
money, assessment, revenue. demon so called,
sarakonuni, see sarali, j

sarale, ^
saradu, J^
DA sarag-u, saraga, ^'.
saradani, ^. A cry, noise.
Easy, facile, convenient. 2.

?jdc3"sd saradaru, sara- unobstructed.

sara 638 sarko

a straight road. -;&>?-$ to go to eat heartily. eobra to be

straightly. 3t ?odot$ TJoaX m3 of age, as cattle.

^otfo^ to
you can freely speak to arrange, put in order to;

him. e?5 easily, freely. level; to do or execute any-

3e>?3 sarane, adv. Directly, thing well.
straightly. s to go r^ sarige, s. A wire, gold or
straightly without lingering silver thread. 2. a gold or
in the way. silver armlet; also gw^ttX.
^ saraphe, s.
jeweller. A 2. 3. a thin wire of any metal.
a money-changer, io sariya, see wi 2. see ^8*.
sarabu, s
risamana,^". Equal,
sarayi, se same, on a par with.
saruguru, see
To be exact.
JS^ saruta, saruta, see
sarasari, adv. Equally, r.


s. An
adj. Right, proper.
TJ<>>FS> to
sare, ^ *3.
average. The
sarenkallu, ^. shaft
give alike. ojsLa to find r
oi an arrow.
out an average,
j?)$ saroli, ^". Of superior
i sari, adj. Equal, like. 2.
breed, as cattle. 2. see *5j3^.
fit. 3.
just, proper,
right, _ o3o3or a buffalo of superior
even, not odd. 4. full s&o.
; cf. breed yielding much milk,
adv. Good, very well, it is
3u^ mixing different sarone, see ^os^.
sarovara, s. A lake,
ingredients in equal parts.
skoXo evens and odds. & sarra, j^ ^^N.
&s> to be right, equal, even, sarka, -yf^ ^r. 2. sec

complete. axstfos to suit,

F^ sarkatti, ^
fit; to be proper; to agree
sarkaru, ^6- xT
with, to be on good terms. 1
sarkiyuni (~*"), . .

D sari, s. Spending, consuming,

To consent, submit. 2. to get
exhausting. Tkvo^a to spend, out of the way.
3$ F sarke, see ^5^.
sarike, adj. Right, fit, prop-
er. 2. level, even. 3. plenty, Fr^^ sarkenipuni (ri^rrJ),
abundant. 4. complete, full. 7 1
. ^. To examine.
?>$> to be properly arrang- JSFCso^ sarkodduni
"d, to be well done. '.
7'. (?. To oppose, gainsay.
sarko 639 sala

sarkonuni, see the Almighty God. _rf all,

sarga, s. A chapter, section. sarvajittu, s. The
sarge, -$ rf&*- twenty-first year in the Hindu
^F cycle of sixty.
sarta, adj. Straight, direct,

upright, adv. Straightly, di- F3-s, x^qjs sarvata, sarva-

rectly. to3is>> a straight- tha, adv. In all ways, by all

forward man. stea a means, at any rate. v 2. as-

straight road. &?La to go suredly, certainly.

straightly. sarvatra, adv. Every-

sarti, J. A time, turn, where, at all times, in all
rotation. Zjo once. aoa?_ places. SoozSe <3& 7fd%& to

many times, often. $o_ behave alike at all times or

turn. )Wrf in turn.
in all places.
Sjcrard sardare, j^^e) sarvada, adv. Always,
for ever.
?O>F sardi,

A FzpeiO sarvadhari, s. The

?dF sarpa, s. serpent, snake.
twenty-second year in the
esXj a malignant sore mouth.
Hindu cycle of sixty.
the serpent kind. sooa
F^rasJo sarvanama, s. A pro-
rancour, hatred. aszi bar-
renness supposed to be due
to injury done to serpents. sarvanga, ^. The whole
_ irio^ a serpent's coil. body. t3e?S
feeling pain all
over the body. ^psws to
?oSJFo sarpati, s. A train, line
rub the whole body, as with
of gunpowder. a?fc$ to lay
oil, etc.
a train.
^3JF<i? sarpali, ^ x-d^s?. j)Fl^ sarvatme,
s. The all-

TJ&Fa s.
pervading God.
sarpita, Occurring,
2. en-
?FS, ^<=F2J, sarvesa, sarvesva,
happening, befalling.
s. All. jfrtSjp*,
countering, meeting. ?b$ x-Str^-8 God,
the Supreme Being.
to occur; to meet.

?J^F sarpe, see ttr. salaku, see

see salake, se
\ salage, see *3X.

sarva, adj. All, entire, rto^ salaguni (^e>S\), ^. a. To

complete, -^^omniscience. nourish, succour, shelter, pro-
s^jps omnipotence. tect,take care of.
sala 640 sava

salayi, s. A salkuni ,
"'. n. To be

sheaves of straw. a mea- 2. entangled.

sure of paddy varying from j. salma, ^^
live to twelve mudas of rice. J. Assent, agree-

3. ruin. 4. see rierooso. SocaS

ment, acquiescence, compli-
X.&O33 a hundred sheaves
t?^ ance; bet. rio-&>&.
of straw. ?L$to be ruined.
rf?3e>oa sallan-
CO ***
salahatra, <?</:'. Near.
V /
di, sallanji, sallandi, /. Ex-
si?, ?oG7>d-0 salam, orbitant, extravagant, exces-
salamu, salamu, s. A mode of. sive. 2. unlawful, improper.
salutation accompanied with 36 an exorbitant price. 5e
the raising of the hand to the 3 excessive work.
head. salute in
3os=^a to )^^ sallana, #<//. Much, plen-
this way; to thank.
ty, many.
7g23e>3- salaki, adj. Full grown.
O salli,
see *.
s. A log. salluni (ri^), r.. To be
::.> salayi, 5. Split pulse.
valid, fit, proper. 2. sec czb&.
&5A& split Cytisus cajan, z$ 5'd$ savakasa, see

:.j^> salayisuni (^e^osooJ),

sirs savana, see ^f.
r. <7. To clear, liquidate, as a savane, adj. Agreeable,
debt. suitable, convenient.
savati, s. The relationship
-^3 salavani, see ^ero^rJ.
which a man's two wives
sali, 5^ ^9.
bear to each other. "&>&<&
^)rt salige, s. Friendship, amity,
the enmity between a man's
familiarity, indulgence. 2.
two wives.
freedom, liberty. ^bra to
z2 savabe, see *$
allow freedom, be indulgent.
_5 OoJoo^ savariyuni (-^&), r.n.
to be familiar.
CTJs^^ To walk up and down, move
TgO^o sallma, -f.
Sardonyx. about.
s!)^ sallsa, atlj. Easy. savadre, see *&*<&.
savari, s. Riding. 2. any
:-j^j saleyuni (^). r

. </. To mode of conveyance. going 3.

r, suffer, endure. out of doors or abroad.

.^ saleisuni, ^v savare, s. A rider.

alkavuni,<:.7'. savalu, s. Question, in-

To entangle. terrogation, inquiry, propo-
sav 641 sanka

sition. tros&xS
u to have some ?o sahavasa, .?.
thing to say. sprfoa to ask company. 2. sexual inter-
a question; to make a pro- course.

posal. o^ sahasa, see sterf.

savi, see
*> '

oio s. A thousand.

savipuni (rfa),
r. . To ?D3o a thousand names, as
be tasteful, savoury, pala- of a deity. tfS&fcjpsJS a gener-

table, sweet. 2. to abrade. al, commandant.

o^)J savute, see a^A o)o3j sahaya, s. Help, aid,

te^d sasdra, adj. Easy, light, assistance, succour. 2. pro-

tection. "# a
trifling. 5-.
Easiness, ease. helper, assist-
make ant. to help, assist.
3otfo^ to slight, light 3o^?>
render easy. o Proper, correct,
of; to sahi, ^".

A young right. 2. a signature. 3.

ni sasi, J. plant.
?o sase, s "33. ^.

AjJs^ sasutra,
^ 30?^. o^ sahita,
by, in

company with. 2.
a, #<//'. With, together also. 3. with.
with. 2. even, also. ^ouooao
sahisuni (3c!oco),
v. a. To
the whole family. endure, bear, suffer, support.
ortdo^ sahagamana, s. Accom- 2. to forgive. 5e^3 to endure
panying the self-immolation
of a woman with the corpse sahodari, s. A sister,
of her husband.
sahodare, s. A brother.
ofc: sahaja, adj. Inherent, in-
on sahya, ^/'. Bearable, toler-
nate, natural. 2. proper. 3.
able. 2. agreeable. f> un-
true. 4. co-existent, born
Xor bearable; disgusting.
together. natural dis-
e?5 o^(3 salasala, salasala-
position. sjrf^ to speak
ne, ^. A noise caused in pour-
truly or sincerely.
ing water, etc.
sahaje, s. A brother of
sali, see
whole blood.
d^ sahana, s. Patience, sale, s. A sling. 2. a snare.
Patient, enduring, see *%
bearing. salli,
_ 3o^s> to have patience ; sankane, s. Fostering,
to endure, as pain.
nursing, bring-
odoJ3w sahamula, adv. With ing up. 2. adoption of a boy

the root; completely, entirely. or girl into another family.

sinka G42 SigU

an adoptive mother. satiety.

^? t?o~ :ir ^>
sfsTjo an adoptive father. I am tired of this work.
^R an adopted son. K efLa to be quite done
& oeo?) to adopt. up ;
to be exhausted.

^^op' sakarmi, s. A great

To cause to foster, sinner; a consort of sinners.
bring up, nourish, nurse. saki, sec ^$.
salakuni (riac^), 7'. a. To saki, adj. Superficial. K

foster, nourish, nurse, bring speaking at random;

up, take care of, protect, doing a thing in a superfi-
shelter. cial manner.
3J sadkhya, s. A system of sagu, see ?&AJ.
philosophy by Kapila. sagara, J. The sea, ocean.
see s. Sauce, condi-
under sscK. ment.

sanga, sangya, hunger requires no sauce.

Complete, perfect. ?&$ to confection, dessert.

be accomplished, finished. sagavuni, c.v. (o/^Xo
to accomplish, com- s) To expedite, as work. 2.
to send, despatch, as goods.
3. todo a thing perfunctorily.
77302? sarica, adj. Genuine, true.
2. steAsS ^rSsgrka to send away
santa, adj. Holy, saintly. respectfully, as a friend, by
2. see ttod. accompanying him a short
distance: to follow the remains
Js santi, see ^>oB.
of one's relatives, etc., to
jrf santimara, ^^ o^o^o-d.
the grave.
^sclc* santeru, J. The saints, s. Prosecution, pro-
gress, as of work.
sampradaya, ^^ s!o
v.rt. To
saguni (^>ft).

proceed, progress, as work.

r3 sambrani, ^. Benzoin. _'. to be
despatched, as goods.
~-*$ sambrali, sec 3. to move forward, advance.
under ?dowrf. ;tS<y3 ?foo riaXo^ with

siku, ^</! 7-. To suffiY all your speed you make no


to be u.-arii'il -t?
of. progress in your journey.
Uo \vi-.u-icd of. done up. ^rt 1
-.srij-^, ;r-j;rU)s?, !? sagu-
o at vali, sagoli, sagvali, s. Farm-
saja 643 sadha

ing, tillage, cultivation of arrived.

land. rfotfos to cultivate. the order is not received.

;TOS saja, saji, see so&?;. sadaluvaru, s. The

satu, s. Barter, exchange, sundry charges of a public
to barter. office, contingent charges.
733 3 sate, J. A bargain, contract. stationery.
_r ?ji)C3D sada, see ^-.
rr^>4 money paid under a
contract. ^o^s to strike a 733S sadi, s. A road, way, path.
to stop the road; shut
bargain. ^yjj?)
Tv3f!, ^Drl^s;*
sane, sanekallu, up a passage; to obstruct,
.y. A grind-stone. 2. a whet- hinder. ^^$, ^S^^s to

stone. to miss the way,astray. go

30^ grind,
_ &3??;s3;$ to lead, show the
?;33'~ satu, s. A moment, instant. way. _eio^s> to make or
K immediately, instantly. give way. to make

Pv'S-s. satra, sec aSr-j .

j. .y^ s/3j. way; to devise means.
sadike, s. Smearing. &
r^s),B satri. see "ssfj .

O -fi)
to besmear.
^ satre, s. A white cock with
see- 7fc$:xix3$.
a thick comb ;
also ro^&od.
sadu, see rfs^-
satvika, satvika,
* i
open, frank. j^ sadrushe, s. Manifesta-
2. honest, true, good, gentle,
Xore a gentle dis- 53x^0 sadrusya, s. Resem-
position. &3, ~3 openness, j
blance, similarity.
DQ sade, see s/Btt
sincerity, honesty.
satvike, s. An honest, 5d?<D sadevi, s. The ash-

frank, sincere man.

coloured fleabane, Vernonia
sadu, see SB!O.
DdJl^ri sadolige, ^. A water-
Dd sada, adj. Plain, simple. !

course, channel.
adv. Throughout, wholly. 2.

)c3" sadye, adv. On the road,

^^ wholly black. |

_ 4Sp?
_-rfo^js^ a plain handkerchief, by the road. ?itj^j^)c5o,

IbcraoSo a wayfarer, one walk-

sada, .?.
ing on the road.

see ~s
sadhaka, s. Exercise,
sadana, 2. ">
practice. gymnastics.
sadaru, adj. Received, #o\?> to practise gymnastics.
sadha 644 sama

sadhana, sadhane, ?;D> sini, ^. An affix to the

5. Accomplishing, effecting. names of respectable Li

2. means, expedient. 3. per- $38 a lady.

severing. instrument, agent.
4. s&)^ sane, see &>&
5. a document, deed. ^^J )Sipu,sdpu,a.//'. Clear,
a deed of sale, qfek?- a deed pure, clean, adr. Entirely ;

of gift,
^o^r a testament, plainly smoothly.
will. -aefca to try, aim, clean work. -wb to be

aspire after. -Tfctf^s

to per- clean, smooth, or level. -^
severe; to accomplish. $ to speak plainly. ^jtfo^
?73q3e>~re sadharana, adj.
Com- to make clean, smooth, 0r
mon, ordinary, general, uni- level.
versal. 5.The forty-fourth si sapa, Jt^
year in the Hindu cycle of ^. Productive-
sixty. 2. a re-
ness, fruitfulness.
7ra33>?>, 7jDpolo> sadhipuni, ward. t?Ls to succeed, be
sadhiyuui (^9), i\ a. To to prosper,
fruitful. -si)^Si
achieve, accomplish, per- render successful.
severe. 2. to retain malice
vf sabu, J
long. 3. to
take, conquer. 4.
to assert, allege. 5. to prove,
establish. 6. to charge upon
another. ~^ to harbour Proved, established, as

malice. guilt, etc.

?~s to be proved
to prove
TTsqk sadhu, adj. Tame, docile. guilty. --do^a
2. good, virtuous, pious. 3o guilty.
to tame. J sabunu, ^. Soap.
sadhya, adj. Curable. 2.
sama, ^. Reconciliation,
possible, practicable. 3v3 3?3 the third
a practicable work. e?Ls> Veda.
to succeed, be accomplished,
samagri, ^. A tiling,
to accomplish. article, ingredient, material.
73e>> sadhyuni, sec 7x>$>sb&. ^jjo samati, s. A comparison,
77s?s* sanu, <idj. Even. adv. Also. simile, proverb.
sana, s. A demon slirinc ; sij^rt, sadoq^r samarthige,
J samarthya, J. Power, strength.
sinidi^e, .^. A native 2. ability, capability, -fir

lam}); a lump-stand. to possess strength, be able.

sama 645 sra

samadige, s. Member- sayibe, ^. A Mussulman

ship of an assembly or society. of Arab descent; bet. *fo

s ^.
e>sl5e>Nsamanu, Baggage,
goods and chattels. 2. things, sayira, 2.

furniture, tools, instruments.

ssirac^ samanya, adj. Common, d? sayujya, s. Absorption

general. 2. ordinary, Indif- in Brahma, union with the
ferent, middling, deity.
sami, see steaa. 3o3o,l sayeti, see

samlpya, s. Proximity, ^u s ,
rvDc; siru, sara, s. The
J. essence of anything. 2.
samllu, Complicity,
confederacy. 2. interference. marrow. 3. the sap of trees.

samula, J^ s^daa. 4.strength, vigour. 5. soup,

broth. cscS sapless; use-

same, J. Millet, Panicum
less. ef?3_ merchandise,
miliaceum. rf5 Panicum
frumcntaceu m .
sara, -?. One thousand.
773 ;& samya, J. Equality. 2.
_ 7t&~ a thousand times.
likeness. 3. a comparison,
TTOdoh sarangi, ^. A kind of
parable, similitude, allegory,
fiddle with five strings.
proverb. 4. one's due, as
fees, etc. rradcfc^ saramballa,
^. lit. A
Imperial s. thousand see/s. 2. an offer-
TjaSJ^fcy samrajya,
rule, universal dominion. ing to a demon.
?js)OJo saya, see ^soDcdo. 773 dk* saratu, s A chariot, car-
T^GOOO^W sayankala, ^. Even- riage.

tide, evening. 733 df! sarane, ^. A sieve. 2.

sayana, s. Help, aid. smearing, as a wall or floor

A with earth, cowdung, etc.)
sayane, s. helper.
plastering. 55c<i a kind of
?~30ioo sayaru, s.
Custom, duties,
sweetmeat. 3o#0ya to plas-
tax levied on imports and
ter sse^oa.
; </.
exports. estfoiS sea-customs.
a custom-house. sarati, ^
?3D03o3 sayasa, s. l sarate, J
Support, aid;
7&X. s^cSos to help, sup- 733 c'^, sarathi, s. A charioteer.

port. sarade, j^ ^>^w.

rj-sOvO^o sayitya,
Tysd^o sarasa, sarasya,
sayidi, j
Z-.T-- sara 646 sala

sarasvata, s. The north- sarotu, sec ?*

west part of Delhi. saroli, ^

sarasvate, s. A Sarasvata saryuni,

Brahman. sarne, sec J*
sarali, s. Smearing, plas- sarti, ^.
tering. meeting. happening, oc-

saramsa, s. The sub- curring. -e?^s to encounter;

Dce, essence, pith, purport. to happen.
to give the purport. 7j"3^r sarte, s. Proclamation.
PxDqior^ sarthaka, sar-
i? saramahankali, ^iqi^,
\ demon so called. thuka, adj. Prospered, suc-
s. ceeded. ^VTJ a meritorious
iJODOSo sarayi, Arrack,
spirit, liquor.
act. -&1& to succeed, pros-

sari, s. A time, turn ; cf. per.

rfSr. 2. a cowrie; also ^^ r^or, area's r sarla, sarla, J.

^>5. adi'. Up and down, to Success, completion, achieve-

and fro. &>os! once. 3^ ment. ?L^ to be successful.
walk to and (^o^), t-.w. To
- to fro. ^is)s;or^ sarluni
;rt saringa, see ?fedo?\. proceed. 2. to become fin-

sariyavuni, .
To cause to ZTSS* salu, J. A line, row, fur-
row. sktf an
claim or put^sh. avenue, grove.
?JD t; sala, s. Debt. T^ a debtor,
nJ^OoJoo^ sariyuni (^>&), ^.'. .

a creditor; a debtor,
To proclaim, publish, preach.
2. to warn. 3. to
assets and liabilities.
sift. 4. to

smear, plaster. &>L~ a loan without mortgage.

?r)S^.^ sarisuni (sto&oJ), v.a. To cg^a to recover a debt. ^js

to lend. Sezfor^sj, aijs

sinrnr. plaster. 2. see sro8

4S. pay a debt. ^^?>,

to borrow, contract a
-. siruni (^^), ?.'. . To sift.
debt. T&dsstl) eo^'dor'i to be in
2. to smooth, polish. 3. J^
debt, -rfootfora a debt to be
sirupya, ^. Obtaining
tin- image or form of God. s^rra^ salagrama, s. A
schistous stone containing the
sirengi, sec
impression of one or more
sareti, see ^fe
ammonites, imagined to re-

^ saresa, see
present Vishnu.
^;DS3i) sala sakshi

salamisri, s. The s. A mode

s_X rje)35|,ort sashtang-a,
salep misiri, Orchis mascula. of salutation by prostrating
ISDN'S? salavali, s. Luckiness one's self.
^sii^'d such a
of a horoscope. 2. agreement, mode of reverence. aojstfoa,

amity. sfcsfc^
to prostrate.

sail, s. Failure, loss, dis- ?:s^ sasa, s. Boldness, prowess.

appointment. 2. ^^ B3<D. 2. energy, effort, exertion.
)3 salita, <?<//. Punctual, ac- 'rfos^o, >, ;do)ojoj> to , exert
curate, exact. 2. clear, as one's self, be enterprising.
eye-sight. ?je)^^ sasana, adj. Durable,
saliye. -^ ^ft lasting; 3s3=l -^ejrf dur-

sale, 5 ss<3. able work.

salokya, s. Obtaining ?7e>rO sasi, s. A bold, adventur-

existence in the very place ous man.

where the deity resides. ^jD^OoSo, rTs^Do sasime, sasemi, j .

salya, ^. Sight. cforf ?feejp Mustard, Sinapis juncea ; cf.

the eye-sight is not

clear. sasiyuni, J^ under
salyuni (sfe^), ;>. a. To
?j3?3 sastre, J^ ^s^j.
smell. ^^^

sahasa, ^^ ^~-
o salye, J
savakare, ,
?j*!^ sahasra, sasra,

An aggregate of many thou-
savakasa, Leisure,
to be sands; an army of a thousand
respite; delay. :ros^$
at leisure, strong.
sktfo^ to delay,
be dilatory. r:3oa, zrsSoso, ?Js)3o<Bsahite, sa-

hitya, siheti, s. An implement.

2. an ingredient, material.
savadhana, s. Caution,
deliberation. 2. diligence.
iC ', ?33co^ sahibu, sahebty,
s. A title of a respectable
^STdZo savasa, see rf^srozi
European. 2. J^ ^teososf.
e>d savira, sec 7k>~3. '

SS^S sakshatu, adj. Visible,

3;^ savu, s. Death. 2. a
present, manifest, adv. Evi-

mourning feast. to
dently, manifestly.
celebrate a mourning feast.
sakshi, s. Evidence, testi-
savukare, see
mony, witness. xvS, trooSo

save, J^ a witness. a depo-

sinka 648 A> aQ siddi

sition of evidence. ?33_ sifihala, s. Ceylon.

swearing by God. ^f,,
simhasana, s. A throne,
martyr. to give evi-
^f^s royal seat.
dence, testify. r~
sikaru, see 2>?re5.

l sinkadandane, ^ ^^ a^.
sinkiri, s^ ^es-3-5.
t. T f

^ (of .

3^r. To
sinke, ftx?fcsj) half-boil, as fruits
ACM singa, J6V
~o. for preserving.

:?6 singabare, J. A sort of ^J^, Aj^oiao^, A)^s3) sikepi-

plantain. ni, sikeyuni, sikevuni

AJO/TSD singara, singara,

. ;/. To be hot, feel hot.

see ^NOATi'd sikku, see SSv.

AiorfOSj)^, A}or!0akj> singaripu- , sikka, ^. A net-work;

ni, singariyuni, see

singalapuri, see sikkattu, see

singi, s. Poison ;
also <3o?\. sikkavuni, 4) s>.

1. a pungent taste. ^/'. Cross, sikkuni, ^^

perverse. sigupuni,
singiri, Jt^
Airt siga, see
tl singodo, ^^ Soj^zS.
A;r1e3 sigale,

sintu, J6'^
ou^. siguruni,
AJO^O sindhu, s. The river
w^ S
Indus- 2. the province of
. Ai sittesi, sec
sidi, sec
o sindhura, J. Red lead,
oxidunt plutnbi. sidilu, J

simbulu, ^<? 3oax>o. sidubu,

simma, </^". Cold. 2. ^^ sitaru, ^. Fortune, luck.

2. a stringed instrument.

sirnme, s. The eyelash. A;^, sitta,

see ^^
vGt3oF> sirntuni, sirn- Asa, A)c3 sidi, side, 5. Bellows.
duni (~-5r. jjcSr), 7-. w . To to blow
contract, shrivel. bellows.

o2o simha, 5. A lion. 2. the >tfj^) sidigoli, ^rc Sa^ev.

sign Zo? in the zodiac; the U> siddi, j. A Negro, an Arab.
fifth solar month.
siddi 649 silku

siddige, sidde, s. A .'3o>?j* sparasu, s-
leathern bottle. 2. .?#? 2>a X.
a pharasu, 5^ S^teioJ.
sippi, ^^
d siddha, tf^/. Ready, prepared. oO *^

^ readiness. -?ba to be s^, ?o^ sippu, sippe,

ready. riot's to make ^oa sibandi, -s. An establish-
ready, prepare. ment of clerks, peons, etc.

cy>o3 siddhanta, ^. Demon- sibbu, see &>z^.

strated conclusion, establish- sima, s. Cold, chill.
ed truth. 2. firm conviction. A) do sime, see AO-O.
the system of the
3. Mimamsa ^^ tttfS.
Ajd^, sirasre,
philosophy. 4. a work on \^j

kQ siri, ^^ ^5. 2.^^ |je.

astronomy. 3o^$ to de-
monstrate, prove. niSoyOpi, Ajdio^o^ sirintuni, si-

s. A follower runtuni, ^^ AcWors).

roOrioodo, A^o^ooa sirigundu, si-
of the Mimaoisa philosophy.
rimudi, ^. The tuft or top-knot.
2. an astronomer.
sirku, s. Fading, shrivell-
siddharti, sec acra^Sr.
ing. 2. weakness, faintness;
siddhi, .?.
Accomplishment, cf.
fulfilment, achievement, suc- sirka, s. Vinegar.
cess. the acquirement of
2. c. v. A
sirkavuni, (of
tfors) To cause to fade;
supernatural powers. to
to be accomplished, achiev- make lean to weaken also ; ;

to accomplish,
achieve. sirkuni t 1
(^^), . .

d siddhe, ^. An inspired or become

9 fade; to shrivel. 2. to
prophetic writer, seer. 2. an weak, lean. 3. to fall off;

adept. 3. an ascetic. also ^rSigise^

siddhyarthi, s. The sirke, ^^ 3??r.

fifty-third year in the Hindu r^j sirduni,


cycle of sixty. sila, see


A:f3 sine, s. A fence 2. see 3s?.

3 sile, J^ $3-
AaeO) a thin stick.
j* silku, ^'. Remaining, s.
nisioA, ?o5J3ori sipangi, sipangi, Remainder. -ess-& a remain-
s. Brag, boast. ing balance.
tfos to brag. To be
silkuni ft^), ?.n.
?o33!Co sipayi, ^ entangled. 2. to be perplexed.
silpa 650 slsa

&J ,
Jo Q <>J
silpa, silpi, ^ 2>a
*-' o^ sige, J. The pods of Mimosa
Ao3? F3 sillana, silvana, abstcrgens reduced to fine

powder and used as soap for

silluni (*$,), 7'. tf. To cleansing, etc.; soap-nut; also

spurn, trample upon ;


slew $. sita, see &e^- 2. see ~e^.


-^ 3o > silloduni oo S)
\ /
p. #. sltaphala, see aes^yO.
To push. ^3"5>v sltdlij see 3?3>s?.
sistu, see 5^. ^ site, J. Slta, the wife of
Ai silisili, ^. Hissing. Rama. 5r>5, ^i?gs?c3St)S a
si, ^^ Se. kind of fern.
smkiri, ^. A thin stalk
slda, sida,
of a palm leaf. 2. a thin split
Straight, direct. 2. straight-
of a bamboo, etc. 3. see 3eo honest,
forward, upright,
#rt^'. Thin, lean. an
upright man.
ckj* sintty, a^/'. Last; youngest. a straight way.
a last born daughter.
So^Soo sipe, sec &?">.
_is3 a last born son.

slmanta, s. A purifica-
ta, smtatige, sintu,^- Scraping.
To tory ceremony performed in
^0^0^ smtuni (~e^0), v. a.
the sixth or eighth month of
scrape, rub, wipe.
a female's first gestation.
?o^3e: slntelu, s. Scraping,
simullu, .s
sime, ^6' 2>?^o. 2. see ac3o.
slntavuni, see S?ogi)4-

.3 smtuni, ^^ Sec^s. slmekolu, s. A fine

kind of bamboo stick, as that
Ao^olej* smtety, adj. Stinking.
of a Chinese umbrella.
rfojaa a stinking smell,
stench. siyam^, see ScdoSb.
rofo^wo slntelu, ^. A dirty i
(~e5), r-. n. To hiss.
woman. sire, see Setf.
slnduni (^ecSj, ^. To ,
sirta, ^f Se^.
liave a disagreeable smell.
sila, ^^' Seo-
simpi, see
^ simpuni,
To entice, allure.
A;^ slku, a^//'. Sick.
s. Lead.
sikolu, s.
Liquorice. a lead pencil.
slsa 651 sukha

?o, rO^?3 sisa, slse,

.wtf 2>e^- odo sundu, ^. Depression of
<* sllu, J. A crack, crash, mind.
odo sunduni (?^cS), z-. <?. To
split. oktfo^ to split, divide,
crack. wind, roll; to spool.
su, A particle and prefix sunnati, s. Circumcision;
signifying good, well, pros- cf.
3oocs5. _ rfo<s'OK
$ to cir-

perous. cumcise.
o^ sunka, s. Toll, custom, )
sunnamukhi, s. Senna
duty on goods.

3 2Z3-&& a
^ a cus-
sunnali, see

gate. &s^r$ to pay duty.

sumbilu, see
sunkana, J<?^ ^eo^r.
sumbu, see
sunkani, J^ e3o?rerf. 2. otS sumbe, ^. A small hole in
a wall.
sunku, see ^ ^ suka, .?#? ?^SD.

suntayi, J sukute, ^. A smart man.

sunti, ^^ 73jscB. sukruta, J. Fortune,
sunte, ^^ *J8. auspiciousness. 2. virtue,

sundilu, s. An elephant's moral merit, adj. Virtuous.
proboscis. ^oorl suknunde, ^. A kind of
sundu, J^ *).orfo. sweet cake fried in ghee or oil.

sundeli, s. A muskrat. ^, sukti,

J. Ebb, low tide.

surma, s. Lime, chunam, ^o

o sukrama, J. Good order,
mortar. ^ 2^020, _2iFi a ^^
^ sukra, *^j>
small metallic box for keep- sj ^.
sukha, Delight, happi-
ing in chunam to eat with ness, joy, pleasure. 2. health,
betel leaf. tf 7^5 lime welfare, safety, adj. Happy,
mortar, stucco ;
whitewash. 2.
joyful, delighted. healthy.
_ to whitewash. _
s^s ^ori^a, sSoa^ joy and grief; vicissi-
3oe^5> to prepare lime mor- tudes of life. ?^^TOf3 unex-
?^^?i to burn lime. pectedly, unreasonably, with-
oCJd sundara, ^/". Comely, out sufficient cause. ^jslbrs
handsome, beautiful. to make happy. 3izS
sundavuni, c. v. to
(of enjoy happiness.
To cause to wind, to relate
3^$ one's
as thread. circumstances. ?io^je)> ?2tr^
sundilu, to scold unreasonably.

suga 652 sutye

S sugandha, s. Fragrance, manure. Aa?s an angry

Fragrant, face. ^^o very hot; s
perfume. .

scented, perfumed. -^o. -^^d total ruin.

orto sugandhi, s. A fragrant ^olj^, JuO^Jj sudupini, sudpi-

2. amethyst.
- ni r. To burn, be
drug. (^5oS), .

kind of fragrant flower. -&>J hot or sultry. To burn.

i\ a.

sarsaparilla root. 2. to bake, toast, roast.
sugati, s. A good or happy dodo sudsudu, s. A burning
condition. sensation in the throat, as
see ^33$-
^ohsg;?i sugipuni, after vomiting, etc.
-? suguna, s. An amiable or2 sunna, sec o=r.
2. morality.
disposition. suti, sec ?^5. 2.^^ toj5.
:j r. <z.
suguruni (;&Xo5), J^
^o^ sutuli, suttali,
To uncoil, unwind. 2. to

oppose. 3. to improve, better. A son.

i sute, J.
^XoTfcdj crocaos to lift one's

head; to oppose; to defy. ^ sutta, J. Circumference;

The twelfth Tulu Around, about.

circuit, postp.
7bf\ suggi, s.

300^ round about. dx& X

month (March-April). 2. the
_s33tli to
second rice crop. 3. harvest. besieging. #00^,
surround, besiege. soe3^s>
t> rice of the second crop.
^sl- to enclose, fence, encompass.
suci, Jt'tf

A S^ suttavuni, c. v.
(of &
r.-;^ o* succalu, ^. swing.
To cause to wind.
3* sujatu, o^'. Fine, nice.
sutti, see 2. see
^3. ^f^-

suti, J
sutti, suttige, suttiye, sutte,
sudaru, 2.
suttye, J. A hammer.
3^, suttu,
J^ ^i--
3 sudale, s. Burning a dead
suttuni (^^), c-. . To
body. d
a cemetery, &i)K
wind, roll, wrap. 2. to sur-
burning ground. ^o^ a round.
funeral repast.
5. The act of burn- ^ sutte, see &*$
ing. 5i)5, _7^5 a cemetery, , Jio^^ suttoli, suttoli,

burning ground. TV? hot .

Twine, pack-thread.
wind. -reo" ashes of a sutye, s. An offering of
burnt corpse. r5ooF burnt rice and cocoanut to a
suda 653 suma

demon. 2. see
rf^. suphala, ^. Good fruit,
to make such an offering. happy result, adj. Bearing
3, XocoD suda, suda, 0afr. Also. good fruit.

2. even. suba, s. Proof, evidence.

cSOS^ sudaripuni, ^^ ^TOS^S. i
subage, see &$>.
rfsir^ sudarsana, .s. Vishnu's s
subedaru, see ^^cs5.
discus, adj. Handsome.
subodhane, s. Moral
, tfosraofl sudarane, su-
darige, J. Appeasing, comfort- J. A dis-
subba, blotch,
ing. 2. forbearance. 3. pardon.

colouring of the skin.

4. shifting with, managing.
oJ subbaraye, s. The ser-
di)OS^^, XooaQroo^ sudaripu- 2. a proper name.
ni, sudarisuni (rfoosa, 7ioroa^j) 5

subbu, J^ sioaD..
v. a. To appease, calm. 2. to
3. to for- subyamma, ^. A female
comfort, compose.
4. to shift or
demon so called.
give. manage
with. 5. to support, maintain. r^ subramanya, s. A cele-
brated place of pilgrimage
sudi, see 3oa.
in Uppinangadi Taluk.
sudurupa, see tt&fi.
&>& je33,o3j, subrahma-
sude, see e > C^
1 nye, subraye,
suddi. j .
Rumour, news, in-
^d subhave, see
formation, intelligence. ?

i> to transpire, become pub- subhava, ^

lic. ?jo3?^, -_& ?^ news, s subhashita, ^. Moral


tidings. ^otfo^a
to publish, aphorisms or sayings. adj.
inform. Well spoken.
ip^ subhikshe, J-. Abundance,
To get loose. 2. to get rid of. plenty. Cfba to thrive.
sudha, see 7&ri.
^ns)D , ?ij^c5e)8 subhedaru,
sudhe, s. Nectar, ambrosia. subhedare, ^. A chief native

military officer.

sunamukhi, s3oorta, ^odoort^ sumangala,

sunavani, see sumangala, adj. Very auspi-

cious. pdodooA3 a married
sune, j^ ^f?.
^^ supavatana, s. Honesty. s.
rfjs^sumana, Arbitrariness,
supave, ^. An honest man.
capriciousness. adj. Arbi-
^ supti, j. Sleep.
trary, capricious, whimsical.
suma, G54

sumaru, s. Conjecture. surasurane, s. Drinking

guess, estimate. adj. Mid- liquids with a sipping noise.

tolerable. 3i^F$ to drink in this way.
dling, moderate,
2. better, well. adv. About. surali, s. A coil, roll of

_3d3 of middling sort. &&S any thing. ^otfo^ to coil,

to abate, become less to im- roll.

approxi- surakara, -J.
mately, probably. surapana, s. Wine or
sumali, s. A giant so spirit drinking.
called. surayi, see

^oj3oJ9^r sumuhurta, s. A surasure, J. A demi-god.

very auspicious time. 2. a giant.
surige, ^^^

suyimbuni (rfoosoo),
v. a. To suripuni, see
blow the nose. 2. to liiss, suriya, J. A demon's
snort, bellow, fizz, grunt, etc. straight sword.
3So3s suyilu, suyyu,
s. Breath, respiration; also j/. w. To wander, roam.
TkosjercTi. 2. sighing, a sigh, >
suriyuni, see
sob. to hold one's j^
-^u^s suriye,
breath, feel difficulty in
suru, J. Commencement,
breathing. srorSos to blow ; to begin.
beginning, -rfj^s
to whistle.
-200^$ to breathe suruntu, J. Contraction,
out; to sigh.
suyyuni, sec sJoasoo^s.
dooeJo^ suruiituni (^^ooO),
sura, adj. Of or belonging v.n. To shrivel, contract,
to the gods. stf the capital shrink.
of Indra. surugi, J^tf Aa^^.

suranga, -s^j ztooX. J. 2.

surugu, Sinking.
?iorfr{ suragi, surage, j^ sliding.
i^tf*. TfctiosJo surutu, see
surata, J. Sexual embrace. i^^j surutuni,

Z.z^ surabe, s. A gluttonous && surnpa, s *&^ ri - 2.5^

female. ?ij-d.tzi. 3. J^ rio^
^ surale, see. $jrti3.
^j surupu, J. Instigation,
~S> to
surasa, adj. Sweet. 2. well encouragement.
flavoured, juicy. instigate.
sum 655 susi

do suruma, s. A collyrium merits of a case. 3o^$ to

for the eyes. cause a superior to hear, as
rfctfosSoi surumei, s. A kind of the reading of the papers of
Qj .

dried fish. a case; to interpret.

sbdo^o, odo$ suTulu, surule, nksjs;^ sulavuni (?k/s), v. a.

see ^o^9. To row a boat.

?JodJ33J surupa, s. A beautiful ?k suli, see m?.
form. adj. Handsome; cf. 7k>&f{ sulig-e, s.
Pillaging, plun-
dering, robbing. to
sure, ^ .

plunder, rob, pillage.

sure, s. A god. suli-
r&S&oi, ?oo)o3)5) sulipini,
surka, see ti^r. puni (^-), v. a. To peel, flay,
surti, .?<?
^^ -
skin, pare off. 2. see ?l>e3oix>ci.

r. n. To around
r surpa, .$#?
?^^. whirl, go ; cf.

F surpu, .s-.
Beginning. 2.

see sulipu, see rfo9.

surlukandayi, J. vOio^i suliyaruni, J^

A kind of fish.


c. r
surluni, see -tet^. 2. suliyavuni, .

To give up to plun-

d sulabara, J >o3oo> suliyuni (^>^), v.a. To

pillage, plunder, rob; cf.
sulabha, adj.
jj Easy, fea-
sible, attainable. 2. easy of
suluge, j^ rio
access, condescending. 3.

4. light, not heavy.

^ suleka, ^^ ^-
sulayi, f. A rudder. o^ suleisuni, ^

sulayisuni, ^^ ^^ ^dorS sulomani, s. An inter-

2. J^ ?jJe3cxioo^. preter.
rs sulakshana, J. A good 3F suvarna, s. Gold. ^/'.
. . . ,

2. beau- Fine coloured, golden.

sign, auspiciousness.
ty. adj. Respectable. 2. hand- ^J^)|F suvarta-

some, comely. 2. auspicious. mana, suvarte, s. Good news.

23353r s. Listen- 2. a gospel.
sulavani, [woman.
ing; hearing, acquaintance 3s>ro> suvasini, 5. A married
with. -e?L?> to be heard; &tv ausil&, adj. Well disposed,
to become familiar with the of good temper. 5 amiabi-
sushti 656

lity. virtue. c^^So a

good- giving false evidence. -&a
natured man. to brag. to tell
c^. -^r^
sushti, sec ^^. lies.

?^J3 sii, ^t\-

~i susutra, adj. Free, clear,
2. unob- i^rs sankana, -s-^ ^c*f-
structed, easy, settled. 3. ^JJoco^ sunkuni, see ^jso^oa.

determined, decided. ~-
3r^$ sunke,
to speak decidedly, give a ^^ ^cXo.
decided answer.
siintayi, ^. The fatty
s. Delay. 2. sloth,
T&r^ susti, part of pork.
laziness, indolence.
?l>o!3, ?10oS sunti, sunthi, s.
to have leisure. tk^j.s to
Ginger, dry ginger, Zingiber
sustig-e, see &&$ ?^J3o2oO A
sumbu, s. sluice, gut-
suli, J. An eddy, whirlpool. ter.
2. an ominous curve on the -'S siimbo, J. A term used
person. 3. a tender shoot. for suspending a game. 2. a

germ or bud. 4. the soft part reserved place in a game.

on the crown of a young .=? suka, see ^^.
child's head. 5. a hinge. '?r? sukana, ^^ o.-c^r^.
^oB see 3js^3o . TTO'S'
_o ,
_o sukatteri, s. A demon
whirlwind. 'do^oso a round
so called.
trough. ^. Ruin. a
sukara, -J.

cj sulipuni (~-^), v. a. To
shake, agitate. 2. to churn.
S^ suke, s. Perception, cogni-
3. to turn in a lathe. 4. see.
tion, apprehension. -"J^s
to perceive.
(^ <i?
f. n. To s. A good word.
shake, be agitated, as water. a of the Vr-das.
2. hymn
2. to overflow. 3. s-'e ^s5orfoos).
rJJS^do sukrama, aJj. Delicate,
sulu, J. Devise, hint. fine, nice; rfj^rfj.
d 3v

sullu, 5. A lie, false- 3 fine work. crooSo a man

1, </<//'. False, untrue.
lib. of fine discrimination.
-*J? a fable, fiction, -rafl ? sucake, s. A spy, informer.
a liar. ^?^ a false docu- niJ3233 sucane, ^. A hint, inti-

ment; a false claim; a false mation, gesture. 2. a note;

pica. -^>*x a fa l se "witness ;

a summary, contents of a
Suci 657 surya

book or chapter. &8& 80^ a carpenter's chalk

to hint, make a sign. line. c5 E3?e3 fine work; me-
3o-o3)>, n)J32s?fo> Sucipuni, su-
chanical workmanship. 333

cisuni 2;. To tio to mark a plank,

(sfc, Jd*$), . etc.',

hint, intimate, make a sign. with chalk line.

z&s3. *^-
suji, see suda, -y#?

sujikallu, J. A load- sudre, see ^^.

stone. suna, A
place for sacri-
sutanu, see atew^. fice of animals.

sute, J#? ^js& ?oJ53J siipa, s. Sauce, soup. 2.

sudi, -?. A sheaf. 2. a cooking.

bundle. 3. a faggot. XJ33 sura, J. A chapter of the
to bind sheaves. Koran.

sudu, <? ?oJSdo^ siirante, s.

sunya, s. Commencement,
)J5Cr3 The Telinga
surana, s.
potato, Arum campanulatmn.
S^^, TdJS^rt sutaka, sutag-a, ^.
Ceremonial impurity from suru, ^^ ^^rSo.

child-birth or death of a re- jei6 sure, ^. Plundering, ran-

lation. 2. menstruation. sacking, pillaging. eootSoba

sutari, s. A Siidra woman. to give up to plunder. ~&>

to pillage, plunder.
?^J33rt suti, sutiga, s. A s^s
scheme. 2. cleverness. 3. see Sd sure, see

Rattan, Gz-
5 siirolu, J.

sutra, j

. A rule, precept. lamus rotang. ri

s3^ a rattan
2. an axiom. 3. an expedient, stick.

contrivance. 4. a thread in surna, J

general. 5. the spring, wire,
or thread by which a puppet surti, s. Surat.
is moved. 6. the art, knack, oso a Surat rupee.
key^ etc., in a curious piece aojor, ?jJ3o5or surya, surye, s.
of mechanism. crooSo, _z?s8 The sun. wsoB sunshine.
a puppet-showman; the princi- 53 oS ^a the sun-flower, /&-
pal actor or manager of a lianthus annuus. a ^r
theatre. ^jscd a sunbeam. an eclipse
puppet XjSor
moved by wires, etc. of the sun. 5tek*te

d pro-
3^ jj

an outer frame of a door. stration to the sun. ^u

sula G58 sedi

calcination of metals, medi- sight.

oa a refined mind,

cines, etc., by exposing them sagacity. 3?^ a very fine

to the sun. -sSoai the disk of thing; an atom, particle.
the sun. -rfoorfej the sun's 8?-d a delicate body.
orb. 3c^ Rama's generation, ?io7Y5d srungara, see ^CAB^.
the sun to set. "&*&>
?1& ^. Creation, creat-
the sun to rise, 2. the world, universe.
sula, see B'JBW.
-3&F-&, _;>s? ?^co the Ore-

siilagitti, s. A midwife, ator.

-do^?), ri^^^, 7^3+
s. ?bs to create, give birth to;
suli, Skin, bark, rind;
cf. tJ*eO.
to forge, manufacture.
sulu, s. Swearing. Zoolbr^ serntuni, see *foUiftb

Sule, see ^JSQ. ^^ seke, see ^.

sulengi,^. An instrument S
settivalu, see ^srof.
for peeling the fibrous cover-
?5^rid, ?5d^j sedag-ara, sedavu, s.
ing of a cocoanut. 2. a small
Egotism, vanity, conceit, os-
crowbar. tentation. 2. squeamishness,
JS rf
3 suvatti, s. A good woman.
D?o susi, .y. A female's ordinary ^CaD^oZisedasuni, see dz^osoTiiS).
garment. ?5a sedi, s. Swinging, in fulfil-
JS?Jo siisu, s. A noise made for ment of a vow to a goddess,
driving away birds, etc.
suspended by an iron hook
?j> ?j siisra, siistra, see
passed through the large
tendons of the back, to one

^ sulagitti, j^ rfjso^^. end of a lever which is

?oJS^ Suli, see t^js5. 2. J^g 7to<&. raised on the top of a high
7$&$ sule, ^. A whore, harlot. pole or fulcrum, and whirled
TTOBT! whoredom. ADZ? a round by means of a rope
whoremonger. ^07? a whore's fixed to the other end. 2. sec

son; an abusive term, vlg.

S. 41^ the swinging feast.
sulebottu, y. The ^sgiS
suspend a person
shnil) 1'nrctla indica. as described above.

sukshma, adj. Fine, thin, ?3a sedi, adj. Strong, affecting

subtle, delicate. 2.
the smell powerfully. wt
atomic. a strong scent.
small, minute, 3.

clever, smart, quick. ??fi>rf

?3a3 sedita, see tfag.

work. quick seditaruni, see

sedi 659 setu

S35)> sedipini, sedipuni, liyuni (?35, 3^), r. . To be-

see come clear, pure.
?3So* sedilu, 3 A chink, crack, flaw,
sele, ^.

$Q> ofoj> seddiyuni (^^),

w. To as in a stone.

throb. 2. .?6' St$. seltuni, see $$ oyo^>.

?3c3 sede, s. Sweeping, rubbish.
selbi, ^d 5oo^.
?3^j,3n seniati o"e. see T??3oeS <* x. sese, J^ z2A

? sele, s. Force. 2. S<? z$.

rSCon* serangy, J. The end or
adj. Strong.
edge of a female's garment.
oioo^ seleyuni (3s?), ?. . To
3?5 ?.) the lower edge
of a
go round; cf. SoXor^.
garment, &e:g the
senkuda, see 3?o^.
silk edge of a garment. 3oe
senkuni (^e=^), i'. n.
rf?3 , ^o?6_ the upper edge
of the same.
To pant, breathe quickly or
serakayi, see ^ds'coo.
o^, ^^cs^ seuke, senkelu, s.

serasare, serasre, s.
***** Panting, breathing quickly.
A curtain, screen. ^^s to eJ senta, see ^?u.
put up a curtain. sendi, J^ ^eoo.
3 sere, see 33.
sendavuni, c. T>.
3 sere, ^. A wave. 2. the palm To sprinkle. 2. to
of the hand bent so as to float.
hold anything. 3. see ttitf. ssnduni (^?=5), t-. . To
&> a handful of rice. Xc
to hold fast.
v. n.
seladiyuni (^5), ^^ S3kada, ^
To be folded. 2. to be tired.
3. to loathe.
^ sake, ^^ ee^.

?w seja, see *?aj.

D^O ^, ?$27c)ci.x^ seladduni, se-
?fej, ?3e^ seja, seji, j. A present,
v.n. To move
gift; raw rice sprinkled on
aside, get away; cf.
persons attending a marriage,
3 seli, s. A prepossessing ap- etc. &8tfre a novel gift; a
pearance, adj. Clear, pure,
rare or costly present.
filtered. s>5 pure water.
%m$ sejuni (3), P. a. To
>o) selipuni (~5), z'. a. To
sharpen, whet, polish.
filter; to cleanse.
^&j* setu, s. The beard of the
seliyuni, sel- thatching grass. 2. #? 3?fcS.
?y sJta 660 seinya

^&j S3ta, The hair about the ?^ sere, see .

privities. ?3?dJ5?r2pj)^ sarlobhana, s. A

?3?S3, ^efeJo seti, S3tu, s. A kind of incense.
Bombay merchant, a native ?Cs3 sele, ^6'^? ^e p3. 2. sec ^e>o.
of Guzerat or Cuteh.
?3^do3ri sevantige, ^^ ^e^o^.
?3?L o setuni (3?S), r . </. To stab.
^^sj^ ssvake, ^. A servant, at-
?^3 sedi, ja- -?^- tendant.
. ssdu, J-. A slice, piece.
?o4 sevu, sec e4-

sjde, .svf 3?& ^. Service, servitude.

?3^d save,
senave, see 2. homage, worship, devotion.
?o3 ssti, s. A kind of silk cloth. ?3??o, ?o??3 sesa, ssse, adi\ A time,
turn. 2. .svtf ~?3i. ^oj?cS three
?3^o, ?3cso3 setu, setuve, ^. A
bridge. Adam's bridge.

at Adam's i^^ sele, J<TC: ^ee?.

*fe^ bathing
adv. It is it is
bridge near Ramesvaram. ?3> sei, right,

?^cl>> seduni (^?5), r-. <7. To well, indeed, aye. eooS^a to

throb. consent, assent, approve.
2. to draw, as water;
cf. ^?s&s>.

seinkolu, seingole, seingolu, s.

^t? sene, we 3^.
A crowbar.
- White.
?5x-Cj^ seindave, s. A native of
^f y
sematige, ^e^o^^. Sindh; a giant so called. 2/a
semayidaddye, s. stalwart man.
A kind of vermicelli made
^pdo^, ZoicCio^FSJrs seinduppu,
of wheat <?r other grain. seindurlavana, ^. Rocksalt.
?3es3o seme, s. A sharp kind of Xi2^ seitana, ^^ ^^N.
vermicelli. 2. a kind of crab.
seitanu, seitine,
r.c-- senj, .*. A seer, measure The
s. satan, devil.
of capacity equal to about ^NSO ^. Cold, a cold.
rupees in weight. 'J.a
adj. Cool, fresh, cooling.
wi-ight (M|tial to about twenty- A
r^ seinu, s. superior kind
rupees. of long cloth.
seravuni, sec #e~ A

seinike, s. soldier.
is>d ssrigire, ssre- An army.
seinya, s.
gare, sec tftrvS.
Cpj seinyadhipati, ^. The
serige, scr
general or commander of an
::. ???
seipi 661 sona

(*), 0. n. To die,
& called, ^crx?-
seipini winking, ^j
expire. 2. tobe starved. beckoning with the hand.
&dfl seirane, .s.
Patience, for- sompu, see ^csg.

bearance, endurance. ^>

tfo^ somperuni (&sc ;
^ to take patience, forbear,
z'. w. To be refreshed, invigo-
rated; to revive. 2. to im-
seiripuni, seir- prove, mend, as one's condi-
sun &, ),
P. a. To bear, tion.

endure, suffer, put up with. ?3j3c2J somba, see 3cl^.

>^ seile, ^. A ghost, an appari- ^J3c20 somba, s. Collection, mass,

adj. Full, com-
seilendri, &>o2od sombara,
lendri, s. A female servant or plete, abundant. 2. see 3oe:3.
attendant. 2. a name assumed
^JSo^or^i, ^js^o,^ sornkuni, so-
by Droupadi, when serving kkuni, see
in Virataraja's household.
^JS^o, sokku,
^JSo^o^ sonkuni, see ^o^os. sokha, ^
?3j3oeJ sonta, s. The loins, hip,
sogapuni, so-
waist. s^ecS lumbago. ^ z/. w. To
gasuni (~JSA, AeXf3),
to gird the loins ; to set be tasteful, agreeable, pleas-
to work; set out on a jour- ant. v. a. To com-
ney; to be equipped. mend.
?oJ3cl3 sonti, s. A deformed i?:
sogasu,^. Relish, savouri-
woman. ness, agreeableness. 2. fas-

sondilu, see 3oca. tidiousness, squeamishness.

sonna, J. Gold. 7^-5, see
3. praise, commendation, adj.
Savoury. 2. fastidious. 3.

o sonname, see ? commendable.

sonta, sec -^- sogori, see

s. ef- socca, see K^^.

sondu, Exertion,
fort. sojjige, ^^ ?^?2?.
sonduni (^jsc^j), v. n. sotta, J^ ^-"~ e4

To exert, labour, work hard. sodaru, J. The smell of

_g jp
S OHHSff&rG* SCC 'vvt w At) u ^"^S 3doo.

burning; also

3o^ sonne, ^. The nought, ^/'. Smoky, fumid, noisome.

cipher. 2. the medial letter o. sonangu, ^6'

3. a sign. 4. a demon so

sona 662 solma

jSjsr? -i57> S sonagare, son- ~^j sorkuni (--s^r), ?. //.

gare, s. A Konkani speaking To become vigorous.

fat, 2.

to be rank, luxuriant. 3. to
sonke, ^v eS.irS-^. be lustful, sensual. 4. to be
##/. Ninety. proud, insolent.
?le^ra* sorkelu, Lust, rutting,.s-.

sotantra, jw
as an animal. 2. see x^r.
sopna, see ^- 3. narcosis. adj. Vigorous,
SOppU, -S

rank, lustful. 2. narcotic, as

U soba, ^v a dry piece of betel nut.

sobagu, 0^'. Pleasing, ?3.rQ>:) sorkeluni (?5tf#H5),
well-looking. 7'. /z. To be in rut, to lust
sobage, $ x!o^. after, seek copulation, as an
io soya, see rfcdj.
animal. 2. to be narcotic, as
an areca nut.
soyire, ^. A eunuch.
sorga, see *>Xr.
^J30 sora, see rftf.
solabara, s. Weighing
;M soranga, JT^ ^oX.
one's self against gold, etc.,
^^whzo^ soragibale, ^. A kind
in fulfilment of a vow; bet.
of bracelet.
^ sorage, s. A small, sweet &&$.
solabha, sec
scented yellow flower. sk3
solavuni, sec. -:e-
its tree.
solike, s. The scab of itch.
sori, <z<//. Sufficient for one
esa 2. a piece of plantain leaf.
year. rice sufficient
solige, sec
from one harvest to the next.
sorupa, see xgti&t,. 3^ soleka, ^c; ^^?^
~. sorku, sorku, ^. solpa, s^e^.
Fat: vigour. 2. rankness, solpavuni, J^^
luxuriance. 3. lust, inordi-
nate affection. 4. pride, in- D* solpuddaru, r. New
solence. rice boiled with milk or old

rOofoo^ sorkaliyuni, sec ?-* rice and oaten at the ha:


~~3)^ sorkavuni, c.?. solpuni, see Aa?^.

tfor?.) To make fat, vigorous, rt.^'4, solma, solme, j.

or lank. 2. to give undue Salutation, making obeisance,

indulgence. as a low-caste man does to
solmi 663 SOpU

one of a superior caste. 2. 3^ soji, ^. Rolong or wheaten

submission, yielding, as a grits.
defeated party. curios to soj'iga, see Aserf,g.

salute, to yield. sojuni, see e.a ? 2;o$.

s> ojoo> solmiyuni (~ e5d), ?>a-

To salute. 2. to submit,

^ sota, sote, ^^

yield, please.
sodti, s. Lottery, raffle.
sonkane, J^ stocks?.
to raffie; to tet.
sonku, s. An epidemic,
sona, s. The fifth Tulu
infection; a contagious dis-
month (about August). ^o
ease ;
also ^jseoSo ^eX. 2. a
fit of epilepsy #r apoplexy. J^
S^dd sodare,
3. paralysis. .see&&<&3. rf

jpo2on sand said to be thrown
by a demon at a person to
sode, s. A rake. 2. a
make him sick of such a
disease. pimp. .

sodya, s. Wonder, sur-

sonkuni, sonkudruni, son-
s^cl sodre, s. An incontinent
guni (^>?o^, ;&eoK), z>. #. To
affect, as a disease. 2. to
sona, ^
touch, come into contact; to
infect, affect. sopa, ^

songe, s. A furrow, a 3?3jrs sopana, J. A drain, sluice.

small channel. tt\& to o sopaduni (?6j3?s3S),
make a furrow. To sway and a
a. to fro, as

7 .

5oe3, ?3j3?ck3 sonta, sonte, s. devil-dancer.

A cudgel, club. 2. firewood.
.33->ra s. A kind of
??oL'Oe} sontuni (^ecS), z-. .
To box with the knuckle of <?. f.
^o3i>^5) sopavuni, (of&sx
the fingers.
^^)) To make one lose at a
)?ofc3F sornte, s. A kind of
2. to defeat,
game. overcome,
conquer. 3. to charm, allure,
soku, ^^
sokuni, s^ sopu, s. Defeat, discom-
soge, ^. The peculiar fiture. 2. soap. adj. Defeat-
branch or leaf of the palm ed, overcome. 2. unclean.
species. 3. rough.
sopu 664 soudi

sopuni (--?)' r n To - - ^ soluni, J6V

lose at a game. 2. to be
sole, s
defeated, overcome. 3. to be
charmed, allured, to have
sovu, ^. Spying, watch-
the heart or affections won
ing, observing secretly. 2.
over to an object.
trace, mark, sign. 3. private
fd sobana, sec t^-spd-
intelligence, secret informa-
;3 sobe, sec js?^.
tion. crecSo a spy. ^jab?i
^..7^j soma, sec &3?3o. to spy, trace. s^os to

somanathakallu, watch, lie in wait,
sola, see &s?s&.

:tj^s!$ somanathe, s. Siva.

soimpaka, see under
"tJ^^^SwO somanadhikayi, '

j. Asafoetida.
sountu, s. A spoon or
somaraberu, s. The
^orfcdor soundari, soun-
root of a medicinal plant so
s. Comeliness, beauty.
soukara, ^. Soap.
C^JT:; somavara,
D soukare, s. A merchant,
somara, .y.
-t SDmasale, s. A kind
5)c* soukasa, see 7iv3tt<
of rice.

I somari, s. Alazy man.

SJo soukhya, s. Pleasure, hap-
indolent. &3 piness, ease. ftK a com-
adj. Lazy,
laziness, indolence. fortable place. G'urfcSjiS 3$
me, s. The moon. 2.
have plenty to

the name of a man. eat, etc.\ to be in easy cir-

&?e3 sorike, see cumstances. 22?4^J ^^

:; soruni, see CA)^^>
to enjoy good health.
ta^o s. Mildness,
^J?)?8 sore, adj. Tender, unripe;
also &.. goodness.
j-^^ s. A
':= ^. &? soujrie, hint, sign,
sorte, Oozing; cf.

5. gesture. so^si to make a

LJ sola, Defeat, failure,
-tfe/4 loss sign.
and success ^iJo soutu,
gain, defeat ;

a kind of game. ?i^i soute, Jf

T^CJ souda, ^^ ^^.

D soli, sec ^ ?^a soudi, s. Firewood.
soubha 665 sthava

soubhagya,.?. Luckiness, tude. 2. a body, company,

auspiciousness, good fortune. gang, wrf a crowd of people.
-rfS a woman whose husband ^ strl, J. A woman, adj. Femi-
is alive. nine, female. $3 a woman's
soumya, s. The forty-third separate property; her dower.
_20oa a weak, effeminate
year in the Hindu cycle of
sixty, adj. Handsome, pleas- mind ;
indecision. OA the

ing. 2. gentle, mild, placid. feminine gender. 3 e ^ the

Xore a mild disposition. guise of a woman.
Wednesday. w, ?o^ sthala, sthala, s. A
soura, s. A solar month. place, site, spot, locality, resi-
measured by the sun, dence. 2. room, lieu, stead.

solar; day, year, time. 3. an office, situation, station.

s. Heroism. 4- soil.
souru, 2. pro- [of place.
sthalantara, s. Change
voking language.
souruni, see ?os^ sthana, ^. A place, spot.

^o soulu, adj. Brackish. $?> situation, local position. 2.

brackish water. fc>so salt ahabitation, dwelling, station.


3. likeness, ^e
ground, unfruitful soil.
^ a temple, God's dwelling.
souH >
[section. a father's place, astf
^. A >^y-
4.o cS skanda, chapter,
TT a dwelling-place, residence.
^ozo, 5^0$ stamba, stambha, ^oSa^rec) a local privilege or
A post, pillar. stoppage, 2.
suppression, as of urine, etc.
sthanike, ^. One belong-
by incantation, medicine, etc.;
ing to a caste so called. 2.
also ^02^. the steward or head servant
?j ^ stana. ^. The female breast.
0^ of a temple employed in its

33c37&^& to suck the breast. outer service.

^zo stabdha, ^/". Stopped, sthapane, s. Establishing,

Blocked up. e?&$ to be 2.

founding, fixing, erecting.
spell-bound; to be silent. settling, determining, ap-
'?^3, ^J^^ stuti, stotra, pointing, proving, verifying,
Praise, eulogy. 2. adoration. confirming. Ltfos ?fe
skoax- flattery. -rfo^o, to establish; to determine.
4^> to praise, eulogize. ^S Immov-
sthavara, ff^/'.

rSJe^s^o stoma,
^. A heap, mass, able, fixed, stationary. -%OA
quantity, assemblage, multi- ^o immovable and movable.
sthiti 666 I sinruti

:hiti, s. An estate, wealth, snohite, s. A friend.


property. 2. state, condition. Z spatikara, s. Alum.

ontinuanee, being; ex- " sparsa, sparsana, s.
istence. A3 one's condition
Touch, contact. 2. the sense
or state. $*- landed pro- of touch. 3. wind. air. 2?

perty. ~z>~3 a wealthy man.

^& to be touched. ^o#0x$, ?^
3, ocrio creation, ex-
7^1^. &F3os to touch.
istence', and destruction of
7$ 3S1. spashta, adj. Clear, plain,
the universe.
distinct, apparent, open, mani-
sthira, adj. Steady, stable, 3"
fest, evident, intelligible.
firm, fixed. 2. permanent,
continuing, lasting. ^ im- ks to be plain, intelligible.

movable and movable. ^= _3o<o^ to make plain.

SjcDoSo an unsteady man. ^IJ^ sphatika, s. A crystal.
^ steady disposition,
decision of character. &kz>
?3b y, ri^sJ sputa, sphuta, adj.
Open, clear, manifest. 2.
to be firm, fixed. to
--&>^& revealed, explained, as a
horoscope, s. sec ^y.
sthula, adj. Great, large,
^ to elucidate a horoscope.
thick. 2. gross, corpulent, ?o Ccl smarane, ^.
huge, coarse. 3. dense, not
reminiscence, recollection. 2.
attenuate or subtil. 4. doltish,
remembrance. 3. memory. 4.
stupid, thick-headed. -?s3a
mental recitation of the name
corpulent body. eooa dull
or names of a deity. -

sense. ^^ a gross sub-

to remember; to be conscious
stance. stwrf a superficial
do^ci, 4s3S to recol-
view of a case.
lect, call to mind; to recite
sn&na, s. Ablution, bath-
the names of a deity,
ing. 2. ceremonial purifica-
tion of the body through ab- -
H&Lr smarte, s. A follower of
lution, etc. 3. baptism. e
s to baptise, the doctrine of Sarikaracfirya.
-^otfo^ to bathe.
to be baptised. 73, x> smruti, s. Recollection,

?3^3o sneha,
s. Affection, attach- reminiscence, memory. 2. the
it, friendship, love. s^ro body of the Hindu lav
intimacy, intimate friendship. committed to writing from
-rfotf^S, ^oo^tolove, be at- recollection by the pupils of
tacl '-stJTrt
friendship ;
the law-givers. \\. any book,

interco ; canon or portion of this law.

syada (567 svasta

syada, ^. Swiftness, speed. brance. -crooSf3t)3So an ab-

1 ^, nrajw srava, srava, ^. Ooz- sent-minded man.

ing, trickling. 2. exudation. ?i,cdoo svayam, ad?. Of one's


3. miscarriage, premature own self or accord, sponta-

birth. neously. ^3 self-formed.

^. own soul or 33^ cooking with one's own

?o sva, Self,
individuality. 2. property, hands; cooking in general.
wealth. rt;//. Own, proper, && a cook. 3fc> God, the

peculiar. TKJOSJF- one's pri- self-existent. ^ choosing

vate business or interest. one's own husband.
-woa self-will. :3 e rf_ God's 7$ d svara, s. Voice, sound. 2.
T oj
property, church-property. a note in music. 3. an accent.
?oo3 svanta, ^'. Own, private, 4. a vowel. 5. air breathed
peculiar. e?^ one's own through a nostril. s

property. (his) voice is faint.

?o^, ^e^^ svacca, svaccha, adj. svarupa, One's own

J to" ttJ

Exceedingly pure or clean, proper figure, general ap-

spotless, stainless. pearance, countenance, fea-
svatantra, J. Indepen- tures. 2. nature, natural
dence, freedom of will.
adj. constitution, quality or condi-
tion. roo^ senseless, shame-
Independent, free, uncontrol-
led, absolute. sfttejss an less. Z>3 ?jtil83j CdTOrS &CE3 I

independent man. know your whole character.

?j^8, ?!;> svatah, svata, ^. Of ri rirsvarga, J. The sky or heaven

c3 3
one s own accord. 2. person- in general. 2.1ndra's para-

ally, in person. dise. 3. bliss, beatitude.

?oSj, svapna, s. A dream, dream- dae^ the kingdom of heaven.

ing. ^3^?5 the state of s^ASFtfaeSopa ascension, going

to heaven.
emissions. ?o,e; svalpa, ^' Little, few,

^-3^ svabhava, s. Own or small, trifling.

native state or quality ;
na- ?O,SA
j ^ svalma, Ase^.
ture, natural temper, dispo- ^^05 ?^?j svasta, svastha, ^.

sition or constitution. AOP or

Bodily' health ease. 2.
natural temper. mental composure. tf

0jo svaya, s. Recollection, re- quiet, composed, comfortable.

collecting ; memory, remem- 5 disease, sickness. -^^
svasti 668 sveda

mind at ease. -Vis to become interests, -l^j^ treachery,

well, recover, get better. w treason. -j?oo a traitor.
to be at ease or healthy, svarasya, svdresa,
to cure, heal. tf
rfos'oy's s. Sweetness, savourines-
be well, quiet, 3. goodness,
pathos, spirit.
^{particle of bene-
svasti, s. excellence, adj. Pleasing, de-
diction, May it be well with licious, excellent, good. tro

2. so be amen. 3 to be pleasing, excellent.

you. it,
r\& to wish well, bless.
sroTiOS to yield,
^F3 svarjita, adj.
acquiesce in. quired.
D& svadi, s. A kind of fish.
^F Success. 2.
svarta, J>.
2. a game. 3. see
svati, s. Arcfurus. the
svarte, sec ?^sr
fifteenth lunar asterism.
svartuka, sec
SVddu, SVidu, S.
JSeXO*, 7]e>,d>
svartha, ^.
r^qSr Self-interest,
Taste, "flavour. 2. tasting.
selfishness. 2. inherent <?r real-
#a^'. Sweet, agreeable, delight-
3$ s^:i^ a selfish
ful. to be tasteful,
^ word. ^otfo^ to be selfish.
sweet. ^jbr$ to give taste.
sra^i svasa, ^6- a^x.
&a&3 to taste. o3

svasti, svasthya, s.
:. ^:^^?rj svadhina, svadhl- ,
iia, ^^/'.^Absolute, free, inde-
An estate, property, especi-
pendent. 2. in the custody ally endowed for religious or

or keeping of. 3. under the charitable objects; a foun-

control or command of. ~3 dation. _x>a^ to endow
a religious or charitable in-
dependent on or subject to .

stitution with property.

another; alienation, as of pro-
perty, -tffca to come into svastika, adj. Everlast-
one's possession, to ng. s. see
sbv^j ^^o^-
gi v e possession as of property. , svlkara, s. Claiming,
~. --
~ ^ svanubhava, acknowledging; affirming or
svanubhava, s. One's own ex- admitting to be one's own.
perience or observation. 2. adoption. s&p- adoption
?j^Oj svami, s. Owner, lord, of a sou. rJotfo^s
to adopt ;

chief, king. 2. a to nckowledge, admit.

husband. 3. (iod. rrscdor ui sveda, s. Sweat 2. steam,

business or 2s, set' iin.lir zS.
669 hakku

So ha, The forty-sixth letter of thought; the mind absorbed
the alphabet. in thought. -5 ero^s to
ado^tf hankara, ^^ ^ctrotJ. think anxiously respecting
3dcns hangu, ^. Obligation; the some thing, to brood over a
state of being in the power subject.
of another ; duty. crooSo one hambalu, see
who is under obligation or hambottu, see
power of another; a depen-
^Oj, hammattu, see
dant, adherent. 5 ero^a
hammale, see
to be under obligation to, or
in the power of, another. hammini, .sw
3ooA ?ra^j^ hangusavuni (^oK
od o^oo, sdosSjSisOg hammu, ham-
mottu, s. Egotism,
v. a. To upbraid, rebuke, vanity,

charge contemptuously with pride. wos^s to humiliate,

to be humiliated,
any thing.
to be insolent.
2oorn>Oo, ooorre^oo hangami, han-
gamu, ^. Season, time, peri- 2oo?o, hamsa, hamse, ^. A

od. adj. Temporary, for the

swan, goose; a fabulous bird
time being. ^<yrf
so called; also
srojso?X, soc^zi-o^.

a temporary employment. 3oo?o5T)d hamsapada, s. An as-

see terisk. 2. a prop. 3. a caret,

hamsani, ^? ssrfoosfe^.

hanci, see haklku, j. A kind of

2co haricii, ^. A tile. bead.

haricuni (^csS"), v. a. To ~>%^&, ad*5^o hakikatu, ha-

distribute, divide.
kikatu, ^. A statement or

coo a handi, ^^ ^ca. representation of occurrences,

affairs, etc. 2. affairs, events,
3oc<i hande, s. A large copper
vessel, caldron. 2. j^ csczS. z^fc to state one's
affairs, /<:.

^?do haklme, J. A Mahomme-
dan. physician.
hantayi, ^. Mustard.
^* hakku, 5-.
Right, title,
hanti, see &o&. 2. j<?^ 3o&.

2. share, portion.
hambalu, ^. Solicitous a claimant, the
hakka 670 hada

holder of a sliare; one who =50^) hadakuni, see

ha^ a right. c^> without ^. A
hadaga, ship, sailing
right or reason. vessel.
hakkalu, s. Gleanings of 2c<3 hadapa, ^. A barber's
corn. -2. sec e>#j. dressing case ; cf.

hakki, see -& 2od^)^ hadapuni, J^


StTo* hakkilu, see esr6. hadabe, J. A bastard;

hakku, see s^-
J. The daytime; hadepu, Jt^
hana, J^ 3ir4.
c/\ Z-R<5.
^^ a large kind
of blue light. S hanahani,

Scrtod hagura, #<//. Light, not hanita, ^^ ^rf^.

heavy. 2. slow, dilatory, adr. Soclhane, ^. The forehead, scull.

(.lently, slowly, leisurely. $3 _ aod^ lot, fate, destiny, for-
a light load. -sfcrfoJ fickle- tune.
ness, indifference. ^otfo^ cds hata, adj. Struck, hit. 2.
to make light, treat lightly; killed. to slay. kill.
to act or work slowly. An exclamation
hato, ^z/y.
Sort hage, see *%. used to set on, as a dog to
: haca, see so. pursue an animal, etc.
hacca, see &$ .
ad^d hattara, adv. Near, close
^r "3"
s. Nearness, proximity.
haccade, j^ ~ '^ ^. by.
see zSr.
haccuni ^ To 30,^ hatti,
j *
. .

sec z&^s>.
affix, attach. 2. to smear, odsOg^i hattuni,

daub, anoint, plaster. 3. to 3o^o hatya, s. Killing, murder.

paste or glue on. ao^ hatra, see ^f^-

^j hajame, s. A barber. 53C3
hadu, see -5^
3\ hajiiru, ^. The head col- -& hada, J. The proper con-
lector's office; also s6a^5 dition of things. 2. sharp-
tfzS ?&. as of a
j ness, knife, etc. 3.

hata, hatha, s. Obsti- forming, as metals to proper

_>. violence, severity. degree of hardness. 4. boil-
grudge, spite against. ing or cooking to the proper
T-. .. _^5^i&, srao an point. to be n't for
inate man. z5o*^s>
to use; to be temperate. e?

be obsti: to become fit for use; to

671 5a hari

become sharp. X^s to take wicker-boat covered with

a due proportion of ingredi- leather.

ents; to harass, tire, exhaust. deJo^i haratuni (^^0), p. a. To

e.~.L$ to taste or try any prate, blabber, talk non-
thing to see whether it is sense.

duly done. rfoeo^a

to sharp- harate, ^. Prate, jabber.
en; to temper. 2. teasing, vexing, troubling.
haddu, s. A limit, border, _ crocSo a prater, idle 4alker.

boundary. ?^ neighbour- to prate, babble,

hood, jurisdiction, extent of to tease,

power. ?\
s^s to guess. haraduni, J^ 3ooa.
_ ja-do?> to violate a pre- ^.
dzl harade, Gallnut, inknut,
scribed bound. Terminalia chebula.
hani, see ~.
3o3cl harana, harane, s.

Removing, carrying, bearing

hanumante, hanumanu, hanu- off, as of pain, disease, sin,
me, s. The deified monkey trouble,etc. 2. passing time ;

chief, friend, ally and spy of sustenance, maintenance. >3

Rama. sotf re to pass away time;
,3J J happala, see to sustain to put off
^?- live, ;

habadu, s^ sseoS. with vain excuses.

habali, s^ harata, s ~c ^.
^ habe, st S haradari, s. A distance
of about three English miles.
JQ&. habba, ^^ -20
dd harade, see r!&.
d^c2^ haravarici, ^. Embezzle-
6 hamlre, s. A nobleman,
ment, defalcation, as of public
2o o. oo s~3 <^S namusiini, ^^t" cooorjrf.
do> harasuni (^^!3), t-. . To
35 C hara, ^. Breadth. <M?/. Broad.
bless, wish well.
55d hara, J. Siva. 2.
expelling, "5^o haramu, harami,
as poison; counteracting, as
adj. Wild, untamed, vicious.
evil spirits, etc.
2. wicked, iniquitous, vile,
jcd^ 6 haraku, see cf?r. base. ^oni)T3 a vicious horse.
3oO?^ harakatu, see sc^rS. czk!F_ treachery to a master.
cd 3^ harake, see -zS&. ooO hari, s. Vishnu,

adfl^ja^O* haragolu, ^. A round hariglsu, see

hari 072 hala

3oQs-5fs hariyana, ha- od s*,, jo'i> M 3d)j haiku, halka,
dr tr -&
rivana, s. A fiat, metal dish. halki, adj. Inferior, low, mean,
:^j^ hariyuni, see z!&cdx>s>. base. 2.. cheap. 3. easy.
^osyo a cheap or inferior

:^ harivata, s. A kind of sort of cloth. 3vz a mean


act. low people. 3

3odo^ harusha, ^ &^ r - ^re$ a mean person. ^
r harku, low word. 3o^jy3 to de-
53 5* *//. Torn, rent,
tattered. preciate; to slander, defame.
halkuni, see es
ao^rs* harkatu, s. Opposition, TT

hinderauce. to op- -0^=^^ hallukaddi, s. A tooth-

^otfo^fc ? , ca

pose, hinder, obstruct. pick.

coS halli, ^^ ^^
35 5 r^ harkatti, see s^r^.
harpuni, see 3%>r$. 2. see
havaladare. see

;j3 havana, JT.

Sacrifice, offer-
harpuduni, see &zx>r$&.
ing to the gods.
3o3S[r liarsha, s. Happiness, de-
eii havale, see ^3-
light, joy. >otfjx
>, ^^U^^i^,
^^r^s> to rejoice, be glad, havala, s. Coral.

delighted. 3o5730, aoSSs)^ havalu,

halava, see &&$. havali, havalte, s. Charge,
Sosj^ort halavanga, adj. Diverse, trust, care; commission,
various. 2. much. great, many. security. 3&br& to give
_*d^ of diverse sorts. &> security. 3oVo^?>
to com-
"-'> in various ways.
S3e)3^)3 havaldare, s. A non-
33^)^ halavu, pron. Many, much.
commissioned military native
2. some. &*& several castes
or (

-z; have, s. Air, wind; climate.

halasu, s t :e o^.
'j haveli, ^. A largo housi-,
5" halaku, s. Loss, waste,
mansion, villa. 2. the upper
hit ion. 2. disorder, e?
story of a house.
bo ! wasted, destroyed ; s. The hand. 2. the
S hasta,
to Ix'roiilf we;ik. rfjtfOs.ft
thirteenth lunar asterism :

to ;

te, spend. -e^X

ais<> leger-
3o>& haliki see 3o^.
demain, sleight of hnnd.
hala hava

jc^e3 halabe, s. An old man; an adulterer, fornicator.

an old inhabitant; cf.
to commit adultery.
3o$ halme, ^. A race, contest in hadi, see steo.

5. Loss,
running. hani, injury,

26^ halli, s. A hamlet, small harm, detriment. ^//'. Damag-

village. ed, injured. *ktfo^ to ruin.
So s) ha, intj. Ah ! oh ! cos>?3 hane, j

. A grain measure
5; a> o =5^3 hankara, ^ sssoc^stf. of eighty rupees weight.

hakujoku, ^ ss^ 5>23 hayimale, j^ iS^rod

hayuni (ooDod^), ^. a. To

hakuni (ss^), '. a- To cross, ford; /l eycdooa.

beat, strike, smite, flog, lash, 5cs)dliara, ^. A necklace, garland,

cuff. chaplet. 2.J^ O'ssD'd.

hagu, s. Accomplishment, oos^dr?, Solo's o5o harage, harayi,

35e>rt haga, s. A quarter of a haruni, J^
gold fanam. oo s 6 hare, see ^3.

haguni, see 3^X0$.

35!)6A?oo^ hareisuni
co^S hajaru, hajiri, s. To desire, wish, be anxious
Presence, attendance. 2. mus- about. Ti^xdj to wish for
tering; muster, adj. Present, an opportunity.
at hand. 3isracS the bail. oo)5s halu, ^. State, condition,
a muster roll. -e?Ls to s. A bird
Sosefsj^r, halupakki,
be present; to be in attend- of ill omen. 2. a mendicant
ance. rfo^S) to produce, as who professes to interpret
an offender, etc.
such ^oa^s this
o53i3 hadu, s. Practice, exercise, bird to utter its ominous
familiarity. notes.
hadi, s. An underwood cos^so^a* haluhavalii, s. Parti-
near a farmhouse, scrub. culars of one's circumstances.

rlhanaha'ni,a<^/'. Severe, to represent one's cir-

as a contest. cumstances.
ham, -?&? 5>>s>.
hali, tf^r. Now, at the

, oo^d, hadara, hadra, s. present time.

J^ sos^s.
Adultery, fornication. "^ halita,
an adulteress, whore. N havali, J. Trouble, diffi-

whoredom, adultery. culty. 2. evil.

havu coo So himmi

havu, s. A snake, serpent. estimate, etc. &%>& to fit.

the cockle fish. to take an exact mea-
hasige, see ssatf. surement, etc.; to take a due
hasu, sec &$ proportion ingredients.
whether a given
3jsb$ to see
a>5^e, oo'Sro'S

^ hasukallu,
measurement, etc., is correct.
hasikallu, s. A paving stone.
t halme, j^ <&>$

hingu, 5. Asafoetida. 2.
hasupisu, .$

abatement, allaying.
hasarakatte, ^. A mule.
hingara, see
hasige, J. A bed, mat-
hingara, ^'. Latter; fol-
tress. sosrfoa to spread out
lowing, subsequent, the a^r
a bed.
latter rain. -ax>$ the second
3oSo)OJoj> hasiyuni (353 a), #. a.
To ridicule. crop.

To rid^ hingarane, adv. Behind,

3o)^o^ hasuni (SSBOJ),
#. a.
backward. --doocX^ e^X
spread out. 2. to pave.
making sommersets backward
ooD^o hasya, s. Laughing at,
and forward.
ridicule, derision. 2. laugh-
hinguni (3o^), "'. w. To
ter. 3i
derision, irony; be unsteady. 2. to be allayed,
mimicry. 7\v<3 a jester, as thirst. 3. to be subdued,
mocker. -rfo^a to jest, jeer, to abate, as sorrow; ?:&> 00
sport, mock.
XoSo he will not shrink; he is
5&3aoe> haha, intj. of pain, grief,
firm, steady.
or surprise. 2. ah! woe! ^. The remains of
halu, s. Ruin, destruction, any thing from which the
desolation, annihilation, adj. juice has been expressed; cf.
Desolate, waste, ruined, des-
troyed. -w Ls>, -efa^e^ft to hindu, s. A Hindu. 2. an
go to ruin, to be waste. 3o Indian, adj. Indian, of India.
to ruin, spoil, destroy; the Hindu people.
to spend, waste. the Hindu castes. ste

3$3 halita, 5. An exact mea- India.

surement, dimension, quan- So oo 3* himmatu, ^. Boldness,
tity. adj. Exactly fitting, courage, intrepidity, spirit,
proper. 2. tempered, of due resolution.

temperature. 3. of a proper SooOo?), 3oosJoo^ himmini, him-

heat, itfofo- , Xooiio a rough muni, see
himme 675 hire

himettuni (So=^oSj), able, refreshing or whole-

r. n. To
abate, be subdued, some, as food; to be edifying.
mitigated. 2. to be humbled. hitantra, s. Enmity.
3. to shrink, turnback. hitabaru, see <^^aro5.
ooortor> hirnguni, see 3oXor$. ^^ fc^A
Soo?2 hiSse, s. Persecuting,
hittuni, see 83^^.
hurting, injuring. 2. slaying,
Soo&sios to
hitlu, s. A garden; *
killing. sfctfo^,

persecute, injure; to kill.

So 3* s. hidya, see &

30=5* hikumatu, Skill,

ingenuity, cunning. 2. knack, a

x hinpini, see

expedient, contrivance, de- hippali, J^ ^^^.

vice, project. hima, s. Snow, hoar-frost,
3o^3, 3o& hikkadi, hikdi, J. dew. 2. cold. 0^'. Frigid,
Trick, stratagem, wile, juggle. cold, frosty. ?roe; the cold
a hikkuni, .ra*
Stfo^s. season, winter.

*,' So =0.3 hikmatu, hikmati, 3odj!>c3^, &^33e;o2o himacala,

himalaya,s. The range of

higa, ^^ ^^ Himalaya mountains.

higale, see 3o>o> himini, J. A purse, bag,

Mja, see ^v-
s. The 3oDr?c hiranya, s. Gold. 2. wealth,
Sog hijari, hijri,
Mohammedan era, which com- property.
mences A. D. 622. SoD Mri, <z^'. Great, elder, senior,
&s, ^5 old and
hijide, ^. A eunuch. superior.
young, superior and inferior.
u hittu, J-.
Porridge. ^w
a presbytery.
^ hidi, J. A hold, gripe, grasp. s
eldership, seniority.
2. a handful. 3. a handle,
the monitor in a school;
hilt. 3 holding, grasping; _ orfjsti^ superiority, greatness;
obstinacy, stubbornness, t^ oojsoSo, c&>
power, authority.
a warrant to seize an of-
an ancestor, senior, elder,
3 hita, s. Advantage, profit, ^^ So5r.
good, gain. adj. Beneficial,
refreshing, wholesome, good,
rfo^ a well-wisher, hiriye, see under So
benefactor. ?~a to be agree- hire, see SoQ.

F hirtij 676 SaJSJJ. huttU

hirtu, .?<: S5r. ^. A base fellow.

?(3 hlne,

hirdu, rtv//. Pre-eminent, 2. a weak man. eooa a

best, superior, excellent. stupid man, fool.

a superior cloth, > hineisuni

t 1
. a.

hirduni, see Srfor^. To despise, disgrace, disre-

hilalu, ^^ ^<^6. gard.

xVn offering of betel- hlruni, see

co?3 hile, .y.

leaves to a demon. 2. see hire, see &etf.

r^tf. 3. J^ S3. hum, /;'.

of response,
M hille, 5. A false excuse, approbation ^?- assent. ^
difficulties made to evade the to answer, as a call to
WOjSi ;

of a debt or the approve; to assent; to pay

performance of a task. &3 attention to a story, etc.

to plead a false excuse. hundi, s. A bill of ex-

oasi, &>?3 hise, hise, Part, por-

jr. change; a money order.
tion, share. ^jabra to give hunname, see ^cro^So.

a share. _&?$, _rfo<o^ to hunnaru, s. An art, a

divide, share, apportion. resource or power of skill or
3o35e>6 hishare, s. A sign; a hint, cunning; ability for contriv-
s. An account. ing, devising or effecting.
_ 7sx3, nuoSo a a schemer,
hmkaripuni (Ssso^a),
z (
. a. To find fault with, blame, shrewd or ingenious man;
an artist an alchymist an
despise, scorn.

athlete or gymnast. &t?a:a

?o^0j>, 3oo33) hmtruni, him-
3s> to devise, contrive; to
puni (2o cj, ?
2oo), v. a To blow

show one's skill or ability.

the nose.
^o^d* hukumu, s. An order,
a, adj. Deficient, de-
command. 2. leave, permis-
fective, wanting. 2. base, vile,
sion. &s?bFS> to command,
mean, abject. 3.
left. -, a meanness. tt> order; to permit.
3 a low caste, tfoa of low hukka, s. A hooka, smok-
birth. eoy weak. ajoo_,
^ ing apparatus.
S senseless, foolish, stupid. hujjatu, s. Constraint,
2? 3X - Pr, destitute; un- force, compulsion. ^otfo^a
fortunate, -rfre^- to force, compel.
disgraced. rk>zJ_ deformed. huttu, s. Birth, origin,
shameless. production. 2. nature, natu-
hutto 677 hemme

ral state. 3. profit, gain. 4^ to be alert, watchful, care-

adj. Natural, inherent. -?5
ful. e?L?> to be refreshed or
one's antecedents or cir- invigorated; to be brisk.
cumstances. 5o husi, see ^o>.
^. The produce
huttoli, hull, J. Sauce, condiments
of a garden or field. 2.
or curds seasoned with spices
mesne profit or rent, or mixed with acids. 2. sec

hudaru, see ^o35. Q6.

3c0^o/^ hudige, huduge, s. 3 hu, see $3/3-

A youngster. SoS^)d hum, hunkara, s.

i^orralJri hudugatige, s. Child- de-

^lenacing, threatening,
ishness, puerility, fiance. 2. neighing.
r^ hunna, see
JSo^okjO^ hunkuttuni (^o^j
3 huto, ^^ w. a. To threaten. 2.
to defy, menace, challenge.
hubbu, s. The eyebrow, JS^ huji, ^^ <i33.

hubbe, s. The eleventh J52 huje, ^^ ^js^-

lunar asterism. :

J3r^^ hunige, J. A soldier. 2.

huyimpuni, a hero.
J3r! hune, s. A vow, promise.
hurl, ^^ ^B.
huna, see
hurbu, see
^j^ hupini, see
hullu. s. Grass. ^S a
CO > doJo hrudu, hrudaya, j.
handful of grass given by a
The heart,mind,bosom,breast.
cattle dealer to a purchaser
oxrfa hrudgata, adj. lit. Gone
as a ratification of bargain,
to the heart or mind; im-
husi, s. A lie, falsehood.
pressed; remembered, got by
2. failure, omission, miscarr-
iage. C7&S to fail 0r mis-
jj hengasu, s. A woman,
carry. c&?^s> to omit c>r
hente, see ^cS.
oSDD s
3c03S)0 husharu,husha- henda, s. Toddy, palm-

wine. 3\jtl a drunkard,

ri, J. Smartness, intelligence.
attentiveness, wakefulness,
wariness. 3. freshness, brisk- hemma, ^'. Abundant,
ness, adj. Smart. 2. awake, plenty, much, many.
alert, cautious,
- 280^0 hemme, J. Pride, insolence,
; hemme (ITS hedde

arrogance, haughtiness.
-^ moted. 3jtfOy~
to raise, as

an insolent man. -
rent, etc:, to increase, pro-
to be haughty. mote.
,'Jj> hemmettuni, see 2oc-o zS^sSo, sS^o^rf^o heccika-
1T kr
dame, heccukadame, ^. Dit-
^F hekkarme, s. A kind of
ference, variation, adj. A-
cucumber. bout, more or less. ef^a
=. a
hekkuni, ^ o#*a.
some difference to occur; to
a!riri heggade, s. A chief, be a little indiscreet ;
a mis-
chieftain, headman. 2. a take to occur. X& there

family name; cf. 3Xr:l is no difference. s^^s to

rl.T hecca, <//. More, speak without due regard:
2. high, superior. 3. exces- to abuse. ^o^a to make
sive, superfluous, copious. a mistake; to make a differ-
yl$ to increase, augment, ence; to make partiality.
multiply, prosper. ^>^$ heccug-arige, see ^
to promote, increase, enlarge, to,
^j ?,.
exalt; to exaggerate. heccuni To
(^*), -' .

a23 tf , 262* $e* heccalme, to
Cc- a.

heccala, heccalme,
IT 2cr

^. Exalta-
increase, augment. 2^
be overwise. $>?/( a dis-
tion, greatness. 2. brag, boast. ^oSo
ease to aggravate. ^^.^
to praise, vaunt,
sk<s^$ he has become conceited.
sS heccelu, see ^^.-
-^a heccavuni, ?'.

To hejje, see
&$. 2. j^
^.s>) increase, enlarge, ~|.
exalt, promote. 2. to spoil, hettu, J^ *8j.
vitiate, as a child, /., by J^
.^ hettuni, -ow^a.
over-indulgence; also ^>5
hedamudi, a^'. Pinion-
ed, as the arms, to
: r> hecci, heccige, ^. In- -^w^a
ir ^r
crease. 2. promotion, advance- pinion.

ment. 3. 20^ heddu, hedda, adj.

excess, superfluity. ,

4. eminence, excellence. 5. Dull, stupid, foolish, ignorant.

any thing unusual, -sro^rf a &3 ignorance, foolishness.

d^oXSan _ t-d^jas a stupid man. ^^

superfluous word.
unusual occurrence; further a stupid woman.

particulars. &1& to in- hedde, J. A dolt, blockhead,

crease, augment; to be pro- stupid man.
heddyu 679 honga

heddyu- 2o?doc^do^o hemantarutu, s. The

ni, hedtaruni, hedpini,
cold season.

hemalambi, ^^
hedarike, .?. Fear.

c5 hedda, Great, large, heru, J. A sack of corn,

etc. aoaro^is to fill a sack.
spacious, chief, principal.
heddari, s. A highway, herala, adj. Much, many.
great road. heravuni,
Sosj 6 hebbare, s. A dolt, block- heruni, see tfo$.

head, ignorant man.

3oZJ3 -S-s* hebbakilu, J. A town
ao^O^oO hevilambi, s. The thirty-

gate, chief entrance. 2. the first year in the Hindu cycle

front door of a house. of sixty.
3o are. 6 hebbare,^. A family name. hesige, hesige, ^?
2. a member of this family.
hebbavu, s - The boa hesuni, see
helike, ^. A statement,
dorld herangade, ^. Exclusion, representation. 2. direction,

expulsion, interdict- >?>$

instruction, order. d sro^
to interdict, excommunicate. hearsay. to be de-
oo heriya, J^ 2o&-
pendent upon. ri

2od>r> heruni, herduni 5&s>to obey one's instructions.
(^5), Tf. #. To bring forth, as heige, s. A person belong-
a child. ing to a class of Brahmans
so called.
o3)F) herpuni, see <3^
heipini, J^ ^&.
heli, -y^
^a, heidri, adj. Of the time of
belike, j^-'

Hyder Ali. sfe>? a gold

hega, ^
coin so called.
heja, see Sea*. >
3oiD)rs heiranu, heirana,
p 3c^,
3^hedi, hede, ^. A coward,
^^;". Perturbed, disturbed,
poltroon, a^'. Timid. &3 as
distressed, discomposed,
timidity, cowardice.
through sickness, fatigue, etc.
o hetu, s. Cause, reason, s. .Distress, perturbation, dis-
occasion, motive, purpose. composure. e? ^ to be ex-
henu, ^6 ^e^-
hausted, done up.
hema, ^. Gold. fcortd hongare, see &>=Ai3.
:3 hondi - hori

.ST hondike, s. Union, at- impute, charge with.

.:!> honduni (^~c), r. a.
~cd, 3J3^or hortande, hor-
To get, attain, obtain, ac- tu, adv. Unless, except. 2.

quire. 2. to suffer, sustain, besides. 554- besides that.

as loss or pain. 3. to enjoy, Jl '^>7? holas^, adj. Fetid, stink-
as happiness, etc. 4. to join, 2.
ing, dirty. unpleasant.
unite, attach to. i\ n. To
hole, s. Pollution, defile-
be agreeable, fit; to be on
ment. 2. menses. 3. cere-
good terms. monial uncleanness. adj. Ob-
honne, sec &>o3.
scene, filthy.
hommuta, sec
holve, s. A road, way. 2.

hogaluni, see see 5?ja?>o&

hogguni, see ?3 hosa, see $&.*..

hottu, sec Seuo..

u i
hosage, see 2oxx.
hotte, J. The stomach, hole, ^. A river.

belly. -. -^ envy, holepu, ^. Brightness,

malice. 3eJ a to envy. radiance, lustre.
hodanku, see ^jsrfc^.
hoku, hoku, s. A
hodata, s. A stroke, defect, flaw, injury. 2. loss,

beating. detriment ; <:/". ^

hodaru, see hojuni, see
1r?i honangani, hodu, see

homa, J. A burnt sacri-

hone, see $.
fice, offering to the gods, c/oel
^ hottuai, j si, ?r\3j7i> Xre zis'dce , , ,

hoddiyuni, ru are different kinds of


burnt sacrifices. $>"5ft sW

i% hoyyo, /;'. of encour- useless, efforts,
agement, used especially when
drawing or pulling any thing U>eoe>y horata, s. Mutual
wrangling, contention, fight.
^ horaluni, see cg^e;o.
iJS^ODZt^ horaduni (^?^5),
! hor^, j. A load, burden. 7'. n. To Avrangle, contend,
horesuni (Zc*-3^ 5
T-. <?. fight.
To load, burden. 2. to accuse, fS^S hori, sec
holi 681 kshina

holi, holi, s. A s.
Probability, likelihood. 2.
feast celebrated at the full- resemblance.
moon monthof the of Phal- S>5$tf holige, s. A broad,
guna, when Cupid is burnt round cake of wheat flour,
in effigy. and filled with boiled split
3? holike, .
Eesemblance, pulse and jaggory.
similarity, likeness. hole, see

holuve, holve, houli, see

la, The forty-seventh letter of the alphabet, No words begin

with this letter.

^ ksha, The forty-eighth letter ^ crfo kshaya, s. Waste, decline,
of the alphabet, compounded 2. de-
decay, consumption.
of t? and M. struction, extinction, annihi-
^K). kshana, s. A measure of lation. 3. decrease of the di-
time equal to four minutes. gits of the sun or moon. 4.
2. a moment, instant. 3 cro^ the sixtieth year of the Hindu
oao in a moment. cycle of sixty. &o) moon
kshatri, s. The second of on the wane. AseX phthisis,
the four classes of Hindus. consumption. &1& to be
oSo a man of the royal or consumed, destroyed.
military caste. kshama, s. A famine,
. .

kshamipuni, scarcity of provisions. ^e;

kshamisuni a time of famine.
To pardon, forgive. 2. to kshlna, adj. Wasted, emaci-
bear with. ated. 2. destroyed, extin-
kshame, Forgiveness, guished. 3. thin, lean. ^?3o

pardon, forbearing, bearing an emaciated body.

with. 2. patience, endurance. ?f? a thin man.
c-pd kshira 682 kshoura

kshira, s. Milk, place of pilgrimage, holy

kshirna, ^. Digestion. land. 2. a plane, superficies.
kshudra. little.
S3e? a demon so called.
^'. Small,
. .

low, mean. 3. avaricious. $& land measure, area. 33

4. cruel, s. Fault, folly, de-

a holy place or shrine.
fect. 2.
slander, calumny. kshema, J. Welfare, well-
3. sorcery. ^o;d an intrigue; being, happiness, health, adj.
a mean act. raoSo an intri- Well, happy. sro^r, _sftjj
^^"3 news about one's wel-
guer; a slanderer; a sorcerer.
S33^d a calumny. ^otfo\r3 fare.

to bewitch. kshoura, J. Shaving the

ro ^kshudhe, j-.Hunger, appetite. head. ^, nucSo a barber,
^p^ kshetra, J. A sacred spot, to shave.
annyare, see
o. uge, ^

ambari, ....... 2. see .23 ^. ucchishta, ^. Orts, leav-

ep aj

ings. o^f*. Left, rejected, as

, 3* =5~d 3 akkalkara . A kind food.
of medicinal root. uda, see "$s-
akkosa, -

udajaya, s. A great
acci, .$ .......... 3. a gold victory.
coin, pagoda )JZ3^ ^dapya, udaphi,
attalige, adj. Evasive, as a reply. 2.

denying. 3. contradictory.
sc^sjs^/ appavas^,
s. A kind of
udusre, s. A bed. 2.
fish. a female's garment.
clothing ;

arikuttilyi, ^. A cook-
ri)23 unile, s. A tender mango.
room in a temple. 2. a kind of poison. 3. see
0,2! alkade, see

awandu, see

anduni ,
t-. . To upasara,
do ; cf. 3o^s>. upadhye,
o 5. A teacher,
ariyuni, see schoolmaster. 2. a family-
alanda, see priest.
avara, ^ d uppare,
^. A salt rnanu-

?OAD^ facturer.
asigasi, ^. Risk, respon-
sibility, care; cf,
ubbullu, a^'. Hairy.

ittore, ^ ura, adj. Exact.

's^^^ idakatti, idekat- l urane, s. A kind of comb.

ti, see esrf ^^ o 5. ^^ So5^-
fi> ulipe,
idepini, see ^^^ ullana, ^. As long as.

inasare, ^. Embracing.
irolu, see ^^s^^o. see
umbara, s. Danger. general expenditure.
ugudu, ^^ ox>Xj. yeduma, j^ o3r
6 .
yetty 684 konda

_ _ , yetta, s. A game kandayi, . . .2.

at dice.

yettoli, see cD^zJ. kanme,

, ^. Appearance,
v. a. To show.
yesaguni (-DrrfK),

2. to help. 3. to kalaga, J6^ w^X.

begin. 00
killara, ^. A frame-work.
_ VOttoli, SCC Sj^odJ. 2. the stomach. r^ $.

yrW vorkatta, adj. Single, klrivottuni, ^^ 3?-3x,

alone. c^ J^ -- ^5

vorba, see So^or.
kunte, J^ ^c^.
volmana, see &>^*.
kummuduni, see
vodurimada, see ^e

1; kukkuta, s. A fowl.
kudde, see
kanda, ^^
o^3 kudunte, s. A lump of
kambala, sec t^jBdo^.
dung. 2. .fttf

kadanjige, s. Kneading ;
kudru, ^
Cf. vS'wC^OS).
^j kurduni, see
kurma, s. A kind of tree.
kaderijikayi, see
kukru, ^'. Young, small.

kaddesa, w ^^-
a cub, young dog.
303! a kind of small crab.
*, 'O'SJOD* kamad\i, kamarij,
s. 2. smell of burnt kuranda, ^^ 3&-3o7!.<5.
oil, etc. adj. Old. kurca, ^. An enclosure.

r^ kalavu, ^. A scar, mark. 2. a tassel.

2. j^ ^^4- ?o keddesa, see ** j

C3 ^
kalijiga, kaljiga, J keppa, J^ ^^\-

5,D' kepparu, j

. A kind of
kalpadi, 5. A learned
cap; /". ^oou^s?.
sophist. 2. a hypocrite.
kedage, j^ ^e^oso.
kalpe, s. Learning.
keikuni (^), 7'. . To
T?r,rj^ kasavade, s. A gown. wash the hands.
kalatij, s. A fixed place.
:'. To fasten,
keipuni, .

4 kallavu, bind tight.

kindaya, s. A large So^rf kondada, ^^' Beloved,
vessel for boiling. dear. s. see
e) komba 685 tari

Ks>fi kombage, s. A kind of catalu, see

umbrella. camaku, s. Lustre;
kojanne, s. A thicket. branclishment, flourish. 2.

koppanda, J. A female's haughtiness.

ornament. carakaje, s. Dishevelled
korana, #^'. Unconfer- hair.

able; rare, as a gift. cngau, see

korni, see ^O$F. ro citnesi, ^^

riododgandanda,^'. Small, fine. Cilloduni,

rtacSsJFS?* garndalij, s. A stalwart 2.

man, giant. core, adj. Tender, unripe,

rtfejo gatya, ^X BJ.
as a fruit.
r!<ae)> chapakhane, see epsg.
rt&odo gadipu, gadiya, adv.
jantri, J^ ^oSj.
Wholly;*/. XBj.
,cl jalmunde, adj. Nice, fine.
gali, J. Small pieces of light

wood fastened to a net. a kind of jackfruit.

Jambumuri, s. A
gavana, ^. Desire, wish.
peculiar smell.
>3rf jataga, s. Walking. -^?
ginde, ^< oo a walking stick.

giriya, ^. A hinge, as of jamuri, see

a door.
Javara, J
gundi, s ..... adj. Deep,
jokke, Joga,
ji, <2^'. Short, thick,
of little stature. 33^3 a short,
jogate, J
thick cocoanut tree.
0^)^ jvalipuni, v.n. To burn,
7^ ^.
guddaluni ( '| '?),

To work hard.
e)^ jyokerake, see An>^-
guddale, see Xot d
dalaguni (3F), p. a. To
guve, see cl davane, ^. A whirlpool ;

gellandu, s. Success, vie- also s>?-rftte?S.

tory, triumph; cf.

/3crfo$. takeiru, see 3^5.
geirayatu, s. Absence. tatimuti, j. Strait,

candagidi, Haughti- J. dilemma. 2. see ...

eJ eJ

ness. 2. a man's name. tariya, sc

F tarte (JSG 5to pamba

Deep; cf. && riceused on auspicious occa-

sions for sprinkling upon a
: tallara, see married couple, etc.-, cf. -&<&.

3s>s? tale, 5. Comparison ; proof; 2. see 3&. _3rorli$> to

rice in this way.
on*D*' tiguru, s. A sprout, bud, fSdo, dJStlo&jfl^S? dodduli,
germ. 2. a split, crack. dodreyipuli, see ^d
oslcf tipparu, s. A knotted root. nannuda,
2. confusion, hurlyburly.
nand\ji, sc.c ?-5.
tirudi, i. A vice, an instru-
ment for holding and griping nandalige, Jt^ ^ccraae--

things. 2. see Sdo'S. nagajapu, s. A kind of

cloth worn by males; cf.
-'.J^sjo tirusolu, see S^jso.

i)j3 tune, s. A stick. 2. see o^-

To nata, s. Seeking, search,

3e3o?i teduni (3?5), v. .

nada, adv. Soon, speedily.

grind, macerate, bray.
J-^jOcj temule, see g-36.
s. A falsehood.

J^ 3?^. nanyuni, see ^JTJS..

J^rio tegu,
:^^5 ^. A kind of nape, j^ wt&.
solatium. ^ nalavuni, ^v ^jse^>4^.
'3 tolara, ddv. With the >
nilepuni (s- -). &, . To
arms extended. establish, found.
qJS , qi:5 thalli, thalle,
^. A cloth J. Sal pet re.
l!o^ patluppu,
used in offerings to demons,
~~z padakara, sec ttztt.
at weddings, etc.
c2"3^j padavu, s. . . . 2. a ship.
d^jfl damane, see rfrfrf.

A ri paditade, JT. A temporary

dalliya, dallya, s.
kind of cloth. dwelling.
iT3cSj) padimpu, s. Moisture.
C^'i* divala, see a?s39.
adj. Moist, wet.
i chvire, s. Fixing a day.
c3e>co)> padampuni (^^c), r. a.
dunduni, see
To moisten, wet.
dukki, ^. The left side of
D35Dws paripadu, ^. Fate. 2.
a finer-drum.
titoid dentadfc, see werf* ^. Food.
9 GS3e)tfparivala, 2.

deva, .y ...... 3. see sec ziSs^d.

pambale, J. A kind of
desa, desfe, s. II ra ornament
pambo 687 -.CN sine

S3s>c23jsv o,
pambolu, see S3_ ,_. ,

bisaru, s. A stroke, blow,

oj^We)^ pidibalu, ^. . . . 2. a cut.

demon's sword. benku, ^. Disturbance,

ojdo^oc^ pidukannu, s. Blinking, confusion, disorder. 2. en-

twinkling of the eyes. tanglement. a>oriioj33i$> to

)3^ piravattu, see disentangle.

pirnalu, s. A gift, benkuni (3o^), P. To .

be complicated, entangled.
plnari, see e?roa.

pudagala, J. The body, bembana, ^. Work.

purapu, ^. Circumstances, badaga, J. Medicine for

puli, s. . . . a kind a woman in childbed.

of sour sauce or condiment. mallayilu, s. A large
SJ^o^ punca, s. An ant-hill. ladle. .

33)3 As! 6 pugare, s. A temporary mambra, ^. A cry, shout.

shed with awnings
covered to cry, shout, call.
erected during the funeral kf mijatu, see aoa^ ?.

ceremonies of a deceased
oriSodoo^) mugaliyuni (^o7\e3),
. . To become cloudy, as
^?3r perna, see srajf.
the sky.

ofciodo mujudu, s. An old

ponnolige, see
sL'j^o pottulu, s. A rotten
To draw near.
^ pokre, s. A nasty man.
i resa, ^. A kind of pepper
potla, s. A pustule, blister,
water or sauce.
sore. 2. a kind of parasite.
leccale, adj. Wide, broad.
prana, J d^a ;^-

towork hard. 3odcos> to OJJ^ vayana, s. Offerings of

commit suicide. cocoanuts made by a marri-

^cl bakkane, J. A ed woman to the goddess

^j^)^, ^J^^)^ bapipuni, babi-
To put 03J30 vayola, s. Any state-
puni (eoL, eod), ^. a.
out of the way. ment or account written on

3*3 s* bittulij, J. A garden, palm-leaves.

compound. sine, s. A flute, fife.

P University of Toronto


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Under Pat. "Ref. Index File"

') BY
; L. Joshua

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