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Short Questions

1. Explain mysql_free_result() and mysql_close().

2. Differentiate between $name and $$name.
3. Explain ternary operator with example.
4. Explain an associative array.
5. Explain POST method.
6. Differentiate between include() and require().
7. Explain persistent cookie.
8. What are default session time and path?
9. State when php is more suitable then its companion technology.
10.How to delete session variables?
11.Differentiate between static and global variable.
12.Explain REQUEST method.
13.What is auto_append file in php.ini? Explain with example.
14.What is echo and print? What is difference between these?
15.What are different ways to retrieve data in the result set of mysql
using php?
16.Discuss order by clause.
17.Compare for and for each.
18.Explain exit and return.
19.Discuss different ways of commenting code in php with example.
20.What is difference between single quote(‘) and double quote(“) in
21.What is use of header().
22.Compare == and ===
23.Give difference between isset() and unset().
24.Explain order by clause with example.
25.List features of php.
26.Explain querystring with example.
27.What do you mean by Add-Ons.
Long Questions
1. Differentiate between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_assoc().
2. Explain date functions in php.
3. Explain steps of database connectivity of php and mysql.
4. Explain request-response cycle in web communication.
5. Explain the use of cookie. When cookie is expired? Explain how it is created
and retrieved?
6. Discuss different data types in php.
7. Discuss different types of tables in php.
8. Write a script which shows interaction among php and mysql.
9. Explain how to use mysql_replace to insert or update data.
10.Explain with an example how a file can be uploaded in PHP.
11.Explain php.ini file in detail
12.Explain httpd.conf file in detail.
13.Explain different types of operators available in php.
14.Explain user defined functions in php.
15.How arrays are created in php? Explain any 3 sorting functions of php.
16.Explain any 7 math functions in php.
17.Explain form elements and input elements.
18.Write a note on control structures in php.
19.How to start,modify and unregister session variables in php.
20.Describe conditional statements of php.
21.Explain following functions with syntax
a. Die()
b. Print()
c. Assort()
d. Count()
e. Strstr()
f. Isset()
g. Rand()
h. Fmod()
i. Floor()
j. Checkdate()
k. Current()
l. Ord()
m. Stristr()
n. Each()
o. Strrpos()
p. List()
q. Chr()
r. Str_replace()
s. In_array()

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