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Quick Reference Sheet v1.

Activations STRONGEST!

Easy activations
Either move or charge one box straight ahead, or two boxes straight ahead if mounted.
Move one box straight ahead and then shoot (javelin-armed light infantry/cavalry/chariots/camelry only).
Shoot, then move backwards one box, facing in the same or opposite direction (non-javelin armed light infantry/cavalry/camelry/chariots only).
Either shoot, or replenish one ammunition marker from the reserve in the baggage.
Difficult activations n.b. activations are never difficult for lights, except for light chariots in rough terrain
Either move or charge one box diagonally ahead, maintaining facing. Mounted units may either move or charge one further box straight ahead.
Move one box sideways, maintaining facing.
Move backwards one box (or two if mounted), facing in the same or the opposite direction.
Move, permitting units to change facing direction or exchange places within their box. After this, mounted units may move one box straight ahead.
Either move or charge into or out of rough terrain (e.g. woods, marshes).

Save modifiers
Type Circumstance Modifier
Light infantry in rough ground, when charged by any except light infantry. +2
Foot (except elephants/escorted elephants) when charged across fortifications. +2
Foot when charged uphill. +1
Foot (except pikemen & elephants /escorted elephants) in rough terrain and charged by mounted or pikemen. +1
Foot (except elephants /escorted elephants) behind stakes and receiving a frontal mounted charge. +1
Elephants charging or charged by mounted +2
Any, defending against a charge across a hedge, wall, stream, bridge or shoreline. +1
Melee Pikemen, hoplites or spearmen receiving a frontal mounted charge. +1
Foot (except elephants/escorted elephants and light inf.) who are not disordered and receiving a frontal mounted charge. +1
War wagons receiving a mounted charge. +1
Cataphracts or later knights, mounted or dismounted. +1
Charged by billmen or any armed with two-handed cutting weapons. -1
Light infantry charged by mounted in open terrain. -1
Mounted unfamiliar with elephants/camels, and charging or charged by same. n.b. Not for use in competition. -1
Mounted in rough terrain or attacking into or out of rough terrain. -1
Foot (except elephants/escorted elephants) behind field fortifications, except when shot at by artillery. +2
Mounted or dismounted cataphracts, mounted later knights and dismounted knights - +1
except when any shot at by artillery or handguns.
Shieldwall or war wagons - except when either shot at by artillery or handguns. +1
Shooting Units in cover, testudo or behind pavises - except when any shot at by artillery or handguns. +1
Dismounted later knights - except when shot at by artillery or handguns. +2
Light units and artillery. +1
Units hit from behind a flank or the rear. -1
A general is present in the box. +1
For each enemy unit in a position from which it could charge the testing unit. -1

Useful reminders
Type Notes
Shooting All hit on 8+. Bowmen, longbowmen and artillery (organ guns) may play 2 to-hit cards, except when disordered,
to-hit in rough terrain or shooting overhead.
Melee All hit on 6+, except for disordered troops, all light troops, artillery, bowmen, crossbowmen, longbowmen,
to-hit war wagons and mobs who require an 8+.
3+ if mounted in the open evading foot, or foot in rough terrain evading any enemy.
Evade test 5+ if mounted in the open evading mounted, or foot in the open evading foot.
7+ if mounted in the rough, or if foot in the open evading mounted.
Difficult To succeed with a difficult activation, units must play a card one pip greater than usual, unless deep, when they must play a card two
Activations a cardgreater.
pips With a doubly difficult activation, units must play a card two pips greater than usual, unless deep, when they must play
four pips greater. Out of command units (except lights) must play a card one pip greater.
Quick Reference Sheet v1.1c TO THE
Generals, Heroes and Units
Unit types & modifiers Hits Ammo Save Cost VPs
Attached general on foot - - 2+ 4 2
Attached mounted general - - 2+ 5 2
Upgrade to detached - - - +1 -
Upgrade to heroic - - 3+ +1 -
Upgrade to senior - - - +1 -
Upgrade to brilliant or great leader - - - +4 3
Heroes - - - 1 -
Standards - - - 2-4 1-3
Cataphracts 2 - 6+ 11 2
Cavalry/camelry/chariotry javelin/lance 2 2 7+ 9 2
Cavalry/camelry/chariotry bow/crossbow 2 3 8+ 9 2
Heavy chariots shock/javelin/longbow/bow/crossbow 2 1, 2, 3 6+ 11 2
Mounted Knights 2, 3 - 6+ 11, 16.5 2, 3
Later knights 2, 3 - 6+ 14, 21 2, 3
Light cavalry/chariots/camelry javelin 1 2 7+ 5 1
Light cavalry/chariots/camelry bow/crossbow 1 3 8+ 5 1
Scythed chariots 1 - 7+ 5 1
Artillery, except Artillery (field gun) 1 6 7+ 7 1
Artillery (field gun) 1 6 7+ 8 1
Auxiliaries 2 - 6+ 8 2
Billmen 2 - 7+ 7, 10 2
Bowmen 2 6 8+ 7 2
Crossbowmen 2 6 8+ 7 2
Elephants African/Indian 1 - 7+/6+ 6, 8 1
Hoplites 2, 3 - 6+ 8, 12 2, 3
Javelinmen 2, 3 2 7+ 7, 10 2, 3
Legionaries 2 - 6+ 10 2
Light infantry, javelin 1 2 7+ 4 1
Light infantry other, bow/sling/crossbow/longbow/handgun 1 3 8+ 4 1
Light infantry, African/Indian elephant screen 1 3 7+/6+ 5, 6 1
Longbowmen 2 6 8+ 9 2
Mobs 3 2 8+ 7 3
Pikemen 3 - 7+ 13 3
Shieldwall 2, 3 - 7+ 7, 10 2, 3
Spearmen 2, 3 - 7+ 7, 10 2, 3
War wagons 3 6 7+ 13 3
Warriors 3 - 7+ 10 3
Downgrade a light/standard/deep/extra deep unit to raw - -1 +1 -1, -2, -3, -4 -
Upgrade a light/standard/deep/extra deep unit to veteran - +1 -1 +1, +2, +3, +4 -
Downgrade a standard unit to small -1 - - -50% -1
Upgrade a light/standard unit with extra missile weapons - 2 or 3 - +1, +2 -
Modifiers Upgrade with pavises, boats, stakes, 2HCCW, - - - +1 -
extra ammo, mounts for infantry
Upgrade a deep unit to extra deep +1 - - +4 +1
Upgrade elephants to escorted +1 3 - +4 +1
Change a unit to fanatics - - +1 - -
Other Camps or fortifications, per 1 box-side length - - - 1 -
NB. Unit costs in bold typeface indicate deep or extra deep units.

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