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Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare

Question: Why have you been called to serve in the CLP?

To serve God
To help those who look for God
To share His love and His word to those who seek them
These are all about others…

But we also serve in the CLP for us…How?

Through our service in the CLP, God shows us that it is time for us to realize in our lives the
reality that in this world, we are part of a power struggle…we are in the midst of a war.

We call this reality…THE CLP REALITY.

In this CLP Reality, we have 3 main facts. And to help us accept these facts, we have to
understand 2 very important points.
1. There are 2 kingdoms opposed to each other
2. God is rescuing us by sending His son, Jesus Christ
3. All people are part of this battle
1. This battle/war is a spiritual warfare
2. We need weapons and protection as soldiers

Point #1 – This is a spiritual warfare – Ephesians 6:12

Can we consider evangelism a spiritual warfare?
We all know that evangelization is the proclamation of Christ. But by extension, it is a form of
preaching or converting others to what you believe in and what you practice in life. Simply put,
it’s either you proclaim and convert people through the help of the Holy Spirit OR the evil forces
and spirits of Satan.

Which leads us to Fact #1…

Fact #1 – Kingdom of Light VS. Kingdom of Darkness

There are two kingdoms opposed to each other – the kingdom of darkness under Satan and the
kingdom of light under Jesus Christ. The world is in Satan's grip and his kingdom includes not
only those who are evil, but also those who are uncommitted. By being such, they serve
Satan's purpose. (if you are not with me, then you are against me).

Since this is a war, there are victims, casualties and injured soldiers. (how are they victims?)

Which leads us to Fact #2…

Fact #2 – Jesus to the Rescue

Jesus has mounted a rescue operation, an attack against Satan's kingdom. It involves bringing
people from darkness to light and taking territory from Satan.

But Satan does not stand still especially when his dominion and his power over people are
threatened. He undertakes defensive action, but most importantly, he is potent and undertakes
offensive actions to those that oppose him.
Which leads us to Point #2

Point #2 – Those who are combatants of God need weapons and protection
Spiritual Weapons
1. Commitment to Christ’s cause – by being righteous and pure with our desires
to let others know of God’s love and will. To be zealous/passionate/enthusiastic about our
2. Singlemindedness of our Purpose – by being focus on the service at hand. To
be persevering of our service.
3. Word of God – in CLP, the word of God is the life (speakers, sharers,
discussion groups, fellowship). To be diligient in obtaining our reasoning from the Word of
4. Spiritual Gifts
Wisdom and knowledge – To share our past hurts and pains
(empathetic/sympathetic) to others; to be generous of our wisdom and knowledge of
Discernment – to be mindful of our decisions and actions towards
people and situations.
Faith – to know that there is hope and peace for all those who seek
answers from God.
Healing – to cease past pain and hurts
Miracles – to believe that we can turn a new leaves through CLP

Protection – the Armor of God

1. Truth - Protection against lies and errors (Satan will make us doubt, think we
are too sinful). Rest on the truth that God loves us and He will provide…that He has not given
us a service or has put us in a situation that we can’t handle.
2. Justice and Righteousness - Protection against evil and sinful desires (Satan
will fill our minds with evil thoughts). Temptations are not sin unless entertained.
3. Gospel of peace - Protection against complacancy and pride (Satan will input
in our minds the phrase, “PWEDE NA YAN”). Be zealous and remain focus in the work at hand.
Fill your service with pure love.
4. Faith - Protection against unbelief (Satan will ask us…”can you do it?”). We
need to realize that we are acting not by our own power but by God's.
5. Word of God - stress daily Scripture readings and recommended books.
6. Prayers - pray at every opportunity.


Fact #3 – All people are part of this battle. Are you with Him…or against Him?
All people are born into this battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of men. More specifically, we
in SFC, having joined God's kingdom, are in the thick of the fight. Because God uses us as
instruments for other men's redemption, we become a direct threat to Satan's dominion, thus
being subject to his offensive tactics. As we evangelize and reach out to other singles,
especially through a CLP, we actively enter into battle.

So I ask you again, are you with Him…or against Him?

Note: Pray to be empty vessels…to allow God to work His plan through you.
SHARING (humility, faith in the Lord)
And as we enter this journey of service, for some this will be new to them, for some this will be
their 2nd or 3rd time to serve in the CLP, let us just keep in mind these 5 important steps as we
begin to accept the CLP REALITY…

Step one – acknowledge Satan and his power. Be conscious that he is everywhere
Physical – illness, fatigue, injuries
Emotional – being negative, over confident, doubt, pride, anger
Spiritual – loss of zeal, loss of prayerfullness, loss of sincerity towards service
and relationships to the team, loss of priorities in life
Step two – acknowledge that through the Holy Spirit, you have the power and authority
over Satan (through your prayers). – ex. Prayover the spots during empowerment
Step three – acknowlege that there will be difficulties along the way, we are to bear them
and overcome them…we need to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow him (so think
of fasting as well)
Step four - acknowledge your team. Guard your relationships. Protect them for surely they
will be tested through service and situations
Step five – acknowledge that this is a won victory. Right when you are called to serve, God
has already planned for you to be part of this victory and He has planned for you to serve Him
and glorify Him through your faith.

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