Chapter 5

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Seb started looking for songs him and Alie used to sing back when they were together.

Songs that reminded them of each other. Songs they’ve exchanged with each other.
“Okay, okay. I found a good one, Alie.” Seb said while he merrily presses on the remote’s
buttons . The song’s title came up surprising Alie, making her gasp.
“No way.” Alissa said with her eyes wide open looking at Seb and back at the screen. “You
“How could I forget.” He said with his eyes closed, head facing the floor. “I used to sing
this to you during our late night calls.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Alie said. She couldn’t help but look at him for a decent amount of
time. Just appreciating how great of a guy he was and still is. “Seb, thank you. Thank you for
Seb smiled at Alie with happiness in his eyes. “Anything for you, Alie.”
“Okay, the song’s about to start.”
Seb and Alie sang their hearts out., knowing every single word of the songs by heart.
“Now and then you miss it, sounds make you cry…”
“…some nights you dance with tears in your eyes.”
“Keep a place for me, for me…”
“I’ll sleep between y’all, it’s nothing.”
As they continued to sing, their eyes met with each other. Alie’s eyes glued to Seb’s. She
faintly stopped singing, lowering the mic to her lap. Seb did not gaze away from Alie’s eyes. He
slowly took her hand, holding it tightly.
“What happened… to us?” Seb asked with an obvious tone of sadness with it.
“I-I don’t know. Why’d you ghost me?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t feel ready back then. Now I feel so stupid leaving you like that.”
“It’s okay, Seb. I forgive you.”
“Alie… I still love you.”
“Seb.” Alie looked at him with despair. She’s already with someone, someone who would
never let her down.
“I know, I know. I’m too late.”
“Yeah… I’m sorry.”
Seb looked at her with a glimpse of hope. Slowly, he leaned in closer and closer towards
her face. Alie felt his warm breath crawl on her face’s skin. In no time, Seb’s lips met Alie’s.
Just like the old days.

Along came Seb

On the 17th of January, Alissa has entered a horrible chapter in her life. Not knowing what was yet
to come. Seb, Alissa’s ex, were good friends. Being in good terms with someone from the past who was
long gone is not so common with Alissa. In fact, every person that Alissa has cut off are completely
forgotten, erased in her memory for good. Alissa’s emotionally numb. Walls higher than the tallest tower
Somehow, Seb was an exception. Might be her biggest mistake, but who knows. It’s all going be
up to her. Alissa always thought of keeping her boyfriend in mind. Under any circumstances, Alissa was to
stay loyal, her love for him gets anyone speechless.
Although, Alissa has no idea how she used to feel for Seb. Did Alissa actually love him? Alissa
was so unsure, her assumption was that genuine feelings were not felt.
“Let’s go?” Seb asked Alissa. They were both lazily sitting there at the coffee shop all too familiar
for the both of them.
“Damn. I don’t know, should we really?” Alissa said with a loud grunt.
They look at each other intently. They both knew what they wanted to do. Just like old times.
Truancy, a habit they both possess. Alissa and Seb don’t go to the same school, though they used to walk
together since they live in the same village.
“I don’t think we have anything important to do in school anyway.”
“So, where you wanna go?” Alissa said with excitement in her tone.
“Wanna go to Taft?”
“Don’t you think it’s too early for that?” Taft is known for their bars filled with college students
from different universities in Manila.
“Right.” Seb looked up at the ceiling as if he was thinking of ideas for a research study. “MoA?”
“Oooh. I’m down.” They both laughed, thinking of how they used to be like that when they were
“We should probably wait for a bus right now.”
“Yeah. Be careful though. Someone might see us in uniform.”
Carefully they run to the bus terminal just across the coffee shop. Looking left and right for any
signs of students in uniforms who might see them.
“Go, Alissa!” Seb shouted as they hurried entering the bus.
And there they were, sitting beside each other in the half empty bus. Just like before.
“Oh crap. I forgot to tell Sean.” Alissa said pulling out her phone. Alissa always had the
tendency of forgetting to update his boyfriend with important things. “Okay, I already texted him.”
Seb nodded at Alissa. Sean, Alissa’s boyfriend, wasn’t really a fan of the idea of her
hanging out with Seb, her ex. But, pulling out the if-there's-no-trust-it-isn't-love card, Sean had no
choice but to go along with it.
“I barely had sleep last night”
“Why, what’s wrong?” Seb looked at her worried.
“Sean is just a pain in the ass sometimes. He keeps doubting me and accusing me of things
I’m genuinely incapable of doing.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, cheating?” Alissa said looking Seb in the eyes.
“Didn’t you say you cheated on me before?”
“Yes. I did. But can’t a person change? I told him I changed. Why can’t he at least believe
me just a little.”
“It’s not that easy, Alissa.” Seb told Alissa with a slightly higher tone in his voice.
“I know, but if we have to fight about having trust issues all the time, I want out.”
Seb shook his head with a smile. “Do you actually even love the guy?”
“I... I don’t know anymore. I do know that I used to. It’s just... I’m not sure anymore, you
know? Ever since he knew about me and Ella.”
“Just show a little empathy for him. Like you said, he’s been going through a lot.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Alissa knew she still loved Sean. Although, right now was blurry for her. Alissa felt safe
with Seb as if they’re back together.
“Wanna nap on my shoulder?” Seb asked Alissa, noticing her eyes falling asleep. “You
should really rest your eyes for a bit.”
“Yeah sure thanks.” Alissa then leaned her head on Seb’s shoulder. Moving her head
around for a more comfortable position.
30 minutes have passed they were halfway there. Alissa fast asleep on Seb’s shoulder made
Seb also feel comfortable, with her presence. Seb was unsure if what they were dooing was right.
“Alissa, wake up.” Seb said tapping on Alissa’s head.
“What? We’re here already?”
As they got out of the bus, Alissa immediately asked. “So, now what?”
“Now we roam.”
“Wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure. Let’s check if there’s any good ones.”
They both started walking going to the cinema while laughing around about the old days
back when they were together.
“Remember that one time we went on a karaoke night?”
“Oh my God, yes!”
“And I was rapping the whole verse of Super Bass by Nicki Minaj with you?”
“Yeah! Oh God, I miss those times so much.”
“Haha. Same.” Seb chuckled.
They arrived at the cinema counter. “So, you see anything good?”
“Yeah, Aquaman?”
“Alright.” Seb walks closer to the cash register “Two tickets for Aquaman, please.”
“That’ll be 560 pesos.” The girl at the cashier said.
As Seb paid and got the tickets they walked towards cinema 2. “Ah here we are.”
The stairs in the cinema was quite dark making Alissa miss a step. “Woah!”
“Got you!” Seb held Alissa’s hand making sure she doesn’t fall. “You okay?”
“Yeah sorry, I can’t really see clearly without my glasses.” Alissa said feeling the rush of
blood in her face from embarrassment.
“It’s okay, I know that, Alissa.” Seb said with a faint smile on his face. Seb knew about
Alissa’s eye defects from the very beginning.

As they sat down on their respective seats, Alissa began to complain. “Why is it so
damn cold in here.”
“You know you have low tolerance with the cold, right? You should really think of
bringing a jacket wherever you go.”
“Yeah, but it’s a chore taking it off and carrying it once it gets hot. So, it’s whatever.”
Seb hits Alissa lightly at the back of her head.
While the movie started. Alissa couldn’t help but shiver from the coldness that the
air conditioner gave off. She kept on rubbing her arms with both of her hands to keep her
a little bit warm. Seb noticed her moving around, getting distracted with the noise her chair
was making.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you?”
“I can’t help it Seb.” And at that Seb moved closer beside her and hugged her,
transferring his body heat to her.
“W—what? What’re you doing”
“I’m keeping you warm, dummy. I can’t watch the movie with you making all that
“O-oh, I’m sorry.”
While Alissa got comfortable and stopped struggling in Seb’s she felt a sense of
guilt. Then she thought, “Friends could do this... right?”
The movie ended just like that. Time went fast while Seb’s arms were wrapped
around Alissa.
“Bring a jacket next time.”
“Yeah... sorry ‘bout that again.”
“It’s fine Alie.” Seb said with a warm smile.
“Hey, wanna go to TimeZone?”
“Cute. Sure.”
As they got to TimeZone Alissa immediately asked the lady at the counter to load
her card. Quickly, she grabbed the card and headed to the mini-karaoke booth.
“So... mind if we go back to the old days?”
“Not at all, Alie.”

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