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IT Class Notes

Topic Page NO
 Definition of IT-------------------------------------------- 2
 Definition of computer Technology------------------- 2
 Communication Technology---------------------------- 2
 Definition of computer----------------------------------- 2
 Main parts of computer ---------------------------------- 2-3
 Basic parts of computer ---------------------------------- 3
 History of computer -------------------------------------- 4
 Types of computer ---------------------------------------- 4-5
 Input & Output Devices with detail -------------------- 5-6
 Processing Devices ---------------------------------------- 6
 Storage Devices ------------------------------------------- 7
 Number System ------------------------------------------- 8
 RAM & ROM---------------------------------------------- 8
 Classification of computer ------------------------------- 9
 Five basic operations of computer---------------------- 9
 Define Pixel------------------------------------------------ 10
 Printer & their types--------------------------------------- 10-11
 Data & their types------------------------------------------ 12
 Types of Keyboard Keys --------------------------------- 12-13
 Internet with advantages & disadvantages------------- 13-14
 Network & their types------------------------------------- 15
 Bit & Bytes ------------------------------------------------- 15-16
 What is CPU ----------------------------------------------- 16
 What is System Unit -------------------------------------- 16-17
 Operating System & Their types ----------------------- 18
 Discuss CLI & GUI --------------------------------------- 19
 What is Microsoft Window ------------------------------ 19
 DOS (Disk Operating System)-------------------------- 20
 Wireless Network & their types------------------------ 20-21
 Computer Virus------------------------------------------- 21
 Antivirus--------------------------------------------------- 21
 Monitor & Their Types --------------------------------- 22
 Five generation of computer---------------------------- 22-23
 Types of Computer Language ------------------------- 23
 HTML & other definition ------------------------------- 24-25
 Extension--------------------------------------------------- 25
 Flash Drive------------------------------------------------- 26-27
 Short Definitions------------------------------------------ 27-28

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 What is IT?
Stands for "Information Technology" and is pronounced "I.T. Information technology is the
application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate
Information Technology (IT) mainly deals with computer applications.

Computer Technology:-
The definition of computer technology is the design and construction of computers to better help
people at work, school, home, etc.

Communication Technology:-
Communication technology is the activity of designing, constructing and maintaining
communication systems. In the modern era it is referred to as ICT. This is information and
communications technology, and includes any communication device or application such as radio
and television. Systems such as telephones, telex, fax, radio, television, and video are included, as
well as more recent computer-based technologies, including electronic data interchange and e-mail.

 What is Computer?
Definition of Computer:
Computer is an electronic machine that can accept data (input) work and data according to given
command (process) produce result (output) and store the result for future. It‟s called computer.
Computer is an electronic machine that can accept data according to given commands or given
instructions is called computer.
 How many Main Parts of Computer?
There are four main parts of computer
1. Monitor
2. System Unit
3. Keyboard
4. Mouse

1. Monitor
It looks like a TV screen. You can see your work on the monitor, you can also read books and
watch Movies on the monitor.

2. System Unit
The main component of a desktop PC is the system unit, which is the case that house‟s the
computer‟s critical parts, such as its processing and storage devices. A system unit has a power
Button with which you can turn on or off the Computer.

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3. Keyboard
A keyboard has many buttons on it. You can see the letters and numbers printed on these buttons.
You use the keyboard to type any things in the Computer. There are 102 to 130 buttons on normal
or multimedia keyboard. The standard layout of Keyboard keys is “QWERTY”.

4. Mouse
It looks like a real mouse with a long tail. It works like a key. You can use it to open and shut down
the computer. To use the mouse you have to click its buttons.
There are three buttons of mouse
(i) Primary Button (Left Button)
(ii) Secondary Button (Right Button)
(iii) Scroll Button (Scroll ball).
How many Basic Parts of Computer?
There are two basic parts of Computer system
1. Hardware
2. Software.

Hardware is any component of a computer system which we can see or touch.
There are two kinds of hardware
i. Components. ii. Peripherals.
i) Components.
Components are the piece of hardware which are inside in the system Unit.
Example: RAM, Processor, Hard Disk, Power Supply etc
ii) Peripherals.
Peripherals are any piece of hardware that can be attached to System Unit.
Example: Keyboard, Printer, Mouse, Scanner etc

Is a collection of programs, procedures and documentation that will make physical components in
computer to do some task.
Set of instructions that we can‟t touch are called software.
For Example: MS Office, Windows XP, Paint etc.
There are two types of software
i. Application Software ii. System Software

i) Application Software
Application Software is a set of one or more program designed to carry out operation for a specified
Ex: Paint, MS Word, MS Excel etc.
II) System Software
Also known as a system Package is a set of one or more program designed to control the operations
of a computer system.
Ex: Window XP, Window 98 etc.
 History Of Computer:-
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History of computer is divided into three ages:
1. Dark Age
2. Middle Age
3. Modern Age

1. Dark Age:-
ABACUS was developed in china in about 3000 BC. It is considered as
“First Counting Machine”.
1st Computer” An abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily in parts
of Asia for performing arithmetic processes”


In 1642 Blaise Pascal a French mathematician invented a mechanical machine which was
capable to perform additions & subtractions.


In 1671 a German Philosopher Von Leibniz invented a machine which was capable to perform
additions, subtractions, multiplications & divisions.


In 1822 Charles Babbage made a machine known as “BABBAGE DIFFERENCE ENGINE”
which was capable to solve simple formulas & calculations. Charles Babbage was the first man
who gives the idea of computer that‟s why he is known as “Father of Computer”.
This engine can perform 60 additions per minute.

2. Middle Age:-
In 1890 an American Statistician Hermon Hollerith invented a Punch Card &
Punch Card reading machine to process the sensus data. It was an electro-mechanical device. In
1911 Hollerith invented another machine which was capable to sort Punch Card.

3. Modern Age:-
In modern age an American Professor Howard Aiken of Harvard university
developed an automatic calculating machine “MARK-I” in 1944. It was first electro-mechanical
computer in which all internal operations were performed automatically. This computer followed
the Babbage computer idea.

 How many types of computer?

There are three types of computer

Computer which consists only of electrical circuit, PCBS (printed circuit boards) are Called digital
computer. These Computers are very fast working. For example Calculators, digital watches.

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These computer which consist of machine rather than electronic parts are called analog computers
for example, analog watch speed meters of cars and motor Bike

These are also special purpose computers, that are mixture of both analog and digital computer, this
means that some of their parts are digital while other are analog. for example VCR so it is
combination of both electrical ICs, and Mechanical Pulleys, belts etc..

What is Input & Output & What are Input & Output

 What is Input?
Input is any data or instructions entered to the computer. Input can be in the form of audio, video,
graphics and animations and instructions.

 What are input devices?

Any hardware component used to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a


 Key Board
 Mouse
 PC Camera
 Scanner
 Microphone etc

 Keyboard
A keyboard has many buttons on it. You can see the letters and numbers printed on these buttons.
You use the keyboard to type things on the Computer. There are 102 to 130 buttons on normal
keyboard or multimedia keyboard.
 Mouse
It looks like a real mouse with a long tail. It works like a key. You can use it to open and shut down
the computer. To use the mouse you have to click its buttons.
 Scanner
Hardware input device that allows a user to take an image and/or text and convert it into a digital
file, allowing the computer to read and/or display the scanned object. A scanner is commonly
connected to a computer USB port.

 Microphone
Sometimes abbreviated as mice, a microphone is a hardware peripheral that allows computer users
to input audio into their computers.

 What is Output?
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Output is the data that has been processed in to useful form. The computer takes the input from user
process it and produced output. Output also can be text, Audio, Video, graphics and animations.

 What are output devices?

Any hardware component used to show results after processing to any user and it use to send the
results of processing to the user.

 Monitor
 Printer
 Headphone
 Projectors
 Sound card
 Speakers etc

 Monitor
It looks like a TV screen. You can see your work On the monitor you can also read books and
watch Movies on the monitor.
 Printer
Printer is an Output device. Through the help of printer we can print any text, image or any
other type of data from computer in a hardcopy.
 Projector
A hardware device that enables an image, such as a computer screen, to be projected onto a flat
surface. These devices are commonly used in meetings and presentations as they allow for a
large image to be shown so everyone in a room can see.
 Speaker: Speaker allow you to hear music, voice, and other sounds generated by computer.

 What are processing devices?

Definition of Processing Devices: -
Processing devices are those devices which are used by computer for processing the instructions
and other data.


Data is entered into a computer using an input device such as a keyboard or mouse. It will then be
output by output device like monitor or speakers. However, for the data to get from the input stage
to the output stage something needs to be processed. There is a processing device inside all
computers called the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Due to this it is called Brain of Computer.
The more powerful the processing device the more powerful the computer will be.

What are Storage Devices?

The devices which are used to save the programs, files & any type of data permanently or
temporary are called Storage Devices.
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There are two types of Storage Devices.
1. Temporary Storage Devices
2. Permanent Storage Devices
1. Temporary Storage Devices
(i) RAM
i) RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is a temporary memory. All the information stored in RAM is lost every time you turn off
your computer.
RAM is similar to the blackboard. Everything you write on the blackboard stays there until
someone erases it. RAM is the shape of a circuit board. It is fixed on the motherboard.
The contents of RAM can be read and written as well.
RAM is a short term memory.
The contents stored in RAM can be changed if needed.
2. Permanent Storage Devices
i. Hard disk
ii. USB
iii. CD & DVD ROM
iv. Floppy Disk etc
i. Hard Disk
The most commonly used secondary devices is the Hard disk. It is fixed in the system unit. The
hard disk stores all the data and information permanently.
The storage capacity is limited as compared to hard disk. CD can store approximately 700 MB
of information (including text, graphics, sound etc). A DVD can store data more than a CD. The
storage capacity of a DVD is 4.7 GB.
iii. USB Drive.
It is also called Data traveler, Pen drive or Flash drive. Today Pen drive is most commonly used
memory. We can easily carry this memory from one place to another. The functions of Pen
drive much like the hard disk. They also store large amount of memory. It is available in
different capacities from 1 GB to 24 GB.
iv. Floppy Disk
It is also a permanent secondary storage device. Floppy Disk store 1.44 MB of data. Now a day
it is not commonly used because of its low storage capacity.

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Number System
The number system is used for counting different things. Each number system uses a base which is
called „radix‟.
There are four types of number systems are typically used which are:
1. Decimal Number System
2. Binary Number System
3. Octal Number System
4. Hexadecimal Number System
 Decimal Number System:
The Decimal Number System has ten numbers which are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 therefore its radix
(base) is 10.

 Binary Number System:

The Binary Number System has two numbers which are 0 and 1 therefore its radix (base) is 2.

 Octal Number System:

The Octal Number System has eight numbers which are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 therefore its radix
(base) is 8.

 Hexadecimal Number System:

The Hexadecimal Number System has sixteen numbers which are
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F therefore its radix (base) is 16.
What is RAM & ROM?
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Memory can be change is called Ram. It stores programs
and data temporarily. RAM can be erased. It is a high speed and volatile memory; its contents are
lost once the power is shut off.

ROM stands for Read Only memory. Memory cannot be changed is called ROM. It contains
programs and data that are permanently recorded. ROM is a non volatile memory. Data and
programs do not disappear when the power is turned off. The information stored in ROM is
available only to read and process, but cannot be changed for the user.



(Random Access Memory) (Read-Only Memory)

 Temporary memory for programs and data  Permanent Memory to start up the computer
presently in use.  Non-Volatile- Don‟t Disappear when power
 Volatile - disappears when power goes off. goes off.
 Ram is temporary store of data.  Rom is permanent store of data

 Ram is primary storage of data.  Rom is secondary storage of data.

 Ram has small capacity of store data.  Rom has high capacity of store data
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Computers are classified in the following categories:
1. Mini Computers.
2. Micro Computers.
3. Mainframe Computers.
4. Super Computers.

(1) Micro computers:

These computers use a microprocessor chip and this chip is used instead of CPU means that this
microprocessor chip works as a CPU.
These computers are also called personal computers. Two major types of these computers are laptop or
Desktop computers. Only one user uses these computers at time that's why they are also known as
“Personal Computers” (PC).

(2) Mini Computers:

These are powerful computer. These computers come into existence in 1960s at that time mainframe
computer was very costly. Mini computers were available in cheap prices, so users start using it.

(3) Mainframe Computer:

It as a very powerful and large computer. You can get idea of its power as it can handle processing of
many users at a time.
Terminals are used to connect a user to this computer and users submit there task through mainframe.
Terminal is a device which has keyboard and a screen. By using terminal users put inputs into the
computer and get the output through screen.

(4) Super Computers:

As the name "super computer" specifies that these are most powerful computers even than mainframe.
Actually, when we optimize a mainframe computer then we get super computer.
Five Basic Operation Of Computer:-
All Computers perform the following five operations.
1: Input
2: Processing
3: Output
4: Storing
5: Controlling
1. Input: The process of entering data and instruction into the computer system.
2. Processing: Performing arithmetic (plus, minus, multiplication, division etc) or logical operations
(less than, equal to, Greater than etc) on data in order to convert them into useful information.
3. Output: The process of producing useful information or result for the use, such as a printed report
or visual display etc.
4. Storing: Saving data and instruction so that they are available for processing.
5. Controlling: Directing the manner and sequence in which all of the above operations are

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What is Pixel:-
In digital imaging, a pixel (picture element) is the smallest piece of information in an image. Pixels are
normally arranged in a regular 2-dimensional grid, and are often represented using dots, squares, or
rectangles. Each pixel is a sample of an original image, where more samples typically provide a more
accurate representation of the original. The intensity of each pixel is variable; in color systems, each
pixel has typically three or four components such as red, green, and blue, or cyan, magenta, yellow,
and black.
The word pixel is based on a contraction of pix
(for "pictures") and el (for Resolution Width x "element").
(megapixels) Height
CGA 0.064 320×200
EGA 0.224 640×350
VGA 0.3 640×480
SVGA 0.5 800×600
XGA 0.8 1024×768
SXGA 1.3 1280×1024
UXGA 1.9 1600×1200

What is Printer?
Definition of printer
A printer is an Output device which converts the text and graphical documents from electronic form
to the physical form.
It is Output device that is produce text & image on to the paper.
Generally they are the external peripheral devices which are connected with the computers or laptops
through a cable or wirelessly to receive input data and print them on the papers.

There are three major types of Printer.

1. Dot Matrix Printer
2. Inkjet Printer
3. Laser Printer

1. Dot-Matrix Printer
Dot-matrix printer is an impact printer that produces text and graphics when tiny wire pins on the print
head strike the ink ribbon. The print head runs back & forth on the paper like typewriter. When the ink
ribbon presses on the paper, it creates dots that form text and images. Higher number of pins means
that the printer prints more dots per character, thus resulting in higher print quality.
Dot Matrix printers are normally haves slow printing speeds ranging from 30-600 characters per
second. They are available at very low cost.

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1. Can be used on continuous form of paper, useful for data logging.
2. Low printing cost per page.
3. The ink ribbon does not easily dry out
4. It is less expensive than other printers.

1. Noisy
2. Limited print quality
3. Low printing Speed
4. Limited color printing
2. Inkjet Printer:-
Inkjet printers are non-impact printers which print text image s by spraying tiny droplets of liquid ink
onto the paper. In Inkjet printer liquid ink is use.
It prints characters by spraying patterns of ink on the paper from a nozzle or jet that can heated up
selectively. The ink comes out of the nozzle in a form of vapors. After passing through a reflecting
plate, it forms the desired letter/shape at the desired place.
1. Low Cost
2. Quieter than dot matrix printer
3. Easy to use
4. High quality of Output, Capable of printing fine & smooth details
5. Responsibly fast

1. Printing Speed is not good as compare to Laser printer
2. Expensive replacement ink cartridges
3. Aqueous ink is sensitive to water; even a small drop of water can cause blurring.
4. Cannot use Highlighter marker on inkjet printouts.
5. Not good for high volume printing

3. Laser Printer:-
Laser printers are non-Impact printers which print text and images in high speed & high quality
resolution, ranging from 600 to 1200 dpi.
Laser printers are the most popular printers that are mainly used for large scale qualitative printing.
They are among the most popularly used fastest printers available in the market. A laser printer uses a
slight different approach for printing. It does not use ink like inkjet printers, instead it uses a very fine
powder known as „Toner‟.
Laser printers are the page printers, which print one page at a time. Main component of the laser
printer are a laser beam source, multi sided mirror, a photoconductive drum, and toner.
1. High Resolution
2. High printing speed
3. Low cost per page (compare to inkjet printer)
4. Printout is not sensitive to water
5. Good for High Volume printing
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1. More Expensive than inkjet printer
2. The cost of toner replacement & Drum replacement is high
3. Bulkier than inkjet printer
4. Warm up to needed

What is Data & how many types of Data?

The word data is the plural of “DATUM” which means facts. Data is raw form of facts gathered from
different sources. Data may consist of numbers & symbols etc.
Data is a raw form of facts gathered from one or more sources & these facts are processed to get information
or result. And collection of raw facts & figures is called data.
Types of Data
1. Manual Data Processing:-
2. Mechanized Data Processing:-

1. Manual Data Processing:-

In this types of data processing all the operations are performed manually or by hand. The tools
which are used in manual data processing are: Paper, Pencil, Eraser, File, Folder, Register &
notebooks. These are used to store or save the processed data.
2. Mechanized Data Processing:-
There are three categories:
i. Mechanical Data Processing.
ii. Electromechanical Data Processing.
iii. Electronic Data Processing.
i. Mechanical Data Processing.
In mechanical data processing devices like: Type writer, Cash register

ii, Electromechanical Data Processing.

An electromechanical data processing devices such as: Electronic type writer, Punch card & punch paper.
iii, Electronic Data Processing.
In electronic data processing devices such as: Computer, Calculator.

Arranging data in a meaningful form is called information.

Types of keys of the Keyboard

There are four types of keyboard keys

1. Alphabet keys = A, B… Z
2. Number keys = 0, 1, 2...9
3. Function keys = F1, F2… F12
4. Special purpose keys = Del, Alt, Ctrl, Shift…

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Different keyboard keys & their Functions

Caps lock: - It is used to make the alphabets capital or small. When it is pressed ON it gives capital
alphabets and when it is OFF it gives small alphabets.
Enter: - It is used to break the lines, paragraph or columns.
Shift: - It is used to display capital and small alphabets by holding shift we can bring changes in the
Tab: - It is used to give long space between two character and words.
Space bar: - It is used to give space between two character and words.
Back space: - It is used to remove character at the back of the cursor.
Delete: - It is used to remove character at the right of the cursor.
End: - It is used to move the cursor at the end of the line.
Home: - It is used to move the cursor at the beginning of the line.
Page up: - It is used to move the cursor one page up.
Page down: - It is used to move the cursor one page down.
Esc: - It is used to cancel any job function.
Num lock: - It is used to lock and unlock the numeric pad.
Alt + ctrl: - For special purposes only.
Arrows: - There are 4arrow keys.
Down arrow: - It is used to move the cursor one line down.
UP arrow: - It is used to move the cursor one line up.
Right: - It is used to move the cursor one character right.
Left arrow: - It is used to move the cursor one character left.

 What is Internet, Define advantages & disadvantages of Internet?

The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a
network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information
from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). It was conceived by
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known
as the ARPANET

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history
of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. But
usually, greater magnitude of advantages outweighs its disadvantages.
In science and technology, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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♣ Communication:
The foremost target of internet has always been the communication.
Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.
Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved
ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering.
♣ Information
Information is probably the biggest advantage internet. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information.
The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of
data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available
on the internet.
♣ Entertainment
Entertainment is another popular reason why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, media of
internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted entertainment factor. Downloading games,
visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous
games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet
new and interesting people. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music,
hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet.
♣ Services
Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for
your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life, and hotel
♣ E-Commerce
Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial maneuvering, or business deals that involves the
transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind
of shopping, almost anything. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs,
technology to entertainment.


♣ Theft of Personal information

If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name,
address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse.
♣ Spamming:
Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly
obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just
ignoring it, you should make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the Internet can
become that much safer.

♣Virus threat
Today not only humans getting virus but computer are also. Computers are getting these viruses from
Internet. Virus is a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems.
Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your
whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache.

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♣ Pornography:
This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children‟s healthy mental life. A very serious issue
concerning the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily
found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet.

What is Network, How many types of Network?

Network is a process by which two or more computers are linked together for a flawless communication.
Types of Network
There are three types of network
1. LAN - Local Area Network
2. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
2. WAN - Wide Area Network

1. LAN - Local Area Network

LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN is a computer network which cover small physical area
like Home, Office, Small group of building such as school, airport etc.

2. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network

MAN stand for Metropolitan Area Network. This kind of network is not mostly used but it has its
own importance for some government bodies and organizations on larger scale. MAN,
metropolitan area network falls in middle of LAN and WAN, It covers large span of physical area
than LAN but smaller than WAN, such as a city.

3. WAN - Wide Area Network

WAN stands for Wide Area Network. WAN cover large distance for communication between
computers. The largest and well-known example of WAN is “INTERNET”. A WAN is a data
communication network that covers relatively broad area e.g. (one city to another city, one country
to another country) and that often use transmission facilities provided by common carriers such as
Telephone Companies etc.

What is Bit & Bytes

 Bit (binary digit)
A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary
value, either 0 or 1. Although computers usually provide instructions that can test and manipulate
bits, they generally are designed to store data and execute instructions in bit multiples called bytes.
In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. The value of a bit is usually stored as
either above or below a designated level of electrical charges in a single capacitor within a memory

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 Bytes:-
The smallest unit use to measure the computer memory is called Byte.
Computer can store a huge amount of data for the future use in auxiliary device like floppy disk,
hard disk or compact disk. The storing capacity of computer is expressed in bytes. Normal y one
byte stores one character of data. The storage capacity of computer expressed in bytes. Bytes store
one character of data.

8 Bit => 1 bytes

1024 Bytes => 1(KB) Kilobyte
1024 Kilobytes => 1(MB) Megabyte
1024 Megabyte => 1(GB) Gigabyte
1024 Gigabytes => 1 (TB) Terabyte

What is CPU?
The most essential part of the computer that performs the various operations provided. It is also
called the brain of the computer. It is mainly divided into three categories:

 Arithmetic & logic Unit:

It performs all arithmetical as well as logical operations such as Addition, subtraction, multiplication &
division. Also it performs the comparison between the entities & thus help in decision making to the

 Control Unit:

It controls the flow of instruction within the system. CU gets the program instruction from memory &
executes them one after another.
 Memory Unit
It saves the instructions that are being executed for the future use. Each instruction takes certain memory for
its proper execution.
The main and very important component is System unit. System unit is a case that contains all
components which are very important for the processing of data.
The main components of system unit are here under:
 Mother Board
 CPU (Central Processing Unit)
 Primary Memory
 Ports & connectors
 Expansion slots & Adaptor Cards
 Buses
 Power supply

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Also known as Main Board, System Board, and Logic Board. The Motherboard is a printed
circuit that is the foundation of a computer and allows the CPU, RAM, and all other computer
hardware components to function with each other.
Shortly we can define it as
 Main circuit board in system unit
 Contains chips, integrated circuits, and transistors
 Also called system board
The CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, is the part of a computer system that is commonly
referred to as the "brains" of a computer. The CPU is also known as the “processor” or
The CPU is responsible for executing a sequence of stored instructions called a program. The
program tells a computer what to do and how to do? This program will take inputs from an input
device, process the input in some way and output the results to an output device.


The primary memory or the main memory is part of the main computer system. The processor or
the CPU directly stores and retrieves information from it. This memory is accessed by CPU, in
random fashion. That means any location of this memory can be accessed by the CPU to either
read information from it, or to store information in it.
There are two types of memory
1. RAM
2. ROM


RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Memory can be change is called Ram. The data in RAM
is lost when the computer is turned OFF so it is known as Volatile Memory. When the computer is
turned ON the RAM is empty.
ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Memory cannot be changed is called ROM. It contains
programs and data that are permanently recorded. ROM is a non volatile memory.


A personal computer may have several ports for connecting devices such as a Monitor, keyboard,
Scanner, Mouse, USB port and other peripherals devices.

There are two types of ports
 Serial port
 Parallel port

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Expansion slot is an opening, or socket, where circuit board is inserted into motherboard. Expansion
card inserted in expansion slot.

Buses move data with in the motherboard.
There are two Types of Buses
1. System Bus
2. Expansion Bus


It supplies electric supply to all components of system unit. It Converts alternating current (AC) to
direct current (DC). It is responsible for supply of power to all components according to its voltage.
In Short:
It converts high voltage into low voltage.

 Operating System:-
The master control program that provides and interface for a user to communicate with the
computer, it manages hardware devices, manages and maintains disk file systems and supports
application programs.

Operating system is the most important “System Program”. An Operating system (OS) is an
integrated set of programs that is used to manage the various resources and overall operations of
a computer system. The main goal of an operating system is to improve the performance and
efficiency of a computer system and increase the ease with which a system can be used.
For Example:
Windows XP & Window 98 these are our Operating system.

Functions of Operating System:

Displays the on-screen elements with which you interact the user interface.
 Loads program (Such as word processing and spreadsheet program) into the computer‟s
memory so that you can use them.
 Coordinates how programs work with the computer‟s hardware and other software.
 Manages the way information is stand on and retrieved from disks.

 Types of Operating System:-

Operating System can be organized into following types:
1. Single-User/Single Tasking Operating System
2. Single-User/Multitasking Operating System
3. Multi-User/Multitasking Operating System

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1. Single-User/Single Tasking Operating System:-

An Operating System that allows a single user to perform just one task at a time is called Single-
User/Single Tasking Operating System. MS DOS is the example of Single-User/Single Tasking
Operating System.

2. Single-User/Multitasking Operating System:-

An operating system that allows a single user to perform two or more functions at once. It takes a
special operating system to keep two or more tasks running at once. The most commonly used
personal computers usually run such operating system, including Microsoft window and Macintosh
operating system.
3. Multi-User/Multitasking Operating System:-
An Operating System that allows multiple users to uses programs that are simultaneously running
on a single network server called a Terminal Server. When a computer is connected to a server to
access document files to edit, the client computer performs the processing work locally. So with a
multi-User operating System, which gives each user a complete environment called a user session
on the server.
A Multi-User/Multitasking operating system runs on a computer to which many user connect, each
user can run his/her own session on the server.

 Discuss CLI & GUI

 CLI (Command-Line Interface):-
Command-Line Interface uses type write commands rather than graphical objects to execute tasks.
A command line interface display in character mode using only equal sized alphanumeric and other
simple symbols. User interact with a command line interface by typing strings of characters at a
prompt on the screen. The oldest operating system MS DOS is the example of CLI.

 GUI (Graphical User Interface):-

A user interface in which actions are initiated when the user selects an Icon, Toolbar buttons, or an
option from a pull down menu with mouse or and devices on screen as graphical elements that the
user can use by clicking or dragging. Most current operating system including all versions of
windows etc are the example of GUI.

 What is Microsoft Windows

Windows is a series of operating systems developed by Microsoft. Microsoft Windows introduced
in 1985. Each version of Windows includes a graphical user interface, with a desktop that allows
users to view files and folders in windows. Windows has been the most widely used operating
system for personal computers PCs. Microsoft Windows is designed for both home computing and
professional purposes.

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 DOS (Disk Operating System):-
The most important software is DOS. DOS reside on a floppy disk or hard disk. DOS operates by
controlling all the hardware. It is invisible to the user. When you start the computer the DOS
program are loaded into the main memory. In 1980 DOS was written by Microsoft Corp.

 It controls the hardware of the computer system.
 It manages the information on the disk.
 It runs the computer programs.


1. cd Changes directories.
2. dir List the contents of one or more directory.
3. copy Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
4. del Deletes one or more files.
5. edit View and edit files.
6. move Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
7. ren (rename) Renames a file or directory.
8. deltree Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
9. cls Clears the screen.
10. format Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.

 Define Wireless Networking & their types?

Wireless Networking
The term refers to any kind of networking that does not involve cables. It is a technique that
helps entrepreneurs and telecommunications networks to save the cost of cables for networking in
specific premises in their installations. The transmission system is usually implemented and
administrated via radio waves where the implementation takes place at physical level.

Types of Wireless Networks

There are four types of wireless networking

1. Wireless PAN
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) interconnect devices within a relatively small
area, generally within reach of a person. For example, Bluetooth Infrared rays provide a
WPAN for interconnecting a headset to a laptop. Wireless PANs are also getting popular as
vendors have started integrating Wi-Fi in variety of consumer electronic devices.

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2. Wireless LAN
A wireless local area network (WLAN) links two or more devices using some wireless
distribution method and usually providing a connection through an access point to the wider
internet. This gives users the mobility to move around within a local coverage area and still be
connected to the network.

Private home or small business WLAN

Commonly, a home or business WLAN employs one or two access points to broadcast a signal
around a 100- to 200-foot radius. You can find equipment for installing a home WLAN in
many retail stores.

3. Wireless MAN
Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks are a type of wireless network that connects several
Wireless LANs.

4. Wireless WAN
Wireless wide area networks are wireless networks that typically cover large outdoor areas.
These networks can be used to connect branch offices of business or as a public internet access
A program or peace of code that is loaded on to your computer without your knowledge and runs
against your wishes.
A Computer virus is a program that can copy itself and infect a computer. Virus can spread from
one computer to another. Virus is dangerous for computer because it delete all data or program
from computer. Virus can also replicate themselves.

Virus made by two Pakistani brothers Amjad and Basit who belong to Lahore The name of virus
was “C BRAIN” in 1986. C BRAIN Virus is the first virus in the world. The size of C BRAIN
Virus is 360 Kb. Virus has up to 1700 kinds. Some viruses are:
Chines, Folder option, Miss u, etc.
Sources through which virus enter in computer are:
Internet, USB, CD or DVD,& Floppy disk etc
USB is the biggest source of Virus.

Computer anti-virus describes an application program that may safeguard your PC from
undesirable infections and take away any that penetrate your computer‟s protection. Various kinds
of anti-virus solutions can be found.
Antivirus is use to inhabit the computer virus. If Antivirus is installing in computer than it
automatically finish, delete or inhabit the virus. Effective antivirus products not only delete or
remove viruses; they also help you to recover data that has been lost because of virus. The two
Pakistani from NED Karachi University discover antivirus. It discover after one year from virus.
The first antivirus is “BRAIN BOOSTER”.
There are so many antiviruses. Some are:
Symantec, A vast, Norton, Avg, Kaspersky, Bit defender etc.

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Define Monitor & their types?
It looks like a TV screen. You can see your work on the monitor, you can also read books and
watch Movies on the monitor.

There are two major types of monitors:
1. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube monitor)
2. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

 CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Monitor

This is the most inexpensive monitor in the market today. It sports quite a large case, which includes
the flat/funnel tubes that displays the images on the screen.
Pixels, made up of phosphors, are the tiny components that make up the image shown onscreen.
These pixels are struck by electrons, which make the pixels glow and eventually form the desired
image on the screen

 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors or Flat Panel monitor, were first developed for use with
laptop computers. Also known as flat screen monitors, they are becoming more and more common
these days. When initially introduced in the market, these flat screens cost quite a fortune. But with
its proliferation, prices are continuing to drop.
These compact screens are perfect for those who don‟t have much space to spare on their office
desks or at home. Moreover, due to its technology, the display is also far superior than the CRT

Generations of Computer:-
First generation of computer (1946 to 1958)
(First Generation - 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes)
i. Vacuum tubes are used to electronic circuit
ii. Storage capacity was limited (1kb to 4kb)
iii. Slow processing (millisecond)
iv. High voltage needed up to 150000 volts.
iv. large in size (5100 feet)

2nd generation of computer (1959 to 1964)

(Second Generation - 1956-1963: Transistors)
i. Transistor were used
ii. Processing speed was faster
iii. Smaller in size (51 feet)
iv. Input and output device were faster
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3rd generation of computer (1965 to 1974)

(Third Generation - 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits)
i. ICs were used in place of transistor
ii. Processing speed is faster than second generation
iii. Minicomputer were in produced during this generation
iv. Storage capacity in measured in mega byte

4 generation of computer (1975 to 1990)


(Fourth Generation - 1971-Present: Microprocessors)

i. VLSI and micro processor are used
ii. Processing speed is very high Giga bytes
iii. Very smaller size
iv. Input and output devices were versatile
5th generation of computer (1990 to Incomplete…)
(Fifth Generation - Present and Beyond: Artificial Intelligence)
i. Intelligent processing
ii. Easy human computing
iii. Computer will understand natural language
iv. They have artificial intelligence.

Types of computer languages

As we human beings communicate with each others in different language such as Urdu, French,
Punjabi and Arabic etc. Similarly to communicate with the computers we have to use specific
languages Language can be categories broadly into three categories.
 MACHINE LANGUAGE: The most elementary and first type of computer, which was invented
as machine language. Machine language was machine dependent. Machine language is sometimes
also referred as the binary language i-e, the language of 0 and 1 where 0 stands for the absence of
electric pulse and 1 stands for the presence of electric pulse. Very few computer programs are
actually written in machine language.

 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: Assembly languages are also called as low level language instead of
using the string of members programmers began using English like abbreviation to represent the
elementary operation. The language provided an opportunity to the programmers to use English like
words that were called MNEMONICS.

 HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE: High level languages are the computer language in which it is
much easier to write a program than the low level language. A program written in high level
language is just like gibing instruction to person in daily life. It was in 1957 that a high level
language called FORTRAN was developed by IBM which was specially developed for scientist and
engineers other high level languages are COBOL which is widely used for business data processing
task. BASIC language which is developed for the beginners in general purpose programming

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language. You Can use C language for almost any programming task. PASCAL are other high level
languages which has gained widespread acceptance.

What is HTML?
The Language used to develop web pages is called Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML).
HTML is the Language interpreted by a browser. Web Pages are also called HTML documents.
HTML is a set of Special codes that can be embedded in text to add formatting and linking

 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

 An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
 The markup tags tell the Web browser how to display the page
 An HTML file must have an .html file extension
 An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor

 HTML tags are used to mark-up HTML elements
 HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < and >
 The surrounding characters are called angle brackets
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>
 The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
 The text between the start and end tags is the element content
 The first tag in your HTML document is <html>. This tag tells your browser that this is the
start of an HTML document. The last tag in your document is </html>. This tag tells your
browser that this is the end of the HTML document.
 The text between the <head> tag and the </head> tag is header information. Header
information is not displayed in the browser window.
 The text between the <title> tags is the title of your document. The title is displayed in
your browser's caption.
 The text between the <body> tags is the text that will be displayed in your browser.
 <b> and </b> tags will be displayed in a bold font.
 <i> & </i> Italic Font
 <u> & </u> Underline Font.

What is WWW?
The World Wide Web (WWW) was created in 1990 by the British physicist Tim Berners-Lee.
On 30 April 1993, he announced that the World Wide Web would be free to use for anyone.

What is Web page?

A web page is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser.
A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. The web page is what
displays, but the term also refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML.

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What is Website?
A website, also written as web site, or simply site, is a set of related web pages. A webpage is a
document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext
Markup Language (HTML

What is WEB Browser?

A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for retrieving,
presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

What is Web server?

A web server is a computer system that processes requests via HTTP, the basic network
protocol used to distribute information on the World Wide Web. The term can refer either to the
entire system, or specifically to the software that accepts and supervises the HTTP requests.

What is Visual Basic (VB)?

A programming language and environment developed by Microsoft. Based on the BASIC
language, Visual Basic was one of the first products to provide a graphical programming
environment. VB developed in 1991.

Visual Basic (VB) is a programming environment from Microsoft in which a programmer uses
a graphical user interface (GUI) to choose and modify preselected sections of code written in
the BASIC programming language. Visual Basic is also widely used to write working

 What is an extension?
The type of a file in which we are saving our completed work, is called extension. Extension is
express in three characters

Program Extension
Notepad . TXT
WordPad . RTF
MS Word 2007 .DOCX
MS Excel 2007 . XLSX
MS PowerPoint 2007 . PPT
MS Paint . BMP

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Short Definitions
PS Short for Power Supply and sometimes abbreviated as PSU which is short for Power Supply Unit.
The PS is an internal hardware component used to supply the power to the components of computer .
Besides properly supplying power to the computer and all its internal components, the power supply
also converts the AC (electrical current) found in most standard wall sockets throughout the United
States into a lower DC voltage that the computer components use.

Also known as the mainboard, backplane board, planar board. The Motherboard is a printed circuit that
is the foundation of a computer and allows the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware
components to function with each other.

The On screen work area is called Desktop.
This screen appears once, windows has startup, display the taskbar and among other items contain
Icons & Recycle bin.
Three main parts of window (1) ICON (2) TASKBAR (3) DESKTOP

 ICON:-
Icon is a play button of a program. Icon is a small graphical image of a program, files, folders etc.

 CUT:-
When you cut text, it is deleted from its current location.
Cut the selection & puts it in the office clipboard.
 COPY:-
Duplication of information.
The process of placing data into the clipboard is known as copying.

Insert data from clipboard at the current position in the document.

 UNDO:-
To cancel your last action within a program.

 REDO:-
If you don‟t like the result of a going action you can redo it.

Cursor is a small vertical line on your screen that is always blinking. You can move it anywhere with
the help of mouse & keyboard. When you type something it starts from Cursor.

An alternative method of quick launching a program.
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A program allow you to perform a specific task or function on your computer, program can also called
application. Program or applications are also called software.

 DATA:-
The raw fact & figure is called data.

The hardware components use to store data, instructions and information permanently or temporarily
are called storage devices.

A smallest unit of an image or picture is called pixel.

Paint is a drawing program or picture editing program.

Word pad is a text editing program in which we can write Essays, Letters & Applications.

Microsoft Word is a document editing program. It is a business document editor, used mainly for
forms, letters, Time table Books contracts etc.

Excel is a spreadsheet application that is typically used for financial information or any other type of
data that contains numbers and equations. Statistics and calculations Invoice Bill & Profit& loss
accounts etc.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program. PowerPoint is widely used by business people,
educators, students, and trainers.

InPage is a page layout software for languages such as Urdu, Persian, Pashto and Arabic under
Windows which was first developed in 1994. It is primarily used for creating pages in the language of

CorelDraw is a vector graphics editor or software.


 C.S.C : Computer Special Course

 C.I.T : Certificate In Information Technology
 D.I.T : Diploma In Information Technology
 VGA : Video Graphics Array
 PC : Personal Computer
 AC : Alternating Current
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 ALU : Arithmetic and Logical Unit
 BIOS : Basic Input and output System
 CPU : Central Processing Unit
 FDD : Floppy Disk Drive
 HDD : Hard Disk Drive
 MS : Microsoft
 MS-DOS : Microsoft Disk Operating System
 PC : Personal Computer
 ROM : Read Only Memory
 RAM : Random Access Memory
 DVD : Digital Video/Versatile Disk
 CD : Compact Disk
 CD-RW : Compact Disk Re-Writable
 CD ROM : Compact Disk Read Only Memory
 DVD ROM : Digital Video /Versatile Disk Read Only Memory
 CD R : Compact Disk Recordable
 CU : Control Unit
 ISP : Internet Service Provider
 WWW : World Wide Web
 LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
 CRT : Cathode Ray Tube
 NTFS : New Technology File System
 FAT : File Allocation Table
 USB : Universal Serial Bus
 UPS : Uninterrupted Power Supply
 XT : Extended Technology
 AT : Advanced Technology
 IP : Internet Protocol
 IDE : Integrated Device Electronics
 SATA : Serial Advance Technology Attachment
 3D : Three Dimensional
 2D : Two Dimensional
 ID : Identity
 UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply
 IP : Internet Protocol
 ATM : Automatic Teller Machine/ Asynchronous Transfer Mode
 HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
 PCBs : Printed Circuit Boards
 DSL : Digital Subscriber Line
 DSN : Domain Name System
 IBM : International Business Machines
 JPEG : Joint Photographic experts Group
 PNG : Portable network graphics
 PCI : Peripheral Component Interconnect

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