k12 Grade 10 English Test Questions

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date

Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions as indicated. Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer
Part 1 Knowledge
A. Most Important Elements in Persuasive Writing
Directions: Blacken the letter of the word/phrase that is best described by each numbered item.(3 pts.)
A. central claim B. evidences C. conclusion D. technique
OOOO 1.It restates the argument and expresses a call to action.
OOOO2.It is the statement that asserts what the writer/ speaker wants the reader/ listener to believe on or to do.
OOOO3. It contains the reasons, examples, statistics, opinions used to support a point of view or stand.
B. Special Terms
Directions: Match each term in column B with the most appropriate description in column A. (5 pts.)
OOOOO4.Catchy hook A. traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious
ABCDE and serves to explain a belief, a mysterious natural phenomenon or a ritual.
OOOOO5.Fallacy B. the statement experiencing the preposition argument or view
ABCDE C. words that strongly appeal to emotion
OOOOO6.Myth D. erroneous appeal to emotion used as persuasive technique
ABCDE E. tries to convince readers to do something or to accept the writer’s point
OOOOO7.Persuasive Essay of view
OOOOO8.Thesis Statement
C. Grammar Modals
Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/ speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined expression. (4 pts.)
A. ability B. necessity C. obligation D. willingness
OOOO 9.Mav: Is this a challenge I must face?
OOOO 10.Sol: Of course, you need to accept that as part of the bargain.
OOOO 11.Mav: I don’t believe I will do it now. After all I’m not yet ready for it.
OOOO 12.Sol: I believe you can do it if you try.
Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns
Directions: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an intensive or reflexive pronoun. (3 pts.)
A. Intensive Pronoun B. Reflexive Pronoun
OO 13.The Greeks themselves felt at home with human Gods.
OO14. They knew how they amused themselves even in banquets.
OO15. Even Hera, the jealous wife herself could be feared.

Part II Understanding
A. Reading and Literature
Directions: Read the following passage carefully, and choose the letter of the word or phrase that best completes each numbered
item.(13 pts.)
1.) It’s true! At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask this question: How do we turn challenges
to opportunities? 2.) Yes, it’s not easy, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to do.
2.) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put into action. 4.) Of course, the
first thing to do is to reflect not on thoughtlessness but we need to start to focus and analyze the
OOOO16.The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _____.
ABCD A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 10
OOOO17.The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make is to _____.
ABCD A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds
OOOO18. To “predict” is a/ an _____ of the word ‘envision” in Sentence no. 9.
ABCD A. contraction B. denotation C. opposite D. symbol
OOOO19.This article/ passage would most probably interest a/ an _____.
ABCD A. adolescent B. biography C. personal essay D. persuasive essay
OOOO 20.The passage is an example of a/ an _____
ABCD A. anecdote B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics
OOOO21.The writer’s comment/ reaction about challenges and opportunities is best supported by _____.
ABCD A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics
OOOO22.The strongest evidence used by the writer to support his opinion about turning challenges to opportunities
ABCD is stated in Sentence no. _____.
A. 3 B. 6 C. 7 D. 9
OOOO 23.An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point through appealing to _____.
ABCD A. emotion B. moral C. reason D. both A and C
OOOO24.The fallacy committed in Sentence No. 7 is ______.
ABCD A. attacking the person B. bandwagon C. hasty generalization D. plain folks
If I were a man, a young man, and knew what I know to-day,
I would look into the eyes of Life undaunted
By any fate that might threaten me,
I would give to the world what the world most wanted---
Manhood that knows it can do and be;
Courage that dares, and faith that can see
Clear into the depths of the human soul,
And find God there, and ultimate goal…
--from: If I were A Man, A Young Man by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
OOOO 25.The passage appeals more to the sense of _____.
ABCD A. feelings B. sight C. sound D. taste
OOOO26. The writer’s attitude toward inner strength is best describe as _____.
ABCD A. admiration B. criticism C. inspiration D. support
OOOO27.Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this passage is to ______.
ABCD A. express a feeling B. give an advice C. reveal the truth D. with other’s approval
OOOO28.The last five lines of the poem express more of a/ an _____.
ABCD A. call to validation B. humility C. inspiration D. invitation

Directions: Read the following passage carefully, and choose the letter of the word or phrase that best completes each numbered
item. (7 pts.)
1 FACE IT, nobody owes you a living.
What you achieve, or fail to achieve in your lifetime
Is directly related to what you do or fail to do.
No one chooses his parent or childhood,
5 but you can choose your own direction.
Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome,
But that too is relative to each individual.
9 You can change anything in your life
If you want to badly enough.
Excuses are for losers! Those who take
Responsibility for their actions
13 Are the real winners in life.
Winners meet challenges head on
OOOO 29.The word in the poem which is the opposite of “help” is _____.
ABCD A. direction B. obstacles C. overcome D. relative
OOOO30.Line No. 9 suggests that everything is subject to _____.
ABCD A. begin B. change C. meet D. overcome
OOOO31. As hinted in the poem, the author has a/ an _____ attitude in life.
ABCD A. come what may B. indifferent C. negative D. positive
OOOO32.The tone of the poem is more of _____.
ABCD A. admiration B. criticism C. inspirational D. pride
OOOO33.The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is _____.
ABCD A. contentment B. courage C. hope D. joy
OOOO34.The word in the poem that gives the best hint to the mood it evokes is _____.
ABCD A. carved B. changed C. guarantee D. overcome
OOOO35.The predominant poetic device used in the poem is ______.
ABCDA. alliteration B. metaphor C. paradox D. personification
Part 1II Process
Logical Organization
Directions: Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
OOOO 36.Because we started it all, only we can correct it by having humility and discipline.
OOOO 37.We must do real work
OOOO 38.We really deserve the kind of leaders we have.
OOOO 39.If we are unhappy with the entire situation, we have ourselves to look into.
OOOO 40.and show to the world what we are made of.
Composition Writing (Nos. 41-50)
Directions: Choose a position on a current issue relating to your school, city or country about which you have strong feeling, opinion or stand. Imagine you
are invited to speak before the leaders of your city or municipality as well as their constituents. Develop a persuasive paragraph for your speech manuscript that
gives your opinion about your chosen topic in which you take a stand. Take note that your purpose is to get others to argue with your view. Remember to use
effective supports like examples, facts, personal experiences, observations or statisticsas evidence and persuasive techniques to persuade them on the validity
of your claim or stand. See if it can alter your audience’s perspective about the issue. You will be given ten (10) points for this task.
In everything that you do, always give your best shot.
Prepared by: Checked: Noted:


English 10 Teacher Head Teacher III-English Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date

Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions as indicated. Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer
Part 1 Knowledge
D. Most Important Elements in Persuasive Writing
Directions: Blacken the letter of the word/phrase that is best described by each numbered item. (3 pts.)
A. central claim B. evidences C. conclusion
OOOO 1.It restates the argument and expresses a call to action.
OOOO 2.It is the statement that asserts what the writer/ speaker wants the reader/ listener to believe on or to do.
OOOO3. It contains the reasons, examples, statistics, opinions used to support a point of view or stand.
E. Special Terms
Directions: Match each term in column B with the most appropriate description in column A. (5 pts.)
OOOOO4.Catchy hook A. traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious
AB CDE and serves to explain a belief, a mysterious natural phenomenon or a ritual.
OOOOO 5. Fallacy B. the statement experiencing the preposition argument or view
AB CDE C. words that strongly appeal to emotion
OOOOO6.Myth D. erroneous appeal to emotion used as persuasive technique
ABCDE E. tries to convince readers to do something or to accept the writer’s point
OOOOO 7.Persuasive Essay of view
OOOOO8.Thesis Statement
F. Grammar Modals
Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/ speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined expression. (4 pts.)
B. ability B. obligation C. probability D. willingness
OOOO 9. It’s true, sorrows in life may bring despair.
OOOO 10. We must find courage even in small things that we do.
OOOO 11. We will endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
OOOO 12. Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.
Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns
Directions: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an intensive or reflexive pronoun. (4 pts.)
A. Intensive Pronoun B. Reflexive Pronoun
OO 13. You yourself should know the rules for pronoun usage
OO14. When Jeremy found his wallet, he bought himself an ice cream.
OO15. The mayor himself have me this award.
OO16. My neighbors found themselves involved in a lawsuit.

Part II Understanding
B. Reading and Literature
Directions: Read the following passage carefully, and choose the letter of the word or phrase that best completes each numbered
item. (13 pts.)
Exploring the Sea of Goodness
Lee Emm
1.) Do you believe that a sea of goodness is possible in this world? 2.) I always believe it is possible.
3.) Doing something good, no matter what the consequences are will always make me contented and secure.
4.) There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something “good” for others. 5) The steps
are easy but zealousness, humility and consistency are the subtle ways. Here are the simple ones.
6.) The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person I’ll do good too. 7.) Next, I’ll
imagine how she’ll feel and react. 8.) That way, I’ll think doing good to significant others will make me at least a
better person. 9.) That will make me be grateful that I have done something good.
10) With this simple but notable ways I can prove to myself, to others and to God that I can explore
the sea of goodness in this ever changing world. 11.) How about you, you can explore it also? 12.) I bet you can!
OOOO17. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _____.
ABCD A. 3 B. 4 C. 10 D. 12
OOOO18.Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing _____.
ABCD A. diligence C. righteousness
B. humility D. sympathy
OOOO19. To word subtlein Sentence no. 5 means _____.
ABCD A. clear B. practical C. refined D. strained
OOOO20.The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through _____.
ABCD A. anecdotes B. examples C. statistics D. video
OOOO 21. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make is to _____.
ABCD A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds
1.) The best way to overcome a problem is to face it head-on and not to let it prevent you achieving
great things. 2.) This is the lesson I draw from the lives of two people whom I admire- the musician Stevie
Wonder and the track-and-field star Jackie Joyner-Kersee. 3.) I respect them for their courage and strength in
overcoming obstacles. 4.) both are African American with disabilities who defied obstacles in order to be
successful in their fields 5) They taught me never to give up no matter how intimidating the obstacles I face in
From: Overcome an Obstacle to Succeed by Eddie Harris
OOOO22.The word fought is a/an _____ of the word “defied” in sentence no. 4.
ABCD A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics
OOOO23. This passage would most probably interest a/an _____.
ABCD A. adolescent B. adult C. child D. old man
OOOO 24.The passage is most probably a part of a/an _____.
ABCD A. anecdote B. autobiography C. letter D. persuasive essay
OOOO25. To support his claim, the writer uses ______.
ABCD A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics
OOOO26. The writer’s attitude toward inner strength is best describe as _____.
ABCDA. admiration B. criticism C. inspiration D. support
For nos. 37 to 29 “When the world looks hopeless.”
And life is not fair,
Throw back your shoulders
And do not despair
OOOO 27.The expression to “throw backyour shoulders” means ______.
ABCDA. exercise your shoulders C. ignore your problems
B. forget your responsibilities D. show your feelings
OOOO28. The passage appeals more to the sense of _____.
ABCD A. feeling B. sight C. sound D. taste
OOOO 29.Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this passage is to _____.
ABCD A. express a feeling B. give an advice C. reveal the truth D. win other’s approval
For nos. 30 to 32
An excerpt from: RABBI BEN EZRA
by: Robert Browning
Then welcome each rebuff
That turns earth’s smoothness rough,
Each sting the bids nor sit nor stand nor go!
Be our joys three parts pain!
Strive, and hold cheap the strain’;
Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never
Grudge the three.
OOOO30.The word in the poem which is the opposite of “acceptance” is _____.
ABCDA. bids B. joys C. pangs D. rebuff
OOOO31. Lines no. 5 to 7 appeal more to the sense of _____ .
ABCDA. feeling B. sight C. taste D. touch
OOOO32. The tone of the poem is more of _____.
ABCDA. admiration B. criticism C. inspirational D. pride
For nos. 33 to 36 If you have endured a great despair,
Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock.
-from: Courage by Anne Sexton
OOOO33. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is _____.
ABCD A. contentment B. courage C. hope D. joy
OOOO34. The word in the poem that gives the best hint to the mood it evokes is _____.
ABCD A. aspired B.sail C. sink D. succeed
OOOO35.The figures of speech used in the poem is ______.
ABCDA. alliteration B. metaphor C. personification D. simile
OOOO36. The last two lines of the poem express ______.
ABCDA. arrogance B. courage C. optimism D. warning

Part 1II Process

Logical Organization.(nos. 37-40)
Directions: Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.
B. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
OOOO 36. Let’s ask help from other students to repair the existing damage.
OOOO 37. Encourage all to maintain cleanliness and beauty of our surrounding.
OOOO38.We can restore the beauty of this wall.
OOOO 39.First, let’s raise funds for the repair.
Composition Writing (Nos. 41-50)
Directions: Imagine you are a sales representative persuading the consumers to buy the latest gadget or product
you’re promoting/selling. Write a paragraph convincing the public about the advantages of buying the
gadget. Convince them using the persuasive techniques you know. You will be given ten (10) points
for this task. Use the back part of this page.

In everything that you do, always give your best shot.

Ma’ amCapinpin
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date

Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions as indicated. Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer.
I. Directions: Tell whether the sentences below express (A) unsupported generalization or (B) exaggeratedexpression. (5 pts.)
OO 1. It takes a lifetime to forgive someone who had gravely wronged you.
OO 2. Most teachers wear their hair in buns
OO 3. I will stand by you forever.
OO 4. Dogs are the most domesticated of all animals.
OO 5. Generally speaking, men are emotionally susceptible.
II. Direction: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. (11 pts.)
OOOO6. He wrote the famous novel, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”
ABCDA. Alexander Dumas B. Dante Alighieri C. Victor Hugo D. Edgar Allan Poe
OOOO7. It is the first part of Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
ABCDA. Inferno B.Purgatorio C. Paradiso D. Earth
OOOO8. It is one of the stories in Boccaccio’s “Decameron.”
ABCDA. Of Men and Mice B.Federigo’s Falcon C. Anna Karenina D. The Raven
OOOO9.Alexandre Dumas fictionalize his father’s real life exploits in his famous novel
ABCDA. The Prince B. Paper Towns C.The Three Musketeers D. Sense and Sensibility
OOOO10. He is the tragic hero of the novel, “The Hunchback of Notredame.”
ABCDA. Quasimodo B.Federigo C. Macbeth D. D’ Artagnan
OOOO11-12. These are the two sides in the Oxford-Oregon debate.
ABCDA. Affirmative B. Proposition C. Negative D. Rebuttal
OOOO13-14. These are the two aims of a debate program.
ABCDA. To enhance students’ social/communicative skills C. To enhance students’ writing skills
B. To enhance students’ locational skills D. To enhance students’ intellectual skills
OOOO15.This type of citation uses the author’s last name and the year of publication.
ABCDA. Parenthetical citation B. LMA citation C. in-text citation D. paragraph-number citation
OOOO16. “One for all, all for one” motto embodies the friendship of four gentlemen in this novel
ABCDA. The Three Musketeers B. Decameron C.The Analects D.The Pearl
III. Directions: Read closely the story in the box and choose the letter of the most appropriate answer to complete
each of the following numbered items. (15 pts.)
As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she (my teacher) spelled into the hand the word water, first
slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty
consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was
revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand.
That living word awakened my soul and gave it light, hope, joy—set it free!
-Helen Keller, “The Story of My Life

OOOO17. From the story, we can say that Helen Keller is

ABCDA. blind B. illiterate C. ignorant D. deaf
OOOO18. The paragraph implicitly stated that
ABCDA. Helen Keller had the best tutor. C. Helen Keller was mentally challenged.
B. Helen Keller was very eager to learn. D. Helen Keller was rich.
OOOO19. As the story was narrated, the author felt
ABCDA. happy B. proud C. annoyed D. imitated
OOOO20. The author’s purpose in writing the text was
ABCDA. To inform people about her life C. To boast off her knowledge
B. To inspire people about her life D. To persuade people to get a tutor
OOOO21. The paragraph implicitly stated that Helen Keller was
ABCDA. an intelligent young girl B. a daughter of a rich man C. a girl with disability D. a good writer
Midway in our life’s journey, I went astray
From the straight road and woke to find myself
Alone in a dark wood. How shall I say
What wood that was! I never saw so dear,
So ran, so arduous a wilderness!
It’s very memory gives a shape to fear.
-“The Inferno”, Canto 1 by Alighieri

OOOO22. At the beginning of the passage the mood is

ABCDA. quiet B. regretful C. eerie D. energetic
OOOO23. The last three lines signify the tone of the author as
ABCDA. fearful B. bold C. wonder D. awe
OOOO24. From the passage, it could be implied that
ABCDA. The speaker had not been a good man in his lifetime. C. The speaker was into a great adventure.
B. The speaker was in a deep dark forest. D. The speaker was lost.
OOOO25. At the end of the passage the evident mood is
ABCDA. tranquil B. fearsome C. eerie D. gross
Child, you are like a flower
So sweet and pure and fair;
I look at you and sadness
Comes on me, like a prayer.
I must lay my hands on your forehead
And pray God to be sure
To keep you forever and always
So sweet and fair—and pure.
OOOO26. The theme of the poem is
ABCDA. on a child’s innocence B. a father’s great love to a daughter C. a blessing D. a father’s prayer
-“The Inferno”, Canto 1
OOOO27. The values implied are
by Alighieri
ABCDA. being loving and caring C. being affectionate and prayerful
B. being prayerful and peaceful D. being nonsense and callous
OOOO28. The feelings of the poet that are implicitly expressed
ABCDA. tender and loving B. caring and gentle C. a blissful and peaceful D. all of the above
“Then you have the artesian well here right away”, he said. He ordered the area commander to get pipes and pumps
from the armed forces supply depot, and demanded they should be brought to the spot immediately. He asked the
army to bring in bulldozer, troops and trainees for labor and also organize the civilians
OOOO 29. The text implicitly stated that President Ramon Magsaysay was
ABCDA. a man of disguise B. a man of principle C. a man of valuesD. a man of action
OOOO30.The statement, “Then you will have the artesian well here right away” as directly stated in the text is a/an
ABCDA. explicit information B. implicit information C. general informationD. first hand information
OOOO 31. The purpose of the author in writing the text is _____
ABCDA. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to expose
IV. Directions: Here is a comic strip. Be able to determine the bias reflected in it. Then, answer the questions thatfollow. (3 pts.)
OOOO 32.To whom is the bias directed in the comic strip?
ABCDA. boys B.girls C. both boys and girls D. adult girls
OOOO33. What is the meaning reflected in the comic strip?
ABCD A. It assumes that all girls have difficulty with Math.
B. It assumes that some girls have difficulty with Math.
C. It assumes that only girls who are studying have difficulty in Math.
D. It assumes that boys and girls have difficulty with Math.
OOOO34. When you are asked to define the weight of an object in terms of the numbers that appears when that
ABCD object is placed on a weighing scale, you are actually defining the term __________
A. operationally B. technically C. lexically D. contextually
V. Directions: The lines below were taken from the narrative poem, The WalamOlumby Delaware Indian. Choose the
graphical representation that best explains the text.(6 pts.)
OOOOOO 35. At first, in that place, at all times, above the earth,
AB CDE F On the earth, [was] an extended fog, and there the great Manito was.

OOOOOO 36. At first, forever, lost in space, everywhere, the great Manito was.
AB CDE F He made the extended land and the sky.
He made the sun, the moon, and the stars.

He made them all to move evenly,

OOOOOO 37. Then the wind blew violently, and it cleared, and the water flowed off far and strong.
And groups of islands grew newly, and there remained
Anew spoke the great Manito, a manito to manitos.
To beings, mortals, souls and all,
OOOOOO 38. And ever after he was a manito to men, and their grandfather.

He gave the first mother, the mother of beings.
He gave the fish, he gave the turtles, he gave the beasts, he gave the birds.
But an evil Manito made evil beings only, monsters,
He made the flies, he made the gnats.




VI. Direction: Arrange the steps to deliver a speech. (4 pts.)

OOOO41. Use visual aids.
ABCD A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
OOOO42. Maintain eye contact.
OOOO43. Incorporate gestures and facial expressions.
OOOO44. Use your voice effectively.
VII. Direction: Compose an argumentative essay employing different techniques. (e.g. analogy, comparison and
contrast, definition and analysis. (6 pts.) Use the back part of this paper.
In everything that you do, always give your best shot.
Prepared by: Checked: Noted:


English 10 Teacher Head Teacher III-English Principal II
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

Second Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2015-2016

Table of Specification
No. No.
of Weight of
Item No. Learning Competencies Days Taught (%) Items

Identify the meaning of

No. 1-6 unfamiliar words through context 5 12% 6

Define terms

No. 7-12 5 12% 6

Tell whether a statement is true

or false
No. 13-20 6 16% 8

Note details from a given

No. 21-26 5 12% 6

Identify the mood, tone, and

values implied in a poem
No. 27-32 5 12% 6

Choose the correct graphical

representation that best explains
No. 33-38 a text. 5 12% 6

Arrange in order the parts of a

news report
No. 39-44 5 12% 6

Write a news report

No. 45-50 5 12% 6

TOTAL 41 100% 50

Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher

Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I

Table of Specification
Learning Competencies No.of Days Taught Weight(%) No.of Items
1. Identify Elements in Persuasive Writing 2 5% 3
2. recognize special terms 4 10% 5
3. Identify the correct modal 4 10% 5
4. Differentiate intensive and reflexive pronoun 8 20% 10
5. Comprehend a selection 5 12.5% 6
6. Interpret a poem 4 10% 5
8. Form a coherent paragraph 4 10% 5
9. Write a composition 4 10% 5
5 12.5 6
TOTAL 40 100% 50

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

Third Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2015-2016

Table of Specification
No. No.
of Weight of
Item No. Learning Competencies Days Taught (%) Items

No. 1-5 Interpret lines, stanzas in a song 4 10% 5

Viewing: Identify the best explanation for

pictures, figures or graphics
No. 6-10 presented 4 10% 5

Grammar: Choose the best pronoun to use

that will complete a sentence
No. 11-20 (Types of Pronouns) 8 20% 10

Grammar: Use quotation marks where they

are needed in direct quotations.
No. 21-26 5 12.5% 6

Reading: Give the character trait,

conclusion, highlight, tone/
No. 27-36 attitude 8 20% 10


No. 37-41 Interpret lines in a poem 4 10% 5


No. 42-44 Write a bibliography 2 5% 3


No. 45-50 Explain a quotation 5 12.5 6

TOTAL 40 100% 50

Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher

Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date

I. Directions: Listen to the song “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson and then, answer the following questions by
shading the circle that corresponds to the letter of your choice. (5 pts.)
OOOO1. What kind of place is referred to in the 2nd stanza?
ABCD A. One that is dangerous to human race
B. One that needs improvement for the people to live
C. One that is polluted
D. One that is full of destruction
OOOO2. The World can be healed if
ABCD A. There are high technologies that will create innovations.
B. People are concerned enough to make it better
C. People who died are taken care of
D. Human race will collaborate to take care of all the living
OOOO3. The third stanza of the song suggests
ABCD A. Unity among the local government officials C. Generosity among the people
B. Sacrifice among family members D. Hope among the depressed
OOOO4. The song conveys that
ABCD A. Destruction of mankind is possible.
B. People’s negligence may result to earth’s extinction.
C. Whatever is lost can still be renewed or retrieved through hard work.
D. The world is always a better place to live if there is love among people.
OOOO5. The song also emphasized that
ABCD A. People of different races are still brothers and sisters.
B. Only those who are brothers should help each other.
C. Heaven is here on earth.
D. One that is full of destruction
II. Directions: Study the pictures below and choose the best explanation for each figure. (5 pts.)

OOOO6 & 7. What two things does figure A convey?

ABCD A. To help save the earth, people should reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.
B. To save the earth, people should make it intact.
C. To contribute in saving the earth, people should use paper bag only.
D. To conserve natural resources, people should use and recycle biodegradable bags.
OOOO8. Figure B suggests that people should…
ABCD A. Plant trees in a transport vehicle.
B. Go places to spread the green program.
C. Make improvisations in planting.
D. Ride a vehicle in their green campaign program.
OOOO9. In figure C, it is recommended that people should
ABCD A. reach out the poor to alleviate them from poverty C. touch each other’s lives
B. help one another to save the earth D. extend resources to survive.
OOOO10. Figure D means that
ABCD A. segregation of waste is forbidden. C. improper waste disposal is prohibited
B. open waste containers cause harm D. unattended waste is not allowed
III. Direction: Choose the best pronoun to use in each sentence. (10 pts.)
OOOO11. Both of the magazines featured the President on _____ covers.
ABCD A. its B. his C. her D. their
OOOO12. Neither John nor Andy has finished _____ English test.
ABCD A. their B. her C. they’re D. his
OOOO13. Neither the cat nor the dogs had eaten _____ meal.
ABCD A. there B. their C. its D. his or her
OOOO14. Everyone should report to _____ cabin soon.
ABCD A. their B. his C. her D. his or her
OOOO15. The football team members have been awarded _____ letters.
ABCD A. their B. its C. there D. him
OOOO16. Was it Gladys or _____ who lost the turtle?
ABCD A. he B. him C. they D. we
OOOO17. I think it was _____.
ABCD A. she B. her C. we D. they
OOOO18. _____ like potato salad.
ABCD A. Many B. Each C. Everybody D. Everyone
OOOO19. _____ is a good idea.
ABCD A. That B. Those C. These D. They
OOOO20. Norman is a photographer _____ does a great work.
ABCD A. who B. which C. where D. whose
IV. Direction: Add quotation marks where they are needed in the following sentences. (6 pts.)
21. Ms. Fields asked, When is the Earth Day Festival?
22. Adam exclaimed, Look how tall those giant redwoods are!
23. I have read Robert Hayden’s poem Those Winter Sundays several times.
24. Tomorrow, Chang predicted, will be hot and sunny.
25. I’m sure Mary said to meet her at 2:00, said Steve.
26. She’s already read the chapter called Caring for Your Hamster.
V. Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow after each text. (5 pts.)
Salmon are born in fresh water but travel to salt water to live their lives and then travel back upstream to
where they spawn more salmon before they die. Salmon travelling upstream are very determined to get back to where
they were born. They fight against currents, whirlpools, and waterfalls; even though, man has placed some obstacles in
the salmon’s way by building dams or rivers. Once the salmon reaches its birthplace, it lays eggs. These eggs hatch, and
the process begins again.
OOOO27. You can conclude that
ABCD A. salmon is a lazy type of fish
B. when man develops more land. It will be more difficult for the salmon to survive
C. salmon like to stay where they are born
D. salmon fights against currents
OOOO28. You can conclude that
ABCD A. are born in saltwater C. is an expensive fish to eat
B. can’t survive in fresh water D. live for a very long time
Justine was always prepared. His motto was “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come
in handy.” His bedroom was so full of flat bicycle tires, bent tennis rackets, deflated basketballs, and games with missing
pieces that you could barely get in the door. His parents pleaded with him to clean out his room.
“What use is a fish tank with a hole in the bottom?” his father asked. But Justin simply smiled and repeated
his motto, “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.”
OOOO 29. What does Justin’s motto mean?
ABCD A. Being organized is a good trait.
B. Keeping old things night help you become rich.
C. It is always nice to keep things of no use already.
D. Things that you think are useless may be of use again in urgent cases.
OOOO 30. Justin’s parents are
ABCD A. happy with Justin’s ingenuity. C. proud with what Justin has in his room.
B. annoyed with Justin’s untidiness. D. worried with the junk that Justin stored in his room.
OOOO 31. What character trait does Justin show?
ABCD A. perseverance B. resourcefulness C. frugality D. Carefulness
OOOO 32. What do you think is the tone of Justin’s father when he asked, “What use is a fish tank with a hole in the
ABCD bottom?”
A. calm B. anxious C. excited D. irritated
OOOO 33. What do you think is the tone of Justin when he said, “Never throw anything out, you never know when it
ABCD might come in handy.”?
A. calm B. anxious C. excited D. irritated
When Justin was away from home, he always carried his blue backpack. He liked to think of it as a smaller
version of his bedroom- a place to store the many objects that he collected. It was so worn and stretched that it hardly
resembled a backpack anymore. It was full of the kind of things that seemed unimportant , but when used with a little
imagination, might come in handy.
Justin had earned a reputation for figuring things out and getting people out of otherwise hopeless
situations. Many of his classmates and neighbors sought him out when they needed help with a problem.
OOOO 34. Justin’s backpack is...
ABCD A. Smaller version of his bedroom B. A magic bag C. An antique D. recyclable
OOOO 35. Justin’s ingenuity has been proven by...
ABCD A. Being generous and helpful
B. Helping people out of their problem through the use of what he kept
C. Saving a lot of people out of misery
D. Lending an amount of money
OOOO 36. Justin’s reputation...
ABCD A. is worth emulating B. can be ashamed of C. is disgusting D. worth remembering
VI. Directions: Read the poem below and then answer the questions pertaining to it. (5 pts.)
Coming Home
When we’re driving, in the dark, or the deep and nameless fields of the sea— fragile and unprovable things,
on the long road and what we see in the world looking out for sorrow,
to Provincetown, which lies empty that cannot cherish us slowing down for happiness,
for miles, when we’re weary, but which we cherish, making all the right turns
OOOO37. What could be the reason for the speaker’s anxiety in the poem?
ABCD A. There are no gasoline stations for refueling.
B. It is still a long way to their house.
C. She and her companion are heading towards a dark provincial road.
D. The driver is in trouble of losing direction.
OOOO38. When the persona said that the world cannot cherish them but which they do, this means that…
ABCD A. She has prejudices towards provincial life.
B. She positively treated nature and the mother earth.
C. She hates province.
D. She doesn’t like the provincial scenery.
OOOO39. The line “believing in a thousand fragile and unprovable things, looking out for sorrow” affirms that life’s
ABCD journey is…
A. Unpredictable and uncertain C. Full of pessimism
B. Full of promises to be broken. D. Undeniably challenging and worth – travelling
OOOO40. The line “along the dark edges of everything – the headlights like lanterns sweeping the blackness”
ABCD signifies that…
A. Dark places are lighted by headlights.
B. Headlights bring security and safety.
C. Hard work brings glory.
D. There is hope because there is solution to every problem.
OOOO41. The persona can be characterized as
ABCD A. realistic B. pessimistic. C. naturalistic D. autocratic
VII.A. Directions: Write bibliography entries for the following. (3 pts.)
Title: Spiders
Author: Jane Brown
Publishing info: 1999, New York, Associated Press
42. Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Author: Steve Roberts
Article Title: “Locksmiths”
Magazine: Time, vol 4 pages 34-36
Date: July 2, 2000
43. Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Author: Robert Smith
Title: “Butterflies”
Group: Butterflies International
Institution: Nature Society
Address: www.naturebutterflies.com
Date it was last updated: March 3, 2002
Date you viewed it: February 27, 2004
44. Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________
VII.B. Direction: Explain the quotation below in 5-7 sentences, (6 pts.)
“Nature is the best source of life and well- being.”
Always give your best shot in everything that you do!

Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher

Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

Third Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2015-2016


Listening: Literature:
I. 1. B VI. 37.C
2. D 38. B
3. C 39. A
4. D 40. D
5. A 41. A
Viewing: Writing:
II. 6. A, D VII.A.42.Brown, Jane. Spiders. New York: Associated Press, 1999.
7. A, D 43.Roberts, Steve. “Locksmiths.” Time. 3. Jul. 2000.4.34-36
8. B 44.Smith, Robert. “Butterflies.” Butterflies International.” 3 Mar. 2002.
Nature Society.27 Feb. 2004.
9. B VII.B. 45
10.C 46.
Grammar: 47. Answers may vary
III.11. D 48.
12. D 49.
13. B 50.
14. D
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. A
IV.21. Ms. Fields asked, “When is the Earth Day Festival?”
22. Adam exclaimed, “Look how tall those giant redwoods are!”
23. I have read Robert Hayden’s poem “Those Winter Sundays” several times.
24. “Tomorrow,” Chang predicted, “will be hot and sunny.”
25. “I’m sure Mary said to meet her at 2:00,” said Steve.
26. She’s already read the chapter called “Caring for Your Hamster.”
V. 27. B
28. B
29. D
30. D
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. A
35. B
36. A
Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher
Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

First Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2015-2016


Part I Knowledge Part III Process

1. C 36.D
2. A 37.A
3. B 38.B
4. C 39.B
5. D 40.C
6. A 41.
7. C 42.
8. B 43.
9. C 44.
10.B 45. Answers may vary

11.D 46.
12.A 47.
13.A 48.
14.B 49.
15.A 50.
Part II Understanding
Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher
Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

Second Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2015-2016


I. Vocabulary Building
1. A 36.D
2. C 37.C
3. A 37.D
4. B VII. Writing
5. B 39. B
6. C 40. A
II. Literature 41. F
7. C 42. E
8. A 43. C
9. A 44. D
10.A VIII. Writing
11.A 46.
12.B 47.
III. Grammar 48. Answers may vary
13.A 49.
14.B 50.
IV. Viewing
V. Reading
VII. Literature
Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher
Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

Fourth Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2015-2016

Table of Specification
No. No.
of Weight of
Item No. Learning Competencies Days Taught (%) Items

No. 1-5 Interpret lines, stanzas in a song 4 10% 5

Viewing: Identify the best explanation for

pictures, figures or graphics
No. 6-10 presented 4 10% 5

Grammar: Choose the best pronoun to use

that will complete a sentence
No. 11-20 (Types of Pronouns) 8 20% 10

Grammar: Use quotation marks where they

are needed in direct quotations.
No. 21-26 5 12.5% 6

Reading: Give the character trait,

conclusion, highlight, tone/
No. 27-36 attitude 8 20% 10


No. 37-41 Interpret lines in a poem 4 10% 5


No. 42-44 Write a bibliography 2 5% 3


No. 45-50 Explain a quotation 5 12.5 6

TOTAL 40 100% 50

Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher

Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal I

Passage from Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane

With tear streaming down my cheeks and falling upon my mother’s bossom, I
promised her that I would go to school “forever.” That night, at seven and a half
years of my life, the battlelines in the family were drawn. My mother on the one
side, illiterate but determined to have me drink, for better or for worse, from the
well of knowledge. On the other side, my father, he too illiterate, yet determined to
have me drink from the well of ignorance. Scarcely aware of the magnitude of the
decision I was making, or rather, the decision which was being emotionally thrusted
upon me, I chose to fight on my mother’s side, and thus my destiny was forever


Passage from Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane

With tear streaming down my cheeks and falling upon my mother’s bossom, I
promised her that I would go to school “forever.” That night, at seven and a half
years of my life, the battlelines in the family were drawn. My mother on the one
side, illiterate but determined to have me drink, for better or for worse, from the
well of knowledge. On the other side, my father, he too illiterate, yet determined to
have me drink from the well of ignorance. Scarcely aware of the magnitude of the
decision I was making, or rather, the decision which was being emotionally thrusted
upon me, I chose to fight on my mother’s side, and thus my destiny was forever
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date


I. Directions: Listen to your teacher read the text twice and then, shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of the
most appropriate answer to each numbered item. (3 pts.)
OOOO1. What does ‘well of knowledge’ mean?
ABCD A. education B. employment C. experience D. fountain
OOOO2. What is the similarity of the narrator’s mother and father? The mother and the father…..
ABCD A. are illiterate C. love the narrator B. are old D. want the narrator to study
OOOO3. What is the narrator’s resolution about the decision that he has to make? The narrator…..
ABCD A. chooses to obey his father C. will make his own decision
B. chooses to obey his mother D. will obey neither his father nor his mother

II. Directions: Identify which of the images appeared in the poem, “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home by matching the
passages provided and the pictures below. (6 pts.)

OOOOOO4. Only the young are allowed to suffer OOOOOO6. But time is tied to the wrist
ABC DEF openly. Adults go to the punishment room ABC DEF or kept in a box, ticking with impatience
with water but nothing to eat. OOOOOO7. It is when the earth is television
They lock the door and suffer the noises ABC DEF It has the property of making colours darker
alone. No one is exempt OOOOOO8. Model T is a room with the lock inside --
and everyone’s pain has a different smell. ABC DEF a key is turned to free the world
OOOOOO5. At night, when all the colours die, for movement, so quick there is a film
ABC DEF they hide in pairs to watch for anything missed.
and read about themselves -- OOOOOO9. In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps
in colour, with their eyelids shut ABC DEF that snores when you pick it up

III. Direction: Identify the meaning of the underlined words through context.
OOOO10. They have a tame lion that walks around their property and even comes in their house and sits on their
ABCD living room floor when they’re watching television.
A. no longer wild B. wild C. dangerous D. cute
OOOO11. The burrow of the young hamster is only about a foot in depth, while that of the adult descends 4 to 5 ft.
ABCD A. hole dug as a living space by big animals C. hole dug as a living space by wild animals
B. hole dug as a living space by small animals D. hole dug as a living space by tamed animals
OOOO12. She is pretty deft when it comes to arts like embroidery, knitting and weaving.
ABCD A. nice B. intelligent C. fast D. skillful
OOOO13. The factory still use obsolete machinery that is a threat to the lives of the workers.
ABCD A. outdated B. modern C. advanced D. upgraded
OOOO14. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
ABCD A. beautiful B. great C. important D. unimportant

III. Direction: Answer the following questions correctly. (17 pts.)
OOOO15. Who wrote the story “The Little Prince”?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Craig Raine
OOOO16. Who wrote the poem ‘A Martian Sends a Postcard Home’?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Craig Raine
OOOO17. Who is the director and creatgor of the movie “E.T.” (Extra Terrestrial)?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Mark Mathabane
OOOO18. Whose autobiography is “The Kaffir Boy”?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Mark Mathabane
OOOO19. Whose novel is “Les Miserables” ?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Amelia Earhart C. Steven Spielberg D. Mark Mathabane
OOOO20. Who took up aviation as a hobby, taking odd jobs to pay for her flying lessons, became one of the world’s
ABCD most celebrated aviators and disappeared after completing two-thirds of her historic flight with her
navigator Frederick Noonan.
A. Victor Hugo B. Amelia Earhart C. Steven Spielberg D. Craig Raine
OOOO21. Who does E.T. have a telepathic connection to?
ABCD A. Michael B. Gertie C. Eliott D. Mary
OOOO22. What is not part of E.T.’s communication device?
ABCD A. coat hanger B. umbrella C. toaster D. record player
OOOO23. What kind of flower did E.T. revive?
ABCD A. rose B. gumamela C. orchids D. daisy
OOOO24. What is the last thing E.T. says in the movie?
ABCD A. “home” B. “thank you” C. “be good” D. “I’ll be right here.”
OOOO25. What does Valjean promise to the dying Fantine?
ABCD A. to pay for her funeral C. to never forget her
B. to tell her husband of her fate D. to take care of her daughter
OOOO26. Where does the book “Les Miserables” mainly take place?
ABCD A. France B. London C. Italy D. Germany
OOOO27. From the excerpt we could describe Cosette as a __________ child.
ABCD A. cute child B. intelligent child C. courageous child D. sweet child
OOOO28. What does Fantine NOT do to earn money after she is fired from Valjean’s factory?
ABCD A. sells her clothes B. sells her teeth C. sells her hair D. prostitution
OOOO29. Why was Valjean originally arrested?
ABCD A. He stole a loaf of bread C. He kidnapped Cosette
B. He impersonated a manufacturer D. He abandoned Fantine
OOOO30. What characters survive in “Les Miserables”?
ABCD A. Jean Valjean, Javert, Cosette C. Marius, Cosette, Thenardiers
B. Javert, Eponine, Gavroche D. Enjolras, Fantine, Marius
OOOO31. Which is the correct order of deaths in the film “Les Miserables”?
ABCD A. Fantine, Eponine, Gavroche, Javert, Valjean C. Fantine, Gavroche, Eponine, Javert, Valjean
B. Fantine, Eponine, Gavroche, Valjean, Javert D. Gavroche, Fantine, Eponine, Javert, Valjean
OOOO32. Who are involved in the main love triangle?
ABCD A. Eponine, Marius and Fantine C. Cosette, Fantine, and Valjean
B. Eponine, Marius and Cosette D. Cosette, Valjean, and Javert

IV.A. Direction: Identify the type of Figure of Speeh used in the following sentence. (7 pts.)
OOOO33. The picture in the magazine shouted for attention.
ABCD A. personification B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole
OOOO34. When she smiles, her cheeks fall off.
ABCD A. personification B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole
OOOO35. A moist young moon hung above the mist of a neighboring meadow.
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron
OOOO36. “If I bleat when I speak it’s because I just got…..fleeced.”
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron

OOOO37. You are the light of my life.

ABCD A. personification B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole
OOOO38. “Brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng! An alarm clock clanged in the dark and silent room.”
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron
OOOO39. A yawn may be defined as a silent yell.
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron

V. Directions: Read closely the story below and choose the letter of the most appropriate answer. (5 pts.)

As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she (my teacher) spelled into the hand the word
water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers.
Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought; and
somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the
wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul and
gave it light, hope, joy—set it free!
-Helen Keller, “The Story of My Life

OOOO40. From the story, we can say that Helen Keller is

ABCD A. blind B. illiterate C. ignorant D. deaf
OOOO41. The paragraph implicitly stated that
ABCD A. Helen Keller had the best tutor. C. Helen Keller was mentally challenged.
B. Helen Keller was very eager to learn. D. Helen Keller was rich.
OOOO42. As the story was narrated, the author felt
ABCD A. happy B. proud C. annoyed D. imitated
OOOO43. The author’s purpose in writing the text was
ABCD A. To inform people about her life C. To boast off her knowledge
B. To inspire people about her life D. To persuade people to get a tutor
OOOO44. The paragraph implicitly stated that Helen Keller was
ABCD A. an intelligent young girl B. a daughter of a rich man
C. a girl with disability D. a good writer

VI. Direction: Rewrite each statement once, with a lexical verb (e.g. assume, believe, suggest, think, seem) with
an adjective (e.g. possible, probable) or adverb (e.g. probably, usually, possibly, perhaps, likely). 5 pts.
A. People are good.
45. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
B. Smoking is bad and should be avoided.
46. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
C. We will meet tonight at 8 pm.
47. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
D. The house fire was caused by a problem with the heater.
48. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
E. He said turn left at the intersection.
49. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
F. Paper newspapers will disappear within the next decade.
50. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________

In everything that you do, always give your best shot!

Ma’am Capinpin
My dear English class students,
For the improvement of my teaching strategies and classroom management though we just spent one quarter in the
teaching and learning process, I would like to hear positive and negative comments from you about me as your English 10 teacher and my
teaching methods. You may write in the Filipino language if you think you’ll be able to express yourself well using our native language but I will
definitely appreciate it so much if you will write using the English language. Your honesty here is also very much appreciated.

Thank you and always remember this quote from Adam Gopnik , “We breathe in our first language,
and swim in our second.”

We should consider English to be our second language. Of course, we need to learn our mother tongue as a sign of our nationalism and
patriotism. However, we can jump in the pool and learn a second or even a third language so we could move more freely in the water…and be
globally competitive.

Ma’am Capinpin
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: If
the space is not enough, you may use the back part of this page.

Passage from Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane

With tear streaming down my cheeks and falling upon my mother’s bossom, I
promised her that I would go to school “forever.” That night, at seven and a half
years of my life, the battlelines in the family were drawn. My mother on the one
side, illiterate but determined to have me drink, for better or for worse, from the
well of knowledge. On the other side, my father, he too illiterate, yet determined to
have me drink from the well of ignorance. Scarcely aware of the magnitude of the
decision I was making, or rather, the decision which was being emotionally thrusted
upon me, I chose to fight on my mother’s side, and thus my destiny was forever
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date


I. Directions: Listen to your teacher read the text twice and then, shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of the
most appropriate answer to each numbered item. (3 pts.)
OOOO1. What does ‘well of knowledge’ mean?
ABCD A. education B. employment C. experience D. fountain
OOOO2. What is the similarity of the narrator’s mother and father? The mother and the father…..
ABCD A. are illiterate C. love the narrator B. are old D. want the narrator to study
OOOO3. What is the narrator’s resolution about the decision that he has to make? The narrator…..
ABCD A. chooses to obey his father C. will make his own decision
B. chooses to obey his mother D. will obey neither his father nor his mother

II. Directions: Identify which of the images appeared in the poem, “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home by matching the
passages provided and the pictures below. (6 pts.)

OOOOOO4. Only the young are allowed to suffer OOOOOO6. But time is tied to the wrist
ABC DEF openly. Adults go to the punishment room ABC DEF or kept in a box, ticking with impatience
with water but nothing to eat. OOOOOO7. It is when the earth is television
They lock the door and suffer the noises ABC DEF It has the property of making colours darker
alone. No one is exempt OOOOOO8. Model T is a room with the lock inside --
and everyone’s pain has a different smell. ABC DEF a key is turned to free the world
OOOOOO5. At night, when all the colours die, for movement, so quick there is a film
ABC DEF they hide in pairs to watch for anything missed.
and read about themselves -- OOOOOO9. In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps
in colour, with their eyelids shut ABC DEF that snores when you pick it up

III. Direction: Identify the meaning of the underlined words through context. (5 pts.)
OOOO10. They have a tame lion that walks around their property and even comes in their house and sits on their
ABCD living room floor when they’re watching television.
A. no longer wild B. wild C. dangerous D. cute
OOOO11. The burrow of the young hamster is only about a foot in depth, while that of the adult descends 4 to 5 ft.
ABCD A. hole dug as a living space by big animals C. hole dug as a living space by wild animals
B. hole dug as a living space by small animals D. hole dug as a living space by tamed animals
OOOO12. She is pretty deft when it comes to arts like embroidery, knitting and weaving.
ABCD A. nice B. intelligent C. fast D. skillful
OOOO13. The factory still use obsolete machinery that is a threat to the lives of the workers.
ABCD A. outdated B. modern C. advanced D. upgraded
OOOO14. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
ABCD A. beautiful B. great C. important D. unimportant

III. Direction: Answer the following questions correctly. (18 pts.)
OOOO15. Who wrote the story “The Little Prince”?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Craig Raine
OOOO16. Who wrote the poem ‘A Martian Sends a Postcard Home’?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Craig Raine
OOOO17. Who is the director and creatgor of the movie “E.T.” (Extra Terrestrial)?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Mark Mathabane
OOOO18. Whose autobiography is “The Kaffir Boy”?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Antoine De St. Exupery C. Steven Spielberg D. Mark Mathabane
OOOO19. Whose novel is “Les Miserables” ?
ABCD A. Victor Hugo B. Amelia Earhart C. Steven Spielberg D. Mark Mathabane
OOOO20. Who took up aviation as a hobby, taking odd jobs to pay for her flying lessons, became one of the world’s
ABCD most celebrated aviators and disappeared after completing two-thirds of her historic flight with her
navigator Frederick Noonan.
A. Victor Hugo B. Amelia Earhart C. Steven Spielberg D. Craig Raine
OOOO21. Who does E.T. have a telepathic connection to?
ABCD A. Michael B. Gertie C. Eliott D. Mary
OOOO22. What is not part of E.T.’s communication device?
ABCD A. coat hanger B. umbrella C. toaster D. record player
OOOO23. What kind of flower did E.T. revive?
ABCD A. rose B. gumamela C. orchids D. daisy
OOOO24. What is the last thing E.T. says in the movie?
ABCD A. “home” B. “thank you” C. “be good” D. “I’ll be right here.”
OOOO25. What does Valjean promise to the dying Fantine?
ABCD A. to pay for her funeral C. to never forget her
B. to tell her husband of her fate D. to take care of her daughter
OOOO26. Where does the book “Les Miserables” mainly take place?
ABCD A. France B. London C. Italy D. Germany
OOOO27. From the excerpt we could describe Cosette as a __________ child.
ABCD A. cute child B. intelligent child C. courageous child D. sweet child
OOOO28. What does Fantine NOT do to earn money after she is fired from Valjean’s factory?
ABCD A. sells her clothes B. sells her teeth C. sells her hair D. prostitution
OOOO29. Why was Valjean originally arrested?
ABCD A. He stole a loaf of bread C. He kidnapped Cosette
B. He impersonated a manufacturer D. He abandoned Fantine
OOOO30. What characters survive in “Les Miserables”?
ABCD A. Jean Valjean, Javert, Cosette C. Marius, Cosette, Thenardiers
B. Javert, Eponine, Gavroche D. Enjolras, Fantine, Marius
OOOO31. Which is the correct order of deaths in the film “Les Miserables”?
ABCD A. Fantine, Eponine, Gavroche, Javert, Valjean C. Fantine, Gavroche, Eponine, Javert, Valjean
B. Fantine, Eponine, Gavroche, Valjean, Javert D. Gavroche, Fantine, Eponine, Javert, Valjean
OOOO32. Who are involved in the main love triangle?
ABCD A. Eponine, Marius and Fantine C. Cosette, Fantine, and Valjean
B. Eponine, Marius and Cosette D. Cosette, Valjean, and Javert

IV.A. Direction: Identify the type of Figure of Speeh used in the following sentence. (7 pts.)
OOOO33. The picture in the magazine shouted for attention.
ABCD A. personification B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole
OOOO34. When she smiles, her cheeks fall off.
ABCD A. personification B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole
OOOO35. A moist young moon hung above the mist of a neighboring meadow.
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron
OOOO36. “If I bleat when I speak it’s because I just got…..fleeced.”
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron

OOOO37. You are the light of my life.

ABCD A. personification B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole
OOOO38. “Brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng! An alarm clock clanged in the dark and silent room.”
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron
OOOO39. A yawn may be defined as a silent yell.
ABCD A. onomatopoeia B. alliteration C. assonance D. oxymoron

VI. Directions: Read closely the story below and choose the letter of the most appropriate answer. (5 pts.)


Beware of those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves
out important information that should be included, he can create a false impression.
For example, someone might say, “I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery. It was great. I took that
dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”
This guy’s a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred tickets, and
only one was a winner. He’s really a big loser!
He didn’t say anything that was false, but he deliberately omitted important information. That’s called a
half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.
Untrustworthy candidates in political campaigns often use this tactic. Let’s say that during Governor
Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One
of her opponents runs an ad saying, “During Governor Smith’s term, the sate lost one million jobs!” That’s true.
However an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two
million jobs.”
Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead
you with the truth. An ad might boast, “Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It
fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.
This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can
lie as well.

OOOO40. Which statement is true according to the article?

ABCD A. Whenever people tell the truth, they are really lying. C. All governors help their states.
B. You can’t trust gamblers D. The truth can be used in dishonest ways.
OOOO41. What does “deceive” mean?
ABCD A. removing one’s teeth in public B. fool C. ignore warnings D. repair
OOOO42. What does “omitted” mean?
ABCD A. spent money B. left out C. told about D. exposed
OOOO43. The author clearly wants people to __________.
ABCD A. think carefully about what they read and hear C. never trust anyone
B. wear mismatched socks during political campaigns D. vote for female candidates.
OOOO44. Another appropriate title for this selection would be:
ABCD A. Natural Cat Food B. Lying with the Truth C. Everyone Lies D. Nose Pimples

VI. Direction: Rewrite each statement once, with a lexical verb (e.g. assume, believe, suggest, think, seem) with
an adjective (e.g. possible, probable) or adverb (e.g. probably, usually, possibly, perhaps, likely). (5 pts.)
C. People are good.
45. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
D. Smoking is bad and should be avoided.
46. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
C. We will meet tonight at 8 pm.
47. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
D. The house fire was caused by a problem with the heater.
48. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
E. He said turn left at the intersection.
49. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
F. Paper newspapers will disappear within the next decade.
50. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________

In everything that you do, always give your best shot!

Ma’am Capinpin


Beware of those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves
out important information that should be included, he can create a false impression.
For example, someone might say, “I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery. It was great. I took that
dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”
This guy’s a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred tickets, and
only one was a winner. He’s really a big loser!
He didn’t say anything that was false, but he deliberately omitted important information. That’s called a
half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.
Untrustworthy candidates in political campaigns often use this tactic. Let’s say that during Governor
Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One
of her opponents runs an ad saying,“During Governor Smith’s term, the sate lost one million jobs!” That’s true.
However an honest statement would have been,“During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two
million jobs.”
Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead
you with the truth. An ad might boast, “Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It
fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.
This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can
lie as well.

1. Which statement is true according to the article?

a. Whenever people tell the truth, they are really lying.

b. You can’t trust gamblers.
c. All governors help their states.
d. The truth can be used in dishonest ways.
2. What does “deceive” mean?

a. removing one’s teeth in public

b. ignore warnings
c. fool
d. repair

3. What does “omitted” mean?

a. spent money
b. left out
c. told about
d. exposed

4. The author clearly wants people to _________.

a. think carefully about what they read and hear

b. wear mismatched socks during political campaigns
c. never trust anyone
d. vote for female candidates

5. Another appropriate title for this selection would be:

a. Natural Cat Food

b. Everyone Lies
c. Lying With the Truth
d. Nose Pimples

1. his phone is an older model

2. two
3. kind
4. find a job and work to earn money
5. self-centered

Woman: Hey. Uh, you look really unhappy. What's going on?

Young Man: Ah, you don't want to know.

Woman: Okay, see ya.

Young Man: Wait, wait, wait! Why are you walking away?

Woman: Well, you said I didn't want to know.

Young Man: No, wait. You see my parents really don't love me.

Woman: What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Young Man: Uh, you don't understand! You see. I want a new smart phone . . . I mean, I need
one, and my parents won't buy me it!

Woman: Uh, excuse me, but uh, don't you already have a iPhone?

Young Man: Man, yeah, but it's three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

Woman: Where? Let me see. [Look!] I don't see a scratch.

Young Man: Look, look right here!. [THAT?] [Do] you see it?

Woman: It's just a speck of dust.

Young Man: Anyway. And my other phone . . .

Woman: What? You have two phones?

Young Man: That's beside the point.

Woman: So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Young Man: Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being
so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work . . . on the neighbor's farm
to pay for it. [Good idea!] It's not fair.

Woman: Hey, I think I know the problem. [What?] Take a look in the mirror. You'll see both
the problem and the solution.

Young Man: Uh! You're no help.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
SCORE: _______________

Surname First Name M.I.

Yr. & Section Date

I. Directions: In today's world, is a phone a necessity for people of all ages, or is it just a luxury item? Why or why
not? How do people who grew up without mobile phones feel about this? Listen to the recorded smart
phone conversation to find out. Then answer the questions below. (5 pts.)
OOOO1. The young man says he needs a new phone because __________.
ABCD A. his parents took his last one B. someone stole his last one C. his phone is an older model
OOOO 2. How many phones does the young man already have?
ABCD A. two B. three C. four
OOOO 3. According to the conversation, what are the young man's parents like?
ABCD A. friendly B. generous C. kind
OOOO 4. What do his parents want their son to do to get a phone?
ABCD A. take out money from his bank account
B. find a job and work to earn money
C. ask his brother if he can use an old phone
OOOO 5. What is the BEST word to describe the young man's personality?
ABCD A. talkative B. mean C. self-centered

II. Direction: Identify the meaning of the italicized words through context. (5 pts.)
OOOO 6. All things are said to be developed out of an original being, which is at once material (fire) and spiritual
ABCD (the Deity), and in turn they will dissolve back into this primordial source.
A. existing from the beginning B. existing in the last C. it is the latest
OOOO 7. Is not this a great blasphemy making God a liar?
ABCD A. to speak with reverence B. to speak with irreverence C. godliness expression
OOOO 8. The Wizard raised one of his revolvers and fired into the throng of his enemies, and the shot resounded
ABCD like a clap of thunder in that silent place.
A. one B. crowd C. individual
OOOO 9. A great outcry and lamentation, accompanied by deep sighs and bitter sobs were heard.
ABCD A. grief B. celebration C. praise
OOOO 10. Dictators, in short, are the scourge of the earth.
ABCD A. godsend B. blessing C. suffering

III. Direction: Add quotation marks where they are needed in the following sentences. (6 pts.)
11. Ms. Fields asked, When is the Earth Day Festival?
12. Adam exclaimed, Look how tall those giant redwoods are!
13. I have read Robert Hayden’s poem Those Winter Sundays several times.
14. Tomorrow, Chang predicted, will be hot and sunny.
15. I’m sure Mary said to meet her at 2:00, said Steve.
16. She’s already read the chapter called Caring for Your Hamster.
IV.A. Directions: Have a look at the pictogram of the favorite meals for a group of 22 students and answer the questions
below. (6 pts.)

OOO 17. How many students liked pasta best?

ABC A. 3 students B. 2 students C. 1 student
OOO 18. How many students chose pizza?
ABC A. 6 students B. 4 students C. 2 students
OOO 19. Which was the least popular meal?
ABC A. Pizza B. Pasta C. Chinese Food
20. Ten more said what their favorite meal was. Six liked Carribean food the best and two liked curry. Add
this information to the diagram.
OOO 21. How many students were asked altogether?
ABC A. 22 students B. 30 students C. 28 students
O O 22. Now that more data has been added to the pictogram, has the least popular meal changed?
Yes No
B. Directions: Below is a pictogram showing how many students visited a local library on different days of a week.
Study it then answer the questions below. (4 pts.)

OOO 23. On what day were there no visitors to the library?

ABC A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday
OOO 24. Which day was the most popular for visiting the library?
ABC A. Monday B. Thursday C. Saturday
OOO 25. What was the difference between the number of visitors on Thursday and Friday?
ABC A. 35 B. 40 C. 45
OOO 26. What do you think is the reason why there might be such a difference in the number of visitors on these ?
ABC two days?
A. Because many students are absent on a Friday
B. Because students think they could go to the library on a Saturday anyway.
C. Because students usually have Friday night life.
C. Directions: The bar chart below shows the eye colours of a group of children. Study the chart and answer the
questions below. (3 pts.)
OOO 27. How many children have brown eyes?
ABC A. three B. six C. Nine
OOO 28. Which eye colour do most children have?
ABC A. Gray B. Green C. Blue
OOO 29. How many children are here in total?
ABC A. 28 B. 29 C. 30

V. Direction: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. (6 pts.)
OOOO 30. He wrote the famous novel, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”
ABCD A. Alexander Dumas B. Dante Alighieri C. Victor Hugo D. Edgar Allan Poe
OOOO 31. It is the first part of Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
ABCD A. Inferno B.Purgatorio C. Paradiso D. Earth
OOOO 32. It is one of the stories in Boccaccio’s “Decameron.”
ABCD A. Of Men and Mice B.Federigo’s Falcon C. Anna Karenina D. The Raven
OOOO 33.Alexandre Dumas fictionalize his father’s real life exploits in his famous novel
ABCD A. The Prince B. Paper Towns C.The Three Musketeers D. Sense and Sensibility
OOOO 34. He is the tragic hero of the novel, “The Hunchback of Notredame.”
ABCD A. Quasimodo B.Federigo C. Macbeth D. D’ Artagnan
OOOO 35. “One for all, all for one” motto embodies the friendship of four gentlemen in this novel.
ABCD A. The Three Musketeers B. Decameron C.The Analects D.The Pearl

VI. Directions: Read closely the story, poem, and passage in the boxes and choose the letter of the most appropriate
answer to complete each of the following numbered items. (10 pts.)
As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she (my teacher) spelled into the hand the word water, first
slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty
consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was
revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand.
That living word awakened my soul and gave it light, hope, joy—set it free!
-Helen Keller, “The Story of My Life

OOOO 36. From the story, we can say that Helen Keller is
ABCD A. blind B. illiterate C. ignorant D. deaf
OOOO 37. The paragraph implicitly stated that
ABCD A. Helen Keller had the best tutor. C. Helen Keller was mentally challenged.
B. Helen Keller was very eager to learn. D. Helen Keller was rich.
OOOO 38. As the story was narrated, the author felt
ABCD A. happy B. proud C. annoyed D. imitated
OOOO 39. The author’s purpose in writing the text was
ABCD A. To inform people about her life C. To boast off her knowledge
B. To inspire people about her life D. To persuade people to get a tutor

Child, you are like a flower

So sweet and pure and fair;
I look at you and sadness
Comes on me, like a prayer.
I must lay my hands on your forehead
And pray God to be sure
To keep you forever and always
So sweet and fair—and pure.

-“The Inferno”, Canto 1

by Alighieri
OOOO 40. The theme of the poem is
ABCD A. on a child’s innocence B. a father’s great love to a daughter C. a blessing D. a father’s prayer
OOOO 41. The values implied are
ABCD A. being loving and caring C. being affectionate and prayerful
B. being prayerful and peaceful D. being nonsense and callous
OOOO 42. The feelings of the poet that are implicitly expressed
ABCD A. tender and loving B. caring and gentle C. a blissful and peaceful D. all of the above

Traffic Accidents
Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior of drivers who
refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others. So the massacre on the road may be
regarded as a social problem. Safety standards for vehicle have been raised both at the point of
manufacture and through periodic road-worthiness inspections. In addition, speed limits have
been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the accident experts
still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave.

OOOOO 43. According to the passage, traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem since ----.
A B CDE A. The motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention
B. The accidents have more to do with hazardous conditions than hazardous drivers
C. Most of the accidents are caused by drivers who don't pay attention to the traffic rules
D. The irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers
E. Traffic accidents can cause serious economic damage
OOOOO 44. According to the passage, the number of accidents has fallen because ----.
A B CDE A. Significant advances have been made towards safer driving
B. Many people now know that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration
C. Drivers are warned to take extra care on the roads
D. Drivers have finally learned how to behave
E. there has been improvement in the way drivers behave
OOOOO 45. It is pointed out in the passage that those who violate traffic regulations ----.
A B CDE A. are the most inexperienced drivers that we have on the roads
B. always blame the road conditions
C. don't have prior traffic violations or crashes on their records
D. are the biggest threat to those with whom they share the road
E. don't know most of the traffic rules and regulations
VII. Directions: Pretend that you are to compete in a Division level three-minute Extemporaneous Speech.
Convince the judges to watch your favorite movie. Put your speech into writing. (5 pts.)

In everything that you do, always give your best shot.

Prepared by:


English 10 Teacher English 10 Teacher

Checked: Noted:


Head Teacher III-English Principal II

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