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BS TM – 2B

What are the four Genders:

 Man
 Woman
 Masculine female-bodied nádleeh
 Feminine male-bodied nádleeh.

Gender equality - means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of
women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally.

Feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights
and opportunities

The benefits of gender equality

 Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. Gender inequality is a
root cause of violence against women. ...
 Gender equality is good for the economy. Every day that we fail to deliver gender
equality, we pay the price. ...
 Gender equality is a human right. ...
 Gender equality makes our communities safer and healthier.
 Acceptance / Openness
 Free From Discrimination
 Freedom of Speech
 United as One
 Strong Nation

Gender inequality - is a result of the persistent discrimination of one group of

people based upon gender and it manifests itself differently according to
race, culture, politics, country, and economic situation.

Inequalities in Education around the World. ...

This reflects past inequalities in access to education, particularly access to
higher education.
Gender differences in educational attainment are largest in South Asia, where
60.6% of men have at least some secondary education, compared to 39.8%
of women.

Why do we need gender equality?

It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that
they be treated exactly alike.
" On a global scale, achieving gender equality also requires eliminating harmful
practices against women and girls,
including sex trafficking - is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation,
including sexual slavery
femicide or Feminicide -is a gender-based hate crime term, broadly defined as "the
intentional killing of females (women or girls) because they are females",
wartime sexual violence - is rape or other forms of sexual violence committed
by combatants during armed conflict, war, or military occupation often as spoils of war
and other oppression tactics - can refer to an authoritarian regime controlling its
citizens via state control of politics, the monetary system, media, and the military;
denying people any meaningful human or civil rights; and terrorizing the populace
through harsh, unjust punishment, and a hidden network of obsequious informants
reporting to a vicious secret police force

The social construction of gender is a theory in feminism and sociology about the
operation of gender and gender differences in societies

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