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GRAMMAR BANK ..................................................................................................................... 3
Present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs .................................................... 3
Future forms .............................................................................................................................. 5
Present perfect and past simple ................................................................................................. 6
Present perfect + for/since, present perfect continuous ............................................................. 7
Comparatives and superlatives: adjectives and adverbs............................................................ 8
Articles: a/an, the, no article.................................................................................................... 10
Can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) ........................................................................ 11
Have to, must, should .............................................................................................................. 11
Past Tenses .............................................................................................................................. 12
Present and past habits and states: usually and used to ........................................................... 13
The passive: be+past participle ............................................................................................... 14
Modals of deduction: might, can’t, must................................................................................. 15
First conditional and future time clauses + when, until .......................................................... 15
Second conditional .................................................................................................................. 15
Reported speech: sentences and questions .............................................................................. 16
Gerunds and infinitives ........................................................................................................... 20
Third conditional ..................................................................................................................... 21
Quantifiers ............................................................................................................................... 22
Relative Clauses ...................................................................................................................... 23
Question tags ........................................................................................................................... 24
WRITING ................................................................................................................................... 26
A description of a person ........................................................................................................ 26
An informal mail ..................................................................................................................... 26
An article for a magazine ........................................................................................................ 27
Telling a story ......................................................................................................................... 28
A film review .......................................................................................................................... 29
Describing a house or flat........................................................................................................ 29
A letter/email of complaint ................................................................................................... 30
VOCABULARY BANK ............................................................................................................. 31

Present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs
Present Simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+Inf Subj+ do+not+inf Do/Does+ subj+inf
He, She, It add (-s) o (- 3ªper. Sg. Usan does
*Terminación -es para Contracción DON’T, Verbo to be: Am, Is Are
verbos que acaben en -o, - DOESN’T
s, -ch, -sh,…

Usos Adverbios/Expresiones de frecuencia

-Rutina Always/siempre
-Verdades Often/a menudo
-Horarios y programas Sometimes/a veces
-Presente Histórico Usually/normalmente
-Acciones programadas futuro Never/nunca
Hardly ever/Casi nunca
Every day/Cada día
On Sundays/Los domingos
In winter/En invierno
Seldom/Rara vez
 Los adverbios van antes del verbo
principal y después del verbo be
 Las expresiones de frecuencia
normalmente van al final de la
frase o del verb phrase

Present Continuous
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+to be (Am/Is/Are) + Subj+ to be (Am/Is/Are) + To be (Am/Is/Are) +subj+
Verbo+ing not+ verbo+ing verbo+ing?
Contracción verbo to be
Forma -ing
 Verbo -e: -e+ing
 Verbo: Verbo+ing
 Verbo -CVC+ing: doble consonante+ing

Usos Adverbios/Expresiones de frecuencia

-Acciones ocurriendo en este momento Now/Ahora
-Acciones en proceso At the moment/En este momento
-Acciones planificadas Right now/Justo Ahora
-Situaciones temporales
-Expresión futuro
-Quejas de acciones repetidas (Suele ir
con Always/ Subj+to be+

Action verbs Non-action verbs

verbos que describen acciones (cook, verbos que describen estados o
make...), pueden ser utilizados tanto en sentimientos (love, need, be...),
presente simple como en continuo. Normalmente no son utilizados en el
presente continuo, incluso si nosotros
decimos now. Los más comunes
son: agree, be, believe, belong, depend,
forget, hate, hear, know, like, love,
matter, mean, need, prefer, realize,
recognize, remember, seem, suppose.
Algunos verbos pueden ser utilizados tanto como action verb, como non-action
verb dependiendo del significado (con acción o sin ella):

 I have a dog now (describe una posesión, non-action).

 I can't talk now. I'm having dinner (an action).
 I think this music is great (describe una opinión, non-action).
 What are you thinking about? (an action).

Future forms

Be going to
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+ be (Am/Is/Are) + Subj+ be+not+ going to+ inf Be+subj+going to+inf?
going to+inf

-Planes de futuros cercanos
-Intención de hacer algo
- Describir planes, intenciones y compromisos (cuando nosotros ya hemos decidido
-Predicciones (meteorológicas, si podemos ver o tener una evidencia o pista de que va
a ocurrir)

Present Continuous: be + verb + -ing

 Lo podemos utilizar para citas o compromisos futuros.

 Es muy similar al significado de la estructura anterior (be going to), de modo
que la mayoría de las veces podemos usar ambos.
"We're going to married next year".
 Resalta que se ha realizado un compromiso:
"We're getting married on October 15th".
 Se suele utilizar para relatar un viaje (go, arrive, come, leave...).
"I am going to England tomorrow and coming back on Tuesday".

Future simple: Will/Shall

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+will+inf Subj+will+not+inf Will+subj+inf?
Contracción: ‘LL Contracción: WON’T
Shall: Utilizado en primera persona singular y plural en preguntas para ofrecer o

-Decisiones instantáneas/Determinaciones
-Acciones que ocurrirán
-Advertencias y condiciones
-Expresar deseo o rechazo

Present perfect and past simple

Present perfect simple: have/has+ past participle

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+ have/has+ participio Subj + have/has+not+Part. Have/has+
pasado (3r columna o -ed) pasado subj+part.pasado?
Contracción: ‘VE, ‘S
Se utiliza para hablar de acciones iniciadas en el pasado pero que continúan en el
-Cosa del pasado reciente sin decir cuando empezaron
-Para dar noticias
-Acciones que empezaron, pero continúan en el presente
He has talked to me. / Él ha hablado conmigo.
-Usamos ever o never antes del verbo principal para preguntar o hablar de experiencias
-Para acciones pasadas recientes podemos añadir antes del verbo principal el just (acaba/r/ de)
-También podemos añadir yet o already(énfasis)
 Already para positivas antes del verbo principal(ya)
 Yet para negativas e interrogativas al final de la frase. (todavía)

Past Simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+inf+ Subj-did not-inf Did+subj+inf?
1º-ed(regulares DIDN’T
2ª columna verbos
Forma del -ed
 Verbos -e: verbo+-d
 Verbos -y: -yed
 Verbos C+y: -ied
 Monosilabo CVC: doble consonante + ed
Usos Expresiones
-Acciones acabadas  Ago/ hace
-Acciones consecutivas  Yesterday/ ayer
-Acciones pasadas finalizadas cuando  Last winter/el invierno pasado
preguntamos, decimos o conocemos  In 1984/ en 1984
cuando ha pasado
He talked to me. / Habló conmigo.

Present perfect or past simple

 Usamos presente perfecto para experiencias pasadas y del pasado reciente
cuando no especificamos el tiempo. I’ve been to Madrid twice
 Usamos el pasado simple para preguntar o hablar de acciones pasadas
acabadas cuando el tiempo es mencionado o entendido; pueden llevar
expresiones temporales. I went ther in 1998 and 2002

Present perfect + for/since, present perfect continuous

Presente Perfecto
Already(ya)= Have/has + already+pp Afirmativa
Yet(todavía)=Have/has+pp+ yet Negativa
 Acciones pasadas
 Acciones ocurridas antes de ahora o hace poco
 Preguntar si una acción ha acabado o negarla
Acciones que acaban de acabar Afirmativas
Just(acaban de +inf)= Have/ Has +
How long? Preguntar por duración
Ever Have you ever been: Has estado alguna
For Periodos de tiempo(desde…)two weeks,
40 years,….
Since Punto de tiempo concreto(desde, desde
que) since 1987, october,….
For/since con presente perfecto con verbos non action habla sobre algo que empezó
en el pasado y se mantiene real ahora.
Usamos How long para preguntar sobre un peridodo de tiempo inacabado
No usamos presente simple con for o since
**Has been to(place) Se fue y volvio **Has gone to(place) Se fue y esta allí

Present Perfect Continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+Have/has+been+v- Subj+have/has+not+been+v- Have/Has+subj+been+v-
ing ing ing
Respuesta corta:
Yes, I Have/No, I haven’t
Yes, she has/ No, she hasn’t
John has been working at the bank since 2003.(John lleva trabajando en el banco
desde 2003.)

Usos Work o Live tanto en simple como en

Acciones muy recientes que acaban de continuo significan lo mismo
Acciones iniciadas en el pasado pero que
continúan aun
Puese usar for/since en action verbs(
learn, work, go,…) para acciones que aun

Comparatives and superlatives: adjectives and adverbs

Adj Comparativo Superlativo
Good(well) Better The best
Bad(badly) Worse The worst
Much/many More The more
Little/few Less The least
Far Further/farther The furthest/farthest
Old Older/elder The oldest/Eldest

Adj Comparativo Superlativo
Una silaba +er THE +adj+est
Acabado en CV Doble consonante +er THE+adj doble
C+Y -ier THE+adj-iest
2 o mas silabas More +adj THE most + adj

As+adj+as /negative= so(as) +not+adj+as Tanto…..como
The same+adj+as Los mismo que…..

Superioridad Más que….

Comparativo To be+ adj-er+THAN…..
Superlativo THE+adj-est+subj+IN+…(e.g. the world)

Inferioridad Menos que….

Comparativo Less+adj+than
Superlativo THE least+adj…..

 Después de THAN o As puedes usar el pronombre personal de sujeto + verbo

auxiliar, o los pronombres objeto.
 En algunas ocasiones el THE superlativo puede ser sustituido por el adjetivo
 El superlativo a menudo es usado con el present perfect+ever. E.g It’s the best
book I’ve ever read
 SIEMPRE se una IN en vez de of antes de los lugares en los superlativos.

Articles: a/an, the, no article

 Sustantivos contables
 Primera vez que se menciona
 Cuando dices lo que es algo/lo que alguien hace
 Exclamaciones con What….!
 En expresiones de frecuencia

 Cuando hablamos de algo mencionado
 Cuando esta claro a lo que se refiere
 Cuando solo hay uno de algo
 Sitios en una ciudad
 superlativos

 Hablando en general
 Con algunos nombres después de at/to/from
 Antes de comidas(desayuno, comida, cena)/días/meses
 Antes de next/last+day, week,etc…

Can, could, be able to (ability and possibility)

Verbo modal poder/ podría

Can(Presente/ pero puede Could(pasado/condicional)
usarse con significado
Can Could
Can not /Can’t Could not /Couldn’t

Para las otras formas verbales Futuro

Presente perfecto
Infinitivo y gerundio
Be able to+inf Ser capaz de…; o incapacidades
Be(con su forma correspondiente)+able temporales
Usos Habilidad o posibilidad
En presente o pasado si no queremos ser

Have to, must, should

Verbo modal /DEBER

Have to+inf/ Don’t have to+inf Must+inf/ Mustn’t+inf
Have got to+inf Solo existe en presente, aunque puede
Uso más general usarse con significado futuro
Uso más específico
 Obligaciones
 Consejos
 Deducciones
 Prohibiciones
 Indicar costumbres
 En negativo puede indicar que algo no es necesario
 Must en negativo en ocasiones puede ser sustituido por can’t o be not allowed
Should/Shouldn’t +inf
Ought to/ought not to. Forma para verdades objetivas principalmente. Puede usarse
en vez de la forma should
 Uso para dar consejos o opiniones
 Predicciones o probabilidades
 Sugerencias
Pasado de los verbos modales Should have+pp(Algo se debería haber
hecho y no se hizo.
Verbo modal+have+participio pasado Have to:Had to/didn’t have to
El verbo must en pasado en si no existe, se utiliza la versión had to[must have +pp]

Past Tenses

Past simple. Pagina 6

Usado para acciones finalizadas en el pasado cuando we say, ask,or know lo que ha
Verbos regulares:-ed / Verbos irregulares: segunda columna

Past continuous
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+ was/were+ing Subj+was/were not+ing Was/were+subj+ing?
Usos Expresiones
 Acciones que estaban ocurriendo All night/Toda la noche
en un momento expecifico o han The whole day/Todo el dia
sido interrumpidas por otra acción The whole afternoon/Toda la tarde
pasada. (Está en past simple) For a long time/Durante mucho tiempo
 Acciones repetidas While/mientras*
 Descripción (principio historia o
anécdota) y escenificación *A menudo para dos acciones que
 Dos acciones al mismo tiempo ocurren al mismo tiempo
Dos acciones en pasado la más larga en continuo y la más corta en simple.
Una acción después de otra es en simple

Past Perfect: had+past participle

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subj+had+past pariciple Subj+HAD NOT+ past Had+subj+past participle
Usos Expresiones
Acciones que ocurrieron antes que otra Since Desde
When John arrived(1), they went out(2) For Desde hace
“ellos se fueron” Till/until Hasta
When John arrived(2), they had gone When Cuando
out(1) “ellos se habian ido” Before Antes
By the time Para cuando
Always Siempre

Using narrative tenses together/Pasado para narraciones

 Continuous to set the scene(was raining, watching)
 Simple to say what happened
 Past perfect to say what happened before the previous past accion

Present and past habits and states: usually and used to

Para habitos presentes usamos Usualmente/Normalmente

usually´7normally+presente simple
Para hábitos pasados usamos used Solía hacer/no solía hacer……
to/didn’t use to+INF
Didn’t use to o never used to  Puede ser usado para verbos
action o non action
 Podemos usar solo pasado simple
para describir hábitos de
frecuencia pasados a menudo con

Used to or past simple

Se pueden usar ambos en acciones o estados repetidos con mismo significado
Con pasado simple especificamos el momento exacto con fechas o número de tiempo
Con used to no mencionamos el momento de la acción
Any more and any longer
Usamos not…any more/longer con presente simple para contrastar con used to
I used to go to the gym, but I don’t(go)any more/longer
Be used to and get used to

En este caso, se trata del adjetivo used (acostumbrado). La expresión hace referencia a
hábitos presentes, situaciones a las que estamos acostumbrados:
I’m a teacher. I’m used to working with young people.
Fijaros que el adjetivo used tiene una preposición obligatoria (to) y el verbo que le
sigue tiene la forma de gerundio (working).
Como se trata de un adjetivo, su forma no cambia en las frases interrogativas o

Esta expresión contiene también el adjetivo used (acostumbrado), pero su significado
es ligeramente diferente del de be used to. Se trata de enfatizar un cambio de hábitos
que requiere un cierto esfuerzo.
When I arrived in Spain, I had to get used to having lunch late.
I haven’t got used to not having a car anymore.
Fijaros que en este caso también tenemos una preposición obligatoria (to) y un segundo
verbo en la forma de gerundio.

The passive: be+past participle

Is/Are +part Was/Were+part Will be+part Etc….

pasado pasado pasado
Resaltar la acción. Podemos desconocer al autor
Con by (por) indicamos el complemento agente que en la activa es el sujeto

Verbo activo Verbo pasivo

Present is/are + verbo en participio

Present Continuous is/are being + verbo en participio

Past Tense was/were + verbo en participio

Past Continuous was/were being + verbo en participio

Present Perfect have/has been + v.en p.

Cuestiones generales sobre la voz pasiva

· La voz pasiva se utiliza mucho más en inglés que en español.

· La voz pasiva se utiliza más en el lenguaje periodístico y científico que en el
· También la voz pasiva se utiliza para poner mensajes en lugares públicos. Por
ejemplos: Dogs are not allowed. No se permiten perros. Algunas veces se suprime el
verbo "to be". Por ejemplo: Help wanted. Se necesitan empleados.
· La expresiones con "se" tales como: "se dice, se habla, etc.; se expresan en inglés
con la voz pasiva así: It is said, It is spoken, etc.

Modals of deduction: might, can’t, must

Modales de May →Might Quizás Posibilidad más remota (True)

deducción May not/Might Especulaciones
Can’t No Deducción negativa (Not true)
puedes Imposibilidad
Must Deber Obligaciones morales
Can no se una como sustitución de may o might
El uso de must puede ser en sestido opuesto al uso de can’t
En positivo en vez de might se puede usar could
A menudo usamos be+gerundio después de might, must o can’t

First conditional and future time clauses + when, until

If+ presente simple, will/won’t + future(inf)

If puede sustituirse por UNLESS en negativas[if not](a no ser que…)

Usos Detrás de….. se usa presente para hablar

de futuro
Situaciones posibles, probables futuras When
Consecuencias As son as(tan pronto como)
Puedes usar el imperativo en lugar del Before
WILL After

Second conditional

If+pasado simple, would/wouldn’t+inf

Would…….if+pasado simple

Situaciones hopoteticas; improbables; imaginaries
Sobre situaciones del presente o futuro y consecuencias
Puedes usar el could en lugar del would
Después de If puedes usar was o were con I, He o She.
Pudiendo comenzar con If I were you, I’d para dar consejos

Se puede usar solo el would o wouldn’t + infinitivo, sin la frase con el if, cuando
hablamos de situaciones imaginarias
Reported speech: sentences and questions

El verbo principal retrocede un tiempo verbal: si en directo tenemos: "I live in Italy". She
said. En reported speech: "She said that she lived in Italy".
Reported sentences (Estilo indirecto)
Present Past
"I work in Argentina" He said (that) he worked in Argentina
"I don't like fish" She said she didn't like fish
We are living in New York They said that they were living in New
Past Past perfect
"We saw a good film on TV" He said(that) they had seen a good film on
We didn't read 'Hamlet' TV.
I was dancing with Mary They said that they hadn't read 'Hamlet'
He said that he had been dancing with
Present perfect Past perfect
"I have done this before" She said that she had done that before
I haven't heard from Dean He said that he hadn't heard from Dean
I have been doing this for two years He said that he had been doing that for two
Future Conditional
"I will visit my mother" He said that he would visit his mother
I won't listen to you He said that he wouldn't listen to me
I will be staying at a good hotel He said that he would be staying at a good
Future perfect Conditional perfect
"I will have arrived there by 5 pm" He said he would have arrived here by 5
He will have been sleeping for 13 hours pm
She said that he would have been sleeping
for 13 hours
Can/Can’t Could/Could’t
"I can stay here until Sunday" He said he could stay there until Sunday
May/May not Might/Might not
"I may go fishing next weekend" He said that he might go fishing next
Must/Must not Had to/be pasado+to
"I must work everyday" He said he had to work everyday

Lo usamos para hablar a otra persona de lo que alguien dijo
Los pronombres cambian
El That después de said o told es opcional
Los adverbios temporares o de lugar también pueden cambiar

Direct Speech → Reported Speech
now → then, at that moment
today → that day
tonight → that night
last night → the previous night, the night before
tomorrow → the next day, the following day
yesterday → the previous day, the day before
this week → that week
next week → the following week, the week after
last year → the previous year, the year before
here → there

Cuando no cambian
Cuando reportas lo que alguien dijo muy pronto después de que lo dijeron, los
tiempos a menudo permanecen igual que en la oración original.
I can’t come tonight
I’ve just spoken to Adam and he said that he can’t come tonight

I really enjoyed my trip

Jack told me that he really enjoyed his trip

Cuidado después de said no uses a Después de told debes usar a

persona o objeto pronombre persona o pronombre
say tell
"Mum came to see you today." "John is not here right now."
He said that mum had come to see me that She told me that John wasn't there
day. then.

Reported questions
Direct Speech Reported Speech

"What are you looking for?" → He asked what I was looking for

"Where can we go tonight?" → She asked where they could go that night

"When did they go to India?" → He asked when they had gone to India

"Who told you that?" → He asked me who had told me that


"How old are the twins?" → He asked how old the twins were


"Why did Carla leave so early?" → He asked why Carla had left so early

"Which skirt did you choose?" → She asked me which skirt I had chosen

"Whose dog is missing?" → He asked whose dog was missing

Yes-no questions

"Are these your glasses?" → He asked me if those were my glasses

"Isn't that Jen's boyfriend?" → She asked me if that wasn't Jen's boyfriend

La preguntas pasan a convetirse a oraciones indirectas
Cuando no comienzan con 5W añadimos un IF o Whether
También tienes que cambiar el orden de las palabras hacia sujeto+verbo, y no usar do
o did

Gerunds and infinitives

Gerundios Verb+ing
 Despues de preposicion o phrasal Not +verb+ ing
 Como sujeto
 Después de algunos verbos como
dislike, admit, avoid(evitar),
enjoy, forget, miss, keep, like,

Infinitivo with to Without to

 Detras adjetivos  Después de verbos modales,
 Para expresar razones o auxiliares
propuestas  Detrás de make/let
 Detrás de algunos verbos como
want, need, learn, agree, help,
Not to+verbo Verb+person+infinitive with to
Mayor uso del infinitive que del gerundio Tambien se usa infinitive con to después
Algunos verbos tienen el mismo de algunos verbos como ask, tell, want,
significado tanto en gerundio como would like+person. E.g. I want you to do
infinitivo( start, begin, continue) this now.

Verbos con significado diferente en gerundio o infinitivo

Try + gerund( probar) Remember + gerund(probar)
This is when you do something as an This is when you remember something
experiment. The thing you do is not that has happened in the past. You have a
difficult, but you want to see if doing it memory of it, like being able to see a
will have the result that you want. movie of it in your head.
She tried giving up chocolate, but it didn't I remember going to the beach when I was
help her lose weight. (It was easy for her a child. (= I have a memory of going to the
to give up chocolate. She gave it up to see beach).
if it would help her lose weight, but it Remember + to + infinitive(require
didn't). esfuerzo)
Try + to + infinitive(require esfuerzo)
This is when the thing you do itself is This is when you think of something that
difficult and you don't succeed in doing it. you need to do. (And usually, you then do
She tried to catch the bus, but she couldn't the thing).
run fast enough I remembered to buy milk. (= I was
walking home and the idea that I needed
milk came into my head, so I bought

Third conditional

We make the third conditional by using the past perfect after 'if' and then 'would have'
and the past participle in the second part of the sentence:
· if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participle

 It talks about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to
imagine the result of this situation.
· If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn't
study and so she didn't pass)
· If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel
· If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane
· She wouldn't have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier
· She would have become a teacher if she had gone to university
· He would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine

 or no possibility
If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car.
The first conditional and second conditionals talk about the future. With the third
conditional we talk about the past. We talk about a condition in the past that
did not happen. That is why there is no possibility for this condition. The third conditional
is also like a dream, but with no possibility of the dream coming true.
Last week you bought a lottery ticket. But you did not win. :-(
if condition result
Past Perfect would have + past participle
If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car.
Notice that we are thinking about an impossible past condition. You did not win the
lottery. So the condition was not true, and that particular condition can never be true
because it is finished. We use the Past Perfectt ense to talk about the impossible past
condition. We use would have + past participle to talk about the impossible past result.
The important thing about the third conditional is that both the condition and result are
impossible now.
If condition result
Past Perfect would have + past participle
If I had seen Mary, I would have told her.
If Tara had been free yesterday, I would have invited her.

result if condition
would have + past participle Past Perfect
I would have told Mary if I had seen her.
I would have invited Tara if she had been free yesterday.

Sometimes, we use should have, could have, might have instead of would have, for
example: If you had bought a lottery ticket, you might have won.


Large quantities
A lot of/lots of/ a lot. Positive Sin expecificar
Many Negative, interrogative contable
much Negative, interrogative incontable
Plenty of(suficiente, mas que suficiente) Positiva [more tan enough]

Small quantities
A little/ a bit/ a little bit Incontable Poco
A few Plurales contables Unos cuantos
Very little/very fre Muy poco(s) [not much/many]

More or less than you need or want

Demasiado Too+adjective Too much incontables/Too
many+ plural contables
Suficiente Enough+sustantivo That’s enough es
Adjetivo/adverbio + suficiente
enough Not enough no es

Zero quantity
Any +noum Con verbos negativos
No+noum Con verbos positivos (frase con sentido
None(without noum) Respuestas cortas

Relative Clauses

Defining relative clauses(dar información esencial)

Who/that Persona
Which/that Cosa, objeto,animales
where Lugar
whose Propiedad/posesion
significa of who, of which= cuyo(subj
+whose+ objeto o persona poseida)
Pronombre relative+subj+verbo  En lugar de who o which puedes
escribir that
 Los tres pronombres pueden
omitirse en este tipo de frases
cuando el verbo principal tiene un
sujeto diferente.
 Where y whose nunca pueden ser

Non-defining relative clauses(dar informacion extra no esencial)

Who/Whom Persona
Which Cosa, objeto,animales
Where Lugar
Whose Propiedad/posesion
significa of who, of which= cuyo(subj
+whose+ objeto o persona poseida)
 Estas frases pueden ser omitidas, la frase principal mantendrá su significado
 Las relativas de información extra deben ir entre comas o coma y punto final.
 Los pronombres nunca pueden ser omitidos
 No puedes usar el sustituto That en vez de who o which, ya que no puede ir
detrás de coma.

Question tags

Positive verb, negative tag Negative verb, positive tag

Present Present simple We aren't late, are
She's Italian, isn't she?
simple 'be' 'be' we?
Present Present simple She doesn't have any
They live in
simple other other verbs children, does she?
London, don't they?
Present The bus isn't
Present We're working continuous coming, is it?
continuous tomorrow, aren't we?
Past simple She wasn't at home
Past simple It was cold 'be' yesterday, was she?
'be' yesterday, wasn't it?
Past simple They didn't go out last
Past simple He went to the party other verbs Sunday, did they?
other verbs last night, didn't he?
Past You weren't
Past We were waiting at the continuous sleeping, were you?
continuous station, weren't we?
Present She hasn't eaten all the
Present They've been to perfect cake, has she?
perfect Japan, haven't they?
Present He hasn't been
Present She's been studying a perfect running in this
perfect lot recently, hasn't continuous weather, has he?
continuous she?
We hadn't been to
He had forgotten his Past perfect London before, had
Past perfect
wallet, hadn't he? we?
Past perfect We'd been Past perfect You hadn't been
continuous working, hadn't we? continuous sleeping, had you?
She'll come at They won't be
Future simple Future simple
six, won't she? late, will they?
Future They'll be arriving Future He won't be studying
continuous soon, won't they? continuous tonight, will he?
They'll have finished She won't have left
before nine, won't Future perfect work before six, will
they? she?
Future She'll have been He won't have been
Future perfect
perfect cooking all day, won't travelling all day, will
continuous she? he?
Modals He can help, can't he? She can't speak
Arabic, can she?
John must
stay, mustn't he? They mustn't come
early, must they?
A menudo se usan para asegurar algo que realmente piensas que es cierto

Se utilizan para:
a) Pedir confirmación.
b) Pedir información.
Ello va a depender de la entonación de la "question tag":
a) Entonación descendente: se pide al interlocutor confirmación de lo que uno ha
dicho (no es una pregunta, no se pide información).
You have been to Paris. Haven't you? (bajando el tono de voz)
El emisor está plenamente convencido de que su interlocutor ha estado en París. Le
pide (y espera) que se lo confirme.
b) Entonación ascendente: se pide información.
You haven't seen my brother. Have you? (subiendo el tono de voz)
El emisor no sabe si su interlocutor ha visto o no a su hermano. Espera que le responda
y que le facilite alguna información.
También se utilizan las "questions tags" con oraciones negativas para solicitar de
modo informal pero cortés algún favor.
You couldn't bring me a glass of water. Could you?

¿Cómo se construye la "Question tag"?

Su estructura es muy simple:
verbo auxiliar (de la oración principal) + pronombre personal
El sujeto es siempre un pronombre.
Si la oración principal es afirmativa la "question tag" es negativa.
You are coming with us. Aren't you?
Y viceversa: si la oración principal es negativa la "question tag" es afirmativa.
You are not coming with us. Are you?
Algunos casos particulares:
a) Con oraciones imperativas se utiliza como verbo auxiliar "will" y va en
· Open the door. Will you?
b) Con oraciones del tipo "Let us..." se utiliza como verbo auxilizar "shall" y va en
· Let's play tennis. Shall we?

A description of a person

Subj +to be+ adjective
A bit

Quite, very, etc + positive adj.

Bit+negative adj
Likes,loves, doesn’t mind+ verb+ing
Happy to+ infinitive
Happy/good+ with/at

Paragraph 1 Age, family, work, study/ name, nationality

Paragraph 2 Personality/ physical appearance
Paragraph 3 Hobbies and interests
Paragraph 4 Any negative things?
 And: y
 But: pero
 Or: o
 E.g.: por ejemplo

An informal mail

From: Mail origen

To: Mail destinatario
Subject: (Asunto)
Paragraph 1  Thank her for her mail. E.g. Thank
you for your mail
 Your name, age, where you are
from. What you do, why are
studying english
Paragraph 2  Say when you arriving, etc…
 Who you live with. Your family.
Paragraph 3  Answer her other questions
 What you like doing in you free
 **PS(Postdata)

Hi/Dear+ name
Sorry for not writing earlier, but…
Thank you/Thanks (so much) for(your letter, having me to stay, etc…)
It was great to hear from you
Despedidas (Antes de colocar el nombre, firma.)
That’s all for now
Hope to hear from you soon/Looking forward to hearing from you soon
(Give my) regards/ love to
Best wishes/Love (from)
PS: cuando quieres añadir un mensaje corto al final del mensaje.

An article for a magazine

-Comparatives and superlatives

-After and them
After +another word. E.g;after work
Then(para ordenar acciones) E.g: I get up and then I have breakfast
Getting the reader involved (Generalmente utilizaremos una pregunta para atraer al

Do you want to spend your holidays in one of the finest places in the world?
¿Quiere pasar sus vacaciones en unos de los lugares más elegantes del mundo para
pasar sus vacaciones?
Planning your (holiday, excursion, day) can be hard, but not if you (follow our
advice, read these lines).Planificar su (vacaciones, excursiones, día) puede ser difícil,
pero no si (sigue nuestro consejo, lee estas líneas).
Developing your idea

Let me first point out...En primer lugar, quiero destacar...

One advantage is... Una ventaja es...
Furthermore... Además

Giving your opinion

In my opinion/En mi opinión
It seems to me that/Me parece que
In my view/Desde mi punto de vista
I think that /Creo que

Análisis del artículo/article

(1)Title. Invento un título que describa perfectamente el tema sobre el cuál voy a
hablar: "Una de las playas más bonitas de España: Playa Papagayo"
(2) Introduction. Empiezo con una pregunta para atraer al lector: ¿Quiere conocer una
de las mejores (Fíjate como pongo "best" y no "nicest" para no repetir el título) playas
de España? Venga a Lanzarote. Esta es una invitación. Finalmente, digo como se puede
llegar a esta playa, que es lo que me están pidiendo en las instrucciones para redactar el
(3) Developing your ideas. Enumero las razones por las cuales me gusta la playa. Para
este fin utilizo las palabras: "Firs of all" (En primer lugar) y también "Then" (además) y
"Finally" (Finalmente).
(4) Developing your ideas. Intento crear una atmósfera especial para atraer al lector
utilizando adjetivos: "fine" "colourful", "impressive", "cool", "nice" y "delicious".
(5) My opinion. Acabo atrayendo al lector nuevamente con una pregunta: "What are
you waiting for?" ¿A qué está esperando? y resumiendo porqué me gusta la Playa

Telling a story

Paragraph 1 When was the journey? Where were you

going?Who with? Why?
Paragraph 2 How did you get los? What happened?
Paragraph 3 What happened in the end?

Although Aunque Instead of en lugar de, en vez de…

As soon as Tan pronto como So Entonces, así que, por tanto….
Because porque Then Entonces, luego, después
But pero When cuando

Useful language: getting lost(get lost)Perderse

Fuimos en dirreccion equivocada We were going in the wrong direction
Tomamos la salida/giro equivocado We took the wrong exit/turning
Giramos a la derecha en vez de a la We turned right instead of left
No sabíamos donde estabamos We didn’t know where we were
Tuvimos que dar la vuelta y volver en We had to turn round and go back in the
dirección opuesta opposite direction

A film review

Paragraph 1 The name of the film, the director, the stars, and any prizes it
Paragraph 2 Where and when it is set. Where it was filmed
Paragraph 3 The plot(trama)
Paragraph 4 Why you recommend the film

Action acción Set scenario Location ubicacion

Based basado Directed dirigida Stars estrellas
Sequels secuelas Soundtrack banda Sonora Recommend recomendar

Useful language: describing a film (descripcion de una película)

It was directed/written by Fue dirigida/escrita por
It is set in Esta ambientada en
It’s based on the book Se basa en el libro
It’s about Se trata de
It stars Esta estrella
In the end Al final
My favorite scene is Mi escena favorita
I strongly recommend (the film) because Recomiendo encarecidamente (la
pelicula) porqué

Describing a house or flat

Paragraph 1 A brief introduction. What king of house/flat is it? Where is it

Paragraph 2 Describe the house/flat. What rooms does it have? Does it have any
special characteristics?
Paragraph 3 Describe the neighbourhood. How far is it from places of interest,
public transport, etc.?
Paragraph 4 Say who the house flat is suitable for. Are there any restrictions?

Amazing - Increíble Beautiful - hermosa

Breathtaking - Impresionante Lovely - Encantador

Ideal - Ideal Luxurious - de lujo

Magnificent - Magnífico Perfect - Perfecto

Spacious - Amplio superb - soberbia

Useful language: describing location
It is Perfectly situated in….
Walking distance from….
A (fifteen-minute) walk from….
A short drive from….
The neighbourhood is (safe, friendly, etc…)
It’s a (beautiful) area

A letter/email of complaint

Useful language: a formal letter (or email)

You don’t know the person’s name
Start: Dear Sir/Madam, (Se pone esta forma completa)
Finish: Yours faithfully, (+- sincerely)
You know the person’s name
Start: Dear +Mr/Ms/Mrs, (Mister, Miss, Misses) +Surname
Finish: (Yours)* sincerely (+- atentamente, cordialmente) *opcional
Note: a formal email is exactly the same as a formal letter, except in an email we
don’t write the address or date.
No contraer formas verbales: I am writing to complain about….

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