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HES5320 Solid Mechanics

Topic 2:
Singularity Functions
Superposition Method &
Statically Indeterminate Beams

1 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Singularity Functions

Superposition Method

Statically Indeterminate Beams

Applications of Superposition Method to Statically

Indeterminate Beams

2 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

20kN 30kN 40kN 2kN/m 300N 4kN/m


300N 300N

Figure 2.1 Beams with discontinuous loading

Figure 2.1 shows beams carrying two or more concentrated loads, or

distributed loads combined with point loads. When a beam is loaded with
such discontinuous loads, the direct method of obtaining and plotting the
shear force and bending moment diagrams, outlined in the previous
classes, may become very tedious.

3 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Beam Loading and Singularity Functions
For instance, consider the beam below. This beam has three
 In order to find the slope and deflection of this beam you need three bending
moment equations. One equation for each of the three segments of the beam
 Each moment equation has to be integrated twice in order to obtain the
deflection equation, thus six constants of integration. We solve for the six
constants by using
 two boundary conditions (i.e. 𝑥 = 0, 𝑣 = 0 & 𝑥 = 𝐿, 𝑣 = 0)

 four continuity conditions. That is, at the points of discontinuity (B and C), both slope and
deflection must be continuous from one section to the next.

Continuity conditions

 dv   dv 
At B   =   and v AB = vBC
 dx  AB  dx  BC
 dv   dv 
4 At C   =   and vBC = vCD
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 dx  BC  dx CD
Singularity Function
Finding the integration constants and the derivation of
deflection curve are rather tedious for beams with many
discontinuous loads.
Singularity function makes it possible to represent the shear
force and bending moment equations by single mathematical
expressions. The function is defined, mathematically, as:

𝑓𝑛 𝑥 = [𝑥 − 𝑎] 𝑛
The singularity function is such that when 𝑥 < 𝑎
𝑓𝑛 𝑥 = 0
And when 𝑥 ≥ 𝑎, then
𝑓𝑛 𝑥 = x − a
Pay attention to the change of bracket.

5 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Singularity Function: Special Cases
Three special cases of the singularity function are shown below:
( x − a )n x≥a
[x − a] = 
0 x<a

step function Unit ramp function

6 [x − a ]0
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[x − a ]1 [x − a ]2
Integration And Differentiation Of
Singularity Function

( x − a )n x≥a
[x − a] =  n
0 x<a

[x − a ]n = n[x − a ]n −1 for n≥1

∫ [x − a ] dx = [x − a ]n +1

Note that another accepted form of the singularity function is given below.

〈 x − a〉 n = 
( x − a )n
0 x<a

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Some Basic Beam Loadings and Corresponding Shear and
Bending Moments in terms of singularity functions

Shear Moment

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Other Beam Loading Scenarios
A distributed loading that does not extend to the right
end of the beam or that is discontinuous should be
replaced by equivalent combination of open-ended

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Example 2.1
For the beam and loading shown in the figure below,
express the bending moment as functions of the
distance x from the support A using singularity

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Solution to Example 2.1
Start with the determination of the support reactions
� 𝐹𝑦= 0:

−𝑅𝐴 + 1200 + 1800 − 𝑅𝐵 = 0;

𝑅𝐴 + 𝑅𝐵 = 3000
� 𝑀𝐵= 0:

−𝑅𝐴 3.6 + 1200 3 + 1800 2.4 + 1400 = 0;

𝑅𝐴 = = 2588𝑁 ≈ 2.6𝑘𝑘; 𝑅𝐵 = 3000 − 2600
= 0.4𝑘𝑘

11 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Write the singularity function for the
beam’s SF and BM
Replace the given distributed loading by two equivalent open-ended
Express w(x) as a sum of corresponding step function
w(x ) = wo [x − 0.6] − wo [x − 1.8]
0 0

Shear force V(x) is obtained by integrating w(x), reversing the + and –

signs. Adding to the results the constant RAy and −𝑃 𝑥 − 0.6 0

V (x ) = − wo [x − 0.6] + wo [x − 1.8] + RAy − P[x − 0.6]

1 1 0

In similar way, the function M(x) is obtained by integrating V(x) and

adding to the result the constant −𝑀 𝑥 − 2.6 0

M (x ) = − wo [x − 0.6] + wo [x − 1.8] + RAy x − P[x − 0.6] − M 0 [x − 2.6]

1 2 1 2 1 0

2 2
SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Singularity Function in Table Format
Using the actual values of 𝑃, 𝑤𝑜 & 𝑅𝐴𝐴 , we can write the expression in
the form of a table

Expression for shear force V

1 1
𝑤0 −1.5 𝑥 − 0.6 + 1.5 𝑥 − 1.8
2.6 𝑥 − 0
𝑃 −1.2 𝑥 − 0.6
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 (𝑉) −1.5 𝑥 − 0.6 1 + 1.5 𝑥 − 1.8 1
+ 2.6 𝑥 − 0 0 − 1.2 𝑥 − 0.6 0
13 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Singularity Function in Table Format
We can write the expression in the form of a table

Expression for shear force M

𝑤0 −1.5 1.5
𝑥 − 0.6 2 + 𝑥 − 1.8 2
2 2
𝑅𝐴𝐴 2.6 𝑥 − 0 1
𝑃 −1.2 𝑥 − 0.6
𝑀𝐸 −1.44 𝑥 − 2.6
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝐵𝐵 (𝑀) −0.75 𝑥 − 0.6 2 + 0.75 𝑥 − 1.8 2
+ 2.6 𝑥 − 0 1 − 1.2 𝑥 − 0.6 1

− 1.44[𝑥 − 2.6]0
14 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Example 2.2
A cantilevered beam ABC is built-in at point A and free at point C. It is
subjected to a point load P and point B and a uniformly distributed load of
w between points B and C. Determine the deflection at point C.

P=50 kN
w=10 kN/m

2m 3m

15 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Solution to Example 2.4
Calculate the reactions at point A :
P=50 kN
w=10 kN/m



∑ Fy =0 RA − 50 − 10 × 3 = 0 RA = 80kN

∑MA =0 M A + 50 × 2 + (10 × 3)× 3.5 = 0 M A = −205kN .m

16 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Method 1
Solution to Example 2.4: Equilibrium of the segment AB
P=50 kN
w=10 kN/m

2m 3m
Consider a section between A and B

205 kN·m M1

80 kN

∑MD = 0 x

− 205 + 80 x − M 1 = 0

M 1 = (80 x − 205)kNm
SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Solution to Example 2.4: Equilibrium of the segment AC

P=50 kN
w=10 kN/m

2m 3m
50 kN
Consider a section between B and C 10 kN/m

205 kN·m M2
80 kN
∑ME =0
− 205 + 80 x − 50(x − 2 ) − 10(x − 2 ) − M2 = 0
M 2 = −5 x 2 + 50 x − 125 kN • m
SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Solution to Example 2.4: Elastic Curve
Segment AB:
d 2v
EI 2 = − M ( x ) = −80 x + 205
EI = −40 x 2 + 205 x + C1
40 3 205 2
EIv = − x + x + C1 x + C2
3 2
Segment BC:
d 2v
EI 2 = − M ( x ) = +5 x 2 − 50 x + 125
dv 5
EI = + x 3 − 25 x 2 + 125 x + C3
dx 3
5 4 25 3 125 2
EIv = + x − x + x + C3 x + C4
12 3 2
19 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Solution to Example 2.4: Determine the
constants with boundary conditions
At point A
x = 0, θ A = 0 EI = −40 x 2 + 205 x + C1 C1 = 0
x = 0, v A = 0 EIv = −
40 3 205 2
x + x + C2 C2 = 0
3 2
P=50 kN
w=10 kN/m
At point B
x = 2, θ B1 = θ B 2
A 2m B 3m C
5 3
− 40 × 2 + 205 × 2 = × 2 − 25 × 2 + 125 × 2 + C3
2 2

C3 = +86.67
x = 2, vB 1 = vB 2
40 3 205 2 5 25 125 2
×2 − × 2 =+ × 2 4 − × 2 3 + × 2 + 86.67 × 2 + C4
3 2 12 3 2
20 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
C4 = −60
Determine the deflection 𝑣𝑐 at point C
5 4 25 3 125 2
EIv = x − x + x + 86.67 x − 60
12 3 2

1 5 25 3 125 2  1154.6
vc =  ×5 − ×5 +
× 5 + 86.67 × 5 − 60  =
EI  12 3 2  EI

21 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Method 2
Singularity Function Method
Write out the moment equation in table format
P=50 kN
w=10 kN/m
205 kN·m
80 kN
Expression for M

𝑤 −5 𝑥 − 2
𝑅𝐴 80 𝑥 − 0 = 80𝑥

𝑃 −50 𝑥 − 2

𝑀𝐴 −205 𝑥 − 0 = −205

1 2
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 (𝑀) −205 − 50 𝑥 − 2 + 80𝑥 − 5 𝑥 − 2
22 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Method 2
Moment, Curvature, Slope, Deflection
Expressions moment, curvature, slope, deflection
M = −205 + 80 x − 50[x − 2] − 5[x − 2]
1 2

d 2v
EI 2 = 205 − 80 x + 50[x − 2] + 5[x − 2]
1 2


= 205 x − 40 x 2 + 25[x − 2] + [x − 2] + C1
dv 2 5 3
dx 3

x + [x − 2] + [x − 2] + C1 x + C2
205 2 40 3 25 5
EIv = x −
3 4

2 3 3 12
23 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Method 2
Determination of constants of integration
At point A
x = 0, v A = 0

x + [x − 2] + [x − 2] + C1 x + C2
205 2 40 3 25 5
EIv = x −
3 4

2 3 3 12
C2 = 0

Also at point A
x = 0, θ A = 0

= 205 x − 40 x + 25[x − 2] + [x − 2] + C1
dv 2 2 5 3
dx 3
C1 = 0

24 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Method 2
Final solution to example 2.2
Determination of deflection at point C

x + [x − 2] + [x − 2]
205 2 40 3 25 5
EIv = x −
3 4

2 3 3 12
1  205 2 40 3 25 4
× 5 − × 5 + [5 − 2] + [5 − 2] 
vc = 

EI  2 3 3 12 

1  205 2 40 3 25 3 5 4 1
=  × 5 − × 5 + × 3 + × 3  = (1154.6)
EI  2 3 3 12  EI

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Still on Singularity Functions
Further demonstration of singularity function

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When a beam is subjected to several concentrated or distributed loads, it is
often found convenient to compute separately the slope and deflection caused
by each of the given load. The slope and deflection due to combined loads are
then obtained by applying the principle of superposition. The superposition
method deals with estimation of the slope and deflection due to a combined

27 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Principle of Superposition

 Deformations of beams subjected to combinations of loadings

may be obtained as the linear combination of the deformations
from the individual loadings

 To facilitate the task of practicing engineers most structural and

mechanical engineering textbooks provide tables for the slope
and deflections of beams of various loading and support types.
Such tables are given in the next two slides (see Tables 2.1 and
2.2 in the next slides).

28 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Table 2.1: Principal slope and deflection
for beams with basic loading*

29 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014 *Benham, P.P., Crawford R. J. and Armstrong, C.G., Mechanics of Engineering Materials, 2nd Ed.,
Longman, 1996.
Table 2.2: Slope and deflection for other
beam loading types*

Note: v = -y

30 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014 *Beer F.P and Johnston, E.R, Mechanics of Engineering Materials, 8th Ed., McGrawHill
Example 2.3
Determine the deflection at D for the beam and
loading shown, knowing that the flexural rigidity of
the beam is EI=100 MNm2 .

31 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Solution of Example 2.3: Superposition

The slope and deflection at any point of the beam may be obtained by
superposing the slopes and deflections caused by the concentrated load and distributed load

Pa 2 b 2 P( 41 L ) ( 43 L )
2 2
(vD )P = = = = 9 mm
3 EIL 3 EIL 256 EI
w  L4 L4 L4 
(vD )w = w
24 EI
x − 2 Lx + L x =
4 3 3
) − +  =
57 wL4
24 EI  256 32 4  24 × 256 EI
= 7.6mm

vD = (vD )P + (vD )w = 16.6 mm

32 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Example 2.4
For the beam and loading shown, determine the
slope and deflection at point B.

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Solution of Example 2.4: Superposition
Superimpose the deformations due to Loading I and
Loading II as shown.

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Solution to Example 2.4
Loading I Slope and deflection for loading I and

wL3 wL4
(θ B )I = − ( yB )I = −
6 EI 8 EI
wL3 wL4
(θC )II = ( yC )II =
48 EI 128 EI
In beam segment CB, the bending
moment is zero and the elastic curve is
a straight line.
Loading II
(θ B )II = (θC )II =
48 EI

wL4 wL3  L  7 wL4

( yB )II = +  =
128 EI 48 EI  2  384 EI

SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Solution to Example 2.4
Combine the two solutions
wL3 wL3 7 wL3
θ B = (θ B )I + (θ B )II = − + θB =
6 EI 48 EI 48 EI

wL4 7 wL4 41wL4

y B = ( y B )I + ( y B )II = − + yB = −
8 EI 384 EI 384 EI
vB = − y B =
384 EI

36 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Beam classification
statically determinate beams: mostly have a total of two unknown

statically indeterminate beams: three or more unknown reactions

37 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Boundary conditions : statically indeterminate
Three examples of statically indeterminate beams

x =0 v =0 x =0 v =0
x =0 v =0
x = L1 v =0 dv x =0 θ=
x=0 θ= =0 dx
x = L1 + L1 v =0 dx
x=L v =0 x=L v =0
x=L θ= =0
38 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Example 2.5: A Statically Indeterminate
Determine the reactions for the statically indeterminate beam on the left hand side of the
figure below

From the free body diagram in Figure (b) above, we can consider the equilibrium of the
whole beam
� 𝐹𝑦 = 0

−𝑅𝐴 − 𝑅𝐵 + 𝑊 = 0
Take moment about B
−𝑅𝐴 𝐿 + 𝑊 𝐿 − 𝑎 + 𝑀𝐴 − 𝑀𝐵 = 0
Notice that without additional equations, there is no way of determining the reactions from
39 just
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2014 equations
Solution of Example 2.5: Recall the use of
singularity function

For this beam, we write

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Solution of Example 2.5 Apply the
boundary condition

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Application of Superposition Method to
Statically Indeterminate Beams
Highlights of procedure
 Method of superposition may be applied to determine the reactions at the supports of
statically indeterminate beams.
 Designate one of the reactions as redundant and eliminate or modify the support.
 Determine the beam deformation without the redundant support
 Treat the redundant reaction as an unknown load which, together with the other loads,
must produce deformations compatible with the original supports

42 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Example 2.6: Application of superposition method to
statically indeterminate beam
For the uniform beam and loading shown, determine the reaction at each support
and the slope at end A.

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Solution of Example 2.6
Release the “redundant” support at B
Apply reaction at B as an unknown load to ensure
zero displacement at B.

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Consult Table 2.2 for each case

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Solution of example 2.6:Representation
of distributed loading
Distributed loading (vB )w =
( x 4 − 2 Lx 3 + L3 x)
24 EI

At point B, x = 23 L

w   2   
4 3
2  3 2
(vB )w =  L  − 2 L L  + L  L  
24 EI   3  3   3 
= 0.01132

46 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014

Exa 2.6: Redundant reaction loading
Redundant reaction loading:

Pa 2b 2
At x = a, v =

For a = 23 L and b = 13 L

2 2
R 2  L
(vB )R = − B  L  
3 EIL  3   3 
= −0.01646
47 SUTS HES5320 Sem 2 2014
Solution of Example 2.6: Examine
compatibility with original supports
Original support

wL4 RB L3
0 = (vB )w + (vB )RB = +0.01132 − 0.01646
RB = 0.688wL ↑

•From statics (equilibrium equations),

R A = 0.271wL ↑ RC = 0.0413wL ↑

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Solution of Example 2.6: Finally

Determination of slope at end A

wL3 wL3
(θ A )w = = 0.04167
24 EI EI

(θ A )RB = − Pb L − b (
2 2
) 
0.0688 wL  L  2  L  

  L −    = −0.03398
6 EIL 6 EIL  3  3  EI
wL3 wL3 wL3
θ A = (θ A )w + (θ A )RB = 0.04167 − 0.03398 θ A = 0.00769
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Verification by singularity function

As an exercise, you can verify that by using the

singularity function method, you get the same values as
computed with the superposition method.

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