Supplementary Papers: Czechrepublic October

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Supplementary Papers

Prague, CzechRepublic
October 30 - November 2,2012

Pawan Gupta and Prabha Gupta
Advances in Concrete Technology
and Sustainability Issues





Farmington Hills, MI, U.S.A.

Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Pawan R. Gupta
Prabha Gupta

Prague, Czech Republic

October 30 - November 2,2012

Supplementary Papers


Library of Congress Cataloging in-Publication

ISBN 978-0-99 1 67 37'1'l


First Edition


Bhavna Tripathi and Sandeep Chaudhary


Use of new materials and industrial by-products has instigated the need for performance
el'aluation of concrete made with such materials. This paper reports the corrosion performance
sand-replaced ISF (lmperial Smelting Furnace) slag concrete at different w/c (water-cement
ratio). High proportions of sand (up to 70%) have been replaced with ISF slag by volume.
Chloride induced corrosion in control and the slag specimens have been monitored by measuring
the half-cell potentials and macrocell currents together with the mass loss in steel at the
end of
the test' Results reveal that the corrosion behavior of ISF slag concrete mixtures changes
with a
reduction in w/c. At higher w/c, the corrosion rate increased with an increase in the slag content.
However, the corrosion rate for slag mixtures at lower w/c was less than control. This indicates
that reduction in w/c improves the corrosion resistance ofISF slag concrete.

Keywords: ISF slag, macrocell corrosion; half-cell potential; corrosion rate; water-cement ratio.

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability

Bhavna Tripathi is working as Principal Investigator in

the Department of civil Engineering ar
Malaviya National Institute of rechnology (MNIT) Jaipur
for a research project awarded by the
Government of India. She received her bachelor's degree
in 1999 from centre fbr Environmental n
Plarming and Technology (GEPT), Ahmedabad; master's
and doctoral degrees from MNIT. Her ler
research interests include durability assessment of engineered
concrete mixtures incorporating rq
industrial by-products.
sandeep Chaudhary is an Associate Professor in the
Department of civil Engineering at MNIT pet
Jaipur' He received his bachelor's degree from Magni
Ram Bangur Memorial Engineerine lea
college, Jodhpur; master's from Maraviya Regional Engineering
college, Jaipur; and doctorate cot
from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. He
carried out post Doctoral Research ar co!
Kunsan National University, Kunsan, South Korea.
His research interests include prediction oi
service load behavior ofstructures and durability
ofconcrete structures.


corrosion of steel reinforcement is responsible for
majority of the structural failures. Exposure
to chloride environments and carbonation ofconcrete
are the prime reasons for corrosion ofstee-
in concrete' It is believed that the alkaline nafure of concrete
leads to formation of a thin bu Con
dense passive layer containing iron oxide and calcium
which acts as a barrier; slows the rate o: usefi
oxidation and provides protection to the embedded
steel from corrosion l-s. The alkalinity o:
concrete may reduce due to carbonation and chloride
attack. This reduction in alkalinity t
presence of oxygen and moisture results
into formation of a local cell in which concrete por-
The r
water acts as electrolyte and different locations
of steel functions as cathode
and anode, whicl made
leads to depassivation or breakdown of the passive
layer and propagation of corrosion 2-3.

owing to extensive research contributions, the Blast Furnace
slag and Flyash are beir. Noro
practically used in concrete. However, various
non-ferrous slag have not received a simil=
popularity' The reasons may be the presence of heavy
metals, which have been reported to affe;_
0.79 i
the early age properties 6-e. Subr.qr,ently, the possibility
of heavy metal leaching from the- concll
concretes, calls for a mandatory environmental verification.
Therefore, in order to promote u: India
utilization of non-ferrous slag, research with a focus
on synchronization between sustainabiL--, simila

to the slag produced during refining ofzinc and
earance of this slag resembles sand. This study

ete and is an extension ofthe work conducted to

assess the durability of concrete containing ISF slag as partial replacement of sand. The
permeability and durability of such concrete mixtures have been previously reported along with
leaching potentials of lead, zinc, and cadmium t0-rl. Results were at par with the control
concrete. Drastic reduction in leaching of toxic lead, zirc and cadmium fromT}Yo sand-replaced

concrete supported the use of ISF slag from the environmental point of view.

Owing to utilization of various by-products and new materials in concrete, there is a constant
need for investigating the performance of concrete containing such materials. past studies on
concrete containing ISF slag as sand have reported its effect on hydration/setting, compressive
strength, and heaq' metal leaching. Only a few studies have reported the durability
of ISF slag
concrete, while the corrosion performance of such concrete has not been reported
till date.
Corrosion is one of the prime reasons for failures of structures. Therefore, this
study would be
useful in promoting the practical use of ISF slag as sand in concrete.

The macroceil corrosion was measured to determine the relative protection provided
by concrete
made with slag as sand in different proportions.

Normal portland cement from a single batch (confirming to 43 grade as per Indian standards I2),

natural river sand, and equal proportions of coarse aggregate, CA 1 (maximum aggregate size
0.79 in. [20 mm]) and CA 2 (maximum aggregate size 0.39 in.
[10 mm]) were used for preparing
concrete mixtures. The ISF slag was supplied by Hindustan Zinc Limited, Chanderiya plant,

India. Modified polycarboxylic ether based, ASTM Type F superplasticizer was used to maintain

similar workability in all concrete mixtures. The specific gravity of sand and ISF slag was 2.6g

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability

and 3.69, respectively with saturated surface dry water absorption of 0.65% and 0 I
respectively. The chemical composition of ISF slag is shown in Table l. The grain a

distribution ofsand, slag, and coarse aggregates (cA I and cA 2) used in the study are a

in Fig. l. I
concrete mixtures were prepared with cement content of 636.77 lblyd3 (377.7g tglm3;. rour a

i.e. 0.55, 0.50, 0.45, and 0.40 were selected in order to study the effect of w/c. The ratio I
cement:sand: aggregate was l:1.6:3.2. Equivalent volume of sand was replaced with ISF slag
the increments of 10% from 0-70%:o. A total of 32 different mixtures were prepared to I
corrosion of steel bar embedded in concrete. A compacting factorvalue between 0.90-0.96 1

obtained for w/c 0.55 mixtures. Similar workability was maintained for all the other mixtures I
w/c 0.50, 0.45, and 0.40, by adding superplasticizer in required quantities. a

Specimens a

The test arrangement suggested by ASTM Gl09-99a13 was adopted with a few modificatim.
Concrete specimens of size 9.84x8.07x5.31 in. (250x205x 135 mm) were cast. The ponding uil
was cast in concrete by providing 0.59 in. (15 mm) depression all around the base of the
used for casting the specimen. Detailed dimensions of the concrete specimen are shown in Fig- 2 I
Three TMT (Thermo Mechanically Treated) 0.47 ir,. (12 mm) diameter steel bars were useda I
top and bottom reinforcing bars. In this arrangement the top bar acts as anode and thebottn 3

bars acts as cathode. The ratio of anode to cathode was kept 1:2 in order to accelerate ' I
corrosion. The total length of the steel bar was kept 13.78 in. (350 mm) and a length of 1.97 il t
(50 mm) was allowed to protrude from each side of the concrete prism. Two coats of epoxy
based paint were applied over a length of 2.76 in. (70 mm) from both the ends of the steel ba- t
Before placing, each bar was cleaned with a wire brush to ensure a clean metal surface ad
weighed. (
After casting and demoulding, the concrete specimens were wet-cured for 28 days at 27+ 2T I
The specimens were allowed to dry at room temperature for at least 1 month after which tm q

coats of epoxy based paint were applied on all the four vertical sides, except the top and fu I
bottom surface ofthe specimen. For the purpose ofelectrical connections between the anode ,ni
cathode, the steel surface was cleaned locally, wire to each bar was connected through solderiq 1

and then a mild steel worm drive hose clamp was tightened to secure the connection of steel bar

and the wire. As shown in Fig. 2, the bottom bars were short circuited and a 100 Cl resister was

connected between the top and the bottom bars. The ponding well was filled with 3% NaCl (by

weight) solution and specimens were subjected to altemate wetting and drying. One cycle
consisted of alternate wetting (salt solution ponding) and drying of 2 weeks each. Specimens
were kept indoors with no humidity or temperature control.

Electrochemical tests
The selection of the corrosion monitoring technique depends on the objective ofthe study.
I Chloride induced corrosion allows the evaluation of protection offered by the concrete to the
embedded steel. Therefore, chloride induced macrocell corrosion of steel bar was monitored.
Additionally, mass loss of the steel bars was measured to ascertain the extent of corrosion in
control and ISF slag concrete mixtures. High impedance voltmeter was used to measure the
potential and readings were taken after 1 week of wetting during each cycle.

Macrocell corrosion The potential difference between anode and cathode, across the resister
was monitored for a total duration of 19 months. The macrocell current (f) was then calculated
by dividing the measured voltage (vi)with 100 as suggested by ASTM Gl09-99a13.

The open circuit potential was measured for a period of 22

ths. The top and bottom bars were disconnected 24 hours prior to measuring the potential
to allow the current to stabilize. The potential of the top bar (anode) was measured with
to a copper-copper sulfate reference electrode.

Eorrosion rate At the end of corrosion monitoring period, the specimens were broken and the
anodic steel bar in each specimen was weighed. The procedure specified in ASTM Gl-03 la was

adopted for the purpose of cleaning the coroded bars with hydrochloric acid and determination

of mass loss. The presence of rust in each anodic bar was visually observed and the net weight
loss in each bar was determined. The average corrosion rate was calculated using the following

Corrosion rate (mm/year): (KxIlr)/(AxTxD) (l)

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability lssues

where, af

K: a constant i.e. 8.76x104; 7: time of exposure in hours; W: mass loss in grams; b1

A: areain cm2; D : density of steel i.e. 7.85 gm./cm3 F1



Macrocell corrosion Itr

The results of macrocell corrosion monitoring for various concrete mixtures are presented in sp

Figs. 3-6. In this study, a positive macrocell current value of more than 10 pA as suggested by cc

ASTM G109-99a r3 has been considered as an indication of corrosion activity in progress. m

Initially, all the bars in control and slag mixtures were in passive state and measured a cathodic fo

current of less than 10 pA. te


It was observed from Fig. 3 that the macrocell current in the w/c 0.55 specimens containing ISF

slag was higher than the control specimen at all the ages. Specimens with 50-70% ISF slag TI

reached the anodic macrocell current of 10 pA after 3 months of chloride exposure. However, a rh

further delay of 1-2 months was seen in other specimens containing 0-40% sand replacement, in CI

achieving the same anodic current. This indicates the probability ofan early corrosion initiation ft
in higher slag specimens in comparison with the lower slag specimens. The control specimen all

achieved the maximum anodic current of 18 pA after 8 months of alternate wetting and drying c(

cycles. On the other hand, the maximum anodic current achieved by l0%,20o/o,30Yo,40yo,50oh,
600/o and 70Yo slag specimens was 85.9 pA (after 7 months), 92.1 1t"A (after 8 months), 8l pA TI

(after 7 months), 73.8 pA (after 18 months), 76 pA (after 5 months), 36 pA (after 7 months), and rh

78 pA (after 8 months), respectively. These results reveal similar values for specimens w
containing lower and higher percentages of ISF slag, and indicate that the value of the maximum CU

anodic current does not depend on the quantity of sand replaced. m

The results of Wc 0.50 specimens (Fig. a) aho showed a pattern similar to that observed in w/c H
0.55 mixtures i.e. the macrocell current of all specimens containing slag was higher than the TI

control specimen. However, difference with respect to control in the macrocell current of w/c Fi

0.50 specimens was less than that observed for w/c 0.55 specimens. An anodic macrocell current nt

of more than 10 pA was achieved by all specimens (except for the 60% sand-replaced specimen in

after 4-5 months of altemate wetting and drying cycles. The maximum
anodic current achieved
by lYo, 70yo,20%o, 30%, 4oo , 5o%, 60% and.70yo slag mixtures was
27 pA (after 5 months), g4
pA (after 5 months), 37 pA (after 6 months), 32 pA (after 5 months),
61 pA (after 5 months), 59
pA (after 6 months), 9.8 pA (after rg months), and,g7.4 prA (after
16 months), respectivery.

In w/c 0'45 specimens (Fig.

5)' similar to control macrocell currents were observed for
specimens with up to 30%o ISF slag. However, the difference
in the current with respect to
control in specimens with more thm 30%o srag was not large. In majority of the specimens,
macrocell current higher than 10 pA was achieved after 5
months ofchloride exposure, except
for the 10% sand-replaced specimen, which did not achieve
higher than l0 pA truoughout the
test duration' The highest current of 55 pA was achieved
by 60% slag specimen after 5 months
ofchloride exposure.

The macrocell currents for control and slag specimens

with w/c 0.40 are presented in Fig. 6. In
these specimens, the probability of corrosion initiation
was seen after 5-6 months of chloride
exposure except for the l1Yo sand-replaced specimen,
which remained below l0 pA throughout
the test duration' It shall
be noted that the macrocell currents observed
in the slag specimens, at
all the ages, were largely similar to that achieved
by the control specimen and were quite low in
comparison with the values observed in higher
w/c mixtures.

The results showed that the time to corrosion

initiation is related with the wc of the specimen as
time to reach a macrocell current of 10 pA increased
with reduction in the w/c for control as
well as slag mixtures' Reduction in the ilc also reduced
the maximum value of macrocell
rrent achieved by the specimens, indicating less
corrosion activity in relatively low wc

haffi-cell potential measurements

fhe half-cell potential readings for control and ISF slag concrete
specimens are presented in
Figs' 7-10. In this study, as suggested by ASTM cg76-og 15,
the half-cell potentials more
negative than-350 mv measured by copper copper-sulfate half-cell has
been considered as an
hdication of greater than 90%o probability of steel corrosion in progress.
Initially, the potential of

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability lssues

all the specimens with different w/c 0.55, 0.50, 0.45, and 0.40 ranged between -75 to -lg5 mv. (

Results presented in Fig. 7 showed that30o/o afi 5O-70%o slag specimens reached the potential of I
-350 mV after 3 months of chloride exposure. However, the rest of the specimens reported a !
potential more negative than -350 mV after 5 months of exposure. This indicates that the E
corrosion initiation period decreases with increase in the slag content. Similar behavior was also
observed while monitoring the macrocell currents for ilc 0.55 mixtures. A significant drop in S
control and slag specimens was further seen after l8 months of chloride exposure. This indicates
a sudden rise in the corrosion activity. At all the test ages, the half-cell potential exhibited by the
70o/o slag specimen was the highest.

In w/c 0.50 mixtures (Fig. 8), the ISF slag specimens experienced a potential drop of more than
-350 mV after 3 months of chloride exposure, whereas the control specimen reached a potential st
of -433 .2 mV after 4 months. These results indicate that corrosion in slag mixtures begins earlir
than the control specimen. The maximum negative potential in control, 10%o and 20o/o sI4
mixtures was obtained between 5-7 months of exposure. However, the higher slag mixtures
(30%-70%) showed a further drop in potential and reported their maximum potentials after lt (r
months of exposure.
Mixtures with w/c 0.45 and 0.40 achieved the potential of more than
-350 mV after 3-5 monrb \-E
of chloride exposure (Figs. 9-10). The highest potential readings in w/c 0.45 and 0.40 specimer
were recorded after 16-17 months of exposure. The difference between the potential
values d JT
the control and slag specimens was also seen to decrease with a reduction in the w/c.
The potential measurements of mixtures with different w/c (Figs. 7-10) show that reduction
i d
w/c delays the achievement of -350 mV (90% probability of active corrosion), indicating
the resistance to steel corrosion increases with a reduction in the dc. Similar observations L
made during the macrocell corrosion monitoring. It was interesting to note that the .IE
potentials in ilc 0.55, increased with an increase in the sand replacement level. However.
potential measurements in w/c 0.50, 0.45, and 0.40 slag specimens were similar to -
respective control indicating that reduction in w/c produces a slag concrete with

corrosion characteristics as possessed by the control concrete.

It was observed that the macrocell currents as well as the half-cell potentials in the concrete
mixtures studied here reach to a maximum value and decrease thereafter. The observed decrease
may be owing to two reasons. First, being the formation of corrosion products on the steel
surface that are likely to retard the flow of corrosion current and hamper further corrosion
Second, being non-availability of oxygen due to saturation of pores with water, which leads to

cathodic resistance, hampers the progress of cathodic reaction and intenupts the flow of
electrons resulting in decreased corrosion currents and potentials

Corrosion rate
The concrete specimens were broken at the end of the test and each of the anodic bar was
visually examined and then chemically cleaned. Reddish brown rust was noticed in all the anodic
steel bars of w/c 0.55 specimens (Fig. 11). Presence of black colored corrosion product was also

seen in a few specimens. This type of corrosion product has been mentioned by previous
reporters and is known to form due to lack of oxygen. This observation supports that lack of
oxygen might have occurred, although the wetting and drying cycles allowed its access.

However,it seems that thislackofoxygenwasnon-uniform over the surface of corroding

bar because black corrosion was found only at few locations.

Visual examination confirmed the presence of corosion in all the anodic steel bars of w/c 0.55
and 0.50 specimens. However, in specimens with w/c 0.45, rust was seen only in control,20Yo,
and70%o slag specimens over a small area of about less than 5o%. Further, no corrosion product

was seen on the anodic bars of w/c 0.40 specimens. It may be noted that the maximum values of
macrocell current and the half-cell potentials in ilc 0.50, 0.45 and 0.40 were also less than that
achieved by the higher w/c mixture i.e. 0.55.

Data on the corrosion rate of steel are shown in Fig. 12. It is clear from the Fig. that compared to

control the rate of corrosion in slag specimens decreases with a decrease in the ilc. It was
interesting to note that the mass loss data supported the results of macrocell and the half-cell
potential readings. The rate of conosion in slag specimens at higher w/c (0.55) increased with

increase in the slag content, while the rate of corrosion in slag specimens at lower w/c (0.50 and

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustalnability lssues

0.45) was less than control. For specimens confirming to w/c 0.40, the corrosion rates in the
control and slag specimens were similar. This was because no corrosion product was seen over
the steel surface in these specimens.

Overall, the results of visual examination combined with the mass loss data in various mixtures I
studied here, reveal that lowering the w/c significantly improves the corrosion resistance of slag c
concrete. This was also revealed by the results of permeability reported earlier that reduction in d

w/c improves the properties of slag concrete in comparison with the control 10.
From results of o
previous and the present work, it is seen that the permeability and the corrosion behavior of slag d
concrete at higher w/c (0.55) are in accord with each other i.e. increase in the permeability and g
reduction in corrosion resistance is observed with increase in the slag content. On reducing the a,

w/c (0.50 and 0.45), comparable or similar to control permeability was achieved. A furthe:
reduction in w/c (0.40) slightly increased the permeability of mixtures with higher slag content ir
comparison with the control. This was attributed to the insufficiency of paste due to volumetic _l
replacements and morphology of slag particles. Therefore, in the present work, it was expectec ot
that reduction in ilc would produce a comparable with control corrosion resistance. However- E
reduction in the w/c demonstrated a significant improvement in the corrosion resistance of sl€ x
concrete. This indicates that the insufflrciency of paste due to inclusion of ISF slag in high<
quantities (up to 70Yo) does not affect the corrosion behavior. These results represent ISF slag a
a promising material for use in concrete as sand.

Comparison among the observed macrocell currents, open circuit potentials and the visr:g.
examination of the anodic steel bars reveals that at uniform exposure conditions (chlori&
humidity and temperature) higher than 10 pA positive macrocell current and higher than --:il
mV negative microcell potential may be recorded without a significant corrosion activin u

It is realized that the water content plays an important role in deciding an optimum amour: d
sand replacement safe with respect to corrosion of steel in concrete. It would be desirabi: rl

carry out a similar study with further reducing the w/c in order to ascertain the present fu,rilgr


sion behavior of steel bars in concrete containing

lag as sand.

ref,rning of zinc and lead. Corrosion behavior of
rcentages has been assessed in order to establish

oncrete specimens with volumetric replacement

w/c. Chloride induced corrosion of steel in 32
d the influence of slag content and w/c was
ell currents (across the resistor) were measured,
end of the test was determined. Based on the
rete mixtures, the following can be concluded:

ential and macrocell currents were observed for

ver, the corrosion resistance of slag mixtures
e to control half-cell potential/ macrocell current

otential measurements correlated well with the

mass loss data. However, it was seen that higher than l0 pA positive macrocell current and a
half-cell potential more negative than -350 mV may be recorded without a significant
corrosion activity in progress. This indicates that a significant drop in hatf-cell potentials and
a significant rise in the macrocell currents may be considered as an indication of corrosion
activity in progress rather than following a threshold value.

2. The corrosion performance of concrete changes with a change in ilc. Visual examination
and the corrosion rate estimated from the actual mass loss confirmed that with a reduction in

w/c, the inclusion of ISF slag as sand significantly decreases the extent of corrosion.
Therefore, it can be concluded that use of ISF stag in higher quantities (up to 70%) is not
detrimental for the corrosion related durability of concrete with high Wc being a limiting

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability lssues

This work is a part of project entitled "Durability of concrete containing zinc slag as partial
replacement of sand" sanctioned by The Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi,
under Women Scientist scheme (Sanction number - SR/ WO-A/ ET-39/2009) and the authors
gratefully acknowledge the financial support given to accomplish this study.

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Advances in Concrete Technotogy and Sustarnabillty /ssues

Table l-chemical composition of ISF slag (supplied by Hindustan zinc Limited)

Element Weisht (%;o)

FezOz 34.28
AlzOs 8.17
Mgo t.93
Kzo 0.71
MnzO: 1.33
Pbo 1.22
Sulphide Sulphur t.4t
Insoluble residue 6.28
Loss on ignition (LOD (+)5.68

<-Sand -+lSFslag --+-cA 2 -r-cA1



0.001 0.01 0.1 1

Particle Size (in.)

Fig. l-Grain-size distribution of the aggregates used in the study

1 in. :25.40 mm

3ol"Nacl solution filled in
0 59 in (15mm) deep frog 984in
0 59 in (15mm) on top or the concrete
spec men

0 59 rn (1smm)
A 47 tn (12mm) dia
steel bar as
531 in
Concrete Specimen 1 35m m)
sealed with epo)qi
0 47 n (12mm) dia
steel bar as ca[hode
B 21 in (210mm)
9 84 ln (250mm)
13 78 in (350mm)

Fig. 2- Typical sketch of a concrete specimen used for corrosion monitoring

----.a- control +'10 % ISF Slag +- 20% ISF Slag 30 % ISF Slag
- -c - 40% ISF Slag - -c - 50 % ISF Slag - -.}- - 60% ISF Slag - -F - 70% ISF Slag



0) 70

o 50
o 30
F -E'

01234567 9 10 11 12 ',t3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Exposure period (months)

Fig. 3-Macrocell current yersus exposure period for w/c 0.55 concrete mixtures

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability lssues

--a_ Control + l0 % ISF Slag ---f- 20% tSF Stag + 30 % tSF Stag
-+- 40%lSFSlag --+- 50%tSFStag --l-- 60%tSFStag


o, 70

L 30


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101't121314't516't7181920
Exposure period (months)

Fig. 4-Macrocell current versus exposure period for w/c 0.50 concrete mixtures

<- Control + 10 % ISF Stag -+ 20% tSF Stag ----r+ 30 % tSF Stag
--G- 40%lSFSlag --r- 50%lSFStag --l.- 60%lSFSlag --x- 70%tSFStag


q) 70

L 30
= 10 -4- x


5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14'15 16 17 18 19 20

Exposure period (months)

Fig. S-Macrocell current versus exposure period for w/c 0.45 concrete mixtures

----+- Control + 10 % ISF Slag ---+- 20% ISF Slag -----*- 30 % tSF Stag
--+- 40%lSFSlag --+- 50%lSFStag --j- 60%lSFStag --F- 70%tSFStag

f. 90

o 70

o 50
o 30

-'t 0


5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Exposure period (months)

Fig. G-Macrocell current versus exposure period for w/c 0.40 concrete mixtures

Exposure period (months)

0123 7 8 9 10 11 1213 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


-1 00

E -200
E -300
o -400

o) -500
.E -600


+10%lSFSlag +20%tSFStag
-1 000 -r+30%tSFStag
-+- 40%lSFSlag --+- 50%tSFStag --l-- 60%tSFStag --).- 70%tSFStag

Fig.7- Half-cell potential versus exposure period for ilc 0.55 concrete mixtures

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability lssues

Exposure period (months)

o ,f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 101112131415 161718192021222324

-1 00

E -200
o 400

o -500
- -600



+ 10 % ISF Slag ---+ 20% ISF Slag 30 % ISF Slag
-1 000 -x-
--c- 40%lsFSlag --c- 50%lsFSlag --j- 60%lsFSlag --)e- 70%lsFslag

Fig. 8-Half-cell potential versus exposure period for w/c 0.50 concrete mixtures

Exposure period (months)

0123 6 7 8 9 10'il 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 222324


-'t 00

E -200 o
o 400

o, -500
=r! -600



+10%lSFSlag +20%lSFSlag +-30%lSFSlag
-1 000
-+- 40%lsFSlag --c- 50%lSFSlag --j- 60%lSFSlag --)+- 70%lSFSlag

Fig. 9-Half-cell potential versus exposure period for w/c 0.45 concrete mixtures

Exposure period (months)

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10111213141516171A192021222324


o 400

o -500
IE -600


+ 10 % ISF Slag -:r- 20% ISF Slag 30 % ISF Slag
-1 000 -rF-
--c- 40%lSFSlag --+- 50%lSFSlag --s- 60%lSFSlag --)+- 70%lSFSlag

Fig. l0-Ilalf-cell potential versus exposure period for w/c 0.40 concrete mixtures

Fig. ll-Corrosion products on steel bar

Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability lssues

0.12 00.55 w/c 80.50 w/c 00.45 w/c !0.40 w/c


i o.oa

io o.oe

c 0.04
I 0.02

oo o.oo
0 't0 20 30 40 50 60
Sand replacement (%)

Fig. l2-Corrosion rate of steel bars

1mm/year : 0.039 rn.lyear


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