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tourist information centers, research and statistics, and accommodations, and transport facilities, and identifies

priority projects for 1975 fiscal year. their principal economic costs and benefits. It also pre-
sents a detailed case study to demonstrate how certain
The Impact of Tourism, The Travel Research Asso- appraisal problems can be handled in practice and
ciation, Sixth Annual Conference Proceedings, San includes a method for systematically introducing un-
Diego, California, September 8-11, 1975. The Travel certainty into the analysis, as well as a procedure for
Research Association, Bureau of Economic and Business determining the optimum scheduling of investments in
Research, University of Utah, P.O. Box 8066, Foothill tourist facilities.
Station, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108. 1975. 226p. $15.
This report presents the proceedings of the sixth DYPRO Tourist Site Optimization Model, User Manual.
annual Travel Research Association conference held Terry A. Powers and Priscilla A. Powers, Project
September 8-11, 1975 at the Hotel Del Coronado, Methodology Unit, Country Studies Division, Inter-
San Diego, California. Subject areas included are: American Development Bank, 808 17th Street, N.W.,
&dquo;Tourism in San Diego,&dquo; &dquo;Research into Travel In- Washington, D.C. 20577. April 1976. 27p plus appendix.
dustry,&dquo; &dquo;An Assessment of the Future Role for Pro- This paper describes a computer model (DYPRO)
fessional Education in the Travel Industry,&dquo; &dquo;The that uses the dynamic programming search technique to
Visitor and Non-Visitor to the Great Smoky Mountains optimize the economic return to investment in inter-
National Park,&dquo; &dquo;Travel Trends in 1974 and 1975: national tourism projects. It represents a first attempt
What Happend, What Is Happening, the Implications,&dquo; to apply this optimization procedure to tourism. Part I
Products for the Leisure Travel Market,&dquo; illustrates the fundamental properties of dynamic pro-
&dquo;Measurement of Tourism Impacts,&dquo; &dquo;Tourism, Com- gramming and its usefulness for tourist facility planning.
munication, and Transportation,&dquo; and &dquo;Recent Part II gives an overview of DYPRO. Part III applies
Methodological Developments.&dquo; the model to an example tourist development project.
Sample input data files and variable definitions are in
FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, Calendar Year Appendix I.
1974. Office of Management Systems, Federal Avia-
tion Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
DYPRO Tourist Site Optimization Model, Technical
Washington, D.C. 20591. December 1974. 162p. $6.25. Annex. Terry A. Powers and Priscilla A. Powers.
This report covers statistical data, including the Project Methodology Unit, Country Studies Division,
Federal Aviation Administration, the National Airspace Inter-American Development Bank, 808 17th Street,
System, Airports, Airport Activity, U.S. Civil Air N.W., Washington, D.C. 20577. April 1976. Various
Carrier Fleet, U.S. Civil Air Carrier Operating Data, paging.
Airmen, U.S. Registered Aircraft, Aeronautical Pro- This report presents DYPRO Flow-
duction and Exports, Aircraft Accidents, and a glossary Appendix II,
of the terms used in this publication. Order from: charts ; Appendix III, Fortran Variable Dictionary; and
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Print- Appendix IV, DYPRO-Fortran Listing for the DYPRO
Tourist Site Optimization Model.
ing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
Tourism Data Book, October 1975. Program Develop-
The Edmonton Hinterland Public Transport Study.
ment Section, Tourism Development Branch, Depart-
Peter Dawes. Systems Analysis and Research Data Base
ment of Tourism and Renewable Resources, Adminis-
Branch, Canadian Transport Commission, 275 Slater tration Building, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S
Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N9. July 1975. 0B1. 1975. Various paging.
This publication collects available facts and figures
This report describes Phase I of a public passenger
on the tourist industry in Saskatchewan into a data
transport service’s study of the Edmonton Hinterland book. Statistics given cover: geographical, climatic, and
region. Discussed in this volume are &dquo;The Region and
Its People,&dquo; &dquo;Central Places and Zones of Influence,&dquo; zoogeographical data; demographic details; socio-
economic details; outdoor recreation equipment owner-
&dquo;Development of the Passenger Transport System,&dquo; ship ; tourist profile and expenditures; national and
and &dquo;The Present Public Passenger Transport System.&dquo;
provincial parks, highway, campgrounds and historic
sites; indices of the growth of tourism; and accommo-
Appraising International Tourism Projects. Terry A. dations.
Powers. Project Methodology Unit, Economic and
Social Development Department, Inter-American The Regional Approach to Tourism Promotion and
Development Bank, 808 17th Street, N.W., Washing- Development in Saskatchewan. Tourism Develop-
ton, D.C. 20577. July 1974. 43p plus appendix. ment Branch, Department of Tourism and Renewable
This report is the first in a series of applied studies Resources, Administration Building, Regina, Sas-
in benefit-cost analysis carried out under the direction katchewan, Canada S4S 0B1. No date. 55p.
of the Division of Country Studies of the Inter-American This study was undertaken to determine if a re-
Development Bank. It deals with international tourism gional approach to tourism planning, development, and
development. The paper concentrates on the activities promotion in Saskatchewan would: (1) encourage in-
common to such projects, e.g., site development, volvement of residents in the travel industry, (2) en-
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