I. Identification: Answer Key

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I. Identification

1.) LYSIMETER - Is a measuring device which can be used to measure the amount of actual
evapotranspiration which is released by plants.
2.) SOIL MOISTURE PROBE LYSIMETER - This type of lysimeter is commonly used in
applications on disused landfills or mine sites.
3.) PAN LYSIMETER - This type of lysimeter is rather crude and can easily be manufactured in the

4.) POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (PET) - Is a hypothetic rate at which

evapotranspiration would occur if water supply is unlimited.

5.) THORNTHWAITE - He introduced Potential Evapotranspiration as a measure of atmospheric

demand for moisture under a given weather or climate condition.

II. Enumeration

1-5. Types Lysimeter

Sampling Lysimeter
Soil Moisture Probe Lysimeter
Pan Lysimeter
Wick Lysimeter
Weighing Lysimeter

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