Cad Cam

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Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering.(A).

Mechanical Engineering Department.
VII Semester Section-1 (2011-14)
CAD/CAM- (Assignment-I)
Answer all Questions 10x10=100 marks
1) Explain the process of product cycle in computerized manufacturing environment.
2) What are the functions that get the benefitted by the use of computers in design and
manufacturing environment,
3) What are the various display devices that are used for displaying graphic information?
Present their merits and demerits.
4) Briefly explain the various graphic transformations required for manipulating the
geometric information. How do you obtain the orthographic projections of 3D geometric
5) Explain the method used for line clipping and polygon clipping. Give advantages of
polygon clipping over line clipping. Explain in brief about hidden surface removal.
6) A square with an edge length of 15 units is located in the origin with one of the edge at an
angle of 30⁰ with + X axis. Calculate the new position of the square if it is rotated about
Z axis by an angle 30⁰ in the clockwise direction.
7) Explain about the requirements of geometric modeling and types of geometric models in
8) Give detail description about the spline curves(i.e., Bezier curves, B-Spline, Hermite
Cubic Splines, NURBS)
9) Explain various surface representation methods and constructive solid geometry
10) List all the solid feature you know in 3D modeling package . What does each one create?

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