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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT oon Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dee.2017/Jan.2018 Object Oriented Concepts Time: 3 hes. Max. Marks: Note: Answer any FIVE fall questions, choosing one full question from each m 2 Module-1, @ EL a. Listout the difference between procedure oriented program and ot program. ‘ Ves mrarky 3 b. Explain function overloading with example. (Os Marks) i ‘¢. What is constructor? List the different type of constru plat PeEtantt constructor it with example. (06 Marks) oR 2 a. Explain the concept of object oriented program Encapsulation Polymorphism i) Inheritance Daa initialization, b. Explain function prototyping with example How do namespace help in preventing thetlabal name space? fein apes eelstr onde equations writen ep 4298 5, your ansver compu rw dagenal ros ins ooh etlningban 3 Explain how java is robust and i (os marks) Write java program to sum only fit Fgestlyments of the array using for each looping (5 Marks) e. Expl the Solow opegPlors with example. a DEE i (06 marty oR 42 Write java programy ® inte display diferent types of integer and Noating point variables. (oMarksy b What is type rate with an example, What is meant by automatic type promotion? (omar, ©. Howto declags two ditional aeays in java? Explain with simple example. (04 Marks) g Modute-3 EE 5 a Devry Morus levels of access protections available for packages and their ge (smarts, && b sic form of an exception handling block. (04 Marks) =a e portance of the clause finally? (oumtarksy ; oR 6, a Nperingdneritance. List the diferent types oF inheritance smarts) strate with example a superclass variable can reference a subclass object. (06 Marks) pare and contrast method overloading and overriding. (os Maris) 1of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Module-$ What is Thread? Explain two ways of creation of thread, Go green © 1 hs) What is synchronization? When do we use #? (05 Maris) © Explain keyEvents and mousevent class. dos stars) 8 4 Explain Delegation event model used to handle events in jay os atanis) Explain the role of synchronization with producer and cons (os stark) Module-$ 9 a. What is an applet? Explain five main methods of app (8 staris) b. Explain with syntax the following i) SLabel ii) STextFiekd iit) 3Button iv) ICheckBox (08 starts) 10. Create swing applet that has two busto ls and gamma. When ether ofthe buttons pressed, it should display “beta py” a as pressed” respectively, QW Marks) . Explain getDocumentbase and ‘in applet cass. (8 staris) 3 & x 2of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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