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Cyber Security for

• Cyber crime damage costs are projected to hit $6 trillion annually by
• Cyber security spending is forecast to exceed $1 trillion from 2017 to
2021. 43 percent of cyber attacks target small businesses who are
particularly vulnerable.
• 99% of computers are vulnerable to exploit kits. Oracle Java, Adobe
Reader or Adobe Flash is present on 99% of computers. That means that
99% of computer users are vulnerable to exploit kits (software
Alarming • Hackers attack every 39 seconds.

cyber security • One in three Americans was hacked in the past year.
• 64% of companies have experienced web-based attacks. 62%

stats and facts experienced phishing & social engineering attacks. 59% of companies
experienced malicious code and botnets and 51% experienced denial of
service attacks.
• The average time to detect a malicious or criminal attack by a global
study sample of organizations was 170 days.
• Only 38 percent of global organizations claim they are prepared to
handle a sophisticated cyber attack.
• 69% of organizations don’t believe their antivirus can stop the threats
they’re seeing.
Cyber Security
Protect against what
CIA Triad
Attacks on CIA
Seconday Goals for IT security - PAIN
Steps to fix a Crime
Vulnerability, Threat and Risk
Types of Cyber attack
How Malware
Stop Malware
Phishing Awareness
Password Attack
Stop Password Attack
Packet Flooding
Man in the Middle
Prevent MITM
Drive by Download
Rogue Software
IT/Cyber Security Strategy for Company’s Data

Invest in
Create strong Encrypt your
security Surf smarter
passwords data

Legal Train
Security audit Back up data
agreements employees

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