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0 Coefficient of restitution for completely inelastic collision

63% Conductivity of a 99.5% pure aluminum.

72.60% What is the conductivity of a 99.9% pure gold?
760 torr 1 atm is how much in torr?
234.5 degrees celsius Absolute temperature for annealed copper?
9.1066 x 1028 grams An electron is a subatomic particle in the lepton family having a rest mass of:
2260 kJ/kg At atmospheric pressure, what is the heat of vaporization of water?
2.73160 x 10^26 Avogadro’s number is ___ molecules per lbmol
63% Conductivity of a 99.5% pure aluminum.
7A Halogens belong to what group in the periodic table?
8 How many elements are in the 2nd, 3rd period?
2 How many elements are in the first period?
92 How many elements are naturally occuring in nature?
NEUTRONS How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in the carbon isotope 14C6?
1837 How much is a proton heavier than an electron?
1 How many atoms in a cell in a simple cubic crystalline structure?
1.68 x 10^24 How many free electrons are there in every cubic inch of silver?
4 How many postulates did Niels Bohr formulate to support his atomic theory?
1 p, 0 n Deutrium has 1p, 1n Hydrogen has isotopes. How many neutrons and protons does protium have?
100% In an elastic collision, the coefficient of restitution is _____
1.6726 x 10^23 kg Mass of a proton?
8A Noble gases are in what group in the periodic table?
1 AMU Nominal mass of a proton
96,500 One mole of electron has a charge equal to __ C.
359 One pound mol of any perfect gas occupies a volume of ___ ft3 at 32degree F and 1 atm.
3.70 x 10^10 One curie = ____disintegration per volume
359 One pound mol of any perfect gas occupies a volume of ___ ft3 at 32OF and 1 atm.
32 One pound mol of oxygen is __ pounds.
8 Period 2 in the periodic table has how many elements?
8 Period 3 in the periodic table has how many elements?
18 Period 4 in the periodic table has how many element
14.6 slug to 1kg
10^7 ergs the equivalent of 1 Joule is
The required minimum no. of consecutive years of professional service to be nominated as
10 years board member?
The required minimum no. of consecutive years of residency to be nominated as a board
5 yrs member:
9.5791 x 107 C/kg The charge to mass ratio of a proton.
32 The last row in the periodic table is period 6 has how many elements?
200% There are how many elements in the first period in the top row of the periodic table?
To be a board examiner... must be a citizen and living in the Philippines for at least ___
5YEARS (consecutive)
10YEARS To be a board examiner... must be a practicing ece at least ___ (continuous)
To become a member of the board of electronics engineers, he/she must be a citizen and
5 resident of the Philippines for at least __ consecutive years.
To become a member of the board of electronics engineers, he/she must be in active
10 practice of the electronics engineering profession for at least __ continuous years.
10^14 m What is the approximate radius of an atom?
1.6 x 10^19 C What is the charge of a proton?
11.7 What is the coefficient of permittivity of Silicon?
108.80% What is the conductivity of a pure annealed silver wire?
2 What is the maximum number of electrons in S subshell?
4.19 What is the specific heat capacity of water in kJ/kg-degree C?
10^14 m What is the approximate radius of an atom?
1.602 x 1019 COULOMB What is the charge of an electron?
108.80% What is the conductivity of a pure annealed silver wire?
770 degree C What is the curie temperature of an iron magnet?
335 kJ/kg What is the heat of fusion of water?
234.5degree C What is the inferred absolute zero temperature of annealed copper?
2 What is the maximum number of electrons in S subshell?
102.10% What is the percent conductivity of pure annealed copper wire?
7 What is the principal quantum number of Q shell?
4.19 What is the specific heat capacity of water in kJ/kgdegree C?
0.00393 PER degree C What is the temperature coefficient of annealed copper?
8.314 What is the universal gas constant in kJ/molK?
Absolute humidity Ratio of water vapor present per unit volume of air.
Absolute Index of Refraction It is the ratio of the speed of light to the speed in a medium
ACID TEST RATIO quick assets/ current liabilities
Acid-Base Titration Used to determine the concentration of acid and base.
ACTINIDES The elements of the seventh period are known as ___.
Activated charcoal Dissolves impurity in a solution
ACTUAL MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE Ratio of resistance force to effort force.
ADHESION Attraction between unlike molecules
Aeration Process of removing offensive odors.
AGUA REGIS royal water
ALIPHATIC without carbon ring
Alkali Elements in the first period?
ALKALI METALS What metals are the softest among the metals?
ALKALI METALS Group 1A in the periodic table are elements known as:
ALKALINE EARTH METALS Group 2A in the periodic table are elements known as:
ALL METALS Elements in the central gap are ___.
ALLOY What material increases very slightly in resistance with a rise in temperature?
ALLOY Mixture of a metal to another material
What decay decreases the number of both protons and neutrons by two and may result in a
ALPHA DECAY stable nucleus?
Aluminum Which metal is the most abundant?
Always less than coefficient of kinetic friction is _______ the coefficient of static friction
amalgram Alloy of metals with mercury
Amino Acids What is the building block of proteins?
Ammonia Simplest nitrogen and hydrogen compound
AMORPHOUS What solid material which most of the atoms or ions are randomly placed?
Anastigmatic Lens A device used to correct defects such as spherical aberration, astigmatism.
Angular Momentum the ____ of a rotational body is the product of its momentum of inertia and angular speed
ANION larger than parent atom
Annealing Slow cooling of metal from high temperature to room temperature
Electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of natural oxide layer on the
Anodizing surface of metal parts; forms the anode electrode.
Silicon becomes an extrinsic semiconductor with electrons as the majority carrier when doped
ANTIMONY with what material?
Argon Most abundant noble gas
Astatine Rarest halogen
ASTIGMATIC LENS correct astigmatism
Aston First used the spectrogram which proves the existence of…..
ATOM What is the smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristics of that element?
ATOMIC NUMBER What gives an element its identity?
What principle states that the electrons fill the orbitals, one at a time, starting with the lowest
Aufbau principle energy orbital then preceding to the one with the highest energy
AVOGADRO’S PRINCIPLE “1 mol of any perfect gas contains the same number of molecules”. This is known as:
Avogadros number Reciprocal of molar mass
A liquid mixture of two or more substances that maintains a constant boiling point and retains
Azeotropic the same composition in the vapor state.
AZIMUTHAL QUANTUM NUMBER What quantum number defines the magnitude of the electron’s; angular momentum vector?
BERNOULLIS PRINCIPLE Law of conservation of energy
What electron emission in which gamma radiation may be emitted to decrease the binding
BETA DECAY energy?
MELY REACTIVE Why is the reason why alkali metals are protected from water, air, and most other substances?
CHEMICAL REACTION Why are noble gases called inert gases?
What is the difference between the kinetic energy of the electron and the electrostatic
BINDING ENERGY potential energy of the electron nucleus combination?
What electron emission is when the nucleus has too many few neutrons, a proton
+ BETA DECAY transforms into a neutron with a positron emission?
An analytical technique used when the reaction between the standard solution and the
BACK TITRATION substance to be analyzed is low
Bakelite Early Plastic
Bakelite 1905, modern plastic industry
Bakelite Start of modern plastic industry
BARYONS What are the particles that include the proton and the neutron?
Because they were believed to not
react. How did the inert gasses got their name?
Who discovered radiation activity? Note: Marie Curie and Pierre Curie were also credited in
Becquerel discovering radioactivity, but the refresher module only named one. ;SI unit of activity
“For a steady flow, the sum of the pressure head, the elevation, and the velocity head remain
Bernoulli’s Theorem constant."
BETATRON Used to accelerate electron.; boosts electrons
BETWEEN 10^15 TO 10^16 m What is the diameter of the atomic nucleus?
What is the difference between the kinetic energy of the electron and the electrostatic potential
BINDING ENERGY energy of the electron-nucleus combination?
BODYCENTERED CUBIC What crystalline structure has a coordination number of 6?
BOILING Magnesium reacts to water only when the water is:
Boiling water On what condition will Magnesium react with water?
boyle's law Temperature unchanged, The pressure of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume
Brownian movement Bombardment by molecules
BULK MODULUS Ratio of the volume stress to the volume strain
BULK MODULUS Elasticity that applied to liquid.
C6H12O6 Chemical formula of a monosaccharide?
CALORIE SECOND METER SI unit of heat conductivity
Capillarity The elevation or depression in small diameter of tubes
Capillary Action Result of surface tension
Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen Carbohydrates have the following elements:
CARNOT ENGINE What consists of a cylinder that is filled with an ideal gas and as a movable piston at one end?
CATION smaller than parent atom
Cellulose For plant cell and fiber
Cellulose Building blocks of plants.
Center of Suspension The point on axis where the pendulum vibrates.
CENTRIPETAL ACCELERATION square of the velocity / radius
ceramic what is a combination of one or more elements
CESIUM What metal have melting point of 28 degree C and is liquid on warm day?
Chadwick Who discovered the Neutron?
What bonding occurs when the total energy of an aggregate is less with atoms near each
CHEMICAL BONDING other than separated?
Chlorine What element has a pale, yellow green color?
Chlorine Alkali metals react with what element to form salts?
Chlorine Used to kill bacteria in water treatment plants.
CHLORINE What halogen is greenish yellow gas?
Chlorine Bacteria in water can be removed by
Chromatic Aberration What refers to the defect in lenses which causes unequal refraction of the different colors?
Chromatic Scale Diatonic scale with five added half-tone.
CHROMIUM What material has a body centered cubic crystalline structure?
Chromium What material has a body-centered cubic crystalline structure
CLOSED SYSTEM With a ___, there is no interchange of matter between system and surroundings.
COHESION attraction between like molecules
Color Notional quality of quark.
Color Blindness Failure to distinguish one color from the other.
What is the combination of two or more materials that has properties that the components
Composite materials do not have by themselves
What is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the
CONDUCTION adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interaction between particles?
What is the range of state in the freeenergy spectrum of a solid in which electrons can
CONDUCTION BAND move freely?
When an electron acquires enough additional energy from an external source, it can leave
CONDUCTION BAND the valence shell and becomes a free electron and exists in what is known as __.
MOMENTUM When the sum of external forces acting on a body is zero, then its linear momentum is constant
Conservative Force Gravity is an example of what type of force
CONSTANTAN What alloy of nickel has 40 to 60% copper used in thermocouple?
What is the transfer of energy between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid that is in
CONVECTION motion and it involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion?
What characteristic of an atom in an ionic compound is the number of closest (touching)
Coulombmeter Instrument measures the charge in coulomb
What refers to a statement or oath, often religious in nature, agreed by an individual in
Creed ceremonies
CRITICAL POINT The state beyond which there is no distinct vaporization process is called:
Cryogenics The branch of physics which is concerned with low temperature phenomena
CRYSTALLINE What material has atoms or ions of known position and repetitive structure?
Curie Unit of radioactivity
What physical property of a material that refers to the temperature at which ferromagnetic
Curie point materials can no longer be magnetized by outside forces
In thermodynamics, any process or series of processes in which the system returns to its
CYCLE original condition or state is called a __
What consists of a large cylindrical box, shaped like a pill box, placed between the points of
CYCLOTRON a huge electromagnet and used for accelerating charged particles?
Damped Oscillation Oscillation with friction?
de Broglie Dualistic nature of light and introduce this to electron
unequal distribution of electrons ; since unequal siya magtravel siya para makahanap ng
DEBYE partner
DENSITY mass/volume
DEUTRIUM 1proton, 1 neutron
DIAMAGNETISM What is produced by electron spins in antiparallel pairs in closed electronics shells?
what is the property of a material refers to the highest potential difference (voltage) that an
insulating materials of given thickness can withstand for a specified time without occurrence of
dielectric strength electrical breakdown through bulk
DIFFUSER What device is used to increase the pressure of a fluid by slowing it down?
When a solid has a crystalline structure, the atoms arranged in repeating structures
Dislocation called______________.
Dissipative Forces Non-conservative energies are also known as ________.
Distillation Separation of liquid through because of difference in its boiling points
DURALUMIN 95% aluminum , 4% copper
EINSTEIN’S THEORY What theory states that matter can be converted into energy and vice versa?
What government regulation in telecommunication provides the policy to improve the provision
E.O.109 of local exchange carrier service?
Effective Rate Interest rate is equal to ____ if compounded annually.
efficiency Defined as the ratio of actual mechanical advantage over ideal mechanical advantage
Einstein’s Equation The equation that mass can be converted to energy
ELASTIC LIMIT Max stress applied to an object without being permanently deformed.
Elasticity of Torsion twisting of spring
ELASTICITY OF TORSION Twisting of a spring is an example of what type of elasticity?
What term describes the numeric measure of the polarization or in atoms or molecules of a
ELECTRIC SUSCEPTIBILITY dielectric? displacement of electrons
Electrolyte What do you call the liquids that can conduct electricity?
electron affinity What refers to the willingness of an atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons?
electron dot ____ represent the outer layer of an atom
What is any two electrons functioning or regarded as functioning in concert, especially two
ELECTRON PAIR electrons shared by two atoms joined by a covalent bond?
ELECTRONEGATIVE What term is used to tend to attract electrons to form a chemical bond?
ELECTRONEGATIVE What term is … tend to attract electrons to form a chemical bond?
What bonding results from attractive forces between positive and negative ions or between
ELECTROSTATIC BONDING pairs of opposite charged ions?
ELEMENT What is a substance which cannot be reduced to simpler substance by chemical means?
ENERGY AND MATTER The universe is composed of what main parts?
“The net change in the total energy of the system during a process is equal to the difference
between the entering and the total energy leaving the system during that process.” This is know
ENTHALPY What represents the total useful energy of a substance?
EQUAL TO The effective nuclear charge of any main group element is __ the group number.
Eureka What alloy possesses practically constant resistance at all temperatures?
CENSURE Rule III of IRR of the R.A. 9292 is:
EXCESS ELECTRONS How is the negative charge created in a neutral body?
FACECENTERED CUBIC What crystalline structure has a packing factor of 0.74?
FACECENTERED CUBIC What crystalline structure has a coordination number of 12?
FASTER THE HEAT TRANSFER The larger the thermal conductivity of the material, the
The law of inertia - "There is no change in the motion of the body unless an unbalanced
First law of Motion external force is acting upon it."
“Electron orbits are discrete non-radiating and the electrons may not remain between these
FIRST POSTULATE OF NIELS BOHR orbits”. What is this statement called?
Floatation Allows liquid to flow while solid particles settle.
Flourine Most reactive element?
FLOURINE What is the most electronegative number?
FLOURINE AND CHLORIN Prevention of CO concentration
formality Molecular mass per liter
FRANCIS ANSTON 1919, discovered isotopes
FUEL CELL Continuous supply of energy
Fusion Hydrogen is changed into Helium in the sun in the process called ______.
What is the process in which hydrogen is changed into helium inside the sun and makes the
FUSION sun shine?
Geiger Counter Used to measure radiation?
Gold What element is the third best conductor of electricity
Gold The least good conductor?
What refers to the heating of the earth’s atmosphere not by direct sunlight but by infrared
GREENHOUSE EFFECT light radiated by the surface and absorbed mainly by atmospheric carbon dioxide?
GROUP 1A AND GROUP 2A All halogens will form compound with what group of metals?
HEAT ENGINE A device that converts heat into mechanical energy or work.
h/4pi What is the individual angular momentum of the neutron, proton and electron?
HALIDE Compounds containing halogen and one other element (except oxygen) are called:
HARDENED STEEL What material is used by permanent magnet as the magnetic material?
HARDNESS Refers to resistance to plastic deformation
Heat CAPACITY Heat needed to raise a unit mass of body to 1 degree in the temperature scale
HEAT EXCHANGER A device where two moving fluid streams exchange heat without mixing.
HEAT OF COMBUSTION The ___ of substance is the energy radiated when 1 kg or 1 cu. m of it is completely burned.
The __ of a substance is the amount of heat needed to turn 1 kg of the substance at its
HEAT OF FUSION melting point from the solid to the liquid state
The __ of a substance is the amount of heat needed to turn 1 kg of the substance at its
HEAT OF VAPORIZATION boiling point from the liquid to the gaseous state.
__________metals are metal wherein the number of neutrons is greater than the number of
Heavy protons.
Helium Heavy nuclie
What law states that “For a set of equal energy orbitals, each orbital is occupied by one
HUND’S RULE electron before any orbital has two electrons”
Huygen’s Principle Which states that each point on a wave front maybe regarded as a new source of disturbance
HYDROGEN GAS Alkali metals react strongly with water to form ___.
HYDROXIDE Solutions of compound of alkali metals are called __.
INCOMPRESSIBLE SUBSTANCE A substance whose specific volume or density is constant is called a/an:
IDEAL MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE Ratio of the input distance to the output distance
Inelastic In __________ collision, kinetic energy is lost to heat, sound energy, etc
Inelastic Collision Collision in which kinetic energy is not conserved
What is the property of matter which is the reluctance to change its state of rest or of uniform
Inertia motion
TECHNOLOGY What does ICT stands for?
INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEE According to Section 3 of Rule I of the IRR of R.A. 9292, the accredited professional
RS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. organization for electronics engineers is the:
INVAR What alloy of nickel used in thermostats with low or zero thermal expansion?
Inversely proportional to the mass of In an elastic spring stretched by a force, acceleration is proportional to the displacement and
body ________.
IODINE What halogen is bluishblack solid that gives off purple fumes when heated?
Ion What do you call a substance that has undergone reaction?
IONIZATION What is the process of gaining or losing electrons?
Isobaric A thermodynamic process in which the pressure remain constant
ISOBARIC What process is during which a system remains under constant pressure?
Isogoric Plane A point on Earth wherein there is an equal magnetic declination.
Isothermal A thermodynamic process in which the temperature remain constant:
PROCESSES Carnot engine uses what process?
SSES Carnot engine uses what process?
ISOTOPES What do you call nuclei with the same atomic numbers but different atomic weights?
James Chadwick Who discovered the neutron?
JJ Thomson Who discovered electron?
JOULE What is the SI unit of heat?
JOULE Unit of work; MKS unit of work.
kg m/s What is the SI unit of Momentum?
What temperature scale using absolute zero as the zero point with scale divisions the same as
Kelvin Scale Centigrade scale
Kelvin Scale Has an absolute zero scale and is equivalent to Centigrade scale
LARGER THAN Anions are ___ they parent atoms.
The elements in the sixth period of the periodic table between lanthanium and hafnium are
LANTHANIDES called ___.
Larger Than Anions are ___ they parent atoms
For pure substances, the heat effects accompanying changes in state of constant pressure are
Latent Effects known as __.
For pure substances, the heat effects accompanying changes in state of constant pressure
LATENT EFFECT are known as __.
Law of definite proportion “The masses of the elements in a pure compound are always in the same proportion”
LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY The first law of thermodynamics is the
LEPTONS What particles include the electron, the mu particle and the neutrino?
Less Than Coefficient of kinetic friction is always ________ the coefficient of static friction.
LINE DEFECT What is considered as the most common type of crystal defect?
lodestone Which of this is a natural magnet
MAGNETIC QUANTUM NUMBER What quantum number defines the direction of electron’s angular momentum vector?
MAIN GROUP ELEMENTS The elements to the left and to the right of the central gap in the periodic table are called ___.
Manometer Measures pressure
MASS SPECTROGRAPH used to measure mass of atom
MECHANICAL ENERGY What type of energy is usually transmitted by rotary motion?
Mendeleev Who created the periodic table?
MENDELEEV 19th century author of periodic table
MERCURY What metal has the lowest boiling temperature?
MESONS What particles have rest masses ranging … to about 0.1 amu?
What bonding occurs in which the attractive forces result from the exchange interaction of
METALLIC BONDING the electron gas with the ionic lattice?
METALS What are often times referred as electronegative?
Mirages ________ are results of hot surface.
Defined as the amount of substance that contains as many formula units as there are
MOLE atoms in exactly 12 g of the most common isotope of carbon.
MOLECULAR DENSITY What refers to the number of nuclei (atoms) per unit volume?
MOLECULES What is a combination of two or more atoms?
Musical Tones A ___ is a succession of tones which bear a simple relation to each other
N The shell that has the most number of electrons is the __ shell.
Negatron What is the other name for negative electron?
What is an elementary particle that has no charge, has zero rest mass and travels at the speed
NEUTRINO of light?
NEUTRINO What particle consists of two down and one up quarks
NEUTRONS, PROTONS Heavy atoms have more __ than __.
Newton second What is the SI unit of Impulse?
“There is no change in the motion of a body unless an unbalanced external force is acting upon
Newton’s First Law it.”
“Whenever a net (resultant) force acts on a body, it produces an acceleration in the direction of
the resultant force that is directly proportional to the resultant force and inversely proportional to
Newton’s Second Law the mass of the body.
“For every force that acts on one body there is a second force equal in magnitude but opposite
Newton’s Third Law in direction that acts upon another body."
NICHROME What alloy of nickel has 15 to 20% chromium and has high electrical resistance?
NICHROME What is the least conductor of electricity
NO. OF PROTONS + NO. OF NEUTRONS The atomic weight of an element equal to __ in the nucleus.
NONBRAVAIS LATTICE What lattice displays all the atoms or ions in the crystal?
Non-Conservative Energy Friction is an example of ________.
Nuclear Reactor
Nucleons Protons and neutrons
R SHELL What determines the valence of an atom?
NUMBER OF VALENCE ELECTRONS What determines whether the substance is a conductor or an insulator
OPEN SYSTEM With ___, there is interchange of matter between system and surroundings.
ORBITAL QUANTUM NUMBER What is the other term for azimuthal quantum number?
Owner’s equity Quick asset and liabilities
Oxidation The process of losing an electron.
PROCESS In thermodynamics, any change that the system may undergo is called __
What is produced by the orbital or spin moments of electrons, or both as well as by
PARAMAGNETISM moments of free electrons?
PART Polymer comes from the Greek word words ‘poly’ meaning ‘many’ and ‘meros’ meaning __.
Pascal What is the SI unit of pressure?
Period The time to complete one oscillatory cycle
Periodic Table A reference sheet used for creation of engineering materials.
Periodic Table of Elements
the phenomenon whereby wavelength photon hitting an atom on the surface of a substance
photoelectric effect causes an electron to be ejected
POLYCRYSTALLINE What solid is made of crystal grains of different sizes?
Polymer Engineering materials known as “ plastic”
POSITIVE What is the characteristic sign of the magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic material?
Positive hydrogen ion Ph stands for
POUND MOL What is the mass in pounds equal to the molecular weight?
POUND MOL What is the mass in pounds equal to the molecular weight?
PPM or parts per meter Chemical concentration are most often expressed as
PRINCIPAL QUANTUM NUMBER What defines the total energy of the electron?
PRINCIPAL QUANTUM NUMBER What specifies the shell in which an electron is located?
PROTIUM one proton
PROTON What particle consists of two up and one down quarks?

PROTONS AND NEUTRONS What are particles called as nucleons?

pycnometer What is a glass bottle used to determine the specific gravity of liquids?
QUANTUM energy lost as an electron goes to a lower orbit
R.A. 1910 First instance of government regulation in radio technology in the Philippines.
R.A. 3846 law provides for the regulation of radio station, communications in the Phils
RA 8792 What is otherwise known as “Electronic Commerce Act or Ecommerce act of the Philippines”?
RADIATION What is the transfer of energy due to the emission of electromagnetic waves or photons?
The partial pressure of the solvent over a solution is given by the product of the vapor pressure
Raoult’s law of the pure solvent and the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution
RARE EARTHS The lanthanides were once called ___.
The quantitative analysis of the amount or concentration of an oxidizing or reducing agent in a
Redox Titration sample by observing
Reduce use of oil and coal. Minimize CO
RELATIVE HUMIDITY mass of water vapor over saturated unit area of air
Remanance In magnetism, retentivity is also called ______.
REMANENCE What is otherwise known as retentivity of magnetic materials?
Retinal Fatigue What refers to the failure of one set of color receptors in the eye to be stimulated?
ROTATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM When the sum of the net torque is zero
Rule I The statement of policy of the R.A. 9292 is __ of the implementing rules and regulation.
The composition of the board of electronics engineers is found in what rule of the IRR of the
Rule II R.A. 9292?
Rutherford Who discovered the electron?
SMALLER THAN Cations are __ their parent atoms.
What is a neutral defect of ionic lattices consisting of two vacancies (one cation and one
Scientific law. A statement that summarizes observed facts.
ratio of stress to ____________ for materials operation in the nonlinear region in the stress-
SECANT MODULUS strain diagram
The net force acting on an object equals the product of the mass and the acceleration of the
Second law of motion object. The direction of the force is the same as that of the acceleration’
What law of thermodynamics states that conversion of heat tow work is limited by the
SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS temperature at which conversion occurs?
SELFINTERSTITIAL ATOM What is one of the crystalline atoms occupying an interstitial site where no atom should exist?
SHEAR MODULUS ___ of a material is the measure of its rigidity
Refers to the type of vibratory motion in which the acceleration is proportional to the
Simple Harmonic Motion displacement and is always directed towards the position of equilibrium.
SIMPLE CUBIC What crystalline structure has a packing factor of 0.52?
smaller than In terms of size, cation is ________ their parent atoms.
Heat capacity of a material over that of water ratio of the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of a unit mass of a substance to 1 degree to the heat required to raise the same
SPECIFIC HEAT mass of water to 1degree
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY mass of water vapor over unit area of air
Sphygmomanometer used to measure human blood pressure
SPIN QUANTUM NUMBER What quantum number defines the spin angular momentum vector?
SPIN QUANTUM NUMBER What specifies the direction of spin of an electron on its own axis?
STARTING FRICTION Maximum static friction.
STOICHIOMETRY Quantitative measurement and relationship involving substances and mixture.
SUBLIMATION The process of directly changing from solid to vapor state or vice versa is called __.
sublimation What is the process of changing from solid state to gas state?
Sulfuric acid it corrodes metals, destroys living tissue and deteriorates the building
Surface tension Tendency of liquid to compress.
Surface tension Property that determines how liquids take the shape of container/spherical shape.
Surface tension liquid drop tends to contract and occupy minimum surface area due to ____?
the same for all bodies The escape velocity is
THE SAME AS The number of occupied electron shells in an atom is ___ the number of its element’s period.
THE SAME FOR ALL PERFECT GASES At the same pressure and temperature, the volume of 1 mol is
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY What is the mixture of the material’s ability to conduct heat?
THERMAL RESISTANCE What is the ratio of the thickness of the material to the thermal conductivity?
THEY ARE ALL RADIOACTIVE What is the most notable property of actinides?
When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts the first force of the
Third Law of Motion same magnitude but in opposite direction.” This statement is known as
Threshold of Hearing Faintest sound a human can hear
______ refers to a civil wrong committed by one person causing damage to another person of
Tort his property, emotional well-being or reputation
When a material passes from a medium of greater index of refraction to a medium with lower
Total Internal Reflection index of refraction, ________ occurs.
TRANSITION METALS Elements in the central gap of the periodic table are called ___.
TRANSLATIONAL force is zero
Transuranium Elements above the atomic number of uranium
When a solid has a crystalline structure, the atoms are arranged in repeating structure called
Unit Cell ________.
Valence Electrons determines the ability of atoms to combine with other atoms.
Valence Electrons When an atom easily loses an electron, it has less ________.
VALENCE OR VALENCE NUMBER Refers to the number of chemical bonds an atom will usually form.
VAN DER WAALS EQUATION OF STATE The __ is a modification of the ideal gas law which is sometimes useful at high pressures.
What bonding occurs when molecules are formed, giving each atom an outer shell of eight
The resultant of a planar concurrent force system will have the same moment of each force.
Varignon's Theorem This statement is known as__
VIBROGRAPH device used to measure frequency of tuning fork
Viscosity Friction in Water?
VITAMIN A green leafy and yellow vegetables
What term is applied to the amount of energy required to transfer electrons, ions, molecules,
etc from the interior of one substance across an interface boundary into an adjacent substance
will be considered void contracts which are provision contrary to public policy______
ZINC What material has a hexagonal closed packed crystalline structure?
ZINC What is the most common alloying ingredient in copper?
An object undergoes simple harmonic motion, its maximum speed occurs when its
Zero displacement from its equilibrium position is __________.

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