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● payable soonest
● obligation payable “little by little”
● Payable within “2 years from today”

NOT an obligation with a period

● will pay you P10,000 “IF I LIKE”

2. If the obligation is payable in foreign currency the creditor can compel the debtor to pay in
foreign currency as per agreement.

3. False Statement: I will pay P10,000 “soonest” is for the benefit of the debtor.

● for the benefit of both the creditor & debtor


● The nullity of the principal carries with it that of the penal clause.

● Proof of actual damages suffered by the creditor is not necessary in order that the
penalty may be demanded.

● Condonation is essentially gratuitous.

4. “I’ll give you my car one year after your death”

● The obligation is VOID, not legally possible.

5. “A sold his cow to B for 2,500. NO DATE WAS STIPULATED for the delivery of the of the

“....While still in the possession of A, the cow gave birth to a calf”

● B is entitled to the calf which was born after the perfection of the contract.

6. False statement : the concurrence of more than one creditor than one debtor in one and the
same obligation implies solidarity.

● Collective obilgation. It may be joint or solidary.

False statement: in alternative obligations where the right of choice is exercised by the creditor,
consent of the debtor as to the creditor’s choice of which prestation to perform is necessary.

● kind of compensation which may only be raised by the creditor and not by the debtor
to give gratuitous support.


● Legal Compensation takes place by operation of law even if the parties may not be
aware of it.

False Statement: the indivisibility of an obligation necessarily implies solidarity.


● Responsibility arising from fraud is demandable in all obligations. A waiver of an action


● when the fulfillment of the condition depends upon the sole will of the debtor, the
conditional obligation shall be VOID. If it depends upon chance or upon the will of a
third person, the obligation shall take effect in the conformity with the provision of laws.


● D obliged himself to give C a SPECIFIC CAR tomorrow. If D FAILED to deliver tomorrow

AFTER DEMAND is made, C may compel D to do his obligation and may ask for

● D obliged himself to deliver a CAR (GENERIC) to C tomorrow. If D FAILED to deliver

tomorrow after demand is made, C’s right is ask a third person to deliver a car to
him at the expense of D plus damages.

11. A person obliged to give something must preserve the object using a standard of care or
diligence. This standard of care or diligence may be:
● diligence provided by law
● diligence provided by agreement of the parties
● Diligence of a good father of a family


● an obligation wherein various things are due but the complete performance of all of
them is necessary to extinguish the obligation.

13. D1, D2 & D3 are SOLIDARY Debtors of C for 30,000. The obligation was in WRITING. After
the lapsed of 10-year prescriptive period, which of the following incorrect?

● if D1 paid C knowing that the obligation has already prescribed, D1 cannot ask
reimbursement fro D2 & D3

● If D1 paid C not knowing that the obligation has already prescribed, D1 cannot ask
reimbursement fro D2 & D3

● If D1 paid C knowing that obligation has already prescribed, his right is to proceed
against C because there was undue payment.

14. S owns a SPECIFIC ring & sells it to B for 10,000. B paid S the price, and S promised
to.deliver the ring FIVE DAYS AFTER. After the sale, S gets a loan from X and pledged the ring
in a private instrument.

● Between B & X, B has got a better title because the pledged did not appear in a public

15. S sold to B a SPECIFIC CAR for 10,000 and promised to deliver in Dec. 25, 2010. The next
day, after the sale is made, he sold the same car to X and delivered it to X on the same day. If
no delivery is made by S to B on Dec. 26, 2010. Which of the following is correct?

● S is in default, even if there was no demand. Hence, he will answer for damages

● change of person or object


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