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IN Forensic Science
IN Forensic Science

Susan Echaore-McDavid and Richard A. McDavid

Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Copyright © 2008 by by Susan Echaore-McDavid and Richard A. McDavid

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ISBN-10: 0-8160-6156-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6156-3

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Echaore-McDavid, Susan.
  Career opportunities in forensic science / Susan Echaore-McDavid and Richard A. McDavid.
   p. cm.
  Includes bibliographical references and index.
  ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6156-3 (hc : alk. paper)
  ISBN-10: 0-8160-6156-4 (hc : alk. paper)
  1. Forensic sciences—Vocational guidance. 2. Criminal investigation—Vocational guidance.
I. McDavid, Richard A. II. Title.
  HV8073.E34 2008
  363.25023—dc22 2007016012

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To our brothers—
Santiago Echaore Jr. and Douglas McDavid

Industry Outlook  ix Medicolegal Death Investigator  84

Acknowledgments  xv Forensic Pathologist  87
How to Use This Book  xvii Forensic Toxicologist  90
Forensic Anthropologist  93
Forensic Pathology Technician  96
Histologist  99
Morgue Assistant  102
Crime Scene Investigator (CSI)  2
Crime Scene Supervisor  5
Criminal Investigator  11 MULTIMEDIA
Fire Investigator  14 Forensic Photographer  106
Fingerprint Technician  17 Forensic Video Analyst  110
Evidence Custodian  20 Forensic Audio Examiner  113
Polygraph Examiner  23 Forensic Artist  116
Forensic Sculptor  119
CRIME LAB PERSONNEL Forensic Graphics Specialist  122
Forensic Musicologist  125
Criminalist  28
Crime Lab Technician  32
Quality Manager  38 AND MEDICINE
Crime Lab Director  41
Forensic Medical Consultant  130
Child Abuse Pediatrician  133
CRIMINALISTS Forensic Chiropractic Examiner  136
Bloodstain Pattern Analyst  46 Forensic Epidemiologist  139
DNA Analyst  49 Forensic Nurse  142
Firearms Examiner  52 Forensic Odontologist  145
Forensic Biologist  55 Forensic Pharmacist  148
Forensic Chemist  58 Forensic Radiologist  151
Forensic Drug Chemist  61
Forensic Serologist  64
Latent Print Examiner  67
Questioned Document Examiner  70
Trace Evidence Examiner  73 Environmental Forensics Expert  156
Forensic Archaeologist  159
PERSONNEL Forensic Entomologist  165
Forensic Geologist  168
Coroner  78 Forensic Meteorologist  171
Medical Examiner  81 Forensic Microbiologist  174
viii     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Forensic Palynologist  177 FORENSIC EXPERTS IN LANGUAGE

Wildlife Forensic Scientist  180 AND SPEECH
Forensic Linguist  238
Forensic Statistician  184 JURISPRUDENCE EXPERTS
Computer Forensics Specialist  187
Trial Lawyer  246
Prosecuting Attorney  250
Forensic Engineer  192
Accident Reconstruction Specialist  195 FORENSIC SCIENCE EDUCATORS,
Construction Forensics Expert  198 RESEARCHERS, AND REPORTERS
Forensic Architect  201
Forensic Surveyor  204 Forensic Training Specialist  262
Forensic Science Instructor  265
Forensic Science Researcher  268
Criminologist  208 APPENDIXES
Forensic Hypnotist  211
Forensic Psychiatrist  214 I. Education and Training Resources on the
Forensic Psychologist  217 Internet  276
Forensic Rehabilitation Consultant  220 II. Professional Certification Programs  279
Forensic Social Worker  223 III. Professional Unions and Associations  284
IV. Resources on the World Wide Web  294


Glossary  302
Forensic Accountant  228 Bibliography  306
Forensic Economist  231 Index­  311
Fraud Examiner  234
industry outlook

Whenever you read or hear about seemingly unsolvable our modern usage, the word forensic is often coupled with
crimes that are indeed solved, or about suspects being found science to form the phrase forensic science.
and apprehended months after the crime was committed, do Many, but not all, forensic experts are indeed scientists
you wonder how it is that such cases come to rest? by training. They apply the scientific principles and tech-
When you read about missing persons who are found niques of their disciplines to their forensic examinations and
and identified years after they died, or hear about how fires analyses. Forensic experts who are not scientists per se use
were deliberately set and what incendiary devices were used scientific methods to conduct their work.
to set them, do you wonder who was able to unravel such Probably the most recognizable forensic scientists are
mysteries? the criminalists. They are the latent print examiners, foren-
Various professionals contribute to solving crimes and sic chemists, DNA analysts, firearms experts, bloodstain
bringing suspects to justice. Usually most people think analysts, and others who work in the crime labs that are
of police officers, detectives, special agents, lawyers, and part of law enforcement agencies and prosecuting attorneys’
judges. However, many more professionals contribute their offices. Other familiar forensic scientists are the patholo-
efforts. Key among these professionals are forensic scien- gists and toxicologists who work in coroners’ and medical
tists and forensic experts. They work in forensic labora- examiners’ offices. Then there are the forensic scientists
tories, police departments, universities, archaeology digs, who approach their work from the standpoint of numerous
coroner’s offices, hospitals, government offices, courtrooms, occupations that may seem at first glance unrelated to crimi-
and many other settings. nal justice, or even science.
These men and women are responsible for examining According to the American Academy of Forensic Sci-
and analyzing evidence that is found at crime scenes. They ences (AAFS), any science that is used for the purposes of
study evidence that ranges from the physical (such as bro- law is a forensic science. Additionally, AAFS states that
ken glass, tire marks, or documents) to the biological (such forensic science may be broadly defined as the application
as blood, sweat, and tears). They scrutinize trace evidence, of scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge to
such as fibers and pollen, that is barely visible to the naked legal issues. Hence, today, we have forensic experts with
eye. They examine evidence that is found on computers, backgrounds in fields as diverse as medicine, art, micro-
videotapes, and recording devices. biology, architecture, videography, engineering, language,
By analyzing evidence, forensic experts are able to anthropology, social work, information technology, mental
reconstruct events or reveal the appearance of unidentified health, construction, the environment, and many more.
remains prior to death. Forensic specialists also analyze how
individuals behave or how persons use language. The list of
Television CSI Shows
evidence that forensic experts examine is long, diverse,
Many of us are familiar with some of the television crime
and growing—financial accounts, personnel records, musi-
shows that portray various forensic professionals. In fact,
cal compositions, medical records, health studies, surveying
some people, perhaps like you, got interested in explor-
plats, and weather patterns, to name just a few more.
ing forensic science as a possible career because of these
With the analyses and conclusions that these forensic
entertaining shows. These programs introduce the viewer
professionals make, law enforcement officers are able to
to crime scene investigation and other forensic specialties.
solve cases and prosecuting attorneys are able to convict
On the one hand, this serves a positive end: that individuals
criminal suspects.
who might not otherwise be exposed to these occupations
can understand them on a fundamental level. On the other
What Is Forensic Science? hand, popular television crime investigation programs tend
What exactly is this thing we call forensics or forensic to sensationalize and simplify what forensic specialists do
science? We may define “forensics” as a noun meaning in their line of work.
the application of scientific methods to settling questions Real forensic professionals rarely, if ever, conveniently
about legal disputes. This word derives from the Latin word solve crimes within a matter of an hour’s time. Moreover,
“forensis,” which means “in an open court” or “public.” In very few forensic professionals perform more than one
     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

forensic investigative task, as do many of the heroes of net- sis Criminalis noted how doctors were helpful in legal cases
work television. involving injuries and infanticide.
Most importantly, forensic scientists are not crime scene In 17th century France, Francois DeMelle wrote the first
investigators nor are they criminal investigators. These three publication that covered the subject of the examination of
occupations each fulfill distinct roles. Many forensic sci- documents in systematic detail. Also during that century,
entists do not go to crime scenes. They work primarily in English doctor Sir Thomas Browne, one of the first foren-
laboratories and offices where they carefully examine and sic archaeologists, discovered adipocere, a fatty substance
analyze evidence that was collected by crime scene inves- formed by decaying flesh; and a citizen of Bologna, Italy,
tigators. The conclusions that forensic scientists form help anatomy professor Marcello Malpighi, made note of the
criminal investigators determine if there is sufficient proof various loops, spirals, and ridges in fingerprints.
to arrest suspects for a crime. Great advances in forensic science characterized the
Furthermore, many forensic experts never directly inves- 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Among the numerous major
tigate crimes or testify in court because their professional milestones in modern forensic science:
responsibilities involve such diverse tasks as accident recon-
struction, vocational rehabilitation, or weather pattern anal- • 1784—the murder conviction of one John Toms in Lan-
ysis, among others, that are not portrayed on television. caster, England, based on matching bits of newspaper in
Certainly, television does not fully present a realistic exami- his pocket and in his pistol
nation of forensic science. Keep that in mind as you watch • 1810—the establishment of the first detective force in
your favorite crime shows. Paris and the first known use of questioned document
analysis in Germany
Historical Background • 1828—the polarizing light microscope, which opened the
Forensic science as it is known today is a little over a cen- door to numerous uses in forensic science invented by
tury old. Prior to the 19th century, forensic science devel- William Nicol
oped rather slowly. During the 1800s, the various foren- • 1835—the first use of bullet comparison to solve a mur-
sic disciplines became more highly developed in parallel der, credited to Henry Goddard of Scotland Yard
fashion to the advances that came with the Industrial Age. • 1880—the publication of an article by Henry Faulds in
However, it was only within the past several decades that which he described his use of fingerprints to exonerate a
forensic science has rapidly grown more sophisticated and burglary suspect and identify the perpetrator in Tokyo
more pervasively useful to law and law enforcement. • 1892—Argentina became the first nation to use a finger-
Certain aspects of forensic science have been known print classification system, which was developed by Juan
and used throughout the ages and in many cultures. Per- Vucetich, a police researcher
haps the earliest recognition that fingerprints were unique • 1905—President Theodore Roosevelt authorized the
to individuals was in ancient Babylon, where tablets used to establishment of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
record business transactions were marked with fingerprints. (FBI)
Around 700 b.c. in China, people frequently marked their • 1910—the first police crime lab, established in France by
written documents and clay sculptures with fingerprints to Edmund Locard (who is known for the Locard’s Exchange
denote who created them. In 250 b.c., a Greek doctor named Principle, the forensic science principle that states when-
Erasistratus noticed that his patients’ hearts beat faster when ever a person comes into contact with another person or
they were not telling the truth. This doctor used his observa- a place, materials are usually exchanged between the two
tions as what is believed to be the first lie detection method. people or the person and the place)
About two hundred years later, the Roman doctor Antistius • 1921—the portable polygraph designed by John Larson
noticed that out of 23 stab wounds on the body of assassi- and Leonard Keeler
nated emperor Julius Caesar, only one chest wound was the • 1937—the first university criminology program estab-
decisive blow. lished at the University of California by Paul Kirk
In Rome during the 11th century a.d., an attorney named • 1941—the technique of voiceprint identification initiated
Quintilian demonstrated that someone tricked a blind man by Murray Hill of Bell Labs
to leave his palm prints in blood at the scene of his moth- • 1950—the American Academy of Forensic Sciences
er’s murder. In China, in 1248, a book (titled Hsi Duan formed in Chicago, Illinois
Yu) explained how to tell the difference between death by • 1954—the Breathalyzer field sobriety test invented by R.
drowning or by strangulation. Not long afterwards, the F. Borkenstein
Bolognese surgeon Bartolomeo da Varignana performed a • 1960—gas chromatography as a method to identify
medical autopsy in a murder case. In 1507, during the reign petroleum products first described by Douglas Lucas in
of the bishop of Bamberg, the book Constitutio Bambergen- Canada
Industry Outlook     xi

• 1975—the Federal Rules of Evidence enacted by the of an event as they personally experienced it. Expert wit-
United States Congress, establishing the relevancy stan- nesses also offer facts about a case but, in addition, present
dard of admissible evidence unbiased opinions based on their examination and testing of
• 1977—the development of the “Superglue” fuming the evidence.
method of detecting latent fingerprints by Masato Soba in Forensic scientists arrive at their conclusions by using
Japan very technical methods and, as a consequence, their opin-
• 1984—the first DNA profiling test, developed by Sir Alec ions may be complicated. Their role as expert witnesses is
Jeffreys, who used the method to both identify a murderer to present their opinions in terms that judges and juries can
and exonerate a suspect in 1986 comprehend from their nontechnical standpoint.
• 1991—the development of the Integrated Ballistics Iden- Expert witnesses may be hired by either prosecutors or
tification System by Walsh Automation, Inc. in Montreal defenders but may not take sides in any case. Regardless of
• 1996—the Automated Fingerprint Identification System their unbiased opinion, these forensic scientists face intense
(AFIS), a computerized fingerprint database introduced scrutiny by cross-examination. Opposing attorneys may try
by the FBI to challenge or discredit the expert’s testimony. Therefore, a
characteristic common to expert forensic witnesses is their
Modern Forensic Occupations calm, unbiased, and professional composure.
A court determines whether forensic scientists qualify
Forensic experts are employed both within and outside the
law enforcement community. Forensic scientists who work as expert witnesses before they can give testimony. They
in public crime labs, forensic units, and coroners’ (or medi- meet the requirements of qualification through educational
cal examiners’) offices may be law enforcement officers background, professional experience, membership in pro-
or civilians. Depending on the structure, size, needs, and fessional associations, and published work. They also must
other factors of a police department or sheriff’s office, offi- be well versed in the rules of how evidence must be accept-
cers may work full time or part time in performing their able in court. Forensic scientists train to become expert wit-
forensic duties. Some opportunities in these settings are nesses by participating in mock trials.
also available for criminalists, forensic pathologists, foren-
sic photographers, audio forensics experts, computer foren- Job Outlook
sics specialists, accident reconstruction specialists, forensic Forensic scientists are employed in both the public and
toxicologists, forensic nurses, and forensic anthropologists. private sectors. They work for law enforcement agencies,
Law enforcement agencies, coroners’ offices, and pros- medical examiners’ offices, private forensic laboratories,
ecuting attorneys’ offices also seek forensic experts who government agencies, colleges and universities, research
work in the private sector and in academic institutions on institutes, hospitals, engineering firms, forensic consulting
a contractual basis. They might, for example, consult with companies, and other organizations. Many of them are inde-
forensic archaeologists, forensic sculptors, forensic palynol- pendent practitioners.
ogists, forensic entomologists, forensic accountants, fraud Opportunities for job seekers in forensic science vary
examiners, forensic psychologists, and forensic linguists. from one occupation to another, just as in any other career
Due to the pervasiveness of popular TV crime shows, category. In general, however, forensic science is a vital,
many of us think that forensic applications are used for the growing field with promise of expanding career horizons.
sole purpose of solving crime. That, however, is not the case. More forensic disciplines are emerging and becoming
Increasingly, attorneys, the courts, insurance companies, accepted by law enforcement and the courts. Moreover,
corporations, government agencies, and other organizations technology advancements help in the growth and devel-
retain forensic experts for assistance with issues related to opment of new forensic disciplines. For example, micro-
civil litigation, insurance claims, contractual disputes, regu- bial forensics, forensic epidemiology, forensic palynology,
latory compliance, and other legal matters. forensic archaeology, forensic statistics, child abuse pedi-
atrics, and forensic radiology are just a few disciplines that
Expert Witnesses have emerged in recent years.
Serving as expert witnesses in civil or criminal trials is a In law enforcement agencies, crime labs, and coroners’
crucial role for these professionals, as it is their investigative offices, many forensic positions are held by police officers
and analytical conclusions about the evidence that must be and deputy sheriffs. They conduct latent print examina-
used to convince judges and juries of the guilt or innocence tion, forensic video analysis, forensic photography, forensic
of criminals, or of the veracity of claims made by civil art, computer forensics examination, forensic hypnosis, and
litigants. Expert witness testimony differs from that of ordi- medicolegal death investigations, for example. In recent
nary fact witnesses, who may only relate the circumstances years, particularly with many of the crime lab positions, the
xii     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

trend has been to hire civilians with strong scientific back- Most of the job profiles in this book cover different
grounds. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, forensic experts. Many of them may be unfamiliar to you,
employment for forensic science technicians is expected to such as forensic sculptors, forensic nurses, forensic archi-
increase by 27 percent or more through 2014. tects, forensic hypnotists, forensic economists, forensic
entomologists, and forensic chiropractic examiners. Other
occupational profiles describe occupations that support
Forensic Education and Training
forensic scientists or work closely with these professionals.
Most, if not all, forensic scientists and experts possess bach-
As you read about the different opportunities that are avail-
elor’s, master’s, doctoral, or professional degrees in their
able in forensic science, you just may find one or several
disciplines, including chemistry, biology, anthropology,
that interest you.
psychology, law, and medicine, for example. Obtaining a
degree in forensic science was rare for a long time. With the
rise in popularity in the field, increasingly more courses and A Note to High School Students
degree programs in the forensic sciences are being estab- Now is the time to start preparing for your future career,
lished at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universi- whether it is in forensic science or another area that interests
ties across the United States. you. While you are in high school, take courses that can
Whether forensic experts work within law enforcement help you succeed in college. For any college program, you
or other occupations, they acquire their skills and abilities need a foundation in English, mathematics, science, history,
through specialized training beyond that required of their and social science. If you are planning to major in forensic
basic profession. Much of this training is provided on the science, or in a science or engineering discipline, it would
job. For example, entry-level forensic scientists in crime labs be a good idea to take as many science and math classes as
generally work under the supervision and guidance of experi- you can to help you handle a college curriculum.
enced staff members for two to three or more years, depend- Other courses that can help you meet the challenges
ing on the discipline, before they handle cases on their own. of college include computer, public speaking, and foreign
Many forensic medical experts and academicians who language classes. Also be sure to develop your writing,
perform forensic consulting tasks obtain their training by critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which will be
earning degrees or becoming certified in their particular essential to performing well in college as well as in your
forensic field. For example, forensic anthropologists are future jobs.
trained in anthropology at the university level, with qualifi- You can start getting an idea of what lies ahead in college
cations that range from a bachelor’s degree in anthropology by checking out various college catalogs. (School and pub-
to a doctoral degree in physical anthropology to experi- lic libraries usually carry catalogs of different colleges and
ence with assisting reputable forensic anthropologists with universities.) These catalogs describe the school enrollment
their casework. They may fulfill additional requirements process, the different academic departments and majors, and
by studying for and passing written and practical exams campus life.
to earn certification from the American Board of Forensic Also be sure to talk with your high school counselor or
Anthropology. teachers. Let them know about your interest in going to col-
Continuing education plays an important part in the con- lege and perhaps pursuing a career in the forensic sciences.
tinued development of individuals’ professions. Throughout They can help you choose appropriate courses, as well as
their careers, forensic scientists are involved in indepen- advise you on the different college and career options that
dent study and networking with colleagues to increase their are available.
knowledge and improve their skills. They also enroll in
courses, attend workshops and seminars, and participate in Start Exploring Your Options
professional meetings and conferences.
Career Opportunities in Forensic Science provides you with
basic information about 82 professions. When you come
In This Book across occupations that look intriguing, take the time to
In Career Opportunities in Forensic Science, you will learn learn more about them. The references mentioned through-
about 82 career options that are available in the forensics out the book and in the appendixes can help you further
field. This book contains profiles of occupations found in research careers that interest you. In addition, here are a few
crime scene investigations, criminal investigations, criminal- other things you might do to explore a profession or field in
istics, medicolegal death investigations, art and multimedia, more depth:
health and medicine, the natural sciences, math and com-
puter science, engineering and construction, the behavioral • read books about the profession or field
sciences, language and speech, business, jurisprudence, and • read professional and trade magazines, journals, newspa-
education and research. pers, and other print and online periodicals
Industry Outlook     xiii

• visit Web sites of professional societies, trade associa- As you explore various occupations, you will discover
tions, businesses, and other organizations related to your the kind of careers you might like—and will not like. You
desired occupation will also be gaining valuable knowledge and experience.
• talk with professionals who work in those jobs that inter- Furthermore, you will be building a network of contacts
est you who may be able to help with your next steps—obtaining
• visit settings where professionals work, if possible further education and training, as well as future jobs.
• enroll in courses related to the profession Remember, only you can make your career goals and
• browse through career resources that are available at dreams come true. Go for it!
libraries and career centers
• obtain part-time, seasonal, volunteer, or internship posi-
tions at forensic labs, law enforcement agencies, law
firms, courts, or other organizations
We could not have done this book without the help of many Richard W. Hurst, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Geo-
people who took the time out of their busy schedules to chemistry, CSU, Los Angeles and President, Hurst and
help us. We would especially like to thank the following Associates, Inc. (Thousand Oaks, California); Gretchen D.
individuals: Jones, Ph.D., USDA Agriculture Research Service, Area-
Suzanne Baldon, M.A. (Anthropology), Sociology and wide Pest Management Research Unit.
Anthropology Department, University of Texas at Arling- John P. Kenney, D.D.S., M.S., D-ABFO, President,
ton; Hayden B. Baldwin, Director, Forensic Enterprises, American Board of Forensic Odontology 2006–07 and
Inc. (; Kathleen Bergeron, HEB Engi- Deputy Coroner/Director Identification Services, Coro-
neers (North Conway, New Hampshire); Michael Bloomen- ner’s Office, DuPage County, Illinois; Judy LaDuc, B.S.,
feld, The Art Engineering Company (Menlo Park, Califor- HTL (ASCP); Joseph T. Latta, Executive Director, Interna-
nia); Phil Breuser, Professional Meteorologist; Vaughn M. tional Association for Property and Evidence, Inc.; Joyce
Bryant, Director, Palynology Laboratory, Department of A. Lauterbach; Robert A. Leonard, Ph.D., Professor of
Anthropology, Texas A&M University. Linguistics and Director of the Forensic Linguistics Proj-
Nancy Clark, C.T.P.E., Forensic Specialist, Downey ect, Hofstra University (Long Island, New York); Ed Lum;
Police Department (Downey, California); Melissa Con- Leo Limuaco, P.A. (ASCP); Deborah Lowen, M.D., Medi-
nor, Ph.D., Director, Forensic Science Program, Nebraska cal Director, Children’s Justice Center, Pediatric Resi-
Wesleyan University (Lincoln, Nebraska); Dr. Owen Davis, dency Program Director, OU College of Medicine—Tulsa
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, (Tulsa, Oklahoma).
Arizona); Craig De Wilde, Ph.D., School of Music, Conser- Mona Lisa R. Maynard, International Association for
vatorium, Monash University (Melbourne, Australia); Tim- Identification Tenprint Certification Board Chairperson;
othy S. Duerr, Forensic Scientist, Miami Valley Regional Brady W. Mills, Supervising Forensic Scientist, DNA, Texas
Crime Laboratory (Dayton, Ohio). DPS Austin Crime Lab; Ann C. Morland, Forensic Facial
Gerald Eskelin, Ph.D., Forensic Musicologist; Nadine M. Reconstruction Specialist and Director of the Academy of
Filipiak, M.S., Director, Communications, American Soci- Forensic Facial Reconstruction (Millbrook, Alabama); Ste-
ety for Clinical Pathology; Emalee G. Flaherty, M.D., Medi- phen Nawrocki, Ph.D., DABFA, University of Indianapo-
cal Director, Protective Service Team, Children’s Memorial lis Archaeology and Forensics Laboratory Services; James
Hospital and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Northwest- O’Donnell, Pharm.D., M.S., FCP, ABCP, FACN, CNS,
ern Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago); Trooper Sarah Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Rush Medical Col-
Foster, Forensic Artist, Michigan State Police Detroit Post lege (Chicago) and Private Consultant, Pharmaconsultant
(Detroit, Michigan); John Fudenberg, Assistant Coroner, Inc. (
Clark County (Las Vegas, Nevada). Thomas J. Owen, Owl Investigations, Inc. (Colonia, New
Susan J. Garcia, C.L.P.E., President of Southern Cali- Jersey); Carrie Stuart Parks, Forensic Artist, Stuart Parks
fornia Association of Fingerprint Officers; Dr. Malcolm Forensic Associates (; Ioana G.
Getz, Department of Economics and Business Adminis- Petrisor, Ph.D., Managing Editor, Environmental Forensics
tration, Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee); Ben Journal; Laura Pettler, Director, Carolina Forensics (Wax-
Gibson, D.D.S., M.A., Executive Director, American Soci- haw, North Carolina); Gene Poole, D.C.; Norman Reeves,
ety of Forensic Odontology; Fred Ginsburg, C.A.S., C.F.V., BPA Consulting (Tucson, Arizona); Howard C. Rile Jr.,
Ph.D., Executive Director, National Association of Foren- Forensic Document Examiner; Randall Robbins, President,
sic Video; Richard A. Gould, Ph.D., Professor of Anthro- Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers.
pology, Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island) and Ervin B. Shaw, M.D., Pathology Associates of Lexing-
Director and Team Leader, Forensic Archaeology Recov- ton, P.A. (; Dr. Gary Skoog, Presi-
ery; David Grimes, Professional Land Surveyor, Grimes dent, National Association of Forensic Economics 2007–08
Surveying and Mapping, Inc. (Los Angeles and Ventura, and President, Legal Econometrics, Inc.; Suzanne E. Smith,
California). Audit Program Manager, Quality Assurance and Training
Robert A. Hayes, C.P.G., President and Principal Foren- Unit; Sergeant Daniel Sollitti, Forensic Artist, Jersey City
sic Geologist, GeoForensics, Inc. (Williamston, Michigan); (New Jersey) Police Department; David Sylvester, Deputy
xvi     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Chief Scientist, National Forensic Science Technology Cen- Law Enforcement Division Forensic Services Laboratory;
ter; Richard Tesoriero, D.C. Stephen Wistar, Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Accu-
Cathy Valceschini, President, California State Coroner’s Weather (State College, Pennsylvania).
Association, Chief Deputy Coroner, Nevada County Sher- We also want to express our gratitude to the editorial and
iff’s Office; Lloyd B. Ward, Barnwell County Coroner and production staff at Ferguson Publishing, and in particular
President, South Carolina Coroner’s Association; Dr. Joseph our editor James Chambers for believing in us. Thank you,
Warren; Earl Wells, Laboratory Director, South Carolina Jim!
How to Use this Book
In Career Opportunities in Forensic Science, you will learn ogy, language, and statistics, among others. The final two
about 82 occupations that are available in this field. The sections describe a few career options in jurisprudence and
majority of these job profiles are about various forensic education.
scientists and forensic consultants. Some profiles are about
professions that work very closely with forensic specialists. The Job Profiles
Career Opportunities in Forensic Science provides basic
Each of the 82 profiles starts with the Career Profile—a
information about each of the 82 occupations. You will read
summary of the job’s major duties, salary, job outlook,
about what the occupations are like and which job require-
and opportunities for promotion. It also sums up general
ments are needed. You will also get a general idea of the
requirements and special skills needed for the job, as well
salaries, job markets, and advancement prospects for each
as personality traits that successful professionals may share.
The Career Ladder section is a visual presentation of a typi-
cal career path.
Sources of Information The rest of each occupational profile is divided into the
The information presented in Career Opportunities in following parts:
Forensic Science comes from a variety of sources—forensic
scientists, forensic experts, educators, professional societ- • The “Position Description” describes what an occupation
ies, trade associations, government agencies, and others. is and its major responsibilities and duties.
In addition, books and periodicals related to the different • “Salaries” presents a general range of the wages that pro-
occupations were read by the authors along with research fessionals may earn.
reports, pamphlets, and other materials created by profes- • “Employment Prospects” provides a general survey of the
sionals, professional associations, federal agencies, busi- job market for an occupation.
nesses, and others. Job descriptions, work guidelines, and • “Advancement Prospects” discusses some options in
other work-related materials for the different occupations which individuals may advance in their careers.
were also studied by the authors. • “Education and Training” describes the type of education
The World Wide Web was also a valuable information and training that may be required to enter a profession.
source. The authors visited a wide range of Web sites to • “Special Requirements” covers any professional license,
learn about each of the occupations that are described in certification, or registration that may be required for an
this book. These Web sites included academic departments, occupation.
societies, government agencies, forensic consulting firms, • “Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits” generally
and online periodicals, among others. covers the job requirements needed for entry-level posi-
tions. It also describes some basic employability skills
that employers expect job candidates to have. In addition,
How This Book Is Organized
this part describes some personality traits that successful
Career Opportunities in Forensic Sciences is designed to
professionals have in common.
be easy to use and read. Altogether there are 82 job profiles
• “Unions and Associations” provides the names of some
in 14 sections. A section may have as few as two profiles or
professional associations and labor unions that profes-
as many as 10 profiles, and the profiles are usually two or
sionals are eligible to join.
three pages long. All profiles follow the same format so that
• “Tips for Entry” offers general advice for gaining work
you may read the profiles or sections in whatever order you
experience, improving employability, and finding jobs.
It also gives suggestions for finding more information on
Section one of this book covers careers involving crime
the World Wide Web.
scene investigation and criminal investigation. Sections two
and three discuss forensic scientists who work in the crime
lab. Section four describes career options in the coroner’s Additional Resources
(or medical examiner’s) office. Sections five through 12 At the end of the book are four appendixes that provide
cover various forensic examiners in a wide range of disci- additional resources for the occupations described in Career
plines, including art, medicine, geology, business, psychol- Opportunities in Forensic Sciences. Appendix I provides
xviii     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Web resources for you to learn about educational programs can learn more on your own. All the Web sites were acces-
for some of the professions described in this book. Appen- sible as this book was being written. Keep in mind that Web
dix II is a list of some professional certification programs site owners may change Web site addresses, remove the web
for the different occupations profiled in this book. Appendix pages to which you have been referred, or shut down their
III presents contact information for professional unions and Web sites completely. Should you come across a URL that
associations that were mentioned in this book. In Appendix is unavailable, you may still be able to find the Web site by
IV, you will find a listing of resources on the World Wide entering its title or the name of the organization or indi-
Web that can help you learn more about the various occupa- vidual into a search engine.
tions in this book.
In addition, there is a glossary that defines some of the This Books Is Yours
terms used in this book. Furthermore, you will find a bibli-
Career Opportunities in Forensic Science is your reference
ography that lists titles of periodicals and books to help you
book. Use it to read about jobs you have often wondered
learn more about the professions that interest you.
about. Use it to learn about professions in the forensic sci-
ence world that you never knew existed. Use it to start your
The World Wide Web search for the career of your dreams.
Throughout Career Opportunities in Forensic Science, Web Good luck!
site addresses for online resources are provided so that you
        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Collect and process physical evidence from crime

scenes; may provide expert witness testimony; perform Senior Crime Scene Investigator
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Crime Scene Technician, Evidence Tech-

nician, Forensic Investigator, Crime Scene Examiner
Crime Scene Investigator
Salary Range: $20,000 to $50,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor for civilian employees Trainee

Education or Training—Requirements vary with the
different agencies
Experience—Requirements vary for civilian and law
enforcement CSI positions; previous crime scene experi-
ence preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
teamwork, communication, writing, and self-manage-
ment skills; detail-oriented, observant, meticulous, objec-
tive, honest, and ethical
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description away from where the firearm was discharged. It is still part
Wherever crimes are committed, various types of physi- of the crime scene.
cal evidence—such as bloodstains, hair strands, bullets, Wherever they are assigned to gather evidence, CSIs fol-
fiber, fingerprints, glass fragments, and documents—are left low specific procedures that involve three basic stages of
behind. It is crucial that all evidence is properly handled as crime scene processing. The first stage is scene recognition.
soon as possible after the crime occurred. The evidence must CSIs walk through and look at a crime scene to establish
be categorized, inventoried, and collected for further analy- the area’s extent and which items in the area can be used as
sis. The crime scene technicians known as Crime Scene physical evidence. They observe minute details of an area.
Investigators (CSIs) do this work. These forensic specialists They interview law enforcement personnel and the crime
are involved with the crime scene investigation of burglar- victim to determine what happened. They decide which
ies, robberies, homicides, assaults, arson, and all other types equipment they will need to gather evidence. Whereas they
of crime. CSIs might also collect evidence at autopsies and do not perform the analytical work on the evidence, they
at non-crime scenes such as serious car accidents. possess an understanding of how each item of evidence will
CSIs are among the first professionals to arrive at the be analyzed.
scene of a crime. A crime scene may encompass several The second stage of processing is scene documenta-
locations including a suspect’s or victim’s home or place of tion. CSIs take written notes, make sketches, and take
work, or any place where a crime’s evidence can be found. photographs of the crime scene as well as of the various
A bullet that lodged in a passing vehicle may travel miles items of evidence. They might also take video recordings.

It is important for CSIs to make an accurate record of the • processing film or digital images and maintaining photo-
appearance and location of everything within the scene graphic equipment
before any evidence is moved to the crime lab for further • communicating with the public about their work by
analysis. Furthermore, when a crime case is brought to answering their questions, handling complaints, and
court, the crime must be accurately reconstructed. The describing investigative procedures
sketches record the location of everything that is used • giving presentations at community events such as job fairs
for evidence; photographs taken from various distances or crime watch meetings
and angles, including close-ups of serial numbers or tags,
provide information vital to solving the case; and written All CSIs are responsible for keeping up to date with
notes offer facts about the crime scene that are untainted by laws, criminal cases, and their agency’s regulations. Their
opinion or judgment. work is often physically demanding, as they must climb,
The third stage of processing is the collection of physi- kneel, or stoop to collect evidence. Heavy lifting is fre-
cal evidence. CSIs gather everything that may be pertinent quently required. Consequently, CSIs need to be in excellent
to identifying both the perpetrator and victim of the crime. physical condition.
This work requires careful attention to detail. They survey They may work either indoors or outdoors to investigate
the entire area to find everything they can that will serve as crime scenes. They can be exposed to physical or chemical
evidence. Some evidence is clearly visible, such as weap- hazards. In such situations, they may be required to use res-
ons, bullet casings, documents, bloodstains, or anything that pirators or other protective equipment.
is out of place. Trace evidence includes smaller items such Law enforcement officers are assigned to their crime
as hair, tool marks, paint chips, glass fragments, and fibers. scene investigation unit on a full-time or part-time basis,
Other evidence, such as fingerprints or footprints, is invis- depending on the needs of their agency. In many agencies,
ible to the eye. law enforcement officers perform this detail in addition to
CSIs package evidence in sealed bags or envelopes and their primary duties as patrol officers, detectives, supervi-
deliver them to crime laboratories for analysis and prepara- sors, or administrators. Civilian CSIs usually work full time.
tion for use in court proceedings. In some law enforcement CSIs are assigned to rotating shifts, which may include
units, CSIs bring analysis kits or mobile crime labs to the working nights, weekends, and holidays. They are expected
crime scene so that they may test blood samples or gunpow- to respond to emergency calls on an around-the-clock basis.
der residue on the spot. They may also fingerprint deceased
victims found at the scene of the crime. Salaries
Crime Scene Investigators are employees of law
Salaries for Crime Scene Investigators vary, depending
enforcement agencies. They may be police officers or
on such factors as their experience, position, education,
civilians. Their background is in science, particularly biol-
employer, and geographic location. Law enforcement offi-
ogy or chemistry. CSIs also undergo intensive on-the-job
cers typically earn higher incomes than civilian employees.
training to learn crime scene processing, latent fingerprint
According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Sta-
processing, photography, and other areas of crime scene
tistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
estimated annual salary for most police and sheriff patrol
Their duties vary according to where they work, as well
officers ranged between $27,310 and $72,450. The Inter-
as their experience and skill levels. For example, they may
national Crime Scene Investigators Association Web site
be responsible for:
( reports that the average annual salary
for CSIs ranges from $20,000 to more than $50,000.
•  securing crime scenes with tape, barricades, or police per-
Law enforcement officers usually earn supplementary
sonnel and providing specific areas for spectators, work
compensation for performing special detail duties such as
areas for investigators, and the crime scene itself
crime scene investigation. Many also receive additional pay
• working and cooperating with victims and witnesses
for working overtime, weekends, holidays, and late-night
• surveying a scene and reconstructing the events of a
• taking accurate measurements of the crime scene to be
noted on sketches Employment Prospects
• formulating plans of action for processing and surveying CSIs work in city and state police departments as well as in
crime scenes county sheriffs’ offices. Job opportunities are usually bet-
• providing expert testimony in court hearings ter for law enforcement officers than for civilians as many
• leading and informing other crime scene investigators agencies do not hire full-time civilian CSIs. Law enforce-
• training new technicians ment agencies that serve populations of over 25,000 typi-
• writing detailed reports cally hire full-time CSIs.
        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Openings become available as CSIs retire, transfer to Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
other jobs, or advance to higher positions. Many agencies Qualifications vary for civilian and law enforcement CSI
require that law enforcement officers commit a minimum positions. In general, applicants should have some experi-
number of years when they are chosen for crime scene duty. ence working with crime scenes. Law enforcement officers
are usually eligible to apply for their agency’s crime scene
Advancement Prospects detail after meeting the minimum requirement for working
Within the crime scene unit, CSIs may advance to the posi- patrol duty. (Many agencies have a one- to five-year mini-
tion of unit commander. mum requirement.)
Law enforcement officers have more advancement oppor- CSIs must be able to work well with team members, law
tunities than civilian employees. Officers can develop a career enforcement officers, and others. Hence, they need excellent
according to their interests and ambitions. They can rise interpersonal, teamwork, and communication skills. They
through the ranks as detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, and so also must have strong writing skills as well as effective
on, up to chief of police. They can also seek positions in other self-management skills such as the ability to work indepen-
special details that interest them, such as their agency’s air dently, understand and follow instructions, handle stressful
support unit, bomb squad, SWAT team, or K9 unit. In addi- situations, and prioritize multiple tasks.
tion, they can pursue supervisory and managerial positions. Successful CSIs share similar personality traits, includ-
In some agencies, officers in higher administrative positions ing being detail-oriented, observant, meticulous, objective,
are limited in their ability to volunteer for special details. honest, and ethical. They also have the state of mind to
handle highly unpleasant and shocking situations.

Education and Training

Educational requirements vary with the different law
Unions and Associations
enforcement agencies. Some agencies require candidates Many CSIs belong to professional associations that serve
to have only a high school diploma or general equivalency the specific interests of their profession. Three such orga-
diploma, while others prefer to hire applicants with an asso- nizations at the national level are the International Crime
ciate or bachelor’s degree in law enforcement, criminal jus- Scene Investigators Association, the International Associa-
tice, or another related discipline. tion for Identification, and the Association for Crime Scene
Many colleges and universities offer degree or certificate Reconstruction. (For contact information, see Appendix III.)
programs in crime scene investigation, including online and By joining societies, CSIs can take advantage of networking
distance learning programs. Some programs require their opportunities, professional publications, training programs,
students to successfully complete an internship or appren- certification, and other professional services and resources.
ticeship in which they gain practical experience in crime Some CSIs belong to a union that represents them in
scene investigations. contract negotiations with their employers for better terms
Novice CSIs typically receive on-the-job training, in which regarding pay, benefits, and working conditions.
they work under the supervision and guidance of experienced
CSIs. Many agencies also provide formal classroom training Tips for Entry
in crime scene response, evidence collection, latent finger- 1. To learn more about the crime scene investigation
print processing, forensic photography, blood splatter inter- field, read books about the subject and talk with CSIs
pretation, and arson investigation, among other areas. about their work.
Throughout their careers, CSIs enroll in courses, work- 2. Take a basic course in photography. Having funda-
shops, seminars, and other educational and training pro- mental photography skills may improve your chances
grams to update their skills and increase their knowledge in of obtaining a CSI job.
their field. 3. To enhance their employability as well as advance-
ment opportunities, CSIs might obtain professional
Special Requirements certification from recognized organizations. For some
In agencies in which CSIs are law enforcement officers, certification programs, see Appendix II.
applicants must possess a basic peace officer standards and 4. Contact agencies for which you wish to work for cur-
training certificate. These agencies may hire candidates rent information about their qualifications for CSIs,
without a certificate on the condition they complete the selection process, and job vacancies.
necessary law enforcement academy program to obtain the 5. Use the Internet to learn more about CSIs and their
certificate. work. You might start by visiting the International
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete Crime Scene Investigators Association Web site at
annual training to maintain their certification. For more links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Oversee the collection and processing of physical

evidence at crime scenes; supervise crime scene techni- Crime Scene Unit Manager
cians; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): None

Salary Range: $40,000 to $104,000 Crime Scene Supervisor

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Crime Scene Investigator
Education or Training—Requirements vary with the
different agencies
Experience—Two or more years of work experience as
crime scene technicians; supervisory experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Leadership,
teamwork, interpersonal, communication, organiza-
tional, problem-solving, presentation, and writing skills;
courteous, fair, honest, respectful, dependable, calm, and
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description These men and women possess more expertise than the
Investigating crime scenes is exacting, time consuming, and technicians that work under them. They are knowledgeable
detailed work. Several crime scene investigators may work on about the techniques of crime scene investigations, related
categorizing, collecting, and documenting the physical evi- technologies, and new trends in their field. They understand
dence—fingerprints, bloodstains, bullets, tool marks, fiber, every process of investigation, and know all the ways to
glass fragments, bodily fluids, and so on. To ensure the integ- search for evidence. In addition, Crime Scene Supervisors
rity and quality of their work, they are overseen and monitored stay current with all laws and law enforcement practices,
by Crime Scene Supervisors. These professionals supervise at particularly the procedures used by their local law enforce-
such crime scenes as murders, burglaries, robberies, arson, ter- ment agency. They are similar to supervisors in other voca-
rorist incidents, and others. They may also direct the collection tions in that they are knowledgeable about such principles of
and processing of evidence at accident scenes. Crime Scene supervision as maintaining budgets, tracking employee per-
Supervisors exercise their ability to make independent deci- formance, planning work schedules, and establishing goals.
sions and utilize common sense to provide leadership to their They also serve as a resource for instruction and training for
staff, plan their activities, and check their job performance. their subordinates.
Local and state law enforcement agencies are mostly Crime Scene Supervisors generally work alongside their
responsible for crime scene investigations. Crime Scene staff to process crime scenes. They fulfill the same functions
Supervisors may be law enforcement officers or civilian as the crime scene technicians that they oversee. Supervisors
employees. They report directly to their superiors within visually inspect the scene to determine what transpired dur-
their law enforcement agency through work reviews and ing the commission of the crime and what items at the scene
results summaries. may be used as evidence to solve the crime. They write
        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

detailed notes about all their observations. They take pho- or other substances and consequently may be required to
tographs of the crime scene in general, shots of individual use respirators or other protective gear.
items of evidence, and close-ups of fingerprints, powders, or Crime Scene Supervisors put in 40 hours per week, but
fibers. They make sketches of the scene to indicate the loca- are available for service at all hours and every day of the
tion of each item, including accurate measurements and dia- year. They may be assigned to work specific shifts.
grams. They lift fingerprints and make casts of impressions
from shoes or vehicle tires. They might also conduct field Salaries
tests of gunpowder residue, drugs, and other substances.
Salaries for Crime Scene Supervisors vary, depending
These supervisors gather evidence in the proper fashion for
on such factors as their experience, education, employer,
delivery to the crime lab for analysis.
and geographic location. Law enforcement officers typi-
As unit leaders, Crime Scene Supervisors provide guid-
cally earn higher incomes than civilian employees. Formal
ance and direction to their team members. It is their job to
salary information for this occupation is unavailable. One
establish and maintain solid working relationships within
expert in the field estimates that the annual salary range for
their unit. Supervisors also instruct and provide technical
Crime Scene Supervisors is between $40,000 and $100,000.
knowledge to their subordinates. They perform a vari-
According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Sta-
ety of supervisory duties: They plan work schedules and
tistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the esti-
assign duties to their team members. They monitor their
mated annual salary for most first-line supervisors of police
employees’ performance to make sure that they follow
and detectives ranged between $41,260 and $104,410.
correct procedures and safety standards; for example they
review documents and photographs that their subordinates
produce. They perform employee evaluations on a regu- Employment Prospects
lar basis, as well as prepare and submit clearly written Crime Scene Supervisors work for local and state law
employee evaluations and monthly reports of their unit’s enforcement agencies. There are usually more job oppor-
activities. tunities for law enforcement officers than for civilians.
Crime Scene Supervisors perform various other duties, Openings become available as individuals advance to higher
such as: positions, transfer to other jobs, or retire.

• testify in court as expert witnesses Advancement Prospects

• inspect, maintain, and repair equipment in compliance
Supervisors may be promoted to manage crime scene units.
with safety standards and official regulations
They may also pursue higher management positions in
• maintain an adequate supply of all needed materials
forensic sections of law enforcement agencies. However,
• develop or assist in the development of new investigative
these types of opportunities are usually limited.
Unlike civilian employees, law enforcement officers have
• oversee darkroom activity and review the production of
more advancement opportunities. They can rise through the
ranks as detectives, sergeants, and so on, up to police chiefs.
• create composite drawings of suspects
They can also seek positions in other law enforcement spe-
• manage unit payrolls
cial details that interest them. They can also pursue supervi-
• help with budget planning
sory and managerial positions within their agency.
• assist in the hiring of subordinate staff
• receive and take action on complaints from the public
Education and Training
Crime Scene Supervisors are responsible for keeping up Educational requirements vary with the different law
to date with developments in their field by taking courses and enforcement agencies. Some agencies require that candi-
attending training seminars as well as reading publications. dates have at least a high school diploma or high school
These professionals maintain contact with a wide variety equivalency diploma, while others require that applicants
of people every day, including subordinates, law enforce- have a minimum number of hours of college course work.
ment officers, governmental employees, and the general Some agencies prefer to hire applicants who possess a
public, among others. bachelor’s degree in forensic science, biology, biochemistry,
Crime Scene Supervisors spend much of their time work- chemistry, or another related field.
ing in offices, but also work at indoor or outdoor crime Some agencies also like candidates to have completed
scenes. They need to be in good physical condition to with- training programs in crime-scene processing and evidence
stand the demands on their bodies from climbing, stooping, collection. They may hire strong candidates without this
or kneeling as well as lifting heavy weights on occasion. qualification if they successfully complete appropriate train-
They may be exposed to hazardous chemicals, bodily fluids, ing programs within a certain time frame.

Special Requirements fessional publications, training programs, certification, and

In agencies in which Crime Scene Supervisors are law other professional services and resources. Three national
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace societies that serve the interests of crime scene personnel
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies are the International Crime Scene Investigators Associa-
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition tion, the International Association for Identification, and the
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction. For contact
gram to obtain the certificate. information, see Appendix III.
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete
annual training to maintain their certification. Tips for Entry
1. Many agencies prefer to hire candidates who have
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits completed course work in photography, criminalistics,
Applicants need two to five years of work experience as a and physical science.
crime scene technician, depending on the requirements of 2. To enhance their employability, some individuals
a law enforcement agency. Many employers also prefer that obtain professional certification in crime investigation
candidates have some supervisory experience. from recognized organizations such as the Interna-
To perform well at their job, Crime Scene Supervisors tional Association for Identification. For a list of some
must have strong leadership, teamwork, interpersonal, and certification programs, see Appendix II.
communication skills. They also need effective organiza- 3. Learn more about the field of crime scene investiga-
tional, problem-solving, presentation, and writing skills. tion on the Internet. One Web site you might visit is
Being courteous, fair, honest, respectful, dependable, calm, Crime Scene Investigation at http://www.crime-scene-
and encouraging are some personality traits that successful For more links, see Appendix IV.
Crime Scene Supervisors have in common.

Unions and Associations

Many Crime Scene Supervisors belong to professional asso-
ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities, pro-
        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Enforce laws, preserve peace, protect life and prop-

erty, investigate criminal incidents, apprehend criminals, Special Assignments, Detective, or
provide community service, and perform other duties as Sergeant

Alternate Title(s): Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, State

Trooper, or other title that reflects a particular job
Patrol Officer
Salary Range: $27,000 to $72,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Excellent Recruit

Education or Training—Educational requirements vary
with different agencies; police academy training; field
Experience—Prior experience may not be necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Observational,
problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, math, writ-
ing, computer, interpersonal, communication, and self-man-
agement skills; honest, trustworthy, dedicated, dependable,
levelheaded, courteous, tactful, friendly, and composed
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate
required; meet certain requirements; hold a valid driver’s

Position Description their agency’s jurisdiction that may include neighborhoods,

Patrol Officers are usually the first law enforcement officers business sections, schools, airports, rural areas, highways,
to arrive at a crime scene, a location where a burglary, rob- shorelines, harbors, parks, or remote locations. It is their
bery, assault, murder, or another criminal incident has taken job to enforce laws, preserve the peace, protect life and
place. They may have happened upon an incident as it was property, investigate crime, apprehend criminals, and pro-
occurring, or they may have responded to a call from a citi- vide community service within their beats. Many of them
zen, a police dispatcher, or another law enforcement officer. are also responsible for enforcing the traffic laws within
If possible, they apprehend and arrest criminal suspects. It their jurisdiction. They make regular rounds throughout
is also their duty to prevent the destruction of physical evi- their work shift, while keeping an eye open for suspicious
dence at the crime scene. activities and public hazards as well as responding to citi-
Patrol Officers are uniformed officers who work for zens’ requests for help. These officers may work alone or
local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. They are with partners, and may cover their beats on foot, in marked
police officers, sheriff’s deputies, state troopers, conserva- vehicles, or on bicycles, motorcycles, horses, or boats.
tion officers (also known as park rangers), and other law As first responders at crime scenes, Patrol Officers fol-
enforcement officers. low certain procedures while they deal with a number of
Patrol Officers make up the basic units of their agen- things. They always assume that criminal activity is still
cies. They are assigned beats, or geographical areas, within taking place; hence, officers carefully assess the area as they

enter it. They note who is there, how it looks, and what is Salaries
happening, as well as watch for persons or vehicles leav- Salaries for Patrol Officers vary, depending on such factors
ing the area and for potential physical evidence. Their first as their experience, rank, education, employer, and geo-
priority is the safety and physical well being of themselves, graphic location. According to the May 2006 Occupational
other officers, and people who are in and around the crime Employment Statistics (OES) survey by the U.S. Bureau of
scene. They identify and control any dangerous persons and Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual salary for most
situations, such as gas leaks, bombs, or hazardous wastes, police and sheriff patrol officers ranged between $27,310
and inform all people at the scene. Patrol Officers contact and $72,450.
appropriate personnel for assistance or backup. These offi- Patrol Officers may earn additional compensation for
cers also assess victims’ medical needs and call for medical working overtime, holidays, and late-night shifts. Many also
assistance if required. receive extra pay for working special details, such as the
First responders determine what is the primary scene bomb squad, aviation unit, or SWAT team.
of a crime as well as secondary sites, such as vehicles or
other locations where the crime took place. In addition, they
Employment Prospects
physically secure the primary and secondary crime scenes as
well as exit and entry paths to these areas with flags, traffic Employers of Patrol Officers include city police departments,
cones, barrier tape, or other means to ensure that bystanders county sheriffs’ offices, state police offices, and state fish and
do not access the area and destroy evidence. These officers game departments, as well as special police departments
also separate suspects, victims, and witnesses so that they such as campus police departments and airport police depart-
cannot talk amongst each other. The first responders obtain ments. At the federal level, Patrol Officers are employed by
identifications and take initial statements from them. the U.S. Capitol, National Park Service, Federal Protective
Along with interviewing bystanders, first responders are Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Department of Veter-
responsible for documenting the crime scene. They write ans Affairs, among others. The BLS reported in its May 2006
notes about who called for help, who was at the scene, the OES survey that an estimated 624,380 police and sheriff’s
location of people and objects, how things looked, how Patrol Officers were employed in the United States. About
things were moved, and environmental conditions, among 85 percent were employed by local governments.
other details. When the appropriate authorities appear on According to the BLS, employment for police officers
the scene, Patrol Officers release the crime scene to those is expected to increase by 9 to 17 percent through 2014. In
authorities as well as brief them about the information that addition to job growth, openings will become available as
the first responders have acquired. The authorities may officers retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher
request that the Patrol Officers stay on to assist with control- positions. Opportunities in any agency can vary from year to
ling or processing the crime scene. year, depending on the availability of funds.
Patrol Officers may be assigned to perform other duties The competition for jobs is particularly keen among fed-
besides patrol duty, depending on their experience, skills, eral and state agencies as well as in police departments in
and interests as well as their agency’s needs. For example, affluent communities. Opportunities are usually better in
they may be assigned to process crime scenes, investigate special police departments and in communities where sala-
traffic accidents, assist in criminal investigations, guard pris- ries are generally low or the crime rate is high.
oners, escort government officials or other very important
people, direct traffic at special events, or present crime pre- Advancement Prospects
vention workshops. Patrol Officers also perform duties that Law enforcement officers can advance in any number of
are specific to their agency’s mission and jurisdiction. For ways, depending on their personal interests and ambitions.
example, conservation officers may be responsible for issu- After serving one or more years of patrol duty, officers can
ing hunting licenses, inspecting game farms, and responding apply for voluntary positions on special details that their
to public complaints about wildlife in urban areas. agency may offer, such as the bike patrol, the canine unit,
Patrol Officers keep a daily logbook of their activities the SWAT team, the bomb squad, the aviation unit, or the
and complete accurate reports of all criminal and noncrimi- crime scene investigation unit. They may also pursue a
nal incidents to which they responded. They may be called career in criminal investigations, which requires passing a
upon to testify at court trials. Occasionally, Patrol Officers competitive detective exam. Those interested in supervisory
work on assignments with law enforcement officers from or administrative duties can pursue such positions.
other local, state, or federal jurisdictions. In addition, Patrol Officers can rise through the ranks as
Patrol Officers normally work rotating shifts that may sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and so on, up to police chief.
include nights, weekends, and holidays. They are on call 24 This usually requires passing competitive exams and reviews
hours a day, every day of the year. as well as obtaining additional education and experience.
10        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Law enforcement officers normally can retire with a well with colleagues, supervisors, and the general pub-
pension after serving 20 to 25 years on their force. (Federal lic. Furthermore, their job requires that they have superior
agencies usually require law enforcement officers to retire self-management skills, such as the ability to work indepen-
at the age of 57.) Many officers retire and pursue second dently, handle stressful situations, prioritize multiple tasks,
careers in law enforcement, security, or other fields that and understand and follow instructions.
interest them. Some personality traits that successful Patrol Officers
share include being honest, trustworthy, dedicated, depend-
able, levelheaded, courteous, tactful, friendly, and composed.
Education and Training
Educational requirements for law enforcement recruits vary
with the different law enforcement agencies. Some agencies Unions and Associations
require that applicants possess at least a high school or gen- Many Patrol Officers join professional associations to take
eral equivalency diploma. Some agencies hire high school advantage of networking opportunities, educational programs,
graduates if they also possess a minimum number of college and other professional services and resources. These societies
credits in an appropriate field of study. In other agencies, the are available at the local, state, national, and international
minimum educational requirement is an associate or bach- levels. They can join organizations that serve the general
elor’s degree in law enforcement, criminal justice, police interests of all law enforcement officers such as the American
science, or another related discipline. Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens, or the Frater-
Recruits complete three to six months or more of basic nal Order of Police. Special-interest societies are also avail-
training at a law enforcement academy. They study law, able such as the International Association of Women Police,
investigative procedures, self-defense, use of firearms, and the National Black Police Association, the American Deputy
first aid, among other subjects. Upon successful completion Sheriffs’ Association, the National Troopers Coalition, or the
of their training, they are assigned to work under the super- North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association.
vision of field training officers or senior Patrol Officers. For contact information, see Appendix III.
Throughout their careers, law enforcement officers enroll Many law enforcement officers belong to a union that
in workshops, seminars, and courses to update their skills represents them in contract negotiations with their employ-
and knowledge. ers for better terms regarding pay, benefits, and working
conditions. The union also handles any grievances that offi-
Special Requirements cers may have against their employers.
Local and state law enforcement officers must hold a cur-
rent peace officer certificate, which is earned upon complet- Tips for Entry
ing basic training at a law enforcement academy. 1.  Are you a high school student? Join a law enforce-
Most, if not all, law enforcement agencies require that ment Explorer unit if one is available. Check with
applicants be U.S. citizens. In addition, they must not have a your local law enforcement agencies.
criminal record, and they must meet age, residency, weight, 2.  Gain experience by doing volunteer work at a police
height, vision, medical, and other requirements. Agencies department or sheriff’s office.
usually require candidates to possess a valid driver’s license. 3.  For information about job vacancies and selection
processes, contact a law enforcement agency directly.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits You may be able to find such information at an agen-
Many agencies hire candidates without any experience for cy’s Web site.
entry-level positions. Some agencies, however, prefer to 4.  Being proficient in a second language that is common
hire candidates who have one or more years of law enforce- within the community where you wish to work may
ment experience. They may have gained their experience enhance your employability.
through internships, volunteer work, work-study programs, 5.  Use the Internet to learn more about a law enforce-
or employment with law enforcement agencies. ment agency for which you would like to work. Most
To perform well at their work, Patrol Officers must have law enforcement agencies have a presence on the
excellent observational, problem-solving, critical think- Internet. To find the Web site for an agency where
ing, and teamwork skills as well as strong math, writing, you would like to work, enter its name into a search
and computer skills. They also need effective interpersonal engine. For some links about the law enforcement
and communication skills, as they must be able to work field in general, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Enforce local, state, or federal criminal laws; inves-

tigate criminal cases; perform other duties as required Senior Criminal Investigator

Alternate Title(s): Detective, Special Agent; a title that

reflects a specific occupation such as FBI Special Agent

Salary Range: $34,000 to $93,000 Criminal Investigator

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Criminal Investigator Trainee
Education or Training—Educational requirements vary
with every agency; new investigators complete criminal
investigation training as well as on-the-job training
Experience—One or more years of law enforcement or
criminal investigation experience required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical,
problem-solving, teamwork, interpersonal, crisis man-
agement, interviewing, research, writing, and commu-
nication skills; calm, perceptive, self-motivated, honest,
and trustworthy
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be
required; meet certain requirements; hold a valid driver’s

Position Description Criminal Investigators work in city police departments,

People sometimes confuse crime scene investigators with sheriffs’ offices, special jurisdiction departments (such as
Criminal Investigators. Crime scene investigators are respon- campus and airport police departments), state police depart-
sible for examining crime scenes to gather and process phys- ments and attorney generals’ offices, and tribal police
ical evidence that may link suspects to the crime scenes. departments. At the federal level, Criminal Investigators
Criminal Investigators, on the other hand, are responsible for work in numerous agencies, including the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigra-
conducting intensive probes into criminal cases and solving
tion and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Postal Service, Inter-
them. They find sufficient proof—through witnesses, physi-
nal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, and
cal evidence, and other sources—to arrest and prosecute
Environmental Protection Agency. Criminal Investigators
suspects. are also employed by local, state, and federal wildlife or
These law enforcement officers perform challenging and natural resource conservation agencies.
dangerous work. Some Criminal Investigators are engaged Some Criminal Investigators work in offices of inspec-
in cases in which criminal laws, such as those pertaining to tors general, which are part of local, state, or federal gov-
burglary, robbery, assault, murder, stalking, domestic vio- ernment agencies. These inspectors investigate cases that
lence, kidnapping, fraud, arson, vice, narcotics, and terror- involve employees who are suspected of violating rules or
ism, have been broken. Other investigators work on criminal committing crimes.
cases that involve violations of civil rights, environmental, Criminal Investigators work on several cases at a time.
postal, tax, social security, and other laws. Regardless of their work setting, they conduct investigations
12        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

for each case in a similar fashion. They develop plans on Federal investigators earn a salary based on the general
how they will conduct their investigations. They gather infor- schedule (GS), a federal pay schedule that covers many
mation about cases by examining crime scenes for facts federal employees. Depending on the agency, entry-level
and evidence. They interview suspects, witnesses, and oth- investigators may start at the GS-5, GS-7, or GS-9 level.
ers for pertinent information regarding their cases. They Full-performance, or journey, investigators can progress to
sometimes interview individuals several times during their either the GS-12 or GS-13 level. In 2007, the annual basic
investigations. These investigators also review police, crime pay rates for law enforcement officers (at the GS-5 to GS-10
lab, medical examiner reports, and other relevant reports, levels) ranged from $31,601 to $57,005.
records, and files.
Criminal Investigators analyze information and evidence Employment Prospects
to develop leads for their cases. They verify facts to ensure
Opportunities for Criminal Investigators are available with
they have correct and accurate information about their cases.
local, state, federal, and tribal law enforcement agencies, as
On some cases, they might conduct surveillance on suspects
well as parks, fish and game departments, and other govern-
or perform undercover work. They might also serve search
ment agencies. Qualified candidates typically outnumber
warrants to individuals in order to perform a search of their
the positions that are vacant. The BLS reports that employ-
property for specific items that may be proof that a crime
ment of law enforcement officers is expected to increase
has been committed.
by 9 to 17 percent through 2014. In addition to job growth,
When Criminal Investigators are sure they have suf-
openings for Criminal Investigators become available as
ficient evidence that suspects have committed specific
individuals advance to higher positions, transfer to other
crimes, they may arrest suspects or request that the suspects
jobs, or retire. A law enforcement agency may create addi-
be arrested. Criminal Investigators also assist attorneys in
tional investigator positions to meet growing demands when
preparing cases for court trials. Investigators may be asked
funding becomes available.
to provide testimony at depositions and trials about their
Criminal Investigators maintain files on all their cases. Advancement Prospects
They keep detailed notes as well as prepare written reports Criminal Investigators can advance in numerous ways. As
of their findings. They make sure their documents are accu- they gain experience, they can seek assignments of their
rate and precise, as they may be entered as evidence in court choice. For example, they can ask for a transfer to a par-
trials. ticular office or geographical location, or they can specialize
Their job requires them to carry and use firearms in the in a particular area of investigations, such as homicide or
performance of their duties. They may be assigned to handle technology crime.
a case alone or with a partner. On occasion, Criminal Investi- They can also pursue supervisory, managerial, or execu-
gators are assigned to work on cases with other law enforce- tive positions. Those at the local and state levels can rise
ment agencies. Cases may take several weeks, months, or through the ranks as lieutenants, captains, and so on, up to
years to solve. Some cases are never solved. the police chief’s or sheriff’s position. Executive-level posi-
Criminal Investigators are scheduled to work 40 hours tions are either appointed by executive bodies or elected by
a week but often put in additional hours to complete their voters.
duties. They often work nights, weekends, and holidays.
Many of them are assigned to rotating shifts. Criminal Inves- Education and Training
tigators are usually on call 24 hours a day.
Educational requirements for Criminal Investigators vary
Investigators may travel to other cities, states, and coun-
with the different law enforcement agencies. Many local
tries to work on their cases. Federal investigators may be
and state agencies require that candidates have some col-
reassigned to other field offices within their agencies, which
lege background or possess a college degree (which may
may be in the United States or in other countries.
be an associate or a bachelor’s degree) in law enforcement,
criminal justice, or another related field. At some local and
Salaries state agencies, the minimum requirement is a high school or
Salaries for Criminal Investigators vary, depending on such general equivalency diploma.
factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo- At the federal level, the minimum requirement for entry-
graphic location. Federal agency employees generally earn level applicants is a bachelor’s degree in a field that a federal
more than employees of local and state agencies. According law enforcement agency prefers. For example, the FBI seeks
to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey candidates who hold a degree in law, accounting, computer
by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated science, criminal justice, or another related discipline.
annual salary for most detectives and Criminal Investigators New investigators undergo a training program that may
ranged between $34,480 and $92,590. last several weeks or months, depending on the law enforce-

ment agency. Local and state trainees usually attend a local Unions and Associations
law enforcement academy. Many federal agencies send Many Criminal Investigators are members of a union that
trainees to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in represents them in negotiations with employers for better
Glynco, Georgia. contractual terms regarding pay, benefits, and working con-
New Criminal Investigators normally receive on-the-job ditions. In addition, the union handles any grievances that
training while working under the supervision and guidance officers may have against their employers.
of experienced investigators. Criminal Investigators are also eligible to join profes-
Throughout their careers, Criminal Investigators enroll sional associations to take advantage of networking oppor-
in continuing education programs and training programs to tunities, continuing education, professional certification, and
update their skills and knowledge. other professional resources and services. Professional soci-
eties are available for officers locally, statewide, nationally,
Special Requirements and internationally. Some national societies that serve the
Local and state law enforcement officers must hold a cur- various special interests of Criminal Investigators include:
rent peace officer certificate, which is earned upon complet-
ing basic training at a law enforcement academy. • American Deputy Sheriffs’ Association
Most, if not all, law enforcement agencies require that • Federal Criminal Investigators Association
applicants be U.S. citizens and that they do not have a crimi- • Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
nal record. Applicants must also meet certain vision, weight, • Fraternal Order of Police
and height requirements. Age requirements vary with the • High Technology Crime Investigation Association
different agencies. For example, to apply for most federal • International Association of Arson Investigators
positions, an applicant may not be older than 36 years old • International Association of Women Police
at the time of their appointment. Agencies usually require • International Homicide Investigators Association
candidates to possess a valid driver’s license. • National Black Police Association

For contact information, see Appendix III.

Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Depending on their agency’s requirements, police officers,
deputy sheriffs, state police, and conservation workers gen-
Tips for Entry
erally must have completed one or more years of patrol duty 1. Agencies hire candidates with a clean personal record.
before they are eligible to apply for a Criminal Investigator, Having past arrests, convictions, drug or alcohol prob-
or detective, position. lems, financial debts, or terminations may disqualify
Requirements vary for the different federal agencies. In you for a law enforcement career.
general, applicants should have prior experience working 2. While in high school or college, you can gain experi-
in law enforcement, preferably in criminal investigations. ence by volunteering or obtaining an internship with a
Some agencies accept candidates without any law enforce- local law enforcement agency.
ment experience for entry-level positions if they have three 3. If you are interested in working for a federal agency,
years of progressively responsible work experience. contact it directly to learn about specific qualifica-
Criminal Investigators need excellent analytical, prob- tions, job vacancies, and their application process.
lem-solving, teamwork, interpersonal, and crisis manage- 4. A willingness to relocate may enhance your employ-
ment skills to be effective at their work. In addition, they ability.
need strong interviewing, research, writing, and communi- 5. Use the Internet to learn more about criminal investi-
cation skills. Being calm, perceptive, self-motivated, honest, gations. To find relevant Web sites, enter the keywords
and trustworthy are some personality traits that successful criminal investigations or criminal investigators in a
Criminal Investigators share. search engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.
14        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Conduct investigations to determine origin and

cause of fire incidents; may also conduct arson investiga- Senior Fire Investigator
tions; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Arson Investigator, Fire Marshal

Salary Range: $30,000 to $75,000 Fire Investigator

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; complete employer training programs
Experience—Several years of service as a firefighter or
law enforcement officer
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Critical-think-
ing, problem-solving, interviewing, research, writing,
interpersonal, teamwork, and communication skills; hon-
est, trustworthy, dependable, detail-oriented, self-moti-
vated, persistent, and conscientious
Special Requirements— Peace officer certificate may
be required

Position Description These investigators may be sworn peace officers that have the
When fires occur—whether they are structural or wildland authority to carry firearms, serve warrants, and arrest arson
fires—professionals known as Fire Investigators are sent suspects. Other teams may be made up of Fire Investigators,
out to examine them. It is the job of these investigators who conduct cause-and-origin investigations, and arson inves-
to identify the origin and cause of a fire and to seek ways tigators, who concentrate on criminal investigations. In other
to prevent such a fire from occurring again. These highly departments, when Fire Investigators determine that arson or
trained men and women generally begin their investigations criminal negligence is involved, they release their cases to
with the premise that a fire started accidentally or naturally. arson investigators in a law enforcement agency; they provide
If Fire Investigators determine that it was arson (a fire set technical assistance to the arson investigators as needed.
deliberately for malicious reasons) or it was due to criminal Fires can be started in any number of ways—faulty wir-
negligence, the inquiry turns into a criminal investigation. ing, gas leaks, cooking mishaps, burning cigarette butts,
Most Fire Investigators are public employees who work sparks from campfires, or lightning, for example. Hence,
at the local, state, and federal government levels. They may Fire Investigators are well informed in many areas, includ-
be employed by fire departments, law enforcement agencies ing the basics of fire behavior, burn patterns, construction of
(such as sheriffs’ offices), or fire marshals’ offices. various structures, building materials, electricity, and human
The composition of fire investigation teams varies widely behavior, among other areas. They are also knowledgeable
across the United States. They may be composed of volun- about appropriate laws, regulations, and codes. In addition,
teer firefighters who are trained in fire investigation. Some Fire Investigators are knowledgeable about the techniques
teams may consist of full-time or part-time Fire Investigators of collecting and preserving evidence and ignition sources
who are cross-trained in firefighting and law enforcement. at fire-incident scenes.

Fire Investigators follow certain protocols and standards might conduct surveillance or perform undercover work.
as they conduct their investigations. Their job is often com- They prepare accurate and precise notes and records of their
plicated by the fact that fire—as well as the task of putting cases, which may be entered as evidence at trials.
out the fire—can destroy ignition sources, evidence, and Because they are law enforcement officers, arson inves-
other data needed to determine the origin and cause of a fire. tigators have the authority to carry firearms, serve warrants,
These investigators are responsible for carefully examin- and arrest arson suspects. They are also responsible for
ing the fire scenes to which they are assigned. When they assisting attorneys in preparing cases for court trial. They
arrive at an incident scene, they talk with the fire com- may also be asked to provide testimony about their findings
mander to gather facts about a fire—what has happened, the at depositions and trials.
current status of the fire, what public safety personnel is at Fire Investigators perform other duties, which vary
the scene (such as firefighters, emergency medical techni- from agency to agency. For example, they may be involved
cians, police officers, and hazardous materials personnel), in developing and coordinating fire prevention activities
safety conditions, issues, and so on. and programs for their communities; providing technical
Fire investigators then inspect the area and adjacent areas assistance to governmental officials on the interpretation
to determine the fire’s perimeter, fire patterns, and damage. of codes, regulations, and ordinances; reviewing construc-
They document the incident scene and evidence thoroughly tion plans in regard to compliance with fire safety laws
by writing detailed notes, taking measurements, making and regulations; or conducting internal investigations of
sketches, and taking photographs. Some of them also take fire department employees who have violated laws. Senior
video recordings. investigators may be responsible for providing supervision
Their job also involves developing a witness list that and training to staff members.
includes names of fire personnel, first responders, law Fire Investigators work a 40-hour schedule, but they put
enforcement officers, property owners and managers, the in additional hours as needed to complete their tasks. They
persons who reported the fire, occupants, neighbors, and often work nights, weekends, and holidays. Many of them
bystanders. Investigators will contact these witnesses at a are assigned to rotating shifts. Some investigators are on call
later time to interview them about their observations. 24 hours a day. Their investigations may involve exposure
Fire Investigators are responsible for the collection and to fire, fire debris, hazardous substances, heavy equipment,
preservation of fire debris evidence—metal fragments, and all types of weather conditions.
charred wood, or accelerant residue, for example. They
are also trained to recognize other physical evidence, such
as bloodstains, shoe prints, and trace evidence, which they
Salaries for Fire Investigators vary, depending on such
may collect or call the appropriate personnel to collect.
factors as their experience, education, employer, and geo-
Investigators follow specific policies and procedures for
graphic location. Investigators in the private sector usu-
processing evidence to prevent its contamination and to
ally earn higher wages than public service employees. The
establish a proper chain of custody to ensure the integrity
estimated annual salary for most Fire Investigators ranged
of the evidence. They place evidence into proper containers,
from $29,840 to $74,930, according to the May 2006 Occu-
and label them appropriately and accurately. The evidence is
pational Employment Statistics (OES) survey by the U.S.
sent to forensic labs to be analyzed. Investigators will review
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The annual mean salary
the results to help them determine the cause of a fire.
was $51,320 for investigators working at the local govern-
Their investigations also involve testing sites and materi-
ment level, and $43,560 for those working at the state gov-
als with proper equipment to determine facts such as burn
ernment level.
patterns and flash points (the lowest temperature at which
a vapor will ignite). They examine floor plans, architec-
tural or engineering drawings, and other relevant diagrams Employment Prospects
and drawings related to the incident scene. After complet- According to the May 2006 OES survey by the BLS, an
ing their analyses, Fire Investigators prepare and submit estimated 13,360 Fire Investigators were employed in the
detailed reports about their findings. United States. The majority of them worked in public ser-
Fire Investigators who are assigned to arson cases are vice at the local government level.
additionally responsible for conducting criminal investiga- As public service employees, these investigators are hired
tions. These investigators are usually sworn peace officers. by local fire and police departments as well as by state and
Their duty is to find sufficient evidence to link suspects to federal agencies such as state fire marshals’ offices, the U.S.
crime scenes. Arson investigators analyze information from Forest Service, and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
fire reports, police records, crime lab reports, and other Firearms and Explosives. Fire Investigators also work in the
documents to develop leads for suspects. They interview private sector. They are employed by insurance companies,
suspects and witnesses to obtain pertinent information. They private investigation firms, and nonprofit organizations that
16        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

are involved in the area of fire service and fire protection. Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Some Fire Investigators are self-employed as independent Employment requirements vary with the different employ-
contractors. ers. In general, applicants must complete several years of
Opportunities generally become available as Fire Inves- service as firefighters or law enforcement officers before
tigators transfer to other jobs, advance to higher positions, they are eligible to apply for Fire (or arson) Investigator
or retire. positions.
To perform effectively at their job, Fire Investigators
Advancement Prospects need strong critical-thinking, problem-solving, interview-
As Fire Investigators gain experience, they are assigned to ing, research, and writing skills. They must also have excel-
more complex cases as well as receive greater responsibili- lent interpersonal, teamwork, and communication skills, as
ties. Individuals with supervisory and managerial ambitions they must be able to work well with colleagues, officials,
can pursue such positions, but opportunities are generally public safety officers, and others from diverse backgrounds.
limited. In addition, Fire Investigators can pursue careers as Being honest, trustworthy, dependable, detail-oriented, self-
trainers or educators. Many Fire Investigators measure suc- motivated, persistent, and conscientious are some personal-
cess through job satisfaction, higher incomes, and profes- ity traits that successful Fire Investigators share.
sional recognition. Fire Investigators in fire departments and
law enforcement agencies can also advance in rank. Unions and Associations
Many Fire Investigators belong to various firefighting and
Education and Training law enforcement societies to take advantage of network-
Educational requirements vary with the different employers. ing opportunities, training programs, professional certifica-
Some employers require that applicants hold at least a high tion, and other professional services and resources. Some
school or general equivalency diploma, while others require national associations that serve the particular interests of
applicants to have a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate Fire Investigators include the National Association of Fire
field. Investigators, the International Association of Arson Inves-
Many Fire Investigators possess a bachelor’s degree in tigators, and the National Fire Protection Association. For
such diverse fields as criminal justice, fire science, and contact information, see Appendix III.
engineering. While moving up through the ranks at their
agency, many of them enroll in fire-investigator training Tips for Entry
programs on their own time to gain basic knowledge and 1.  While in school, volunteer at your local fire depart-
skills for their future work. These programs are sponsored ment to start gaining valuable experience.
by colleges, professional associations, such as the National 2.  Some Fire Investigators obtain professional certifica-
Association of Fire Investigators, and other organizations, tion to enhance their employability. For some certifi-
such as the National Center for Forensic Science. cation programs, see Appendix II.
Employers typically provide novice investigators with 3.  Employers generally are not interested in hiring appli-
formal and on-the-job training programs. Throughout their cants who have a police record, have a poor financial
careers, Fire Investigators enroll in continuing education history, or have been fired from a job due to poor
programs and training programs on a voluntary basis to work performance or an act of violence.
update their skills and knowledge.
4.  Contact prospective employers and ask them about
special skills that they are seeking in new employees,
Special Requirements such as fluency in a second language. If you have
Being law enforcement officers, arson investigators must such skills, be sure to mention them on your applica-
possess a basic peace officer standards and training certifi- tion or resume.
cate. Agencies may hire candidates without a certificate on 5.  Use the Internet to learn more about fire investigations.
the condition they complete the necessary law enforcement You might start by visiting these Web sites: National
academy program to obtain the certificate. Law enforce- Association of Fire Investigators,;
ment officers must successfully complete annual training to and interFIRE online, For
maintain their certification. more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Classify and identify fingerprints; process finger-

prints; may collect fingerprints at crime scenes; perform Senior Fingerprint Technician
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Fingerprint Examiner, Fingerprint Spe-

cialist, Fingerprint Identification Expert
Fingerprint Technician
Salary Range: $25,000 to $50,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Fingerprint Technician (Entry-Level)

Education or Training—Educational requirements vary
with agencies; fingerprint classification training
Experience—One or more years of general clerical expe-
rience, preferably in a law enforcement setting; previous
fingerprinting experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
teamwork, communication, and self-management skills;
observant, perceptive, precise, cooperative, and courteous
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description cians also take fingerprints of law-abiding individuals for

Every human being has one characteristic that distinguishes employment or other purposes.
himself or herself from every other human being—finger- People have known about the uniqueness of fingerprints
prints. No two fingerprints are identical. The patterns of for many centuries, but it has only been within the last century
ridges and grooves on our finger pads that make us unique that they have been thoroughly classified. There are three
can be used to identify us. In the realm of forensic science, basic types of fingerprint patterns: arches, loops, and whorls.
this is a proven factor in solving crimes of all descriptions. Each of these patterns can be further classified in subgroups.
Forensic professionals who study, identify, and classify fin- Within each subgroup, fingerprints vary from one another.
gerprints are called Fingerprint Technicians. Millions of fingerprints are kept in files and databases by law
In local and state law enforcement agencies, Finger- enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels. A
print Technicians work within fingerprint identification computerized system called the automated fingerprint iden-
units. They may be law enforcement officers or civilian tification system (AFIS) can scan hundreds of thousands of
employees. fingerprints per second to find a match for prints found at a
These identification technicians work with fingerprints crime scene. Fingerprint Technicians are thus able to identify
found at crime scenes as well as those submitted by suspects criminal suspects quite rapidly and consistently. Without the
as they are arrested and booked. Fingerprint Technicians AFIS, it would take decades for these professionals to identify
take fingerprints from individuals by applying ink to their each print. AFIS systems are used in specific law enforcement
fingers and impressing them upon cards that are filed or jurisdictions within municipalities, states, or regions. The inte-
transferred to fingerprint databases. Cards that include all of grated automated fingerprint identification system (IAFIS) is a
a person’s fingerprints are known as ten cards. These techni- nationwide database that is maintained by the FBI.
18        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

When we touch or hold objects, our fingers leave impres- • assessing criminal histories and their AFIS data for
sions that may or may not be readily noticeable. Three types accuracy
of fingerprints are left at crime scenes: patent prints, such • testifying in court as an expert witness
as those left when fingers coated with dirt or blood touch a • maintaining records and preparing reports, letters, and
surface; plastic prints, which are left when fingers come in other documents
contact with such soft substances as dust, soap, or putty; and • working on special projects
latent prints, which are invisible to unaided eyesight, but
leave sweat or oily secretions from fingers on dry surfaces. Senior Fingerprint Technicians perform more complex
Patent and plastic fingerprints can be photographed and assignments. They write training or procedures manuals,
matched against print databases. Several methods are used court documents, agency reports, and other documents.
for lifting latent fingerprints from crime scenes. Some latent They review ten cards and digital fingerprint records for
prints can be discerned by shining lights on surfaces that accuracy and compliance with regulations. They train junior
are thought to carry fingerprints. Some may become vis- employees in classrooms or on the job. Some senior techni-
ible by dusting powder on the surface, or spraying various cians also perform supervisory duties. Their responsibilities
chemicals, such as cyanoacrylate vapor (the main ingredient include directing their staff performance by assigning work,
of Super Glue), iodine fumes, ninhydrin, and silver nitrate. setting priorities, and resolving problems. They also ensure
All of these substances render latent prints visible enough that their staff performs within established standards and in
to record photographically. Prints that are partial or unclear compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.
can be digitally enhanced. Fingerprint Technicians work in offices where they sit at
Fingerprint Technicians work at several levels of exper- tables, desks, or computer terminals. Their work requires
tise. They learn their profession as on-the-job trainees, while them to sit for extended periods and closely examine
working under the close supervision of experienced techni- minutely detailed images. They occasionally work with var-
cians. Trainees are often assigned to take fingerprints of job ious types of office equipment such as copy machines, fax
candidates and license applicants. They learn to classify fin- machines, or laminators that require a measure of manual
gerprints and search files for prior records of the prints they dexterity to operate. They may face another type of physi-
have been assigned to investigate. Trainees also assist others cal demand when they need to lift boxes weighing up to 55
in their agency by gathering information related to criminal pounds and carry them for distances up to 200 feet.
cases such as suspect arrest records. In addition, they main- Fingerprint Technicians come in contact with a variety of
tain fingerprint files and other records. people in addition to their fellow employees. They commu-
As Fingerprint Technicians proceed to more advanced nicate with sworn law enforcement officers, court personnel,
levels of expertise, their responsibilities increase and they and the general public to provide fingerprint information or
work more independently. They accept more complex testify in court.
assignments and fulfill the full range of functions pertaining These professionals are often required to work either
to fingerprint processing. Where required, they obtain AFIS rotating or fixed shifts and irregular hours. Their assign-
certification and maintain that qualification throughout their ments may include weekends and holidays.
Journey-level technicians become more familiar with Salaries
using the AFIS. They compare fingerprints to existing files
Salaries for Fingerprint Technicians vary, depending on such
to verify that they match. They also enter new data as well
factors as their education, experience, job duties, employer,
as substitute old images with new ones when needed to
and geographic location. Formal salary information for this
update the information. They correct problems with the sys-
occupation is unavailable. One expert in the field reports that
tem and keep it in good running order. They also perform a
estimated annual salaries for Fingerprint Technicians in Flor-
variety of specific tasks, such as:
ida range from $25,000 to $40,000, while those in California
earn estimated annual salaries between $35,000 and $50,000.
• converting ten cards and other print records to digital for-
Another expert estimates that Fingerprint Technicians gener-
mat for input into the AFIS
ally earn an annual salary between $25,000 and $40,000.
• sorting print cards and sending them to appropriate sec-
tions of their agency or other agencies
• classifying cards by comparing them to prints on their Employment Prospects
AFIS database One expert in the field reports that a growing number of law
• reporting confirmed fingerprint matches to clients enforcement agencies are hiring civilians to be Fingerprint
• examining fingerprints, deciding whether they can be Technicians.
classified, and returning unacceptable prints to the sender Opportunities are generally created to replace Finger-
• interpreting official classifications for their agency print Technicians who have advanced to higher positions,

transferred to other jobs, or left the workforce for various Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
reasons. Job competition is keen. An expert in the field Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the dif-
reports that the number of openings for this occupation has ferent employers. In general, civilian applicants need one
decreased in recent years because technology advancements or more years of general clerical experience, preferably
allow for fewer people to perform the work. in law enforcement settings. Employers typically prefer to
hire candidates who have previous experience taking finger-
Advancement Prospects prints, classifying them, and searching fingerprint files.
Fingerprint Technicians can advance to lead and supervisory Fingerprint Technicians need keen eyesight to be able to
positions within their units, but opportunities are limited. With compare the fine details of fingerprints precisely and accu-
additional education (or training) and experience, they can rately. Some essential skills that they need to perform their
pursue careers as crime scene investigators, latent print exam- work well are interpersonal, teamwork, and communication
iners, criminalists, or forensic scientists. Civilian employees skills. They also need strong self-management skills such as
may also choose to become law enforcement officers. the ability to understand and follow instructions, prioritize
Law enforcement officers can develop a career accord- multiple tasks, work independently, and meet deadlines.
ing to their interests and ambitions. They can rise through Some personality traits that successful Fingerprint Tech-
the ranks as detectives, sergeants, and so on, up to chief of nicians share include being observant, perceptive, precise,
police. They can also seek positions in other special details cooperative, and courteous.
that interest them, such as their agency’s air support unit,
bomb squad, or K9 unit. In addition, they can pursue super- Unions and Associations
visory and managerial positions. Fingerprint Technicians can join professional associations
to take advantage of networking opportunities, professional
Education and Training certification, and other professional services and resources.
Minimally, entry-level applicants need a high school or One national society that serves their interests is the Inter-
general equivalency diploma. Some employers may also national Association for Identification. For contact informa-
require that applicants have completed a minimum number tion, see Appendix III.
of credits of college course work. Some employers prefer to Some Fingerprint Technicians belong to a union that
hire candidates who have completed a course or training in represents them in contract negotiations with their employ-
fingerprint classification. ers for better terms regarding pay, benefits, and working
Employers typically provide entry-level Fingerprint conditions.
Technicians with training programs, which may include
both on-the-job training and formal classroom training. Tips for Entry
Novices work under the supervision and direction of experi- 1.  You may be asked at your job interview to dem-
enced Fingerprint Technicians. onstrate your knowledge about the law enforcement
Throughout their careers, Fingerprint Technicians enroll agency and the community it serves.
in continuing education programs and training programs to 2.  Find out if a law enforcement agency maintains a
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their register of eligible candidates for Fingerprint Techni-
field. cians. As openings become available, the agency will
select candidates from that register. Learn how you
Special Requirements can apply for it.
In agencies in which Fingerprint Technicians are law 3.  Some agencies require that you apply online for open-
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace ings. Be sure to make a copy of your application for
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies your own file. You may be asked to bring a copy of it
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition to your interview.
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- 4.  Use the Internet to learn more about fingerprinting.
gram to obtain the certificate. You might start by visiting this Web site: Ridges and
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete Furrows, http://www.ridgesandfurrows.homestead.
annual training to maintain their certification. com. For more links, see Appendix IV.
20        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Receive, store, and release physical evidence found

at crime scenes as well as abandoned, found, stolen, or Senior Evidence Custodian
seized property; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Evidence Clerk, Evidence Officer,

Property and Evidence Specialist, Property/Evidence
Technician Evidence Custodian

Salary Range: $25,000 to $40,000+

Employment Prospects: Poor

Evidence Custodian (Entry-Level)
Advancement Prospects: Poor for civilian employees

Education or Training—High school diploma
Experience—One or more years of experience in ware-
housing, inventory control, clerical work, or another
related area
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Computer,
math, writing, problem-solving, communication, inter-
personal, customer-service, and self-management skills;
organized, methodical, dependable, trustworthy, tactful,
discreet, and cooperative
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description from small storage areas to large warehouses. Evidence Cus-
Once a crime scene has been isolated and thoroughly exam- todians are accountable for each item of physical evidence
ined, physical evidence is collected and stored for future and property. Everything in Evidence Custodians’ trust must
analysis by crime labs. The evidence is also preserved for be properly received, efficiently processed, labeled, securely
later presentation in court as exhibits. When evidence is no stored, made readily available for use in court cases, and dis-
longer needed, it is returned to its owner or it is auctioned or posed of properly—all in compliance with the law.
destroyed. Men and women called Evidence Custodians do These professionals use either manual inventory records
the work of keeping track, storing, releasing, and disposing or automated bar code systems to keep accurate invento-
of these articles of evidence. ries as well as to track incoming and outgoing movements
They are also responsible for handling and processing of each item or groups of items. With automated systems,
property that is seized by law enforcement officers, as well as each item is assigned a bar code upon receipt. That code is
stolen, abandoned, or found property. Such property can range registered with every transaction or inventory count. Evi-
in size from handheld objects to vehicles. It includes narcot- dence Custodians ensure that their records are complete at
ics, weapons, currency, hazardous substances, documents, all times. It is also their responsibility to maintain the chain
computers, and automobiles, among many other items. of custody on every item of evidence to make sure that it
Evidence Custodians may be law enforcement officers or has not been tampered with or contaminated. If the chain of
civilian employees. They work in law enforcement sections custody has been violated on an item of physical evidence,
called property/evidence units. These units range in size it may not be admitted in court.

Evidence Custodians are trained in and knowledgeable temperature, and may be dusty and noisy. They are some-
about all aspects of their function. They understand the prin- times required to stand for extended periods and perform a
ciples of warehouse operations including receiving, storing, moderate level of lifting, including above head-level. From
and dispensing inventory with a particular focus on working time to time, they handle hazardous materials, weapons, or
with evidence in a strict security environment. They are also human tissues and fluids, which requires them to wear pro-
knowledgeable about procedures of quality control, record- tective clothing or equipment.
keeping, office duties, and the use of material handling Evidence Custodians work for 40 hours per week, but
equipment. They possess a familiarity with all laws and put in extra hours as needed. Their schedules may include
regulations pertinent to their occupation. rotating shifts, weekends, nights, and holidays. They may be
Their duties vary, depending on their experience and skills. called in to work on an emergency basis.
For example, Evidence Custodians may be assigned to:
• maintain the operational function of the automated bar
Salaries for Evidence Custodians vary, depending on such
code system
factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo-
• create chain of custody records and keep them current
graphic location. Formal salary information for this occu-
• perform physical inventories
pation is unavailable. One expert in the field states that
• photograph property and evidence for cross-reference to
Evidence Custodians generally earn about $25,000 to
chain of custody records
$40,000 per year. Another expert estimates that civilian
• deliver evidence for laboratory analysis or for use in court
employees could earn hourly wages that begin at minimum
wage for entry-level positions and go to $20 to $30 per hour
• perform quality control assessments on property and evi-
for experienced personnel.
dence inventories
• prepare items for shipment
• clear evidence and property for destruction or for auction Employment Prospects
• destroy hazardous materials, weapons, or narcotics Evidence Custodians work for local and state police depart-
• confirm amounts of impounded currency ments as well as for sheriffs’ offices. Civilians are mostly
• consult with law enforcement personnel including police employed in this occupation on the west coast of the United
and probation officers, attorneys, and other court officials States. On the east coast, particularly the northeast, sworn
about the status of active cases officers take turns fulfilling this role for their agencies.
• assist law enforcement personnel with the transport of Civilian opportunities generally become available as
evidence and property items to court or crime labs and Evidence Custodians transfer to other jobs, advance to
back to storage higher positions, or leave the workforce for various rea-
• testify in court in regard to chain of evidence issues sons. One expert in the field reports that job prospects are
• arrange for and maintain personal and telephone com- few in number.
munication with members of the public to field their ques-
tions about property and evidence Advancement Prospects
• prepare written documents, including quarterly and annual
Promotional opportunities for Evidence Custodians are lim-
reports of activities and statistics of their unit
ited to lead and supervisory positions within their units. With
• train new Evidence Custodians in classroom or on-the-job
additional education (or training) and experience, they can
pursue careers as crime scene investigators, latent print exam-
iners, criminalists, or forensic scientists. Civilian employees
Some Evidence Custodians help with the collection and
may also choose to become law enforcement officers.
documentation of physical evidence at crime scenes. Some
Law enforcement officers can develop a career accord-
also assist in the capacity of fingerprint identification spe-
ing to their interests and ambitions. They can rise through
cialists, sketch artists, or photographers. Senior custodians
the ranks as detectives, sergeants, and so on, up to chief of
may be assigned such lead person duties as supervising
police. They can also seek positions in other special details
team members, assigning tasks, and evaluating the job per-
that interest them, such as their agency’s air support unit, or
formance of subordinates.
SWAT team. In addition, they can pursue supervisory and
Evidence Custodians work in office settings to manage
managerial positions.
inventory records. Their unit’s storage areas may include
confined spaces. In storage and warehouse areas, Evidence
Custodians may need to access inventory items by climbing Education and Training
ladders, operating order pickers, or using forklifts. Their Minimally, applicants for civilian positions must possess a
work environment is occasionally subject to extremes in high school or general equivalency diploma. Some agencies
22        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

may prefer to hire candidates who have an associate degree including the ability to prioritize multiple tasks, understand
in forensic science, law enforcement, or another related and follow instructions, work independently, and work well
discipline, or who have taken some course work in forensic under pressure. Being organized, methodical, dependable,
science. trustworthy, tactful, discreet, and cooperative are some per-
Entry-level Evidence Custodians receive on-the-job sonality traits that successful Evidence Custodians have in
training while working under the guidance and direction of common.
experienced personnel.
Unions and Associations
Special Requirements Evidence Custodians can join professional associations to
In agencies in which Evidence Custodians are law enforce- take advantage of networking opportunities, training pro-
ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer grams, and other professional services and resources. One
standards and training certificate. These agencies may hire national society that serves their interests is the Interna-
candidates without a certificate on the condition they com- tional Association for Property and Evidence. For contact
plete the necessary law enforcement academy program to information, see Appendix III.
obtain the certificate.
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete
annual training to maintain their certification. Tips for Entry
1. Learn how to type or use a keyboard. These skills are
helpful for any job.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
2. Employers usually require that civilian applicants pos-
Requirements for civilian positions vary with the different
sess a valid driver’s license by their date of hire.
employers. In general, applicants should have one or more
years of experience in warehousing, inventory control, cleri- 3. Contact employers’ personnel or human resources
cal work, or another related area. Most employers prefer office directly about job openings.
to hire candidates who have experience working in law 4. Many employers prefer to hire candidates who have
enforcement settings. previous experience working in law enforcement set-
Evidence Custodians need strong computer, math, writ- tings. If an Evidence Custodian job is unavailable,
ing, and problem-solving skills to perform well at their job. apply for other jobs for which you qualify.
They also must have effective communication, interpersonal, 5. Use the Internet to learn more about property/evidence
and customer-service skills, as they must be able to establish units in law enforcement agencies. You might start by
and maintain good working relationships with colleagues, visiting the International Association for Property and
law enforcement officers, the public, and others. In addition, Evidence Web site at For more
Evidence Custodians need excellent self-management skills, links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Develop and administer a polygraph test on crimi-

nal suspects to determine if they are being truthful about Senior Polygraph Examiner
facts related to a criminal investigation; perform other
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Polygraphist, Forensic Psychophysiologist

Polygraph Examiner
Salary Range: $27,000 to $72,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor Polygraph Examiner (Entry-level)

Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; completion of training programs
Experience—Several years of investigative experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interviewing,
communication, interpersonal, organizational, and self-
management skills; calm, levelheaded, tenacious, trust-
worthy, and impartial
Special Requirements—Professional license or certifi-
cation may be required; peace officer certification may
be required

Position Description They address only those issues about a case that criminal
In criminal investigations, Polygraph Examiners play a investigators require. Prior to conducting their tests, Poly-
role in finding links between suspects and crime scenes. graph Examiners collect information about a case, the issues
They develop and administer tests on polygraphs to deter- to be tested, and the examinees (the individuals to be tested).
mine whether suspects, victims, witnesses, or informants They review case files and other pertinent documents as well
are being misleading about particular issues in criminal as talk with criminal investigators and other sources. The
cases. Criminal investigators use the results of polygraph examiners then develop a set of questions for each separate
examinations to help them with such matters as confirming issue about which they will ask examinees. For example, if
allegations that cannot be disproved by evidence, develop- an examinee was involved in two robberies, the Polygraph
ing investigative leads, and establishing probable cause to Examiner designs a set of questions about each robbery.
obtain search warrants. The polygraph examination has two phases. The pretest
Polygraph Examiners are trained to operate analog or digi- interview is the first stage. Polygraph Examiners describe
tal equipment, which are commonly known as lie detectors. the test procedure to the examinees—how the polygraph
Polygraphs are medical devices that monitor the changes in works and what the testing entails—as well as explain their
individuals’ respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse rate, and legal rights. The examiners also review the questions they
sweat gland activity as they answer questions. However, poly- would be asking the examinees. Polygraph Examiners make
graphs cannot determine if a person is lying. These instruments sure that the examinees understand the proceedings before
can only detect if a person is showing deceptive behavior. continuing to the testing phase.
Polygraph Examiners are expected to follow strict proce- In the second stage, examiners connect the examinees
dures and protocols when they conduct their examinations. to the polygraphs. They then ask the examinees a series
24        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

of questions. The polygraphs record the examinees’ physi- In general, employers hire Polygraph Examiners to
ological activities as they answer the questions. Polygraph replace individuals who advance to higher positions, trans-
Examiners may ask the same set of questions more than fer to other jobs, retire, or leave the workforce for various
once. reasons. Employers will create additional positions as long
After the polygraph examination, the examiners score, as funding is available.
analyze, and interpret the polygraph charts. They determine
one of three conclusions: the examinee was answering the Advancement Prospects
questions truthfully or not truthfully, or the test results were
As law enforcement officers, Polygraph Examiners can
inconclusive. If the results were questionable, the examiners advance according to their personal interests and ambitions.
decide whether to conduct another examination. They can advance in terms of pay as well as rank. They can
Upon completion of an examination, Polygraph Examin- apply for voluntary positions on special details within their
ers prepare and submit reports of their findings and conclu- agency, such as the SWAT team, bomb squad, aviation unit,
sions to the proper authorities. These professionals may be or crime scene investigation division. They may also pursue
asked to testify in court as expert witnesses. a career in criminal investigations, which requires passing a
Many Polygraph Examiners also perform polygraph competitive detective exam. Those interested in supervisory
examinations on job applicants for law enforcement officer or administrative duties can pursue such positions.
and civilian positions at their agencies. Civilian employees in law enforcement agencies have
In some local law enforcement agencies, Polygraph few opportunities. They may be promoted to supervisory
Examiners are peace officers who have volunteered to be and management positions, which are limited.
part of the polygraph detail. They conduct polygraph exami- Entrepreneurial Polygraph Examiners can pursue careers
nations in addition to their primary duties as detectives, as independent contractors or business owners of polygraph
patrol officers, supervisors, or other roles. examination services.
Polygraph Examiners work in offices. They often sit
for long periods of time. Their job requires them to do
Education and Training
some lifting and moving of heavy objects. In addition to
Educational requirements vary with the different employ-
polygraphs, they use computers, copiers, and other office
ers. Many law enforcement agencies prefer to hire candi-
machines while performing their work.
dates who have an associate or bachelor’s degree (or have
They may be on call 24 hours a day.
completed a minimum amount of course work) in criminal
justice, law, police science, or another related field. Some
Salaries employers may require civilian applicants to have com-
Salaries for Polygraph Examiners vary, depending on such pleted certified training from a polygraph school accredited
factors as their education, experience, job duties, employer, by a recognized organization such as the American Poly-
and geographic location. Specific salary information for graph Association.
this occupation is unavailable. A general idea can be gained Novice examiners usually complete a certified training
by looking at the earnings for law enforcement officers. program as well as on-the-job training under the supervision
According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Sta- of a senior Polygraph Examiner.
tistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Throughout their careers, Polygraph Examiners enroll in
estimated annual salary for most patrol officers ranged from seminars, workshops, and courses to update their skills and
$27,310 to $72,450. keep up with advancements in their field.

Employment Prospects Special Requirements

Opportunities are available with local, state, and federal law In 2007, Polygraph Examiners were required to possess
enforcement agencies. Polygraph Examiners may be civil- a professional license or certificate in 29 states and three
ian employees or law enforcement officers. Most employers counties, according to the American Polygraph Associa-
require law enforcement officers to commit to a minimum tion Web site. To qualify for professional certification
number of years for assignment in their polygraph examina- or licensure in some states, a bachelor’s degree may be
tion unit. needed. Depending on the jurisdiction, individuals may be
Polygraph Examiners can also find employment with required to complete an internship and successfully pass
attorneys’ offices (both public and private), parole and pro- an examination.
bation departments, and other legal organizations. Security In agencies in which Polygraph Examiners are law
and other firms that offer polygraph examination services enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace
employ Polygraph Examiners as well. Some Polygraph officer standards and training certificate. These agencies
Examiners are self-employed or independent contractors. may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition

they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- cations, networking opportunities, and other professional
gram to obtain the certificate. services and resources. Societies that serve the particular
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete interests of this profession are available at the local, state,
annual training to maintain their certification. and national levels. The American Polygraph Association
and the American Association of Police Polygraphists are
two major national organizations. For contact information,
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
see Appendix III.
Requirements vary with the different agencies. In general,
applicants for entry-level positions need to have several
years of criminal investigation experience. Tips for Entry
Polygraph Examiners must have excellent interviewing, 1. Do you think you might enroll in a polygraph school?
communication, and interpersonal skills to work effectively Contact employers for whom you would like to
with different people from diverse backgrounds. They also work for suggestions about reputable and accredited
need strong organizational and self-management skills, such schools. Also talk with professional associations and
as the ability to work independently, handle stressful situa- various Polygraph Examiners.
tions, prioritize multiple tasks, and understand and follow 2. Read job announcements carefully to determine if
instructions. Being calm, levelheaded, tenacious, trustwor- you meet the minimum qualifications for a position.
thy, and impartial are some personality traits that successful Employers typically disqualify applicants who do not
Polygraph Examiners have in common. fulfill those requirements.
3. Use the Internet to learn more about Polygraph Exam-
Unions and Associations iners. You might start by visiting the American Poly-
Polygraph Examiners can join professional associations to graph Association at For
take advantage of training programs, professional publi- more links, see Appendix IV.
28        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Identify, analyze, and interpret physical evidence;

prepare reports of findings; provide expert witness testi- Senior or Supervisory Criminalist
mony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Scientist, Crime Lab Analyst,

Forensic Science Technician; Forensic Chemist, DNA
Analyst, Firearms Examiner, or other title that reflects a Criminalist (Journey-level)
particular specialty

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good Criminalist (Trainee)

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in a physical
or natural science discipline, forensic science, or another
related field; on-the-job training
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Problem-solv-
ing, organizational, teamwork, interpersonal, writing,
communication, presentation, and self-management
skills; methodical, detail-oriented, persistent, honest,
courteous, friendly, patient
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description ing fingerprints, bloodstains, hair, fibers, glass fragments,

Could a hair strand, bloodstain, or a tiny piece of fabric drugs, computer files, documents, soil, and tire tracks,
prove that a person committed a crime? Is the bullet that among others.
was found at a crime scene from the suspect’s gun? Do Criminalists, on the other hand, work in crime labora-
any of the partial fingerprints found at a crime scene tories (or crime labs). These professional men and women
belong to the perpetrator of the crime? These are a few are responsible for examining physical evidence that has
of the types of questions criminal investigators and pros- been brought to their labs. They apply scientific principles
ecuting attorneys ask about physical evidence collected and methods to identify, analyze, and interpret physical
at crime scenes. Experts known as Criminalists provide evidence to reconstruct crime scenes. For example, a Crimi-
investigators and attorneys with scientific proof that may nalist might determine that the carpet fibers found on the
help them find a link between suspects and victims or victim and in a suspect’s vehicle are similar to the fibers of
crime scenes. the suspect’s living room carpet.
Criminalists are sometimes confused with crime scene Depending on their experience and the needs of their
investigators, more popularly known as CSIs. Both groups labs, Criminalists may be assigned to conduct chemical,
perform work involving physical evidence. CSIs work at microscopic, comparative, and other complex laboratory
crime scenes where they are responsible for collecting analyses on one or more types of physical evidence. Some
and processing all types of physical evidence—includ- of the more common forensic disciplines include:

• DNA analysis—the identification and testing of individu- methodologies and techniques of laboratory analysis. They
als’ DNA samples keep up with current research and technologies. They main-
• drug analysis—the identification of controlled substances tain laboratory equipment, instruments, and work areas.
• firearms and tool marks—the examination of guns and Criminalists may also assist in collecting physical evidence
other weapons and tools at crime scenes.
• forensic chemistry—the identification and analysis Criminalists may be civilian employees or law enforce-
of unknown chemical substances, gun powder residue, ment officers. Entry-level Criminalists work under the guid-
explosives, and other chemical products ance and supervision of experienced staff for several months
• imprint and impression evidence—the examination of to two or three years, depending on the area of forensic
footprints, tire markings, and other two- or three-dimen- investigation. During this developmental phase, Criminal-
sional impressions ists focus on learning analytical skills as well as laboratory
• latent prints—the identification and comparison of hidden rules, standards, procedures, and practices.
impressions from fingers, palms, or feet As they gain experience and knowledge, they receive
• questioned documents—the analysis of documents (such more complex assignments and are able to exercise greater
as wills, checks, correspondence, and invoices) to deter- levels of authority. After several years, Criminalists usually
mine if alterations have been made or if they are forged or reach the journey level and are competent in one or more
counterfeit forensic disciplines. They are assigned sensitive and highly
• serology—the analysis of blood and other body products technical casework, and may assist in training laboratory
• trace evidence—the examination of hair, fibers, glass staff.
fragments, soil, minerals, and other substances in very Advanced-level Criminalists are given the most difficult
small sizes or quantities cases to work. They move to this level after 10 or more
years. They are usually involved in training staff on a regu-
Some Criminalists are trained to work in other special- lar basis and may be assigned as lead workers. Some Crimi-
ties, such as toxicology, computer forensics, voice analy- nalists are specialists in one or more forensic disciplines.
sis, crime scene reconstruction, forensic photography, and Criminalists mostly work indoors in clean, well-lit, and
forensic anthropology. ventilated laboratories. They operate a variety of instru-
Criminalists carefully and precisely document every step ments and machines, such as lights, cameras, microscopes,
they take when examining physical evidence. First, they and spectroscopes, for recording, measuring, and testing
inspect an item of evidence and note what it is, how it looks, evidence. They are exposed to chemicals, odors, fumes, and
how much it weighs, and so on. They may sketch, photo- disease; hence, they wear protective equipment.
graph, or record video of the evidence. Criminalists then They work 40 hours per week, and put in additional
determine what tests should be performed. Upon comple- hours as needed to complete tasks and meet deadlines.
tion of their tests, they make sure the evidence is pack- Some Criminalists are on call 24 hours a day. Sworn officers
aged and labeled properly and sent to storage. Criminalists are also on standby to assist with law enforcement matters
then interpret the results of their tests and prepare formal at any time of the day.
reports that describe their findings and the methods they
used to obtain them. Their reports must be comprehen- Salaries
sive yet clearly understandable by law enforcement officers,
Salaries for Criminalists vary, depending on such factors as
attorneys, judges, and juries.
their education, experience, position, employer, and geo-
Criminalists may be called upon to testify as expert wit-
graphic location. According to the May 2006 Occupational
nesses at court trials. They provide impartial and unbiased
Employment Statistics (OES) survey by the U.S. Bureau of
testimony on issues related to their laboratory analyses.
Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual salary for most
They may also answer questions about the procedures,
forensic science technicians ranged between $27,530 and
methods, and techniques that are used in the crime lab.
Criminalists are expected to perform their work accu-
rately and correctly. They follow strict procedures and pro-
tocols and keep up with current laws pertinent to evidence, Employment Prospects
criminal procedures, and crime. They make sure that they Criminalists are employed by public and private crime labo-
maintain the chain of custody on every piece of evidence ratories. The BLS reported in its May 2006 OES survey that
that they handle to ensure that it has not been tampered with about 12,310 forensic science technicians were employed
or contaminated. Physical evidence may not be admitted in in the United States. Nearly 80 percent of these technicians
court if the chain of custody has been violated. worked at the local and state government levels.
In addition to performing laboratory analyses, Criminal- About 398 crime labs in this country are publicly funded,
ists perform other duties. For example, they develop new according to the American Society of Crime Lab Directors.
30        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Most of these labs are connected to law enforcement agen- Entry-level Criminalists typically complete a training
cies and prosecuting attorneys’ offices in municipal, county, period that may last several months to a few years, depend-
and state jurisdictions. The Federal Bureau of Investiga- ing on the type of analysis they are hired to perform. Some
tion, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Bureau crime labs cross-train employees in several forensic disci-
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Secret plines. Novice Criminalists work under the guidance and
Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are a few supervision of experienced Criminalists.
federal agencies that have forensic laboratories. For sworn officer positions, Criminalists must complete
Competition for jobs is keen. In general, job openings three to six months or more of basic training at a law
become available as individuals retire, transfer to other jobs, enforcement academy. They study various subjects such as
or advance to higher positions. Job growth in this field is law, investigative procedures, self-defense, use of firearms,
predicted to increase by 27 percent or more through 2014, and first aid.
according to the BLS. Many experts in the field report that Throughout their careers, Criminalists enroll in continu-
there is a continuous backlog of work in most laboratories; ing education programs and training programs to update
consequently there is a need for experienced Criminalists. their skills and keep up with advancements in their fields.
Many public laboratories are unable to hire enough Crimi-
nalists due to lack of funding, but as finances become avail- Special Requirements
able they may create additional positions. In agencies in which Criminalists are law enforcement offi-
cers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer standards
Advancement Prospects and training certificate. These agencies may hire candidates
Criminalists can advance in any number of ways, depending without a certificate on the condition they complete the
on their ambitions and interests. They can become techni- necessary law enforcement academy program to obtain the
cal specialists in particular areas such as ballistics analysis certificate.
or crime scene reconstruction. They can rise through the Law enforcement officers must successfully complete
administrative and managerial ranks as technical leaders, annual training to maintain their certification.
unit supervisors, managers, and so on, up to lab directors,
which may require their transferring to other employers. Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Managerial opportunities are usually better in large labo- Requirements vary with the different employers. Most
ratories that have several levels of management. Individu- crime labs prefer to hire candidates for entry-level positions
als with entrepreneurial ambitions can become independent who have previous laboratory experience, which they may
practitioners or owners of forensic firms that offer con- have gained through internships, research assistantships,
sulting or technical services. Criminalists can also pursue or employment in analytical, crime, or scientific research
opportunities as instructors and researchers in higher educa- laboratories. Entry-level candidates should be able to dem-
tion institutions. To advance to higher positions or to obtain onstrate their knowledge about proper lab procedures and
teaching jobs, they may be required to possess a master’s or the handling of lab instruments and equipment.
doctoral degree. To perform the various aspects of their job well, Crimi-
Law enforcement officers have additional advancement nalists must have excellent problem-solving, organizational,
opportunities. They can rise through the ranks as detectives, teamwork, interpersonal, writing, communication, and pre-
sergeants, lieutenants, and so on, up to chief of police. They sentation skills. In addition, they need strong self-man-
can also seek positions in other special details that interest agement skills, such as the ability to work independently,
them, such as their agency’s air support unit, bomb squad, prioritize multiple tasks, meet deadlines, and handle stress-
SWAT team, or K9 unit. In addition, they can pursue super- ful situations. Being methodical, detail-oriented, persistent,
visory and managerial positions. honest, courteous, friendly, and patient are some personality
traits that successful Criminalists have in common.
Education and Training
Employers generally require that applicants for entry-level Unions and Associations
positions possess a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, bio- Criminalists can join professional associations to take
chemistry, biology, or another discipline within the physical advantage of networking opportunities, continuing edu-
or natural sciences. A bachelor’s degree in forensic science cation, professional certification, and other professional
is also often acceptable. Employers may hire applicants resources and services. Professional societies are available
without a bachelor’s degree for such positions as latent locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
fingerprint examiner or fire examiner if they have enough Some national societies that serve the diverse interests of
years of qualifying experience. Criminalists are:

• American Academy of Forensic Sciences field for you. Read books and magazines about the
• American College of Forensic Examiners field and visit Web sites of professional associations.
• International Association for Identification Talk with Criminalists about their work. Attend crimi-
• Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners nal trials to listen to Criminalists give expert witness
• International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts testimony.
• American Society of Questioned Document Examiners 2. Some experts in the field suggest that students obtain
• Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators a bachelor’s degree in a physical or natural science in
their field of interest, and then get a master’s degree in
For contact information, see Appendix III. forensic science.
Many Criminalists also belong to a labor union that 3. Law enforcement officers must usually serve one or
represents them in negotiations with employers for better more years as patrol officers before they can apply for
contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions. positions in their agency’s crime lab.
In addition, the union handles any grievances that members 4. Individuals who are willing to relocate to other cities
may have against their employers. or states may have greater chances of obtaining a job.
5. Use the Internet to learn more about Criminalists and
Tips for Entry their work. You might start by visiting the Interna-
1. While in high school or college, learn as much as you tional Association for Identification at http://www.
can about criminalistics to determine if it is the right For more links, see Appendix IV.
32        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Provide technical support to forensic scientists; per-

form routine laboratory tests; perform other duties as Senior Lab Technician

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Lab Technician, Laboratory

Lab Technician
Salary Range: $28,000 to $53,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor Lab Assistant

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent combination of education, training, and work
Experience—Laboratory work experience usually
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
teamwork, communication, computer, and writing skills;
detail-oriented, accurate, diligent, reliable, honest, and

Position Description sic examinations. An example of such a task is collecting and

Crime Lab Technicians provide technical support to crimi- preparing blood, DNA, or other specimens for laboratory
nalists in crime laboratories. They assist these forensic sci- testing. Another example is preparing chemical solutions and
entists in performing complex laboratory analyses on items reagents for various analyses. These technicians also per-
of physical evidence that are collected from crime scenes. form routine microscopic, chemical, comparative, and other
For example, they might aid criminalists with identifying tests on physical evidence. They are responsible for writing
shell-casing markings, examining documents for authentic- clear and comprehensive reports about their findings, which
ity, conducting analyses on DNA samples from suspects, may be used as testimony in court trials. They are sometimes
or performing qualitative and quantitative analyses on evi- required to testify as expert witnesses in court to answer
dence for the presence of controlled substances. The results questions about their analyses and findings.
of these scientific analyses may help investigators and attor- They perform other duties, which vary among Crime Lab
neys to arrest and convict criminal suspects. Technicians according to their position, skills, and experi-
Crime Lab Technicians are knowledgeable about general ence. Some technicians are responsible for receiving, pro-
scientific principles and methodologies. They are familiar cessing, and maintaining the inventory of physical evidence
with laboratory equipment and terminology as well as with in the laboratory. They may prepare items of evidence for
laboratory techniques and procedures. In addition, they are forensic analysis or for proper storage until analysis can be
trained to comply with all laboratory policies and proce- performed. They may also release evidence to the proper
dures to ensure that the chain of custody and the integrity of law enforcement agencies when analyses are completed.
physical evidence are maintained at all times. Some Crime Lab Technicians are assigned to assist with
Crime Lab Technicians work under the direction of expe- the collection and processing of physical evidence at crime
rienced criminalists. They assist in the preparation of foren- scenes for future laboratory analysis. They may do such

tasks as collecting biological evidence, performing latent technicians transfer to other jobs, advance to higher posi-
fingerprint searches, making plaster casts and impressions tions, or leave the workforce for various reasons. Employers
of evidence, taking photographs of crime scenes, and inter- may create additional positions to meet demands, as long as
viewing victims and witnesses. funding is available. The job competition is keen for vacant
Crime Lab Technicians are usually responsible for orga- positions.
nizing and maintaining orderly and clean laboratories. They
perform maintenance and minor repairs on laboratory appa- Advancement Prospects
ratus, instruments, and equipment. They wash and clean
Advancement opportunities are limited for Crime Lab Tech-
test tubes, beakers, flasks, and other glassware. They also
nicians. They can advance by earning higher salaries and
disinfect workbenches and sterilize laboratory materials,
being assigned greater responsibilities. In large laboratories,
supplies, and equipment. In addition, they collect, package,
they may be promoted to lead and supervisory technician
and arrange for the removal of hazardous chemical and bio-
logical wastes.
Technicians who have bachelor’s degrees in appropriate
Other tasks that these technicians may perform include:
disciplines can use their experience as a stepping-stone to
forensic scientist positions.
• keeping an inventory of laboratory supplies
• distributing and replenishing supplies
• maintaining the laboratory library and reference collections Education and Training
• generating and maintaining lab records and files Educational requirements vary with the different employ-
• updating case files to assist the crime lab analysts ers. In general, applicants should have a combination of
• entering data for reports and logs onto computer files education, training, and experience that is equivalent to a
• preparing diagrams, charts, and drawings for court pre- bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
sentations, investigative aids, or training They should have completed a minimum number of units in
the natural or physical sciences. Employers usually prefer
Technicians mostly work indoors in well-lit, well-venti- to hire candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree in chem-
lated laboratories. They are routinely exposed to chemicals istry, biology, biochemistry, forensic science, or another
and other hazardous materials, and are required to wear related field.
protective equipment. Employers provide entry-level technicians with on-the-
Crime Lab Technicians work a 40-hour per week sched- job training.
ule. They may be required to be on call during their off-duty
hours. Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Employers usually seek candidates who have one or more
Salaries years of work experience in laboratory assistance. Many
Salaries for Crime Lab Technicians vary, depending on such employers prefer to hire candidates who have experience
factors as their education, experience, job duties, employer, working in crime labs or with crime scene processing. Can-
and geographic location. Specific salary information for didates should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of
Crime Lab Technicians is unavailable. A general idea can laboratory procedures, terminology, and equipment.
be gained by looking at salaries for similar occupations. Because they must work well with others, Crime Lab
According to the Web site (in August 2006), Technicians need effective interpersonal, teamwork, and
the national average salary for laboratory assistants in sci- communication skills. Their work also requires that they
ence and research fields ranged from $28,324 to $35,730 have adequate computer and writing skills.
for entry-level positions to $40,707 to $53,453 for level III Some personality traits that successful Crime Lab Tech-
positions. nicians share include being detail-oriented, accurate, dili-
gent, reliable, honest, and adaptable.
Employment Prospects
Crime Lab Technicians are employed by public and private Unions and Associations
crime (or forensic) laboratories. There are nearly 400 public Many Crime Lab Technicians are members of a union that
crime laboratories in the United States, which are part of represents them in negotiations with employers for better
law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys’ offices, contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions.
and other government agencies at the local, state, and fed- In addition, the union handles any grievances that members
eral levels. may have against their employers.
Opportunities are generally better in large crime labs in These technicians are also eligible to join local, state, or
urban areas. Job openings typically become available as national professional associations that serve the interests of
34        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

forensic professions. These organizations offer their members 2. Contact crime labs directly about job openings and
networking opportunities and other professional resources their selection process.
and services. Two national societies they might join are the 3. Employers usually require that Crime Lab Techni-
American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the American cians possess a valid driver’s license.
College of Forensic Examiners. For contact information, see 4. If crime lab jobs are not available, seek laboratory
Appendix III. work in medical, science research, and other settings
to gain valuable work experience.
Tips for Entry 5. Use the Internet to learn about the services that crime
1. High school science, mathematics, and English classes laboratories provide. To find relevant Web sites, enter
can help you prepare for a future career in a crime the keywords crime labs, crime laboratory, or foren-
lab. sic laboratory.



Duties: Oversee the daily operations of a crime lab unit;

provide leadership and guidance to forensic scientists, Crime Lab Manager
technicians, and other support staff; perform criminalis-
tic duties; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Supervisory Criminalist, Supervising

Criminalist, Technical Leader; a title that reflects a par- Crime Lab Supervisor
ticular laboratory unit or section such as DNA Supervisor

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000+

Employment Prospects: Poor Senior Criminalist

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in a physi-
cal or natural science discipline, forensic science, or
another related field
Experience—Several years of work experience as a
criminalist, including supervisory and management
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Leadership,
teambuilding, interpersonal, communication, listening,
problem-solving, organizational, time-management, cus-
tomer-service, writing, and presentation skills; honest,
respectful, compassionate, positive, encouraging, calm,
consistent, dedicated
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description coordinate, and manage the work activities of their units as
Crime laboratories provide technical and scientific support well as to provide direction and guidance to criminalists,
to criminal investigators and prosecuting attorneys to help technicians, and clerical support workers who staff their
them arrest and convict criminal suspects. The criminalists units. They also establish and maintain effective working
at these labs perform scientific analyses on various items relationships with law enforcement officers, attorneys, and
of physical evidence that are found at crime scenes, such as other governmental officials and personnel.
firearms, bullets, latent prints, hair, glass fragments, body Crime Lab Supervisors work cooperatively with other
fluids, controlled substances, and fire debris. Because of the unit supervisors and lab managers to continually seek ways
different forensic disciplines, many crime labs divide the to improve operations as well as to provide quality customer
specialties into units. For example, criminalists in a crime service to law enforcement agencies, attorney’s offices, and
lab might work in its firearms, latent prints, forensic biology, other public organizations. These criminalistic supervisors
trace evidence, drug analysis, or forensic chemistry unit. assist in defining program goals, objectives, accomplish-
Crime Lab Supervisors are responsible for the day-to- ments, and problem areas. They also help develop new or
day operations of crime lab units. It is their job to plan, improved procedures and methods to establish more efficient
36        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

work processes as well as to decrease turnaround times for • identify and resolve technical, operational, and personnel
casework. problems as they arise
These supervisors are expected to be knowledgeable in • inspect and monitor laboratory equipment and instruments
many areas, including the application of scientific principles to make sure they meet manufacturer’s specifications as
and techniques in forensic investigations; basic principles, well as operating and safety standards and regulations
practices, and procedures of crime lab testing; laboratory • conduct staff meetings
management; lab safety practice and procedures; criminal • monitor special projects
laws and rules of evidence; and research methods and tech- • research professional journals and other publications to
niques. In addition, they are expected to stay up to date with learn about new techniques of analysis
current techniques, procedures, and other developments in • consult with experts on solutions to problems involving
their field. identification or evaluation of physical evidence
Crime Lab Supervisors are responsible for planning and • maintain communication with criminal investigators
making work assignments to staff members, monitoring regarding cases
the progress of their staffs’ assignments, and reviewing the • provide scientific assistance to attorneys
quality of their work. These supervisors are advanced-level • evaluate training needs of staff members
criminalists. They oversee the analyses of physical evidence • review technical reports written by staff members
by their technical staff. Supervisors make sure that cases are • prepare memos, correspondence, reports, evaluations, and
processed accurately, completely, and in a timely manner. It other required documents
is also their duty to ensure safe working conditions in their • prepare and maintain laboratory records and files
units as well as to maintain quality assurance standards.
Supervising criminalists are also responsible for the plan- Most Crime Lab Supervisors are civilians. In some local
ning and implementation of training programs, as well as agencies, they are sworn peace officers. Depending on the
the professional development of their staffs. size and structure of their laboratory, they receive supervi-
Supervisors are also required to perform various admin- sion and direction from a mid-level manager or the lab
istrative duties. They assist lab managers with the devel- director.
opment of laboratory procedures, policies, standards, Supervisory criminalists work mostly in laboratory set-
techniques, and methods. Crime Lab Supervisors plan and tings, but on occasion may be asked to assist in the collec-
administer budgets for their units, and prepare monthly and tion and processing of physical evidence at crime scenes.
annual reports. They conduct job performance evaluations Like all criminalists, supervisors are regularly exposed to
on their staff members. In addition, they coordinate and dangerous and toxic chemicals, odors, and fumes. They
direct audits, competency tests, and other quality control wear appropriate protective equipment as needed.
procedures to ensure that their units are in compliance with These supervisors work 40 hours per week, and put in
standard procedures, laboratory policies, and governmental additional hours as needed to complete tasks and meet dead-
laws and regulations. Furthermore, they assist in the prepa- lines. Some of them are on call 24 hours a day.
ration of grant proposals and applications and make recom-
mendations for the purchase of lab equipment and supplies. Salaries
Crime Lab Supervisors continue to perform laboratory
Salaries for Crime Lab Supervisors vary, depending on such
analyses on physical evidence. They usually work on the
factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo-
more complex, sensitive, and highly technical examinations
graphic location. Specific salary information for this occu-
in their units. When requested, supervisors testify in courts
pation is unavailable. In general, they receive higher salaries
as expert witnesses on questions about their laboratory anal-
than journey-level and senior forensic science technicians.
yses or to explain technical methods and procedures. Crime
The estimated annual salary for most forensic science tech-
Lab Supervisors also conduct research into new methods
nicians ranged between $27,530 and $73,100, according to
and techniques for performing microscopic, comparative,
the May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey
chemical, or other types of examinations on physical evi-
by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
dence. Upon request, supervisors assist crime scene investi-
gators in the collection and processing of physical evidence
at crime scenes. Employment Prospects
Supervising criminalists perform a wide range of tasks, Most Crime Lab Supervisors work in public crime labora-
which vary every day. For example, they: tories that are part of local and state law enforcement agen-
cies and prosecuting attorneys’ offices. Some are employed
• plan and schedule work and activities for their units by federal crime labs that are part of the Federal Bureau of
• assign cases and projects to staff members Investigation, the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
• advise criminalists on their cases arms and Explosives, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,

and other federal agencies. Other Crime Lab Supervisors work history should demonstrate increasing responsibili-
work for private forensic laboratories. ties and include experience performing supervisory and
Employers hire supervising criminalists to replace person- administrative duties. In addition, applicants should have
nel who advance to higher positions, transfer to other jobs, or extensive experience in the forensic discipline (i.e., DNA
leave the workforce due to retirement or other reasons. analysis, firearms examination) for which they would be
Advancement Prospects Crime Lab Supervisors need effective leadership, team-
building, interpersonal, communication, and listening skills
Crime Lab Supervisors can advance to managerial positions,
to work well with staff members, managers, and others from
including crime lab directors, but opportunities are limited
and often require transferring to other employers. Manage- diverse backgrounds. They also need excellent problem-
rial opportunities are usually better in large laboratories that solving, organizational, time-management, customer-ser-
have several levels of management. Individuals with entre- vice, writing, and presentation skills to perform the various
preneurial ambitions can become independent practitioners aspects of their position. Being honest, respectful, compas-
or owners of forensic firms that offer consulting or technical sionate, positive, encouraging, calm, consistent, and dedi-
services. Crime Lab Supervisors can also pursue opportuni- cated are some personality traits that successful supervisors
ties as instructors and researchers in higher education institu- share.
tions. To advance to higher positions or obtain teaching jobs
may require possession of a master’s or doctoral degree. Unions and Associations
Law enforcement officers have additional advancement Many Crime Lab Supervisors are members of local, state,
opportunities. They can rise through the ranks as detectives, and national societies to take advantage of networking
sergeants, lieutenants, and so on, up to chief of police. They opportunities, continuing education, professional cer-
can also seek positions in other special details that interest tification, and other professional resources and services.
them, as well as pursue supervisory and managerial positions.
Some national professional associations that serve the gen-
eral interests of forensic scientists include the American
Education and Training Academy of Forensic Sciences, the American College of
Minimally, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree Forensic Examiners, and the International Association for
in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, forensic science, or Identification. They may also join societies that serve their
another related discipline. Some employers prefer to hire particular discipline such as the Association of Firearms
candidates with a master’s or doctoral degree in an appro- and Tool Mark Examiners or the Association of Forensic
priate discipline. DNA Analysts and Administrators. Supervisors in local and
Throughout their careers, Crime Lab Supervisors enroll state laboratories are eligible to join the American Society
in continuing education programs and training programs to of Crime Laboratory Directors. For contact information for
update their skills and increase their knowledge. these societies, see Appendix III.

Special Requirements Tips for Entry

In agencies in which supervisory criminalists are law 1. Many employers allow applicants to substitute a mas-
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace ter’s or doctoral degree for one or more years of work
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies experience.
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition 2. Some employers require applicants to be U.S. citizens
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- or U.S. permanent residents.
gram to obtain the certificate. 3. One way to demonstrate your flexibility and dedica-
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete tion to your work is to learn how to perform other
annual training to maintain their certification. types of analyses and jobs in the crime lab.
4. Use the Internet to learn more about different crime
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits labs and how they are organized into different units.
Many employers require that applicants have five or more To find relevant Web sites, enter the keywords crime
years of journey-level experience as criminalists. Their lab, crime laboratory, or forensic laboratory.
38        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Develop, implement, and maintain quality programs

and activities in crime laboratories; perform other duties Crime Lab Manager
as required

Alternate Title(s): Quality Assurance Manager, Quality

Control Manager
Quality Manager
Salary Range: $50,000 to $90,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor Senior or Supervisory Criminalist

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree
Experience—Several years of work experience as a
journey-level criminalist
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, organizational, time-management, writing, commu-
nication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills; observant,
detail-oriented, meticulous, flexible, calm, cooperative
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description These managers design and manage a system of quality

Crime laboratories (or crime labs) play an essential role in programs and activities that address a wide range of quality
linking criminal suspects to crime scenes and victims. They issues regarding management, operations, personnel, proce-
conduct scientific analyses on various types of physical evi- dures, equipment, physical plant, security, health and safety,
dence found at crime scenes to assist criminal investigators and other areas. Quality systems are generally divided into
and prosecuting attorneys in arresting and convicting criminal two areas—quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC).
suspects. Thus, it is imperative that the technical data and QA programs and activities—such as laboratory policies
and procedures, training programs, procedural manuals, and
findings that these laboratories produce are accurate and trust-
quality monitoring programs—establish the requirements for
worthy. To ensure the credibility and integrity of the forensic
acceptable forensic laboratory performance. QC programs
services that crime labs provide, many of them employ Qual-
and activities are the daily practices used—such as control
ity Managers to develop, implement, and oversee appropriate samples, documentation, and good laboratory practices—to
quality measures. ensure the reliability of the work that criminalists perform.
Quality Managers are experienced criminalists. They Quality Managers may oversee a quality system for one
may be civilian employees or law enforcement officers. crime lab or for a laboratory system consisting of several
Quality Managers have advanced knowledge in the prin- crime labs in different locations. They are responsible for
ciples, methods, materials, equipment, and techniques of monitoring several technical units (such as the firearms,
forensic science and are highly familiar with laboratory latent prints, or DNA units) in a crime lab to ensure that all
standards, protocols, and safety. They are also well versed in quality measures are working properly. They examine work
law enforcement operations and procedures, and with laws areas, equipment, and instruments. They monitor the work
and regulations pertaining to the collection, preservation, performance of personnel by reviewing completed casework
analysis, and presentation of physical evidence. as well as by observing them at work in the lab and as they

testify in court. These managers also address quality issues Salaries

as they arise, and develop and implement appropriate cor- Salaries for Quality Managers in forensic laboratories vary,
rective actions. For example, they might recommend that depending on such factors as their education, experience,
laboratory staff receive certain training to improve the qual- employer, and geographic location. In an informal survey
ity of their work. conducted by the Association of Forensic Quality Assurance
Many crime labs choose to obtain voluntary accredita- Managers, the approximate salary range for a forensic qual-
tion from forensic laboratory accreditation bodies such as ity assurance manager was $50,000 to $90,000. According
the American Society of Crime Lab Directors. To qualify, to the Web site, the base pay for Quality Manag-
labs must meet strict accreditation standards as well as ers, overall, in the United States ranged between $54,687 to
continue to maintain those requirements throughout their $70,417 in August 2006.
period of accreditation. Quality Managers help crime labs
develop and execute quality measures to gain the accredita- Employment Prospects
tion they seek. Once a lab is accredited, Quality Managers
Quality Managers work for both public and private criminal
are responsible for assuring that the crime lab continually laboratories. There are nearly 400 local, state, and federal
maintains accreditation standards. government laboratories in the United States. In general, job
Quality Managers perform many duties, which vary openings become available as individuals retire, transfer to
every day. For example, they may be involved in: other jobs, or advance to higher positions.
Local and state crime labs create Quality Manager posi-
• developing policies and procedures for quality programs tions to comply with accreditation requirements of the
and activities American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD).
• supervising the implementation of quality control pro- Hence, more opportunities become available as labs seek
cedures ASCLD accreditation.
• conducting laboratory audits
• assisting lab supervisors with preparations for inspections
Advancement Prospects
by a laboratory accrediting agency
Quality Managers can advance to other managerial posi-
• investigating and resolving technical problems
tions, such as unit manager or crime lab director. Opportuni-
• researching ways to improve the QA and QC programs
ties, however, are limited and often require that they transfer
and activities
to other employers. Individuals can also pursue opportuni-
• training laboratory staff on quality procedures
ties as instructors and researchers in higher education insti-
• maintaining the policy and procedural manuals for their
tutions. Those with entrepreneurial ambitions can become
independent practitioners or owners of forensic firms that
• preparing reports, records, and other required documents
offer consulting or technical services. To advance to higher
and paperwork
positions or to obtain teaching jobs, they may be required to
• reading professional journals and other literature to stay
possess a master’s or doctoral degree.
current with the latest developments in forensic analysis, Law enforcement officers have additional advancement
forensic lab quality measures, and technology opportunities. They can rise through the ranks as detectives,
sergeants, and so on, up to chief of police. They can also
When requested, Quality Managers testify in court to seek positions in other special details that interest them, as
address legal issues regarding the quality of lab policies well as pursue supervisory and managerial positions.
and procedures. In some crime labs, Quality Managers are
also responsible for planning, implementing, and overseeing
Education and Training
safety programs.
Their job requires that they work cooperatively and effec- Minimally, applicants need a bachelor’s degree in chemis-
tively with a wide range of people, including lab managers try, biology, biochemistry, toxicology, forensic science, or
another related field.
and supervisors, criminalists, law enforcement officers, city
Throughout their careers, Quality Managers enroll in
officials, and the general public. Quality Managers may be
continuing education programs and training programs to
supervised directly by a crime lab director or by another
update their skills and increase their knowledge.
upper-level manager.
Quality Managers work full or part time, depending on
the needs of their laboratories. Some Quality Managers con- Special Requirements
tinue performing casework in their forensic specialties. In In agencies in which Quality Managers are law enforce-
forensic laboratory systems, Quality Managers travel to labs ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer
in different locations. standards and training certificate. These agencies may hire
40        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

candidates without a certificate on the condition they com- networking opportunities and other professional resources
plete the necessary law enforcement academy program to and services. They may join general forensic societies such
obtain the certificate. as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the Ameri-
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete can College of Forensic Examiners, and the International
annual training to maintain their certification. Association for Identification. Some managers belong to the
Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers. For
contact information for these groups, see Appendix III.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Requirements vary with the different employers. In general,
applicants must have several years of work experience as a Tips for Entry
journey-level criminalist. Some employers allow applicants 1. To obtain any job in forensics, you must be pre-
to substitute an advanced degree in an appropriate discipline pared to go through an intense selection process that
for one or more years of work experience. Employers also may include any of the following steps: job applica-
prefer to hire candidates who have a few years of experience tion, interview, job-related aptitude and skills tests,
working in a lead or supervisory position. medical examination, drug screening, psychologi-
To be effective at their job, Quality Managers need strong cal review, polygraph examination, and background
self-management skills, such as the ability to prioritize multi- investigation.
ple tasks, follow and understand instructions, meet deadlines, 2. As a staff member in a crime lab, become familiar with
and work independently. Other essential skills are organiza- your lab’s quality programs and activities. If possible,
tional, time-management, writing, communication, interper- volunteer to work on a quality program or activity.
sonal, and teamwork skills. Being observant, detail-oriented, 3. Stay up to date with quality assurance and quality
meticulous, flexible, calm, and cooperative are some person- control issues in forensic laboratories.
ality traits that successful Quality Managers share. 4. Use the Internet to learn more about quality programs
in crime laboratories. You might start by visiting the
Unions and Associations Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers
Many Quality Managers belong to professional associations at For more links, see Appen-
at the local, state, or national level to take advantage of dix IV.



Duties: Oversee crime laboratory operations on a daily

basis; perform administrative and managerial duties; Crime Lab Director (larger laboratory)
provide staff leadership and supervision; perform other
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Crime Lab Manager, Forensic Labora-

tory Manager Crime Lab Director

Salary Range: $60,000 to $146,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Assistant Crime Lab Director or
Advancement Prospects: Poor
Managerial (or Supervisory)
Prerequisites: Criminalist
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree
Experience—Several years of professional work experi-
ence in a crime lab; previous supervisory and manage-
ment experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Leadership,
team-building, communication, listening, interpersonal,
organizational, conflict-resolution, time-management,
personnel-management, business, customer-service, and
writing skills; honest, trustworthy, decisive, calm, coop-
erative, flexible, inspirational, consistent, dedicated
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description locations. They apply scientific and forensic principles and
Crime labs play an important role in helping link suspects techniques to solve a wide range of technical problems and
with victims and crime scenes in criminal investigations as issues. Their job also requires that they be knowledgeable
well as in the prosecution of criminal cases in courts. They about physical security and evidence management as well as
provide law enforcement agencies and prosecuting attorneys’ quality assurance principles and practice. In addition, these
offices with scientific analyses of physical evidence—bul- administrators employ business and management principles
lets, latent prints, blood, body fluids, paint, hair, fibers, and and practices, such as human resource management, strate-
so on—that is found at crime scenes. Crime Lab Directors gic planning, financial planning, program management, and
have the overall responsibility for the quality and timeliness resource allocation.
of delivery of forensic services for their laboratories.  A crime lab is usually divided into several technical
As executive managers, Crime Lab Directors oversee sections that conduct particular types of forensic examina-
crime laboratory operations and make sure that they run tions (such as trace evidence, controlled substances, and
smoothly and efficiently each day. Some crime labs are pri- forensic biology). Crime Lab Directors plan, organize, and
vate entities, while others are part of law enforcement agen- coordinate the programs and activities for the various tech-
cies, prosecuting attorneys’ offices, or other government nical sections in their laboratories. They develop and imple-
agencies at the local, state, or federal level. ment laboratory policies, procedures, objectives, and goals
Directors may be in charge of a single forensic lab or a as well. They also plan and maintain systems that ensure
laboratory system made up of several crime labs in different the safety and security of the physical facilities as well as
42        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

the credibility and integrity of forensic laboratory services. Crime Lab Directors keep up to date with new technolo-
Additionally, these managers are responsible for ensuring gies and scientific developments in the forensic science field
that crime labs comply with employers’ missions and poli- as well as stay abreast of current management practices.
cies, forensic laboratory accreditation standards, and gov- They read professional and trade publications, network with
ernmental laws and regulations. other crime lab administrators, enroll in workshops, semi-
As leaders, Crime Lab Directors are responsible for the nars, and courses, and participate in professional societies,
supervision and guidance of all laboratory employees— technical working groups, and professional conferences.
criminalists, managers, technicians, clerical staff, and other Crime Lab Directors interact with many people on a daily
laboratory personnel. These executive managers are engaged basis, including staff members, management, law enforce-
in planning work schedules for their staff, making work ment officers, government officials, attorneys, officers of
assignments, reviewing technical casework, conferring with the court, vendors, and the public, among others. They are
staff about work-related problems, and evaluating their job expected to develop and foster strong working relationships
performance. In crime labs with multiple levels of manage- with the various groups of people they encounter.
ment, directors oversee managers or supervisors who in These directors frequently undergo stress when handling
turn are responsible for the oversight of employees in their technical issues. They deal with conflict situations, meet
technical units. deadlines, and perform other tasks. Their work exposes
Crime Lab Directors are also involved in the process of them to hazardous chemicals and agents; thus, they are
hiring, disciplining, and firing personnel. Further, they are required to wear protective equipment. They spend most of
responsible for the planning and implementation of training their time in office and lab settings. They sometimes travel
and professional development programs for the different to attend meetings and conferences in other cities.
staff members. Crime Lab Directors work full time. They put in addi-
In addition, these executive managers handle a wide tional hours as needed to complete their duties, and may be
array of administrative responsibilities. Some of their duties required to work weekends and holidays. They are on call
include planning, preparing, and executing budgets; autho- 24 hours a day.
rizing purchases; developing and submitting grant propos-
als; and preparing reports, memos, correspondence, and
other required documents. These managers also supervise Salaries
management information systems that are used in the report- Salaries for Crime Lab Directors vary, depending on such
ing and tracking of laboratory data, evidence, inventory, factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo-
statistical reports, budgeting, human resources, and other graphic location. Specific salary information for this occu-
technical and operational areas. pation is unavailable. They generally earn salaries similar
Crime Lab Directors perform various other duties, such as: to natural sciences managers. According to the May 2006
Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S.
• providing expertise to laboratory staff on forensic science Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual sal-
issues ary for most natural sciences managers ranged between
• researching new technologies and methods to increase the $60,300 and $145,600. One expert in the field states that
efficiency of crime lab functions starting salaries for new crime lab managers range from
• inspecting, monitoring, and evaluating physical facilities $35,000 to $60,000 per year.
and equipment to determine that they meet operating and
safety standards, regulations, and guidelines Employment Prospects
• providing training programs in crime scene handling and Crime Lab Directors run private and public criminal labora-
processing of physical evidence for law enforcement tories. In the United States, there are nearly 400 government
agencies crime labs, which are part of law enforcement agencies,
• representing their crime lab as well as parent agency (such
prosecuting attorneys’ offices, and other government agen-
as a police department) at meetings with governmental
cies. At the local and state levels, Crime Lab Directors may
agencies, law enforcement agencies, the legislature, foren-
be civilian employees or law enforcement officers.
sic lab accreditation bodies, the media, and other groups
In general, job openings become available as directors
retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher positions.
Many Crime Lab Directors continue performing forensic
analyses on physical evidence. They usually take on the
most difficult casework. When required, they provide testi- Advancement Prospects
mony as expert witnesses in court trials. On occasion, they The Crime Lab Director is the highest position in a forensic
are requested to assist with evidence collection and process- laboratory. Most directors rise through the ranks within their
ing at crime scenes. laboratory system.

Directors may seek management positions in other crime job requires that they have effective organizational, con-
labs that offer higher incomes, greater challenges, or more flict-resolution, time-management, personnel-management,
prestige. Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can business, customer-service, and writing skills. Being honest,
become consultants or owners of forensic firms that offer trustworthy, decisive, calm, cooperative, flexible, inspira-
management consulting or technical services. tional, consistent, and dedicated are some personality traits
Law enforcement officers have additional advancement that successful Crime Lab Directors share.
opportunities. They can rise through the ranks as detectives,
sergeants, lieutenants, and so on, up to chief of police. They
Unions and Associations
can also seek other administrative and managerial positions
Crime Lab Directors can join professional associations at
within their agency.
the local, state, and national levels to take advantage of net-
working opportunities, professional certification, continuing
Education and Training education, job listings, and other professional resources and
Minimally, applicants need a bachelor’s degree in chem- services. Some national societies include the American Acad-
istry, biology, biochemistry, forensic science, or another emy of Forensic Sciences, the American College of Forensic
related field. Some employers prefer to hire candidates who Examiners, and the International Association for Identifica-
possess a master’s, doctoral, or medical degree. tion. Managers of local and state laboratories can also join the
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors. For contact
Special Requirements information for these societies, see Appendix III.
In agencies in which Crime Lab Directors are law enforce-
ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer Tips for Entry
standards and training certificate. These agencies may hire 1. Employers may require that applicants be U.S. citi-
candidates without a certificate on the condition they com- zens or U.S. permanent residents.
plete the necessary law enforcement academy program to 2. Employers may ask for proof of your educational and
obtain the certificate. professional records. Thus, keep photocopies of your
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete college transcripts, training records, and professional
annual training to maintain their certification. certificates on hand. Also have a list of professional
references with their current job titles and contact
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits information.
In general, applicants must have five to seven or more years 3. To enhance their employability, some Crime Lab
of professional experience in a crime laboratory. Depending Managers obtain professional certification from soci-
on the employer, they must also have one or more years of eties in which they are members.
supervisory and managerial experience. 4. Enroll in management courses, workshops, and semi-
Crime Lab Directors need excellent leadership, team- nars to learn new skills and knowledge.
building, communication, listening, and interpersonal skills 5. Learn more about crime lab management on the Inter-
to work well with criminalists, technicians, managers, public net. You might start by visiting the American Society
agencies, attorneys, law enforcement officers, vendors, and of Crime Laboratory Directors Web site at http://www.
various others from diverse backgrounds. In addition, their For more links, see Appendix IV.
46        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Examine and interpret bloodstain patterns at crime

scenes and recreate the events that occurred; prepare Senior Crime Scene Analyst or
reports of findings; provide expert witness testimony; Criminalist
perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Blood Splatter Analyst; Crime Scene

Analyst, Forensic Scientist, Criminalist
Bloodstain Pattern Analyst
Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Crime Scene Investigator or

Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; on-the-job training
Experience—Several years’ experience performing
crime scene investigation and analysis
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Teamwork,
interpersonal, communication, writing, and self-manage-
ment skills; detail-oriented, precise, observant, objective,
honest, trustworthy, and diligent
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description were inflicted to create the wounds, and the whereabouts of
Assaults, murders, and other violent crimes result in the the victim, perpetrator, or various objects within the scene.
loss of blood. Victims usually lose blood in these unfortu- Bloodstain Pattern Analysts use their knowledge of
nate incidents, but sometimes so do the perpetrators. Blood chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics in the execu-
splatters in all directions and lands on all nearby surfaces, tion of their job. Their particular expertise lies in an under-
including on the people involved. It leaves trails when per- standing of how blood behaves in a variety of conditions.
petrators and victims move within and from the crime scene. These crime scene analysts are trained to recognize the vari-
These bloodstains serve as valuable evidence of the crime, ous patterns that blood makes as it drops, flies, scatters, and
and crime scene investigators take great care to preserve the smears. They also grasp how blood behaves as it exits the
stains and splatters as much as possible for analysis. body in different circumstances, such as from bullet or knife
Forensic specialists known as Bloodstain Pattern Analysts wounds and from bludgeoning with fists or blunt instru-
closely examine these marks to interpret and help recreate ments. For example, they can distinguish how blood leaves
the events that transpired in the commission of the crime. a stain when it drips from a cut or is flung from a weapon.
The information they glean from bloodstain patterns is used In addition, Bloodstain Pattern Analysts conduct experi-
in combination with other conclusions that arise from crime ments to better understand what happened during violent
scene investigation and analysis. They can, within reason, crimes. They perform tests with blood to see how it drops
anticipate reaching certain conclusions from their analysis. on various surfaces and from a variety of angles and veloci-
They can determine what movement or type of weapon cre- ties. For example, they notice that blood forms a sphere as it
ated the stains, where the blood originated, how many blows falls. From a short distance at 90º and onto a smooth surface,

blood creates a round stain. From a higher distance, smaller Salaries

splatters surround the central round stain. When blood hits Bloodstain Pattern Analysts earn salaries based on their
the surface at an angle, the stain is elongated, and when it primary role as crime scene analysts or criminalists. Their
drops while its source is moving, it forms a different type of earnings vary, and depend on such factors as their educa-
elongated pattern. Stains that fall on textured surfaces differ tion, experience, position, employer, and geographic loca-
from those that fall on smooth surfaces. Bloodstain Pattern tion. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment
Analysts can read these and many other types of bloodstains Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
and can determine the circumstances that created them as estimated annual salary for most forensic science techni-
well as where the sources of the blood were located. cians ranged between $27,530 and $73,100.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysts are often called to crime
scenes to observe and measure bloodstains. When they can-
not be present at a crime scene, they do their work in a Employment Prospects
laboratory setting. In both scenarios, these forensic special- Some Bloodstain Pattern Analysts work for private foren-
ists use photographs of the stains because many bloodstains sic labs, and some are independent practitioners. But most
cannot be taken to the lab. The photographs include scales bloodstain pattern experts work in public crime labs, which
such as yardsticks or measuring tape placed alongside the are associated with law enforcement agencies, prosecuting
stains that indicate the size of the stains. Both vertical and attorneys’ offices, and other government agencies. They
horizontal measurements are indicated, which help analysts may be law enforcement officers or civilian employees.
record the sizes of each bloodstain and their distance from Few government agencies specifically hire individuals to
each other. Bloodstain Pattern Analysts also carefully write perform bloodstain pattern analysis. Instead, most employ
their measurements and other observations. these experts as criminalists (or forensic scientists) or crime
When they examine bloodstains at crime scenes or from scene analysts who are responsible for several areas of
the clothing of the persons involved, Bloodstain Pattern forensic expertise.
Analysts can confirm or refute assumptions concerning the Opportunities for Bloodstain Pattern Analysts are
events of the crime and their sequence. They can ascertain expected to increase in the future, as more criminalists and
the position of the victim and read evidence of a struggle. crime scene analysts become trained in bloodstain analysis.
They can also verify or disprove statements made by the According to the 180 Day Study Final Report (March 2006)
principals in a case by determining whether stains found by the International Association for Identification, there is a
on the perpetrator’s or victim’s clothing are consistent with growing need and demand for qualified bloodstain pattern
their accounts of the incident or with what witnesses claim practitioners to assist in crime scene reconstruction.
to have occurred.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysts perform various tasks in Advancement Prospects
conducting their examinations. They review victim, witness, Bloodstain Pattern Analysts can be promoted to become
and suspect statements along with examination records from technical leaders, unit or section supervisors, and managers.
police, medical examiners, and other forensic scientists that However, opportunities are limited. Sworn officers can rise
assist them in their evaluations. They confer with crime through the ranks as detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, and
scene investigators about the proper procedures for collect- so on, up to chief of police.
ing and preserving bloodstain evidence. They also document Individuals with teaching talents and interests can seek
all of their activities and write detailed reports of their test positions as trainers as well as instructors at colleges and
results and conclusions. When requested by attorneys, these universities. Those with entrepreneurial ambitions can
analysts provide unbiased testimony as expert witnesses in become independent practitioners or owners of forensic
courts of law.
firms that offer consulting or technical services.
Many Bloodstain Pattern Analysts work in local and state
crime laboratories associated with law enforcement agen-
cies, attorneys’ offices, or other governmental agencies. The Education and Training
majority of these experts perform bloodstain analysis ser- Educational requirements vary with the different employers
vices as part of their duties as crime scene analysts (in the as well as for the different positions. For crime lab positions,
crime scene investigation unit) or as forensic scientists (in employers usually require that applicants hold a bachelor’s
the crime lab). Bloodstain pattern experts are usually senior degree in forensic science or a physical or natural science.
members of their staff. For crime scene analysis positions, some agencies require
These forensic specialists work standard 40-hour sched- applicants to have only a high school diploma or general
ules, but must be available at all times. Hence, they may equivalency diploma, while others prefer that applicants
be required to work overtime or irregular hours, including possess an associate or bachelor’s degree in law enforce-
weekends and holidays. They must be prepared to deal with ment, criminal justice, forensic science, or another related
heavy or stressful workloads. discipline.
48        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

To become Bloodstain Pattern Analysts, criminalists or Unions and Associations

crime scene technicians must complete a specialized training Many Bloodstain Pattern Analysts join professional asso-
program. This usually includes formal classroom instruction ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
and on-the-job training, in which they work under the super- professional publications, certification programs, and other
vision and direction of experienced personnel. professional services and resources. One national society
Throughout their careers, Bloodstain Pattern Analysts that serves their particular interests is the International
enroll in courses, workshops, seminars, and other edu- Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. Other national
cational and training programs to update their skills and associations that they may join are the International Asso-
increase their knowledge. ciation for Identification, the Association for Crime Scene
Reconstruction, the American College of Forensic Examin-
ers, and the American Academy of Forensic Science. For
Special Requirements
contact information, see Appendix III.
In agencies in which criminalists are law enforcement offi- Some of these forensic practitioners belong to a labor union
cers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer standards that represents them in negotiations with employers for better
and training certificate. These agencies may hire candidates contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions.
without a certificate on the condition they complete the
necessary law enforcement academy program to obtain the
certificate. Tips for Entry
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete 1. Talk with bloodstain pattern experts to learn more about
annual training to maintain their certification. their work and how they got into that line of work.
2. As a crime scene technician or crime lab professional,
express your interest to your team leader or unit
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits supervisor about learning how to perform bloodstain
Employers seek candidates who have several years of work pattern analysis.
experience in crime scene investigation and analysis and 3. Be sure you submit your job application for a position
have experience conducting experiments pertaining to on time. Few employers accept applications that come
bloodstain pattern analysis. Many Bloodstain Pattern Ana- in after the deadline date.
lysts gained their experience by working under the helm of 4. Many professionals obtain professional certification
knowledgeable and practiced practitioners. as a bloodstain pattern practitioner to enhance their
To perform well at their job, Bloodstain Pattern Analysts employability and credibility. For information about
need effective teamwork, interpersonal, communication, certification programs, see Appendix II.
writing, and self-management skills. Being detail-oriented, 5. Use the Internet to learn more about bloodstain pattern
precise, observant, objective, honest, trustworthy, and dili- analysis. You might start by visiting the International
gent are some personality traits that these analysts have in Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Web site at
common. For more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Identify, analyze, and interpret DNA samples of

biological evidence submitted for criminal investigations Senior or Supervisory DNA Analyst
or other legal matters; prepare reports of findings; pro-
vide expert witness testimony; perform other duties as

Alternate Title(s): Criminalist, Forensic Scientist DNA Analyst

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

DNA Analyst (Entry-Level) or
Advancement Prospects: Fair DNA Technologist
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in biology,
chemistry, forensic science, or another related field; on-
the-job training
Experience—Six months to one or more years of work
experience in a forensic lab preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-management,
critical-thinking, writing, communication, presentation,
interpersonal, and teamwork skills; objective, impartial,
ethical, trustworthy, detail-oriented, and diligent
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description DNA is found in all the cellular structures, or tissues, of

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is what makes us “us.” We, our bodies including our saliva, blood, hair follicles, mus-
like all organisms, are composed of cells. Each of our cells cles, bones, teeth, fingernails, and skin. Perpetrators may
contains threads of material called chromosomes, and along leave some of their tissue behind at crime scenes or, if per-
each chromosome are nearly 30,000 genes that instruct our petrators come into contact with them, on victims. Forensic
cells to create proteins that determine such characteristics as scientists known as DNA Analysts specialize in examining
DNA samples from biological evidence that is found at
our eye color or hair texture. Each gene is contained within
crime scenes. Their analyses help identify crime suspects as
DNA, and that carries our genetic information. Every one of
well as exonerate persons who have been wrongly accused
us has unique DNA.
or convicted of crimes.
DNA analysis is used for the identification of unknown DNA Analysts apply the principles and techniques of
individuals or living organisms in legal, medical, and other biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and statistics to
matters. For example, DNA analysis helps us to identify vic- their work. They understand that DNA molecules are com-
tims of accidents, settle questions regarding paternity or other posed of repeating components called nucleotides consist-
family relationships, match organ donors to recipients, identify ing of four bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
endangered species, find pollution-causing bacteria, verify the These bases pair up in a regular repeating pattern to help
authenticity of various foods such as wine or caviar, or estab- form a spiral-shaped double helix, the DNA molecule. Each
lish the lineage of livestock breeds. Crimes are sometimes DNA molecule in a person is distinguished from the DNA
solved by the identification of suspects through their DNA. molecules in other persons by the order of its bases.
50        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

DNA Analysts use several methods to work with these supplies and equipment, participate in the hiring and train-
base patterns to identify crime suspects. These methods ing processes for new employees, and help to set goals and
involve cutting sections of DNA by using special enzymes, objectives for their unit’s activities. They are also assigned
then comparing their base patterns with the patterns con- other responsibilities. For example, they might assist in the
tained within control DNA samples. Analysts use special development of a DNA database of convicted sex offenders,
equipment to perform these procedures. Each of these meth- which would be incorporated in the CODIS; or they might
ods are useful in different circumstances, but all allow DNA assist in overseeing quality assurance programs to ensure
Analysts to match the repeating base patterns between DNA that their units are in compliance with policies, procedures,
samples found at crime scenes with DNA samples extracted laws, and regulations.
from suspects. DNA is taken from suspects by swabbing In some crime labs, DNA Analysts are also assigned to
the inside of their cheeks. DNA is also extracted from perform other types of forensic work, such as serology, trace
convicted criminals. Additionally, these analysts examine evidence, or firearms analysis.
samples taken from dead bodies, dried semen deposits, or DNA Analysts work in laboratory, office, and field set-
decomposed bloodstains. tings. They work a standard 40-hour week, but may put in
DNA Analysts have access to a database of DNA profiles additional hours as needed. They may be called to work at
known as the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). This any time of the day or night, as well as on weekends and
is a software program that maintains municipal, state, and holidays. They must be prepared to report for duty within
federal databases of DNA profiles of convicted criminals. an hour’s notification. When they work at crime scenes,
DNA Analysts use CODIS to match suspect DNA profiles they must be able to negotiate rough terrain or climb up and
with those in the database. down embankments.
DNA Analysts work under close supervision and divide
their duties to fulfill certain functions. The majority of their
time is spent working with DNA evidence that is submit-
Salaries for DNA Analysts vary, depending on such factors
ted to their lab. They look at and study physical evidence,
as their education, experience, employer, and geographic
remove DNA from the samples, and conduct various tests
location. Specific salary information for this occupation is
for analysis and profiling on CODIS. Upon completion of
unavailable. However, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
their examinations, they prepare and submit reports of their
reported in its May 2006 Occupational Employment Statis-
findings. The rest of their time is allocated to research, pre-
tics survey that the estimated annual salary for most forensic
paring for and performing expert witness duties, or updat-
science technicians ranged between $27,530 and $73,000.
ing their training or providing training to law enforcement,
health care, or educational personnel. Furthermore, they
maintain and calibrate their equipment, prepare chemical Employment Prospects
solutions, order supplies, and perform other related tasks. The major employers of DNA Analysts include local and
DNA Analysts begin their careers as trainees. They focus state crime labs associated with law enforcement agencies
on developing their knowledge and skills as well as their and prosecuting attorneys’ offices; crime labs run by such
understanding of the laws and regulations, as well as the federal agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
standards and practices of their employers. They are given the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and the U.S. Fish and
assignments with specific directions and clearly defined Wildlife Service; and privately owned forensic laborato-
objectives, and perform their work under the guidance and ries. Other employers include colleges and universities.
supervision of senior forensic scientists. DNA Analysts are also hired by medical, scientific, and
After DNA Analysts complete their training period, they research laboratories to perform DNA analysis for non-
are then assigned casework that they perform under the criminal matters.
supervision of experienced personnel. As DNA Analysts In government crime labs, DNA Analysts are mostly
gain experience, they are assigned more complex respon- civilians. In local and state labs, they may be law enforce-
sibilities. For instance, they prepare analytical reports of a ment officers.
more confidential nature; they conduct advance research In general, job openings become available as individu-
and perform technical reviews of current cases; they provide als retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher posi-
technical and scientific consultation to other investigators; tions. Job growth in the forensic science field is predicted to
and they testify in court as expert witnesses. increase by 27 percent or more through 2014, according to
Senior or advanced analysts may assume the function the BLS. Some experts in the field report that DNA analy-
of team leader or unit supervisor. They lead others by pro- sis is one of the fastest growing areas in forensic science.
viding technical advice, assigning work to team members, Nationwide, there is a demand for experienced DNA Ana-
monitoring their work, and contributing to employee perfor- lysts. Many forensic laboratories are experiencing a backlog
mance evaluations. These advanced professionals maintain of casework.

Opportunities for entry-level positions are generally more experience working in a forensic laboratory. Candidates
available with state, federal, and private labs, according to may have gained experience through internships, employ-
one expert. Many labs prefer to hire experienced analysts. ment, or research assistantships.
However, the ability of a government crime lab to maintain Like other forensic scientists, DNA Analysts must have
or hire more staff depends on the availability of funding. effective self-management skills, such as the ability to
work independently, handle stressful situations, and pri-
oritize multiple tasks. Their line of work also requires
Advancement Prospects
that these forensic examiners have strong critical-thinking,
Individuals with supervisory and managerial ambitions can
writing, communication, presentation, interpersonal, and
pursue such positions, but opportunities are limited. Hence,
teamwork skills.
they may need to seek positions with other employers to
Some personality traits that successful DNA Analysts
advance. A master’s or doctoral degree may be required for
have in common include being objective, impartial, ethical,
higher-level management positions.
trustworthy, detail-oriented, and diligent.
Sworn officers have additional opportunities for advance-
ment. They can rise through the ranks as detectives, ser-
geants, lieutenants, and so on, up to chief of police. They Unions and Associations
can also pursue administrative and managerial positions Some DNA Analysts are members of a labor union that
within their agency. represents them in negotiations with employers for better
contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions.
In addition, the union handles any grievances that they may
Education and Training
have against their employers.
Minimally, applicants for entry-level positions need a
Professional associations that serve the interests of DNA
bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, forensic science
Analysts are available at the local, state, and national levels.
or another related field. Ideally, they would have completed
By joining societies, they can take advantage of networking
course work in genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology,
opportunities, professional certification, professional publi-
and statistics. Some employers prefer to hire candidates
cations, and other professional resources and services. Some
who hold a master’s degree in an appropriate field.
national societies that serve the interests of DNA examiners
Entry-level DNA Analysts undergo a training period that
are the Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Admin-
lasts between six and 12 months or more. They complete
istrators, the International Association for Identification, the
formal classroom instruction as well as receive on-the-job
American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the American
training while working under the supervision and direction
College of Forensic Examiners. For contact information, see
of experienced DNA Analysts.
Appendix III.
Throughout their careers, DNA Analysts update their
skills and increase their knowledge by enrolling in courses,
workshops, and seminars given by employers, professional Tips for Entry
associations, universities, and other organizations. 1. Along with science and math courses, take classes in
English, grammar, and public speaking in high school
to help prepare you for a career in forensic science.
Special Requirements
2. Talk to various DNA Analysts to learn more about
In agencies in which DNA Analysts are law enforcement
their work. Also find out how they entered the field
officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer stan-
as well as ask for suggestions about how you can best
dards and training certificate. These agencies may hire can-
prepare for a career in forensic science.
didates without a certificate on the condition they complete
3. Some DNA Analysts started off their careers as serol-
the necessary law enforcement academy program to obtain
the certificate.
4. Learn as much as you can about a particular job before
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete
you go to your job interview. Employers are usually
annual training to maintain their certification.
inclined to hire candidates who have a strong under-
standing about the job they would be performing.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 5. You can learn more about forensic DNA analysis on
Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the dif- the Internet. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter
ferent forensic laboratories. Many employers prefer to hire the keywords forensic DNA analysis or DNA forensics
candidates who have six months to one or two years of in a search engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.
52        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Identify, compare, and analyze firearms, ammuni-

tion, and tool marks that are evidence in criminal inves- Senior Firearms Examiner
tigations; prepare reports of findings; provide expert
witness testimony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Firearms and Tool Mark Examiner, Fire-

arms Analyst, Forensic Scientist, Criminalist Firearms Examiner

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Firearms Examiner Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; on-the-job training
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Problem-solv-
ing, organizational, teamwork, interpersonal, writing,
communication, presentation, and self-management
skills; impartial, ethical, trustworthy, detail-oriented, per-
sistent, cooperative, and patient
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description from a crime scene match certain tools (such as screwdriv-
In the crime lab, Firearms Examiners are the experts in ers, crowbars, bolt cutters, scissors, and knives) that are
firearms identification. They have been trained in the identi- suspected of being used.
fication, comparison, and testing of firearms, firearm parts, In the area of firearms evidence, Firearms Examiners
ammunition, and ammunition components. Most of them conduct examinations for various purposes, as requested
are also responsible for examining tool marks, another type by criminal investigators or prosecuting attorneys. Depend-
of physical evidence that is found at crime scenes. These ing on their skill level and expertise, their casework may
forensic specialists perform their analyses and interpreta- involve:
tions with the goal of providing criminal investigators and
prosecuting attorneys with scientific proof that may help • determining if bullets, cartridge cases, or other ammuni-
them arrest and convict criminal suspects. tion components may have been fired by a certain firearm
Firearms and tools each produce their own unique mark- or may have been in the firearm
ings. With the use of a special microscope, Firearms Exam- • identifying the type, brand, and caliber of firearms and
iners can compare markings of recovered bullets from a ammunition
crime scene with test bullets from a specific gun that investi- • establishing how a firearm works
gators have submitted. If the markings on the recovered and • determining if a firearm functions properly or if it could
test bullets match, then that is positive proof the recovered have discharged accidentally
bullets come from the gun in question. Firearms Examiners • finding out at what distance a firearm was fired
use a similar method to determine if tool marks recovered • restoring serial numbers on firearms

• detecting and characterizing gunshot residue patterns on • maintain lab equipment, instruments, and work area
victims’ garments • assist in the development and implementation of quality
assurance activities
Some Firearms Examiners are experts in ballistics, the • train subordinate staff members
study of projectiles (such as bullets) in motion. These exam- • train law enforcement officers in the proper methods for
iners assist crime scene technicians and criminal investiga- seeking, collecting, and processing evidence
tors with the reconstruction of shooting events at a crime • stay current with new technologies, issues, and develop-
scene. For example, they perform analyses to determine the ments in their field as well as keep abreast of changing
path that bullets may have taken or to establish what hap- laws and rules pertaining to the collection, preservation,
pens when a projectile strikes a target. and submission of evidence
Firearms Examiners mostly work in the crime lab. On
occasion, they are requested to assist in the collection and Firearms Examiners work a 40-hour schedule but put
preservation of firearms and tool marks evidence at crime in additional hours as needed to complete their duties or to
scenes. meet deadlines. They may be required to be on call 24 hours
Firearms Examiners apply scientific principles and meth- a day.
ods to identify, analyze, and interpret firearms and tool mark
evidence. Their casework involves comparative, micro- Salaries
scopic, chemical, and other complex laboratory analyses. Salaries for Firearms Examiners vary, depending on such
In addition, these examiners follow strict procedures and factors as their education, experience, position, employer,
protocols as well as comply with the laws and regulations and geographic location. According to the May 2006 Occu-
concerning evidence, criminal procedures, and crime. They pational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau
also make sure that they maintain the chain of custody on of Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual salary for
every piece of evidence that they handle to ensure that it has most forensic science technicians ranged between $27,530
not been tampered with or contaminated. Physical evidence and $73,100.
may not be admitted at court trials if the chain of custody
has been violated.
Firearms Examiners carefully and precisely document Employment Prospects
every step they take when examining physical evidence. Firearms Examiners are employed by public and private
First, they inspect an item of evidence and take notes about crime laboratories. In the United States, there are nearly
what it is, how it looks, how much it weighs, and so on. 400 publicly funded crime labs. Most of these labs are con-
They may sketch, photograph, or take a video of the evi- nected to law enforcement agencies and prosecuting attor-
dence, which becomes part of their report. They then deter- neys’ offices in municipal, county, and state jurisdictions.
mine what tests should be performed. Upon completion The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement
of their tests, they evaluate the results and prepare formal Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
reports that describe their findings and the methods they and Explosives, the Secret Service, and the U.S. Postal
used to obtain them. Their reports must be comprehen- Inspection Service are some federal agencies that employ
sive yet clearly understandable by law enforcement officers, Firearms Examiners in their forensic labs. In government
attorneys, judges, and juries. crime labs, Firearms Examiners may be law enforcement
Like all criminalists, Firearms Examiners may be called officers or civilian employees.
upon to testify as expert witnesses at court trials. They In general, job openings become available as individuals
provide impartial and unbiased testimony on issues related retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher positions.
to their laboratory analyses as well as the crime lab proce- Agencies will create additional positions as long as fund-
dures, methods, and techniques that they practice. ing is available. The job competition is keen, and should
Firearms Examiners are assigned several cases at a time. become even more competitive due to the increasing num-
They are expected to manage, plan, and prioritize assign- ber of individuals who are entering the forensic science
ments so that each of their cases is completed in a timely field. Job growth in this field is predicted to increase by 27
manner. They perform various other duties along with their percent or more through 2014, according to the BLS.
casework. For example, they:
Advancement Prospects
• prepare photographic exhibits and other visual aids for Administrative and managerial opportunities are available,
court presentations or training purposes but limited. Firearms Examiners can seek positions as tech-
• conduct research on new methodologies and techniques in nical leaders, unit supervisors, and managers. Sworn offi-
the examination of firearms and tool marks cers can rise through the ranks as detectives, sergeants,
• maintain accurate records on their casework lieutenants, and so on, up to chief of police.
54        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Opportunities are usually better in large laboratories that onstrate their knowledge about proper lab procedures and
have several levels of management. Individuals with entre- the handling of lab instruments and equipment.
preneurial ambitions can become independent practitioners To perform the various aspects of their job well, Firearms
or owners of forensic firms that offer consulting or technical Examiners must have excellent problem-solving, organiza-
services. Individuals can also pursue opportunities as foren- tional, teamwork, interpersonal, writing, communication,
sic trainers or as instructors and researchers in higher educa- and presentation skills. In addition, they need strong self-
tion institutions. To advance to higher positions or obtain management skills, such as the ability to work indepen-
teaching jobs, these forensic specialists may be required to dently, prioritize multiple tasks, meet deadlines, and handle
possess a master’s or doctoral degree. stressful situations. Being impartial, ethical, trustworthy,
detail-oriented, persistent, cooperative, and patient are some
personality traits that successful Firearms Examiners have
Education and Training in common.
Educational requirements vary with the different employ-
ers. Many prefer to hire candidates who possess a bachelor’s
Unions and Associations
degree in a physical or natural science discipline, forensic sci-
Many Firearms Examiners belong to professional associa-
ence, law enforcement, or another related field. Some agencies
tions to take advantage of networking opportunities, con-
require only a high school or general equivalency diploma, as
tinuing education, professional certification, and other
long as candidates have qualifying work experience.
professional resources and services. Some national societies
Entry-level Firearms Examiners undergo a training pro- that serve their interests include the Association of Firearms
gram that usually lasts two years. Their training includes and Tool Mark Examiners, the International Association for
classroom instruction as well as on-the-job training in which Identification, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences,
they work under the guidance and direction of experienced and the American College of Forensic Examiners. For con-
personnel. tact information, see Appendix III.
Throughout their careers, Firearms Examiners enroll in Some examiners are also members of a labor union that
continuing education programs and training programs to represents them in negotiations with employers for better
update their skills and increase their knowledge. contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions.

Special Requirements Tips for Entry

In agencies in which Firearms Examiners are law enforce- 1. As a student, gain experience by working in a law
ment officers, they must possess a basic peace officer stan- enforcement agency, by volunteering, or by complet-
dards and training certificate. These agencies may hire ing an internship. If possible, seek a volunteer or
candidates without a certificate on the condition they com- intern position in the agency’s forensic services divi-
plete the necessary law enforcement academy program to sion.
obtain the certificate. 2. Check job listings for forensic positions on the Inter-
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete net. Many forensic societies post current job vacan-
annual training to maintain their certification. cies at their Web sites.
3. Stay current with technologies, issues, and other
developments in the forensic science field. Being able
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits to discuss such matters can impress job interviewers
Requirements vary with the different employers. For entry- as well as professors and professionals who may be
level positions, most crime labs prefer to hire candidates able to refer you to job openings.
who have previous laboratory experience, which they may 4. Use the Internet to learn more about Firearms Exam-
have gained through internships, research assistantships, iners. You might start by visiting the Association of
or employment in analytical, crime, or scientific research Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners Web site at http://
laboratories. Entry-level candidates should be able to dem- For more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Identify, analyze, and interpret biological evidence

for criminal investigations or trials; prepare reports of Senior Forensic Biologist
findings; provide expert witness testimony; perform
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Criminalist, Forensic Scientist; a title

that reflects a specialty such as DNA Analyst Forensic Biologist

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Forensic Biologist Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in micro-
biology, biochemistry, medical technology, forensic sci-
ence, or another related field; on-the-job training
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, problem-solving, teamwork, interpersonal, writing,
communication, and presentation skills; patient, trust-
worthy, non-judgmental, precise, honest, and persistent
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description Forensic Biologists enter this career after completing

Evidence gathered at crime scenes can be divided into two university studies with a focus on such subjects as forensic
classes: physical evidence and biological evidence. Physical biology, forensic chemistry, forensic human pathology, and
evidence consists of items or substances such as glass, fibers, forensic DNA analysis. They round off their education with
paint chips, firearms, and documents. Biological evidence is courses in mathematics, criminal justice, and other sciences.
made up of items or substances that originate with human tis- They receive training in the collection of evidence in field
sue, such as fingernails, hair, skin, blood, saliva, dental pulp, settings such as mock crime scenes and in the analysis of
and sexual fluids. Many crime labs have a forensic biol- evidence in laboratory settings. Their education and training
ogy section that conducts scientific examinations on biologi- provide Forensic Biologists with knowledge about scientific
cal evidence to assist criminal investigators and prosecuting principles, analytical procedures, and the use of the reagents
attorneys in linking suspects to crime scenes or victims. needed to detect or measure blood and other bodily secre-
Highly trained men and women known as Forensic tions. They are well versed in working in both standard
Biologists are responsible for identifying, analyzing, and and crime laboratory environments. They possess an under-
interpreting samples of biological evidence. Their scientific standing of how the criminal trial process works and are
findings provide unbiased information that can help elimi- knowledgeable about standard rules of evidence.
nate individuals as suspects, support case circumstances, Forensic Biologists work in forensic science laboratories
disprove a suspect’s alibi, determine what happened at a where they perform analyses of tissues and bodily fluids
crime scene and in what order events occurred, and estab- that were left behind during criminal acts such as burglaries,
lish a location as being a crime scene. homicides, or rapes. These scientists process specimens to
56        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

identify their origin. The specimens are refrigerated until Forensic Biologists stand for extended periods, and
they are needed. Each Forensic Biologist is assigned to are required to lift moderate to heavy weights, including
specific cases and works with the samples associated with corpses. They handle sharp surgical instruments. They must
those cases. be able to tolerate exposure to unusual samples, including
These criminalists examine the samples under micro- organs, tissues, and body parts. They may be exposed to
scopes or perform immunologic or biochemical tests. They hazardous materials, including chemicals and biohazards
identify samples of physiological evidence, and determine such as bodily fluids or contagious diseases, as well as nox-
whether they are of human or animal origin. With some ious odors.
tests, they attempt to establish the age, sex, and other char- Forensic Biologists work on an on-call basis in addition
acteristics about the persons from whom the samples came. to their regular hours. They may be called to handle emer-
Forensic Biologists also determine which samples are appro- gencies or work overtime as needed.
priate for DNA analysis. If they are trained in that area, they
conduct DNA marker typing procedures for comparison to Salaries
suspect samples or to DNA entries in the Combined DNA Salaries for Forensic Biologists vary, depending on such
Index System (or CODIS), the DNA databank. factors as their education, experience, position, employer,
After they complete their evaluations for a case, Foren- and geographic location. According to the May 2006 Occu-
sic Biologists prepare and submit technical reports of their pational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau
findings. They describe their procedures and analysis in of Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual salary for
language that is easily understood by criminal investigators, most forensic science technicians ranged between $27,530
attorneys, and others who may not have any technical or and $73,100.
scientific background. Forensic Biologists are often called
upon to testify as expert witnesses about their findings in
the courts. Employment Prospects
Forensic Biologists perform most of their work in labo- In general, job openings become available as individuals
ratories. Occasionally, they may assist at crime scenes to retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher positions.
detect and collect specimens of bodily substances and flu- Employers will create additional positions to meet grow-
ids. At times, these specimens may be only dried stains or in ing needs, as long as funding is available. According to the
trace amounts. They can be detected with the use of special BLS, job growth in the forensic science field is predicted to
lights and chemical sprays that reveal their presence. Foren- increase by 27 percent or more through 2014.
sic Biologists collect specimens from corpses, walls, floors, Opportunities are usually better for experienced Foren-
and objects at the scene by using swabs, filter papers, twee- sic Biologists, as many crime labs do not have the time
zers, special tubes, and other devices and place the samples nor staff to train entry-level criminalists. The majority of
in envelopes or plastic bags. Once collected, the samples are Forensic Biologists work in crime labs that are part of law
taken to laboratories for further analysis. enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys’ offices, and
In some labs, Forensic Biologists may specialize as foren- other governmental agencies at the local, state, and federal
sic serologists, DNA analysts, blood spatter analysts, or in levels of government.
some other area of concern, such as forensic entomology. In local and state crime labs, Forensic Biologists may be
civilian employees or law enforcement officers.
Forensic Biologists complete a variety of duties along
with their casework. For example, they:
Advancement Prospects
• obtain evidence from evidence officers and keep a record Forensic Biologists can advance in any number of ways,
of its use in compliance with chain-of-custody procedures depending on their ambitions and interests. They can become
• prepare serological or chemical reagents technical specialists in DNA analysis, serology examination,
• document all laboratory activities and generate detailed or other areas. They can rise through the administrative and
reports of test results and conclusions managerial ranks as technical leaders, unit supervisors, and
• prepare evidence for presentation in court proceedings managers, which may require transferring to other employ-
• write and revise laboratory manuals ers. Sworn officers also have the opportunity to advance
• maintain and calibrate sensitive laboratory equipment in rank as well as pursue administrative and managerial
• train laboratory technicians careers in their agency.
• contribute to laboratory quality control programs Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can become
• confer with and train law enforcement personnel about the independent practitioners or owners of forensic firms that
proper procedures for collecting and preserving evidence offer consulting or technical services. To advance to higher
• give presentations about forensics to students, other law positions or to obtain teaching jobs, these forensic scientists
enforcement personnel, or the general public may be required to hold a master’s or doctoral degree.

Education and Training Unions and Associations

In general, employers seek candidates for entry-level posi- Forensic Biologists are eligible to join professional asso-
tions that hold a bachelor’s degree in microbiology, bio- ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
chemistry, medical technology, forensic science, or another continuing education, professional certification, and other
related field. Some employers may prefer to hire candidates professional resources and services. Professional societies
who possess a master’s degree. Applicants who wish to per- are available locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and
form DNA analysis should have completed course work in worldwide. Some national societies that serve the diverse
molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and statistics. interests of these forensic scientists are:
Entry-level Forensic Biologists undergo a training period
that includes formal classroom instruction and on-the-job • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
training. They perform routine tasks while working under • American College of Forensic Examiners
the supervision and direction of experienced staff members. • International Association for Identification
Throughout their careers, Forensic Biologists enroll in • International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
continuing education programs and training programs to • Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their
fields. For contact information, see Appendix III.
Some Forensic Biologists are members of a labor union
that represents them in negotiations with employers for bet-
Special Requirements ter contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working condi-
In agencies in which Forensic Biologists are law enforce- tions. In addition, the union handles any grievances that
ment officers, they must possess a basic peace officer stan- members may have against their employers.
dards and training certificate. These agencies may hire
candidates without a certificate on the condition they com-
plete the necessary law enforcement academy program to Tips for Entry
obtain the certificate. 1. Different crime labs use general job titles such as
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete forensic scientist, criminalist, or crime lab analyst for
annual training to maintain their certification. Forensic Biologist positions. Be sure to read all job
announcements thoroughly to ensure that you do not
miss job vacancies for the position you seek.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 2. Answer all questions completely and thoroughly on
Requirements vary with the different employers. Most crime your job applications. Do not leave any spaces blank.
labs prefer to hire candidates for entry-level positions who If a question does not apply to you, write Not Appli-
have previous laboratory experience, preferably in a forensic cable or N/A in the space.
lab. They may have gained their experience through intern- 3. If a person or organization refers you to a job opening,
ships, research assistantships, or employment. Entry-level be sure you mention that person’s or group’s name on
candidates should be able to demonstrate their knowledge your job application or cover letter.
about proper lab procedures and the handling of lab instru- 4. Take advantage of your college career center to find
ments and equipment. job vacancies, as well as to help you improve your job
To perform effectively at their job, Forensic Biologists search skills. Most, if not all, college career centers
must have excellent self-management, problem-solving, assist both students and alumni.
teamwork, interpersonal, writing, communication, and pre- 5. Use the Internet to learn more about what Forensic
sentation skills. Being patient, trustworthy, non-judgmental, Biologists do. To obtain relevant Web sites, enter the
precise, honest, and persistent are some personality traits keywords forensic biology section in a search engine.
that successful Forensic Biologists have in common. For some links, see Appendix IV.
58        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: To identify and evaluate physical evidence by per-

forming chemical analysis; prepare reports of findings; Senior Forensic Chemist
provide expert witness testimony; perform other duties
as required

Alternate Title(s): Criminalist, Forensic Scientist; a title

that reflects a particular job such as Forensic Drug Chem- Forensic Chemist
ist or Forensic Toxicologist

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good Forensic Chemist Trainee

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in chemis-
try, forensic science, or another related field; on-the-job
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Problem-solving,
organizational, writing, communication, presentation, and
self-management skills; detail-oriented, versatile, patient,
composed, impartial, ethical, and collaborative
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description Forensic Chemists are responsible for identifying, ana-

Forensic Chemists are the men and women in crime labo- lyzing, and interpreting the physical evidence that they are
ratories who conduct chemical analyses on physical evi- assigned. They utilize their background in chemistry, criminal-
dence with the goal of finding links between criminal istics, and instrumental analysis, as well as physics, mathemat-
suspects and crime scenes. They assist on various cases, ics, and other scientific areas. Those chemists who contribute
including homicides, assaults, robberies, arson, and van- to DNA analysis work also have knowledge of microbiology,
dalism, among others. They examine evidence such as hair, biochemistry, and genetics, while those who focus on toxicol-
fiber, blood or other bodily fluids, drugs, poisons, gunshot ogy bring an expertise about physiology to their work.
residue, fire debris, explosive residue, inks, paints, and These forensic specialists follow strict practices, pro-
noxious chemicals. cedures, and standards, as well as comply with laws and
Many Forensic Chemists are cross-trained to provide regulations pertaining to the handling and processing of
DNA analysis, trace evidence examination, explosives anal- evidence. They study each case carefully to learn about the
ysis, and other types of examinations for their crime labs. evidence and what kind of information criminal investiga-
Some Forensic Chemists work in drug units, where they tors or attorneys need. They then determine what tests,
focus on identifying and analyzing illicit drugs seized by methods, and procedures to perform on the evidence to
law enforcement officers. Others work in toxicology units, obtain the data. Their work involves the use of computers,
where they are responsible for detecting and examining liv- microscopes, chromatographs, spectrographs, and other
ing and dead human tissue for drugs or poisons. technologically advanced equipment and instruments.

Forensic Chemists perform their casework accurately location. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employ-
and correctly and are expected to complete their work in a ment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
timely manner. They handle each item of evidence carefully (BLS), the estimated annual salary for most forensic science
to maintain the chain of custody. If any article of evidence technicians ranged between $27,530 and $73,100.
has been tampered with or contaminated, it may not be
admitted as testimony in a court of law.
Forensic Chemists prepare formal reports of their find-
Employment Prospects
ings and conclusions and submit them to the proper authori- Forensic Chemists find employment with government crime
ties. They may be called upon to testify in the courts about laboratories at the local, state, and federal levels. They are
their casework. They are qualified as expert witnesses to usually civilian employees, but in some local and state labs,
provide testimony about their findings and conclusions on a they are sworn officers. Some work for private forensic
case, as well as to answer questions regarding the methods laboratories or for academic labs that are associated with
and techniques of performing chemical analyses. forensic programs.
Forensic Chemists mostly work in clean, well-lit, and Job growth in the forensic science field is predicted to
ventilated laboratories. From time to time, they are called increase by 27 percent or more through 2014, according
out to assist at crime scenes. They may be engaged in assist- to the BLS. In addition, opportunities become available as
ing or directing crime scene investigators with locating, col- individuals retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher
lecting, and processing physical evidence. positions. However, the ability of public laboratories to hire
These forensic specialists also perform other duties and maintain sufficient levels of staffing is contingent on the
besides casework, which vary according to their skill lev- availability of funding.
els and expertise. For example, they may be assigned such The job competition is keen. Interest in forensic careers
responsibilities as: has grown in recent years, thus increasing the number of
people seeking to enter the field.
• preparing exhibits or visual aids for court presentations or
training sessions Advancement Prospects
• acting as a technical resource to attorneys and law enforce- Forensic Chemists who are interested in managerial careers
ment officers can rise through the ranks as technical leaders, unit supervi-
• conducting research to design new or improved lab tech- sors, administrative managers, and so on, up to lab directors.
niques, methods, and procedures Opportunities are limited, however. They are usually better
• maintaining lab areas, equipment, and instruments, accord- in large laboratories that have several levels of management.
ing to established standards of cleanliness, safety, and Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can become inde-
efficiency pendent practitioners or owners of forensic firms that offer
• organizing and maintaining records, logs, and files consulting or technical services. Those with teaching inter-
• training crime scene technicians and law enforcement offi- ests and skills can become trainers or academic instructors.
cers in the collection and processing of physical evidence Law enforcement officers have more advancement
• assisting in the development and implementation of qual- options than civilians. They can rise through the ranks as
ity assurance activities and programs well as pursue administrative and management positions
• supervising entry-level examiners, technicians, and other within their agency.
subordinate staff members
• attending workshops, seminars, and courses to maintain
proficiency certifications Education and Training
• keeping up with current laws of evidence, criminal proce- Employers seek entry-level candidates who possess a bache-
dures, and crime, as well as new technologies, techniques, lor’s degree in chemistry, forensic science, or another related
and developments in their forensic specialty field, preferably with course work in analytical chemistry.
Entry-level Forensic Chemists undergo a training pro-
Forensic Chemists handle dangerous, toxic, and flam- gram that includes both formal classroom instruction and
mable chemicals and they are required to wear protective on-the-job training.
clothing and equipment. They work a standard 40-hour Throughout their careers, Forensic Chemists enroll in
work schedule but are expected to put in additional hours as continuing education programs and training programs to
needed to complete tasks and meet deadlines. They are on update their skills and increase their knowledge.
call 24 hours a day.
Special Requirements
Salaries In crime labs in which Forensic Chemists are law enforce-
Salaries for Forensic Chemists vary, depending on such fac- ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer
tors as their education, experience, employer, and geographic standards and training certificate. These agencies may hire
60        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

candidates without a certificate on the condition they com- Many Forensic Chemists also belong to professional
plete the necessary law enforcement academy program to associations that serve the interests of forensic profession-
obtain the certificate. als. Some national societies are the International Associa-
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete tion for Identification, the American Academy of Forensic
annual training to maintain their certification. Sciences, and the American College of Forensic Examin-
ers. In addition, some Forensic Chemists join the American
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits Chemical Society, an association that serves the general
Requirements vary with the different employers. For entry- population of chemists. For contact information for these
level positions, most crime labs prefer to hire applicants organizations, see Appendix III.
who have six months to one year or more of laboratory
experience. They may have gained their experience through
internships, research assistantships, or employment in ana-
Tips for Entry
lytical, crime, or scientific research laboratories. 1. If you have a record of drug use or arrests, your
Some skills that Forensic Chemists need to perform chances of obtaining a job in a crime lab is very slim,
effectively are problem-solving, organizational, writing, according to some experts in the field.
communication, and presentation skills. They must also 2. Some higher education institutions offer a bache-
have excellent self-management skills, such as the abil- lor’s degree program in forensic chemistry. You
ity to work independently, handle stressful situations, meet might consider enrolling in such a program, if one is
deadlines, and prioritize multiple tasks. Successful Forensic offered at the college of your choice. Alternatively,
Chemists share similar personality traits, including being you might take a few basic courses in such an aca-
detail-oriented, versatile, patient, composed, impartial, ethi- demic program.
cal, and collaborative. 3. Contact employers directly about job openings.
4. Use the Internet to learn more about the forensic
Unions and Associations chemistry field. To get a list of relevant Web sites,
Some Forensic Chemists are members of a labor union, which enter any of these keywords into a search engine:
represents them in negotiations with employers for better forensic chemistry, forensic chemists, or forensic
contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions. chemistry lab. For some links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Identify and analyze samples for controlled sub-

stances; prepare reports of findings; provide expert wit- Senior Forensic Drug Chemist
ness testimony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Drug Analyst, Forensic Chem-

ist, Criminalist, Forensic Scientist
Forensic Drug Chemist
Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Forensic Drug Chemist Trainee

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in chemis-
try, forensic science, or another related field; on-the-job
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
problem-solving, teamwork, interpersonal, self-manage-
ment, writing, communication, and presentation skills;
positive, collaborative, dedicated, honest, trustworthy,
and persistent
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description science analyses where these scientists carry out their
Many crime labs have a drug unit that specifically conducts assignments.
examinations on illegal drugs that law enforcement officers Forensic Drug Chemists utilize their background in
have found on suspects, at crime scenes, or in drug seizures. chemistry, criminalistics, and instrumental analysis. Most
Pills, powders, capsules, liquids, and plant material are of the evidence that these scientists analyze is in the area
of illicit drugs. These are substances that are classified by
brought to criminalists known as Forensic Drug Chemists
the federal government as harmful or dangerous and thus
for analysis. Their findings help criminal investigators and
are controlled. Law forbids their use, and heavy penalties
prosecuting attorneys arrest and convict suspects in posses-
are imposed upon people who manufacture, distribute, and
sion of illicit drugs.
use them. These drugs include narcotics such as morphine
Forensic Drug Chemists do not visit crime scenes for or heroin, depressants such as barbiturates or tranquilizers,
investigative work except on rare occasions. Neither do stimulants such as amphetamines and cocaine, and halluci-
they deal directly with criminals. They may be called nogens such as marijuana and LSD. Law enforcement units
upon to investigate covert drug laboratories where illegal are also on the alert about other substances. Synthetic opi-
drugs are manufactured. However, for the most part they ates such as Oxycontin or “club drugs” such as ecstasy are
work in government forensic services laboratories that are increasingly abused, as are some prescription drugs, ana-
affiliated with local, state, and federal law enforcement bolic steroids, and solvents. Some substances are not illegal
agencies or with medical examiners’ offices. There are but are abused and distributed in an illicit manner. Hence,
also a small number of private labs that perform forensic they are often a contributing factor to criminal activity.
62        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Drug chemists also identify the paraphernalia that drug municate regularly with court officials about delays they
abusers use to ingest the drugs, and they examine drug- encounter.
manufacturing equipment that investigators confiscate from Forensic Drug Chemists usually work a regular 40-hour
clandestine laboratories. The abuse of illegal drugs some- week but are on call around the clock. In large laboratory
times results in overdose and death. Forensic Drug Chemists facilities, Forensic Drug Chemists are rotated on their on-
identify the substances involved in those cases and provide call schedule.
assistance to coroners and medical examiners.
Forensic Drug Chemists use several testing methods to Salaries
identify the substances in their laboratories. Before conduct- Salaries for Forensic Drug Chemists vary, depending on such
ing these tests, they examine the evidence and write down factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo-
their initial observations. Then they weigh the substance or graphic location. According to the May 2006 Occupational
substances. The weight determines the severity of the penalty Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor
for the crime. Their next step is to perform a color test. When Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual salary for most forensic
drugs are exposed to certain chemicals, their color changes. science technicians ranged between $27,530 and $73,100.
Each color corresponds to a general category of drug.
Other compounds stimulate the growth of crystals, which
serve to more specifically identify each drug. Forensic Employment Prospects
Drug Chemists carefully examine these crystals by using Forensic Drug Chemists find employment with crime labo-
a polarized light microscope. When drugs are mixed with ratories that are part of local, state, and federal govern-
other substances, Forensic Drug Chemists use a process to ment agencies. In local and state labs, they may be civilian
separate the drugs from their diluents. The result is a pure employees or law enforcement officers. Forensic Drug
sample of the controlled substance. They also use another Chemists also work for private forensic laboratories.
testing method with which they examine a drug’s character- Job growth in the forensic science field is predicted to
istic absorption of ultraviolet or infrared light to identify it. increase by 27 percent or more through 2014, according
They identify marijuana leaf fragments by looking through to the BLS. In addition, opportunities become available
a microscope for distinctive hairs that grow on the leaves. as individuals retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to
When they complete their casework, Forensic Drug higher positions. The ability of public laboratories to hire
Chemists write reports of their findings, which they submit and maintain sufficient levels of staffing is contingent on the
to the proper authorities. These chemists may also function availability of funding.
as expert witnesses to present their evidence findings in Job competition is keen. Interest in forensic careers has
court proceedings connected to their casework. grown in recent years, thus increasing the number of people
Forensic Drug Chemists perform general duties in the seeking to enter the field.
course of their daily routine, which include:

• observing standard procedures for testing and analysis Advancement Prospects

• learning new procedures and approaches to analyze evi- Forensic Drug Chemists with managerial ambitions can
dence rise through the ranks as technical leaders, unit supervisors,
• maintaining solid relationships with other forensic scien- administrative managers, and so on, up to lab directors.
tists, law enforcement personnel, and employees of the Opportunities are limited, however. They are usually better
court system in large laboratories that have several levels of management.
• conducting research Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can become
• writing concise and well-organized reports of scientific independent practitioners or owners of forensic firms that
examinations offer consulting or technical services.
• performing data-entry tasks Law enforcement officers have more advancement
• ensuring that all of their equipment and work conditions options than civilians. They can rise through the ranks as
meet with operational and safety guidelines well as pursue administrative and management positions
within their agency.
In some crime labs, drug analysis is done by forensic
chemists who also conduct analyses on other types of physi-
cal evidence, such as fire debris, gunshot residue, bodily Education and Training
fluids, paint chips, and soils. Employers seek candidates who possess a bachelor’s degree
Forensic Drug Chemists concentrate on performing qual- in chemistry, forensic science, or another related field, pref-
ity work and focus on effectively managing their time. Fund- erably with course work in analytical chemistry.
ing for their laboratories is often limited, and the amount Entry-level Forensic Drug Chemists complete a training
of evidence requiring analysis is increasing. They com- program that includes both formal classroom instruction

and on-the-job training. They perform routine tasks under Unions and Associations
the guidance and direction of experienced staff members. The International Association for Identification, the Ameri-
Throughout their careers, Forensic Drug Chemists enroll can Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the American
in continuing education programs and training programs to College of Forensic Examiners are three professional asso-
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their ciations that are available to Forensic Drug Chemists. (For
field. contact information, see Appendix III.) By joining a society
at the local, state, or national level, these forensic scientists
Special Requirements can take advantage of various professional services and
In crime labs in which Forensic Drug Chemists are law resources such as professional certification, professional
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace publications, and networking opportunities.
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies Forensic Drug Chemists may also be eligible to join
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition a labor union that represents them in negotiations with
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- employers for better contractual terms for pay, benefits,
gram to obtain the certificate. and working conditions. In addition, the union handles any
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete grievances that members may have against their employers.
annual training to maintain their certification.
Tips for Entry
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 1. Applicants with tattoos, branding, or body piercing
Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the dif- that cannot be covered by clothing may be disquali-
ferent employers. Most crime labs prefer to hire applicants fied for positions with law enforcement agencies.
who have six months to one year or more of laboratory 2. If you are willing to relocate, you may have a greater
experience. They may have gained their experience through chance of finding the job you want.
internships, research assistantships, or employment in ana- 3. Most, if not all, employers will hire candidates upon
lytical, crime, or scientific research laboratories. the condition that they have passed a background
To perform well at their work, Forensic Drug Chem- check and a drug screening for illegal drugs.
ists must have effective organizational, problem-solving, 4. Use the Internet to learn more about what Forensic
teamwork, interpersonal, and self-management skills. They Drug Chemists do. To obtain a list of relevant Web
must be able to describe technical terms in ways that are sites, enter the keywords forensic drug analysis or
understandable to legal, technical, and lay audiences; thus, crime lab drug unit in a search engine. For some
it is essential that they have strong writing, communication links, see Appendix IV.
and presentation skills. Being positive, collaborative, dedi-
cated, honest, trustworthy, and persistent are some personal-
ity traits that successful Forensic Drug Chemists share.
64        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Identify, analyze, and interpret samples of blood

and other forms of bodily fluids for criminal investiga- Senior Forensic Serologist
tions; prepare reports of findings; provide expert witness
testimony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Biologist, Criminalist, Foren-

sic Scientist Forensic Serologist

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Forensic Serologist Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in a physical
or natural science discipline, forensic science, or another
related field; on-the-job training
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Problem-solv-
ing, organizational, teamwork, interpersonal, writing,
communication, presentation, and self-management
skills; methodical, detail-oriented, persistent, honest,
courteous, friendly, patient
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description the chain of custody of biological and physical evidence.

There are two approaches to investigating the blood that is They also possess a familiarity with case law pertaining to
left behind at crime scenes. One approach is from the stand- forensic serology and DNA analysis, as well as with crimi-
point of physics: blood spatter analysis. The other approach nal law and courtroom presentation processes. Furthermore,
is biological: serology. The term serology is derived from their work involves the use of computers, photographic
the word serum, which is the clear and slightly yellow fluid equipment, and scientific instruments and equipment.
within blood. Criminalists known as Forensic Serologists While Forensic Serologists work with all bodily fluids,
examine blood evidence to help criminal investigators and their foundation is in the study of blood. They have a thor-
prosecuting attorneys find the link between a suspect and ough understanding about blood and its various components
the crime scene or the victim. These professional men and and how they contribute to blood typing. Blood is composed
women are also assigned the task of analyzing other bodily of water, cells, proteins, enzymes, and inorganic substances.
fluids (such as saliva, sweat, urine, and semen), as well as The fluid part of blood is broken down into plasma, which
human tissue and other biological evidence. is largely composed of water, and serum. Serum contains,
Forensic Serologists make use of their backgrounds in among other substances, antibodies. Red blood cells make
biology, biochemistry, genetics, human anatomy, physiol- up most of the part of blood that is solid.
ogy, and statistics in addition to their training in the method- Forensic Serologists are mainly interested in analyzing
ologies of forensics. Their forensics training provides them serum and red blood cells in blood evidence. Serum is use-
with a solid expertise in handling evidence and maintaining ful because it helps these professionals discern the freshness

and blood type of a blood sample as well as whether the may conduct DNA analysis, investigate bloodstain patterns,
sample is of human or animal origin. Studying red blood or perform trace evidence examinations. The majority of
cells also helps them identify the blood type of a blood their time is spent in the laboratory. On occasion, they are
sample. There are three basic blood types—A, B, and O, called upon to assist at crime scenes. They may actually
and they are also detectable in other bodily fluids. Forensic look for and recover physical evidence or supervise crime
Serologists are able to prove that a sample of blood or bodily scene technicians in the collection of blood samples.
fluid found at a crime scene came from a specific segment Forensic Serologists work in crime laboratories affili-
of the population, which helps them to narrow down the ated with law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys’
field of suspects, or verify the innocence of others. offices, and other government agencies. In law enforcement
Forensic Serologists are responsible for completing their agencies, most of these scientists are employed as civilians.
casework in a timely manner and complying with policies, They usually put in a standard 40-hour workweek but
procedures, standards, laws, and regulations. When a new may sometimes work evenings or weekends to meet dead-
criminal case comes before them, these criminalists study the lines or complete work assignments. Their workload may be
evidence and other information about the case to determine stressful and priorities may shift. Hence, they must be able
which problems need to be solved. They closely check stain to adapt to such conditions.
evidence for blood, or other bodily fluids. They remove any
other trace evidence such as hair, paint chips, fiber, vegetable
matter, soil, or glass from each sample. Forensic Serologists Salaries
decide whether each sample has significance to the case at Salaries for Forensic Serologists vary, depending on such
hand. They conduct their tests to determine whether samples factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo-
are indeed blood and whether they are animal or human graphic location. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
blood. If the samples are human blood, they determine blood reported in its May 2006 Occupational Employment Statis-
types. They also test the samples to approximate such factors tics survey that the estimated annual salary for most forensic
as the age, sex, or race of the individual or individuals who science technicians ranged between $27,530 and $73,100.
left the stains at the crime scene.
Upon completing their analysis for a case, Forensic Employment Prospects
Serologists prepare and submit reports of their findings and Forensic Serologists are employed by government and pri-
conclusions to the proper authorities. If one of their cases vate forensic laboratories in the United States. Most govern-
goes to trial, they may be requested to provide testimony as ment laboratories are part of law enforcement agencies and
expert witnesses.
prosecuting attorneys’ offices in municipal, county, and state
Forensic Serologists are responsible for completing cer-
jurisdictions. Federal crime labs are part of various federal
tain routine tasks in addition to their normal course of
agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
activities. For example, they may:
U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,
the Secret Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and
• coordinate with evidence officers about their use of evi-
the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
dence and about maintaining chain-of-custody protocols
In local and state crime labs, Forensic Serologists may be
• create and sustain good relationships with co-workers and
civilian employees or law enforcement officers.
personnel from other departments or agencies and with
In general, job openings become available as individuals
the general public
retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher positions.
• synchronize work assignments and responsibilities with
Labs will create additional positions to meet growing needs,
as long as funding is available.
• keep their workplace and equipment organized and main-
• supervise student interns or volunteer staff members Advancement Prospects
• write clear and concise reports Many Forensic Serologists measure their success by receiv-
• maintain detailed records including chain of custody ing more complex responsibilities, earning higher incomes,
records; descriptions of evidence; documents about their and gaining professional recognition. Individuals with
observations, methods, and results; documentation of supervisory and managerial ambitions can advance to lead,
quality control issues and technical problems; and supply supervisory, and managerial positions, but opportunities are
inventories limited. A master’s or doctoral degree may be required for
• stay current with criminal investigation procedures and higher-level management positions.
new developments in forensic science research Law enforcement officers have more advancement
options than civilians. They can rise through the ranks as
Many Forensic Serologists are cross-trained to perform well as pursue administrative and management positions
one or more other forensic examinations. For example, they within their agency.
66        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Education and Training tional, teamwork, interpersonal, writing, communication,

Minimally, applicants for entry-level positions need a bach- and presentation skills. In addition, they need strong self-
elor’s degree in biology, microbiology, chemistry, forensic management skills, such as the ability to work indepen-
science, or another related field. For positions in which dently, prioritize multiple tasks, meet deadlines, and handle
they will also perform DNA analysis, applicants must have stressful situations. Being detail-oriented, persistent, honest,
completed course work in molecular biology, genetics, bio- courteous, friendly, and patient are some personality traits
chemistry, and statistics. that successful Forensic Serologists share.
Entry-level Forensic Serologists begin their career as
trainees. They undergo an intense training period that Unions and Associations
includes formal classroom instruction as well as on-the-job
Forensic Serologists can join professional associations to
take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing edu-
Throughout their careers, Forensic Biologists enroll in
cation, and other professional resources and services. Some
continuing education programs and training programs to
national societies that serve the general interests of this pro-
update their skills and increase their knowledge.
fession are the International Association for Identification,
the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and American
Special Requirements College of Forensic Examiners. For contact information, see
In crime labs in which Latent Print Examiners are law Appendix III.
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace Many forensic scientists belong to a labor union that
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies represents them in negotiations with employers for better
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions.
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro-
gram to obtain the certificate.
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete
Tips for Entry
annual training to maintain their certification. 1. You may be asked to provide proof of your educa-
tion when you submit a job application. Be sure to
attach a copy of an official transcript that shows your
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits major field of study. Employers usually discard any
Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the dif- applications that do not have the requested documents
ferent employers. Most crime labs prefer to hire candidates attached.
who have previous laboratory experience, which they may 2. You can sometimes download a job application at
have gained through internships, research assistantships, or an employer’s Web site. Many employers also allow
employment. Candidates should be able to demonstrate their applicants to submit their completed forms through
knowledge about proper lab procedures and the handling of the Internet.
lab instruments and equipment. 3. Learn more about forensic serology on the Internet.
To perform the various aspects of their job well, Forensic To find relevant Web sites, enter the keywords forensic
Serologists must have excellent problem-solving, organiza- serology or forensic serologists into a search engine.



Duties: Process, analyze, and identify latent print evidence;

prepare reports of findings; provide expert witness testi- Senior Latent Print Examiner
mony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Latent Print Analyst, Criminalist, Foren-

sic Scientist
Latent Print Examiner
Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Criminalist (Entry-Level) or

Fingerprint Technician
Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; on-the-job training
Experience—Previous work experience in fingerprint-
ing, crime scene investigation, and latent print analysis
Skills and Personality Traits—Memory, writing, com-
munication, presentation, interpersonal, teamwork, and
self-management skills; patient, objective, unbiased,
trustworthy, honest, and methodical
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description ply with laws and regulations pertaining to the handling and
Everyone has a unique set of prints—fingerprints, palm processing of evidence.
prints, or footprints. Thus, chances are strong that criminals To determine the identity of a latent print, these foren-
can be linked to crime scenes or victims by any prints that sic specialists compare it with known prints of suspects,
they leave behind on tabletops, papers, glass, plastics, metal, victims, and other individuals to find a match. They also
bed sheets, rocks, cigarettes, weapons, dead bodies, or other use a computerized system called the automated finger-
type of surfaces. Some prints, known as latent prints, are print identification system (AFIS), which can scan hun-
invisible or barely visible, but oftentimes crime scene inves- dreds of thousands of fingerprints per second to obtain
tigators can find them by shining strong flashlights on sur- a list of possible matches. In addition, many examiners
faces, dusting the surfaces, or using other methods. These have access to the integrated automated fingerprint iden-
full or partial prints are carefully preserved and sent to tification system (IAFIS), a nationwide database contain-
crime labs where Latent Print Examiners process and ana- ing 47 million fingerprints that is maintained by the FBI.
lyze the prints for positive identification. Latent Print Examiners evaluate each file to determine
Latent Print Examiners are forensic scientists who work if there is a positive match with the latent print they are
in crime labs. They apply science principles and methodolo- seeking to identify.
gies to the examination and analysis of latent print evidence. When these forensic specialists complete an examina-
Their work involves the use of physical, optical, and elec- tion, they prepare a detailed report of their findings and
tronic equipment and techniques. In addition, they follow conclusions and submit them to the proper authorities. They
specific practices, procedures, and standards as well as com- may be called upon to testify as expert witnesses in court to
68        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

address questions regarding their casework as well as the Employment Prospects

procedures and techniques for processing latent prints. Latent Print Examiners work for local, state, and federal
Latent Print Examiners perform various other duties crime labs. They may be law enforcement officers or civil-
besides their casework, which vary according to their level of ian employees. Some examiners are independent contrac-
expertise and skills. For example, they may be assigned to: tors or work for private practices. Job openings typically
become available as individuals retire, transfer to other jobs,
• take inked or digital scans of fingerprints of individuals or advance to higher positions. Employers will create addi-
for criminal and noncriminal matters tional positions, as long as funding is available.
• take fingerprints, palm prints, or footprints of dead bodies
• organize and maintain latent print files, logs, and records
Advancement Prospects
• input latent prints into the AFIS system
• maintain lab areas, equipment, and instruments according to Latent Print Examiners who are interested in pursuing man-
established standards of cleanliness, safety, and efficiency agerial positions can be promoted to become technical lead-
• provide training to law enforcement officers in the proper ers, unit supervisors, and managers. Opportunities, however,
method of taking fingerprints as well as collecting and are limited. Managerial opportunities are usually better in
preserving physical evidence large laboratories that have several levels of management.
• train, supervise, and direct the work of entry-level exam- Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can become
iners and other subordinate staff independent practitioners or owners of forensic firms that
• keep up with current technologies and developments in offer consulting or technical services.
their field Latent Print Examiners can also pursue opportunities as
instructors and researchers in higher education institutions.
To advance to higher positions or to obtain teaching jobs,
On occasion, Latent Print Examiners are called upon to
these forensic specialists may be required to have a master’s
assist at crime scenes, particularly major crimes such as
or doctoral degree.
homicides, sex offenses, and kidnapping. Their primary task
Law enforcement officers have more advancement
is to locate, collect, and process latent prints. They may also
options than civilians. They can rise through the ranks as
be asked to aid in the collection of other physical evidence
detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, captains, and so on, up to
such as trace evidence or the impressions of shoe prints and
police chiefs. They also can pursue administrative and man-
tire tracks.
agement positions within their agency.
Latent Print Examiners can expect to handle heavy and
stressful workloads. For example, they work under emo-
tional conditions when dealing with dead bodies or victims Education and Training
of violent crimes. They are in daily contact with a wide Educational requirements vary with the different employers.
range of people from different backgrounds, including pro- Many prefer to hire candidates who possess a bachelor’s
fessional colleagues, managers, law enforcement officers, degree in a physical or natural science discipline, forensic
witnesses, suspects, government employees, court officers, science, law enforcement, or another related field. Some
and the public, among others. agencies hire candidates who have only a high school or
Their work involves occasional standing, walking, or general equivalency diploma, as long as they have qualify-
bending for long periods of time. These forensic specialists ing work experience.
also handle hazardous, flammable, and toxic chemicals as Entry-level Latent Print Examiners undergo a training
well as blood and other bodily fluids in the course of their program that may last two to three years before they are
work; thus, they are required to wear protective clothing and assigned casework. Their training includes classroom instruc-
equipment. tion as well as on-the-job training. Novice examiners work
Latent Print Examiners work standard workweeks, but under the guidance and direction of experienced personnel.
must be available at all times for emergency call outs. They Throughout their careers, Latent Print Examiners enroll
may be required to work shifts, weekends, and holidays. in continuing education programs and training programs to
update their skills and increase their knowledge.
Salaries for Latent Print Examiners vary, depending on Special Requirements
such factors as their education, experience, employer, and In crime labs in which Latent Print Examiners are law
geographic location. The estimated annual salary for most enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace
forensic science technicians, including Latent Print Examin- officer standards and training certificate. These agencies
ers, ranges from $27,530 to $73,100, according to the May may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition
2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro-
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. gram to obtain the certificate.

Law enforcement officers must successfully complete locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
annual training to maintain their certification. Some societies that serve the interests of Latent Print Exam-
iners are the American Academy of Forensic Science, the
American College of Forensic Examiners, and the Interna-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
tional Association for Identification. For contact informa-
Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the dif-
tion, see Appendix III.
ferent employers. In general, employers seek candidates
who have experience in fingerprint identification, crime
scene investigation, and latent print analysis. Entry-level Tips for Entry
applicants may be required to have one to five years of work 1. While in high school and college, you can begin to
experience, depending on their level of education. prepare yourself for court presentations as an expert
To be effective at their work, Latent Print Examiners need witness. For example, you can take a drama or public
excellent memory, writing, communication, and presenta- speaking class, or participate on the debate team or in
tion skills. They also must have strong interpersonal, team- school or community theater.
work, and self-management skills. Being patient, objective, 2. If you are interested in working in another city or state,
unbiased, trustworthy, honest, and methodical are some per- use the Internet to learn about opportunities in forensic
sonality traits that successful examiners have in common. laboratories in the area. Many government agencies
and private labs post job listings at their Web sites.
Unions and Associations 3. Some agencies hire Latent Print Examiners for tem-
Some Latent Print Examiners are members of a labor porary positions. Holding a temporary position allows
union, which represents them in negotiations with employ- you to gain valuable experience. Sometimes it may
ers for better contractual terms for pay, benefits, and work- lead to a permanent position with an employer.
ing conditions. 4. Learn more about fingerprints and latent print exami-
Many examiners belong to professional associations to nations on the Internet. You might start by visiting
take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing this Web site: Latent Print Examination: Fingerprints,
education, professional certification, and other professional Palmprints, and Footprints (by Ed German), http://
resources and services. Professional societies are available
70        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Analyze documents to determine if they are authen-

tic, counterfeit, or forgeries; prepare reports of findings; Senior Questioned Document Examiner
provide expert witness testimony; perform other duties
as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Document Examiner, Crimi-

nalist, Forensic Scientist Questioned Document Examiner

Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Questioned Document Examiner
Advancement Prospects: Fair Trainee
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree preferred;
on-the-job training
Experience—Previous work experience in a crime lab or
crime scene unit preferred
Skills and Personality Traits—Self-management, inter-
personal, teamwork, communication, writing, and pre-
sentation skills; observant, patient, organized, persistent,
honest, and trustworthy
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description dence. They may perform physical or chemical analyses

Is the signature on a check forged? Who is the author of a kid- on documents. They follow specific practices, procedures,
napping note? Did someone alter the terms of a business con- and standards as well as comply with laws and regulations
tract? Oftentimes checks, contracts, correspondence, and other pertaining to the handling and processing of evidence. Their
documents are evidence in homicides, assaults, kidnapping, work involves the use of computers as well as measuring
hate crimes, robberies, theft, and other criminal acts. Foren- devices, magnifiers, microscopes, and other specialized sci-
sic scientists known as Questioned Document Examiners are entific instruments and equipment.
trained to analyze documents to determine if they are genuine Questioned Document Examiners engage in many cases
or fake, to identify who wrote them, or to discern if they have in which they analyze handwriting or hand printing to deter-
been altered in any way. The facts that these criminalists estab- mine who wrote or signed a document. They also analyze
lish about evidence can help criminal investigators and pros- documents for other legal questions such as when a docu-
ecuting attorneys arrest and convict criminal suspects. ment was produced, how was it produced, or if informa-
Questioned Document Examiners are not the same as tion in the document was erased. Their examinations may
graphologists who study handwriting samples to deduce the involve identifying inks and papers that are used for docu-
character of the writers. Some graphologists use the title ments, or examining typewriters, printers, copy machines,
document examiners, thus leading to the confusion between or other machines that produce documents.
them and Questioned Document Examiners. Generally, these forensic scientists compare a suspected
These forensic examiners apply scientific principles document, or components of a document, with a document
and methodologies to the examination and analysis of evi- containing a set of known standards. They carefully examine

each item for detectable characteristics; they then compare Employment Prospects
the two documents for similarities and differences pertinent Questioned Document Examiners work for local, state, and
to those properties. They make a conclusion based on their federal crime labs. They may be law enforcement officers
evaluation of the compared characteristics. or civilians. Some examiners are independent contractors
They are responsible for preparing a detailed report of or employees of private forensic practices that offer ques-
their findings and conclusions for each case and submitting tioned document examination services. Job openings usu-
the report to the proper authorities. If their case goes before ally become available as individuals retire, transfer to other
a court of law, Questioned Document Examiners may be jobs, or advance to higher positions. Employers will create
summoned to testify as expert witnesses about their findings additional positions, as long as funding is available.
and conclusions on the case. Opportunities are usually available for qualified Ques-
Questioned Document Examiners are assigned several tioned Document Examiners. One expert in the field reports
cases at a time. They are expected to manage, plan, and pri- that the demand is greater than the number of qualified
oritize assignments so that each of their cases is completed examiners that are available. However, many government
in a timely manner.
crime labs are unable to hire enough examiners because of
These examiners perform various other duties along with
lack of funding.
their casework. For example, they:

• prepare photographic exhibits and other visual aids for Advancement Prospects
court presentations or training purposes Questioned Document Examiners can advance in any num-
• conduct research on new methodologies and techniques in ber of ways, depending on their ambitions and interests.
the examination of questioned documents They can rise through the administrative and managerial
• prepare reports, correspondence, and other required ranks as technical leaders, unit supervisors, and managers,
paperwork which may mean transferring to other employers. Individu-
• keep records on their casework up-to-date als with entrepreneurial ambitions can become independent
• maintain lab equipment, instruments, and work areas practitioners or owners of forensic firms that offer consult-
• assist in the development and implementation of quality ing or technical services. These examiners can also pursue
assurance activities opportunities as trainers or instructors and researchers in
• train subordinate staff members higher education institutions. To advance to higher positions
• provide or assist in the instruction of law enforcement or to obtain teaching jobs, these examiners may be required
officers in the proper methods for seeking, collecting, and to possess a master’s or doctoral degree along with profes-
processing document evidence sional certification.
• stay current with new technologies, issues, and develop-
Law enforcement officers have additional advancement
ments in their field as well as keep abreast of changing
opportunities. They can rise through the ranks as well as
laws and rules pertaining to the collection, preservation,
pursue administrative and management positions within
and submission of evidence
their agency.
They are also expected to observe safety rules as they
use forensic tools in the preparation, storage, and disposal Education and Training
of chemicals. Educational requirements vary with the different employers.
Questioned Document Examiners mostly work in crime Increasingly more employers are requiring that applicants
labs. Occasionally they are called out to crime scenes to hold a bachelor’s degree in a physical or natural science dis-
help locate and gather evidence, or to supervise in the col- cipline, forensic science, criminal justice, or another related
lection of evidence. They work a 40-hour schedule but put field. Some agencies require only a high school or general
in additional hours as needed to complete their duties or to equivalency diploma, as long as candidates have qualifying
meet deadlines. Some of them are on-call 24 hours a day. work experience.
Entry-level examiners undergo a two- to three-year
Salaries apprenticeship. They work under the direction and guid-
Salaries for Questioned Document Examiners vary, depend- ance of experienced Questioned Document Examiners in
ing on such factors as their education, experience, employer, a government crime lab or in a private practice. They also
and geographic location. According to the May 2006 Occu- participate in formal classroom instruction.
pational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau Throughout their careers, Questioned Document Exam-
of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual salary for most iners enroll in continuing education programs and train-
forensic science technicians, including these examiners, ing programs to increase their knowledge and update their
ranged between $27,530 and $73,100. skills.
72        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Special Requirements are available locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and

In agencies in which Questioned Document Examiners are worldwide. Some national societies that serve their inter-
law enforcement officers, they must possess a basic peace ests include the American Society of Questioned Document
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies Examiners, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences,
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition the International Association for Identification, and the
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- American College of Forensic Examiners. For contact infor-
gram to obtain the certificate. mation, see Appendix III.
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete Some examiners belong to a labor union that represents
annual training to maintain their certification. them in negotiations with employers for better contractual
terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions. In addition,
the union handles any grievances that members may have
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits against their employers.
Requirements for entry-level applicants vary with the dif-
ferent employers. Many employers prefer to hire candidates
who have one or more years of work experience in a crime Tips for Entry
scene unit, crime lab, or another related setting. They may 1. If you are in high school, begin learning about the
have gained their experience through internships, research forensic document examination field. Read books and
assistantships, or employment in analytical, crime, or scien- professional journals as well as visit relevant Web
tific research laboratories. Entry-level candidates should be sites.
able to demonstrate their knowledge about proper lab proce- 2. Become proficient in computers, photography, and
dures and handling of lab instruments and equipment. microscopy. These are all tools you will be using on
Questioned Document Examiners must have strong the job as a Questioned Document Examiner.
self-management skills, such as the ability to work inde- 3. Some professional associations offer student member-
pendently, handle stressful situations, prioritize multiple ships. Join one that interests you, and participate in its
tasks, and follow and understand instructions. Their job also activities to meet professionals in the field. Take the
opportunity to begin building a network of contacts
requires that they have effective interpersonal, teamwork,
for your future job hunt.
communication, writing, and presentation skills. Being
4. Before starting your job hunt, have an idea of what
observant, patient, organized, persistent, honest, and trust-
you are seeking. Ask yourself such questions as: What
worthy are some personality traits that Questioned Docu-
would be my ideal job? What jobs would I be willing
ment Examiners share.
to take? What jobs would I not want to take? What
jobs am I most qualified for now?
Unions and Associations 5. Use the Internet to learn more about the forensic ques-
Many Questioned Document Examiners join professional tioned document specialty. To get a list of relevant
associations to take advantage of networking opportunities, Web sites, enter either of these keywords into a search
continuing education, professional certification, and other engine: questioned documents or questioned docu-
professional resources and services. Professional societies ment examination. For some links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Identify, analyze, and interpret tiny particles of phys-

ical evidence; prepare reports of findings; provide expert Senior Trace Evidence Examiner
witness testimony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Trace Evidence Analyst, Criminalist,

Forensic Scientist
Trace Evidence Examiner
Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Trace Evidence Examiner Trainee

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in a physical
or natural science discipline, forensic science, or another
related field; on-the-job training
Experience—Previous lab experience usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Teamwork,
interpersonal, communication, writing, presentation, and
self-management skills; ethical, trustworthy, persistent,
and detail-oriented
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description ing devices, magnifiers, microscopes, and other specialized

Many crimes have been solved with the help of a forensic scientific instruments and equipment.
science principle known as Locard’s Exchange Principle, Like all criminalists, Trace Evidence Examiners are
which is attributed to Dr. Edmund Locard, a pioneer in expected to perform their casework accurately and cor-
forensic science. Dr. Locard theorized that whenever a rectly and to complete their work in a timely manner. They
person comes into contact with another person or a place, follow strict practices, procedures, and standards as well
materials are usually exchanged between contacts. Hence, as comply with laws and regulations pertaining to the han-
when crime scene investigators collect evidence, they dling and processing of evidence. They make sure that they
look for hair, fibers, gunshot residue, soil, pollen, glass maintain the chain of custody on every item of evidence that
fragments, paint specks, drugs, metal flecks, and other they handle to ensure that it has not been tampered with or
trace evidence that may have been left by the perpetra- contaminated. If the chain of custody has been violated on
tors. These very small, and sometimes microscopic, items any article of physical evidence, it may not be admitted as
of evidence are sent to the crime lab where Trace Evi- testimony in a court of law.
dence Examiners perform complex chemical and physical Trace Evidence Examiners are responsible for document-
analyses and microscopic examinations. Their findings ing every step they take when examining physical evidence.
may contribute to the arrest and conviction of criminal First they inspect an item of trace evidence and describe
suspects. what it is, how much it weighs, how it looks, and so on.
These criminalists apply scientific principles and meth- They may sketch, photograph, or take a video of the evi-
odologies to the examination and analysis of trace evidence. dence. Next, they determine which tests to conduct and how
Their work involves the use of computers as well as measur- many should be performed. They use various methods and
74        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

techniques to identify and analyze the composition or con- travel away from their labs to assist with criminal investiga-
tents and the origins of trace evidence. tions and legal proceedings.
Their work involves comparing the various properties
of an unknown item (trace evidence) with known ones to Salaries
identify a common source. For example, investigators might
Salaries for Trace Evidence Examiners vary, depending
submit fibers found at a crime scene along with an item of
on such factors as their education, experience, position,
clothing that belongs to a suspect. Trace Evidence Examin-
employer, and geographic location. According to the May
ers would compare the unknown fibers with fibers taken
2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
from the clothing to determine if there is a match.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual
These forensic specialists evaluate the results of their
salary for most forensic science technicians ranged between
tests and prepare a formal report of their findings and con-
$27,530 and $73,100.
clusions. Their reports are read by law enforcement officers
and attorneys, and may be submitted as testimony to the
courts. They must be able to describe technical terms in lan- Employment Prospects
guage that is clearly understood by lay people. Trace Evidence Examiners are employed in public and pri-
Trace Evidence Examiners may be called upon to testify vate forensic laboratories. There are almost 400 government
as expert witnesses at court trials. They provide impartial crime labs, which are part of law enforcement agencies,
and unbiased testimony on issues related to their laboratory prosecuting attorneys’ offices, medical examiners’ offices,
analyses. and other government agencies. In local and state labs,
Besides their casework, these examiners are responsible these forensic specialists may be civilian employees or law
for other duties which vary, depending on their expertise enforcement officers.
and skills. For example, they might: In general, job openings become available as individu-
als retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher posi-
• provide training to law enforcement officers in the collec- tions. Job growth in the forensic science field is predicted to
tion and processing of trace evidence increase by 27 percent or more through 2014, according to
• conduct research in the development of new methods and the BLS. However, the competition for jobs is strong, and
techniques of laboratory analyses public laboratories are often unable to hire sufficient levels
• assist in the development and implementation of quality of staffing due to lack of funding.
assurance activities and programs
• maintain lab areas, equipment, and instruments, accord- Advancement Prospects
ing to established standards of cleanliness, safety, and
Individuals with managerial ambitions can pursue supervi-
sory and management positions. Opportunities are limited;
• supervise and train entry-level examiners, technicians,
thus, they may need to seek positions with other employers
and other subordinate staff members
to advance.
• attend workshops, seminars, and courses to maintain pro-
Law enforcement officers have more advancement
ficiency certifications
options than civilians. They can rise through the ranks as
• keep up with current laws of evidence, criminal proce-
detectives, sergeants, and so on, up to police chiefs. They
dures, and crime as well as new technologies, techniques,
also can pursue administrative and management positions
and developments in their forensic specialty
within their agency.
Trace Evidence Examiners are sometimes called out to
assist at crime scenes. They may assist or supervise in the Education and Training
collection and processing of trace evidence. In some labo- Minimally, entry-level applicants need at least a bachelor’s
ratories, they are cross-trained to perform examinations on degree in chemistry, biology, forensic science, or another
other types of physical evidence such as latent prints, fire- related field. Some employers prefer candidates who pos-
arms, bloodstains, and tire and track impressions. sess a master’s degree.
These specialists mostly work indoors in clean, well-lit, Entry-level Trace Evidence Examiners usually undergo a
and ventilated laboratories. They are exposed to chemi- long training period that includes formal classroom instruc-
cals, odors, fumes, and disease; hence, they wear protective tion and on-the-job training. The training phase may last up
equipment. to two years in some crime labs.
Trace Evidence Examiners work 40 hours per week but Trace Evidence Examiners enroll in continuing education
put in additional hours to complete tasks and meet deadlines. programs and training programs throughout their careers to
They are on call 24 hours a day. They may be expected to update their skills and increase their knowledge.

Special Requirements fessional certification, professional publications, and other

In crime labs in which Trace Evidence Examiners are law professional resources and services. Some national societ-
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace ies that serve the interests of criminalists in general are
officer standards and training certificate. These agencies the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the American
may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition College of Forensic Examiners, and International Associa-
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro- tion for Identification. For contact information, see Appen-
gram to obtain the certificate. dix III.
Law enforcement officers must successfully complete Some Trace Evidence Examiners belong to a labor union
annual training to maintain their certification. that represents them in negotiations with employers for bet-
ter contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working condi-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits tions. In addition, the union handles any grievances that
members may have against their employers.
Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the differ-
ent employers. Employers usually prefer to hire candidates
who have one or more years of experience working in a Tips for Entry
forensic laboratory. They should also have experience testi- 1. Some crime labs accept an equivalent combination of
fying as expert witnesses. experience, training, and education that provides the
Trace Evidence Examiners need excellent teamwork, required knowledge, skills, and abilities for a posi-
interpersonal, and communication skills, as they must be tion.
able to work well with colleagues, managers, law enforce- 2. You might enhance your employability by obtaining
ment officers, and others from diverse backgrounds. Their professional certification from the American Board of
job also requires that they have effective writing, presenta- Criminalistics. For more information, see Appendix II.
tion, and self-management skills. Being ethical, trustworthy, 3. Many professional associations post job announce-
persistent, and detail-oriented are some personality traits ments at their Web sites.
that successful Trace Evidence Examiners share. 4. Use the Internet to learn more about trace evidence
examination. To find relevant Web sites, enter the key-
Unions and Associations words trace evidence examination or trace evidence
Trace Evidence Examiners may join professional associa- analysis into a search engine. For some links, see
tions to take advantage of networking opportunities, pro- Appendix IV.
78        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Investigate the cause and manner of unexplained

deaths; issue death certificates; perform other duties as Coroner (Multiple-term Official)

Alternate Title(s): Sheriff-Coroner

Salary Range: $28,000 to $80,000 Coroner

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Deputy Coroner, Physician,
Prerequisites: Law Enforcement Officer, or
Education or Training—Educational requirements vary Other Profession
Experience—Medicolegal death investigation, law
enforcement, or medical background usually preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
communication, leadership, teamwork, public-relations,
management, investigative, and writing skills; patient,
open-minded, creative, compassionate, persistent, ethi-
cal, and goal-oriented
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description executive body. In some jurisdictions, the sheriff performs

There are times when people die that it is unclear as to the the role of Coroner.
circumstances or causes of their deaths. By law, such deaths Coroners have some background in biology, particularly
must be investigated, and in many local jurisdictions in the in how human organisms function at the cellular level and
United States, the coroner’s office has that authority. how their tissues interact among themselves and with their
Coroners are entrusted with serving and protecting environment. They understand basic principles of chemistry
their communities by investigating the cause and man- including how chemicals interact with human organisms.
ner of unexplained deaths, which may be the result of a Their knowledge of medicine includes the methods of diag-
variety of circumstances including violent crimes, sui- nosing and treating disease and injuries. They also possess
cides, or accidents. Coroners also investigate deaths that an understanding of business and management practices,
occurred in police custody or within a correctional facil- including how to provide leadership to others and plan
ity. They investigate any natural death that transpired and coordinate productive activities. Additionally, Coroners
without an attending doctor outside of a medical facility, are knowledgeable about laws, agency regulations, and the
or if the deceased died under suspicious or unusual cir- political process.
cumstances. Coroners look into any death that occurred The coroner’s office is responsible for conducting medi-
within 24 hours of a patient entering a hospital, or that colegal death scene investigations. Depending on their
took place during surgery. Furthermore, they investigate jurisdiction, Coroners may perform these investigations or
deaths from a communicable disease that may threaten the oversee the work of death investigators, also known as cor-
public health. oner’s investigators or deputy coroners. The coroner’s office
Coroners are public officials who may be elected by the is responsible for performing certain tasks at every death
voters in their jurisdiction or appointed by a local or state scene, including:

• performing a close examination of the body to find evi- recruiting, selection, hiring, and firing of employees, and
dence of trauma, the presence of identifying marks, scars, they conduct job performance evaluations on their staffs.
or tattoos, and to determine if further examination by a As public officials, Coroners are expected to build part-
pathologist is needed nerships between their offices and law enforcement agencies,
• observing and documenting the position and condition of physicians, government agencies, community organizations,
the corpse as well as the environmental conditions sur- other public officials, the general public, and others. Coro-
rounding it ners also provide general information about their work to
• making sure that evidence found on the body is properly courts, government agencies, educational institutions, and
collected community groups.
• interviewing death scene witnesses, family members, Coroners perform a highly stressful job. They always
physicians, and others to attain information that will help have a large workload. They are on call 24 hours every
determine the cause of death day and need to continuously draw on their ability to com-
• establishing the identities of deceased persons municate with people from all walks of life, their skill at
• providing an estimate of the time of the death managing difficult and unpleasant tasks, their adeptness at
• collecting and preserving personal effects of the deceased, handling public relations, and their knowledge of legal and
particularly those things pertinent to the death such as sui- law enforcement issues.
cide notes or medicines
• taking custody of the body Salaries
• making arrangements to transport the corpse to a funeral Salaries for Coroners vary from county to county. In some
parlor, morgue, or other approved facility counties, Coroners do not receive a salary, but are paid a
fee each time they provide their services. Specific salary
Some jurisdictions require Coroners to be medical doc- information for Coroners is unavailable. Their earnings are
tors, and hence they have the responsibility to perform similar to those of compliance officers. According to the
postmortem examinations, including autopsies. In other May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by
jurisdictions, Coroners hire, or contract, medical doctors or the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual
forensic pathologists to conduct postmortem examinations. salary for most compliance officers ranged between $27,860
However, it is the legal obligation of Coroners to provide and $80,380. (This category of compliance officers does not
the official cause and manner of death in all investigations. include those who work in agriculture, construction, health
Once bodies have been identified, the coroner’s office is and safety, and transportation.)
responsible for notifying the next of kin. This is a difficult
and often emotionally trying task. If family members live in
Employment Prospects
another jurisdiction, Coroners must notify the appropriate
In the United States, 29 states (as of 2006) have coroner
personnel in that area. At the end of death investigations,
or coroner-sheriff systems in some or all of their counties.
Coroners issue death certificates. This is one of their most
American Samoa, a U.S. territory, also uses a coroner system.
important functions, as these documents are used to settle In sheriff-coroner systems, the sheriff performs the role of
civil, criminal, and insurance disputes. On occasion, Coro- Coroner.
ners are requested to testify at trials, hearings, or inquests. Opportunities become available in a county when the
As executive officers, Coroners perform various admin- Coroner’s term of office is up, which is usually every four
istrative and managerial duties. For example, they handle years. For elected positions, any individual who meets the
budgetary and financial tasks, conduct staff meetings, prepare necessary qualifications can run for office. Individuals may
reports and required forms, and maintain records and files of need to spend a lot of time and money for their campaigns
cases, reports, death certificates, and other important docu- to convince voters in their counties to elect them.
ments. They also develop and implement policies, procedures,
and standards, and make sure that administrative and techni-
Advancement Prospects
cal operations are in compliance with appropriate laws, rules,
Coroners are usually appointed or elected for a term of four
regulations, and codes. Further, Coroners are responsible for
years. They may be reappointed or they may choose to run
ensuring the quality, consistency, and accuracy of death inves-
for another term of office. In general, Coroners measure
tigations, postmortem examinations, and autopsies.
advancement through job satisfaction, the fulfillment of giv-
As leaders, Coroners provide supervision and direction
ing back to their community, and professional recognition.
to their staffs, which may include death investigators, foren-
sic pathologists, lab technicians and assistants, and cleri-
cal personnel, among others. Coroners are also responsible Education and Training
for providing their various staff members with appropriate There are no standard educational qualifications that an
training and mentoring. In addition, they are involved in the individual must meet to become a Coroner. Many Coroners
80        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

have a college degree or some college training in fields of Being patient, open-minded, creative, compassionate, per-
their interest. Some possess a doctor of medicine (M.D.) or sistent, ethical, and goal-oriented are some personality traits
doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) degree. that successful Coroners share.
As elected officials or appointees, Coroners learn their
duties on the job. Many enroll in courses, workshops, and
Unions and Associations
seminars to develop skills and knowledge in medicolegal
death investigations. Coroners can join professional associations to take advan-
tage of professional resources and services such as continu-
ing education and networking opportunities. One national
Special Requirements society that serves their interests is the International Asso-
In sheriff-coroner systems, Coroners must possess a basic ciation of Coroners and Medical Examiners. For contact
peace officer standards and training certificate. They must
information, see Appendix III.
successfully complete annual training to maintain their cer-
Tips for Entry
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 1. As a high school or college student, obtain an intern-
Requirements to become a Coroner vary from county to ship or volunteer in a coroner’s office (or medical
county. For example, some counties require that Coroners examiner’s office) to get an idea if that type of work
be physicians, while others have no requirements other than fits you.
Coroners must be U.S. citizens and be at least a certain age. 2. Take advantage of opportunities that allow you to
In general, most Coroners, whether elected or appointed, develop and improve your leadership and project
have a background in law enforcement, medicine, medicole- management skills.
gal death investigation, or another related field. 3. Age, residency, and other qualifications that individu-
Coroners need excellent interpersonal and communica- als need to run for the coroner’s office vary from
tion skills, as they must be able to work well with staff, county to county. To obtain information, contact your
law enforcement agencies, physicians, government officials, county elections office or county clerk.
the media, family members, the public, and others from 4. Use the Internet to learn more about Coroners and
diverse backgrounds. In addition, Coroners must have effec- what they do. To find relevant Web sites to visit, enter
tive leadership, teamwork, public relations, management, any of these keywords in a search engine: coroner or
investigative, and writing skills to perform well at their job. coroner’s office. For some links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Investigate sudden, suspicious, or violent deaths;

determine the cause and manner of death; may perform Chief Medical Examiner
autopsies; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Pathologist; Assistant Medical

Examiner, Associate Medical Examiner, Deputy Medical
Examiner, Chief Medical Examiner Associate Medical Examiner

Salary Range: $45,000 to $146,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Assistant Medical Examiner or
Advancement Prospects: Fair Forensic Pathologist
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree, medical
degree, residency training; pathology training may be
Experience—Practice in medicine; pathology practice
may be required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Leadership,
teamwork, interpersonal, communication, writing, cus-
tomer-service, and self-management skills; enterprising,
flexible, organized, analytical, detail-oriented, ethical,
and respectful
Special Requirements—Be a licensed physician; board
certification in pathology may be required

Position Description disease that has the potential to become a health threat to
When violent, sudden, or unexpected deaths have occurred, the general public. Furthermore, they are required by law to
these deaths must be investigated according to law. In many examine the deaths of individuals who are in police custody
counties and states, the authority to conduct medicolegal or in jail, prison, or another correctional facility.
death investigations belongs to Medical Examiners. Their Medical Examiners are physicians, and many of them
job is to determine the cause of death as well as the manner are trained pathologists. They follow certain procedures
by which the death occurred. This involves performing post- and protocols for performing postmortem examinations,
mortem examinations to establish if a person had died from which involve external or internal examinations of the dead
disease, injury, or poison; if a person had died naturally; or body. They are also knowledgeable about forensic prin-
if the death was due to an accident, suicide, or homicide. ciples, practices, procedures, and techniques for handling,
Medical Examiners are more commonly known for inves- examining, and identifying physical evidence that pertains
tigating deaths due to criminal circumstances but they also to criminal investigations.
probe into deaths that resulted from accidents and suicides. Usually, with cases in which the cause of death is unclear,
In addition, they examine natural deaths of persons who an autopsy is performed. This is a medical procedure that
were not under a physician’s care or who died under suspi- involves an internal examination of the whole body. Medi-
cious or unusual circumstances. Medical Examiners also cal Examiners inspect the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines,
investigate cases of persons who died of a communicable and other internal organs for signs of injury or natural dis-
82        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

ease processes. They analyze the different tissues and fluids tions, coroners are usually elected by the voters in their
as well. They may send samples of tissues, blood, or bodily jurisdiction for a term of office. Coroners are not typically
fluids to other laboratories or testing agencies for consulta- physicians. In a coroner’s office, autopsies are performed
tion. For example, if Medical Examiners suspect a person by forensic pathologists who may be part of the coroner’s
died from a drug overdose, they would send blood or tis- staff. Some coroners contract with forensic pathologists or a
sue samples to a toxicology lab to determine the type and medical examiner’s office in another jurisdiction to provide
amount of drug that the deceased had consumed. medical expertise and perform autopsies as needed.
Medical Examiners also review reports to help them Medical Examiners work for county medical examiners’
establish the cause and manner of deaths. They look at med- offices or within state medical examiner systems. In a state
ical records, and in crime-related cases, they study criminal system, Medical Examiners may be assigned to provide ser-
investigation and crime lab reports. vices to some or all counties within their state.
Upon completion of their postmortem examinations, they Medical Examiners work 40 hours per week but put in
prepare and present written and verbal medical reports of additional hours as needed to complete their duties or to
their findings. They are also responsible for signing and deal with emergency situations. They are on call 24 hours
issuing official death certificates. Medical Examiners are a day. In large offices, they may be rotated on an on-call
expected to complete their examinations in a timely man- schedule. In statewide medical examiners’ systems, Medical
ner. They are usually able to release deceased bodies to their Examiners may be required to travel to different locations.
family members after one or two days. Autopsy reports are
oftentimes available several days or weeks later, as Medical
Examiners must wait for reports from laboratories, crime
labs, and criminal investigators to complete their analyses Salaries for Medical Examiners vary, depending on such
and evaluations. factors as their experience, position, employer, and geo-
Medical Examiners may be requested to testify in courts graphic location. Salary information for this occupation
as expert witnesses. In either civil or criminal trials, they is unavailable. An informal survey of job listings on the
provide testimony about their findings on postmortem exam- Internet showed salaries as high as $200,000 and more
inations they have conducted. They might also be asked to for experienced Medical Examiners. According to the May
provide expert testimony on the procedures and techniques 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
that are used to perform autopsies and external postmortem U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual salary
examinations. for most physicians (not listed by specialty) ranged between
Medical Examiners also perform other duties, depending $45,160 and $145,600.
on their position, expertise, and skill level. For example,
they may be assigned to: Employment Prospects
In the United States, death investigations are conducted by
• provide counsel to family members of the deceased either a medical examiner’s office or a coroner’s office. In
regarding the cause and manner of the person’s death 2006, medical examiner systems were employed in 40 states.
• review forensic work of subordinates for quality, accu- Some states have only medical examiner systems, while oth-
racy, and consistency ers have a mix of medical examiner and coroner systems.
• provide data and statistical information to news media, Medical Examiners work in county or district medical exam-
community agencies, social agencies, the general public, iners’ offices or in state medical examiner systems.
and others Job opportunities usually become available as Medical
• conduct research to develop new or improved procedures Examiners retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher
and techniques for performing death investigations positions. Employers may create additional positions, as
• perform administrative duties such as preparing budgets; long as funding is available.
developing office policies and operational procedures; and
maintaining accurate and complete investigative records
and reports Advancement Prospects
• supervise and train subordinate staff members Medical Examiners who have administrative and manage-
rial ambitions can pursue such positions. However, they
Some medical examiner’s offices are associated with uni- may need to transfer to other employers to obtain higher
versity hospitals; thus, they may be responsible for teaching positions.
residents and medical students. Many Medical Examiners measure their success through
Medical Examiners are sometimes confused with coro- job satisfaction, higher incomes, and professional recogni-
ners, who perform a similar role in other local jurisdictions. tion. They may seek positions in other medical examiners’
Whereas Medical Examiners are appointed to their posi- offices or systems to perform more challenging cases.

Some Medical Examiners enter the private sector by excellent self-management skills, including the ability to
becoming consultants as forensic pathologists. handle stressful situations, work independently, follow and
understand instructions, and prioritize multiple tasks.
Education and Training Some personality traits that successful Medical Examin-
Medical Examiners must possess either a doctor of medi- ers share include being enterprising, flexible, organized,
cine (M.D.) or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) degree. They analytical, detail-oriented, ethical, and respectful.
must complete many years of study to obtain either degree.
First, an individual must complete a bachelor’s degree pro- Unions and Associations
gram in any field, which usually takes four or five years. Many Medical Examiners belong to professional associations
This is followed by four years of medical school, and then to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
another three to eight years of graduate medical education education, professional certification, and other professional
(or residency), depending on the medical specialty an indi- resources and services. Professional societies are available
vidual has selected to enter.
locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
Many Medical Examiners specialize in pathology, for
Some national societies that serve the interests of these
which they are required to complete three years of training
medicolegal professionals include the National Association
in anatomic pathology or five years of training in both ana-
of Medical Examiners, the International Association of Cor-
tomic and clinical pathology. Individuals complete an addi-
tional year of training in forensic pathology, if they wish to oners and Medical Examiners, and the American Academy
concentrate in that field. of Forensic Sciences. Many physicians also join medical
Throughout their careers, Medical Examiners enroll in societies such as the American Medical Association, the
continuing education programs and training programs to College of American Pathology, or the American Society for
update their skills and to keep up with advancements in their Clinical Pathology. For contact information for these orga-
field. nizations, see Appendix III.

Special Requirements Tips for Entry

Medical Examiners must be medically licensed physicians 1. As a college student, obtain an internship, a volun-
in the state (or territory or District of Columbia) where they teer position, or a job in a medical examiner’s office
practice. Employers may also require that Medical Examin- to get an idea if you would like to work in that type
ers be board-certified by the American Board of Pathology of setting.
in anatomic pathology or anatomic/clinical pathology, as 2. To enhance your employability, enroll in basic courses
well as in forensic pathology. in death investigation that are offered by higher edu-
cation institutions, professional associations, or other
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits organizations.
Work qualifications vary from employer to employer. In 3. Check the job listings at Web sites of different forensic
general, applicants must have experience in the practice of societies, such as the National Association of Medical
medicine. They must also be knowledgeable about forensic Examiners, the American Academy of Forensic Sci-
pathology methods and techniques, standard autopsy room ences, and the American Society of Crime Laboratory
protocols, and rules and laws relating to the collection of Directors. (See Appendix III for Web site addresses.)
forensic evidence. 4. Use the Internet to learn more about Medical Exam-
To perform their job effectively, Medical Examiners need iners. You might start by visiting the National Asso-
strong leadership, teamwork, interpersonal, communication, ciation of Medical Examiners Web site at http://www.
writing, and customer-service skills. They must also have For more links, see Appendix IV.
84        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Conduct medicolegal death investigations; examine

corpses at death scenes; collect pertinent information; Senior Medicolegal Death Investigator
prepare reports; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Death Investigator, Forensic Investiga-

tor, Deputy Coroner, Coroner’s Investigator
Medicolegal Death Investigator
Salary Range: $28,000 to $73,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor for civilian employees Medicolegal Death Investigator

Education or Training—High school diploma; on-the-
job training
Experience—Previous experience in medicolegal death
investigations, law enforcement, medical, or another
related field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interviewing,
writing, problem-solving, teamwork, self-management,
interpersonal, and communication skills; tactful, respect-
ful, articulate, observant, dedicated, trustworthy, and
Special Requirements—Driver’s license; peace officer
certificate may be required

Position Description medical terminology, biology, chemistry, physiology, phar-

In every locality in the United States, a coroner’s office or macology, and anatomy. They also have expertise in such
medical examiner’s office has the authority to conduct inves- areas as their agency’s procedures, investigative techniques,
tigations into violent, sudden, or unexpected deaths that have counseling, and information management. Additionally,
occurred within its jurisdiction. These offices are responsible these professionals are knowledgeable about how bod-
for identifying the deceased and deciding the official cause and ies change after death, how to diagnose a body’s outward
manner of death. In many of these offices, Medicolegal Death appearance for evidence of disease, and how to prevent the
Investigators are employed to look into death that occurs in spread of infection or contagious diseases.
such situations as criminal violence, suspicious circumstances, Medicolegal Death Investigators proceed through a series
accidents, suicides, in police custody, in a correctional facility, of approved steps to carry out their investigations. It is their
or when a physician did not attend to a decedent. duty to document a decedent’s social, mental health, and
In coroners’ offices, Medicolegal Death Investigators medical histories as well as sum up how the body was dis-
may go by such job titles as coroner’s investigator or deputy covered and what transpired prior to the death.
coroner. In some states or counties, deputy sheriffs perform When a death is reported to a coroner’s or medical
the role of coroner’s investigator on a part-time or full-time examiner’s office, investigators immediately go to the death
basis. scene. They closely examine the body to find evidence of
Medicolegal Death Investigators generally have a back- trauma and determine if further examination by a forensic
ground in criminal justice and the sciences­, including pathologist is needed. They take note of changes in the

body, such as rigor mortis, lividity, decomposition, or the police assistance and inform the family about how to obtain
presence of insects. They also take fingerprints, check photo or purchase death certificates and other relevant reports.
identification, and look for identifying marks (such as scars These death investigators work indoors and outdoors in a
or tattoos) to establish the decedent’s identity. variety of physical environments. They are continuously in
These investigators interview witnesses at the death scene the presence of death and disease in disagreeable surround-
regarding their relationship to the decedent and their account ings and are exposed to hazardous materials, fumes, odors, or
of how the death occurred. They also obtain information other undesirable conditions. Investigators are required to be
about the decedent’s health such as past medical history, on their feet several hours each day. They stand, walk, crawl,
current medical status, treatments, and suicide attempts. bend, and stoop as well as regularly lift corpses and other
In addition, they study the environmental conditions and objects that may weigh as much as 200 pounds or more.
objects surrounding the deceased. Coroners’ and medical examiners’ offices operate around
Medicolegal Death Investigators photograph the overall the clock every day, including holidays and weekends. Some
scene as well as the body, and make notes about whether it investigators work on rotating shifts. Most, if not all, must
or any other evidence has been moved. They write notes and be available on standby basis 24 hours a day.
draw diagrams to describe the precise location of the body
within the scene and how it is positioned in relation to other Salaries
evidence. They ensure that evidence found on the body, Salaries for Medicolegal Death Investigators vary, depend-
such as gunshot residue, drugs, weapons, and trace evi- ing on such factors as their education, experience, employer,
dence, is properly collected. They also gather and safeguard and geographic location. Formal salary information for this
the decedent’s possessions. occupation is unavailable. Their wages are generally similar
Medicolegal Death Investigators work with other investi- to those of forensic science technicians. According to the
gators (such as crime scene technicians or criminal investi- May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by
gators) who are at the death scene. Together they review or the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual
establish safety protocols by removing all sources of poten- salary for most forensic science technicians ranged between
tial contamination and ensure the well-being of the inves- $27,530 and $73,100.
tigative personnel. The various investigators also exchange
information such as preliminary witness information and
each agency’s tasks and responsibilities. Employment Prospects
Medicolegal Death Investigators arrange for the body to Medical examiners’ offices and coroners’ offices employ
be transported from the death scene. It may be taken to a Medicolegal Death Investigators on a full-time or part-time
funeral director or to a morgue or other authorized receiving basis. Some coroners’ offices are part of sheriff-coroner
facility for further postmortem examination. These inves- systems in which deputy sheriffs are also the death inves-
tigators conclude their scene investigation with a “walk- tigators within their counties. Depending on the size of
through” to ensure that all the evidence has been collected the jurisdiction, the sheriff’s office may have a special unit
and equipment has been recovered. dedicated to handling coroner’s cases.
Medicolegal Death Investigators may need to perform Opportunities generally become available as Medico-
follow-up activities to complete their investigations. For legal Death Investigators transfer to other jobs, advance to
example, they might obtain medical and dental records and higher positions, or leave the workforce for various reasons.
Employers will create additional positions to meet growing
interview family members, friends, or physicians. In cases
needs, as long as funding is available.
of unidentified bodies, these investigators might circulate
Job competition is strong. There are usually more appli-
photos and descriptions to the news media, neighborhood
cants than jobs, according to one expert in the field.
organizations, and community agencies. Upon completing
their cases, Medicolegal Death Investigators prepare and
submit clear and concise reports and other required forms Advancement Prospects
that describe their findings. These investigators sometimes Medicolegal Death Investigators advance in salary and
testify as expert witnesses in the courts regarding their cases rank according to their job performance. They also receive
or about the procedures and techniques they perform in greater responsibilities and more complex assignments as
medicolegal death investigations. they gain experience. Promotions are limited to lead and
Medicolegal Death Investigators are in frequent contact supervisory positions.
with grieving family members or friends of the deceased. It In sheriff-coroner systems, investigators advance through
is their job to locate and notify the deceased’s next of kin. the sheriff’s ranks and pay schedule. Deputy sheriffs can
They inform the family of what needs to transpire, such as develop a career according to their interests and ambitions.
an autopsy or toxicology examination. They also provide They can seek positions in other special law enforcement
information and resources such as counseling services or details that interest them, such as their agency’s bomb squad,
86        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

SWAT team, or K9 unit. In addition, they can pursue super- cal technicians, emergency medical technicians, physician
visory and managerial positions. assistants, and medical record clerks.
To perform well at their job, Medicolegal Death Investiga-
tors must have excellent interviewing, writing, problem-solv-
Education and Training
ing, teamwork, and self-management skills. They also need
Minimally, applicants for civilian entry-level positions must
effective interpersonal and communication skills, as they
possess a high school or general equivalency diploma. Some must be able to deal with colleagues, witnesses, family mem-
employers prefer to hire candidates who possess an associ- bers, law enforcement officers, and many others from diverse
ate or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, health, physical backgrounds. Being tactful, respectful, articulate, observant,
science, nursing, or another related field. dedicated, trustworthy, and honest are some personality traits
To become a sheriff’s deputy, applicants may need to that successful Medicolegal Death Investigators share.
have completed some college work or have earned an asso-
ciate or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or another
related field, depending on the agency’s requirements. Unions and Associations
Entry-level death investigators receive on-the-job training Medicolegal Death Investigators might join professional
and instruction in such areas as investigating deaths; identi- associations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
fying decedents; securing information from governmental continuing education, and other professional resources and
agencies, physicians, and others; and notifying family mem- services. The American Board of Medicolegal Death Inves-
bers. Novice investigators work under the supervision and tigators and the National Association of Medical Examiners
direction of experienced Medicolegal Death Investigators. are two national societies that serve this profession. For
Throughout their careers, Medicolegal Death Investiga- contact information, see Appendix III.
tors enroll in courses, workshops, and seminars to update
their skills and increase their knowledge. Tips for Entry
1. To prepare for a career in medicolegal death investi-
Special Requirements gations, one expert in the field suggests that students
Employers require that Medicolegal Death Investigators take courses in biology, chemistry, forensic science,
possess a valid driver’s license. and criminal justice.
In coroner-sheriff systems, Medicolegal Death Investiga- 2. Gain practical experience by participating in a reserve
tors must possess a basic peace officer standards and train- investigator program, if one is available in your area.
ing certificate. These agencies may hire candidates without Reserves are volunteers that an agency trains to assist
a certificate on the condition they complete the necessary staff in conducting medicolegal death investigations.
law enforcement academy program to obtain the certificate. 3. The more willing and flexible you are about relocat-
ing to other parts of the country, the greater chances
you have of obtaining a job.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 4. To enhance their employability, some Medicolegal
Job qualifications for entry-level positions vary among Death Investigators obtain professional certification
employers. In general, applicants must have one or more that is granted by the American Board of Medicolegal
years of full-time experience working in medicolegal death Death Investigators. For contact information about
investigation, law enforcement, forensic science, mortuary this certification program, see Appendix II.
science, or another related field. Some death investigators 5. Use the Internet to learn more about medicolegal death
work their way up through the ranks as morgue attendants, investigations. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites,
forensic pathology technicians, and similar positions within enter any of these keywords into a search engine:
a coroner’s office or medical examiner’s office. Many Med- medicolegal death investigations, deputy coroners,
icolegal Death Investigators are former law enforcement or medical examiner’s death investigators. For some
officers, criminal investigators, registered nurses, surgi- links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Perform autopsies to determine the cause and man-

ner of death in medicolegal death investigations; prepare Senior Forensic Pathologist
reports of findings; provide expert witness testimony; (or Associate Medical Examiner)
perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Medical Examiner

Salary Range: $45,000 to $146,000+ Forensic Pathologist

(or Assistant Medical Examiner)
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Prerequisites: Resident in Forensic Pathology

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree; medical
degree; residency training
Experience—Experience performing medicolegal death
investigations and autopsies
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
teamwork, communication, customer-service, writing,
analytical, organizational, and self-management skills;
detail-oriented, ethical, respectful, honest, energetic,
cooperative, and flexible
Special Requirements—Be a licensed physician; board
certification in pathology may be required

Position Description rally but was unattended by a physician, or if the deceased

Throughout the United States, coroners’ offices and medi- died under suspicious or unusual circumstances. In addi-
cal examiners’ offices are required by law to investigate the tion, Forensic Pathologists examine deaths that occurred in
cause and manner of sudden, unexpected, or violent deaths police custody or in correctional facilities; deaths that took
that have occurred within their jurisdictions. With some place within 24 hours of patients’ entering a hospital, or
death cases, professional men and women known as Forensic deaths during surgery; and deaths from a communicable
Pathologists perform autopsies (internal postmortem exami- disease that may threaten the public health.
nations) to learn the reasons why people died. Their first investigative step is to obtain an account of
Forensic Pathologists are licensed medical or osteopathic how a death occurred and a record of the deceased’s medical
doctors. Forensic pathology is a subspecialty of pathology, a history. Forensic Pathologists may need to visit the death
branch of medicine that closely examines tissues, cells, and scene to gather some of this information. At a death scene,
fluids to diagnose disease and the causes of death. Forensic Forensic Pathologists conduct a brief preliminary exami-
Pathologists also possess basic working knowledge about nation of the body before it is moved. They also look for
toxicology, forensic serology, forensic anthropology, DNA evidence such as bullets, hair, fibers, fingernail clippings,
technology, and other forensic specialties such as wound blood, and bodily fluids, which they collect, document, and
ballistics and trace evidence analysis. forward to forensic specialists, such as trace evidence exam-
These medical specialists investigate deaths that may iners, for identification and analysis.
have occurred because of homicide or suicide or by accident. In the autopsy room, Forensic Pathologists then oversee
They also investigate cases in which the deceased died natu- and perform a thorough examination of the body. They first
88        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

closely inspect the exterior of the body and then cut open Salaries
the body to obtain samples of tissues from the internal Salaries for Forensic Pathologists vary, depending on such
organs, which they will examine later under microscopes. factors as their experience, position, employer, and geo-
They also take X-rays as well as extract bodily fluids and graphic location. Salary information for this occupation
tissue for toxicological and chemical analysis. is unavailable. An informal survey of job listings on the
Forensic Pathologists attempt to answer questions about Internet showed salaries as high as $200,000 and more for
the time of death, whether the manner of death fits one of experienced Forensic Pathologists. According to the May
the legal criteria, the cause of death, what type of instrument 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
may have been used if the death was the result of injury, and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual salary
whether the death occurred where the body was found or if for most physicians (not listed by specialty) ranged between
the body was moved after death. If the identity of a body $45,160 and $145,600.
is unknown, Forensic Pathologists obtain help from other
forensic specialists. For example, a forensic odontologist
may be able to determine an identity by investigating dental
Employment Prospects
records. Forensic Pathologists work for local and state medical exam-
Forensic Pathologists evaluate the autopsy and lab results iners’ offices and coroners’ offices throughout the United
with the case history and draw a conclusion as to the cause States. Some are employed by medical schools, military
and manner of death. Then they write a report that summa- services, and the federal government. Some are hired by
rizes their findings and conclusions. Forensic Pathologists hospitals and private firms that perform forensic autopsies
might meet with the family of the deceased to discuss the on a contractual basis.
circumstances and cause of death. On occasion, they may Job opportunities usually become available as Forensic
be required to present their findings as expert testimony in Pathologists retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to
the courts. higher positions. Employers may create additional posi-
Law enforcement agencies sometimes request Forensic tions, as long as funding is available.
Pathologists to examine living patients to determine the Opportunities are favorable for qualified Forensic Pathol-
cause and level of injuries due to abuse or sexual assault. ogists. According to the Wake Forest University Baptist
These medical specialists ascertain whether such injuries Medical Center (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) Forensic
correlate to known injury patterns resulting from either acci- Pathology Fellowship Program Web page, the number of
dents or deliberate acts of violence. physicians currently being trained in forensic pathology is
Forensic Pathologists are responsible for completing fewer than the number of Forensic Pathologists who retire
other tasks besides performing autopsies. For example they: each year.

• interpret medical or investigative records and reports Advancement Prospects

• confer with law enforcement personnel and attorneys As Forensic Pathologists gain experience, they receive
about their death investigation results greater responsibilities and more complex assignments.
• design protocol and standards for specialized death inves- They also advance in salary and rank according to their job
tigations such as infant deaths
performance. Individuals with administrative and manage-
• prepare and provide instruction in educational settings
rial ambitions can pursue positions as supervisors, man-
• train and direct the work of subordinate pathologists,
agers, lab directors, and executive officers. Advancement
pathologist’s assistants, forensic lab technicians, morgue
opportunities, however, are limited, and candidates usually
attendants, and other support staff
have to find positions with other employers. Those inter-
• participate in community outreach and educational pro-
ested in teaching and conducting independent research can
seek positions as academicians.
• conduct forensic pathology research
Some Forensic Pathologists choose to become inde-
• maintain good working relations with colleagues, law
pendent consultants or owners of firms that offer forensic
enforcement officials, attorneys, and the public
pathology services.
• use computers to prepare reports, charts, illustrations, and
other documents
• maintain their knowledge and abilities Education and Training
Many years of study are required for students to become
Forensic Pathologists work 40 hours per week, but are on Forensic Pathologists. Individuals first complete a bache-
call 24 hours a day, every day of the year. In large medical lor’s degree in any field, which usually takes between four
examiners’ offices, Forensic Pathologists may be rotated on and five years. They then enter medical school and com-
an on-call schedule. plete four years of training to earn either a doctor of medi-

cine (M.D.) or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) degree. This is cooperative, and flexible are some personality traits that
followed by graduate medical education (or residency) in Forensic Pathologists share.
pathology. Residents may choose to complete either a three-
year training program in anatomic pathology or a five-year Unions and Associations
program in both anatomic and clinical pathology.
Forensic Pathologists can join medical and forensic societies
Upon finishing their residency, they complete one year
to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
of training in forensic pathology, which includes practical
education, current research, and other professional resources
experience participating in medicolegal death investigations
and services. Professional associations are available locally,
and autopsies.
statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide. Some
Throughout their careers, Forensic Pathologists enroll in
national societies that serve the interests of Forensic Patholo-
continuing education and training programs to update their
gists include the National Association of Medical Examiners,
skills and to keep up with advancements in their field.
the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the American
Medical Association, the College of American Pathologists,
Special Requirements and the American Society for Clinical Pathology. For contact
Forensic Pathologists must be medically licensed physi- information for these organizations, see Appendix III.
cians in the state (or territory or District of Columbia)
where they practice. Employers may also require that they
Tips for Entry
be board-certified by the American Board of Pathology in
1. Be sure pathology, and specifically forensic pathol-
anatomic pathology or anatomic/clinical pathology, as well
ogy, is the right career for you. Read books and arti-
as in forensic pathology.
cles about the field. Talk with professionals. Also visit
a morgue or trauma center to get an idea of how you
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits can handle unpleasant sights and stressful conditions.
Employers hire applicants for entry-level positions who 2. Many employers post job announcements at their Web
have experience performing medicolegal death investiga- sites, as well as provide the opportunity to download
tions and autopsies; such requirements are fulfilled through application forms.
their fellowship program in forensic pathology. 3. Take advantage of job and fellowship announcements
Forensic Pathologists need excellent interpersonal, team- that various forensic societies publish at their Web
work, communication, and customer-service skills, as they sites and in their magazines and newsletters.
must be able to work well with colleagues, death investi- 4. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic pathol-
gators, professionals, managers, and others from diverse ogy and about forensic autopsies. To obtain a list of
backgrounds. They also need effective writing, analytical, relevant Web sites, enter any of these keywords into a
organizational, and self-management skills for their job. search engine: forensic pathology, forensic pathologists,
Being detail-oriented, ethical, respectful, honest, energetic, or forensic autopsies. For some links, see Appendix IV.
90        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Examine human tissues and fluids for the pres-

ence or absence of toxic substances; analyze and inter- Senior or Supervisory Forensic
pret findings; prepare reports; perform other duties as Toxicologist

Alternate Title(s): Toxicologist

Salary Range: $35,000 to $106,000 Forensic Toxicologist

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Forensic Toxicologist (entry-level) or
Prerequisites: Toxicologist (in another setting)
Education or Training—Bachelor’s or master’s degree
in chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, or another related
Experience—Prior work experience in toxicology labo-
ratories required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Writing, com-
munication, interpersonal, teamwork, project manage-
ment, math, statistics, and computer skills; organized,
persistent, flexible, ethical, and trustworthy

Position Description Forensic Toxicologists are trained in the sciences of

Toxicology is the study of drugs, poisons, and other toxins biology, chemistry, and, in particular, pharmacology. Their
and their adverse effects on living organisms. All chemi- training provides a special focus on analyzing human tis-
cals are potentially toxic and any solid, liquid, or gaseous sues and bodily fluids and how both organic and inorganic
substance absorbed in excess can be extremely harmful. substances interact with them. For example, they may look
Forensic toxicology is the application of toxicology to legal for either suspected substances or for substances called
matters, such as criminal investigations, medicolegal death metabolites that the body produces when processing a drug
investigations, and workplace drug testing. or poison. Forensic Toxicologists possess a thorough knowl-
Forensic Toxicologists work in any number of settings. edge of chemical compounds and their metabolites as well
Many of those who specialize in postmortem toxicology as the methods for analyzing them. They also understand
are employed by coroners’ offices and medical examin- how various drugs and poisons affect organisms and can
ers’ offices. They assist forensic pathologists and other thus recognize the presence of suspected substances or their
medicolegal death investigators in determining the cause metabolites in tissue samples. In addition, Forensic Tox-
of death of persons who have died violently, suddenly, or icologists are familiar with laws, legal terms, and court
unexpectedly. Their function is to ascertain whether drugs processes. They are also well versed at using analytical
or poisons are present or absent in corpses and, if they instruments and equipment to arrive at accurate conclusions
are present, to isolate, identify, and measure the amounts about the toxic substances they find.
of toxic substances. They then provide their findings to In medicolegal death investigations, forensic patholo-
forensic pathologists who in turn establish the cause of gists provide Forensic Toxicologists with samples of organ
death in such cases as drug overdose and accidental or tissues (such as from the liver or heart), bodily fluids, and
intentional poisoning. stomach contents from the deceased to examine. They are

also given reports that provide postmortem data and symp- Therefore, they are required to use safety equipment and
toms to review. Sometimes toxicologists are requested to exercise special precautions to minimize their exposure to
analyze specimens from bodies that have been dead for a hazardous substances or contagious diseases.
long time. These professionals work a standard 40-hour week but
Forensic Toxicologists perform complex and precise put in additional hours as needed to complete their various
work. When Forensic Toxicologists receive samples for duties and to meet deadlines.
testing, they first divide the specimens into acid and base
fractions to extract the drug or poison. Then they utilize Salaries
standard testing procedures to precisely identify the drug
Salaries for Forensic Toxicologists vary, depending on
or poison and accurately measure the quantity of that sub-
such factors as their education, experience, employer, and
stance. Toxicologists analyze and interpret the results of
geographic location. Specific salary information for this
their tests, and then prepare a clear and concise written
occupation is unavailable. In general, toxicologists with a
report of their findings.
doctoral degree may earn from $35,000 to $60,000 annually
Forensic Toxicologists are sometimes requested to testify
for entry-level positions, and from $70,000 to $100,000 for
as expert witnesses in the courts about their casework, or
those with 10 years of experience, according to the Society
about issues related to forensic toxicology matters. of Toxicology Web site (
In some medical examiners’ and coroners’ offices, Foren- Toxicology is considered a specialty of analytical
sic Toxicologists also provide analytical services to law chemistry. The estimated annual salary for most chemists
enforcement agencies. For example, they may be asked to ranged between $35,480 and $106,310, according to the
analyze tissues or bodily fluids from living persons, such as U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May 2006 Occupational
criminal suspects or traffic offenders, to determine the level Employment Statistics survey.
of alcohol or other drugs. Some of them help doctors in
hospitals to decide which drugs to administer to patients and
monitor. Their knowledge about drug interactions and levels Employment Prospects
of toxicity is invaluable for making such decisions. Postmortem Forensic Toxicologists are employed by medical
Forensic Toxicologists perform many duties and com- examiners’ offices and coroners’ offices. Forensic Toxicolo-
plete a variety of routine tasks under the supervision of a gists can also find employment with crime labs associ-
coroner or chief medical examiner. Depending on their level ated with law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys’
of expertise or seniority, they may: offices, and private forensic laboratories. Local, state, and
federal regulatory agencies also hire Forensic Toxicologists.
• write reports about toxicological analyses Examples of federal agencies are the U.S. Food and Drug
• review documents written by staff members for complete- Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and
ness and accuracy the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Other
• communicate regularly with coroners, medical examiners, employers include workplace drug testing laboratories, hos-
and pathologists pitals, universities, and industry laboratories.
• develop processes and guiding principles for laboratory Some experts in the field report that opportunities in
activities in compliance with professional standards and general for toxicologists are numerous, and should remain
legal requirements plentiful in the coming years. Job openings for Forensic
Toxicologists typically become available as individuals
• conduct laboratory audits
retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher positions.
• act as technical experts in human forensic technology for
Employers may create additional positions if funding is
their agencies
• conduct research into drug interactions and new tech-
niques for identifying drugs as well as improving drug
therapy Advancement Prospects
• provide training to new staff members Forensic Toxicologists advance in salary and rank accord-
• oversee the activities of a forensic toxicology laboratory ing to their job performance. As they gain experience,
• supervise and appraise the work of subordinate staff they receive greater responsibilities and more complex
members assignments.
Individuals with administrative and managerial ambitions
Forensic Toxicologists work in laboratory settings. They can pursue positions as lead persons, supervisors, and man-
sit at lab stations but may be required to exert themselves agers. Opportunities, however, are limited, and candidates
by performing moderate lifting tasks. Forensic Toxicolo- usually have to find positions with other employers. Those
gists are often exposed to biohazards, toxic chemicals, and interested in teaching and conducting independent research
unpleasant odors emanating from bodily fluids and tissues. can seek positions as academicians. A doctorate degree is
92        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

frequently required for these professionals to advance to Unions and Associations

careers in management research or teaching. Many Forensic Toxicologists join professional associations
to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
Education and Training education, professional certification, and other professional
Depending on the employer, entry-level candidates may resources and services. Professional societies are available
locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in toxicology, chemis-
Some national societies that serve the interests of Forensic
try, biochemistry, biology, or another related field. Employ-
Toxicologists include the Society of Forensic Toxicologists,
ers may prefer to hire candidates with a doctoral degree for
the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, the
journey positions.
Society of Toxicology, and the American Academy of Foren-
Throughout their careers, Forensic Toxicologists enroll
sic Sciences. For contact information, see Appendix III.
in continuing education programs and training programs to
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their
field. Tips for Entry
1. As a college student, obtain an internship or part-time
job in a forensic laboratory to gain valuable experience.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 2. Regulatory agencies, private laboratories, hospitals, and
Requirements for entry-level positions vary with the dif- other employers may use the job title Toxicologist rather
ferent employers. In general, employers prefer to hire can- than Forensic Toxicologist in their job announcements.
didates who have previous work experience in toxicology 3. To enhance their employability as well as professional
laboratories. They may have gained their experience through credibility, many Forensic Toxicologists obtain pro-
internships, research assistantships, postdoctoral training, or fessional certification from one or more recognized
work experience. organizations. For information about some certifica-
Forensic Toxicologists need excellent writing, com- tion programs, see Appendix II.
munication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills to work 4. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic toxicol-
effectively at their job. They must also have strong project ogy as well as the field of toxicology in general. You
management, math, statistics, and computer skills. Being might start by visiting these Web sites: Society of
organized, persistent, flexible, ethical, and trustworthy are Forensic Toxicologists,; and
some personality traits that successful Forensic Toxicolo- Society of Toxicology, For
gists have in common. more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Determine the manner of death; make positive iden-

tification of human remains; provide expert witness testi- Forensic Anthropologist
mony; perform other duties as required (Established Expert)

Alternate Title(s): Physical Anthropologist, Anthropology

Professor; Forensic Examiner, Forensic Scientist

Salary Range: $100 to $200 or more per hour, consulting Forensic Anthropology Consultant

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Physical Anthropology Professor

Education or Training—Advanced degree in physical
anthropology or another related field
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical,
critical-thinking, writing, communication, and self-man-
agement skills; detail-oriented, levelheaded, flexible,
trustworthy, ethical, and fair

Position Description identify victims, estimate when death occurred, or reconstruct

Physical (or biological) anthropology is the study of physi- what happened at the time of death as well as afterwards.
cal characteristics among humans. Some physical anthro- By closely examining human skeletal remains, Forensic
pologists apply the principles and methodologies of this Anthropologists can determine such factors as the gender,
field to medicolegal death investigations. These special- age, height, the health conditions, and the ethnicity of a
ists are also known as Forensic Anthropologists. They are victim or whether the victim was right- or left-handed. In
employed or contracted by coroners’ and medical examin- addition, they can find clues about the deceased’s behavioral
ers’ offices to assist with cases that involve human skeletal patterns such as their habits, what kind of work they did, or
remains, decomposed corpses, or burned bodies of victims. what sports they played.
Their deaths may be due to homicide, suicide, accident, These forensic experts might note healed breaks or other
natural disaster, mass fatality, or other tragedies. evidence of injury and trauma and estimate when in the
In addition to anthropology, Forensic Anthropologists are victim’s life it was inflicted. They can often ascertain if
trained in human osteology, the study of the human skeleton. such evidence is the result of violence, accidental injury,
They have acquired knowledge about the biology of human or surgery. They might study injuries inflicted by blunt
and animal skeletons, skeletal pathology, the field techniques instruments or gunshots and estimate whether the injuries
used by archaeologists, and how cultural variations may be occurred before death, at the time of death, or after death.
considered in the context of medicolegal issues. They may also be able to determine what type of weapon
Forensic Anthropologists do not decide the actual cause created the injury. Furthermore, Forensic Anthropologists
of death in medicolegal investigations. That is the function can provide authorities with information such as:
of coroners or medical examiners, who use the information
that is gathered from skeletal examinations. Forensic Anthro- • whether skeletal bones are human or animal
pologists are generally called upon to help these authorities • the original position of the body at the time of death
94        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

• any environmental forces that altered the human remains employer, geographic location, and other factors. The esti-
after death mated annual salary for most postsecondary anthropology
• the types of tools that were used to kill victims or dis- instructors ranged between $37,590 and $109,330, accord-
member them ing to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics
survey, by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This agency
Forensic Anthropologists may be requested to provide also reports that the estimated annual salary for anthropolo-
expert witness services to the courts about their findings in a gists in general ranged from $28,940 to $81,490.
medicolegal death investigation. They are expected to pres-
ent information in terms that judges, juries, and attorneys Employment Prospects
can easily understand.
The forensic anthropology field is a very small field. A few
In addition to their contributions to crime investigation,
Forensic Anthropologist staff positions are available in medi-
Forensic Anthropologists are also involved with human
cal examiners’ and coroners’ offices. Such opportunities are
rights and genocide issues. They work with the remains of
usually available in larger local jurisdictions. Most Forensic
victims found at the sites of large disasters or wars. They sift
through debris to find human skeletal remains or exhume Anthropologists are independent consultants. The majority
remains from mass graves. They piece fragments together to of them are employed as professors in higher education insti-
assist with the identification of unknown victims. tutions. Some work in museum and research laboratories.
The vast majority of Forensic Anthropologists are acade- Some Forensic Anthropologists find employment with the
micians who work at universities as physical anthropology military and human rights organizations that recover and iden-
professors. Most of their careers are devoted to teaching and tify the skeletal remains of victims of war and other atrocities.
research. They provide their services to medical examiners’ Forensic Anthropologists are sometimes hired to other
and coroners’ offices on a consulting basis. They generally forensic positions in medical examiners’ and coroners’
work at campus facilities that are appropriately equipped to offices as well as government and private crime labs. For
complete their forensic anthropological casework. example, they might be employed as medicolegal death
These forensic consultants also offer their services to investigators or crime scene technicians.
law enforcement agencies, humanitarian organizations, and
other organizations. Many of them assist in the recovery of Advancement Prospects
hidden, buried, or scattered human remains. Some Forensic As academicians, Forensic Anthropologists advance through
Anthropologists have skills in facial reproduction, which the ranks as instructors, assistant professors, associate pro-
can help law enforcement officers to find the identity of vic- fessors, and full professors. Individuals with managerial and
tims. They can make models of human skulls and show how administrative ambitions may seek positions as department
the faces of the deceased may have appeared in life. chairs, academic deans, administrative deans, or administra-
As professors, many Forensic Anthropologists engage tive officers at their institutions.
in research in their specialty and other areas. They conduct Advancement opportunities in medical examiners’ (or
studies to gain new understanding and knowledge about coroners’) offices are limited to technical lead, supervisor,
human skeletons and skeletal biology. Many of them are and manager positions.
also involved in developing new methodologies and tech-
nologies for making human identification and conducting
forensic investigations. Education and Training
Many of the medicolegal cases that Forensic Anthropolo- Forensic Anthropologists usually possess a master’s or doc-
gists handle are disturbing and can have an emotional impact toral degree in physical anthropology with a concentration
on them. They are expected to endure the unpleasant sights in osteology and skeletal biology. For them to teach in
and odors that originate from decomposing flesh, maggots, four-year colleges and universities, a doctorate is manda-
and some bodily fluids. Forensic Anthropologists must be tory. Obtaining a master’s degree in anthropology usually
able to overcome these factors to succeed in their profession. involves two or more years of study after they complete a
Academicians work long hours, which include weekends bachelor’s degree program, which may be in anthropology
and evenings to accomplish their many duties as teachers, or another field. Earning a doctorate takes them another five
researchers, and consultants. They must also fulfill commu- to eight years, and doctoral candidates must complete a dis-
nity service obligations at their institutions. sertation on original research in forensic anthropology.

Salaries Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits

Consulting Forensic Anthropologists generally earn fees that Forensic Anthropologists have typically worked several
range from $100 to $200 per hour or more for their services. years in the field and are recognized as experts in their field.
Salaries for academicians vary, depending on their rank, In order to testify as expert witnesses in the courts, they

must be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient knowl- foundation for your future college studies. Also take
edge, skills, or practical experience to address specific cases an anthropology, anatomy, or physiology class, if your
related to legal cases. school offers one.
Forensic Anthropologists must have effective analytical, 2. As a college student, gain as much practical experi-
critical thinking, writing, communication, and self-man- ence as you can in the fields of anthropology and
agement skills. Being detail-oriented, levelheaded, flexible, forensic science. For example, obtain a research
trustworthy, ethical, and fair are some personality traits that assistantship with a professor whose field is forensic
they have in common. anthropology, or get an internship in a crime lab or
medical examiner’s office.
Unions and Associations 3. To enhance their expert credibility, some Forensic
Many Forensic Anthropologists belong to professional associ- Anthropologists obtain professional certification from
ations to take advantage of networking opportunities and other the American Board of Forensic Anthropology when
professional resources and services. Some national anthropo- they become eligible. For contact information about
logical societies that these forensic experts might join are the the program, see Appendix II.
American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the 4. Some activities you can do to build up your reputa-
American Anthropological Association. Some national foren- tion as a Forensic Anthropologist include publishing
sic societies include the American Academy of Forensic Sci- your research work, conducting training workshops in
ences and the American College of Forensic Examiners. For forensic anthropology methods, and making presenta-
contact information for these organizations, see Appendix III. tions at professional conferences.
5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic anthro-
Tips for Entry pology. You might start by visiting ForensicAnthro.
1. If you are in high school, take classes in biology, com at For more
chemistry, and physics, as they can provide a basic links, see Appendix IV.
96        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Provide technical support during autopsies in med-

icolegal death investigations; perform other duties as Senior Forensic Pathology Technician

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Pathologist’s Assistant, Foren-

sic Autopsy Assistant, Coroner’s Forensic Technician
Forensic Pathology Technician
Salary Range: $35,000 to $55,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Forensic Pathology Technician Trainee

Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; on-the-job training
Experience—One or more years of laboratory experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, interpersonal, teamwork, communication, ana-
lytical, problem-solving, and organizational skills;
cooperative, calm, flexible, detail-oriented, honest, and

Position Description of safeguarding and preserving evidence. Furthermore, they

Sometimes in medicolegal death investigations, autopsies are aware of all the safety precautions and regulations for
are required to determine the cause of death due to natural, handling corpses, as well as maintaining the cleanliness of
accidental, homicidal, suicidal, or undetermined circum- autopsy rooms.
stances. Autopsies are postmortem internal examinations, Forensic Pathology Technicians follow standard proce-
and in medicolegal death investigations, forensic patholo- dures in handling, transporting, and preparing corpses for
gists usually perform them. These medical (or osteopathic) medicolegal autopsies. Their tasks include documenting
doctors are trained to closely examine and analyze tissue, the identity of the deceased, taking an inventory of the
cell, and blood samples of internal organs. In many coroners’ deceased’s personal property, and storing the property. They
and medical examiners’ offices, which have the authority to prepare for the postmortem examinations by setting up the
conduct medicolegal death investigations in their jurisdic- appropriate tools and equipment, as well as by labeling
tions, Forensic Pathology Technicians are employed to assist specimen containers for tissues and trace evidence. They
pathologists. While working under their direct supervision, also make sure that all the decedent’s medical charts and
these assistants may examine, dissect, and process organs histories are available for the pathologist to read. In addi-
and tissue samples from corpses of the deceased. tion, they clean and weigh the corpse and take X-rays of it.
Forensic Pathology Technicians are highly skilled profes- They may be requested to conduct a thorough examination
sionals. They generally possess a background in chemistry, of the body’s exterior for wounds and distinguishing marks.
biology, anatomy, and physiology. They are knowledgeable Under the direct supervision of forensic pathologists, these
about medical terminology, dissection, surgical procedures, technicians perform autopsy work that is moderately com-
and the instruments and equipment used in surgery. They plex. They open up the torso and remove the lungs, heart,
also understand the protocols of evidence handling, includ- stomach, intestines, and other organs. They also open the
ing chain of custody processes and the associated methods skull and remove the brain. The assistants weigh the organs

and x-ray them. They also clean out the lungs, intestines, and and geographic location. Formal salary information for this
blood vessels and remove undigested food from the stomach. occupation is unavailable. One expert in the field reports that
In addition, they obtain samples of various tissue, blood, salaries in his area (western United States) range between
and bodily fluids for histochemical, toxicological, and $35,000 and $55,000.
microscopic studies. They ensure that the specimens are Pathology Technicians, also known as pathologists’ assis-
properly placed in special containers, labeled, and stored. tants, who work in other settings can expect to receive much
Pathologists may direct their assistants to suture and clean higher salaries.
the body in preparation for its release to a mortician.
Forensic Pathology Technicians are usually responsible Employment Prospects
for recording data, such as the weights of the organs and
Medical examiners’ offices and coroners’ offices employ
anatomic observations. They also notice and record unusual
Forensic Pathology Technicians to assist with medicole-
conditions that could be important to a medicolegal death
gal death investigations. Job openings become available to
investigation. Additionally, they photograph a body’s exter-
replace technicians who have advanced to higher positions,
nal surface, its organs, biological specimens, and other rel-
transferred to other jobs, or left the workforce for various
evant materials. They also help pathologists examine the
reasons. One expert in the field states there is a shortage of
physical evidence that is found on or in the body, such as
qualified assistants due to the lack of training programs.
knives, pills, bullets, powder burns, and other objects. The
Pathologists’ assistants also find employment in other
assistants write the results of the evidence examination and
settings, including hospitals, university medical centers, pri-
notify the appropriate personnel.
vate pathology laboratories, and mortuaries. Opportunities
Forensic Pathology Technicians are responsible for
for pathologists’ assistants in general are numerous and are
completing other routine tasks. For example, they may be
expected to remain so in the coming decade. This is a small
requested to:
occupation, as Forensic Pathology Technicians make up a
very small percentage of the population.
• refresh the inventory of supplies when needed
• sterilize surgical tools as well as clean the equipment
and the entire examination area, including the walls and Advancement Prospects
floors Forensic Pathology Technicians can advance to lead and
• drive vans to and from morgue facilities to receive and supervisory positions, which are limited in government
deliver bodies morgues. They may choose to transfer to other work settings
• complete daily accurate and concise reports of their where pathologists’ assistants may have more opportunities
activities for advancement. Another option is to continue their studies
• develop photographic and X-ray film and pursue careers as forensic pathologists.
• be of assistance to distraught and grieving friends and
family of the deceased Education and Training
• decide on the best action to take in stressful or emergency
Educational requirements for entry-level positions vary
with the different employers. Some employers require
• testify in court
applicants to have only a high school or general equiva-
lency diploma. Others prefer to hire candidates who have
The work that Forensic Pathology Technicians do is physi-
successfully completed college course work in biology,
cally demanding and stressful. They are adept at lifting heavy
human anatomy, physiology, or criminal justice, or who
weights, such as corpses weighing as much as 200 pounds
graduated from a two-year college with a technical cer-
or more. They work with bodies that are in various states of
tificate or associate degree in health sciences or another
decay, that suffered traumatic injuries, or that are infested
related field. Still other employers require that applicants
with insects or other vermin. In addition, they are exposed to
possess a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, or
hazardous conditions, substances, or diseases; thus, they are
another related field.
required to wear protective clothing and equipment.
Forensic Pathology Technicians typically learn on the
Forensic Pathology Technicians work a standard 40-hour
job. They work under the guidance and direction of expe-
week but put in additional hours as needed. Their schedules
rienced Forensic Pathology Technicians, forensic patholo-
may vary and they may be required to work different shifts,
gists, and other medicolegal death investigators. In some
overtime, weekends, and holidays.
offices, technicians are cross-trained in histology, X-rays,
and other areas.
Salaries Throughout their careers, Forensic Pathology Technicians
Salaries for Forensic Pathology Technicians vary, depend- enroll in continuing education programs and training pro-
ing on such factors as their education, experience, employer, grams to update their skills and increase their knowledge.
98        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits resources and services. One national society that serves their
Requirements for entry-level positions vary among employ- general interests is the American Association of Patholo-
ers. In general, applicants should have one or more years of gists’ Assistants. For contact information, see Appendix III.
technical experience working in a medical or biological lab-
oratory, morgue, mortuary, or in a similar technical setting. Tips for Entry
To perform well at their job, Forensic Pathology Techni- 1. While in college, gain experience by volunteering or
cians must have self-management skills, such as the ability getting a job or internship in a pathology, forensic,
to handle stressful situations, work independently, prioritize hospital, hematology, blood bank, or other lab setting.
multiple tasks, and follow and understand instructions. They 2. Many employers allow a combination of appropriate
need strong interpersonal, teamwork, and communication education, training, and work experience to substi-
skills, as they must be able to work well on a daily basis with tute for either an educational or work experience
professionals, technicians, investigators, supervisors, and requirement.
others. In addition, these forensic technicians need effective 3. Some Forensic Pathology Technicians started their
analytical, problem-solving, and organizational skills. career path as forensic assistants or morgue attendants.
Some personality traits that successful Forensic Pathol- 4. Some employers maintain an eligibility list of quali-
ogy Technicians share include being cooperative, calm, fied applicants that they use to fill permanent and
flexible, detail-oriented, honest, and innovative. on-call temporary positions as they become available.
If you are placed on a list, call the agency regularly to
Unions and Associations learn about their current employment status. Be sure
Some Forensic Pathology Technicians are members of to identify yourself and to remind the agency that you
a labor union that represents them in negotiations with are on its eligibility list.
employers. The union seeks better contractual terms for pay, 5. Use the Internet to learn more about Forensic Pathol-
benefits, and working conditions and handles any employee ogy Technicians, as well as about pathologists’ assis-
grievances. tants in general. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites,
Some of these technicians belong to professional asso- enter the keywords forensic pathology technicians or
ciations to take advantage of certification programs, job pathologists’ assistants in a search engine. For some
listings, networking opportunities, and other professional links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Prepare tissue specimens for microscopic examina-

tions; perform other duties as required Senior Histologist

Alternate Title(s): Histotech, Histotechnician, Histologic

Technician, Histotechnologist

Salary Range: $22,000 to $69,000 Histologist

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Histologist (Entry-Level)
Education or Training—Educational requirements vary;
a clinical lab internship or long-term training program in
a histopathology lab
Experience—Previous work experience required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, writing, communication, concentration, prob-
lem-solving, and teamwork skills; patient, precise,
detail-oriented, cooperative, and reliable
Special Requirements—State license and/or profes-
sional certification may be required

Position Description recognize various types of cells and tissues. They under-
Histologists play an important role in medicolegal death stand how to use various pigments to prepare microscopic
investigations. Their mission is to assist forensic patholo- samples. Their expertise extends to technology as they use
gists to analyze human tissues for the effects of injury or sophisticated instruments to slice thin specimens to place
disease that cannot be readily evident without microscopic on microscope slides. They also use computers and digital
viewing. As part of their job to determine the cause of death, photography equipment.
forensic pathologists examine tissues for evidence of such Histologists perform complex, precision work to
abnormalities as disease, body dysfunction, or malignancy. preserve and process various tissues. They receive and
They look at very thin slices of organ tissues that are pre- prepare small samples of lungs, hearts, stomachs, kid-
pared by the Histologists. neys, and other organs that have been obtained through
Histologists are laboratory technicians and technolo- autopsies. They freeze and slice sections of human tis-
gists. Those who work in medical examiners’ or coroners’ sue, mount them on slides, and stain them for visibility
offices may be designated by such job titles as foren- purposes. They use special dyes or pigments to color the
sic histotechnician or forensic histotechnologist. Histo- slices so that various cellular structures are more visible
technologists generally have greater responsibilities than when viewed through the microscope. The specimens they
­histotechnicians. prepare must be so thin that they are transparent. They
Histologists in medical examiners’ offices utilize their use several techniques to perform this work. For example,
knowledge of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and immu- they may embed tissue samples in wax and then cut them
nology in their work. These men and women also have a into thin slices by using a special instrument called a
background in anatomy and physiology and are comfortable microtome. The microtome can cut tissues into sections
with using medical terminology in their daily work. They that are only a few microns thick.
100        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Histologists perform a variety of routine tasks, which Employment Prospects

vary depending on their skill level, workload, or place of In addition to forensic laboratories, Histologists are employed
employment. For example, they may: by hospitals, clinics, public health organizations, private lab-
oratories, pharmaceutical companies, veterinary laboratories,
• conduct specialized testing procedures to analyze and research laboratories, and universities, among others.
understand the biochemistry and physiological functions According to many experts in the field, the job market
of tissue samples is healthy for histologists, in general, and is expected to
• collect and store the glass slides and other tissue samples remain strong for the future. Currently, there are fewer can-
for use in civil or criminal court cases didates available than job openings. In addition, in the next
• attend to quality control procedures several years, many Histologists are becoming eligible for
• prepare for expert witness testimony at court sessions retirement, which will create more job openings.
• resolve problems
• recommend procedural changes for their laboratory
• complete preventive maintenance on histologic equip- Advancement Prospects
ment including the sterilization of tools and instruments Histologists can advance in any number of ways, depending
• maintain a readily available supply of equipment, instru- on their ambitions and interests. With additional education
ments, and materials or training, histotechnicians can become histotechnologists.
• prioritize work schedules Histologists can also become experts in electron micros-
• write monthly reports outlining their activities and results copy, immunohistochemistry, or other highly specialized
• file reports of their findings with appropriate agencies areas. Those with administrative and managerial ambitions
• provide technical assistance to police departments can pursue such positions, although opportunities are gener-
• provide instruction about their profession to other personnel ally limited.
Forensic Histologists can choose to work in other settings,
Many Histologists also perform tasks in morgues, as such as clinical, pharmaceutical, or research laboratories. His-
required by the medical examiner or coroner. Their assign- tologists can also pursue careers as repair specialists or tech-
ments may include receiving and discharging bodies of the nical service representatives in companies that sell histology
deceased, as well as weighing, fingerprinting, and pho- equipment, supplies, or reagents. Another option is to become
tographing them. Forensic pathologists may request His- histology instructors in higher education programs, for which
tologists to assist with autopsies. Their tasks may include they would be required to obtain advanced degrees.
preparing instruments and equipment for examinations;
removing internal organs from a body; obtaining blood and
other fluid samples; collecting, labeling, and packaging
Education and Training
physical evidence removed from the body; and document- Educational requirements differ for histotechnicians and
ing autopsy procedures. histotechnologists. To become histotechnicians, students
Histologists work in clean, well-lit laboratories. Because must complete either an associate’s degree or a certificate
they are exposed to chemicals, odors, fumes, and disease, program in histology. To become histotechnologists, stu-
they wear protective equipment and clothing to ensure their dents must earn a bachelor’s degree in histology or another
safety. The nature of their work sometimes requires them to related discipline. Employers prefer that candidates obtain
stand for long periods of time. They generally work a stan- their degree or certificate from a histotechnology educa-
dard 40-hour week but may have occasion to work overtime tional program accredited by a recognized organization. The
at night or on weekends. curriculum includes course work in histology, histochemis-
try, biology, chemistry, anatomy, immunology, laboratory
mathematics, microscopy, processing techniques, and other
Salaries subjects. In addition, students complete a one-year practi-
Salaries for Histologists vary, depending on such factors as cum (or internship) in a medical histology lab.
their education, experience, position, employer, and geo- Alternatively, employers may hire candidates with
graphic location. According to the American Society for degrees in other disciplines if they have completed a long-
Clinical Pathology, the average salary for histologic techni- term training program in a histopathology lab.
cians ranged between $22,000 and $35,000, and for histolo-
Throughout their careers, Histologists enroll in continu-
gists (or histotechnologists), $30,000 to $50,000.
ing education programs and training programs to update
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports in its May 2006
their skills and knowledge.
Occupational Employment Statistics survey that the esti-
mated annual salary for medical and clinical laboratory
technicians ranged between $21,830 and $50,250, and for Special Requirements
medical and clinical laboratory technologists, between In some states, Histologists must be licensed or registered.
$34,660 and $69,260. To obtain information for the state where you wish to work,

contact the board of occupational licensing or the state Many Histologists belong to a labor union that represents
department of health. them in negotiations with employers for better contractual
Employers may require that candidates possess profes- terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions. In addition,
sional certification as histological technicians or technolo- the union handles any employee grievances that members
gists. This certification is granted by the American Society may have.
for Clinical Pathology. (For contact information for this
certification program, see Appendix II.)
Tips for Entry
1. One expert in the field suggests that high school stu-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits dents take the most challenging courses in science,
Requirements vary with the different employers. Many math, and English that are offered at their school.
medical examiners’ offices generally prefer to hire Histolo- 2. Do you wish to enter the field as a histotechnician or
gists who have one or more years of work experience. histotechnologist? Be sure you understand the differ-
Histologists must have excellent self-management skills ence between the two occupations in terms of edu-
such as being able to work independently, handle stressful cational requirements, job qualifications, job duties,
situations, understand and follow instructions, and priori- salaries, and the job outlook in your area.
tize multiple tasks. Having strong writing, communication, 3. Finding an entry-level position with a medical exam-
concentration, problem-solving, and teamwork skills is also iners’ office may be difficult. Alternatively, obtain an
essential. Being patient, precise, detail-oriented, coopera- entry-level position in a clinical, research, or other
tive, and reliable are some personality traits that successful setting to gain valuable work experience.
Histologists have in common. 4. Contact medical examiners’ and coroners’ offices
directly to ask about job openings and their selection
Unions and Associations process. If they outsource their laboratory work, ask
Many Histologists join professional associations to take them for the name and address of the laboratory as
advantage of networking opportunities, continuing edu- well as the name of a person whom you can contact.
cation, professional certification, and other professional 5. Use the Internet to learn more about the histology
resources and services. One national society that serves the field. You might start by visiting the National Society
interests of Histologists is the National Society for Histo- for Histotechnology Web site at
technology. For more links, see Appendix IV.
102        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Perform routine lab support and clerical duties; may

assist in postmortem examinations; perform other duties Autopsy Supervisor
as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Assistant, Morgue Attendant,

Senior Morgue Assistant or
Salary Range: $25,000 to $38,000 Autopsy Technician

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Morgue Assistant
Education or Training—High school diploma; on-the-
job training
Experience—One or more years of work experience
usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Writing, com-
munication, interpersonal, teamwork, and self-man-
agement skills; polite, cooperative, dependable, loyal,
honest, detail-oriented, and self-motivated

Position Description dures and are familiar with different types of photographic
In medicolegal death investigations, corpses may be trans- gear. Because they are regularly required to lift or move as
ported from death scenes to a morgue that is part of a coro- much as 300 pounds, Morgue Assistants are knowledgeable
ner’s office or medical examiner’s office. Many corpses are about body mechanics, proper lifting techniques, and the use
brought to a morgue for postmortem examination to deter- of assistive equipment such as stretchers or hoists.
mine the cause and manner of their death. Corpses are also Morgue Assistants perform various duties throughout
stored at morgues until they can be identified and released their shifts. They are responsible for receiving and releasing
to family members or others. corpses at their facilities. It is also their duty to confirm the
Many of these government morgues employ Morgue bodies’ identities, which they enter into record logs. They
Assistants who work alongside pathologists and other staff may also photograph bodies for identification purposes.
members to attend to the disposition and processing of dead Morgue Assistants tag and place bodies in compartment
bodies. Their general functions are to receive and release trays for refrigerated storage, and ensure safekeeping of any
bodies and perform other duties during the interim, which personal belongings that were brought in with the deceased.
may include assisting with autopsies. These men and women also assist with the preparations
Morgue Assistants work under the direct authority of the for postmortem examinations. They gather all the paper-
morgue supervisor. Their training and background encom- work that pathologists need to review prior to an examina-
pass basics in medical and forensic terminologies and the tion. They perform various tasks to get the corpses ready:
use of the equipment needed to perform medicolegal external they weigh and measure them, record their fingerprints,
examinations and autopsies. They use their writing ability to remove their clothing, clean them, x-ray them, and position
record the information that is discovered during postmortem them on the examining table. Morgue Assistants also lay
examination procedures, which may include the preparation out appropriate surgical instruments and other supplies, and
of diagrams. They have knowledge of photographic proce- they make preserving solutions for the pathologists.

Morgue Assistants may be requested to assist patholo- and additional training, they can become forensic morgue
gists during autopsies, which are internal examinations. technicians who perform complex assignments as they
These assistants may do such tasks as removing internal assist forensic pathologists with postmortem examinations.
organs from the body, weighing organs, slicing tissues, and Morgue Assistants who gain supervisory and administra-
suturing the body after the autopsy is completed. tive skills can be promoted to morgue supervisor. Morgue
Morgue Assistants are responsible for maintaining morgue Assistants can also earn college degrees in fields that inter-
facilities including examination areas, autopsy bays, refriger- est them to qualify for forensic, clinical laboratory, or law
ation units, and all other areas. They also wash examination enforcement positions.
tables, sterilize instruments, sharpen knives, and replenish Some Morgue Assistants measure their success through
supplies of fresh linens and other needed items. higher wages and job satisfaction.
In addition, Morgue Assistants regularly perform routine
clerical duties such as:
Education and Training
• answer telephones and give telephone messages to the Minimally, applicants for entry-level positions need a high
appropriate staff members
school or general equivalency diploma.
• fill out forms and compile other paperwork for each case
Novices typically receive on-the-job training. They work
• create new case files and assist with record-keeping activ-
under the supervision and direction of the morgue supervi-
• make labels for microscope slides and file slides appropri- sor and other senior employees.
• receive, sort, and distribute incoming mail
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
• photocopy documents
Job qualifications vary with the different employers. In gen-
Morgue Assistants endure continually disagreeable sights, eral, they seek candidates for entry-level positions who have
sounds, and odors, which contribute to an overall unpleasant one or more years of work experience that demonstrates
work environment. They shoulder heavy workloads, dead- their ability to perform well as Morgue Assistants. Candi-
lines, and the pressure of dealing with emergency situations. dates should have the ability to perform basic office and
They encounter a degree of risk regarding safety and expo- clerical functions, as well as have fundamental knowledge
sure to health hazards, and hence wear protective clothing of biological and medical terminology.
and equipment as they work. To work well at their job, Morgue Assistants must have
These assistants work a 40-hour week schedule. In large good writing and communication skills. They also need
offices, they are assigned to shifts. Some of them may be effective interpersonal and teamwork skills, as they must
required to travel to other locations to retrieve or deliver be able to work with supervisors, technicians, profession-
bodies. als, and others from different backgrounds. In addition,
they need strong self-management skills, such as the ability
Salaries to work independently, handle stressful situations, follow
Salaries for Morgue Assistants vary, depending on such and understand directions, and handle multiple tasks. Being
factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo- polite, cooperative, dependable, loyal, honest, detail-ori-
graphic location. According to, the annual base ented, and self-motivated are some personality traits that
salary (as of July 2006) for morgue attendants ranged from Morgue Assistants share.
$24,941 to $38,055.

Unions and Associations

Employment Prospects Some Morgue Assistants are members of a labor union that
Job openings generally become available as Morgue Assistants represents them in negotiations with employers for better
transfer to other jobs, advance to higher positions, or leave the contractual terms for pay, benefits, and working conditions.
workforce for various reasons. One expert in the field reports
In addition, the union handles any grievances that members
a shortage of applicants for these positions. Many people are
may have against their employers.
not interested in becoming morgue attendants because of the
nature of the job. Many people are also unaware of the job
opportunities that are available in morgues. Tips for Entry
1. Some high school courses that can prepare you for
Advancement Prospects a job as a Morgue Assistant are biology, chemistry,
Morgue Assistants can advance in any number of ways, math, English, record keeping, and photography.
depending on their ambitions and interests. With experience 2. Morgue attendants need to be physically fit.
104        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

3. Do you have a current driver’s license? Most, if not all, 5. Use the Internet to learn more about government
employers require Morgue Assistants to possess one. morgues and the services they provide. To obtain a list
4. Contact government morgues directly. Along with of relevant Web sites, enter either of these keywords
asking about job openings, ask for information about into a search engine: coroner’s office morgue or medi-
their job selection process. cal examiner’s office morgue.
106        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide visual documentation of physical evidence,

crime and accident scenes, bodily injuries of living and Senior Forensic Photographer
dead victims, and postmortem examinations; perform
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Police Photographic Technician, Evi-

dence Photographer Forensic Photographer

Salary Range: $16,000 to $57,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Assistant Forensic Photographer or
Advancement Prospects: Fair Intern
Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; on-the-job training
Experience—One or more years of professional photog-
raphy experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
communication, self-management, writing, and com-
puter skills; imaginative, innovative, precise, detail-
oriented, patient, tactful, trustworthy, dependable, and
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description piece of evidence, including items such as fingerprints and

Photography plays an integral role in the documentation trace evidence that are barely visible to the eye. In addition,
of physical evidence found at crime and accident scenes they provide visual documentation of bodily injuries on live
as well as during forensic autopsies. Professional men and victims, as well as of corpses at crime scenes and autopsies.
women known as Forensic Photographers provide their ser- Forensic Photographers are professionally trained in the
vices to fulfill that role. They are highly skilled photog- use of photographic equipment: analog, digital, and video
raphers who possess a particular understanding about the cameras; tripods; flash attachments and lighting fixtures;
necessity of creating and producing quality images suitable lenses; developing chemicals; and the tools used in dark-
for use as investigative aids or as demonstrative evidence in rooms. They are knowledgeable about general-purpose pho-
the courts. tographic techniques but are also well versed in techniques
Forensic Photographers apply their technical skills and that are unique to forensic or medicolegal photography. For
their knowledge of anatomy and forensic requirements to example, they may work with ultraviolet or infrared photog-
take photographs that convey the information that crime raphy and X-rays, or use microscope adapters and very fast
scene, criminal, medicolegal, or forensic investigators need strobes.
documented. These photographers are able to provide them Forensic Photographers are obligated to produce pho-
with a permanent record of entire crime and accident scenes tographs that are truthful and objective, as well as meet all
that shows the position of all items that can be used as evi- necessary legal requirements. In other words, the images
dence. They also supply clear and complete images of every represent the facts as they appear at a crime or accident

scene, as well as on living or dead victims. Their photo- Many self-employed Forensic Photographers provide ser-
graphs are used by criminal investigators, forensic patholo- vices to attorneys, insurance companies, hospitals, and other
gists, and forensic scientists to help them with their analysis organizations for various legal purposes. For example, per-
and evaluation of evidence. The photographs also become sonal injury attorneys or insurance companies may contract
part of official law enforcement, forensic, medical, and sci- Forensic Photographers to document evidence for cases that
entific reports. Furthermore, images produced by Forensic involve medical malpractice, product liability, or negligence.
Photographers may be submitted as evidence in criminal or In addition to taking photographs, Forensic Photogra-
civil trials. phers perform other general duties. They are responsible
These forensic specialists work in different settings. They for processing their film in darkrooms and producing nega-
may hold staff positions or provide services on a contractual tives, proofs, and color or black-and-white prints. Many of
basis. Many law enforcement agencies employ civilians as them also use computers and the appropriate software for
Forensic Photographers to fulfill various services. In some processing digital photographs. It is also their responsibility
agencies, law enforcement officers or crime scene technicians to maintain, repair, and regularly inventory their equipment.
with the proper skills are assigned the role of photographer. Other tasks most Forensic Photographers perform include:
Forensic Photographers are among the first crime scene
technicians to arrive at crime and accident scenes. They • writing detailed reports about their work
walk through a scene to obtain an overview before they • preparing exhibits for court trials
begin taking photographs. They also talk with detectives • providing expert witness testimony in court proceedings
and crime scene investigators to find out what items they • training new personnel about photographic methods and
need to have photographed in detail. They take pictures of equipment
the entire scene from every angle. They photograph victims, • keeping up to date with new photographic technologies
who may be living or dead. They take close-up shots of any and techniques
• familiarizing themselves with forensic science terminol-
injuries, wounds, bruises, bite marks, or marks created by
ogy and information
bindings. They also document physical evidence, including
fingerprints, paint chips, hairs, weapons, bloodstains, docu-
Forensic Photographers work indoors as well as outdoors
ments, tool marks, shoe imprints, and so on. Where needed,
in all kinds of weather conditions. They may be required
they include a scale that shows the size of small items such
to stand or walk for long hours and lift moderately heavy
as bullet casings and fibers. They carefully maintain a writ-
objects up to 50 pounds. These photographers are exposed
ten log of each shot that describes what the photo depicts.
to a variety of hazards including chemicals, drugs, firearms,
Forensic Photographers in law enforcement agencies
decomposing bodies, disease, and strong odors. The things
may be assigned to take photographs of physical evidence they photograph may elicit strong emotions. Hence, they
as it is being processed in crime labs. They also take “mug must be able to get accustomed to looking at and taking pic-
shots” of arrested suspects and take pictures for police line- tures of unpleasant subjects.
ups and public relations purposes. In addition, they may be Staff photographers work a 40-hour schedule and put in
requested to take pictures of their organization’s functions additional hours as needed to complete their duties. Many of
such as award ceremonies and meetings or portraits of dis- them are assigned to shifts, which include working nights,
tinguished visitors. weekends, and holidays. They may be required to be avail-
Some Forensic Photographers work for medical examin- able to respond to emergency or forensic situations on a 24-
ers’ offices or coroners’ offices where they are responsible hour on-call basis.
for taking photographs of the deceased and postmortem
examinations. They take photos at death scenes as well as
in the morgue. Their specific tasks include taking identify- Salaries
ing photos of the deceased, which may be used in court, or Earnings for Forensic Photographers vary, depending on
shown to the family of the deceased. their position (staff or contractual), experience, employer,
Forensic Photographers also take pictures of cadav- geographic location, and other factors. Specific salary infor-
ers prior to autopsies to document evidence. They may be mation is unavailable for this occupation. However, the
responsible for cleaning the bodies, cleaning wounds, and estimated annual salary for most photographers in general
ranged from $15,540 to $56,640, according to the May
arranging arms and legs that have contracted due to rigor
2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
mortis. On occasion they find wounds that other investiga-
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
tors overlooked. Photographers take shots of bodies from
both the front and back, and close-up shots of wounds,
bruises, and injuries. After each body is photographed, Employment Prospects
Forensic Photographers change their gloves and disinfect Many medical examiners’ offices and coroners’ offices as
their cameras and other equipment. well as local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies
108        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

hire Forensic Photographers to staff positions. Local law tography skills and keep up with advancements in crime
enforcement agencies in large cities or metropolitan areas scene investigations, medicolegal death investigations, and
typically have more staff opportunities. Federal agencies the other forensic areas in which they work.
usually prefer to employ highly experienced Forensic Pho-
tographers. Special Requirements
Some Forensic Photographers find employment with
In agencies in which Forensic Photographers are law enforce-
hospitals, newspapers, attorneys, and private investigators.
ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer
Many of them are self-employed or work for firms that offer
standards and training certificate. Officers must successfully
forensic photography services.
complete annual training to maintain their certification.
Job openings normally become available as replacements
are needed for Forensic Photographers who have transferred
to other jobs or have left the workforce for various rea- Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
sons. Employers will create additional jobs to meet growing Job qualifications for entry-level positions vary among
needs, as long as funding is available. employers. In general, they seek candidates who have one
Competition for both staff and contractual positions is or more years of professional technical photography and
strong. photographic laboratory experience. Many employers are
flexible, and allow strong candidates to substitute an equiva-
lent combination of education or training in photography
Advancement Prospects
and work experience.
In general, Forensic Photographers measure success through
Forensic Photographers need effective interpersonal and
higher incomes, job satisfaction, and professional recogni-
communication skills, as they must be able to work well
tion. As staff photographers gain experience and skills, they
with colleagues, law enforcement officers, physicians, man-
are given increasingly greater responsibilities. Promotional
agers, and many others from diverse backgrounds. They
opportunities are limited to lead and supervisory positions,
must also have strong self-management skills, including
for which they may need to move to other employers.
the ability to handle stressful situations, work indepen-
Forensic Photographers may also choose to become edu-
dently, prioritize multiple tasks, and follow and understand
cators and teach forensic photography skills in law enforce-
instructions. Additionally, they need adequate writing and
ment academies or training programs, in colleges and
computer skills. Being imaginative, innovative, precise,
universities, or through professional associations and other
detail-oriented, patient, tactful, trustworthy, dependable,
and self-motivated are some personality traits that success-
Law enforcement officers have additional advancement
ful Forensic Photographers share.
options. They can rise through the ranks as detectives, ser-
geants, and so on, up to police chiefs. They can also seek
positions in other law enforcement special details as well Unions and Associations
as pursue supervisory and managerial positions within their Forensic Photographers can join forensic and photography
agency. societies to take advantage of professional services and
resources, such as training programs, professional certifi-
cation, and networking opportunities. Some professional
Education and Training
associations at the national level that serve their interests
There are no standard educational requirements for indi-
viduals to fulfill to become Forensic Photographers. Mini-
mally, they should have a high school or general equivalency
• Evidence Photographers International Council
diploma. Some employers prefer to hire applicants who have
• Professional Photographers of America
completed some college course work or have earned an
• International Association for Identification
associate or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, criminol-
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences
ogy, forensic science, physical science, or another related
• American College of Forensic Examiners
field. Many employers also favor candidates who have com-
For contact information, see Appendix III.
pleted college-level course work in photography or who have
earned an associate or bachelor’s degree in photography.
Entry-level photographers receive on-the-job training Tips for Entry
while working under the direction and supervision of expe- 1. While in high school and college, gain photography
rienced Forensic Photographers. Some employers also pro- experience by working on school newspapers or year-
vide formal instruction. books.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Photographers enroll 2. Forensic Photographers can enhance their employ-
in classes, seminars, and workshops to update their pho- ability by obtaining professional certification granted

by a recognized organization. To learn about some 4. Use the Internet to learn more about the field of foren-
certification programs, see Appendix II. sic photography. You might start by visiting the Crime
3. Develop a network of contacts—such as fellow pho- Scene and Evidence Photography Web page at Crime-
tographers, instructors, and law enforcement offi- The URL is http://www.crime-
cers—who may be able to tell you about staff or For more links,
contractual positions. see Appendix IV.
110        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Examine, compare, and evaluate video recordings

for clues that may help investigators and attorneys with Senior Forensic Video Analyst
their cases; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Video Expert, Forensic Video

Forensic Video Analyst
Salary Range: $27,000 to $93,000 for law enforcement

Employment Prospects: Poor

Forensic Video Analyst Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—On-the-job training
Experience—Several years of experience in forensic
video examination
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Problem-solv-
ing, analytical, teamwork, interpersonal, communication,
and writing skills; cooperative, dedicated, persistent,
observant, creative, trustworthy, and ethical
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description tion services. They take video records of crime scenes,
Surveillance cameras placed at banks, convenience stores, including those in which homicides, assaults, and robberies
major intersections, and other strategic locations record have taken place. They shoot footage of underground drug
the activities of people who pass within their view. When labs, at hostage situations, accident scenes, natural disasters,
crimes occur, videos of such events are a form of evidence and other police operations. They also document on video
that can be used to prosecute and convict the perpetrators, as any bodily injuries or gunshot wounds on living and dead
well as exonerate innocent suspects. Video evidence is col- victims.
lected and submitted to highly skilled professionals known Many private Forensic Video Analysts are independent
as Forensic Video Analysts. Their job is to examine, com- practitioners or employees of consulting firms that offer
pare, and evaluate video recordings to reveal clues that can forensic video analysis services to law enforcement agen-
help investigators and attorneys with their cases. cies, government agencies, attorneys, insurance companies,
Forensic Video Analysts work in both the public and pri- corporations, and others. Many of them offer audio and
vate sectors. Forensic Video Analysts work for law enforce- voice identification services as well. In addition to criminal
ment agencies or in civilian capacities. In local and state cases, these private forensic specialists may review video
law enforcement agencies, Forensic Video Analysts may be evidence for such other legal matters as civil litigation,
civilian employees or sworn officers. Depending on their regulatory violations, and insurance claims.
agency’s needs, law enforcement officers may be assigned Forensic Video Analysts are well versed in video termi-
to their forensic video unit on a full-time or part-time basis. nology as well as possess an understanding of computers
Many Forensic Video Analysts in law enforcement agen- and electronics. They work with a variety of equipment
cies are also responsible for performing video documenta- including different makes and models of playback devices,

processing and enhancement equipment, and output and video standard (or format) to another. Furthermore, they
storage equipment. They are able to work with both analog repair and restore damaged videos.
and digital video equipment, and can convert video tape They perform other duties including some that are simi-
recordings into digital files, and vice versa. Their tech- lar to other forensic professionals. For example, they:
nical equipment meets particular standards. For example,
video signals display 486 lines of picture; thus, Forensic • maintain the chain of custody of the video evidence with
Video Analysts use equipment that displays pictures at this which they work by documenting the identity of all per-
standard. Equipment that does not display all 486 lines is sonnel who handle the evidence
inadequate because some portions of an image can be lost • provide expert witness testimony at depositions, trials,
without that maximum. In addition, these specialists use Congressional meetings, and regulatory hearings
special software to analyze, evaluate, enhance, and clarify • perform tests to detect tampering or suspicious editing of
poor-quality videos. video recordings
Video is taken from a variety of sources including video • verify that tapes meet forensic standards
cameras, police cars, closed-circuit surveillance systems, • keep up with the latest developments and technologies in
and cell phones. It is often recorded on tapes but is increas- their field
ingly recorded with digital equipment. However, that which • assist investigations in other jurisdictions
is recorded is sometimes blurry, too dark, or characterized
by “snow” or “rain” that makes it difficult to use. Individu- Forensic Video Analysts often work longer than 40-hour
als or objects on the recordings are sometimes too small or weeks to complete tasks or meet deadlines. Forensic Video
indistinct without enhancement or clarification. Forensic Analysts in law enforcement agencies may work shifts, and
Video Analysts use various image processing techniques to those that are also law enforcement officers are on call 24
make video recordings useful for resolving crimes, extract- hours a day. Private specialists may be required to travel to
ing evidence, and displaying to jurors. other cities, states, or countries to meet with clients or per-
Color correction capability allows Forensic Video Ana- form their assignments.
lysts to adjust a suspect’s clothing or skin tones as well as
the color of other objects in view. Filters can be used to
sharpen pictures or distinguish objects from backgrounds.
Specific salary information for Forensic Video Analysts is
Some surveillance equipment simultaneously records and
unavailable. In general, their salaries vary, depending on
displays multiple views on one screen. Forensic Video Ana-
such factors as their education, experience, employer, and
lysts use equipment that can isolate and enhance each view
geographic location. Civilian employees normally receive
for separate display. On the other hand, they can display two
lower wages than officers in law enforcement agencies.
or more separate views on one screen. They can use time
According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Sta-
and date stamps on videos to indicate the passage of time
tistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
and coordinate the sequence of separate views.
estimated annual salary for most police and sheriff patrol
Forensic Video Analysts can program videos to be
officers ranged between $27,310 and $72,450, and for detec-
searchable so that certain points in the video sequence can
tives, between $34,480 and $92,590.
be readily accessed. When conversations are videotaped,
Forensic Video Analysts can add written transcripts of the
dialog for viewing on screen. The transcripts can also be Employment Prospects
made searchable. Forensic Video Analysts can also high- In general, employers hire Forensic Video Analysts to
light certain objects or people on a video so that they stand replace individuals who advance to higher positions, trans-
out in contrast to the rest of the picture. fer to other jobs, retire, or leave the workforce for various
Forensic Video Analysts closely study video recordings reasons. Employers will create additional positions as long
for small details that can be important to a case. By using as funding is available.
the full range of their equipment capabilities, these pro- The forensic video field is young and still small. Accord-
fessionals can make such details easily identifiable and ing to one expert in the field, the demand for these special-
meaningful through magnification and sharpening. Digital ists is growing rapidly.
videos can be examined frame by frame and are more read- In recent years, increasingly more police agencies have
ily enhanced through sharpening, adjusting contrast, and forensic video units. Civilian opportunities in local law
removing snow. Each frame can be printed as a still photo- enforcement agencies are usually better in large cities and
graph when needed. metropolitan areas. Law enforcement officers must nor-
Forensic Video Analysts also routinely perform other mally complete two or more years of patrol duty before
video analysis tasks such as decoding digital files into they are eligible to apply for the forensic video unit at their
decompressed files and converting recordings from one agency.
112        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Advancement Prospects tion. Law enforcement agencies also require that candidates
As law enforcement officers, Forensic Video Analysts can for civilian positions have several years of experience.
advance according to their personal interests and ambitions. To perform well at their job, Forensic Video Analysts
They can advance in terms of pay as well as rank. They can must have excellent problem-solving, analytical, teamwork,
apply for voluntary positions on special details within their interpersonal, communication, and writing skills. Some per-
agency, such as the SWAT team, bomb squad, aviation unit, sonality traits that successful Forensic Video Analysts share
or crime scene investigation division. They may also pursue include being cooperative, dedicated, persistent, observant,
a career in criminal investigations. Those interested in super- creative, trustworthy, and ethical.
visory or administrative duties can pursue such positions.
Civilian employees in law enforcements agencies mea- Unions and Associations
sure advancement through higher incomes, job satisfaction,
Forensic Video Analysts can join professional associations
and professional recognition.
to take advantage of training programs, networking opportu-
Entrepreneurial individuals can pursue careers as inde-
nities, and other professional services and resources. Several
pendent contractors or business owners of forensic video
societies are available at the national level. They include:
• Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video
Education and Training ­Association
Novices generally receive their training on the job while • National Association of Forensic Video
working under the direction and supervision of experienced • International Association for Identification
personnel. Many employers also provide formal instruction. • American College of Forensic Examiners
In addition, these forensic specialists obtain training on For contact information, see Appendix III.
equipment and software. That training is often provided by
the manufacturers and distributors of those items.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Video Analysts enroll Tips for Entry
in seminars, workshops, and courses to update their skills 1. Talk with several Forensic Video Analysts to learn
and keep up with technological advancements. about their job and how they entered the field. Ask
them to suggest courses that would help prepare you
for a career in forensic video analysis.
Special Requirements 2. To get an entry-level job with a private firm, be will-
In agencies in which Forensic Video Analysts are law enforce- ing to take other jobs so you can get your foot in the
ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer door.
standards and training certificate. Officers must successfully 3. Keep up with the latest technologies.
complete annual training to maintain their certification. 4. Learn more about the forensic video analysis field on
the Internet. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits any of these keywords into a search engine: forensic
Employers in the private sector prefer to hire candidates who video, forensic video analysis, or police forensic video
have several years of experience in forensic video examina- unit. For some links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Examine, compare, and evaluate audio evidence;

perform duties as required Senior Forensic Audio Examiner

Alternate Title(s): Audio Forensics Specialist, Forensic

Audio Technician, Voiceprint Analyst, Forensic Acoustic
Forensic Audio Examiner
Salary Range: $27,000 to $93,000 for law enforcement

Employment Prospects: Poor

Forensic Audio Examiner Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—On-the-job training
Experience—Several years of experience in audio
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Listening, ana-
lytical, problem-solving, writing, communication, team-
work, and interpersonal skills; be inquisitive, persistent,
meticulous, patient, trustworthy, and objective
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description ings that might escape the attention of ordinary listeners.
Audio forensics is the application of engineering skills and They can hear or identify subtle differences in vocal intona-
audio science to legal matters. Forensic Audio Examiners tions, pronunciations, accents, dialects, and other nuances in
work with audio recordings to assist with the investigation individual speech patterns that may not be evident to other
of criminal and civil cases and to confirm facts regarding investigators. Forensic Audio Examiners are also experts in
those cases. Their job involves utilizing technical equipment the examination of tape or digital recordings to determine
to identify voices, reduce noise, and enhance background whether recordings are valid and authentic.
sounds on audio recordings. They also compare sounds, ana- These audio specialists use a variety of methods to ana-
lyze the sequence of audio events, and perform other tasks. lyze recordings and provide several important investigative
Many Forensic Audio Examiners enter this field after services. One service is voice identification. Forensic Audio
working as musicians or studio engineers in the recording Examiners identify an unknown voice by comparing it to a
industry. Others are law enforcement officers who have known one. They use the recording of the unknown voice
received training in audio analysis techniques and the use of and a recording of a suspect speaking the same words. With
specialized technologies. a spectrograph and a computer, these analysts analyze the
As forensic specialists, Forensic Audio Examiners apply unique characteristics of the two voices that are revealed on
their abilities and technical expertise to analyzing recorded the output of voiceprints. A voiceprint provides a graphic
sounds, particularly voice recordings, for law enforce- representation of vocal intonations, consonant sounds,
ment agencies and the courts. Their listening abilities and breath patterns, nasal resonance, and other characteristics of
familiarity with computerized sound processing equipment vocal expression. Forensic Audio Examiners combine their
enable them to notice and extract details of audio record- use of voiceprints and their listening abilities to confirm
114        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

that a suspect was indeed recorded, or to prove the suspect’s These specialists work in well-equipped audio and video
innocence. laboratories. Forensic Audio Examiners often put in more
Forensic Audio Examiners also employ various tech- than 40-hour weeks to complete tasks or meet deadlines.
niques using spectrographs, filters, compression tech- Those who serve as law enforcement officers are on call 24
nologies, and amplitude adjustment to enhance audios, hours a day. Forensic Audio Examiners may work shifts.
clarify spoken dialogue, or reveal sounds that were previ- They may be required to travel to other cities, states, or
ously unknown. Such unknown or vague background sounds countries.
may be voices or other sounds that can provide clues about
the source of the recording. In addition, these specialists Salaries
authenticate tapes by closely examining them to determine
Salaries for Forensic Audio Examiners vary, depending
what type of recording device was used, if the tape was on such factors as their education, experience, employer,
made with more than one device, or if it was altered in some and geographic location. Specific salary information for
fashion. this occupation is unavailable. In law enforcement agen-
Forensic Audio Examiners also analyze the sequence of cies, civilian employees normally receive lower wages
events that are recorded to determine the authenticity of the than law enforcement officers. According to the May 2006
recording. Furthermore, they repair old or damaged record- Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S.
ings and mask or reduce extraneous noises from recordings Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual salary
to clarify their content. for most police and sheriff patrol officers ranged between
Some Forensic Audio Examiners also conduct video $27,310 and $72,450, and for detectives, between $34,480
analysis. They may be required to assist with the audio por- and $92,590.
tion of video surveillance recordings, for example. These
specialists make sure that such recordings can be played or
duplicated to play in useable formats. They perform similar Employment Prospects
tasks as they would with strictly audio recordings, such as As with the video forensics field, the audio forensics field is
repair, enhancement, voice identification, duplication, and young, small, and emerging. In recent years, the demand for
the analysis of background sounds, recording authentica- Forensic Audio Examiners has been growing in the private
tion, and the extraction of digital audio information. sector as well as with law enforcement agencies.
Forensic Audio Examiners use a variety of technolo- In general, employers hire Forensic Audio Examiners to
gies and types of equipment to perform their work, includ- replace individuals who advance to higher positions, trans-
ing digital-adaptive enhancement processors that feature fer to other jobs, retire, or leave the workforce for various
graphic equalizers and filtering devices, audio compressors, reasons. Employers will create additional positions as long
spectrum analyzers, computer systems, and specialized soft- as funding is available.
ware. They also utilize various types of voice identification Civilian opportunities in local law enforcement agencies
equipment in addition to spectrographs, including special- are usually better in large cities and metropolitan areas. Law
ized software that creates digitally calculated spectrograms enforcement officers must normally complete two or more
as well as tape or digital editing equipment. years of patrol duty before they are eligible to apply for the
Forensic Audio Examiners perform other duties includ- forensic audio unit at their agency.
ing some that are similar to other forensic professionals. For
example, they may: Advancement Prospects
As law enforcement officers, Forensic Audio Examiners can
• maintain the chain of custody of audio evidence by advance according to their personal interests and ambitions.
documenting the identity of all personnel who handle They can advance in terms of pay as well as rank. They can
the evidence apply for voluntary positions on special details within their
• give expert witness testimony at depositions, trials, Con- agency, such as the SWAT team, aviation unit, or crime
gressional meetings, and regulatory hearings scene investigation division. They may also pursue a career
• provide evidence analysis services to attorneys for crimi- in criminal investigations. Those interested in supervisory
nal and civil cases or administrative duties can seek such positions.
• perform tests to detect tampering or suspicious editing of Civilian employees in law enforcement agencies measure
audio recordings advancement through higher incomes, job satisfaction, and
• verify that tapes meet forensic standards professional recognition.
• keep up with the latest developments and technologies in Entrepreneurial individuals can pursue careers as inde-
their field pendent contractors or business owners of audio forensics
• assist investigations in other jurisdictions services.

Education and Training objective are some personality traits that successful Foren-
Novices generally receive their training on the job while sic Audio Examiners share.
working under the direction and supervision of experienced
personnel. Many employers also provide formal instruction. Unions and Associations
In addition, they obtain training on equipment and software. Many Forensic Audio Examiners belong to professional
That training is often provided by the manufacturers and associations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
distributors of those items. continuing education, and other professional services and
Throughout their careers, Forensic Audio Examiners resources. Some national societies that they are eligible to
enroll in seminars, workshops, and courses to update their join are the Audio Engineering Society, the International
skills and keep up with technological advancements. Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, the Inter-
national Association for Identification, and the American
Special Requirements College of Forensic Examiners. Examiners who also engage
In agencies in which Forensic Audio Examiners are law in forensic video work can become members of the National
enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic Association of Forensic Video or the Law Enforcement and
peace officer standards and training certificate. Officers Emergency Services Video Association. For contact infor-
must successfully complete annual training to maintain mation, see Appendix III.
their certification.
Tips for Entry
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 1. Talk with several Forensic Audio Examiners to learn
Employers in the private sector prefer to hire candidates about their job and how they entered the field. Ask
who have several years of experience in audio forensics them to suggest courses that would help prepare you
examination. Law enforcement agencies also require that for a career in audio forensics.
candidates for civilian positions have several years of expe- 2. Keep up with the latest technologies.
rience. In addition, employers seek candidates who demon- 3. Entry-level jobs are difficult to come by, whether in
strate a high level of competence in the operation of audio private firms or law enforcement agencies. Be willing
instruments and equipment. to volunteer in order to get training as well as work
Forensic Audio Examiners must have critical listening experience in audio forensics.
skills, along with excellent analytical, problem-solving, 4. Use the Internet to learn more about the audio foren-
writing, and communication skills. They also need strong sics field. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter
teamwork and interpersonal skills, as they must work well any of these keywords into a search engine: audio
with various people from diverse backgrounds. Being forensics, forensic audio, or police forensic audio. For
inquisitive, persistent, meticulous, patient, trustworthy, and some links, see Appendix IV.
116        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Create drawings of suspects and victims to help law

enforcement agencies solve their cases; prepare demon- Senior Forensic Artist
strative exhibits for court trials; perform other duties as

Alternate Title(s): Sketch Artist, Composite Artist, Foren-

sic Sculptor, Police Artist Forensic Artist
Salary Range: $18,000 to $80,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Forensic Artist Trainee

Education or Training—Complete forensic art courses
and workshops
Experience—Professional experience usually needed for
civilian and contractual positions
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
communication, self-management, teamwork, interview-
ing, and computer skills; open-minded, compassionate,
trustworthy, respectful, courteous, and cooperative
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description posite sketches are used to identify perpetrators of crimes or

Forensic Artists create drawings that are used by law to eliminate innocent people from a list of suspects. These
enforcement agencies, forensic laboratories, and the courts are not portraits; rather, they are two-dimensional render-
to suit a variety of purposes. Their work mainly helps to ings of witnesses’ memories. Witnesses or victims may have
identify and convict criminals, locate kidnap victims or good memories of what perpetrators look like and can work
missing persons, and recognize unidentified dead people. with Forensic Artists by describing their appearance.
Forensic Artists may be law enforcement officers or Composite drawings are usually renderings of faces, but
civilians. Many law enforcement officers perform foren- may also be full-body images or include such features as
sic art duties in addition to their primary duties as patrol clothing, tattoos, cars, or other items used by the perpetrators.
officers, detectives, crime scene technicians, or criminal- Forensic Artists are aware of each witness’s or victim’s feel-
ists. Agencies may employ civilians on a full-time basis or ings and emotional state. Hence, they are able to interview the
hire independent Forensic Artists on a contractual basis. witness or victim with care and sensitivity to bring out his or
Some independent artists offer consulting services or teach her memories of the suspect’s appearance. As they progress
forensic art courses; some pursue careers in the fine arts or with the drawing, they make changes as needed. Most Foren-
illustration. sic Artists draw their composite images by hand. Some artists
Law enforcement agencies use the skills and talents of use computer programs that automate this process.
Forensic Artists to provide drawings in any of four areas: Some Forensic Artists specialize in the area of image
composite imagery, image modification, reconstructive modification. This is a method of drawing that Forensic
drawings, and demonstrative evidence. Composite imagery Artists use to alter or add to existing photographs to show
is probably the most familiar forensic art specialty. Com- how a missing person or fugitive might have aged since they

were last seen. This technique is also called age progres- The work of Forensic Artists can often be stressful and
sion. It is particularly useful for creating updated images of emotional. They may experience exposure to decomposed
missing children. Forensic Artists need training in anatomy, matter, which may be toxic, as well as be in contact with
particularly how tissues and bone structures change over diseases, strong odors, and hazardous chemicals. They may
time, to enable them to accurately render the growth and be required to exert themselves by lifting heavy courtroom
aging processes. Forensic Artists create these drawings by exhibits or by bending, stooping, climbing, or crawling
hand or with the aid of specialized computer software. when providing assistance at crime scenes. Forensic Artists
Reconstructive or postmortem drawings make up another are expected to be available to work at all hours.
type of forensic artwork. These drawings are released to
the media and police departments for the identification of
corpses that are in various stages of decomposition. Foren- Salaries
sic Artists who do reconstructive drawings are trained to Specific salary information for Forensic Artists is unavail-
understand how flesh covers bone and changes after death. able. In general, their annual earnings vary, depending on
They also confer with and rely on the advice of forensic whether they are employees or independent contractors and
scientists such as pathologists, anthropologists, and dental on such factors as their education, experience, employer,
specialists to create accurate drawings. and geographic location. Business acumen and competition
Forensic Artists create these reconstructive drawings are other aspects that play into earnings of self-employed
from photos that were taken at the morgue. For some cases, artists. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employ-
they use skulls, partially decomposed skulls, or skull frag- ment Statistics (OES) survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor
ments, which they piece together. The artists attach vinyl Statistics (BLS), the estimated annual wage for most fine
eraser strips directly on a skull at exactly the precise depth artists ranged between $18,350 and $79,390. The annual
that tissue would occupy according to standard tissue depths mean wage for independent artists was $42,890.
that are established for all ethnicities and genders, and that Civilian employees normally receive lower wages than
are tabulated for reference. They photograph the skull from officers in law enforcement agencies. The BLS reported in
a specific angle and the photo is printed life size. Forensic its 2006 OES survey that the estimated annual salary for
Artists then place paper over the photo and draw the face most patrol officers ranged from $27,310 to $72,450, and
by using the vinyl strips, teeth, nasal hole, and eye sockets for detectives, from $34,480 to $92,590.
as references. They may use computers to perform this type
of work. Employment Prospects
Another forensic art specialty is demonstrative evidence. Competition is very keen for full-time positions. Civilian
These are exhibits, such as charts, graphs, diagrams, and staff positions, which are few in number, are typically found
illustrations that Forensic Artists prepare for attorneys to use in large police forces. Law enforcement officers must usu-
in the courts. Each piece of demonstrative evidence depicts ally complete two or more years of patrol duty before they
specific facts that have been presented in sworn testimony are eligible to apply for volunteer duty as forensic artists.
by witnesses or experts. It is the Forensic Artists’ job to One expert in the field states that there is a job market for
break down and translate complex concepts into visual aids independent artists, but they must be able to promote their
that communicate the ideas so that judges and juries can abilities to secure work from any agency.
clearly understand them. As more law enforcement agencies realize the benefits of
Forensic Artists are responsible for performing other using Forensic Artists to aid with investigations, more jobs
tasks that may include:
will become available. However, law enforcement agencies
generally have limited budgets, which can restrict their abil-
• teaching forensic art workshops or classes to patrol offi-
ity to create new positions although the demand is there.
cers, detectives, crime scene investigators, medicolegal
death investigators, and others
• providing expert witness testimony in court trials Advancement Prospects
• consulting about forensic art to law enforcement agencies As law enforcement officers, Forensic Artists can advance
• maintaining computerized forensic art databases according to their personal interests and ambitions. They
• developing and managing quality control standards for can advance in terms of pay as well as rank. They can apply
forensic art for voluntary positions on other special details within their
agency. They may also pursue a career in criminal investi-
Law enforcement agencies may send staff artists to other gations. Those interested in supervisory or administrative
jurisdictions to provide forensic art services to other law duties can pursue such positions.
enforcement agencies. Independent Forensic Artists travel Many Forensic Artists measure advancement through job
to various locations to complete assignments. satisfaction, higher incomes, and professional recognition.
118        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Education and Training officers and others as well as with victims and witnesses,
Educational requirements for civilian and contractual posi- who may be emotional, uncooperative, or distressed. In
tions vary among employers. In general, they prefer to hire addition, Forensic Artists need effective self-management,
candidates who have formal art training. Many employ- teamwork, interviewing, and computer skills. Being open-
ers will allow strong candidates to substitute experience in minded, compassionate, trustworthy, respectful, courteous,
forensic art, fine arts, medical illustration, or other related and cooperative are some personality traits that successful
areas for one or more years of education. Forensic Artists share.
Independent artists enroll in courses taught by established
and recognized Forensic Artists. Law enforcement agencies Unions and Associations
send officer and civilian artists to FBI forensic art courses Forensic Artists can join forensic societies to take advantage
as well as to private training programs given by established of networking opportunities, training programs, professional
and recognized Forensic Artists. Independent artists also certification, and other professional services and resources.
enroll in private forensic art courses and workshops to gain Some professional associations include the International
skills and techniques. Association for Identification, the American Academy of
Forensic Sciences, and the American College of Forensic
Special Requirements Examiners. For contact information, see Appendix III.
In agencies in which Forensic Artists are law enforcement
officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer stan- Tips for Entry
dards and training certificate. Officers must successfully
1. Talk with one or more Forensic Artists to find out more
complete annual training to maintain their certification.
about their work and how they got their training. You
might also ask them if you can watch them at work.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 2. If you plan to become a law enforcement officer, con-
Forensic Artists come from various backgrounds. Their pri- tinue to develop your interest, skills, and talent in art.
mary occupation may be law enforcement officer, crime 3. Are you an artist who is interested in forensic art?
scene investigator, forensic scientist, forensic anthropolo- Take one or more basic courses in police science or
gist, medical illustrator, or fine artist, among others. law enforcement to gain an understanding of police
Although natural talent is important, unit supervisors operations.
sometimes select officer candidates with fair drawing abil- 4. Some Forensic Artists obtain professional certification
ity if they demonstrate a willingness to learn. Candidates from the International Association for Identification
for civilian and contractual positions are usually required to enhance their employability. For contact informa-
to have several years of forensic art experience. They may tion about this program, see Appendix II.
have gained their experience through employment, volun- 5. Use the Internet to learn more about the forensic art
teer work, or internships. field. You might start by visiting Neville’s Forensic
Forensic Artists must have strong interpersonal and Art World Web site (by Wes Neville) at http://www.
communication skills, as they work with law enforcement For more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Reconstruct a face from a human skull; perform

other duties as required Forensic Sculptor (Established Expert)

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Artist, Forensic Facial Recon-

struction Specialist

Salary Range: $18,000 to $80,000 Forensic Sculptor

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Forensic Sculptor Trainee
Education or Training—Forensic sculpting training
Experience—Professional experience may be required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communica-
tion, interpersonal, teamwork, and self-management
skills; patient, compassionate, trustworthy, respectful,
cooperative, and open-minded
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description Forensic Sculptors may take several days to craft each
Forensic sculpture is a type of forensic art that helps law sculpture. They follow certain procedures and standards.
enforcement officers to determine the identity of unknown When they receive a skull, they first clean it and reassemble
persons whose skeletal remains cannot be recognized. it if needed. For example, they might need to reattach teeth
Forensic Sculptors are the artists who specialize in render- or the bottom jaw, or they might need to reconstruct a shat-
ing subjects in three dimensions rather than two. They apply tered skull. They review information about the deceased
their skills and talent to reconstruct what the deceaseds’ individual to learn about where the body was found, what
faces looked like from their skulls. the deceased was wearing, what articles were on the body
Most of these facial reconstruction specialists are indepen- or nearby. They also examine hair that may still be attached
dent forensic artists. They offer their services to law enforce- to the skull to determine the exact color. Forensic Sculptors
ment agencies on a contractual basis. Some Forensic Sculptors can gain useful perceptions about the deceased’s general
are law enforcement officers who do forensic sculpture and appearance by studying such items. Furthermore, they study
other types of forensic art in addition to their regular duties. the structure of the skull to discern the deceased’s gender,
Many of these professionals—both staff and independent art- age, and ethnicity.
ists— create other forms of forensic art for law enforcement Their next step is to mount the skull, or a plaster cast
agencies, including composite drawings, court exhibits, post- of the skull, on a rod, which serves as an improvised neck.
mortem sketches, and image modifications. They then place small pegs as markers at certain points on
Forensic sculpting is a mixture of science and fine art. the skull. The markers denote the depth of tendons, muscles,
Forensic Sculptors use anthropological information about and skin; the shape and contours of the face; the placement
anatomy such as how muscles and skin adhere to bone and of the eyes; and the dimensions of the nose and mouth.
how facial structures differ among the races and between The tissue depths are assigned according to the gender and
genders. When they create their reconstructions, Forensic ethnicity of the deceased. Forensic Sculptors refer to stan-
Sculptors endeavor to make the faces appear as human as dardized measurement tables to determine where to place
possible by incorporating personality into their end result. the markers on the skull. These measurements provide a
120        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

formula for creating very exact detail, including the size and is rewarding. Opportunities are usually better in large cities
shape of the nose and lips. and metropolitan areas where crime is more prevalent.
Next, Forensic Sculptors place clay on the skull (or cast) Law enforcement agencies generally employ forensic
to the depths indicated by the markers, and insert artificial artists who are able to provide forensic sculpting services as
eyes into the eye sockets. The clay fills the volumes of the well as fulfill other forensic art needs. A few agencies hire
skull such as the cheek cavities. As the clay assumes the civilian employees, but most agencies assign officers who
shape of the face, the Forensic Sculptors form the mouth have the skills and interest to fill forensic artist positions.
and nose according to the width and length of the skull’s Law enforcement officers must usually complete two or
contours. They use their intuition to determine the facial more years of patrol duty before they are eligible to apply
expression. They estimate the expression by studying what- for volunteer duty as forensic artists.
ever items of clothing or personal effects were found with
the body. Their goal is to make the sculpture as realistic Advancement Prospects
as possible to make it recognizable. They apply a wig and
Many Forensic Sculptors measure advancement through job
makeup to create skin tones.
satisfaction, higher incomes, and professional recognition.
When the sculpture is finished, Forensic Sculptors sub-
As law enforcement officers, forensic artists can advance
mit it to the requesting agency, where it is photographed
according to their personal interests and ambitions. They can
and distributed to the media. Each sculpture is not a precise
advance in terms of pay as well as rank. They can apply for
rendering of the victim’s face, but it is suitable for the public
voluntary positions on special details within their agency,
to be able to provide a positive identification.
such as the SWAT team. They may also pursue a career in
Sometimes law enforcement agencies request that Foren-
criminal investigations. Those interested in supervisory or
sic Sculptors create sculptures of fugitives by using old pho-
administrative duties can pursue such positions.
tographs. Some may use computer technology to reconstruct
faces. They scan the skull with lasers to create a holographic
image. They use computer software to fill in the flesh and Education and Training
features according to depth and anatomical measurements. There are no standard educational requirements for individ-
On occasion, Forensic Sculptors are requested to provide uals to meet in order to become a Forensic Sculptor. Many
expert witness testimony in the courts. They address issues in this field have formal training in sculpture or have taken
regarding reconstructions they have created or about the basic courses in drawing and sculpting. Many also enroll in
methods that are used to craft facial reconstructions. forensic sculpting courses and workshops that are taught by
Some independent Forensic Sculptors also offer consult- established and recognized Forensic Sculptors.
ing services or teach classes about forensic sculpting. Some
pursue careers in the fine arts. Special Requirements
Forensic Sculptors may be called upon to work on cases
In agencies in which Forensic Sculptors are law enforce-
from cities from around the country or even from other
ment officers, applicants must possess a basic peace officer
standards and training certificate. Officers must successfully
complete annual training to maintain their certification.
Specific salary information for Forensic Sculptors is unavail- Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
able. In general, their annual earnings vary, depending on
Job requirements vary among employers. Some employers
whether they are employees or independent contractors
may require no work experience from applicants, while
as well as on such factors as their education, experience,
others prefer to hire candidates who have several years
employer, and geographic location. Business acumen and
of professional sculpting experience. In general, Forensic
competition are other aspects that play into earnings of self-
Sculptors, like all forensic artists, are judged according to
employed artists. According to the May 2006 Occupational
their demonstrated proficiency.
Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor
To do well at their work, Forensic Sculptors need excel-
Statistics, the estimated annual wage for most fine artists
lent communication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills.
ranged between $18,350 and $79,390. The annual mean
They also must have strong self-management skills, includ-
wage for independent artists was $42,890.
ing the ability to work independently, handle stressful
situations, and follow and understand directions. Some
Employment Prospects personality traits that Forensic Sculptors share are being
Some experts say that it is difficult to break into the forensic patient, compassionate, trustworthy, respectful, cooperative,
art field, and in particular forensic sculpting, but the work and open-minded.

Unions and Associations sketches, age progression drawings, and demonstra-

Forensic Artists can join forensic societies to take advan- tive evidence.
tage of networking opportunities, training programs, pro- 3. If you are a law enforcement officer, let your forensic
fessional certification, and other professional services art or forensic services unit supervisor know about
and resources. Some professional associations include the your interest. Oftentimes, supervisors select candi-
International Association for Identification, the American dates without formal art training who demonstrate
Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the American Col- natural ability and a willingness to learn.
lege of Forensic Examiners. For contact information, see 4. As a freelance artist, develop a marketing plan for
Appendix III. yourself. Determine how far you are willing to travel to
jobs, and then send out a marketing packet about your
Tips for Entry services to every law enforcement agency within that
1. Some experts suggest taking courses in anatomy, psy- radius.
chology, and criminal justice to help you prepare for a 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic sculpting.
career in forensic sculpting. To get a list of pertinent Web sites, enter either of these
2. Be flexible and develop your skills to be able to offer keywords into a search engine: forensic sculpting or
other types of forensic art services, such as composite forensic sculptors. For some links, see Appendix IV.
122        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Create charts, diagrams, illustrations, multimedia pre-

sentations, and other visual aids for litigation, information, Senior Forensic Graphics Specialist
or training purposes; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Artist, Litigation Graphics Spe-

cialist, Demonstrative Evidence Specialist, Visual Infor-
mation Specialist; a title that reflects a specialty such as Forensic Graphics Specialist
Forensic Animator

Salary Range: $24,000 to $93,000

Employment Prospects: Fair Forensic Graphics Specialist Trainee

Advancement Prospects: Good

Education or Training—Formal training in art, graph-
ics design, computer graphics, or another related field
Experience—Previous professional experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communication,
listening, interpersonal, customer-service, teamwork,
self-management, organizational, and problem-solving
skills; detail-oriented, flexible, patient, imaginative, posi-
tive, and trustworthy
Special Requirements—Peace officer certificate may be

Position Description These forensic artists create visual aids for various pur-
Legal issues, concepts, and investigations can be difficult poses. The most common purpose is for courtroom pre-
to follow and comprehend. Sometimes presenting facts sentations. Forensic Graphics Specialists prepare exhibits
and data in visual form can help audiences understand and known as demonstrative evidence. These visual aids are
remember information. Hence, lawyers, expert witnesses, admissible in the courts as long as they depict facts that
law enforcement trainers, and others seek the help of Foren- have been established in sworn testimony by eyewitnesses
sic Graphics Specialists to create visual aids that effectively or expert witnesses such as criminalists, scientists, engi-
communicate their ideas simply and clearly. neers, or physicians. Forensic Graphics Specialists also pre-
Forensic Graphic Specialists produce charts, maps, dia- pare visual aids for teaching and informational ­purposes.
grams, graphs, illustrations, engineering drawings, com- With each project, Forensic Graphics Specialists inter-
puter animations, multimedia presentations, and other view clients—who may be attorneys, medical doctors, law
visual aids, depending on the needs of their clients. Their enforcement officers, trainers, or others—to identify their
work involves utilizing art and graphic design methods needs. They also work closely with clients to determine
and techniques as well as computer technologies, includ- what concepts need to be shown in visual form and how
ing drawing, graphics processing, presentation, animation, they should be presented.
and computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) software These graphics specialists then review all materials that
applications. are given to them to learn about the information they will be

illustrating. For example, if they will be producing demon- Salaries

strative evidence, they might study witness statements, pho- Annual incomes for Forensic Graphics Specialists vary,
tographs, police reports, and crime scene sketches. These depending on such factors as their experience, educa-
specialists make sure they understand the details to be tion, position (independent contractor or staff member),
depicted in visual form. If they are unclear, they consult employer, and geographic location. Specific salary informa-
with their clients or subject matter experts. In addition, tion for this occupation is unavailable, but an approximation
Forensic Graphics Specialists make sure the information is can be obtained by looking at the salaries for different visual
accurate and correct. When they have completed all of their artists. For example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
research, they analyze the data and plan out the visuals. (BLS) reported in its May 2006 Occupational Employment
They create initial sketches, drafts, animations, or presenta- Statistics survey that the estimated annual salary for most
tions for clients to review and approve before they make the graphic designers ranged from $24,120 to $69,730, and for
final products. multimedia artists and animators, $30,390 to $92,720.
Forensic Graphics Specialists perform a wide range of Law enforcement officers earn salaries according to
their rank and other factors. The estimated annual salary
tasks on their job, such as:
for most police and sheriff patrol officers ranged between
$27,310 and $72,450, and for detectives, between $34,480
• recommend the most effective media to illustrate the and $92,590, according to the BLS survey.
intended material
• make suggestions for visual aids to be used
• prepare time and cost estimates for completing visual Employment Prospects
aids In addition to law enforcement agencies, Forensic Graphics
• testify as expert witnesses in the courts Specialists are employed by prosecuting attorneys’ offices.
• identify, evaluate, and recommend the purchase of soft- In the private sector, law firms sometimes hire Forensic
Graphics Specialists.
ware and presentation equipment
Forensic graphics (also known as litigation graphics and
• maintain inventory of supplies and equipment
demonstrative evidence) is a young and growing field. Job
• transport and set up visual aids
opportunities are expected to grow as more visual aids are
• operate or train others in the operation of presentation used in court trials, regulatory hearings, arbitrations, and
equipment similar venues to help lay people understand complex con-
• keep up with new developments and technologies cepts and issues.

In the private sector, many Forensic Graphics Special-

ists are independent practitioners or employees of graph-
Advancement Prospects
Many Forensic Graphics Specialists measure advancement
ics or litigation support firms that offer forensic graphics
through job satisfaction, higher incomes, and professional
or demonstrative evidence services. Their services may be
recognition. For some professionals, the top goal is to
contracted by law enforcement agencies, attorneys, insur-
become successful independent practitioners or owners of
ance companies, government agencies, nongovernmental forensic graphics firms.
organizations, and others. In private firms, these specialists can advance to lead,
Law enforcement agencies also employ graphics spe- supervisory, and administrative positions. Opportunities are
cialists in the role of forensic artist. Along with creating usually limited and may require transferring to other work-
demonstrative evidence, these employees provide compos- places to advance up the ladder.
ite sketches, age progression drawings of missing persons, As law enforcement officers, forensic artists advance
postmortem drawings, and other forensic art services. In according to their personal interests and ambitions. They
many local and state agencies, law enforcement officers can move forward in pay as well as in rank. They can
perform the duties of forensic artist on a part-time or apply for voluntary positions on special details within their
full-time basis. Part-timers carry out forensic art duties agency. Those interested in supervisory or administrative
when their services are needed. The rest of their time is duties can pursue such positions.
spent executing their primary duties as patrol officers,
detectives, crime scene investigators, criminalists, or other Education and Training
occupations. Educational requirements vary with the different employ-
Forensic Graphics Specialists usually put in more than ers. Most prefer candidates who have formal training in
40 hours per week to complete their projects and meet dead- art, graphic design, computer graphics, or another related
lines. Those who are law enforcement officers work shifts field. Many employers hire candidates with a high school or
that may include working nights, weekends, and holidays. general equivalency diploma if they have qualifying work
They are typically on call 24 hours a day. experience.
124        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Entry-level specialists receive on-the-job training while Unions and Associations

working under the direction and supervision of experi- Forensic Graphics Specialists can join professional associa-
enced personnel. Some employers provide formal instruc- tions to take advantage of networking opportunities, train-
tion programs. ing programs, and other professional services and resources.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Graphics Specialists Some national societies that serve their interests include the
enroll in seminars, workshops, and courses to update their Demonstrative Evidence Specialists Association, the Ameri-
skills and keep up with technological advancements. can Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the American Col-
lege of Forensic Examiners. As forensic artists, they are
Special Requirements eligible to join the International Association for Identifica-
In agencies in which Forensic Graphics Specialists are tion. For contact information, see Appendix III.
law enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic
peace officer standards and training certificate. Officers Tips for Entry
must successfully complete annual training to maintain 1. As a student, obtain an internship with a forensic
their certification. graphics firm.
2. Contact employers directly to learn about job open-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits ings. In addition to permanent positions, be sure to
Employers usually seek candidates who have several years ask about temporary, contractual, or freelance oppor-
of professional experience producing graphics, multimedia tunities they might have.
presentations, and similar work. Having previous experi- 3. Law enforcement officers usually must complete two
ence creating visual aids for legal purposes is desirable. or more years of patrol duty before they are eligible to
To work effectively at their job, Forensic Graphics Spe- apply for volunteer duty as forensic artists.
cialists must have excellent communication, listening, inter- 4. Use the Internet to learn more about what Foren-
personal, and customer-service skills. They also need strong sic Graphics Specialists do. To get a list of relevant
teamwork, self-management, organizational, and problem- Web sites, enter any of these keywords into a search
solving skills. Being detail-oriented, flexible, patient, imag- engine: forensic graphics, forensic graphics special-
inative, positive, and trustworthy are some personality traits ists, litigation graphics specialists, or demonstrative
that successful Forensic Graphics Specialists share. evidence. For some links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys,

recording companies, composers, and others; address Forensic Musicologist
legal issues regarding intellectual property issues; per-
form other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Novice Forensic Musicologist
Salary Range: $30,000 to $94,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Music Professor, Musician, or

Other Profession
Education or Training—Doctoral degree in music usu-
ally preferred
Experience—Several years of work experience in field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment skills, analytical, organizational, writing, presenta-
tion, communication, and interpersonal skills; inquisitive,
objective, trustworthy, unbiased, detail-oriented, diligent,
and patient

Position Description versed in the nuances of copyright law in which some uses
Musicology is the study of music, which includes the history of older music are protected while other uses are not. For
of music and music theory. This discipline also embraces eth- example, using an older song’s melody in a new song that
nomusicology, which is the study of the musical traditions of deliberately parodies the older song may be permissible.
different cultures. Most musicologists are academicians who Copyright is a legal document that grants the owner of a
teach college and university students and conduct scholarly piece of creative work, such as a musical composition, the
research in their particular areas of interest. Other musicolo- exclusive rights to it. Music copyright owners have complete
gists work in the music publishing industry, or in museums. control over how their works may be used, who may make
Many musicologists are also accomplished musicians. copies, who may perform them, and who may sell them,
In recent years, some musicologists have become among other rights. (Music copyright owners are not neces-
involved in an emerging specialty called forensic musicol- sarily the creators of musical works.) Plagiarizing musical
ogy. These specialists, known as Forensic Musicologists, pieces is a copyright infringement, or copyright violation,
apply their expertise to legal matters. They work as consul- that can lead to lawsuits as well as criminal charges.
tants, offering their services to attorneys, recording com- Forensic Musicologists are consulted when a new tune or
panies, personal artistic managers, composers, artists, and song appears to use the melody or lyrics of an older musi-
others. In addition to their extensive background in music, cal work. Their job is to help clients establish if a musician
these specialists are knowledgeable about intellectual prop- deliberately copied another’s works and did not simply use
erty law and courtroom proceedings. They also understand an identical melody or lyric by coincidence. They analyze
the importance of being accurate, objective, and unbiased a musical piece in question and determine whether it meets
when performing forensic analysis. the legal criteria of plagiarism.
These forensic experts primarily address legal issues Essentially, these forensic specialists analyze and com-
regarding music copyright. Forensic Musicologists are well pare two musical works and speculate on whether there is
126        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

any similarity between the works. This involves careful and Salaries
thorough analysis of each musical work. They study each Specific earnings information for Forensic Musicologists is
aspect of the music such as lyrics, melody, and chord pat- unavailable. As consultants, they might charge an hourly, daily,
terns. They examine segments of each work and compare or flat rate for assessments, courtroom testimony, and other
only those segments that have relevance to the suspected services that they offer. They might also charge clients for
issue of plagiarism. For example, four bars of each song travel time, photocopying, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
may be identical or remarkably similar enough to arouse Academicians earn salaries that vary, depending on such
suspicion of one having been copied from the other. factors as their ranking, employer, and geographic location.
Many of the plagiarism cases in recent years have According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, in its May 2006
involved the musical device known as sampling whereby Occupational Employment Statistics survey, the estimated
a segment of one tune is incorporated into a new tune. annual salary for postsecondary music teachers ranged
Samples are directly extracted from a recorded piece and between $29,290 and $94,270.
used in another. A musician may sample another musician’s
work by licensing the use of the sample. The absence of that
Employment Prospects
license is a violation of copyright law.
Forensic Musicologists are hired by diverse clients for Forensic musicology is a very young but emerging field.
different purposes. Attorneys retain these specialists to pro- It is also a very small occupation, in which practically all
vide various litigation support services for civil or criminal Forensic Musicologists offer their services on a part-time
cases. For example, Forensic Musicologists might: basis. Most of these specialists provide forensic consulting
services as a sideline to their main occupation as college
professors. Some Forensic Musicologists hold down full-
• review the facts and issues of a case to help attorneys
time jobs as attorneys, musicians, and other professions.
determine if there is sufficient evidence to file a lawsuit or
As more attorneys, music publishing companies, musi-
criminal charges
cians, and others become aware of the benefits of having
• study a case to identify the technical facts and issues
forensic experts address legal issues, demands will increase
• instruct lawyers about the technical facts in a case
for Forensic Musicologists.
• conduct research for additional information to support a
• perform forensic analyses on musical pieces to prove or Advancement Prospects
disprove certain facts or issues As consultants, Forensic Musicologists measure success
• prepare reports that can be used in settlement negotia- through job satisfaction, gaining professional recognition,
tions and earning higher incomes.
College and university instructors typically seek ten-
Attorneys also retain Forensic Musicologists to provide ure-track positions. They advance by rising through the
expert witness testimony in depositions, trials, and alterna- ranks from instructor to full professor. They can also pursue
tive dispute resolution meetings. They give their profes- managerial and administrative positions, from department
sional opinion about specific facts and issues of a case, chair to academic dean, and may work their way up to the
objectively and without bias. They do not support or oppose position of provost or president.
the arguments presented by the opposing attorneys or the
attorneys that have hired them. In general, when forensic
Education and Training
experts perform expert witness services, they do not provide
In general, Forensic Musicologists should have an advanced
litigation support services.
degree, preferably a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree, in music. To teach
On occasion, composers as well as artists consult Foren-
in academic institutions, individuals must possess a doctorate.
sic Musicologists about new compositions. These special-
There are no formal training programs in forensic musi-
ists may be asked to listen to the new work and confirm that
cology. In general, Forensic Musicologists gain their knowl-
the material is in fact original and not in violation of copy-
edge in forensic analysis through self-study and essentially
right law. Advertising agencies and movie companies also
learning by doing.
seek Forensic Musicologists when they want to use original
Throughout their careers, Forensic Musicologists enroll
music that may sound similar to familiar works. They want
in continuing education programs to update their skills and
these specialists to assure them that their music does not
keep up with advancements in their fields.
copy another tune, and that the new music fits within the
criteria of copyright law.
Very few Forensic Musicologists work full time. Their Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
hours are flexible. They often travel to other cities and states Typically, music professors and others have worked for
to meet with clients and attend depositions and trials. many years before becoming forensic consultants.

Potential clients seek Forensic Musicologists who have Tips for Entry
established themselves as being accomplished in their 1. As a high school or college student, get an idea if
field. They retain consultants who have the necessary working in the legal arena might be your forte. For
knowledge, skills, and experience to successfully complete example, you can read books and articles about foren-
their projects. sic science. You can also sit in on trials and listen and
To do well as consultants, Forensic Musicologists must watch expert witnesses as they give their testimony
have strong self-management skills, analytical, organi- and are cross-examined.
zational, writing, and presentation skills. They also need 2. Obtain an advanced degree in music. Education is one
excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as they of the criteria that courts use when qualifying indi-
must be able to work well with different people from viduals to be expert witnesses. In general, most expert
diverse backgrounds. Being inquisitive, objective, trust- witnesses (in all fields) possess doctorates in their
worthy, unbiased, detail-oriented, diligent, and patient are fields.
some personality traits that successful Forensic Musicolo- 3. Contact Forensic Musicologists and talk with them
gists have in common. about their work. One of them may be willing to train
Unions and Associations 4. Many Forensic Musicologists get projects through
Forensic Musicologists can join professional associations referrals given by colleagues, clients, and other people
to take advantage of professional resources and services they know.
as well as networking opportunities. In addition to joining 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic musicol-
societies that serve their particular music field, they can also ogy. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter the key-
become members of the American Musicological Society. words forensic musicology or forensic musicologists
For contact information, see Appendix III. into a search engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.
130        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys,

law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and Forensic Medical Consultant
various other clients; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant, Forensic Exam-

iner, Forensic Specialist; Forensic Odontologist, Forensic
Nurse, or other title that reflects a particular occupation Novice Forensic Medical Consultant

Salary Range: $100 to $500+ per hour

Employment Prospects: Fair

Healthcare Practitioner or
Advancement Prospects: Poor Medical Scientist
Education or Training—College degrees and training
appropriate to an occupation such as pediatrician or reg-
istered nurse
Experience—Several years of experience in occupation
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, communication, interpersonal, organizational,
analytical, writing, and presentation skills; fair, honest,
trustworthy, compassionate, respectful, objective, detail-
oriented, and meticulous
Special Requirements—Professional license required;
certification usually preferred

Position Description tions. Most of them perform their consulting services on

Forensic medicine is the application of medicine to legal a part-time basis while working full time in their primary
issues. Some physicians, dentists, pharmacists, chiroprac- job as health care practitioners, academicians, or medical
tors, registered nurses, and other health care professionals scientists.
engage in providing forensic consulting services. Essen- These forensic experts consult on various medicolegal
tially, they apply the knowledge and skills of their particular issues related to their specific areas of expertise. These
specialty to the resolution of legal or administrative matters. areas are varied and range widely, including emergency
Collectively, these forensic experts are known as Foren- medicine, cardiovascular surgery, oncology, pharmacology,
sic Medical Consultants. Individually, they hold titles that alternative medicine, geriatric psychiatry, DNA analysis,
reflect their particular discipline, such as forensic pharma- infectious diseases, aerospace medicine, industrial hygiene,
cist, forensic odontologist, forensic psychiatrist, or forensic drug addiction, critical care, child abuse pediatrics, health
nurse. care management, Medicare fraud, standards of care, recon-
Forensic Medical Consultants offer their services on a structive surgery, and medical products and devices, among
contractual basis to attorneys, law enforcement agencies, many other areas.
medical examiners’ (and coroners’) offices, the courts, regu- Forensic Medical Consultants are probably most well
latory agencies, insurance companies, hospitals, medical known for being retained by attorneys to provide expert
boards, workers’ compensation commissions, pharmaceu- witness testimony in court proceedings for criminal and
tical companies, private corporations, and other organiza- civil cases. These consultants may work for either the pros-

ecution or defense in a case. As expert witnesses, Forensic lecting clients’ fees, bookkeeping, maintaining supplies and
Medical Consultants give professional opinions about medi- equipment, and marketing their services. These consultants
cal facts and issues that are related to a case. Expert wit- also set aside time to generate new business. To be successful,
nesses may also be used to provide technical information they must work at building up their reputation and credibility.
about a case so that judges and jurors can understand the They may write books and articles for professional and trade
facts and issues. publications, make guest presentations at professional and
Attorneys also hire Forensic Medical Consultants to pro- trade conferences, and teach workshops and seminars.
vide them with litigation support services. These are differ- Forensic Medical Consultants work flexible hours. Their
ent pretrial services that lawyers seek to help them prepare job requires them to travel frequently to meet with clients,
for trials. Some services include reviewing cases to identify attend depositions and trials, and participate in conferences
medical issues and facts; conducting medical research; edu- and other relevant events.
cating lawyers about medical facts of a case; performing
clinical examinations to prove or disprove facts or issues in
a case; interviewing eyewitnesses; and preparing reports to
Annual gross earnings for Forensic Medical Consultants is
be used in settlement negotiations.
based on the total fees that they have earned in a year. Earn-
When Forensic Medical Consultants provide litigation
ings vary yearly, depending on such factors as their occupa-
support services, they usually do not perform any expert
tion, specialties, rates, and the demand for their services in
witness services. However, lawyers may ask them to testify
their particular location. Specific earnings information for
as percipient witnesses, which are similar to eyewitnesses.
this occupation is unavailable.
They answer questions about facts related to a case based
Consultants typically charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate
on their direct observation or work rather than their profes-
for the different services—such as research, evaluations,
sional opinion.
and expert witness testimony—that they offer. Hourly fees
Forensic Medical Consultants also offer other types of
may range between $100 and $500 or more per hour. Highly
services for different clients. For example, they may:
reputable consultants can earn as much as $2,000 or more
per hour for expert witness services. Consultants may be
• conduct autopsies to determine the cause of death of
reimbursed for expenses such as telephone calls, photocopy-
victims or assist with identifying remains from disaster
ing, and travel time.
scenes for medical examiners’ offices
• carry out independent medical examinations of disability or
worker’s compensation claimants for insurance companies Employment Prospects
• perform assessments of fellow physicians for medical Opportunities vary for different Forensic Medical Consul-
boards tants. Some forensic specialties, such as forensic odon-
• evaluate policies and procedures for hospitals or health tology, forensic psychiatry, and forensic nursing are more
clinics established than others. In general, though, the job outlook
• assess medical facts and issues related to administrative for Forensic Medical Consultants should remain steady over
hearings with regulatory agencies the long term, as lawyers, public agencies, insurance com-
• provide expert testimony for nonprofit organizations about panies, and other organizations and industries rely on out-
medical issues at Congressional hearings side expertise for their medicolegal cases.
The prospects for forensic consultants within a location
Forensic Medical Consultants are expected to provide depend on the demand for their particular expertise and on
independent expert opinions that are impartial and unbiased, the number of similar consultants in the area. Those willing
and to deliver them on a timely basis. They perform vari- to travel to other locations may have more opportunities to
ous consulting tasks. They collect data, which may involve obtain consulting work.
performing clinical examinations, gathering literature, inter-
viewing people, and reviewing records and other written Advancement Prospects
materials. They analyze and interpret data and form assess-
As forensic consultants, healthcare practitioners realize
ments. In addition, they prepare written reports of their
advancement by earning higher incomes and gaining pro-
medical findings and conclusions. Their reports must be
fessional recognition. Many also measure success by being
clear and concise and be presented in language that can be
sought out for very complex or publicized projects.
easily understood by nonmedical people. Forensic Medical
Consultants also provide expert witness testimony in depo-
sitions and trials when needed. Education and Training
As business owners, Forensic Medical Consultants are Forensic Medical Consultants possess the appropriate
responsible for managing their operations. They perform var- education and training that is required for their particular
ious administrative duties such as paying bills and taxes, col- professions. Physicians, for example, possess a bachelor’s
132        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

degree, which may be in any discipline, as well as hold To perform well as consultants, individuals must have
either a doctor of medicine (M.D.) degree or a doctor of excellent self-management skills, such as the ability to work
osteopathy (D.O.) degree. They have also completed resi- independently, understand and follow instructions, meet
dency training in their specialty (such as pathology) and, if deadlines, and prioritize multiple tasks. They also need
any, subspecialty (such as forensic pathology). exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, as they
Forensic Medical Consultants may gain forensic train- must be able to handle patients, colleagues, clients, attor-
ing through various ways, depending on their specialty. neys, officials, and various other people from diverse back-
They might complete residency training, fellowship pro- grounds. In addition, Forensic Medical Consultants need
grams, continuing education courses, on-the-job training, strong organizational, analytical, writing, and presentation
self-study, or a combination of these pursuits. skills.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Medical Consultants Some personality traits that successful Forensic Medical
enroll in continuing education and training programs to Consultants share include being fair, honest, trustworthy,
update their skills and knowledge as well as to keep up with compassionate, respectful, objective, detail-oriented, and
advancements in their fields. meticulous.

Special Requirements Unions and Associations

Physicians and registered nurses must be licensed in the Many Forensic Medical Consultants belong to professional
jurisdiction where they practice. Licensing requirements associations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
vary with each state. For specific information, contact the continuing education, publications, referral services, and
state board that oversees the licensing of an occupation. For other professional resources and services. They are mem-
example, contact the appropriate state board of medicine for bers of professional societies that serve their profession. For
information about physician licensure. example, many physicians belong to the American Medi-
Attorneys, organizations, and industries usually prefer cal Association, while many dentists are members of the
to retain Forensic Medical Consultants who have obtained American Dental Association.
board certification or professional certification in their These consultants can also join forensic societies that
specialties. For example, many forensic psychiatrists are serve their particular interests. Registered nurses can belong
board-certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and to the International Association of Forensic Nurses, for
Neurology. example. Two professional associations that serve the gen-
Unlike state licenses, professional certifications are not eral interests of forensic experts are the American Academy
required for physicians, nurses, and other medical profes- of Forensic Sciences and the American College of Forensic
sionals to practice in a jurisdiction. Forensic experts obtain Examiners.
professional certification on a voluntary basis from repu- For contact information for the above organizations, see
table organizations that are recognized within their profes- Appendix III.
sion. Applicants must typically pass stringent requirements,
including an examination, to become certified. For informa- Tips for Entry
tion about some certification programs, see Appendix II.
1. Talk with experienced Forensic Medical Consultants
in your specialty. Try to find someone who is willing
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits to be your mentor.
Potential clients seek Forensic Medical Consultants who 2. Learn to network. Consultants often learn about poten-
have established themselves as accomplished practitioners. tial jobs through word of mouth.
They retain consultants who have the necessary knowledge, 3. Learn more about forensic medicine on the Internet.
skills, and experience to successfully complete their proj- To find relevant Web sites, enter any of these key-
ects. Typically, medical professionals have been in practice words into a search engine: forensic medicine, foren-
for several years before they become forensic consultants. sic medical consulting, or medicolegal consulting.



Duties: Conduct evaluations of children suspected of being

abused, neglected, or otherwise maltreated; provide expert Senior Child Abuse Pediatrician or
assessments; perform other duties as required Forensic Pediatrics Program Director

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Pediatrician

Salary Range: $66,000 to $146,000

Child Abuse Pediatrician
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Prerequisites: Pediatrician
Education or Training—Medical school degree, pediat-
ric residency training, and forensic pediatrics fellowship
Experience—Work experience gained through a foren-
sic pediatrics fellowship
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
communication, writing, analytical, observational, and
self-management skills; compassionate, friendly, respect-
ful, honest, diligent, and self-motivated
Special Requirements—Physician licensure; board-cer-
tification as a pediatrician may be required

Position Description are knowledgeable about child advocacy and protection,

One of the most unfortunate aspects of life is that children mental health evaluation and treatment, forensic autopsy,
are sometimes abused, molested, or neglected. Each year, forensic pathology, the proper handling of criminal and civil
over a thousand children die from these traumatic incidents. child abuse cases, and legislative advocacy.
Many more suffer serious or permanent injury and long- These forensic specialists cooperate with law enforce-
lasting emotional difficulties. Pediatric specialists called ment agencies, social agencies such as Child Protective Ser-
Child Abuse Pediatricians are the medical experts who are vices, and the courts to identify, evaluate, and treat victims
called upon to evaluate children suspected of having been of child abuse and neglect. Child Abuse Pediatricians are
maltreated. confronted with very complex cases that require the input
Child abuse pediatrics, or forensic pediatrics, is a new of other experts; hence, they usually work as part of multi-
subspecialty of pediatrics, the medical specialty that treats disciplinary teams. The makeup of these teams varies with
youngsters from infancy through their teenage years. Pedia- the different forensic pediatrics programs. They may consist
tricians, who are primary care providers, monitor children’s of various medical specialists including other physicians,
growth and development, treat their injuries, and diagnose psychiatrists, nurses, and nurse practitioners; social service
and prevent their illnesses. professionals such as social workers, child development
Child Abuse Pediatricians are trained in clinical assess- specialists, and family advocates; law enforcement officers;
ment, research, and advocacy skills. They also have prosecution attorneys; and volunteers.
specialized medical skills pertinent to the physical and psy- As experts in child abuse, these pediatric specialists’ pri-
chological injuries incurred in child abuse cases. In addition mary job is to examine and evaluate children who appear to
to being familiar with child development, injury biomechan- have been abused in one way or another. They consult with
ics, pediatric trauma, genetic disorders, and nutrition, they others on their team to determine whether the evidence of
134        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

injury or trauma is in fact the result of criminal negligence, cians. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employ-
sexual assault, or violent attack, because some diseases may ment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
mimic the symptoms of child abuse. Some reported cases the estimated annual salary for most general pediatricians
of abuse are contrived. Some symptoms may actually be ranged between $66,480 and $145,600.
caused by previous illness or previous accidental injury.
Consequently, forensic pediatricians use investigative tech-
Employment Prospects
niques to collect evidence and interview patients to precisely
Child Abuse Pediatricians usually find employment as
determine the circumstances of the abuse.
academicians in pediatric departments at medical centers,
Upon completing their evaluations, Child Abuse Pedia-
children’s hospitals, and hospitals with pediatric residency
tricians provide assessments to law enforcement agencies,
training programs. Some opportunities are available with
child protective services, or other entities that are responsible
child advocacy centers and other child abuse and neglect
for investigating possible maltreatment, as well as to those
programs. Some Child Abuse Pediatricians offer forensic
agencies that will care for the children. Child Abuse Pedia-
pediatric services on a part-time consulting basis, while
tricians sometimes provide expert testimony in court about
working in their primary occupation as general pediatricians
facts and issues related to criminal, civil, or custody cases.
or emergency room physicians.
Child Abuse Pediatricians are responsible for completing
other duties, which vary from one expert to the next. For Child abuse pediatrics is a new field. According to
example, they may: some experts in the field, there is a growing interest in this
subspecialty, as well as an increasing demand for experi-
• prepare written and photographic evidence of injuries enced specialists. One expert reports that currently there
resulting from maltreatment are more positions available than trained physicians to fill
• provide consultation to pediatricians and other primary them.
care providers who suspect that their patients have been
mistreated Advancement Prospects
• perform medical assessments based on reported evidence Child Abuse Pediatricians advance according to their inter-
of all types of child abuse and neglect ests and ambitions. Those with managerial interests can
• provide treatment and therapy to victims pursue administrative positions within forensic pediatrics
• conduct research into the causes and consequences of programs or departments in medical centers, for example.
child abuse Entrepreneurial specialists can become consultants or open
• train law enforcement officers, social workers, other doc- a solo practice in addition to offering forensic consulting
tors and mental health professionals, teachers, day care services.
providers, and parents to recognize evidence of abuse and Many of these forensic pediatricians measure success
work against the incidence of child abuse and neglect through job satisfaction, by gaining professional recogni-
• create and sponsor programs designed to educate the pub- tion, and by earning higher incomes.
lic about child abuse and to prevent its occurrence
• participate in child abuse task forces and committees
• establish relationships with and confer regularly with law Education and Training
enforcement agencies, child protection agencies, and other Becoming a Child Abuse Pediatrician involves a long and
governmental and public organizations intense formal education program. Individuals must first
• stay up to date with the latest research and legislative earn a bachelor’s degree, which may be in any field, then
advocacy information regarding child abuse and child complete four years of medical school to earn a doctor of
prevention topics and issues medicine (M.D.) degree or a doctor of osteopathy (D.O.)
degree. They then complete a three-year pediatric residency
Child Abuse Pediatricians work closely with children, program, which involves clinical training under the super-
their families, and their communities. They may work full vision of physicians, to become general pediatricians. To
time or part time. Many full-time specialists are medical specialize in child abuse pediatrics, pediatricians carry out a
school professors who are part of child abuse programs. Oth- fellowship in child abuse pediatrics.
ers work with nonprofit, governmental, or nongovernmental Trainees in child abuse pediatrics learn skills in teaching,
child abuse programs. Some Child Abuse Pediatricians run community work, expert witness testimony, and research.
private child abuse and neglected child protection programs.
Special Requirements
Salaries Child Abuse Pediatricians must be licensed physicians in
Specific salary information for Child Abuse Pediatricians is the jurisdictions where they practice. For licensure require-
unavailable. Their earnings are similar to general pediatri- ments, contact the appropriate state medical board.

Many employers require that applicants be board-cer- • Society for Pediatric Research
tified pediatricians. This certification is voluntary and is • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
granted by the American Board of Pediatrics. Some employ-
ers will hire candidates on the condition that they obtain By joining professional associations, these specialists
their certification within a certain time period. can take advantage of various professional resources and
When this book was being written, the American Board services as well as networking opportunities. For contact
of Pediatrics was developing a certification program for information for the above organizations, see Appendix III.
child abuse pediatrics. Employers will more likely prefer to
hire applicants who possess this certification. Tips for Entry
1. While in high school, get an idea if you might like a
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits career helping children. Talk with your school coun-
Novice forensic pediatricians gain experience through their selor or a local pediatrician to get suggestions on how
fellowship training. and where you might volunteer in your community to
Child Abuse Pediatricians need excellent interpersonal and gain experience working with children.
communication skills, as they must be able to work well 2. As a student, gain experience working in a medical
with children, families, colleagues, law enforcement officers, setting. For example, you might work part time or
social workers, and various others. They also must have effec- in the summer for a hospital, doctor’s office, health
tive writing, analytical, observational, and self-management clinic, pharmacy, or skilled nursing facility.
skills. 3. As a medical student, take advantage of opportunities
Some personality traits that successful Child Abuse to work in child abuse and protection programs.
Pediatricians share include being compassionate, friendly, 4. Check out Web sites for children’s hospitals and aca-
demic medical centers to learn about their pediat-
respectful, honest, diligent, and self-motivated.
rics departments. You may also find postings of job
vacancies as well as information about the applica-
Unions and Associations tion process.
Some societies that serve the interests of Child Abuse Pedia- 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic pedi-
tricians are: atrics. You might start by visiting the Web site for
the Child Abuse and Neglect Section that is part of
• American Academy of Pediatrics the American Academy of Pediatrics. Its URL is
• American Professional Society for the Abuse of Children For more links, see
• American Pediatric Society Appendix IV.
136        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Perform independent examinations on patients for

insurance companies, government agencies, attorneys, Forensic Chiropractic Examiner
employers, and other entities; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Chiropractor, Forensic Chiro-

practic Specialist
Novice Forensic Chiropractic Examiner
Salary Range: $33,000 to $146,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor Chiropractor

Education or Training—Chiropractor school training;
on-the-job forensic training
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical,
organizational, writing, communication, interpersonal,
and self-management skills; friendly, truthful, trustwor-
thy, respectful, objective, thorough, reliable, conscien-
tious, and unbiased
Special Requirements—Chiropractor license required;
professional certification usually preferred

Position Description compensation commissions, and medical administrators.

Most of us have more than a passing familiarity with conven- These organizations handle cases brought before them by
tional medical doctors such as general practitioners, surgeons, people who suffer accidental injuries, some of which occur
or various specialists such as pediatricians, cardiologists, or at their jobs. Forensic Chiropractic Examiners offer their
psychiatrists. There are also many alternative medical profes- assessment of the injuries, disabilities, or impairments of
sions that offer different approaches to healing illnesses or claimants by objectively examining and testing them in
injuries. One of those alternative professions is chiropractic their chiropractic offices. Some of the injured may be under
medicine, which concentrates on health problems concerning investigation by fraud divisions of the various agencies, or
the body’s nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Chiroprac- their cases may be part of ongoing legal proceedings. Foren-
tors do not perform surgery or prescribe medications. They sic Chiropractic Examiners do not take sides on the issues.
treat patients by manipulating their joints and spines, as well Their role is to determine the truth and provide objective
as by using stretching, massage, and heat therapies. They also reports of their findings.
counsel their patients to manage their stress and their diet and When these doctors conduct their forensic examinations,
to exercise regularly. Their patients may need repetitive treat- they follow specific steps. They introduce themselves to the
ments depending upon the severity of their ailments. examinee, confirm the examinee’s identity, and provide an
Chiropractic medicine often intersects with legal matters. explanation that the examination is by an agency’s request
Some chiropractors, known as Forensic Chiropractic Exam- and is not for the treatment of symptoms. After further
iners, perform independent medical evaluation services for explaining the steps to be taken during the examination,
such agencies and entities as insurance companies, the legal Forensic Chiropractic Examiners conduct the examination
profession, the Social Security Administration, workers’ in an objective and professional manner. They provide the

examinee with an opportunity to request information at May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by
the conclusion of the examination. Forensic Chiropractic the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Examiners prepare thorough written reports regarding their
findings, which they submit to the requesting agencies.
Employment Prospects
Their reports include both a diagnosis and prognosis of the
Most chiropractors are in solo practice. Some are in group
examinee’s condition and include notes about their opinion
practice or are employed by other chiropractors. The BLS
of the cause of the injury, the examinee’s capacity to return
reports an expected 18 to 26 percent increase in employ-
to work, and whether the case is fraudulent.
Forensic Chiropractic Examiners may provide expert wit- ment through 2014. In addition to new jobs, opportunities
ness testimony regarding the results of their examinations. become available when chiropractors retire. The job market
These professionals rely on their training, experience, and for chiropractors is favorable partly due to the continuing
expertise in chiropractic medicine to determine the facts of a demand for alternative health care.
case. In addition, they utilize their supplementary training in Opportunities are favorable for highly reputable and
fraud and criminal investigations, occupational assessment, credible Forensic Chiropractic Examiners. One expert in the
and in their understanding of psychological and physical field characterizes the job market as being steady, as many
behavior to determine the facts of a case for presentation as chiropractors do not have a forensic background. The pros-
expert witnesses. By law, Forensic Chiropractic Examiners pects for these specialists within a location depend on the
are required to be familiar with court rules of evidence to demand for their particular expertise and on the number of
qualify as expert witnesses. similar consultants in the area.
Forensic Chiropractic Examiners are expected to always
act in compliance with laws and regulations governing their Advancement Prospects
profession. Their mission is to provide facts honestly and
Forensic Chiropractic Examiners realize advancement by
with integrity. They are bound to ethical standards, which
building their practices, earning higher incomes, and gain-
prohibit them from divulging confidential information and
ing professional recognition. Many also measure success by
from impugning the reputation of any party involved in a
being sought out for very complex or publicized cases.
case. Above all, they are expected to remain impartial and
unbiased when reporting their findings or offering testimony. Chiropractors who work for others or are part of a group
These professionals perform duties specific to their practice may seek to open a solo practice.
forensic services. Forensic Chiropractic Examiners may:
Education and Training
• review medical records provided by both the plaintiff and To become a chiropractor, individuals must complete four to
defense in a case five years of study at a chiropractic college to earn a doctor
• conduct independent medical and functional capacity of chiropractic (D.C.) degree. Their education includes such
evaluations basic health science courses as physiology, anatomy, microbi-
• provide affidavits relevant to medical malpractice cases ology, chemistry, physics, and psychology, as well as courses
• assist with the development of questions for interviews in manipulation and spinal adjustment, physical diagnosis,
and deposition hearings physiotherapy, and nutrition. In addition, they complete labo-
• make careful decisions regarding their examination dis-
ratory work as well as clinical training in which they work
coveries about examinees’ impairment, disability, or
with patients under the supervision of licensed chiropractors.
absence thereof
The minimum education requirement for entry into chi-
ropractic college may be only two years of college work.
Most Forensic Chiropractic Examiners work full time
as chiropractors. They offer forensic services in addition Most applicants possess a bachelor’s degree.
to their other functions. They work 40-hour weeks but may Chiropractors can complete continuing education courses
need to work extra hours to prepare testimony or to conduct that teach the skills and knowledge needed to perform inde-
examinations on behalf of requesting agencies. pendent chiropractic examinations. These courses are spon-
sored by chiropractic colleges, professional societies, and
private educational services.
Throughout their careers, these forensic specialists enroll
Specific earnings information for Forensic Chiropractic
in courses, workshops, and seminars to update their skills
Examiners is unavailable. As consultants, they charge an
and knowledge.
hourly, daily, or flat rate for chart analyses, medical exami-
nations, legal research, courtroom testimony, and other ser-
vices that they offer. Special Requirements
The estimated annual salary for most chiropractors Forensic Chiropractic Examiners must be licensed chiroprac-
ranges between $32,670 and $145,600, according to the tors in the states where they practice. Licensing requirements
138        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

vary with each state. For example, some states require that • American Chiropractic Association
applicants complete two years of an undergraduate program, • Academy of Forensic and Industrial Chiropractic Con-
while others mandate that applicants possess a bachelor’s sultants
degree. For specific information, contact the appropriate state • International Chiropractors Association
board of chiropractic examiners. • Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists
• College on Forensic Sciences
• American College of Forensic Examiners
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Chiropractors typically work several years before they begin
For contact information, see Appendix III.
offering forensic examination services. Some organizations
that grant professional certification in this area require that
applicants have completed at least three to five years in Tips for Entry
practice. 1. While in high school, talk with one or more chiroprac-
Forensic Chiropractic Examiners need excellent ana- tors in your area to learn more about their profession.
lytical, organizational, writing, communication, and inter- Ask if you might visit their practice and watch them at
personal skills to perform well at their job. In addition, work.
they should have strong self-management skills, such as 2. Many insurance companies, lawyers, and others pre-
the ability to work independently, meet deadlines, follow fer to hire Forensic Chiropractic Examiners who have
and understand instructions, and prioritize multiple tasks. obtained certification from the American Board of
Being friendly, truthful, trustworthy, respectful, objective, Forensic Professionals, the American Board of Inde-
thorough, reliable, conscientious, and unbiased are some pendent Medical Examiners, or another recognized
personality traits that successful Forensic Chiropractic organization. To learn about some certification pro-
Examiners share. grams, see Appendix II.
3. Gain visibility by teaching workshops at insurance
industry trade shows as well as at professional confer-
Unions and Associations ences for attorneys or chiropractors.
Forensic Chiropractic Examiners can join professional 4. Use the Internet to learn more about the forensic chi-
associations to take advantage of professional services and ropractic field. You might start by visiting these Web
resources, such as networking opportunities, publications, sites: Chiro-Legal,;
and continuing education. Some societies that serve their and College on Forensic Sciences, http://www.forensic-
interests include For more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Prepare and conduct research studies on public

health problems or sudden disease outbreaks; may assist Forensic Epidemiologist
with criminal, civil, or regulatory investigations; perform
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Novice Forensic Epidemiologist
Salary Range: $37,000 to $87,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor Epidemiologist

Education or Training—A master’s or doctoral degree
in epidemiology or another related field
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Writing, com-
puter, self-management, communication, interpersonal,
and teamwork skills; trustworthy, analytical, organized,
innovative, and flexible

Position Description Forensic Epidemiologists provide a connection among

Epidemiology is the scientific and medical study of such disparate areas of concern as law enforcement, the
human health and disease. The medical scientists who legal system, medicine, urban planning, pharmaceuticals,
specialize in this field, epidemiologists, are often referred and emergency services to protect the public health. They are
to as “disease detectives” because they identify health well versed in the areas of statistics, health surveillance sys-
problems and hazards, as well as investigate sudden out- tems, and professional standards. They are also knowledge-
breaks of infectious diseases. They study the patterns and able about the proper techniques for gathering evidence and
causes of diseases; why disease occurs within a location investigation, as well as about how the legal system works.
or population; and why some people contract the disease These forensic experts are mostly consultants who offer
while others do not. They also conduct research into epidemiology research and other support services to law
disease prevention and the effectiveness of treatments. enforcement agencies, universities, attorneys, public health
Furthermore, epidemiologists help public health officials departments, and various private industries (such as phar-
to develop guidelines for the promotion of good mental maceutical manufacturers and biotech companies). Some of
and physical health practices as well as to institute disease them are academicians who offer consulting services on the
prevention measures. side, while others are owners, partners, or associates of con-
Some epidemiologists are involved with investigating sulting firms that offer forensic epidemiological services.
public health problems or disease outbreaks that may result Forensic Epidemiologists are increasingly active in law
from unlawful or deliberate acts. These specialists are called enforcement investigations. Law enforcement agencies con-
Forensic Epidemiologists. Their area of expertise is a rela- sult them on health-related criminal cases. They may try to
tively new one, but it is filling a growing need in society due find evidence that a suspect is deliberately exposing others
to increasing threats from terrorist groups who seek to use to HIV/AIDS. They may work with law enforcement agen-
diseases and disease-causing hazardous materials to attack cies to identify disease outbreak patterns, establish which
large populations. bacterium or virus is causing the disease, restrain it from
140        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

spreading, and trace the origins of the outbreak to a perpe- an hourly, daily, or flat rate for the various services that they
trator or criminal organization. They may be requested to offer. Many of them also receive reimbursements for tele-
investigate incidents such as multiple cases of heart attacks phone calls, travel time, and other expenses that they incur
within a particular hospital, multiple cases of a food-borne on projects.
illness, or deliberate exposure to diseases in large groups of The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports in its May
people in specific locations. Such occurrences may be attrib- 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey that the
uted to criminal behavior or acts of bioterrorism. Forensic estimated annual salary for most epidemiologists ranges
Epidemiologists seek to prove this type of connection by between $36,920 and $87,300.
investigating commonality in multiple individual poisoning
cases, for example. Employment Prospects
Attorneys hire the services of Forensic Epidemiologists
Forensic epidemiology is a young but growing field. Oppor-
to provide litigation support in criminal and civil cases
tunities will continue to increase as more law enforcement
involving fraud, wrongful death, professional licensing,
agencies, attorneys, and others seek epidemiological meth-
medical malpractice, employment law, personal injury, and
ods to assist with criminal, civil, and regulatory cases, as
environmental regulations, among other areas. Forensic Epi-
well as to protect the public health. The ability of public
demiologists help attorneys find sufficient evidence to pros-
ecute or defend their cases. These experts might be involved agencies to hire staff members or consultants depends on
in such tasks as: the availability of funding.
Some experts report that in general there is growing
• conducting research into the connection between multiple demand for epidemiologists, particularly those who are
cases of a disease suffered by workers and their workplace trained in infectious diseases.
• performing statistical analysis of unfavorable reactions to
specific medications Advancement Prospects
• carrying out comparative studies of local incidents of dis- As forensic consultants, epidemiologists generally realize
ease with nationwide rates advancement through job satisfaction, professional recogni-
• conducting assessments of disease prevention programs tion, and higher incomes. As staff members, they may be
• evaluating and reviewing epidemiological journals promoted to senior or supervisory positions, but those are
• creating computer models that simulate the cause and limited.
spread of disease Those with entrepreneurial ambitions seek successful
• advising lawyers about public health issues careers as independent practitioners or owners of consulting
• providing expert witness testimony in courts firms.

Some Forensic Epidemiologists are employed as staff

members in medical examiners’ and coroners’ offices to Education and Training
prepare and coordinate pertinent research activities. For Educational requirements vary for different positions as
example, they may be involved in the development of proce- well as with different employers. Forensic Epidemiologists
dures to identify emerging infectious diseases. usually possess a master’s or doctoral degree in epidemiol-
Forensic Epidemiologists perform a variety of general ogy, public health, or another related field with major course
tasks on their job, regardless of whether they are consul- work in epidemiology.
tants or staff members. For example, they examine and Those seeking to perform independent research or teach
interpret research data; review and analyze medical and sci- in colleges or universities must hold a doctorate. Individuals
entific reports; recruit people for project surveys and inter- who plan to work in hospitals and health care centers usually
views; prepare written or oral presentations about research obtain medical training. After completing a bachelor’s degree,
projects and results; perform administrative tasks, such as they enroll in medical school to earn either a doctor of medi-
writing correspondence and reports; and attend meetings cine (M.D.) degree or a doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) degree.
and conferences. Many universities, public health organizations, and other
Many Forensic Epidemiologists travel to other cities, groups offer training programs in forensic epidemiology.
states, and countries to gather research data, attend profes- Throughout their careers, Forensic Epidemiologists enroll
sional meetings, or make presentations. Their work may in continuing education and training programs to update
require them to spend several days or weeks at a location. their skills and keep up with advancements in their fields.

Salaries Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits

Specific earnings information for Forensic Epidemiolo- Employers normally prefer to hire staff or consultants who
gists is unavailable. Forensic consultants typically charge have several years of work experience as epidemiologists.

To perform well at their job, Forensic Epidemiologists Tips for Entry

must have strong writing, computer, and self-management 1. While in high school, begin learning as much as you
skills. They also need excellent communication, interper- can about epidemiology. You might read books or talk
sonal, and teamwork skills, as they must be able to work with epidemiologists in your area, for example.
well with many people from diverse backgrounds. Being 2. As a college student, obtain an internship in a medical
trustworthy, analytical, organized, innovative, and flexible examiner’s office or a public health agency that allows
are some personality traits that successful Forensic Epide- you to work with Forensic Epidemiologists, or experts
miologists share. who perform some of their research tasks.
3. Having experience working in forensic research is
Unions and Associations highly desirable.
Many Forensic Epidemiologists belong to professional 4. One way to market your services is to advertise in
associations to take advantage of networking opportuni- journals and other publications that your potential
ties, training programs, professional publications, and other clients might read.
professional resources and services. Some national societies 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic epide-
that serve their interests are the American College of Epide- miology. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter the
miology, the Epidemiology Section of the American Public keywords forensic epidemiology or forensic epide-
Health Association, and the American Academy of Forensic miologists into a search engine. For some links, see
Sciences. For contact information, see Appendix III. Appendix IV.
142        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Investigate cases of abuse, neglect, exploitation,

or death; provide care for victims or criminals; perform Senior Forensic Nurse
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): A title that reflects a particular occupa-

tion such as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Forensic
Nurse Investigator, or Legal Nurse Consultant Forensic Nurse

Salary Range: $40,000 to $83,000

Employment Prospects: Excellent

Registered Nurse
Advancement Prospects: Good

Education or Training—Possess a degree or diploma in
nursing; complete training in forensic nursing specialty
Experience—Several years of nursing experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communica-
tion, interpersonal, observational, writing, analytical, and
self-management skills; patient, calm, methodical, detail-
oriented, objective, and compassionate
Special Requirements—Registered nurse license required

Position Description Forensic Nurses undergo additional training to qualify

Registered nurses (RNs) are familiar to all of us. They assist for work in key areas that contribute to the legal system.
doctors in their offices and in hospitals. They also work in Their training entails course work in such topics as law
our schools, nursing homes, mental health facilities, and enforcement investigation; the observation, collection, and
government health agencies. Some of these professionals, documentation of evidence; the preservation of the chain of
who are called Forensic Nurses, work closely with law custody; wound identification; and court testimony proce-
enforcement, medical examiners’ (or coroners’) offices, cor- dures. In addition, they complete laboratory work as well as
rections departments, and the courts. More specifically, they internships at hospitals.
apply forensic aspects of their profession to investigate and After their training, Forensic Nurses may continue to
treat trauma or the death of both the perpetrators and vic- work in the usual locations as RNs, but may also find
tims of violence, crime, and distressful accidents. employment in correctional facilities, insurance agencies,
Many Forensic Nurses work with patients who are crimi- medical examiners’ offices, psychiatric facilities, or in agen-
nal offenders or victims. Many victims have been involved cies that provide evidence documentation and information
in sexual assaults or other types of abuse. Some Forensic verification services pertinent to abuse, neglect, or fraud
Nurses work with mentally ill criminals and the victims of cases. Some Forensic Nurses become independent practitio-
traumatic accidents and other violent happenstances. Other ners or start up forensic nursing firms.
Forensic Nurses work with the deceased who were vic- Forensic nursing is a relatively new field that emerged
tims of suspicious or unexplained circumstances. They also during the 1990s. However, there are already several
participate in the investigation of such deaths. In addition, specialties. The three major areas are sexual assault
many Forensic Nurses provide care to the families of both examination, medicolegal death investigation, and legal
victims and perpetrators. consulting.

Sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) are Forensic of society in that they evaluate and handle injuries and
Nurses who respond to reports of rape, which are issued illnesses. These nurses also provide health education to
by hospital emergency room personnel. These profession- their patients.
als also work in special clinics that handle sexual assault • Forensic ER nursing is the care of patients who enter the
cases. SANEs work closely with the victims in private sur- emergency rooms of hospitals. Forensic Nurses who work
roundings and with sensitivity. These nurses interview their in this setting handle sexual assault and violent crime
patients and obtain their medical history. They document cases. They collect evidence from victims in the ER and
information about the crime and conduct complete physical may be required to continue this task in operating rooms.
examinations as well as screenings for sexually transmitted Such evidence as bullets or debris that may be relevant to
diseases. During the physical examinations, Forensic Nurses the case is collected. Forensic ER nurses photograph and
obtain evidence of the assaults, which they may present later measure wounds. These nurses also confer with medical
as testimony in court proceedings. examiners in the event of a patient’s death.
SANEs work cooperatively with law enforcement and • Forensic geriatric nursing is the care of senior citizens.
legal systems during the entire process, in which they These Forensic Nurses are generally involved with cases
remain close to the victim. In addition, they provide educa- of the elderly who have been victims of abuse, negligence,
tional services to victims regarding pregnancy and venereal or exploitation.
diseases. They refer their patients to further medical care • Forensic pediatric nursing is the care of children. These
when needed. Forensic Nurses address issues of child abuse, neglect,
Forensic Nurses who specialize in medicolegal death and exploitation.
investigations work in medical examiners’ offices or cor- • Forensic psychiatric nursing is the care of mentally ill
oners’ offices. In that capacity, these professionals, also criminal offenders. Forensic Nurses generally handle
called forensic nurse investigators, work alongside police patients who are incarcerated in state hospitals or in the
investigators to respond to death scenes. These Forensic psychiatric units within prisons. One of their main roles is
Nurses are responsible for examining the victims and inves- to determine competency.
tigating the circumstances surrounding their deaths. They
also take samples of blood and tissue for analysis by foren- The work that Forensic Nurses perform can be difficult
sic pathologists. (These samples may be used as evidence in because it is often highly emotionally charged. These nurses
criminal cases.) In addition, these medicolegal investigators witness traumatic injuries on a regular basis and frequently
may photograph bodies and arrange for their transport to the deal with distressed and abused patients who are suffering.
morgue for autopsy. At the lab, these Forensic Nurses often- Nevertheless, Forensic Nurses are very much interested in
times provide assistance during autopsy procedures. providing the best of care to their patients.
In the area of legal consulting, Forensic Nurses provide Forensic Nurses may be employed full time or part time.
help to attorneys in cases where medical issues coincide Some of these nurses work on an on-call basis.
with legal concerns. When working in this area, these nurses
are usually referred to as legal nurse consultants (LNCs). Salaries
Their cases are more often civil than criminal cases and
Salaries for Forensic Nurses vary, depending on such fac-
may entail matters such as personal injury, wrongful death,
tors as their education, experience, employer, specialty, and
heart surgery, medical malpractice, negligence, elder abuse,
geographic location. Specific salary information for this
product liability, or workers’ compensation, among others.
occupation is unavailable. However, most RNs earned an
Some LNCs also offer expert witness services and provide
estimated annual salary that ranged between $40,250 and
testimony relevant to such nursing concerns as intensive
$83,440, according to the May 2006 Occupational Employ-
care, elder care, or pediatrics.
ment Statistics (OES) survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor
The following are some other areas in which various
Statistics (BLS).
Forensic Nurses specialize:

• Clinical forensic nursing entails the inquiry into various Employment Prospects
medicolegal issues and the treatment thereof. Incidents of Nursing is a large occupation. The May 2006 OES sur-
trauma or death are the subject of these nurses’ investiga- vey states that about 2,417,150 RNs were employed in the
tions in the course of their work in emergency rooms and United States. The BLS reports that the job outlook for RNs
shelters for domestic violence or abuse victims. in all specialties is highly favorable. Job growth is expected
• Forensic correctional nursing is the care of suspected or to increase by more than 27 percent or more through 2014.
convicted criminals. These Forensic Nurses might work In addition, opportunities become available as RNs retire,
in jails or prisons, youth centers, and other correctional advance to higher positions, transfer to other jobs, or leave
facilities. Their work is similar to RNs in other sectors the work force for various reasons.
144        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Some experts in the forensic nursing field state that there nursing and successfully pass a national licensing examina-
is a growing interest and demand for Forensic Nurses. In tion. Nurses must renew their licenses every few years.
addition, the number of qualified RNs who are available to
practice forensic nursing is limited.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Qualifications vary for the different specialties as well as
Advancement Prospects with different employers. In general, nurses enter the foren-
Forensic Nurses can advance in any number of ways, sic nursing field after having worked for several years in
depending on their ambitions and interests. They can pursue hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, and other settings.
supervisory and managerial positions, which may require Forensic Nurses need excellent communication and
advanced degrees. Those with entrepreneurial interests can interpersonal skills, as they must be able to deal with vic-
become independent contractors or own consulting firms tims, families, law enforcement officers, colleagues, and
that offer forensic nursing services. Forensic Nurses can others from diverse backgrounds. In addition, they must
also pursue careers as researchers or educators. have excellent observational, writing, analytical, and self-
management skills. Being patient, calm, methodical, detail-
Education and Training oriented, objective, and compassionate are some personality
Forensic Nurses must first obtain RN training. There are traits that successful Forensic Nurses share.
three training options. Individuals can earn an associate
degree in nursing, get a bachelor of science degree in nurs- Unions and Associations
ing, or acquire a diploma after completing a two- or three- Many Forensic Nurses join professional associations to take
year hospital-nursing program. advantage of networking opportunities, continuing edu-
Many Forensic Nurses have gained their training on the cation, professional certification, and other professional
job. As the forensic nursing field grows, more educational resources and services. They may join general nursing soci-
programs are becoming established to prepare RNs to enter eties, such as the American Nurses Association, as well as
the different forensic specialties. Some graduate degree and forensic societies such as the International Association of
professional certification programs, including online pro- Forensic Nurses, the American College of Forensic Examin-
grams, are currently available. In addition, forensic nursing ers, and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. For
courses may be obtained as electives in undergraduate nurs- contact information, see Appendix III.
ing programs or as continuing education courses that are
required for nursing license renewal.
Tips for Entry
Employers may require that candidates for SANE posi-
tions complete a certification-training program that includes 1. As a student, or even as a new nurse, learn as much
as you can about the forensic specialties that interest
classroom instruction and clinical work. They learn such
you. If possible, do volunteer work to get an idea if a
skills as gathering medical histories, wound identification,
particular setting suits you.
collecting evidence, basic forensic photography, and inter-
2. Many Forensic Nurses obtain professional certification
viewing techniques.
to enhance their employability and creditability. For
Throughout their careers, Forensic Nurses enroll in con-
information about some programs, see Appendix II.
tinuing education programs, as well as training workshops
3. Develop a network with forensic nurses and other
to update their skills and keep up with advancements in their
forensic specialists such as criminalists, forensic sci-
fields. entists, and forensic medical specialists. By network-
ing, you can learn about prospective jobs.
Special Requirements 4. Learn more about the forensic nursing field on the
Forensic Nurses must be professionally licensed as reg- Internet. You might start by visiting the International
istered nurses in the states where they practice. To obtain Association of Forensic Nurses Web site at http://
a license, candidates must possess a degree or diploma in For more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies, medical examiners’ offices, and other Forensic Odontologist
clients; identify unknown bodies by examining teeth or
denture work; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Dentist, Forensic Consultant

Novice Forensic Odontologist
Salary Range: $69,000 to $146,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Poor Dentist or University Professor

Education or Training—Dental school training
Experience— Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
writing, self-management, communication, interper-
sonal, teamwork, and small-business skills; trustworthy,
reliable, methodical, analytical, and self-motivated
Special Requirements—Dentist license required

Position Description ners’) offices, attorneys, private individuals, insurance com-

No two people have identical teeth. Each of our teeth has a panies, and other dentists, among others. Many of their
specific dentition; that is to say the shape, markings, size, cases involve medicolegal investigations, criminal investiga-
or position in relation to our other teeth. The number of our tions, and civil litigation. They sometimes examine insur-
teeth and such work as fillings, crowns, bridges, or dentures ance claims that are suspected of being fraudulent. Some of
are also distinctive. Because teeth are unique like finger- them also consult with other dentists regarding malpractice
prints, they can be used to identify unknown bodies and, on or professional liability concerns. They sometimes need to
occasion, criminal suspects. In such instances, authorities work closely with a variety of other forensic professionals
call upon Forensic Odontologists for assistance. such as criminalists, medical examiners, or forensic anthro-
Odontology is the scientific study of teeth, their structure pologists on certain complex cases.
and growth, and the diseases that affect teeth and mouth tis- Forensic Odontologists’ most common function is to
sues. Dentistry is the branch of medicine that applies odon- assist in the identification of unknown bodies. In criminal
tology to practical use by providing health care for our teeth. cases or when people die in such circumstances as auto-
Forensic Odontologists, also called forensic dentists, apply mobile accidents, fires, industrial accidents, by drowning,
their knowledge and skills to various legal matters, particu- or in disasters when large numbers of people are killed, the
larly the identification of suspects and unknown bodies. In victims’ remains may be in such a state of decay that they
addition, Forensic Odontologists have backgrounds in and are beyond recognition. However, teeth are the one part of
are knowledgeable about biology, chemistry, and medical the body that can survive such destruction. In these cases,
subjects regarding illnesses and injuries. They also have Forensic Odontologists may be able to identify the victims
special training in forensic investigation methods and in the by comparing their teeth to dental records. These forensic
workings of the law enforcement and judicial systems. specialists may take molds of the teeth and jaws to create a
Forensic Odontologists provide consulting services to replica, and then compare the teeth with dental X-rays that
law enforcement agencies, medical examiners’ (or coro- are available through the dental records databases.
146        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

When dental records are unavailable, Forensic Odontolo- Forensic Odontologists occasionally work in unusual
gists may extract DNA samples from the teeth to identify environments that expose them to varying climate condi-
the deceased. They can also establish an identity when only tions, dust, smoke, strong smells, or fumes. They are some-
one tooth is available, or when the victim had a total tooth times required to stand or walk for several hours at a time
extraction. They do this through the examination of dentures and help with the lifting of bodies or other heavy objects.
or by making X-rays of the skull and mouth. Their work may be dangerous or they may be exposed to
In cases where a crime has occurred, the verification of hazardous materials and hence they may be required to wear
a victim’s identity can lead to further investigation into the protective equipment.
person’s background, the time of death, and a pool of likely Forensic Odontologists usually offer their services as
suspects. In the absence of dental records, Forensic Odon- part-time forensic consultants. Most of them continue work-
tologists may glean information from the close examination ing in their primary occupation as dentists in private prac-
of teeth. They often work with forensic anthropologists to tice or as professors at university dental schools.
identify dental evidence. The shapes of teeth and skulls
reveal ancestral and age characteristics. The condition of the Salaries
teeth may indicate a victim’s age, health habits, or socioeco-
Specific earnings information for Forensic Odontologists
nomic status. The transparency of roots may also indicate
is unavailable. They charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate
a victim’s age. All of these factors help these scientists to
for initial consultation, examinations, depositions, court-
identify the victim.
room testimony, and other services that they offer. Hourly
Law enforcement agencies sometimes employ Forensic
fees generally range from $150 to $250 per hour. Highly
Odontologists to identify bitemark evidence. Criminals may
experienced consultants earn higher rates. Many consultants
leave bite marks on victim’s bodies or on food or on such
charge clients for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel
items as leather belts or pencils found at crime scenes; or
time, telephone calls, and photocopying.
victims may bite perpetrators in the course of a struggle.
The estimated annual salary for most dentists in general
Forensic Odontologists can examine bite marks and com-
practice ranges between $68,990 and $145,600 per year,
pare their impressions with the dentition of the suspects.
according to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Sta-
When bite marks are found on human skin, Foren-
tistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
sic Odontologists must be able to examine them as soon
as possible after the biting incident occurs because skin
changes rapidly. These professionals take saliva samples, Employment Prospects
photographs, and molds of the bite marks from living skin Opportunities are favorable for highly reputable and cred-
and occasionally remove the affected area from corpses for ible Forensic Odonotologists. The prospects for forensic
comparison to the suspect’s teeth. They make notes about consultants within a location depend on the demand for
the depth and degree of the impressions as well as the cur- their particular expertise and on the number of similar con-
vature of the mouth arch, the distance between the cuspids sultants in the area. Those willing to travel to other locations
(canine teeth), missing teeth, and other features. Bites can have more opportunities to obtain casework.
leave bruises below the skin. Therefore, if time has elapsed, The job growth for dentists, in general, is expected to
examination under ultraviolet light may reveal identifiable increase by 9 to 17 percent through 2014. However, most
dentition patterns. Furthermore, DNA evidence may be opportunities will be the result of the large number of den-
extracted from bite marks and used to establish identities. tists who are predicted to retire in these coming years.
Forensic Odontologists perform many general duties in
their work, including: Advancement Prospects
Forensic Odontologists realize advancement by earning
• preparing reports about their findings and their conclu-
higher incomes and gaining professional recognition. Many
sions regarding forensic examinations
also measure success by being sought out for very complex
• providing expert witness testimony at depositions and
or publicized cases.
court trials
• certifying the identity of deceased individuals
• designing and overseeing the use of computerized data- Education and Training
bases of dental records Forensic Odontologists complete four years of dental school
• instituting forensic dentistry processes to earn a doctor of dental surgery (D.D.S.) degree or a doctor
• conferring and cooperating with forensic investigators to of dental medicine (D.M.D.) degree. Their dental education
collect and analyze evidence includes such basic health science courses as physiology,
• writing research papers and other documents regarding anatomy, microbiology, biochemistry, and histology. Stu-
their findings dents also complete clinical training under the supervision

of licensed dentists, and learn fundamental practice man- Unions and Associations
agement, such as communicating with patients, managing Many Forensic Odontologists join professional associations
dental office staff, and professional ethics. to take advantage of networking opportunities and other
The competition for entry into dental school is intense. The professional resources and services. Some forensic societ-
minimum educational requirement for entry is two years of ies include the American Society of Forensic Odontology,
college work, but most applicants possess a bachelor’s degree. the American Board of Forensic Odontology, the American
Dental schools also consider applicants’ Dental Admissions College of Forensic Examiners, and the American Academy
Test (DAT) scores, their grade point averages, their recom- of Forensic Sciences. Many of these forensic experts also
mendations, and other factors when selecting new students. join the American Dental Association, the national society
Dentists can obtain training in forensic odontology from
that serves the interests of all dentists. For contact informa-
university programs and professional associations.
tion, see Appendix III.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Odontologists enroll
in continuing education and training programs to update
their skills and keep up with advancements in their field. Tips for Entry
1. High school students who are interested in a dental
Special Requirements career need to take courses that prepare them for col-
Forensic Odontologists must be licensed dentists in the state lege. This usually involves taking at least three years
where they practice. Licensing requirements vary with each of math, two years of science, three years of social
state. Many states, for example, require that candidates are sciences, four years of English, and two years of a
graduates of a dental school accredited by the Commission foreign language.
on Dental Accreditation, which operates under the Ameri- 2. To gain forensic odontology experience, you might
can Dental Association. volunteer to help experienced forensic experts with
their casework.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 3. To enhance their employability and professional cred-
Forensic Odontologists typically work for several years as itability, Forensic Odontologists obtain professional
dentists or professors before entering this field. certification. For information about certification pro-
To succeed at consulting work, Forensic Odontologists grams, see Appendix II.
must have strong organizational, writing, and self-manage- 4. Many Forensic Odontologists give presentations to
ment skills. They also need excellent communication, inter- health professionals, law enforcement, and forensic
personal, and teamwork skills, as they must be able to work colleagues, as well as publish articles in professional
well with police officers, forensic pathologists, and various journals to help develop their professional reputation.
others. They also need strong small-business skills. 5. Use the Internet to learn more about Forensic Odontol-
Some personality traits that successful Forensic Odontol- ogists. You might start by visiting the ForensicDentistry
ogists share include being trustworthy, reliable, methodical, Online Web site at http://www.forensicdentistryon-
analytical, and self-motivated. For more links, see Appendix IV.
148        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys,

law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, phar- Forensic Pharmacist
maceutical companies, and other clients; perform duties
as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Novice Forensic Pharmacist
Salary Range: $68,000 to $119,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor Pharmacist

Education or Training—Pharmacy school training
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits— Organizational,
writing, communication, interpersonal, and analytical
skills; dependable, conscientious, trustworthy, curious,
persistent, and detail-oriented
Special Requirements—Pharmacist license required

Position Description manufacturing companies or at universities, where they

When doctors prescribe medicines, pharmacists prepare and also teach. Pharmacists work with terminally ill patients in
dispense those medications to patients. Pharmacists work hospice programs, develop radiopharmaceuticals for cancer
in the pharmacy departments of hospitals, clinics, and nurs- treatments, or design nutritional supplements. In addition,
ing homes, as well as in drug stores and drug manufactur- pharmacists work in such areas as chemistry, pharmacology,
ing companies. These health care professionals are highly medication management, and pharmacy law.
knowledgeable about the attributes and correct use of both One particular specialty is forensic pharmacy. Experts in
prescription and nonprescription medications and how they this area, known as Forensic Pharmacists, apply the science
interact with food or other medicines. They also understand of medications to matters pertaining to law such as fraud,
the chemical properties of medications. Pharmacists draw litigation, regulatory affairs, and criminal justice. They are
upon this knowledge to confer with physicians and to coun- knowledgeable in various subjects, including medicine,
sel patients regarding the proper use of medicines. While pharmacy procedure, toxicology, pharmacology, chemistry,
most pharmacists dispense manufactured medicines, a few psychology, accounting, document examination, and acci-
pharmacists compound medications themselves by mixing dent reconstruction, among others.
the ingredients to make the liquids or powders that consti- Most Forensic Pharmacists work as part-time consul-
tute the medicines. tants who provide forensic services in addition to their
Pharmacists also specialize in many ways. Their work full-time clinical, research, or pharmacy work. They offer
is needed in the military and other government entities their services to attorneys, law enforcement agencies, gov-
such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Drug ernment agencies, insurance companies, hospitals, phar-
Enforcement Agency, or the Centers for Disease Control macies, health care providers, pharmaceutical companies,
and Prevention. They work for heath maintenance organiza- medical publishers, schools, and other organizations and
tions and other health insurance providers. Many pharma- industries. These forensic specialists are consulted about
cists are involved in research with private industrial drug a number of issues involving drugs and medications. For

example, they may be engaged in cases that involve evalu- prosecuting attorneys’ offices, or other government agen-
ating or investigating: cies.
Forensic Pharmacists who work for government agencies
• medication errors inspect pharmacies and drug industry facilities, enforce laws
• prescription forgery pertaining to the use of medicines, or oversee the adherence
• policies and procedures for the dispensation of drugs to purity standards in drug manufacturing. Some are mem-
• violations of FDA regulations bers of governing pharmacy boards or work for state health
• product tampering departments.
• drug patents Consulting Forensic Pharmacists work standard 40-hour
• insurance fraud weeks but may put in additional hours as needed to com-
• workers’ compensation claims plete their various tasks. They may be required to travel to
• use of drugs or alcohol in car accidents or violent actions other locations to provide forensic services.
• legal and illegal pharmaceutical evidence in criminal
investigations Salaries
• use of abused drugs in the workplace
Specific earnings information for Forensic Pharmacists is
• professional malpractice
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or flat
• quackery and health care fraud
rate for initial consultation, assessments, depositions, court-
room testimony, and other services that they offer. In addition,
Many Forensic Pharmacists offer litigation support ser-
many of them charge clients for out-of-pocket expenses such
vices to attorneys, who may work for either the defense
as travel time, telephone calls, and photocopying.
or the plaintiff. They may be involved in criminal cases,
The estimated annual salary for most pharmacists ranges
civil litigation, or regulatory matters. Forensic Pharmacists
between $67,860 and $119,480 according to the May 2006
perform such general litigation support tasks as analyzing
Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S.
and evaluating cases to help lawyers determine whether
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
they should be brought to trial, helping lawyers to determine
the facts of a case, gathering evidence, interviewing wit-
nesses, formulating lists of questions that lawyers would ask Employment Prospects
witnesses, and so on. Additionally and more specifically, Opportunities are favorable for experienced Forensic Phar-
Forensic Pharmacists may assist and educate attorneys by macists. The prospects for forensic consultants within a
addressing such topics as chemical and drug toxicity, phar- location depend on the demand for their particular expertise
macy standards, drug interactions, medical malpractice, and on the number of similar consultants in the area.
poisoning, illegal dispensing of controlled substances, and Employment for pharmacists, in general, is expected to
product liability as they pertain to cases involving drugs or grow by 18 to 26 percent through 2014, according to the
medications. They may assist with written reports, deposi- BLS. This is partly due to the aging of the baby boomer
tions, and document reviews. population and the rise in their pharmaceutical needs. Addi-
Forensic Pharmacists perform certain tasks with each tionally, new drugs are being developed and marketed each
project. They collect data, which may involve conducting year.
tests, gathering literature, and interviewing people. They
review pertinent records, reports, and other materials that Advancement Prospects
are related to their cases. They analyze and interpret data
Forensic Pharmacists realize advancement through job sat-
(such as laboratory tests), and prepare comprehensive
isfaction, professional recognition, and higher incomes.
reports about their medical and scientific findings. When
Those working on a part-time basis might pursue successful
required, Forensic Pharmacists provide expert testimony in
full-time careers as independent practitioners or owners of
court proceedings.
firms that offer forensic services.
Some Forensic Pharmacists also offer educational ser-
vices. For example, organizations may hire them to provide
technical instruction such as drug testing information to law Education and Training
enforcement officials, sports officials, industry leaders, or To become a pharmacist, individuals must complete four
others. years of pharmacy school to earn a doctor of pharmacy
Forensic Pharmacists can choose to apply their expertise (Pharm.D.) degree. The degree program includes course
and skills in other legal arenas. For example, they may take work in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, phar-
jobs as forensic toxicologists and work in medical examin- macology, business management, and pharmacy practice.
ers’ or coroners’ offices. They may work as forensic chem- Students also complete lab work as well as clinical training
ists in crime labs associated with law enforcement agencies, under the supervision of licensed pharmacists.
150        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

The minimum educational requirement for entry into or national level. By joining one or more societies, they can
most pharmacy schools is the completion of two years of take advantage of networking opportunities, professional
college. Some pharmacy schools require that applicants certification, job referral services, and other professional
possess a bachelor’s degree. Some pharmacy schools have services and resources. Some national associations include:
special six-year programs that admit recent high school
graduates. If students successfully complete the first two • American College of Clinical Pharmacology
years of pre-pharmacy study, they are then admitted into the • American College of Clinical Pharmacy
pharmacy degree program. • American College of Forensic Examiners
Throughout their careers, Forensic Pharmacists enroll • American Pharmacists Association
in continuing education programs and training programs to • American Society for Pharmacy Law
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their • National Community Pharmacists Association
fields. For contact information, see Appendix III.

Special Requirements Tips for Entry

Forensic Pharmacists must be licensed in the state where 1. As a high school or college student, you can get an idea
they practice. Licensing requirements vary with each state.
if the pharmacy field is right for you. For example, you
For specific information, contact the proper state board of
might get a part-time job working in a pharmacy.
2. Many pharmacy colleges prefer to choose applicants
who have volunteer or paid experience working with
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits patients in a pharmacy, hospital, nursing home, or
In general, pharmacists should have several years of experi- another health-related setting. 
ence in pharmaceutical practice prior to entering the foren- 3. To enhance their credibility, many pharmacists obtain
sic consulting arena. professional certification in the areas in which they
To perform well at their work, Forensic Pharmacists specialize. For some certification programs, see
must have excellent organizational, writing, communica- Appendix II.
tion, interpersonal, and analytical skills. Some personality 4. As a professional, develop a marketing plan that tar-
traits that successful Forensic Pharmacists share include gets the clientele for whom you wish to work. Consult
being dependable, conscientious, trustworthy, curious, per-
with marketing experts for help if you lack knowledge
sistent, and detail-oriented.
or skills in this business area.
5. Use the Internet to learn more about a career in phar-
Unions and Associations macy in general. You might start by visiting the Ameri-
Forensic Pharmacists typically join professional associa- can Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Web site at
tions that serve their particular interests at the local, state, For more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies, medical examiners’ offices, and other Forensic Radiologist
clients; use and interpret medical images (such as X-
rays) to assist in criminal investigations; perform duties
as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant Novice Forensic Radiologist

Salary Range: $45,000 to $146,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Education or Training—Medical school degree, radiol-
ogy residency training
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical, com-
munication, interpersonal, writing, and organizational
skills; observant, methodical, detail-oriented, self-moti-
vated, accurate, and trustworthy
Special Requirements—Physician licensure required;
board certification may be required

Position Description be used to reveal the presence of drugs inserted into smug-
Radiology is a medical specialty. Radiologists are doc- gling suspects’ body cavities.
tors who use medical images such as X-rays, magnetic Forensic Radiologists provide insight into physical evi-
resonance imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography dence that cannot be seen, unlike such evidence as finger-
(CAT) scans, ultrasound, and other technologies to diagnose prints, bullet casings, and bloodstains. For example, these
and treat injuries or diseases. Some radiologists, known doctors might assist forensic investigators by helping them
as Forensic Radiologists, use their knowledge and skills to locate bullets lodged in victims and track the paths the
to interpret the information gathered from such medical bullets made within the bodies. In addition, Forensic Radi-
images for purposes that concern the law and the courts. ologists might be called upon to examine guns to determine
Upon the request of law enforcement investigators, medi- if they contain bullets or to read altered serial numbers on
cal examiners and coroners, attorneys, and others, Forensic them.
Radiologists provide input into the investigation of disease, Many medical examiners’ and coroners’ offices utilize
injury, impairment, and death. the services of Forensic Radiologists to help ascertain the
These forensic specialists apply their expertise to various cause of death, as well as identify decomposed bodies
types of criminal matters such as spousal, elderly, or child recovered from the scenes of natural or manmade disasters.
abuse; murders and attempted murders; fraud; theft; forgery; These medical specialists can use medical technologies to
and terrorism. They might work in the areas of bite mark help determine injuries that were inflicted before and after
analysis, forensic dental analysis, and the study of gunshot the death of victims of crime or disasters. They may also
wounds. They also contribute to investigations concerning be able to establish if bone cancer or other disease may be
drug trafficking. For example, their imaging techniques may the cause of death. In addition, Forensic Radiologists may
152        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

be able to determine the age of skeletal remains and learn if Advancement Prospects
bones are human or non-human. Forensic Radiologists realize advancement by earning
Like other forensic experts, Forensic Radiologists present higher incomes and gaining professional recognition. Many
their clients with written reports that summarize their find- also measure success by being sought out for very complex
ings and conclusions. When required, they provide expert or publicized cases.
testimony in court proceedings.
Forensic Radiologists generally offer their services as
consultants on a part-time basis. Their primary job may Education and Training
be in teaching or in medical practice. They are responsible Forensic Radiologists complete about 13 years of train-
for completing specific tasks in their general practice as ing before they can practice radiology. They must first
well as in their capacity as Forensic Radiologists. They earn a bachelor’s degree, which may be in any field, then
may: complete four years of medical school to earn a doctor of
medicine (M.D.) degree or a doctor of osteopathy (D.O.)
• work with other physicians, technicians, and specialists degree. This is followed by one year of general residency
• direct the activities of radiology technologists training and then four years of a diagnostic radiology
• consult with referring physicians to interpret medical residency. After completing the residency, they may begin
images and decide how to use them their practice or obtain a fellowship to train in a radio-
• maintain image files for several years for availability to logic subspecialty, such as MRI, musculoskeletal imaging,
other physicians, patients, or the courts or pediatric radiology. Fellowship programs are generally
• stay current with medical and technical advances one to two years long.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Radiologists enroll in
Forensic Radiologists work in hospitals or in private continuing education and training programs to update their
medical offices. They may put in long hours and be avail- skills and keep up with advancements in their fields.
able to work at any time of the day or night. These doctors
use imaging techniques that use radiation. Consequently,
Special Requirements
their understanding of safety and protective measures is
Forensic Radiologists must be licensed physicians in the
essential. They may be exposed to unpleasant sights and
jurisdictions where they practice. For licensure require-
smells when they work on forensic cases.
ments, contact the appropriate state medical board.
Many employers prefer to hire consultants who are
Salaries board-certified radiologists. Medical doctors obtain board
Specific salary information for Forensic Radiologists is certification from the American Board of Radiology, while
unavailable. As consultants, Forensic Radiologists may osteopathic doctors obtain theirs from the American Osteo-
charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate for examinations, pathic Board of Radiology.
depositions, courtroom testimony, and other services that
they offer. Consultants are usually reimbursed for their
out-of-pocket expenses such as travel time and telephone Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
calls. Radiologists have typically been in practice for several years
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports in its May before offering forensic radiology services.
2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey that the To perform well as Forensic Radiologists, individuals
estimated annual salary for most physicians, who were listed must have excellent analytical, communication, interper-
separately, was between $45,160 and $145,600. Accord- sonal, writing, and organizational skills. Being observant,
ing to the Web site (, methodical, detail-oriented, self-motivated, accurate, and
the median annual salary for radiologists was $279,689 in trustworthy are some personality traits that successful radi-
December 2006. ologists have in common.

Employment Prospects Unions and Associations

Radiology is an essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment Forensic Radiologists can join professional associations
of patients; hence there will always be a need for radiolo- to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
gists. Some experts in the field report that there is a shortage education, and other professional resources and services.
of qualified radiologists, which is expected to continue for Some national societies that serve their interests are the
the next few years. Radiological Society of North America and the American
Forensic radiology is a young, small field. In general, the Academy of Forensic Sciences. For contact information,
job outlook for qualified Forensic Radiologists is favorable. see Appendix III.

Tips for Entry 3. Use the Internet to learn more about the field of foren-
1. To increase your professional credibility and visibil- sic radiology. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter
ity, you might write articles and make presentations either of these keywords into a search engine: forensic
about your specialty. radiology or forensic radiologists. For some links, see
2. Contact medical examiners’ offices, crime labs, Appendix IV.
and law enforcement agencies to discuss how your
forensic services may be helpful and useful for their
156        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Provide consulting services to attorneys and various

other clients; address legal and liability issues regarding Environmental Forensics Expert
contaminated sites; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Environmental Consultant; Forensic

Geochemist, Hydrogeologist, or other title that reflects a
particular profession Novice Environmental Forensics Expert

Salary Range: $35,000 to $136,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Geologist, or Another Profession
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Doctoral degree in a science or
engineering field
Experience—Several years of work experience in their
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Project-man-
agement, teamwork, interviewing, computer, writing,
interpersonal, and communication skills; cooperative,
inquisitive, diligent, detail-oriented, honest, trustworthy,
unbiased, and conscientious

Position Description Environmental Forensics is a multidisciplinary field.

Over many decades, pollution has emanated from industrial Experts in this specialty have backgrounds as chemists, geo-
plants, waste disposal sites, fuel storage tanks, pipelines, chemists, geologists, hydrologists, environmental scientists,
and other sources to cause millions of dollars of damage to environmental engineers, and biologists, among other pro-
nearby soil or groundwater supplies. In recent years, envi- fessions. They draw upon a broad understanding of various
ronmental forensics has emerged in response to legal matters disciplines, including biology, chemistry, geology, hydrol-
concerning environmental contamination, namely polluted ogy, ecology, physics, statistics, and forensic science, to
soil and groundwater issues. The scientists and engineers determine an appropriate and systematic approach to resolv-
who work in this field—Environmental Forensics Experts— ing particular problems.
apply scientific analyses to address legal and liability issues Environmental Forensics Experts use various investiga-
in civil disputes, regulatory matters, insurance claims, or tive tools to build a case as to what transpired at a contami-
criminal investigations. nation site and which individuals or entities are responsible.
The role of these forensic specialists is to identify the They review the history of a contaminated site, study the
source of pollutants at a contaminated site and determine soil, analyze the flow of groundwater in the area, analyze
how pollutants got to the site, find out when pollutants were the source and identity of chemical pollutants (known as
released into the environment, and reconstruct past releases. the chemical fingerprint), and create a mathematical model
They also establish the extent of the pollution and how it to simulate groundwater conditions. They read documents
has impacted the area. Furthermore, they determine who is including press releases and corporate records, take aerial
responsible for the contamination of a site, as well as assign photographs, extract samples from the soil and groundwa-
costs for cleaning up the contaminated site. ter, and inspect facilities in the course of their investigative

work. Furthermore, they trace the course of contaminant may be required to wear special clothing or other protective
spills to determine their origin and permeation into the soil equipment.
and groundwater.
Forensic Environmental Specialists are retained by Salaries
attorneys to assist with environmental litigation and insur-
Specific wage information for Environmental Forensics
ance claims. They perform various litigation support tasks,
Experts is unavailable. As consultants, they charge an
such as:
hourly, daily, or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions,
courtroom testimony, and other services that they offer.
• reviewing cases to identify the technical issues and facts
They may also charge for out-of-pocket expenses, such as
• teaching lawyers about technical and scientific facts
travel time, photocopying, and phone calls.
• collecting soil and groundwater samples as physical
A general idea of their earnings can be gained by look-
ing at wages for the different professionals who work in this
• reviewing environmental reports written by colleagues
specialty. The following are estimated annual salary ranges
• searching records for property transactions, production
for some professions, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of
facility construction data, and other relevant information
Labor Statistics in its May 2006 Occupational Employment
regarding a contamination site
Statistics survey:
• conducting research to answer complex scientific and
engineering questions
• chemists, $35,480 to $106,310
• performing tests to prove or disprove certain facts or
• environmental scientists, $34,590 to $94,670
• geoscientists, $39,740 to $135,950
• interviewing various professionals, technicians, operators,
administrators, and others to obtain data and information
• identifying expert witnesses to testify about certain issues Employment Prospects
or facts Since the late 1990s, environmental forensics has been an
• addressing strategy issues with attorneys regarding the emerging field. Some experts say that opportunities should
best way to deal with cases grow nationally, as well as worldwide, due to the constant
• developing allocation models for determining financial increase in complex environmental regulations.
responsibility Many Environmental Forensics Experts work for envi-
• preparing reports that can be used in settlement negotia- ronmental or geotechnical firms that offer environmental
tions forensics services. Some are independent practitioners. Oth-
• creating technical diagrams, charts, databases, models, ers are academicians or researchers who offer forensic con-
animations, and other pieces of demonstrative evidence to sulting services on a part-time basis.
help judges and juries, regulators, and others understand
specific issues or facts Advancement Prospects
• giving presentations for interrogatory panels or court pro-
In private firms, individuals can advance to senior positions,
which may include supervisory and managerial duties. Foren-
sic specialists with entrepreneurial ambitions may become
These forensic experts may also serve as expert witnesses
successful independent consultants or owners of firms that
at depositions, trials, and administrative hearings. They give
offer environmental forensics services and other services.
sworn professional opinions about facts and issues related to
Many Environmental Forensics Experts measure success
a case. They provide unbiased and impartial testimony; they
by earning higher wages, being assigned more complex
do not support or oppose the arguments of the lawyers that
cases, and gaining professional recognition.
have hired them, nor those of the opposing attorneys.
These forensic experts are also retained by clients in vari-
ous industries to perform other services. For example, petro- Education and Training
leum and chemical companies might hire Environmental Although there are no standard requirements for this field,
Forensic Experts to determine if they are in compliance with most, if not all, Environmental Forensics Experts possess a
all the proper environmental laws, regulations, and codes. doctoral degree. They hold degrees in geology, chemistry,
Environmental Forensics Experts work in offices, labo- geochemistry, environmental science, environmental engi-
ratories, and in the field. They continually stay up to date neering, hydrology, or another related field.
with the latest environmental or chemical issues and tactics Earning a doctorate takes many years of study. Students
for confronting them. They also learn and utilize new inves- must first complete a four-year bachelor’s degree program,
tigation techniques including computer modeling. They are followed by a one- to two-year master’s program. They then
frequently exposed to toxic chemicals; consequently, they enter a doctoral program, which requires a few more years
158        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

of study. Doctoral candidates must write a book-length dis- Unions and Associations
sertation that is based on original research. Upon earning their Forensic Environmental Specialists can join professional
doctorates, many graduates obtain one or more fellowships to associations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
continue training and gaining experience in their specialties. continuing education, publications, and other professional
Throughout their careers, Environmental Forensics resources and services. One society that specifically serves
Experts enroll in continuing education programs and the interests of these forensic experts is the International
training programs to update their skills and keep up with Society of Environmental Forensics. For contact informa-
advancements in their fields. tion, see Appendix III.

Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits Tips for Entry

Typically, Environmental Forensics Experts have many years 1. While in college, obtain an internship with an envi-
of work experience in their field before they embark on a
ronmental forensics firm to begin gaining experience.
career in forensic consulting. Employers hire candidates who
2. Some employers find that the most desirable candi-
have several years of work experience in their field perform-
dates are knowledgeable in one or more of the follow-
ing environmental consulting or related services. Potential
clients seek consultants who are highly accomplished and ing subjects: programming, geographical information
recognized in their field. In addition, they prefer to retain systems (GIS), statistics, analytical chemistry, and
consultants who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and environmental chemistry.
experience to successfully complete their projects. 3. As of 2006, there were no formal degree programs in
Environmental Forensics Experts need excellent project- environmental forensics in the United States. How-
management, teamwork, interviewing, computer, and writ- ever, many professional societies, private firms, and
ing skills to perform well at their work. In addition, they other organizations offer training programs in this
need strong interpersonal and communication skills, as they specialty.
must be able to work well with various people from diverse 4. Use the Internet to learn more about environmental
backgrounds. Being cooperative, inquisitive, diligent, detail- forensics. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter
oriented, honest, trustworthy, unbiased, and conscientious the keywords environmental forensics. For some links,
are some personality traits that successful experts share. see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies and others; locate and excavate human Forensic Archaeologist
remains and material evidence at crime scenes and other
sites; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Novice Forensic Archaeologist
Salary Range: $29,000 to $109,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Archaeologist

Education or Training—A master’s or doctoral degree
in anthropology, archaeology, or another related disci-
Experience—Several years of field experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
analytical, teamwork, interpersonal, and communication
skills; dedicated, meticulous, trustworthy, curious, and

Position Description their work, including surveying equipment, metal detectors,

Forensic Archaeologists make up another emerging breed ground-penetrating radar, satellite imaging, and aerial pho-
of forensic specialists who apply their science to legal mat- tography. These forensic experts have specialized training in
ters. Archaeologists, in general, study human history and evidence collection and crime scene analysis. They utilize
prehistory by examining buildings, tools, and other artifacts such forensic techniques as DNA testing, radiocarbon dat-
that they have uncovered from beneath the ground. These ing, and skull reconstruction.
scientists use various techniques to locate, map, and excavate Forensic Archaeologists follow specific procedures and
ancient sites, as well as to reconstruct historic events that protocol as they excavate crime scenes, disaster scenes, and
occurred at those sites. other sites. They work carefully and accurately to ensure
Forensic Archaeologists use their knowledge and skills that evidence is not contaminated and the chain of custody
to help authorities in criminal investigations, particularly is maintained.
with locating clandestine graves as well as recovering human Unless other investigators have uncovered bodies, Foren-
remains and physical evidence at crime scenes. They also help sic Archaeologists need to locate the graves. These foren-
in the investigation of war crimes and genocide by studying sic scientists prefer that the scene be as undisturbed and
mass burials. In addition, they assist at disaster scenes. For secured as possible. They use sensing devices to locate
example, they might search bomb blast sites or areas hit by graves or study the terrain for telltale signs of burials. Foren-
violent storms to recover bodies and evidence for analysis in sic Archaeologists create a grid at the scene by using string
the course of the investigations of these occurrences. and markers located at specific points. They map the area
These professionals rely on their archaeological exper- in detail by sketching and photographing the surroundings
tise but are also knowledgeable about such other disciplines with meticulous attention to detail.
as anthropology, chemistry, biology, botany, geology, and When they locate a hidden grave, Forensic Archaeolo-
engineering. They use various technologies to aid them in gists carefully open it while noting such details as what
160        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

tools were used to dig the grave, which strata (layers) of investigators, survivors, or victims’ families at the scene can
the soil were disturbed, and which artifacts were also left provide distraction. The sight of burned corpses or scattered
behind. Furthermore, they carefully examine each sec- body parts may be disturbing. Forensic Archaeologists need
tion of their grid for further evidence that may have been to be physically adept to work meticulously at digging and
left behind. They use small digging tools and sift the soil sifting soil or lifting heavy items. They generally conduct
through screens to find small artifacts that lie beneath the their fieldwork in favorable climate conditions but may be
surface. They collect or tag evidence at the site for further required to work in inclement weather or difficult terrain.
analysis or submission to the authorities.
These professionals use standard archaeological analyti-
cal procedures to determine and reconstruct the events that
Specific salary information for Forensic Archaeologists is
transpired at the scene between the time the graves were cre-
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily,
ated and the time they were discovered. They add details of
or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom
the uncovered graves to their maps, including cross sections
testimony, and other services that they offer.
to indicate the depth of the grave and the position of the body
Most archaeologists, in general, earn an estimated annual
and artifacts found therein. Each section of the grid is num-
bered for reference and all artifacts are listed according to salary that ranged between $28,940 and $81,490, accord-
which sections of the grid they were found. Forensic Archae- ing to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics
ologists include their maps and illustrations in clearly written survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The
reports, which can be easily understood by law enforcement estimated annual salary for archaeology professors ranged
officers, attorneys, and others. from $37,590 to $109,330.
By using the reports that Forensic Archaeologists pro-
vide, investigators are able to verify witness testimony, rec- Employment Prospects
reate how a victim died, and connect a victim to an assailant Forensic archaeology is a young and small occupation;
or disastrous event. They can also determine whether the hence, job opportunities are limited. However, the demand
decedent died at the scene or elsewhere, as well as establish for these experts is growing as their services become more
whether artifacts found at the scene are evidence of a crime. widely recognized. Most Forensic Archaeologists are part-
Furthermore, they can finalize their investigations for pre- time consultants. A few are employed full time by the Fed-
sentation in court trials or other investigative hearings. eral Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Joint MIA/POW
Forensic Archaeologists may be called upon to testify as Accounting Command (JPAC) of the U.S. Army, and other
expert witnesses at court trials. They provide impartial and federal agencies.
unbiased testimony on issues related to their analyses as well Most archaeologists are employed by colleges and uni-
as the procedures, methods, and techniques that they use. versities. Other employers of archaeologists include muse-
In every investigation Forensic Archaeologists work ums and government agencies such as the U.S. National
closely with other professionals. They work alongside law Park Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, state park
enforcement officers, crime scene investigators, and medi- departments, and state historic preservation offices. Some
colegal investigators. They also work with other forensic archaeologists work for private companies that conduct law-
specialists. For example, forensic artists and photographers mandated archaeological surveys to locate and excavate his-
might make sketches, maps, and photos of locations under toric or prehistoric sites on land slated for construction.
investigation; and forensic botanists and forensic entomolo- Employment for archaeologists, in general, is predicted
gists might assist with the analysis of vegetation and insects to increase by 9 to 17 percent through 2014, according to
that are found at the crime scenes. the BLS. Much of the growth is expected to be in the man-
Most Forensic Archaeologists are part-time consultants. agement, scientific, and technical consulting services indus-
Many of them are employed full time as academicians or try, which includes forensic consulting.
museum employees. They perform duties that are specific
to their primary archaeology profession. For example,
they may teach, conduct research, and perform fieldwork Advancement Prospects
at archaeological sites; maintain museum collections and Forensic Archaeologists generally measure success through
design exhibits; serve as museum administrators; publish job satisfaction, professional recognition, and by being
scholarly papers; or assist government agencies with the sought out for highly complex or publicized cases.
management of archaeological resources. College and university instructors typically seek tenure-
Forensic Archaeologists work in indoor settings such as track positions. Once they gain tenure at an institution, they
offices or classrooms. At outdoor burial or disaster sites, cannot be fired without just cause and due process. Acade-
they encounter unusual conditions that provide a challenge micians advance by rising through the ranks from instruc-
to their calm and controlled professional manner. Other tor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial and

administrative positions, from department chair to academic Unions and Associations

dean to the position of provost or president. The Society for American Archaeology, the Registry of
Professional Archaeologists, the American Anthropologi-
Education and Training cal Association, and the American Academy of Forensic
Minimally, individuals wishing to become Forensic Archae- Sciences are a few national societies that Forensic Archae-
ologists should possess a master’s degree in anthropology or ologists are eligible to join. (For contact information, see
archaeology. Individuals will need a doctoral degree if they Appendix III.) By joining professional associations, Foren-
plan to teach in universities or colleges or become a museum sic Archaeologists can take advantage of job listings, current
curator. A master’s program generally takes one to two years research data, networking opportunities, and other profes-
to complete. After earning a master’s degree, doctoral can- sional resources and services.
didates must fulfill another two to three (or more) years of
study to earn their degree. They must write a book-length Tips for Entry
dissertation that is based on original research. With either the 1. As a high school student you can begin learning more
master’s or doctoral program, future Forensic Archaeologists about archaeology and its specialty areas. You can
complete formal course work in field archaeology, labora- read books and magazines about the field, watch tele-
tory analysis, and osteology. In addition, graduate students vision programs that feature archaeological subjects,
are required to do fieldwork in which they participate in and visit archaeological sites and museums. If pos-
excavations under the supervision of their professors. sible, volunteer on an archaeological dig.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Archaeologists enroll 2. Would you be able to handle human remains? To get
in continuing education programs to update their skills and an idea, volunteer or obtain a part-time job at your
keep up with advancements in their fields. local coroner’s or medical examiner’s office.
3. One expert in the field recommends taking courses in
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits physical anthropology and human biology, as Foren-
In general, individuals wishing to become Forensic Archae- sic Archaeologists need a strong background in the
ologists should have several years of field experience, human skeleton.
including participation in excavating historic burial sites. 4. Obtain a research assistantship or volunteer to work
Like other forensic specialists, Forensic Archaeolo- on projects for a professor who specializes in forensic
gists need excellent organizational, analytical, teamwork, archaeology.
interpersonal, and communication skills. Being dedicated, 5. Learn more about forensic archaeology on the Inter-
meticulous, trustworthy, curious, and compassionate are net. To find relevant Web sites, enter the keywords
some personality traits that successful Forensic Archaeolo- forensic archaeology or forensic archaeologists into a
gists share. search engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.
162        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies and others; identify, analyze, and interpret Forensic Botanist
botanical evidence; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Salary Range: $38,000 to $146,000 Novice Forensic Botanist

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—A doctoral degree in botany or
another related field
Experience—Several years of experience in field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, organizational, communication, and interpersonal
skills; patient, objective, diligent, detail-oriented, inquis-
itive, and trustworthy

Position Description They might work on such tasks as:

Botanists are biologists who specialize in the study, identifi-
cation, and classification of plants—lichens, mosses, ferns, • estimating how long a person has been dead and when the
flowers, shrubs, grasses, vines, trees, and so on. These sci- person may have died
entists seek to understand the structure and life processes • ascertaining if a body had been moved after death or was
of plants, as well as how plants relate to each other and disturbed in any way
other living organisms. They also study how plants have • establishing whether a person had died outdoors and in a
developed and changed through time and how plants adapt particular location
to their surroundings. Botanists also investigate the practi- • determining what a person had eaten prior to death
cal uses of plants and study the causes and cures of plant • identifying plant poisons
diseases. Many botanists devote themselves to studying the • detecting secret graves of missing people
biology of particular plant species. Others specialize in such
subfields as botany, plant anatomy, physiology, genetics, Forensic Botanists apply the principles and techniques of
cytology (cell structure and function), or plant ecology. their discipline to the analysis of plant evidence. They also
Forensic botany is a relatively new subfield. It is a spe- utilize an understanding of other biology disciplines, includ-
cialty in which scientists apply their botanical expertise to ing ecology, molecular biology, palynology (the study of
legal matters. Forensic Botanists may be engaged in inves- pollen and spores), limnology (the study of fresh water ecol-
tigations for criminal or civil cases. Their primary role is to ogy), plant systematics (the relationships between plants
analyze plant evidence to help settle disputes or link crimi- and other plants), taxonomy (plant classification), and den-
nals to crime scenes or victims. dochronology (the study of tree rings), among others.
Forensic Botanists normally work as consultants. They are In addition, they are familiar with forensic principles
retained by law enforcement agencies, crime labs, medical and methodologies. These scientists, for example, observe
examiners’ and coroners’ offices, attorneys, and other organi- a fundamental forensic science principle known as Locard’s
zations that require expert evaluation of plant evidence. Exchange Principle that states that whenever a person comes

into contact with another person or a place, materials are crime. They make sure that they maintain the chain of cus-
usually exchanged between contacts. For example, scraps of tody on every piece of evidence that they handle to ensure
vegetation from a crime scene may be found on a victim’s or that it has not been tampered with or contaminated.
suspect’s person or attached to other evidence. After completing their tests, Forensic Botanists interpret
Forensic Botanists are able to use various clues from plant the results of their tests and prepare formal reports that
material to determine events and timeframes surrounding describe their findings and the methods they used to obtain
unexplained deaths and crimes. For example, a suspect might them. Their reports must be comprehensive yet clearly under-
have twigs in his or her hair or a murder victim might grasp standable by law enforcement officers, attorneys, judges, and
a bit of plant material. Forensic Botanists may be able to juries.
identify such plant samples and determine where a crime was Forensic Botanists may be called upon to testify as expert
committed if the samples originated elsewhere. In another witnesses at court trials. They provide impartial and unbi-
example, a body might rest on plant material that is crushed ased testimony on issues related to their laboratory analyses
and decayed. By analyzing the decayed material, Forensic as well as about the procedures, methods, and techniques
Botanists may be able to determine the length of time the body that they use.
rested in that spot. These scientists can also examine trees or Forensic Botanists mostly work in laboratory and office
the roots of plants that grow on a clandestine grave, count the settings. They may travel to reach crime scenes or clandes-
growth rings, and estimate when the grave was dug. tine gravesites. At these locations, they may endure rough
Cell walls of plants and the walls around pollen decay terrain or unfavorable weather, as well as unpleasant sights
very slowly and can remain undamaged for long periods of and odors.
time. Hence, microscopic plant segments can be identifi-
able years after a crime was committed or a death occurred.
In addition, each plant’s cells can be distinguished by their
sizes and shapes, which remain unchanged over time, even Specific salary information for Forensic Botanists is unavail-
when digested. By using these facts about plants, Forensic able. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate
Botanists can help solve crimes in cases where other types of for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom testimony,
evidence are not available. For example, pollen is always in and other services that they offer.
the air and constantly settles on people and objects. Because As academicians, botanists earn salaries that vary,
pollen content is unique to every geographical area, it can depending on such factors as their ranking, employer, and
be traced. Forensic Botanists may find traces of pollen on a geographic location. The estimated annual salary for most
suspect, murder victim, or other crime scene evidence, and biological science postsecondary teachers ranges between
by determining the sources of the pollen, they can establish $37,620 and $145,600, according to the May 2006 Occupa-
that a murder took place in another location. In cases of poi- tional Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of
soning, Forensic Botanists are able to examine the vegetable Labor Statistics.
contents of a victim’s stomach under a microscope and iden-
tify the food, measure its level of decay, and determine when Employment Prospects
the meal was ingested or even where it was consumed. Forensic botany is a new field; consequently, the number of
In most cases, Forensic Botanists analyze plant evidence opportunities is limited. Currently, most, if not all, Forensic
that has been collected by crime scene investigators. On Botanists work on a part-time basis while working full time
occasion these forensic specialists go to crime scenes to as college and university professors. As forensic botany
assist in collecting and processing evidence. They follow becomes more widely recognized, the demand for these
specific procedures and preservation techniques to ensure experts should increase.
that they have viable samples with which to work. Control
samples from the scene and surrounding area are also col-
lected to compare with plant evidence. In addition, Forensic Advancement Prospects
Botanists carefully and accurately document precisely where Forensic Botanists generally measure success through job
the plant samples were found while making note of how the satisfaction, professional recognition, and by being sought
samples were associated with their surroundings. Documen- for highly complex or publicized cases.
tation includes written notes, sketches, photographs, and College and university instructors typically seek tenure-
videos, which all complement each other. track positions. Once they gain tenure at an institution, they
Forensic Botanists examine samples in their laborato- cannot be fired without just cause and due process. Acade-
ries, which involves conducting appropriate tests. They are micians advance by rising through the ranks from instruc-
expected to perform their work accurately and correctly. tor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial and
They follow strict procedures and protocols and keep up administrative positions, from department chair to academic
with current laws of evidence, criminal procedures, and dean to the position of provost or president.
164        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Education and Training education, professional certification, and other professional

Forensic Botanists usually possess a doctoral degree in bot- resources and services. One national forensic society they
any or another biological science discipline. This requires might join is the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
several years of intense training. They first complete a four- Some national societies that serve their particular discipline
year bachelor’s degree program, followed by a one- to two- are the American Society of Plant Biologists, the Botanical
year master’s degree program. Upon earning their master’s Society of America, and the American Institute of Biologi-
degree, they enroll in a doctoral program, which may take cal Sciences. For contact information, see Appendix III.
four or more years to finish. To successfully earn their
degree, doctoral candidates must write a book-length dis- Tips for Entry
sertation based on original research. Upon earning their
1. As a high school student, join a youth group that
doctorates, many botanists obtain a postdoctoral position, to
can give you opportunities to learn more about law
continue training in their specialty.
enforcement or forensic science.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Botanists enroll in
2. Carefully research the graduate schools you might
continuing education programs to update their skills and
like to attend. Ask questions such as: Does it offer the
keep up with advancements in their fields.
course work that you want to take? Are there profes-
sors with whom you would like to study? Are there
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits Forensic Botanists on staff at a school? Would there
Potential clients seek Forensic Botanists who are highly be opportunities for you to work on projects with
accomplished and recognized in their field. In addition, they them?
prefer to retain consultants who have the necessary knowl- 3. If you plan to work for a few years after earning your
edge, skills, and experience to successfully complete their bachelor’s degree, you might apply for a position in a
projects. crime lab to gain valuable experience.
To succeed at consulting work, Forensic Botanists need 4. To gain more visibility for your field and yourself,
excellent self-management, organizational, communication, write articles about forensic botany for trade and pro-
and interpersonal skills. Being patient, objective, diligent, fessional publications that law enforcement agencies,
detail-oriented, inquisitive, and trustworthy are some per- criminalists, attorneys, judges, and other forensic spe-
sonality traits that successful Forensic Botanists share. cialists read.
5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic botany.
Unions and Associations To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter the key-
Forensic Botanists can join professional associations to words forensic botany or forensic botanists in a search
take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies and others; identify, analyze, and interpret Forensic Entomologist
insect evidence; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Salary Range: $38,000 to $146,000 Novice Forensic Entomologist

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Doctoral degree in entomol-
ogy, biology, or another related field usually required
Experience—Several years of experience in the field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communication,
interpersonal, self-management, organizational, analyti-
cal, and writing skills; curious, trustworthy, unbiased,
meticulous, persistent, and energetic

Position Description ing the insects that live on dead bodies. For example, insect
Forensic entomology, or medicocriminal entomology, evidence can be used to:
applies the study of insects and related arthropods (such
as spiders, centipedes, and lice) to civil and criminal legal • deduce if a body was disturbed or moved after death
issues. Entomology is a branch of zoology. It is concerned • identify a body by analyzing the DNA of flesh consumed
with the classification, distribution, and evolution of all the by insects
thousands of insect and related arthropod species. Entomol- • determine whether a dead individual used drugs by ana-
ogists, in general, study the structure and life processes of lyzing accumulated toxins in the insects that fed on the
these creatures; their life cycle, behavior, and genetics; their body
cellular and molecular composition; and their relationships • establish whether a suspect was present at the scene of a
to each other and their surroundings. They also research crime
how insects are beneficial or harmful to humans and the • ascertain the presence or position of wounds in badly
environment. Some of these scientists specialize in the study decomposed bodies
of specific insects, while others specialize in entomological
subfields such as medical, veterinary, conservation, agricul- Forensic Entomologists have expertise about the life
ture, or forest entomology. cycle of insects that feed on decomposing flesh. They know
Forensic entomology is a young subfield, which is the that certain insects eat specific parts of bodies at particular
application of this science to medicolegal death investi- intervals. Insects also develop through their life phases from
gations. Forensic Entomologists estimate the post-mortem egg to larvae to pupae to adults within a constant timeframe
interval (PMI)—the amount of time that passes after the according to each insect species.
death of the victim. These scientists use insects to make These forensic experts also know that variables such as
such determinations, as well as to help reveal the probable the location of the body and weather conditions can alter
cause, location, and time of death. Forensic Entomologists the behavior and development cycles of predatory insects.
are also able to glean other valuable information by study- For example, different species live in different geographic
166        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

areas and consequently devour carcasses at varying rates. tine gravesites. At these locations, Forensic Entomologists
Different insects from those found outdoors would consume may endure rough terrain or unfavorable weather.
bodies found in indoor locations. Different insect species
consume bodies at different stages of decomposition. Tem- Salaries
perature changes and rainfall impact the rate of consump-
Salary information for Forensic Entomologists is unavail-
tion and decay of a human body as well. A body resting in
able. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or flat
shade will attract different insects from one left in sunlight.
rate for examinations, depositions, courtroom testimony,
The insects that live underground are different from those
and other services that they offer. In addition, many of them
that live above the surface. Forensic Entomologists take
charge their clients for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel
these factors and more into account when they assist with
time, telephone calls, and photocopying.
medicolegal death investigations. Although PMI is at best
As academicians, entomologists earn salaries that vary,
an estimate, these professionals can determine a fairly accu-
depending on such factors as their ranking, discipline,
rate PMI by considering the known variables, such as tem-
employer, and geographic location. According to the U.S.
perature fluctuations and weather conditions at the scene.
Bureau of Labor Statistics in its May 2006 Occupational
Forensic Entomologists occasionally visit death scenes
Employment Statistics survey, the estimated annual salary
to collect insect evidence. Upon arrival, they observe the
for most biological science postsecondary teachers ranges
scene before entering it and take photographs, record notes
between $37,620 and $145,600.
on tape and paper, and draw diagrams. They make note of
the variables in the local environment. They gather insects
directly from the body as well as from the surrounding area Employment Prospects
and preserve them immediately to ensure that they remain in Forensic entomology is a small but emerging field. Some
their current state of development. Forensic Entomologists Forensic Entomologists are independent practitioners.
also obtain more insect samples from the medical examiner Most others practice on a part-time basis while working
or coroner during the autopsy. When they cannot collect in their primary occupation as professors or researchers.
evidence directly, they ensure that other investigators make Some experts in the field report that opportunities should
accurate collections. continue to increase as more law enforcement agencies
In addition to medicolegal death investigations, Foren- and medical examiners (and coroners) become aware of
sic Entomologists investigate legal issues in the areas this discipline.
of urban pests and stored product pests. They determine
monetary damages or physical injuries caused by insects Advancement Prospects
that infest buildings. They investigate crimes committed
Forensic Entomologists generally measure success through
through the use of insects such as in suspected cases of
job satisfaction, professional recognition, and by being
child neglect or abuse. They assist bloodstain analysts
sought for highly complex or publicized cases.
with criminal cases in which insects may have created
Academicians advance by rising through the ranks from
bloodstains by tracking through blood or leaving flyspecks
instructor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial
nearby. Insects have been known to cause automobile and
and administrative positions, from department chair to aca-
airplane accidents. Forensic Entomologists investigate
demic dean to the position of provost or president.
this type of incident as well. Forensic Entomologists are
involved with criminal or civil litigation issues pertain-
ing to food or beverage products contaminated by insects. Education and Training
They determine whether the contamination occurred dur- Forensic Entomologists usually possess a doctoral degree in
ing or after production. entomology, biology, zoology, or another related discipline.
Forensic Entomologists perform their duties on a con- This requires several years of intense training. They first
sulting basis. They are retained by medical examiners’ and complete a four-year bachelor’s degree program, followed
coroners’ offices, attorneys, the courts, law enforcement by a one- to two-year master’s degree program. Upon earn-
agencies, and other organizations. ing their master’s degree, they enroll in a doctoral program,
These experts’ general tasks include collecting informa- which may take four or more years to finish. To successfully
tion, conducting tests, analyzing and interpreting data, and earn their degree, doctoral candidates must write a book-
preparing reports of their findings, conclusions, and opin- length dissertation based on original research. Upon earning
ions. They may also provide expert witness testimony in their doctorates, many entomologists obtain a postdoctoral
court proceedings and other legal hearings. position to continue training in their specialty.
Forensic Entomologists are often exposed to unpleasant Throughout their careers, Forensic Entomologists enroll
sights and odors. They mostly work in laboratory and office in continuing education programs to update their skills and
settings. They may travel to reach crime scenes or clandes- keep up with advancements in their fields.

Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits Society of America. Two forensic societies that these spe-
Typically, entomologists have practiced for several years cialists may join are the American Board of Forensic Ento-
in their field before embarking on a career in forensic con- mology and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
sulting. Potential clients seek Forensic Entomologists who For contact information, see Appendix III.
are highly accomplished and recognized in their field. In
addition, they prefer to retain consultants who have the Tips for Entry
necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to successfully 1. To gain experience in medicolegal investigations,
complete their projects. obtain an internship or part-time job with a medical
Forensic Entomologists must have excellent communica- examiner’s or coroner’s office.
tion and interpersonal skills, as they must be able to work 2. As an expert witness, you must be able to handle
well with law enforcement officers, forensic pathologists, the stress of cross-examination. While still a student,
and others. They also need strong self-management, organi- attend various criminal and civil trials to get an idea of
zational, analytical, and writing skills. what different expert witnesses do.
Some personality traits that successful Forensic Ento- 3. Obtain a research assistantship with a professor
mologists share include being curious, trustworthy, unbi- who does forensic entomology and whose work you
ased, meticulous, persistent, and energetic. respect. If an assistantship is unavailable, then volun-
teer to work on his or her projects, including casework
Unions and Associations that comes into his or her lab.
By joining professional associations, Forensic Entomolo- 4. To enhance their credibility, many Forensic Entomolo-
gists can take advantage of networking opportunities, con- gists obtain professional certification. For information
tinuing education, professional certification, and other about some certification programs, see Appendix II.
professional resources and services. Some national societ- 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic entomol-
ies that serve the general interests of entomologists are the ogy. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter the key-
American Entomological Society and the Entomological words forensic entomology or forensic entomologists.
168        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies and other clients; identify, analyze, and Forensic Geologist
interpret earth materials evidence; perform duties as

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Novice Forensic Geologist
Salary Range: $37,000 to $136,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Geologist

Education or Training—An advanced degree in geol-
ogy or another related discipline
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
analytical, self-management, writing, presentation, inter-
personal, and communication skills; unbiased, trustwor-
thy, detail-oriented, persistent, inquisitive, and cooperative

Position Description involves the analysis of soils, rocks, minerals, and fossils
Forensic Geologists are another group of forensic specialists and how they impact the investigation of crimes, regulatory
who apply the principles and techniques of their science to violations, insurance claims, and civil disputes.
legal matters. Geology is an earth science (also known as Forensic Geologists examine earth materials evidence
a geological science or a geoscience). Geologists examine that can be used to help resolve legal or regulatory matters.
the materials—rocks, minerals, and soils—that make up Basically, Forensic Geologists analyze samples of soil, coal,
the Earth as well as the landforms, such as mountains, vol- industrial debris, oils, amber, fossils, sand, inks, paints, and
canoes, valleys, plains, and rivers, on the Earth’s surface. other earth materials found on clothing or property or in
These scientists also study the various processes (such as groundwater. They attempt to identify their point of origin
weather, erosion, earthquakes, and tectonics) that shape the and whether the samples may offer clues to the identity of
Earth, as well as investigate how human activities (such as crime suspects or help determine how, where, or when dis-
dredging, mining, and development) affect and change the puted events occurred.
Earth. Forensic Geologists mostly work in the private sec-
Furthermore, Geologists search for new sources of tor as consultants. Law enforcement agencies as well as
water, energy, and minerals; they help develop community attorneys retain them to examine earth materials evidence
emergency plans for natural hazards (such as earthquakes, in diverse cases such as hit and run vehicle accidents,
floods, and landslides); and they investigate proposed sites sexual assaults, murders, or vandalism. These scientists
for waste treatment plants, dams, freeways, bridges, harbors, observe a fundamental forensic science principle known
and other structures to make sure they are geologically safe. as Locard’s Exchange Principle, which is attributed to Dr.
Geology is comprised of many subdisciplines, of which Edmund Locard, a pioneer in forensic science. Dr. Locard
forensic geology is one. (Other subdisciplines include min- postulated that whenever a person comes into contact with
eralogy, hydrology, geophysics, seismology, structural geol- another person or a place, materials are usually exchanged
ogy, and paleontology, among others.) Forensic geology between contacts. Both criminals and victims inadvertently

leave soil, grease, or other mineral substances at the scene Salaries

of a crime, on other evidence, or on clothing. For example, Salary information for Forensic Geologists is unavailable.
Forensic Geologists might trace stolen crops to the farm As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate for
from which they were taken by comparing the soil on them initial consultation, depositions, courtroom testimony, and
to the soil at the farm. other services that they offer.
Forensic Geologists can contribute evidence to legal According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment
cases that is overlooked by other forensic professionals Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
who do not necessarily look for soil or mineral samples the estimated annual salary for most geoscientists ranged
at investigation sites. Geological evidence is of immense between $39,740 and $135,950, and for most earth science
value, however, because there are thousands of types of professors, between $37,330 and $121,500.
rocks, minerals, and soils, which can all be identified. In
the United States alone, there are over 50,000 varieties of Employment Prospects
soil. Each type of soil was formed and gained its distinctive Some Forensic Geologists are independent practitioners,
properties from key factors that vary from one location to while others are partners or associates of geological or
another. Consequently, earth material found at any specific environmental firms that offer forensic geology services.
point is distinctive. Some Forensic Geologists are academicians or researchers
Forensic Geologists use instruments, particularly special- who offer forensic consulting services on a part-time basis.
ized microscopes, to closely study earth material samples to Public agencies rarely hire Forensic Geologists for staff
identify their unique characteristics. They make note of such positions, but with their backgrounds, they may be hired as
features as colors, shapes, and the size and distribution of criminalists or crime scene investigators.
grains to recognize particular samples. Forensic Geologists Forensic geology is a small, emerging occupation. Oppor-
make comparisons between samples to determine the point tunities will continue to grow as the field gains greater famil-
of origin of evidence material. Hence, for example, if a rock iarity and acceptance by law enforcement agencies, the courts,
or sand found at a crime scene is not normally found at that attorneys, regulatory agencies, and insurance companies.
location, it is quite likely that the suspect can be found at the
location of that material’s origin.
Advancement Prospects
Forensic Geologists also investigate various issues per-
As forensic consultants, geologists measure success by
taining to regulatory violations, industrial problems, property
building their practices, gaining professional recognition,
claims, environmental hazards, or insurance claims. For exam-
and earning higher incomes. Many also measure success by
ple, Forensic Geologists may examine paintings, sculptures, or
being sought out for very complex or publicized cases.
gems to verify their authenticity for an insurance claim. These
Academicians advance by rising through the ranks from
professionals may analyze soils or stones used in a construc- instructor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial
tion project to determine the cause of a structural collapse. and administrative positions, from department chair to aca-
They may demonstrate how the composition of a road grading demic dean to the position of provost or president.
material contributed to a car accident. Forensic Geologists
may investigate how an occurrence of chemical contamination
in soil threatened the health of nearby residents. Education and Training
Forensic Geologists perform certain tasks when they Individuals planning to become Forensic Geologists should
work on a project. They collect data, which may involve have at least a master’s degree in geology, physics, or
reviewing written materials (such as police reports or insur- another related field. To teach in four-year colleges and uni-
ance claims), testing samples of earth materials, researching versities, individuals must possess a doctoral degree. Most
literature, and interviewing witnesses. They sometimes visit Forensic Geologists have doctorates.
the crime or incident site. These scientists analyze and inter- A master’s program generally takes one to two years to
pret the data and form their conclusions. They then prepare complete. After earning a master’s degree, doctoral candi-
well-detailed reports, using clear and concise language to dates fulfill several more years of study to earn their degree.
make technical information understandable to lay persons. They must write a book-length dissertation that is based on
When requested, they provide expert witness testimony at original research.
court proceedings, administrative hearings, or another type Throughout their careers, Forensic Geologists enroll in
continuing education programs to update their skills and
of formal event.
keep up with advancements in their fields.
Forensic Geologists work in laboratory settings. They
also work outdoors at crime scenes, locations where acci-
dents occurred, and at such locations as building sites, Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
groundwater sources, and industrial sites. They may encoun- Potential clients seek Forensic Geologists who are highly
ter rough terrain and may be required to lift heavy objects. accomplished and recognized in their fields. In addition,
170        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

they prefer to retain consultants who have the necessary Tips for Entry
knowledge, skills, and experience to successfully complete 1. As a student, take advantage of opportunities to gain
their projects. Forensic Geologists are typically at the top of real experience doing geological work. For example,
their field and have many years of work experience. you might obtain an internship or participate in activi-
To flourish as a consultant, individuals need excellent orga- ties sponsored by a geological organization.
nizational, analytical, self-management, writing, and presen- 2. Some courses you might take for a well-rounded back-
tation skills. They must also have exceptional interpersonal ground include physics, analytical chemistry, biology,
and communication skills, as they need to work well with math, statistics, and criminal justice.
attorneys, law enforcement officers, other forensic scientists, 3. Employers usually require you to give them three
and others. Being unbiased, trustworthy, detail-oriented, per- references. Choose individuals who can provide infor-
sistent, inquisitive, and cooperative are some personality traits mation about your work habits and abilities.
that successful Forensic Geologists have in common. 4. One expert in the field suggests that interested geolo-
gists first take on a case as an expert witness. This can
Unions and Associations give them an idea if they can handle the pressure of
Forensic Geologists can join professional associations to take working on short deadlines as well as defending their
advantage of networking opportunities and other professional opinions on the witness stand.
resources and services. Some organizations that serve their 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic geol-
interests are the American Geological Institute, the Geologi- ogy. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter the
cal Society of America, and the American Academy of Foren- keywords forensic geology or forensic geologists into
sic Sciences. For contact information, see Appendix III. a search engine.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys,

insurance companies, and other clients; reconstruct and Senior Forensic Meteorologist
analyze weather patterns during a particular event; per-
form other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Forensic Meteorologist
Salary Range: $39,000 to $120,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Meteorologist

Education or Training—Master’s or doctoral degree in
atmospheric science or another related field
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communication,
interpersonal, teamwork, self-management, analytical,
organizational, writing, and presentation skills; impartial,
fair, trustworthy, detail-oriented, curious, and diligent

Position Description tiff attorneys, by insurance companies, by law enforcement

What was the weather like at the time a victim was killed? agencies, by government agencies, and by other entities.
What were the lighting conditions when a motorcycle acci- These forensic specialists assist with a wide variety of
dent occurred? How windy was it when a homeowner’s fence weather-related investigations involving structural col-
blew down? These are examples of questions that weather lapses, traffic accidents, property damage, aviation mis-
experts known as Forensic Meteorologists might be asked. haps, and crimes.
Meteorology is the study of the structure and composi- Forensic Meteorologists reconstruct weather patterns for
tion of the Earth’s atmosphere as well as the continuously the area under investigation by reviewing airport weather
changing atmospheric conditions (such as wind, tempera- reports, Doppler radar readings, satellite images, and eye-
ture, sunlight, and precipitation) that produce weather on witness descriptions. They may also turn to atypical data
Earth. Many meteorologists, also known as atmospheric resources such as atmospheric readings taken by air pollu-
scientists, work in the applied field of meteorology. Many tion monitors.
of them are involved in forecasting the weather by apply- By looking back at weather data for incident dates,
ing physical and mathematical principles to atmospheric Forensic Meteorologists analyze the events that were
conditions. Broadcast meteorologists (radio and TV weather impacted by the weather. They may visit the scene of the
forecasters) are probably the most familiar type of applied accident, injury, or crime to verify that weather conditions
meteorology professionals, while Forensic Meteorologists prevailed as eyewitnesses reported them. Weather reports
are less well known. are usually regional and do not account for microclimate
Forensic Meteorologists are consulting professionals conditions influenced by local factors such as terrain or
who utilize their meteorological proficiency to help resolve other environmental features. For example, icy conditions
criminal investigations, civil lawsuits, insurance claims, on roads may not have been indicated by a regional weather
environmental regulatory actions, and other legal matters. report but were reported by eyewitnesses to a vehicle acci-
They are retained by the courts, by either defense or plain- dent in a location that experienced colder temperatures than
172        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

elsewhere in the region. Forensic Meteorologists may need they are limited. For some meteorologists, their ultimate goal
to interpolate information from several locations to deter- is to become independent consultants or business owners.
mine conditions at the location in question. Many Forensic Meteorologists realize advancement
Upon completing their investigations and analyses, through job satisfaction, professional recognition, and
Forensic Meteorologists prepare reports that vary in thor- higher incomes. Many also measure success by being sought
oughness according to the needs of their clients. Their for very complex or publicized cases.
reports range from telephone consultations to detailed writ-
ten information packets to graphic courtroom presentations. Education and Training
A report may detail a few days worth of weather data alone,
Minimally, individuals wishing to become Forensic Meteo-
or may provide additional information such as long-range
rologists must have a bachelor’s degree in meteorology,
weather statistics, law enforcement reports, site inspection
atmospheric science, or another related field. To advance in
notes, testimony or depositions provided by adversaries, this field, individuals generally need a master’s or doctoral
and expert opinions from other sources. Additionally, these degree. Clients, for example, usually prefer to retain Foren-
professionals may be requested to appear in courts to pro- sic Meteorologists who hold advanced degrees, particularly
vide expert witness testimony. if they will be providing testimony as expert witnesses.
Like all forensic experts, Forensic Meteorologists are As of 2006, there were no academic programs available
expected to remain objective and unbiased about the details for forensic meteorology studies. According to one expert
of their cases. They do not assume the role of advocate for in the field, training is on-the-job, generally in research or
either side of a dispute, regardless of who hired them. operational meteorology for a significant period of time.
Forensic Meteorologists work full time or part time. Throughout their careers, Forensic Meteorologists enroll
in continuing education programs and training programs to
Salaries update their skills and keep up with advancements in their
Salaries for Forensic Meteorologists vary, depending on fields.
such factors as their education, experience, employer, and
geographic location. Specific salary information for this Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
occupation is unavailable. However, the estimated annual Requirements vary among employers. In general, they prefer
salary for most atmospheric scientists ranged between to hire candidates who have several years of work experi-
$39,090 and $119,700, according to the May 2006 Occupa- ence. Independent consultants must be able to demonstrate to
tional Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of prospective clients that they have the necessary knowledge,
Labor Statistics (BLS). skills, and experience to successfully perform their projects.
To be effective consultants, Forensic Meteorologists
Employment Prospects need excellent communication, interpersonal, and teamwork
Many Forensic Meteorologists are employed by meteoro- skills, as they must be able to work well with colleagues,
logical management and consulting firms that offer forensic attorneys, law enforcement officers, and others from diverse
meteorology services. Some are independent practitioners. backgrounds. In addition, they must have strong self-man-
Some offer their services on a part-time basis, while work- agement skills, analytical, organizational, writing, and
presentation skills. Being impartial, fair, trustworthy, detail-
ing full time at their primary occupation as university pro-
oriented, curious, and diligent are some personality traits
fessors, researchers, or broadcast meteorologists.
that successful Forensic Meteorologists share.
Forensic meteorology is a small field. The competi-
tion for staff positions is high. Positions usually become
available when Forensic Meteorologists advance to higher Unions and Associations
positions, transfer to other jobs, or leave the work force for Forensic Meteorologists can join professional associations
various reasons. Private firms may create additional posi- to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
tions as the demand for their services increases. education, professional certification, and other professional
The job outlook for meteorologists, overall, is favorable, resources and services. Two national societies that serve
particularly in the private sector. According to the BLS, their interests include the American Meteorological Society
employment of this occupation is predicted to grow by 9 to and the National Council of Industrial Meteorologists. For
17 percent through 2014. contact information, see Appendix III.

Advancement Prospects Tips for Entry

In companies, Forensic Meteorologists with administrative 1. As a student, join a professional society and partici-
and managerial ambitions can pursue such positions, but pate in its activities. Take advantage of opportunities

to network with experienced professionals, especially 4. Contact private firms directly about job openings. If a
Forensic Meteorologists. company does not have any current vacancies, ask if
2. To succeed as a consultant, you will need strong busi- you may send in a résumé or complete an application
ness and marketing skills. Read books and take courses for future openings.
that can help you develop strong business skills. 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic meteo-
3. To enhance their credibility, Forensic Meteorologists rology. To get a list of relevant Web sites to visit,
become certified by recognized organizations. For enter the keywords forensic meteorology or forensic
information about certification programs, see Appen- meteorologists into a search engine. For some links,
dix II. see Appendix IV.
174        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide consulting services to law enforcement

agencies and others; apply microbiology knowledge and Senior Forensic Microbiologist
techniques to legal matters; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Microbial Forensics Expert, Forensic

Forensic Microbiologist
Salary Range: $35,000 to $146,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor Microbiologist

Education or Training—Advanced degree usually
Experience—Many years of experience in one’s field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
self-management, teamwork, communication and inter-
personal skills; inquisitive, flexible, self-motivated, trust-
worthy, objective, and dedicated

Position Description tor in cases of medical negligence, the deliberate infection

Microbiology is the study of microbes (or microorganisms) of people with a communicable disease, or intentional food
such as bacteria, viruses, molds, yeast, algae, and protozoa. contamination. Such cases are of interest to Forensic Micro-
These are very tiny living organisms that can be seen only biologists.
with the help of microscopes. These scientific specialists face more challenges about
Microbiologists seek to understand microbes by study- the spread of toxic microbial substances because with
ing their characteristics as well as how they function, grow, increasing frequency, unscrupulous individuals deliberately
develop, and reproduce. Additionally, these scientists exam- spread diseases. Forensic Microbiologists strive to distin-
ine how various microbes interact with other living organ- guish microbial substances that occur in nature from those
isms. Microbiologists are also concerned with understanding that were concocted in laboratories. Their principal chal-
how some microbes act as infectious agents and affect the lenge is to prove to judges and juries that dangerous sub-
health of plants, animals, and humans. stances were developed by artificial means for the express
Some microbiologists specialize in the type of microbes purpose of doing harm.
that they study. For example, bacteriologists examine bacte- As this is being written, Forensic Microbiologists are
ria and virologists investigate viruses that are active inside largely engaged in the process of developing their field.
living cells. Other microbiologists concentrate in a par- Many of these specialists are involved with conducting
ticular specialty of biology. For example, they might study research to address such problems as:
only the physiology, cytology, biochemistry, immunology,
or genetics of microorganisms. • genotyping microbial agents, developing DNA protocols,
A new specialty of microbiology, microbial forensics, and developing genomic, molecular, microbiological, and
focuses on how microbes can be used as weapons. In recent other “fingerprinting” techniques
years, for example, terrorists used anthrax enclosed in enve- • recognizing that the incidence of a particular disease is
lopes to sicken or kill victims. Microbes may also be a fac- indeed an organized attack

• collecting microbial samples at sites where biological tions. Employers will create additional positions, as long as
agents are used in criminal or terrorist attacks funding is available.
• selecting the best analytical methods to use to identify
threatening microbial specimens Advancement Prospects
• training police, ambulance crews, and firefighters to deal
Research scientists in government laboratories can be
with microbial attacks and protect themselves from being
promoted to supervisory and managerial positions, which
are limited. Academicians advance by rising through the
• designing and using appropriate tests for suspicious sub-
ranks from instructor to full professor. They can also pur-
stances as well as standardizing such tests and ensuring
sue managerial and administrative positions, from depart-
quality control for using such tests
ment chair to academic dean to the position of provost or
• developing plans to respond to threats in order to avert
attacks before they occur
In general, Forensic Microbiologists measure success
• organizing national and international microbial forensics through job satisfaction, professional recognition, and higher
programs incomes.
• compiling a microbial DNA database

In addition to these areas of research, Forensic Microbi- Education and Training

ologists continue to work on ways to deal with political and Minimally, Forensic Microbiologists should possess a mas-
economic issues in regard to acquiring government funds, ter’s degree in microbiology, biology, or another related
balancing the scientific tradition of openness about research field. To teach in four-year colleges and universities or
with maintaining confidentiality about suspected terrorist to conduct independent research, Forensic Microbiologists
threats, and working with law enforcement agencies and the must possess a doctoral degree.
courts. It takes several years of committed effort for students
Forensic Microbiologists mostly work in sterile laborato- to obtain a doctoral degree. First, they complete a four-
ries and offices. They use computers, electron microscopes, year bachelor’s degree program, followed by a one- or
and other sophisticated laboratory equipment. They wear pro- two-year master’s degree program. Upon earning their
tective clothing and follow strict safety rules and regulations master’s degree, they enroll in a doctoral program, which
to minimize the risks that are involved in handling microbes, takes several more years to finish. To successfully earn
chemicals, and other potentially dangerous substances. their degree, doctoral candidates must write a book-length
dissertation based on original research. Upon earning
their doctorates, many postgraduates obtain a fellowship,
Salaries which may be one or two years long, to continue training
Specific salary information for Forensic Microbiologists is in their specialty.
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or As this is being written, no formal programs to train
flat rate for initial consultation, courtroom testimony, and individuals in microbial forensics are currently available.
other services that they offer. Microbiologists typically learn on the job, as well as take
According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment advantage of training workshops offered by professional
Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the associations or other recognized organizations.
estimated annual salary for most microbiologists ranged Throughout their careers, Forensic Microbiologists enroll
between $35,460 and $108,270. The estimated annual sal- in continuing education programs and training programs to
ary for most bioscience postsecondary teachers, which update their skills and keep up with advancements in their
includes microbiology faculty, ranged between $37,620 and fields.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Employment Prospects Scientific consultants such as Forensic Microbiologists have
Microbial forensics is a very young and small field. The worked in their fields for many years. They usually have
demand for Forensic Microbiologists is greater than the cur- distinguished reputations for their knowledge and skills as
rent number of qualified experts. It is expected to stay this well as the research work that they have accomplished.
way for several years to come. To work effectively as microbial forensics consultants,
Forensic Microbiologists are mostly academicians who microbiologists must have excellent organizational, self-
teach and conduct research in four-year colleges and univer- management, and teamwork skills. They also need strong
sities, or are scientists who work for government research communication and interpersonal skills, as they must be
labs. Opportunities generally become available as individu- able to work well with colleagues, administrators, gov-
als retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher posi- ernment officials, and others. Being inquisitive, flexible,
176        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

self-motivated, trustworthy, objective, and dedicated are Tips for Entry

some personality traits that successful Forensic Microbi- 1. As a college student, seek paid or volunteer assistant-
ologists share. ships with professors who conduct research in micro-
bial forensics.
Unions and Associations 2. Many individuals have found jobs through referrals or
Many Forensic Microbiologists belong to professional asso- tips from people they know. Hence, you can contact
ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities, cur- colleagues, professors, former employers, and others
rent research, continuing education, and other professional about fellowship opportunities or job vacancies.
resources and services. Some national societies that they 3. Use the Internet to learn more about microbial foren-
might join include the American Society for Microbiology, sics. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter any
the American Academy of Microbiology, and the American of these keywords into a search engine: microbial
Academy for Forensic Sciences. For contact information, forensics, forensic microbiology, or forensic microbi-
see Appendix III. ologists. For some links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to law enforce-

ment agencies; identify, analyze, and interpret pollen Forensic Palynologist
evidence; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Salary Range: $38,000 to $146,000 Novice Forensic Palynologist

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—A doctoral degree usually pre-
Experience—Several years of experience in the palynol-
ogy field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, analytical, organizational, report-writing, presenta-
tion, communication, and interpersonal skills; objective,
trustworthy, unbiased, detail-oriented, inquisitive, metic-
ulous, and creative

Position Description nal investigations in which pollen evidence may be used

Forensic palynology is another scientific discipline that can to help prove or disprove the innocence of suspects. Some
be used to help link criminals to victims and crime scenes. plant species, called anemophilous plants, produce pollen or
Palynology is the study of pollen and spores, which are spores in a great quantity that floats in the air and is carried
microscopic reproductive plant particles that are spread by by the wind to fertilize other plants. The dispersal pattern
wind, water, or insects to promote the spread of plant spe- of windborne spores and pollen is called pollen rain. Pol-
cies. These tiny particles are invisible to the naked eye, but len rain for each region is unique. Pollen and spores from
when viewed under powerful microscopes, they are infi- anemophilous plants are present everywhere, and also settle
nitely variable in design. Despite their small size, pollen and on every indoor and outdoor surface including soils, vegeta-
spores resist decay. They last for years and are even found tion, people, objects and fabrics. Other plant species, called
fossilized within rocks that are millions of years old. Each zoogamous plants, produce small amounts of pollen that
plant or fungus produces a unique type of pollen or spores, becomes attached to insects, which leave the pollen in other
which can be distinguished and identified by palynologists. flowers where it fertilizes the plants. Pollen from zooga-
Palynology is an interdisciplinary science that is part mous plants is also transferred directly to objects or surfaces
of both geological and biological sciences. Palynologists in contact with the plants. These microscopic particles, also
apply their studies of pollen and spores to a variety of pur- called palynomorphs, are found at crime scenes and on sus-
poses including understanding allergies; finding oil, gas, pects or victims.
and coal deposits; learning what plants prehistoric people Forensic Palynologists can identify pollen evidence,
used; determining the ages of rocks; and learning about cli- which may include modern or fossilized pollen specimens.
mate changes of the distant past, to name a few. For example, they examine palynomorphs to discover where
On occasion, some palynologists, known as Forensic criminals may have been by comparing pollen rain samples
Palynologists, apply their knowledge and skills to crimi- found at crime scenes with those found on the suspect. Even
178        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

fossilized pollen samples found both on a suspect and at a prehensive reports about their findings, and may be asked to
certain location may incriminate the suspect who claims to present their results in courts as expert witnesses.
have never visited that location. Forensic Palynologists typically offer their consulting
Forensic Palynologists work on a consulting basis. They services on a part-time basis. Most are full-time academi-
are retained by law enforcement agencies (including fed- cians and researchers. These scientists perform other tasks
eral agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation pertinent to the field of palynology as well as their forensic
and Drug Enforcement Administration), medical examiners’ work. They build pollen databases that will prove to be help-
(and coroners’) offices, attorneys, and other entities. They ful with future investigative work. They conduct research on
assist with the investigation of a variety of crimes involving such topics as the comparison of fossil and modern pollens
burglaries, rapes, assaults, drugs, and murders. Their work and write scientific papers about their findings. Forensic
helps investigators to link evidence found at crime scenes Palynologists collaborate with other scientists and stay in
with other places or to locate clandestine graves. Forensic close contact with police personnel.
Palynologists also help investigators determine the country Forensic Palynologists work in office and laboratory set-
of origin of such items as food, antiques, narcotics, and tings. They also travel to visit crime scenes or collect sam-
other merchandise. For example, they may examine pollen ples for other types of forensic work.
within samples of government-subsidized honey to deter-
mine how much of it actually originated in other countries. Salaries
When Forensic Palynologists are engaged in an investi- Specific earnings information for Forensic Palynologists is
gation, they are among the first to arrive at a crime scene for unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or
the purpose of preventing contamination of palynomorphic flat rate for initial consultation, assessments, depositions,
evidence. They may visit such locations as abduction sites, courtroom testimony, and other services that they offer.
places where evidence was deposited, homes of victims and In addition, many of them charge their clients for out-of-
suspects, or places where they have been known to visit, and pocket expenses such as travel time, telephone calls, and
other crime scenes. Pollen and spores adhere to surfaces photocopying.
persistently but may at times be transferred to other objects As academicians, palynologists earn salaries that vary,
or surfaces. depending on such factors as their ranking, discipline,
These forensic specialists look for palynomorphs on live employer, and geographic location. The estimated annual
or decaying plant material, dust deposits, soil, carpets, cloth- salary for most postsecondary biological science teachers
ing, ropes, baskets, packing materials, food, furniture, walls, ranged from $37,620 to $145,600, according to the May
inside automobiles, in graves, and in the stomach and intes- 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
tinal contents of cadavers. They may take close-up, high- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
resolution photographs of objects and make detailed maps of
the scene for reference, or use photos and maps produced by
Employment Prospects
other investigators. Forensic Palynologists take control sam-
Forensic palynology is a small but emerging field. This
ples of plant specimens and soil from the area to compare
forensic discipline is more widely known and used in New
their pollen with other pollen samples they find at the scene
Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom than
or obtain from evidence recovered by other investigators.
it is in the United States. As this forensic discipline gains
In clean, contamination-free laboratory environments,
familiarity and acceptance, more opportunities should
Forensic Palynologists use special techniques to extract
become available.
palynomorphic evidence from evidence samples. They may
Most palynologists teach and conduct research in four-year
use sticky tape or small vacuum cleaners to collect pollen
colleges and universities. Some palynologists are employed
samples, or they may carefully wash fibrous materials and
by museums, government agencies, and the oil industry.
later extract pollen from the distilled water they use. They
employ various techniques, such as using acids, to extract
pollen from some samples. Advancement Prospects
Forensic Palynologists examine pollens and spores through As forensic consultants, palynologists measure success by
powerful microscopes to determine their unique characteris- building their practice, earning higher incomes, and gaining
tics and compare with the control samples. They take care- professional recognition. Many also measure success by
ful notes about their procedures and observations. Forensic being sought for very complex or publicized cases.
Palynologists are able to provide probable results more College and university instructors typically seek tenure-
often than precise results because of the millions of types of track positions. Once they gain tenure at an institution, they
pollen that exist in the world. However, their results can be cannot be fired without just cause and due process. Acade-
sufficient to be used as workable evidence to solve crimes micians advance by rising through the ranks from instruc-
or resolve other cases. Forensic Palynologists prepare com- tor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial and

administrative positions, from department chair to academic report writing, and presentation skills. They also need excel-
dean to the position of provost or president. lent communication and interpersonal skills, as they must
be able to work well with law enforcement officers, attor-
neys, and others from diverse backgrounds. Being objective,
Education and Training
trustworthy, unbiased, detail-oriented, inquisitive, meticu-
There were no formal training programs for forensic paly-
lous, and creative are some personality traits that successful
nology in the United States as of 2006. Some experts in
Forensic Palynologists share.
the field suggest that individuals obtain an education with a
strong emphasis in science, particularly in botany and ecol-
ogy. Many Forensic Palynologists possess a doctoral degree Unions and Associations
in botany, palynology, or another biological science or geo- Forensic Palynologists can join professional associations
logical science field, with a concentration in palynology. To to take advantage of professional resources and services as
teach in academic institutions, individuals must possess a well as networking opportunities. Two different organiza-
doctorate. tions that serve their interests are the American Associa-
It takes many years of intense study for students to earn a tion of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Inc. and the American
doctorate. They must first get a bachelor’s degree, which is a Academy of Forensic Sciences. For contact information, see
four-year program, and then finish a one- or two-year mas- Appendix III.
ter’s degree program. This is followed by four to six years
in a doctoral program, which includes conducting original
Tips for Entry
research and writing a book-length dissertation in their field
1. Research your career options carefully. Choose a
of study. Upon earning their doctoral degree, many palynolo-
school that allows you the opportunity to study under
gists complete one or more fellowships, which involves one
professors who offer forensic consulting services.
or more years of additional training in their fields of interest.
2. One expert in the field emphasizes that prospective
Forensic Palynologists enroll in continuing education
Forensic Palynologists have a firm understanding of
programs throughout their careers to update their skills and
plant ecology, plant communities, and plant geography.
3. Take courses in forensic science, criminology, or
criminal justice to gain an understanding of the foren-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits sic and law enforcement fields. If possible, obtain an
Potential clients seek Forensic Palynologists who have internship in a forensic lab.
established themselves and are accomplished in their field. 4. Get on-the-job training. Contact Forensic Palynolo-
They retain consultants who have the necessary knowl- gists and ask about opportunities to work with them.
edge, skills, and experience to successfully complete their 5. Use the Internet to learn more about palynology in
projects. Typically, palynologists have many years of work general. You might start by visiting the Palynology Web
experience before becoming forensic consultants. site (maintained by Dr. Owen Davis) at the University
To do well as consultants, Forensic Palynologists must of Arizona. The URL is
have strong self-management, analytical, organizational, palynology. For more links, see Appendix IV.
180        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Identify, analyze, and interpret physical evidence

for criminal investigations or trials; prepare reports of Senior Wildlife Forensic Scientist
findings; provide expert witness testimony; perform
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Wildlife Forensic Specialist, Wildlife

Forensic Biologist Wildlife Forensic Scientist

Salary Range: $32,000 to $87,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Criminalist or Wildlife
Advancement Prospects: Fair Forensic Scientist Trainee
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in biology,
chemistry, or another related field
Experience—Prior work experience in crime labs, pref-
erably in wildlife-related labs
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, analytical, writing, communication, interpersonal,
and teamwork skills; patient, detail-oriented, unbiased,
trustworthy, diligent, and inquisitive

Position Description Wildlife forensics is a comparatively new law enforce-

Wildlife Forensic Scientists assist law enforcement agen- ment approach. It is similar to the forensic sciences that
cies with criminal investigations that involve protected and deal with human issues, yet different in that it involves the
endangered animal species. State and federal laws, as well identification of animal species. Wildlife Forensic Scientists
as international treaties, have been established to protect work in crime labs that are set up and equipped like any
mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and other wildlife in other crime lab. They apply forensic methods and tech-
the United States as well as throughout the world. Yet many niques similar to those used to examine physical evidence in
people continue to hunt protected species for fun or for human crimes.
financial gain. In fact, several billion dollars worth of illegal Identifying the species of the animal victim is crucial,
trade in wildlife and wildlife parts occur each year world- as that identification determines whether wildlife laws have
wide. Tusks, internal organs, fur, and antlers, for example, been broken. Wildlife Forensic Scientists use a variety of
have been sold and used to make leather goods, garments, methods to identify species, including chemical, DNA,
jewelry, artwork, food, medicinal cures, and other products. blood testing, and physical comparison techniques. Essen-
Wildlife Forensic Scientists are responsible for examin- tially, they examine evidence samples and match them with
ing physical evidence—which may consist of whole animal known samples. For example, a forensic examiner may have
bodies, animal parts, or products made from animals, as obtained a feather as physical evidence and would try to
well as weapons, tools, and other evidence—found at crime identify the species by matching it to a sample from a refer-
scenes. Their job is to provide criminal investigators and ence library of bird feathers.
prosecuting attorneys with scientific proof that may help Wildlife Forensic Scientists perform autopsies on animal
them find a link between the suspects and the animal vic- carcasses to determine the cause of the victims’ death. The
tims or the crime scenes. forensic examiners confirm whether victims may have died

from natural causes, which included being killed by other • prepare exhibits and evidence for use in the capacity of
animals for food or for territory. If they died of unnatural expert witnesses
causes, forensic scientists determine how they were killed, • lead or supervise local or statewide wildlife forensic
whether by gunshot wounds, pesticide poisoning, environ- programs
mental pollution, trap wounds, or other forms of trauma.
Wildlife Forensic Scientists examine stomach contents, Wildlife Forensic Scientists work in wildlife forensic labs
bullets, shot pellets, poisons, pesticides, soil samples, and that are part of game and wildlife agencies, law enforcement
trace evidence to find a connection with the victims, criminal agencies, private forensic labs, or research labs in academic
suspects, and crime scenes. In small labs, samples of physi- institutions. Many Wildlife Forensic Scientists are criminal-
cal evidence may be sent to other crime labs to perform tests, ists who perform wildlife forensic examinations as part of
such as DNA analysis, which cannot be done in their labs. their main duties.
Wildlife Forensic Scientists also examine confiscated Wildlife Forensic Scientists work flexible hours and
products that are suspected of having originated from pro- occasionally travel. They may be on call 24 hours a day.
tected or endangered species. For example, they examine
fresh, frozen, or smoked meats; fur coats; reptile leather
products such as shoes and purses; loose feathers and down; Salaries
carved ivory objects; turtle shell jewelry; cosmetics; phar- Salaries for Wildlife Forensic Scientists vary, depending on
maceuticals; and so on. Wildlife Forensic Scientists try to such factors as their education, experience, position, and
determine whether suspected products have characteristics employer. Federal Wildlife Forensic Scientists receive a sal-
that define them as having originated from certain species. ary based on the General Schedule (GS), which is the pay
When these forensic examiners complete their evaluations, schedule for many federal employees. Employees usually
they prepare comprehensive reports of their findings and con- enter at the GS-7, GS-9, or GS-11 level, and can advance to
clusions. They attach photographs, drawings, and other docu- the GS-13 level. In 2007, the basic pay for GS-7 to GS-13
mentation to support their opinions. They are responsible for levels ranged from $31,740 to $87,039.
writing reports that are clear, concise, and easy to understand
for investigators, attorneys, and court juries. Wildlife Forensic
Scientists are sometimes called upon to provide expert wit-
Employment Prospects
ness testimony at court depositions and trials. The largest employer of full-time Wildlife Forensic Scien-
Wildlife Forensic Scientists also perform a variety of tists is the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory
other duties. For example, depending on their experience (part of the U.S. Wildlife Service) in Ashland, Oregon.
and expertise, they might: Other full-time opportunities can be found with state wild-
life forensic labs.
• assist in the development of a lab database or library of Wildlife forensics is a small yet emerging field. Most
visual clues that can be used to identify animal species opportunities become available as Wildlife Forensic Scien-
and individual animals (for instance, a lab might build a tists advance to higher positions, transfer to other jobs, or
collection of tissue and blood samples from various types retire. State agencies will create additional positions to meet
of reptiles) growing needs, as long as funding is available.
• conduct basic research studies on individual animal spe-
cies to gain knowledge and understanding of the species Advancement Prospects
• perform analytical work related to wildlife management
Supervisory and administrative positions are available but
(for instance, determine the age of an elk)
limited. To advance to management positions, these special-
• conduct genetic, chemical, or blood serum tests on fluid
ists need a master’s or doctorate degree.
stains or other evidentiary samples
Most Wildlife Forensic Scientists pursue advancement
• develop new techniques for identifying various animal
by earning higher salaries, receiving greater responsibilities,
species through the examination of eggs, animal parts,
and gaining professional recognition.
blood, cooked meats, oils, or cosmetics
• conduct crime scene investigations or assist crime scene
investigators Education and Training
• lead training workshops for game wardens, park rangers, Minimally, applicants for entry-level positions must possess
and others in such topics as wildlife crime scene investi- a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, biochemistry,
gations or interpreting physical evidence forensic science, or another related field.
• act as department liaison with law enforcement agencies Novice forensic scientists receive on-the-job training
and other governmental agencies as well as with the gen- while working under the guidance and supervision of expe-
eral public rienced staff members.
182        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Throughout their careers, Wildlife Forensic Scientists ties, continuing education, and other professional services
enroll in courses, workshops, and seminars to update their and resources. Many of these scientists join societies that
skills and knowledge. are devoted to their particular fields, such as chemistry,
biology, or ornithology. One national forensic society
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits that serves their general interests is the American Acad-
emy of Forensic Sciences. For contact information, see
Employers usually prefer to hire candidates who have prior
Appendix III.
experience working in a forensic or wildlife-related labora-
tory. Entry-level applicants may have gained their experience
through internships, research assistantships, or employment Tips for Entry
in crime, research, or analytical laboratories. 1. As a high school student, you can begin gaining expe-
To perform well at their job, Forensic Wildlife Scientists rience by working with animals. You might volunteer
need strong self-management skills, such as the ability to or get a part-time job at an animal shelter, nature cen-
prioritize multiple tasks, handle stressful situations, work ter, zoo, or wildlife park.
independently, and follow and understand directions. In 2. Check Web sites or call prospective employers on a
addition, these specialists need excellent analytical, writing, regular basis for notices about job openings.
communication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills. Being 3. Carefully read the instructions for applying for a job.
patient, detail-oriented, unbiased, trustworthy, diligent, and Be sure you turn your application in by the deadline
and to the proper office. If you send your application
inquisitive are some personality traits that successful Foren-
to the wrong office, you cannot be guaranteed that it
sic Wildlife Scientists share.
will be forwarded to the correct one.
4. Learn more about wildlife forensics on the Internet.
Unions and Associations You might start by visiting the National Fish and
Wildlife Forensic Scientists can join several professional Wildlife Forensics Laboratory Web site at http://www.
associations to take advantage of networking opportuni- For more links, see Appendix IV.
184        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and others; analyze and interpret numerical data related Forensic Statistician
to legal matters; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Mathematician, Forensic

Novice Forensic Statistician
Salary Range: $32,000 to $109,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Statistician, Mathematician, or

Other Profession
Education or Training—An advanced degree, prefer-
ably a doctoral degree
Experience— Several years of experience in the field
Special Skills and Personality Traits— Problem-solv-
ing, organizational, self-management, writing, com-
puter, communication, and interpersonal skills; creative,
patient, persistent, inquisitive, detail-oriented, honest,
and trustworthy

Position Description discrimination. They are consulted by attorneys, law enforce-

Forensic Statisticians make up another group of forensic spe- ment agencies, government agencies, and other entities.
cialists whose field has developed in recent years. Statis- Forensic Statisticians use complicated mathematical
tics is a branch of mathematics that involves the collection, methods to analyze and interpret crime evidence. Evidence
organization, analysis, and interpretation of large amounts of is not always readily identified, nor is it always clear about
numerical, or statistical, data about a particular subject. For how it happened to be located at a crime scene, where it
example, statisticians might derive statistical data from school originated, or whether it was left there by the suspect or the
test scores, temperature readings from a certain location over victim. Many times such unknowns can be clarified by sta-
a number of years, or salary figures for a large corporation. tistical probability methods.
Statistical information is used by a wide variety of people Forensic Statisticians address what is known as probabil-
including scientists, engineers, financial analysts, educators, ity evidence, which means that they use the mathematical
and policy makers for just as wide a variety of reasons—to theory of probability to estimate the likelihood that certain
help solve problems, design projects, evaluate programs, events occurred or that certain evidence was left at a scene.
make policy decisions, or predict events, for example. For example, Forensic Statisticians may determine that toxic
Forensic statistics is a branch of applied statistics. Applied substances found at a crime scene were the probable cause
statisticians use statistical techniques to solve problems in of a victim’s injury, or that when a carpet at a burglarized
biology, medicine, agriculture, pharmacology, education, home matches fibers found in a suspect’s car it is more than
psychology, meteorology, engineering, and other fields. In mere coincidence. Evidence samples may be far too numer-
the area of criminal and civil justice, Forensic Statisticians ous to examine thoroughly, as in data stored in hundreds of
use statistics and probability to help settle such cases as computer disks. In such cases, Forensic Statisticians exam-
product liability issues, business disputes, trademark dis- ine a small sample and use statistical formulas to calculate
putes, intellectual property theft, fraud, and various forms of the proportion of disks that contain illicit information.

These forensic specialists also apply statistical analysis to researchers, economists, and business analysts, among oth-
match samples of DNA evidence, fingerprints, blood types, ers. Some Forensic Statisticians work in statistical consult-
handwriting, and more. In addition, Forensic Statisticians ing firms in which they may also perform other types of
work with DNA analysis in civil cases such as paternity consulting services.
suits and in reuniting families separated by political strife, Job opportunities for statisticians, in general, are expected
immigration, and other displacement factors. Furthermore, to be favorable, according to the BLS. It further reports
these experts use statistics to help attorneys select jury pan- that statistics is widely used and growing in use in many
els for civil and criminal trials. areas. Many employers will not specifically hire statisti-
In recent years, Forensic Statisticians have been called cians. Rather, they seek those from various disciplines with
upon to investigate computerized photo files that contain degrees and backgrounds in statistics for positions in which
hidden data. For example, a criminal or terrorist may email they will perform analyses and interpretations of data.
a photo of a person or landscape that also contains a photo
of a top-secret weapon or a description of a military instal- Advancement Prospects
lation. By using statistical analysis software, Forensic Stat- Forensic Statisticians generally measure success through job
isticians can analyze the encrypted data contained in the file satisfaction, professional recognition, and higher incomes.
and extract the hidden image or text. Academicians advance by rising through the ranks from
Forensic Statisticians also serve as expert witnesses in instructor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial
civil and criminal cases. They are retained by attorneys for and administrative positions, from department chair to aca-
either the prosecution or the defense to give their profes- demic dean to the position of provost or president.
sional opinions about the facts and issues that they are qual-
ified to address. They analyze data concerning a case and Education and Training
arrive at their conclusions about occurrences and evidence. To work in the forensic statistics field, individuals must pos-
They present their expert opinions to judges and juries sess at least a master’s degree in statistics, mathematics, or
in clear concise language and easy-to-understand graphic another related field. To teach in universities and four-year
displays. They do not take sides in cases. Their sworn testi- colleges, or to conduct basic research, individuals will need
mony is objective and unbiased. a doctoral degree.
Forensic Statisticians perform various tasks apart from Clients usually prefer to retain Forensic Statisticians who
their investigative duties. They review and interpret numeri- hold a doctoral degree, particularly if they will be providing
cal data. They use computers and statistical software to expert witness services. In general, most Forensic Statisti-
help them organize and analyze data more efficiently. They cians possess a doctorate.
sometimes need to develop new statistical computer pro- Throughout their careers, Forensic Statisticians enroll
grams in order to complete their projects. They enhance in continuing education programs to update their skills and
their skills by attending statistical methods conferences. knowledge.
Forensic Statisticians work flexible hours. Their work
environment is primarily in office settings, but they may Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
travel to confer with clients or attend court sessions. Potential clients seek Forensic Statisticians who have estab-
lished themselves as being accomplished in their field. They
Salaries retain consultants who have the necessary knowledge, skills,
and experience to successfully complete their projects. Typi-
Specific salary information for Forensic Statisticians is
cally, statisticians and others have many years of work expe-
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily,
rience before becoming forensic consultants.
or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom To be effective consultants, Forensic Statisticians need
testimony, and other services that they offer. excellent problem-solving, organizational, and self-man-
Most statisticians, in general, earned an estimated annual agement skills. They also must have strong writing and
salary that ranged from $37,010 to $108,630, according to computer skills. In addition, they must have exceptional
the May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey communication and interpersonal skills, as they must be
by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The estimated able to work well with attorneys and others from diverse
annual salary for mathematics professors ranged between backgrounds. Being creative, patient, persistent, inquisitive,
$31,580 and $103,330. detail-oriented, honest, and trustworthy are some personality
traits that successful Forensic Statisticians have in common.
Employment Prospects
Forensic statistics is a small but growing field. Most con- Unions and Associations
sultants in this field are employed on a part-time basis, Many Forensic Statisticians join professional associations
while working in their primary occupations as professors, to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
186        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

education, and other professional resources and services. 2. Enroll in training workshops or programs that teach
Two national societies that serve the general interests of essential skills for becoming effective expert witnesses.
Forensic Statisticians are the American Statistical Associa- 3. While in college, gain experience by obtaining a
tion and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. For contact research assistantship or volunteering to work with a
information, see Appendix III. professor who offers forensic consulting services.
4. Contact lawyers and law enforcement agencies
directly. Tell them about yourself and how your ser-
Tips for Entry vices can benefit their investigations.
1. Talk with Forensic Statisticians to learn more about 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic statistics.
their work. Ask them for suggestions on various ways To obtain a list of relevant Web sites enter the key-
you can gain experience and training in the forensic words forensic statistics or forensic statisticians into a
statistics field. search engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Identify, collect, preserve, examine, and analyze

digital data found on computer media; perform other Senior Computer Forensics Specialist
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Computer Investigative Specialist,

Computer Forensics Investigator, and Digital Forensics
Investigator Computer Forensics Specialist

Salary Range: $34,000 to $103,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Computer Forensics Specialist Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Minimally, a bachelor’s degree
Experience—Requirements vary for different positions
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Problem-solv-
ing, critical-thinking, organizational, teamwork, inter-
personal, communication, and writing skills; inquisitive,
detail-oriented, persistent, patient, honest, trustworthy,
and self-motivated
Special Requirements—Professional certification or
license may be required, depending on the occupation

Position Description uncover potential evidence that may lead to the arrest and
In recent years, computer forensics has grown to be increas- conviction of suspected criminals.
ingly important as computers have become more pervasive These specialists are involved in the investigation of
in modern society. It is, according to some experts, one such crimes as the theft of computer systems, trade secrets,
of the fastest growing areas of forensics. The experts who and information assets (data), as well as the destruction or
work in this field are known as Computer Forensics Special- damage of computer files. They also conduct or assist in
ists. Their job is to examine digital evidence. They isolate, investigations in which computers were used to commit,
remove, preserve, analyze, and keep a record of data that has plan, or document crimes such as credit fraud, identity theft,
been stored or encrypted on computer media. They inspect kidnapping, rape, assault, arson, and terrorism. In addition,
computer hard drives as well as other computer media such they provide assistance to other law enforcement officers
as CD-ROMs, zip disks, personal digital assistants (PDAs), with preparing search warrants to seize computers, as well
flash memory cards, portable media players, and cellular as with the proper handling of that equipment. Furthermore,
telephones. they may assist in collecting and processing evidence at
Many law enforcement agencies have computer crime crime scenes.
units, or high-technology crime units, that are responsible Some Computer Forensics Specialists work in the private
for investigating computer and computer-related crimes. sector, where they offer their forensic services to various
Computer Forensics Specialists who work in these special individuals and groups. Some of them are employed as staff
details may be law enforcement officers or civilians. They members of organizations, while others work as forensic
examine data from computers found at crime scenes to consultants or as private investigators.
188        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Insurance companies and other business organizations Throughout this process, Computer Forensics Specialists
hire Computer Forensics Specialists to assist them in retriev- work to avoid overwriting free space and changing any of
ing evidence of fraud, embezzlement, theft, intellectual prop- the existing data, including date and time stamps. They also
erty violations, and sexual harassment. Attorneys involved take precautions not to introduce viruses. These precautions
with criminal prosecution or civil litigation enlist the ser- are necessary to preserve the chain of custody on all com-
vices of these forensic experts to extract computer files in puter system and data evidence.
cases involving homicide, child pornography, drug traffick- These forensic experts also perform other investigative
ing, divorce, and discrimination, among other cases. Even duties, including interviewing witnesses, victims, and sus-
individual citizens seek the aid of Computer Forensics Spe- pects. Law enforcement officers may also engage in per-
cialists to help them handle their workplace issues, such as forming surveillance or undercover work, participating in
wrongful termination or age discrimination, or when they are evidence searches and seizures, and arresting criminals.
victimized by spam or phishing e-mails. Additionally, these Computer Forensics Specialists may be called upon to tes-
forensic experts assist the government to gather intelligence tify as expert witnesses at depositions, court trials, and other
information about terrorist threats. legal hearings. They provide impartial and unbiased testi-
Computer Forensic Specialists use some of the same mony about issues related to their laboratory analyses as
­evidence-processing procedures as do other forensic experts well as their lab procedures, methods, and techniques.
but also use software programs and other tools that are In addition to their analytical work, these forensic experts
unique to computer forensics. Computer Forensics Special- perform other duties. For example, they develop new meth-
ists use their tools and processes to detect security flaws odologies and techniques for examining digital evidence,
and recover documents, graphics, photos, and other data and keep up with current research and technologies. Some
from computer disk drives and other storage devices. Their of them develop training programs as well as teach law
specialized software enables these forensic specialists to
enforcement officers and crime scene investigators how to
discover and analyze files that were deleted, overwritten, or
collect digital evidence.
encrypted by computer users intent on covering up clandes-
Computer Forensics Specialists work a 40-hour week
tine activities. Even temporary files, such as those created
with many overtime hours. Law enforcement officers are on
by word processing software during the creation of docu-
call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
ments, for example, can be recovered. Computer Forensics
Specialists are able to find and extract e-mails and Web sites
from computers used by suspects. These forensic experts Salaries
also go online and pose as interested parties to entrap crimi- Salaries for Computer Forensics Specialists vary, depend-
nals suspected of child molestation or pornography crimes. ing on such factors as their education, experience, position,
Computer Forensics Specialists conduct their investiga- employer, and geographic location. Specialists who work
tions in computer labs that meet specific standards. They in the private sector generally earn higher wages than those
take specific steps and incorporate several methods to con- who are employed by law enforcement agencies.
duct their investigations and analyses. They follow par- Formal salary information for this occupation is unavail-
ticular procedures that enable them to enter permissible able. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports in its
evidence at court proceedings. May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey that
Their basic approach includes four stages: locating and the estimated annual salary for most computer specialists
recognizing data sources, protecting the evidence, analyzing (not listed separately in other categories) ranged between
the appropriate data, and preparing the results for report- $35,500 and $103,270. The estimated annual salary for
ing and testifying purposes. These professionals are expe- most detectives and criminal investigators in law enforce-
rienced with using all computer platforms and a wide range ment agencies ranged between $34,480 and $92,590.
of software programs, with which they can quickly extract As consultants, Computer Forensics Specialists charge an
evidentiary material. hourly, daily, or flat rate for their various services, such as
When Forensic Computer Specialists conduct their inves- initial consultation, examinations, and courtroom testimony.
tigations, their first step is to seize the computer equipment, Hourly fees for experienced consultants can range up to $350
when appropriate, to prevent further use by the suspect. They and more per hour. Consultants may also charge for tele-
copy the contents of the hard drive and storage devices; search phone calls, travel time, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
every file; and identify all files relevant to the case including
encrypted, deleted, hidden, and temporary ones. They search
for and analyze data found on unallocated disk space; inspect Employment Prospects
software settings; examine system structures; analyze the Computer Forensics Specialists work in local, state, and
suspect’s activity and its relevance to the case; and create and federal law enforcement agencies. Many agencies hire
print a detailed report containing a log of the investigative civilians, but most of these forensic specialists are law
activities and full explanation of the analyses. enforcement officers. In local and state agencies, the com-

puter crime unit is usually a volunteer detail. Officers per- als have the option of enrolling in associate, bachelor’s, or
form computer forensics duty in addition to their primary master’s degree programs in computer forensics. Some col-
duties as patrol officers, detectives, or other positions. leges and universities also offer professional certification
Many agencies require that law officers commit to a mini- programs in computer forensics. The curriculum in these
mum number of years when they are chosen for computer programs teaches students the computer, forensics, and
forensics duty. legal skills and knowledge they need to obtain an entry-level
Computer Forensics Specialists are also hired by pros- position in computer forensics. Many of these programs
ecutor’s offices, large corporations, and consulting firms also require students to complete an internship.
that offer computer forensics services. Some specialists are Throughout their careers, Computer Forensics Engineers
independent consultants. enroll in continuing education programs and training pro-
Although computer forensics is a young field, the demand grams to update their skills and knowledge, as well as to
is high for qualified experts. Opportunities in both the pub- keep up with technological advancements.
lic and private sectors are expected to increase steadily over
the coming years, as computer forensics becomes more Special Requirements
important in civil and criminal investigations. In addition, In agencies in which Computer Forensics Specialists are law
increasingly more businesses and corporations are utilizing enforcement officers, applicants must possess a basic peace
the expertise of these professionals to investigate, protect, officer standards and training certificate. These agencies
and preserve their electronic data. may hire candidates without a certificate on the condition
they complete the necessary law enforcement academy pro-
Advancement Prospects gram. Law enforcement officers must successfully complete
Computer Forensics Specialists can advance in any number annual training to maintain their certification.
of ways, depending on their ambitions and interests. They In the private sector, some specialists offer their services
can rise through the administrative and managerial ranks as as private investigators. Depending on their location, they
technical leaders, unit supervisors, and managers. must hold either a state or local private investigator’s license
to practice. For specific information about licensing require-
Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can become
ments, contact a local law enforcement agency or the state
independent practitioners or owners of forensic consulting
private investigative licensing agency that covers the juris-
firms. These forensic specialists can also pursue opportu-
diction where you wish to practice.
nities as instructors and researchers in higher education
institutions. They may be required to possess a master’s or
doctoral degree to advance to higher positions or to obtain Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
teaching jobs in four-year colleges and universities. Law enforcement agencies generally choose officers for
Law enforcement officers have additional advancement trainee or entry-level positions who have broad computer
options. They can rise through the ranks as detectives, ser- knowledge and skills in operating systems, programming,
geants, and so on, up to police chief. They can also seek software applications, networking, and other areas. They
positions in other law enforcement special details that inter- also seek candidates who have the aptitude to learn the nec-
est them, such as the SWAT team or air aviation unit. They essary skills to perform computer forensics.
can also pursue supervisory and managerial positions within For non-officer positions in law enforcement agencies as
their agency. well as in other work settings, applicants usually need previ-
ous work experience in computer forensics. Many Computer
Forensics Specialists in the private sector have extensive
Education and Training backgrounds in the field through their work as law enforce-
Educational requirements vary with the different employ- ment officers and computer security professionals.
ers. Many employers in the private sector prefer to hire To perform well at their job, Computer Forensics Special-
candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree in computer ists must have excellent problem-solving, critical-thinking,
science or another related field. Some employers waive the organizational, teamwork, interpersonal, communication,
educational requirement for candidates who have qualifying and writing skills. Some personality traits that successful
work experience. specialists share include being inquisitive, detail-oriented,
Until recently, most Computer Forensics Specialists had persistent, patient, honest, trustworthy, and self-motivated.
learned their skills and knowledge through on-the-job train-
ing while working as law enforcement officers or computer Unions and Associations
security professionals. Computer Forensics Specialists can join professional
Increasingly, formal educational programs are becoming associations to take advantage of networking opportuni-
available each year throughout the United States. Individu- ties, training programs, professional certification, and other
190        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

professional resources and services. Professional societies 2. If you do plan to enter this career by way of the
are available locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and private sector, be sure to gain a solid understanding
worldwide. Some national societies that serve the diverse of the law and the importance of handling evidence
interests of these experts include: properly. Many community colleges offer courses in
criminal justice or police science.
• High Technology Crime Investigation Association 3. Early in your career as a patrol officer, let the com-
• International Association of Computer Investigative puter crime unit supervisor know of your interest in
­Specialists computer forensics investigations.
• International Association for Identification 4. Many Computer Forensics Specialists enhance their
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences employability as well as professional credibility by
For contact information, see Appendix III. obtaining professional certifications from recognized
organizations. For information about some certifica-
tion programs, see Appendix II.
Tips for Entry 5. Use the Internet to learn more about computer foren-
1. Professional associations and private organizations sics. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter any of
offer training programs that teach essential skills these keywords into a search engine: computer foren-
that individuals need to become Computer Forensics sics, forensics computing, digital forensics, or com-
Specialists. puter crime unit. For some links, see Appendix IV.
192        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and other clients; perform duties as required Senior Forensic Engineer

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant, Forensic Expert;

a title that reflects their particular engineering specialty
such as Forensic Mechanical Engineer or Forensic Elec-
trical Engineer Forensic Engineer

Salary Range: $46,000 to $121,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Education or Training—Minimally, a bachelor’s degree
in an engineering or science discipline
Experience—Several years of work experience in one’s
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Research, writ-
ing, presentation, organizational, self-management, inter-
personal, and communication skills; curious, innovative,
ethical, unbiased, trustworthy, and detail-oriented
Special Requirements—Professional engineer (P.E.)
license required

Position Description sic engineering services. Their forensic skills are sought
Forensic Engineers offer expert evaluations and opinions by attorneys, insurance claims adjusters, various industries,
on engineering issues related to legal and regulatory mat- and companies that test products. These professionals apply
ters. Engineers from all types of engineering disciplines their engineering expertise to legal concerns rather than to
offer forensic services. Forensic Engineers investigate why engineering functions such as design or the production of
buildings, vehicles, machines, manufactured goods, or their products. Forensic Engineers are well versed in how the
material components and parts collapse, break apart, or oth- legal system works, yet they offer forensic services only in
erwise fail. They analyze physical evidence to determine the cases that are within their particular realm of engineering
causes of accidents and catastrophes. These professionals expertise, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineer-
seek to answer such questions as: What caused a depart- ing, or materials engineering.
ment store to burn down? Why did an airplane crash? Why Many Forensic Engineers focus their work in a few spe-
did a newly completed high-rise building collapse during an cific areas such as certain types of accidents; the causes and
earthquake? What caused workers to fall at a construction origin of fires; mechanical, electrical, chemical, or prod-
site? Was a person’s injury caused by a defect in an artificial uct design failures; or industrial equipment damage. These
limb? Did a lawnmower explode because it failed to work engineers investigate operative or functional failures that
properly? What caused toxic waste to leak into a communi- may be the result of criminal negligence or criminal behav-
ty’s water supply? ior. Forensic Engineers also work on civil cases, such as
Most Forensic Engineers are independent consultants injury or product liability claims, as well as intellectual
or staff consultants with engineering firms that offer foren- property disputes.

These engineers use several methods and procedures of Forensic Engineers are responsible for keeping abreast of
investigation in much the same manner as other forensic the latest forensic research, techniques, and technologies in
experts. They review police reports, eyewitness statements, their areas of expertise.
expert reports, and other materials for background infor- Forensic Engineers generally work a 40-hour week. They
mation. Forensic Engineers inspect sites where accidents, sometimes work additional hours during evenings and on
catastrophes, or losses occurred and examine all available weekends to complete tasks and meet deadlines. They may
physical evidence. travel to different cities and states to meet with clients, sur-
Besides visually inspecting evidence, Forensic Engineers vey traffic scenes, or testify in court.
may also use reverse engineering, in which they dissemble
a product and examine it closely to learn how it was made.
They also conduct close-up examinations by using electron
microscopes, spectroscopes, and other optical devices. They Earnings for Forensic Engineers vary, depending on such
may reproduce accidents in laboratory settings to discover factors as their education, experience, specialty, position
what happened. They may perform standardized tests on (staff or self-employed), and geographic location. Spe-
products to evaluate them for failure or defects. Forensic cific salary information for this occupation is unavailable.
Engineers document every step of their inspections with According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment
written notes, photographs, and videotapes. Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Forensic Engineers conduct interviews to determine the most engineers whose discipline was not listed separately
course of events that led to equipment failure. They review in the survey earned an estimated annual salary that ranged
drawings, schematics, written specifications, and other per- between $46,080 and $120,610. However, it is not uncom-
tinent documents. They use analytical and testing tools to mon for highly experienced and reputable Forensic Engi-
verify the problems under investigation. These engineers neers to garner higher incomes.
analyze and interpret their data, sometimes with the help of As consultants, Forensic Engineers charge an hourly,
computer models, to show the sequence of events or con- daily, or flat rate for their various services, such as ini-
tributing factors that may have led to an accident or product tial consultation, examinations, and courtroom testimony.
failure. They are expected to arrive at objective conclusions Hourly fees generally range from $100 to $300 per hour
that, on occasion, may not be favorable for their clients. or more. Consultants may also charge for telephone calls,
Forensic Engineers prepare reports of their findings and travel time, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
conclusions. Their reports are organized clearly and con-
cisely, yet comprehensively, as they may be used for pretrial Employment Prospects
proceedings, trials, and settlement negotiations. Conse- Most Forensic Engineers work in the private sector where
quently, they present information in simplified terms so they are employed by small engineering firms or are inde-
that nontechnical individuals can understand technical and pendent practitioners. Some Forensic Engineers work part
scientific concepts. time while employed full time as engineers or academi-
Many Forensic Engineers present their findings to courts cians. Large corporations and government agencies also
as expert witnesses for trials and depositions. They may be employ Forensic Engineers.
asked to provide scientific or technical explanations to help Job openings for staff positions become available when
judges and juries understand specific issues in a civil or engineers advance to higher positions, transfer to other jobs,
criminal trial. They may be asked for their expert opinions or leave the workforce for various reasons. Private com-
about their specific analysis of the events that took place. panies will create additional positions as their businesses
These experts avoid taking sides in the issues about which expand.
they testify. Opportunities for experienced and reputable Forensic
Many Forensic Engineers also offer litigation support Engineers are favorable and should continue for years to
services to attorneys. Some of their services may include: come. Attorneys and others constantly need their expertise
to investigate technical issues for legal matters.
• educating lawyers about the subject matter so they can
fully understand the issues of a case
• evaluating a case to identify the technical issues and facts Advancement Prospects
• finding appropriate expert witnesses Staff engineers can seek supervisory, administrative, and
• helping lawyers develop effective strategies for a case management positions in their organizations. Engineers in
• formulating a list of questions that lawyers would use to small outfits may have to find employment with other firms
cross-examine witnesses in order to obtain such positions. In addition, Forensic Engi-
• preparing demonstrative evidence (such as diagrams, neers can advance through the ranks from junior consultants
models, or computer animations) to principal consultants.
194        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Entrepreneurial engineers pursue their ambitions by Unions and Associations

becoming independent consultants or owners of forensic Many Forensic Engineers join professional associations to
engineering firms. take advantage of networking opportunities, professional
certification, continuing education, professional publica-
Education and Training tions, and other professional services and resources. Societ-
There are no academic degree programs in forensic engi- ies that serve their diverse interests are available at the local,
neering as this is being written. Some universities, however, state, national, and international levels.
offer forensic engineering courses as electives. Engineers The National Academy of Forensic Engineers, the Amer-
typically learn about forensic applications on the job and ican Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the American Col-
through workshops and conferences sponsored by profes- lege of Forensic Examiners are a few national societies that
sional associations and other recognized organizations. serve the special interests of these forensic professionals.
Minimally, Forensic Engineers must possess a bachelor’s They also join special focus engineering societies, such as
degree in an engineering or science discipline. Most Foren- the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Society
sic Engineers have a master’s or doctoral degree. of Women Engineers, or the Society of Hispanic Profes-
Throughout their careers, Forensic Engineers enroll in sional Engineers.
continuing education programs and training programs to Additionally, Forensic Engineers may join engineering
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their societies that serve their particular disciplines, such as the
fields. American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers, the American Academy of Environ-
mental Engineers, ASME International (the American Soci-
Special Requirements ety of Mechanical Engineers), the Institute of Electrical and
Because they offer their services directly to the public, Electronics Engineers, SAE International (the Society of
Forensic Engineers must be licensed professional engineers Automotive Engineers), or the American Society of Safety
(P.E.) in the states where they practice. Engineers.
All states—as well as Washington, D.C. and the U.S. For contact information for all of the above organiza-
territories—have their own unique licensing requirements. tions, see Appendix III.
For specific information, contact the board of engineering
examiners for the jurisdiction where you plan to practice.
Tips for Entry
1. For staff positions, candidates may be allowed to sub-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits stitute an advanced degree for one or more years of
Engineers typically have worked for several years in their practical experience.
specialties before embarking on a career as a Forensic 2. Many attorneys, insurance companies, and other pro-
Engineer. spective clients prefer to retain Forensic Engineers
Employers generally seek candidates for staff consulting who possess an advanced degree in their engineering
positions who have several years of experience conducting discipline.
forensic investigations and providing expert witness testimony. 3. Many Forensic Engineers obtain professional certifi-
Forensic Engineers must have strong research, writing, cations in their specialties to enhance their employ-
presentation, organizational, and self-management skills. In ability and credibility. For information about specific
addition, they need excellent interpersonal and communica- professional certification programs, contact profes-
tion skills, as they must work well with clients, colleagues, sional associations.
and many others from diverse backgrounds. Being curious, 4. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic engi-
innovative, ethical, unbiased, trustworthy, and detail-ori- neering. You might start by visiting the National
ented are some personality traits that successful Forensic Academy of Forensic Engineers at http://www.nafe.
Engineers share. org. For more links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Examine and reconstruct traffic collisions; interpret

findings; prepare reports; provide expert witness testi- Accident Reconstruction Consultant
mony; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Traffic Accident Reconstructionist,

Crash Reconstruction Consultant, Forensic Engineer
Accident Reconstruction Specialist
Salary Range: $27,000 to $121,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Poor Accident Reconstruction

Specialist Trainee
Education or Training—Completion of training pro-
grams from recognized institutions; ongoing training and
continuing education programs
Experience—Prior accident investigation experience for
law enforcement officers
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical,
organizational, writing, communication, and interper-
sonal skills; curious, objective, trustworthy, methodical,
detail-oriented, and dedicated
Special Requirements—Law enforcement officers pos-
sess peace officer certificate; engineers hold a profes-
sional engineer license; private consultants may need a
private investigator license

Position Description bra, and calculus principles as well as the laws of physics.
How fast were cars traveling when they collided? Did the They also have an understanding of various subjects such as
glare of the sun contribute to a driver’s crossing over the vehicle dynamics and structural properties, human factors,
highway median? Did a driver come to a complete stop and weather.
before turning right? What obstructed a driver from seeing These forensic experts are not to be confused with traffic
a small child walking in the intersection, as he was turning accident investigators, who are usually police officers. These
left? Are the injuries that a passenger reported consistent investigators examine accident scenes soon after collisions
with how the human body would have moved in a low- have occurred, and are responsible for collecting evidence,
impact collision? interviewing eyewitnesses, and documenting the accident
Those are a few of the types of questions that Accident scene. Accident Reconstruction Specialists, on the other
Reconstruction Specialists might ask when they examine hand, reconstruct a traffic crash accident scene to determine
cases related to insurance claims, civil litigation, criminal pre-existing conditions, hazards, risks, and causes. They
investigations, and other legal matters. analyze and interpret the data that has already been col-
Accident Reconstruction Specialists have the knowl- lected. This involves reviewing police reports, eyewitness
edge and skills to analyze traffic crash accidents and piece testimony, photographs, drawings, and other information.
together what occurred. They base their examinations upon From the evidence, these reconstructionists can determine
physical and factual evidence, and apply geometry, alge- such facts as the speed that vehicles were traveling before
196        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

and after impact, the distance vehicles were from each other Salaries
prior to collision, the severity of the impact on pedestrians, Salaries for Accident Reconstruction Specialists vary,
and if headlights were functioning properly. depending on such factors as their education, experience,
Carefully and thoroughly, Accident Reconstruction Spe- position, employer, and geographic location. Specific salary
cialists rebuild the events of a traffic crash accident. To help information for this occupation is unavailable.
them get a clearer understanding of what took place, they Law enforcement officers earn salaries according to their
sometimes recreate the accident, including the use of similar position, rank, and other factors. The U.S. Bureau of Labor
vehicles. Statistics reports in its May 2006 Occupational Employment
These reconstructionists conduct their investigations in Statistics (OES) survey that the estimated annual salary
labs that meet certain standards. They take specific steps and for most local patrol officers ranged between $27,310 and
incorporate several methods to conduct their investigations $72,450, and for most detectives and criminal investigators
and analyses. They follow particular procedures that enable between $34,480 and $92,590.
them to enter permissible evidence at court proceedings. According to the 2006 OES survey, the estimated annual
Upon completing their investigations, Accident Recon- salary for most engineers who were not listed in separate
struction Specialists prepare highly detailed reports about categories ranged between $46,080 and $120,610.
their findings and conclusions. The reports usually include As consultants, Accident Reconstruction Specialists
diagrams, models, computer animations, or other visual charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate for their various services,
aids to illustrate their findings. Their reports are expected to such as initial consultation, examinations, and courtroom tes-
be factual, impartial, and unbiased. Attorneys often submit timony. Their hourly fees generally range from $100 to $200
these reports as evidence in civil or criminal trials. They also per hour or more. Consultants may also charge for telephone
utilize the reports to negotiate settlements with opposing calls, travel time, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
When requested, Accident Reconstruction Specialists
Employment Prospects
provide expert testimony at court trials, settlement hearings,
Police departments, sheriffs’ offices, and state police depart-
alternative dispute resolution meetings, and other formal
ments all have traffic accident units. Depending on the
settings. As expert witnesses at court trials, they address
needs of the jurisdiction, a traffic accident unit may have
only issues about which they are qualified to provide a pro-
one or several officers working as reconstructionists. Work-
fessional opinion.
ing in a traffic accident unit is a volunteer detail. Many
In addition to their analytical work, these forensic experts
Accident Reconstruction Specialists perform this duty in
perform other duties. For example, they develop new meth-
addition to their primary duties as patrol officers, detectives,
odologies and techniques for examining evidence, develop
or in other positions.
training programs, teach training workshops, and keep up
In the private sector, Accident Reconstruction Specialists
with current research and technologies.
work for crash reconstruction consulting firms, as well as for
Accident Reconstruction Specialists work in law enforce-
forensic engineering practices that offer crash reconstruction
ment agencies as well as in the private sector. Reconstruc-
consulting services. Some specialists are independent prac-
tionists in law enforcement agencies are law enforcement
titioners. These forensic examiners are hired by attorneys,
officers who volunteer for additional duty in their agency’s
insurance companies, and others on a contractual basis.
traffic accident unit. Many of them are both traffic accident
investigators and reconstructionists. Usually, a traffic acci-
dent unit conducts investigations only of traffic crashes that Advancement Prospects
involve deaths or serious physical injuries. Accident Reconstruction Specialists can advance in a num-
Private crash reconstruction consultants may be indepen- ber of ways, depending on their ambitions and interests.
dent practitioners or part of consulting firms that offer traf- They can rise through the administrative and managerial
fic reconstruction services. Some Accident Reconstruction ranks as technical leaders, unit supervisors, and managers in
Specialists are forensic engineers, while others are former their organizations.
law enforcement officers who have served many years as Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions can become
reconstructionists on their forces. These private consultants independent practitioners or owners of forensic consulting
are typically retained by attorneys and insurance companies firms. These forensic specialists can also pursue opportu-
to assist with civil litigation, criminal defense cases, and nities as instructors and researchers in higher education
insurance claims. institutions. They may be required to possess a master’s or
Accident Reconstruction Specialists generally work a doctoral degree to advance to higher positions or to obtain
40-hour schedule. They put in additional hours as needed to teaching jobs in four-year colleges and universities.
complete their tasks and meet deadlines. Law enforcement Law enforcement officers have additional advancement
officers are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. options. They can rise through the ranks as detectives, ser-

geants, and so on, up to police chief. They can also seek years working as traffic accident reconstructionists. Other
positions in other law enforcement special details that inter- specialists have years of forensic experience as engineers.
est them, such as the SWAT team or air aviation unit. Law enforcement officers must usually complete two to
Independent consultants typically realize advancement three years of patrol duty before they are eligible to apply
through the growth of their businesses, through job satisfac- for special details such as the traffic accident unit.
tion, and by earning higher incomes. To work effectively as traffic accident reconstructionists,
individuals must have excellent analytical, organizational,
report-writing, communication, and interpersonal skills.
Education and Training Being curious, objective, trustworthy, methodical, detail-ori-
Accident Reconstruction Specialists obtain their training in ented, and dedicated are some personality traits that success-
various ways. Current law enforcement officers, as well as ful Accident Reconstruction Specialists have in common.
former officers who are now consultants, receive on-the-job
training while working under experienced reconstruction-
Unions and Associations
ists. They also complete basic and advanced training pro-
Accident Reconstruction Specialists can join professional
grams from nationally recognized institutions, such as the
associations to take advantage of networking opportuni-
Northwestern University Center for Public Safety and the
ties, training programs, professional certification, and other
Institute of Police Technology and Management.
professional resources and services. Some national societies
Forensic engineers have earned bachelor’s and master’s that serve the diverse interests of these experts include:
degrees in mechanical engineering, automotive engineer-
ing, civil engineering, or another engineering field. Many of • International Association of Accident Reconstruction
them learn their reconstructionist skills on the job. Specialists
Throughout their careers, Accident Reconstruction Spe- • National Association of Professional Accident Recon-
cialists enroll in continuing education programs and training struction Specialists
programs to update their skills and knowledge, as well as to • National Association of Traffic Accident Reconstruction-
keep up with technological advancements. ists and Investigators
• Society of Accident Reconstructionists
Special Requirements • American Society of Safety Engineers
• National Academy of Forensic Engineers
Accident Reconstruction Specialists who work in law enforce-
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences
ment agencies must possess a basic peace officer standards
For contact information, see Appendix III.
and training certificate.
Forensic engineers who specialize in this field must pos-
sess a professional engineer license in every state where Tips for Entry
they practice. For licensing information, contact the board 1. Early in your career as a patrol officer, let your super-
of engineering examiners that governs the jurisdiction in visor know about your interest in traffic accident
which you wish to work. investigations and reconstruction.
Depending on their location, consultants must hold either 2. Consider obtaining professional certification from
a state or local private investigator’s license to practice. For recognized organizations to enhance your credibility
specific information about licensing requirements, contact a and employability. For information about certification
local law enforcement agency or the state private investiga- programs, see Appendix II.
3. For staff positions in the private sector, apply directly
tive licensing agency that covers the jurisdiction where you
to accident reconstruction consulting firms.
wish to practice.
4. Use the Internet to learn more about the field of traffic
crash reconstruction. You might start by visiting the
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits Accident Reconstruction Network Web site at http://
In the private sector, most Accident Reconstruction Special- For more links, see
ists are former law enforcement officers who served many Appendix IV.
198        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to clients; may

provide litigation support services to attorneys; perform Construction Forensics Expert
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Construction Consultant; Foren-

sic Engineer, Forensic Architect, Forensic Contractor
Novice Construction Forensics Expert
Salary Range: Unavailable

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor Engineer, Architect, Contractor, or

Other Occupation in the
Prerequisites: Construction Industry
Education or Training—College degree and/or on-the-
job training appropriate to an occupation
Experience—Extensive work experience in one’s field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical, orga-
nizational, self-management, writing, presentation, com-
munication, interpersonal, and computer skills; poised,
impartial, trustworthy, fair, inquisitive, detail-oriented,
precise, and flexible
Special Requirements—Professional license or certifi-
cation as required for an occupation

Position Description struction trades workers (such as plumbers and electricians),

Did a general contractor fail to complete his obligations in a mold specialists, cost estimators, certified public accoun-
timely matter? Was poor workmanship the reason for roofs tants, building and construction inspectors, and others.
to leak in a new housing development? Were the heating and Essentially, these consultants’ job is to carry out a thor-
air conditioning systems in a restaurant installed incorrectly? ough forensic investigation to identify and define the root
Did a power tool’s design contribute to a person’s injury? causes of and contributing factors to construction problems.
Construction Forensics Experts answer questions such as They address issues that may involve construction defects,
these for litigation, insurance claims, contractual disputes, failure of building systems, product safety design, improper
regulatory hearings, arson investigations, and other legal maintenance of buildings or building systems, construction
matters. They are retained by attorneys, insurance compa- work plans, scheduling, construction delays, work safety,
nies, developers, contractors, building owners, government building code deficiencies, and management practices,
agencies, and others who seek their expert assistance. among others.
These forensic consultants are highly experienced prac- In addition to detecting the causes of construction prob-
titioners in the planning, design, construction, alteration, lems, Construction Forensics Experts make recommenda-
operation, and maintenance of all types of buildings, struc- tions for resolving the problems. Sometimes clients also
tures, and public works as well as all building systems request that these consultants provide an estimate of the cost
(plumbing, fire protection, and heating, ventilation and air for correcting construction problems. In many cases, the
conditioning systems, for example). They include engineers, findings and professional opinions of these forensic experts
architects, construction managers, building contractors, con- help clients settle their disputes.

Depending on the complexity of a project, Construction Employment Prospects

Forensics Experts may work alone or as part of a team. In general, opportunities are favorable for experienced and
When a project begins, they meet with clients to determine reputable Construction Forensics Experts. Some of these
their needs. Throughout the project, they provide clients forensic consultants are self-employed. Others are employed
with regular reports of their progress. by engineering, architectural, or construction firms that offer
These experts perform a wide range of tasks, which vary construction forensics services.
with each project. Some tasks are the same in every forensic Staff positions usually become available when consul-
investigation. For example, they: tants advance to higher positions, transfer to other jobs, or
retire. Employers may create additional positions when the
• research written materials, such as building codes, for demand for their company’s services increases.
information relevant to a case
• review and analyze shop drawings, photographs, design
documents, operating manual instructions, inspection Advancement Prospects
contracts, and various other reports, documents, and Construction Forensics Experts generally measure success
files through job satisfaction, professional recognition, and by
• conduct site investigations, which include taking visual being sought for highly complex or publicized cases.
surveys and performing appropriate tests Staff consultants can be promoted to become supervisors
• review construction projects for compliance with design and managers. They can also rise through the ranks, includ-
documents, building codes, governmental regulations, ing to partner level. Those with entrepreneurial ambitions
safety requirements, industry standards, construction can pursue careers as independent practitioners or owners of
practices, or contracts architectural firms.
• interview eyewitnesses
• prepare detailed reports of their findings and professional Education and Training
opinions Construction Forensic Experts possess the appropriate cre-
• provide expert testimony at depositions, trials, settlement dentials and training that are required for their particular
conferences, or alternative dispute resolution meetings occupations. For example, engineers have earned at least a
bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical, or another engineer-
Many Construction Forensics Experts offer litigation sup- ing discipline, and electricians and other trades workers
port services to attorneys, who may represent either defen- have completed apprenticeship programs.
dants or plaintiffs. These experts help attorneys develop a Throughout their careers, Construction Forensic Experts
successful case for their clients by performing such tasks enroll in continuing education and training programs to
as: reviewing cases to identify the technical issues and facts; update their skills and knowledge.
helping lawyers understand technical terms and concepts;
seeking more evidence to support a case; conducting tests
to disprove or prove a fact; finding appropriate expert wit- Special Requirements
nesses; and developing demonstrative evidence (or exhibits) Construction Forensic Experts must have the appropriate
for trials. professional licenses and certification required for their pro-
Construction Forensics Experts work flexible hours. fessions. All engineers, architects, and building contractors
They put in long hours as needed to complete their tasks and must possess the proper licenses to practice in the states
meet deadlines. They frequently travel to meet with clients, where they plan to work. Plumbers and electricians may be
attend depositions and trials, and participate in conferences required to possess professional licenses.
and other relevant events.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Salaries Building contractors, architects, engineers, and others typi-
Specific earnings information for this occupation is unavail- cally become Construction Forensics Experts after many
able. Annual gross earnings for Construction Forensics years of working in their fields.
Experts is based on the total fees that they have earned in Employers generally seek candidates for staff consulting
a year. Earnings vary yearly, depending on such factors as positions who have several years of experience conducting
their rates, specialties, and the demand for their services. forensic investigations as well as providing expert witness
Forensic consultants charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate testimony.
for research, examinations, depositions, and other services To succeed at consulting work, individuals need excel-
that they perform. Many consultants receive reimbursements lent analytical, organizational, self-management, writing,
for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel time, telephone and presentation skills. They also need exceptional com-
calls, and photocopying. munication and interpersonal skills, as they must be able to
200        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

work well with clients, colleagues, and others from diverse • American Society of Professional Estimators
backgrounds. Additionally, they need adequate computer • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
skills. Some personality traits that successful Construction • American College of Forensic Examiners
Forensics Experts have in common include being poised,
impartial, trustworthy, fair, inquisitive, detail-oriented, pre- For contact information, see Appendix III.
cise, and flexible.
Tips for Entry
Unions and Associations 1. Talk with different Construction Forensics Experts to
Construction Forensics Experts can join professional asso- learn more about their specialties, as well as how they
ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities, got into the field.
training programs, professional certification, and other pro-
2. Enroll in courses or workshops that teach forensic
fessional resources and services. Local, state, and national
societies are available to serve the diverse interests of these
3. As an employee, take advantage of opportunities to
forensic examiners. Some national groups are:
work on forensic investigations.
• National Academy of Forensic Engineers 4. Many firms who offer construction forensics services
• American Society of Civil Engineers maintain a presence on the Internet. Some of them
• American Institute of Architects provide information about job openings. To obtain a
• American Institute of Contractors list of Web sites, enter any of these keywords into a
• Associated General Contractors of America search engine: construction forensics or forensic con-
• Construction Specifications Institute struction experts.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and other clients; perform duties as required Senior Forensic Architect

Alternate Title(s): Architect; Forensic Consultant

Salary Range: $39,000 to $105,000

Forensic Architect
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Prerequisites: Architect
Education or Training—Bachelor’s or master’s degree
in architecture; on-the-job training
Experience—Several years of work experience in one’s
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communica-
tion, interpersonal, project-management, presentation,
writing, and computer skills; creative, curious, trustwor-
thy, impartial, detail-oriented, and persistent
Special Requirements—Architect license required

Position Description These forensic experts are retained to assist in a wide

Forensic architecture is another forensic specialty in which range of building issues. For example, they may investigate
professionals apply their expertise to legal matters, includ- cases involving:
ing civil litigation, contractual disputes, insurance claims,
and regulatory violations. • building failures
• construction defects
Forensic Architects are professionals with many years of
• professional negligence or malpractice
architectural experience. In general, architects are respon-
• personal injury claims
sible for planning and designing the form and appearance of
• compliance with required standards, building codes, and
buildings and structures, including houses, apartment build-
other appropriate laws and regulations
ings, office complexes, skyscrapers, schools, hospitals, res- • contractual disputes between a property owner and an
taurants, shopping malls, warehouses, factories, bridges, and architect
airports, among others. Architects also are responsible for
developing plans for building systems such as a structure’s Forensic Architects perform a variety of tasks when they
plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling, security, and fire conduct their investigations to determine the validity and
protection systems. extent of claims. They inspect work sites, buildings, and
When legal problems occur regarding a building or build- building systems. They study pertinent documents, such as
ing systems, Forensic Architects are consulted by attorneys, design plans, maintenance records, or construction sched-
insurance companies, and others. These forensic consultants ules. They interpret contractual requirements. They research
investigate the architectural facts relating to the develop- industry, governmental, and professional standards, as well
ment, design, construction, or maintenance of buildings. as laws, regulations, and building codes.
Their findings and expert opinions help clients resolve or When they have completed their examinations and analy-
settle their legal cases. ses, Forensic Architects prepare reports that describe their
202        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

findings, including the history of the problems, the reasons The estimated annual salary for most architects ranged
for their occurrences, and recommendations for resolving between $39,420 and $104,970, according to the May 2006
the problems. In the case of building failures and defects, Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S.
Forensic Architects may also provide an estimate of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
costs for making repairs. Forensic Architects are expected to
write their reports clearly and to express technical concepts Employment Prospects
in terms that lay people can easily understand. Their clients
Some architects are employed by government agencies, but
may use these specialists’ reports in settlement negotiations
overall, most architects work in the private sector.
or submit them as evidence in court trials.
The competition for jobs is strong. The BLS reports that
On occasion, Forensic Architects may be asked to pro-
job growth for this occupation is expected to increase by 9
vide expert testimony about their findings at depositions,
to 17 percent through 2014. In addition, job openings will
court trials, or alternative dispute resolution meetings. They
become available as architects retire, transfer to other jobs,
address only issues and facts for which they are qualified to
or advance to higher positions. However, the employment of
give their professional opinions. Although they are hired to
architects is tied into the health of the economy. For exam-
give testimony, they do not advocate for either side in a case.
ple, job opportunities are usually fewer when the economy
They are expected to give objective and unbiased testimony.
is in a downturn.
Many Forensic Architects offer litigation support ser-
Opportunities are favorable for experienced Forensic
vices to attorneys. They perform any number of tasks to help
attorneys build a strong and successful case for their clients.
For example, Forensic Architects may be retained to help
attorneys understand technical documents; review cases to Advancement Prospects
identify the technical issues and facts; photograph evidence; Forensic Architects generally measure success through job
examine incident scenes; conduct tests to prove or disprove satisfaction, professional recognition, and by being sought
certain facts or issues; research professional literature; seek for highly complex or publicized cases.
expert witnesses; provide questions for depositions or trials; Staff architects can advance to become supervisors and
and prepare exhibits for court trials or alternative dispute managers. They can also rise through the ranks, including
resolution hearings. to partner level. Those with entrepreneurial ambitions can
When Forensic Architects provide litigation support pursue careers as independent practitioners or owners of
services, they usually do not perform any expert witness architectural firms.
services. However, lawyers may ask them to testify as eye- Some architects seek opportunities in areas that interest
witnesses. They answer questions about facts related to a them such as teaching, urban planning, real estate develop-
case based on their direct observation or work rather than ment, or construction management.
their professional opinion.
Forensic Architects may specialize in any number of Education and Training
ways. They may focus on certain structures (such as shop-
Forensic Architects possess a professional degree in archi-
ping malls or high-rise towers), specific industries (such as
tecture, which may be either a bachelor’s or master’s
health care or government), and certain types of investiga-
degree. Some employers prefer to hire candidates who have
tions (such as construction defect litigation).
a master’s degree in architecture. Architects typically obtain
Many Forensic Architects also continue to offer tradi-
forensic architecture training on the job.
tional architectural services, such as design, project man-
There are several paths that lead to earning a professional
agement, or construction administration, to clients. Some
architectural degree. High school graduates can enroll in
Forensic Architects are solo practitioners, while others
a five-year bachelor’s degree program in which they earn
are associates or partners in architectural and engineering
a professional degree in architecture. Upon earning their
bachelor’s, they can then complete a two-year master’s
Architects, in general, work full time, but put in addi-
degree program, if they wish. Students who have a non-pro-
tional hours to complete tasks and meet deadlines. Many of
fessional bachelor’s degree in architecture or a bachelor’s
them travel to other cities and states to meet with clients or
degree in a related field may enroll in a two-year master’s
to perform their forensic investigations.
degree program in architecture. Students who have earned
a bachelor’s degree in other disciplines may qualify for a
Salaries three- or four-year master’s degree program.
Specific salary information for Forensic Architects is After graduating from their professional degree pro-
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, gram, individuals must then undergo a three-year intern-
or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom ship with a licensed architect who supervises and directs
testimony, and other services that they offer. their work. Upon successfully completing their internship,

they are eligible to take the exam to become licensed grounds, Forensic Architects must have excellent communi-
architects. cation and interpersonal skills. In addition, their job requires
Throughout their careers, Forensic Architects enroll in that they have effective project-management, presentation,
continuing education programs and training programs to writing, and computer skills.
update their skills and keep up with advancements in their Some personality traits that successful Forensic Archi-
fields. tects share include being creative, curious, trustworthy,
impartial, detail-oriented, and persistent.
Special Requirements
To practice architecture in the United States (including Unions and Associations
Washington, D.C. and the U.S. territories), individuals Forensic Architects can join various professional associa-
must possess a professional license. Every state has its own tions to take advantage of networking opportunities, con-
licensing requirements. For specific information, contact the tinuing education, professional certification, and other
board of architecture (or board of architects) that governs professional resources and services. Some national societ-
the jurisdiction in which you wish to practice. If you plan ies that serve their different interests include the Ameri-
to practice in more than one state, you must obtain a license can Institute of Architects, the Construction Specifications
for each jurisdiction. Institute, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and
Architects must complete continuing education credits to
the American College of Forensic Examiners. For contact
maintain their professional licenses.
information, see Appendix III.

Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits

Tips for Entry
Potential clients seek Forensic Architects who have distin-
1. Employers sometimes offer full-time positions to
guished themselves in their field. Clients retain consultants
who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience interns who have made a strong impression.
to successfully complete their projects. Typically, architects 2. Some employers and state architectural registra-
have worked for many years in their field prior to becoming tion boards require applicants to possess a degree
forensic consultants. granted from an architectural school accredited by the
Prospective employers seek Forensic Architects for staff National Architectural Accrediting Board.
positions who have several years of work experience, includ- 3. Learn how to use computer-aided design and drafting
ing forensic investigation and expert testimony experience. (CADD) programs, as architectural firms are increas-
Strong candidates must also be knowledgeable about the areas ingly using these applications.
(for example, commercial and residential building systems) 4. As a junior architect, volunteer to work on projects
in which they would work. They should also have a thorough that involve forensic investigations.
understanding of industry, professional, and governmental 5. Use the Internet to learn more forensic architecture.
standards as well as laws, regulations, and building codes. To find relevant Web sites, enter the keywords foren-
Because they must be able to work well with clients, sic architecture or forensic architects into a search
colleagues, attorneys, and many others from diverse back- engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.
204        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys,

law enforcement agencies, and other clients; conduct Forensic Surveyor
accurate and precise surveys; analyze and interpret evi-
dence; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Professional Surveyor; Forensic Con-

sultant Novice Forensic Surveyor

Salary Range: $27,000 to $80,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Education or Training—Degree or professional certifi-
cate in surveying; on-the-job training
Experience—Several years of work experience as a pro-
fessional surveyor
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
analytical, self-management, writing, presentation, inter-
personal, and communication skills; curious, accurate,
precise, unbiased, trustworthy, and dedicated
Special Requirements—Professional surveyor (P.S.)
license usually required

Position Description that govern their practice and the handling of evidence in
Professional surveyors measure areas of land that may be in legal matters. These professionals are able to prepare accu-
cities or in rural areas, or on mountains or under water (such rate maps and written descriptions from the measurements
as oceans and rivers). Typically, they take surveys for clients that they take of the topography of a location. Moreover,
who need to determine the boundaries and topographical they are able to interpret technical specifications from writ-
features of real property, to mark out routes (such as roads, ten records such as land deeds, construction plans, and
channels, and utility transmission lines), and to ensure that accident reports.
buildings and other structures are built both level and plumb Professional surveyors utilize a variety of sophisticated
(horizontally and vertically even). tools to collect and analyze data. Probably their most rec-
Some professional surveyors specialize in performing ognizable tool is the total station, which is a small telescope
forensic or investigative surveys for attorneys, insurance on a tripod that measures distances with an electronic laser
companies, contractors, government agencies, and other cli- device. Other technologies that these surveyors use include
ents. Forensic Surveyors engage in cases involving property aerial photography, global positioning system (GPS) equip-
line disputes, insurance claims, vehicular accidents, indus- ment, geographic information systems (GIS) hardware and
trial site mishaps, aircraft collisions, criminal investigations, software, and 3D laser scanning systems.
civil lawsuits, or other legal matters. Forensic Surveyors perform certain tasks when they
Forensic Surveyors apply the principles of mathematics work on a project. They collect precise and accurate mea-
and science to their surveying tasks. They are also familiar surements at the location in question where they measure
with appropriate local, state, and federal laws, such as those distances, angles, elevations, and other features that their

clients have requested. For example, Forensic Surveyors Advancement Prospects

might take measurements of skid marks, among other evi- As forensic consultants, surveyors measure success by
dence, at an automobile accident site. They also review building their practice, gaining professional recognition,
maps, sketches, deeds, and other materials related to a case. and earning higher incomes. Many also measure success by
In addition, they may interview people to gather more infor- being sought for very complex or publicized cases.
mation. For example, in a case involving a property line dis-
pute, Forensic Surveyors might talk to current and former
Education and Training
Many two-year colleges offer an associate degree program
Forensic Surveyors analyze and interpret the data that
in surveying, while many four-year colleges and universities
they have collected and form their conclusions. They pre-
offer a bachelor’s degree in this discipline. Some colleges
pare maps of their surveys as well as highly detailed written
and universities also have a professional certificate program
reports of their findings and opinions, which their clients
for surveyors who are seeking their professional licenses.
may use in settlement meetings or present in court as evi- With recent advances in surveying, many employers
dence. Forensic Surveyors are expected to convey technical prefer to hire candidates who possess a bachelor’s degree
concepts in terms that lay people can easily comprehend. in surveying, civil engineering, or another related field.
When requested, Forensic Surveyors provide expert wit- Increasingly, more states are requiring that surveyors have a
ness testimony at court proceedings, administrative hear- bachelor’s degree to obtain professional licenses.
ings, or alternative dispute resolution meetings. They may Forensic Surveyors typically learn their skills on the job.
be asked to give their professional opinions about survey Throughout their careers, they enroll in continuing educa-
issues that are related to a case. They may also be asked to tion programs and training programs to update their skills
provide technical information about the surveying practice and knowledge.
so that judges and jurors can understand the facts and issues
of a case.
Special Requirements
Forensic Surveyors work in the field as well as in offices.
They may conduct research in courthouses and on computer Forensic Surveyors must possess a professional surveyor
(P.S.) license in each state (as well as in Washington, D.C.
and Internet databases. They generally work alone when
and each U.S. territory) where they practice. In some juris-
compiling and analyzing documentation, but work with
dictions, it is called the land surveyor (L.S.) or professional
assistants and technicians when taking surveys in the field.
land surveyor (P.L.S.) license. For specific licensing infor-
Surveying is demanding work. Forensic Surveyors walk
mation, contact the board of surveying examiners that over-
long distances or hike up hills while carrying their equip-
sees the jurisdiction where you wish to practice. In general,
ment. They also stand for long periods of time. surveyors must fulfill educational and experience require-
ments and successfully pass a written examination.
Salary information for Forensic Surveyors is unavailable. Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate for Potential clients seek Forensic Surveyors who are highly
initial consultation, depositions, courtroom testimony, and accomplished and recognized in their field. In addition, they
other services that they offer. prefer to retain consultants who have the necessary knowl-
According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment edge, skills, and experience to successfully complete their
Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects. Forensic Surveyors are typically at the top of their
(BLS), the estimated annual salary for most surveyors field and have many years of work experience.
ranged between $26,690 and $79,910. To be effective consultants, Forensic Surveyors need
excellent organizational, analytical, self-management, writ-
Employment Prospects ing, and presentation skills. They must also have excep-
Many consulting surveyors are employed by architectural tional interpersonal and communication skills, as they need
and engineering firms. Some are independent practitio- to work well with colleagues, forensic engineers, attorneys,
ners. Surveyors who serve as expert witnesses and have and others. Being curious, accurate, precise, unbiased, trust-
worthy, and dedicated are some personality traits that suc-
established reputations in forensic surveying are in strong
cessful Forensic Surveyors share.
Opportunities for surveyors overall are favorable. Accord-
ing to the BLS, job growth for this occupation is expected Unions and Associations
to increase by 9 to 17 percent through 2014. In addition, Forensic Surveyors can join professional associations to
opportunities will become available as surveyors retire, take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
advance to higher positions, and transfer to other jobs. education, professional certification, and other professional
206        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

resources and services. Some national societies that serve 2. As a college student, join a student chapter of a pro-
their interests include the National Society of Professional fessional society. Participate in its activities, including
Surveyors, the American Congress on Surveying and Map- professional meetings and conferences where you can
ping, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the meet professional surveyors.
American College of Forensic Examiners. For contact infor- 3. Many surveyors obtain professional certification to
mation, see Appendix III. enhance their employability as well as credibility.
4. Learn more about the surveying field on the Internet.
Tips for Entry You might start by visiting the surveying career Web
1. As a student, obtain a summer job working on a sur- site created by the National Society of Professional
vey crew. This can give you an idea about whether Surveyors. Its URL is http://www.surveyingcareer.
you are suited for a surveying job. com. For more links, see Appendix IV.
208        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Conduct research on crime and criminal behavior;

provide litigation support and expert witness services; Forensic Consultant/Expert Witness
perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant; Professor of Crim-

inology, Professor of Criminal Justice
Salary Range: $31,000 to $116,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Doctoral Student

Education or Training—Advanced degree; doctoral
degree required for academic teaching
Experience—Many years of work experience in the
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, organizational, communication, and interpersonal
skills; objective, diligent, detail-oriented, inquisitive, fair,
trustworthy, and flexible

Position Description detained. They examine correctional institutions, court sys-

Criminology is a subfield of sociology. It is the study of tems, and law enforcement entities as well as explore the
crime, criminal behavior, and how society responds to that reasons and motivations why societies perceive and respond
behavior. Criminologists research the causes of crime as to criminals in certain ways. These scholars seek ways to
well as crime laws. Some people, including many in the more effectively deal with crime and criminals.
media, confuse Criminologists with criminalists or forensic Most Criminologists are employed as professors in the
scientists. Criminalists are part of the criminology disci- criminology and criminal justice departments of colleges
pline; however, their expertise is in the examination of phys- and universities. Academic Criminologists teach courses
ical evidence that is found at crime scenes. Criminologists, to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. Their
on the other hand, are primarily academicians or consultants curriculum includes such subjects as criminal law, police
who focus on the study of crime. ethics, criminal investigation, juvenile delinquency, victi-
There are three major branches of criminology. The first mology, and gangs.
branch, referred to as the sociology of law, involves the his- These academicians also work on research projects. They
tory and types of criminal laws and how they are applied or probe into such areas as drug addiction; the psychologi-
modified to suit the dynamic shifts experienced by societies. cal, physiological, and sociological factors that contribute
Secondly, Criminologists study criminal etiology. This is to criminality; and theories of criminality. Many of these
the study of the causes of criminality. Criminologists endeavor academicians often conduct their research in conjunction
to explain how people come to engage in criminal acts. They with government and law enforcement agencies as well as
research such questions as: What makes people commit a various criminal justice programs. Academic Criminolo-
certain kind of crime? Why does crime happen more often in gists may also be responsible for revising their institution’s
certain neighborhoods? Why would someone join a gang? criminology curriculum, participating as members of vari-
The third main branch of criminology is penology, in ous academic committees, or being involved with campus
which Criminologists study how criminals are arrested or and community programs.

Some Criminologists are directly employed by law enforce- justice research institutes, correctional facilities, and crime
ment agencies where they apply their research toward help- prevention programs.
ing agency personnel improve their crime-fighting skills and Job competition is keen in all work settings. In general,
increase their awareness of criminal behavior patterns or crime job openings become available as Criminologists retire,
networks within their jurisdiction. Other Criminologists are transfer to other jobs, or advance to higher positions. Oppor-
private practitioners who offer consulting services to state or tunities for postsecondary teachers, overall, are expected to
federal justice departments. In that capacity, these profession- increase in the coming years, as a large number of profes-
als assist officials with policy issues in the areas of law reform, sors are becoming eligible for retirement.
corrections, juvenile crime, and the use of crime statistics. Some private consultants work part time, while holding
Criminologists may specialize in studying one or a few down full-time positions as teachers and researchers. Some
areas of crime. Some of those areas include violent crime, full-time consultants are retired special agents and criminal
domestic violence, white-collar crime, cyber crime, youth detectives who decided to start a second career in forensic
gangs, race and crime, women and crime, victimization, devi- consulting.
ance, prison subcultures, correctional rehabilitation, policing,
criminal court systems, alternative justice programs, and crime
prevention. Some Criminologists devote their time to develop- Advancement Prospects
ing and improving effective research methods for studying Criminologists generally measure success through job satis-
evidence in the crime lab as well as at the crime scene. faction, professional recognition, and higher incomes.
Criminologists are retained by attorneys to serve as expert Those in staff positions can advance to supervisory,
witnesses in court trials. As expert witnesses, Criminologists administrative, and managerial positions. Academicians also
provide testimony that helps judges and juries determine the advance by rising through the ranks from instructor to full
truth in the judicial process. In civil or criminal cases, they professor, as well as by gaining tenure at their institution.
offer opinions on criminal behavior related to the specific Tenured professors are assured a teaching job for life. They
issues of the particular cases. However, they can testify only cannot be fired without just cause and due process.
after the judge has ascertained that they have the required
expertise, skills, knowledge, training, or education.
Some Criminologists offer litigation support services to Education and Training
attorneys. For example, they might interview defendants Minimally, Criminologists need a master’s degree in crimi-
and family members to gather evidence for specific issues; nology, criminal justice, sociology, psychology, or another
review all the records of a case to help lawyers develop trial related field. Most Criminologists possess a doctoral degree.
strategies; review cases to identify issues or facts; or prepare A doctorate is the usual requirement for teaching positions
reports that can be used in settlement negotiations. in four-year colleges and universities, as well as for advanc-
Criminologists typically have flexible work hours. They ing to management positions and for performing indepen-
divide their time among various activities such as teaching, dent research.
conducting research, writing, giving presentations, and pro- Throughout their careers, Criminologists enroll in continu-
viding consulting services. ing education programs to update their skills and knowledge.

Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Salaries for Criminologists vary, depending on such factors
Attorneys generally hire Criminologists who have an estab-
as their education, experience, employer, and geographic
lished reputation in their area of study. They have many
location. Specific salary information for this occupation is
unavailable. However, they earn wages similar to sociolo- years of research experience and have published articles and
gists. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employment books about their specialties.
Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, To succeed at their work, Criminologists must have
the estimated annual salary for most sociologists ranged excellent self-management, organizational, communication,
between $36,790 and $115,770, and for sociology postsec- and interpersonal skills. Being objective, diligent, detail-
ondary teachers, between $30,880 and $104,820. oriented, inquisitive, fair, trustworthy, and flexible are some
As consultants, Criminologists charge an hourly, daily, personality traits that successful Criminologists share.
or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom
testimony, and other services that they offer. Unions and Associations
Many Criminologists belong to professional associations
Employment Prospects to take advantage of networking opportunities and other
In addition to academic institutions and law enforcement professional resources and services. Some national societies
agencies, Criminologists find employment with criminal that serve their interests include:
210        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

• American Society of Criminology 2. Many doctoral graduates obtain postdoctoral fellow-

• Western Society of Criminology ships to gain advanced training in their field of interest.
• Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 3. Most academic institutions hire part-time faculty.
• American Sociological Association Many schools also offer limited-term contracts for
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences full-time positions to prospective faculty. Such con-
tracts may be renewed.
For contact information for these organizations, see 4. Many professional associations post job listings at
Appendix III. their Web sites as well as provide links to other Web
sites that offer relevant job listings.
5. Use the Internet to learn more about Criminologists.
Tips for Entry You might start by visiting the American Society of
1. As a college student, obtain an internship to begin Criminology Web site at For
gaining experience. more links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide investigative hypnosis services to law

enforcement agencies, attorneys, and others; perform Forensic Hypnotist
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): None

Salary Range: Unavailable Forensic Hypnotist Trainee

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Hypnotist or Other Profession
Education or Training—Formal forensic hypnosis
Experience—Many years of experience in their field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
self-management, communication, and interpersonal
skills; articulate, fair, trustworthy, unbiased, diligent, and

Position Description forms of counseling that are conducted when the patient is
Hypnosis is something we have all seen portrayed on televi- in a state of full consciousness. Hypnosis is a way to help
sion or in stage shows where people are put in a trance and the patient deal with problems or habits subconsciously.
perform amusing stunts. It seems exotic and mysterious. In Law enforcement agencies, court systems, and attorneys
fact, hypnosis is quite commonplace. Hypnosis is a state of use hypnosis as a tool to help solve crimes, bring criminals
consciousness that each of us experiences at least twice a to justice, exonerate the innocent, settle civil suits, and assist
day. Our brains operate through the exchange of chemicals witnesses to remember events. The professionals who use
that generates minute electrical pulses, which are measured hypnosis in these contexts are called Forensic Hypnotists.
by a unit called the hertz (Hz). Our minds generate different They differ from hypnotherapists in that they use hypnosis
frequencies depending on our state of consciousness. There mainly to refresh the subject’s memory, not solve problems.
are four such states: full consciousness (14-35 Hz), the hyp- Forensic Hypnotists conduct their interviews in the presence
notic state (8-13 Hz), the dream state (4-7 Hz), and the sleep of other forensic investigators, such as composite artists.
state (.5-3 Hz). Whenever we go to sleep and wake up, we These hypnotists make audio or video recordings of the
pass through all four states of consciousness. We also expe- proceedings, whereas hypnotherapy sessions are conducted
rience the hypnotic state when daydreaming, meditating, in private.
reading, watching television, or listening to music. Forensic Hypnotists help witnesses and crime victims
Hypnosis is a state of mind that can also be induced remember license plate numbers, the faces of criminals, and
through the guidance of a hypnotist who may use any one of other details of events. They follow specific steps and pro-
several methods to induce the hypnotic state. Some people cedures to conduct each investigative hypnosis interview.
use hypnotism to enhance their mental focus, imagination, Their first step is to introduce themselves to the victim or
memory, creativity, and receptiveness to suggestion. Profes- witness. Before the hypnosis begins, Forensic Hypnotists
sionals known as hypnotherapists use hypnosis as a thera- explain the procedure and reassure the subject that the pro-
peutic tool to help patients work through their problems or cedure is safe, the subject will retain awareness of the pro-
on self-improvement. Hypnotherapy is contrasted with other ceedings, and nothing out of the ordinary will occur. These
212        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

hypnotists take notes, beginning with the introductory stage mony, hypnosis sessions, and other services that they offer.
and continuing throughout the session. Fees vary, depending on their experience, qualifications,
After the introductory stage, Forensic Hypnotists induce geographic location, and other factors. Specific fee infor-
hypnosis by using one of several induction methods that mation for Forensic Hypnotists is unavailable, but accord-
include relaxation techniques and visual focusing techniques. ing to, fees for hypnotherapists generally range
When the subject is hypnotized, the hypnotist guides him or between $50 and $150 per hour.
her to regress in time to describe events, describe suspects, or
to provide relevant information about the case. For example, Employment Prospects
Forensic Hypnotists may use a technique in which the subject
Forensic hypnosis is a voluntary detail for law enforcement
is asked to imagine entering a movie theater where the movie
officers. They may perform this duty in addition to their
is about the crime or other relevant event. As the subject
primary duty as a patrol officer, criminal investigator, or
relives his or her memory of the event, he or she describes the
another position.
scene. The hypnotist suggests that the “movie” can be fast-
The prospects for private Forensic Hypnotists within a
forwarded, reversed, or freeze-framed. In the subject’s mind,
location depend on the demand for their expertise and on
the events may be traumatic, but they are able to observe the
the number of similar consultants in the area. Those willing
proceedings in a relaxed and serene manner.
to travel to other locations have more opportunities to obtain
When the session is finished, the hypnotist brings the
work. Most private practitioners offer other services, such as
subject back to full consciousness and reviews the session.
counseling and hypnosis training.
The subject may remember more details at a later date, and
the hypnotist encourages follow-up reports. Forensic Hyp-
notists compile their notes and recordings of their hypnosis Advancement Prospects
sessions, and maintain the chain of custody. Forensic Hypnotists realize advancement through job satis-
Forensic Hypnotists use their techniques to interview faction, by gaining professional recognition, and by earning
civil defendants, suspects, witnesses, and crime victims as higher incomes. Many also measure success by being sought
well as people who are involved in accidents, disputes, or by attorneys for very complex or publicized cases.
other incidents. They cannot guarantee that the information
they obtain from their subjects is fully truthful or reliable. Education and Training
Forensic Hypnotists realize that memories are not always
Forensic hypnosis training programs are sponsored by pro-
recalled accurately. They must also be careful that they do
fessional hypnosis associations and postsecondary schools.
not enable the subject to create false memories. Hence, they
Some professional Forensic Hypnotists offer training work-
always tape their hypnosis sessions to ensure that they do
shops at conferences or through their own businesses. Many
not ask leading questions. For this and other reasons, many
instructors are former law enforcement officers who pro-
states do not allow memories retrieved under hypnosis to be
vided forensic hypnosis services for their forces.
admitted as evidence in court.
Throughout their careers, Forensic Hypnotists enroll in
Forensic Hypnotists are subject to rigorous scrutiny, par-
continuing education and training programs to update their
ticularly by opposing attorneys in a case. They must be able to
skills and knowledge.
prove that their background and qualifications are fully doc-
umented. False testimony may lead to lawsuits filed against
these hypnotists. Forensic Hypnotists may testify in court as Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
fact witnesses, expert witnesses, or consulting experts. Fact Prospective clients typically hire Forensic Hypnotists who
witnesses are hypnotists who actually conducted the hypno- have many years of experience in the hypnosis field. They are
sis interview. Expert witnesses testify about the hypnosis that usually highly accomplished and recognized in their field.
someone else conducted. Consulting experts testify that a To succeed at consulting work, individuals need excel-
hypnosis session was conducted properly. lent organizational, self-management, communication, and
Forensic Hypnotists offer their services on a consultancy interpersonal skills. Being articulate, fair, trustworthy, unbi-
basis. Many of them are professional hypnotists and hypno- ased, diligent, and calm are some personality traits that suc-
therapists. Some work in other professions, such as social cessful forensic consultants have in common.
work, counseling, and psychiatry. Others are law enforce-
ment officers who conduct hypnosis sessions only when Unions and Associations
Professional associations for hypnotists are available. They
offer professional certification, training programs, network-
Salaries ing opportunities, and other professional resources and ser-
As consultants, Forensic Hypnotists may charge an hourly, vices. The National Guild of Hypnotists and the American
daily, or flat rate for initial consultation, courtroom testi- Council of Hypnotist Examiners are just two examples of

societies that Forensic Hypnotists might join. For contact 2. Are you a police officer whose force uses hypnosis
information, see Appendix III. services? Let your supervisor know about your inter-
est in learning forensic hypnosis.
Tips for Entry 3. As a private consultant, contact attorneys and law
1. Carefully research a forensic hypnosis training pro- enforcement agencies directly to let them know that
gram before enrolling in it. Ask questions such as: you offer forensic hypnosis services.
Is the program recognized by professional associa- 4. Use the Internet to learn more about the field of foren-
tions and reputable Forensic Hypnotists? What is the sic hypnosis. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter
instructor’s background? Where are former students any of these keywords into a search engine: forensic
working? If possible, ask former or current students hypnotists, forensic hypnosis, or investigative hypno-
about their experience with the training program. sis. For some links, see Appendix IV.
214        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide expert opinions on mental health issues

related to legal matters; may provide litigation consulting Senior Forensic Psychiatrist
services; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Psychiatrist, Forensic Psychiatrist Con-

Forensic Psychiatrist
Salary Range: $60,000 to $146,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Psychiatrist

Education or Training—A medical degree; psychiatry
and forensic psychiatry training
Experience—Several years of clinical experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Critical-think-
ing, organizational, self-management, interpersonal,
communication, and presentation skills; honest, trust-
worthy, unbiased, patient, dedicated, and flexible
Special Requirements—Medical license; board certifi-
cation usually preferred

Position Description Forensic Psychiatrists normally deal with cases that are
Psychiatry is a branch of medical science dedicated to the covered by four major areas of law: civil law, criminal law,
study of mental disorders, their causes, how to treat them, family law, and regulatory law. In matters of civil law, these
and how to prevent them. Psychiatrists diagnose mental, emo- professionals provide evaluations and opinions about the
tional, or behavioral problems in addition to physical ailments mental competence of individuals to do certain things, such
and provide treatment options for their patients, including as get married, make a will, sign a contract, take care of chil-
prescriptions. They keep up to date with new methods and dren, or refuse medical treatment. Forensic Psychiatrists work
technologies that aid them in their work. Psychiatrists stand on behalf of attorneys to address mental health issues in civil
in contrast to psychologists, who are not medical doctors. lawsuits involving personal injury, product liability, sexual
Forensic Psychiatrists are specialists who focus on legal harassment, workers’ compensation, or job discrimination.
matters. In the capacity of being expert witnesses, these These medical professionals work in criminal law to
psychiatrists do not provide therapy or other treatments, as conduct evaluations of adult and juvenile defendants and
would clinical psychiatrists. Instead, these specialists per- offer opinions about whether such individuals are mentally
form psychiatric evaluations of individuals in the context of competent to stand trial, to waive legal representation, to
legal issues and provide lawyers and courts with their expert be sentenced, or to be executed. Forensic Psychiatrists also
opinions. These doctors also help lawyers and juries under- give expert testimony on the mental conditions of such
stand mental disorders relevant to criminal and civil matters. defendants at the time of the trial as well as their mental
Nevertheless, Forensic Psychiatrists have clinical experi- state at the time the crime took place.
ence and expertise, which, along with scientific research, Family law is an area in which Forensic Psychiatrists
they call upon to perform their evaluations or present their work on cases involving divorce, children or adults in need of
opinions. supervision, or other matters brought before family courts.

Forensic Psychiatrists consult in matters pertinent to reg- case, but never both. This is to prevent any conflicts of inter-
ulatory law, which includes laws that establish oversight est, as well as to ensure that their contribution to a case is
of health care systems or government programs such as objective and unbiased.
Medicare. They work on cases involving the rights of incar- Many Forensic Psychiatrists maintain their private prac-
cerated or committed individuals. They are involved with tices. Their forensic duties may constitute a small proportion
regulations pertaining to care and treatment standards. of their normal psychiatric practice. Some of them perform
Some of the areas of expertise that Forensic Psychia- clinical work with parolees, probationers, and crime vic-
trists utilize in their work include mental health malpractice, tims. Other Forensic Psychiatrists are employed in prisons
criminal justice and public safety, and employment litiga- and forensic hospitals where their patients are prisoners.
tion. In malpractice cases, civil or criminal attorneys may During their working day, Forensic Psychiatrists read
call upon Forensic Psychiatrists to testify about the efforts extensively, particularly medical records and legal docu-
mental health professionals make to provide appropriate ments or other information pertinent to their current case­
care to patients. Forensic Psychiatrists may work with indi- load. They interview people to evaluate their mental health
viduals, companies, or government agencies to investigate and write reports of their findings. Many cases are settled
whether employee claims of emotional or mental disabil- before they go to court (or other legal hearing) due in large
ity are the result of stress factors in the workplace. They part to the written documentation that Forensic Psychiatrists
may work with correctional institutions to evaluate criminal prepare. These professionals also read books and journals
defendants for psychiatric disorders, or to review the testi- to keep up to date with new developments in the psychiatric
mony of other experts. profession as well as in forensic psychiatry. Forensic Psy-
chiatrists attend training seminars and professional confer-
In addition to criminal and civil trials, Forensic Psychia-
ences as part of their continuing career development. They
trists provide expert witness services for other types of legal
may also teach at these events.
hearings, including juvenile court hearings, family court
Many Forensic Psychiatrists hold faculty appointments
hearings, administrative hearings, alternative conflict resolu-
in universities and medical schools where they teach courses
tion conferences, and legislative hearings. Forensic Psychia-
in forensics and psychiatry. In addition, they conduct inde-
trists are objective when it comes to offering their opinions
pendent research studies, produce scholarly works about
about their cases. They may work with either plaintiff or their research, and perform other duties as required of their
defense attorneys but they do not take sides. Their job is to positions as full-time professors.
determine facts about the case and deliver their evaluations Forensic Psychiatrists have flexible work schedules.
based upon those facts. Forensic Psychiatrists often fulfill They sometimes travel to other cities and states for their
a teaching role in these hearings. They inform the judges, work. These professionals often work with highly disturbed
juries, or hearing panels about the medical science of psy- individuals with violent histories. They also work with law
chiatry and help them to understand emotional disorders, enforcement, corrections, and hospital personnel within
stress syndromes, or mental illnesses, as well as the needs of prisons or mental health facilities.
those suffering from such conditions.
Although Forensic Psychiatrists conduct assessments for
legal matters, they are still obligated to maintain confiden- Salaries
tiality about the information that individuals give them. Specific salary information for Forensic Psychiatrists is
They make sure that confidential information is not given to unavailable. Their earnings are similar to psychiatrists, in
unauthorized persons. general. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employ-
Most Forensic Psychiatrists also offer litigation consult- ment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta-
tistics, the estimated annual salary for most psychiatrists
ing services to attorneys to help them prepare their cases for
ranged between $60,900 and $145,600.
trial. They may review and evaluate cases to establish the
Consultants typically charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate
facts and to help attorneys decide whether the cases should
for the different services—such as research, evaluations,
be handled by civil lawsuit or criminal trial. They assist
and expert witness testimony—that they offer. Hourly fees
attorneys with understanding mental illnesses and the issues
range between $150 and $500 or more per hour. Consultants
such illnesses may bring to a case. Forensic Psychiatrists
may be reimbursed for expenses such as telephone calls,
help to identify and recruit other expert witnesses as well as
photocopying, and travel time.
suggest questions the attorneys may ask during the course of
a trial or hearing. They may help attorneys with jury selec-
tion by providing feedback about potential jurors. These Employment Prospects
forensic experts also may suggest strategies for presenting Staff and academic positions usually become available
clear and effective testimony. as Forensic Psychiatrists retire, transfer to other jobs, or
Forensic Psychiatrists are ethically bound to provide advance to higher positions. Employers will create additional
either litigation consulting or expert witness services for a positions to meet growing needs if funding is available.
216        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Opportunities are expected to remain favorable for Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Forensic Psychiatrists. Attorneys, for example, continually To be expert witnesses, Forensic Psychiatrists must have
seek reputable forensic experts to provide them with expert several years of clinical experience handling issues (such
witness or litigation support services. as workers’ compensation, violence, or personal injury) that
Employment prospects for forensic consultants within a they would be addressing in court. In addition, they must be
location depend on the demand for their particular expertise familiar with laws and regulations that apply to the cases for
and on the number of similar consultants in the area. Those which they are consulting.
willing to travel to other locations may have more opportu- Forensic Psychiatrists need excellent critical thinking,
nities to obtain consulting work. organizational, self-management, and interpersonal skills.
They must also have effective communication and presen-
Advancement Prospects tation skills, as they must be able to convey technical con-
cepts in language that attorneys, judges, and juries can
Forensic Psychiatrists advance according to their interests
comprehend. Being honest, trustworthy, unbiased, patient,
and ambitions. Staff psychiatrists can pursue administrative
dedicated, and flexible are some personality traits that suc-
and managerial positions within their organizations. Entre-
cessful Forensic Psychiatrists share.
preneurial specialists can become consultants or open a solo
practice in addition to offering forensic consulting services.
Many Forensic Psychiatrists measure success through Unions and Associations
job satisfaction, by gaining professional recognition, and by Many Forensic Psychiatrists belong to various professional
earning higher incomes. associations to take advantage of professional certification,
publications, continuing education, networking opportuni-
ties, and other professional resources and services. Some
Education and Training
national societies that serve their interests include:
Preparing for a career in forensic psychiatry involves a
long and intense formal education program. Individuals • American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
must first earn a bachelor’s degree, which may be in any • American College of Forensic Psychiatry
field, then complete four years of medical school to earn • American Psychiatric Association
a doctor of medicine (M.D.) degree or a doctor of oste- • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
opathy (D.O.) degree. They then complete a three- to • American Medical Association
four-year residency program in psychiatry, which involves
clinical training under the supervision of physicians. They For contact information for these societies, see Appen-
learn about inpatient and outpatient treatment, medication dix III.
management, crisis evaluations, and other subjects. To
specialize in forensic psychiatry, psychiatrists carry out a
fellowship in that specialty to obtain proper training and Tips for Entry
practical experience. 1. Be sure you understand what the forensic psychiatry
field is all about before committing yourself to it. Talk
with professionals as well as read books and profes-
Special Requirements sional journals.
All states, as well as Washington, D.C. and the U.S. ter- 2. Apply to medical schools that offer psychiatry as a
ritories, require Forensic Psychiatrists to possess a medical clinical specialty.
license. Requirements vary from state to state. For specific 3. You must be highly competent as a psychiatrist before
information, contact the medical licensing board that gov- entering the field of forensic psychiatry.
erns the jurisdiction in which you plan to practice. 4. Learn about job vacancies through various sources
Attorneys and employers usually prefer to hire board- such as colleagues, professional journals, and profes-
certified Forensic Psychiatrists. This is a voluntary certifi- sional societies.
cation and is granted by the American Board of Psychiatry 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic psy-
and Neurology. (See Appendix II for contact information.) chiatry. You might start by visiting the Web site for
To obtain this designation, Forensic Psychiatrists must the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.
first be board-certified psychiatrists, which is granted by Its URL is For more links, see
the same board. Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide expert witness and litigation support ser-

vices; provide treatment and counseling to criminal Senior Forensic Psychologist
suspects and convicts; conduct research; perform other
duties as required of their particular position

Alternate Title(s): None

Forensic Psychologist
Salary Range: $33,000 to $104,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Doctoral Student

Education or Training—Doctoral degree in psychology
usually required
Experience—Requires several years of work experience
to become an expert witness
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Research, ana-
lytical, presentation, communication, interpersonal, and
teamwork skills; patient, adaptable, curious, trustworthy,
unbiased, and compassionate
Special Requirements—Must be a licensed or certi-
fied psychologist to provide assessment and treatment

Position Description assist them with choosing jurors. Forensic Psychologists

Psychologists are scientists who study the human mind and also analyze mentally ill criminals. Many of them conduct
human behavior. They are not to be confused with psychia- research and teach in academic institutions. Some work
trists, who are medical doctors. Psychologists are academi- within or contribute to the design of prisons and correc-
cians and scientists who conduct research and who provide tional mental health facilities.
nonmedical treatments to patients. Forensic Psychologists The field of forensic psychology is composed of vari-
are trained in the area of law in addition to the science of ous subfields. One of these is clinical forensic psychology,
psychology. Their expertise lies in such areas as legal psy- which is principally concerned with the evaluation and treat-
chology, police psychology, correctional psychology, the ment of individuals who suffer from a broad range of mental
psychology of crime, and victimology. illnesses. Forensic Psychologists conduct these procedures
Forensic Psychologists apply their scientific knowledge in such settings as law enforcement agencies, prisons, state
to the legal issues pertinent to civil and criminal cases. They hospitals, mental health clinics, juvenile halls, and academic
provide treatment and counseling to individuals within a institutions. Their examination subjects may be involved in
legal or correctional context. Attorneys often retain these civil cases or in the process of being committed to a mental
professional men and women to provide expert witness tes- health institution.
timony on psychological issues relevant to cases involving Criminal suspects and convicts within adult or juvenile
domestic violence, divorce, child custody, arson, substance correctional institutions are also evaluated and treated by
abuse, personal injury, or workers’ compensation issues. clinical forensic psychologists for various purposes. For
Additionally, attorneys look to Forensic Psychologists to example, these forensic experts examine them to estab-
218        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

lish their level of competency, to predict or prevent their • research the success rate of treatment methods
future potential to be dangerous, or to help them function in • attend meetings with attorneys, prison personnel, or police
society upon release. Those professionals who work in cor- officers to discuss cases
rectional institutions may specialize in individual or group • write scholarly papers about research results for publica-
therapy techniques. tion in professional journals
Other subfields of forensic psychology include:
Forensic Psychologists work in a variety of environ-
• social psychology, in which Forensic Psychologists study ments. They may be self-employed as licensed psycholo-
jury panels to learn how jurors interact with each other gists who have their own practice. Many, however, work
and come to agreement about verdicts for private or government organizations as employees or
• cognitive psychology, in which Forensic Psychologists contractors. Forensic Psychologists in the public sector are
study how others involved in legal cases arrive at their employed by government health agencies, prisons, police
decisions departments, court systems, military branches, and govern-
• criminal investigative psychology, in which these profes- ment-run mental hospitals. In the private arena, Forensic
sionals study police psychology and criminal psychology Psychologists work for hospitals, residential facilities, drug
• developmental psychology, in which Forensic Psycholo- rehabilitation centers, and counseling offices. Some of them
gists direct their attention to official policies regarding work for attorneys or legal advocacy organizations. Oth-
juveniles or elders with mental problems and their special ers are university instructors or professors who conduct
legal needs research or teach such classes as psychology and criminal
Many Forensic Psychologists work in universities, medi- The work that Forensic Psychologists do can be exciting
cal schools, hospitals, research institutes, and clinics where and rewarding, yet may also involve working with danger-
they conduct research or teach. Some of these men and ous individuals. The threat of physical intimidation and
women work with law enforcement agencies where they injury is a very real factor that they must face. Some of the
assist with criminal investigations. They create psychologi- people for whom Forensic Psychologists testify or provide
cal profiles of typical criminals and of certain crimes. Some counseling may exhibit behavior or attitudes that they find
Forensic Psychologists perform various duties within the objectionable or unacceptable. In such cases, Forensic Psy-
judicial system, such as evaluating defendants for their abil- chologists need to maintain their professional decorum and
ity to stand trial or investigating cases of abused or neglected conduct their examinations in an objective fashion. Forensic
children. Psychologists may find expert witness testimony a stressful
In the capacity of expert witnesses, Forensic Psychologists experience when facing the scrutiny of attorneys who seek
may testify only on issues for which they have been deemed to discredit their opinions.
qualified by the court. Attorneys use these expert witnesses
for either one of two purposes: to explain specific psychologi- Salaries
cal concepts in laymen’s terms so that judges and juries can
Salaries for Forensic Psychologists vary, depending on such
fully understand them, and to present their opinions about
factors as their experience, the nature of their work, their
defendants based on their professional evaluations.
work setting, and their geographic location. Specific sal-
Many Forensic Psychologists offer litigation consulting
ary information for this occupation is unavailable. However,
services as a supplementary activity. However, they are ethi-
the estimated annual salary for most clinical psychologists
cally bound to provide either consulting or expert witness
ranged between $35,280 and $102,730, according to the
services on a case, but not both. This limitation prevents
May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
conflicts of interest and also ensures that their expert testi-
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey also reports that
mony is objective and unbiased.
most postsecondary psychology teachers earned an estimated
Forensic Psychologists attend to specific tasks, depend-
annual salary that ranged between $32,800 and $104,390.
ing upon where they work and their subfield. They may:
As consultants, Forensic Psychologists may earn an
hourly, daily, or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions,
• mediate divorce cases and child custody agreements
courtroom testimony, and other services that they offer.
• assist with the selection, placement, and subsequent per-
formance evaluation of law enforcement, military, or
security personnel Employment Prospects
• consult with organizational managers to establish proce- Staff and academic positions typically become available as
dures to deal with violent incidents individuals transfer to other jobs, advance to higher posi-
• design evaluation and treatment programs for either men- tions, or retire. Employers will create additional positions to
tally disturbed criminals or victims meet growing staff needs, as long as funding is available.

In general, opportunities are expected to be favorable for not required to be licensed. However, having a state license
Forensic Psychologists in the years to come. Some experts may enhance one’s credibility as an expert witness.
in the field expect the greatest number of opportunities will
be in the legal industry.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Employers generally hire candidates who have work experi-
Advancement Prospects ence related to the positions for which they apply. Novice
Forensic Psychologists may advance in any number of Forensic Psychologists may have gained their experience
ways, depending on their ambitions and interests. They can through research assistantships, postdoctoral training, vol-
specialize in a particular area. Those with administrative unteer work, or employment.
and managerial talents can seek such positions within their Attorneys typically retain Forensic Psychologists who
organizations. Individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions have several years of experience in their specialties, and
can become solo practitioners. who are also familiar with the law and legal procedures.
Academicians can rise through the teaching ranks from Forensic Psychologists need strong research, analytical,
instructor to full professor. Additionally, they can be granted presentation, communication, interpersonal, and teamwork
tenure at their institution. Tenured professors are assured a skills to be effective at their job. Being patient, adaptable,
teaching job for life. They cannot be fired without just cause curious, trustworthy, unbiased, and compassionate are some
and due process. personality traits that successful Forensic Psychologists share.

Education and Training Unions and Associations

To become a Forensic Psychologist, students generally need Many Forensic Psychologists join professional associations
to obtain a doctoral degree in psychology. Students who to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
want to assess and treat patients usually earn a doctor’s education, professional certification, and other professional
resources and services. Professional societies are available
degree in psychology (Psy.D.); those who plan to focus on
locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
doing research work generally earn a doctor of philosophy
Some national societies that serve the diverse interests of these
degree (Ph.D.) in psychology.
forensic experts are the American Psychology-Law Society,
Individuals can also be Forensic Psychologists with
the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, the Ameri-
only a master’s degree in clinical psychology. However,
can College of Forensic Psychology, the American Academy
they usually work under the supervision of doctoral degree
of Forensic Sciences, and the American Psychological Asso-
holders. ciation. For contact information, see Appendix III.
Formal training for doctoral degrees takes several years
of dedication. Students first complete a four-year bachelor’s
degree program in psychology or another behavioral science Tips for Entry
field, and then enter a one- or two-year master’s degree pro- 1. As an undergraduate student, get an idea if forensic
gram in psychology. Ph.D. candidates complete a three-year psychology is the right field for you. You might, for
program, while clinical psychology candidates complete a example, obtain an internship or do volunteer work at
four-year program, followed by a one-year internship. a correctional facility.
Many doctoral graduates obtain postdoctoral fellowships 2. Attend workshops and conferences given by profes-
to continue training in their specialties. sional associations to broaden your knowledge and
Throughout their careers, Forensic Psychologists enroll understanding about the field.
in continuing education programs to update their skills and 3. Many Forensic Psychologists enhance their employ-
keep up with advancements in their fields. ability and credibility by obtaining professional cer-
tification. For information about some certification
programs, see Appendix II.
Special Requirements 4. Use the Internet to learn more about the field of foren-
Forensic Psychologists who provide forensic assessment sic psychology. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites,
and treatment services must obtain licenses or certification enter the keywords forensic psychology or forensic
in the states where they plan to practice. Those who conduct psychologists into a search engine. For some links, see
research, teach, consult, or are involved in policy making are Appendix IV.
220        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and other clients; conduct assessments on individuals; Forensic Rehabilitation Consultant
prepare reports; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Vocational Rehabilitation Expert

Salary Range: Unavailable Novice Forensic Rehabilitation

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Prerequisites: Vocational Rehabilitation Professional

Education or Training—An advanced degree generally
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical,
problem-solving, organizational, self-management,
research, writing, communication, and interpersonal
skills; believable, trustworthy, unbiased, fair, thorough,
and inquisitive
Special Requirements—State license, certification, or
registration as a professional counselor may be needed

Position Description Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants may not necessarily

Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants are experts in voca- work directly with clients, although they use their rehabili-
tional rehabilitation. They apply the principles and tech- tation counseling expertise to contribute to the resolution of
niques of their profession to provide expert opinions in disputes in courts, workers’ compensation hearings, or other
legal matters. Their primary role is to assess the employ- appropriate venues. These professionals are usually private
ability and the future care needs of individuals as well as the practitioners who offer services directly to attorneys, insur-
economic damages they suffered due to personal injuries, ance companies (including workers’ compensation insur-
medical malpractice, lack of spousal support, labor-related ance agencies), employers, and others.
issues such as wrongful termination, or other circumstances Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants study injury cases to
involving financial loss. ascertain the type and amount of loss of present and future
In general, vocational rehabilitation professionals are earnings suffered by the injured client. Their studies and
rehabilitation counselors, registered nurses, and life care resulting reports assist courts and alternative dispute resolu-
planners, among others. They work with clients who have tion panels to evaluate the damages suffered by the client,
physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental disabilities. the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatments, the client’s
Their job is to help clients achieve their goals to lead pro- ability to return to the workforce, and the need to award,
ductive and independent lives. In terms of their clients’ continue, or terminate compensation and disability claims.
vocational needs, vocational rehabilitation professionals These consultants also acquire facts about injured workers
evaluate their strengths and limitations, design rehabilita- regarding their compliance with the provisions of their insur-
tion treatment plans, provide vocational counseling, and ance or benefits claim. When a claimant evidently strays
arrange for vocational training, job placement, and other from a prescribed course of action, Forensic Rehabilitation
services. Consultants must investigate the claimant’s status and report

the findings to the insurance carrier or government benefits tion. Specific salary information for Forensic Rehabilitation
agency. These forensic experts may be called upon to testify Consultants is unavailable. The Web site reported
in a court setting regarding such findings. At that time, they that as of December 2006, most vocational rehabilitation coun-
would present the history of the claimant’s case, including selors earned between $42,901 and $58,353 per year.
the injury and treatments as well as whatever restrictions or
job-seeking activities were given to the claimant. Employment Prospects
In personal injury or workplace injury cases, Forensic
Some Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants are independent
Rehabilitation Consultants are also called upon to complete
practitioners, while others are employed by vocational reha-
and report on an objective analysis of a claimant’s earning
bilitation firms that offer forensic services.
potential. Such an analysis may include interviewing the
Staff positions typically become available as associates
claimant in addition to reviewing documents pertaining to
advance to higher positions, transfer to other jobs, or leave
the claim. They factor such information as the claimant’s
the workforce for various reasons. Employers create addi-
past work and earnings history, the earnings that were lost
tional positions as their businesses expand.
due to the injury, the loss of access to work opportunities, the
In general, opportunities are favorable, as litigation law-
amount of impairment imposed on the claimant by the injury,
yers and insurance companies continually seek credible and
what new employment the claimant is qualified to perform,
reputable Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants.
and the current offerings in the local job market. In cases of
catastrophic injury, Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants also
provide their estimates of the cost of future rehabilitative Advancement Prospects
treatments, education, medical expenses, and modifications Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants realize advancement by
to the claimant’s home, as well as other needs. earning higher incomes and gaining professional recogni-
Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants follow similar tion. Many also measure success by being sought by attor-
assessment procedures with every case. They: neys for very complex or publicized cases.
Employees in consulting firms can pursue administrative
• assess the injured person’s skills and managerial positions within their organizations. The
• evaluate the claimant’s vocational aptitudes, educational top goal for entrepreneurial individuals is to start their own
achievements, physical abilities, and career interests consulting business.
• discuss the issues that concern the attorneys assigned to
the case
Education and Training
• request, acquire, and read pertinent medical and tax
Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants normally have master’s
or doctoral degrees in rehabilitation counseling, counseling
• research local, regional, and national job markets, wage
psychology, or another related field.
scales, and transferable skills potential
Vocational rehabilitation professionals generally learn
• calculate a vocational disability rating based on the phy-
about forensic issues and techniques on the job. They also
sician’s medical impairment rating, the injured person’s
enroll in courses, seminars, and workshops that are offered
skill level, availability of suitable employment opportuni-
by professional associations and other organizations.
ties, and available pay scales
Throughout their careers, Forensic Rehabilitation Con-
• write a detailed report including the claimant’s family,
sultants enroll in continuing education and training pro-
work, educational, and medical background, as well as
grams to update their skills and keep up with advancements
present medical circumstances and vocational assessment
in their fields.
• provide expert opinion and witness services to the courts

Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants work in office set- Special Requirements

tings. They may travel to visit insurance company personnel, Consultants who provide rehabilitation counseling may be
claimants, or attorneys. These professionals work 40-hour required to be licensed, certified, or registered as profes-
weeks, but may put in extra hours to complete tasks, meet sional counselors in the states where they work. For specific
with attorneys or insurance representatives, or participate in information, contact the state board that grants licenses to
training workshops. As expert witnesses, Forensic Rehabili- professional counselors in the jurisdiction where you plan
tation Consultants may face intense scrutiny by attorneys of to practice.
opposing parties, which can be emotionally demanding.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Salaries Attorneys, insurance companies, and others seek Forensic
Salaries for staff consultants vary, depending on such factors Rehabilitation Consultants who have established themselves
as their education, experience, employer, and geographic loca- as being accomplished in their field. They retain consultants
222        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
successfully complete their projects. Typically, vocational • American College of Forensic Examiners
rehabilitation professionals have many years of work expe-
rience before becoming forensic consultants. For contact information, see Appendix III.
To be effective consultants, vocational rehabilitation pro-
fessionals need strong analytical, problem-solving, orga- Tips for Entry
nizational, self-management, research, and writing skills. 1. As a vocational rehabilitation professional, take
In addition, they must have excellent communication and advantage of opportunities to work on forensic cases.
interpersonal skills, as they must be able to work well with 2. Many consulting firms maintain a presence on the Inter-
attorneys, clients, and others from diverse backgrounds. net as a marketing tool to generate new business. Some
Being believable, trustworthy, unbiased, fair, thorough, and of them post job vacancies that are currently available.
inquisitive are some personality traits that successful Foren- 3. Many Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants have obtained
sic Rehabilitation Consultants have in common. professional certification from recognized organiza-
tions to enhance their professional credibility. Typically,
applicants for voluntary certification must meet strict
Unions and Associations
requirements. For information about some professional
Many Forensic Rehabilitation Consultants join various soci- certification programs, see Appendix II.
eties to take advantage of such professional resources and 4. Consultants are often referred to lawyers and insur-
services as professional certification, continuing education, ance companies by former clients.
and networking opportunities. Some national professional 5. Use the Internet to learn more about the forensic
associations include: rehabilitation field. To get a list of relevant Web sites,
enter any of these keywords into a search engine:
• International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals forensic rehabilitation consultants, forensic rehabili-
• American Rehabilitation Economics Association tation experts, or forensic vocational rehabilitation
• American Board of Vocational Experts counselors. For some links, see Appendix IV.



Duties: Conduct forensic evaluations of criminal suspects,

criminals, and victims; provide expert assessments to Senior Forensic Social Worker
attorneys, courts, and law enforcement agencies; perform
other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Social Worker; Forensic Consultant

Forensic Social Worker
Salary Range: $26,000 to $69,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Social Worker

Education or Training—Bachelor’s or master’s degree
in social work
Experience—Several years of experience in one’s field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Writing, orga-
nizational, self-management, teamwork, interpersonal,
and communication skills; ethical, trustworthy, patient,
objective, detail-oriented, and persistent
Special Requirements—State license, certification, or
registration may be required

Position Description psychiatric hospitals, prisons, attorney’s offices, juvenile

Social work is a counseling and guidance profession. It is detention centers, or social service agencies. Some of them
also a field that involves community action, social planning, serve as probation officers.
research, and administrative work. Social workers help Forensic Social Workers provide social services support
individuals or groups function effectively in society and to attorneys, the courts, and law enforcement personnel.
overcome the obstacles that life may present. These pro- They may work with either side of a particular court case
fessionals offer their services through various government or they may provide client-based services. The work of
agencies, charities, health clinics, religious groups, or social Forensic Social Workers entails such functions as serving as
advocacy organizations. Social workers may specialize in expert witnesses, negotiating alternative sentencing for pris-
specific areas of interest such as health care, child welfare, oners, educating law enforcement or court personnel about
family services, mental health, immigration issues, elder social concerns, or helping to settle employment disputes.
issues, criminal justice, research, advocacy, arbitration, or Forensic Social Workers provide social services to crim-
education. They may also work in the areas of planning inal suspects, prisoners, and crime victims. They also work
and policy making. Whatever their specialty, social work- with convicts to help them make the transition from prison
ers strive to alleviate social problems such as homelessness, life to life as parolees and free citizens. Some clients may
drug addiction, poverty, violence, and crime that impact the be mentally ill, marginally educated, or habitual crimi-
lives of people from every strata of society. nals. These professionals do not diagnose mental illness
One specialty of social work is in the area of forensics. or provide the same sort of counseling as psychologists
Forensic Social Workers apply their expertise to the legal or psychiatrists. Rather, Forensic Social Workers seek to
issues pertinent to crime, civil litigation, and family court understand their clients’ backgrounds and living circum-
disputes. These men and women work in such settings as stances. They help clients work through life problems such
224        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

as difficulties with marriage, child rearing, or other social • develop and distribute social service information
responsibilities. • work together with law enforcement and legal personnel
Forensic Social Workers often work with clients who to reduce recidivism rates
are ill equipped to explain their circumstances to attorneys, • teach or train university students in domestic violence
judges, or juries. For example, many of their clients are issues and other areas of concern
immigrants who faced insurmountable difficulties in their
birth nations and continue to negotiate obstacles such as These forensic experts also keep up to date with the latest
language barriers, cultural differences, or difficulty finding developments in social work, including government rules
meaningful work. regarding social service benefits.
Forensic Social Workers are skilled with interviewing Forensic Social Workers mainly work in office environ-
and investigative techniques, which they use to elicit infor- ments in a variety of settings. They may travel to provide
mation from their clients, families, and associates. They expert witness services to courts. These professionals work
establish trust and empathy with their clients and learn as 40 hours per week, but may put in extra hours to complete
much as they can about the aspects of their clients’ lives tasks.
that pertain to their particular case. These professionals ask Forensic social work can be stressful and emotionally
their clients questions about their childhood, family life, demanding. Forensic Social Workers may work with clients
how they faced life problems in the past, what traumas they who have unusual, emotionally charged, or heart-wrenching
suffered, and their feelings about life in general, as well as problems. These professionals must balance their genuine
other life issues. empathy for their clients with a measure of professional
Forensic Social Workers compile reports of their find- detachment.
ings to submit to the courts to enable attorneys, judges, and
juries to better understand the clients’ motivation for com- Salaries
mitting crimes, neglecting family duties, failing to report
Salaries for Forensic Social Workers vary, depending on
to work, or behaving in ways that create tensions in their
such factors as their education, experience, employer, and
communities. Oftentimes attorneys are interested only in
geographic location. Specific salary information for this
the facts of the crime or civil dispute and do not necessarily
occupation is unavailable. According to the May 2006
take a defendant’s cultural imperatives or traumatic personal
Occupational Employment Statistics survey, by the U.S.
history into account. Forensic Social Workers carefully help
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most social workers who
their clients to tell their story, which may be their entire life
were not listed separately in the survey earned an estimated
story and involve input from the clients’ parents, siblings,
annual salary that ranged between $25,540 and $68,500.
and offspring.
As consultants, Forensic Social Workers charge an
The reports that these social workers submit include a
hourly, daily, or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions,
thorough rendering of a client’s background as well as the
courtroom testimony, and other services that they offer.
social worker’s clinical assessment of the life factors that
They may also charge for out-of-pocket expenses, such as
led to the events investigated for the case. With this under-
travel time, photocopying, and phone calls.
standing, the courts may be persuaded to lighten sentences
or impose treatment or other rehabilitation processes for
the client to complete, for example. As another example, Employment Prospects
Forensic Social Workers may recommend that children be Many Forensic Social Workers are employed by local and
removed from abusive family settings and placed into foster state government agencies, including departments of health
care. and human services, mental health, and social services.
Forensic Social Workers attend to general social work They also work for prisons and other correctional facilities,
tasks as well as perform duties that are more specific to their psychiatric hospitals, public defenders’ offices, legal assis-
forensic work. They may: tance programs, and social service agencies. Some Forensic
Social Workers, who are clinical social workers, have pri-
• interview clients, evaluate their problems, provide coun- vate practices in which they counsel and treat individuals
seling services, and develop follow-up treatment plans and families.
• keep clear and concise records of each client’s case Forensic social work is a relatively new field, but accord-
• provide alternative sources for guidance to clients ing to some experts, the demand for forensic expertise is
• consult with medical health professionals to obtain their expected to increase in the coming years. Opportunities are
clients’ medical and psychiatric records favorable for experienced Forensic Social Workers.
• administer social service programs The BLS reports that employment for social workers in
• prepare detailed forensic social reports that summarize general is expected to increase by 18 to 26 percent through
forensic client cases for use as testimony in courts 2014. In addition to job growth, social workers will be

needed to replace those who advance to higher positions, Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
transfer to other occupations, retire, or leave the workforce Social workers usually work several years before settling
for various reasons. Government jobs as well as positions in into a career in forensic social work. Those who eventually
organizations that receive government funding may be lim- become forensic consultants have worked for many years in
ited due to strict local, state, or federal budgets. their roles as Forensic Social Workers. Potential clients seek
consultants who are highly accomplished and recognized in
Advancement Prospects their field. In addition, they prefer to retain consultants who
have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to suc-
As staff members, individuals can advance to senior posi-
cessfully complete their projects.
tions, which may include supervisory and managerial duties.
Forensic Social Workers must have excellent writing,
Forensic Social Workers with entrepreneurial ambitions may
organizational, self-management, and teamwork skills for
start their own forensic consulting business and/or private
their job. They also need to have effective interpersonal and
practice, offering clinical services to individuals and groups.
communication skills, as they must be able to work well
Social workers may also choose to pursue academic careers
with clients, colleagues, attorneys, judges, and others from
as teachers and researchers, which requires possession of a
diverse backgrounds. Being ethical, trustworthy, patient,
doctoral degree.
objective, detail-oriented, and persistent are some personal-
ity traits that Forensic Social Workers have in common.
Education and Training
Forensic Social Workers possess either a bachelor’s degree Unions and Associations
in social work or another related field or a master’s degree Many Forensic Social Workers join professional associations
in social work (MSW). Clinical social workers hold either to take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
an MSW or doctoral degree, with a concentration in clinical education programs, and other professional resources and
social work. They also complete a supervised clinical intern- services. Some national societies that serve their interests
ship and at least two years of postgraduate employment in are the National Organization of Forensic Social Work, the
clinical social work under the supervision of licensed clini- American College of Forensic Examiners, and the National
cal social workers. Association of Social Workers. For contact information, see
There are no formal degree programs for forensic social Appendix III.
work, but many social work schools offer an introductory
course in the field. Social workers generally learn about
forensic issues and techniques on the job. They also enroll Tips for Entry
in courses, seminars, and workshops that are offered by pro- 1. Talk with several Forensic Social Workers to get a bet-
fessional associations and other organizations. ter idea of what they do. Also ask them for their sug-
gestions for the type of courses and training that would
help you prepare for a career in forensic social work.
Special Requirements 2. Obtain an internship in a criminal justice setting, such
In the United States, social workers may be required to be as a correctional facility or public defender’s office, to
licensed, certified, or registered in the jurisdiction where gain valuable experience.
they practice. (This includes all 50 states, Washington, D.C., 3. To enhance their employability, many social work-
and the U.S. territories.) A jurisdiction may regulate one, ers obtain professional certification on a voluntary
some, or all of these levels of social work practice: social basis from a recognized professional association. For
workers with a bachelor’s degree, an MSW, an MSW with information about some certification programs, see
two years of postgraduate supervised experience, or an Appendix II.
MSW with two years of postgraduate clinical social work 4. Learn more about the forensic social work field on the
experience. Internet. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter
Requirements vary with each jurisdiction. For specific the keywords forensic social work or forensic social
information, contact the appropriate board of social work workers into a search engine. For some links, see
examiners. Appendix IV.
228        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Perform investigative and/or litigation support ser-

vices; analyze and interpret financial evidence; perform Senior Forensic Accountant
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Examiner

Salary Range: $34,000 to $94,000+ Forensic Accountant

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Assistant Forensic Accountant
Education or Training—A bachelor’s degree; on-the-
job training
Experience—Previous accounting and auditing experi-
ence needed; investigative experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
analytical, research, writing, interpersonal, and commu-
nication skills; curious, objective, detail-oriented, honest,
trustworthy, and creative
Special Requirements—CPA license and professional
fraud examiner certification may be required

Position Description how to obtain relevant information by interviewing suspects

Accountants generally prepare, analyze, verify, and main- and clients.
tain the financial records of their employers or clients. As Many Forensic Accountants are self-employed or work
they gain experience, many accountants specialize in a par- for accounting firms. Some are employed by law enforce-
ticular field of accounting. One such specialty is forensic ment agencies, insurance companies, government agencies,
accounting, in which professionals engage in various legal law firms, and banks, among others. Either as employees or
matters, such as criminal investigations, personal injury contractors, Forensic Accounts perform two major types of
lawsuits, divorce cases, contract disputes, product liability services.
claims, and insurance investigations. For example, Forensic One major service that many Forensic Accounts provide
Accountants might calculate financial damages in breach of is to investigate suspected criminal accounting practices.
contract scenarios, investigate disputes regarding corporate For example, they might provide their services to parties
mergers or acquisitions, or provide assistance in settling concerned with violations of generally accepted accounting
fraud cases. principles including concealed assets, money laundering,
These forensic specialists use accounting, auditing, passing bad checks, and fraudulent actions in the areas of
and investigative skills to analyze and interpret financial bankruptcy, securities, contracts, and credit. Or, for instance,
records. They have the ability to interpret business infor- they might investigate employee theft, real estate fraud, or
mation and are knowledgeable about financial reporting similar cases in which financial records have been destroyed
systems and accounting procedures. Furthermore, Forensic or tampered with.
Accountants understand the processes and procedures for Essentially, Forensic Accountants review, analyze, and
gathering evidence, conducting investigations, and dealing interpret financial evidence, such as bookkeeping records
with litigation. They know where to look for evidence and and forged documents. They provide their employers or

clients with oral and written reports of their findings and most accountants and auditors ranged between $34,470 and
conclusions. They may also offer their recommendations for $94,050.
protecting or recovering assets.
Litigation support is the other major service that many Employment Prospects
Forensic Accountants provide. This service is offered to
Accounting firms, insurance companies, banks, financial
attorneys who are engaged in the litigation of civil or crimi-
companies, law firms, private corporations, law enforce-
nal cases. Forensic Accountants provide various litigation
ment agencies, and government agencies are some organi-
support tasks. For example, they might:
zations that employ Forensic Accountants. Some Forensic
Accountants are independent practitioners.
• review the facts and issues of a case to help attorneys
Experts in the field report that forensic accounting has
determine if there is sufficient evidence to file a lawsuit or
been one of the fastest growing disciplines in accounting
criminal charges
since the 1980s. There should be a constant demand for
• educate lawyers on the basic concepts of accounting
qualified Forensic Accountants through the coming years.
Companies, for example, seek these experts to conduct
• examine financial records to determine specific facts and
internal investigations to prevent and combat fraud. Law
issues, such as the accuracy of financial statements
enforcement agencies and attorneys also need Forensic
• gather additional evidence to support a case
Accountants to assist in such areas as securities investiga-
• interview witnesses
tions, business fraud, intellectual property theft, health care
• prepare reports that can be used for negotiation settlements
fraud, and terrorist investigations.
• develop charts, diagrams, and other demonstrative exhib-
its for trials
Advancement Prospects
Attorneys may also retain Forensic Accountants to
Forensic Accountants can advance in any number of ways,
provide expert witness testimony at depositions, trials, or
depending on their interests, ambitions, and work settings.
alternative dispute resolution meetings. They give sworn
Forensic Accountants with administrative ambitions can
statements about facts or issues about which they are quali-
seek positions as supervisors and managers. In account-
fied to give professional opinions. When Forensic Accoun-
ing firms, Forensic Accountants can rise through the ranks,
tants provide expert witness services, they do not perform
including partner level. Those with entrepreneurial ambi-
any other type of litigation support services. As expert wit-
tions can pursue careers as independent practitioners or
nesses, they are expected to provide objective and unbiased
owners of their accounting firms.
opinions that do not support or oppose either party, includ-
ing the lawyers who have hired them.
Forensic Accountants may provide either investigative
Education and Training
or litigation support services, or both. With every project,
Educational qualifications vary among employers. In gen-
these forensic specialists perform a variety of basic tasks.
eral, employers require that candidates possess at least a
For example, they meet with clients; gather information;
bachelor’s degree in accounting or have completed general
analyze financial evidence; utilize spreadsheets, databases,
accounting courses.
and computer models; design special computer applications;
Novice Forensic Accountants receive on-the-job training.
write reports and correspondence; and maintain documenta-
They work under the guidance and supervision of experi-
tion of their case.
enced personnel.
Forensic Accountants work indoors in office settings. They
Throughout their careers, Forensic Accountants enroll
may travel to investigate cases. They work 40 hours per week
in continuing education programs and training programs to
but may put in extra hours to complete their various tasks.
update their skills and knowledge.

Salaries for Forensic Accountants vary, depending on such Special Requirements
factors as their education, experience, employer, and geo- Employers may require that applicants possess the follow-
graphic location. Formal salary information for this occu- ing professional certifications: Certified Public Accountant
pation in unavailable. Some experts in the field say that (CPA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). They may
highly experienced Forensic Accountants can earn as much hire strong candidates on the condition that they obtain the
as $100,000 or more per year. According to the May 2006 proper certification within a certain time period.
Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the U.S. The CPA designation is a state license. For more infor-
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual salary for mation, contact your state board of accountancy. The CFE
230        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

certification is granted by the Association of Certified Fraud • Forensic Accountants Society of North America
Examiners. • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
• American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
In general, entry-level applicants must have professional • American College of Forensic Examiners
experience in accounting and auditing. They should also
have previous experience conducting investigations. For contact information, see Appendix III.
To perform well at their job, Forensic Accountants need
excellent organizational, analytical, research, and writing Tips for Entry
skills. They also need strong interpersonal and communica- 1. Some Forensic Accountants have academic training in
tion skills, as they must work well with people from diverse criminal justice or law enforcement.
backgrounds. Being curious, objective, detail-oriented, hon-
2. Contact employers directly for information about job
est, trustworthy, and creative are some personality traits that
vacancies as well as their application and job selec-
Forensic Accountants share.
tion process.
3. Use the Internet to learn more about Forensic Accoun-
Unions and Associations tants. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter either of
Forensic Accountants can join various professional asso- these keywords into a search engine: forensic accoun-
ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities, tants or forensic accounting. For some links, see
continuing education, professional certification, and other Appendix IV.
professional resources and services. Some national societies
that serve the interests of Forensic Accountants are:


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and others; perform forensic economic assessment and Forensic Economist
testimony; perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant

Salary Range: $39,000 to $137,000 Novice Forensic Economist

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—An advanced degree, prefer-
ably a doctoral degree
Experience—Several years of work experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communica-
tion, interpersonal, self-management, analytical, orga-
nizational, report-writing, and presentation skills; fair,
honest, trustworthy, objective, diligent, curious, and

Position Description by organizations in litigious circumstances arising from

Economists are social scientists who study commercial the wrongful death or injury of an employee. They assess
activity including the manufacturing, allocation, and utiliza- damages and losses that organizations incur in intellectual
tion of goods and services. They study, for example, how property cases such as copyright, trade secret, and patent
wealth is transferred among individuals or corporate enti- violations. Forensic Economists appraise companies prior to
ties. They also research business cycles, employment and their sale to new owners to help settle shareholder disagree-
unemployment statistics, trade, industrial and agricultural ments or to evaluate employee stock option plans. They also
output, and the ebbs and flows of the money supply. review economic damage reports created by the opposing
When complex economic factors lead to legal issues, spe- side in a dispute to find inaccuracies.
cialists called Forensic Economists contribute to their reso- Many Forensic Economists offer litigation support ser-
lution. These experts are consultants who provide various vices to attorneys, who may work for either the defense or
forensic economic services to attorneys, businesses, govern- the plaintiff. They may be involved in criminal cases, civil
ment agencies, non-profit organizations, and others. They litigation, or regulatory matters. They perform such general
assist on litigious cases that involve either individuals or orga- tasks as:
nizations across the spectrum of economic power. For exam-
ple, they may provide evidence that an employee suffered • analyzing and evaluating cases to help lawyers determine
loss of earnings through wrongful termination or discrimina- whether they should be brought to trial
tion. On the other hand, they may show proof that a large cor- • helping lawyers determine the facts and issues of a case
poration lost profits or the value of its business through unfair • educating attorneys about the various economic topics
competition, antitrust violations, or other reasons. involved in a case
Forensic Economists evaluate corporate losses, which • pointing out the scope of economic damage suffered by
may be incurred through unforeseen interruptions or the the plaintiffs or defendants
theft of property. They analyze the financial impact suffered • gathering evidence
232        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

• interviewing witnesses or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom

• preparing detailed reports, including references, informa- testimony, and other services that they offer.
tion sources, spreadsheets, and other pertinent documen- Most economists, in general, earn an estimated annual
tation for lawyers to use in negotiation of settlements as salary that ranged between $42,280 and $136,550, accord-
well as court proceedings ing to the May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics
• formulating lists of questions that lawyers may ask to survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The
cross-examine witnesses estimated annual salary for most economics professors
ranged from $38,630 to $130,990.
Attorneys may retain Forensic Economists solely for
expert witness services. As expert witnesses, they give their Employment Prospects
professional opinion about facts and issues that they are
Forensic Economists find employment with economic con-
qualified to address. They give sworn testimony at deposi-
sulting firms that offer forensic economic services. Some
tions, trials, or other legal hearings. When hired as expert
are employed by accounting firms that offer such services in
witnesses, Forensic Economists do not normally perform
their litigation support departments. Other Forensic Econo-
litigation support services, to ensure objective and unbiased
mists work part time, while working full time as educators
testimony about a case.
or business professionals.
Economic issues are often complicated, and Forensic
Forensic economics is an emerging field. It is only one
Economists use sophisticated analysis methods to sort out
of several activities that consulting economists might offer
all the facts, which are not readily understood by people
to clients.
who lack their economic expertise. Hence, Forensic Experts
Employment for economists, in general, is expected to
make sure they present data and evidence in language and
increase by only zero to 8 percent through 2014, according
terms that can be easily understood by attorneys and other
to the BLS. However, much of the growth is expected to be
clients, as well as by judges, juries, and others.
in the management, scientific, and technical consulting ser-
Forensic Economists often work with other experts and
vices industries, including forensic consulting.
resources when analyzing losses and damages. For example,
when they deal with individual employment issues, they
may work with vocational experts and read medical records Advancement Prospects
to help determine the employee’s physical or emotional Forensic Economists generally measure success through job
limitations. They combine this information with current satisfaction, professional recognition, and by being sought
labor statistics to assess the employee’s ability to return to for highly complex or publicized cases.
work or realize compensatory awards. College and university instructors typically seek tenure-
Forensic Economists may specialize by working in nar- track positions. Once they gain tenure at an institution, they
row fields of interest. For example, they may investigate cannot be fired without just cause and due process. Acade-
issues in such sectors of the economy as agriculture, labor, micians advance by rising through the ranks from instruc-
or finance. They may work solely with individual employee tor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial and
concerns or take on only large corporate clients. administrative positions, from department chair to academic
Many Forensic Economists also provide other economic dean to the position of provost or president.
consulting services that are removed from the legal arena.
For example, they may study statistical data in their spe- Education and Training
cialty area; forecast market trends for businesses or business
Minimally, individuals wishing to become Forensic Econ-
publications; recommend plans or help formulate policies
omists must have a master’s degree in economics or in
for governments or corporations to resolve economic prob-
business administration. A doctorate is needed to teach in
lems; or testify at legislative sessions about the impact eco-
four-year colleges and universities. Clients usually prefer to
nomic legislation may have on the public. All Forensic
retain Forensic Economists who hold a doctoral degree, par-
Economists are responsible for keeping up to date with
ticularly if they will be providing expert witness services. In
developments in their profession.
general, most Forensic Economists possess a doctorate.
Forensic Economists work in office settings. They work
It takes years of committed effort for students to obtain
full time or part time. They typically work flexible hours
a doctoral degree in economics. First, they complete a
and occasionally travel to meet with clients or attend legal
four-year bachelor’s degree program, followed by a two-
year master’s degree program. Upon earning their master’s
degree, they enroll in a doctoral program, which takes sev-
Salaries eral more years to finish. To successfully earn their degree,
Specific salary information for Forensic Economists is doctoral candidates must write a book-length dissertation
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, based on original research. Upon earning their doctorates,

many economists obtain a postdoctoral position, to continue services. Some national societies that serve the interests of
training in their specialty. Forensic Economists are the National Association of Foren-
Throughout their careers, Forensic Economists enroll in sic Economics, the American Economics Association, the
continuing education programs to update their skills and American Rehabilitation Economics Association, and the
keep up with advancements in their fields. American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts.
For contact information, see Appendix III.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
Potential clients seek Forensic Economists who have dis- Tips for Entry
tinguished themselves in their field. Clients hire consultants 1. To learn more about the field, talk with Forensic
who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience Economists. One place to meet these professionals is
to successfully perform their projects. Typically, economists a conference sponsored by professional associations
complete many years of work experience before becoming such as the National Association of Forensic Econo-
forensic consultants. mists.
To be effective consultants, Forensic Economists need 2. As a college student, obtain a research assistantship
excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as they with a professor who offers forensic economic con-
must be able to work well with attorneys and others from sulting services. Let your professor know that you are
diverse backgrounds. In addition, they must have strong self- interested in assisting with his or her forensic cases.
management, analytical, organizational, report-writing, and 3. Some Forensic Economists have entered the field with
presentation skills. Some personality traits that successful professional backgrounds in business, accounting,
Forensic Economists share include being fair, honest, trust- finance, statistics, or vocational rehabilitation.
worthy, objective, diligent, curious, and personable. 4. Contact prospective employers directly about job
Unions and Associations 5. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic econom-
Forensic Economists can join various professional asso- ics. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites enter the key-
ciations to take advantage of networking opportunities, words forensic economics or forensic economists into
continuing education, and other professional resources and a search engine. For some links, see Appendix IV.
234        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Detect, investigate, and deter fraud in the work-

place; perform duties as required Senior Fraud Examiner

Alternate Title(s): Fraud Specialist, Fraud Investigator; a

title that reflects a specific occupation such as Forensic
Accountant, Auditor, Claims Investigator, Security Con-
sultant, or Loss Prevention Specialist Fraud Examiner

Salary Range: $50,000 to $119,000

Employment Prospects: Good

Fraud Examiner Trainee
Advancement Prospects: Good

Education or Training—A bachelor’s degree; formal or
on-the-job training in fraud examination
Experience—Several years of work experience in
accounting, auditing, or financial investigations
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-manage-
ment, problem-solving, critical-thinking, organizational,
interviewing, research, writing, interpersonal, teamwork,
and communication skills; personable, assertive, honest,
detail-oriented, persistent, inquisitive, and flexible
Special Requirements—Professional certification may
be required

Position Description investigation, and prevention of fraud in the workplace.

Fraud in the workplace is a problem that many organizations These specialists work on cases that involve such fraudulent
face, whether they are small businesses, large corporations, acts as bribery, property or monetary theft, trade secrets or
government bodies, or nonprofit organizations. Crimes of intellectual property theft, falsification of financial state-
fraud are not violent crimes but they do cause suffering to ments or claims, failure to divulge financial information,
the victims and inflict hundreds of billions of dollars in use of company property for personal gain, and conflict of
damage to the economy each year. In legal terms, fraud is interest.
an act of deception that individuals commit to take funds or Along with backgrounds in accounting and auditing,
other assets from other individuals or organizations. They Fraud Examiners have training in criminology and inves-
knowingly and intentionally misrepresent information, such tigative techniques. They are also knowledgeable about
as financial statements, on which victims rely to be accurate laws and regulations relating to fraud. Additionally, they
and correct. Perpetrators of occupational fraud range from are familiar with common fraud schemes and can spot clues
low-level employees to high-ranking executive officers. that indicate possible fraudulent acts. Furthermore, Forensic
Fraud may involve vendors, contractors, clients (or custom- Examiners are aware of the legal consequences of mishan-
ers), or boards of directors. dling of evidence and the importance of maintaining the
Because fraud is such a clandestine activity, employers chain of custody.
have a difficult time proving how or why it occurs. Hence, Fraud Examiners may be directly employed by organiza-
they hire Fraud Examiners who are experts in the detection, tions or they may offer their services on a consultancy basis.

Whether they are employees or contractors, it is their job to duties in addition to their regular responsibilities. Some
resolve accusations of fraud. They also help organizations to private investigators, as well as some law enforcement offi-
prevent fraud from occurring and to implement methods to cers (such as criminal investigators and special agents) are
discover fraudulent activities within their ranks. highly trained fraud examiners, and hence perform these
With each case, Fraud Examiners follow specific pro- services for their clients or employers.
cedures. They evaluate an organization’s practices and Fraud Examiners work standard 40-hour weeks, but may
procedures to identify systemic vulnerabilities that invite put in extra hours to complete their various duties.
fraudulent behavior. They plan their course of action for
conducting an examination. They gather evidence, which Salaries
involves collecting various financial statements, books, Salaries for Fraud Examiners vary, depending on such fac-
records, and other relevant documents; observing the day- tors as their education, experience, position, employer, and
to-day organizational activities; and interviewing employ- geographic location. Fraud Examiners who possess profes-
ees, potential suspects, and others. sional certification usually earn higher wages than noncerti-
Fraud Examiners carefully and thoroughly analyze the fied examiners. According to, the median
data to determine whether the organization’s policies are in annual salaries (in December 2006) for certified Fraud
fact implemented as intended. They report their findings to Examiners ranged from $50,000 for internal auditors to
their employer or client regarding evidence of any fraudu- $119,100 for chief financial officers. Certified Fraud Exam-
lent activity, the identity of suspects, the presence of weak- iners working in the insurance and financial services indus-
nesses in the system, and which internal controls are not try earned the highest median annual salary at $75,500 per
being effectively utilized. When Fraud Examiners uncover a year, while those in the insurance industry earned the lowest
crime, they may be assigned to work with attorneys to build median salary at $51,500 per year.
a case.
These forensic experts may help to solve such crimes as
mail fraud, extortion, embezzlement, larceny, money laun-
Employment Prospects
dering, securities fraud, credit card fraud, bankruptcy fraud, Fraud Examiners are employed in almost all industries.
and disability fraud. They find employment with private corporations, financial
Fraud Examiners perform various general tasks in their institutions, insurance companies, nonprofit organizations,
investigations. For example, they may: and other organizations. They are hired by public accounting
firms, bookkeeping companies, and management consult-
• study formal accounting records ing firms. Some professionals are independent practitioners
• analyze financial statements or own firms that offer fraud detection, investigation, and
• reconstruct accounting records deterrence services.
• conduct business appraisals Local and state law enforcement agencies as well as federal
• evaluate fraud risks law enforcement agencies (such as the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service) employ profes-
• locate hidden assets
sionals specifically to perform fraud investigations. In addition,
• trace the path of missing funds
Fraud Examiners are hired by other government agencies such
• document their investigations in clearly and concisely
as state attorney generals’ offices, the U.S. Internal Revenue
written reports
Service, and offices of the inspector general, which are found
• provide expert witness testimony at depositions, trials and
in various state and federal government agencies.
other legal proceedings
Opportunities should continually be favorable for quali-
• assist in developing and implementing fraud policies and
fied Fraud Examiners, as private companies, government
agencies, and other organizations are constantly seeking
• work with police officers, FBI agents, or other law
ways to prevent and reduce fraud. Most positions will
enforcement officers
become available as individuals retire, transfer to other jobs,
• stay up to date with new developments in their field
or advance to higher positions. Employers will create new
positions to meet growing needs.
Fraud Examiners work in office settings. They use spe-
In general, employment for accountants and auditors
cialized computer software as well as general software such
is expected to increase by 18 to 26 percent through 2014,
as spreadsheets, databases, and statistical analysis programs
according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
to aid in their fraud investigations. Additionally, they may
use resources on the Internet to assist in their casework.
In some organizations, Fraud Examiners are employed as Advancement Prospects
auditors, accountants, risk managers, compliance officers, Fraud Examiners can advance in any number of ways, depend-
and claims investigators. They perform fraud examination ing on their ambitions and interests. They can specialize in
236        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

particular services or work in certain industries. They can ing, or financial investigations, including experience in fraud
pursue administrative and managerial positions, which may examinations. Fraud Examiners typically have extensive
require transferring to other employers. Individuals with entre- backgrounds in such fields as accounting, law, criminology,
preneurial ambitions can become independent practitioners education, or loss prevention.
or start their own companies that offer consulting or technical To perform well at their job, Fraud Examiners need
services. strong self-management, problem-solving, critical-thinking,
Fraud Examiners can also pursue opportunities as organizational, interviewing, research, and writing skills.
instructors in higher education institutions. They may need Because they must work well with different people from
master’s or doctoral degrees to advance to higher positions diverse backgrounds, they need excellent interpersonal,
or to obtain teaching jobs in colleges and universities. teamwork, and communication skills. Being personable,
assertive, honest, detail-oriented, persistent, inquisitive, and
Education and Training flexible are some personality traits that successful Fraud
Minimally, Fraud Examiners should have at least a bach- Examiners share.
elor’s degree in accounting, criminal justice, or another
field related to their primary occupation (such as forensic Unions and Associations
accountant, auditor, or law enforcement officer). Many Fraud Examiners belong to various professional
Individuals need on-the-job training, formal training, or associations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
a combination of both to become Fraud Examiners. Oppor- continuing education, professional certification, and other
tunities for formal training in fraud examination are gradu- professional resources and services. Some national societies
ally increasing each year. Professional societies such as the that serve the interests of these professionals include:
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and the Institute
of Certified Public Accountants offer seminars, workshops, • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
and self-study courses in fraud examination. In addition, • Association of Certified Fraud Specialists
several colleges and universities offer degree and certificate • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
programs in this field. • Institute of Internal Auditors
Throughout their careers, Fraud Examiners enroll in con- • National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts
tinuing education programs to update their skills and knowl- • National Association of Fraud Investigators
For contact information, see Appendix III.
Special Requirements
Many employers require that candidates possess the Certi- Tips for Entry
fied Fraud Examiner (CFE) designation, which is granted 1. While in college, take courses in criminal justice if
by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. They may you are an accounting major. If you are a criminal jus-
hire candidates on the condition that they obtain the CFE tice major, take courses in accounting and auditing.
within a certain time frame.
2. When you are in the early years of your career as
The CFE is a professional certification that individuals
an accountant, auditor, or other profession, let your
obtain on a voluntary basis. In general, applicants must
supervisor or mentor know about your interest in
possess a bachelor’s degree and two years of professional
learning to perform fraud examinations.
experience in which they performed duties related to fraud
3. To gain practical experience, volunteer your services
examination. They must also pass an examination that cov-
to work on fraud investigations in a local law enforce-
ers accounting, auditing, investigation, law, and criminol-
ment agency or district attorney’s office.
ogy. To maintain their certification, CFEs must complete a
4. Write your résumé so it reflects your qualifications as
minimum number of hours of continuing education.
a Fraud Examiner.
5. Use the Internet to learn more about the fraud exami-
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits nation field. You might start by visiting the Association
Employers generally seek entry-level candidates who have of Certified Fraud Examiners Web site at http://www.
several years of professional practice in accounting, audit- For more links, see Appendix IV.
238        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and others; apply linguistic knowledge and skills to legal Forensic Linguist
matters; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Consultant, Linguist

Salary Range: $38,000 to $83,000 Novice Forensic Linguist

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—A doctoral degree in linguistics
Experience— Several years of experience in their field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communica-
tion, interpersonal, self-management, analytical, organi-
zational, report-writing, and presentation skills; curious,
honest, trustworthy, objective, persistent, and patient

Position Description tise in language, Forensic Linguists are well versed and
Linguistics is the scientific study of language. There are qualified in such other disciplines as mathematics, statistics,
several approaches that linguists use to understand lan- the law, and the sciences. Forensic Linguists study written
guage: phonetics, the study of speech sounds; phonology, and spoken language in correspondence, business contracts,
the study of how speech sounds are organized and how that legal documents, criminal confessions, court proceedings,
organization differs from language to language; morphol- and documentary crime evidence to interpret or clarify their
ogy, the study of how words are formed; syntax, the study meanings. They work to clarify the meaning of wills, busi-
of the construction of sentences; semantics, the study of the ness communications, and other documents as well. Their
meaning of words; and discourse analysis, the study of how studies include electronic communications such as e-mails,
sentences are strung together to create narratives or para- text messages, and recorded conversations.
graphs. Each of these approaches is also a linguistic pro- These professionals contribute to linguistic concerns in
fessional specialty. Linguists may focus on one or more of a variety of ways. For example, they help to improve the
these specialties in their work. Additionally, they may work readability or comprehensibility of legal documents such
in subfields of linguistics that more narrowly focus their as legal briefs or jury instructions. Forensic Linguists study
attention, including historical linguistics, the study of how such documents and change complicated or convoluted
languages evolve; sociolinguistics, the study of how societ- phrases into simpler formats that say the same thing but can
ies use language in the form of dialects or slang; psycholin- be understood more readily by more people. They also help
guistics, the study of how we mentally process language; attorneys to speak clearly in court sessions to explain legal
and neurolinguistics, the study of how the brain physically concepts in more commonly used terms. Forensic Linguists
processes language. may be called to court as expert witnesses to testify on the
Another subfield of linguistics is forensic linguistics, meaning of spoken or written words relevant to a civil or
which is a relatively new field that has developed within criminal case.
the last several decades. Forensic linguistics is the study Forensic Linguists help to settle trademark disputes. For
and application of how language is used in legal disputes, example, they may determine whether or not a trademark
crime, or courtroom processes. In addition to their exper- becomes so familiar that its use in everyday speech or

written usage no longer pertains to a specific brand, thus Salaries

enabling its usage without penalty. Specific salary information for Forensic Linguists is unavail-
These professionals investigate what is known as author- able. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate
ship attribution for both written and spoken language, for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom testimony,
including threatening communications. In this area, Foren- and other services that they offer.
sic Linguists help law enforcement personnel authenticate The median annual salary for faculty in linguistics ranged
bomb threats, suicide notes, libelous articles, or ransom from $38,326 for instructors to $83,006 for full professors,
notes and prove or disprove that a certain individual wrote according to the 2006–07 National Faculty Salary Survey.
the documents or placed threatening phone calls. This survey was conducted by the College and University
Forensic Linguists look for patterns, similarities, or Professional Association for Human Resources.
inconsistencies in speech and written passages. They deter-
mine whether the same person made different recordings, or
they establish a speaker’s regional origin or cultural back-
Employment Prospects
ground by listening to their accent or dialect in their speech. Forensic linguistics is a young, small, but growing, field.
These forensic experts listen to taped confessions or read Job opportunities for linguists, in general, become avail-
written confessions to determine whether the confessor was able as professionals retire, transfer to other jobs, or advance
coerced to say certain things. They do this by comparing to higher positions. Because the different fields in which
the suspect’s normal speech or writing patterns to what was linguists work are small, job competition is strong.
said or written in the confession. Forensic Linguists read
documents to find similarities in syntax and semantics to Advancement Prospects
help identify the author or to determine if several documents Forensic Linguists generally measure success through job
were written by the same person. One of their areas of satisfaction, professional recognition, and higher incomes.
concern is plagiarism. Forensic Linguists compare written College and university instructors typically seek tenure-
materials to determine whether all or part of one is a verba- track positions. Once they gain tenure at an institution, they
tim copy of another. cannot be fired without just cause and due process. Acade-
Forensic Linguists study and analyze how police officers micians advance by rising through the ranks from instruc-
communicate with suspects or witnesses and help them tor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial and
communicate more effectively by using easily understood administrative positions, from department chair to academic
vocabulary. They also help judges and attorneys use plainer dean to the position of provost or president.
language rather than their specialized vocabulary of legal
terms when addressing a jury. Forensic Linguists also par-
ticipate in court sessions as expert witnesses when linguistic Education and Training
evidence is relevant to criminal or civil cases. To teach or conduct research at four-year colleges and uni-
These professionals sometimes work privately with indi- versities, linguists must possess a doctoral degree in linguis-
viduals or parties who are not involved in legal disputes or tics. Clients usually prefer to retain Forensic Linguists who
criminal actions. Such private concerns as plagiarism, inci- hold a doctoral degree, particularly if they will be providing
dents of hate speech, or matters of disputed wording in busi- expert witness services. In general, most Forensic Linguists
ness documents are not settled in court but still fall into the possess a doctorate.
purview of forensic linguistics. In these situations, Forensic It takes several years of committed effort for students to
Linguists work in the context of private consultation with obtain a doctoral degree in linguistics. First, they complete
such clients as university professors, business leaders, or a four-year bachelor’s degree program, followed by a two-
other individuals. year master’s degree program. Upon earning their master’s
Whether they work in private settings or in the legal degree, they enroll in a doctoral program, which takes sev-
eral more years to finish. To successfully earn their degree,
arena, Forensic Linguists are increasingly involved in mat-
doctoral candidates must write a book-length dissertation
ters that are international in scope. They are becoming more
based on original research. Upon earning their doctorates,
engaged with cases involving terrorism, organized crime,
many linguists obtain a postdoctoral position, to continue
and human rights abuses. They are starting to face the chal-
training in their specialty.
lenge of understanding and conveying the meanings of
Throughout their careers, Forensic Linguists enroll in
speech and documents translated from other languages that
training and continuing education programs to update their
use different rules of syntax, grammar, and discourse.
skills and knowledge.
These professionals offer their forensic linguistic ser-
vices on a part-time basis. Most Forensic Linguists work
full time researching or teaching in their other linguistic Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
specialties or subfields. They primarily work in universities Potential clients seek Forensic Linguists who have distin-
in office settings. guished themselves in their field. They retain consultants
240        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience the Linguistic Society of America. For contact information,
to successfully complete their projects. Typically, lin- see Appendix III.
guists have many years of work experience, particularly in
research, before becoming forensic consultants. Tips for Entry
To be effective consultants, Forensic Linguists need
1. During your college career, work with professors who
excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as they
are involved in doing forensic consulting.
must be able to work well with attorneys and others from
2. Take courses in law, criminal justice, and forensic
diverse backgrounds. In addition, they must have strong
science to gain a foundation in legal procedures, prin-
self-management, analytical, organizational, report-writing,
ciples of evidence, forensic techniques, and other sub-
and presentation skills. Being curious, honest, trustworthy,
objective, persistent, and patient are some personality traits
3. Develop your professional reputation. For example,
that successful Forensic Linguists have in common.
you might give presentations at conferences and other
events for linguists as well as for law enforcement
Unions and Associations officers, attorneys, or forensic scientists.
Forensic Linguists can join professional associations to take 4. Learn more about the forensic linguistics field on
advantage of networking opportunities, continuing educa- the Internet. To get a list of relevant Web sites, enter
tion, and other professional resources and services. Some either of these keywords into a search engine: forensic
national societies that serve the interests of these specialists linguistics or forensic linguists. For some links, see
are the International Association of Forensic Linguists and Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide forensic consulting services to attorneys

and others; apply phonetics knowledge and skills to legal Forensic Phonetician
matters; perform duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Phonetics Expert, Forensic

Novice Forensic Phonetician
Salary Range: $38,000 to $83,000

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Phonetician

Education or Training—A doctoral degree in linguistics
Experience— Several years of experience in one’s field
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical,
organizational, self-management, communication, inter-
personal, writing, and presentation skills; fair, trustwor-
thy, inquisitive, meticulous, and impartial

Position Description voice line-ups to help witnesses pick a perpetrator out of a

Forensic phonetics is a new investigative tool that law enforce- series of suspects’ vocal recordings.
ment agencies and courts find useful now that audio and video Most of forensic phonetic work is in the area of speaker
recordings increasingly play an important part in criminal identification. Forensic Phoneticians use computer equipment
prosecution. Phonetics is the study of the sounds we make to perform some of this work, but they mainly listen intently
when we speak. We use our vocal chords, mouths, and nasal to audio recordings. They repeatedly listen to the speaker and
cavities to produce these sounds to form words. Scholars who note certain qualities within the individual’s speech. Forensic
study phonetics are called phoneticians. They research how we Phoneticians focus more on how their subject speaks than
what he or she says. Their analysis involves four aspects. They
learn to speak and recognize speech as well as how our speech
analyze the sound the speaker makes with his or her vocal
sounds are similar to or differ from one language to another.
chords aside from the other sounds that constitute speech.
Phoneticians are linguistics specialists who also draw upon
For example, they note whether the speaker’s voice is rough,
the fields of physics, physiology, medicine, and acoustics to
strained, or has a breathy quality. Next, Forensic Phoneticians
assist them in their studies. Hence, their exploration of speech listen to the other sounds made by the speaker’s mouth and
sounds includes sound wave analysis and research into how nasal cavities and make note of the specific vocal qualities
our ears, auditory nerves, and brains respond to sound waves expressed. Then they focus on the pronunciation of vowels
to enable us to perceive the spoken word. and other articulations that provide hints to the speaker’s
Forensic Phoneticians apply the discipline of phonet- geographical and social background. Lastly, Forensic Phone-
ics to legal and law enforcement issues. Essentially, they ticians listen to various individual speech characteristics such
perform forensic speech analysis. Some crimes are commit- as the speaker’s pronunciation of consonants or whether the
ted in which the perpetrator may speak but not be seen by speaker slurs certain words or lisps.
the victim. Forensic Phoneticians work with audio speech In addition to this auditory analysis, Forensic Phoneti-
recordings to help identify suspect speakers, clarify what cians conduct an acoustic analysis. They digitize recordings
was said in garbled recorded conversations, authenticate in order to use specialized software to measure frequencies
recordings to ensure they were not altered, and conduct of pitch and vowel sounds. Unlike forensic audio specialists,
242        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Forensic Phoneticians do not use spectrographic voiceprint As academicians, Forensic Phoneticians earn a salary
analysis to identify speakers. Their use of oscilloscopes based on their position, experience, employer, and other
and spectrographs serves another purpose. They compare factors. The College and University Professional Associa-
variations in the vocal sound wave frequencies of several tion for Human Resources reports in its 2006–07 National
speakers to determine which pattern most likely matches Faculty Salary Survey that the median annual salary for lin-
the voice of a criminal rather than identify a suspect with guistics (which includes phoneticians) faculty ranged from
a specific voiceprint. Unlike fingerprints or shoe prints, $38,326 for instructors to $83,006 for full professors.
voiceprints are variable or subject to manipulation and are
therefore not useful to Forensic Phoneticians. Employment Prospects
Forensic Phoneticians also use voice line-ups to help
Forensic phonetics is a small field, but opportunities should
victims or witnesses identify a voice in cases where they
increase in the coming years as it becomes more familiar
cannot visually identify the perpetrator. They listen to a
and acceptable to law enforcement agencies, attorneys, and
set of recorded voices, which includes the suspect’s voice.
Forensic Phoneticians select the panel of voices and ensure
Job opportunities for phoneticians, in general, become
that their speech patterns are fairly uniform without much
available as professionals retire, transfer to other jobs, or
variation in voice quality or accents.
advance to higher positions.
Additionally, these professionals work with voice
recordings to filter out interference and distortions such as
background noises. They also work to authenticate tapes Advancement Prospects
to minimize the use of manipulated recordings as crime Forensic Phoneticians generally measure success through job
evidence. Furthermore, Forensic Phoneticians transcribe satisfaction, professional recognition, and higher incomes.
recordings that prove difficult for law enforcement person- Academicians advance by rising through the ranks from
nel to hear in ordinary circumstances. In some cases, back- instructor to full professor. They can also pursue managerial
ground noises may be useful to help investigators determine and administrative positions, from department chair to aca-
where or when the suspect spoke. Forensic Phoneticians demic dean to the position of provost or president.
may assist in this area as well.
Forensic Phoneticians prepare detailed reports of their Education and Training
findings, conclusions, and opinions. They also describe the In general, most Forensic Phoneticians possess a doctoral
methods they followed and the equipment and computer degree in linguistics with an emphasis in phonetics or
software they used. Additionally, they clarify the limitations another related field. Clients usually prefer to retain Foren-
of forensic speech analysis. sic Phoneticians who hold a doctoral degree, particularly if
When required, these men and women provide sworn they will be providing expert witness services. To teach or
testimony as expert witnesses at depositions and trials. They conduct research at four-year colleges and universities, pho-
address only facts and issues in which they are qualified to neticians must possess a doctoral degree in linguistics.
provide a professional opinion. Like all other forensic con- It takes several years of committed effort for students
sultants, they are expected to provide unbiased and impar- to obtain a doctoral degree in linguistics. First, students
tial testimony. They do not take sides, including those of the complete a four-year bachelor’s degree program, followed
lawyers who have retained them. by a two-year master’s degree program. Upon earning their
These professionals offer their forensic speech analy- master’s degree, they enroll in a doctoral program, which
sis services on a part-time basis. Most phoneticians work takes several more years to finish. To successfully earn their
full time researching or teaching in colleges and universi- degree, doctoral candidates must write a book-length dis-
ties. Forensic Phoneticians work in office or lab settings sertation based on original research.
equipped with audio equipment and computers. They may Throughout their careers, Forensic Phoneticians enroll in
travel to confer with law enforcement personnel or to testify training and continuing education programs to update their
in court. skills and knowledge.

Salaries Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits

Specific salary information for Forensic Phoneticians is Normally, phoneticians have many years of work experi-
unavailable. As consultants, they charge an hourly, daily, ence, particularly in research, before they become forensic
or flat rate for initial consultation, depositions, courtroom consultants. Potential clients seek Forensic Phoneticians
testimony, and other services that they offer. They may also who have distinguished themselves in their field. They seek
charge for out-of-pocket expenses such as telephone calls consultants who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and
and traveling time. experience to successfully complete their projects.

Forensic Phoneticians need strong analytical, organiza- Tips for Entry

tional, and self-management skills to be successful at their 1. While in high school, find out if the fields of linguis-
work. They also must have effective communication and tics, and phonetics in particular, fit your interests and
interpersonal skills, as they must be able to work well with ambitions. Along with reading books and articles, you
attorneys and others from diverse backgrounds. In addition, might contact linguistics professors. You can find con-
they need excellent writing and presentation skills. Being fair, tact information for faculty at Web sites of university
trustworthy, inquisitive, meticulous, and impartial are some linguistics programs.
personality traits that successful Forensic Phoneticians share. 2. Upon earning their doctorates, many phoneticians
obtain a postdoctoral position to continue training in
Unions and Associations their specialty.
Several professional societies serve the interests of Forensic 3. To build your business, contact law enforcement agen-
Phoneticians. These include the International Association cies and attorneys. Let them know about your services
for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics and the Linguistic and how you can help them with their investigations.
Society of America. (For contact information, see Appendix 4. Use the Internet to learn more about forensic phonet-
III.) By joining professional associations, Forensic Phoneti- ics. To get a list of relevant Web sites enter the key-
cians can take advantage of networking opportunities and words forensic phonetics or forensic phoneticians. For
other professional resources and services. some links, see Appendix IV.
246        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Represent clients in courts of law; handle legal

issues in criminal cases or civil disputes; prepare and file Senior Associate or Partner
legal documents, collect facts and evidence, negotiate
settlements, try cases, and perform other litigation tasks;
perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Litigation Attorney, Litigator Associate

Salary Range: $51,000 to $146,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Junior Associate
Advancement Prospects: Good

Education or Training—A law (J.D.) degree; on-the-
job training
Experience—Some experience desirable
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
self-management, negotiation, writing, presentation, com-
munication, and interpersonal skills; patient, analytical,
quick-witted, persuasive, detail-oriented, and creative
Special Requirements—States require lawyers to be
admitted to their state bar; federal courts require registra-
tion for lawyers to practice

Position Description afford an attorney, the court appoints public defenders, who
Trial Lawyers are experts in litigation, the complex process are employed by the government, to represent them.
of resolving criminal or civil disputes in state and federal In civil lawsuits, Trial Lawyers represent clients, who
courts of law. Some Trial Lawyers also handle administra- may be individuals, citizen’s groups, small business own-
tive claims or disputes for clients before local, state, and ers, corporations, government agencies, or nonprofit orga-
federal regulatory agencies, such as a planning commis- nizations, among others. On behalf of their clients, these
sion, environmental agency, or transportation board. These lawyers prosecute for them or defend them in court about
attorneys are highly skilled in preparing cases for trial, disputes that may involve business transactions, personal
evaluating evidence, selecting juries, examining and cross- injury, bankruptcy, professional malpractice, product liabil-
examining witnesses, negotiating settlements, and present- ity, collections, employment matters, landlord issues, or
ing arguments before juries or judges. inheritance, to name just a few areas. The plaintiffs’ attor-
Trial Lawyers may represent the plaintiff, the party filing neys must prove that their clients’ complaints against the
a lawsuit, or the defendant in a dispute. In criminal cases, defendants are true and that the court should order the
the plaintiff is either the state or federal government and is defendants to stop or perform certain actions. Addition-
represented by Trial Lawyers known as prosecutors. It is the ally, the defendants may be ordered to pay the plaintiffs for
prosecutors’ job to issue criminal charges against suspects damages they may have suffered because of the defendant’s
and to prove in court that they are guilty of the charges. actions.
The suspects are represented by private Trial Lawyers, also Litigation is a long and complex process; it typically
known as criminal defense lawyers. When suspects cannot takes several months and oftentimes several years before

disputes are settled. Trial Lawyers are usually involved in up to date, whether by phone, through e-mail, or in person,
several cases at a time. They might work on a case alone or throughout the litigation process.
as part of a team of attorneys. Many Trial Lawyers work in private practice, as law firm
Trial Lawyers perform a variety of tasks to prepare for associates or partners or as solo practitioners. Some private
the best defense or prosecution of their cases. They col- attorneys focus their practice in one or more areas of law
lect and evaluate facts and evidence and make sure to fol- such as criminal, personal injury, intellectual property, or
low specific court procedures for gathering information. employment law. Some lawyers also choose to represent
They review pertinent documents about their cases, such as certain clientele, such as juveniles, commercial businesses,
police reports, financial records, medical files, and business insurance companies, or health-care providers.
contracts. They study evidence as well as interview wit- Some Trial Lawyers are hired as government attorneys
nesses and others who may provide essential information at the local, state, or federal level or as lawyers for public
to support their case. With criminal cases, lawyers might interest organizations. Others are employed as counsel in
examine crime scenes. Trial Lawyers also seek subject- corporate law departments.
matter experts to help them understand facts and issues in In addition to their legal duties, attorneys perform vari-
medicine, science, engineering, human resources, finance, ous non-legal duties. For example, many lawyers supervise
and other technical topics related to a case. In addition, Trial and direct the work of junior associates, paralegals, legal
Lawyers arrange depositions to obtain sworn testimony secretaries, and other staff members who provide them with
from the plaintiff and the plaintiff’s witnesses. legal, administrative, or clerical support. Solo practitioners
Their job also involves conducting legal research, ana- and many law firm associates generate new clientele for
lyzing legal documents, writing legal correspondence, and their firms. Solo practitioners are also responsible for their
drafting legal documents. These lawyers file pretrial motions own office management, which includes such duties as pay-
and attend pretrial hearings and conferences. Throughout ing bills and taxes, as well as purchasing and maintaining
the litigation process, Trial Lawyers negotiate settlement for office equipment and supplies.
their clients. For example, defense attorneys and prosecu- Trial Lawyers typically work long and irregular hours,
tors in criminal cases often agree on plea bargains in which often putting in 60 hours or more per week to complete their
the defendants receive lesser sentencing by pleading guilty legal tasks and meet strict deadlines. Solo practitioners gen-
to lesser criminal charges. Negotiations can continue up to erally have more flexible hours than law firm associates or
the moment that a judge or jury makes a verdict. The major- government lawyers. Law firm associates are usually under
ity of criminal and civil cases are settled before a case even pressure to fulfill a minimum number of billable hours (the
goes to trial. number of working hours for which they bill clients).
If a case goes to trial, a judge or a jury may hear it. In a
jury trial, Trial Lawyers participate in the selection of jury
members. All trials follow the same procedure, but every
Salaries for Trial Lawyers vary, depending on such factors
court establishes its own set of rules.
as their experience, employer, and geographic location. For
A trial begins with opening statements from the Trial
example, the median annual salaries for first-year associates
Lawyers of both parties, who describe what they expect
ranged from $67,000 (in law firms with two to 25 attorneys)
to prove in the trial. The attorneys then take turns present-
to $85,000 (in law firms with 51 to 100 attorneys), accord-
ing evidence before the court through witness testimony.
ing to the NALP 2006 Associate Salary Survey. The survey
The Trial Lawyers may cross-examine the other party’s
also reported that the median annual salaries for eighth-year
witnesses, as well as make appropriate objections to testi-
associates ranged from $105,000 (in law firms with two
mony, evidence, and other matters. When both parties have
to 25 attorneys) to $110,000 (in law firms with 51 to 100
presented all of their evidence, the attorneys take turns
presenting their closing arguments. Then the judge or jury
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported, in
deliberates on the evidence and arrives at a verdict.
its May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)
Once a settlement is made or a judge or jury has made
survey, that the estimated annual salary for most attorneys
its verdict, the litigation process is done. However, when
ranged between $50,580 and $145,600. Attorneys who
a plaintiff or defendant does not agree with the verdict,
worked in legal services earned an estimated annual wage
the party may file an appeal in a higher court (an appellate
of $119,390. The estimated wages for federal government
court) to review the trial court proceeding and determine if
employees was $116,700; for state attorneys, $77,970; and
errors were made in trying the case. Many Trial Lawyers do
for local attorneys, $84,570.
not specialize in appellate law and hence refer their clients
to appellate lawyers.
Like all attorneys, Trial Lawyers establish a confidential Employment Prospects
relationship with their clients. They are obligated to put According to the May 2006 OES survey by the BLS, about
their clients’ interests above their own and keep their clients 547,710 lawyers were employed in the United States. About
248        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

two-thirds of all attorneys in the survey worked in the legal Special Requirements
services industry. To practice law in a state (or a U.S. territory or Washing-
The BLS reports that employment for attorneys is pre- ton, D.C.), Trial Lawyers must be admitted into that state’s
dicted to grow by 9 to 17 percent through 2014. In addition bar association. Every jurisdiction has its own eligibility
to job growth, lawyers will be needed to replace those who requirements, which usually involve passing a bar examina-
retire, advance to higher positions, or transfer to other jobs. tion. For specific information, contact the state bar admis-
Due to the large number of law students graduating each sion office where you wish to practice.
year, the competition for jobs is intense. Once individuals are admitted to a state bar, they receive
In general, opportunities for staff positions with law a certificate or license to practice law in that state. Many
firms, government agencies, and corporations are usually states require that attorneys complete continuing legal edu-
found in metropolitan areas. cation courses to maintain their license.
To practice before a federal court, attorneys must apply
Advancement Prospects for admission. Separate registration is required for each
Trial Lawyers can advance in any number of ways, accord- federal court.
ing to their interests and ambitions. In law firms, attorneys
can advance from associates to partners, which gives them a Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
share in their firm’s profits. Some attorneys move from one Most employers prefer to hire candidates who have litiga-
firm to the next to pursue positions with higher pay, more tion experience in the practice areas in which they special-
prestige, or more complex responsibilities. Some attorneys ize. Some employers will hire recent law graduates who
seek positions in corporate law departments, government demonstrate a strong interest in litigation work, as well as
agencies, or public interest organizations. have gained experience performing litigation tasks through
Lawyers with entrepreneurial ambitions become solo internships, employment, or volunteer work.
practitioners or start their own law firms. Other attorneys To perform well at their job, Trial Lawyers must have
pursue other legal-related careers by becoming judges, law excellent organizational, self-management, negotiation,
professors, law librarians, or politicians. writing, and presentation skills. They also need superior
communication and interpersonal skills, as they must be
Education and Training able to work well with clients, colleagues, subject-mat-
To qualify for entry into a law school, individuals must pos- ter experts, court personnel, and many others from diverse
sess a bachelor’s degree, which may be in any field. In addi- backgrounds.
tion to their Law School Admission Test (LSAT) scores, a Some personality traits that successful Trial Lawyers
law school considers their undergraduate work, work expe- share include being patient, analytical, quick-witted, persua-
rience, and other factors to determine their aptitude for sive, detail-oriented, and creative.
the study of law. The competition to get into law school is
strong, especially for the top law schools. Unions and Associations
Law students complete either a three-year or four-year In many states, attorneys are required to be members of the
juris doctor (J.D.) degree program. In their first year of state bar association.
study, they focus on basic courses such as contracts, torts, Many Trial Lawyers join one or more bar associations
civil procedure, constitutional law, criminal law, and legal or professional societies to take advantage of networking
research. In the following years, they choose elective courses opportunities, educational programs, professional publica-
in different areas of law as well as gain practical lawyering tions, and other resources and services. These organizations
experience through legal clinics, moot court competitions, are available at the local, state, national, and international
and practice trials. levels. Some national organizations that serve the diverse
Most employers, as well as state bar associations, require interests of Trial Lawyers include:
that lawyers possess a J.D. degree from a law school accred-
ited by the American Bar Association or by a proper state • American Association for Justice
authority. • American College of Trial Lawyers
Entry-level attorneys typically receive on-the-job train- • Section of Litigation, part of the American Bar Association
ing, in which they work under the supervision and guidance • DRI
of senior lawyers. Many employers also provide young law- • National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
yers with formal educational programs. • National District Attorneys Association
Throughout their careers, Trial Lawyers enroll in • National Legal Aid and Defenders Association
courses, workshops, and seminars to update their skills and • American Bar Association
knowledge. • National Lawyers Association

• Federal Bar Association volunteer or intern in a law office; observe criminal or

• National Black Prosecutors Association civil trials at nearby courthouses; sit in on a law class;
• National Hispanic Prosecutors Association and talk with various attorneys.
• National Association of Women Lawyers 2. Gain experience by obtaining an internship in a law
firm, corporate law department, legal aid agency, or
For contact information for these organizations, see another legal setting.
Appendix III. 3. Many bar associations post job listings at their Web
4. Learn more about Trial Lawyers on the Internet. To
Tips for Entry obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter any of these
1. Here are a few things you might do to get an idea if keywords into a search engine: trial lawyers, litiga-
litigation law suits you: Read books about attorneys; tion attorneys, litigation, criminal trials, or civil tri-
check out professional magazines that lawyers read; als. For some links, see Appendix IV.
250        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Conduct criminal proceedings on behalf of the gov-

Senior or
ernment; may handle civil litigation; perform duties as
Supervisory Prosecuting Attorney

Alternate Title(s): Prosecutor; District Attorney, Assistant

U.S. Attorney, or another title that reflects a specific
Prosecuting Attorney
Salary Range: $44,000 to $121,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good Prosecuting Attorney (Entry-Level)

Education or Training—A J.D. (law) degree; on-the-
job training
Experience—One or more years as a practicing lawyer;
litigation experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Writing, com-
munication, legal-research, computer, interpersonal, and
teamwork skills; analytical, diligent, quick-witted, per-
sistent, flexible, creative, and enthusiastic
Special Requirements— States require lawyers to be
admitted to their state bar; federal courts require registra-
tion for lawyers to practice

Position Description special jurisdiction courts such as family, juvenile, and

In the United States criminal justice system, suspects are bankruptcy courts.
assumed innocent until they have been proven guilty beyond Prosecuting Attorneys do not represent individuals in
a reasonable doubt. It is the job of Prosecuting Attorneys, criminal cases, although they are advocates for the victims
or prosecutors, to present evidence in courts of law that of crime. Instead, prosecutors litigate cases on behalf of the
demonstrates criminal defendants are indeed guilty of their interests of the general public.
charges. Like all trial lawyers, Prosecuting Attorneys are These lawyers are responsible for initiating criminal pro-
skilled in evaluating evidence, preparing litigation, selecting ceedings against criminal suspects. They review the evi-
juries, examining and cross-examining witnesses, negotiat- dence that law enforcement officers have obtained, and
ing settlements, and presenting arguments before a jury or determine if there is sufficient proof to file charges against
judge. the suspects. Prosecuting Attorneys also establish what fel-
Prosecuting Attorneys are trial lawyers who are employed ony or misdemeanor charges to file against suspects. In
at the local, state, and federal levels of government. Their some instances, prosecutors must present their case to a
duty is to enforce the laws within their jurisdiction and grand jury that has the authority to decide whether the case
to bring to trial those adults and juveniles who have been should go to trial.
accused of committing felony or misdemeanor offenses. Preparing criminal cases for trial is complex and demand-
Prosecutors try cases in various courts of law, including ing work. Prosecuting Attorneys may be assigned to work
general jurisdiction (or trial) courts, appellate courts, and alone or with other prosecutors on cases. They work closely

with law enforcement officers to build strong cases against Prosecuting Attorneys work out of local, state, and fed-
the defense. They also supervise and direct the work of eral prosecutors’ offices. The chief prosecutors are usually
paralegals, legal secretaries, and other staff who assist them known as the Prosecuting Attorneys, while their staff law-
with legal, administrative, or clerical tasks. yers are called assistant prosecuting attorneys.
Prosecuting Attorneys are involved in a wide range of Most federal prosecution is done by the U.S. Attorney’s
legal tasks as they develop their cases. For example, they: Office, which is part of the U.S. Department of Justice. The
chief prosecutors are called the U.S. attorneys, while the
• review police records, medical examiner’s files, and staff lawyers are known as assistant U.S. attorneys. They
reports on physical evidence by forensic scientists are responsible for enforcing the laws of the U.S. Criminal
• examine crime scenes Code. They handle criminal cases such as kidnapping, wire
• interview suspects, victims, and witnesses fraud, civil rights abuses, interstate fraud, securities viola-
• conduct legal research for precedents of actions or deci- tions, corruption by public officials, immigration violations,
sions in similar cases and certain violent crimes.
• analyze the facts and issues of a case State prosecution is done by Prosecuting Attorneys in
• consult with subject-matter experts, such as psychiatrists, state attorney generals’ offices. They normally prosecute
criminologists, or forensic scientists, to understand tech- felony cases that have outcomes that would affect their
nical facts and issues related to a case whole state. Sometimes state prosecutors are assigned to
• develop prosecution strategies assist district attorneys’ offices, which are at the county
• examine crime scenes level, with their cases. Prosecuting Attorneys in the county
• prepare demonstrative evidence offices handle felony and misdemeanor offenses that involve
state laws or local ordinances. These lawyers also prosecute
In addition, Prosecuting Attorneys are responsible for traffic violations, as well as litigate cases that have to do
filing appropriate court documents, such as pleadings, with child support, paternity, child neglect or abuse, and
answers, and motions on a timely basis, as well as attending other family law cases.
pretrial hearings and conferences. Many large cities have a city attorney’s office, in which
Prosecuting Attorneys settle many of their cases before the Prosecuting Attorneys are responsible for handling cases
they reach the trial stage. Throughout the litigation pro- of criminal misdemeanors and violations of city ordinances.
cess, prosecutors negotiate plea bargains with the defense Many Prosecuting Attorneys also engage in civil liti-
lawyers. The prosecutors offer to issue lesser charges to gation. On behalf of governmental bodies, they handle
which defendants agree to plead guilty. A plea bargain gives lawsuits that involve such issues as employment, personal
a prosecutor assurance of a conviction, while a defendant injury, contracts, land use, or taxes. In local jurisdictions,
receives a shorter jail or prison sentence. Attorneys can Prosecuting Attorneys act as legal counsel to government
continue negotiations up to the moment that a judge or jury officials, boards, agencies, and departments. They perform
makes a verdict. any number of duties. For example, they may provide legal
All criminal trials follow the same procedure; however, advice on transactions; represent county officials at admin-
each court has its own set of rules which attorneys are istrative hearings (such as school attendance proceedings or
expected to follow. A case may be presented before either county commissioner meetings); examine public records of
a judge or a judge and jury. In a jury trial, the attorneys officials; and prosecute actions to recover debts or fines for
of both sides participate in the jury selection. Every trial the government.
begins with opening statements from the prosecutor and Local and state chief prosecutors are elected by the vot-
the defense attorney, in which the two parties describe what ers, while the heads of the various U.S. attorney’s offices
they will prove at the trial. The parties then take turns pre- are appointed by the U.S. president. Chief prosecutors are
senting their case by examining witnesses and introducing elected or appointed for a limited number of years. Depend-
evidence. Each side may cross-examine the other party’s ing on their job performance, they may be reappointed or
witnesses, as well as make objections to the other party’s re-elected for additional terms. Assistant Prosecuting Attor-
line of questioning, evidence, and other matters. The trial neys are hired through regular selection processes. Their
ends when both parties make closing statements, in which jobs are usually not affected when new chief prosecutors are
they present their reasons why the defendant is guilty or appointed or elected.
innocent of his or her charges. The work of Prosecuting Attorneys is challenging and
The judge or jury deliberates upon the facts that were can be extremely stressful at times. They juggle a heavy
presented at the trial, and then decides on the verdict. If the caseload, in which they are handling cases at different pre-
Prosecuting Attorney or the defense lawyer does not agree trial and trial stages. They often put in more than 40 hours
with the verdict, the party may petition for an appeal in the per week to complete their duties and work long days, as
appropriate appellate court. they get ready to bring a case to trial.
252        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Salaries Entry-level attorneys typically receive on-the-job train-

Salaries for Prosecuting Attorneys vary, depending on such ing. They perform their duties under the supervision and
factors as their experience, employers, and geographic direction of experienced Prosecuting Attorneys.
location. Throughout their careers, Prosecuting Attorneys enroll in
NALP, the association for legal career professionals, continuing education courses as well as training workshops
reports in its 2006 Public Sector and Public Interest Attor- and seminars to update their skills and knowledge.
ney Salary Report that the median annual salaries for state
Prosecuting Attorneys ranged from $46,374 (for entry-level Special Requirements
lawyers) to $67,712 (for lawyers with 11 to 15 years experi-
To practice law in a state (or U.S. territory or Washington,
ence). For local Prosecuting Attorneys, the median annual
D.C.), lawyers must first gain admission to that state’s bar.
salaries ranged from $43,915 (for entry-level lawyers) to
For specific eligibility information, contact the bar admis-
$72,970 (for lawyers with 11 to 15 years experience).
sion office for the jurisdiction where you wish to practice.
Assistant U.S. attorneys earn salaries based on the
To practice in federal courts, attorneys must apply for
Administratively Determined pay scale. Information about
admission. Each court has its own set of requirements.
this pay scale is unavailable, but it is about equivalent to the
General Schedule (GS) scale, another federal pay schedule.
Prosecuting Attorneys earn salaries similar to the GS-11 to Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
GS-15 levels. In 2007, the basic pay for these levels ranged Employers generally require that candidates for entry-level
from $46,974 to $120,981. Federal employees also receive positions have one or more years of professional work expe-
locality pay that is based on the geographic location where rience after graduating from law school. In addition, they
they work. Those living in areas with higher living costs seek candidates who have litigation experience, as well as
typically earn higher wages. demonstrate a strong interest in public service.
Prosecuting Attorneys are expected to possess superior
Employment Prospects writing, communication, and legal-research skills. Having
Job opportunities are generally better at the local govern- strong computer skills is also important. In addition, these
ment level where the turnover rate for prosecutor positions is attorneys need excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills,
high. Job openings typically become available as Prosecut- as they must be able to work well with colleagues, clients,
ing Attorneys retire, advance to higher positions, or transfer court personnel, support staff, and others from diverse back-
to other jobs. On occasion, agencies create additional posi- grounds. Being analytical, diligent, quick-witted, persis-
tions to meet growing needs when funding is available. tent, flexible, creative, and enthusiastic are some personality
Some employers prefer to hire candidates who are willing traits that successful prosecutors have in common.
to make a commitment to work two or more years for them.
Unions and Associations
Advancement Prospects Prosecuting Attorneys join various bar associations to take
Many Prosecuting Attorneys measure advancement by advantage of professional resources and services such as
receiving more complex cases, earning higher wages, and educational programs, networking opportunities, and profes-
gaining professional recognition. Supervisory and manage- sional publications. Along with local and state bar associa-
rial positions are available, but are usually limited. tions, many prosecutors belong to a national bar association
Depending on their interests and ambitions, attorneys such as the American Bar Association. In some states, attor-
can pursue any number of career paths. They can seek neys must belong to the state bar association in order to
other attorney positions with other government agencies, practice law.
obtain employment as corporate counsels, or work in private Many Prosecuting Attorneys also join associations that
practice or in public interest settings. Furthermore, lawyers serve their particular interests, such as the Federal Bar Asso-
might choose to pursue such legal-related careers as law ciation, the National District Attorneys Association, the
professors, judges, law librarians, FBI special agents, lob- National Criminal Justice Association, the American Associ-
byists, or politicians. ation for Justice, the National Black Prosecutors Association,
or the National Hispanic Prosecutors Association. For con-
Education and Training tact information for these organizations, see Appendix III.
Prosecuting Attorneys must possess a juris doctor (J.D.)
degree, which is granted after completing a three-year or Tips for Entry
four-year law school program. Most employers prefer to hire 1. Are you well suited for a public service career? While
candidates who have graduated from law schools accredited in high school or college, volunteer at a community
by the American Bar Association or a proper state authority. group or public interest organization to get an idea.

2. Gain experience by obtaining an internship, working, 5. Use the Internet to learn more about prosecutor offices
or volunteering in a prosecuting attorney’s office. at the different government levels. To find out more
3. Sometimes a prosecutor’s office hires lawyers on a about the U.S. Attorneys’ Office, visit its Web site
part-time or temporary basis. at To find Web sites for
4. For employment information for the U.S. Attorneys’ local and state offices, enter any of these keywords
Office, visit the Office of Attorney Recruitment and into a search engine: state attorney general, district
Management Web site at attorney, county prosecutor, or city prosecutor.
254        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


Duties: Provide expert witness and/or litigation support ser-

vices to attorneys; manage business operations; perform Forensic Consultant
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Expert Witness, Litigation Consul-

tant; Forensic Examiner, Forensic Specialist; a title that
reflects a specialty such as Forensic Psychologist or Novice Forensic Consultant
Forensic Sculptor

Salary Range: $100 to $350 + per hour

Employment Prospects: Good Senior, Administrative, or

Management Position (in a workplace)
Advancement Prospects: Poor

Education or Training—College degrees and training
appropriate to an occupation
Experience—Extensive work experience in their field
Special Skills and Personality Traits— Organizational,
self-management, communication, interpersonal, and
small-business skills; articulate, curious, fair, trustwor-
thy, objective, diligent, and energetic
Special Requirements—Professional license or certifi-
cation as required for a profession

Position Description forensic anthropology, forensic nursing, forensic psychol-

Many forensic scientists, examiners, and analysts work in ogy, photography, or video forensics.
the private sector as Forensic Consultants. They offer their Some consultants are experts in one particular area such
services on a contractual basis to trial lawyers, medical as forensic linguistics, while others offer consulting services
examiners, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, in several areas. For example a Forensic Consultant might
insurance companies, private corporations, and others that specialize in the areas of latent print examination, firearms
are in need of their particular forensic expertise. Attorneys, and tool marks examination, and ballistics analysis.
for example, typically hire various Forensic Consultants to Trial lawyers often hire different Forensic Consultants to
address facts and issues involved in their criminal and civil provide expert witness services. As expert witnesses, Foren-
cases. sic Consultants give their professional opinions about partic-
Forensic Consultants come from various scientific, tech- ular facts and issues related to civil or criminal cases. They
nical, and medical fields. They are former criminalists and present their opinions as sworn testimony at depositions or
law enforcement officers, as well as scientists, physicians, in trials or through sworn affidavits (written statements).
engineers, technicians, physicians, accountants, artists, and Forensic Consultants are expected to provide unbiased and
academicians, among many others. They typically have impartial testimony. Ethically, they must not support or
years of training and experience in their specialties, such oppose the arguments of the lawyers that have hired them,
as ballistics, blood splatter analysis, questioned documents, nor those of the opposing attorneys.
computer forensics, forensic engineering, statistics, foren- To testify in court as an expert witness, Forensic Con-
sic accounting, linguistics, entomology, forensic toxicology, sultants must meet certain qualifications, which vary from

judge to judge. They must have the appropriate credentials, In addition to constantly generating new business,
experience, skills, knowledge, education, or training that Forensic Consultants continue to build their reputation and
qualifies them to testify about the issues and facts related to credibility. To accomplish both goals, they network with
a case. colleagues, attorneys, law enforcement agencies, crime
Expert witnesses may also be used for another purpose in labs, community organizations, associations, and others to
court trials: to provide technical information so that judges develop contacts for future work projects. Many consultants
and jurors can understand the facts and issues of a case. write books and articles for professional and trade publica-
These experts explain technical concepts in terms that are tions and make guest presentations at professional and trade
easy to understand. conferences. Some consultants offer educational services,
Many Forensic Consultants offer litigation support ser- such as training workshops to law enforcement agencies,
vices to attorneys. These are various types of pretrial ser- or obtain positions as lecturers or adjunct instructors at col-
vices that lawyers seek to help them prepare for trials. For leges and universities.
example, Forensic Consultants might be hired to: Forensic Consultants work flexible hours. Their job
requires them to travel frequently to meet with clients,
• educate lawyers about the technical, scientific, or medical attend depositions and trials, and participate in conferences
facts about a case and other relevant events. Many consultants offer their ser-
• review cases to identify the technical issues and facts vices statewide, regionally, or nationally.
• gather physical evidence
• conduct research for additional information to support a
Annual gross earnings for Forensic Consultants is based on
• conduct tests or experiments to prove or disprove certain
the total fees that they have earned in a year. Earnings vary
facts or issues
yearly, depending on such factors as their rates, specialties,
• interview eye witnesses
and the demand for their services. Specific earnings infor-
• locate and recruit expert witnesses to testify about certain
mation for this occupation is unavailable.
issues or facts
Forensic Consultants charge an hourly, daily, or flat rate
• prepare reports that can be used in settlement negotia-
for research, examinations, depositions, and other services
that they perform. Hourly fees generally range between
• create diagrams, models, or other pieces of demonstrative
$100 and $350 or more per hour. Highly reputable consul-
evidence that can help judges and juries understand spe-
tants can earn as much as $2,000 or more per hour for expert
cific issues or facts
witness services. Many Forensic Consultants also charge
clients for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel time, tele-
When Forensic Consultants provide litigation support
phone calls, and photocopying.
services, they usually do not perform any expert witness
services. However, lawyers may ask them to testify as per-
cipient witnesses, which are similar to eyewitnesses. They Employment Prospects
answer questions about facts related to a case based on their In general, opportunities are favorable for Forensic Con-
direct observation or work rather than their professional sultants. Litigation lawyers continually seek credible and
opinion. reputable Forensic Consultants. Public crime labs and other
Many Forensic Consultants are solo practitioners. Some governmental agencies also hire consultants to assist with
are in partnership with other consultants. Some consultants backlogs, when funding is available.
own firms with a staff of associates and administrative and
clerical employees. Some Forensic Consultants offer their
Advancement Prospects
services as a supplemental activity to their primary occu-
Forensic Consultants realize advancement by earning higher
pation, such as professor, physician, dentist, scientist, or
incomes and gaining professional recognition. Many also
measure success by being sought by attorneys for very com-
As business owners, Forensic Consultants are respon-
plex or publicized cases. Becoming a Forensic Consultant is
sible for managing their operations. They perform various
usually the ultimate career goal for many professionals.
administrative and financial duties to keep their business
running successfully. For example, they are responsible for
paying bills and taxes, collecting clients’ fees, balancing Education and Training
financial accounts, maintaining supplies and equipment, and Forensic Consultants typically acquire the appropriate cre-
marketing their services. If they hire staff, they must take dentials and training that are required for their particular
care of paying employees and provide them with training professions. For example, most criminalists possess at least
and supervision. a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, biology, or another related
256        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

field; forensic anthropologists have doctoral degrees in physi- lications, and other professional resources and services. Two
cal anthropology; and forensic radiologists hold medical doc- professional associations that serve the general interests of
tor degrees and have completed the proper medical training. many forensic experts are the American Academy of Foren-
Throughout their careers, Forensic Consultants enroll in sic Sciences and the American College of Forensic Examin-
continuing education and training programs to update their ers. For contact information, see Appendix III.
skills and knowledge.

Tips for Entry

Special Requirements 1. You might volunteer to do an occasional project
Forensic Consultants have the appropriate professional for public organizations for free. This can help you
licenses and certification required for their professions. For
build up your experience, as well as make valuable
example, engineers hold a professional engineer license and
physicians possess a medical license in the states where
2. Many Forensic Consultants obtain professional cer-
they practice.
tification from recognized organizations to enhance
their credibility. For information about certification
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits programs, see Appendix II.
Criminalists, scientists, physicians, and others normally 3. Take one or more small-business courses or work-
become Forensic Consultants after many years of working shops to make sure you have the proper skills to
in their fields. develop a successful business.
To succeed at consulting work, individuals need excel- 4. Maintain a portfolio of your publications, presenta-
lent organizational, self-management, communication, and tions, prior testimony work, and other relevant work,
interpersonal skills. They also need strong small-business and show it to prospective clients.
skills. Being articulate, curious, fair, trustworthy, objective, 5. Use the Internet to learn more about what Forensic
diligent, and energetic are some personality traits that suc- Consultants do. Many experts maintain a Web site on
cessful Forensic Consultants share. the Internet. Visit some of these sites to learn about
what different Forensic Consultants do. To get a list
Unions and Associations of Web sites, enter the keywords forensic consultants,
Many Forensic Consultants belong to societies to take advan- forensic consulting, expert witnesses, or litigation
tage of networking opportunities, continuing education, pub- support services. For some links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Preside over court hearings and trials; conduct legal

research, review court documents, and perform other Presiding Judge or Judge in a
legal duties; perform other duties as required higher state or federal court

Alternate Title(s): Trial Judge, Appellate Judge, Bank-

ruptcy Judge, or another title that reflects a particular
Trial or Appellate Court Judge
Salary Range: $123,000 to $212,000 (state or federal court)

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Poor

Attorney or Judge (in a lower court)
Education or Training—J.D. (law) degree may be
required; orientation training
Experience—Several years of experience as practicing
lawyer usually required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Case-manage-
ment, analytical, interpersonal, and communication
skills; hardworking, patient, respectful, trustworthy, and
Special Requirements—Admission to a state bar asso-
ciation may be required

Position Description tional issues, the federal government, federal law violations,
Judges preside over hearings and trials in local, state, fed- or lawsuits between citizens of different states. State court
eral, and tribal courts. They listen to legal cases concerning judges handle cases that involve state laws and regulations.
a wide range of issues, including criminal actions, con- The majority of Judges serve in trial courts, in which
tractual disagreements, financial disputes, tax violations, the facts of criminal and civil cases are determined and
personal injury claims, divorce, inheritance, property rights, judgments are made based on the evidence and witness tes-
child custody, and traffic violations, among others. Judges timony that are presented in these courts. Many trial judges
are responsible for overseeing hearings and trials and mak- work in general jurisdiction courts where they handle all
ing sure they run smoothly, efficiently, and fairly. They also types of civil and criminal cases.
interpret and apply laws accordingly to each case, as well as Trial judges usually hold pretrial hearings to establish if
ensure that the legal rights of the parties involved in a case cases are worth going to trial. In criminal cases, Judges may
are met. Judges are expected to perform their duties objec- decide that defendants be held in jail or released until their
tively and without bias. They cannot in any way influence trials begin.
the outcome of a trial. Trial judges conduct two types of trials. In bench trials,
The U.S. judicial system is composed of the federal Judges listen to both sides of a case and determine the out-
judiciary and 50 state court systems. Different courts handle come of the trial. In criminal cases, Judges decide whether
different types of cases. Judges hear legal cases that are criminal defendants are innocent or guilty; and in civil
appropriate to the type of courts over which they preside. cases, they decide which party is right and if compensation
Federal court judges deal with cases that concern constitu- should be awarded to the winning party.
258        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

In jury trials, jurors are selected to hear the evidence and direct the work of staff attorneys, paralegals, and other legal
testimony presented by both sides of a case and then make and administrative support staff.
a decision. Before the jury makes its decision, the presiding Judges are usually appointed by executive bodies or
Judge explains relevant laws to jurors and instructs them elected to the bench by voters within their jurisdiction. Fed-
how to evaluate the facts that they have heard in the trial. eral trial and appellate judges serve a life term; that is, until
In both bench and jury trials, Judges are responsible for they retire or die. They can be removed from office only
sentencing guilty parties in criminal cases as well as deter- through impeachment. Some federal judges, such as bank-
mining the settlement awards in civil cases. ruptcy judges, are appointed by other federal judges. State
Bench and jury trials may take several days, weeks, or and local judges serve limited terms, which may be renewed
months to complete. Judges establish the procedures for through reappointment or reelection.
their courtrooms, and they make sure that lawyers, wit- Judges usually wear robes when they are presiding in
nesses, and jurors comply. If situations occur during trials court. Their work can oftentimes be demanding and stress-
for which there are no standard procedures, Judges have the ful. They must sometimes deal with situations in court in
power to interpret the law and determine appropriate proce- which people are highly emotional.
dures. In addition, Judges determine the facts surrounding a Most Judges have a 40-hour work schedule, but some put
case and rule on the admissibility of physical evidence and in additional hours to complete their duties. Some Judges in
witness testimony that is submitted in court. Judges stop limited jurisdiction courts work part time.
lawyers if their questions are inappropriate, and they settle
disagreements between the opposing lawyers.
Some trial judges work in limited jurisdiction courts—
Salaries for Judges vary, depending on such factors as their
such as municipal, traffic, juvenile, family, small claims, and
employer and geographic location. The National Center for
bankruptcy courts—in which they hear only certain types of
State Courts reported in its July 2006 Survey of Judicial
cases. For example, family court judges oversee legal pro-
Salaries the following median annual salary for state court
ceedings that focus on child custody, legal guardianships,
adoption, domestic violence, child abuse, and other issues
concerning families and children.
• general jurisdiction trial court judges, $122,559
When litigants do not agree with the results of their trial,
• intermediate appellate court judges, $132,102
they may appeal their cases to higher-level courts known as
• highest court associate justices, $136,810
appellate courts. Appellate judges do not retry cases nor do
• highest court chief justices, $142,264
they hear new evidence. They review the petitions made by
the litigants and determine if errors have been made during
The annual salaries for federal court judges in 2006 were:
the trial procedure that resulted in a miscarriage of justice.
These Judges generally review arguments as written
• district court trial judges, $165,200
briefs. They sometimes listen to oral arguments that are
• circuit court appellate judges, $175,100
limited to 30 minutes or less. After appellate judges review a
• Supreme Court associate justices, $203,000
case, they make one of three decisions. They may agree with
• Supreme Court Chief Justice, $212,100
the decision of the trial judge; they may reverse the decision;
or they may request that the case be retried. If litigants dis-
agree with the appellate judges’ decision, they may appeal to Employment Prospects
the next higher court, and all the way up to the U.S. Supreme There are a limited number of judgeships at the state and
Court, which is the highest court in the nation. federal levels, which are established by state legislatures and
There are also Judges known as administrative law the U.S. Congress. From time to time, a legislative body may
judges, who are employed by government agencies that authorize the creation of new judgeships to handle increasing
are responsible for administering a particular set of laws caseloads in courts, as long as funding is available.
and regulations, such as health, environmental, tax, work- In general, judgeship openings become available when
place safety, or professional licensure. These Judges settle Judges retire, advance to higher positions, or resign. In
disputes and complaints that individuals, businesses, and recent years, there has been a trend wherein Judges resign
groups have with government agencies. or retire early and take private practice jobs because of
In addition to their courtroom duties, all Judges perform higher pay, which may create more opportunities, accord-
various legal duties in their private offices (or chambers). ing to some experts in the field. However, the competition
For example, they research legal issues, review court docu- should continue to be strong due to the prestige of the
ments such as pleadings and motions, write opinions and position.
decisions, and draft legal correspondence. Some Judges The appointment process is intense and difficult; it
have the authority to marry people. Additionally, Judges involves obtaining necessary political support to become

appointed or elected to office. Nominees are thoroughly Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
screened before they are appointed or elected to a judge- Requirements vary with the different courts. Most state
ship. Federal judges are nominated by the president of courts prefer that candidates be practicing lawyers or have
the United States and then confirmed by the U.S. Senate. practiced for a minimum number of years.
State judges may be appointed by executive bodies or Candidates for federal judgeships are not required to be
elected by voters. attorneys. However, most federal judges had been practicing
attorneys when they were nominated for judgeships.
To perform well at their work, Judges must have excel-
Advancement Prospects
lent case-management, analytical, interpersonal, and com-
Advancement opportunities are limited. Judges can serve as munication skills. Some personality traits that successful
supervisory or presiding judges of their court for restricted Judges share include being hardworking, patient, respectful,
terms. Judges can also seek appointments to positions in trustworthy, and ethical.
higher courts at the state or federal level.
Most Judges measure their success through job satisfac-
tion, professional recognition, and pay increases. Unions and Associations
Judges join professional associations and bar associations to
take advantage of networking opportunities and other pro-
Education and Training fessional resources and services. Two national organizations
Educational requirements vary with the different courts. in which many Judges are members are the American Bar
State courts usually prefer that Judges possess a juris doctor Association and the American Judges Association. Many
(J.D.) degree, the professional degree in law. Federal courts federal judges belong to the Federal Bar Association. For
have no formal requirement; but most federal judges pos- contact information, see Appendix III.
sess a J.D. degree.
Judges typically receive orientation training when they
first serve. Throughout their careers, they enroll in continu- Tips for Entry
ing education and training programs to update their skills 1. Talk with various Judges about their jobs and how
and knowledge. In many states, Judges are required to com- they became Judges.
plete continuing education courses. 2. Get experience working in a court setting by obtaining
a judicial law clerkship or a staff attorney position.
3. For state judgeships, contact the courts in which you wish
Special Requirements to work for information about the selection process.
Judges may be required to be licensed lawyers. This entails 4. Use the Internet to learn more about state and federal
maintaining current membership in a state attorney bar asso- courts. You might start by visiting these Web sites:
ciation. Some states require that candidates for judgeships the National Center for State Courts, http://www.
have been a bar association member for a minimum number; and The U.S. Courts, http://www.
of years. For more links, see Appendix IV.
262        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Plan, develop, and/or coordinate training programs;

may develop courses and design instructional materi- Senior Training Specialist or
als; may teach courses, workshops, or seminars; perform Training Program Coordinator
duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Forensic Training Coordinator, Forensic

Training Manager
Training Specialist
Salary Range: $27,000 to $141,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Training Program Instructor

Education or Training—A bachelor’s degree in one’s
Experience—Work experience in forensic specialty;
experience working with training programs
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Leadership,
organizational, problem-solving, teamwork, writing,
presentation, interpersonal, and communication skills;
inspirational, energetic, flexible, creative, and self-

Position Description forensics, or traffic crash investigation) for entry-level as

Throughout their careers, criminalists and other forensic well as for experienced professionals
examiners as well as crime scene investigators, law enforce- • evidence handling training (such as the chain of custody
ment officers, medicolegal investigators, and others involved and the collection and preservation of evidence)
in legal matters sign up for forensic training programs to • legal training in rules of evidence, evidence authentica-
maintain their professional competence. They complete train- tion, criminal law procedures, expert witness testimony,
ing programs that are provided by their employers, either and other areas
internally or through outside sources. Many of them also • training in administrative and laboratory policies (such
voluntarily enroll in courses, workshops, and seminars that as quality assurance, security, and standard operating
are given or sponsored by government agencies, academic procedures)
institutions, professional associations, or private firms. • safety training including chemical, biological, and physi-
Training programs for forensic professionals are designed cal hazards
and managed by Forensic Training Specialists. Along
with having expertise in instructional design, these men Forensic Training Specialists may be involved in any
and women have extensive training and background in the or all aspects of the planning, development, instructional
forensic specialties in which they work. They are involved design, deliverance, and management of training programs.
in various types of training programs, including: Some of them hold job titles that reflect their particular
responsibilities; for example, forensic training managers
• technical training in forensic specialties (such as latent oversee the daily administration of training programs for
print analysis, sexual assault examination, computer their employers.

Forensic Training Specialists consider many elements • evaluating curriculum for currency and trends
when they design a training program. They determine its • collaborating with government officials and professional
purpose, learning objectives, and performance goals. They interest groups to identify training needs
also decide on the most effective way to deliver instruc- • reviewing the effectiveness of training programs and pre-
tion. Training programs may be implemented in such forms paring feedback for training coordinators and instruc-
as classroom instruction, workshops, seminars, individual tional designers
coaching, on-the-job training, interactive video training, • updating courses and instructional materials
computer-based training, or intranet instruction. In addition, • coaching training session participants who need addi-
these specialists establish what requirements students must tional help in learning skills and concepts
have to enroll in a program, as well as determine what quali- • formulating training policies
fications they seek in prospective instructors. • developing training evaluation methods and criteria
Training specialists work closely with subject matter • coordinating and administering contracts with vendors
experts as they design training programs. The experts help and independent instructors
• coordinating schedules of various training programs
the specialists determine the content of the program—the
• selecting and hiring contractual instructors
topics to teach, types of practice exercises, and so on. They
• assigning work and providing supervision to instructors
also discuss evaluation strategies for measuring performance
and other training staff
upon completion of training. Forensic Training Specialists
utilize the experts’ advice to develop a program syllabus that
Some Forensic Training Specialists are staff members
outlines the topics and the sequence by which they would
in law enforcement agencies, state crime laboratories, and
be taught. They also settle on the types of assessments (such medical examiners’ (or coroners’) offices. Others work for
as written exams, laboratory exercises, and mock trials) that forensic training centers affiliated with government agen-
should be used to measure the learning of trainees. Many cies and academic institutions. Still others work for private
Forensic Training Specialists are also involved in creating firms and nonprofit organizations that offer forensic training
print, visual, and/or technology-based instructional materials. services.
In designing programs and materials, developers integrate Forensic Training Specialists work part time or full time.
adult learning principles and take into account the different Those who provide instruction may be scheduled to teach
abilities and learning styles of a program’s participants. evenings or weekends. Some Forensic Training Specialists
Many Forensic Training Specialists are responsible for travel to other cities or states to teach or to meet with clients
teaching courses, workshops, or seminars. Although the or subject matter experts.
curriculum and instructional materials are established, they
bring their own teaching styles to the training sessions.
As experienced teachers, they plan for the most effective
Salaries for Forensic Training Specialists vary, depending
means of delivering instruction based on the topic, learning
on such factors as their education, experience, position,
objectives, number of participants, length of training, and
employer, and geographic location. According to the May
other factors. They lecture and lead discussions; they super-
2006 Occupational Employment Statistics survey by the
vise class activities and lab exercises. To help reinforce
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated annual sal-
and enrich their instruction, they use various teaching aids,
ary for most training and development specialists ranged
including multimedia, computer programs, and the Internet. between $27,450 and $80,630. The estimated annual sal-
In preparation for their training sessions, they gather all nec- ary for most training and development managers ranged
essary materials, equipment, and supplies and set up their between $43,530 and $141,140.
classrooms appropriately.
Training programs are generally less structured than for-
mal academic courses. Depending on the purpose and con- Employment Prospects
tents of a training program, it may last one or two hours or With advancements in the different forensic areas occurring
be taught once or twice a week for several weeks. Instruc- each year, opportunities for experienced training specialists
tors are expected to document attendance and fulfill other should continue to grow. Job openings become vacant as
required recordkeeping tasks. Program managers make sure Forensic Training Specialists are promoted, transfer to other
that programs adhere to schedules, come under budget, and jobs, or leave the workforce for various reasons. Employers
meet appropriate policies and standards as well as local, will create additional positions to meet growing needs as
state, and federal laws and regulations. long as funding is available.
Forensic Training Specialists perform various other
duties, which vary according to their experience and posi- Advancement Prospects
tion. For example, they may also be responsible for any of Forensic Training Specialists can be promoted to senior,
the following tasks: supervisory, and management positions, which may
264        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

require moving to other organizations. Those with entre- Some personality traits that successful Forensic Training
preneurial ambitions can become independent practi- Specialists share include being inspirational, energetic, flex-
tioners or business owners that offer forensic training ible, creative, and self-motivated.
Unions and Associations
Education and Training Forensic Training Specialists can join professional associa-
Educational requirements vary with the different employ- tions to take advantage of networking opportunities, training
ers. In general, employers prefer to hire applicants who programs, professional certification, and other professional
have at least a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, forensic resources and services. Professional societies are available
science, or another discipline that is related to their foren- locally, statewide, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
sic specialty. Many Forensic Training Specialists possess a One national association that serves the interests of train-
master’s degree in their field of interest. ing professionals is the American Society for Training and
Development. The American Academy of Forensic Sciences
is a key society that serves the general interests of many
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits forensic professionals. For contact information for these
Requirements vary, depending on the employer and the groups, see Appendix III.
position. In general, employers seek candidates who have
extensive forensic backgrounds in their specialties. They
Tips for Entry
also have previous experience in the development, coordi-
1. Take one or more courses that are aimed at teaching
nation, and/or teaching of forensic training programs. Can-
adult learners.
didates should also be knowledgeable about adult learning 2. Build up your public speaking and teaching skills by
principles, instructional methods, training techniques, and making presentations or teaching workshops at pro-
the creation of learning materials. fessional meetings and conferences.
To do their work effectively, Forensic Training Special- 3. As a practitioner in the field, volunteer to help with
ists must have strong leadership, organizational, prob- the planning and development of training programs at
lem-solving, teamwork, writing, and presentation skills. your workplace.
They also need excellent interpersonal and communica- 4. Use the Internet to learn about different organizations
tion skills, as they must work well with colleagues, foren- and private firms that offer forensic training services.
sic professionals, law enforcement officers, managers, For relevant Web sites, enter the keywords forensic
governmental officials, and various others with diverse training services into a search engine. For some links,
backgrounds. see Appendix IV.



Duties: Teach undergraduate and graduate students; prepare

courses and lessons; may conduct scholarly research; (Full) Professor
perform other duties as required

Alternate Title(s): Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate

Professor, Professor; a title that reflects a particular dis-
cipline such as Forensic Science Professor or Chemistry Associate Professor

Salary Range: $29,000 to $146,000

Employment Prospects: Good Assistant Professor

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—A doctoral degree usually Instructor
Experience—Practical experience in their field as well
as teaching experience required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organizational,
self-management, communication, presentation, and
interpersonal skills; creative, inquisitive, flexible, dedi-
cated, and inspirational

Position Description Some Forensic Science Instructors are part of profes-

In two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universities, sional certificate programs that provide a foundation for
Forensic Science Instructors teach courses that prepare careers in particular forensic areas such as crime scene
students for careers in criminalistics, computer forensics, investigation, medicolegal death investigation, or foren-
forensic anthropology, and other forensic specialties. Most, sic toxicology. Professional certificate programs may be
if not all, of these educators have many years of practical offered in two-year colleges as well as in four-year colleges
experience working as forensic scientists and administra- and universities.
tors; and many of them continue to work in the field while Most academic faculty members hold one of four ranks—
they are teaching. instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and (full)
Forensic Science Instructors work in different types of professor. Full-time Forensic Science Instructors may be
academic programs. In two-year colleges, they instruct stu- hired on a tenure or non-tenure track. Tenured staff mem-
dents who are pursuing associate degrees, while instructors bers are assured of a job at their institution until they retire,
in four-year colleges and universities teach students who are resign, or die. With tenure, they cannot be fired without just
seeking bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. These cause and due process. Instructors on the non-tenure track
educators may be part of forensic science departments or generally receive limited-term appointments of one to three
among the faculty in chemistry, biological sciences, psychol- years, which may be renewed by the institution.
ogy, and other academic departments. In schools that do not Some Forensic Science Instructors are adjunct (or part-
have forensic science degree programs, students earn a degree time) instructors. Many adjunct faculty members are forensic
in a particular discipline (such as criminal justice, chemistry, scientists, medical examiners, and other forensic profession-
or entomology) with an emphasis in forensic science. als who work full time or part time at their occupations.
266        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Some adjunct instructors in forensic science departments are untary consulting services to law enforcement agencies or
members of other academic programs such as a chemistry serve on committees or commissions established by crimi-
department or a school of health sciences. nal justice agencies.
Forensic Science Instructors may be assigned to teach Furthermore, Forensic Science Instructors keep up with
one or several courses in a term. In four-year colleges and developments in their field. They read current literature, net-
universities, they may teach undergraduate or graduate stu- work with colleagues, and attend professional conferences.
dents, or both. Some of them teach evening or weekend Forensic Science Instructors typically work long hours to
classes. complete their various teaching, research, and other duties.
Instructors are responsible for developing a syllabus for Some adjunct instructors teach at two or more institutions,
each course, which outlines the sequence of topics to be including courses for extension programs.
taught throughout a term. They also prepare class lessons,
activities, experiments, and examinations. They deliver their Salaries
instruction in various ways. They give lectures, lead small- Salaries for Forensic Science Instructors vary, depending on
group discussions, and supervise laboratory experiments such factors as their ranking, discipline, employer, and geo-
and classroom exercises. Some instructors conduct lessons graphic location. Faculty in four-year colleges and univer-
on cable or closed-circuit television, while others teach sities typically earn higher salaries than those in two-year
online courses. colleges.
College and university instructors perform other teach- Specific salary information for this occupation is
ing duties. For example, they create student assignments, unavailable. A general idea of earnings for Forensic Sci-
administer exams, grade exams and student papers, and ence Instructors can be obtained by looking at the wages of
evaluate students’ performances. They also complete neces- similar professionals. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
sary administrative tasks such as keeping attendance records. reports in its May 2006 Occupational Employment Statistics
In addition, instructors establish certain office hours for survey the following estimated salary ranges for most post-
students who seek advice on academic and career matters. secondary teachers in these disciplines:
Adjunct instructors usually have limited administrative and
student-advising duties. • chemistry, $36,160 to $116,910
Many full-time instructors supervise graduate students • biological sciences, $37,620 to $145,600
with their teaching assignments and research projects. Many • psychology, $32,800 to $104,390
instructors also supervise assistants who provide them with • anthropology and archaeology, $37,590 to $109,330
instructional, administrative, or research support. • criminal justice and law enforcement, $29,450 to $89,850
Forensic Science Instructors at four-year colleges
and universities are responsible for conducting scholarly
research in topics that interest them. They may engage in Employment Prospects
basic research to broaden the body of knowledge in their Forensic Science Instructors are hired by public and private
forensic science field such as criminalistics, forensic ento- two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universities.
mology, forensic psychiatry, or forensic anthropology. They Opportunities are favorable for qualified Forensic Sci-
may be involved in applied research to develop new or ence Instructors, and should continue to be favorable for the
improved techniques, procedures, products, technology, or coming years. Throughout the country, more and more aca-
demic institutions are developing forensic science degree
systems for forensic examinations. Professors are respon-
programs and adding forensic science courses to meet the
sible for obtaining funds to pay for their research projects,
growing number of students who are interested in pursuing
which include overhead costs, purchases of equipment and
a forensic science career. In addition, increasingly more
supplies, and financial support for themselves and their
employers are seeking entry-level candidates who have a
assistants. Moreover, these professors are expected to share
strong academic background in forensic science, chemistry,
the results of their research work by publishing their find-
or other natural science disciplines. As more colleges and
ings in academic publications or books.
universities create forensic science programs, the demand
Full-time faculty members also perform various adminis-
for forensic science educators should intensify.
trative duties. For example, they participate in departmental
meetings to discuss and handle matters regarding curricu-
lum, budgets, policy matters, and the selection and hiring Advancement Prospects
of new instructors. Forensic Science Instructors also serve College faculty members rise through the ranks as instruc-
on academic and administrative advisory committees that tors, assistant professors, associate professors, and full pro-
address institutional policies and issues, as well as act as fessors. Those in tenure-track positions usually attain tenure
advisors to student organizations. In addition, professors are upon reaching the associate professor rank. Appointments
obligated to perform community service, such as offer vol- and promotions for faculty are based on their job perfor-

mance, including their records of teaching, research, and Unions and Associations
community service. Receiving a promotion is separate from Many Forensic Science Instructors belong to professional
attaining tenure. associations to take advantage of networking opportunities,
Forensic Science Instructors with managerial ambi- continuing education programs, and other professional ser-
tions can pursue two career paths. Academically, they can vices and resources. They may join general-interest forensic
advance up the ladder from department chair to dean to societies in their field, such as the American Academy of
provost to president. Those interested in the administra- Forensic Science and the Council on Forensic Science Edu-
tive aspects can pursue such positions as dean of students, cation. In addition, they may join societies that serve their
director of student activities, and development director. The particular forensic area, such as the Society of Forensic
administrative track can also lead to the top position of col-
Toxicologists, the Association of Firearms and Tool Mark
lege or university president.
Examiners, or the American Board of Forensic Entomology.
Instructors who perform consulting work might join the
Education and Training American College of Forensic Examiners.
Candidates for positions in four-year colleges and universi- In addition, Forensic Science Instructors belong to pro-
ties typically need a doctoral degree in forensic science, fessional associations that serve the interests of the aca-
chemistry, biochemistry, or another related field. Employers demic faculty, such as the National Association of Scholars
may hire candidates, particularly for adjunct positions, with and the American Association of University Professors.
a master’s degree, if they have qualifying work experience. Those in public institutions are eligible to join the higher
To teach in two-year colleges, candidates must possess at education divisions of the National Education Association
least a master’s degree in their field. or the American Federation of Teachers, which are labor
It takes several years of committed effort for students to unions.
obtain a doctoral degree. First, students complete a four- For contact information for the above organizations, see
year bachelor’s degree program, followed by a one- or two-
Appendix III.
year master’s degree program. Upon earning their master’s
degree, they enroll in a doctoral program, which takes sev-
eral more years to finish. To successfully earn their degree, Tips for Entry
doctoral candidates must write a book-length dissertation 1. While in college, gain teaching experience by obtain-
based on original research. Upon earning their doctorates, ing tutoring or teaching assistant positions.
many students complete an additional two or more years in 2. You usually need to provide three references to pro-
postdoctoral research and study. spective employers. Be sure you have current contact
information for your references.
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits 3. Many schools require a statement of research and
Employers generally prefer to hire candidates for entry-level teaching interests. Have you thought about your goals
positions who have practical experience in their forensic and objectives? Have you listed them?
specialties. They may have gained their experience through 4. Contact schools directly to learn about current or
employment, fellowships, or research projects. They also future openings.
seek candidates who have previous teaching experience, 5. Get an idea of the variety of forensic science programs
preferably in adult settings. that are available in the United States. Many of these
To be effective educators, Forensic Science Instructors academic programs maintain a presence on the Inter-
must have excellent organizational, self-management, com- net. To find relevant Web sites, enter any of the fol-
munication, presentation, and interpersonal skills. Being lowing keywords into a search engine: college forensic
creative, inquisitive, flexible, dedicated, and inspirational science program, university forensic science program,
are some personality traits that successful instructors share. or community college forensic science program.
268        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Duties: Plan and conduct applied or basic research projects;

perform duties as required Senior Researcher or
Principal Investigator
Alternate Title(s): Research Scientist; a title that reflects a
specialty, such as Forensic Chemist

Salary Range: $35,000 to $145,000

Employment Prospects: Fair Researcher

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Education or Training—Doctoral degree required to Research Associate
conduct independent research, teach in academic institu-
tions, or to hold top management positions
Experience—Work and research experience related to
the desired position is required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal,
communication, organizational, problem-solving, and
self-management skills; patient, persistent, detail-ori-
ented, curious, enthusiastic, and dedicated

Position Description Many Forensic Science Researchers are involved in

Forensic science plays an important role in the delivery of applied research to develop new or improved forensic meth-
justice in legal matters. Law enforcement officers, attorneys, ods, procedures, and technologies. They utilize fundamen-
and the courts use forensic evidence to assist in convicting tal principles and techniques of forensic science and other
suspects or proving them innocent. Attorneys, government disciplines in their studies. They seek practical applica-
agencies, insurance companies, and other entities rely on tions in a wide range of areas. For example, depending on
forensic examinations to help settle civil, regulatory, arbitra- their interests and backgrounds, forensic research scientists
might be involved in creating:
tion, and other legal-related cases. In addition, various indi-
viduals and groups utilize forensic analysis to reconstruct
• techniques for the analysis of physical evidence (such as
accidents and other casualties, to locate missing people in
DNA, fire debris, or explosives)
mass disasters, and to identify victims from their remains,
• tools to conduct forensic tests at crime scenes
among other purposes. • software to automatically search databases, such as latent
Every year, new and improved forensic practices and print or dental X-ray databases, for evidence
tools are being introduced to increase the types of forensic • databases of materials (such as soils, pollens, or animals)
evidence that can be used, as well as to boost the quality for determining the origin of physical evidence
and speed of processing evidence. Much of this is due to the • statistical methods for the reliability of evidence iden-
work and dedication of Forensic Science Researchers who tification
work in academic, government, and private laboratories. • procedures to examine different types of computer hard-
Because forensic science is an interdisciplinary field, Foren- ware (such as portable electronic devices) or computer
sic Science Researchers have diverse backgrounds. They are systems (such as the Macintosh operating system)
criminalists, chemists, biological scientists, geoscientists,
medical scientists, social scientists, behavioral scientists, Some Forensic Science Researchers conduct basic
mathematicians, engineers, and others. research to expand further knowledge and understanding in

their forensic areas. For example, researchers might inves- Occupational Employment Statistics survey the following
tigate questions such as these: How does forensic evidence estimated salary ranges for most of these professionals:
impact the criminal justice processes? What is the most
effective way to manage and run crime labs? Can DNA • chemists, $35,480 to $106,310
databases help prevent crimes from occurring? The results • clinical psychologists, $35,280 to $102,730
of basic research are used in further investigations of practi- • medical scientists, $35,490 to $117,520
cal applications. • microbiologists, $35,460 to $108,270
Depending on their research projects, forensic research • research computer scientists, $53,590 to $144,880
scientists work alone or collaborate with other researchers. • sociologists, $36,790 to $115,770
Independent researchers are responsible for obtaining grants • statisticians, $37,010 to $108,630
from government and private sources to fund their projects.
This involves preparing proposals that describe the pur- Employment Prospects
pose, goals, objectives, methodologies, personnel, and other Forensic Science Researchers find employment in govern-
aspects of their projects. They also include detailed budgets ment and private research laboratories. Academic research
and submit other required forms. opportunities are found in public and private four-year col-
Forensic Science Researchers are responsible for the leges and universities. Academic opportunities are usually
design and management of their research projects. They for teaching positions.
perform a wide range of tasks that vary each day. For Opportunities in general are favorable for qualified
example, they design and conduct experiments, tests, and Forensic Science Researchers and should continue to be
surveys; gather, analyze, and interpret data; review scientific favorable for the coming years. Most job openings are cre-
literature; prepare correspondence, forms, reports, and other ated to replace individuals who retire, resign, or transfer to
required paperwork; attend meetings; and perform adminis- other positions. Employers will create additional positions
trative tasks such as maintaining equipment, ordering sup- to meet growing needs if funding is available.
plies, paying bills, and planning work schedules. These
researchers also monitor laboratory practices to ensure that
standards as well as laws and regulations are being met. In Advancement Prospects
addition, they keep up to date with current developments Forensic Science Researchers can be promoted to supervi-
and technologies in forensic science as well as in their sory and managerial positions, which may require moving
particular disciplines. Furthermore, they supervise research to another workplace. A doctorate is usually required to
assistants, technicians, and other support staff. obtain top management positions.
Academic researchers are usually employed as instructors Academic faculty members can rise through the ranks as
who teach courses to undergraduate or graduate students. instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, and
Their teaching duties include preparing course outlines, full professors.
lecturing and leading discussions, supervising class activi-
ties and lab work, and grading tests and papers, among other Education and Training
tasks. In addition, they are responsible for advising students To become an academic researcher, a doctoral degree in
on academic and career matters. Many of them also super- one’s field is required. Government and private labs also
vise graduate students with their research projects. More- prefer to hire candidates with doctorates, but are willing to
over, academic researchers perform various administrative hire applicants with master’s or bachelor’s degrees if they
and community service duties. have qualifying work experience.
Forensic Science Researchers mostly work indoors in It takes several years of dedication for students to obtain
offices and laboratories. Academic researchers usually have a doctoral degree. First, they complete a four-year bachelor’s
more flexible hours than government and private research- degree program, followed by a one- or two-year master’s
ers. Researchers in all settings put in extra work hours to degree program. Upon earning their master’s degree, they
complete their various tasks. enroll in a doctoral program, which takes several more years
to finish. To successfully earn their degree, doctoral candi-
Salaries dates must write a book-length dissertation based on origi-
nal research. Upon earning their doctorates, many students
Salaries for Forensic Science Researchers vary, depending on
complete an additional two or more years in postdoctoral
such factors as their experience, employer, and geographic
research and study.
location. Specific salary information for this occupation is
unavailable. A general idea of earnings for Forensic Science
Researchers can be obtained by looking at earnings for dif- Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
ferent professionals who engage in forensic science research. Employers generally hire candidates who have work and
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports in its May 2006 research experience related to the positions for which they
270        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

apply. They may have gained their experience through Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. (For contact infor-
internships, student research projects, and employment. mation for the above organizations, see Appendix III.) By
Doctoral candidates may be required to have several years joining professional associations, these research scientists
of postdoctoral experience. can take advantage of networking opportunities, continuing
Forensic Science Researchers need strong interpersonal, education programs, and other professional services and
communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills. resources.
In addition, they must have self-management skills, such
as the ability to work independently, meet deadlines, han- Tips for Entry
dle stressful situations, and prioritize multiple tasks. Being
1. Gain research experience during your undergraduate
patient, persistent, detail-oriented, curious, enthusiastic, and
years by obtaining a research assistantship or volun-
dedicated are some personality traits that successful Foren-
teering to work on a professor’s research project.
sic Science Researchers share.
2. If possible, get an internship in a forensic laboratory
to gain practical experience.
Unions and Associations 3. Professional societies, such as the American Academy
Many Forensic Science Researchers are members of vari- of Forensic Science, post job listings at their Web sites
ous professional societies. They join general-interest foren- that include announcements for research opportunities.
sic societies, such as the American Academy of Forensic 4. You can use the Internet to learn more about the
Science and the American College of Forensic Examiners. various types of forensic science research that is being
They also join societies that serve their particular forensic conducted. To obtain a list of relevant Web sites, enter
or science discipline, such as the American Chemical Soci- either of these key words into a search engine: foren-
ety, the Society of Forensic Toxicologists, the Association sic science research or forensic science researchers.
of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, or the American For some links, see Appendix IV.


Duties: Provide objective and accurate news reports about

crime and crime-related matters; perform duties as Senior Crime Reporter

Alternate Title(s): Crime Journalist, Crime Beat Reporter,

Police Beat Reporter
Crime Reporter
Salary Range: $19,000 to $74,000

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Novice Reporter or

General Assignment Reporter
Education or Training—A bachelor’s degree in journal-
ism, English, or another related field; on-the-job training
Experience—News reporting experience required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Researching,
note-taking, interviewing, writing, story-telling, inter-
personal, communication, organizational, problem-solv-
ing, teamwork, and self-management skills; inquisitive,
quick-witted, enthusiastic, energetic, persistent, objec-
tive, and creative

Position Description At some newspapers, Crime Reporters contribute to a daily

Every day, we read and hear news accounts about crime police column for which they compile brief accounts about
that has occurred locally, statewide, nationally, or around local criminal incidents, arrests, and suspects who are most
the world. The journalists who are responsible for covering wanted by authorities.
crime beats (or police beats) are called Crime Reporters. Crime Reporters have a hectic and difficult job. They work
Their reports range from the routine to the most lurid. They in offices, but a large amount of their time is spent in the field,
write about vandalism, burglaries, theft, robberies, larceny, where they cover stories or conduct research for stories. Addi-
fraud, kidnapping, sexual assaults, murders, terrorism, and tionally, reporters investigate leads for potential stories. For
other incidents. They also report about missing persons, traf- example, a Crime Reporter might learn that there has been an
fic accidents, airplane collisions, fires, natural disasters, and upsurge in youth gang activity or that the city budget deficit
other types of casualties and tragedies. In addition, these jour- may force a cut in public safety staff.
nalists write features, analyses, or investigatory reports about Their job requires them to quickly gather accurate and
crime trends, crime prevention strategies, policing, forensic correct information about people, places, and events for a
science, the criminal court system, the legal process, and story. They observe events, such as crime scene investiga-
criminal justice issues (such as juvenile justice, organized tions, fires, or court trials. They interview eyewitnesses,
crime, corrections, the death penalty, and crime victims). local authorities, and others who may provide relevant
Crime Reporters are employed by newspapers, maga- information about an incident. In addition, they read press
zines, and online publications as well as by radio and televi- releases, official papers, and other pertinent documents that
sion broadcast stations. Their job is to seek out stories that they have obtained from reliable sources. Print and online
would interest their publication’s or station’s audience. They reporters may have the additional duty of taking photo-
usually work on several stories for every issue or broadcast. graphs for their stories.
272        Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Furthermore, Crime Reporters conduct research for back- Reporters have received death threats as they investigated
ground information for their stories. They talk with subject- stories.
matter experts to gain an understanding of difficult facts Crime Reporters are employed full time or part time.
and issues. For example, a Crime Reporter might talk with Some are freelancers, or self-employed. These journalists
forensic anthropologists or forensic dentists to learn how work long hours. They may work early mornings, evenings,
unknown remains can be identified. These journalists also or nights, depending on when their newspapers are pub-
look up facts and figures at courthouses, public offices, and lished or their stations are on the air. They may also work
libraries, as well as on electronic databases and the Internet. weekends and holidays. All Crime Reporters are expected to
Crime Reporters are able to organize their notes quickly be available at any time of the day or night.
and choose the best structure for their stories. They fol-
low specific formats and standards to compose succinct yet Salaries
comprehensive articles. Unless they are doing an opinion
Salaries for Crime Reporters vary, depending on such factors
piece, Crime Reporters write objective stories. That is, they
as their education, experience, employer, and geographic
state only the factual details about an event, person, or
location. According to the May 2006 Occupational Employ-
place. Reporters also write their articles clearly so that their
ment Statistics survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
audience can easily understand their stories. Before submit- (BLS), the estimated annual salary for most reporters ranged
ting their stories, journalists double-check dates and figures, between $19,180 and $73,880.
the spelling of names and places, the titles of people, and
other facts to ensure they are correct and accurate.
Reporters are always under pressure to meet deadlines. Employment Prospects
Thus, it is common for reporters to write their stories on In general, job opportunities for Crime Reporters become
laptop computers while in the field and then electronically available as individuals advance to higher positions, transfer
transmit their stories to their editors. Broadcast reporters to other jobs, or leave the workforce for various reasons.
may present their stories live or on tape that will be broad- The turnover rate for Crime Reporters is high because of the
cast at a later time. nature of the subject matter.
Crime Reporters usually work on their stories alone. On Novice reporters typically start at newspapers and broad-
occasion, they work with other reporters, including those cast stations in small towns and the suburbs. As they gain
from other beats, to compile a comprehensive investigative experience, many of them seek opportunities at larger pub-
or feature report, such as a story about why local prosecu- lications and stations. In general, the competition is high for
tors have a low conviction rate or a biography of the first jobs at large metropolitan and national newspapers, maga-
woman sheriff in a county. zines, broadcast stations, and broadcast networks.
Part of a Crime Reporter’s job is to develop dependable Most reporting opportunities will become available as
sources within law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attor- reporters transfer to other positions or move into occupa-
neys’ offices, the coroners’ (or medical examiners’) offices, tions in related fields such as advertising or public rela-
crime labs, courts, and other organizations. They contact tions. The employment growth for reporters, in general,
their sources on a regular basis to learn about breaking news is expected to increase by zero to 8 percent through 2014,
as well as to get ideas for potential stories. according to the BLS. This is partly due to the continuing
Entry-level reporters are typically given routine writing consolidation of newspaper and broadcast companies. Jobs
assignments. They also assist senior reporters by conducting may be more favorable with online newspapers and maga-
research for their stories. As reporters gain experience, they zines as well as with cable television stations.
are assigned increasingly difficult stories, as well as begin to Job opportunities in the publishing and broadcast indus-
specialize in a particular news area such as the crime beat. tries are also dependent on the health of the economy. Dur-
ing slow economic periods, companies generally hire fewer
At some publications and broadcast stations, the crime
beat is used as a test of a reporter’s flexibility, courage, and
dedication, and hence novice reporters are assigned to it.
Some Crime Reporters cover the police beat for a few years, Advancement Prospects
while others work this beat throughout their journalistic Reporters can advance in various ways, depending on their
career. interests and ambitions. Some reporters seek positions in
Crime Reporters have stressful jobs. Along with con- large metropolitan or national newspapers and broadcast
stantly meeting deadlines, they often deal with conflict situ- stations. Some reporters become columnists, news analysts,
ations and highly emotional people. Their personal safety special correspondents, news anchors, talk show hosts, and
is sometimes at risk. For example, Crime Reporters have book authors. Other reporters pursue related careers by
been arrested or injured while covering raids, riots, demon- becoming editors, news bureau directors, broadcast produc-
strations, robberies, and other incidents; and some Crime ers, program managers, and publishers. Still others follow

their educational interests and become college and univer- • Criminal Justice Journalists
sity professors. • Investigative Reporters and Editors
Many reporters realize advancement by earning higher • The Society of Professional Journalists
wages, receiving more complex assignments, and being rec- • Radio-Television News Directors Association (open to
ognized for the quality of their work. electronic journalists in broadcasting, cable, and other
electronic media)
Education and Training • American Society of Journalists and Authors (open to all
Employers normally hire applicants for entry-level positions freelance reporters)
who have at least a bachelor’s degree in journalism, commu- • Association for Women in Communications
nications, English, or another related field. • Asian American Journalists Association
Novice reporters typically receive on-the-job training. They
perform research and other routine tasks under the supervision For contact information, see Appendix III.
and direction of editors and experienced reporters.
Tips for Entry
Experience, Special Skills, and Personality Traits
1. While in high school or college, work on your school
Employers generally hire candidates for entry-level report-
newspaper or broadcasting station to begin gaining
ing positions who have previous reporting experience. They
may have gained their experience on school newspapers or experience.
television stations, or through internships or employment. 2. Take one or more basic courses in criminal justice,
Applicants for crime beat positions may be expected to law enforcement, or police science. Be sure to list
have several years of reporting experience, which includes those courses on your résumé and application.
some crime reporting. 3. Do your research before you go to a job interview.
Along with exceptional researching, note-taking, interview- Along with learning about the newspaper or broad-
ing, and writing skills, Crime Reporters need strong story- casting station, get an idea about the geographic area
telling skills. They must also have excellent interpersonal, and the people that it serves.
communication, organizational, problem-solving, teamwork, 4. Be willing to take a general assignment position or
and self-management skills. Being inquisitive, quick-witted, to cover another beat, if a crime-reporting beat is not
enthusiastic, energetic, persistent, objective, and creative are immediately available.
some personality traits that successful Crime Reporters share. 5. Use the Internet to learn more about becoming a jour-
nalist and a Crime Reporter, in particular. You might
Unions and Associations start by visiting these Web sites: Society of Profes-
Crime Reporters can join professional associations to take sional Journalists,; and Institute
advantage of networking opportunities, job listings, and for Justice and Journalism (University of Southern
other professional services and resources. Some of the dif- California Annenberg School for Communication),
ferent societies that are available for print and broadcast For more links, see
reporters are: Appendix IV.

I. Education and Training Resources on the Internet

II. Professional Certification Programs
III. Professional Unions and Associations
IV. Resources on the World Wide Web
276     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


In this appendix, you will find World Wide Web sources for ACCOUNTING
education and training programs pertaining to some of the The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
occupations in this book. To learn about programs for other has a listing of accounting degree programs at http://www.
occupations, talk with school or career counselors as well as
with professionals. You can also look up schools in college
directories produced by the Princeton Review or other pub- ANTHROPOLOGY/FORENSIC
lishers, which may be found in your school or public library. ANTHROPOLOGY
Note: All Web site addresses were current at the time this • The American Association of Physical Anthropologists
book was written. If a URL is no longer valid, enter the title provides a listing of physical anthropology programs at
of the Web site or the name of the organization or individual
into a search engine to find the new URL. • A listing of forensic anthropology programs can be found
PAYING FOR YOUR EDUCATION forensic-programs; or OsteoInteractive Web site, (spon-
Scholarships, grants, student loans, and other financial aid sored by the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the Uni-
programs are available to help you pay for your college versity of Utah, Salt Lake City),
education. These programs are sponsored by government edu/kw/osteo/resources/resources.html.
agencies, professional and trade associations, private foun-
dations, businesses, and other organizations. (You can find ARCHaEOLOGY
contact information for many professional associations in The Society for American Archaeology provides a listing
Appendix III.) of academic institutions in the United States that have at
To learn more about financial assistance programs, talk least one archaeologist on each of their faculties. Its URL is
with your high school guidance counselor or college career
counselor. You might also consult college catalogs, as they
usually include financial aid information. In addition, you ARCHITECTURE
might visit or contact the financial aid office at the college The National Architectural Accrediting Board has a data-
where you plan to attend or are attending now. Lastly, check base of accredited professional programs in architecture,
out these Web sites for financial aid information: bachelor, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Its URL is http://
FinAid,; and Student Aid on the
Web (U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid), CHILD ABUSE PEDIATRICS
A listing of fellowship programs in child abuse and neglect
GENERAL RESOURCES can be found at these Web sites:
The following Web sites provide links to various academic • Ray Helfer Society,
programs at colleges and universities in the United States. htm
• Peterson's, • American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Child Abuse
• The Princeton Review, and Neglect,
• “Web U.S. Higher Education,” a listing of two-year col-
leges, four-year colleges, and universities (maintained by CHIROPRACTIC MEDICINE
the University of Texas at Austin), http://www.utexas. A listing of chiropractic schools can be found at these Web
edu/world/univ sites:
• WorldWideLearn (a directory of online degree programs), • American Chiropractic Association Web, http://www.
Appendix I     277

• Association of Chiropractic Colleges, http://www. • The U.S. Fire Administration provides a listing of aca- demic programs in fire science and fire prevention
programs at
COMPUTER SCIENCE/ degree_programs/index.shtm.
A database of computer science and information programs FORENSIC ART
is provided at the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Neville’s Forensic Art World maintains a listing of educa-
Technology Web site at tional programs that are currently available in forensic art.
The URL is
certificate programs in crime scene investigation and other American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law provides
forensic fields at a directory of forensic psychiatry fellowship programs at


The American Society of Criminology has a listing of The following Web sites provide a listing of forensic psy-
schools at these Web sites: chology degree programs:
• undergraduate programs, • All About Forensic Psychology, http://www.all-about-
• graduate programs, • American Psychology-Law Society,
html ap-ls/student/graduate_programs.html


The American Dental Association provides a listing of den- The following Web sites provide listings for degree and
tal schools at its Web site. The URL is continuing education programs in forensic science and other
forensic disciplines.
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences, http://www.
To find academic programs for all of the different engineer- • Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science (affiliated
ing disciplines, check out the following links: with the University of New Haven), http://www.henrylee
• ABET, Inc.,
• All Engineering Schools, http://www.allengineering • Reddy's Forensic Page,
ENTOMOLOGY The following Web sites offer information about current
Dr. Louis Bjostad at Colorado State University provides a training programs that are available:
listing of entomology departments at http://www.colostate. • JournalismTraining.Org, http://www.journalismtraining.
edu/Depts/Entomology/colleges.html. org
• Access—The News University Training Blog, http://
A database of college programs in environmental science, JUDICIAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING
environmental engineering, and related environmental pro- The National Judicial College offers education and training
grams can be found at The Envi- programs for judges. For information, go to its Web site at
ronmental Education Directory. The URL is http://www.
FIRE INVESTIGATION/FIRE SCIENCE The following Web sites provide a listing of law schools:
• is an online resource of training programs • American Bar Association,
for fire investigators. The URL is approvedlawschools/approved.html
278     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

• Association of American Law Schools, http://www.aals. grams at its Web site. The URL is http://www.aacn.nche.
org/about_memberschools.php edu.

LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING PATHOLOGY/FORENSIC PATHOLOGY provides a listing of law enforcement The Intersociety Council for Pathology Information, Inc.
classes and seminars that are currently available. Its URL is maintains a directory of pathology programs for residency and fellowship training programs. The URL is http://www.
The Linguist List has a database of linguistics programs PHARMACY
(including phonetics) at The following Web sites provide a listing of pharmacy
grams/index.html. schools and colleges:
• American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, http://
• The Association of American Medical Colleges provides pharmacy.htm
a listing of medical schools at
• The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Edu- POLICE ACADEMIES
cation provides a listing of graduate medical education A listing of some police academies in the United States is
programs, or residency programs, at http://www.acgme. available at the Web site, http://www.cop
• The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic
Medicine has a listing of schools that offer the doctor of POLYGRAPH
osteopathic medicine (D.O.) degree at http://www.aacom. The following Web sites have a listing of polygraph schools:
org/colleges. • American Association of Police Polygraphists, http://
MEDICOLEGAL DEATH INVESTIGATION • American Polygraph Association, http://www.polygraph.
The American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators org/schools.cfm
offers a current listing of training opportunities at its Web
The Council on Social Work Education provides a database
METEOROLOGY of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in social work.
The National Weather Association has a listing of degree Its URL is
programs in meteorology and atmospheric science. Its URL
The American Statistical Association has a database of
MUSICOLOGY schools offering degrees in statistics. Its URL is http://www.
American Musicological Society provides a listing of grad-
uate programs in musicology at its Web site, http://www. SURVEYING
The American Congress on Surveying and Mapping has a
NURSING/FORENSIC NURSING list of surveying programs at
• All Nursing has a database of the various
types of nursing programs, including forensic nursing
programs. The URL is http://www.allnursingschools. TOXICOLOGY
com. The Society of Toxicology provides a listing of academic
• The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has a and post-doctoral programs in toxicology. Its URL is http://
database of bachelor's and graduate-degree nursing pro-
Appendix II     279


Professional certifications are granted by professional asso- COMPUTER FORENSICS SPECIALIST

ciations or other recognized organizations on a voluntary The International Association of Computer Investigative
basis. Unlike occupational licensure, professional certifica- Specialists (IACIS) offers certification programs for Cer-
tion is not a mandatory state or local requirement for profes- tified Electronic Evidence Collection Specialist (CEECS)
sionals to practice in their field. Employers may require or and Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE). For
strongly prefer to hire candidates who possess particular information, write to P.O. Box 1728, Fairmont, WV 26555;
professional certifications. Many individuals obtain profes- or call (888) 884-2247; or visit the IACIS Web site at http://
sional certifications to enhance their employability.
To be eligible for professional certification, individuals
are usually required to have several years of work experi- CORONER
ence. They may need to complete courses, seminars, or The American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators
workshops as well as pass professional examinations. offers a certification program to qualifying medical death
This appendix lists professional certification programs investigators. For information, write to 1402 South Grand
for some of the occupations in this book. To learn about Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63104; or call (314) 977-5970.
other programs, talk with professionals, employers, and pro- Information can be found online at
fessional associations in the fields that interest you. nizations/abmdi.
Note: All Web addresses were accessible while this book
was being written. If a URL no longer works, you might find
the new one by entering the name of the certification pro-
• The International Association for Identification offers the
gram or organization into a search engine.
following certification programs: Certified Crime Scene
Investigator, Certified Crime Scene Analyst, and Certified
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST Senior Crime Scene Analyst. For information, write to
The Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Recon- Curtis Shane, Secretary, 1193 West Shore Drive, Bruns-
struction offers professional certification. For information, wick, GA 31523; or call (912) 261-0990. Information can
write to P.O. Box 5436, Hudson, FL 34674, or call (800) also be found online at
809-3818. Information can be found online at http://www. crime_scene/index.php. • The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
BLOODSTAIN PATTERN ANALYST MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
The International Association for Identification offers a Information can also be found online at http://www.acfei.
bloodstain pattern certification program. For information com/programs_cmi.php.
write Grant D. Graham Sr. at 3119 Shadow Wood Drive,
Ocean Springs, MS 39564, or call him at (601) 506-7093.
Information can be found online at CRIMINALIST
certifications/bloodstain/index.php. The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a cer-
tification program that offers three levels of certification:
Diplomate D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical Special-
CHILD ABUSE PEDIATRICIAN ist S-ABC. It grants certification in forensic biology, drug
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) offers a board cer- analysis, fire debris analysis, trace evidence, and forensic
tification program in child abuse pediatrics. For information, molecular biology. For information, write to P.O. Box 1123,
write to 111 Silver Cedar Court, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, or Wausau, WI 54402; or visit the ABC Web site at http://
visit the ABP Web site at
280     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a pro- • The American Board of Forensic Anthropology grants the
gram in forensic biology with three levels of certification: Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropol-
Diplomate D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical Spe- ogy (DABFA) certification. For information about this
cialist S-ABC. For information, write to P.O. Box 1123, certification program, visit the board’s Web site at http://
Wausau, WI 54402; or visit the ABC Web site at http://www. • The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
The International Association for Property and Evidence Information can be found online at
offers these certification programs: Certified Property and programs_cmi.php.
Evidence Specialist (CPES) and Corporate Certified Prop-
erty and Evidence Specialist (CCPES). For information,
write to 903 North San Fernando Boulevard, Suite 4, Bur- FORENSIC ARTist
bank, CA 91504; or call (800) 449-4273 or (818) 846-2926. The International Association for Identification offers a foren-
Information can be found online at sic art certification program. For information, e-mail Charles
Jackson, Forensic Art Certification Secretary, forensicartctj@ Information can be found online at http://www.
The International Association for Identification offers a
tenprint fingerprint certification program. For information,
write to Barbara A. Powell, Secretary, Tenprint Print Certi- FORENSIC BIOLOGIST
fication Board, P.O. Box 10464, Phoenix, AZ 85064; or call The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a program
(602) 818-3524. Information can be found online at http:// in forensic biology with three levels of certification: Diplomate D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical Specialist S-ABC. For
information, write to P. O. Box 1123, Wausau, WI 54402; or
visit the ABC Web site at
• The National Association of Fire Investigators offers
the following certification programs: Certified Fire and
Explosion Investigator (CFEI), Certified Fire Investiga- • The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a cer-
tion Instructor (CFII), and Certified Vehicle Fire Inves- tification program that offers three levels of certification:
tigation (CVFI). For information, write to 857 Tallevast Diplomate D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical Spe-
Road, Sarasota, FL 34243; or call (877) 506-NAFI or cialist S-ABC. For information, write to P. O. Box 1123,
(941) 359-2800. More information can be found online at Wausau, WI 54402; or visit the ABC Web site at http://
• The American Board of Forensic Toxicology grants dip-
• The International Association of Arson Investigators offers
lomate certification to forensic toxicology specialists. For
the Certified Fire Investigator (CFI) program. For informa-
information about this program, write to 410 North 21st
tion, write to 2151 Priest Bridge Drive, Suite 25, Crofton,
Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80904; or call (719) 636-
MD 21114; or call (410) 451-3473. More information can
1100. Information can be found online at http://www.abft.
be found online at
• The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a pro-
gram in fire debris analysis with three levels of certifica-
tion: Diplomate D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical FORENSIC CHIROPRACTIC EXPERT
Specialist S-ABC. For information, write to P. O. Box The American Board of Forensic Professionals offers the
1123, Wausau, WI 54402; or visit the ABC Web site at diplomate certification in the field of chiropractic forensics (DABFP). For information about this certification program,
write to 208 Syracuse Avenue, Oswego, NY 13126; or call
(315) 343-5713. Information can be found at http://www.
The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a Certi-
fied Forensic Accountant (Cr.FA) program. For information,
write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, MO 65804; or FORENSIC CONSULTANT
call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818. Information can also The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a Certi-
be found online at fied Forensic Consultant (CFC) program. For information,
Appendix II     281

write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, MO 65804; 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818. Infor-
or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818. Information can mation can be found online at
be found online at grams_cmi.php.


The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a program The American Meteorological Society offers the Certified
in drug analysis with three levels of certification: Diplomate Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) program. For information,
D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical Specialist S-ABC. write to 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108; or call (617)
For more information, write to P. O. Box 1123, Wausau, WI 227-2425. Information can be found online at http://www.
54402; or visit the ABC Web site at http://www.criminalistics.
FORENSIC ECONOMIST • The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants
The American Rehabilitation Economics Association offers offers the Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC)
a certification program to forensic economic experts. For program. For information, write to 401 North Michigan
information, write to 127 North Westwind Drive, El Cajon, Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611; or call (877) 402-2562, or
CA 92020; or call (800) 317-2732. Information can be fax (312) 673-6655. Information can be found online at
found online at
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
Certified Forensic Nurse (CFN) program. For informa-
FORENSIC ENGINEER tion, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
The Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
is the recognized accreditation body for engineering and Information can be found online at
scientific certification and specialty certification programs. programs_cfn.php.
They have a listing of certification programs online at http:// • The American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators offers a certification program to qualifying medical death
investigators. For information, write to 1402 South Grand
FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGIST Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63104; or call (314) 977-5970.
• The Entomological Society of America offers the follow- Information can be found online at
ing certification programs: Associate Certified Entomolo- organizations/abmdi.
gist (ACE) and Board Certified Entomologist (BCE). For
information, write to 10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 100, FORENSIC ODONTOLOGIST
Lanham, MD 20706; or call (301) 731-4535. Information • The American Board of Forensic Odontology, Inc. offers
can be found online at a professional certification program to forensic dentists.
• American Board of Forensic Entomology grants the dip- For information, write to 410 North 21st Street, Colorado
lomate certification (ABFE) to qualified candidates. For Springs, CO 80904; or call (719) 636-1100. Information
information about this certification program, write to Dr. can be found online at
Richard Merritt, Department of Entomology, Michigan • The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
State University, East Lansing, MI 48824; or call (517) Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
355-8309. Information can be found online at http://www. mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
Information can be found online at
• American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) over-
sees the certification of physicians in various medical FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST
specialties, such as pathology, pediatrics, and radiology. • The American Board of Pathology offers a board certifica-
For information about the ABMS board certification pro- tion program to pathologists. For information, write to P.O.
grams, write to 1007 Church Street, Suite 404, Evanston, Box 25915, Tampa, FL 33622; or call (813) 286-2444.
IL 60201; call (847) 491-9091; or visit the ABMS Web Information can be found online at
site at • The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
Certified Medical Investigator program. For informa- mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
tion, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, MO MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
282     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Information can be found online at information, write to 300 Drayton Street, Third Floor,
programs_cmi.php. Savannah, GA 31401; or call (800) 255-7792 or (912)
234-5477. Information can be found online at http://www.
The American Society for Clinical Pathology offers the • The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
Pathologist’s Assistant PA (ASCP) certification program. Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
For information, write to 33 West Monroe Street, Suite mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
1600, Chicago, IL 60603; or call (312) 541-4999. Informa- MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
tion can be found online at Information can be found online at
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a FORENSIC RADIOLOGIST
Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor- • The American Board of Radiology offers a board certi-
mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, fication program in radiology. For information, write to
MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818. 5441 East Williams Boulevard, Suite 200, Tucson, AZ
Information can also be found online at http://www.acfei. 85711; or call (520) 790-2900. Information can be found
com/programs_cmi.php. online at
• The American Board of Forensic Toxicology grants dip- • The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
lomate certification to forensic toxicology specialists. Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
For information about this program, write to 410 North mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
21st Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80904; or call (719) MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
636-1100. Information can be found online at http:// Information can also be found online at http://www.acfei. com/programs_cmi.php.


• The International Association for Identification offers a The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification
forensic photography certification program. For informa- has professional certification programs for rehabilitation
tion, write to David T. Gamble, Monmouth County Pros- counselors. For information, write to 300 North Martingale
ecutor's Office, 132 A Jerseyville Avenue, Freehold, NJ Road, Suite 460, Schaumburg, IL 60173; or call (847) 944-
07728; or call (732) 294-5906. Information can be found 1325. Information can be found online at http://www.crc
online at
• The Evidence Photographers International Council has a
board-certified evidence photographer program. For infor- FORENSIC SOCIAL WORKER
mation, write to 229 Peachtree Street NE, #2200, Atlanta, The National Association of Social Workers offers the fol-
GA 30303. Information can be found online at http://www. lowing certification programs: Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW), Diplomate in Clinical Social Work
(DCSW), and Qualified Clinical Social Worker (QCSW). It
FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST also has certification programs for gerontology, health care,
• The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology offers school social work, case management, and other specialties.
a board certification program in forensic psychiatry. For For information, write to 750 First Street NE, Suite 700,
information, write to 500 Lake Cook Road, Suite 335, Washington, DC 20002; or call (202) 408-8600. Informa-
Deerfield, IL 60015; or call (847) 945-7900. Information tion can be found online at
can be found online at
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a FORENSIC TOXICOLOGIST
Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor- • The American Board of Forensic Toxicology grants dip-
mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, lomate certification to forensic toxicology specialists. For
MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818. information, write to 410 North 21st Street, Colorado
Information can also be found online at http://www.acfei. Springs, CO 80904; or call (719) 636-1100. Information
com/programs_cmi.php. can be found online at
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
• The American Board of Professional Psychology offers a mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
board-certification program in forensic psychology. For MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
Appendix II     283

Information can also be found online at http://www.acfei. 523-1415. Information can be found online at http://www.
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
FORENSICS VIDEO ANALYST Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
• The National Association of Forensic Video offers the Cer- mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
tified Forensic Videographer (CFV) program. For infor- MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
mation, write to 15235 Brand Boulevard, Suite A-110, Information can be found online at
Mission Hills, CA 91345; or call (818) 231-1038. Infor- programs_cmi.php.
mation can be found online at
• The Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video MEDICOLEGAL DEATH INVESTIGATOR
Association offers a forensic video analyst certifica- • The American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators
tion program. For information, write to P.O. Box 547, offers a certification program to qualifying medical death
Midlothian, TX 76065; or call (972) 291-5888. Informa- investigators. For information, write to 1402 South Grand
tion can be found online at Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63104; or call (314) 977-5970.
Information can be found online at
• The American College of Forensic Examiners offers a
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners offers the
Certified Medical Investigator (CMI) program. For infor-
Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) program. For information,
mation, write to 2750 East Sunshine Street, Springfield,
write to 716 West Avenue, Austin, TX 78701; or call (800)
MO 65804; or call (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818.
245-3321 or (512) 478-9000; or fax (512) 478-9297; or visit Information can be found online at
its Web site at programs_cmi.php.


The American Society for Clinical Pathology offers the fol- The American Association of Police Polygraphists offers
lowing certification programs: Histotechnician HT (ASCP) the Certified Forensic Law Enforcement Polygraph Exam-
and Histotechnologist HT (ASCP). For information, write iner (CFLEPE) program. For information, write to P.O. Box
to 33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60603; 657, Waynesville, OH 45068; or call (888) 743-5479. Infor-
or call (312) 541-4999. Information can be found online at mation can be found online at http://www.policepolygraph. org/certification.htm.


The International Association for Identification offers a The American Board of Forensic Document Examiners
latent fingerprint certification program. For information, offers a diplomate certification program. For information,
write to James E. Bush, Secretary, IAI Latent Print Certifi- write to 7887 San Felipe, Suite 122, Houston, TX 77063;
cation Board, Mississippi Crime Laboratory, P.O. Box 4450, or call (713) 784-9537. Information can be found online at
Meridian, MS 39304; or call (601) 483-5273. Information
can be found online at
The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) has a pro-
MEDICAL EXAMINER gram in trace evidence with three levels of certification:
• The American Board of Independent Medical Examiners Diplomate D-ABC; Fellow F-ABC; and Technical Special-
offers professional certification for independent practi- ist S-ABC. For more information, write to P. O. Box 1123,
tioners. For information, write to 1338 Third Avenue, Wausau, WI 54402; or visit the ABC Web site at http://www.
Huntington, WV 25701; or call (877) 523-1415 or (304)
284     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


You can contact the following organizations, or visit their To learn about other local, state, regional, and national
Web sites, to learn more about careers, job opportunities, professional organizations, talk with local professionals.
training programs, conferences, professional certification, Note: Web site addresses change from time to time. If you
and other topics. Many of these organizations have student come across an address that no longer works, you may be
chapters. Most have branch offices throughout the United able to find an organization’s new URL by entering its name
States. Contact an organization’s headquarters to find out if into a search engine.
a branch is in your area.

CRIME SCENE AND Federal Criminal Investigators Phone: (651) 681-8566

CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Association Fax: (651) 681-8443
PERSONNEL P.O. Box 23400
Washington, DC 20026
American Association of Police Phone: (800) 403-3374 or International Association for Property
Polygraphists (630) 969-8537 and Evidence
P.O. Box 657 Fax: (800) 528-3492 903 North San Fernando Boulevard,
Waynesville, OH 45068 Suite 4
Phone: (888) 743-5479 Burbank, CA 91504
Fax: (937) 488-1046 Federal Law Enforcement Officers Phone: (800) 449-4273 or Association (818) 846-2926
P.O. Box 326 Fax: (818) 846-4543
American Deputy Sheriffs’ Association Lewisberry, PA 17339
3001 Armand Street, Suite B Phone: (717) 938-2300
Monroe, LA 71201 Fax: (717) 932-2262 International Association of Arson
Phone: (800) 937-7940 Investigators
Fax: (318) 398-9980 2151 Priest Bridge Drive, Suite 25 Fraternal Order of Police Crofton, MD 21114
National Headquarters Phone: (410) 451-3473
American Federation of Police and 701 Marriott Drive Fax: (410) 451-9049
Concerned Citizens Nashville, TN 37214
6350 Horizon Drive Phone: (615) 399-0900
Fax: (615) 399-0400 International Association of Women
Titusville, FL 32780 Police
Phone: (321) 264-0911
High Technology Crime Investigation
Association International Crime Scene
American Polygraph Association Investigators Association
4021 Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard, Suite
P.O. Box 8037 PMB 385
156, PMB 209
Chattanooga, TN 37414 15774 South LaGrange Road
Roseville, CA 95747
Phone: (800) APA-8037 or Orland Park, IL 60462
Phone: (916) 408-1751
(423) 892-3992 Fax: (916) 408-7543 Phone: (708) 460-8082
Fax: (423) 894-5435
International Association for International Homicide Investigators
Association for Crime Scene Identification Association
Reconstruction 2535 Pilot Knob Road, Suite 117 10711 Spotsylvania Avenue Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fredricksburg, VA 22408
Appendix III     285

Phone: (877) 843-4442 Fax: (919) 773-2602 American Society of Questioned

Fax: (540) 898-5594 Document Examiners P.O. Box 18298
American Society of Questioned Long Beach, CA 90807
National Association of Fire Investigators Document Examiners Fax: (562) 901-3378
857 Tallevast Road P.O. Box 18298
Sarasota, FL 34243 Long Beach, CA 90807
Phone: (877) 506-NAFI or Fax: (562) 901-3378 Association for Crime Scene
(941) 359-2800 Reconstruction
Fax: (941) 351-5849
Association of Firearms and Tool Mark
Examiners Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners
National Black Police Association
3251 Mt. Pleasant Street NW, Second
Association of Forensic DNA Analysts
Floor and Administrators Association of Forensic DNA Analysts
Washington, DC 20010 and Administrators
Phone: (202) 986-2070
Fax: (202) 986-0410 Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers International Association for Identification
National Fire Protection Association 2535 Pilot Knob Road, Suite 117
1 Batterymarch Park International Association for
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Quincy, MA 02169 Identification
Phone: (651) 681-8566
Phone: (617) 770-3000 2535 Pilot Knob Road, Suite 117
Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: (651) 681-8443
Fax: (617) 770-0700 Phone: (651) 681-8566
Fax: (651) 681-8443
International Association of Bloodstain
National Troopers Coalition
Pattern Analysts
International Association of Bloodstain
North American Wildlife Enforcement Pattern Analysts
American Academy of Forensic
CRIME LAB PERSONNEL American Academy of Forensic
Sciences Sciences
American Academy of Forensic 410 North 21st Street 410 North 21st Street
Sciences Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Colorado Springs, CO 80904
410 North 21st Street Phone: (719) 636-1100 Phone: (719) 636-1100
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Fax: (719) 636-1993 Fax: (719) 636-1993
Phone: (719) 636-1100
Fax: (719) 636-1993 American Chemical Society American Anthropological
1155 16th Street NW Association
American College of Forensic Washington, DC 20036 2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600
Examiners Phone: (800) 227-5558 or Arlington, VA 22201
2750 East Sunshine Street (202) 872-4600 Phone: (703) 528-1902
Springfield, MO 65804 Fax: (202) 872-4615 Fax: (703) 528-3546
Phone: (800) 423-9737 or
(417) 881-3818
Fax: (417) 881-4702 American College of Forensic American Association of Pathologists’ Examiners Assistants
2750 East Sunshine Street Rosewood Office Plaza, Suite 300N
American Society of Crime Laboratory Springfield, MO 65804 1711 West County Road B
Directors Phone: (800) 423-9737 or Roseville, MN 55113
139K Technology Drive (417) 881-3818 Phone: (800) 532-AAPA or
Garner, NC 27529 Fax: (417) 881-4702 (651) 697-9264
Phone: (919) 773-2044
286     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

American Association of Physical National Society for Histotechnology Atlanta, GA 30303

Anthropologists 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 804 Phone: (866) 868-3742 Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: (443) 535-4060
American Board of Medicolegal Death Fax: (443) 535-4055 International Association for Forensic
Investigators Phonetics and Acoustics
1402 South Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63104 Society of Forensic Toxicologists
Phone: (314) 977-5970 1 North MacDonald Street, Suite 15 International Association for
Fax: (314) 977-5695 Mesa, AZ 85201 Identification Phone: (888) 866-7638 2535 Pilot Knob Road, Suite 117 Mendota Heights, MN 55120
American College of Forensic Phone: (651) 681-8566
Society of Toxicology
Examiners Fax: (651) 681-8443
1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300
2750 East Sunshine Street
Reston, VA 20190
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: (703) 438-3115
Phone: (800) 423-9737 or Law Enforcement and Emergency
Fax: (703) 438-3113
(417) 881-3818 Services Video Association
Fax: (417) 881-4702 P.O. Box 547 Midlothian, TX 76065
FORENSIC EXPERTS IN ART Phone: (972) 291-5888
American Medical Association AND MULTIMEDIA
515 North State Street
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Chicago, IL 60610 National Association of Forensic Video
410 North 21st Street
Phone: (800) 621-8335 15235 Brand Boulevard, Suite A-110
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Mission Hills, CA 91345
Phone: (719) 636-1100
Phone: (818) 231-1038
Fax: (719) 636-1993
American Society for Clinical Fax: (818) 838-1667
33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1600
American College of Forensic Examiners
Chicago, IL 60603 Professional Photographers of America
2750 East Sunshine Street
Phone: (800) 267-2727 or Springfield, MO 65804 229 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 2200
(312) 541-4999 Phone: (800) 423-9737 or Atlanta, GA 30303
Fax: (312) 541-4998 (417) 881-3818 Phone: (404) 522-8600 Fax: (417) 881-4702 Fax: (404) 614-6400
International Association of Coroners
and Medical Examiners American Musicological Society FORENSIC EXPERTS IN 6010 College Station MEDICINE AND HEALTH
Brunswick, ME 04011
College of American Pathologists Phone: (877) 679-7648 or Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists
325 Waukegan Road (207) 798-4243 P.O. Box 400
Northfield, IL 60093-2750 Norwalk, IA 50211
Phone: (800) 323-4040 or Phone: (515) 981-9654
(847) 832-7000 Audio Engineering Society Fax: (515) 981-9427
Fax: (847) 832-8000 60 East 42nd Street, Room 2520 New York, NY 10165
Phone: (212) 661-8528 Academy of Forensic and Industrial
International Association of Forensic Fax: (212) 682-0477 Chiropractic Consultants
Demonstrative Evidence Specialists American Academy of Forensic
National Association of Medical Association Sciences
Examiners 410 North 21st Street
430 Pryor Street SW Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Atlanta, GA 30312 Evidence Photographers International Phone: (719) 636-1100
Phone: (404) 730-4781 Council Fax: (719) 636-1993 229 Peachtree Street NE, #2200
Appendix III     287

American Academy of Pediatrics American Medical Association Epidemiology Section

141 Northwest Point Boulevard 515 North State Street American Public Health Association
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Chicago, IL 60610 800 I Street NW
Phone: (847) 434-4000 Phone: (800) 621-8335 Washington, DC 20001
Fax: (847) 434-8000 Phone: (202) 777-2742 Fax: (202) 777-2533
American Nurses Association
American Board of Forensic 8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 400
Odontology Silver Spring, MD 20910 International Association of Forensic
410 North 21st Street Phone: (800) 274-4262 or Nurses
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (301) 628-5000 1517 Ritchie Highway, Suite 208 Fax: (301) 628-5001 Arnold, MD 21012 Phone: (410) 626-7805
American Chiropractic Association Fax: (410) 626-7804
1701 Clarendon Boulevard American Pediatric Society
Arlington, VA 22209 3400 Research Forest Drive, Suite B7
Phone: (703) 276-8800 The Woodlands, TX 77381 International Chiropractors
Fax: (703) 243-2593 Phone: (281) 419-0052 Association Fax: (281) 419-0082 1110 North Glebe Road, Suite 650 Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: (800) 423-4690 or
American College of Clinical
American Pharmacists Association (703) 528-5000
1100 15th Street NW, Suite 400 Fax: (703) 528-5023
3 Ellinwood Court
Washington, DC 20005
New Hartford, NY 13413
Phone: (315) 768-6117 Phone: (800) 237-2742 or
(202) 628-4410 National Community Pharmacists
Fax: (315) 768-6119
Fax: (202) 783-2351 Association 100 Daingerfield Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
American College of Clinical Phone: (800) 544-7447 or
Pharmacy American Professional Society on the
Abuse of Children (703) 683-8200
13000 West 87th Street Parkway Fax: (703) 683-3619
Lenexa, KS 66215 P.O. Box 30669
Charleston, SC 29417
Phone: (913) 492-3311
Fax: (913) 492-0088 Phone: (877) 402-7722 or
(843) 764-2905 Radiological Society of North America
Fax: (803) 753-9823 820 Jorie Boulevard
American College of Epidemiology  Oak Brook, IL 60523
1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102 Phone: (800) 381-6660 or
American Society for Pharmacy Law
Raleigh, NC 27607 (630) 571-2670
3085 Stevenson Drive, Suite 200
Phone: (919) 861-5573 Fax: (630) 571-7837
Springfield, IL 62703
Fax: (919) 787-4916
Phone: (217) 529-6948
Fax: (217) 529-9120 Society for Pediatric Research
American College of Forensic 3400 Research Forest Drive, Suite B7
Examiners American Society of Forensic The Woodlands, TX 77381
2750 East Sunshine Street Odontology Phone: (281) 419-0052
Springfield, MO 65804 13048 North Research Boulevard, Fax: (281) 419-0082
Phone: (800) 423-9737 or Suite B
(417) 881-3818 Austin, TX 78750
Fax: (417) 881-4702 FORENSIC EXPERTS IN THE
College on Forensic Sciences
American Dental Association 208 Syracuse Avenue American Academy of Forensic
211 East Chicago Avenue Oswego, NY 13126 Sciences
Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (315) 343-5713 410 North 21st Street
Phone: (312) 440-2500 Fax: (315) 343-5714 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Phone: (719) 636-1100
288     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Fax: (719) 636-1993 American Society for Microbiology Society for American Archaeology 1752 N Street NW 900 Second Street NE, #12
Washington, DC 20036 Washington, DC 20002
American Academy of Microbiology Phone: (202) 737-3600 Phone: (202) 789-8200
1752 N Street NW Fax: (202) 789-0284
Washington, DC 20036 American Society of Plant Biologists
15501 Monona Drive
American Anthropological
Rockville, MD 20855
Phone: (301) 251-0560
2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600 Fax: (301) 279-2996
Arlington, VA 22201 American Academy of Forensic
Phone: (703) 528-1902 Sciences
Fax: (703) 528-3546 Botanical Society of America 410 North 21st Street P.O. Box 299 Colorado Springs, CO 80904
St. Louis, MO 63166 Phone: (719) 636-1100
American Association of Stratigraphic Phone: (314) 577-9566 Fax: (719) 636-1993
Palynologists Fax: (314) 577-9515
American Statistical Association
American Board of Forensic
Entomological Society of America 732 North Washington Street
10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314
Lanham, MD 20706 Phone: (888) 231-3473 or
American Entomological Society Phone: (301) 731-4535 (703) 684-1221
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Fax: (301) 731-4538 Fax: (703) 684-2037
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 561-3978
Fax: (215) 299-1028 Geological Society of America High Technology Crime Investigation P.O. Box 9140 Association
Boulder, CO 80301 4021 Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard,
American Geological Institute Phone: (303) 357-1000 Suite 156 #209
4220 King Street Fax: (303) 357-1070 Roseville, CA 95747
Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: (916) 408-1751
Phone: (703) 379-2480 Fax: (916) 408-7543
Fax: (703) 379-7563 International Society of Environmental Forensics
150 Fearing Street, Suite 21 Institute of Mathematical Statistics
American Institute of Biological Sciences Amherst, MA 01002 P.O. Box 22718
1444 I Street NW, Suite 200 Phone: (413) 549-5170 Beachwood, OH 44122
Washington, DC 20005 Fax: (413) 549-0579 Phone: (216) 295-2340
Phone: (202) 628-1500 Fax: (216) 295-5661
Fax: (202) 628-1509
National Council of Industrial
Meteorologists International Association for
American Institute of Professional
P.O. Box 721165 Identification
1400 West 122nd Avenue, Suite 250 Norman, OK 73070 2535 Pilot Knob Road, Suite 117
Westminster, CO 80234 Phone: (405) 329-8707 Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Phone: (303) 412-6205 Fax: (405) 329-8717 Phone: (651) 681-8566
Fax: (303) 253-9220 Fax: (651) 681-8443
Register of Professional
American Meteorological Society Archaeologists International Association of Computer
45 Beacon Street 5024-R Campbell Boulevard Investigative Specialists
Boston, MA 02108 Baltimore, MD 21236 P.O. Box 1728
Phone: (617) 227-2425 Phone: (410) 933-3486 Fairmont, WV 26555
Fax: (617) 742-8718 Fax: (410) 931-8111 Phone: (888) 884-2247
Appendix III     289

FORENSIC EXPERTS Fax: (703) 295-6222 International Association of Accident

IN ENGINEERING AND Reconstruction Specialists
American Society of Professional Grand Ledge, MI 48837
American Academy of Environmental Estimators Phone: (517) 622-3135
Engineers 2525 Perimeter Place Drive, Suite 103
130 Holiday Court, Suite 100 Nashville, TN 37214
Annapolis, MD 21401 Phone: (888) EST-MATE or National Academy of Forensic Engineers
Phone: (410) 266-3311 (615) 316-9200 174 Brady Avenue
Fax: (410) 266-7653 Fax: (615) 316-9800 Hawthorne, NY 10532 Phone: (866) NAF-EORG
Fax: (877) 741-0633
American Academy of Forensic American Society of Safety Engineers
Sciences 1800 East Oakton Street
410 North 21st Street Des Plaines, IL 60018 National Association of Professional
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Phone: (847) 699-2929 Accident Reconstruction Specialists
Phone: (719) 636-1100 Fax: (847) 768-3434 P.O. Box 65
Fax: (719) 636-1993 Brandywine, MD 20613 Phone: (301) 843-0048
American Institute of Contractors
American College of Forensic P.O. Box 26334
Examiners Alexandria, VA 22314 National Association of Traffic Accident
2750 East Sunshine Street Phone: (703) 683-4999 Reconstructionists and Investigators
Springfield, MO 65804 Fax: (703) 683-5480 P.O. Box 2588
Phone: (800) 423-9737 or West Chester, PA 19382
(417) 881-3818 Phone: (610) 696-1919
Fax: (417) 881-4702 ASME International (American Society
of Mechanical Engineers)
3 Park Avenue National Society of Professional
New York, NY 10016 Engineers
American Congress on Surveying and
Information Central Orders/Inquiries: 1420 King Street
P.O. Box 2300 Alexandria, VA 22314
6 Montgomery Village Avenue, Suite 403
Fairfield, NJ 07007 Phone: (703) 684-2800
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Phone: (800) 843-2763 or (973) 882-1167 Fax: (703) 836-4875
Phone: (240) 632-9716 Fax: (973) 882-1717
Fax: (240) 632-1321 National Society of Professional
Associated General Contractors of Surveyors
American Institute of Architects America 6 Montgomery Village Avenue, Suite 403
1735 New York Avenue NW 2300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Washington, DC 20006 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: (240) 632-9716
Phone: (800) AIA-3837 or Phone: (703) 548-3118 Fax: (240) 632-1321
(202) 626-7300 Fax: (703) 548-3119
Fax: (202) 626-7547
http:/// SAE International (Society of
Construction Specifications Institute Automotive Engineers)
American Institute of Chemical 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 300 400 Commonwealth Drive
Engineers Alexandria, VA 22314 Warrendale, PA 15096
3 Park Avenue Phone: (800) 689-2900 Phone: (877) 606-7323 or
New York, NY 10016 Fax: (703) 684-8436 (724) 776-4841
Phone: (800) 242-4363 or Fax: (724) 776-0790
(212) 591-8100
Fax: (212) 591-8888 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Society of Accident Reconstructionists
Corporate Office 4891 Independence Street, Suite 140
American Society of Civil Engineers 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
1801 Alexander Bell Drive New York, NY 10016 Phone: (303) 403-9045
Reston, VA 20191 Phone: (212) 419-7900 Fax: (303) 403-9401
Phone: (800) 548-2723 or Fax: (212) 752-4929
(703) 295-6300 soar
290     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Society of Hispanic Professional Phone: (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818 American Sociological Association
Engineers Fax: (417) 881-4702 1307 New York Avenue NW, Suite 700
5400 East Olympic Boulevard, Suite 210 Washington, DC 20005
Los Angeles, CA 90022 Phone: (202) 383-9005
Phone: (323) 725-3970 American College of Forensic Fax: (202) 638-0882
Fax: (323) 725-0316 Psychiatry TDD: (202) 638-0981 P.O. Box 5870
Balboa Island, California 92662
Society of Women Engineers Phone: (949) 673-7773 American-Psychology Law Society
230 East Ohio Street, Suite 400 Fax: (949) 673-7710
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (312) 596-5223 International Association of
Fax: (312) 596-5252 American College of Forensic Rehabilitation Professionals Psychology 1926 Waukegan Road, Suite 1
P.O. Box 5870 Glenview, IL 60025
Balboa Island, California 92662 Phone: (847) 657-6964
FORENSIC EXPERTS IN Phone: (949) 673-7773 Fax: (847) 657-6963
THE BEHAVIORAL Fax: (949) 673-7710
National Association of Social Workers
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences American Council of Hypnotist 750 First Street NE, Suite 700
P.O. Box 960 Examiners Washington, DC 20002
Greenbelt, MD 20768-0960 700 South Central Avenue Phone: (202) 408-8600
Phone: (800) 757-2257 or (301) 446-6300 Glendale, CA 91204
Fax: (301) 446-2819 Phone: (818) 242-1159 Fax: (818) 247-9379 National Guild of Hypnotists P.O. Box 308
American Academy of Forensic Merrimack, NH 03054
Psychology American Medical Association Phone: (603) 429-9438 515 North State Street Fax: (603) 424-8066
Chicago, IL 60610
American Academy of Forensic Phone: (800) 621-8335
Sciences National Organization of Forensic
410 North 21st Street Social Work
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 American Psychiatric Association 460 Smith Street, Suite K
Phone: (719) 636-1100 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825 Middletown, CT 06457
Fax: (719) 636-1993 Arlington, VA 22209 Phone: (860) 613-0254 Phone: (703) 907-7300 Fax: (860) 613-1650
American Academy of Psychiatry and
the Law American Psychological Association Western Society of Criminology
One Regency Drive 750 First Street NE Criminology and Criminal Justice
P.O. Box 30 Washington, DC 20002 Division
Bloomfield, CT 06002 Phone: (800) 374-2721 or (202) 336-5500 Mark O. Hatfield School of Government
Phone: (800) 331-1389 or Portland State University
(860) 242-5450 P.O. Box 751
Fax: (860) 286-0787 American Rehabilitation Economics Portland, OR 97207 Association
127 North Westwind Drive
American Board of Vocational Experts El Cajon, CA 92020
3540 Soquel Avenue, Suite A Phone: (800) 317-2732
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Phone: (831) 464-4890 American Academy of Economic and
Fax: (831) 576-1417 American Society of Criminology Financial Experts 1314 Kinnear Road, Suite 212
Columbus, Ohio 43212
American College of Forensic Examiners Phone: (614) 292-9207 American Academy of Forensic Sciences
2750 East Sunshine Street Fax: (614) 292-6767 410 North 21st Street
Springfield, MO 65804 Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Appendix III     291

Phone: (719) 636-1100 Institute of Internal Auditors Chicago, IL 60610

Fax: (719) 636-1993 247 Maitland Avenue Phone: (800) 285-2221 or Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 (312) 988-5000
Phone: (407) 937-1100
American College of Forensic Fax: (407) 937-1101
Examiners American College of Forensic
2750 East Sunshine Street Examiners
Springfield, MO 65804 National Association of Certified 2750 East Sunshine Street
Phone: (800) 423-9737 or (417) 881-3818 Valuation Analysts Springfield, MO 65804
Fax: (417) 881-4702 1111 Brickyard Road, Suite 200 Phone: (800) 423-9737 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 or (417) 881-3818
Phone: (801) 486-0600 Fax: (417) 881-4702
American Economic Association Fax: (801) 486-7500
2014 Broadway, Suite 305
Nashville, TN 37203 American College of Trial Lawyers
Phone: (615) 322-2595 National Association of Forensic 19900 MacArthur Boulevard
Fax: (615) 343-7590 Economics Suite 610 P.O. Box 394 Irvine, CA 92612
Mount Union, PA 17066 Phone: (949) 752-1801
American Institute of Certified Public Phone: (866) 370-6233 or Fax: (949) 752-1674
(814) 542-3253
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036 American Judges Association
Association of Fraud Investigators
Phone: (212) 596-6200 300 Newport Avenue
2519 NW 23rd Street, Suite 204 Williamsburg, VA 23185
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Phone: (757) 259-1841
Phone: (405) 833-2327
American Rehabilitation Economics Fax: (757) 259-1520
127 North Westwind Drive
El Cajon, CA 92020 FORENSIC EXPERTS IN American Association for Justice
Phone: (800) 317-2732 LANGUAGE 1050 31st Street NW
Fax: (619) 593-9989 Washington, DC 20007 International Association for Forensic Phone: (800) 424-2725
Phonetics and Acoustics or (202) 965-3500
Association of Certified Fraud
716 West Avenue International Association of Forensic DRI
Austin, TX 78701 Linguists 150 North Michigan Avenue
Phone: (800) 245-3321 or Suite 300
(512) 478-9000 Chicago, IL 60601
Fax: (512) 478-9297 Linguistic Society of America Phone: (312) 795-1101 1325 18th Street NW, Suite 211 Fax: (312) 795-0747
Washington, DC 20036 or (312) 795-0749
Association of Certified Fraud Phone: (202) 835-1714
Specialists Fax: (202) 835-1717
P.O. Box 348777 Federal Bar Association
Sacramento, CA 95834 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 400
Phone: (866) HEY-ACFS or Arlington, VA 22202
(916) 419-6319 JURISPRUDENCE EXPERTS Phone: (703) 682-7000
Fax: (916) 419-6318 American Academy of Forensic Fax: (703) 682-7001 Sciences
410 North 21st Street
Forensic Accountants Society of North Colorado Springs, CO 80904 National Association of Criminal
America Phone: (719) 636-1100 Defense Lawyers
4248 Park Glen Road Fax: (719) 636-1993 1150 18th Street NW, Suite 950
Minneapolis, MN 55416 Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (952) 928-4668 Phone: (202) 872-8600
Fax: (952) 929-1318 American Bar Association Fax: (202) 872-8690 321 North Clark Street
292     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

National Association of Women FORENSIC SCIENCE, American Society for Training and
Lawyers EDUCATORS, Development
American Bar Center, MS 15.2 RESEARCHERS, and 1640 King Street, Box 1443
321 North Clark Street Alexandria, VA 22313
Chicago, IL 60610 Phone: (703) 683-8100
Phone: (312) 988-6186 American Academy of Forensic Fax: (703) 683-8103
Fax: (312) 988-5491 Sciences 410 North 21st Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 American Society of Journalists and
National Black Prosecutors Phone: (719) 636-1100 Authors
Association Fax: (719) 636-1993 1501 Broadway, Suite 302
1507 East 53rd Street, Suite 108 New York, NY 10036
Chicago, IL 60615 Phone: (212) 997-0947
Phone: (877) 588-1656 American Academy of Psychiatry and Fax: (212) 937-2315 the Law
One Regency Drive
National Criminal Justice Association P.O. Box 30 Asian American Journalists Association
720 Seventh Street NW, Third Floor Bloomfield, CT 06002 1182 Market Street, Suite 320
Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (800) 331-1389 or San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (202) 628-8550 (860) 242-5450 Phone: (415) 346-2051
Fax: (860) 286-0787 Fax: (415) 346-6343
Fax: (202) 628-0080
American Association of University Association for Women in
National District Attorneys
Professors Communications
1012 14th Street NW, Suite 500 3337 Duke Street
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20005 Alexandria, VA 22314
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (202) 737-5900 Phone: (703) 370-7436
Phone: (703) 549-9222
Fax: (202) 737-5526 Fax: (703) 370-7437
Fax: (703) 836-3195
American Board of Forensic Association of Firearms and Tool Mark
National Hispanic Prosecutors
Entomology Examiners
P.O. Box 4856
Chicago, IL 60680
Council on Forensic Science Education American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW default.html
National Lawyers Association Washington, DC 20036
17201 East 40 Highway, Suite 207 Phone: (800) 227-5558 or Criminal Justice Journalists
Independence, MO 64055 (202) 872-4600 720 Seventh Street NW, Third Floor
Phone: (800) 471-2994 Fax: (202) 872-4615 Washington, DC 20001
Fax: (816) 229-8425 Phone: (202) 448-1717
American College of Forensic
National Legal Aid and Defenders Examiners Investigative Reporters and Editors
Association 2750 East Sunshine Street 138 Neff Annex
1140 Connecticut Avenue NW, Springfield, MO 65804 Missouri School of Journalism
Suite 900 Phone: (800) 423-9737 or Columbia, MO 65211
Washington, DC 20036 (417) 881-3818 Phone: (573) 882-2042
Phone: (202) 452-0620 Fax: (417) 881-4702 Fax: (573) 882-5431
Fax: (202) 872-1031
American Federation of Teachers National Association of Scholars
Section of Litigation 555 New Jersey Avenue NW 22 Witherspoon Street, Second Floor
American Bar Association Washington, DC 20001 Princeton, NJ 08542
Phone: (312) 988-5662 Phone: (202) 879-4400 Phone: (609) 683-7878
Appendix III     293

National Education Association Washington, DC 20006 Society of Professional Journalists

1201 16th Street NW Phone: (202) 659-6510 Eugene S. Pulliam National Journalism
Washington, DC 20036 Fax: (202) 223-4007 Center
Phone: (202) 833-4000 3909 North Meridian Street
Fax: (202) 822-7974 Indianapolis, IN 46208 Society of Forensic Toxicologists Phone: (317) 927-8000
1 North MacDonald Street, Suite 15 Fax: (317) 920-4789
Radio-Television News Directors Mesa, AZ 85201
Association Phone: (888) 866-7638
1600 K Street NW, Suite 700
294     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


In this appendix, you will find a listing of Web sites that Note: All Web site addresses were current at the time this
can help you learn more about the occupations that were book was written. If a URL is no longer valid, enter the Web
profiled in this book. In addition, you will find some Web page title or the name of the organization or individual into
resources that offer career and job search information. a search engine to find the new address.

GENERAL INFORMATION Career Prospects in Virginia crimeline
Bureau of Justice Statistics prospects
U.S. Department of Justice history/index.htm ISEEK Dr. Zeno’s Forensic Site
Crime Spider by Dr. Zeno Geradts
National Criminal Justice Reference
Occupational Employment Statistics
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Forensic Science Resources
National Institute of Justice by R. Scott Carpenter
U.S. Department of Justice Occupational Outlook Handbook
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Forensic Science Resources on the
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice by Cynthia Holt O*NET OnLine
Prentice Hall’s Cybrary History of Forensic Science
by Frank Schmalleger, Ph.D. USA Jobs by Online Learning Haven U.S. Office of Personnel Management history-of-forensic-science.html
U.S. Department of Homeland Security In the Spotlight: Forensic Science
U.S. Department of Justice summary.html
All-About-Forensic-Science.Com Internet Resources for Medicolegal
Wikipedia Forensics
Anil Aggrawal’s Websites 3210links.htm
NecroSearch International
INFORMATION Canadian Society of Forensic Science
The Wall Street Journal Executive Career Reddy’s Forensic Page
Site Criminal Justice Resources: Forensic by Reddy P. Chamakura Science
by Jon Harrison
CareerOneStop Young Forensic Scientists Forum forsci.htm
Appendix IV     295

ACCIDENT File System Forensic Analysis Kruglick’s Forensic Resource and

RECONSTRUCTION by Brian Carrier Criminal Law Search Site
National Highway Traffic Safety Scientific Working Group on Digital
Administration Evidence Laboratories Accredited by ASCLD/ LAB
Traffic Accident Reconstruction aslablegacylaboratories.html
Web Site Links Construction Claims Online
by the Accreditation Commission for Caroline’s Crime Scene Blog
by Caroline Lowe
Traffic Accident Reconstruction Construction
A Journalist’s Guide to the Internet
by Christopher Callahan
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Tutorial peconstruction
by J. Slemko Forensic Consulting The Construction Contractor’s Digest
BPATutorial.htm Poynter Online
Carolina Forensics USC Annenberg Institute for Justice
and Journalism
Scientific Working Group on Industry Links
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis by International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners CRIME SCENE
PEDIATRICIAN Los Angeles County Department of
Coroner Crime Scene Investigations
American College of Pediatricians by M/Sgt. Hayden B. Baldwin, ISP
Home.htm The Crime Scene

Medical Examiner and Coroner by Katherine Ramsland, Crime Library
Information Sharing Program
National Children’s Advocacy Center
mind/forensics/crimescene/1.html index.htm

Ray Helfer Society Pan American Coroners Office CRIME SCENE SUPERVISOR
Crime Scene Evidence Files
SPECIALIST CRIME LAB DIRECTOR “How Crime Scene Investigation Works”
ASCLD/LAB-Legacy by Julia Layton,
Computer Forensics Inc.
ICSIA Useful Links
Computer Forensics World Crime Lab Project
Computer Crime and Intellectual CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR
Property Section (U.S. Department Ethics in Science
of Justice) Crime and Clues index.html
296     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Federal Bureau of Investigation Scientific Working Group for Firearms and Toolmarks
EnviroNetBase: Environmental
True Crime and Justice Resources Online
by Kari Sable Burns U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Environmental Forensics
by Environmental Health Sciences
Center, Oregon State University FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT
American Board of Criminalistics forensics.html Forensic Accounting Demystified
by Alan Zysman
American Society for Clinical
Laboratory Science
Forensic Accounting Information List-O-Links
by Florida Atlantic University
by International Association for Property
An Introduction to Criminalistics and and Evidence
Physical Evidence
by Dr. Tom O’Connor Start Here. Go Property-Evidence Unit by American Institute of Certified Public
315lect02.htm Washington County Sheriff’s Office Accountants
Dr. Henry Lee investig/evidence.htm
The Property Unit Manager FORENSIC
FBI Laboratory by Bob Huestis ANTHROPOLOGIST American Board of Forensic
manager.htm Anthropology
Forensic Web Links/FAQ’s
by Northeastern Association of Forensic FINGERPRINT TECHNICIAN
Scientists Biological Anthropology Resources on Fingerprint Identification the World Wide Web
by Federal Bureau of Investigation by Karen B. Supak
by National Center for Forensic Science Lab/9893/index.html Michele Triplett’s Fingerprint
FIRE INVESTIGATOR Forensic Anthropology
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences forensics/index.html
Criminal Justice Links Forensic Sciences
by Cecil Greek InterFIRE Online by Kathy Reichs

Criminal Justice Mega Links National Association of State Fire

by Dr. Tom O’Connor Marshals
U.S. Fire Administration
DNA ANALYST National Park Service Archeology

The President’s DNA Initiative ATF Laboratories The Archaeology Channel
Appendix IV     297

FORENSIC ARCHITECT World Wide Resources in Chemistry The Essential Economic Resource
by Hiram College Library by Don Frankenfeld
Careers in Architecture
by American Institute of Architects
EXPERT A Sightseer’s Guide to Engineering
College on Forensic Sciences
htm Junior Engineering Technical Society
Forensic Faces Institute The Chiropractic Resource
Organization Links
Neville’s Forensic Art World by National Academy of Forensic Engineers
Orange County Sheriff’s Office
Forensic Artist National Council of Examiners for
by Detective Stephen A. Fusco Expert Communications Engineering and Surveying

FORENSIC AUDIO EXAMINER Expert Witness Marketing and Training Progressive Engineer Online
Owl Investigations com Society of Forensic Engineers and
ExpertPages Scientists
Team Audio
Forensic Expert Witness Association
Forensic Entomology
American Institute of Biological The Forensic Panel
Sciences by Stephen W. Bullington, Ph.D.

Forensic Biology Section ForensisGroup Forensic

Georgia Bureau of Investigation Division
of Forensic Science
Insect Investigations
Alcohol and Drug Information
FORENSIC BOTANIST by U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental
Iowa State Entomology Index of
Internet Resources
American Society of Plant Taxonomists Health Services Administration

Forensic Botany U.S. Drug Enforcement FORENSIC

by Jennifer Van Dommelen Administration EPIDEMIOLOGIST
forensicbotany EpiMonitor.Net
The Virtual Library of Botany/Plant
Biology Forensic Epidemiology Forensic Economics Database by Public Health Law Clearinghouse
www-vl by Thomas R. Ireland forensicepi-more.htm
The WWW Virtual Library: Medicine
International Association for Chemical Resources for Economists on the and Health: Epidemiology
Testing Internet (RFE) epidem.html
298     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and FORENSIC LINGUIST FORENSIC

Prevention MICROBIOLOGIST Forensic Linguistics Institute The Microbiology
Information Portal
FORENSIC GEOLOGIST Forensic Linguistics Project
Hofstra University
American Geophysical Union Microbeworld
Earth Science World—Gateway to the Language and “Microbial Forensics”
Geosciences by Peter Tiersma by Abigail A. Salyers
The Linguist List
National Association of State Boards of
Geology Microbiology: A Resource for Research Roger W. Shuy Microbiologists
Raymond C. Murray, Forensic micro.html
U.S. Geological Survey J. Marshall Bevil, Ph.D.
Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education
FORENSIC GRAPHICS American Board of Medical Specialties Recorded Sound Reference Center
SPECIALIST The Library of Congress
The Art Engineering Company American Osteopathic Association U.S. Copyright Office
Federation of State Medical Boards
Graphic Artists Guild FORENSIC NURSE
Forensic Medicine Jobs Discover
Trial Exhibits
Medical Expert Witness and Forensictrak
Consultant Directory
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Legal Nurse Consultants, Nursing The Student Doctor Network
“Forensic Hypnosis”
by Katherine Ramsland, Crime Library FORENSIC METEOROLOGIST FORENSIC
hypnosis National Weather Association ODONTOLOGIST
Bureau of Legal Dentistry
“How Hypnosis Works”
by Tom Harris,
National Weather Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric
htm Forensic Dentistry Online
Hypnosis Internet weather Web site, links, and FORENSIC PALYNOLOGIST
Marx Howell and Associates Forensic Botany: Palynology weather_links.html by Jennifer Van Dommelen
Appendix IV     299 International Phonetic Association Radiology Info

forensicbotany/palynology.html Links
Forensic Palynology
palynology.htm PHOTOGRAPHER American Rehabilitation Counseling
Crime Scene and Evidence Photography Association
Palynology at the University of Arizona
by Dr. Owen Davis csi-photo.html
Forensic Special Interest Section
Crime Scene Photography 1.01 International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
Anatomic Pathology: Welcome to the
Morgue FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST Vocational Diagnostics Inc.
Island/6653/morgue.htm Forensic Psychiatry On-Line
World Wide Web Resources for
The Internet Pathology Laboratory for
Forensic Psychiatry Resource Page Rehabilitation Counselors
Medical Education
by Edward C. Klatt, M.D. by James F. Hooper, M.D., DFAPA
International Academy of Law and INSTRUCTOR
PathMax: Forensic Pathology Links Mental Health
by Shawn E. Cowper Chronicle Careers: Jobs in Higher Education
TECHNICIAN All About Forensic Psychology
Clark County Coroner
unid.htm American Board of Forensic Psychology Postdoc
“How Autopsies Work”
by Robert Valdes,
Forensic Psychology Preparing Future Faculty Program
Psych Web
American Association of Colleges of RESEARCHER
Psychology and Law Resources for Forensic Science Initiative
Rx Career Center by American Psychology-Law Society International Forensic Research Institute
What is a Forensic Pharmacist?
by Peter D. Anderson, Pharm.D. National Center for Forensic Science FORENSIC RADIOLOGIST
forensic-pharmacist.index.html American College of Radiology
American Association for Women Forensic Sculpting
Dr. Helen Fraser Radiologists by Seth Wolfson
300     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

International Sculptor Center American Board of Forensic Toxicology FRAUD EXAMINER
National Fraud Awareness Week
Forensic Art ToxiLinks
by Karen T. Taylor by Society of Forensic Toxicologists The FRAUDfiles Blog
by Tracy Coenen
Sculptural Forensics Workplace Fairness
by George C. Vail
FORENSIC SEROLOGIST Virginia Institute of Forensic Science
Forensic Serology and Medicine
by Southwest Environmental Health
by Dr. Tom O’Connor
Science Center, University of Arizona
425lect13.htm Western Forensic Law Enforcement
Training Center
Colorado State University–Pueblo Histosearch: The Histology Search
WORKER wfletc
Association of Social Work Boards
Help Starts Here
Judicial Branch
by National Association of Social Forensic Audio, Video and Image
Workers Analysis Unit politics/judbranc.htm FBI Laboratory Supreme Court of the United States
FORENSIC STATISTICIAN Forensic Tape Analysis, Inc.
Forensic Statistics and Mathematics by Stephen Cain Useful Links
by Reddy P. Chamakura by National Judicial College
Police Video Analysis
Forensic Mathematics
by Charles H. Brenner, Ph.D. technology/software/video-analysis LATENT PRINT EXAMINER Complete Latent Print Examination
Scientific Working Group on Imaging
Latent Print Examination
Land Surveying and Geomatics: by Ed German
Ridges and Furrows
Land Surveyor Reference Page Wildlife DNA Services http://www.ridgesandfurrows.homestead. com

National Council of Examiners for Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory

Engineering and Surveying Trent University, Ontario
MEDICAL EXAMINER Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s
Wildlife Forensics Unit
FORENSIC TOXICOLOGIST Northeast Wildlife DNA Laboratory, East
Alan Barbour’s Forensic Toxicology Stroudsburg University American Board of Independent
Page Medical Examiners forensics.asp
Appendix IV     301

HBO: Autopsy Questioned Document Examination detector.htm by Dr. Tom O’Connor
National Board of Medical Examiners National Polygraph Association 425lect05.htm
Southeastern Association of Forensic
Polygraph Frequently Asked Questions Document Examiners
MEDICOLEGAL DEATH by American Polygraph Association
American Board of Medicolegal Death
The Polygraph Place TRACE EVIDENCE
Investigators EXAMINER
International Association for
Forensic Talk: Medicolegal Death PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Microanalysis
Investigation American Prosecutors Research
forensics_talk/medicolegal_death_ Institute Trace Evidence
FindLaw trace/fortraceframeset.htm
Death—The Last Taboo Trace Evidence Recovery Guidelines International Association of Prosecutors by the Scientific Working Group on Materials Analysis Evidence
Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Committee
Body: Exhibition Prosecutor Info Website oct1999/trace.htm
United States Attorneys
U.S. Department of Justice TRIAL LAWYER
Daubert on the Web by Peter Nordberg QUALITY MANAGER

Exploring: Law Enforcement Forensic Quality Services—Worldwide Legal Directories

(Law Enforcement Explorers)
exploring/lawenforcement QA and QC in Forensic Science
by Reddy P. Chamakura
National Association of Police
Organizations htm Legal Career Center Network
QUESTIONED DOCUMENT Legal Education and Student Resources
EXAMINER by the American Bar Association
Emily J. Will, Forensic Document Examiner

Guidelines for Forensic Document

“How Lie Detectors Work”
by Kevin Bonsor, april2000/swgdoc1.htm
302     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science


academician A teacher and scholar who works in a higher bachelor’s degree The degree earned upon fulfilling the
education institution. requirements of a four-year college program.
acoustics The scientific study of sound and sound waves. bacteria Microorganisms that can cause disease.
administrative Relating to the daily management of an orga- ballistics The study of bullets and other projectiles in
nization such as a law firm or law school. motion.
administrative hearing A legal proceeding held before a behavioral sciences The various disciplines, such as psychol-
government agency regarding violations of the laws that ogy, that study human conduct.
the agency enforces. bench trial A court trial in which a judge, rather than a jury,
advanced degree A college degree beyond a bachelor’s decides the facts.
degree. biohazard Any dangerous biological material, such as bac-
advocacy Support for a particular cause, policy, idea, or teria and viruses, that presents a risk or possible risk to
person. the health of people and animals or to the environment.
advocate (v.) To be in favor of something or someone; (n.) a biological evidence Any type of matter that originates with
person who supports a cause. tissue, such as hair, skin, blood, saliva, sweat, dental
affidavit A written statement that one swears is true under pulp, and fingernails.
oath. biology The scientific study of humans, animals, plants, and
AFIS Automated fingerprint identification system; a com- one-celled organisms.
puterized database containing millions of fingerprints bioterrorism The use of germs, bacteria, or other biological
that is used to identify the owner of fingerprints left at material to terrorize or intimidate a group of people, usu-
crime scenes. ally for political purposes.
alternative dispute resolution A way to settle a dispute with- BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics; the agency within the U.S.
out going through a court trial. Department of Labor that is responsible for collecting,
analysis A detailed examination of something in order to processing, analyzing, and disseminating statistical data
better understand it. about labor economics.
analyst A specialist who conducts a detailed examination of cadaver A dead body.
something in order to explain what it is. candidate A person whom an employer is interested in hiring.
analytical skills The abilities that a worker needs to criti- career An individual’s profession or occupation.
cally examine and solve problems. case A subject, incident, or situation that is examined by
anatomy The scientific study of the internal structure of liv- a law enforcement officer, forensic scientist, or another
ing organisms. professional.
anthropology The scientific study of human society and chain of custody The method used to track every person who
cultures. handles a piece of evidence and to record his or her pur-
appeal A written request to a higher court to review and pose for handling it.
overturn a judgment made in a lower court. chemistry The scientific study of substances (or chemicals)
application The act of using the knowledge and skills of that make up all living things and nonliving matter.
one’s discipline for a practical and specific purpose. child abuse The physical or mental mistreatment of a child
arson A crime in which a fire was intentionally set. by his or her parent or legal guardian, or by another
assault A violent physical attack on a person or animal. adult.
assessment An evaluation of the nature or quality of some- claim The request or demand for money, property, or other
thing; for example, a forensic examiner makes an assess- benefits from an organization or government agency.
ment about whether threads found on a victim come from claimant A person who is receiving or claiming insurance
a suspect’s shirt. benefits or other types of benefits.
associate degree The degree earned upon fulfilling the clandestine Hidden; secret.
requirements of a two-year college program. client An individual or organization that uses the services of
audit To conduct an organized review of formal records. a professional.
autopsy A medical examination of a dead body to determine code A system of laws and regulations that govern a par-
its cause and manner of death. ticular activity such as traffic or taxation. 
Glossary     303

communicable disease A disease that can easily be spread criminalist A forensic scientist; he or she uses scientific
from one person to another, either through direct or indi- methods and techniques to examine and analyze physical
rect contact. evidence.
communication skills The speaking and listening abilities criminalistics A forensic science discipline; the application
that workers need to perform their job. of science to the identification, analysis, and evaluation
comparative Involving comparisons between two or more of physical evidence for legal purposes.
subject matters. criminal justice The system that involves arresting, convict-
compliance Meeting the conditions required by a specific ing, sentencing, and imprisoning criminals.
law, regulation, or policy. criminologist One who studies crime and criminals.
consultant An expert in a particular field who charges a fee critical-thinking skills The ability to examine and analyze a
for his or her professional advice and services. situation and make sensible judgments on how to handle it.
contaminate To make something unclean and harmful. cross-examine To question witnesses of the opposing side
continuing education Organized learning experiences, such in a trial.
as courses and seminars, that professionals take after cross-trained Being trained to perform more than one job.
earning their degree to improve or strengthen their career CSI Crime scene investigator; one who locates and collects
goals. physical evidence at a crime scene.
contractual Being part of a formal legal agreement. damage The compensation awarded by a court to a person
controlled substance Any type of drug or substance (such as who has suffered a loss or injury due to the unlawful act
narcotics and stimulants) that is regulated by law. of another party.
convict (n.) A criminal; (v.) to judge someone guilty of com- data Information, including facts and figures.
mitting a crime. database An organized collection of facts and figures that is
coroner A public official who is responsible for investigat- stored in a computer.
ing the cause and manner of unexplained deaths within death scene The location where a person died.
his or her jurisdiction. decision The judgment, or opinion, that is made at the end
correctional facility A jail, prison, or other institution where of a case in a court of law.
criminals fulfill their court sentence for breaking a law. defend To speak on behalf of a person or group accused of
corrections The program of treating and rehabilitating crim- wrongdoing.
inals that may include a jail or prison sentence, proba- defendant In a criminal trial, the person charged with com-
tion, and/or parole. mitting a crime; in a civil trial, the person or group who
court A government body that has the power to resolve is charged with wrongdoing against another party.
legal disputes. defense attorney The lawyer who represents the defendant.
court exhibit Demonstrative evidence; a visual aid, such as a demonstrative evidence A visual aid, such as a chart or ani-
chart or animation, that attorneys use in court to help the mation, that attorneys use in court to help the judge and
judge and jurors understand complex or technical issues jurors understand complex or technical issues and facts.
and facts. deposition A verbal statement that a witness makes under
court proceeding Any hearing or court appearance related to oath in an authorized place outside of a courtroom.
making a decision about a civil or criminal case. detail-oriented Able to pay close attention to the various
crime lab Crime laboratory or forensic laboratory; a facil- aspects of a task, project, or job.
ity where scientific methods and techniques are used to discipline A field of study, such as biology, chemistry, or
process, examine, and analyze physical evidence (such forensic science.
as fingerprints and DNA). dispute A disagreement between two parties.
crime scene A location where a crime has taken place. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid; the genetic code of all living
crime scene investigation A thorough examination at a crime organisms.
scene to locate and collect all items of evidence that may doctorate (or doctoral degree) An advanced degree; the
link a criminal suspect to a victim or the crime scene. degree earned upon fulfilling the requirements of a post-
criminal defendant A person who is accused of committing graduate program.
a crime and defends himself or herself against criminal document (n.) A formal or legal record; (v.) to provide proof
charges in a court of law. that something is true.
criminal investigation A thorough examination of a crime to domestic violence Assault, psychological abuse, murder, or
determine who committed the crime, and when, where, other form of violence that takes place within a family or
how, and why it was committed. a close relationship between two people.
criminal investigator A law enforcement officer whose job is emerging Starting to develop.
to find sufficient proof that a suspect committed a crime entomology The scientific study of insects and related
in order to try him or her in court. arthropods such as spiders and centipedes.
304     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

entrepreneurial Willing to take the risks of starting a new independent practitioner A self-employed individual who
business. performs contractual work for a person or organization.
entry-level position A job that individuals can obtain with internship The period of employment as a trainee or a low-
little or no experience. level assistant in order to gain experience.
estimated wages An amount that is close to the actual pay a interpersonal skills The abilities a worker needs to commu-
worker earns. nicate and work well with others on the job.
ethical Behaving justly and honestly. issue A point of disagreement between parties in a lawsuit.
ethics A system of principles that governs how individuals judiciary The judicial branch of government.
or groups should behave within an organization. jurisdiction The area in which certain laws and regulations
evidence The testimony, documents, and other information are applicable.
presented in a court of law to prove one’s case; also: juror A member of the jury who is sworn to give a verdict
items left at a crime scene. on a legal case.
exonerate To acquit; to formally declare that a person is not jury A group of people who have sworn to listen objectively
guilty of a crime. to the facts and issues of a case and then to provide a
experience Paid and volunteer work that an individual has verdict.
done that is related to the position for which he or she juvenile An individual under the age of 18.
applies. latent prints An impression of a set of fingerprints, palm
expert opinion An evaluation about a legal issue given by a prints, or footprints that have been taken from a surface
person who has professional knowledge and experience of an object.
in the subject matter. law The system of rules and principles that a community
expert witness An individual whom a court recognizes as recognizes as being enforceable by proper authorities.
having the required knowledge, education, experience, lawsuit A legal action that one party (the plaintiff) has
and credentials to address specific issues in a court trial. brought against another party (the defendant) in a court
fellowship An award given to professionals or doctoral- of law.
degreed scientists to further their study and training in leadership skills The abilities a worker needs to provide
their field. supervision and direction to other workers on a project
felony A serious crime such as murder, arson, kidnapping, or in a unit.
or drug dealing; a person convicted of a felony may be liability A financial obligation for which someone is respon-
sentenced to prison for several years or to death. sible.
fibers Fine threads of cloth. licensing board A state agency responsible for regulating the
findings Conclusions that one forms after completing an issuance of licenses to attorneys or another profession.
investigation. licensure The act of issuing a professional license.
first responder The first police officer that arrives at a crime literature Books, government reports, newspapers, and
scene. other resources that a professional consults when doing
flexible Able to handle changes. research on a topic.
forensic The application of science to the examination of litigation A lawsuit.
legal issues. litigation consultant A professional who offers his or her
forensic anthropology The application of anthropological expert services to attorneys involved in lawsuits.
principles and techniques to medicolegal death investiga- local Within a certain geographical area.
tions. malpractice The failure of a physician or other professional
forensic laboratory Crime laboratory; a facility where scien- to do his or her professional duties due to illegal or
tific methods and techniques are used to process, exam- unethical behavior.
ine, and analyze physical evidence (such as fingerprints maltreatment Abuse of a person or animal.
and DNA). master’s degree An advanced degree that is earned upon
forensics The application of science to the study of legal or fulfilling the requirements of a one- or two-year graduate
regulatory matters. program.
fraud The criminal act of taking money or other benefits medical examiner A physician who is officially responsible
from a person through deception. for conducting death investigations within his or her
hearing A formal proceeding before a judge, administrative jurisdiction.
agency, or legislature in which evidence and arguments medicolegal Relating to both the law and medicine.
are presented to resolve a dispute about issues of law or microorganism A tiny organism, such as a virus, that can be
fact. seen only under a microscope.
homicide The crime of killing a person. misdemeanor A minor crime, such as vandalism or disor-
human remains Dead body. derly conduct; a person guilty of a misdemeanor may
Glossary     305

be required to pay a fine and/or serve a short sentence in regulatory agency A government agency that enforces a spe-
jail. cific set of laws and regulations.
morgue A room or building where dead bodies are stored rigor mortis The stiffening of the body that occurs within
and examined. several hours after its death.
multimedia The combination of two or more media (such as self-management skills The abilities a worker needs to per-
graphics, video, and animation) for a presentation. form his or her duties without constant supervision.
natural sciences The science disciplines (such as chemistry) sentence The punishment a judge orders that a person con-
that study natural phenomena. victed of a crime must serve.
negligence Failure to provide proper care which results in a serology The scientific study of blood serum.
person or property becoming harmed or injured. settlement An agreement made between two parties in a
negotiate To reach an agreement through discussion and dispute.
compromise. statute A law created by a legislative body.
networking Making contacts with colleagues and other subject-matter expert An individual who is highly knowl-
people who may be able to provide information about job edgeable about and experienced with a particular topic.
openings. subordinate A person who is lower in rank or status in a
novice A new or inexperienced worker. workplace.
odontology The scientific study of teeth. suspect A person who is believed to have committed a
offender An individual who has committed a crime. crime.
party One of two sides in a lawsuit. task A duty or job that an employee must perform.
pathology The scientific study of how cells and tissues are teamwork skills The abilities an employee needs to work
changed by disease; a medical practice that diagnoses effectively as part of a group on a work project or in a
diseases as well as the cause of death. unit.
pediatrics The medical practice of diagnosis and treatment technician A worker who provides technical support to sci-
of children’s diseases. entists or other professionals.
physical evidence Any object, such as fingerprints, blood, technique A technical method for performing a task.
bullets, documents, and computer files, used as proof that technologist A scientist or engineer who is involved in the
a suspect has committed a crime. practical application of his or her discipline.
plaintiff The party who brings a lawsuit against an indi- testify To answer questions in a court of law.
vidual or group. testimony A statement that a person makes and swears
postdoctoral Relating to academic work or research done under oath to be true.
after a doctoral degree has been awarded. toxic Poisonous.
postmortem After death. toxicology The scientific study of poisons and how they
practice A business. affect the human body.
practitioner A person who pursues a specific profession, trace evidence Any very small items of physical evidence
such as law. such as hair, soil, paint chips, and explosives residue.
principle A basic law, rule, or truth. trial A formal examination of the facts and issues in a
problem-solving skills The abilities an individual needs to ana- criminal or civil case before a court of law.
lyze and evaluate problems and find ways to solve them. try To conduct a legal case in a court of law.
prosecute To put an individual or group on trial. URL Universal Resource Locator: the address of a Web site
prosecutor A prosecuting attorney; he or she represents the on the Internet
government in a criminal or civil trial. vendor A business that sells services and/or products.
quality Having all the required characteristics and being verdict The decision made by a judge or jury about a case.
free of all defects. verify To prove that something is true.
regulation A rule that a government agency establishes in witness A person who has direct knowledge about a suspect,
order to fulfill the requirements of a law. crime, or crime scene.
306     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science



Print and online publications are available that target many You may be able to find some of the print publications at
of the various occupations described in this book. These a public, school, or academic library. Many of the print mag-
include magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, azines also allow limited free access to their articles on the
webzines, and electronic news services. Listed below are Web. Some of the Web-based publications are free, whereas
just a few publications that serve the interests of forensic others require a subscription to access certain issues and
scientists, forensic experts, crime scene investigators, and other resources. Some publications offer free subscriptions
other occupations that are described in this book. to students or professionals.
To learn about other print and online publications, talk Note: Web site addresses were current when this book
with librarians, educators, and professionals for recommen- was written. If a Web site address no longer works, you may
dations. Also check out professional and trade associations. be able to find its new address by entering the name of the
Many of them publish journals, newsletters, magazines, and publication into a search engine.
other publications.

The Adjunct Advocate Clinical and Forensic Toxicology News

(for part-time academic instructors) American Association for Clinical Chemistry

American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Crime Times Wacker Foundation
American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry
P.O. Box 5870 Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Balboa Island, CA 92662 American Society of Criminology
Phone: (949) 673-7773 Phone: (614) 292-9207
Fax: (949) 673-7710 Fax: (614) 292-6767

American Journal of Forensic Psychology Evidence Technology Magazine

P.O. Box 5870
Balboa Island, CA 92662
Phone: (949) 673-7773 The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Fax: (949) 673-7710
The Forensic Examiner
The American Lawyer American College of Forensic Examiners Institute
Phone: (800) 755-2773
Forensic Magazine
American Police Beat Vicon Publishing, Inc. 4 Limbo Lane
Amherst, NH 03031
The Chronicle of Higher Education Phone: (603) 672-9997
Phone: (800) 728-2803 or (815) 734-1216 Fax: (603) 672-3028
Bibliography     307

Forensic Nurse Journal of Forensic Identification International Association for Identification
Forensic Science Communications
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Journal of Forensic Nursing
International Association of Forensic Nurses
Forensic Science International
IngentaConnect Publication Police: The Law Enforcement Magazine
Fraud Magazine
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Police Times
Phone: (800) 245-3321 or (512) 478-9000 American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens

International Journal of Forensic Engineering Professional Surveyor Magazine

Inderscience Publishers

International Journal of Forensic Mental Health Psychiatric News

International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services American Psychiatric Association

Journal of Forensic Accounting Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
American Psychological Association
Phone: (202) 336-5600
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Fax: (202) 336-5568
Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Journal of Forensic Document Examination Radiology

Association of Forensic Document Examiners Radiological Society of North America

Listed below are some books that can help you learn more Brodsky, Stanley L. The Expert Expert Witness: More Max-
about the different occupations in the forensic sciences. To ims and Guidelines for Testifying in Court. Washington,
learn about other books that may be helpful, ask profession- D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1999.
als—individuals and organizations—as well as librarians Burns, Karen Ramey. Forensic Anthropology Training Man-
for suggestions. ual. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1999.
Camenson, Blythe. Opportunities in Forensic Science
Arrigo, Bruce A. and Stacey L. Shipley. Introduction to Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill.: VGM Career Books, 2001.
Forensic Psychology, 2d ed. Boston: Elsevier/Academic Dix, Jay. Handbook for Death Scene Investigators. Boca
Press, 2005. Raton, Fla.: CRC, 1999.
Axelrod, Alan and Guy Antinozzi. The Complete Idiot’s Dix, Jay, and Robert Calaluce. Guide to Forensic Pathology.
Guide to Criminal Investigation. Indianapolis, Ind.: Alpha Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC, 1998.
Books, 2003. Dominick, Joseph T. et al. Crime Scene Investigation. Pleas-
Baden, Michael, M.D. and Marion Roach. Dead Reckoning: antville, N.Y.: Reader’s Digest Association, 2004.
The New Science of Catching Killers. New York: Simon Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities in Educa-
and Schuster, 2001. tion and Related Services, 2d ed. New York: Ferguson,
Bell, Suzanne. The Facts On File Dictionary of Forensic Infobase Publishing, 2006.
Science. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2004. Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities in Law and
Breeze, Roger, Bruce Budowle, and Steven Schutzer. Micro- the Legal Industry, 2d ed. New York: Ferguson, Infobase
bial Forensics. Boston: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2005. Publishing, 2007.
308     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities in Law Owen, David. Hidden Evidence. Buffalo, N.Y.: Firefly
Enforcement, Security, and Protective Services, 2d ed. Books, 2000.
New York: Checkmark Books, Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Ramsland, Katherine. The Criminal Mind: A Writer’s Guide
Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities in Sci- to Forensic Psychology. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer’s Digest
ence. New York: Checkmark Books, Facts On File, Inc., Books, 2002.
2003. ———. The Forensic Science of C.S.I. New York: Berkeley
Evans, Colin. A Question of Evidence: The Casebook of Boulevard Books, 2001.
Great Forensic Controversies, from Napoleon to O.J. Rhine, Stanley. Bone Voyage: A Journey in Forensic Anthro-
Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2003. pology. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: University of New Mexico
Farmer, Dan, and Wietse Venema. Forensic Discovery. Press, 1998.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Addison-Wesley, 2005. Roach, Mary. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.
Farr, J. Michael, and Laurence Shatkin, eds. The O*NET New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 2003.
Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 3rd ed. Indianapolis, Sachs, Jessica Snyder. Corpse: Nature, Forensics, and the
Ind.: JIST Publishing, 2004. Struggle to Pinpoint Time of Death. Cambridge, Mass.:
Ferllini, Roxana. Silent Witness. Buffalo, N.Y.: Firefly Perseus Books Group, 2002.
Books, 2002. Saferstein, Richard. Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Fletcher, Connie. Every Contact Leaves a Trace: Crime Forensic Science, 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pear-
Scene Experts Talk about Their Work from Discovery son Prentice Hall, 2004.
through Verdict. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006. Stephens W. Richard Jr. Careers in Criminal Justice. Need-
Friedlander, Mark P., Jr. Outbreak: Disease Detectives at ham Heights, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon, 1999.
Work. Minneapolis, Minn.: Lerner Publications, 2003. Stevens, Serita. Forensic Nurse. New York: Thomas Dune
Genge, N.E. The Forensic Casebook: The Science of Crime Books, 2004.
Scene Investigation. New York: Ballantine Books, 2002. Taylor, Karen T. Forensic Art and Illustration. Boca Raton,
Golden, Thomas, Steven Skalak, and Mona Clayton. A Fla.: CRC, 2000.
Guide to Forensic Accounting Investigation. Hoboken, U.S. Department of Labor. Career Guide to Industries,
N.J.: Wiley, 2005. 2006-2007 Edition. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Labor
Houck, Max M., and Jay A. Siegel. Fundamentals of Foren- Statistics, 2006. Available online at
sic Science. Boston: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2006. oco/cg.
Innes, Brian. Bodies of Evidence. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Read- U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Hand-
er’s Digest, 2000. book 2006-2007 Edition. Indianapolis, Ind.: JIST Pub-
———. Forensic Science. Broomall, Pa.: Mason Crest Pub- lishing, Inc., 2006.
lishers, Inc., 2003. U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Hand-
James, Stuart H., and Jon J. Nordby, eds. Forensic Sci- book 2006-2007 Edition. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of
ence: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Tech- Labor Statistics, 2006. Available online at http://www.bls.
niques, 2d ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC, 2005. gov/oco.
Lee, Henry C., and Frank Tirnady. Blood Evidence: How Vacca, John R. Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene
DNA is Revolutionizing the Way We Solve Crimes. Cam- Investigation. Hingham, Mass.: Charles River Media,
bridge, Mass.: Perseus Publishing, 2003. 2002.
Loue, Sana. Case Studies in Forensic Epidemiology. New Walker, Maryalice. Entomology And Palynology: Evidence
York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002. from the Natural World. Philadelphia: Mason Crest Pub-
Lyle, D. P. Forensics for Dummies. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley lishers, 2005.
Publishing, Inc., 2004. Ward, Jenny. Crimebusting: Breakthroughs in Forensic Sci-
McDavid, Richard A. and Susan Echaore-McDavid. Career ence. New York: Bradford Press, 1998.
Opportunities in Engineering. New York: Ferguson, Info- Wecht, Cyril, and Greg Saitz with Mark Curriden. Mortal
base Publishing, 2007. Evidence: The Forensics Behind Nine Shocking Cases.
Munneke, Gary A. Careers in Law. Lincolnwood, Ill.: VGM Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2003.
Career Books, 2004. Wells, Joseph T. Principles of Fraud Examination. Hobo-
Murray, Raymond C. Evidence from the Earth: Forensic ken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
Geology and Criminal Investigation. Missoula, Mont.: Wilkinson, Caroline. Forensic Facial Reconstruction. New
Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2004. York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Nafte, Myriam. Flesh and Bone: An Introduction to Foren- Zelicoff, Alan P., M.D., and Michael Bellomo. Microbe:
sic Anthropology. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Are We Ready for the Next Plague? New York: Amacom,
Press, 2000. 2005.
Bibliography     309

Listed below are some reports, guides, and other valuable Professional Land Surveyors, 2006. Available online at
materials that can help you learn more about forensic sci-
ence and related fields. They are available online and can be Kentucky State Police Forensic Laboratories Section. Physi-
downloaded as PDF files. cal Evidence Handbook (Rev. June 2001). Frankfort, Ky.:
Kentucky State Police Forensic Laboratories Section,
American Academy of Forensic Sciences. So You Want to 2001. Available online at
be a Forensic Scientist! Available online at http://www. National Center for State Courts. Survey of Judicial Sala- ries. Vol. 31, No. 1. Williamsburg, Va.: National Center
American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics 101. Available for State Courts, July 2006. Available online at http://
online at
American Institute of Architects. Careers in Architecture. National Medicolegal Review Panel. Death Investigation: A
Available online at Guide for the Scene Investigator (NCJ167568). Washing-
American Prosecutors Research Institute. Crash Reconstruc- ton, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department
tion Basics for Prosecutors. Alexandria, Va.: American of Justice, November 1999. Available online at: http://nij.
Prosecutors Research Institute, 2003. Available online at Society of Toxicology. Resource Guide to Careers in Toxi-
American Society for Engineering Education. Engineer- cology. Available online at
ing, Go For It! Washington, D.C.: American Society for APT/careerguide.asp.
Engineering Education. Available online at http://www. Technical Working Group for Education and Training in Forensic Science. Education and Training in Forensic
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. 2004 Report the Science: A Guide for Forensic Science Laboratories,
Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse. Austin, Tex.: Educational Institutions, and Students (NCJ 203099).
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2004. Avail- Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, U.S.
able online at Department of Justice, June 2004. Available online at:
Bryant, Vaughn M., and Gretchen D. Jones. “Forensic Pal-
ynology: Current Status of a Rarely Used Technique in Technical Working Group for the Examination of Digital
the United States of America.” Forensic Science Inter- Evidence. Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A
national 163 (2006): 183–197. Available online at http:// Guide for Law Enforcement (NCJ199408). Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of
Collins, Donald. The Dentist’s Role in Forensic Identifi- Justice, April 2004. Available online at: http://nij.ncjrs.
cation. Chicago: American Dental Association, 2004. gov/publications/pubs_db.asp.
Available online at Technical Working Group on Crime Scene Investigation.
recover/volunteering.asp. Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforce-
Criminal Justice Journalists. Covering Crime and Justice: ment (NCJ 178280). Washington, D.C.: National Institute
A Guide for Journalists. Columbia, Mo.: Investigative of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, January 2000.
Reporters and Editors, Inc., 2003. Available online at Available online at pubs_db.asp.
Forensic Engineering Task Force, The. Report on The Prac- Wade, Colleen, ed. FBI Handbook of Forensic Services.
tice of Forensic Engineering. Denver, Colo.: Colorado Quantico, Va.: Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2003.
State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Available online at

Boldface page numbers denote main American Association of Police American College of Forensic
entries Polygraphists 25 Psychology 219
American Association of Stratigraphic American College of Trial Lawyers
Palynologists, Inc. 179 248
A American Association of University American Congress on Surveying and
AAFS. See American Academy of Professors 267 Mapping 206
Forensic Sciences American Bar Association 248, 252, American Council of Hypnotist
Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists 259 Examiners 212
138 American Board of Criminalistics 75 American Dental Association 132,
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences American Board of Forensic 147
210 Anthropology xii American Deputy Sheriffs’
Academy of Forensic and Industrial American Board of Forensic Association 10, 13
Chiropractic Consultants 138 Entomology 167, 267 American Economics Association 233
accident reconstruction specialist xi, American Board of Forensic American Entomological Society 167
195–197 Odontology 147 American Federation of Police and
administrative law judge 258 American Board of Forensic Concerned Citizens 10
AFIS. See automated fingerprint Professionals 138 American Federation of Teachers 267
identification system American Board of Independent American Geological Institute 170
American Academy of Economic and Medical Examiners 138 American Institute of Architects 200,
Financial Experts 233 American Board of Medicolegal Death 203
American Academy of Environmental Investigators 86 American Institute of Biological
Engineers 194 American Board of Pathology 81, 83, Sciences 164
American Academy of Forensic 89 American Institute of Certified Public
Psychology 219 American Board of Pediatrics 135 Accountants 230, 236
American Academy of Forensic American Board of Psychiatry and American Institute of Chemical
Sciences (AAFS) ix–x, 31, 34, 37, Neurology 132, 216 Engineers 194
40, 43, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, American Board of Radiology 152 American Institute of Contractors 200
69, 72, 75, 83, 89, 92, 95, 108, 118, American Board of Vocational Experts American Medical Association 83,
122, 124, 132, 135, 138, 141, 144, 222 89, 132, 216
147, 152, 161, 164, 167, 170, 176, American Chemical Society 60, 270 American Meteorological Society 172
179, 182, 190, 194, 200, 203, 206, American Chiropractic Association American Musicological Society 127
210, 216, 219, 222, 230, 256, 264, 138 American Nurses Association 144
267, 270 American College of Clinical American Osteopathic Board of
American Academy of Microbiology Pharmacology 150 Radiology 152
176 American College of Clinical American Pediatric Society 135
American Academy of Pediatrics 135 Pharmacy 150 American Pharmacists Association
American Academy of Psychiatry and American College of Epidemiology 150
the Law 216, 270 141 American Polygraph Association
American Anthropological Association American College of Forensic 24–25
95, 161 Examiners 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 48, American Professional Society for the
American Association for Justice 248, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 95, Abuse of Children 135
252 108, 112, 115, 118, 122, 124, 132, American Psychiatric Association 216
American Association of Pathologists’ 138, 144, 147, 150, 200, 203, 206, American Psychological Association
Assistants 98 222, 225, 230, 256, 267, 270 219
American Association of Physical American College of Forensic American Psychology—Law Society
Anthropologists 95 Psychiatry 216 219
312     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

American Public Health Association— assistant U.S. attorney 250–253 C

Epidemiology Section 141 Associated General Contractors of CADD. See computer-aided design
American Rehabilitation Economics America 200 and drafting software
Association 222, 233 associate medical examiner 81–83, Caesar, Julius x
American Society for Clinical 87 CAT. See computerized axial
Pathology 83, 89, 100–101 Association for Crime Scene tomography scan
American Society for Microbiology Reconstruction 4, 7, 48 Centers for Disease Control and
176 Association for Women in Prevention 148
American Society for Pharmacy Law Communications 273 certification as histological technician
150 Association of Certified Fraud 99, 101
American Society for Training and Examiners 230, 236 certification as histological
Development 264 Association of Certified Fraud technologist 99, 101
American Society of Civil Engineers Specialists 236 certification in anatomic/clinical
194, 200 Association of Firearms and Tool pathology 83, 87, 89
American Society of Crime Mark Examiners 31, 37, 54, 267, certification in forensic pathology 81,
Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) 29, 270 83, 89
37, 39, 43, 83 Association of Forensic DNA Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
American Society of Criminology Analysts and Administrators 31, certification 228–230, 234, 236
210 37, 51, 57 Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
American Society of Forensic Association of Forensic Quality 198
Odontology 147 Assurance Managers 39–40 license for 228–229
American Society of Journalists and atmospheric scientist. See CFE. See Certified Fraud Examiner
Authors 273 meteorologist chain of custody 20–21
American Society of Mechanical Audio Engineering Society 115 chief medical examiner 81–83
Engineers (ASME) International audio forensics specialist xi, 113–115 chief prosecutor 251
194 auditor 234–236 child abuse pediatrician 133–135
American Society of Plant Biologists authorship attribution 239 child abuse pediatrics xi, 133–135
164 automated fingerprint identification Child Protection Services 133
American Society of Professional system (AFIS) xi, 17–18, 67–68 chiropractor 136–138
Estimators 200 autopsy. See internal postmortem licensing 136–138
American Society of Questioned examination city attorney’s office 251
Document Examiners 31, 72 claims investigator 234–236
American Society of Safety Engineers clinical forensic nurse 143
194, 197 B clinical forensic psychology 217–218
American Sociological Association Babylon x clinical psychiatrist 214
210 ballistics xi, 30, 53, 87, 254 clinical social worker 224
American Statistical Association 186 bankruptcy judge 257–259 CODIS. See Combined DNA Index
anthropologist 94 Bell Labs x System
anthropology professor 93–95 bishop of Bamberg x cognitive psychology 218
Antistius x blood splatter analysis 64, 254 College and University Professional
appellate court judge 257–259 blood splatter analyst 46–48, 56 Association for Human Resources
archaeologist 93, 159–160 bloodstain pattern analyst ix, 46–48, 239, 242
architect 198–199, 201–203 166 College of American Pathology 83,
architect licensing 201, 203 BLS. See U.S. Dept of Labor 89
arson investigator 14–16 (DOL)—Bureau of Labor Statistics College on Forensic Sciences 138
ASCLD. See American Society of Borkenstein, R. F. x Combined DNA Index System
Crime Laboratory Directors Botanical Society of America 164 (CODIS) 50, 56
Asian American Journalists botanist 162–163 Commission on Dental Accreditation
Association 273 broadcast reporter 272 147
ASME. See American Society of Browne, Sir Thomas x composite artist 116–118
Mechanical Engineers International Bureau of Indian Affairs 9 computer-aided design and drafting
assistant medical examiner 81–83, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). See (CADD) software 122, 203
87 U.S. Dept of Labor (DOL)—Bureau computer forensics investigator
assistant prosecuting attorney 251 of Labor Statistics (BLS) 187–190
Index     313

computer forensics specialist xi, crime scene technician 2–5, 65, 85, environmental consultant 156–158
187–190 94, 107, 116 environmental forensics expert 156–
computer investigative specialist criminal defense lawyer 246 158
187–190 criminal investigative psychology 218 Environmental Protection Agency
computerized axial tomography (CAT) criminal investigator x, 11–13, 23, 70, (EPA) 11, 91
scan 151 85–86, 107, 212 environmental scientist 157
conservation officer 8–9, 181 criminalist ix, xi, 19, 28–31, 37–38, EPA. See Environmental Protection
Constitutio Bambergensis Criminalis 42, 46–75, 116, 122–123, 180–181, Agency
(book) x 208, 254–255, 262, 268 epidemiologist 139–140
construction forensics expert 198–200 criminal justice journalists 273 epidemiology, definition of 139
construction inspector 198 criminologist 208–210 Erasistratus x
construction manager 198 criminology ethnomusicology 125
construction professional licenses branches of 208 evidence clerk 20–22
198–199 definition of 208 evidence custodian 20–22
Construction Specifications Institute CSI. See crime scene investigator evidence officer 20–22
200, 203 evidence photographer 106–109
copyright law 125–126 Evidence Photographers International
coroner 78–80, 93, 100, 151 D Council 108
coroner’s forensic technician 96–98 DEA. See Drug Enforcement evidence technician 2–4
coroner-sheriff systems. See sheriff- Administration expert witness xi, 208–209, 216,
coroner systems death investigator 78, 84–86, 94 254–256
coroner’s investigator 84–86 Defense Research Institute (DRI) 248
coroner’s office ix, xi, 78, 80, 82, DeMelle, François x
84–87, 90–91, 93–94, 96–97, 107, demonstrative evidence specialist F
130, 140, 142–143, 145, 149, 162, 122–124 family court judge 258
166, 178, 263 Demonstrative Evidence Specialists Faulds, Henry x
cost estimator 198 Association 124 FBI. See Federal Bureau of
Council on Forensic Science dental license 145, 147 Investigation
Education 267 deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA FDA. See U.S. Food and Drug
CPA. See Certified Public Accountant deputy coroner 78, 84–86 Administration
license deputy medical examiner 81–83 Federal Bar Association 249, 252, 259
crash reconstruction consultant 195– deputy sheriff xi, 8–10, 84–86 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
197 detective ix, 3, 11–13, 24, 47, 74, 108, x–xi, 11–12, 17, 30, 36, 50, 53, 65,
crime beat reporter 271–273 116, 123, 189, 196 67, 118, 160, 178, 235, 252
crime journalist 271–273 developmental psychology 218 federal court judge 257
crime lab analyst 28–31 diener 102–104 Federal Criminal Investigators
crime lab director 41–43 digital forensics investigator 187–190 Association 13
crime lab manager 35–36, 38, 41–43 district attorney 250–253 Federal Law Enforcement Officers
crime lab supervisor 35–37 DNA, definition of 49 Association 13
crime lab technician 32–34, 42 DNA analyst ix, 28–31, 49–51, 55–56 Federal Law Enforcement Training
crime reporter 271–273 DNA supervisor 35–37 Center 13
crime scene analyst 46–48 document examiner 70 federal pay schedules 12, 181, 252
crime scene examiner 2–4 DOL. See U.S. Department of Labor Federal Protective Service 9
crime scene investigation professional DRI. See Defense Research Institute Federal Rules of Evidence xi
certificate program 265 Drug Enforcement Administration federal trial judge 258–259
crime scene investigator (CSI) x, 2–4, (DEA) 11, 30, 53, 148, 178 fingerprint examiner 17–19
5, 11, 19, 28, 47, 118, 123, 160, 181, fingerprint identification expert 17–19
262 fingerprint specialist 17–19, 21
crime scene processing E fingerprint technician 17–19, 67
collection of physical evidence economist, definition of 231 firearms analyst 52–54
stage 3, 6 engineer 192, 198–199, 254, 268 firearms and tool mark examiner
scene documentation stage 2–3, 6 Entomological Society of America 52–54
scene recognition stage 2, 5 167 firearms examiner 28–31, 52–54
crime scene supervisor 5–7 entomologist 165–167 firearms expert ix
314     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

fire investigator 14–16 forensic electrical engineer 192–194 forensic pediatrician 133–135
fire marshal 14–16 forensic engineer 192–194, 195–200 forensic pediatric nursing 143
forensic accountant xi, 228–230, forensic entomologist xi–xii, 56, 160, forensic pharmacist 130, 148–150
234–236 165–167 forensic phonetician 241–243
Forensic Accountants Society of North certification of 167 forensic phonetics expert 241–243
America 230 forensic entomology 56, 165 forensic photographer ix, 106–109,
forensic acoustic specialist 113–115 forensic epidemiologist 139–141 160
forensic animator 122–124 forensic epidemiology xi forensic psychiatric nurse 143
forensic anthropologist xi–xii, 93–95, forensic ER (Emergency Room) nurse forensic psychiatrist 130, 214–216
118, 256, 272, 274 143 forensic psychiatrist consultant 214–
certification of xii forensic examiner 93–95, 130–132, 216
forensic anthropology consultant 228–230, 254–256, 262 forensic psychiatry 131
93–95 forensic expert ix, 192–194 forensic psychologist xi, 217–219,
forensic archaeologist xi, 159–161 forensic facial reconstruction specialist 254–256
forensic architect xii, 198–200, 119–121 forensic psychology subfields
201–203 forensic geochemist 156–158 clinical forensic psychology
forensic artist 116–118, 119–124, forensic geologist 168–170 217–218
160 forensic geriatric nurse 143 cognitive psychology 218
forensic art specialties forensic graphics specialist 122–124 criminal investigative psychology
composite imagery 116 forensic histotechnician 99 218
demonstrative evidence 117, forensic histotechnologist 99 developmental psychology 218
122–124, 193 forensic hydrologist 156–158 social psychology 218
image modification 116–117 forensic hypnotist xii, 211–213 forensic psychophysiologist 23–25
reconstructive (postmortem) forensic investigator 2–4, 84–86 forensic radiologist 151–153, 256
drawing 117 forensic laboratory manager 41–43 forensic radiology xi
forensic assistant 98, 102–104 forensic lab technician 32–34 forensic rehabilitation consultant
forensic audio examiner 113–115, forensic linguist xi, 238–240 220–222
241–242 forensic mathematician 184–186 certification, licensing and
forensic audio technician 113–115 forensic mechanical engineer 192– registration of 220–221
forensic autopsy assistant 96–98 194 forensic research scientist 268–270
forensic biologist 55–57, 64–66, 160, forensic medical consultant 130–132 forensics. See forensic science
162–164 forensic medicine, definition of 130 forensic science
forensic botanist 160, 162–164 forensic meteorologist 171–173 definition of ix
forensic chemist ix, 28–31, 58–60, forensic microbiologist 174–176 history of x–xi
61–63, 149, 268–270 forensic musicologist 125–127 timeline x–xi
forensic chiropractic examiner xii, forensic nurse xi–xii 130–132, forensic science assistant professor
136–138 142–144 265–267
forensic chiropractic specialist 136– forensic nurse investigator 142–144 forensic science associate professor
138 forensic nursing 131, 142–143, 254 265–267
forensic chiropractor 136–138 forensic nursing specialty areas forensic science instructor 265–267
forensic construction consultant legal consulting 142 forensic science lecturer 265–267
198–200 medicolegal death investigation forensic science principal investigator
forensic consultant 125–127, 130– 142 268
132, 139–141, 145–153, 159–179, sexual assault examination 142 forensic science professor 265–267
184–186, 192–194, 201–206, 208– forensic odontologist 88, 130–132, forensic science research associate
210, 223–225, 231–233, 238–243, 145–147 268
254–256 forensic odontology 131, 145 forensic science researcher 268–270
forensic contractor 198–200 forensic palynologist xi, 177–179 forensic science technician 28–31,
forensic correctional nurse 143 forensic palynology xi, 177–179 36
forensic dentist 145–147, 272 forensic pathologist xi, 79, 81–84, forensic scientist ix–xi, 19, 28–31,
forensic disciplines 29 87–89, 90, 96–97, 107 46–75, 93–95, 107, 118, 208, 265
forensic document examiner 70–72 forensic pathologist’s assistant 96–98 forensic sculptor xi–xii, 116–118,
forensic drug analyst 61–63 forensic pathology, definition of 87 119–121, 254–256
forensic drug chemist 58–60, 61–63 forensic pathology technician 86, forensic serologist 56, 64–66
forensic economist xii, 231–233 96–98 forensic social worker 223–225
Index     315

forensic specialist 2, 87, 130–132, I International Association of

196, 254–256 IAFIS. See integrated automated Rehabilitation Professionals 222
forensic statistician 184–186 fingerprint identification system International Association of Women
forensic surveyor 204–206 ICSIA. See International Crime Scene Police 10, 13
forensic toxicologist xi, 58–60, Investigators Association International Chiropractors
90–92, 149 Immigration and Customs Association 138
forensic toxicology professional Enforcement 11 International Crime Scene
certificate program 265 Institute for Justice and Journalism— Investigators Association (ICSIA)
forensic training coordinator 262– University of Southern 3, 4, 7
264 California Annenberg School for International Homicide Investigators
forensic training manager 262–264 Communication 273 Association 13
forensic training specialist 262–264 Institute of Certified Public International Society of Environmental
forensic video analyst 110–112 Accountants 236 Forensics 158
forensic video expert 110–112 Institute of Electrical and Electronics investigative reporters and editors 273
forensic video specialist 110–112 Engineers 194 IRS. See Internal Revenue Service
Fraternal Order of Police 10, 13 Institute of Internal Auditors 236
fraud, definition of 234 Institute of Mathematical Statistics
fraud examiner xi, 234–236 186 J
fraud investigator 234–236 Institute of Police Technology and Jeffreys, Sir Alec xi
fraud specialist 234–236 Management 197 JPAC. See U.S. Army—Joint MIA
funeral director 85 integrated automated fingerprint (Missing in Action)/POW (Prisoners
identification system (IAFIS) 17, of War) Accounting Command
67 judge ix, xi, 247, 251, 257–259
G integrated ballistics identification
general schedule (GS). See federal pay system xi
schedules internal postmortem examination K
geographic information systems (GIS) (autopsy) 2, 79, 81–83, 85, 87–88, Keeler, Leonard x
158, 204 96–97, 102–103, 180 Kirk, Paul x
Geological Society of America 170 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 11
geologist 156, 168 International Association for Forensic
geology, definition of 168 Phonetics and Acoustics 115, 243 L
geoscientist 157, 169, 268 International Association for laboratory assistant 32–34
GIS. See geographic information Identification 4, 7, 19, 31, 37, 40, land surveyor (L.S.) license 205
systems 43, 47–48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, Larson, John x
global positioning system (GPS) 204 69, 72, 75, 108, 112, 115, 118, 122, latent print analyst 67–69
Goddard, Henry x 124, 190 latent print examiner ix, 19, 67–69
GPS. See global positioning system International Association for Property latent prints, definition of 67
graphologist 70 and Evidence 22 Law Enforcement and Emergency
International Association of Accident Services Video Association 112,
Reconstruction Specialists 197 115
H International Association of Arson lawyer federal court registration 246,
High Technology Crime Investigation Investigators 13, 16 248, 250, 252
Association 13, 190 International Association of lawyer state bar certification and
Hill, Murray x Bloodstain Pattern Analysts 31, 48, licensing 246, 248, 250, 252, 259
histologic technician 99–101 57 legal nurse consultant (LNC) 142–144
histologist 99–101 International Association of Computer life care planner 220
histology state license 99, 101 Investigative Specialists 190 linguist 238–239
histotech 99–101 International Association of Coroners linguistics, definition of 238
histotechnician 99–101 and Medical Examiners 80, 83 Linguistic Society of America 240,
histotechnologist 99–101 International Association of Forensic 243
Hsi Duan Yu (book) x Linguists 240 litigation attorney 246–249
human osteology 93 International Association of Forensic litigation consultant 254–256
hypnosis, definition of 211 Nurses 132, 144 litigation graphics specialist 122–124
hypnotherapist 211 International Association of Forensic litigation process 246–247, 251
hypnotist 211 Toxicologists 92 litigator 246–249
316     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

LNC. See Legal Nurse Consultant National Association for Legal National Fish and Wildlife Forensics
Locard, Dr. Edmund x, 73, 168 Professionals (NALP) 247, 252 Laboratory 181
Locard’s Exchange Principle x, 73, 2006 Associate Salary Survey National Guild of Hypnotists 212
162–163, 168–169 247 National Hispanic Prosecutors
loss prevention specialist 234–236 2006 Public Sector and Public Association 249, 252
L.S. See land surveyor license Interest Attorney Salary Report National Lawyers Association 248
Lucas, Douglas x 252 National Legal Aid and Defenders
National Association of Certified Association 248
Valuation Analysts 236 National Organization of Forensic
M National Association of Criminal Social Work 225
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Defense Lawyers 248 National Society for Histotechnology
151 National Association of Fire 101
Malpighi, Marcello x Investigators 16 National Society of Professional
mathematician 184, 268 National Association of Forensic Engineers 194
medical examiner 81–83, 87–89, 93, Economists 233 National Society of Professional
100, 151, 265 National Association of Forensic Surveyors 206
medical examiner’s office ix, xi, 61, Video 112, 115 National Troopers Coalition 10
74, 82–87, 90–91, 93–97, 107, 130, National Association of Fraud North American Wildlife Enforcement
140, 142–143, 145, 149, 162, 166, Investigators 236 Officers Association 10
178, 263 National Association of Medical Northwestern University Center for
medical examiner versus coroner 82 Examiners 83, 86, 89 Public Safety 197
medical license 83, 87, 89, 132–134, National Association of Professional
152, 214, 216, 256 Accident Reconstruction Specialists
Medicare 215 197 O
medicocriminal entomology. See National Association of Scholars 267 Occupational Employment Statistics
forensic entomology National Association of Social (publication of U.S. Department of
medicolegal death investigation Workers 225 Labor—Bureau of Labor Statistics)
professional certificate program 265 National Association of Traffic 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 24, 29, 36, 42, 47, 50,
medicolegal death investigator 84–86, Accident Reconstructionists and 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 68, 71, 74, 79, 82,
90, 97, 160, 262 Investigators 197 85, 88, 91, 94, 100, 107, 111, 114,
meteorologist 171–173 National Association of Women 117, 120, 123, 126, 134, 137, 140,
microbial forensics xi Lawyers 249 143, 146, 149, 152, 157, 160, 163,
microbial forensics expert 174–176 National Black Police Association 10, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 185, 188,
microbiologist 174–175 13 193, 196, 202, 205, 209, 215, 218,
microbiology, definition of 174 National Black Prosecutors Association 224, 229, 232, 247, 263, 266, 269,
microtome 99 249, 252 272
mold specialist 198 National Center for Forensic Science Occupational Safety and Health
morgue 85, 98, 100, 102–104 16 Administration (OSHA) 91
morgue assistant 102–104 National Center for State Courts odontology, definition of 145
morgue attendant 86, 98, 102–104 258–259 Office of Attorney Recruitment and
morgue supervisor 102 2006 Survey of Judicial Salaries Management 253
mortuary 98 258 180 Day Study Final Report 47
MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging National Community Pharmacists OSHA. See Occupational Safety and
musicology 125 Association 150 Health Administration
National Council of Industrial
Meteorologists 172
N National Criminal Justice Association P
NALP. See National Association for 252 palynologist 177–179
Legal Professionals National District Attorneys palynology, definition of 177
National Academy of Forensic Association 248, 252 park ranger. See conservation officer
Engineers 194, 197, 200 National Education Association 267 pathologist ix, 102, 103
National Academy of Forensic National Faculty Salary Survey 2006– pathologist’s assistants 97
Sciences 197 07 239, 242 pathology technician 97
National Architectural Accrediting National Fire Protection Association patrol officer 8–10, 116, 123, 189,
Board 203 16 212
Index     317

peace officer standards and training property and evidence specialist sheriff-coroner 78–80
certificate 2, 4–5, 7–8, 10–11, 20–22 sheriff-coroner systems 79–80,
13–14, 16–17, 19–20, 22–25, 35, property/evidence technician 20–22 85–86
37–41, 43, 46, 48–49, 51–52, 54–55, prosecuting attorney ix, xi, 61, 70, sketch artist 116–118
57–61, 63–64, 67–70, 72–73, 75, 78, 250–253 Soba, Masato xi
80, 84, 86, 106, 108, 110, 112–113, prosecutor 246, 250–253 social psychology 218
115–116, 118–120, 122, 124, 189 P.S. See professional surveyor license Social Security Administration 11,
pediatrician 133–136 psychiatrist 214, 216 136
pediatrician board certification 133, psychiatry, definition of 214 social work, definition of 223
135 psychologist certification and social worker 223–225
pharmacist 148–150 licensing 217, 219 certification, licensing, and
pharmacist license 148, 150 psychologist versus psychiatrist 217 registration 223, 225
phonetician 241–242 public defender 246 Society for American Archaeology
phonetics, definition of 241 161
physical anthropologist 93–95 Society for Pediatric Research 135
physician 78, 254 Q Society of Accident Reconstructionists
physician licensing 81, 87, 132–135, quality assurance manager 38–40 197
151–152 quality assurance (QA) versus quality Society of Automotive Engineers
P.L.S. See professional land surveyor control (QC) 38 (SAE) International 194
license quality control manager 38–40 Society of Forensic Toxicologists 92,
PMI. See post-mortem interval quality manager 38–40 267, 270
police artist 116–118 questioned document examiner 70– Society of Hispanic Professional
police beat reporter 271–273 72 Engineers 194
police officer ix, xi, 3, 8–10, 15, 21, Quintilian x Society of Professional Journalists
195, 213, 239 273
police photographic technician 106– Society of Toxicology 91, 92
109 R Society of Woman Engineers 194
polygraph, definition of 23 Radiological Society of North special agent 11–13
polygraph examiner 23–25 America 152 state attorney general’s office 251
polygraphist 23–25 radiologist 151–152 state prosecutor 251
postmortem forensic toxicologist. See radiology state trooper 8–10
forensic toxicologist certification in 151–152 statistician 184–185, 269
post-mortem interval (PMI) 165–166 definition of 151 Statistics, definition of 184
postmortem toxicology 90–91 Radio-Television News Directors supervising criminalist 35–37
postsecondary anthropology instructor Association 273 supervisory criminalist 28, 35–37,
94 registered nurse (RN) 86, 132, 142– 41
postsecondary music teacher 126 144, 220 surveyor 204–205
postsecondary teaching salaries 266 licensing of 142, 144
presiding judge 257 Registry of Professional Archaeologists
private investigator’s license 189 161 T
probability evidence 184–185 rehabilitation counselor 220 technical leader 35–37
professional counselor RN. See registered nurse Toms, John x
license, certification or registration Roosevelt, Theodore x toxicologist ix, 90–92
220–221 toxicology, definition of 90
professional engineer licensing 194, trace evidence, definition of 73
256 S trace evidence analyst 73–75
professional land surveyor (P.L.S.) SAE. See Society of Automotive trace evidence examiner 73–75, 87
license 205 Engineers International traffic accident investigator 195
Professional Photographers of SANE. See Sexual Assault Nurse traffic accident reconstructionist
America 108 Examiner 195–197
professional surveyor 204–206 Secret Service 30, 53, 65 trial judge 257–259
professional surveyor (P.S.) license security consultant 234–236 trial lawyer 246–249, 250
204–205 serology, definition of 64 trials, types of
professor of criminal justice 208–210 sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) bench 257–258
professor of criminology 208–210 142–144 jury 258
318     Career Opportunities in Forensic Science

U 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 185, V

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 160 188, 193, 196, 202, 205, 209, 215, Varignana, Bartolomeo de x
U.S. Army—Joint MIA (Missing in 218, 224, 229, 232, 247, 263, 266, visual information specialist 122–124
Action)/POW (Prisoners of War) 269, 272 vocational rehabilitation expert
Accounting Command (JPAC) 160 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 220–222
U.S. Attorney’s office 251, 253 9 vocational rehabilitation professional
U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 30, 36, 220
Firearms and Explosives 15, 30, 36, 50, 65 voiceprint analyst 113–115
53, 65 U.S. Food and Drug Administration Vucetich, Juan x
U.S. Capitol 9 (FDA) 91, 148, 149
U.S. Congress xi, 258 U.S. Forest Service 15
U.S. Criminal Code 251 U.S. judicial system 257 W
U.S. Department of Justice 251 U.S. National Park Service 9, 160 Wake Forest University, Baptist
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)— U.S. Postal Inspection Service 50, 53, Medical Center—Forensic
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 65, 235 Pathology Fellowship Program 88
xii, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 24, 29, 36, 42, U.S. Postal Service 11 Walsh Automation, Inc. xi
47, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 68, 71, 74, U.S. president 251, 259 Western Society of Criminology 210
79, 82, 85, 88, 91, 94, 100, 107, 111, U.S. Senate 259 wildlife forensic biologist 180–182
114, 117, 120, 123, 126, 134, 137, U.S. Supreme Court 258 wildlife forensic scientist 180–182
140, 143, 146, 149, 152, 157, 160, U.S. Wildlife Service 181 wildlife forensic specialist 180–182

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