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Critical Care

Early Goal-directed Therapy in the Treatment of

Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
a report by
Tiffany M Osborn, MD

Former Chair, Section of Critical Care Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians

As with other critical disease entities, emergency candidate for EGDT. However, many cases are not so
medicine plays a key role in the chain of survival for obvious, as initial presentation of septic shock may be
severe sepsis. An estimated 750,000 patients develop different than later presentation of the disease process.
severe sepsis each year in the US,1 with half initially
presenting to the emergency department (ED).2 A similar The use of lactate as a biomarker for tissue oxygenation
increased incidence has been noted in other countries and perfusion has enhanced the early identification of
across the globe posing a significant healthcare challenge patients with severe sepsis. Early identification allows for
not only in the US, but worldwide.3,4 rapid treatment initiation with significant mortality
benefit. Lactate ≥4mmol/L, independent of blood
In light of this increasing prevalence, the Surviving Sepsis pressure, was used as a major entry criteria for the EGDT
Campaign (SSC) was formed under the administration of study which demonstrated a 16% mortality benefit.6
the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the European
Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and the International Tr e a t m e n t I n t e r v e n t i o n s o f E G D T
Sepsis Forum. The purpose of the group is to achieve a
mortality reduction of 25% in five years and secure The SSC and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement
funding for research and improvements in patient care.5 have introduced a new concept called “treatment
bundles” for the management of severe sepsis and septic
The treatment for sepsis has evolved and transitioned shock. A treatment bundle is a group of interventions
from a disease that was primarily treated by critical care that, when administered together create a synergistic
physicians in later phases to one that can be impacted effect generating improved outcomes which exceed any
upon dramatically in early phases by astute and one component individually.8 The two bundles that
proactive emergency medicine physicians. Clinical trial were developed were the six-hour resuscitation bundle
data has suggested that early goal-directed therapy and a 24-hour subacute care bundle. The six-hour
(EGDT), a definitive resuscitation strategy involving bundle is comprised of three components, early
optimizing systemic oxygen delivery to meet oxygen identification, early antibiotics and cultures, and early
demand, is associated with significantly improved goal-directed therapy. Once any phase of sepsis
outcomes in sepsis.6 syndrome is identified, antibiotics should be initiated as
soon as possible. If the patient has severe sepsis or septic
Sepsis syndrome is a disease spectrum that ranges shock, the SSC recommends starting antibiotics within
from an inflammatory response, to sepsis, severe three hours of presentation. Provided that antibiotic
sepsis, and septic shock. Sepsis is defined as an treatment will not be delayed, cultures should be
inflammatory response with a presumed or identified obtained before antibiotics when possible.
source of infection. Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis
with one or more organ system dysfunction. Septic Once the patient has been identified, and antibiotics
shock is defined as hypotension (mean arterial and cultures have been initiated, then specific measures
pressure (MAP) <65mmHg or systolic blood pressure of EGDT should be undertaken. EGDT may be
(SBP) <90mmHg) after 20–40cc/kg of crystalloid or initiated when hypotension is not resolved after
colloid equivalent.7 20–40cc/kg IVF administration, or in patients with a
serum lactate elevation (≥4mmol/L) regardless of blood
Identifying Candidates for EGDT pressure. EGDT is a three-stage process aimed at
optimizing oxygen delivery.
Any patient, identified in within the first six hours of
presenting symptoms, who has a presumed or identified The first stage is estmating the extent of hypovolemia
source of infection and hypotension after a 20–40cc/kg and initiating fluid resuscitation. In severe sepsis and
fluid bolus or a presenting lactate ≥4mmol/L is a septic shock a 6–10 liter intravascular fluid deficit is


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Critical Care

not uncommon.9 The most efficient method to opposite opinion,16 supporting norepinephrine, the most
determine initial fluid requirements is by monitoring utilized vasopressor in the US for septic shock. The
central venous pressure (CVP) trends. Currently, the primary difference between the two vasopressors is the
most practical and available means for monitoring degree to which the different agents affect cardiac index
remains an internal jugular, subclavian or femoral and systemic vascular resistance to increase MAP.
central line. Although non-invasive means of assessing Dopamine promotes MAP primarily through increased
CVP such as ultrasound evaluation of the internal cardiac index, with little effect on SVR, while
jugular vein have shown promise, a triple lumen norepinephrine increases MAP primarily through
catheter is preferable in most EDs as it allows for increased SVR, with a lesser effect on cardiac index.
continuous CVP monitoring while fluids or Dopamine should be avoided in tachycardic patients
medications run uninterrupted in the additional ports. (HR>120bpm). Although the SSC has stated that no
CVP measurements are not difficult and can be done definitive data supports the preference of either dopamine
by nursing after minimal training. Fluid resuscitation or norepinephrine and either may be considered as a first-
of a 500cc bolus of crystalloid or colloid equivalent line agent, they indicate vasopressin should be used with
should be administered every 30 minutes until a CVP caution as an adjunct until further data are available.
of 8–12mmHg is achieved. If the patient is intubated
resuscitation to a CVP of 12–15 is recommended.The The third phase is evaluating the ScvO2 to assess adequate
rate should be modified based upon patient dynamics. tissue oxygenation. ScvO2 is the oxygen saturation of
venous blood in the superior vena cava as it enters the
With appropriate volume resuscitation, the cardiac right atria and provides a direct measurement of tissue
index may improve by 25–40%10 and up to half of hypoxia.Adequate tissue oxygenation cannot be assumed
patients presenting with hypotension may obtain until biomarkers reflective of tissue perfusion have been
resolution from fluid replacement alone.11 Although normalized.Arterial oxygen saturation measured as blood
accurate CVP measurements can be determined from is ejected from the heart is about 100%.As the oxygenated
femoral, internal jugular (IJ) or subclavian (SC) line blood circulates through the microvasculature, the
placement, central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) peripheral tissues extract an estimated 25% of delivered
measurements require placement of a superior vena oxygen. This is normally measured by evaluating the
cava, either internal jugular or subclavian, central line. oxygen saturation in the pulmonary artery (SVO2)
This value will be critically important in optimizing through a pulmonary artery catheter. However, a practical
therapy later on in the EGDT protocol if initial fluid alternative is to measure the ScvO2 through a central line,
boluses are not sufficient.Thus, a subclavian or internal at the level of the right atria.This is measured by doing a
jugular line is preferable when possible. venous blood gas sampled from the distil (brown) port of
a typical IJ or SC central line, and specifically looking at
If the patient remains hypotensive after fluid boluses, the oxygen saturation.The goal is a ScvO2 ≥70%. ScvO2 can
second step is to administer vasopressors to optimize the be measured by individual blood draws from a typical
blood pressure to ≥65mmHg. The MAP may be super vena cava central line or by using a central line that
transduced off a standard arterial line in either a femoral allows for continuous monitoring. The benefit of
or radial location. An arterial line is recommended in continuous monitoring is immediate ability to assess the
hypotensive patients, especially if vasopressors are effect of treatment interventions on oxygen delivery at
required, as non-invasive BP monitoring in hypotensive the bedside. It provides dynamic, immediate feedback
or tachycardic patients may be less accurate.9,12-14 If non- which enables the emergency physicians to adjust
invasive BP monitoring is the only assessment tool treatment to realtime physiologic data without
available, the MAP may be estimated using the equation pulmonary artery catheterization or other highly invasive
MAP = (2DBP+SBP)/3, although this equation has intensive care unit (ICU)-based techniques that are
been shown to be less accurate at higher heart rates.9 In impractical in an ED environment. A catheter which
some clinical situations, the physician may choose to add allows for continuous ScvO2 monitoring is inserted in the
vasopressors after the first fluid bolus and titrate down, same manner as a traditional triple lumen catheter at a
keeping the MAP ≥65mmHg, while administering fluid subclavian or internal jugular site. The catheter has an
until CVP goal is attained. infared right which allows for oxygen saturation
measurement and an extra port which is attached to a
As underscored in two recent opinion papers, much monitor that displays the ScvO2 after calibration. If the
debate remains regarding the selection of a first line EP does not have access to this equipment, the ScvO2
vasopressor.15,16 One article expressed support for may be estimated off of serial venous blood gas analysis
dopamine rather than norepinephrine as the first-line whenever major therapeutic interventions have been
vasopressor in sepsis,15 and this remains the vasopressor of done.This approach, however, is more labor-intensive and
choice in Europe. The other expressed exactly the does not provide realtime physiologic monitoring,


Eli&Lily_ad.qxp 21/7/06 12:24 pm Page 25

Look b e n e a t h t h e s ym p t o m s .

While supportive care treats the symptoms

of severe sepsis, Xigris reduces microvascular
dysfunction, an underlying cause *

Improve survival in your high-risk patients.

Treat beneath the symptoms.

R e s p o n d w i t h X i g r i s.

Xigris is indicated for the reduction of mortality in adult patients with Xigris is contraindicated in patients in clinical situations in which bleed-
severe sepsis (sepsis associated with acute organ dysfunction) who have ing could be associated with a high risk of death or significant morbid-
a high risk of death (e.g., as determined by APACHE II†). ity. Certain conditions are likely to increase the risk of bleeding with
Xigris therapy. Additionally, in a subset of patients with single organ dys-
Xigris is not indicated in adult patients with severe sepsis and lower risk function and recent surgery from two separate placebo-controlled trials,
of death. Safety and efficacy have not been established in pediatric all-cause mortality was numerically higher in the Xigris groups com-
patients with severe sepsis. pared to the placebo group. Patients with single organ dysfunction and
Bleeding is the most common adverse reaction associated with Xigris recent surgery may not be at high risk of death irrespective of APACHE
therapy. In the Phase 3 study, serious bleeding events were observed II score, and therefore not among the indicated population.
during the 28-day study period in 3.5% of Xigris-treated and 2.0% Please see Brief Summary on adjacent page for Contraindications,
of placebo-treated patients. The difference in serious bleeding Warnings, and other Important Safety Information, or visit
occurred primarily during infusion. Intracranial hemorrhage was www.Xigris.com
also reported. The risk of ICH may be increased in patients with risk fac-
tors for bleeding such as severe coagulopathy and severe thrombocy- † APACHE (Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation). For more information on
using the APACHE II scoring system, please see http://www.sfar.org/scores2/scores2.html
topenia. Should clinically important bleeding occur, immediately stop the
Xigris infusion. * As defined by an increase in inflammation and coagulation and a decrease in fibrinolysis.
The specific mechanisms by which Xigris exerts its effect on survival in patients with severe
sepsis are not completely understood.

DR40197 0406 PRINTED IN USA. © 2006, ELI LILLY AND COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Xigris is a registered trademark of Eli Lilly and Company.
Eli&Lily_ad.qxp 21/7/06 12:25 pm Page 26

XIGRIS姞 Xigris has not been readministered to patients with severe sepsis.
Drug Interactions—Drug interaction studies with Xigris have not been performed in
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) patients with severe sepsis. However, since there is an increased risk of bleeding with
BRIEF SUMMARY: Consult the Xigris package insert for complete prescribing information. Xigris, caution should be employed when Xigris is used with other drugs that affect
CLINICAL STUDIES: The efficacy of Xigris was studied in an international, randomized, hemostasis (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, WARNINGS in the full Prescribing
double blind, placebo-controlled trial (PROWESS) of 1690 patients with severe sepsis. Information). Approximately 2/3 of the patients in the Phase 3 study received either
Patients received a 96-hour infusion of Xigris at 24 mcg/kg/hr or placebo starting prophylactic low dose heparin (unfractionated heparin up to 15,000 units/day) or
within 48 hours after the onset of the first sepsis induced organ dysfunction. prophylactic doses of low molecular weight heparins as indicated in the prescribing
The study was terminated after a planned interim analysis due to significantly lower information for the specific products. Concomitant use of prophylactic low dose
mortality in patients on Xigris than in patients on placebo (210/850, 25% vs 259/840, heparin did not appear to affect safety, however, its effects on the efficacy of Xigris
31% p=0.005). have not been evaluated in an adequate and well-controlled clinical trial.
The observed mortality difference between Xigris and placebo was limited to the half Drug/Laboratory Test Interaction—Because Xigris may affect the APTT assay,
of patients with higher risk of death, i.e., APACHE II score ≥25, the 3rd and 4th quartile Xigris present in plasma samples may interfere with one-stage coagulation assays
APACHE II scores. The efficacy of Xigris has not been established in patients with based on the APTT (such as factor VIII, IX, and XI assays). This interference may
lower risk of death, e.g., APACHE II score <25. result in an apparent factor concentration that is lower than the true concentration.
This is a short summary of the CLINICAL STUDIES section from the complete Xigris present in plasma samples does not interfere with one-stage factor assays
prescribing information. based on the PT (such as factor II, V, VII, and X assays).
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility—Long-term studies in
INDICATIONS AND USAGE: Xigris is indicated for the reduction of mortality in adult animals to evaluate potential carcinogenicity of Xigris have not been performed.
patients with severe sepsis (sepsis associated with acute organ dysfunction) who Xigris was not mutagenic in an in vivo micronucleus study in mice or in an in vitro
have a high risk of death (e.g., as determined by APACHE II, see CLINICAL STUDIES chromosomal aberration study in human peripheral blood lymphocytes with or without
in the full Prescribing Information). rat liver metabolic activation.
Xigris is not indicated in adult patients with severe sepsis and lower risk of death The potential of Xigris to impair fertility has not been evaluated in male or female
(see CLINICAL STUDIES in the full Prescribing Information). Safety and efficacy have animals.
not been established in pediatric patients with severe sepsis. Pregnancy Category C—Animal reproductive studies have not been conducted with
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Xigris increases the risk of bleeding. Xigris is contraindicated Xigris. It is not known whether Xigris can cause fetal harm when administered to
in patients with the following clinical situations in which bleeding could be associated a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Xigris should be given
with a high risk of death or significant morbidity: to pregnant women only if clearly needed.
• Active internal bleeding Nursing Mothers—It is not known whether Xigris is excreted in human milk or
• Recent (within 3 months) hemorrhagic stroke absorbed systemically after ingestion. Because many drugs are excreted in human
• Recent (within 2 months) intracranial or intraspinal surgery, or severe head trauma milk, and because of the potential for adverse effects on the nursing infant, a decision
• Trauma with an increased risk of life-threatening bleeding should be made whether to discontinue nursing or discontinue the drug, taking into
• Presence of an epidural catheter account the importance of the drug to the mother.
• Intracranial neoplasm or mass lesion or evidence of cerebral herniation Pediatric Use—The safety and effectiveness of Xigris have not been established in
Xigris is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to drotrecogin alfa the age group newborn (38 weeks gestational age) to 18 years. The efficacy of Xigris
(activated) or any component of this product. in adult patients with severe sepsis and high risk of death cannot be extrapolated to
WARNINGS: Bleeding—Bleeding is the most common serious adverse effect pediatric patients with severe sepsis.
associated with Xigris therapy. Each patient being considered for therapy with Xigris Geriatric Use—In clinical studies evaluating 1821 patients with severe sepsis,
should be carefully evaluated and anticipated benefits weighed against potential risks approximately 50% of the patients were 65 years or older. No overall differences in
associated with therapy. safety or effectiveness were observed between these patients and younger patients.
Certain conditions, many of which led to exclusion from the Phase 3 trial, are likely ADVERSE REACTIONS: Bleeding—Bleeding is the most common adverse reaction
to increase the risk of bleeding with Xigris therapy. For individuals with one or more associated with Xigris. In the Phase 3 study, serious bleeding events were observed
of the following conditions, the increased risk of bleeding should be carefully considered during the 28-day study period in 3.5% of Xigris-treated and 2.0% of placebo-treated
when deciding whether to use Xigris therapy: patients, respectively. The difference in serious bleeding between Xigris and placebo
• Concurrent therapeutic dosing of heparin to treat an active thrombotic or embolic occurred primarily during the infusion period and is shown in Table 1.1 Serious
event (see PRECAUTIONS, Drug Interactions) bleeding events were defined as any intracranial hemorrhage, any life-threatening
• Platelet count <30,000 x 106 /L, even if the platelet count is increased after bleed, any bleeding event requiring the administration of ≥3 units of packed red blood
transfusions cells per day for 2 consecutive days, or any bleeding event assessed as a serious
• Prothrombin time-INR >3.0 adverse event.
• Recent (within 6 weeks) gastrointestinal bleeding Table 1: Number of Patients Experiencing a Serious Bleeding Event by
• Recent administration (within 3 days) of thrombolytic therapy Site of Hemorrhage During the Study Drug Infusion Perioda In PROWESS1
• Recent administration (within 7 days) of oral anticoagulants or glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibitors Xigris Placebo
• Recent administration (within 7 days) of aspirin >650 mg per day or other platelet N=850 N=840
• Recent (within 3 months) ischemic stroke (see CONTRAINDICATIONS) Total 20 (2.4%) 8 (1.0%)
• Intracranial arteriovenous malformation or aneurysm Site of Hemorrhage
• Known bleeding diathesis Gastrointestinal 5 4
• Chronic severe hepatic disease Intra-abdominal 2 3
• Any other condition in which bleeding constitutes a significant hazard or would be Intra-thoracic 4 0
particularly difficult to manage because of its location Retroperitoneal 3 0
Should clinically important bleeding occur, immediately stop the infusion of Xigris. Intracranial 2 0
Continued use of other agents affecting the coagulation system should be carefully Genitourinary 2 0
assessed. Once adequate hemostasis has been achieved, continued use of Xigris may Skin/soft tissue 1 0
be reconsidered. Other b
1 1
Xigris should be discontinued 2 hours prior to undergoing an invasive surgical a
Study drug infusion period is defined as the date of initiation of study drug to the
procedure or procedures with an inherent risk of bleeding. Once adequate hemostasis date of study drug discontinuation plus the next calendar day.
has been achieved, initiation of Xigris may be reconsidered 12 hours after major b
Patients requiring the administration of ≥3 units of packed red blood cells per day
invasive procedures or surgery or restarted immediately after uncomplicated less invasive for 2 consecutive days without an identified site of bleeding.
Mortality in Patients with Single Organ Dysfunction and Recent Surgery—Among In PROWESS, 2 cases of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) occurred during the infu-
the small number of patients enrolled in PROWESS with single organ dysfunction and sion period for Xigris-treated patients and no cases were reported in
recent surgery (surgery within 30 days prior to study treatment) all-cause mortality the placebo patients. The incidence of ICH during the 28-day study period was 0.2%
was numerically higher in the Xigris group (28-day: 10/49; in-hospital: 14/48) for Xigris-treated patients and 0.1% for placebo-treated patients. ICH has been report-
compared to the placebo group (28-day: 8/49; in-hospital: 8/47). ed in patients receiving Xigris in non-placebo controlled trials with an incidence of
In an analysis of the subset of patients with single organ dysfunction and recent approximately 1% during the infusion period. The risk of ICH may be increased in
surgery from a separate, randomized, placebo-controlled study (ADDRESS) of septic patients with risk factors for bleeding such as severe coagulopathy and severe throm-
patients not at high risk of death all-cause mortality was also higher in the Xigris group bocytopenia (see WARNINGS).
(28-day: 67/323; in-hospital: 76/325) compared to the placebo group (28-day: In PROWESS, 25% of the Xigris-treated patients and 18% of the placebo-treated
patients experienced at least one bleeding event during the 28-day study period. In
44/313; in-hospital: 62/314). Patients with single organ dysfunction and recent both treatment groups, the majority of bleeding events were ecchymoses or gastroin-
surgery may not be at high risk of death irrespective of APACHE II score and therefore testinal tract bleeding.
not among the indicated population. Other Adverse Reactions—Patients administered Xigris as treatment for severe
PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests—Most patients with severe sepsis have a coagulopathy sepsis experience many events which are potential sequelae of severe sepsis and may
that is commonly associated with prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin or may not be attributable to Xigris therapy. In clinical trials, there were no types of
time (APTT) and the prothrombin time (PT). Xigris may variably prolong the APTT. non-bleeding adverse events suggesting a causal association with Xigris.
Therefore, the APTT cannot be reliably used to assess the status of the coagulopathy REFERENCES:
during Xigris infusion. Xigris has minimal effect on the PT and the PT can be used to 1. Bernard GR, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Recombinant Human Activated Protein C
monitor the status of the coagulopathy in these patients. for Severe Sepsis. N Engl J Med. 2001;344:699-709.
Immunogenicity—As with all therapeutic proteins, there is a potential for immuno- Literature revised June 23, 2005
genicity. The incidence of antibody development in patients receiving Xigris has not
been adequately determined, as the assay sensitivity is inadequate to reliably detect all PV 3427 AMP PRINTED IN USA
potential antibody responses. One patient in the Phase 2 trial developed antibodies Eli Lilly and Company
to Xigris without clinical sequelae. One patient in the Phase 3 trial who developed Indianapolis, IN 46285, USA
antibodies to Xigris developed superficial and deep vein thrombi during the study, and
died of multi-organ failure on day 36 post-treatment but the relationship of this event www.lilly.com
to antibody is not clear. Copyright © 2001, 2005, Eli Lilly and Company. All rights reserved.
XIGRIS姞 (drotrecogin alfa [activated]) PV 3427 AMP XIGRIS姞 (drotrecogin alfa [activated]) PV 3427 AMP
Osborn_BOOK.qxp 28/7/06 3:53 pm Page 27

Early Goal-directed Therapy in the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock

relatively delaying analysis of therapeutic interventions. when patients with an appropriate cortisol response to
ACTH were treated with steroids.19
If, despite adequate CVP and MAP, the ScvO2
remains below 70%, a post-resuscitation hematocrit Va s o p r e s s i n
(Hct) should be evaluated. A post-resuscitation HCT
is used due to potential pseudo-elevation from initial Vasopressin is an endogenous stress hormone released
hypovolemia induced hemoconcentration. If the Hct during vasodilatory shock. In the patient with
<30%, the patient should be transfused to a Hct refractory hypotension, vasopressin deficiency should
≥30% to facilitate oxygen delivery through optimized be considered. When administered in relatively small,
hemoglobin concentration. physiologic doses, vasopressin administration
(0.01–0.04 units/min), corrects the deficiency through
If goal CVP, MAP and HCT are achieved and the a hypersensitive and synergistic physiologic response
ScvO2 remains <70%, consider an inotropic agent to that increases MAP and frequently allows for
enhance cardiac output and tissue oxygenation. Once catecholamine withdrawal.20,21 However, vasopressin is
preload, afterload and the concentration of oxygen not considered a first-line agent, and should be used in
carrying units are optimized, the remaining component combination with other vasoactive drugs. Dosages
of oxygen delivery to be addressed is cardiac output. greater than 0.04U/min are not of greater benefit and
Although sepsis is commonly characterized as may be harmful.10
hyperdynamic, some patients may present in the early
stages with a decreased preload and myocardial Activated Protein C
depression reflecting a hypodynamic state (i.e. low
cardiac output).17 Myocardial depression, thought to Activated protein C (drotrecoogin alpha, Xigris) has
occur as a result of effects of inflammatory mediators, potent anticoagulant, pro-fibrinolytic, anti-
can be the predominant hemodynamic feature in inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic effects. Drotrecoogin
15–20% of patients presenting with severe sepsis/septic alpha works to reverse a septic cascade of microvascular
shock and may be especially profound in patients with thrombi that cause capillary flow occlusion. Survival
pre-existing cardiac disease.18 Dobutamine is the most benefit with drotrecogin alfa (activated) is associated
readily available and most commonly used inotropic with higher severity of illness, described by either the
agent, and may be used in patients with a MAP ≥65 and number of sepsis-induced organ failures (≥2) or the
a heart rate <120bpm. Once the CVP, MAP, and ScvO2 Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II
goals have been reached, the EGDT component of the (APACHE II) score (>25). Although early studies show
resuscitation has been completed. promise, there are significant risks with the most
prevalent being bleeding.22
Other Adjuncts
L o w T i d a l Vo l u m e Ve n t i l a t i o n
Beyond the EGDT protocol, other therapeutic options
from the 24-hour bundle may be considered such as the The SSC endorsed low tidal volume ventilation
administration of steroids, vasopressin, activated protein (6cc/kg) and minimal plateau pressure for patients
C (drotrecogin alpha or Xigris) and lung protective with acute lung injury or at risk for acute respiratory
strategies for mechanically ventilated patients. distress syndrome (ARDS). Although not specifically a
therapy for severe sepsis/septic shock, a large
Steroid Administration multicenter trial from the ARDS Network showed
that the use of low-tidal volume mechanical
As 50–70% of patients in vasopressor dependent shock ventilation, when acute lung injury is present, reduced
may have adrenal insufficiency, corticosteroid mortality rates from 39.8% to 31%.10,23
administration should be considered. In one study,
administration of corticosteroids to vasopressor Glucose Control
dependent septic shock patients who failed an
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test Tight glucose control with blood sugars aggressively
resulted in a 28-day mortality benefit of 10% (63% held <110mg/dl during the length of the ICU stay has
placebo vs 53% treatment CI, 0.66–1.04; p=0.04). been demonstrated to reduce mortality. While tight
Additionally, time on vasopressors was significantly glucose control may be less important in the acute
reduced when inadequate adrenal reserve was treated.The phases of resuscitation, it has been hypothesized that
benefits were achieved without increases in infectious hyperglycemia exacerbates the inflammatory cascade,
complications, gastrointestinal bleeding, or mental status and thus should be considered in the early phases of
changes. However, there was no improvement in survival treatment when possible.


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Critical Care

Prophylaxis Conclusion

Typical prophylactic measures should be undertaken, Early goal directed therapy produces a reduction
including stress ulcer prophylaxis and deep vein thrombosis in hospital mortality.The algorithm for the management
(DVT) prophylaxis. Underlying coagulopathies and other of severe sepsis and septic shock revolves around early
complicating factors may prevent DVT prophylaxis from diagnosis, early antibiotics, EGDT and adjunctive
beginning in the ED; however stress ulcer prophylaxis with therapies in the persistently hypotensive patient, and
a H2 blocker can be administered routinely. generally begins in the ED. ■


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