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fos eae Gan tue mondgy 0 Present! eee Mo, 00a arended by Freidentl Cevetseted) son flier ree No. 179 : 5 Veto (The Child And Youth Welfare Code . seen 818 eateRid/ coh acsting we Be Republic Aer No. 9944 (uvenile Tustise and Wolfare Ast of 2068). 518 | | CRIMINAL LAW : ° Criminal Law, defined. Paki few” over Xe utetiinn (7b Fotis PL bie #1 sacks py comment ee a hele, (Ti pisbeuctie Pobibicad Jace, Cignetiat on Pent Joe, av! femuectil Zeus) agg that branch ar disison of te whic defines tines rents fiir ature and proves dele pentreent 2 \ Ge ay ange Zee jopryenn = pion hie 1 SEE ei eres Oe ‘crime, defined. PE eg Om) gos on agp ng A ar GeiteaDin violation ofa publ % FEI arses Lan Dslouath Rae's Sources of Philippine Criminal Law. 1, The Revised Penel Code (Ast No, 15) and its amends cones facings ark efecto! vss eid Goes 2 Sprcist Penal Laws paseed te the Philippine Commsron, by cower Dhilippin Ascesiy, Palippine Lesielatere, Nn A Ce Lyectaton A erably the Congres ofthe Plippines andthe Batasams Parbansa. 8, Penal Presidentin) Decrees osuod during Mala ba No commen law evimes in the Pt ippines. socalled mmo Jaw crimes, know in the Gaia Stated apa Geababis te Sasol wuae: and aes aa, whist Sopa exer sts Seco of te wile ea ge le Wome: Unless bea part fovon te nal oe Feel onl nw tht dons an pes be ae one ‘icy eral song ciel itty sie ere fson (Sou 8 apr Pal 50, 68) Cat dsm ae nai fil om, beh hey scl eu iene fan apps they enced te lest tane hegre fy fcc? Gi ts wine to fag obi ke ineaiol vot r a ths peed ae O apendlin Ppaelte, ESN TEL Geteilinn Lie OF pean fe. Ri ie te ei nee mee fLosy us, i ‘he Trove, Liao to Baad Crna Lesion, 95 [re Power to define and punich erimes, ‘TheStatehaeshe authority, under tego pout, to define and "uni einesandteley onthe raetmnalpecadre, Stten sh part of thet police power, have large measure ofiseretion ft Sreating dnd desing erinal Senses, People ve Santngy, OE na) People Sentige 49PY ‘The sight of promeution and punishniont for nei some of the stsbuten that by a natural la belongs to the sovereign power Snstinetvely charged by he common wile he insets of secaty ‘ook ater, guard and defrid the lent of the communi, the uid and soil rights eid the Merle Of very ldson nthe ‘urancy ofthe eres bf hs rights. (0S. vn. Pablo, 95 Phil 9, {0} sept, oe (CRDMINAL LAWIN GENERAL Limitations on the power of the fawmaking body to enact penal legislation. y ‘Tho Bl ofRightsof the 1987 Constitution imposes the following testons 1 No ex pms cto lew or bil of attindr hall be enacted, (ee Hl, Sac 22) 2. No person shall be held to answer for a erimina offenso rrithout dua proces of law. (re I, See ft) ‘Tho fret Unitaton prohibits the pasaage af retteativo laws ‘whlch ar pejodiil tate acca, An expnet fo lewis one whic (1) makes criminal an ast don afore the pascage of the low snd whish was innocent when done, and panies ich x ot: (2) agsrovates a crime, or mekes it great than twas, when commited (9) Ghanges the punishment andinfictsagrester ponistiment than the lew annexed t the crime when emmalte (4) slters the ego rules of evidence, and athorizesconvition ‘upon lessor aiffrent testimony than the law equlted at fhe time ofthe commission of the oflense, “ehhoaiatisam wear lndlet ponishment wothout ual ah fo fut ould eo lhte © ‘lof atsinder, To alve a law retroactive applic accused Is to make it an ex post fact lav. Uih> eatey ppd PRA Aenaetel CCRRUIAL LAW IN GENERAL Chostiainat ghee tm Aue (8) assumes to regulate civ sights and remetie only, netoct Impones penalty er derivation af ght for smithiae ‘which whan done was owl; and (©) deprives person accused of erie some nl protection tovhich ite hae become entitled, such na the peotecion ofa former conviction or acti or proctraation of ameoty. in re Kay Villegss Kami, Ine, 28 SORA 429, ou (Congres is alo prohibited from passing an act which would Abit of stander a tegiltve act which tie" youtshnent ina tra le asence eth tution of Ieustve nt fr a fil eterna gu Cagle ‘eee, $8 SCRA S82, 399), ; Eeompi [Conger pace al wish shires the arr and lnptsnment of commana ot He bape 9 oe te tothe projucice of the ‘Tho onal orn mayor medium, o ht Yared ne day ofan year, Empey Precentat Datos No.1, ‘ples nly owning by teane carey basing ches ‘Stamitied ow oar Ovsbe 22 986 Tha! erased penal teens apy tetas emmited on Oss yt case ICoald make the dace an expt fe law Hentai appliatin Is probed by Arie 31 and 22 ofthe Rite nal Cle in Section 1, Artie TY fo Sa) Ae of ‘he 867 Constition) (Pipe vo. Vilar, 6h SCRA 6 ‘Tho sécond Ynktation requires tht criminal laws Yuet ho of general aplication and must dearly define te ate and emissions punished ne crimes Constitutional rights of the accused. Asti I, Bil of Rights, of tho 1987 Constitution provides for the following rights: nn ‘CRIIIAL LAW IN GENERAL Cconatatonsl Rights fhe Aare Al pecs shall have the right toa speedy diepoiton of ther cass hero al jubisa,quasjudial, or adiniste tivabotie, ee. 16) [No person shall be held to ancier fra riminal offense ‘wits due prcete ofl. See. 141) All persons excep thove charged with offenses punishable nylons perpetua when evdenne fg a teong, aha, ‘aloe conviction, be ballable by suffisent auetis. or be "vlad on tecagnizance ns my be provided By la, ‘The right to bai hall ot be impaired even when the prviloge ofthe weit of Beas corpus is suspended. ‘Bxoesive al shall ot be seguir. (ee. 19) tnaeimilproeuton terse hall pried panes cn pve a bal nye TATE y hina ssn, be red “the cate and tune af he aeantin agus i tones apo perso on pole it mec the ieee ofc and fo hav comply oes 2 {eye te sundanes ef twos an he poabron of Siltce in ib Beall owe ster argent, tl Sorpoend sven he aban of the ace trovdod that be an been daly nal nd his re to Shears unusable ee No pesnn shal ho complied tp witness ane ‘eet See 7) sas peroninderinentintin x the cmzein of notes chal have be Hpi toe nforned of rat {vena slant and to have eect iaepedent connuel meebo in ommels ‘Wese person cannot afford the services ofenunse, he Taste poded ethane yee Ge ‘hes ight canot ho wale xen in wing and into prone of eum Se 18D Noto re ik tha ntiniaton oF 5 ether mens hte wal cali se gp fut: Sers detention ace, silty, Ineorgrnmod, CORDINAL LATIN GENERAL, ‘Staato Raphe af the Acesed other similar forms of detention ate prehited (See a vee ‘Any confession or aissan obtained in elation of ue r28 ¥ ais or Section 17 berot shall be inadmissible in evidence Butte of against Sim. (ee. 12180, ear 1, Excessive fines shal ot be imposed, aor eee, dagen fr nhatnon punishment infleted. (See 181) ‘1. No gerwon shal be tice put in eopnay af punishment forthe sane offense. Hen act panied by s nw and fi eedinance, conection or argu under ether hell onsite Sarto another prosecution fo the same st 20) 8 Free access t the soute and qiasjudicial bodies and deat nga! aistance shall nthe denied oan ers try eaten of poverty. Bee. LL) Statutory rights of the accused. srovides that im all eriinal proscut Section 1, Rule 16, ofthe Resid Rules on Criminal Proce “ve aceagel sill be ented 1. To bo presumed innocent unt the contrary Is proved Ipeyond reasonable doubt 2. Tobe inform ofthe matere and eauce of he accusation, sgsinet him. 5. Tobepresentand defend in penemand by eons st ony tage ete proveedings, frm aeslgament promlgation tthe judgment 0% 4. Totestify eee witness im his own behalf bat subject to trossesamination on mgters evened by drect exam ation, His elence shall not fa any manner prejudice im [5 Tobe exempt tom beingompelled tobe n witness aginst meal 4. ‘oconftont and erose-exnmine the witnesses again hime atthe tial x ‘ORISA. LAW TN GENERAL (Chazacteritin of rial baw ‘Tohavw compulsory proces ast wo secure the attendance Df witnesses and production af other evidence tn his behal 8. Tohave speedy, impart ad pubic tal 8. Tosppealinallcaes alowed andin the manne preset by ta - Rights ofthe accused which may be waived and rights which ‘may not be waived, A Fight which niay be waived is the right of the accused to confrontation ant cros-examination, Aight which may o! be waived ': tho right ofthe accused tn be infarmed afthe nature and ease of the secusition again hi, ? "The rexeon or prisipl underlying the dtferenc between rights hich mar be wed and rghtewhichtncy not be waived eta tee rights whieh may be waived are persona, while thaws nights which may not he waived involv pubic interest which muy be aflected (2 ‘Moran, Roles of Court, 1989 Edition, 768) Characteristics of eriminal tw. Criminal law hs throe main charateristis (1) genera, (2) teretoriat, and (2) pnapestive, 1. GENERAL, in that criminal law ie binding oi all porcons ‘who live or sajourn in Philippine territory. (Are Ldn Cll Code} mn a cove where the accused contended that beng an Arserican citizen, he canto be prosecuted fr mth les onvited ofthe eine offllegn possession of freurms, beeanse tie constitetonal ght the citizens of the United States of America “Yo heep and Bear sree" without any need of applying snd recuring a government cores ‘herefor, the Court of Appeal ald “The Philipines ie a rovercign state with the higation ond the right of evry government (o uphold ite nis and maint der within ts damain, ad ith ‘he general jaredetio to punith persone for alfonces ‘committed withinitsteretey regardless ofthe netomat ey (CREMIYAL KAW nv GENERAL, (Charcot fea Lae “ofthe offender (Salonga and Yep, Pubic Iaternatona Ly 369) Noforeigner enjoys inthis country extrstrrtoria "ght tobe exmmpod fram tener and utisgtion, wth te exception afheads of states and diplomat sprenentaives ‘who, by virtue ofthe customary lw of hate, Ree tet subject to the Philippine eertoril Juriedstion® (Peo vs. Galaeyae, CA, 65 0.6. 1027) ‘As a general rule, the jurisdiction of the civil courts is not sffected by the military character of the accused. US. w. Swot (Phil 18) Pec: Saat tu a enor of th U8 A nth Phiippias He assault a prisoner of ay for hie wae hanged wit te ems of ghee! urea Sweet teres the ‘lafena hat he tee that We as anempnsee tne 8 alten ‘utr deprived ear thefsedison ts es ane pine ia, Het cass pentose nplintin fe geera ra ‘hc thejureiuo of th seh tbunal ated cacy or peal sent of perc beat bf tat eal ‘unless ented by expen elation ta te conan : (Bcecitajour came fone, CCiil courts have concurrent jirisdiction vet general cour ‘martial over solders ofthe Atmad Forces ofthe Philippines, Civ courts have juvidiction over murder cers eomtited persons subject to malltary law. The ctl courts have concurrent Jvladieton with the military spurts or general cnrts atin! eve? Soldiers of tne Armed Fore ofthe PRlppnes Ciel courts have jurieiction over the offense of malvergtion (Wut 217) commited by an amy fiance olen (Peple v2 Liew GR. No L-8i21, April 3, 1954) Even intines of wa, the itl eure have concen jection withthe itary courts er general courte-martal ser sldion othe Philippine Ary provided that nthe place sf the comission se «rime no hostilities aro In progress and eh hiss ae fnetoninig [Waldes vn Lasoo, 76 Phi. 296) cproentlps tape eu Dos AS moe one nt pa ‘CRDATWAL LAW I CENERAL (Phares Criminal a ‘Tho Fevised Penal Code or other penal law is not applicablo ‘when the miltary court takes cognizance of the case. ‘hon the miitory cour takes egnicance ofthe case involving ‘person subject to mitary law the Articles of War apply, not the ‘Rovised Penal Code or other penal aw. “By thee acceptance of appointments at officer In the Bolo ‘Arua from the General Headquarter ofthe Gta Miitany Dieteet, ‘he assed, who wore evans a the outbreak ofthe wt, Besse ‘memiers of Use Paillppine Ans amenable tothe Articles of War” (Roi et ol ve Chief ef Stall el, TBP. 875) “Jurisdiction of miltary courts. ‘Section tof Rep. Aet No, 055 reads in ul "Seti I. Members af the Armed Fores ofthe Philipnines and other persons subject to malitary In, including members the Chins Aimed Fovees Gvogrphal Units, wen commit ‘rimranvatfinsss ponalond under the Rovio Pal Code oer Special pena lws or local government erdinances, regards ‘fsshether ov not heans ane eoaceused icine, or offended purios which may be natural a jardial persons, eal be tried Ihvtho proper cv eat, excep be te offense, ae detemned ‘before araigament by Ue el cout, ic servcbconnecte. 2 sri esa de offre shal be teed by eure martial Provided, ‘That the President of tho Philippines may, inthe interest of [iste ardor or direct st any time before arraignment that ty "uch crimesorofflentet be erie bythe proper eli courts “As used in this Section, sevice-consocted crimes or offenses shall be limited to those defined in Ailes 94 tn 70, Articles 72 10 92, and Articles 9§ to 97 of Commonwealth Act No. 408, ao amended 5 “imposing the penalty fr such esimes or ofenses, thie court martin! maya nt omaideration the penalty presed ‘herefo inthe Revised Penal Code, other special low, o los [vvenmontondinanens”™ ‘Tho cocond paragraph ofthe above provision explicitly species “what ate eoneHlred"ersion-connestod crimes or offenses” der CComtmonvtelth Act No, 408 (CA 408), ns mended, also known asthe (CRIVINAL Law my GFNERAL hunsericnn Cri a [Arties of War, to wit hose under Articles 1070, Artiles 7292, ‘hal tiles 8 0 97 of Commonwealth Act No. 405, as mmended Rep. Act No. 7085 dnt divest the military courte ofvisdiction io try cans invlvingvsatns of Aticles Sto 70, Articles 72 92 hd Ariel 9 011 ofthe Articles 9f War ng hese ae ensidered ervceommected sins er affenen "Ta fe,e arvdates 00 those ‘Shale tried by the burt marta In lew ofthe lear mandate Rep, Ast No 7065, the Besinal Trial Cout enn divert th Genera} Court-Martial of juries tion over thoce che with wiolations of Articles 62 (Disrespect "Toned the President st, Ot (Direepect Toward Superior Ofte), 67 IMuting or Sedition (Conduct Unboenming am Oficer aad 3 Gentleman aad 87 (Genera Ariel) of te Artes of Wa, as these Ne specifcally included na “sersenannnected offenses eerie” under Section 1 thereof. Parsuott tm the same provision af les, the itary court have iadietion mer hese crimes oF afenes. {avalon eh alse, ayn et, GR. Nos, 523110234, Ue 25, ‘The prosecution of an accused before s court-marti 's # bar {o-another prosecution of the accused fer the same offense. 4 court martial iso sour, and the prosention ofan nese eggs ib dea erimina, not am admmnitrtive case, sad therefore ‘would bo, under entain eonditons, hae to another prostetion of Te aecored fr the some offense, been he later would place che bnceused in de jeopardy. Boren and Cancondia v=, Chico Staff APP. #9 Ph 246) Offenders accused of war crimes are triable by military com mission. ‘The pititoner ie Filipina citizen though ofa Japanese fate, ‘and stsocating himerlf with dopan inthe war against the Cnited States of America and the Plippines, commited ateoities aginst linamied and noneombatsnt Fiipine ilians nnd loved Piping Drcery. Hein indoed war ermal subj! fo tho jurisdiction of {he litany commission (Cantos ws Ser, 76 Ps. 748) Bxceutivo Order No. 68 of the Prosdont ofthe Philippines establishing # National War Grimes Oee and prescribing rules ‘CRIBANAL Las? RS GENERAL. (Characters of Cia Law and regulations governing the trial of war erminals ie valid and fonstitationa, the President of the Philippines having acted conformity wih the generally accepted principles ni policies of Intarsationa la which ae part ofeue Const Thepromlesion sf said xcutive cedar ean exesiae by the President of his pers {5 Commandar-i-Clief fal our armed freon “War fe not onted simply beequse hostilities have ceased. ar ceseation of arted hotles, inciena of war may roan ponding ‘Which should Cispasod fas in me of war" Aileary commision ‘has jurediction so long as technical stat of war contines” Ta Ancldes the period of an armistice, or milters ceeupation, up to he elective date as trety of posen, (Koroda re. Jalanden cel 88h. 171; Covi, Til af War Coinsnals hy Miltary Tribunals, ‘American Bar Assoiation, Zune, 1948) Exceptions to the general application of Criminal Lav, ‘Thene are cast whowe our Ceisinal Law dost sot apply ere ifthe crime i committed by a perm residing or sjourzing inthe Philippines. These constitute the exceptions, "The apening sentence of Artie 2 ofthe Revised Ponsl Cae says that the prvieone of this Code shall be enlveed within the Philippine Archipelago, exaept at provided in the trator ana lone ofprifeentiad opatostinn Axtiele 14 ofthe new Chil Cide provides that penal Lawes and ‘hese of pule eecuity end eaety shall be aligatory pon all who Hvearscjour ip Philippine tanstory, subject tothe principle pubic international low and fo treaty stipulations. ‘Treaties or treaty stipulations. An exarmple of treaty or treaty stipulation ag an exception to ‘se general application of ovr criminal lar, ithe Doeer Agreement fptered nts by and between the Repl of the Psppines and the United States of America on March 14, 1847 (hich expired on 16 September 109%), stipulating hat “(Whe Philppiner consents that the Unitod States ave the righ excrete ariedetion over the fa Jowing offenses (@ Any offense commitiod by any pores within any tase tsoeptrhere he offend andthe ofended part are Doth (CREMISAL-LAW IN GENERAL [havacteristio Cristal a Philippine sittens‘not menbersof the arma fre ofthe United Seetes on active duty the ofc i ngnine he Security ofthe Philippines (0) Any offense committed auside thebtes by any mersberof hemmed fresofthe United Sttse se which thftended parts alse a member ofthe armed ores of the Unite States; and (6 Any lenge cotnited outside the hasesby ans menberat the armed force ofthe United States against the sec ofthe United Sates” y nerthe Agreement bone the United State of America and the Republic ofthe Philipines Regarding the Treatment oiled Stes Armed Fores Ving the Phiipiaes hh i ign oe 10 Fetvuany 1996 CRE-US Visiting Forces Accord the Failipines agreed th: a) US miliary authorities shall have the right to exercise ‘wth the Pilippinee oll eriminal and escptinary jor Tim efron them by ther ws ve US bor GS prs in Br ©) US authorities exercitoexcosive jnidietion over US ferceitel With respect to offenees ined clensee Jelong to tho encaniy ofthe US partial ere Taw ofthe US, but not under the ows oF, ©) US military authoitios shal have the primary right to trerclae jurisdiction over US personne subject to the tullary law of the US in elation to #2) fences elely gains! the property or security of the US or offenses Salely against the property or person of US persoone fd (2) elanee ing out af any act or omission done in performance of fia du. Law of preferential application. Example ofa law of reftrentiat application. Rep, Act No. 75 mny be comaidered alow of peefovensat pplication In favor of diplomatic representatives and thei Winall seneants (CRIMINAL LAGE RS GENERAL (Chaco af ein Law kde law to penalize ats which wold jropair the proper chservance y the Replleand inhabitant ofthe Pilger the immuries, rights, an piles ef daly seerodiod foreign ‘iplematic reprosntatives in tse Philippines. Its partnest provision are "SHC. 4. Any wrt or process iseued aut or prosecuted by ny person in ang court ofthe Republi ofthe Pilppines, tor any judg o justice, whereby the person af any ambaasaer ‘puilic minster any foreign State, authorized sn rece, fsetuchby te President or any domeatic or domeatsrraant of fy such atnbassador cr minister le arrested or prisoner Ino good or chatils ae strained, euzed or attached salle eerned wid an every person by whom th game's obzined or prosecuted, whether as party o as attorney, and ever ofier ‘onevenod in executing I, shall, upon conviction, bo puniched bepimprisnnment for ot tore than three yearsatd ane of mt ‘xoooding to hundred pots [nthe dloerstion of the cout Becton "SEC. 5. Tho provisions of Seston for hereof hall nee spply tony cate where he person against whom the process ‘Sead ination ojahabitat ofthe Repubicofthe Philippine, in the serece of en ambassedor ora public minister, and tho ‘prooesta funded upon a debt contracted bfiree entered upon ‘Sach sorvig; nr shall the said section apps to any cago whore ‘th person agaunt whom the proce ie laued Je a domestic orctnt ofan ambaseador ora public minister, unless the name ofthe servant has, before the issuing thereat, een registered {p the Devartment of Foreign Affairs, and transmited bythe Secretary of Foreign Affair othe Chet of Pleo the Cts ef Manila who shall upon recnpt thereof post the ame in some Dublleplace nhs oie. ll persons shall have resort to the lis ‘fnames 20 posted inthe ofc of the Chief of Paice, and may take copes witout fee” [Notapplicaeehon the orsign country adaeraelyofeted doce rot prove similar protectin to our diplomat representa: "SBC, 7. Tae provisions ofthis Act hal be appeal only in coces wero he sountry ofthe diplomatic or camsular eepre= (CRIMINAL LAWN GENERAL {Charteris of inal Law coniative versely ffeted has povied fr sila protection fo dul accredited diplomatic or angular vepresonative fhe Republic the Philippines by pestbing ikea mia pect fies lor ike san ofenaes ene contained” Persons exempt from the operation of our criminal tas by tue of the principles of public international aw ‘The illewing are not suet to the operation of ou emis tows (0) Sovereigns and other cies of tate, (2) Amboseadors miniters plenipotentiary, ministers ree dent, and chovgesdafaires. 1 fsa welestalished prineple of intornationa} lay that Aiplomaticeopresstatins such a arbnseedore public mises aud et ofc! retinue, poseexe mesunity It the erinal Fhtiedcton ef thocountiy oftheir juan nd cans wed, arested punished by the las ofthat count (THe, Interantnal La xt Ea, 1260) {consul is not entitled to the privileges and immunities of fan ambassador or minister seo toon £6, Seat at fone ie at eed to the pegs nim of ah ambaseador ov minister, but ie subject to the laws and sogulatons of the eouatey to which hes acceded ‘Seaeckentunger v=. Moran, 63 Phil 250) In th absence ofa trentyt the contrary a ons snot exert from ermal proeeuton for vilotons ofthe lav of the country shore hers, Consul, vice-consuls and other commsersalroprventatves of ‘orsign nations donot posses Ube status uf, ant connotea. the briilegee and imites accorded to azmbassodors and ministers [vtetan, International Ea, Soe, 240) 1, “ESRRITQRIAL'=in thot criminal laws endertake to punish ‘ims omited within Phlipine certs ‘Toe pine of territoriality means Chat as a role pn laws ofthe Philippines are enforceable ony within ts territory. ‘CRIMINAL LAW IN GENERAL (Character of Crimi! Law Extent of Philippine territory for purposes of criminal lar. Articl 2 ofthe Revised Penal Code provides that he provisions of sud evi chal be enfireed within the Philippine Arehiplago, Inching is atroephers, ie interior water and maritime sone Atel T ofthe 1987 Constitation provider thatthe nate terstory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the ilands snd waters embraced there, an all ther tevioree ever which the Pulippines has sovereignty of Jurisdiction, consisting oft terrestrial aval and aerial domals, inclding te emiara se ‘the fenbed, the abe, the insular shelves, and other submaeing areon. Tho wstersaround, betweon, and onneeting the islands f the srehielago,rogaraless of thete breadth and dimension, form park ofthe interna srters of the Philippines, Exceptions to the territorial application of criminal law. ‘Tho some Article 2 af the Revised Penal Code proves that ls provisions chal be enforced cutee ofthe juriedition of the Philippines ngainst those whe 1, Should emrnit nn offense while on a Philippine ehip or airship 2 Should forge SE dounterfit any ein or correney note of Sn Phptner oct an senor aed Byte vert fhe Pipes 8. Shona be Halo for ete connected with the intrdvetion Into the Phlippiaes ofthe abligations and sociritien mentioned inthe proseding nmber, 4 While being public offices or employees, should corm sm offen in the exerebe af thelr antions or 5. Should commit any ofthe ries aginst national security land the law of aatins, defined in Tite One f Book Te ofthe Revised Penal Cate, TL ,EROSPECTIVE! in that # penal law cannot make an ect flsishabte in a manage im whlch it we not puiehable when onmmitted. A provited in Artiste 680 the Revised Penal Case, (mes are punied under the lars in free et he tme a hele (CRINAL-LAW IX GENERAL Duarte a Repent Penal Lae Exceptions to the prospective application of criminal tas. Whenever a naw’ latute dealing with ere etalisher era tions mare Feent ar fesaradte to te aceased team be von & retrosetive effec But this excation ha. no applisoton 7 1. Where thonowlawisexpeeely mae nayicblo ts pen lorexstng eases of actin, (Tavera. Valier, tha 2. Where the offender it habitual cain! under Re 8, Article 62, Revieed Penal Ce. (At 2, RPC) Ditlerentettects of repeat of penal law. 1. tthe repeat makes the penalty tighter in the new Taw the new low shell be applied, excepe when the uftder is'a habitual dlinguent oF when the ne Ine x onde not applicable Yo pending action or existing causes of 2 Ihe new law ipa a Roser pana, la ee At the tine af the comamienon of the ollnse shall he pple. 8. Ihe new law totally ropeate the eating a ca Yat the tact which was penalzed under the old les ls no longer Dunishable the crime i obliterated. ‘When the repeal Is absolute the offense ceases to be crimi- ral Poople es. Tames (a1 Pit 225), Pet Tho cue was prosecuted opened ofa ston ‘fanerainanen Wa te cave was pag pon Cheedinance Was Feneaed Wy imiating thet onde ene eed wasn prseate sd tarmac! pay iptinetion, the ieah cee 6 ‘Bevin The seed mat be ale ceMoNAL LAW IN GENERAL, Diesel Ee Repeal of Peal Lay Bute of reel aw hy racine even witha « ving ene, ld net des ern at (8, Cs 2 Pulse) ‘When the nev favrand the old law penalize the same offense, the offender can be tried under the old las. US. 9, Cuma (72 Pai 249) et Th aus woe charged with ling opi in vata of Act No. 1461 ofthe Pllppine Commson Dring the pneoes of {car cz No. 1761 tle teeing the frm nwt et 'No- 24k and Act No. 178i pwoalie fener span th opi lass alig: Wor a Ae ofthe Legare which penalize a of fans peas fra Ac which elt von tc ea derail nar teeing te leon tovty, comin and entnce flor share with vation ce Siaaw pie tlt ope, oa ‘The penalty prescribed by Act No, 1761 is not more favorable to the ncered than Ghat preseihed in Act No. 1464, the penalty in Doth Aat being the same when the repeating law falls to penalize the offense under the ld aw, te accused cannot Be convicted under the new Pople ws, india and Pastor a (77 Paik 1000) ote The acid we reece Ferogtag make tars tthe sles of nemapagrs and magazines within te lmeprevend 1 seaman Re Mine Cec, Internal evonoe Cote wich ner nt roi th ashing enon etn of rewepapes oad agains ung: The coat oes jrsteion where the repeing fs ‘eho foots pena the net tn and penalise ae theca Tho acuse, charge with nto a the ld nw pt ‘a-ha eprl camp be logy pseated ser uch ope jot CCAIITINAL LAW IN GENERAL. iter Eso Repo of Pee Lam ‘The provisions of ai sine of the Revie Adina [cae wee et ronson svetili,nhe Natal ater Revenue Cab [person erroneously accusedand convicted under a rpenied statute may be punished under the repealing statute. "The accused was charged wih having filo 9 pay the salary of Cabasares whom he employed at master female motor Tunch from Jun 28 to Oetaher £2, 1052. He wan comvcted ner (Com. Act No. 80% which was repeal hy Rep, Act No, 692, apprned fon Agri 3, 198i and bacame elective 120 tags thereafter. Tbe fbjetometier of Comet No 308 etrely enero by Rep. Act No. G2 wth whichis pensions are inconestne. Tene held Use ae fet Wis the offindor sor erronnties nosed and engender f statute whith had ald heen repealed snd shorn no anger lite tthe tno the act complained of war conmited door nak prevent contian unde the repeaig state which panishes the aioe acy provided the accused had an apjortuatyt dafondhimealt lgainel the charge brought agalnat Mi, Penle a Baese, CA, 58 OG 5468) 7h no tam which omits anything contained inthe old iaw ‘dealing on the same subject, operates a a repeat of anything not go Included in the smendatory act “The Agricultural Land Reform Cade superseded the gcc Tonmny Lne eet oie in Gaon ¢ and ‘egy the Coder Th Coa inated the lenseholé syste and ibdtshed share tenancy suber to certain condone indicated i Sreuont heres lenient hn econo emt rene th he hareltarl Lot eon Cole ne Sst 12 repeals fuowe prt of any ln nemssant weapons Under ‘Roteaneelé ten he probit inet pretareshing has mo oveyaton dcr becpte tha laces olted poy ed Tu presen in Secon Sette Agel La Rr {Sols r the Cade of Aerran Refor veesguatet Se ae Sva89 which tet on Sept 10,5971 te egal Teasing hig agptsen wots Tothiccace ono Aimuets, 69 SCRA 420) ‘CRDNINAL-LAW IN GENERAL ‘nso of Pana Laws Selt-epeating la ‘Thesnomalousact eibuted to Pedro de los Reyes asdesribed inthe information e undoulvedlya violntion of Republic Act No. 850 being a "material misrepresentaton in any document quired by sid Act or the rules and eeyulations issued thereunder” and as comimittea while raid Act waa in fee, twas punishable under Section 18 of said Act with Sine or mprsermen, or bey and wth Sortie ofthe goods or commodities impart in visation thereat. (See. 18, RA, Ne. 50) But since Rep. Act No. 650 exeed by item Timitation om June 30, 1953, the frferaretheteln proved could fo langer be subegueatlyonforeed. And, a erect stated by toe Undersecretary of Justice nhs Opinion No 188, dated July 22, 1055, “the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Customs to proved with the ferfaiture of goods and eorasitesimprted in viltion othe Impoet Control Las wa lore ant that all preedings of frtetture as well as eiminal aeslens ponding am dune 90,1958, abated wi ‘he expiration af Republic Act No. 650°" ‘Thofalsifcaion oe misreprsentstio allegedly commit on the Import eons enuld no longer ea basis for ne penalty of foneiture attr time ofthe release of goods, Whare an st expires by it na lstttin, the fat isthe amo as though chad been repose atthe {He tite expiation; anit n= secognzal alee this uration thot the repeal a Law caries with tthe depriaton of the courte of jieietion toy, evict and sentence persons charged with ‘olation of tool lw prio tothe sepesl (Paola Sacina, CA 540.0. 7587) Construction ot penal iw 1. Penal laws arestrctlyconsteied again te Government sn iterally a fvaraf the aecased, (U.S. Abad Santos, S8PRil 248: People vx, Yu Ha, 69 Phi. 725) There that Penal statutes should be strictly conetrved against the Stave may bo invoked only where the law ie smbiguous and there is doubt ag tate interpretation, Where the lst Jnclear and unsmbiguods, thereto room fr the pear tion ofthe rule. Peopld v= Gatchalian, 104 Pil 8) 2, In the construction t iterprtation of the provisions of ‘the Revised Penal Codp, the Spanish tect ls contsling compen Law osx bpeaise twas approved by the Philippine Lagiltaein ite Spanish text People ve Nana, $8 Pil 655, 659) People es, Garin joa Pha. 814,815) Hel Thre rte syed, hace pated Ioing pie vA 4130, a des. ‘No person should be bronght within the terms of criminal statutes who fe wot elesely within thers, te Hou any at he nounced eriinal whic $e ot cages nde no by the sate, "oe Abad Santee, 99 PAIL. 283,245) People rs, Mangtabnan To Phil, 998,998) Foxe Daring he obey a ding hace, one oft ute feat gan upon th cone act kang tit hare ea porsen {mie cling tf the hose Thrown of tb use who ae ne Celie wns it fy the ing tha ound thru aed ae led, ‘ok 254, pr, the Resin Penal Cid poder, cnn tote Bagi et tht etn eatery wre en hy ‘avon ov om eason othe vobbery the ie a ude sel hase Ensen “The nish empires fiw "Cua en mate Sean on To We omit. Hi Te view ofthe Spon ox wh mst pes he eine ori eer th hence ees fe hie supervene mee sede, ‘While the Bagi tet of Art 294, por. 1, ofthe Revised Penal ‘Code soem ta convey the meaning teat the homiide should he ‘CHUMINAL LAW IN GENERAL. ‘Constr of Peel Lae Intenlanallycommittod, the Spanish taxt means tht i i cufisens ‘hat the homie chal! have soulted, even iby mere accident. Other cases of incorrect translation of the Spanish text into the English text, 1. “tostoniondo combate” into engering in wat” fn Art 296, (People vs Geronimo, 100 Phi 0, 95-96) 2. ‘eufiendo privat de libertad” into imprisonment in ‘Art 197. People vs Allon, 82 PAI 172,178) 8. ure dato ito “another evime” inthe head of A 100. (People vs, Yabut, 58 Pil 488, 600) 4, Tomita etirenticia™ nt oneal” Art, 809, (Pople ve: ‘Miss, 85 Phi, 267,268) 5. led” im the third paragraph of Art, 944 which is not {ound inthe Spanish text. People re Manat, 88 Phil 68,668) THE REVISED PENAL CODE (Act No. 3815, as amended) AN ACT REVISING THE PENAL CODE AND OTHER PENAL LAWS [Beit enacted by the Senate and Louse of Repreeentties af the Philppina in Legislature aeeehled and by the authority the see, 5 PRELIMINARY ARTICLE. — This waa amen Penal Code” a) BOOK ONE General Provisions Regarding the Date of En- forcement and the Application of the Provisions of this Code, and Regarding the Offenses, the Persons Liable and the Penalties Preliminary Title DATE OF EFFECTIVENESS AND APPLICATION ‘OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE History of the Revised Penal Code. ‘This Code called “Revised Penal Code"bucnse the Comite whlch io neato by Administrative der No, Bathe Departzpene HISTORY OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE of Justice, dated Ortobor 18, 1921, ebmpotod of Ansloto Diaz, a8 Phairman, and Quintin Paredes, Qilleme Guevara, Alex Reyes ‘ard Mariano Hedaya, as members, as strated to revise the bid Penal Code, tain into consieration the existing eondvons ‘he speci pena ls and the rang laid dae by the Supreme, Cont, ‘The Committe dd nat undertake the codification ofall penal lew the Phifippnas, What the Commitee did was ately reese ‘he ld Penal Code und to include fm the deaf the oer pel Is elated tt ‘The Revise Penst Code doos not emboty dhe latest progzens of criminal scence, = the welts ofthe nppleation of advanced and "adlealtheores ail enh ob een "Tho old Ponal Code whjch wns revise bythe Commo, tsk fect in tho Philipins onGhuly 1, 188% and was in free up (Decerne 1, 1231) Tn the cage of US. vs, Tamparong, 91 Ph. 923, 929, the Saproma Coort traced tho history of the ald Penal Cae, eft lowe "The royal order dated December 17,1886, directed the oxsoution of the royal deer of September 4, 184, whersin ras ordre that the Penal Cole fn force in thn Penis, a= ‘mended in accordance withthe recommendations ofthe ee {omunitte, be published and applied he Philippine Islands Xxx (This lay) heving been published inthe Ofial Gazette of Manila on March 13 and Id, 1867, boosie effective four rmonths thereafter ‘The Revised Penal Code, ax enacted hy the Philippine egila toro, was approved en December 8, 1990: [tok effet on danuary 4, 1682, Polonies and mlademesnors commited prot to Jana 3 1899, wore punishod in aorordance with the Code or ets n foes a the tne oftheir commission, a directed By Art. 996 ofthe Revieed Penal Code, The Revised Penal Code consiete of two books, ‘The Revisod Penal Code nsst of two hacks, namely: (1) Book One, and) Bole Tw, DATE OF EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ae REVISED PENAL CODE ‘Book One cosets of two parts (a) base principles aeting criinal Laity Arts. 1-20, and (b) tha prewsions em peralties ‘held erminnl andl ibis (Acts 21215, In Book Two are defined felonies with the corresponding penalties, clasifed and grouped under fourteen cfoent es Arts Theses), Date ot Etfectiveness. Article 1. Tine when Act taker eft, ~ This Code shall take effect on the fist day of Janary, nineteen hundred sad iry.two.. yg ‘The Revised Penal Code is based mainly on principtes of the Classical school. — yeatee odes Ccyiiten! en thet) ‘This Revieed Penal Code contines, like the old Pena} Code, tobe based onthe privcipen ha dor lance ec lthoagh some provision Of emtienlIy posltivitic tendencies ‘chs having reference tothe punishment of impossibte simes serie {elinguones, et] wore icnrparated ia che preset Cee “Two theories in Criminal Law. ‘Thee ae twoimportant theorle fn erin ow (the las theory sind 2) the ponies tear Characteristics ofthe classics! theory. AL. The basis oferinna biti man feel! and the ure ofthe penalty retibutne 2. That man is essentially a moral crenture with on tibsolutely free will to choose between goad and ev, thereby plasing more stress upon the effet ov rose bf the felonious get than spo the sas, th ering! bineele 2, Ti ban endeavored to eetablish a mechanical and vet Proportion between crave nna penal ana APPLICATION OF ETS PROVISIONS 4 There s m scant regard to the human element. (Baie » Principles, Retna, p. 2, by the Cade Comtsasien on Code of Criss) [Characteristics ofthe positivist theory. : 4. That man issudued eeaconallphya rang and mobi phenomenon which constrains histo do wromesin ait of br conteany ee his volition, 2. Thatcrime is oasentaly a soxal and natural phenomenon, tnd es such, it eannot be treated and checked by the Apmlication ofabetract principles ola and jurisprudence ‘orby the imposition punishment fi td deteranod « prii but rather Unough the enfncement of ndideal "easoresin each particular esre after thorugh, personal tnd individual investigation condnted by a competent + bed of popehayrots and socal wientinte acl Principles Rationale, pp. 2 end, by theCade Commission on Cote Crimes) Art. 2. Application of te provivons. — Except as provided im the treaties and laws of preferential application, the provisions ofthis Code shall be enforced not only witha the Philippine Archipelago, including te atmosphere, isinterior waters and maritime one, but also outside oftsjuriadtetion, against those whe: 1, Shoule commitian offense whi oralrship; ona Philipp hip 2 Should forge or counterfeit aay coin or currency note of the Philippine Inlands or obligations land securities Issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands, 3% Should he Hable for acts connected with the introduction into these Isands ofthe obligations and securities mentioned in the peeceding numbers 4+ While heing pu officers or employees, should com nil an offense in the exercise of thelr functions: or APLECATION OF 1r8 PROVISIONS ane 5. Should commit any of the crimes against national security and the law of nations, defined in Title One (of Book Two of this Code. ‘Scope of the application of the provisions of the Rovised Penal Code. ‘The provision ofthe Revised Penal Cade shal be enfored not ‘ony ian the Philippine Atchipelagn, Bat so ose of ur= Seton incertae cate, ‘The five paragraph of Art. 2 teat ofthe applet of the Revs d Penal Cade to acts conmited in the in at ep, and even ‘ favcign coutey shen each ses affect the poi! econo fa the nation, In what cases are the provisions of the Revised Penal Code ‘applicable even if the felony Is committed outside of the Philippines? "They ae aplissbe nthe flossing esis 1, Whos the ofender should emit sm ofanse wie on a Philippine ship o airship. ‘Ta Philippine vss, lehoagh bend thee miles Bom the senshor, feo dere part of the national territory ‘Thus, any person who committed a evime on Uoard & supine sip b ahi while the same i outdo he Piprine terior ean be ted bute So est OF ‘lato te Penal Cate ‘Batwhea the lpn etl ora in hetero of a frign county, the ene ocd tn mal veal OF Sher subject fe awe on rela ou. ‘Philippine veel rier nt ndart hat hich resoere inthe Pllppne Deo oso teste rxistratin of the vetl or erat nner odanen with cholate Piipines tthe cannaip of tees, hmutectaPinipgnesbisorsshp vowel ore ana APPLICATION OF ITS PROVISIONS sshich fs untegitered or unticesed doesnot coms within the prrview of paragraph No. 1 of Art 2, ‘Thu, i's exime ie committed ten miles fom the sores ot the Philipies on board a eael belonging toa lining, Tot the same isnot registered or Hieensed im accordance with ‘ho Inws of the Philipines, parsgranh No.1 of Art. 2 ie not pplicae ‘The Plipine court has no jurisdiction over the ei of ‘thet comralted onthe high evar oa board a wesc nt mstared or ienaed ia Ue Pilpenen (US. ve Poe 1 Pil 618) 2. Whon the fender should fongé or enunterft any coin for currency note of the Philippines or cbligations and ‘securtioessued by the Government ‘Thus, any person who mikes flee or eountarfeitenine {axe 268) or rgeetvasury or bak nate o ther egos and securitan (Art 106) n«forelncoundry may bo proseeutod, before ous eb coats for ilation of Ar. IS} or Ar ofthe Revised Ponal Code 4. When the ffnde shoul aisle fr acts conned with the introduction ints the Phlippines of tho obligations and sesurtice montane inthe prvsding minor. ‘The reason for thi provision is that the iatrodsetion of forged or eountrfeted ohtgatons and seeities tte the Pallippines is as dangerous asthe frging or counterfetting of he same, tn the eeonondeal interes f the county 4, When theoonder, while being a publicofeeroremplayee, should commit ax offense isthe exerci his Fanesons ‘Thecrimes that may be committed in te exercise of pubic functions are direct bribery (Art, 210), indieet bribery (Are 21D, frauds against he public trwansry (Art. 213), posession ff prohibited intrest (AM. 216), ralveraation of pe fan or property (Art. 217 falure of accountable office to render scents (Ar. 228) legal woe of publi nds or Propet (Are 220), failure to mmake delivers of pabliefande ar proper (A 221), and alcation bys publicofce or employee committed ‘with abase of hi ofl poaiion (A372) APPLICATION OF FISPROVISIONS ane ‘Wien sny ofthese flies 8 commits abrond by any. of cur pubic ofcers or emplesees while in the arene of Bit functions, Be ean be pressed Here 5. Whentheotlonder should emmit any othocrimes aginst ‘he tional secity and the law of mations ‘Tho crimen aginst the national scarty and ths lw of tips ay trason Act. 1, conspiracy and ppl to core reason (Act 119), espionage (Ar 117), inting to wee and ting mutves for reprisals (AEC 118), viltion of rentraity ‘hoe 110, corsespondence with hostile ountry Art 120) ht fosnemy/s onntry (rt 121} an pesey and miting 9 te igh en, (rt, 122) ‘The crimes punishable in the Philippines under Art, 2 are cognizable By the Regional Trial Court in which the charge Isilled ‘Thocsimescomnited cutside ofthe Phiplnes ut punishable therein under Article 2of the Revised Penal Cae shal be cognizable by the Rogional Trl Court in which the charge first le (Rule 310, Sex 15a, Revised Rules of Coiminel Prvedurey Regional Tri Courts (formerly CPY) have original juice sion overall eslmes and offences commited on the high reas oF beyond th jusiadietion of anyestntry on hoard a ei or warera@t tf-ony kind registered or licensed in the Philippines in accord lance with He ws. (See, 43g), dudieary Act of 1948, Rep. Act No. 296) IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES IN ART. 2 1, “Bregyt ds prided inthe rate an ous of proferentat pplication? ‘This phrase means that wivethe general ra shat the provieane the Revised Penal Code zal be enforced guint any perern who violates any ot te provisions xkile living or sjourning in the Philipines, the oxception= to that rule maybe povided by the retin and awe of refretiel pplication, like the RP-OS Visiting Fonees ‘Boor, the Mary Bases Agreementhetreenthe Rephic ane APPLICATION OF HIS PROVISIONS ‘ofthe Philippines and the United States of Americ and the provisions of Rep Act No. 75 2 Ate atmosphere” ‘The overeignty ofthe suhjcent Stato, and therefore its penal aws extant oll the a space which coven ses lerttory, subject to te ght of way or easement in favor tboreign sires, nti tere “The phrase “nterlar waters" Enludes ers rivers, lakes and bays gulls, straits, coves, inlets and radstende lying wholly within the theee mien 4. ait sone? ‘The States by means of treaties hava ned ts length to three miles fam the coastline, starting fon the Ie water mar Teincludeethoehays guts adjsent parts the sea rrovgesesin the nastine whore width st their ontipce Is pot ore tan twelve miles meneared in erage from hendnd e heeland, and al eit off then i For thoce straits having more than that width, the spice inthe center outside ofthe marin lage init fs ‘considered as pen sen. (Opinion of ttomey General Jan 18,1812) (Crimes committed on board foreign merchant ship or aiship, JJast sour merchant ship 12 an extension of our territory, foreign merchant ship is considered extension of the terior he country ta which It belongs. Forthis reason, aneffenee commited ‘the fh seat op ned ogn mechan evel et le our courts. (U.S. vs, Fowler, 1 Phil. 614) ” Continuing offense on board a forelgn vessel. But « continuing crime committed on bonrd a Norwegian merchant voselealing fora Formoea tothe Philippinen. fang APPLICATION OF ITS PROVISIONS we to provide stall for animal in trai in vilation of At No, 585,32 trible inthe Philippines ‘The offense of fing to provide mable means for cessing oils while transporting tham sms orig) sip from a orig port toa port ofthe Philippines is within the avadetion ofthe courts tho Pilipines nen the frbden consis xine ducng the finite ships wat toritral wars adan fo Saetht Ue same conditions existed whem the ship tiled frm The free port and while as'on the high seas (8, Bull, 16 Ps 3) Offense committed on board a foreign meichant vessel while (on Philippine waters Is trlable betore our court Sinot the Philippine teritory extends to thee miles tho beans, wen afretan merchent recs enters tl hee Hn thesis fers and cow berate subject the uredeio of ‘Sst, he apace within 2 wiles of line down Eos the headanas She enibrace te entra to Mala Bay la win ev (US ve Bull, SPU 7,27-18) Rules as to jurisdietion over crimes committed aboard forsign merchant vessels. ‘There ave two rules a to fusedeton over crimes commited anoard meratiantveesle wlan the ttn sentors of anther roach Role“ Such eimes are not teal nthe cours ofthat “country ners the commision alc the peace and sori ofthe territory o the anfty ofthe state endangered English Rule Such crimes ae rable in thot eountrs unless themself hinge thin the oes op ey oon 9 been ‘management thereat In this country, we observe the Bali Role, According tthe French ery and practice mators happening onboard a merchant ship whieh donot concern the tranulty af the pertor perso foreign tothe ere are justrablecnls by thecourtsof ‘The countrs to which the ves belongs, The French soact erlore claim exclusive jrisdition over erimes omitted board Freash ‘mevehant yeaadln orien porte hyone membre a te ere against ana APPLICATION OF IT8 PROVISIONS ‘nother, Such juriadlction hae never been adnitted or claimed by (Great Britains aright, althoogh she has frequently conceded iy fresties. (US. Ball, 18 Pat, 1) o the Phitippine courts have jutisdition over the erime of homicide committed on board a foreign merchant vessel by ‘a member of the crew against another? oansaitarers which distur only the pesey of the ship oe those on ord arto he dale with exclusively bythe sovereignty oe amet he hip but those whieh dsturh che pie pence may be suppensed and, if ned be, the offenders punished by the proper suthorites af ‘heloes jorsdicton, 1 may not be easy at al times to determine t which ofthe two jurisdictions partiealar act of daurder belongs, Mac ill ‘endoubtedly depend onthe attending civumstances ofthe particular ae, bat all must eoncode that felonious homicide isa suber the loca jurttietion, and that ifthe proper authoiieo are proceeding ‘oth the casein the rogular way, the cons hos no ght intone tn prevent (Mali and Wildesias ws, Reeper ofthe Common Jal, 120 US. 1, cited in Pooplo vs Wong Cheng. #6 Phil 799, 731-73), CCrimes not involving a broach of publle order committed on board a foreign merchant vessel in transit not triable by cur court. Mere possession of onuth aboard foreign merchant vessel in ‘ronsit isnot triable in Philippine courts, benune that fact slone oes not constitute a breach of public order. The resem for th ruling i that mere possossion of opfurn on such @ ship, without being used in our ttvtory, docs not bring about in ths country hove disestros efeets thet our In contaaplatos aveiding, Bot fouid courts acquire jurisdiction when the tins opium are faded from the vessel on Philippine eal Landing or wing opium fa open volaion ofthe lave of the Fhlippines, (U.S, vs: Lock Cha, IP 873, bre Tey ‘When the fren mlrehont vessel i not rat beeease the Philippines ts terminal port the person possusion of epium on aan that vessel is lige beens tay beheld gu egal Ampretation of pum fUS. va Ah Sing, 26 Pht 978, 984-988) APPLICATION OF IPs PROVISION: smoking opium constitutes a breach of public order. Soni piu aboard an Engi rece while anchored vo aoonehal alsin maa stesso suse the primary bjs of he aw in punishing the eof pm Neots tenner thse age the tenctans tet enaed by the eo se dog’ An rnin hin Sur ever tts even tngh aban org methane {Sect a breach ofthe ple oder ber ena, beaut ‘Stes uch dragto price i pernisoure Rtn oo te Plppne cours have jraicton er eemes consti teach ‘ple order aboard merchant vole suchred in Phlgeine Sureesonal waters ted he wa ake br eomeone egg to open he door Hecalee nt tea, bo ethers" at reset oer Peaing tt the {ster ona robber belonged fees hd aed ale tsi “Afjon eee dha rnm wilh ger" Rae hat prociee momen Ne [az y the eal that ot ten paced anit the doe ane ‘eeng that ha war bing stack held abn ei hg and aly wmunded the imraea hotamed gt oe Be Held: 8 Chong monte acquitted beaut omits of et Hid the fats heen as Ab Chong belived thom tobe, be would ‘nave den justified In ling the intruder under Aree 11, pacagraph | of vied Peal Code Which ogi oust the ok hat