BrBa Trivia

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esse Pinkman was originally slated to be written out by the 9th episode.

During the hiatus caused

by the writer's strike, creator Vince Gilligan, impressed by Aaron Paul's portrayal of Jesse,
decided to reinstate the character.
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It was Vince Gilligan's decision to finish the show in season 5. He didn't want to make the
mistake many successful shows make by running too long until the quality decreases.
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RJ Mitte has cerebral palsy in real life. His case is much milder than Walt Junior's. He had to
learn to walk with crutches and slow down his speech to play the part.
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Bryan Cranston has a Breaking Bad tattoo on his ring finger.
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When characters on the show are smoking meth, they are actually smoking sugar or rock candy
but do not inhale. The candy meth is produced by The Candy Lady, a local shop in Albuquerque.
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Sony and AMC were initially reluctant to cast Bryan Cranston because of his previous comedic
roles. They approached John Cusack and Matthew Broderick for the role of Walter White. When
they both declined, Vince Gilligan was able to cast Cranston.
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A main plot point is Walt as a chemistry genius. Marius Stan, who plays Bogdan, is a real-life
chemistry genius. He has a PhD in Chemistry, and still works in the field. This show was his first
foray into acting.
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Aaron Paul says the word "bitch" 54 times throughout the series.
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Many fans were surprised that such a successful show had stars who weren't very famous. Vince
Gilligan said that this was by choice, and as the show went on he actually rejected big-name stars
in favor of lesser-known actors.
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After binge-watching the entire show in a span of two weeks, Anthony Hopkins wrote a glowing
fan letter to Bryan Cranston, praising him and his fellow actors for their incredible acting, as well
as lauding the rest of the crew, comparing the series to a "great Shakespearian or Greek tragedy".
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Walter was originally written to be 40 years old. AMC felt that 40 was too young for Walter to
have a mid-life crisis and requested his age change to 50.
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In an interview, Vince Gilligan admitted that the writer's strike that shortened season 1 ended up
benefiting the show. He'd planned for Walt's evil side to emerge in a shocking season finale. The
strike led him to write the evolution much more gradually.
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Recent studies show that it is impossible to make crystal meth blue the way Walter White does.
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As the show progressed, Vince Gilligan noticed he had to stop criticizing Walt about how evil he
was becoming in front of Bryan Cranston, because he was hurting the actor's feelings.
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Gus Fring was originally supposed to appear in only three or four episodes. Giancarlo Esposito
was asked to return for seven episodes in season three. Esposito refused to return unless he could
appear in more episodes. He ended up appearing in 11 episodes in the third season.
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While pitching the show to Bryan Cranston, Vince Gilligan told him he wanted to start off with a
nerdy Mr. Chips type character and transform him into Scarface.
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When one of Tuco's two cousins was cast, he was asked if he knew of anyone who looked
similar, with a strong physique and the same intensity. He recommended his brother, who got the
role immediately.
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The pseudonym for Saul Goodman is derived from "it's all good, man."
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The series ran for 62 episodes. The 62nd element on the periodic table is Samarium, an isotope
of which is used to treat various forms of cancer, including lung cancer.
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The White's address, 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, is a private residence. The residents have had to
deal with fans recreating Walter's famous pizza throw onto the house's roof, and conducted
media interviews asking to be left alone.
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Samuel L. Jackson showed up unannounced during filming on the Pollos Hermanos set one day,
dressed in his Nick Fury outfit from The Avengers (2012). Both productions were happening on
the same studio lot, and Jackson wanted to be an extra during the scene being filmed. The
producers denied his request to appear as Nick Fury on the show.
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In the beginning of each episode, the chemical formula C10H15N along with the number 149.24
and the word "Meth" can be seen just before the title Breaking Bad (2008) appears. C10H15N is
the formula for methamphetamine, which has the molecular weight of 149.24.
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Breaking Bad (2008) was originally set in Riverside, California. It was moved to Albuquerque to
take advantage of a tax rebate on production.
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The location shoot of the series in New Mexico pumped roughly $1M per episode into the local
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The show depicts methylamine as a restricted, rare chemical. In real life, methylamine can be
produced by combining methanol and ammonia with a catalyst present.
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Bryan Cranston stated in an interview that the term "breaking bad" is a southern colloquialism,
referring to someone who has taken a turn off the path of the straight and narrow. The lapse
could last for a day or a lifetime.
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In 2005, after Showtime, TNT, and HBO rejected the initial pitch for the series, FX stepped in
and immediately began development on the pilot. They eventually passed on the project in favor
of the Courteney Cox show Dirt (2007), in a bid to draw more female viewers. According to
Vince Gilligan, HBO showed no interest even on the pitch. TNT loved the idea, but said that
they couldn't air a show with a crystal meth dealer as the central character.
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As the series progresses, Walter White starts wearing more and more black or dark-colored
clothing. In several season 5 episodes, he wears mostly black or dark grey.
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Walter White's alias, Heisenberg, is a tribute to Werner Heisenberg, who formulated the
uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the
position and velocity of an electron or any other particle with any great degree of accuracy or
724 of 754 found this interesting | Share this
Anna Gunn has never taken any acting classes.
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Due to his resemblance to Matt Damon, Jesse Plemons earned the nickname "Meth Damon" as a
result of his participation in the show.
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Before the series premiere, AMC was flooded with letters by concerned viewers who were afraid
the show would glamorize the world of meth. When the show began to air, those letters ceased.
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Betsy Brandt was pregnant during season two. Whenever she reached the point in the pregnancy
that Skyler was supposed to be, the producers would do pick-up shots with her as the fake bare
belly on Anna Gunn.
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A plot line was written for the third season in which Walt visits a South American drug lord in
prison to convince him to help him put Gus Fring out of business. It was discarded because the
writers couldn't figure out how Walt would be able to connect with the drug lord.
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During an August 2013 interview with Terry Gross on "Fresh Air," Bob Odenkirk said that when
he first heard a description of Saul Goodman, he told Vince Gilligan that he wasn't Jewish and
might not be right for the part. Gilligan told him that Goodman was the fake name that Saul
adopted precisely BECAUSE he wanted his clients to think he was Jewish because it would
make them think he was smart and wealthy and therefore seek to hire him. Odenkirk also told
Gross that Goodman's odd hairstyle, a thinning comb-over-mullet combination, was his idea.
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Jesse wears the same clothes in the final eight episodes. He only alters them by removing
articles, like his sweater.
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The highest rated episode, 5.14 Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013), and the least rated episode,
3.10 Breaking Bad: Fly (2010), are directed by the same director, Rian Johnson.
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On the Breaking Bad (2008) podcast, Creator Vince Gilligan revealed that Hector was initially
intended to become the main antagonist from Season 3 on. However, they eventually decided to
make Gus the series' main antagonist instead.
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Gus Fring was originally written as a character named Kesyer Söze (a reference to The Usual
Suspects (1995)). Söze was supposed to appear late in the first season but a writers strike
shortened the season. Giancarlo Esposito who played Gus appeared in The Usual Suspects.
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Hank Schrader's family name is also related to chemistry. German scholar Gerhard Schrader
accidentally discovered the first nerve gas.
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Vince Gilligan had already cast Bryan Cranston against his usual type in The X-Files (1993)
episode The X-Files: Drive (1998). Cranston played a white supremacist with an infection that
makes his head explode if his car's speed dips below 50 miles per hour. Gilligan has said their
collaboration convinced him that Cranston was the only actor who could portray Walter White.
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Series Trademark: virtually every episode contains a point-of-view shot from inside a confined
space. Frequently used is a shot from inside a car trunk (as made famous by Quentin Tarantino);
most others come from inside refrigerators, swimming pools, crates, boxes, lab equipment,
kitchen utensils, microwaves, washing machines, duffel bags, hidden spaces below floors and
behind walls, safes, vending machines, and from below glass tables.
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In the original pilot script, Jesse Pinkman was named Marion Alan Dupree, and was always
referred to by his last name.
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There have only been five episodes where stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul do not share any
scenes together: Breaking Bad: Peekaboo (2009), Breaking Bad: Caballo sin Nombre (2010),
Breaking Bad: I.F.T. (2010) , Breaking Bad: Salud (2011), and Breaking Bad: Buried (2013).
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The remote desert sequences where the RV meth cooking sessions were covertly conducted were
filmed on the production facility backlot in New Mexico.
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During the fight scene between Jesse and Tuco, Aaron Paul ended up getting knocked
unconscious and actually got a concussion, for which he needed medical attention.
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Raymond Cruz's Tuco Salamanca would have been retained for the entire run of season 2 if Cruz
hadn't landed a major role on the TV series The Closer (2005).
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Two series casting directors, Shari Rhodes and Gwyn Savage, died within 32 days of each other
during production. Memorial tributes were screened during the respective post credit episode
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Bromine (Br) is used to quench fires (in Halon). Barium (Ba) is used in pyrotechnics (including
thermite, interestingly enough). (Br)eaking (Ba)d seems a reflection of Walt's conflicted mind on
manufacturing meth.
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Entertainment Weekly included Walter White in its list of the "16 Ultimate TV Antiheroes" at
position #1 in the July 15, 2012 issue.
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The name of the Whites' baby girl, Holly, is another in Vince Gilligan's many career-long
references to his longtime girlfriend, Holly Rice that have been included in his scripts. There
were also references to Rice in nearly all of Gilligan's episodes of The X-Files (1993).
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According to Giancarlo Esposito, he based his performance as Gus Fring on Edward James
Olmos's performance as Lt. Martin Castillo in Miami Vice (1984). He noticed that Olmos was
very quiet and still but suggested an inner turmoil. Esposito guest starred on that series three
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Although the main character commits many serious crimes, including money laundering, murder,
and manufacturing and distributing an illegal and very dangerous drug, a great deal of fan hatred
focused on Skyler. Fans have created many Facebook and other Web pages dedicated to Skyler's
perceived flaws. Anna Gunn wrote an August 24, 2013, New York Times op-ed titled "I Have a
Character Issue" about the phenomenon of TV viewers hating strong female characters such as
Skyler, Carmela Soprano of The Sopranos (1999), and Betty Draper of Mad Men (2007), despite
the fact that they are wives of male characters who engage in much less sympathetic and often
outright criminal behavior.
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In season 1, the real name of the actor who played Krazy 8 was Max Arciniega. Gustavo Fring's
close associate and co-founder of the Los Pollos Hermanos franchises, as shown in Breaking
Bad: Hermanos (2011), had the same name.
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Mark Margolis, who played Hector Salamanca, claimed in an interview with one Bridget
Machete that his character's mannerisms were influenced by his mother in law, who was in a
similar condition living in a nursing home. She would make the facial expressions as a sign of
excitement when she had visitors. Mark also claimed he did not watch season 5 of Breaking Bad
when asked his opinion of it, stating the reason being because he was not in it so there was no
reason to watch it.
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Walt's car is a well-used 2003 Pontiac Aztek, repainted a pale non-factory dull green. The
windshield was broken and replaced several times due to catastrophes both great and small, all
traceable to Walt's descent into the drug world. The Aztek was widely derided as ugly,
overpriced, and low- quality. It never met sales quotas, and has been blamed for the death of the
Pontiac brand. However, its versatility won it a small, loyal following. The show's production
kept at least 2 Azteks equipped for different filming situations.
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The popularity of the TV series spawned a cottage industry for a variety of Albuquerque (NM)
citizens, including everything from cosmetics, spa, bathroom and 'blue rock' candy products to a
tour of both the good and bad locations used in the series.
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Breaking Bad: ...And the Bag's in the River (2008) and Breaking Bad: Gray Matter (2008), are
the only two episodes to feature a different intro, with the two period table boxes apart rather
than touching. The HD Netflix versions of the episodes have been changed to include the normal
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As of December 2017, this is a TV series with the second highest number of IMDb votes. Only
two series have over 1 million votes: Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones (2011). Both have a
rating of 9.5.
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The first show since Law & Order (1990) in 1997 to win the Emmy for Best Drama Series,
without being nominated for the award in its debut season.
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Jesse's middle name is Bruce.
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Both Mark Margolis (Hector Salamanca) and Steven Bauer (Don Eladio) worked together in the
movie Scarface (1983).
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Costars Bryan Cranston, Matt Jones, and Bob Odenkirk have all appeared in How I Met Your
Mother (2005).
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Kris Kristofferson was considered to play Skyler and Marie's father in one scene. It was
discarded because the writers felt it strayed too far from the main story.
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In season 1, Anna Gunn asked Vince Gilligan about Skyler's occupation while she wasn't with
Walt. Gilligan said that she was taking it easy because she was heavily pregnant. Gunn arguing
that pregnant women could still do things, asked him to write her something to do. The subplot
was never included due to the writers' strike.
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Breaking Bad (2008)'s first episode, Breaking Bad: Pilot (2008), and the last episode, Breaking
Bad: Felina (2013) are directed by series's creator Vince Gilligan.
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The mascot for Walter Jr.'s high school is the Skyhawk. Signs can be seen on the walls in some
of the school shots. Vince Gilligan went to L.C. Bird High School in Chesterfield, VA, where the
mascot is the Skyhawk.
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Aaron Paul auditioned for the role in the sitcom Malcolm in the Middle (2000) to play the eldest
son of Hal, played by Bryan Cranston. The role ended up going to Christopher Masterson.
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All of the main cast members are below six feet in height with the tallest being RJ Mitte at 5 feet
and 11½ inches.
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Co-stars Bryan Cranston and Dean Norris both appeared in Little Miss Sunshine (2006), which
also took place in Albuquerque.
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In November 2018 Vince Gilligan revealed he was working on a movie with 'ties' to Breaking
Bad. The Albuquerque Journal includes a logline stating the film "tracks the escape of a
kidnapped man and his quest for freedom." The working title of the film is "Greenbriar".
Production is scheduled to begin mid-November through early February in Albuquerque.
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The 2009 Dodge Challenger that Walter buys for Walt Jr also appears on The Walking Dead
(2010)'s first season driven by Glenn. When Skyler tells Walter to return the car to the dealership
she instructs him to speak with the manager, called Glenn.
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In his August 2013 Terry Gross interview, Bob Odenkirk said that he based his character Saul
Goodman partly on the Hollywood agents Robert Evans and Ari Emmanuel. Emanuel, who was
also the inspiration for the character played by Jeremy Piven in the TV series Entourage (2004)
and a different Odenkirk character, Stevie Grant on The Larry Sanders Show (1992), is
Odenkirk's actual agent.
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10 actors cast on the show have previously appeared in the Vince Gilligan produced The X-Files
(1993). Bryan Cranston in The X-Files: Drive (1998), Aaron Paul in The X-Files: Lord of the
Flies (2001), Dean Norris in The X-Files: F. Emasculata (1995), Michael Shamus Wiles in "The
End" (Season 5) and "En Ami" (Season 7), Raymond Cruz in The X-Files: El Mundo Gira
(1997), Javier Grajeda in _Tithonus_, Danny Trejo in The X-Files: Redrum (2000), Dale Dickey
in _Existence_, Dan Desmond in The X-Files: Salvage (2001), and John Koyama who served as
a stuntman on The X-Files (1993).
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The backdrop for the season 5 poster is a location used in multiple films, including: The
Avengers (2012), Terminator Salvation (2009), Thor (2011), and Lone Survivor (2013).
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Steven Bauer plays Don Eladio, who is the head of the Juarez drug cartel) and runs it in Mexico.
Steven Bauer also played Carlos Ayala in Traffic (2000), who was the American distributor
working for the Tijuana cartel, whose rivals were the Juarez cartel.
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An odd humpbacked flute player is mounted on the walls of some scenes throughout the series,
most notably in Walt's backyard. This character is Kokopelli, a fertility deity venerated by some
Native American cultures in the Southwestern United States. He is believed to be a trickster
among gods. Kokopelli became an important marketing item in the 1990s on items such as t-
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Giancarlo Esposito mentioned that Vince Gilligan plotted the story in style to westerns.
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When Jesse refers to moving to Oregon in season 1. He is talking about the huge meth market in
Southern Oregon.
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The original screenplay for Breaking Bad (2008)'s pilot episode describes the RV driving
through a cow pasture, not a Indian reservation as on the show. This is because the series was
originally going to take place in California, not New Mexico.
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Walter's middle name is Hartwell.
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At the end of Little Miss Sunshine (2006) the Hoover family drive into the sunset, back to
Albuquerque. Breaking Bad actors Bryan Cranston & Dean Norris are both in the movie
appearing respectively, as Stan Grossman & State Trooper McCleary.
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Each main villain that appeared on the show started as an ally or boss for both Walt and Jesse.
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The two chemical elements Bromine and Barium, the abbreviated forms of which appear as
high-lighted boldface fonts in the title - (Br)eaking) (Ba)d - have nothing to do with the
manufacture of "crystal meth" (Methamphetamine).
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A Colombian remake of Breaking Bad (2008) was made called Metástasis (2014), consisting of
only two seasons.
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Revealed by Bryan Cranston in DVD commentary, the show required a parking lot for vehicles
holding actors and props. The idea to use a church parking lot was acted upon but once the
church realized what Breaking Bad involved, meth, murder, adultery, the crew was immediately
told to leave. The show used the parking lots of over 5 churches throughout the series.
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Bryan Cranston (Walter), Anna Gunn (Skyler) and Bob Odenkirk (Saul Goodman) have guest
starred in Seinfeld (1989). Anna played Jerry's girlfriend in Seinfeld: The Glasses (1993). Bryan
made his first appearance as Dr. Tim Whatley, a dentist whose conversion to Judaism annoys
Jerry when he realizes Tim only converted so he could tell Jewish-themed jokes, a year later, in
Seinfeld: The Mom and Pop Store (1994). Bob played Ben Galvant in Seinfeld: The Abstinence
(1996); Elaine is dating Ben because she thinks he is a doctor, but Ben reveals he hasn't passed
his medical boards yet and proves inept in a real-life health crisis. Once Ben does become a
doctor, he breaks up with Elaine and explains, Saul Goodman-style, that the point of becoming a
doctor is to end up dating someone who was out of his league before he became one. Larry
Hankin appeared on Seinfeld (1989) too and was co-creator Larry David's first choice to play
Kramer. Other "Breaking Bad" actors who appeared on Seinfeld (1989): Nigel Gibbs, Mark
Harelik and Jessica Hecht.
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Here are the names shown in the opening credits, with that person's chemical abbreviation
letters, and the full name of that element in the periodic table of elements: Bryan Cranston - Br -
Bromine; Anna Gunn - Na - Sodium (Natrium); Aaron Paul - Ar - Argon; Dean Norris - N -
Nitrogen; Betsy Brandt - Be - Beryllium; 'Dj. Qualls' - Al - Aluminium; Krysten Ritter - Kr -
Krypton; Matt Jones - At - Astatine; Steven Michael Quezada - H - Hydrogen; Skip Macdonald -
Ac - Actinium; Robb Wilson King - W - Tungsten (Wolfram); Michael Slovis - Ch - (Ch is not
an element of the periodic table.); Dave Porter - Po - Polonium; Sharon Bialy - S - Sulfur; Sherry
Thomas - Y - Yttrium; Sam Catlin - Ca - Calcium; Stewart Lyons - Ar - Argon; Melissa
Bernstein - Be - Beryllium; John Shiban - Ba - Barium; Mark Johnson - O - Oxygen; Karen
Moore - Mo - Molybdenum; Peter Gould - Te - Tellurium; Terry McDonough - Er - Erbium.
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Danny Trejo (Tortuga), Raymond Cruz (Tuco), Michael Bofshever (Mr. Pinkman) and Geoffrey
Rivas (Police Officer) have all appeared in the gang classic Blood In, Blood Out (1993). In one
episode, Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring) says the words, "Sangre Por Sangre" to Mark Margolis
(Hector Salamanca), which is the Spanish title for the film.
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Only for Season 4 and 5 (part 1) did Bryan Cranston not win an Emmy for his performances as
Walter White.
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The last episode aired September 29th, 2013.
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Betsy Brandt wears purple in every episode. Marie and Hank have purple everything in their
home. Dishes, sheets, furniture and even bathroom items.
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Bob Odenkirk, Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston all guest starred in comedy sitcom 3rd Rock
from the Sun (1996).
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Among many western film references, Gale Boetticher name is picked from Budd Boetticher,
notorious western film director, better known for his movie "Seven men from now"
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Tuco Salamanca is presumably named after Tuco Ramirez from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(1966). In that movie, Tuco Ramirez was thought to have been hung in Albuquerque, where
Breaking Bad (2008) takes place.
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Aaron Paul (Jesse) & Jesse Plemons (Todd) also worked together on episode 4.1, Black Mirror:
USS Callister (2017), of Black Mirror (2011) as Gamer691 & Robert Daly respectively.
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Jonathan Banks (Mike) played in Gremlins (1984), while Dean Norris (Hank) appeared in the
sequel Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990).
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Steven Bauer (Don Eladio) and Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring) who play enemies in the show,
previously starred together in the show South Beach (2006), the movie Doing Hard Time (2004)
and in a production of the play "Balm in Gilead" which also starred Breaking Bad actor Mark
Margolis (Hector Salamanca). Bauer and Margolis also acted alongside one another in another
drug-related project Scarface (1983).
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Bryan Cranston arrived on set for makeup at 5:30am. He goes on to speak more about the routine
in his autobiography: "A Life in Parts - Bryan Cranston."
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The series title is spelled using the chemical symbols for bromine (Br), and barium (Ba).
Chemical symbols from the periodic table also appear in every name (except the one of creator
Vince Gilligan) in the opening credits: a single capital letter, or pair of letters, with only the first
letter capitalized (in line with scientific convention), shown in a differing color.
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The high school portrayed in the film was actually two different schools. One up near the
mountains (Eldorado high) and one on the west side (West Mesa High).
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In addition to Tuco Salamanca being named after Tuco from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(1966), his last name could have been copied from Salamanca, Spain near where the movie was
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Jonathan Banks and Steven Bauer who both play criminals in the show, played partners working
for the New York District Attorney's Office to investigate the drug underworld in the show
Wiseguy (1987).
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Several actors from this series have made guest appearances on David E. Kelley's legal drama
The Practice (1997), all dissimilar to their character's on Breaking Bad: Anna Gunn played a
district attorney who was not keen on breaking the law; Giancarlo Esposito played an African
American who was wrongly accused of murder; Mark Margolis played an Italian American
wrongly accused of being a mobster.
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Spanish rock group Mamá Ladilla ("Crabs mum") has a song dedicated to the series called
"Jaisemberg", a literal transcription of the name Heisenberg. One of the lines says "You have
sold your blue stuff the incredible Hulk", as a reference to the violent character Tuco.
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Bob Odenkirk (Saul) and Jonathan Banks (Mike) both star as voices in The Incredibles 2 (2018).
Bobs character in the movie is very similar to Saul Goodman.
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Inspired the song "Heisenberg" by Bonecage.
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Jesse Plemons (Todd), Kevin Rankin (Kenny), and Emily Rios (Andrea Cantillo) all appear on
Friday Night Lights (2006) as Landry, Herc & Epyck respectively.
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Typically people wear their wrist watches on the opposite superior arm. Hank is left handed and
wears his watch on his left wrist. Steve is right handed and wears his watch on his right wrist.
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Mike's favorite candy is a butterfinger.
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In episode 4.7, Jessie wears a Steve Aoki t-shirt for the entirety. The episodes of nonstop
partying at Jessie's house prior to 4.7, you can hear trap/house music playing in the background.
This is the type of music Steve Aoki is known for producing.
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Bryan Cranston, Dean Norris, Raymond Cruz, Danny Trejo, Steven Bauer, Tess Harper,
Jonathan Banks and Louis Ferreira have all starred in Walker, Texas Ranger (1993) along with
Breaking Bad (2008). Louis Ferreira and Steven Bauer have also starred in Relic Hunter (1999).
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Dean Norris (Hank Schrader) and Bryan Cranston (Walter White) both had bit parts in Little
Miss Sunshine (2006). Dean played a police officer and Bryan a business executive. Also, the
family that movie centered on lived in Albuquerque.
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Walter White wears briefs, also known as tighty-whities.
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Giancarlo Esposito (Gustavo) and Jonathan Banks (Mike) have both appeared in episodes of
Community (2009). Esposito played the role of Pierce Hawthorne's (Chevy Chase) half brother,
and Banks played the role of Buzz Hickey, who could be considered the character chosen to
replace Pierce Hawthorne. Buzz Hickey (Banks) was also once a police officer, as was his
character Mike in Breaking Bad (2008).
5 of 12 found this interesting | Share this
The music "If I had a heart" by Fever Ray in episode 4.3, Breaking Bad: Open House (2011), is
the opening title music for the show Vikings (2013).
4 of 11 found this interesting | Share this
One of the shows covered in TV (The Book): Two Experts Pick the Greatest American Shows of
All Time by Matt Zoller Seitz and Alan Sepinwall.
3 of 11 found this interesting | Share this


The trivia items below may give away important plot points.

The first episode of season 2 is called Breaking Bad: Seven Thirty-Seven (2009), which
foreshadows the plane crash at the end of the season. When combined with the other episodes
that flash forward to the plane crash, the titles read "Seven Thirty Seven- Down- Over- ABQ"
254 of 254 found this interesting | Share this
Jesse and Walt Jr. are the only regular characters from the first season who never meet each other
in the series.
1,277 of 1,294 found this interesting | Share this
Vince Gilligan personally selected Baby Blue by Badfinger as the song to be played during the
series' final scene, despite numerous objections from his music team. The song was purchased
from iTunes over 5,000 times the night of the finale's initial broadcast and re-entered the
Billboard charts more than 40 years after it was first released.
929 of 947 found this interesting | Share this
Body count: 270, including 167 unnamed passengers killed during the plane crash in 'ABQ'.
Excluding the plane crash, being shot is the most common way for characters to die, accounting
for 56 of the 98 deliberate killings in the series.
431 of 439 found this interesting | Share this
Todd committed widest range of felonies (murder 1, child murder, robbing, association to
murder of federal agents, association of murder, manufacturing methamphetamine, distributing
methamphetamine, arson, kidnapping, breaking and entering, unlawfully imprisonment, housing
a methamphetamine lab, carrying illegal firearms, theft, and obstruction of justice).
312 of 317 found this interesting | Share this
Bryan Cranston reportedly cried after filming the scene in which Walter watches Jane die. The
reason was because the image of Cranston's own daughter popped into his mind.
367 of 375 found this interesting | Share this
The scene with the cousins blowing up the immigrant smuggling truck could only be filmed in
one take, so the actors had to get everything right, including walking away without looking back.
They said the heat coming from behind them made it harder.
197 of 200 found this interesting | Share this
There is an alternate ending of the series finale on the last season DVD. It involves Bryan
Cranston playing the role of his Malcolm in the Middle (2000) character Hal waking up from a
nightmare which happens to be the events of Breaking Bad. Jane Kaczmarek also makes a cameo
appearance as Lois. This was an homage to the finale of Newhart (1982).
377 of 386 found this interesting | Share this
According to Dean Norris, while shooting the first half of season 5 he got a job offer to play a
leading part in a sitcom. Norris, knowing the series was ending and thinking about providing for
his family, suggested to Vince Gilligan the idea of killing Hank in those first eight episodes,
arguing it would be shocking and unexpected. Gilligan refused, saying he needed Hank for the
second half of the season. Hank ended up getting killed in one of the last episodes.
503 of 517 found this interesting | Share this
The character of Hank clearly has strong parallels to Ahab from Moby-Dick. Ahab is obsessed
with catching the great white whale. Hank is obsessed with catching Heisenberg, who is actually
Walter White, and whom he refers to early on as a "whale." Ahab loses his leg to the whale and
walks with a false leg. Hank loses use of his legs for a while after he is shot, and walks with a
limp afterward. Ahab is the ship's captain. Hank becomes head of the DEA's Albuquerque office.
Ahab and Hank are both destroyed by their quest. Just before he's killed, Ahab loses his false leg.
Just before he's killed, Hank is shot in the leg. Ahab's body is dragged into the vast unmarked
sea. Hank's body is dumped in an unmarked grave in the vast desert destroyed by his obsession
with catching the great white whale.
358 of 367 found this interesting | Share this
When Jane's father goes to her room to find a burial outfit, the pink bear that later falls into
Walt's pool after the plane crash is seen in the mural painted on the wall.
184 of 187 found this interesting | Share this
Walter White's final act of revenge is very similar to Gustavo Frings act on Don Eladio. Both
Don Eladio and Jack Welker killed men they were close to, both were spared, and both came
back into their enemy's headquarters to execute their plan.
196 of 201 found this interesting | Share this
Walter White was supposed to have died on September 7th, the same day he was born.
401 of 416 found this interesting | Share this
The script originally called for Saul Goodman to show up to teach Jesse how to clean up a crime
scene when Jane dies. Bob Odenkirk had prior commitments so producers brought in Jonathan
Banks as Mike Ehrmantraut.
103 of 105 found this interesting | Share this
By his own admission, when Vince Gilligan wrote that Walt had a machine gun on the trunk at
the beginning of season five, in a flash-forward scene, he had no idea what Walter was going to
do with it, so he had to really work hard to come up with how he was going to use it against
Todd's family.
120 of 123 found this interesting | Share this
Characters and their values are represented by the colors they wear. Skyler usually wears blue.
Jesse wears yellow and red; plus grey when he was in recovery. Walter wears green because he
is stuck between his family and the drug trade. The birth of Walt's daughter introduces pink to
the spectrum. The DEA agents, Hank and Gomez, wear orange, representing police. Marie is
usually in purple, like many of the other doctors on the show. Jane, the recovering heroin addict,
wears black.
737 of 778 found this interesting | Share this
Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are the only two cast members to actually appear in all 62
episodes of the series, despite others having a credit on all episodes.
476 of 504 found this interesting | Share this
The majority of the meth lab equipment at Jack's gang's campground is the same equipment from
the RV that Walt and Jesse cooked in for the first few seasons.
123 of 128 found this interesting | Share this
Fans noticed that every time a main character dies, another replaces them. Combo dies in
Breaking Bad: Mandala (2009), which is Gus's first appearance. Jane dies in Breaking Bad:
Phoenix (2009), and Mike first appears in the next episode. Gus dies in Breaking Bad: Face Off
(2011), and Lydia Rodarte Quales first appears 2 episodes later. Mike dies in Breaking Bad: Say
My Name (2012), and Jack Welker first appears in the next episode.
228 of 244 found this interesting | Share this
When Saul first approaches Walt about a business arrangement, he compares his services for
Walt to Tom Hagen's role as consigliere to Vito Corleone. Walt objects, saying "I'm no Vito
Corleone," to which Saul responds "Right now, you're Fredo." Soon after, when Walt and his
family hear that his tumor has shrunk, Hank misquotes The Godfather: Part III (1990), saying
"Just when I tried to get out, they pull me back in."
124 of 131 found this interesting | Share this
In the last 3 episodes, Todd Alquist had more screen time than Jesse Pinkman did.
155 of 165 found this interesting | Share this
Walter white has five physical looks throughout Breaking Bad. 1. His younger look in flashbacks
when he has long hair and no facial hair. 2. His look in the first season with longish hair,
mustache, thin glasses. 3. His look in season 1-2, bald, mustache, thin glasses. 4. His look for the
majority of the season (3-5) bald, thin glasses, goatee. 5. His look in late season 5 with a full
head of hair, thick-glasses, full beard.
175 of 198 found this interesting | Share this
Season 1 spans the shortest amount of time; season 5 spans the longest.
141 of 159 found this interesting | Share this
Both Steven Bauer and Mark Margolis, who appear in the series as Don Eladio and Hector
Salamanca respectively, also starred in Scarface (1983). Coincidentally, Walt, Walter Jr., and
Holly watch a scene from the film in episode 5.3, Breaking Bad: Hazard Pay (2012).
69 of 78 found this interesting | Share this
Walter White's three main antagonists, in order, are Tuco Salamanca, Gustavo Fring, and Jack
141 of 166 found this interesting | Share this
Mike Ehrmantraut is shot four times; once in the ear, once in the abdomen when he, Jesse, and
Gus go to Mexico to negotiate with the cartel and twice through the driver's side window before
being hit in the abdomen.
86 of 102 found this interesting | Share this
Jesse uses the following drugs onscreen: marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin, tobacco
(cigarettes), alcohol, and caffeine (coffee).
127 of 163 found this interesting | Share this
In season 1 episode 2 when Jesse enters the bathroom with the wrapped up dead body. When he
drops the feet to the ground, the toilet seat collapses shut. That actually happened during the
scene and wasn't setup as a prop.
36 of 45 found this interesting | Share this
Hank and Gomez first appear together at Walt's 50th birthday party. They also die together at an
event involving Walt.
122 of 174 found this interesting | Share this
Eventhough that through the series Walter and Jesse make several plans to kill someone using
the ricine, they only manage to kill just one character with the substance, this was Lydia at the
series' Finale.
13 of 17 found this interesting | Share this
By the end of the series, Walt has earned ~$80 million dollars. He tells Jack this in Season 5
Episode 14. This is more than Bryan Cranston's real life net worth.
12 of 16 found this interesting | Share this
Walt is indirectly responsible for Andrea Cantillo's death through a series of events that started
with him poisoning Brock Cantillo. However, Jesse is also indirectly responsible for Andrea's
death by getting into a relationship with her while initially trying to lure her into buying his
methamphetamine and bringing her into his unpredictable life and then trying to escape from
Todd which led to them killing her as a punishment.
87 of 161 found this interesting | Share this
The titles of the second season episodes featuring the cold open with the pink teddy bear reveal
the ending: "Seven-Thirty-Seven Down Over ABQ".
11 of 17 found this interesting | Share this
"Pick Yourself Up" by Nat 'King' Cole is played during the "Prison Massacre" sequence in
episode 5.8, Breaking Bad: Gliding Over All (2012). Nat 'King' Cole, like Walter White, had
fatal lung cancer.
9 of 14 found this interesting | Share this
Giancarlo Esposito co-starred in Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991) where a group
of friends steal a load of drugs from dealers called "Crystal Dream" a blue, crystalline drug. In
Breaking Bad (2008) Walter White perfects a form of blue crystal methamphetamine.
9 of 16 found this interesting | Share this
The last person to ride in a car with Walt is Kenny.
54 of 149 found this interesting | Share this
The second murder in the series, committed by Walt when he murders Crazy 8 and the second to
last murder in the series, committed by Jesse when he murders Todd are the same
method,strangulation. This is the same case for Jesse's last murder (which is the also the second
to last murder of the series, Todd) and for Mike's last murder, which is of a cartel sniper who
worked for Don Eladio. All are by strangulation. There is Walt's murder of Lydia which
happened off screen after everyone else's murder to bear in mind, though her administered
murder method of Ricin poisoning was not the last murder method to be carried out.
17 of 42 found this interesting | Share this

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