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Behavior analysis and neuroscience are disciplines in their own right but are united in that both are
subfields of a common overarching field—biology. What most fundamentally unites these disciplines is
a shared commitment to selectionism, the Darwinian mode of explanation. In selectionism, the order
and complexity observed in nature are seen as the cumulative products of selection processes acting
over time on a population of variants—favoring some and disfavoring others—with the affected variants
contributing to the population on which future selections operate. In the case of behavior analysis, the
central selection process is selection by reinforcement; in neuroscience it is natural selection. The two
selection processes are inter-related in that selection by reinforcement is itself the product of natural
selection. The present paper illustrates the complementary nature of behavior analysis and neurosci-
ence through considering their joint contributions to three central problem areas: reinforcement—
including conditioned reinforcement, stimulus control—including equivalence classes, and memory—
including reminding and remembering.
Key words: reinforcement, selectionism, neuroscience, conditioned reinforcement, stimulus control,
equivalence classes, memory

This article illustrates the complementary (Thorndike, 1903, p. 165; cf. Donahoe,
nature of behavior analysis and neuroscience, 1999), although he lamented the absence of
each a scientific discipline in its own right, but direct experimental knowledge of the latter.
each informed and enriched by the other. Donald Hebb was perhaps the first American
The underlying premise is that the advantages psychologist to attempt a wide-ranging inte-
of the integration of behavior analysis and gration of the two disciplines in his Organiza-
neuroscience is foreshadowed by the earlier tion of Behavior (1949), but again direct
benefits of integrating the sciences of evolu- knowledge of the neural processes remained
tion and heredity, now known as the Modern largely absent. Hebb’s proposal that the con-
Synthesis (Dobzhansky, 1937, cf. Donahoe, nections between two neurons increased in
2003). Of this earlier synthesis, the biologist strength when they were co-active was simply
and philosopher of science Paul Gayon wrote, a restatement in neural terms of the behav-
“If there is a key event in the history of Dar- iorally established contiguity requirement.
winism, it must be its confrontation with Men- Skinner regarded behavior analysis as “a rig-
delism. It was through its contact with the new orous, extensive, and rapidly advancing
science of heredity that the theory of selection branch of biology” (1974, p. 255) but noted
became truly intelligible” (Gayon, 1998, two prerequisites for such an integration. Of
p. 253). As it was with evolution through natu- behavior: “A rigorous description at the level
ral selection and genetics, so it may well be of behavior is necessary for the demonstra-
with selection by reinforcement and its neural tion of a neurological correlate.” And, of neu-
mechanisms. roscience: “A science of the nervous system
Efforts to integrate findings from behavior will someday start from the direct observation
analysis and neuroscience are nothing new, of neural processes … It is with such a sci-
of course. Edward Thorndike’s earliest writ- ence that the neurological point of view must
ings emphasized the importance of not only be concerned if it is to offer a convincing
the Law of Effect but also of what he termed ‘explanation’ (sic) of behavior” (Skinner,
the “Law of Acquired Brain Connections” 1938, p. 422). These two prerequisites are
becoming increasingly approximated, if not
satisfied, by the present state of development
Address correspondence to: Prof. John W. Donahoe, of each discipline.
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Univer-
sity of Massachusetts/Amherst, Amherst, MA 01002; Email:
Before describing specific examples of the salutary effects of integrating behavior analysis
doi: 10.1002/jeab.251 and neuroscience, two general orienting

© 2017 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior


principles are identified. First, both evolution- is self-contained, but supplementary informa-
ary biology and behavior analysis are tion is occasionally introduced by means of
selectionist sciences (Catania, 1987; Donahoe, footnotes.
2003; McDowell, 2013a; Palmer & Donahoe,
1992; Staddon, 1983). That is, the diverse and
potentially complex outcomes of evolution Selection by Reinforcement
and reinforcement are the cumulative pro-
ducts of relatively simple selection processes The approach to reinforcement described
acting over time. Any given instance of selec- here is a logical extension of Skinner’s view
tion occurs under conditions that exist at that that selection occurs at the moment when a
moment, conditions which may or may not be reinforcing stimulus (that is, a reinforcer)
shared with future moments. Strictly speaking, appears in close proximity to a stimulus in the
selection processes “prepare” the organism for Pavlovian procedure or to a response in the
conditions that existed in the past, not in the operant procedure. Figure 1 depicts these two
future except in so far as the future resembles temporal relations. Note, however, that in the
the past. Second, the cumulative products of Pavlovian procedure some response necessar-
selection processes are the net effects of many ily occurs in proximity to the reinforcer
individual instances of selection, whether whereas in the operant procedure some stimu-
reproductive fitness acting on a population of lus necessarily occurs in proximity to the rein-
different organisms in the case of evolution or forcer. Thus, what truly distinguishes between
reinforcement acting on a population of dif- the two procedures is not whether a stimulus
ferent environment-behavior relations of a sin- or a response precedes the reinforcer, but the
gle organism in the case of behavior reliability with which that event precedes the
(Donahoe, 2003). The nature of the popula- reinforcer. The classical and operant proce-
tion on which the selecting events act— dures clearly differ, but whether the proce-
different organisms in the case of evolution or dural difference portends a fundamental
different behaviors of the same organism in difference in the conditioning process is a sep-
the case of behavior analysis—is what most arate matter.
fundamentally distinguishes much of psychol- Skinner implicitly appreciated this point in
ogy from behavior analysis. Psychology often his demonstrations of superstitious condition-
seeks its principles through averaging steady- ing. Superstitions of the first kind occurred
state observations from different organisms, a when the frequency of a response changed if
method appropriate for population genetics it occurred by chance before a reinforcing
but not necessarily for a science of behavior
(e.g., Estes, 1956; Sidman, 1960).
In subsequent sections, the relevant behav-
ioral findings are first briefly summarized fol-
lowed by the neural mechanisms that
mediate that behavior. Skinner’s admonition
that a “rigorous description at the level of
behavior” must precede “the demonstration
of a neurological correlate” is amply illus-
trated. The first findings considered are
those related to the reinforcement process
itself. Just as natural selection informs all of
evolutionary biology, so a properly under-
Fig. 1. Diagram illustrating the similarity and differ-
stood conception of selection by reinforce- ence between the Pavlovian and operant procedures. In
ment should illuminate the full range of both procedures, a reinforcing stimulus (SR) is introduced
behavior from simple conditioning to com- that elicits a response (Relicited). In the Pavlovian proce-
plex human behavior. The discussion of dure SR most frequently follows a specific stimulus whereas
selection by reinforcement, including condi- in the operant procedure SR most frequently follows a spe-
cific response (Rj) . Relicited typically goes unmeasured in
tioned reinforcement, is followed by sections the operant procedure. Note, however, that stimuli and
on stimulus control (including equivalence responses necessarily precede the reinforcer in both
classes) and memory. The body of the article procedures.

stimulus (Skinner, 1948; cf. Staddon & Sim- of arbitrary stimuli, thereby opening the path
melhag, 1971). Superstitions of the second to the emergence of complex behavior. Skin-
kind occurred when a reinforced response ner’s recognition of the possible unity of the
occurred by chance during a stimulus and the selection process was acknowledged without
response then came under the control of that dissent in his very early writings (Skinner,
stimulus (Morse & Skinner, 1957). Viewed in 1938, p. 111): “Hilgard (1937) … points out
this way, the distinction between Pavlovian that … reinforcement is essentially the same
and operant conditioning is procedural, and process in both [procedures]” and “Mowrer
not necessarily a difference in the condition- (1937) holds out that … the two processes
ing process itself. Skinner was open to this may eventually be reduced to a single
possibility. However, he chose not to pursue formula.”
the commonalities in the conditioning proc-
ess in the two procedures but, instead, to
explore the profound differences in the con- Behavioral Findings
sequences of the procedural difference. In Contiguity. The first variable identified as
the Pavlovian procedures, an elicited response critical to selection by reinforcement was the
(the respondent) comes under the control of temporal relation between the reinforcer and
arbitrary stimuli1 whereas in the operant pro- the environment (the conditioned stimulus, or
cedure the entire behavioral repertoire of the CS) in the Pavlovian procedure or the behav-
organism potentially comes under the control ioral event (the operant) in the operant pro-
cedure. In the Pavlovian procedure, an
effective interval is typically described as no
more than a few seconds (e.g., Smith, Cole-
“Experimental analysis,” as Skinner used the term,
referred to circumstances in which all of the effects of the man, & Gormezano, 1969). The effect of vary-
variables relevant to a phenomenon are either manipu- ing the interval between the operant and the
lated, measured, or controlled. This idealized set of cir- reinforcer is more difficult to analyze experi-
cumstances is only approximated even in the laboratory. mentally because the onset of the operant can-
Classical procedures in which the conditioned response
and the elicited response closely resemble one another— not be controlled and the events that
such as the salivary response of the dog (Pavlov, 1927/ intervene between the operant and the rein-
1960) and the nictitating-membrane response of the rab- forcer may include other instances of the
bit (Gormezano, 1966) or the pigeon (Stickney, Dona- operant, as in intermittent schedules of rein-
hoe, & Carlson, 1981)—very closely approximate these
requirements. However, other classical procedures reveal forcement. In addition, stimuli that function
the more complex outcomes that can be produced by the as conditioned reinforcers may bridge the gap
conditioning process. As one example, the conditioned- between the operant and the reinforcer
suppression procedure devised by one of Skinner’s stu- (e.g., Catania, 1971; Lattal & Gleeson, 1990).
dents (Estes & Skinner, 1941) demonstrated that an
unmonitored unconditioned response (the response to In his initial operant procedure, Skinner
shock) may interfere with the execution of a monitored sought to minimize these intrusions by imme-
operant (bar pressing), thereby providing an indirect but diately following the operant by the “click” of
sensitive measure of conditioning. This procedure eventu- a feeder, an auditory stimulus that had previ-
ally led to the important discovery of the discrepancy
requirement, which is described subsequently (Kamin, ously immediately preceded the delivery of
1968; Rescorla, 1968). As a second example of a complex food according to a Pavlovian procedure
outcome produced by a classical procedure, the response (Skinner, 1938, p. 53). A commitment to tem-
measured after conditioning may sometimes appear to be poral contiguity was also expressed in Ferster
the opposite to the response to the US: For example, a con-
ditioned stimulus paired with the injection of glucose pro- and Skinner’s treatment of schedules of rein-
duces a decrease in circulating glucose when the stimulus is forcement: “The only contact between [the
presented alone. However, the true unconditioned schedule] and the organism occurs at the
response to the injection of glucose is not an increase in
circulating glucose, but a decrease in the glucose liberated
moment (emphasis added) of reinforcement....
from glucose-storing organs when neurons detect an Under a given schedule of reinforcement, it
increase in exogenous glucose (see Eickelboom & Stewart, can be shown that at the moment of reinforce-
1982). In general, pre-existing homeostatic and other ment a given set of stimuli will usually prevail.
mechanisms resulting from natural selection must be
taken into account when interpreting the results of any
A schedule is simply a convenient way of
conditioning procedure (cf. Dworkin, 1993; Solomon & arranging this.” (Ferster & Skinner, 1957,
Corbit, 1974). pp. 2-3).

The general conclusion is that a reinfor- to occur with conditioned reinforcers. Using a
cing stimulus produces changes in stimulus concurrent schedule in which one response
control in the Pavlovian procedure and produced a visual stimulus that had previously
changes in response frequency in the oper- been paired with a reinforcer and a second
ant procedure only over relatively brief inter- response produced a different visual stimulus
vals of time.2 As Skinner put it, “To say that that had been paired equally often with the
a reinforcement is contingent upon a same reinforcer but only in the presence of a
response may mean nothing more than that previously conditioned stimulus, responding
it follows the response” (Skinner, was maintained for only the first response
1948, p. 168). (Palmer, 1986).
Behavioral discrepancy. With the advent of What is the nature of the additional varia-
the blocking procedure, it became clear that, ble? Associationist psychology proposed that a
although contiguity was necessary, it was not given reinforcer would support only a fixed
sufficient to produce selection by reinforce- maximum association value and that, because
ment. As demonstrated initially with a Pavlov- prior conditioning had already attained that
ian procedure (Kamin, 1968; 1969) and maximum value, no further increases in associ-
subsequently with an operant procedure (vom ative strength were possible (Rescorla &
Saal & Jenkins, 1970), something in addition Wagner, 1972). The formalization of this pro-
to temporal contiguity was required.3 Studies posal in the Rescorla-Wagner model has
showed that if a stimulus or a response was fol- proven exceptionally fruitful (Siegel & Allan,
lowed by a putative reinforcer with a temporal 1996, cf. Papini & Bitterman, 1990), especially
relation known to be effective for condition- when implemented in real-time computer
ing, but that the stimulus or response was simulations (e.g., Donahoe, Burgos, & Palmer,
accompanied by another stimulus that had 1993; Sutton & Barto, 1981). The model is
previously preceded the same reinforcer, then silent, however, with respect to the biobeha-
the putative reinforcer would not be effective. vioral mechanisms that implement it
Prior conditioning blocked the acquisition of a (Donahoe, 1984). The physical events that are
new environment–behavior (E–B) relation if available to an organism on its first exposure
the same reinforcer had previously occurred to a reinforcing stimulus are the stimulus itself
in that context. Blocking has also been shown and the responses that are elicited by that
stimulus. Subsequent research with the block-
ing procedure revealed that when the reinfor-
The statement that conditioning in the classical proce- cing stimulus remained constant but, through
dure occurs over only brief temporal intervals between the
CS and the reinforcer is based on procedures in which the
various means, the response elicited by
reinforcer-elicited response has a short latency and brief the reinforcer was changed, conditioning
duration. Findings reported later indicate that it is not the occurred to a stimulus that would have other-
temporal relation of the CS to the reinforcing stimulus wise been blocked (Brandon, Betts, & Wagner,
per se that is critical but the relation of the CS to the 1994; Stickney & Donahoe, 1983). In short,
behavior evoked by the reinforcer. For example, in taste
aversions a novel taste (CS) followed by the ingestion of a blocking was prevented when the uncondi-
nonlethal poison becomes aversive even though the behav- tioned response (UR) was changed. Based on
ioral effects (Relicited) of ingestion occur some hours later. these findings, the second requirement for
In the evolutionary history of organisms, gustatory and selection by reinforcement may be described
olfactory stimuli inevitably preceded the gastric conse-
quences of ingestion. This conjunction has permitted the
as follows: The reinforcing stimulus must not
selection of neural structures relating such stimuli to gas- only be contiguous but it must also evoke a
tric responses. Neural traces of these stimuli endure and change in the behavior that would otherwise
are then contiguous with the gastric consequences occur at that moment (Donahoe et al., 1993;
(Chambers, 1990). In respects other than the temporal Donahoe, Crowley, Millard, & Stickney, 1982).
disjunction between the taste CS and the gastric Relicited to
the poison US, findings from the conditioning of taste This is known as the behavioral-discrepancy
aversions are consistent with those from other condition- requirement.
ing preparations (Domjan & Galef, 1983).
The importance of the behavior evoked by
Several other studies conducted around the time of the reinforcing stimulus was further con-
these critical experiments pointed toward the insufficiency
of temporal contiguity for conditioning (e.g., Johnson,
firmed by other work demonstrating that the
1970), but their implications were not fully appreciated critical temporal relation in the Pavlovian
(cf. Williams, 1975). procedure was not between the CS and the

US as conventionally understood, but action.”4 The view that the same conditioning
between the CS and the behavior evoked by process, requiring both contiguity and dis-
that stimulus, that is, the UR (Donahoe & crepancy, is engaged by the Pavlovian and
Vegas, 2004). Using the throat-movement operant procedures is summarized by the uni-
preparation of the pigeon, water or air fied reinforcement principle (Donahoe
injected into the oral cavity of a restrained et al., 1993).
pigeon evokes a UR of a sufficiently long
latency (approximately 200 ms) and duration
(approximately 2 s) to permit the temporal Neuroscientific Findings
relation of the CS to the US and to the UR The present discussion of neural mechan-
to be unconfounded. It was found that isms focuses on the neural systems that imple-
whether the CS occurred before the US–UR ment the reinforcement process (cf. Kirk,
(the standard forward-conditioning proce- Babtie, & Stumpf, 2015). As a result, the
dure), only between the CS and the UR, or emphasis is generally upon the net effects of
only after the onsets of both the CS and the neuroanatomical and cellular components
UR (but during the UR), the level of condi- (neurons) of these systems and not the intra-
tioned responding to the CS was the same cellular processes themselves. A neural system
when measured on CS-alone test trials. refers to those brain structures and their inter-
(Appropriate controls were instituted to rule connections that are most relevant to the
out alternative interpretations such as sensiti- behavior under consideration. The neural sys-
zation.) Thus the CS–UR relation, not the tem of concern here implements reinforce-
CS–US relation, is the critical temporal rela- ment in the operant-conditioning procedure.
tion for conditioning in the classical proce- Figure 2 is a diagram of a lateral view of the
dure. The apparent importance of the CS–US human cerebral cortex showing (with dashed
relation was based largely on procedures in lines) the subcortical structures and intercon-
which the US elicited a short latency, brief nections that are central to implementing
duration UR, thereby confounding the CS– reinforcement. The general flow of neural
US and CS–UR temporal relations. activity begins with stimulation of the senses,
These findings provide an interpretation of such as vision and audition. This stimulation
a number of otherwise problematic findings
(Donahoe & Vegas, 2004). Examples include: 4
The following section of the paper takes the position
(a) how the same CS–US temporal relation that an analysis of moment-to-moment events reveals the
conditions some responses but not others dynamical processes of which relations between environ-
mental and behavioral events observed over more
when the URs differ in latency or duration extended periods of time are the product. It is generally
(e.g., Betts, Brandon, & Wagner, 1996), agreed that stable molar relations, as useful as they may be
(b) how a backward conditioning arrange- for some purposes, are silent with respect to the more
ment (US–CS) conditions long-duration “molecular” processes of which they are the asymptotic
URs, such as autonomic responses, but not expression (e.g., Donahoe, 2012; Marr, 1992; Staddon,
2014). In addition, studies indicate that at least some
short-duration URs, such as eye blinks molar E-B relations, such as matching, may be the con-
(e.g., Albert & Ayres, 1997; McNish, Betts, certed product of multiple discriminated operants
Brandon, & Wagner, 1997), and (c) how a (e.g., Crowley & Donahoe, 2004; Killeen, 2015; MacDonall,
backward US–CS arrangement conditions 2009; Pliskoff, 1971). Indeed, computer simulations that
implement moment-to-moment processes have yielded
components of a temporally extended sequ- asymptotic results that reproduce some molar relations
ence of responses that are contiguous with such as matching (e.g., Calvin & McDowell, 2016; McDo-
the CS (e.g., Silva, Timberlake, & Cevik, well, 2013a) and the effects of varying the C/T ratio on
1998). The behavioral-discrepancy require- acquisition (Burgos, 2005), where C is the length of the
ment is also consistent with the a priori CS-US interval and T is the total session length (Gibbon &
Balsam, 1981). A conceptually independent but often con-
conjecture that the ancestral selecting envi- flated difference between theoretical approaches to behav-
ronment (that is, natural selection) would ior theory concerns whether it is sufficient for a theory to
more likely produce a conditioning process serve as a guide for the behavior of the theorist
that was sensitive to the expressed behavior of (e.g., Gallistel & King, 2009; Jensen, Ward, & Balsam,
2013; cf. Donahoe, 2010) or whether theory should also
an organism than to its mere perception of a embody the biobehavioral processes that underlie the
stimulus. Thomas Huxley’s words resonate: functional relations captured by the theory (McDowell,
“The great end of life is not thought but 2013b; cf., Donahoe, 2013).

selection faced a formidable challenge: What

mechanism could be devised whereby the
strengths of connections between neurons
mediating a specific reinforced E–B relation
were strengthened? As with any selection proc-
ess, the challenge cannot be met on a single
occasion and is fallible (Donahoe, 2003;
Palmer & Donahoe, 1992). (This challenge is
known as the “assignment-of-credit” problem
in neural-network research.) The mechanism
that evolved has the effect of disproportion-
ately, but not exclusively, strengthening the
“right” connections. (Personification of selec-
tion processes—whether natural selection or
selection by reinforcement—is an expository
Fig. 2. Lateral view of the human cerebral cortex show- device only, of course.)
ing the major cortical regions and, using dashed lines, the
subcortical structures—nucleus accumbens (NAC) and What is the mechanism that permits selec-
ventral tegmental area (VTA)—and pathways central to tion by reinforcement of a wide range of spe-
the neural mechanisms of selection by reinforcement. cific E–B relations? When a response is
(The divisions of the cortex designated in the diagram are followed by a reinforcer, it must be true that
for heuristic purposes only. For example, the region desig-
nated primary sensory cortex is largely the primary visual
pathways sufficient to enable the reinforced
cortex and the region designated sensory-association cor- E–B relation are among the many that are
tex also includes the primary auditory cortex of the tempo- active at that moment. However, the neural
ral lobe.) mechanisms implementing the reinforcement
process must not only affect the pathways of
that specific reinforced E–B relation but also
potentially a wide range of other pathways that
activates neurons in the primary sensory cor- might mediate other E–B relations under dif-
tices subsequent to interactions involving vari- ferent contingencies of reinforcement. Such a
ous subcortical structures (not shown). Activity mechanism is required if almost any stimulus
in primary sensory neurons propagates to is to potentially control almost any operant.
sensory-association cortex whose polymodal Dopamine and the selection of pathways
neurons respond to various combinations of mediating reinforced E–B relations. The neu-
their inputs from neurons in primary sensory ral capability for widespread effects of rein-
and sensory-association cortices. Sensory and forcement is accomplished through the
polymodal neurons activate, in turn, neurons liberation and subsequent diffusion of the
in prefrontal and motor cortex (among neuromodulator dopamine (DA) along pro-
others), with the latter leading most directly to jections from cells in the ventral tegmental
behavior via the striatum and various other area (VTA) to the prefrontal and motor cor-
subcortical and spinal structures (not shown). tices (among others). The diffusion of DA
Neurons in prefrontal cortex, which includes allows a reinforcer to affect a wide range of
the adjacent supplementary motor and premo- synapses and, thereby a wide range of poten-
tor areas, coordinate neural activity in the tial E–B relations mediated by the pathways
motor cortex. This account of the neural sys- involving those synapses.5 See Figure 2. For
tems mediating E–B relations is simplified and purposes of the current discussion, the neural
does not reflect other, often reciprocal, path- inputs to the prefrontal and motor cortices
ways between structures—some of which are from sensory areas are presumed to be suffi-
considered in a later section. The account is cient to control the reinforced behavior. This
suitable for present purposes however. matter is considered further in a later section.
Given the many neurons in the human
brain—perhaps 1012, the many potential con- 5
Although dopamine plays a critical role in reinforce-
nections to a single neuron—perhaps 103 in ment, not all instances of long-lasting changes in synaptic
the case of motor neurons, and the “spontane- plasticity are dopamine-dependent (e.g., Bauer, Schafe, &
ous” activity of many cortical neurons, natural LeDoux, 2002).

DA is generally designated a neuromodula-

tor rather than a neurotransmitter because it
alters the effect of other neurotransmitters on
the functioning of neurons. One may specu-
late that the central role of DA in reinforce-
ment should not be completely surprising
given that DA also plays an important role in
the digestive process where it governs gut
motility (Li, Schmauss, Cuenca, Ratcliffe, &
Gershon, 2006). This leads to the conjecture
that the digestion of nutrients and reinforce-
ment were intertwined in evolutionary history.
The neural activity initiated by receptors sti-
mulated by taste and smell and by sexual activ-
ity activate DA neurons via pathways traversing
various intermediate subcortical structures.
Drugs of abuse also typically activate DA neu-
rons (e.g., Volkow, Fowler, & Wang, 2007;
Wise, 2002). The widely projecting outputs
(axons) of VTA neurons liberate DA that dif-
fuses from varicosities along their lengths. DA Fig. 3. The frequency of firing of dopaminergic
molecules remain present for several seconds (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) during
before being degraded (Yagishita et al., 2014). a differential operant-conditioning procedure. Panel A
shows the DA response to the reinforcing stimulus (SR) at
The relatively short-lived presence of DA is the outset of conditioning. Panel B shows the DA response
consistent with the contiguity requirement. to the discriminative stimulus (SD) and SR on a reinforced
DA also plays a critical role in the discrepancy trial after conditioning. Panel C shows the DA response to
requirement as described shortly. SD on a trial after conditioning in which the reinforcer
was omitted. See the text for additional information. (Data
Figure 3 indicates the frequency of firing from Schultz, 1997; Schultz, Apicella, & Ljungberg, 1993.)
of VTA-DA neurons in our fellow primate,
the crab-eating monkey. The task was a differ-
ential conditioning procedure in which press-
ing one of two levers was reinforced with
apple juice depending on which of two function (Dinsmoor, 1950; cf. Williams, 1994a,
spatially separated lights was illuminated 1994b). Although conditioned reinforcers may
(Schultz, Apicella, & Ljungberg, 1993; Schultz, acquire additional functions, particularly in
Dayan, & Montague, 1997). The top panel free-operant procedures (e.g., Shahan, 2010),
(A) shows the frequency of firing of DA neu- neuroscience indicates that both uncondi-
rons when the reinforcing stimulus (SR) was tioned and conditioned reinforcers cause DA
presented at the outset of conditioning. Note to be liberated by VTA neurons. The route
that the baseline level of activity of DA neurons whereby VTA neurons are activated by condi-
increased abruptly shortly after the reinforcing tioned reinforcers differs, however. Whereas
stimulus occurred. Transition to the “bursting” unconditioned reinforcers activate VTA neu-
mode is required for DA to be liberated along rons by pathways originating from receptors
the axons of VTA neurons (Grace & Bunney, such as those for taste or sexual stimulation
1984; Grace, Floresco, Goto, & Lodge, 2007; (e.g., Balfour, Yu, & Coolen, 2004; Smith,
Johnson, Seutin, & North, 1992). The middle Liu, & Vogt, 1996), conditioned reinforcers
panel (B) shows the frequency of firing of DA activate VTA neurons by a less direct route
neurons after conditioning when the discrimi- involving the prefrontal cortex (e.g., Pears, Par-
native stimulus (SD) was presented and a cor- kinson, Hopewell, Everitt, & Roberts, 2003; Wil-
rect response was followed by SR. The burst of son & Bowman, 2004)
firing now occurred at the onset of SD, not SR. As shown in Figure 2, the neural activity
This finding is consistent with the long- initiated by SD stimulates neurons in prefron-
standing behavioral finding that discriminative tal cortex and pathways originating from pre-
stimuli also acquire a conditioned reinforcing frontal neurons activate cells in the nucleus

accumbens (NAC) that, in turn, cause VTA- stimulus had accompanied this SD in a block-
DA neurons to be activated. Thus both condi- ing design, then the reinforcer would not have
tioned and unconditioned reinforcers ulti- produced an increase in DA activity and would
mately engage the same VTA reinforcement not have become a discriminative stimulus.
system, but by different routes.6 For experi- The inhibition of VTA neurons following the
enced organisms in which many E–B relations time at which the reinforcer previously
have been previously acquired, the environ- occurred is the neural basis of the discrepancy
ment offers many opportunities for engaging requirement (Burgos & Donahoe, 2016; Dona-
the neural mechanisms of conditioned rein- hoe, Burgos, & Palmer, 1993; Waelti, Dickin-
forcement. In this way, activities that require son, & Schultz, 2001).9
temporally extended sequences of behavior, Dopamine and the cellular mechanisms of
such as problem solving, are maintained by a selection (LTP). The liberation of DA from
relatively continuous stream of conditioned VTA neurons by reinforcers during condition-
reinforcers, which increases as the target ing comports well with what is known from
behavior is more closely approximated behavioral research about unconditioned
(Donahoe & Palmer, 1993, p. 285 ff.).7
Panel C of Figure 3 reveals an additional 8
The present discussion of neural mechanisms describes
finding that relates to the behavioral- the major systems underlying reinforcement. Although
discrepancy requirement. The lower panel much is known of these systems and their underlying pro-
shows the activity of DA neurons on a trial in cesses, much remains to be known (e.g., Gerfen & Surme-
ier, 2011). As an example relating to the DA-ergic
which SD was presented, but SR was omitted. mechanisms of the discrepancy requirement, DA neurons
Note that DA activity was actually inhibited in the VTA are maintained at their low baseline (tonic)
shortly after the time when the reinforcer was rates of firing by inhibitory neurons acting on VTA neu-
otherwise scheduled to occur.8 If another rons from the output of NAC. (Lalive et al., 2014). Uncon-
ditioned reinforcers drive the VTA neurons sufficiently to
overcome this tonic inhibition. The onset of conditioned
The conditioning of autonomic responses with operant reinforcers activate Glu pathways from prefrontal cortex
procedures has been notoriously difficult to achieve to neurons in NAC and these increase DA activity by stim-
(Dworkin & Miller, 1986). Autonomic responses are ulation of DA VTA neurons (Geizler, Derst, Veh, & Zahm,
mediated at the level of the midbrain and need not 2007) and/or by inhibiting inhibitory neurons from NAC
involve cortical mechanisms, including the circuits to VTA, thereby briefly liberating DA from VTA neurons
involved with conditioned reinforcement described here before tonic inhibition is reinstated (Aggarwai, Hyland, &
(e.g., Oakley & Russell, 1972). Computer simulations indi- Wickens, 2012; Creed, Ntamati, & Tan, 2014; Moorman &
cate that conditioned reinforcement is needed to bridge Aston-Jones, 2010; Tong, Overton, & Clark, 1996). As an
the temporal gap between the operant and the reinforcer additional complication, inputs from the hypothalamus to
(Donahoe & Burgos, 2005). These circuits are not availa- the region of the VTA co-release the neuropeptide
ble at the level of the midbrain. It is of interest that the orexin/hypocretin which provides a mechanism whereby
few studies that have successfully demonstrated operant the state of deprivation affects DA VTA activity
conditioning of autonomic response have minimized delay (cf. Burdakov, Liss, & Ashcroft, 2003; Gao & Horvath,
of reinforcement by using immediate electrical stimulation 2014; Seidenbecher, Balschun, & Reymann, 1995). Finally,
of the brain as a reinforcer (e.g., Trowill, 1967). NAC is itself not a homogeneous structure; the core and
Deficiencies in the neural mechanisms of conditioned shell of the nucleus are differently innervated (Dreyer,
reinforcement have been proposed as an important factor Vander-Weele, & Lovic, 2016) and have somewhat differ-
in the behavioral deficits found along the autism spectrum ent functions (Corbit & Balleine, 2011). (For a different
(Donahoe & Vegas, in press). In one study, diminished view of the place of DA in learned behavior see Ber-
activity in the NAC to a visual conditioned reinforcer was ridge, 2007).
found with autistic subjects (Dichter, Felder, Green, Riten- The behavioral expression of the UR is not necessary
berg, Sasson, & Bodfish, 2012). If the numbers and for conditioning as demonstrated by cases in which the
sources of connections from regions in prefrontal cortex behavioral UR is prevented (as when transmission at the
to NAC and, possibly, VTA are reduced for those with neuromuscular junction is blocked; e.g., Solomon &
autism, then the potential for stimuli that activate those Turner, 1962) or by cases in which the environment does
regions to serve as conditioned reinforcers would be not support expression of the UR (as when an auditory CS
impaired. As an example, suppose that neurons in the is paired with food for the pecking response of the pigeon
region of the prefrontal cortex that receive inputs from in an autoshaping experiment; e.g., Leyland & Mackin-
the sensory areas involved in face perception do not have tosh, 1978). The response elicited by the reinforcer is the
connections to NAC. Under these circumstances, seeing behavioral event that is most closely synchronized with the
human faces would not serve as a source of conditioned occurrence of the DA-ergic neural mechanisms of rein-
reinforcement. Instead, eye contact with another person forcement. (Donahoe & Vegas, 2004). However, once
would be viewed as a threat gesture, the typical reaction in these neural mechanisms had been naturally selected their
other primates. (Emery, Lorincz, Perrett, Oram, & behavioral expression is not necessary for the environment
Baker, 1997). to engage them.

reinforcement, conditioned reinforcement, other neurons. Neurotransmitters diffuse

and blocking. In addition, the diffusion of DA across the synapse between presynaptic and post-
in prefrontal and motor cortex (Yagishita synaptic neurons. The neurotransmitter
et al., 2014) allows DA to simultaneously affect released by presynaptic neurons may either
the functioning of many neurons along the increase (excite) or decrease (inhibit) the activ-
diverse pathways required to implement a ity of postsynaptic neurons through its effect
wide range of reinforced E–B relations. What on the receptors to which the neurotransmitter
is the cellular process that enables this binds on the postsynaptic neuron. Receptors
function? are typically located within the membrane of
The process that affects the strengths of the dendrites of postsynaptic neurons. Neurons
connections along pathways mediating E–B normally maintain a negative resting potential
relations is long-term potentiation (LTP; across the cell membrane. This potential
Bliss & Lømø, 1973). Before describing LTP, becomes more positive when neurons are acti-
several technical terms are briefly reviewed. vated and more negative when they are inhib-
LTP refers to an increased ability (potentiation) ited. The membrane potential is governed by
of receptors on a neuron to be activated by a the net influx of negative and positive ions
neurotransmitter released from the axons of across the cell membrane.
Figure 4 is a schematic representation of an
axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron and a
juxtaposed spine on a dendrite of a postsynap-
tic neuron. Single neurons have many such
axon terminals and dendritic spines. Mole-
cules of the neurotransmitter glutamate (Glu)
are released through the cell membrane of
the presynaptic neuron and diffuse into the
synapse. (Glu is the primary excitatory neuro-
transmitter in the brain.) Molecules of Glu
then bind to two types of Glu receptors on the
postsynaptic neuron—AMPA receptors and
NMDA receptors. (The abbreviations stand for
the Glu analogs, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-
isoxazolepropionic acid and N-methyl-D-aspar-
tate, respectively, that selectively bind to the
two types of Glu receptors.) If Glu binds to
AMPA receptors, entry of positive ions into
the cell increases and the membrane potential
of the neuron becomes less negative. When
the membrane potential becomes less nega-
tive, even if not enough to cause the postsy-
Fig. 4. An axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron and naptic neuron to “fire,” those specific AMPA
a dendritic spine of a postsynaptic neuron. The excitatory receptors acquire a molecular “tag” that
neurotransmitter glutamate (Glu) released by the presyn- enhances their response to Glu for perhaps an
aptic neuron binds to two types of postsynaptic Glu
receptors—the fast-acting AMPA receptor and the voltage- hour or so (Frey, 1997; Frey & Morris, 1997).
sensitive NMDA receptor. When the postsynaptic neuron This brief enhancement is called early LTP.
is sufficiently depolarized by the action of Glu, the NMDA When the concerted action of AMPA recep-
receptor allows calcium ions (Ca2+) to enter the cell. If tors depolarizes the postsynaptic neuron suffi-
dopamine (DA) is simultaneously bound to DA receptors,
then a series of intracellular processes (second messen-
ciently, additional effects occur: If Glu has also
gers) migrate to genetic material in the cytoplasm and/or bound to NMDA receptors, which permit cal-
nucleus of the postsynaptic cell stimulating protein synthe- cium ions (Ca2+) to enter the cell, and if DA is
sis. The synthesized proteins diffuse down the dendrite present, then a series of intracellular events
where they act upon those AMPA receptors to which Glu are initiated that result in the synthesis of new
was previously bound. This produces long-lasting changes
in those Glu receptors that make them more responsive to proteins (see Fig. 4). These proteins, which
Glu on subsequent occasions. See the text for additional require time to synthesize, diffuse down the
information. dendrite of the postsynaptic cell and produce

a long-lasting enhancement in the response to Randall, & Pardo, 2013; cf. Georgopoulos,
Glu to only the previously tagged AMPA recep- Schwartz, & Kettner, 1986; Sanes & Dono-
tors. This produces late LTP, which is a long- ghue, 2000). DA also potentiates Glu-ergic
lasting change in the ability of Glu to activate receptors on postsynaptic neurons in the
specific receptors on the postsynaptic neu- NAC, which subserve conditioned reinforce-
ron.10 In this way, DA “forges” pathways ment. If DA is not present when pre- and post-
through the frontal lobes from the inputs synaptic neurons are coactive, then the
arriving from sensory and sensory-association enhanced response of postsynaptic Glu recep-
cortex to motor neurons that mediate observa- tors declines, producing long-term depression
ble behavior (Reynolds, Hyland, & Wickens, (LTD). Note that at each of the various levels
2001).11 The finding that DA plays an espe- of analysis—the behavioral, the neural, and
cially important role in the acquisition of the cellular—the mode of explanation follows
effortful responses or long sequences of the Darwinian model of selectionism: That is,
responses may reflect that such tasks requite reinforcers select among E–B relations;
the potentiation of receptors on large num- reinforcer-evoked DA selects among neural
bers of neurons (Salamone, Correa, Nunes, pathways that mediate the E–B relations, and
DA-instigated protein synthesis selects among
tagged postsynaptic receptors (Donahoe,
DA receptors of the type involved here are coupled to 1997).12
a particular G protein that catalyzes the synthesis of cAMP
(cyclic adenosine monophosphate), which is the starting
point for a series of intracellular second messengers that
stimulate protein synthesis. Studies have shown that the Stimulus Control
injection of cAMP into a cell with tagged Glu receptors
produces LTP of those receptors even though the cell was
Behavioral Findings
not depolarized sufficiently to otherwise cause LTP. LTP The vast range of phenomena encompassed
may result from prolonging the opening of ion channels by the field of stimulus control was foresha-
of Glu receptors or by producing additional Glu receptors
(so called “latent” receptors) in the postsynaptic mem-
dowed by Skinner’s early comment that “dis-
brane (Ju et al., 2004). See Frey, 1997 and Martin, Grim- criminative stimuli are practically inevitable
wood, and Morris, 2000, for additional information. As after conditioning” (Skinner, 1937, p. 273;
indicated later, neuromodulators other than DA can ena- cf. Donahoe, Palmer, & Burgos, 1997). The
ble LTP. effects of only two sets of phenomena are con-
The presentation has focused on the effect of DA aris-
ing from the VTA that acts on neurons in the prefrontal sidered here: discrimination formation and
cortex and NAC. These projections make up the mesocor- equivalence classes. Other areas are omitted,
tical and mesolimbic DA systems, respectively. Another sys- notably concept formation initiated by the pio-
tem of DA projections arises from the substantia nigra pars neering work of Richard Herrnstein
compacta (SN), a midbrain nucleus adjacent to the VTA.
The SN system projects to a region called the striatum, the
(Herrnstein, Loveland, & Cable, 1976) and
region referenced in this footnote. DA-ergic neurons in continuing as an active area of current
the SN are also activated by reinforcing stimuli (Lee & research (e.g., Zentall, Wasserman, &
Tepper, 2009). In addition to these DA-ergic inputs, neu- Urcuioli, 2013).
rons in the striatum receive converging inputs from motor Discrimination formation. If a reinforcer
regions of the prefrontal cortex and from the thalamus
(Plenz & Wickens, 2010). Striatal neurons are thus well occurs in an environment, whether in a Pav-
positioned to integrate activity from their sensory thalamic lovian or an operant procedure (e.g., Gynther,
inputs with their reinforced prefrontal motor inputs 1957, and Guttman & Kalish, 1956, respec-
(cf. Bradfield, Bertran-Gonzalez, Chieng, & Baleine, tively), then behavior comes under the control
2013). More “downstream” motor systems then lead to
observable behavior. A provocative speculation is that DA
of not only that environment but also other
from the VTA acts upon neural circuits in prefrontal cor- environments to the extent that they share sti-
tex that specify those striatal neurons that are most active muli in common. This is the so-called
prior to reinforcement and that DA from SN then common-elements account of stimulus gener-
strengthens connections from sensory inputs to those co-
active striatal neurons. As the result of such a process,
alization formalized by Skinner’s former
reinforced E-B relations could ultimately be mediated
before fully engaging prefrontal activity, for example the A wide variety of conditioning phenomena have been
activity mediating subvocal verbal behavior simulated in neural-network research that implements the
(i.e., consciousness). Through this “short-circuiting” proc- foregoing mechanisms of reinforcement using networks
ess, such behavior would become “automatic” (Donahoe, whose architecture is consistent with the neural systems
1997, p. 354). described here (see Burgos & Donahoe, 2016).

student William Estes (Estes, Burke, & Atkin- reliably responds to the comparison stimulus
son, 1957). If a differential conditioning pro- associated with a sample stimulus that was pre-
cedure is instituted, then the controlling viously trained with a different but corre-
stimuli are confined to those that are specific sponding comparison stimulus. Equivalence
to the environment in which the reinforcer classes meet the three criteria of mathematical
occurred. Stimuli that are not shared with the equivalence: identity (A = A), symmetry
conditioning environment become the occa- (if A = B, then B = A), and transitivity
sion for whatever previously conditioned and (if A = B and B = C, then A = C). In the pre-
unconditioned responses are supported by ceding example of a B–D probe trial, respond-
that environment. The behavioral effects of ing to the appropriate D comparison stimulus
differential conditioning are most apparent requires both symmetry (only A–B was trained,
with experimental procedures in which differ- not B–A) and transitivity (B–A–D). Equiva-
ent operants are conditioned to the different lence classes have important implications for
environments. For example, lever presses of the interpretation of complex behavior
two different durations were differentially rein- because they demonstrate that the effects of
forced in the presence of two light intensities reinforcement on the environmental guidance
and tests of stimulus generalization were then of behavior transcend the specific E–B rela-
conducted with various intermediate light tions that were explicitly reinforced, even
intensities (Crowley, 1979). The result was that beyond those of stimulus generalization. The
responding during generalization tests with controlling stimuli in the training environ-
the other light intensities was confined to the ment (for example, A) do not have stimulus
two previously reinforced response durations, elements in common with those of the test
their proportions varying with the proximity of environment (for example, D).
the test intensity to the two training intensities.
Findings of similar import have been obtained
Neuroscientific Findings
with a variety of other procedures
(e.g., Migler, 1964; Migler & Millenson, 1969; When the discriminative stimuli in condi-
Scheuerman, Wildemann, & Holland, 1978; tioning and generalization-test situations are
Wildemann & Holland, 1972). The general well defined in physical terms, the findings are
conclusion from this work is that new environ- relatively straightforward. For example, rabbits
ments do not control new behavior but new trained using a classical-conditioning proce-
mixtures of previously conditioned behavior dure to respond to a particular frequency of
(Bickel & Etzel, 1985; Donahoe & Wessells, an auditory stimulus were then tested with
1980, pp. 194-196). Any “creativity” arises from other frequencies. Generalization tests
variation in the environment, not from within included measurement of the responses of
the organism itself. As E–B relations accumu- neurons in primary auditory cortex as well as
late, the variation increases upon which future behavioral responses. The greater the overlap
selections by reinforcement may act, with the between the number of cells firing to the test
emergent possibility of ever more complex E– stimuli, and those firing to the training stimu-
B relations. lus, the greater the behavioral response
Equivalence classes. Equivalence classes (Thompson, 1965). That is, responding
(Sidman & Tailby, 1982) are typically studied occurred to the extent that the conditioning
using matching-to-sample procedures with and test environments activated neural ele-
multiple, arbitrary (symbolic) conditional dis- ments in common.
criminations. For example, conditional discri- But what of equivalence-class procedures in
minations using A–B and A–D are trained which the discriminated stimuli in the condi-
where the pairs of letters stand for different tioning environment share no readily identifia-
sets of sample and comparison stimuli, respec- ble physical similarity to those in the testing
tively. After these conditional discriminations environment? To address this question it is
have been acquired, unreinforced probe trials necessary to consider additional neural sys-
are occasionally introduced using previously tems, specifically the relation between sensory-
untrained combinations of sample and com- association (S-A) cortex and the hippocampus.
parison stimuli, for example D–B. An equiva- Figure 5 depicts that relation. As previously
lence class is said to form if an organism noted, neurons in S-A cortex receive their

inputs from primary sensory and other S-A

neurons. Thus the activation of S-A neurons
reflects the co-occurrence of multiple environ-
mental inputs. The axons of S-A neurons give
rise to a multisynaptic pathway (among
others) that innervates the hippocampus, a
subcortical structure located beneath the tem-
poral lobes. After interactions involving other
neurons within the hippocampus, neurons in
the CA1 region of the hippocampus give rise
to a multisynaptic pathway that projects back
to S-A cortex. (CA is an abbreviation for the
Latin phase, cornu Ammons, or horn of
Ammons, that refers to the shape of the hip-
pocampus.) It has been proposed that the out-
put of the hippocampus from the CA1 region Fig. 5. Lateral view of the human cerebral cortex show-
projects back to the very regions and/or neu- ing the major cortical regions and subcortical structures
and pathways (indicated by dashed lines) that play an
rons of the S-A cortex that gave rise to the hip- important role in the selection of environment–
pocampal inputs (Amaral, 1987). The environment relations.
synchronized activation of S-A neurons by
their sensory inputs and, very shortly thereaf-
ter, by their hippocampal inputs depolarizes relations (Donahoe & Palmer, 1993, p. 148).
those S-A neurons and, in this way, potentiates Recent neuroscientific evidence supports this
specific receptors on the neuron (cf. Strycker, proposal. Rhesus monkeys that had acquired
1986). These receptors are then tagged and an arbitrary matching-to-sample task using
potentially undergo LTP.13 The net effect of computer-generated, abstract visual stimuli
this process produces S-A neurons that developed single neurons in the S-A cortex that
respond to their multimodal inputs. As a sim- responded equally to either the sample or the
plistic example, if the inputs to a given S-A comparison stimulus of pairs to which correct
neuron arise from the co-occurrence of a tone responding had been reinforced. Such neu-
and a light, then that S-A neuron becomes rons were not found for unreinforced pairs of
functionally a tone–light neuron. The net stimuli, although they had occurred together
result is that S-A neurons become sensitive to equally often (Fujimichi, Naya, & Miyashita,
the conjunctions of spatio-temporally contigu- 2005; Sakai & Miyashita, 1991). Neurons that
ous, environmental events, or environment– responded equally to either member of a rein-
environment (E–E) relations. forced pair were designated “pair-coded neu-
The acquisition of E–E relations between rons.” For such neurons, the two stimuli were
sample and comparison stimuli has been pro- literally equivalent. The effect of reinforce-
posed to underlie the formation of equivalence ment on the acquisition of E–E relations is
facilitated by DA-ergic projections from the
VTA to CA1 neurons (see Fig. 5), the output
DA-dependent LTP was first discovered in CA1 neu- neurons of the hippocampus to SA cortex
rons (Bliss & Lomo, 1973). While DA enables LTP at CA1
synapses, other agents play a critical role at synapses within
(Duncan, Ketz, Inati, & Davachi, 2012; Gas-
the trisynaptic circuit of the hippocampus (e.g., Stein, barri, Verney, Innocenzi, Campana, & Pacitti,
Xue, & Belluzzi, 1993). In S-A cortex, neurotransmitters 1994; Li, Cullen, Anwyl, & Rowan, 2003; Swan-
such as noradrenaline, acetylcholine, and/or serotonin son & Kohler, 1986). As already noted, without
play a role that is functionally similar to that of DA in fos- the contribution of DA, receptors on CA1 neu-
tering LTP in prefrontal cortex and CA1 synapses (Singer,
1997). Early studies of the hippocampus documented its rons would be potentiated for only a few hours
role in spatial discriminations (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978). (early LTP). With the contribution of DA,
Spatial discriminations require integrating multiple sen- potentiation of CA1 and S-A neurons may
sory inputs to specify a particular location within the physi- endure indefinitely until “over-written” by
cal environment. However, the role of the hippocampus is
much more general in that it integrates multisensory
other E–E relations.
inputs in a wide variety of situations, with spatial discrimi- With nonhuman organisms, behavioral
nation being but one example. research provides clear evidence of both

identity (generalized identity matching) and example of stimulus control. Using language
transitivity, but little or no compelling evi- more congenial to the field of memory, the
dence of symmetry (but see Kastak, Schuster- environment may be said to remind the organ-
man, & Kastak, 2001; Urcuioli, 2008). In ism of the appropriate behavior. By contrast,
humans, strong evidence exists for all three remembering refers to cases in which some
components of equivalence classes (Lionello- behavior is scheduled for reinforcement but
DeNolf, 2009). What is responsible for this the contemporaneous environment does not
apparent interspecies difference? Research in include a sufficient number of the stimuli to
neuroscience offers some clues. In primates, which the target response was previously con-
unlike other mammalian orders, the bidirec- ditioned. Readily observable behavior can
tional pathways that loop between the S-A cor- sometimes produce the requisite controlling
tex and hippocampus arise exclusively from stimuli as when one consults a smartphone to
and synapse upon S-A neurons (Amaral, find the telephone number of AAA after one’s
1987). Organisms that have a lesser capacity car has broken down. Consulting a smart-
for acquiring pair-coded neurons—or lack phone to find a telephone number and then
homologous neural structures that achieve the keying in that number have both been previ-
same end—may have a diminished or absent ously reinforced. A greater challenge is pre-
capacity to form the pair-coded neurons that sented by those cases of remembering in
support symmetric discriminations (cf. - which the behavior required to produce the
Sidman, Rauzin, Lazar, Cunningham, Tailby, & stimuli needed to control the appropriate
Carrigan, 1982). For organisms whose neuroa- response is covert. For example, upon seeing
natomy permits the formation of pair-coded the approach of casual acquaintances, you
neurons, the development of neurons that struggle to recall their names. You may then
respond to multisensory inputs should be the subvocally sound out the letters of the alpha-
norm if the contingencies of reinforcement bet hoping to hit upon letters that, together
foster their selection.14 As Sidman proposed, with the appearance of their faces, prompt the
equivalence-class formation may be a norma- correct names. The sight of the approaching
tive effect of reinforcement (Sidman, 2000). acquaintances controls covert behavior (mne-
monic behavior) that in the past has been effec-
tive in producing covert stimuli sufficient for
the emission of the overt response: in this case
Behavioral Findings uttering the person’s name (Donahoe &
In a behaviorally informed approach to Palmer, 1993, pp. 275-277). In brief, remem-
memory, as the field is conventionally known, bering requires engaging in behavior, whether
phenomena may be divided into two cases: overt or covert, that produces stimuli that are
reminding and remembering (Donahoe & sufficient to remind oneself, so to speak, of
Palmer 1993; Palmer 1991). Reminding refers the behavior needed to produce the rein-
to those cases in which some behavior is forcer. However, note that when the remind-
scheduled for reinforcement and the behavior ing behavior is covert, this is an interpretation of
takes place in an environment in which that memory, not an experimental analysis
behavior has been previously reinforced. As an (cf. Skinner, 1974, p. 194; Palmer, 2011). That
example, when asked “Who was the President is, the account is an extrapolation from behav-
during the Civil War,” the response “Lincoln” ioral observations that draws only upon pro-
is scheduled for reinforcement and has almost cesses that have been analyzed experimentally
certainly been previously reinforced in that in previous contexts and that are highly likely
verbal context. This is simply a straightforward to have occurred in the current context.

A considerable array of procedures other than stand- Neuroscientific Findings
ard matching-to-sample procedures has provided evidence
of the formation of equivalence classes (e.g., Arntzen, The behavioral interpretation of remember-
2006; Arntzen, Nartey, & Fields, 2015, Arntzen, Norbom & ing requires that the behavior scheduled for
Fields, 2015; Fields, Reeve, Varelas, Rosen, & Belanich,
1997; Grisante et al., 2013; Leader, Barnes, & Smeets,
reinforcement is already within the repertoire
1996). I thank Prof. Erik Arntzen for providing some of of the organism, but that stimuli adequate to
these references. control that behavior are not present. For

example, the question “Who was the Union

General who won the Battle of Gettysburg?”
may not be sufficient to control the verbal
response “Meade.” However, a response of the
desired form can be emitted under other cir-
cumstances, for example, as a textual response
to the printed word “Meade.” A biobehavioral
interpretation proposes that remembering is
accomplished at the neural level by exploiting
the extensive pathways (tracts) that course
back and forth between the S-A and prefrontal
cortex (Donahoe & Palmer, 1993; cf. Fuster,
2015). Repeated cycles of these neural interac-
tions can potentially activate motor neurons
that produce the target behavior.
A behavioral interpretation of remembering
has received support from the experimental
analysis of neuroscience. To appreciate these
findings, additional neuroanatomical informa-
tion is required. Figure 6 is a schematic view
looking down on the upper surface of the
cerebral cortex. The right hemisphere has
been deflected back to reveal the large fiber Fig. 6. Schematic view of the upper surface of the cere-
bundle (corpus callosum, shown in black) that bral cortex showing the left and right hemispheres. The
interconnects neurons in the two hemi- right hemisphere is deflected back to reveal the corpus
spheres. A monkey was trained with multiple, callosum (black), the large fiber bundle that interconnects
neurons in the two hemispheres. The curved arrow indi-
abstract, conditional discriminations using a cates the tracts that connect the sensory-association (S-A)
matching-to-sample task in which visual stimuli area of the right hemisphere with the prefrontal cortex of
were presented in such a way that sample sti- that same hemisphere. (Comparable tracts exist within the
muli activated only neurons in the right visual left hemisphere but are not shown.) The block arrows
cortex. The corresponding two comparison sti- indicate other tracts between the two hemispheres that
course through the corpus callosum. The portion of the
muli activated only neurons in the left visual corpus callosum that was first severed is indicated by A;
cortex (Tomita, Ohbayashi, Nakahara, Hase- the portion that was later severed is indicated by B
gawa, & Miyashita, 1999). In an intact brain, (Tomita , Ohbayashi, Nakahara, Hasegawa, & Miyashita,
stimuli that directly activate neurons in only 1999). See the text for additional information.
one hemisphere can also activate neurons in
the contralateral hemisphere by means of
pathways (shown as an inverted V-shaped,
double-headed, block arrow) coursing block arrow in Fig. 6) connected neurons in
through the posterior portion of the corpus the prefrontal cortex of the right hemisphere
callosum (denoted by A in Fig. 6). After the to neurons in the S-A area of the left hemi-
subjects had acquired the matching-to-sample sphere via the anterior portion of the corpus
task to a high level of proficiency, the A por- callosum (denoted B in Fig. 6). In short, feed-
tion of the corpus callosum was severed. back from activity in prefrontal cortex was suf-
Despite the absence of connections between ficient to control discriminative performance.
the S-A cortices of the two hemispheres, per- This feedback is the neural counterpart of
formance remained at a high level. Perfor- mnemonic behavior proposed in a behavioral
mance was maintained by two sets of alternate interpretation of remembering (Donahoe &
pathways: One pathway (indicated by a curved Palmer, 1993): The test environment (the sam-
block arrow) connected neurons in the S-A ple stimulus) was not sufficient to control
cortex to neurons in the prefrontal cortex of responding to the reinforced comparison stim-
the right hemisphere. The second set of path- ulus, but it instigated activity in the prefrontal
ways (shown as a single-headed, right-angled, cortex that was sufficient to appropriately

control responding. When the anterior por- the specificity of LTP to particular postsynap-
tion of the corpus callosum was severed (indi- tic receptors satisfies the specificity require-
cated by B in Fig. 6), performance returned to ment. In addition, the same neural systems
chance levels and could not be recovered. The provide an integrated account of uncondi-
experiment demonstrates that neural activity tioned and conditioned reinforcement, with
that does not evoke responses at the behav- the latter forming a critical element in the
ioral level of observation can nevertheless con- emergence of complex behavior. Our knowl-
trol behavior when the contemporary edge of the neural mechanisms of reinforce-
environment fails to provide stimuli in whose ment remains incomplete, of course,
presence the response was previously rein- particularly with regard to a detailed account
forced. The behaviorally based distinction of the interactions between neurons in pre-
between reminding and remembering is thus frontal cortex, NAC, and VTA, but the discrep-
consistent with independent convergent evi- ancy requirement arising from behavioral
dence from neuroscience where the two research continues to constrain the search for
classes of memory are known as bottom-up these mechanisms.
For more complex behavior such as that
versus top-down processing, respectively
observed in the study of equivalence classes
(Fujimichi et al, 2005).15 In humans, covert sti-
and memory, behavioral research can offer
muli, such as those produced by subvocal ver-
verbal interpretations (e.g., Donahoe &
bal behavior that occurred at the time of Palmer, 1993, pp. 139ff, 223ff ) that draw upon
acquisition, can facilitate these neural pro- observations of phenomena that have been
cesses if they occur later during remembering, subjected to experimental analysis in other
Verbal behavior, whether overt or covert, is contexts: The understanding of equivalence
not necessary for remembering, however, as classes can appeal to what is known about joint
shown by the aforementioned findings with stimulus control when conditioning serial and
monkeys. compound discriminative stimuli; the study of
memory can appeal to covert behavior that is
Conclusions consistent with what is known about overt
behavior in otherwise comparable situations.
These findings and their implications are Be that as it may, neuroscience offers the pos-
but a few examples illustrating the comple- sibility of supplementing these behavioral
mentary nature of behavior analysis and neu- interpretations with experimental analyses at
roscience. Behavioral research indicates that the neural level of observation: Pair-coded
contiguity and discrepancy are required for neurons provide a mechanism whereby stimuli
selection by reinforcement, and neuroscience that bear no physical similarity to one another
is well on its way to identifying the physiologi- become equivalent at the neural level and
cal mechanisms that implement these require- feedback from activity in prefrontal cortex to
ments. The understanding of reinforcement sensory-association cortex provides a mechan-
arising from behavioral research constrains ism whereby memories occur under circum-
the search for its neural mechanisms to those stances in which the contemporaneous
that are capable of affecting the strength of a environment bears no specific similarity to the
wide range of E–B relations while simultane- environment in which the behavior was origi-
ously confining the cumulative effects of selec- nally acquired.
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