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Liverpool John Moores University

Abstract: Internet Population:

The main objective of the paper deals with Definition of Internet Population:
the description about internet and difficulties
Internet population can be defined as the
in internet population.
population or the total number of people
The internet population measurement using the internet. The users of internet
techniques are discussed in brief. Also include Internet Service Providers, normal
provides the nature of address crisis and the users, industries, organizations,
time left before exhaustion i.e, nothing but manufacturers that can be able to use the
IP address exhaustion (IPV4). internet through different means of
transmitters and transmission medium.
The transition strategies of deployment path
of IPV6 are also discussed in detailed. The The term internet can also be defined as the
transition of IPv4 and IPv6 and the different electronic communications network and
deployment methods are discussed in this organizational computer facilities around
research paper. the world.

Networks is defined as a group. Computer The total number of users that are using the
networks is defined as a of computers that internet world wide can be vary from time to
will be having connection among them in time. From the past few years the internet
order to communicate with one another. has brought vast changes in different fields.
But it is very difficult to estimate the total
Internet is a global system that is
number of users that are using internet. In
interconnected among the computer
olden days internet was largely unknown to
networks that use the standard internet
most consumers. The first service that
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of
provided online services of internet interface
users world wide.
was the prodigy service. At that time the
Population is nothing but a group of consumer was not able to use it in a
individual persons present in a particular satisfactory manner because the band width
location are called as population. is very narrow. The variations of internet
through world wide are various statistics.

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University

Internet is used for exchanging data or 57,425,046 – Internet users in the Middle
transmission of data. People can transmit the East.
data from one place to another by using
20,970,490 – Internet users in Oceania /
internet. This can be possible by the protocol
TCP/IP ( Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) that is used.
The statistical view of the above details is
In today’s life internet has become the most shown below in the form of a pie chart.The
important part. percentage of each region is addressed by
various colours.
Based on different countries the usage of
internet population can be estimated as

According to the survey done on the internet

users in september 2009 the regions divided
based on the usage are shown in detailed.

1.73 billion – Internet users worldwide.

18% – Increase in Internet users.

738,257,230 – Internet users in Asia.

Fig:1.Internet Users through out the world
418,029,796 – Internet users in Europe.
One more statistical view of internet
252,908,000 – Internet users in North population based on the top ten languages is
America. as follows. It indicates the number of people
that use the internet through out the world.
179,031,479 – Internet users in Latin
America / Caribbean. The top various languages discussed in the
below graph are English, Chinese, Spanish,
67,371,700 – Internet users in Africa.
Japanese, Portuguese, German, Arabic,
French, Russia, Korean.

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Liverpool John Moores University

The Internet was not well suited to

consumer use at the time owing to the very
narrow bandwidth, and the lack of organized
content. The commercial online services
were far better at working within the
bandwidth limits, and provided a great deal
of organization to the content they offered.
Users of the commercial online services far
outnumbered Internet users in the mid

The commercial online services was not in

demand at the time of external audience
Fig:2. Top ten languages in internet in the measurement. The online services are
year 2010 having excellent subscriber counting
mechanism like subscription accounts to
Internet Population Measurement
keep track of their performance. Standard
accounting and internal metrics met most of

It is necessary to know that why do internet their measurement needs. A simple periodic

wants the measurement. survey was sufficient to relative market

share and none but the curious were
In 1994 the Internet was a largely unknown otherwise interested in the size and
to consumers. Most consumers had an composition of each of the firm's audiences
experience that it was commercial online because no third-party significant decisions
services, Computer Serve, Prodigy, and the were being made based on the estimates.
rapidly growing American Online. A
smattering of private bulletin board systems Technical advances were providing more

were available to consumers, and few of people with easier access to the Internet.

them provided consumer-ready access to the Investment began flowing into Internet

Internet. Internet addressable email was only companies, particularly in Silicon Valley.

just available on these systems.

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University

The convergence of these factors, significant Measurement from a sample of users

growth in the audiences and huge interest who are surveyed (recall measurement)
and concern in the Internet from media,
Measurement from analysis of server
created a great demand for a world class
log files or their equivalents
measurement for Internet.

Each of these measurement approaches have

There are many techniques that had been
some strengths and weaknesses and can
used for measuring internet measurement by
generally be viewed to work in
using various measurement techniques. But
complementary ways. Although each
they are having some problems that have
measurement approach is more appropriate
been arised in this process.
in certain situations than the others. That is
However, it is highly impossible to count the each of the measurement is having some
number of users directly. Also we can count individual approach compared to the other
the number of hosts which are connected to approaches.
the Internet. There have been two methods
There are five steps for measuring Internet
of counting the connected hosts. They are as
audience using a sample of individuals.

The first is to define the universe of

DNS Survey
individuals and their circumstances, and to
Reverse Pointer be very clear on which behaviors are to be
measured. This is a very important step, as it
Apart from this, there are many other
serves as the foundation on which all
techniques in order to measure the internet
measurement follows. Once a universe is
population and they are not efficient.
defined, it must be measured in its own
There are three primary methods of Internet
audience measurement in use today, each
Next, a representative sample of
measurement having several variations.
universe members must be recruited. The
behavior from this sample will be projected
Measurement from a sample of users
to the previously described measured
who are metered (electronic measurement)

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University

The recruited sample must be

interviewed to capture personal and
household level demographic characteristics
for subsequent analysis.

The sample must also be installed

with the electronic measurement system,
typically the meter. Once meters are
installed, a series of edit rules must be
developed and applied to the data that is
returned to the central office. These edit
rules determine which respondents are
reliably returning usage data.

The last step is to weight the sample Fig.3.Domain Name System Tree
to correct any demographic biases in the
In Fig. 3, each node stands for a domain.
installed, in-tab sample versus the universe
There are sub-domains under a domain. For
estimates, and then project the weighted
example, jp domain has ac, co, ne, hokkaido,
sample to the universe.
etc. as sub-domains. The primary function of
DNS Survey: This method had a great DNS is to convert a domain name IP
survey on DNS (Domain Name System) address. To convert a name to its IP address,
database, and counts the unique names of a host name is represented. FQDN is a
computers appearing on it. Also it gathers single-word hostname followed by full
DNS records from remote sites, and looks domain names which is used to convert the
into them. The DNS structure is below. name represented. It can identify a unique
host name anywhere in the world. If the
name is properly given to DNS, you can get
the answer.IP address is found in the server,
it asks other servers to look for the address.
The process is repeated recursively. It
gathers all the DNS databases in the world

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Liverpool John Moores University

and utilizes a function of DNS, called zone Disadvantages:

transfer, which gives all the records in a This technique seems to be very simple and
DNS server to the requester. easy to calculate but the major disadvantage
Transferring domain database is originally in this is, Recently, some sites refused to
intended to be used by other name servers. allow DNS records to be transferred. They
These name servers work as the secondary, refused the transfer, because of some illegal
or backup server for the name server. Thus, intruders. Since this security issue is serious,
it is safe to limit the access of domain data the zone transfer would be refused by many
from unauthorized sites. Because of security context this
hosts. method is sometimes not much affordable.
Because sometimes hackers may hack the
The method we tried first is what RIPE Domain Name Server records to gather the
Coordination Centre uses to count hosts in information for their advantage.
Europe. Japan Network Information Center
Reverse pointer:
(JPNIC) also uses it to count hosts in Japan.
Reverse pointer is another internet
The program transfers the zone file from the
measurement technique. The reverse pointer
name server (DNS) of the top domain, jp.
is a Domain Name System record stored in
Then, it looks at the name server record (NS
the database which will give a map from an
record), to recursively transfer zone files for
IP address to host name. It starts counting
the sub domains. In this way, the whole
hosts with the IP address. There is a DNS
DNS tree can be traversed. Although this
record in the database which gives a
method is very simple and efficient and also
mapping from an IP address to a host name.
efficient, there is a limitation. Some of the
The record is called a reverse pointer. This
name servers refuse to transfer zone files.It
method sometimes also can be called as
is for security and safety measures.These
Reverse mapping because of the fact that it
servers allow zone transfer only to trusted
is following an opposite direction of
networks or hosts, such as secondary servers
conversion method which is quite opposite
which work as backup for that particular
to the functionality of Domain Name
System. If an IP address is successfully
translated to a name, it is counted as a host.

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University

Advantage: They don’t have to transfer zone the past 30 days", especially if the most
information. When converting an IP address recent visit occurred within the past 45 days.
into hostname this method does not transfer
At the same time, these large-scale surveys
zone information. That is a safety
are very valuable devices for understanding
measurement for this method.
the composition of audiences at certain
Disadvantages: kinds of sites. Good targeting objectives can
be set up (e.g., high-income professionals
If an IP address is assigned to a user
contemplating purchasing a new luxury car
independently irrespective of their
in the next 12 months). These surveys are
geographical location, network topology we
often the best solutions for inter-media
cannot be able to determine which addresses
comparisons as well, helping planners
are used in different regions and region
understand how various Internet media
names. If this is the case we need to consult
properties fill in a campaign built from
the IP address database in that specific and
traditional media.
particular region to recognize the range of IP
addresses to be count. A host does not
Measurement Methodology:
always have reverse translation back to their
Measurement or the analysis of peer
domain especially when a translated name is
behaviour in P2P sharing systems, we set
outside of the domain we are counting, it
up a client node. Gnutella protocol is
affects the result.
publicly available, there are a number of
Primitive Method: A primitive method is to client implementations. To perform the
count hosts by sending ICMP ECHO to measurements in the Gnutella network, we
every possible hosts. This method counts the modify the open-source of it. Gnutella client
hostnames by sending an ICMP ECHO Mutella [Mut04], to record a trace of all
command to every possible destination. Gnutella messages routed through the node.
ICMP ECHO is a packet which is sent to all Internet Protocol Version 4:
destinations. The command used is ping IPv4 is the most widely used version of the
command.Target hosts can be a subset of the Internet Protocol. It defines IP addresses in a
target domain. More practical method that 32-bit format, which looks like
is to count hosts by transferring zone data of Each three-digit section

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Liverpool John Moores University

can include a number from 0 to 255, which IP uses the address to express two aspects of
means the total number of IPv4 addresses a connected device.
available is 4,294,967,296.
The identity of this device
i.e,(256 x 256 x 256 x 256 or 2^32).
The location within the network where this
Assessment of crisis in terms of IP
device can be reached
The actual version of IP address architecture
Internet addressing is not only a single link
used the endpoint identity to allow devices
into the topic but it also the central
to refer to each other in end-to-end
importance to the internet.A host only has a
application transactions. The address was
single link into the network when IP host
further structured into two fields a network
and the physical link is called an interface.
identifier and a host identifier within that
Each computer or device connected to the
network. The first incarnation of this address
Internet must have a unique IP address in
architecture used a division at the first octet
order to communicate with each other on the
i.e, 8 bits were the network number and the
Internet.The number of systems connected
following 24 bits were the host identifier.
to the Internet is quickly approaching the
The underlying assumption was one of
number of available IP addresses.
deployment across a small number of very
IPv4 addresses are predicted to run out soon. large local networks.
When you consider that there are over 6
There are 5 different types of classes were
billion people in the world and many people
characterized to provide sufficient IP
have more than one system connected to the
addresses. The classes are A, B, C, D, E in
which A, B, C having different lengths to
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the identify network field. The remaining part of
fourth development in the field of the the address is used to recognize a host of a
Internet Protocol (IP) and it is the first network.
version of the protocol that is to be widely
A quarter of the remaining space used a
deployed. It is a data-oriented protocol to be
16/16-bit split, defining the Class B space. A
used on a packet switched internetwork.
further eighth of the remaining space was
divided using a 24/8-bit structure (allowing

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University

for 2,031,616 networks, each with up to 256

hosts), termed the Class C space.

The remaining eighth of the space was held

in reserve.

Addressing in IPv4:

However, some are reserved for special

purposes such as private networks or
multicast addresses. This reduces the
number of addresses that can be allocated as
Fig:5. Web Browser during the year 2009
public internet addresses. This limitation has
helped stimulate the push towards IPv6, Assessments of crisis of IPv4 in terms of
which is currently in the early stages of Time scale:
deployment and is currently the only
contender to replace IPv4. Some of the recent predictions for the IPv4
exhaustion dates are:
This report is auto-generated by a daily

The graph below is showing the deployment

Fig:4. Web Server during the year 2009
on the time scale.

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Liverpool John Moores University

The current status of the IPv4 space is:
The graph below shows the exhaustion date
of IPv4 on timescale basis by Geoff huston:


Fig:6. Status of IPv4 Space

The below graph shows the exhaustion date
by Tony hain of Cisco systems. Draw Back:

One major drawback with the IPV4 is there

are lots of addresses are being wasted
because of classification of IP address

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Liverpool John Moores University

Use Of Published Evidence And Opinion:

There are three stages in address allocation.

The pool of IP addresses is managed by the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA). Blocks of addresses are allocated to
Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), who in
turn allocate smaller blocks to Local Internet
Registries (LIRs) or Internet Service
Providers(ISPs). This status can be further categorized per
RIR, as shown in below
Any individual IPv4 address can be in any
one of five states
reserved for special use, or
part of the IANA unallocated address pool,
part of the unassigned pool held by an RIR,
assigned to an end user entity but not
advertised in the routing system, or
assigned and advertised in BGP.The current
totals of IP addresses according to this set of
states is shown below


Exhaustion will occur on all continents at

the same time, as all registries follow similar
allocation policies, with for about 12 to 18
months stock allocated at each request. Only
specific organizations that requested

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Liverpool John Moores University

addresses in the pre-CIDR or pre-RIR eras small for most campuses. The general use of
possibly have significant unused address class B address blocks was an
space remaining. uncomfortable compromise between
consuming too much address space and
As of September 2007 we have some 18
consuming too many routing slots through
percent of the unallocated IPv4 address pool
address fragmentation.
remaining with the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA), and 68 percent It should be noted that "applications"
has already been allocated to the Regional include general connectivity between
Internet Registries (RIRs) and through the devices on the Internet, as some devices
RIRs to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) only have an IPv6 address allocated.
and end users. The remaining 14 percent of
On June 26, 2007, the Asia-Pacific Network
the IPv4 address space is reserved for
Information Centre (APNIC), the RIR for
private use, multicast, and special purposes.
the Pacific and Asia, endorsed a statement
It has taken more than two decades of
by the Japan Network Information Center
Internet growth to expend this initial four-
(JPNIC) that to continue the expansion and
fifths of the address space, so why shouldn't
development of the Internet a move towards
it take a further decade to consume what
an IPv6-based Internet is advised.

As of September 2008, Geoff Huston of

At this point the various predictive models
APNIC predicts with detailed simulations an
come into play, because the history of the
exhaustion of the unallocated IANA pool in
Internet has not been a uniformly steady
February 2011.Tony Hain of networking
model. The Internet began in the 1980s very
equipment manufacturer Cisco Systems
quietly; the first round of explosive growth
predicts the exhaustion date to be around
in demand was in the early 1990s as the
November 2010. After the IANA pool
Internet was adopted by the academic and
exhaustion, during 11 months each
research sector. At the time, the address
individual regional Internet registry (RIR)
architecture used a model where class A
will be able to supply with their last
networks (or a /8) were extremely large, the
assigned addresses.
class B networks (/16) were also too large,
and the class C networks (/24) were too

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Liverpool John Moores University

These dates lie within a depreciation time of  Payload length

five to ten years of network equipment that  Next header
is currently being acquired.  Hop limit
 Source and destination addresses
Less than three years until the first RIR
 Data
exhaustion is a short time for the entire
industry to transition to IPv6. This situation
is aggravated by the fact that until
exhaustion there will be no significant
demand. David Conrad, the general manager
of IANA acknowledges, "I suspect we are
actually beyond a reasonable time frame
where there won't be some disruption. Now
it's more a question of how much." Geoff
Huston claims we should have started the
transition to IPv6 much earlier, such that by
the exhaustion date it would be completed,
with all devices IPv6-capable, and IPv4
getting phased out.
Fig:7 IPV6 Datagram Format

IPV6 Deployment:
The IPv6 is the newer version of the internet

The IPv6 data gram format is shown in the protocol. IPv6 is the longer-term outcome

following figure.The most important which has been developed to overcome the

changes introduced in IPv6 are evident in it. difficulties occurred due to IPv4.

The 32-bit data gram format consists of the IPv6 Addressing:

following options. The address length has been increased

significantly to expand the available address
 Version space. The IPv6 address is 128 bits (or 16
 Traffic class bytes) long, which is four times as long as
 Flow label its predecessor.

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University

Deeper hierarchy and policies for network

Because every single bit of added address architecture flexibility.
length doubles the number of addresses Efficient support for routing and route
available, the size of the IPv6 address space aggregation.
is really huge. It contains 2^128 which is Server less auto configuration, easier
about 340 billion billion billion billion renumbering, multi homing, and improved
different addresses which definitely should plug and play support vi)Security with
suffice for a very long time. Addresses are mandatory IP Security (IPSec) support for
written using 32 hexadecimal digits. The all IPv6 devices.
digits are arranged into 8 groups of four to Improved support for Mobile IP and mobile
improve the readability. There are different computing devices (direct-path). .
types of IPv6 addresses Unicast, Anycast Enhanced multicast support with increased
and Multicast. Unicast addresses are the addresses and efficient mechanism.
well known addresses. A packet sent to a
unicast address arrives exactly at the IPv6 Deployment Strategies:
interface belonging to the address. Anycast
The key strategies used in deploying IPv6 at
addresses are syntactically indistinguishable
the edge of a network involve carrying IPv6
from unicast addresses but they address a
traffic over the IPv4 network, allowing
group of interfaces. The packet destined for
isolated IPv6 domains to communicate with
an anycast address will arrive at the nearest
each other before the full transition to a
interface. Anycast addresses may only be
native IPv6 backbone. It is also possible to
used by routers. Multicast addresses identify
run IPv4 and IPv6 throughout the network,
a group of interfaces. A packet destined for
from all edges through the core, or to
a multicast address will arrive at all
translate between IPv4 and IPv6 to allow
interfaces belonging to the multicast group.
hosts communicating in one protocol to
IPv6 provides the following benefits
communicate transparently with hosts
Larger address space for global reach
running the other protocol. All techniques
allow networks to be upgraded and IPv6
Simplified header for routing efficiency and
deployed incrementally with little to no
disruption of IPv4 services.

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Liverpool John Moores University

reconfiguration of the core routers because

forwarding is based on labels rather than the
The four key strategies for deploying IPv6
IP header itself. .
are as follows:
Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels: These Deploying IPv6 using dual-stack backbones:
tunnels encapsulate the IPv6 traffic within This technique allows IPv4 and IPv6
the IPv4 packets, and are primarily for applications to coexist in a dual IP layer
communication between isolated IPv6 sites routing backbone. All routers in the network
or connection to remote IPv6 networks over need to be upgraded to be dual-stack with
an IPv4 backbone. The techniques include IPv4 communication using the IPv4 protocol
using manually configured tunnels, generic stack and IPv6 communication using the
routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnels, IPv6 stack.
semiautomatic tunnel mechanisms such as
Comparitive Analysis Of IPV6 Major
tunnel broker services, and fully automatic
Deployment Paths:
tunnel mechanisms such as IPv4-compatible
and 6to4.
The following sections provide further
information on IPv6 deployment strategies
Deploying IPv6 over dedicated data links:
and protocol
This technique enables isolated IPv6
translation mechanisms:
domains to communicate by using the same
Layer 2 infrastructure as for IPv4, but with  Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnels

IPv6 using separate Frame Relay or ATM  Deploying IPv6 over Dedicated Data

PVCs, separate optical links, or dense Wave Links

Division Multiplexing (dWDM).  Deploying IPv6 over MPLS

Deploying IPv6 over MPLS backbones:  Deploying IPv6 Using Dual-Stack
This technique allows isolated IPv6 domains Backbones
to communicate with each other, but over an  Protocol Translation Mechanisms
MPLS IPv4 backbone. Multiple techniques
are available at different points in the
network, but each requires little change to
the backbone infrastructure or

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Liverpool John Moores University

Tunneling is the encapsulation of IPv6 Assessment Of Deployment Paths

Including Time Scale:
traffic within IPv4 packets so that they can
be sent over an IPv4 backbone, allowing In the beginning of the 1990s, the IETF, the
isolated IPv6 end systems and routers to organisation that develops the Internet
communicate without the need to upgrade standards, started work on the successor of
the IPv4 infrastructure that exists between the Internet Protocol (IP). IP is the protocol
them. Tunneling is one of the key that makes it possible for data packets to
deployment strategies for both service travel over the Internet from one attached
providers and enterprises during the period computer to another. A decade later, the
of IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence. Tunneling specifications for the new standard (named
allows service providers to offer an end-to- IP version 6, or IPv6) are almost, but still
end IPv6 service without major upgrades to not quite, complete. the most important
the infrastructure and without impacting milestones in the IPv6 standardisation
current IPv4 services. process. In 1992: IETF issues Call for IPng
proposals. The IETF started its effort to
select a successor to IPv4 in late 1990 when
projections indicated that the Internet
address space would become an increasingly
limited resource. This looming lack IP
address space was from the very beginning
the most important driving force behind the
development of IPv6. In July 1992, the IETF
issued a Call for Proposals for a next-
generation Internet Protocol, to solve the
address space problem. Several proposals
sprung up, with a wide range in
revolutionariness. Late 1993, the IETF
Fig:8. Tunneling
formed the IP (IP next generation) Area
(later transformed into the IPng Working
Group to investigate the various proposals
and recommend how to proceed. This IETF

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Liverpool John Moores University

Area produced an IPng technical criteria 1998: RFC-2460 - Internet Protocol, Version
document, RFC 1726 that was used in order 6 (IPv6) specification
to evaluate the three remaining proposals. It took until December 1998 for the RFC-
The main criteria named in this process are: 1883 based specifications to evolve into
-Architectural simplicity (don't include RFC 2460 (and accompanying RFCs), an
functions into IP that are better located IETF "Draft Standard", one step further on
elsewhere) the way to the status of "Internet Standard".
- Scale At the moment, the IPv6 specification is still
- Performance incomplete: some parts that need to be
- Transition specified in accompanying documents are
- Configuration ease not yet finished. There is still considerable
- Security discussion, especially about the IPv6
- Service classes addressing architecture.
In RFC 1752 the then remaining IPng 2001: First commercials IPv6 offerings
proposals were evaluated. One of the Only very recently Cisco Systems, the
proposals(SIPP), with a number of world’s largest maker of data networking
modifications, including the doubling of the equipment, announced a range of software
proposed address length from 64 to 128 bits, for its routers using IPv6. It will be available
was chosen as a basis for IPng. at the end of May. Microsoft only expects
1995: RFC-1883 -- Internet Protocol, full commercial support for IPv6 in its
Version 6 (IPv6) specification Windows operating system in 2002. Japan’s
Based on SIPP, RFC 1883 was the first NTT was the first service provider to offer
specification carrying the name IPv6. This commercial IPv6 services, undoubtedly
specification has the IETF status of pushed by the Japanese government, which
"Proposed Standard". Accompanying and pledged to adopt IPv6 by 2005. Zama
following this specification, several other Networks, based in Seattle, was the first
RFC's were issued, specifying the IPv6 U.S. service provider to offer commercial
addressing architecture, changes to related IPv6 services, starting operations in the
protocols, network autoconfiguration, spring of 2001. The IETF is supposed to be
security and IPv4-IPv6 transition able to quickly find working solutions to
mechanisms. engineering problems. But the problems are:

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Liverpool John Moores University

Proliferation of requirements:Some say that so despised by IETF regulars, seeped in with

the IPv6 standard has become too representatives from hardware vendors. In
widespread and too complicated. This would other words, have people from other
presume that the expectations or backgrounds than usual at earlier IETF
requirements for the next-generation IP processes causes the retardation.
protocol have been extending during the
standardisation process. Obviously, when These are the problems and issues that deals
extra requirements are constantly added with the deployment of IPv6 on the
during the process, the destination will never timescale.
be reached.

No time pressure:Seeing that the first

commercials products supporting the IPv6
standard have only come out recently, it
seems reasonable to assume that there has
been little pressure on the IPng working
group to make haste. After all, the IPv4
address space is expected to suffice at least
until 2005. Even though products are
available now, vendors have seen almost no
interest from their enterprise customers.

Academics and other “outsiders”: Has the

openness of the IETF meetings and
procedures given too much opportunity to
relative outsiders,
especially from academia, to interfere in the
process, nit-pick on details and try to make
the protocol of a universal quality, opposed
to the usual IETF motto of “rough consensus
and running code”? Have political motives,

Computer Networks
Liverpool John Moores University


Coffey, Steve. 1998. Internet Advertising Bureau. America : American Academy Of Advertising,

Geoff .Huston andTelstra ,”the internet protocol” journal—volume-6,number—4.

James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross. 2010. Computer Nertworks - ATop Down Approach. s.l. :
Pearson Edition, 2010.


Geoff. Huston “IPv4 Address Depletion”, The Internet Protocol Journal - Volume 10, No. 3, at
APNIC meeting in NEWDELHI.

Current status of IPV4 address,http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/index.html


JPNIC releases statement on IPv4

consumption, About IPv4 address
IPV4 Exhaustion counter,
exhaustion in Internet Registries,

ARIN Board Advises Internet Community

on Migration to IPv6 Mon, 21 May

Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre

(APNIC) (2007-06-26). "JPNIC releases
statement on IPv4 consumption”

Internet protocol journal,by tony hain of

cisco systems.

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Liverpool John Moores University

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