Super OJT

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Colegio de San Juan de Letran,


(On-the-job training)

Lawrence Gerard S. Cachila

July 19, 2019

On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method of teaching

the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed for employees to perform a

specific job within the workplace. Employees learn in the environment where they

will need to practice the knowledge and skills obtained during training. On-the-job

training uses the existing workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment, and

knowledge to teach an employee how to effectively do his job.

Training takes place within the employee's normal job environment and may

occur as she performs actual work. Or it may happen elsewhere within the

workplace using dedicated training rooms, workstations, or equipment. The simple

objective of OJT is to use the existing environment, tools, and skill training available

in the workplace to train employees to do their jobs—on the job.

Who Provides OJT?

A coworker frequently conducts on-the-job training if he can competently

perform the job being taught. But interpersonal skills, company policies and

requirements, leadership training, and more are also topics that human resources

staff, managers, or coworkers can teach on the job or in the workplace.

An external provider occasionally performs OJT in the case of specialized

equipment or systems. For example, a vendor might train employees in a marketing

system that they're adopting as part of their work procedures.

A vendor might also educate the members of an HR team on the capabilities

of a human resources information system). The HR team then trains the rest of the

employees to use the new system. This approach allows the trainers to reinforce

their training as the employees apply the skills learned in training.

Another frequent use of a vendor for OJT consists of onsite training for one

or more employees, who are then expected to train all the other employees who

perform a similar job. This is a common OJT model in activities that involve Hi-Lo

driving, such as operating a forklift; computer software adoption; and the

appropriate operation of any new equipment.

While the goal of OJT is often to teach basic workplace skills, it instills

aspects of the workplace culture and performance expectations in new employee as

well. OJT is also the approach many organizations use to provide new employee

onboarding information.

OJT is provided internally by both managers and experienced coworkers.

May 13, 2019

Today, Im about to start my on the job training (ojt) here at iQor Clark
Recruitment Hub. So first. What is iQor? iQor is a business process outsourcing
company which provides customer service, third-party collections and accounts
receivable management. Although its headquarters are located in St. Petersburg,
Florida, the company operates about 40 call centers in North America. I started my
duty around 11:00 am. Ms. Ivy introduced me to all the staff and employees,
particularly those who do the initial and the final interviews, admin assistants, those
who assist the candidates for their typing tests, candidate profiling and pre-
onboarding process. My first job was to be a receptionist. I observed and learned on
how the process of filling up application form is done and how to assist the candidates,
asking them on how they know about iQor. Whenever I don't know what to do or Im
stuck. I ask Ms. Ivy about the process all over again. Luckily there's only a few
applicants this day because its holiday. It gave me enough time to absorb the process
of being a receptionist. I took my lunch break around 2:36pm. I ended my duty
around 8:00pm.

May 14, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:16 am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill up the form. Around 2:00 pm they taught me on how to assist the
applicants for the typing test, after that I started assisting the applicants for the
typing test. I took my lunch break around 4:21pm. I ended my duty around 9:16pm.

May 15, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:34am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I took my lunch break around 2:30pm. I ended my
duty around 8:11pm.
May 16, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:30am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I took my lunch break around 2:37pm. I ended my
duty around 8:06pm.

May 17, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:05am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I tookmy lunch break around 2:39pm. I ended my
duty around 8:12pm.

May 20, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:56am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I took my lunch break around 1:30pm. I ended my
duty around 8:13pm.

May 21, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:24am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I took my lunch break around 2:41pm. I ended my
duty around 8:15pm.
May 22, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:21am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I took my lunch break around 2:35pm. I ended my
duty around 8:16pm.

May 23, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:17am. I took in charge of the front desk.
I assisted the applicants by getting their resume, attaching the application form and
asked them to fill the informations needed, after that I handed all the papers and give
it to Sir. Mac for their typing test. I took my lunch break around 3:39pm. I ended my
duty around 8:17pm.

May 24, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:50am. I took in charge of the front desk
for awhile because one of my co-ojt switched places with me. So now my task is to
assist the applicants for their typing test and confirmation of their E-mail address.
One of my co-ojt will hand me the forms, I will call their names and instruct the
applicants for the whole process. I took my lunch break around 1:20pm. I ended my
duty around 8:07pm.

May 27, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:15am. I took in charge of the front desk
for awhile and then one of my co-ojt switched places with me. After that, I started
calling and assisting applicants for their typing test. I took my lunch break around
1:11pm. I ended my duty around 8:30pm.
May 28, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:40am. I took in charge of the front desk
for awhile and then one of my co-ojt switched places with me. After that, I started
calling and assisting applicants for their typing test. I took my lunch break around
2:48pm. I ended my duty around 7:30pm.

May 29, 2019

Today, I was late because I had to do some chores at home. I started my duty
around 2:30pm. After that, I started calling and assisting applicants for their typing
test. I didn't took my lunch break. I ended my duty around 8:03pm.

May 30, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 9:51am. I took in charge of the front desk for
awhile and then one of my co-ojt switched places with me. But this time they taught
me on how to do the candidate profiling and the pre-onboarding process. After that,
I started calling and assisting applicants for their typing test, some candidates for
their online profiling and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:34pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

May 31, 2019

Today, I was late because I had to do some chores at home. I started my duty
around 2:41pm. I started calling and assisting applicants for their typing test, some
candidates for their online profiling and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took
my lunch break around 6:21pm. I ended my duty around 8:12pm.
June 03, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:45am. This time, My job was to be inside
the testing room assisting candidates for their typing test, online/candidate profiling
and pre-onboarding process. I now started to call the applicants and do the task I
was assigned to. I took my lunch break around 3:34pm. I ended my duty around

June 04, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:32am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 2:34pm. I ended my duty around 7:30pm.

June 05, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:30am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 3:12pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

June 06, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:20am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:41pm. I ended my duty around 7:09pm.
June 07, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:25am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 3:40pm. I ended my duty around 7:30pm.

June 10, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:00am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 2:13pm. I ended my duty around 6:30pm.

June 11, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:00am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:20pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

June 12, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:45am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:54pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.
June 13, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:20am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:00pm. I ended my duty around 7:00pm.

June 14, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 9:50am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:00pm. I ended my duty around 8:38pm.

June 17, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 9:20am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:56pm. I ended my duty around 7:35pm.

June 18, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 8:20am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:00pm. I ended my duty around 5:00pm.
June 19, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:30am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 2:41pm. I ended my duty around 7:30pm.

June 20, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:36am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:32pm. I ended my duty around 7:36pm.

June 21, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:55am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:03pm. I ended my duty around 4:00pm.

June 24, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:22am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:34pm. I ended my duty around 7:30pm.
June 25, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 1:47pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 4:34pm. I ended my duty around 8:06pm.

June 26, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 3:05pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 6:12pm. I ended my duty around 8:10pm.

June 27, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:35am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:05pm. I ended my duty around 8:30pm.

June 28, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 10:47am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:32pm. I ended my duty around 6:05pm.
July 03, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:38am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:01pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

July 04, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:45am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 2:05pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

July 08, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:15am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:00pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

July 09, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 11:00am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 1:35pm. I ended my duty around 8:05pm.
July 10, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 12:50pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 4:20pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

July 11, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 12:50pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 4:15pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

July 15, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 12:00pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 5:00pm. I ended my duty around 8:00pm.

July 16, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 12:29pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 4:35pm. I ended my duty around 10:00pm.
July 17, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 12:40pm. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 4:21pm. I ended my duty around 9:38pm.

July 18, 2019

Today, I started my duty around 09:17am. Profile sheets were handed to me,
and I started calling and assisting the applicants for their typing test, some for their
online/candidate profile and some for their pre-onboarding process. I took my lunch
break around 12:00pm. I ended my duty around 4:20pm.

July 19, 2019

Today is my last day. I started my duty around 08:00am. We did a lot of pre-
onboarding today; it is a group of 80 candidates. It was a tough one because some of
the candidates are not following the instructions, but still we managed to finish all
of them. After that, I assisted again for the typing test and some for the candidate
profile. I took my lunch break around 1:32pm. I ended my duty around 7:00pm.
Before I went home, they gave me my certificate of completion. This certificate
somehow make me realize how time flies so fast when you are busy. I did not expect
my 400 hours to end so soon. Still we have to move on. All things must pass. I thank
every one of them for the experience and the opportunity to work as a part of their
team. I really learned a lot. I hope someday I may cross path with them. I wish them
well on their ventures. Thank you iQor recruitment team.
iQor Recruitment Hub

iQor Lobby
Testing Area

Interview Area
Time sheet (May)
Time sheet (May)
Time sheet (May)
Time sheet (June)
Time sheet (June)
Time sheet (June)
Time sheet (June)
Time sheet (July)
Time sheet (July)
Time sheet (July)
Time sheet (July)
Typing Test
Online Profile

Online Profile
Front Desk

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