Nervous System

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I. Learning Competencies:
1. Describe the parts of the nervous system along with their
Code: S1OLT-IIIa-33
1. Define the nervous system.
2. Describe the parts and the function of the nervous system.
3. Appreciate the importance of the nervous system in our body.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Science Concept: Nervous system connects all your body parts
and transmits signals from one part to another. It is a system of
cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body’s responses to
internal and external stimuli. Each part of the nervous system
has a specific role as it functions as an important part of a
B. Science Skills: Critical Thinking
C. Value Focus: Analyzing,
D. References: Grade 10 Science Learners Material
pp. 228-231 of Unit 1: Module 2

III. Teaching Materials:

 Visual Aids
 cartolina
 pictures

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparation:
1. Routine Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Checking of attendance

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

c. Review

In Grade 9, you studied about

the Respiratory and Circulatory
System, right?

Now, what is Respiratory System? (The students answer may vary.)

How about the Circulatory (The students answer may vary.)


2. Motivation

"Jigsaw Puzzle"

Class do you know Jigsaw puzzle?

Okay. Now I will you group into Yes!

two groups. Each group will
arrange the pieces of the puzzle (The students are expected to
in order to get the answer. cooperate with their group)

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Now, what do you think is our

topic for today?
Our topic for today is about the
Nervous System.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties

 Nervous system - the system

of nerves in your body that
sends messages for controlling
movement and feeling between
the brain and the other parts
of the body.

 Central Nervous System-the

part of the nervous system
that includes the brain and
spinal cord

 Peripheral Nervous System -

the part of the nervous system
that is outside the central
nervous system and comprises
the cranial nerves excepting
the optic nerve, the spinal
nerves, and the autonomic
nervous system

B. Presentation:

The Nervous System

The nervous system connects all

our body parts and transmits
signals from one part to
another. It is a systems of
cells, tissues, and organs that
regulates the body's responses
to internal and external

Major Divisions and Parts of the

Nervous System

1. Central Nervous System (CNS)

- The CNS serves as the main
processing center for the entire
nervous system.

It consists of two main

components, namely the:

a. Brain- is an organ located

within the skull that functions
as organizer and distributor of
information for the body. It has
three main parts:

 Cerebrum – large, upper part

of the brain that controls
activity and thought.

 Cerebellum – the part under

the cerebrum that controls
posture, balance, and

 Brain Stem – the part that

connects the brain to the
spinal cord and controls
automatic functions such as
breathing, digestion, heart
rate, and blood pressure.

b. Spinal Cord - is serves as a

channel for signals between the
brain and the rest of the body,
and controls simple
musculoskeletal reflexes without
input from the brain.

2. Peripheral Nervous System

(PNS) - The PNS connects the
central nervous system to the
organs and limbs. It has two
main divisions:

a. Somatic Nervous System - This

system is associated with the
voluntary control of body
movements and has two main

 Spinal Nerves – the nerves

that carry motor and sensory
signals between the spinal
cord and the body.

 Cranial Nerves – the nerve

fibers that carry information
into and out of the brain

b. Autonomic Nervous System -

This system is associated with
the involuntary control of body
movements and has two

 Sympathetic - it is activated
when the body is in a dynamic
role or stress.

 Parasympathetic - it maintains
body functions and restores
the body to normal or relaxed

C. Generalization:

1. What is nervous system? 1. Nervous system is the

system of nerves in your
body that sends messages
for controlling movement
and feeling between the
brain and the other parts
of the body.
2. What are the two major
divisions of the nervous system?
Central Nervous System and
Peripheral nervous system.

D. Application:

Now, I will group the class into

three. Each group must answer
the activity. The procedure is
written in your activity sheet.

Main Main

Compo Compo
nents nents


E. Evaluation:


1. It is the upper part of the brain that controls activity and


2. It is the nerves that carry motor and sensory signals between

the spinal cord and the body.


V. Assignment:

1. What is the endocrine system?

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