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Escola Secundária de Nhangau

Texto de apoio

Conjugação dos verbos em inglês

Verbos são usados para descrever acções ou eventos. Essas acções ou eventos podem ter lugar
em diferentes momentos: No passado, no presente ou no futuro.

Classes dos verbos

Há duas classes dos verbos em inglês:

Os verbos auxiliares: to be, to have, to do, can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall, should,
will, would, to need, to dare and used.

Verbos principal: to work, to sing, to pray.

Vamos ver como se conjuga os verbos em inglês; tendo como exemplo o verbo to play.

Present Simple Present Continuous

I play – eu jogo I am playing – eu estou jogando
You play – você/tu jogas You are playing – você está jogando

He/she/it plays – ele(a) joga He/she/it is playing – ele(a) está jogando

We play – nós jogamos We are playing – nós estamos jogando
You play – vocês jogam You are playing - vocês estão jogando
They play – eles(as) jogam They are playing - eles(as) estão jogando
NB: I am – I’m. you are – you’re. he is – he’s
I do not play I am not playing
You do not play You are not playing

He/she/it does not play He/she/It is not playing

We do not play We are not playing
You do not play You are not playing
They do not play They are not playing
NB: do not – don’t e does not - doesn’t NB: are not – aren’t . is not – isn’t
Do I play …? Answer Am I playing? answer
Do you play? Yes, I do/ No I don’t Are you playing? Yes, I am- No, I am not.

Does he play? Yes, he does/ No, he doesn’t Is he playing? Yes, he’s/ No, he isn’t
Do we play? Yes, we do/ No, we don’t Are we playing? Yes, we’re/ No, we aren’t
Do you play? Are you playing?
Do they play? Yes, they do/ No they don’t Are they playing? Yes, they’re/ No, They


 Na Terceira pessoa do singular o verbo leva um –s, podendo variar de acordo com as
situaçoes, ora vejamos: Se o verbo terminar com –s, -sh, -ch acrescenta – se –es.
Pass – passes finish – finishes watch – watches
 Nas frases negativas, usa – se o verbo auxiliar do seguido do not, sendo does para
terceira pessoa do singular.
 Nas frases interrogativas, também serve – se do verbo auxiliar do/does para formar o

Author: Francisco Tangawisse Versão 0.0

Past simple Past continuous
I played – eu joguei I was playing – eu estava jogando
You played – tu/voce jogaste/jogou You were playing – tu estavas jogando
Affirmative He/she/it played – ele(a) jogou He was playing – ele estava jogando
We played – Nós jogamos We were playing – nós estavamos jogando
You played – vocês jogaram You were playing – vocês estavam jogando
They played eles(as) jogaram They were playing – eles(as) estavam jogando
I did not play I was not playing
You did not play You were not playing
He/she/it did not play He was not playing

We did not play We were not playing

You did not play You were not playing
We did not play We were not playing
They did not play They were not playing
NB: did not – didn’t NB: was not – wasn’t. were not – weren’t
Did I play? answer Was I playing?

Did you play? Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t Were you playing?
Did he play? Yes, he did/ No, he didn’t Was she playing?
Did we play? Yes, we did/ No, we didn’t Were we playing?
Did you play? Were you playing?
Did they play? Yes, they did/ No, they didn’t Were they playing?

 A semelhança do present simple, o negative e o interrogative é formado com o verbo

auxiliary do, neste caso o seu passado que é did.

Future simple Future continuous

I shall play – Eu jogarei I shall be playing – eu estarei jogando
You will play – Tu jogarás You will be playing – você estará jogando

He/she/it will play – ele(a) Jogará He will be playing – ele estará jogando
We shall play – nós jogaremos We shall be playing – nós estaremos jogando
You will play – vocês joagarão You will be playing – vocês estarão jogando
They will play – eles(as) jogarão They will be playing - eles(as) estarão jogando
NB: I shall – I’ll/ you will – you’ll
I shall not play I shall not be playing
You will not play You will not be playing

He/she/it will not play He will not be playing

We shall not play We shall not be playing
You will not play You will not be playing
They will not play They will not be playing
Shall not – shan’t. will not – won’t
Shall I play? Answer Shall I be playing? Answer
Will you play? Yes, I will/ No, I won’t
Will you be playing? Yes, I will/ No, I won’t

Will he play? Yes, he will/ No, he won’t

Will he be playing? Yes, he will/ No, he won’t
Shall we play? Yes, we shall/ No, we shan’t
Shall we be playing? Yes, we shall/ No, we shan’t
Will you play? Will you be playing?
Will they play? Yes, they will/ No, they won’t
Will they be playing? Yes, they will/ No, they
Observe: Geralmente usamos will para todas pessoas gramaticais, podendo dizer I will ou we

Author: Francisco Tangawisse Versão 0.0

Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous
I have played – eu tenho jogado* I have been playing - eu tenho estado a jogar*
You have played You have been playing

He/she/it has played He has been playing.
We have played We have been playing.
You have played You have been playing
They have been playing They have been playing.
NB: I have – I’ve/ He has – he’s
I have not played I have not been playing
You have not played You have not been playing

He/she/it has not played He has not been playing

We have not played We have not been playing
You have not played You have not been playing
They have not played They have not been playing
NB: have not – haven’t/ has not – hasn’t
Have I played? answer Have I been playing?

Have you played? Yes, I’ve/ No, I haven’t Have you been playing?
Has she played? Yes, she has/ No, she hasn’t Has she been playing?
Have we played? Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t Have we been playing?
Have you played? Have you been playing?
Have they played? Have they been playing?
* Essa tradução não é muito fiel, é apenas literal. O present perfect tem muita relação com o
past simple.

Como podes observar o present perfect simple é formado com o auxiliar have/has + past
participle e o present perfect continuous com o have/has been + gerund

Past perfect simple Past perfect continuos

I had played – eu tinha jogado I had been playing
You had played You had been playing

He/she/it had played He had been playing

We had played We had been playing
You had played You had been playing
They had played They had been playing
NB: I had – I’d/ he had – he’d
I had not played I had not been playing
You had not played You had not been playing

He/she/it had not played He had not been playing

We had not played We had not been playing
You had not played You had not been playing
They had not played They had not been playing
NB: had not – hadn’t
Had I played? answer Had I been playing?
Had you played? Yes, I had/ No, I hadn’t Had you been playing?

Had he played? Yes, he had/ No, he hadn’t Had she been playing?
Had we played? Had we been playing?
Had you played? Had you been playing?
Had they played? Had they been playing?

O past perfect simple é formado com o auxiliary had + past participle e o past perfect
continuous é formado com had been + gerund.

Author: Francisco Tangawisse Versão 0.0

Future perfect Future perfect continuous
I will have played – eu terei jogado I will have been playing
You will have played You will have been playing

He will have played He will have been played
We will have played We will have been played
You will have played You will have been played
They will have played They will have been played

I will not have played I will not have been playing

You will not have played You will not have been playing

He will not have played He will not have been playing

We will not played We will not have been playing
You will not have played You will not have been playing
They will not have played They will not have been +playing

Will I have played? answer Will I have been playing?


Will you have played? Yes, I will Will you have been playing?
Will he have played? No, he won’t Will he have been playing?
Will we have played? Will we have been playing?
Will you have played? Will you have been playing?
Will they have played? Will they have been playing?

Conditional Conditional perfect

I would play - eu jogaria I would have played – eu teria jogado
You would play You would have played

He/she/it would play He would have played

We would play We would have played
You would play You would have played
They would play They would have played
NB: I would- I’d
I would not play I would not have played
You would not play You would not have played

He would not play He would not have played

We would not play We would not have played
You would not play You would not have played
They would not play They would not have played
NB: would not – wouldn’t
Would I play? answer Would I have played?

Would you play? Yes, I would. Would you have played?

Would he play? No, he wouldn’t Would he have played?
Would we play? Would we have played?
Would you play? Would you have played?
Would they play? Would they have played?

O conditional é formado com o auxiliary would e o conditional perfect é formado com would
have + past perfect

Author: Francisco Tangawisse Versão 0.0

Lista de alguns verbos irregulares

Past Past Past Past

Infinitive significado infinitive significado
simple participle simple participle
Be Was/were been Ser/estar Light lit lit Acender
Beat Beat Beaten Lose lost lost Perder
Become became become Tornar Make made made Fazer
Begin Began begun Começar Mean meant meant Significar
Bite Bit bitten Meet met met Encontrar
Blow Blew blown Soprar Pay paid paid Pagar
Break Broke broken Quebrar Put put put Por
Bring brought brought Trazer Quit quit quit abandonar
Build Built built Construir Read read Read Ler
Buy bought bought Comprar Ride rode ridden Montar(cavalo,
Catch caught caught Apanhar Ring rang rung Tocar(sino, campaninha)
Choose Chose chosen Escolher Rise rose risen Levantar/nascer do sol
Come Came come Vir Rot rotted Rotted/rotten Apodrecer
Cost Cost cost Custar Run ran run Correr
Cut Cut cut Cortar Saw sawed sawed/sawn Serrar
Do Did done Fazer Say said said Dizer
Draw Drew drawn Desenhar See saw seen Ver
Drink Drank drunk Beber Seek sought sought Procurar
Drive Drove driven Conduzir Sell sold sold Vender
Eat Ate eaten Comer Send sent sent Enviar
Fall Fell fallen Cair Shake shook shaken Agitar
Feel Felt felt Fallen Shave Shaved shaven Barbear/acenar
Fight fought fought Lutar Shine Shone shone Brilhar
Find Found found Encontrar Shoot Shot shot Disparar
Fly Flew flown Voar Show showed showed Mostrar/ exibir
Forget forgot forgotten Esquecer Shut Shut shut Feixar
Get Got got Obter Sing Sang sung Cantar
Go Went gone Ir Sit Sat sat Sentar
Grow Grew grown Crescer Sleep Slept slept Dormir
Give Gave given Dar Smell Smelt smelt Cheirar
Hang Hung hung Pendurar Speak Spoke spoken Falar
Have Had had Ter Spend Spent spent Gastar
Hear Heard heard Ouvir Spell Spelt spelt Soletrar
Hide Hid hidden Esconder Spread Spread spread Espalhar
Hit Hit hit Bater Stand Stood stood Estar de pé
Hold Held held Abraçar Steal Stole stolen Roubar
Hurt Hurt hurt Magoar Swim Swam swum Nadar
Keep Kept kept Guardar Take Took taken Levar
Know Knew known Saber/conhecer teach Taught taught Ensinar
Leave Left left Partir Tear Tore torn Rasgar
Lend Lent lent Emprestar Tell Told told Dizer
Bleed Bled bled Think thought thought Pensar
Learn Learnt learnt apreender Throw Threw thrown Lançar
Slide Slid slid escorregar understand understood understood Entender
Stick Stuck stuck Colar/pregar Wake Woke woken Acordar
Stay stayed stayed Ficar Wear Wore worn Vestir
Let Let let Deixar Win Won won Ganhar
Lie Lay lain Deitar-se Write Wrote written Escrever

Author: Francisco Tangawisse Versão 0.0

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